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What to do with your appearance. How to change yourself externally in a short time? Where to start change

Want to know how to change your appearance? How to make your face stunningly beautiful and youthful? This rare practice of transformation and rejuvenation will help you!

In this article you will learn how to change your appearance in the way you want. Many of our readers have already been convinced of the effectiveness of this method!

How to change your appearance? Sacred transformation

This practice can be used to rejuvenate¹ facial skin, eliminate various defects: wrinkles, scars, age spots, etc. Using this method, you can also change the shape of the face and give it the desired features.


1. The practitioner picks up his recent photo or mirror and peers at it for 1-2 minutes, remembering his current image. With each breath a person relaxes more and more.

3. Then the practitioner closes his eyes and clearly imagines his real image on his mental screen, and then begins to transform the face in his imagination. This continues until the appearance that a person wants to have appears before his eyes. The transformation procedure can be mentally described with the words: “My wrinkles are smoothing out, they are decreasing and disappearing,” etc.

4. After this, the practitioner directs a powerful stream of energy to his new image, as if illuminating the face with light from within.

5. Then the practitioner opens his eyes and holds the new image in front of him for 30 seconds, clearly remembering all the details of the new face.

6. At the end, the practitioner mentally “takes” this new image with imaginary hands and mentally places it on his face (like an elastic mask). At the same time, he thinks to himself: “This is my new face, I like it, it suits me,” etc.

How long should you exercise?

This practice takes only 15 minutes, but must be done daily for 4 weeks. Then, when the new image is presented clearly and clearly, in the smallest detail, this transformation of appearance can take only 2-3 minutes. You should also “apply” the virtual face immediately after washing your face. The practice can be done when you have a few free minutes, but it should always be done (throughout your entire life).

It is best to do this exercise before bed and after morning procedures, so the energy from the virtual mask will work for several hours, changing and rejuvenating your face.

When will the result be noticeable?

Within a few weeks, everyone around you will notice that your face has become younger, and its features have begun to change. This technique will preserve youth and beauty for many years.

Alexander Svet

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop) is a multifunctional graphics editor developed and distributed by Adobe Systems (

There comes a time in life when you want to change your life completely and start this process with your appearance. Our external transformation entails internal transformation. External changes can be dramatic, or they can only affect individual elements of the overall image. Here everything depends only on your personal desire.

Where to start your external transformation?

First of all, it will be important to determine for yourself what you want to get from life by changing yourself. What reasons force you to do this: maybe you are bored with your job or relationship that is not going any further and has not satisfied you for a long time, but you are afraid to admit it to yourself. Maybe you just want to feel like a young girl, for whom the doors to adulthood are just opening, and you still have everything ahead of you?

Think about what changes can help you feel all this in yourself. Mentally imagine what in your appearance can evoke such emotions in you. Short bangs, braid or boyish haircut. Or maybe a minimum of cosmetics on the face will be enough. Once you have visualized yourself in your mind, begin the process of change itself.

In order for you to feel completely transformed on the outside, you need to start with your inner world. Changes in your attitude will allow you to straighten your shoulders, improve and make your gait more confident, hold your head high, change your attitude towards the world, making your eyes sparkle, and bring a smile to your face. To begin with, make a plan for your personal development for the next 15 years. Write down all the radical changes you want to make in your life during this time. Identify what is most important to you and start making your dreams come true. To make changes in your life faster, you can designate the time when you exactly want to implement your plans. You will soon notice that by adhering to your life plan, you will feel how you are beginning to change, becoming more confident in yourself, preferring this appearance over another.

How to change your appearance by choosing a certain style?

  • If you want to become like the girls who solve all their problems themselves and can stand up for themselves, a short haircut or sporty style hairstyle, a high ponytail or braid will suit you. This look will be matched with a minimum of makeup on the face.
  • But for a girl striving for a passionate and vibrant relationship, it is necessary to choose bright makeup and hairstyles that emphasize femininity and the fire hidden inside.

  • Your image should attract the attention of everyone around you. If you want to look like businesswomen, choose three-piece suits and business casual trousers for your wardrobe. Makeup for a business style excludes the use of bright colors and a large layer of mascara. As for hairstyles, you can opt for collected hair or a beautiful medium-length haircut.

Rules for changing appearance

When changing your appearance, remember that you must be careful when choosing this or that image. Your long braid and the image of a determined, energetic girl will absolutely not go together. A short haircut is not suitable for a business style, because it will make your image more sporty and mischievous. Remember: the image you choose should correspond to your state of mind. If you are a quiet and calm girl at heart, then the image of a fatal temptress will only bring discomfort to your soul. If you want to become more serious, changing your appearance will help you become calmer and more balanced. But in both cases, you must first resolve your internal doubts, and external transformation will only help you become different.

How to change your appearance completely?

Those who, for one reason or another, are dissatisfied with their appearance, who feel that their appearance is preventing them from making important changes in life, should change radically. For such a transformation, you should change your hairstyle and, if desired, recolor your hair. There are no restrictions here, if you feel that it is necessary, you can dye your hair a light color if you are a brunette, or vice versa, a burning brunette. When buying new clothes, focus on your inner feelings. You should like your new clothes at first sight.

In order for the external change to really be able to organically merge with your image, you need to work with your inner world. If you smoke, immediately begin to fight this addiction. It does not benefit your health or appearance. Instead, it’s better to sign up for fitness or other sports activities. Be sure to find a completely new activity for yourself, do something unusual for yourself. Start reading other books, watching movies, listening to music. You must consolidate your external transformation with internal changes and then you will become a different person.

We all want to change sooner or later. This can be caused by completely different reasons. It’s simply in human nature to change, thereby marking the past stage and the beginning of a new one in one’s life. It is always better to start with internal changes. It is our internal needs that force us to change externally, thereby emphasizing that we are growing and improving. Having imagined how you want to look, start changing your wardrobe, hairstyle and makeup in accordance with the chosen image. And you yourself will not have time to notice how, by changing your hairstyle, clothes and makeup, you will become a completely different person. All you have to do is take the first step. Good luck with this!

Each person is unique in their own way. This is one of those platitudes that most of us automatically ignore. And really, how much can you talk about the same thing?! But sometimes even such a hackneyed phrase becomes relevant - for example, when you have to completely change yourself. And changes in appearance are only half the battle, but what about radically changing yourself and your life? Here, changing your hairstyle and buying a pair of new shoes is clearly not enough. To completely change yourself, you will have to reconsider many internal attitudes - otherwise, over time, you will return to old habits again.

Interestingly, it is easier for a girl to change herself externally than for a man. But it is internal changes that are easier for representatives of the stronger sex. But in the end, everyone will have to work hard to change themselves, and so that these changes are directed for the better. And in pursuit of the best result, it is advisable to plan your actions. In particular, consider their order. We suggest you start changing with your appearance, paying attention to every detail. Then a new reflection in the mirror will help you more easily cope with the revision of your view of the world and, as a result, change yourself radically, beyond recognition.

How to change radically? And for what?
There are many possible reasons for wanting to change. These can be either forced measures or a desire for development. Among the most common reasons: attempts to forget unrequited love and vice versa, new love, the pursuit of fashion and a change of image for the sake of a new job, the intention to hide the signs of aging and simply a craving for renewal! In any case, you must be prepared for the fact that even the strongest inner intention will encounter several obstacles along the way. First of all, these will be your own habits and habits, which over many years have become part of your nature, inseparable and therefore invisible in everyday life. Cosmetics that you currently use, clothes and accessories that are successfully combined with each other, dietary habits and favorite places to spend leisure time. It will not be possible to keep everything as it was before. But there will be new, better and simply different acquisitions.

Secondly, you may unexpectedly encounter resistance from the outside. Your acquaintances and friends, and especially your closest people, are accustomed to seeing you in a certain light and associate you with some of their own stereotypes. And in order to change yourself externally, radically or at least partially, without additional problems, you will overcome not only your own, but also other people’s experiences. Get ready for the fact that these will be not only positive, but also negative emotions. Can you cope with them? Will you go astray from your intended path? All these questions need to be asked to yourself before you begin to change yourself externally and internally. And answer them as sincerely as possible in order to avoid unforeseen disappointments. But don’t get upset ahead of time and don’t give up. Remind yourself often that change is always better than predictability and boredom. Let the idea of ​​change be inextricably linked for you with self-development and improvement. This will become not only motivation at first, but also significant support in the process. Believe in the correctness of working on yourself - and then you will definitely be able to completely change yourself and improve your life.

How to radically change yourself for the better
To completely change your appearance, you first need to understand what components make up your idea of ​​it. You may even be surprised and realize that there is no need to change yourself completely - just a few, but correctly chosen transformations are enough. Moreover, the deeper the changes and the more there are, the more difficult it is, if necessary, to “rewind” them. And in some cases this will become completely impossible. Therefore, before you decide and start radically changing yourself, do this:

  • Open albums with your photos: new, old, school, children. Review them differently than usual, pay attention not to the memories associated with the photographs, but try to look at yourself as if from the outside. What would you say if there was another person in front of you? What do you like about his appearance? What's not to like? This way you will understand what really wouldn’t hurt to change and what you can leave the same.
  • Take the time to look through gossip columns in print and electronic media. Look at photos of celebrities and mark the ones you like. The point is not to blindly copy the appearance of other rich and famous people. Just keep in mind that professional stylists and image makers work on their images. These professionals have skills and can indirectly suggest ideas for external changes that are difficult to come up with on your own.
In general, your main task for the near future is to clearly define the goal and means of the coming changes. Weigh all the pros and cons, consult with your family and your inner voice. Only after the decision to radically change oneself is fully matured can one safely begin to implement it.

How to radically change your appearance
So, you are ready to completely change and start a new life. A laudable decision, all that remains is to draw up an action plan. And we are ready to help with this - you just have to choose from the proposed list those items that suit you personally. As for gender differences, some of the listed procedures will help girls and men change themselves, others can only be used by the fair sex. Just remember that your appearance, like everything connected with it in life, is in your hands. With this confidence, begin to radically change yourself:

  1. Wardrobe. The style of clothing and shoes, the manner of combining basic wardrobe items with accessories is an integral part of the appearance. Sometimes it’s enough to change into clothes that aren’t typical for people to look at you in a new way. It is difficult to give specific recommendations without knowing the person personally. But in a general sense, there are two main ways to change your image. In one case, you can suddenly and dramatically change the contents of your closet, throw away or give away old things and buy new ones instead, radically different in style, color and/or quality. For example, if you previously wore shoes exclusively with flat soles, now you will have to learn to walk in heels. Swap comfortable jeans for short skirts, a leather biker jacket for a cashmere coat, or vice versa. In the second case, start changing your wardrobe gradually, looking closely at the reflection in the mirror and listening to your own feelings. Keep a few old items in case you can't completely give up your usual style. Pay special attention to jewelry, hats and bags. These seemingly minor details greatly influence the image as a whole. In particular, with the help of several different belts you can transform a completely ordinary dress or sweater every day.
  2. Hairstyle. Hair helps both create an impression of a person and radically change it. The most common way to change yourself among both women and men is to have a short haircut. The shorter, the more dramatic the changes. Men can even shave their hair bald - after all, it is believed that they store energetic information about a person. By completely getting rid of your hair, you will begin to live as if anew, from scratch. For women who are not ready for such radical actions, it is enough to noticeably change the length of their hair, cut off the braid or give the haircut a new shape. The trimmed strands, in turn, will have to be styled in a new way, so in the end the image will change quite a lot. There is also the opposite way: if you previously had short hair, now extend it or at least buy a wig. By the way, a wig, like extensions, is a great way to radically change yourself for a while, for the sake of a costume party, masquerade or other special event.
    In addition to cutting your hair, hair coloring also changes your appearance. It is difficult to imagine a more dramatic change in appearance than the “transformation” of a brunette into a blonde, a blonde into a redhead, etc. When choosing a new hair color, take into account the color type of your appearance and use high-quality dyes so that you don’t end up with damaged strands instead of a new look. Then a haircut will remain your only way to change yourself. In the meantime, you can start with gradual changes: buy a curling iron and curl your straight hair, or use an iron to straighten curly ones. In order not to waste time on this every morning, go to the salon for permanent curling or lamination of strands. Consult a specialist who, unlike your relatives and yourself, will look at your appearance with a fresh look. And for variety, buy colored mascara, several different clips and hair accessories, don’t be afraid to experiment with hairstyles, weaves and styling.
  3. Face. This is the most noticeable part of the human appearance. It must be changed very carefully, because dramatic changes in the face often cannot be undone. So let's start small. For girls, this is, of course, makeup and other cosmetics. The first thing that is necessary to change for the better is to solve existing problems yourself or under the guidance of a professional cosmetologist. And only then contact a makeup artist or choose new makeup techniques on your own. The main advantage of decorative cosmetics is its easy and traceless removal, so you can experiment with makeup as much as you like and change it at least every day. For those who already use a lot of cosmetics, you can do it differently: give up paint and switch to calmer tones and natural, unnoticeable makeup. It may not hurt to get eyelash extensions or correct the shape of your eyebrows - it all depends on your natural characteristics.
    Men can easily change their appearance by simply growing or shaving their beard and/or mustache. You can start with a brutal three-day stubble, and then bring your facial hair to more noticeable volumes. But the most radical way to change beyond recognition is, of course, plastic surgery. A scalpel in the hands of a surgeon can change the shape of your nose, the shape of your eyes, the height of your cheekbones and the entire oval of your face. These operations are not cheap and are quite risky, so you should resort to them only in case of emergency. By and large, a direct indication for plastic surgery can only be an injury, health condition, or another equally valid objective reason. However, the services of surgeons are often resorted to only because one’s own appearance does not seem attractive enough. Well, only you have the right to control your face and all its features, but you will also have to bear responsibility for changes.
  4. Body. In order to change your figure, you will have to work hard. Play sports, switch to a healthy and balanced diet. And still, a positive result will be limited by the capabilities of the physique given by nature. Roughly speaking, you can remove your belly, tighten your buttocks and lose weight, but the length of your legs and height will remain the same, the shape of your bones and the width of your pelvis will not change. Serious deviations can be corrected by surgical methods: the Ilizarov apparatus, prostheses and implants. Although the latter are often used just out of subjective wishes to enlarge the breasts, buttocks, lips and other parts of the body. Equally specific procedures include removing ribs to narrow the waist, liposuction, and hair and skin transplants. Depending on the situation, these methods can either save a person or fulfill a fashion fad. So, if you are not sure about the need for serious intervention in the body, it is better to limit yourself to sports training. Well, or get a tattoo, after all.
  5. Illusion. The fastest and most inexpensive way to change yourself is pretend. It became very popular in the wake of the massive passion for social networks. We are talking about changing appearance not in reality, but in photographs. With the help of Photoshop and/or another graphic editor, you can “look younger”, “lose weight”, get rid of wrinkles, gray hair and other external imperfections. Unfortunately, this method has one huge disadvantage: none of these transformations, no matter how radical, will truly change you. But there is also a significant plus: corrected images can become a powerful incentive to make you want to change. Print the photo and put it in your wallet, hang it somewhere you can see it, or save it on your phone. Every time you look at it, note the important path ahead of you and notice all the positive changes.
When starting to make drastic changes, remember that you can change yourself externally only to a certain limit, but internal changes for the better are limitless, and you can do them all your life, discovering new resources and opportunities in yourself. So don't stop at just changing your hairstyle and wardrobe. Travel, meet new people and read good books, watch innovative movies and listen to the sounds of unusual music. All this will help you change internally and complement external changes for the better.

In this article we will not talk about the reasons for this decision, although they can be very alarming and even criminal. We will assume that the question “Why?” you have an absolutely sensible and adequate answer. We will talk about how to change your appearance, and it is necessary to separate this concept from “becoming more beautiful.” These are completely different things. Life is very cruel and unfair, so not everyone can become beautiful, but everyone can change their appearance. And it is not at all necessary to go under the surgeon’s knife for this.

How to change your appearance?

When it comes to women, the first thing that comes to mind is getting a bob haircut. There are no such clichés regarding men, probably due to their greater endurance and constancy in this matter.

Here are some universal methods:

  1. No matter how trivial it may sound, one of the measures really is change of hairstyle. It is advisable to contact a good stylist who will select for you something original and appropriate to your state of mind;
  2. For men - grow/shave a beard, for women - change makeup;
  3. Change your clothing style. If you have always worn loose clothes, then put on a business suit; if you preferred subdued tones, then it’s time for bright styles with unusual prints;
  4. Start wearing glasses with ordinary glass. It is very important to choose the right frame. If you already wear them, then vice versa - switch to contact lenses or get laser vision correction;
  5. Get yourself tanned. Artificial or natural - it doesn't matter.

Try something new and experiment until you feel that you have found something that matches your inner urge to change your appearance.

Fast and cheap ways

As a rule, there is nothing good in such methods, but sometimes life circumstances arise that you have to resort to them:

  • Shave your head. Suitable for both men and women;
  • Gain excess weight by starting to eat cheap and unhealthy food. Some may argue that this method is not fast at all, but in fact it all depends on your diligence. If you can already affectionately call yourself “chubby”, then this is not for you;
  • Change your gait, start slouching. You can watch films about American ghettos and start moving like the inhabitants of the black neighborhoods of New York. Or watch a movie about the Renaissance and try to copy the aristocratic posture and gait;
  • Start dressing not according to your age, but not by buying new things, but by borrowing them from the wardrobe of your parents or children (depending on what age you are).

In an era of crisis, when there is no light at the end of the tunnel, these tips will probably be useful for someone.

How to change beyond recognition?

Drastic changes require drastic measures. Here's what you can do besides plastic surgery:

  1. Change job. If you are currently working in an office, then go to work in a mine or in the Far North. Such drastic changes will certainly affect your appearance and even your health;
  2. Tattoos and facial piercings. Some consider it not aesthetically pleasing, but the degree of unrecognizability is quite high;
  3. Change your hair color or start using a wig. Moreover, the color should be quite radical, and the wig extravagant;
  4. Make crowns for teeth from gold and diamonds. Nowadays they can be seen not only among rappers, but also among pop singers.

No matter how far you go, remember: first of all, a person must accept and love himself. If no metamorphoses contribute to this postulate, then you need to stop and deal with your psychological problems.

In this video, Anastasia Epifanova will show you how and with what you can change your appearance beyond recognition:

Over time you change. And not only in terms of life position, but also in terms of appearance. All this goes so unnoticed that, occasionally looking in the mirror, it seems to you as if someone has paused your world and really doesn’t want to press the “play” button. And this is reflected in your life: you think that there is no development, no movement, no spontaneity. Life becomes boring, everyday life overwhelms you, preventing you from relaxing. If you see yourself in the description of the whole situation, then you urgently need to change something, and radically! We recommend starting with the appearance, and then it will go from there.

Grow or shave a beard

As cliché as it may sound, a beard really does change your style. It doesn't suit everyone, but you can't say that growing a beard would be a bad decision, especially if you look like a teenager and want to become more masculine. However, you should always remember that a beard, like your hair on your head, requires care. If you neglect it, then the most you will get is Chewbacca from Star Wars. A beard is good for a man only if it is well-groomed. You need high-quality men's cosmetics (don't be afraid of the word "cosmetics" - this is the norm when it comes to a beard).

Score your whole body

We're talking, of course, about tattoos. One small tattoo is unlikely to radically change your appearance, but if you fill your entire body with high-quality designs, you will not only get a scolding from your mother, but also a completely new image. He will allow himself to say: “I am a new person.” Actually, people who want to change their lives in one direction or another turn to tattoos. From a psychological point of view, a person really feels renewed after such an experiment on his body, and this is good.

Pimp your teeth

Let's just say that not all people were born with perfect teeth. And we’ll even add: nature treated us badly in this regard. But today dentistry has developed so rapidly that any teeth can become perfect. One of the options is veneers, which is exactly what all these guys with Hollywood smiles do, which you know from Hollywood films. Even Clint Eastwood is probably one of them, so don't think that this is somehow wrong. Moreover, today you can install a veneer in 1 session, without extending the prosthetics over several visits. This is possible thanks to CEREC technology. We present it to you as advice.

Play with the width of the bone

Needless to say, weight changes the hell out of people. And this applies not only to girls. If we suddenly gain weight, we will be unrecognizable, you understand. Or, on the contrary, if you have been fat all your life, but suddenly you suddenly lose weight, then you will be perceived completely differently. In general, the result is the same: weight affects your appearance. Surely you knew about this even without our brilliant expert opinion. However, go to the mirror now, take off your T-shirt, look at yourself. Do you want to be fatter? Or thinner? Maybe it's time to go on a diet, huh?

Pump up your muscles

Do you think going to the gym isn’t radical? Try it, and then doubt it. Many of us have tried, but the willpower is not yet developed enough to make going to exercise a lifestyle. But this is the only way you can get big muscles that will change your image for the better (there are kinks, but we won’t talk about them). Still, we will leave this advice. Consider the example of Epifantsev, who today, despite his wild lifestyle, looks like a bodybuilder. The muscles clearly benefited the man, and his sex life too. In general, swing if you want to change yourself.

No, we’re okay with our orientation, and dyeing our hair may not be the norm, but it’s certainly not something extraordinary. Try it sometime if you want to change something in your life. By the way, you don’t have to buy harsh dye for this, which will change your hair color for a long time. There are all sorts of toners, and on AliExpress you can generally buy a gel that holds the color until the first wash off. Quite a convenient thing when you want to go crazy, but only for a couple of days. The gel is called Mofajang.