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What breed is Biewer, small or medium? Biewer Yorkshire Terrier: history of the breed, character, standard and photo. Description of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed

Biewer, or as this breed is also called Biewer York, Biewer Terrier, Yorkshire Biewer or Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, is a miniature long-haired dog.

Although the Biewer and Yorkshire Terrier share many characteristics, they are considered to be two different breeds.


It's no wonder that these lively, playful, carefree, fun-loving dogs are becoming more and more popular. A devoted and loyal friend to all family members, the Biewer quickly becomes part of the family, an excellent companion and lap dog.

Beavers love to play with children and other animals. Don't be fooled by the small size of these dogs. They can be persistent and assertive, just like big dogs. Despite their size and fragility, they are very brave dogs by nature. They often behave impudently towards dogs larger than them, as if ignoring the latter’s physical superiority.

Dogs of this breed love to be the center of attention. Remember, beavers will do anything to get your attention.

An attentive and vigilant Biewer will always warn its owner if it suspects something is wrong. Therefore, in a sense, these dogs can perform guard functions.


Overall, the Biewer is a healthy dog ​​breed. The most common problems encountered in dogs of this breed are:

  • tracheal collapse
  • luxated kneecap
  • gum disease
  • eye irritation

Some puppies suffered from paralysis of the hind limbs caused by herniated discs and other spinal problems.

These dogs are also susceptible to bronchitis and early tooth decay. They do not tolerate anesthesia well.


Despite the fact that the Biewer has long hair, it is not very difficult to care for. Largely because these dogs do not have an undercoat, and the fur does not look like human hair. However, this does not mean that hair care products that you use yourself are suitable for caring for such hair. It should be remembered that dogs have a different acid-base balance of skin from people, so products intended for people can negatively affect the condition of the dog’s skin, causing dryness, dandruff and itching. It is best to give preference to specialized shampoos and rinses to care for Biewer's coat.

After using shampoo and conditioner, rinse and dry your dog's coat thoroughly. During combing, it is recommended to use a mixture of conditioner and water to spray the coat. Never brush your Biewer if its coat is completely dry.

It is best to bathe dogs of this breed once a week. In between, you can use a damp towel to remove dirt from the animal's lower abdomen.

If you use a hair dryer to dry the coat, use the lowest temperature setting, as the Biewer has very delicate skin. Use a comb with fine, long teeth. Do not allow the fur to become tangled or mats to form, as their subsequent removal can be painful for the dog.

You can trim your Biewer. You can trim the hair all over your dog's body, paying special attention to the areas around the dog's ears, butt, and paw pads.

Finally, do not forget about cleaning the animal’s ears and teeth, which are included in the mandatory care procedures for any dog.

Despite its small size, the Biewer needs exercise. It doesn’t matter where the dog lives, in a private house or apartment, it needs an outlet for energy.

To prevent your Biewer from becoming lazy and gaining excess weight, give him daily walks. Despite the fact that these dogs satisfy most of their need to burn energy on their own, being active and playful, they still need daily walks.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

This breed has existed for three decades, and during this period its representatives have acquired many fans fascinated by these cute creatures. The Biewer Yorkie Terrier is a spontaneous, loving, mischievous dog designed to be a family favorite.

There is a legend according to which the birth of the breed occurred by pure chance - a spontaneous mutation occurred in the Yorkshire terrier genes responsible for the appearance of white spots in the color.

Breeders worked actively for 4 years to obtain a new decorative breed, and in 1988 their work bore fruit - new small dogs were introduced to the public. They were called Biewer Yorkshire Terriers.

The kids had elegant fur, miniature sizes and excellent disposition - given the fashion for tiny dogs, it is not surprising that they immediately gained popularity. The breed was officially registered in 1989, and the latest standard was approved in 2007.

It may seem that the Biewer is a type of Yorkie, but American scientists examined the DNA of both purebred representatives and identified differences in them. Thus, it became clear that representatives of different species took part in the creation of the breed.

Description of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed

The Biewer looks like a Yorkie - miniature, nice, with amazing, soft fur, brave and sociable. For the owner, such a dog can become not just a good friend, but also a model that can be used for hair styling, braiding and decorating with various accessories.

You can dress up your pet and take it with you everywhere. And if the owner wants to participate with his pet in show programs, then such a handsome dog is an excellent option.

Biewer Yorkies are harmoniously, proportionally built, have an even, smooth coat, separated by an even parting. Unlike the Yorkie, the Biewer has a different coat color and the spots are placed in a special way, but otherwise they meet the same standard requirements.

Like other representatives of decorative breeds, the females of these babies are slightly larger than the males, which is associated with their reproductive function. Preferred sizes – height up to 22 cm, weight 2-3.1 kg, females can be 5 taller and weigh 500 g more. In any case, an important aspect is the proportionality and elegance of the physique.

According to the standard, pets look like this:

Wool and possible colors

The advantage of beavers is their long, flowing hair, which gives the dogs an elegant, luxurious look. It reaches the ground, has no undercoat, and is soft and silky to the touch. The standard identifies several possible colors:

  • on a snow-white background there are marks painted black or blue;
  • The main color of the coat is dark, and the sternum, paws and belly area are white.


Biewer is a cheerful, cheerful, intelligent and confident pet, very sociable and affectionate. These dogs have a very balanced temperament and strong character. Biewer is almost ideal as a companion, quickly becoming attached to absolutely everyone in the household.

Families with children can have such a pet, other four-legged animals - cats, dogs, mice, and the presence of birds in the house will not be a hindrance. It costs nothing for a dog to adapt to the pace of life of people and other members of the team; it is a good and understanding dog. But it is worth remembering that these are miniature animals, and babies can harm them, which means you should protect the dog from such contact.

Bievers need care and attention to be happy, and in return they will endlessly adore the whole family. The owners themselves cannot resist pampering this charming pet. But this is not always beneficial - like other terriers, Biewers can be stubborn and willful.

Among the representatives of the breed there are very temperamental, pugnacious individuals who are ready to defend their territory from strangers, but this is by no means the majority, but rather a rarity. Particular attention should be paid to the pet while walking; you should not allow the Biewer to communicate with larger relatives, since a bulldog, shepherd or other large dog may step on the baby and not even notice.

Raising and training Biewer Yorkies

Beavers have always lived side by side with humans and their main task is to be companions, that is, to get along with the family without causing trouble. This is not a working dog, not a hunter, not a guard, so it does not need to obtain any specialized knowledge.

It is enough for the child to learn the rules of good manners and basic skills. The pet must know how to behave and what is a bad habit and pampering. Even a tiny but ill-mannered terrier can cause harm, do minor mischief and spoil the mood. And experts are sure that Yorkie’s bad behavior is 100% the owner’s fault.

The baby should be taught to wear a collar from an early age; he should know his place and eat where he is supposed to. Beavers are walked, as soon as the baby is running around looking for a place, he needs to be taken outside or put on a diaper or cloth. Punishment for “heaps” and “puddles” is possible only if the owner caught the pet, as they say, “red-handed”; otherwise, the puppy will not be able to understand why he received the scolding.

It is important that the dog learns the “fu” command, this makes it possible to avoid various troubles - eating garbage on the street, damaging things and other situations. Biewers readily respond to training - they are happy to do anything next to their owner.

But such a pet reacts very sensitively to changes in the owner’s mood - he will definitely notice nervousness, anger, aggression and other negative emotions and will hasten to retreat. Praise, affection and treats are what contribute to fruitful learning.

You shouldn’t let your pet down if he starts to be stubborn - this little sly guy will definitely test the waters to see if the owner will allow him to shirk and whether it’s possible to carry out a command, for example, not the first time, but the second, third, or even fifth time.

Biewers are playful, inquisitive dogs, so you definitely need to teach him the command “come!” so that he is not too distracted during walks.

Pet care

Biewer Yorkies need grooming and hygiene procedures, which the pet should be accustomed to from the moment the puppy appears in the house. In this case, the adult dog will take all manipulations for granted, without indignation:

  • The baby needs to wipe his eyes in the morning with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water, chamomile infusion or a special product;
  • Every day the dog needs to comb its fur with a massage brush and collect its long bangs in a ponytail;
  • teeth are brushed once every 3-4 days, using a special brush that is placed on your finger and toothpaste intended for dogs;
  • Beavers are bathed frequently - 2-3 times a month; hypoallergenic detergents should be chosen for the procedures. When bathing, the dog needs to close its ears and eyes, and then wipe it with a towel and dry it with a hairdryer;
  • Representatives of this breed need a haircut - this can be done from 4 months of age, hygienic haircut is important. You can do such procedures yourself or entrust it to professionals. If the dog participates in exhibitions, then it is impossible to do without the help of an experienced groomer;
  • Dogs' claws are trimmed as needed.

Breed diseases

Among other decorative breeds, Biewers can be classified as long-livers; they can live 15 years or even more, but, of course, if they are provided with proper care and proper nutrition. But they are prone to various pathologies and diseases:

  • vascular disease of congenital origin– appears already from puppyhood, it can lead to the fact that the pet stops growing;
  • pancreatitis– develops due to poor diet;
  • obesity– the result of overfeeding, treating the pet from the master’s table, violation of the regime;
  • Legg-Perthes disease– osteochondropathy of the femoral head.

Biewer Yorkies often exhibit genetic disorders, so when purchasing a puppy, it is recommended to take a closer look at the breed line.

Biewer Yorkie regime and diet

Having chosen natural products as food for a pet, the owner should not forget that his pet is a predator. In this case, the basis of the diet is meat - raw beef or boiled chicken, turkey. It is recommended to supplement the menu with low-fat sea fish, tripe, and boiled offal.

For good functioning of the digestive tract, it is recommended to give your pet fermented milk products and season dishes with vegetable oil. Healthy foods include vegetables, fruits, and herbs. You can also cook porridge from rice or buckwheat for your dog - in broth or water.

Salty, smoked and sweet foods are contraindicated for beavers. Dogs should not be given bones, hand-caught fish, fatty meats, baked goods or legumes. Vitamins and minerals will help maintain health at the proper level.

You can feed your dog ready-made dry diets; it should be high-quality food consisting of small granules.

You can have such a tiny pet in any, even fairly modest living space. This little bundle of energy will fit into almost any family: large and noisy or consisting of 1-2 people, the main condition is that the dog must be loved.

In the first couple of weeks of the puppy’s adaptation, it is not recommended to invite large companies into the house or shower the baby with a lot of attention and affection. Also, you should not leave children alone with this vulnerable baby - it is important to explain to younger family members how to treat their new ward.

Before walking, a puppy can be taught to relieve itself in a diaper, but, like other terriers, it needs daily walks. The pet should have its own place to rest - a mattress or bed, two bowls - for food and drink, and plenty of toys.

Yorkies are active by nature, they need to play, frolic, and be sure to walk in the fresh air. For socialization, it is useful for them to visit new places and communicate with other people and animals.

Photo of Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

Video about Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

Buying a puppy

Bievers, although less popular than Yorkies, are still quite common, including in Russia. There are single-breed nurseries, and some breeders also work with several ornamental breeds at the same time. In addition, future owners have the opportunity to save money and buy a puppy from a private seller or a pet store, but there are no guarantees of the purebred and health of the puppy.

The ideal age for purchasing puppies is 3 months, when they are fully vaccinated and can easily tolerate separation from their first family. The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed is expensive, so the advertisements “I will give a Biewer puppy into good hands” are most likely a deception - a desire to adopt a sick or not purebred animal.

The cost of puppies with a pedigree from the nursery varies from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles, depending on the class and title of the parents. A baby for a show career is as expensive as possible. In Russia and Ukraine the best nurseries are considered to be:

  • “Mini Fanfini”, Moscow http://minifanfini.ru/index/0-3;
  • “City Yorks”, Moscow http://gorodskie-yorki.ru/gde-kupit-yorka.html;
  • “Nif-naf”, Kyiv https://nifnaf.jimdo.com/%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8B- contacts/.

Owners of Biewer York Terriers are sure that there cannot be a better pet. This dog is always happy to communicate with his family, he will accompany his owner on any trips, be there when good and bad. You should get a Biewer solely for the sake of the soul, in order to groom, cherish it, educate it and pay attention to it.

It is difficult to say whether the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier is a variety of Yorkie or whether the “snowflakes” should be considered a separate breed. In the canine world, charming little ones are considered a copy of their ancestors - Yorkshire Terriers, however, their original coloring, and therefore an individual set of genes, distinguishes the breed into a separate line.

The Biewer York dog breed is the result of a combination of circumstances and the will of nature. The original dogs pleased with their appearance relatively recently, only in the 1980s. Their story is not complicated, but still not completely clear. The parents of the new breed were two purebred Yorkshire terriers from the German kennel von Friedheck. The father, named Darling, and the mother, Fru-Fru, were champions of their breed, so there was no doubt about the quality of their breeding branch. Where did puppies with white spots come from then?

Few people know that the Yorkie at the dawn of the breed was considered a dog of peasants, roughly speaking, poor people. Great Britain in the 18th–19th centuries was little different from a dictatorial state and “mere mortals” were forbidden to keep large dogs. Trying to protect property from thieves and supplies from rodents, people purposefully bred small, lively dogs. The peasants valued their four-legged helpers and took dogs with them everywhere. While traveling through the counties of England, or more precisely, Yorkshire and Lancashire, the dogs received their modern name.

Among the ancestors of Yorkies, it is customary to name Paisley, Clydesdale, Cairo, Manchester and Skye terriers. Today, only Skye Terriers live on the planet, and all other ancestors of Yorkies, in accordance with historical descriptions, did not have white spots.

Perhaps the appearance of the Biewer York breed is the will of nature and the consequence of mutation of color genes to recessive (appears only in some generations); it is also possible that over 4 centuries dogs took part in the “breeding program”, which are not mentioned by historical sources. As a version, we can also consider the fact that among the ancestors of the Yorkshire terrier, the Maltese lapdog (Maltese) is considered. It is believed that "Snow Whites" were introduced into the breeding program to make the yokr's wiry coat lighter and softer. The version remains unproven, since the dogs differ in literally every point of the standard, but the structure of the coat of lighter Yorkies is silky, so it is also not worth confidently denying the presence of Maltese genes.

Werner Biewer and his wife Gertrude became famous as champion breeders, maintaining the “quality” of the breed for more than twenty years, and the appearance of Yorkshire terriers with white spots prompted them to think about inheriting a special gene responsible for the color of the animals. Until 1986, breeders worked to consolidate the color and, after partially stabilizing the breed, they decided to present their charges to the world. At the exhibition in Wiesbaden (1988), the “highlight of the program” was the Yorkie with its original black and white color.

Baby Biewer Yorkies appeared not so long ago, but they have already managed to conquer both professional breeders and ordinary dog ​​breeders with their cute exterior, devotion, spontaneity and courage. Yes, yes, these little ones, despite their modest size, which allows them to be compared with a kitten, are ready to defend their owner selflessly and bravely.

Origin of the breed

Thirty years ago, in the German city of Hunsrück, Biewer breeders engaged in breeding Yorkies discovered unusual puppies in one of their litters. The babies differed from standard Yorkshire terriers in their brighter colors.

The couple decided to work on strengthening and developing the new breed. A few years later, in 1988, they introduced tiny charming dogs with elegant fur to the canine community. The breed was named Biewer Yorkshire Terrier.

Due to the huge demand for decorative breeds, small Biewers immediately gained popularity throughout the world. A breed standard was adopted in 2007, but adjustments are still being made to it, since Biewers are still in their infancy. Two years later, the breed, as one of the varieties of Yorkies, was registered by the Cynological Federation of the Russian Federation.

Breed standard

Visually, Biewers resemble ordinary Yorkies, but they are smaller, and the fur, divided in the center of the back with an even parting, is brighter and more elegant. Baby Biewer is a great model that you can dress up, braid, decorate with accessories and carry with you everywhere.

The breed is characterized by the following indicators: height of beavers - 22-27 centimeters, weight - 2-3.1 kg. These parameters are not the main ones in the exhibition points; experts evaluate primarily the elegance of the physique and proportionality.

Description of the breed:

  1. Beavers have a small, neatly shaped head, proportional to the body. The forehead is wide and flat. The stop is vertical, sharp, creating a sharp bend in front of the lobe.
  2. The cheeks and cheekbones are compacted and densely covered with hair.
  3. The lips are taut, the lower jaw is shorter than the line of the nose. From the outside it seems that the baby Beaver is constantly smiling.
  4. The nose is wide, large, slightly protruding forward, black.
  5. The teeth are strong, a complete set. The bite is correct. The grip is weak.
  6. The eyes are small, round, moderately convex, mostly dark. The eyelids are dense and black. Beavers have a sly, lively look.
  7. Biewer's ears are erect, set wide and high, small, triangular in shape. Densely covered with fur. The cartilage of the auricles is elastic and thick.
  8. The body is rectangular in shape, close to a square.
  9. The neck is long and curved.
  10. The back is flat and straight.
  11. The chest is not wide, deep, descending to the elbows.
  12. The limbs are straight, even, with harmoniously developed joints. The paws are well-knit, rounded, the toes are curved, the claws are short.
  13. The tail is set high and covered with abundant hair. The tip reaches the hock joint. Cupping is not allowed by the standard.

Wool is a calling card and a source of pride for beavers. The spectacular, soft and silky coat falls almost to the ground on both sides. There is no undercoat. The breed standard allows for several colors, but there is no preferred pattern; color symmetry is much more important.

Biewers are always tri-colored, their coat combines white, black, and golden colors.

Health, typical diseases of the breed

Despite their external delicacy and fragility, Biewer babies are real long-livers. Representatives of the breed live on average 12-15 years, but there are cases where babies lived longer.

At the same time, they do not have any special health problems. Of course, life expectancy and well-being directly depend on the quality of nutrition and good maintenance.

Among the most frequently diagnosed congenital and acquired diseases in the breed are the following:

  1. Pancreatitis is the result of improper feeding, mainly food from the master's table.
  2. Obesity, which develops against the background of a lack of walking, reasonable physical activity and an unbalanced diet.
  3. Genetic vascular pathology leading to cessation of dog growth.
  4. Legg-Perthes disease is osteochondropathy of the femoral head.
  5. Tracheal collapse, resulting in deformation of the airways. It often occurs against the background of excess weight, which puts pressure on the trachea and the entire bronchial tree.
  6. Hydrocephalus is dropsy of the brain.
  7. Hypoglycemia is a condition when blood sugar levels drop to critically low levels.

In addition, beavers often experience problems such as sensitive gums, early tooth decay, intolerance to anesthesia, and irritability of the mucous membrane if long bangs are not cut in a timely manner.

Characteristics of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed

Beavers are sociable and cheerful, very affectionate and sociable. Nature has rewarded the breed with a balanced temperament and strong character. These dogs are ideal for retirees, people who need a companion, and families with children. Beaver will make friends with all family members and become everyone's favorite.

The Biewer gets along well with children, but you should not leave the dog alone with the baby. A child can accidentally harm the baby, for example, drop it, push it, or step on it. Yorkies also have no problems with other pets, especially if they appeared in the house at the same time and grow up together.

Biewer needs human attention and tactile contact. They love to be held, looked at, and spoken to affectionately. However, they are sensitive to the mood of the owner and will not impose themselves if they understand that he wants to be alone.

Loneliness is hard to bear, so you shouldn’t leave him alone for a long time. By the way, the Biewer will be an excellent companion and will gladly accompany you on your trips without causing any trouble.

Beavers are smart, quick-witted and trainable. This is a decorative, not a service breed, so they do not require specialized training. However, their natural stubbornness and spoiled nature can become an obstacle to learning. In order for the dog to grow up intelligent and obedient, it is necessary to teach him to carry out simple commands from a very early age.

Dog handlers claim that an unsocialized Biewer is the result of poor upbringing and indifference of the owners. If you approach training wisely, praise and encourage your pet with treats, it will be happy to please your loved one.

But you shouldn’t follow the little sly guy’s lead. Noticing that the owner is insufficiently firm, the Biewer will learn to deftly manipulate the person.

Maintenance of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed

The luxurious silky coat is combed daily, the long bangs are collected in a ponytail so that it does not irritate the eyes. Beavers are trimmed starting at four months of age.

This is not only a necessary hygienic, but also an aesthetic procedure necessary for the breed. You can do it at home, but many owners prefer to entrust this process to professional hairdressers.

A dog participating in exhibitions requires the services of a groomer.

Bath your pet at least once every two months. For water procedures, you need to stock up on hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner. After washing, the Biewer's coat will need to be thoroughly dried with a towel and dried with a hairdryer, being careful not to dry it out.

The Biewer's claws are carefully trimmed as they grow.

Miniature size is not a reason to deny your Biewer walks. You should walk your dog daily. This is necessary not only for maintaining health, but also for socialization.

How to choose a Biewer Yorkshire Terrier puppy

The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed is not very common in our country, but there are kennels in Russia where these charming dogs are professionally bred. To avoid unfortunate failures in the form of buying a dog that is not too healthy or not a purebred, it is advisable to contact a nursery.

A conscientious breeder will introduce the Biewer's parents, present the necessary documents, and advise on issues of maintenance, feeding, vaccination, and others.

You need to buy a puppy at the age of three months, not earlier. By this time he has received the necessary vaccinations and his temperament is showing. It is more difficult for an older puppy to adapt to new conditions.

When choosing a baby Biewer, you should pay attention to his behavior. He should be inquisitive, playful, non-aggressive. Anger is unacceptable for the breed. No less important is its exterior, which indicates its state of health - shiny coat, clear eyes, pink mouth.

Buying a Biewer is not a cheap pleasure. Prices for puppies start from $500. Moreover, the higher the class, the more expensive the baby will cost. The most expensive show class puppies. These are future champions and impeccable producers. The cost of such beavers sometimes exceeds $1000.

Pros and cons of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed

Like other breeds, Biewer Yorkshire Terriers have both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the breed include a spectacular exterior, a good-natured and playful character, and a high life expectancy. They can easily endure trips and will happily accompany their owner, which will certainly be appreciated by those who love to travel.

The disadvantages of Biewer Yorkshire Terriers include the high cost of the breed. Well, restlessness and a penchant for mischief are more than compensated by the sincere affection for the owner and devotion of the little Biewer.

This small, charming dog looks so much like a Yorkie and at the same time It is distinguished by an unusual, bright tricolor color.

It is called the White Yorkshire Terrier, but according to the breed standard, the correct name for the breed is “Biewer.” He is famous for his cheerful, friendly and affectionate character. He gets along well with children, does not take up much space in the house, and the wool does not cause allergies.

Description of the Biewer breed, as well as its character, advantages and disadvantages in a detailed review below.

Biewer is still a very young breed of decorative dogs. The first puppy is a girl named Schneeflocken (Snowflake), born in 1984 in Germany, in the home of Werner and Gertrude Beaver, breeders.

Both Schneeflocken's parents, Darling and Frou-Frou, were purebred Yorkies, and, moreover, the 1981 Junior World Champions. The appearance of a puppy with white spots in their litter was associated with a random mutation, which occurred due to the presence of a recessive piebald gene in the genotypes of producers.

The unusual baby charmed the breeders so much that Werner and Gertrud decided to continue breeding dogs with non-standard blue, white and golden colors. By the way, the pair Darling and Frou-Frou and after the birth of Schneeflocken they consistently gave birth to tricolor puppies.

In 1988, in Weisbaden, Werner Biewer exhibited these dogs for the first time, calling them “black and white Yorkshire terriers.” But the German Dog Breeders' Union did not accept them and declared them purebreeds, not intended for breeding.

However, a year later, tricolor dogs were recognized as a separate breed by the German Dog Fanciers Club under the name “Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la pom-pom” and then the first standard appeared.

Other breeders became interested in this unusual breed and also began breeding tri-colored Yorkies.

The first beavers appeared in Russia in 2006.

Despite the fact that only purebred Yorkshire terriers are officially considered the ancestors of Biewers, some dog experts put forward their own hypotheses about the origin of these dogs.

Among the possible ancestors are called and , it is not possible to prove whether this is true or not, since Genetic examination of the first representatives of the breed was not carried out.

Exterior standard

RKF standard dated April 22, 2009 “Beaver”
Group 9 “Companions and decorative dogs”

Exterior standard - description for this breed was compiled and approved by the Presidium of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) 3 years after the appearance of beavers in Russia. After this, they began to be officially bred and exhibited at exhibitions.

Biewer York is a small, proportionally built and graceful dog with long, flowing, straight hair, forming a parting along the top line from the head to the base of the tail.

He is active, cheerful, cheerful and incredibly affectionate, but at the same time he has a strong, balanced temperament and a truly “

Height up to 22 cm at the withers is desirable, up to 27 cm is acceptable.
Weight from 2 to 3.1 kg, for females a weight of up to 3.6 kg is allowed.


Head The Biewer's coat is small, proportional to the body, with a flat skull and a muzzle that is not too long, neither convex nor coarse.

Neck long, graceful, with a good exit, it should not be massive.

Eyes medium in size, erect, with a smart, slightly cunning expression. Dark, shiny, not convex. The beaver's eyelids are black.

Ears erect, triangular, small, set high and not widely spaced.

Nose According to the breed description, the Biewer Yorkie is black.

Bite scissor-shaped, although straight is also allowed by the standard. The absence of two premolars is also acceptable.


Forelegs straight, parallel, covered with thick, abundant hair. The withers are short, weakly expressed, formed by wide shoulder blades with a regular slope.

Hind limbs The Biewer's coat is straight and muscular, with well-defined hock angles.

Metatarsus low, thighs and legs equal in length, knee joints strong.

Paws rounded in shape with black or light claws.

Frame compact, smooth topline. The ribs are arched and rather long. The chest reaches the elbow joints and protrudes slightly forward from the front.

Tail set high, not docked, covered with abundant hair.


Wool very long, on the body it falls to the ground, straight, shiny and silky. Quite thick and dense, it should not hide the proportions of the animal.

Color is of great importance because This is the main difference between a Biewer and a Yorkie.

On the head The following options are valid: white-blue-golden or white-black-golden, In this case, a symmetrical arrangement of white and colored spots is desirable.

On the body For dogs, only color combinations are allowed: black-white or blue-white, as well as completely black or completely blue and white frill. There should be no golden inclusions. The chest, belly, fore and hind legs are white, from the chest the white color rises to the neck and chin.

When viewed from the front, white on the head is not necessary.

Attention! Any deviation from the above points should be regarded as shortcomings.


The following characteristics are considered deviation from the standard description of the breed:

  • light eyes and lack of eyelid pigmentation;
  • insufficient pigmentation of the nose;
  • floppy ears;
  • absence of more than three premolars;
  • wool lacking shine, as well as curly hair or thick undercoat;
  • golden markings on the body, asymmetrical color spots on the head, insufficiently long or wide blue or black saddle cloth, more than 80% white in body color.


Unacceptable defects exterior:

  • undershot or overshot, as well as jaw misalignment;
  • sparse, short hair;
  • Yorkshire terrier color or close to it;
  • absence of black or blue marks on the body.

Differences from York

Time and place of appearance of the breed: Yorkies appeared in Britain more than a hundred years ago, while the history of Bievers began in Germany and goes back a little over thirty years.
Color: The Yorkie's coat is steel gray and golden in color, while the Biewer has a tri-color coat - bluish-white-gold or black-white-gold.
Character and temperament: Beavers have a more stable psyche, they are calmer and more balanced.
Body structure: Biewer Yorkies have stronger bones and their limbs are more resistant to dislocations.
Health: It is believed that Biewers are healthier than Yorkies.
Lack of recognition: Biewer Yorkies are still not recognized by the FCI, while Yorkies have long received international recognition.

Character, abilities, skills

Biewer belongs to the breeds, about any of whose representatives one can say “a puppy until old age.” Like they mobile, playful and active.

Affectionate, good-natured Biewers get along well with children.

But at the same time, according to reviews from owners, they can be cunning, persistent and stubborn, like a terrier.

Beavers are very smart and easy to handle. Due to the fact that they, like all other terriers, are brave and persistent, Biewer Yorkies, Despite their tiny stature, they can turn out to be quite good guards, capable of scaring away a thief by barking.

The Biewer has long hair that requires careful grooming, especially if we are talking about a show dog. A dog of this breed needs to be brushed regularly, as well.

Therefore, even if the dog does not participate in exhibitions, it is better to cut it, it will be easier for both the pet and the owner.

Monitoring the condition of the ears and teeth is necessary. and remove tartar from your teeth every six months.

Walk your Biewer at least twice a day, and it is better to walk your pet on a leash.

Feeding has its own characteristics. So, meat (beef, veal or chicken) can only be given boiled. Cereals (all except oatmeal, which they cannot eat) must be boiled completely until they become mucus.

The beaver can eat everything except potatoes, but They should also only be given boiled. Low-fat sea fish is useful, which should be fed to the dog only when boiled.

When feeding natural foods, vitamin and mineral supplements should be given.

Biewer Yorkies are prone to allergies, so it’s easier to choose natural food for him instead.

With proper care, Biewers can live up to 12-15 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Three main advantages:

  • unusual, bright appearance;
  • balanced temperament;
  • good health, in particular the absence of defects in the kneecaps.

There are also minuses:

  • wool requiring special care;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • relatively high cost of a puppy.

How much does a Biewer Yorkie puppy cost? The average price of a baby with RKF documents, depending on the region, ranges from 20 to 35 thousand rubles. This is the price of breed and pet class puppies. Beavers with show potential are more expensive, they cost from 40 thousand.

Biewer York a la pompom does not take up much space in the house or apartment, but at the same time You certainly won't get bored with him. And, if you need a small but loyal four-legged friend with an extraordinary appearance, why not opt ​​for this three-colored treasure?

Additionally, check out a short video about the Biewer breed: