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What does a veterinarian do? What your veterinarian needs to know


Being a veterinarian is a decision made by animal lovers. Of course, being a veterinarian has its pros and cons. What are the disadvantages of being a veterinarian on the surface? What are the obvious advantages of being a veterinarian? Let's find out.

Many people want to help animals since childhood, treat and save them. And they carry this desire until the moment of graduation, when the choice of professional activity is made. But before making the final choice and submitting documents to a veterinary school, you need to clearly understand both the advantages of the veterinary profession and its disadvantages, so as not to experience disappointment when the time for education has already been spent and it will be more difficult to change the choice of profession. Of course, like any other, the veterinarian profession has its pros and cons.

Disadvantages of being a veterinarian

Let's start with the cons. The main disadvantage of the veterinarian profession, which is recognized by the majority of veterinarians and simply sympathetic animal lovers, is the fact that not all animals can be helped; some cannot be saved. And sometimes you even have to give a hopelessly ill animal an “injection,” which makes it easier to care for. For a truly caring person, this is always difficult. And this is a huge minus of the veterinarian profession. But the future specialist needs to be internally prepared for this outcome and act rationally.

An animal cannot explain in words what is hurting it, and therefore a big disadvantage of the veterinarian’s profession is the need to predict the animal’s condition based on secondary signs. Owners often do not help, but, on the contrary, complicate the specialist’s work, come in a state of nervous excitement and often cannot properly answer questions necessary to clarify an implicit diagnosis, such as “How many times in the last 24 hours has the dog drank water?”, “What kind of stool does it have?” ? and so on. Not everyone is willing to pay a lot of money for expensive tests, and not all owners are willing to provide their pet with the necessary care. Care is often carried out incorrectly, and the animal’s condition worsens because of this. All this complicates the veterinarian’s work and leads to increased stress levels for him.

A relative disadvantage of the veterinarian profession is that there are not as many vacancies for specialists as, for example, for managers, and there are very few universities that train them in this specialty. In Moscow, there are three main universities providing fundamental veterinary education. So it’s a unique profession, quite rare.

On the other hand, a qualified specialist will never remain unclaimed, since there are plenty of veterinary clinics, agricultural enterprises and various institutions where the help of a veterinarian is needed (for example, circuses, stables, a zoo, etc.) in Moscow and the Moscow region.

One advantage of being a veterinarian for residents of the capital is that recently the level of care on the part of owners has been increasing, even network clinics for animals are opening. Yes, and there is the opportunity to work independently. In this case, information about a good specialist will be transmitted in the most effective way - from one owner to another, and if the veterinarian is a classy professional, he will not end up with patients. But still, at the beginning of your career, you should not expect super income; a beginner’s income will be modest. However, this is the case in all areas of activity, and veterinary medicine is no exception.

One of the disadvantages of being a veterinarian is that there is a certain risk of injury, because the animal does not understand that it will be treated, but is afraid, for example, of an injection. And not all animals are as harmless as a cat or a hamster. Veterinarians treat all animals, including cows, horses, elephants, snakes, etc. This requires remarkable self-control for anyone, and the veterinarian must still clearly carry out the necessary actions with the animal.

Another unobvious disadvantage of the veterinarian profession is changing legislation. Often, legislation regarding certain medications changes and their use becomes illegal. And there were cases when veterinarians were forced to choose whether to administer an “illegal” painkiller to an animal or refuse it.

Advantages of being a veterinarian

But at the same time, the profession of a veterinarian is not without its advantages. This profession is a calling and, according to the results of many social surveys, is recognized as one of the most noble, along with the profession of a doctor. The main advantage of being a veterinarian is the opportunity to help animals and people, their owners, because a healthy pet is a joy for the owner. And this is the main advantage of the veterinarian profession, which, according to established veterinarians, outweighs all of the above disadvantages.

Anyone can love animals when they don’t cause trouble, but when they need help, that’s a completely different matter. The advantage of being a veterinarian is the opportunity to combine romanticism, nobility and a large supply of love. It will require not only academic knowledge, but also the ability to quickly react and make decisions. It requires courage and often physical endurance from the veterinarian. Observation, the ability to listen and show sympathy, to win over - these qualities are necessary for a veterinarian. A good doctor will very quickly figure out what is hurting the animal, choose the necessary treatment and calm the worried owner.

A big plus of the veterinarian profession is that helping our smaller brothers has a positive effect on the moral side of the life of the person carrying out this profession. After all, helping people is one thing, but helping those who seem to always need help is another.

Which of the listed pros and cons of being a veterinarian is more important, what will prevail at the moment of choosing a profession - the opportunity to save the lives of animals or the fear of negative aspects - is up to you to decide.

9th grade student “B”
gymnasium No. 1532
Gordeeva AnastasiaVeterinarian

Who is a veterinarian?

A veterinarian (veterinarian, paramedic) is a specialist with a higher or secondary specialized education involved in the treatment of animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties.
The list of animals that are required to study their anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, etc. includes: horse, large and small cattle, pig, dog, cat, rabbit, mouse, poultry, camel, etc. In addition to general disciplines, veterinarian knows also private ones - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (leather, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.).

The word veterinarian in Latin means one who treats livestock.
Veterinarian is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. People began to heal animals since their domestication.
The first veterinarians appeared in pastoral tribes several thousand years ago. Already at that time, some herbs, such as wormwood, were used to treat animals.
In ancient states they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly valued such people. In Ancient Egypt there was an educational institution called the House of Life. The medicinal papyri found during excavations described recipes for preparing medicines for bulls, sheep, pigs, goats, and geese. History of the profession

In ancient Greece there were horse doctors. They were called hippiaters.
In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests treated animals.
They have long treated cattle in Rus'. The first written mention of horse doctors can be read in Novgorod scribe books of the 15th century.

History of the profession

Profession refers to:

Profession refers to:
Type - man-nature.
The class is Gnostic.
The department is manual.
Group - work takes place in everyday conditions, with increased moral responsibility

Characteristics of the profession

Professional suitability

This is a profession with relative professional suitability.
In order to become a veterinarian, you must undergo special training.

Love to the animals
Four-legged patients feel this love very well, so they agree to endure the most painful procedure from one doctor, but will not even allow another to examine themselves. It happened that a young certified specialist had to change his profession due to the fact that animals categorically refused to communicate with him. A veterinarian's talent, like any other, is a gift from above.

Qualities important for a veterinarian

Hard work
Physical strength
Long-term memory
Logical thinking
Stress resistance

Who Shouldn't Be a Veterinarian

Allergies to animals and medications.
Physical impairments that interfere with examinations and procedures.

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Where can I get a profession?

Veterinarian professions can be obtained at universities:
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K. I. Scriabin.
Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology.
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

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What does it take to become a good specialist?

Knowledgeable people advise assisting, gaining experience and establishing contacts with specialists in veterinary clinics as early as possible.
At first, you should hardly count on a good salary (up to 2 thousand rubles), but after graduating from a university, having practical experience is crucial for getting a well-paid job.


Describing everything a veterinarian needs to know is not easy. The profession, of course, is ancient; much of it is based on traditional methods of treatment. But the modern world does not tolerate only herbalists and healers.

Today, a veterinarian needs to know not at all folk legends about the proportions in which to mix plantain and coltsfoot to cure an upset stomach in a horse, but the anatomy and physiology of animals. Knowledge of the latest trends and innovations in pharmaceutical science will also be required.

What does a veterinarian need to know when applying to an educational institution?

If you want to enroll in training for this profession, first of all, what a veterinarian needs to know are school subjects: biology, chemistry, mathematics and Russian. After all, it is the results of these subjects that will be taken into account when entering a university, and knowledge on them will be very useful in the learning process. Of course, biology is the first and main thing a veterinarian needs to know. But chemistry is also important in order to better understand the processes occurring in the body, the effect of drugs on it, and the mechanisms of cell interaction.

Many veterinarians, chuckling, say that a veterinarian will diagnose a person faster than a general practitioner, because a veterinarian is a general practitioner and studies absolutely all aspects of healing at a university. After all, the volume that a veterinarian needs to know is enormous. They have no specialization, and every doctor must be ready to perform any medical action. A veterinarian and a therapist, a surgeon, an obstetrician, a cosmetologist, a nutritionist, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, and a traumatologist at the same time.

A veterinarian must know everything and have basic knowledge in all areas of medicine. The breadth of a veterinarian's horizons will give odds to a human doctor. Some division by specialization exists only in large cities, where there are many veterinary clinics and the doctor has the opportunity to focus on one area, for example, dentistry.

What should a veterinarian know?

A qualified veterinarian must be able to treat anyone, not only domestic animals (cats, dogs, parrots or snakes), but also farm animals (cows, horses, goats, birds, bees and fish, and even ostriches, there are also ostrich farms in Russia).

What else does a veterinarian need to know?

Anatomy is an interesting science about the structure of the body of a living creature, how animals differ from each other. Physiology tells how the animal’s body works, what physiological life processes take place in it, what is the nature of nerve impulses, how the blood circulation process occurs, and much more. These are the basic disciplines that a veterinarian needs to know; without them it is impossible to become a doctor.

But beyond that, future veterinarians need to know a little bit about everything. Also, a student who wants to become a good specialist must also read scientific literature. Of course, veterinary faculties also have practical classes.

In addition to everything that a veterinarian needs to know theoretically, a true professional is shaped by experience. The more extensive and versatile this practical experience is, the better the veterinarian will be, and the better his demand on the labor market will be. After all, only a wealthy person can work out of altruistic motives, and there are not many of them. The majority still need to live on something.

A good veterinarian not only treats pets, but also teaches their owners how to properly handle their pets. Therefore, the veterinarian also needs to know psychological science. This is especially important when communicating with owners of exotic animals, since in our country there are almost no veterinarians who treat diseases of such animals.

There is so much a veterinarian needs to know and be able to do, but the main thing a veterinarian needs is, of course, a great love for animals and a desire to help them, this will help to overcome all difficulties, of which there will be many, and become a good doctor.

The profession of a veterinarian is very necessary and in demand and brings not only difficulties, but also very often gives joyful moments. These are the moments when the doctor sees the result of his labors - a rescued pet and the joyful smiles of its owners.

Details Updated: 01/23/2019 19:26 Published: 05/09/2017 14:24

A veterinarian is a doctor who treats various animals.

History of the profession:

The origins of this profession go back to the times when people domesticated the first animals, the treatment of which fell on the shoulders of healers and skilled observers of wildlife. During the period when horses and pack animals gained strategic importance, without which both armies and trade caravans could not do, the importance of the veterinarian profession increased greatly.

The first veterinary schools appeared in the Middle Ages. Mostly, they were opened on the territory of existing medical institutions.

Features of the profession:

Today, this profession is in average demand in the labor market. The veterinarian is a specialist who deals with more than just cute pets. Experienced professionals are able to provide qualified assistance even to exotic animals and predators.

Veterinary clinics often employ specialists with narrower profiles. It is better for the future veterinarian to decide on a direction in the first days of study. Based on your interests and personal preferences, you can choose specialties such as traumatology, surgery, ophthalmology, etc.

Before choosing this profession, it is worth considering that veterinarian job It is not suitable for everyone, as it involves frequent visits to the patient’s home and business trips. People who constantly experience discomfort from frequent travel are better off choosing a different type of activity.

Profession veterinarian has its visible advantages and disadvantages. Work in this field is suitable for people who truly love animals and sincerely want to help them. At the same time, the doctor must be extremely careful, because there is a risk of getting a bite or a scratch from a frightened animal during the examination, or a disease carried by his ward.


The veterinarian is a specialist who treats and prevents many diseases and performs various types of surgical interventions. He must also provide qualified assistance to animals during childbirth, using the method of euthanasia to relieve pets from suffering who have no chance of further recovery.

Specialists in this profile also monitor the quality of animal products sold in markets and stores. In case of the slightest discrepancy with the fixed GOST standards, veterinarians issue a conclusion according to which the product will be considered hazardous to health. In the future, such goods are not allowed for sale, and are then confiscated.

Important qualities:

No allergies to wool;
- love to the animals;
- responsibility;
- ability to remember a lot of information;
- fine motor skills are well developed;
- self-control;
- ability to act coherently in emergency situations;
- endurance;
- stress resistance.

Skills and knowledge:

Veterinarian job is impossible without knowledge of the physiology and types of animal diseases, key methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. Additionally, a good specialist should know the features of proper maintenance of almost all types of living creatures.

Prospects and career:

The Association of Veterinarians emphasizes that graduates of specialized educational institutions are required to begin their careers as assistants. Getting such a job while studying will not be difficult.

According to statistics, 76% of Russian residents have pets: from familiar cats and dogs to exotic lizards, snakes and spiders. And each pet owner, if not regularly, then at least once in his life, seeks help from a veterinarian. After all, for most of us, our little brothers are not just animals that brighten up our leisure time, but full-fledged family members who, like people, sometimes get sick and need the help of a doctor.

According to statistics, 76% of Russian residents have pets: from familiar cats and dogs to exotic lizards, snakes and spiders. And each of the pet owners, if not regularly, then at least once in their life, turns to veterinarian. After all, for most of us, our little brothers are not just animals that brighten up our leisure time, but full-fledged family members who, like people, sometimes get sick and need the help of a doctor.

All this suggests that “Aibolit” are no less (if not more) in demand among the residents of our country than “human” doctors. This fact, coupled with the widespread belief that a veterinarian has less responsibility than human doctors, is causing many young people to storm agricultural and agricultural academies. But at the same time, many do not even suspect that a diploma veterinarian, does not guarantee that the specialist will be popular among animal owners. And all because in this profession it is not so much knowledge and experience that are very important, but the presence of certain personal qualities, which you can learn about from this article.

Who is a veterinarian?

A veterinarian is a qualified specialist involved in the treatment of animals (domestic pets, zoo pets, birds and farm animals, circus “artists”, etc.), as well as disease prevention and other related duties related to veterinary medicine.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin veterinarius (relating to draft animals). This suggests that the first veterinarians cared exclusively for farm animals. By the way, despite the fact that veterinary medicine as such appeared in ancient times (presumably, simultaneously with the practice of domesticating wild animals), the official date of its emergence veterinary profession It is generally accepted that the year 1761 was the year when the first veterinary school was opened in Lyon.

It is not difficult to guess that a universal veterinarian, like a universal “human” doctor, does not exist, since each type of animal has its own characteristics. And one person is simply not able to study them all. Therefore, modern veterinary medicine includes a huge number of narrow specializations, which depend not only on what animals the specialist works with, but also on the field of activity (for example, veterinary surgeon, veterinary herpetologist, veterinary oncologist or veterinary ornithologist).

Professional duties of a veterinarian largely depend on specialization. However, in general, any specialist is obliged to: monitor the correct maintenance and care of the animal, provide medical and preventive care (including sterilization/castration, insemination/delivery), provide the necessary medications, vitamins or disinfectants, provide special care for animals quarantined animals, as well as advise animal owners on treatment and prevention of the disease.

What personal qualities should a veterinarian have?

Because the veterinarian job is inextricably linked with the daily care and treatment of animals, the fundamental factor in choosing this profession is the love for animals and the ability to “understand” them. In addition, a veterinarian, like any other medical professional, must have the following personal qualities:

Of course, a veterinarian cannot cure an animal with love and understanding alone, so to conduct a successful professional activity, he will need a whole set of skills and knowledge, among which special attention deserves: knowledge of the basics of medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, biology, zoology and chemistry, knowledge of methods and methods of interaction with animals, extensive knowledge of the biological characteristics of various animal species and the physicochemical characteristics of the composition of medical preparations.

Benefits of being a veterinarian

As mentioned above, Aibolit today is in demand no less than “human” doctors, and this is one of the main benefits of being a veterinarian. Moreover, the income of some veterinarians is much higher than the salaries of even very good doctors who treat people. This is especially true for veterinarians who specialize in treating exotic and expensive animals (for example, purebred horses).

Speaking about the income of veterinarians, we cannot fail to mention that these specialists have great opportunities to run their own business. And for this it is not at all necessary to make large investments in opening a private veterinary clinic. Grateful animal owners pass on a good specialist to each other “from hand to hand,” so the specialist can simply provide services privately on a home call. The main thing is to prove yourself well and truly love your job.

The benefits also include a wide range of veterinarian acquaintances. After all, today animals are not only pets, but also a kind of fashion brand - almost all the “rich and famous” have already managed to “feature” themselves in photo shoots with their four-legged friends (for example, photos of the Russian President with his dogs regularly appear in the media). Therefore, among the clients of a good veterinarian there may be both the most ordinary, but very interesting Russians, and the “powers of this world”, who can be useful to a specialist in everyday life.

Disadvantages of being a veterinarian

The main difficulty of any veterinarian’s work is that his patients cannot tell or show what, where and how they are worried. Therefore, a specialist has to make diagnoses based on symptoms, test results and his own intuition. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to correctly diagnose an animal, which sometimes leads to irreversible consequences. Of course, no one in Russia will hold a veterinarian legally liable for the death of an animal. However, no one has canceled moral responsibility, and every failure leaves a dark spot on the specialist’s reputation (which directly affects the number of clients and the amount of earnings).

Undoubtedly disadvantage of being a veterinarian there is a high risk of specialist injury. Animals do not always understand that the doctor wants to help them, so bites and scratches almost constantly “decorate” the veterinarian’s hands and feet. This does not exclude the possibility of contracting serious diseases that can be transmitted to a veterinarian from a sick animal.

Speaking about the profession of a veterinarian, one cannot help but say that the work schedule of these specialists is irregular (especially if the doctor is faced with difficult cases), and due to the high physical and emotional stress, only true enthusiasts can remain in the profession for a long time.

Where can you become a veterinarian?

The medical university invites doctors and nursing staff for professional retraining. Training takes place on a part-time basis using distance learning technologies, which allows you to combine study with work. The training program is based on relevant educational and professional standards.

Become a veterinarian possible at any agricultural or agricultural university. True, the future specialist needs to be prepared for the fact that he will first have to spend 6 years studying, and then work for some more time as an assistant to a practicing veterinarian. The fact is that Russian universities basically train specialists to work with farm animals, so young veterinarians can become familiar with the peculiarities of treating pets under the guidance of more experienced colleagues. And only after acquiring practical skills can a novice veterinarian begin independent practice.