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How can you wash your nose at home. Washing the nose with a cold at home. Flushing the nose with herbal solutions

A runny nose is an unpleasant condition that can act as an independent disease of the nose, or accompany a viral infection.

Remedies for the common cold represent one of the widest lines of pharmaceutical preparations, however, nasal irrigation remains the most effective and at the same time cheap method.

Most people, thanks to this procedure, were able to quickly get rid of the symptoms of a cold. We will talk about how to rinse the nose and when such a procedure is necessary, as well as contraindications to it, we will talk below.

When flushing is needed

As a regular hygienic procedure, it was used by Indian yogis several millennia ago. Currently, nasal lavage is also popular as a prophylactic and therapeutic measure:

  1. during the period of increased incidence of viral infection, as a preventive measure;
  2. washing quickly eliminates already developed rhinitis;
  3. you need to rinse your nose with exacerbation of adenoiditis and tonsillitis;
  4. with inflammatory processes in the sinuses and pharynx;
  5. nasal lavage is an important element in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and the prevention of possible seasonal exacerbations. But in most cases, additional drug therapy is needed;
  6. before using drops for medicinal purposes, to remove mucus, washing the nasal cavity is always prescribed.

Among other things, washing the nose at home can be prescribed:

  • with overstrain, increased fatigue;
  • with prolonged migraines;
  • in case of sleep disturbance, nervous overexcitation.

The opinion of experts on whether it is worth washing the nose with a runny nose is ambiguous. But this is more likely due to the risk of complications as a result of non-compliance with the rules of the procedure, as well as ignoring the existing doctor's contraindications to nasal lavage.

What are the benefits of irrigation

For the procedure, a solution with sea salt is often prepared. What effect does it have on the nasal mucosa:

Unlike many medical drugs, washing the nose with mineral salts and herbal infusions has practically no contraindications. Often such irrigation of the nose at home is prescribed as a medical procedure for infants and pregnant women.

What solutions are used for the procedure

The choice of means with which you can rinse your nose at home is quite large. Some can be bought at the pharmacy in finished form, others are made independently at home. It all depends on personal preferences, the age of the patient and the possibilities of the wallet.


Washing preparations offered in pharmacies can be used for both babies and adults:

  1. The Dolphin reusable nasal rinse system is a Russian development, consisting of the vial itself and powder for dilution in a strict dosage. The resulting solution contains mineral salts that have a bactericidal effect and restore the functioning of the epithelium. As well as extracts of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. Using the complex, it is convenient to rinse the nose with a runny nose for children over three years old and adults.
  2. For young children, disposable irrigating nasal bottles are provided: Salin, Aqualor, Physiomer. In them, sea water is packed in a special container, using which the nasal cavity is washed, while the force of the jet is not so high, and the injected liquid either flows out through the same nostril or enters the throat.
  3. You can rinse your nose with a runny nose using the products available in the home medicine cabinet (syringe without a needle, rubber spray), any antiseptic solution: Miramistin, furatsilin, chlorhexidine. But it is important to remember that such washings are allowed only for the treatment of an adult.

Herbal infusions

For prevention, as well as for moisturizing the mucosa in dry or dusty air, it is convenient to wash the nose with decoctions of herbs:

  1. Chamomile infusion has a calming, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect on the nasal mucosa. Ideal for carrying out hygiene measures for infants. For washing 1 tsp. dry chopped grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for about half an hour, a slightly warm solution is used.
  2. In the same way, it is possible to wash the nose with a runny nose with infusion of St. John's wort, calendula, sage, oak bark.
  3. A mixture of chamomile and sage has proven itself in the treatment of the nose. For its preparation, herbs are taken in equal proportions, approximately ½ tsp, per glass of boiling water.

Homemade saline solution

Most often, for washing the nose, as a medical procedure, a solution is prepared from sea or table salt. It is necessary to use such a washing method as soon as the first symptoms of malaise appear: itching, sneezing, redness, swelling. How to make the right solution yourself?

It is necessary to purchase crushed sea salt in a pharmacy. It should be exactly fine in order to dissolve well in water, since undissolved crystals, when washed, can cause a strong burning sensation in the nose and even a burn of the mucous membrane. In a glass of warm boiled water, 1 tsp is well mixed. salt, if the solution seems strong, it is permissible to reduce the dose to 0.5 tsp.

You can rinse your nose with a runny nose with a solution of table salt, the effect of such washing will be no worse. At the same time, the proportions in cooking and the amount of salt remain the same.

Technique and rules for the procedure

To get a quick result, you need to know how to properly rinse your nose at home. It is convenient to use special systems, such as Dolphin, which fit snugly against the wings of the nose, leaving no gap.

On the shelves of pharmacies, so-called “teapots of yogis” are often sold for washing the nasal passages. This is a container with an elongated rounded spout.

At home, you can replace them with a small syringe or a syringe without a needle, even with your own palms, if you fold them in the shape of a boat. The nose wash technique is simple:

  1. Classic wash. Leaning over a washbasin or basin, you should slightly tilt your head to the side, so that the nostril being washed is higher. The solution is poured into it, and the medicine should pour out from the other. Having blown your nose well, do the same with the other nostril. When washing, breathing is carried out through an open mouth. It is important to remember that, while washing the nose in this way, the head should not be strongly tilted and laid on its side. The medicine, along with pathogens, can enter the auditory tube and cause otitis media. And when washing the nose with the Dolphin system, the head should generally be in a level position.
  2. The second option is used for inflammation of the adenoids, the initial stage of the disease of the pharynx and tonsils, as well as preventive washing of the nose and pharynx in case of excessive dustiness of the atmosphere and work in hazardous industries. How to rinse the nose and nasopharynx at the same time? For this, the same solutions are used as in the first case. The head is thrown back, the breath is held, the liquid, getting into the nose, is poured into the throat and spit out, after which the procedure is repeated again. One wash requires approximately 100-150 ml of solution.
  3. The simplest way to quickly and efficiently rinse the nose is to draw in the liquid alternately from one or the other nostril from a plate or from the palms. In this case, the medicine also enters the mouth from the nose and is spit out.

And now about how to properly rinse your nose, while not harming.

Not everyone knows how many times a day to rinse the nose with one solution or another. General recommendations sound like this: at least 3-4 times to feel the effect in the presence of a runny nose and nasal congestion. However, do not get carried away, as frequent procedures can cause dryness in the nose.

The required amount of therapeutic irrigation

The question often arises, how often can you wash your nose for medicinal purposes and for prevention? At the first signs of the disease: itching, nasal congestion, sneezing, washing is carried out as early as possible, which largely helps to prevent the development of the disease in full force. On the first day, the procedure is done every two hours, then 3-4 times a day is enough. At the initial stage of the disease, it is better to use saline rinsing, advanced cases will require the intervention of antiseptics.

Preventive washing of the nose is carried out in the morning before breakfast or in the evening after a hard day with infusions of medicinal herbs.

Are there any contraindications for the procedure

In many countries, washing the nose is considered a hygienic procedure, however, such care also has its contraindications:

  • significant deformation of the nasal septum, which impedes the return flow of fluid from the olfactory organ;
  • neoplasms, including nasal polyps;
  • otitis in the acute stage, as well as frequent inflammatory diseases of the ears;
  • tendency to frequent nosebleeds.
  • violation of the integrity of the eardrum;

Often after washing the nose, especially when using saline solutions, there may be a slight burning sensation, sneezing, irritation of the mucous membrane. With strong jet pressure during washing, ear congestion, mild headaches, and lacrimation are possible. As a rule, these are passing symptoms, perhaps in this case it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for the procedure or reduce the concentration of the solution. It is better to consult a doctor who, based on the patient's history, will decide whether it is possible to rinse the nose, weighing all the existing risks. With severe irritation of the mucosa, the saline solution is replaced with an herbal infusion.

The most effective and safe remedy for nasal congestion is irrigation therapy. Washing the nose can be done not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a daily hygiene procedure. Many experts believe that rinsing your nose at home is just as important as brushing your teeth and tongue.

For some children with chronic rhinitis or allergies, this procedure improves their health. If babies have free nasal breathing, they easily take food. Otherwise, the kids become capricious, their appetite disappears. However, not all mothers know how to rinse a child's nose to clear it of mucus and dust that is inhaled along with the air.

Nasal lavage is one of the main procedures for the prevention and treatment of viral infections.

What is the effect of washing the nose?

Regularly performing the procedure during the winter months, you can reduce the risk of developing bacterial diseases of the nasal cavity and protect yourself from colds. With the onset of a runny nose in children, bactericidal solutions used for washing help to quickly cope with the infection. At the same time, the duration of treatment is reduced. The effect of nasal drops will be higher if they fall on the cleansed mucosa.

Babies prone to allergic reactions feel much better after washing, as a significant part of the allergens that have entered the nasal passages during a walk are washed out. To avoid allergic attacks, the procedure should be carried out immediately upon returning home from the street.

A simple procedure normalizes the microflora of the nasal cavity. Washing the nose relieves the child of excessive formation of mucus and crusts, which is important during the heating season, when air humidity is extremely low. The baby improves nasal breathing, the mucous membrane is moistened.

At what age is the procedure indicated for children?

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It is possible to rinse the nose from a very early age, however, the technique of the procedure and the method of introducing fluids for different age groups is different. When a baby has a stuffy nose, he needs irrigation therapy (we recommend reading:). The baby during feeding cannot fully breathe, he has to swallow air with his mouth. As a result, the baby has an eructation, he spits up part of the food.

Babies under the age of two are prohibited from washing with a syringe, as this is fraught with the development of otitis media. Fluid, mucus, and accumulated debris can easily enter the Eustachian tube.

To wash the nose of a one-year-old baby, it is better to choose:

  • weak decoction of chamomile;
  • saline;
  • warm water.

A few drops of liquid are instilled into the spout from the pipette. The accumulated secretions are removed with a rubber bulb or nasal aspirator.

What is used to wash a child's nose?

Nasal lavage is widely used to prevent and treat nasal congestion. All actions performed are unpleasant for children, but refusal to wash the nose is fraught with a protracted illness and high risks of complications.

Irrigation therapy is carried out with saline solutions, in some cases medications or medicines with herbal ingredients prepared at home are prescribed. When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child's body. The fact is that the nasal passages of a baby are much narrower than those of an adult, so all actions must be performed carefully in compliance with the rules.

Pharmaceutical preparations with saline solution

The advantage of pharmaceutical preparations lies in the correct technology for their preparation. The exact concentration of medicinal components is observed in the medicine.

When choosing saline solutions, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. As a rule, doctors prescribe drops for small patients up to 6 years old, and aerosols are prescribed for those who are older. Of all the drugs on the market, Aqua Maris is very popular. The basis of the solution is sea water. A similar composition has such tools as:

  • Dolphin;
  • Marimer;
  • Humer;
  • Salin;
  • Morenasal.

Alternatively, regular saline can be used. It contains all the necessary substances that provide sanitation of the nasal cavity. To apply solutions can kids with any type of runny nose. Washing relieves swelling, moisturizes and protects the nasal mucosa.

These funds have an antiseptic effect, contributing to a speedy recovery. Medicines are used not only for therapeutic purposes. Salt solutions are an excellent means of prevention during the cold season.

Antibacterial and antimicrobial agents

If nasal congestion is caused by an infection, antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs will help to cope with the disease:

  • A relatively safe and highly effective antiseptic - Miramistin - will help to cope with sinusitis, rhinitis or sinusitis. The active substance that is part of the drug destroys pathogenic microorganisms at the cellular level.

  • Furacilin is an inexpensive, but effective broad-spectrum drug. Getting on the nasal mucosa, the medicine relieves inflammation and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora. After a couple of days of using Furacilin, the child will feel relief.
  • A good therapeutic effect in the treatment of bacterial rhinitis and sinusitis can be achieved if the child rinses his nose with Chlorophyllipt. The list of side effects of this drug is very modest, so pediatricians often prescribe it to their patients. The procedure will require an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt 1%, which is pre-diluted with water.
  • If children's immunity is not able to overcome the infection, and the disease is severe, then doctors prescribe the drug Polydex with phenylephrine to babies who are already 2.5 years old. The composition of the drug includes antibiotics and hormonal components.

Folk remedies

There is nothing easier than making your own saline nasal rinse. To do this, you need to stir 1 tsp. salt in 1 liter of water. Sometimes a couple of drops of iodine are added to the solution. Also, the child can rinse the nose with mineral water without gas.

Using decoctions of medicinal plants, you can prepare effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic solutions for the treatment of the common cold. If a child is prone to allergies, the choice of herbs should be taken more carefully. To prepare a rinse solution, use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • 1-2 tbsp. l. dried plants (calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, etc.) is poured with a glass of boiling water. The decoction should be infused for two hours. Before you start washing the baby's nose, the liquid must be filtered through cheesecloth and slightly warmed to body temperature.
  • Half tsp. green tea pour boiling water. Insist half an hour. During influenza epidemics, the procedure can be carried out regularly.
  • To prepare the solution, an alcohol tincture with 10% propolis is taken. In 1 cup of boiled water, dissolve 10 to 20 drops of tincture. The number of drops is determined by the age of the child.

Various folk remedies are effective for washing the nose, but they should only be used under the supervision of the attending physician.

Nasal wash technique

There are several ways to rinse your child's nose. For small children up to a year, the procedure at home is carried out as follows:

  • the child is placed on the back;
  • a few drops of herbal decoction with chamomile, saline or saline are instilled into the right, and then into the left nostril with a pipette;
  • in order to avoid injuries and damage to the mucous membrane during the procedure, the baby's head should be fixed by the mother's hand;
  • after liquid enters the spout, at least 1 minute must pass;
  • mucus is removed with a rubber pear;
  • nasal passages are cleaned with a cotton swab.

Nasal lavage technique for children from 2 years old:

  • the child must be asked to bend over the sink in the bathroom;
  • if hair or clothing interferes, they must be fixed;
  • the child should stick out the tongue;
  • a stream of water from a rubber pear must first be directed into one nasal passage - the solution, together with accumulated mucus and impurities, must flow out through the other nostril;
  • the procedure is repeated on the opposite side;
  • after all the actions, the child should blow his nose well.

Children over 5 years old can wash their noses on their own. They need to tilt their heads over the sink and try to suck in the liquid through their nose. After passing through the nasal cavity, the solution enters the mouth, after which it is spit out. At the end of the procedure, to clear the nasal passages, the baby is carefully blown out.

Precautionary measures

Failure to follow the correct nasal irrigation technique and precautions can harm the baby. Performing a simple procedure, children and parents need to adhere to certain rules:

  • as far as possible, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of mucus (blow your nose, suck out the snot with a nasal aspirator or a rubber pear, use vasoconstrictor drops) (we recommend reading:);
  • do not carry out the procedure immediately before going to bed - the liquid and mucus remaining in the nasal cavity will drain into the larynx;
  • you should not leave the room immediately after washing the nose, since the mucous membrane by this time will not be ready to withstand cold air and bacteria;
  • the temperature of the liquid used should be within 32-35 degrees;
  • when introducing the solution, it is necessary to control the pressure, otherwise the increase in pressure in the nostrils is fraught with the penetration of mucus into the middle ear;
  • do not perform the procedure too often - this is how not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microorganisms are washed out.

How often is the nose washed?

If, in addition to washing, drugs are prescribed, then they should be applied to the cleaned nasal mucosa immediately after the procedure.

For small patients under 3 years old, the number of washes per day should not exceed 3-4 times. If the baby is subjected to this procedure too often, this can weaken its natural immunity and provoke otitis and sinusitis.

If washing is carried out for prevention purposes, then the number of procedures is determined by the parents. In this situation, it is enough to rinse the nose a couple of times a day.

When is flushing contraindicated and ineffective?

For most people, nasal lavage is safe and very effective. However, in some situations it is better to refuse it. Specialists do not recommend washing if the child suffers from any of the following diseases:

  • nosebleeds, the patient is prone to increased capillary permeability;
  • otitis occurs in a chronic form;
  • the formation of cysts, polyps and other neoplasms in the nasal passages;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • epilepsy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the solution for washing;
  • deviated nasal septum.

As you know, most of the bacteria enters our body through the nasopharynx. If microbes, viruses, infection get on the nasal mucosa, increased production of mucus begins. To wash away the infected mucus, and with it all the pathogens, nasal lavage is used.

Nasal lavage is one of the most effective therapeutic and preventive procedures. Rinsing of the nasal mucosa is used in the treatment of many ENT diseases.

The nasal mucosa normally produces mucus that maintains moisture and protects the body from dust and allergens. If a virus enters the nasal mucosa, the surface begins to swell and produce a huge amount of mucus to protect itself. Therefore, when we have a cold, our nose flows and nasal breathing is blocked. With prolonged and severe swelling, mucus can stagnate and then fester. Mucus suppuration leads to sinusitis, sinusitis and other ENT diseases. Therefore, it is very important to do a flush that clears the sinuses of pus, stagnant mucus, and bacteria.

When to Rinse Your Nose

Nasal lavage is used in combination with other medications and procedures. We will describe some cases when washing is simply necessary.

  1. Nasal lavage is considered an integral part of treatment for diseases such as sinusitis, SARS, adenoiditis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.
  2. Sometimes benign growths called polyps appear in the nose. Because of their growth, breath is laid, a person is forced to constantly breathe through his mouth. This leads to discomfort and other unpleasant consequences. Polyps are easy to get rid of with a course of nasal lavage.
  3. Nasal rinsing has a powerful preventive effect in protecting against bacteria and viruses. If you have been in a closed room with a large number of people (especially during the period of respiratory diseases), the risk of infection increases dramatically. Therefore, when you come home, you must definitely do a nose wash. This will protect you from getting sick, even if the virus has already entered your nose. It will simply wash off and will not have time to penetrate the body. This is especially true for people with reduced immunity - these are children, the elderly, pregnant women.
  4. Washing is also very effective for allergic diseases. If allergens get into the nose, they will torment a person for a long time. Rinsing the nose will help reduce the amount of allergens in the body, get rid of sneezing, itching in the nose, and the flow of mucus.
  5. In addition, many doctors say that regular washing of the nose helps to strengthen the immune system, make a person more stress-resistant, efficient. Washing the nose improves the overall microflora of the body, which reduces the risk of asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Washing improves the patient's condition with nervous exhaustion, headache, fatigue.

Thus, nasal lavage is a necessary procedure for many categories of patients. But for washing to be beneficial, the procedure must be performed correctly.

How to rinse the nose - the technique of the procedure

You can rinse your nose with any medicine that you can buy at a pharmacy or prepare yourself. We will talk about the variety of medicines a little later, but now you will learn how to do a classic nasal rinse with salt water.

  1. Take two glasses of warm water, about 40 degrees. When washing, do not use cold water, because you can cause hypothermia. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in water. Salt draws mucus out, relieves swelling of the mucosa and disinfects the surface from various bacteria and microbes.
  2. For washing, you can use a small rubber bulb, a large-volume syringe (without a needle, of course) or a small kettle. The procedure should be carried out over the sink or over the basin.
  3. If you are using a kettle, fill it with salt water. Attach the spout of the teapot to the right nostril, and tilt your head to the left. Gently pour salt water into the nostril. If the nose is clear and you have sufficiently relaxed all the muscles, water will flow out of the left nostril.
  4. If fluid leaks out of the mouth, then you are doing the nasal lavage incorrectly. It is necessary, as it were, to clamp the throat so that the liquid does not get into it.
  5. If washing is done with a bulb or syringe, pay attention to the fact that you do not need to supply water with strong pressure. In this case, the accumulated mucus can get into the middle ear.
  6. After washing, you need to blow your nose thoroughly in each nostril so that no solution remains in the nose. Keep in mind that for about an hour, residual mucus and fluid will flow from the nose - this is normal.
  7. After the procedure, it is better not to go outside. Water washes away not only mucus, but also beneficial microflora. Cold air, getting on the mucous membrane, can lead to hypothermia of the body. It is best to do the procedure a few hours before bedtime.
  8. As it was said, washing the nose washes away the beneficial microflora of the nasal mucosa along with the bacteria. Therefore, it is often impossible to do the procedure. Rinsing the nose is best done no more than twice a day in case of illness and once a day as a preventive measure.

Washing the nose in childhood is permissible only if the child understands the essence of the procedure and agrees to carry it out. Forcibly rinse the nose should not be, the child may choke. For the same reason, the nose is not washed with young children - they can choke on the water that got into the nose.

Washing the nose of young children is carried out using a pipette. Type salt water into a pipette and drop 3-4 drops into each nostril of the baby. Salt water thins the mucus to make it easier to expel. A child of the first year of life cannot yet blow his nose, so the mucus must be removed with special devices. In a pharmacy, you can buy a nozzle pump, which is a small rubber bulb. With the help of the vacuum that is created in the nostril, it draws out all the mucus and the rest of the salt water. Such washing is very useful for the child. It not only cleanses the baby's airways, but also moisturizes the mucous membranes. After all, as you know, if the mucous membrane is overdried, this creates favorable conditions for the development of bacteria.

Nasal irrigation solutions

In the pharmacy, you can choose any suitable nasal rinse. They are usually made from pure water and sea salt. These are Aquamaris, Aqualor, Dolphin, Salin, Otrivin, Humer. They are very convenient to use because the packaging has a special dispenser adapted for nasal rinsing.

If the washing is professional and done in the office of an ENT doctor, special formulations are usually used that contain antibiotics.

You can also use any antiseptics that can be found in every home first aid kit. These are furatsilin, chlorophyllipt, hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate. One of the most effective home remedies for rinsing the nose is sea water. It is easy to prepare because the ingredients can be found in every home. Add a pinch of salt, baking soda and a few drops of iodine to a glass of water.

In more serious cases, with purulent stagnation, miramistin, protorgol, chloramphenicol are used. The use of these drugs for a simple cold, as well as without a doctor's prescription, is undesirable.

Herbal decoctions, plant juice and other traditional medicine recipes have no less pronounced medicinal properties. They relieve swelling and inflammation, disinfect the mucous membrane, anesthetize and soothe. We have collected for you the most effective and effective recipes.

  1. Chamomile. This flower has a huge amount of medicinal properties. To rinse your nose with chamomile decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of dried inflorescences and two glasses of water. Pour boiling water over the chamomile and let the broth brew for about an hour. When the decoction is still warm enough, it should be strained and used to rinse the nose. Chamomile decoction relieves swelling and redness, soothes the mucous membranes, improves blood circulation. It is also very effective in allergic reactions.
  2. Calendula. This plant is known to everyone due to its antiseptic properties. Prepare a healing decoction - one tablespoon of the plant per half liter of boiling water. A calendula nasal rinse solution is often used for viral colds. A decoction of calendula can also be used for associated symptoms, such as gargling.
  3. Mint and eucalyptus. Mint decoctions are used for washing to relieve severe swelling and clear the airways. Take a tablespoon of mint or eucalyptus and prepare a rich decoction. Do a wash with this composition to breathe through your nose with pleasure.
  4. Celandine. Washing the nose with celandine has a powerful medicinal effect on the body. When preparing the solution, you need to be extremely careful - in a concentrated form, the decoction can be poisonous. For two glasses of water, you need to add no more than two teaspoons of the crushed plant. A decoction of celandine has been successfully used to treat sinusitis, sinusitis, and adenoiditis.
  5. Beets and honey. For many diseases of the respiratory tract, this folk recipe is used. Grate the beetroot and squeeze the juice out of it. Dissolve 10 tablespoons of beetroot juice and a tablespoon of natural honey in a glass of warm water. It is best if the honey is fresh in a liquid state (that is, candied honey will not give the desired benefit). Rinse the nose with the prepared composition, as usual. It helps with both allergic and viral infections.

When Not to Rinse Your Nose

Any procedure has contraindications. Nasal lavage is no exception. The nose should not be washed in case of nosebleeds and a tendency to nosebleeds. Also, you can not self-medicate with any tumors in the nasal passages. Washing is strictly contraindicated in otitis and damage to the eardrum. If there is a history of trauma to the nasal septum, it is not recommended to rinse the nose, as in this case the flow of mucus and fluid can be unpredictable. And, of course, you do not need to rinse your nose with a solution to the components of which you are allergic.

Nasal irrigation is a natural and effective procedure for clearing the airways, protecting against viruses and removing germs. Rinse your nose, take care of yourself and be healthy!

Video: how to rinse your nose

Good afternoon

Now autumn has begun. True, it is still very warm in our southern regions, such pleasant warm days are standing. But in the evenings and at night it is already cool.

With the beginning of autumn, unfortunately, there are more and more cases of colds. And I want to tell you about the best, in my opinion, remedy for a runny nose - nasal lavage and how to properly rinse your nose at home using salt water.

I always treat a runny nose like this in just two days without using any drops. As a result of washing, so much mucus comes out! The nose and paranasal (maxillary, frontal) sinuses are cleaned. Breathing becomes very easy, it seems that even in the head brightened up.

How to rinse your nose

For washing the nose, you can use special saline solutions. But it is best to rinse the nose with salt dissolved in water.

You can use both sea salt and regular table salt. Sea salt is perhaps the best remedy, but it is not a prerequisite. Salt works great too. In general, it can cure many diseases.

What flushing equipment to use

People also wash their nose with syringes, syringes, bottles, special teapots with a narrow spout. Some suck in salt water from their palms. But I do not agree with this method at all, it seems to me that complete washing cannot be achieved in this way.

I do what I once read in a book.

Many years ago I bought a book by A.N. Zubkov and A.P. Ochapovsky Hatha yoga for beginners. I never joined this lifestyle system, but I remembered the lesson on washing the nose, printed in it, for the rest of my life.

For the nose wash procedure at home, I use the most common teapot. No special vessel is needed, and the teapot spout can be of any thickness. In order not to damage the nasal mucosa, I put an ordinary rubber nipple on the spout of the teapot, which is used for feeding children. Such nipples are always sold in a pharmacy, and maybe you can find them at home if you have small children.

On the nipple with scissors I cut a small hole with a diameter of 3-5 mm.

Naturally, the kettle and nipple must be clean.

How to properly rinse your nose

Now more about how to properly rinse your nose with water.

How often can you rinse your nose

You can rinse your nose in the morning and / or evening before going to bed, but no more than 2 times a day.

When treating a runny nose and other problems, we perform the procedure for as many days as necessary for a complete recovery, even throughout life.

For prevention during epidemics of influenza and other viral diseases, when people around are sick, it is advisable to wash your nose at least once a day.

And even with full health, once a week you need to do a nose wash, as yoga advises.

How to rinse your nose: video

I also want to suggest watching a video on how to rinse your nose at home.

True, there the man says that this procedure is very unpleasant. I don’t agree with him, there’s nothing wrong with that, you just need to slowly choose the correct position of your head. If it doesn’t work right away, don’t despair, try again, then get used to it.

I still chose a video that was not very successful, but I just didn’t find another one on this topic, but I wanted to show the very procedure for washing the nose and exhaling after it. I consider it unsuccessful in the sense that it is recommended to use a teapot with a narrow spout. (I advise anyone by putting a pacifier on him), and some very confusing way of determining the amount of salt. In addition, this man also manages to talk while washing!

Why rinse your nose with salt water

I always rinse my nose with saline solution, for, for the prevention of influenza.

By the way, there is another very effective remedy against the flu that I have tested -. I've been using it for several years now and don't get the flu at all.

But the authors of the book argue that washing the nose with salt water is useful for acute and chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis, the initial form of glaucoma, insomnia, drowsiness and poor memory. Washing the nose stimulates the development of intelligence and even prevents premature hair loss! It has a strong effect on the whole body, especially on the head.

Washing the nose normalizes nasal breathing, so it is very valuable for the health of the whole organism.

Washing the nose with salt water. Contraindications and restrictions

The nose wash procedure should not be used:

  • with frequent nosebleeds
  • with otitis media
  • if the nose is completely blocked, that is, both nostrils.

    In this case, in order for the nose to breathe, I advise you to tap your fingers on the bridge of your nose from above, to the left and to the right alternately for half a minute, at first lightly, the second time harder. It helps me.

Washing the nose is an extremely useful procedure. It is widespread in some cultures, for example, actively practiced among yogis.

In our realities, washing the nose is of great preventive importance, because the salted solution allows you to remove accumulated mucus, restore nasal breathing, reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and reduce the amount of secretions, in addition, it is an excellent remedy for easing breathing with a runny nose and effective prevention of sinusitis.

How often should you rinse your nose?

If you develop rhinitis, then to stop the disease, you can rinse your nose 3-4 times a day, about an hour or two after eating.

How to rinse your nose?

You can purchase a ready-made solution for washing the nose at the pharmacy, all preparations for washing the upper respiratory tract contain an isotonic solution - a solution of sodium chloride (salt) at a concentration of 0.9%. There are also preparations based on sea water.

But you can prepare a solution for washing at home by dissolving half a teaspoon of ordinary salt in a glass of water. However, the exact concentration of salt should be determined individually, because if the solution pinches, be sure to add water and make it less salty.

The temperature of the solution for washing should be comfortable and close to body temperature - 36.6 degrees. Too hot water can injure the nasal mucosa.

In addition, you can wash your nose with a weak decoction of herbs, such as chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, or other anti-inflammatory herbs. You can rinse your nose with any mineral water without gas or ordinary boiled water.

Nasal wash technology

Most ENT offices have special devices that help rinse the nose. However, this method should be resorted to either as prescribed by a doctor, or if home washing is not suitable for you, which is not so difficult to do.

For home washing, you will need a syringe or a regular syringe without a needle, into which you need to draw a pre-prepared solution. Bend over the sink, turn your head to the side so that the solution entering the nostril, bending around the nasal septum, flows out through the other nostril. Breathe through your mouth. Insert the tip of the syringe or syringe into the nostril and apply pressure, but not too abruptly, into the nose.

If the airway is not obstructed, the solution will pass through the nasopharynx and out through the second nostril. Do not be alarmed if some of the solution flows out through your mouth. Do the same with the second nostril and blow your nose after the procedure. The main thing is to learn how to relax while washing.

If you need to wash your child's nose, then the washing method is exactly the same, the only thing is, ask the baby to hold his breath while inhaling. The main thing is that he is not afraid of this procedure, so first show the process with your own example.

If you need to rinse the nose of a baby, then put it on its back and drip 2-3 drops of saline into the nostril, after which, with a flagellum made of cotton soaked in oil, very carefully clean it, twisting the cotton no more than 2 cm. Then do the same do the same with the other nostril.

Alternative ways

If the classic way of rinsing your nose with salt water seems uncomfortable, you can try doing it differently. For example, pouring water from a teapot into the nostril and releasing it through the mouth. You can try to suck in a saline solution from a saucer with your nose.

Why rinse your nose during a runny nose?

Usually the main source of inflammation is a virus that has entered the nasal cavity. Because of rhinitis, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, swells, and edema begins. Usually, a runny nose is combined with inflammation of the nasopharynx and pharynx, that is, nasal congestion is complemented by a sore throat, but inflammation can spread below the level of the pharynx - into the larynx, which will lead to laryngitis.

In addition, edema can spread to the mouth of the auditory tube, the middle ear loses its ability to cleanse, which will lead to the development of otitis media.

To prevent this path of the virus from the nose to the larynx and middle ear, it is worth rinsing the nose at the first symptoms of a runny nose, which will help remove plaque, excess mucus and pus.

Also, washing the nose during illness helps medicines work better - sprays, drops and ointments. If the nasal mucosa is not cleansed, but covered with mucus or pus, then the drug will fall on the secretions and exit the nose with them, without bringing the expected relief or therapeutic effect.

When not to wash

If the nose is blocked. With acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, the mucosa swells and blocks normal breathing, so there is a risk of applying a solution with too much pressure and, together with the liquid, bringing the causative agent of the disease to the middle ear. Therefore, during washing, the nose must breathe, in extreme cases, vasoconstrictor drops can be used before the procedure.

Before leaving the house, rinse your nose at least half an hour before you go outside.

With a curved septum, the washing efficiency will be extremely low.

In the presence of polyps, it is useless to rinse the nose on your own; in this case, qualified assistance is needed.

Also, contraindications to washing the nose are tumor formations in the nasal cavity, a predisposition to nosebleeds, inflammation of the middle ear or the risk of its occurrence, an allergic reaction to the components of the solution.