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Private nutritionist. Nutritionist, endocrinologist. Preparing for your visit

A nutritionist-endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the functioning of the endocrine glands. The doctor establishes the patient’s hormonal background and gives recommendations on a healthy diet in order to correct pathological conditions. This medical specialization involves an integrated approach to examination and therapy.

  • Emotional instability, increased fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Violation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Periodic headaches.
  • A sharp decrease or gain in weight.
  • Digestive disorders (epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence).

How does an appointment with a nutritionist-endocrinologist proceed?

The doctor conducts a preliminary medical history, finds out information about diet, bad habits and lifestyle. During the conversation, the doctor determines:

  • The presence of a hereditary predisposition to certain diseases.
  • The severity of pathological manifestations.
  • Allergies.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.

The doctor performs a visual examination, determines the patient’s height and weight, and prescribes:

  • Laboratory (blood test) and instrumental studies (ultrasound, CT, gastroscopy) to make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Further examination by a gastroenterologist, psychologist, therapist, allergist.

Consultation with an endocrinologist in Moscow

The Center for Effective Treatment invites patients to undergo consultation and treatment with a professional nutritionist-endocrinologist. Patients are seen by an experienced, certified doctor who uses modern approaches to correcting pathologies of the endocrine glands and normalizing weight.

A qualified specialist provides:

  • Fast and accurate diagnosis of the disorder.
  • Prompt restoration of normal hormonal and metabolic balance.
  • Improving the patient's quality of life.
  • Timely prevention of endocrine disorders.
  • Relief of acute painful conditions.

Endocrinologists at our clinic treat pathologies of any level of complexity. Patients with diabetes mellitus, thyroid tumors, adrenal insufficiency, menstrual dysfunction, obesity, anorexia, and bulimia are accepted.

Doctors develop individual correction programs and offer effective medicinal, physiotherapeutic and surgical treatment methods. Doctors observe the patient for a long time, tracking any changes in well-being. Long-term control allows you to eliminate relapses and constantly maintain normal body weight.

Obesity treatment

A nutritionist-endocrinologist develops a personal weight correction course for obese patients. After examining and identifying the cause of excess weight gain, the specialist:

  • Explains the rules and principles of a balanced diet.
  • Prepares recommendations for a therapeutic diet, taking into account the age category, contraindications and detected chronic diseases. The normal calorie content of the daily diet is discussed. List of healthy and unhealthy foods.
  • Helps you start keeping a food diary.
  • Recommends vitamins to improve health and activate immune defense.
  • Gives advice on maintaining motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle.

They say: “We are what we eat.” Scientists increasingly agree with these words, since poor nutrition and constant exhausting diets have a detrimental effect on our body and often lead to irreversible consequences for health. To adjust your weight without harming your body, a nutritionist who knows everything about proper nutrition will help you.

A nutritionist is a specialist in the field of proper nutrition (dietology). To become a nutritionist, you need to graduate from medical school and then receive additional training in dietetics.

The main task of a nutritionist is to select a proper nutrition plan for the client, taking into account his individual characteristics.

Such a specialist will help you adjust your weight, improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract, solve some health problems, or simply choose a balanced diet.

What problems can a nutritionist help solve?

The profession of nutritionist has recently been gaining popularity. Nowadays, many people are obese, and many simply want to eat healthy in order to avoid serious health problems later. This is where nutritionists come to the rescue. They are engaged in the selection of personal healthy nutrition.

The diet is compiled taking into account weight, age, body mass index, muscle and fat mass, the presence of gastrointestinal problems, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Taking into account the characteristics of each patient, the nutritionist will recommend a diet that will supply the body with the necessary microelements, vitamins and minerals. His competence also includes the selection of the optimal calorie intake, the selection of drugs to normalize metabolic processes in the body, and correct hormonal levels.

A nutritionist will help in creating a proper nutrition program and in treating diseases of various organs and systems, such as:

  • Obesity. Most people, trying to lose weight, begin to go on all kinds of diets, without thinking about their harm to the body. An experienced nutritionist will create for you a personal diet for proper weight loss, in which getting rid of excess weight will be quick and, most importantly, safe.
  • Anorexia. A serious pathology, which is based on a neuropsychological disorder - fear of obesity. In addition to a psychotherapist, in this case you need the help of a nutritionist in choosing a diet.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Recommendations from a nutritionist will help in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, and colitis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Improper nutrition provokes the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases: thrombosis, atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels. Correction of nutrition by a nutritionist can help solve such problems.
  • Oncology. There are a number of foods that have antitumor effects. A nutritionist will select a special nutrition plan for people with cancer, which will include such products.
  • Diabetes. With this disease, the condition for normal compensation of blood sugar levels is compliance with a special diet. Therefore, diabetics need to consult a nutritionist.
  • Skin problems (acne, rashes), with hair (fragility, dryness, hair loss). Often, poor nutrition provokes these problems; the doctor will give advice on how to solve them.

The specialty “nutritionist” has several directions. For example, there are sports nutritionists. Athletes are required to select a proper nutrition plan. Because while preparing for a competition, an athlete needs to get in shape: gain or lose weight, fat or muscle mass, normalize hormonal levels, eliminate vitamin and microelement deficiencies, and prepare psychologically. A sports nutritionist can help resolve these issues.

Also, the results of recent studies have shown that the number of children with overweight and obesity is growing. Extra pounds harm a fragile body and a child’s psyche. You cannot deal with such problems on your own; you need a nutritionist-pediatrician. The doctor creates individual nutrition plans for teenagers.

It is important to take care of the baby before its birth, so children's nutritionists are engaged in preparing a daily diet for pregnant women, as well as for the lactation period, taking into account the necessary ingredients for the baby.

There is a nutritionist-nutritionist. Such a specialist studies the effect of food on the body, knows everything about the composition of products, their interactions, benefits and harm to the human body. A nutritionist will help those who want to adjust their diet and achieve better absorption of the substances needed by the body. The doctor takes into account the patient’s health status and has a beneficial effect on him by changing his usual diet. To do this, products containing missing substances are introduced or excluded from the menu.

Since being an expert in nutrition is becoming more and more popular, Sechenov University has introduced a new specialty - molecular nutritionist, and training in it will begin on September 1, 2018.

A molecular nutritionist will evaluate many factors at once when selecting individual nutrition plans: the results of genetic analysis, features of human physiological processes, and the molecular composition of food. Doctors are confident that individually healthy and varied foods can prevent the development of many diseases. When should you visit a nutritionist?

When should you contact a nutritionist?

This should be done when you have problems with weight: either excess or deficiency. Also, the advice of a nutritionist is necessary if you have a malfunction of the digestive system, problems with the heart or blood vessels. The nutritionist will take all this into account and prescribe therapy. The main thing is not to delay with such problems. The sooner you start eliminating them, the better for your body. People who do not have health problems, but simply want to eat right, also turn to a nutritionist.

Preparing for your visit

For an appointment with a nutritionist to be effective, you need to carefully prepare for it:

  1. 12 hours before your appointment, avoid physical activity that is unusual for your body and drinking alcohol.
  2. 2 hours before the examination, do not eat or drink any liquids.
  3. Bring your medical card from the clinic with you to your appointment.
  4. Make a list of the medications you are currently taking, including dosages.

Tests to be taken

Before going to see a nutritionist, it is better to take tests in advance: a general blood test, a biochemical blood test, a general urinalysis, and a blood glucose level test.


At your initial appointment, the doctor will carefully examine data about the condition of your body (test results, medical record). An important point is interviewing the patient. During the interview, the doctor will be able to understand the purpose of your visit, what worries you, the scale of the problem, and determine ways to solve it. It is possible that more than one consultation will be needed to determine an individual treatment program.

What examinations and tests can a nutritionist prescribe?

A nutritionist may prescribe additional tests. Perhaps the recommendations that will be given by specialists in related fields will be necessary: ​​gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, psychologist. The nutritionist will prescribe an ultrasound - diagnostics of the abdominal organs, if the patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or testing of thyroid hormones. Based on all the recommendations and research, the doctor will select the right diet.

Personal nutritionist

Having a personal nutritionist is now not only useful, but also fashionable. Most show business stars, actors, singers and musicians consult personal nutritionists. The services of a nutritionist are available to ordinary people who not only want to lose weight, but also want to start eating healthy. A nutritionist will monitor you regularly, selecting nutrition programs in accordance with your lifestyle and your life situations.

Cost of visiting a nutritionist

The cost of seeing a nutritionist in Moscow and other cities is influenced by the following factors: the specialist’s qualifications, personal reputation, the reputation of the clinic, the presence and nature of reviews, and the medical equipment of the institution. The price range varies from 1000-6000 rubles for an initial appointment, from 500-5000 rubles for a repeat appointment. In new developing nutrition centers, initial consultation is provided free of charge.

Why is dietetics needed?

Dietetics aims to ensure food safety. It serves to study rational nutrition for both healthy and sick people. Dietetics uses the effects of altered diets on certain diseases. Thanks to it, you can regulate the intake of foods that can strengthen the body, you can set the quantity and time for consuming certain dishes, choose healthy foods and methods of preparing them. Dietetics has a positive effect on a person, as it offers healthy and tasty food.

Basic rules of healthy eating

To ensure a healthy, balanced diet, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Be sure to have breakfast. Breakfast should be as rich as possible.
  2. Keep your salt intake to a minimum. No more than 1 teaspoon per day.
  3. Maintain drinking regime. An adult needs to consume 2 liters of water per day if there is no hypertension and no kidney problems.
  4. Eat according to a schedule, maintain intervals between meals (breaks between meals are at least 3 hours).
  5. Eat small portions and have snacks.
  6. Keep a healthy nutrition diary.
  7. Don't forget about fasting days. Determine one day a week when you can indulge in something delicious.

To lose weight, nutritionists advise acquiring the following healthy habits:

  • Maintain a sleep schedule. 7-8 hours a day, no more and no less.
  • Take multivitamin complexes to avoid lack of vitamins and microelements.
  • Reduce your daily calorie intake. Each age group has its own kcal intake per day.
  • Do not use laxatives or diuretics to avoid harm to the body.

Advice from nutritionists for losing weight with gastritis

Gastritis is a disease that leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the stomach. In order not to worsen the patient’s health, the doctor should give the following recommendations for losing weight to people with gastritis:

  • You cannot lose weight quickly; rapid weight loss is strictly contraindicated; give preference to dairy products.
  • Eat your daily intake of protein foods.
  • Take a daily dose of vitamin E (found in vegetable oil); vitamin B (found in cereals), vitamin C (berries, fruits).
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol and spices.
  • Go to the gym and pay attention to physical activity.

Is it possible to eat without getting fat?! Nutritionists say it is possible. The main thing is to do it correctly:

  • you need to eat slowly, with breaks;
  • you can’t eat on the go;
  • the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime;
  • The menu should be made up of half vegetables, a quarter from grains or cereals, and a quarter from proteins.

If you want to be healthy and get the figure you want, then a nutritionist is the one you need. Following the advice of a nutritionist means ensuring your health and proper nutrition!

Treatment with a nutritionist is necessary if you want to influence your weight, reduce the symptoms of a chronic disease and consolidate the results for a long time.

An integrated approach to the treatment of many diseases involves the joint work of a doctor in the appropriate field and a nutritionist.

Appointment with a nutritionist

A nutritionist helps you lose weight or gain weight; establish a food intake routine; eliminate foods that contribute to weight gain or worsen the symptoms of a chronic disease; replenish the lack of nutrients.


  • diabetes
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • osteoporosis
  • gout
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, hypertension)
  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance)
  • hypolactasia (lactose intolerance)
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • cyclic vomiting syndrome
  • cystic fibrosis
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis, hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease)
  • drug-resistant epilepsy in children
  • oncological diseases


  • overweight (including due to illness)
  • underweight (including those caused by disease)
  • excess or lack of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements)
  • disruption of nutrient absorption mechanisms
  • too much salt or sugar

You should contact a nutritionist if your weight “interferes with your life”: the quality of life is impaired, it is difficult to perform usual activities, and you think that this is due to excess body weight. If you have no strength, you feel weak and apathetic and associate this with lack of body weight. If the symptoms of a chronic disease are getting worse and you think it is related to your diet or excess weight. If a chronic disease requires restrictions, and it is very difficult to create a nutrition plan yourself. If dietary habits affect sleep quality.

An appointment with a nutritionist at the Rassvet clinic consists of several stages:

Consultation with a nutritionist

During the consultation, the nutritionist will ask you to talk about your lifestyle, diet, eating habits, and medications you take.

Asks how being overweight or underweight affects daily activities. He will ask questions about his general health, physical activity, and ask him to talk about chronic diseases and prescribed treatment.

Diagnosis of obesity or underweight

Diagnosis includes a dietary history, physical examination, blood pressure measurement, body mass index, and waist circumference measurement.

To clarify the causes of obesity or underweight, you will be asked to donate blood for a test. The nutritionist will determine the indicators of interest based on the patient's individual risk factors and symptoms. This may include a test for cholesterol, liver function, thyroid hormones, glucose levels, calcium levels.

This information will help you determine how much weight you need to lose (or gain), what diseases affect your condition, and identify common risks.

Treatment by a nutritionist

The goal of treatment is to achieve a normal weight and maintain results.

The nutritionist will make a list of healthy and unhealthy foods, taking into account the individual intolerance or health characteristics of the patient.

It will help you understand what is “possible” and what “is not”, how to gently change your diet, not break down, and consolidate the results obtained.

Develop an individual menu for each day. He will tell you how to combine and prepare food correctly, monitor the balance of essential nutrients, and how to increase physical activity.

What will you get from a nutritionist at the Rassvet clinic?

Maintaining a normal weight is important for maintaining health, preventing diseases and their effective treatment.

At Dawn they will help you achieve your goals and consolidate your results. With the help of our nutritionists, you won't lose weight to be beautiful. You will lose weight in order to be healthy!

We will help you take control of your weight, get rid of the influence of “fashionable diets”, eliminate risk factors associated with poor nutrition, and maintain your health for a long time.

This is a doctor who selects the right, balanced diet, taking into account the age and characteristics of the patient’s body. As practice shows, the importance of this kind of specialists for our health and well-being cannot be underestimated.

When to see a nutritionist

First of all, consultation with a nutritionist is necessary for those who:

  • is overweight or underweight;
  • needs diet therapy (for diabetes, ulcers, gastritis and other chronic diseases);
  • notices disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system (intestinal disorders, heartburn, bloating, frequent belching, etc.);
  • feels the need to adjust the diet (during pregnancy, professional sports, etc.).
There are other, less obvious, but no less significant reasons to think about consulting a nutritionist: headaches; various manifestations of allergies, high blood pressure, increased fatigue and joint pain.

Which specialist can you trust to solve so many problems? Of course, only competent, experienced, and trustworthy patients. These are the nutritionists who work at SM-Clinic.

In the modern world, it is not easy to understand the variety of food products. Meanwhile, an incorrectly composed diet is a direct path to exacerbation of existing diseases and the emergence of new ones.

Nutritionist services at SM-Clinic

The nutritionist at SM-Clinic first of all conducts an examination and prescribes all the necessary tests. Only based on the results of such a detailed study of the patient’s health status, a scientifically based individual diet is compiled.

Appointment with a nutritionist
paying for a fee at SM-Clinic means freedom from hospital queues, embarrassing glances from other patients, an individual approach and a truly first-class level of medical services in a clinic that meets all the requirements of modern medicine.

Your personal nutritionist
“SM-Clinic” is an opportunity to receive the following services:

1. Assessment of actual nutrition and possible risks of diseases associated with it;

2. Drawing up individual diets for weight correction. In this case, the patient’s health status, lifestyle, genetic and psychological factors are taken into account, and pharmacological support of the diet is provided;

3. Counseling patients on issues of excess weight, identifying motivation to lose weight, changing eating behavior patterns;

4. Preparation of individual diets for athletes, vegetarians, patients with malnutrition, pregnant women;

5. Consulting patients with somatic pathology(hormonal disorders, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestive system, liver, kidneys, etc.) on nutrition issues;

6. Diet preparation for patients with chronic diseases, development of menus for feeding inpatients;

7. Diagnosis of the causes of obesity. Obesity can be caused by both hereditary factors and hormonal problems, diseases of the digestive system, and poor lifestyle. Each of these cases requires individual treatment. That is why the SM-Clinic pays significant attention to identifying the causes of obesity and uses various diagnostic methods:

  • comprehensive examination of the body, which includes determination of metabolic, hormonal parameters, assessment of the function of the endocrine, cardiovascular systems, neurological status, examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bioimpedansometry- study of body composition. This analysis allows you to evaluate the fluid content, fat and muscle mass of the body in kilograms and percentages, body mass index and many other indicators necessary for subsequent monitoring of weight loss and adjustment of treatment;
  • tests blood for determination hormonal, lipid and biochemical profile;
  • food intolerance test;

8. Treatment of obesity.
After identifying the causes of obesity, SM-Clinic nutritionists develop individual weight correction programs that allow you to lose weight without harm to your health. The entire course of treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a personal nutritionist.

An integrated approach to the treatment of obesity allows, if necessary, to involve such specialists as

Wonderful doctor! Knows his job! The effectiveness of treatment is 100%! I am grateful to Nikolai Viktorovich for the fact that now I feel great! I like his working methods. No unnecessary procedures, medications or tests! Everything is clear and to the point. The treatment and diet helped, thank you!

My 11-year-old son was not thin from birth, and recently he began to rapidly gain weight. At Dr. Volkov's Clinic, he was diagnosed and then an individual dietary program was drawn up. I would like to thank the pediatrician and nutritionist for their work and professional help. Their treatment really helped us.

Luneva T.R

I urgently needed qualified advice from a nutritionist. I'm tired of torturing myself with endless and useless diets. I was pleasantly pleased with the doctor’s attitude towards my question. First, I underwent an examination, determined the cause that provokes weight gain, made a diagnosis and prescribed treatment. Now they have prepared an individual nutrition plan for me. And positive results are already visible. I am satisfied with the professionalism of all the doctors who work with me.