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What is severe atherosclerosis. Signs of atherosclerotic lesions of the lower extremities. Mechanism of plaque formation

is one of the serious and dangerous chronic diseases heart vessels And brain in which single or multiple foci are formed cholesterol And lipid deposits , peculiar atheromatous plaques , consisting of calcium, and connective tissue in the inner lining of the arteries.

The artery, in which the wall is affected, becomes less elastic and, as a result, becomes denser. Gradually growing connective tissue and calcification lead to deformation and significant narrowing of the lumen between the walls of the artery up to its complete blockage, thereby causing a chronic lack of blood supply and organ ischemia, which is fed through the affected artery. Acute blockage of arteries is also possible. blood clots or content from the decayed substance of an atheromatous plaque, which causes complications of atherosclerosis, leads to the formation of necrosis ( heart attack ) or in an organ fed by an artery.

General lesion of all arteries organism is quite rare. Very often seen blockage of blood vessels certain organs: brain and heart, lower extremities or kidneys. The progression of atherosclerosis is expressed in the fact that with an intense functional load on the organ, the blood flow to it is insufficient. This leads to discomfort on the part of the body. The clinic of the disease varies depending on the location and distribution of the affected arteries. Atherosclerosis has a chronic course and is the cause disability and even premature death.

Atherosclerosis has an increased level of neuropsychic stress, high cholesterol levels, an unhealthy lifestyle, insufficient physical activity, smoking, etc. The average age at which atherosclerosis most often affects the human body is from 40 to 45 years. Men are prone to atherosclerosis in 3, and sometimes in 4 p. more often than women, this is due to the fact that the prevention of atherosclerosis in the stronger sex is often not taken seriously. In particular, men continue to smoke and drink alcohol, despite the threat of the disease.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis

Like any disease, atherosclerosis has its own main features by which the disease can be recognized. Symptoms of atherosclerosis can be varied. It all depends on the degree and location of the lesion of a particular vessel. Affected vessels of the brain lead to insufficient blood supply and, as a result, to a deterioration in its functions. The first symptom in this case is memory loss for recent events. Diagnosis of atherosclerosis with this development of events shows irreversible changes.

Further observed emotional instability and gradual decline in intelligence. Very often, patients complain of a feeling of pulsation and "noise" in the head. All other symptoms of atherosclerosis depend to a greater extent on which part of the brain is affected. Atherosclerosis, which affects the vessels of the brain, very often becomes the main cause ischemic .

Complications of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerotic lesion of the aorta manifested by gradually increasing arterial hypertension, noises appearing in front of the abdominal aorta in ascending order. A complication in this case is insufficient blood supply to the brain and, as a result, fainting , strokes . Threatening for the life of the patient is exfoliating aortic hematoma . The disease is manifested by an attack of pain, in the chest or in the abdominal cavity. All symptoms of acute blood loss occur. The most common and life-threatening complication of aortic atherosclerosis is, characterized by a sudden rupture with bleeding into the chest cavity or into the retroperitoneal space, leading to death. Thoracic aortic aneurysm is manifested by hoarseness, rough systolic murmurs,.

The absence or small number of symptoms make an abdominal aortic aneurysm the most life-threatening for the patient.

atherosclerotic lesion mesenteric arteries , which nourish the intestines, is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Attacks of colic-like pain in the abdomen ( ventral toad ), often with bloating and vomiting, which most often occur after eating.
  • arterial arteries with necrosis of the wall of the mesentery and intestine.

Atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries and vessels of the lower extremities are characterized by the following symptoms: chilliness of the legs, pain in the calves that occur when walking, and deformation of the nails, weakening of the pulsation of the arteries, development dry gangrene .

Atherosclerosis of the renal artery manifested by chronic circulatory failure (ischemia) of the kidney, nephrosclerosis and chronic renal failure. Renal artery thrombosis is manifested by acute renal pain, soreness when and when tapping the lumbar region from the side of the resulting thrombosis.

Regardless of the location of atherosclerotic lesions, two types of complications are distinguished. Chronic and acute. Chronic complications include chronic vascular insufficiency, which is accompanied by hypoxia , atrophic and dystrophic changes in the affected organ. Acute complications are most often caused by the occurrence of blood clots, emboli and spasms of blood vessels, in such cases, urgent treatment of atherosclerosis and its complications is required. Acute occlusion , accompanied by acute ischemia, leads to the development of heart attacks.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis

At the first manifestations of atherosclerosis, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a mandatory examination. Very often, atherosclerosis develops imperceptibly over a long period. The general direction of the diagnosis of atherosclerosis as a whole is as follows:

  • questioning the patient in order to clarify the symptoms - coronary heart disease, signs of circulatory disorders of the brain, abdominal toads,;
  • Examination of the patient. Includes the identification of signs of premature aging of the body. Pay attention to the following signs: hair loss, as well as changes in the nail plates on the legs, excessive hair growth in the auricles and a number of other signs of damage to internal organs. This is followed by auscultation of the internal organs and palpation of all available arteries. Analysis of the identified systolic murmur at the time of listening to the heart, increased blood pressure.
  • Identification of risk factors contributing to atherosclerosis. Identification of hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, nervous stress, the presence of bad habits or other factors that directly affect the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of atherosclerosis. Laboratory assessment of fatty (lipid) changes in the body. ECHO cardiography . ultrasound scan vessels of the head, neck and lower extremities. Electrocardiography .

Treatment of atherosclerosis

Treatment of atherosclerosis is usually a long process. The treatment regimen, which lasts at least 6 months, includes several components. Reception hypolidemic drugs , which reduce the level of lipids in the blood, improve tissue oxygenation, improve blood rheology and increase the elasticity of vessel walls. Development of a special diet to reduce the patient's cholesterol level. Stop smoking, as nicotine impairs blood circulation and promotes thrombosis. Taking drugs that reduce the risk of thrombosis.

The presence of atherosclerotic plaques, which interfere with the normal blood supply to organs, determines the use surgical methods for the treatment of atherosclerosis. The damaged area of ​​the blood vessel, thrombus is removed surgically, and vascular prosthesis is also performed. This method is used to treat atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the lower extremities, internal organs and coronary heart arteries.

The doctors


Prevention of atherosclerosis

Prevention of atherosclerosis is to eliminate the greatest number of risk factors and lifestyle changes. The categorical refusal of smoking, the fight against obesity, the increase in physical activity, the elimination of stressful situations. Studies have shown that eliminating one factor that contributes to the development of atherosclerosis reduces the risk of developing the disease by half. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Diet, nutrition in atherosclerosis

List of sources

  • Pathophysiology of diseases of the cardiovascular system (ed. L. Lilly; Per. from English), - M .; Binomial. Knowledge Laboratory, 2003;
  • Aronov D.M., Lupanov V.P. Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Second edition, revised. Moscow, Triada-X, 2009;
  • Atherosclerosis/A. L. Rakov, V. N. Kolesnikov // New Pharmacy. - 2002. - No. 6

First, let's look at what atherosclerosis is. In modern medicine, atherosclerosis is called chronic various human organs, due to the accumulation on the inner walls of the so-called bad cholesterol with other types of plaque in the form of plaques and subsequent narrowing of the lumen. Because of this, blood flow is disturbed, the vessels narrow, and the organs experience a shortage of blood. Sometimes the vessels completely overlap, there is a risk of developing severe cardiovascular pathologies.

Atherosclerosis detected at an early stage can be treated.

Atherosclerosis is classified as a pathology of increased danger, since it can lead to death. It is possible to recognize the disease mainly when there are problems with altered blood supply to human organs and limbs, that is, atherosclerosis is diagnosed in patients in the last stages of its development. Initially, atherosclerosis was considered an age-related disease, since the risk of its development gradually increased in proportion to the age of the person. But recent data points to an increase in the percentage of young people facing this pathology. Atherosclerosis has the ICD code 10 I70.


It is important to recognize the signs of atherosclerosis in time in order to start timely treatment. But in this disease, the symptoms do not always appear, or they are hardly noticeable. This complicates the timely diagnosis. Atherosclerosis is considered a systemic disease, because it affects large areas of the human circulatory system. This explains the variety of manifestations of the disease. Basically, this pathology affects the brain, human limbs and.

Specific symptoms are characteristic of the disease, but it is not always possible to detect it in time and correctly. Some people have very mild manifestations, and they attribute the ailment to physical or emotional fatigue, the effects of playing sports, and other factors.

Manifestations are directly related to which organ the disease affected. But all are characterized by preclinical and clinical symptoms. In the first case, there are no signs, since the process is only developing. When the lumen is closed by 50%, pronounced negative signs begin to appear. Already with them, most of the patients seek help. The doctor, after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, determines how to treat atherosclerosis in each case. How the disease manifests itself depends on the affected organ. Basically it is the heart, limbs and brain.

Damage to the heart muscle

In about 75% of cases with atherosclerosis, the symptoms actively manifest themselves in the form of unpleasant and severe pain in the region of the heart. The disease affects the coronary vessels, affects the decrease in the flow of oxygen and the supply of nutrients to this organ. The heart is considered the most sensitive organ to changes in the quality of its nutrition. Second only to the brain. The main symptoms include:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • disturbed breathing;
  • pain when inhaling and exhaling;
  • attack type angina pectoris;
  • instability in the patient of his blood pressure;
  • backache;
  • return of pain in the jaw, ear or neck;
  • feeling cold;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • bouts of vomiting and nausea.

The intensity of manifestations depends on the stage of atherosclerosis. The more neglected the disease, the brighter the symptoms will show themselves. Aggravates the course of the disease stress, bad habits and overeating.

Manifested with damage to the vessels of the upper or lower extremities are:

  • feeling cold;
  • feeling of goosebumps on the skin;
  • skin becomes pale.

If complications of atherosclerosis are observed and the disease is in an advanced stage, then the symptoms become brighter. It appears in the following:

  • the process of tissue degeneration begins due to nutrient deficiency;
  • the fat layer becomes thinner;
  • hair falls out (this process is irreversible);
  • severe pain in the arms or legs;
  • wounds appear on the limbs;
  • the affected areas of the body swell;
  • fingers and toes turn red;
  • tissue necrosis begins.

Severe phases of the course of atherosclerosis of the extremities require surgical intervention.

Brain damage

People with atherosclerotic syndrome face the most striking manifestations of pathology. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the body. The following symptoms are presented as vascular disease progresses:

  • a headache occurs, but without a clear localization, therefore it is impossible to detect the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese painful sensations;
  • ringing and buzzing in the ears;
  • a person’s sleep is disturbed (he may suffer from insomnia or constantly want to sleep);
  • often have nightmares, which is due to brain activity and oxygen deficiency;
  • the personality changes for the worse (the person becomes irritable, nervous, aggressive);
  • a person becomes overly excitable, nervous, he is constantly accompanied by a feeling of anxiety;
  • the disease is accompanied by lethargy and increased fatigue with minimal physical exertion;
  • key functions such as speech, breathing, and the ability to eat are gradually impaired;
  • the quality of coordination changes, it becomes difficult for a person to move and navigate independently.

One can only imagine what the feelings of a person who is faced with such a disease are. He ceases to control his own body, which causes panic attacks, psycho-emotional disorders, a sense of doom. This negatively affects the general condition. Therefore, it is important to identify the causes of atherosclerosis in time, prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis and begin treatment.

Causes of vascular disease

Knowing the possible causes of the development of the disease, you can try to prevent its manifestation by eliminating provoking factors. Vascular pathology develops when:

  • smoking;
  • chronic high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • elevated cholesterol levels.

But doctors say that the main reason is a violation of the correct metabolism of cholesterol in the patient's body. Atherosclerosis forms naturally. The process starts at age 10 or older. As a person grows older, processes can slow down or speed up. It all depends on the intensity of the influence of provoking factors.

There are several main factors that increase the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and its active manifestation.

Knowing what can provoke a pathology, you have every chance to prevent this disease. Carefully check your body, watch what you eat and what you do.


Doctors cannot accurately name the causes of atherosclerosis. But it is reliably known that the basis of the mechanism is a violation of the processes of lipid metabolism. The manifestation of such dysfunction triggers a process that leads to life-threatening atherosclerosis and other associated diseases.

The formation of the disease is conditionally divided into three stages.

  1. Spot formation. These are fatty or lipid stains. At the first stage, there are no symptoms, the patient does not even know about the start of the pathological process in the body. Spots form rapidly. If a sick person has diabetes mellitus, different stages of obesity or cardiovascular diseases, the process is accelerated.
  2. The formation of the formed layers. The tissue under the adhering lipid layer becomes inflamed. This is a protective reaction of the body. Because of this, a chronic focus of inflammation is formed. The process entails the decomposition of fatty layers and the germination of tissues. As a result, lipids begin to rise above the vascular walls.
  3. Complications. This is the last stage of the development of the disease. A person is faced with complications, the symptoms begin to manifest themselves clearly. The further process can go according to two scenarios. The plaques rupture and lead to the release of blood and the formation of blood clots, or these plaques completely block the lumen of the vessels. In the second case, there is a risk of a stroke.

It is difficult to say exactly how long and rapidly the disease will develop. For some patients this takes a few weeks, for others it takes years. It largely depends on the specific metabolism, the quality of metabolic processes, predisposition and other factors.


Based on which human vessels are affected by atherosclerosis, the disease is classified into several types. The disease may affect:

  • aorta;
  • coronary arteries;
  • vessels that feed the brain;
  • vessels of the extremities (lower and upper);
  • renal.

And here a natural question arises about which doctor treats atherosclerosis. You need to push off from the affected area. If this disease is associated with the brain, then you need to go to a neurologist. For problems with the cardiovascular system, look for a cardiologist's office. And if it is the lower or upper limbs, you will need a phlebologist.

But usually you have to bypass several doctors at once. If you do not know who to contact immediately upon arrival at the hospital, go to the therapist. He will give the necessary recommendations and referrals to the appropriate offices. Atherosclerosis needs a comprehensive examination to identify all potential foci of this pathology. Do not start treatment on your own without prior consultation. Only according to the results of the examination and analyzes, it is possible to accurately diagnose and begin complex therapy.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis in severe stages does not cause problems for doctors, since the disease manifests itself brightly and characteristically. But it is difficult to detect a violation at an early stage. To do this, the patient himself must think about his health and undergo preventive examinations. But even in this case, only a qualified specialist will be able to notice the early signs of atherosclerosis. Therefore, an integrated approach is used in the diagnosis. It includes a number of survey activities. The disease is confirmed by:

  • collecting an anamnesis of the patient who applied for help;
  • methods of primary examination (examination of the body, weighing, checking heart murmurs, pressure, etc.);
  • laboratory examination methods;
  • instrumental studies of the body.

The initial trip to the doctor will give the necessary answers. The doctor will tell you how to check the vessels for atherosclerosis, and give appropriate directions to the diagnostic rooms. If the diagnosis of atherosclerosis shows the presence of a pathology, it will be necessary to promptly begin treatment. This takes time and effort. The conditions of service in many public clinics and the lack of free time for people often become reasons for self-treatment and ignoring the recommendations of preventive examinations. This is a global problem that needs to be addressed.


With atherosclerosis, symptoms appear quite clearly only in the last stages of development. It is not so often that people detect pathology in the initial stages, which is explained by the asymptomatic nature of the disease. But if during the examination it was possible to identify violations in the functioning of the vessels, the attending physician will immediately prescribe the necessary treatment. Otherwise, the consequences of atherosclerosis can lead to serious illness and even death.

Treatment is carried out using several methods, depending on the current condition of the patient and the neglect of vascular disease.

  1. Medical treatment. Most cases of atherosclerosis can be eliminated by prescribing medications to patients. The list of drugs includes statins, fibrates, nicotinic acid agents and sequestrants. They are taken together. In order for the drugs to give the desired effect, in parallel, the patient must adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, maintain an optimal level of physical activity and lead a balanced lifestyle. Treatment can be supplemented by physiotherapy methods. They are relevant for those who are faced with damage to the vessels of the upper or lower extremities.
  2. Surgical intervention. In atherosclerosis, it is important to use three main surgical invasive methods. Shunting and vascular prosthetics are classified as highly invasive operations. With the help of shunting, it is possible to create a new highway by attaching the affected vessels to healthy ones. Prosthetics of the affected areas allows you to replace the vessel using a unique modern material. There is also a minimally invasive method called angioplasty. It is based on the introduction of a catheter through the femoral artery, followed by cleansing of the clogged vessel.

The operation may be prescribed in advanced cases or when they do not give the desired effect. It is not worth resorting to bypass surgery, prosthetics or angioplasty right away. If there is an opportunity and time, it is better to use the method of drug therapy. Modern drugs have high rates of exposure with minor side effects.

But the most reliable way to treat and protect against atherosclerosis in a person of any gender and age is to prevent the possible development of this disease.

Treatment is difficult and time-consuming, plus drugs are expensive. Being engaged in preventive measures, it is possible to maintain health in an optimal state and prevent the development of complications. Be healthy, exercise, eat right and get rid of bad habits. So the probability of encountering atherosclerosis will be minimal. Subscribe to our site, share links with your friends, leave comments and ask actual questions!

The basis of the vascular wall is muscle fibers, it is covered on the outside by a connective tissue adventitia membrane, from the inside - by the endothelium, which, together with the underlying thin layer of connective tissue, forms the inner shell of the vessel - the intima.

The endothelium has a barrier function and repels cellular elements from itself, therefore, intravascular thrombosis does not normally occur. If the structure of the intima is disturbed, leukocytes migrate to the site of damage, and lipoproteins precipitate from the bloodstream - the process of atherosclerotic plaque formation begins.

Causes and signs of atherosclerosis

There is no unified theory of the development of atherosclerotic lesions, however, most scientists and clinicians consider damage to the vascular endothelium and a decrease in its barrier function to be the starting point for plaque formation. The damaged area of ​​the inner lining of the artery becomes a target for atherogenic factors.

Elevated blood levels of atherogenic low-density lipoproteins also contributes to the progression of atherosclerotic lesions. At the initial stage, the damaged intima is impregnated with lipoproteins - an atheromatous spot is formed - the initial stage of plaque formation.

Nonlinear blood flow is normally observed at the branching points of the arteries, and when they spasm and increase blood pressure, it can occur anywhere. In this case, favorable conditions are created both for damage to the endothelium and for the deposition of lipoproteins.

Risk factors for atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a polyetiological process. This means that for the occurrence of a lesion, a combination of several unfavorable factors is necessary, and not just one trigger.

In this case, they often talk not about the causes, but about the risk factors for the disease. These include:

  • Smoking- nicotine provokes vasospasm and adversely affects the barrier properties of the endothelium. In addition, chronic nicotine intoxication leads to a change in the ratio of atherogenic and non-atherogenic lipoproteins in the peripheral blood, which is an additional cause of plaque formation.
  • Irrational nutrition, alcohol abuse and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to causes of lipid metabolism disorders and obesity, and also provoke an increase in blood pressure. The combination of increased low-density lipoprotein content and increased pressure gives impetus to the onset of atherogenesis.
  • Emotional overload in combination with reduced physical activity: stress response (preparation of the body for intense physical activity). If this mechanism is not implemented, the action of stress hormones is too long and causes damage to the endothelium.
  • Gender and age: female sex hormones prevent damage to the vascular wall, so atherosclerotic vascular lesions in women often occur after menopause. In general, the likelihood of developing the disease increases with age.
  • Heredity: some structural features of the endothelium and fat metabolism, inherited, create favorable conditions for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.


Depending on which factor is primary, the hemodynamic and metabolic forms of atherosclerosis are distinguished. In the first case, vascular disorders are primary (structural abnormalities, inferiority of the endothelium,), in the second - metabolic disorders (increased levels of low-density lipoproteins, hyperglycemia).

Depending on the period of the flow, there are three phases:

  • The initial phase (preclinical) proceeds without symptoms. Changes in the lining of the vessels are already taking place, but they are not sufficient to disrupt the function of an organ or tissue. At this stage, atherosclerosis can be detected by laboratory parameters, so a biochemical blood test for lipoprotein content is included in the list of studies that are mandatory when undergoing a preventive medical examination.
  • The phase of extended clinical manifestations, which, in turn, is divided into:
    • ischemic- the formed plaque partially blocks the lumen of the vessel, while the blood supply to the tissues suffers; with increased load, ischemic damage becomes apparent; in relation to coronary vessels - this;
    • thrombonecrotic- an overgrown atheromatous plaque is easily injured, provoking vessel thrombosis, while the blood supply to the tissue is completely stopped, and it can become necrotic; an example of clinical manifestations at this stage is either, dry gangrene or mesenteric thrombosis.
  • The sclerotic stage is characterized by a persistent narrowing of blood vessels and a gradual connective tissue degeneration of the tissue, for example, cerebro- or cardiosclerosis.

Depending on the activity of the course of the atherosclerotic process, there are:

  • progressive atherosclerosis - the formation of new or growth of formed atheromatous plaques continues, clinical manifestations gradually worsen, the risk of complications is high;
  • stabilized atherosclerosis - the development and formation of new plaques stops, clinical manifestations remain unchanged or regress, the risk of complications is low;
  • regressing atherosclerosis - clinical symptoms subside, general condition and laboratory blood counts improve.

What are the main symptoms of atherosclerosis?

At the initial stages, the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque is asymptomatic, vascular patency disorders are not so strong as to cause clinical manifestations.

Circulatory disorders in tissues begin at the stage of fibrosis and plaque calcification, and signs of atherosclerosis are determined by the location of the lesion:

  • atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain is manifested by chronic headache, memory impairment, decreased mental performance and concentration; the progression of the process can lead to personality changes and mental disorders; a typical complication that occurs when the lumen of the vessel is completely closed -;
  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries leads to the development of coronary heart disease; clinically, it manifests itself in the form of attacks of severe pain behind the sternum in the region of the heart after physical or emotional stress, as well as a decrease in physical performance; a plaque can completely block the lumen of the coronary artery or provoke its thrombosis - in this case it will develop;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries of the abdominal cavity leads to partial or complete ischemia of the mesentery and intestines; in the first case, pain after eating, bloating and stool disturbances are disturbing, in the second case, acute thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels occurs - a condition requiring emergency surgical care;
  • atherosclerosis of the aorta is manifested by chronic arterial hypertension; with a long course, an aortic aneurysm may occur.


Based on the patient's complaints and changes identified during the clinical examination, the doctor may suspect the presence of atherosclerosis. To clarify and confirm the diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed:

  • Blood chemistry for cholesterol content. Using this method, both total cholesterol and the ratio of the level of high and low density lipoproteins are determined. The latter have a high atherogenic potential, therefore, an increase in their level, especially in combination with a decrease in the level of high-density lipoproteins, indicates an active course of the atherosclerotic process.
  • X-ray methods of research. A chest x-ray is performed if aortic atherosclerosis is suspected, it can be used to judge the degree of its deformation and the presence of calcifications. To study smaller vessels, angiography (coronary angiography, cerebral angiography) is used - obtaining a series of radiographs after intravascular injection of a radiopaque substance. With this study, you can see the localization and size of plaques, as well as assess the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the vessel.
  • ultrasound more often used to study the vessels of the extremities, it can also be used to detect the presence of plaques and assess the degree of narrowing of the vessel.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

Treatment of atherosclerosis without fail includes lifestyle correction and control of the course of concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus). If this is not enough, medication is prescribed.

With damage to the vessels of the extremities, the heart or the vessels of the mesentery, it is possible to restore their patency surgically.

Non-drug treatment of atherosclerosis

  • Diet low in cholesterol. The best option is the Mediterranean diet. The use of olive oil, fish and seafood, herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits is recommended. Fatty meats are excluded, chicken fillet and lean beef are recommended from meat dishes.
  • Rational physical activity contributes to the normalization of vascular tone, is the best prevention of obesity and arterial hypertension.
  • Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, minimizing stressful situations. It is very important to learn how to cope with stress without the use of drugs and psychoactive substances.
  • Lifestyle correction is the basis of atherosclerosis therapy, without which no drugs and surgical methods will be effective. For treatment, medications are used that prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract or accelerate its breakdown. The selection of the drug and dose should be carried out by a doctor.


  • Removal of the affected vessel if the blood supply can be restored due to the compensatory development of collaterals. Most often, these are the arteries of the extremities of medium caliber. The affected vessel is removed at a high risk of thrombosis, thrombus separation and related complications.
  • Balloon angioplasty or coronary stenting is used in case of damage to the vessels of the heart in order to restore the blood supply to the heart muscle in case of a critical narrowing of the lumen of the supplying artery.


The only reliable way to prevent atherosclerotic vascular disease is healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that the first cholesterol spots can appear on the walls of blood vessels already in childhood, so prevention should begin from childhood.

You can prevent complications with already developed atherosclerosis if you take prescribed drugs and follow the recommendations of your doctor. If there are concomitant diseases, their treatment is also a mandatory measure in the prevention of complications.

Prognosis for atherosclerosis

Subject to lifestyle correction, smoking cessation and timely treatment favorable prognosis: stabilization and even regression of the atherosclerotic process is quite possible. Regression of atherosclerosis is possible only at the initial, preclinical stage. If any major symptoms of atherosclerosis have already appeared, supportive treatment will be lifelong.

When treatment is refused and risk factors persist, the likelihood of complications becomes extremely high. In this case, the prognosis, both for the health and for the life of the patient, is unfavorable.

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For a long time, atherosclerosis has not been associated with old age. Pathology develops gradually and without the manifestation of any symptoms. For this reason, patients only become aware of its presence when obvious clinical disturbances appear. Signs of atherosclerosis have significant differences and depend on the type of affected vessels. Most often, medium and large vessels are affected by this pathology. Cholesterol accumulates on the inner surfaces of their walls, gradually the vascular lumen narrows. Improper circulation of blood in the tissues over time leads to the appearance of the corresponding symptoms.

Atherosclerotic changes are subject to vessels in which there are elastic fibers. Cholesterol clots are not formed in the vessels of the lymphatic system, veins and capillaries.

The formation of fat accumulations is usually associated with lipid metabolism disorders, leading to an excess of LDL. For this reason, when considering the signs and methods of treating atherosclerosis, special attention should be paid to metabolic failures.

What is the cause of the violation?

Symptoms and therapy of atherosclerosis are completely dependent on the factors that led to its development. Usually they are usually divided into those that depend on a person and those that cannot be influenced in any way. Individual factors:

  1. Smoking is the main cause of atherosclerosis. Nicotine, when released into the bloodstream, contributes to a violation of the fat balance. The amount of LDL increases and the excess is deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Hypertension- leads to the adherence of low-density lipoproteins on the vascular walls, which greatly contributes to the acceleration of the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  3. Hypodynamia- promotes stagnation of blood, insufficient content of oxygen and nutrients in it. The muscular frame of the vascular walls weakens.
  4. Excess weight- associated with the wrong course of metabolic processes.
  5. Fatty food- over time, it contributes to a decrease in liver function, the synthesis of enzymes that process cholesterol decreases.
  6. Diabetes- one of the causes of improper lipid metabolism.
  7. Infectious pathologies- damage the vascular walls, leading to the formation of fat clots in places of injury to the vascular walls.

Now let's look at the causes of atherosclerosis, independent of the person:

  1. genetic predisposition- the possibility of the appearance of pathologies increases if close relatives had hypertension, strokes, heart attacks.
  2. Age- the main cause of atherosclerosis, although it is getting younger, with age, the body loses its protective functions.
  3. gender- according to statistics, representatives of the strong half of humanity are more prone to the appearance of this pathology. With the onset of menopause, the possibility of atherosclerosis in women is compared with men.

How does atherosclerosis manifest itself?

Due to the fact that cholesterol is deposited on the surfaces of the vascular walls, forming plaques, over time, the damaged area of ​​the vessel begins to bulge. Signs of atherosclerosis at this time appear slightly. Slowly, the formed plaque loses its stability.

Microcracks begin to form on its surface, blood clots appear behind them, which greatly interferes with the movement of blood. The first symptoms appear. Medium and large vessels are most often affected.

First of all, the pathology affects the sections of the aorta of the abdominal and thoracic regions, the vessels that feed the brain, located in the neck and limbs.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart, mesenteric and renal vessels is not uncommon. Almost all of these pathology options develop slowly and imperceptibly at the beginning. Allocate asymptomatic and clinical periods. In the first case, pathology can be detected thanks to laboratory blood tests, which will indicate an increased concentration of cholesterol.

The clinical period is characterized by fairly pronounced signs. A decrease in the vascular lumen by more than half contributes to the development of characteristic symptoms.

There are three stages of the clinical period:

  • ischemic;
  • thrombonecrotic;
  • fibrous.

Depending on the nature of the course of the disease and the speed of the onset of symptoms, it is divided into 3 types:

  • progressive - the signs of the disease increase, cholesterol plaques increase;
  • stabilized - fat does not accumulate, plaques do not increase, signs do not change;
  • regressive - indicators improve, there is a noticeable decrease in symptoms.

Symptoms of an aortic lesion

The most common is atherosclerosis of the aorta. Symptoms of the lesion differ due to the place where it occurred: in the thoracic or abdominal aorta. But regardless of the place of development of the pathology, the symptoms of the disease may not appear for a long time.

Atherosclerosis of the thoracic aorta is often manifested by dysfunctions of the brain or arteries of the heart. As a rule, they appear after 60 years.

Pathology at this time is usually already quite strongly developed. The patient complains:

  • on burning and pain in the chest;
  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • the appearance of dizziness;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • blood pressure rises.

Less specific symptoms include:

  • the appearance of gray hair;
  • premature aging occurs;
  • wen appear on the skin of the face;
  • hair begins to grow in the auricles;
  • a light stripe appears along the edge of the iris of the eye.

The formation of cholesterol plaques in the abdominal aorta occurs in almost 50% of cases of pathology. Vascular disease in this department contributes to the development of abdominal ischemia. With it, there is a violation of blood circulation in the organs, as in coronary artery disease. The manifestation of pathology is characterized by the appearance of:

  • pain in the abdomen, manifested after eating, aching, without localization, disappear on their own;
  • disorders of the digestive system with gas formation, there is an alternation of constipation with diarrhea;
  • weight loss due to gastrointestinal dysfunction and lack of appetite. weight loss, with the development of pathology only increases;
  • renal failure, manifested due to the replacement of renal tissues with connective tissues, which causes improper blood circulation and the development of necrosis;
  • high blood pressure due to improper blood circulation in the kidneys.

If the treatment of this disease is not started in time, complications leading to death may develop: thrombosis of the visceral arteries or rupture of an aortic aneurysm.

Signs of damage to the vessels of the brain

Lack of nutrients and oxygen affects the vessels of the brain, but often the manifestations of atherosclerosis in this department are considered signs of aging. This is due to the fact that the main symptoms of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the head appear after reaching the age of 60.

At the same time, the onset of the pathology can be mistaken for osteochondrosis, hypertensive encephalopathy, or other diseases. Signs of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels can appear after a long time. Neurological manifestations can appear for a short time, and then pass by themselves. These include:

  • partial decrease or complete loss of sensitivity;
  • muscle weakness, manifested by paresis;
  • hearing or vision loss;
  • speech disorders.

Sometimes, with severe atherosclerosis, due to circulatory disorders, brain tissue dies off, which leads to the development of a stroke. In such a case, the symptoms listed above become stable and almost do not respond to therapy.

Other signs of damage to the vessels of the brain include:

  • the appearance of a headache, which is bursting in nature;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • the appearance of noise or ringing in the ears;
  • the patient becomes nervous and anxious;
  • apathy and lethargy may also appear;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • the patient complains of a sleep disorder, nightmares;
  • memory and concentration disorders may occur;
  • changes in behavior - the patient becomes touchy, picky, etc.
  • falls into depression.

Important! With untimely therapy, senile dementia may develop.

Signs of atherosclerotic lesions of the lower extremities

Improper blood circulation in the limbs proceeds completely without any manifestations for quite a long time. Such a course of pathology can last until the complete cessation of blood circulation.

When blood flow is disturbed, acute oxygen deficiency occurs in the tissues of the limbs, which leads to pain. In this case, it is a classic sign of atherosclerosis. Over time, intermittent claudication appears. Due to damage to the artery, pain over time affects all the muscles of the legs, starting from the calves, thighs to the buttocks. The pains are intermittent, the patient limps.

Due to bouts of pain, you have to make stops during movement, waiting for them.

The initial stage of vascular pathology of the arteries of the legs can be marked by the appearance of episodic signs:

  • chilliness appears from time to time, hands and feet become cold;
  • goosebumps begin to run on the skin for no reason;
  • the skin turns pale, blood vessels are visible.

In the last stages of the disease, the appearance of severe symptoms is characteristic. Due to the lack of nutrients and oxygen, trophic tissue changes occur that affect not only muscle tissue. thinning nails and subcutaneous tissue. Hair loses color and falls out as a result of atrophy of the hair follicles. Ulcers appear. The intercellular space is filled with fluid, which leads to swelling of the extremities. Fingers turn red.

A characteristic symptom of this pathology is the absence of a pulse in the popliteal fossa. Finally, the tissues become necrotic and gangrene develops. Gradually there is an increase in pain in the legs. After a while, they appear in a state of rest. This indicates arterial insufficiency.

There are 4 degrees of pathology depending on the intensity of pain:

  • functional compensation, in which pain appears due to long walking over considerable distances. Their localization falls on the feet and calves. Sometimes there is a burning sensation, tingling, convulsions;
  • subcompensation - pain sensations appear during overcoming a distance not exceeding 200 meters. The skin begins to peel off and loses its elasticity. Hair follicles die. Alopecia areata occurs. The muscles of the feet gradually atrophy, the subcutaneous tissue becomes thinner;
  • decompensation is the third stage of the pathology, which is characterized by the inability of the patient to overcome a distance of 25 meters, pain appears with complete inactivity. There is an aggravation of trophic changes to a large extent. Thinned skin is easily injured, resulting in deep lesions with minor scratches. The skin of the limbs becomes red when they are lowered down;
  • destructive changes - the 4th stage of the pathology, which is characterized by skin ulcers and necrosis. Constant unbearable pain makes the patient's quality of life minimal. Trophic ulcers on the fingers are not amenable to directed therapy. The legs and arms are swollen. At this stage of the pathology, gangrene can develop.

Atherosclerosis in the arteries of the hands contributes to their weakness and chilliness. The patient suffers from decreased arm muscle strength and fatigue.

When the pathology develops on the one hand, there is an asymmetry of the pulse. On the affected arm, the upper pressure is up to 80 millimeters of mercury.

Manifestations of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart

It is not easy to determine the beginning of the formation of cholesterol clots in the heart vessels. Their accumulation on the walls interferes with the nutrition of myocardial tissues, which causes a violation of its functions. Ischemia or angina pectoris develops - their complications are cardiosclerosis and heart attack. Atherosclerosis is manifested by the symptoms of these disorders.

The presence of fatty clots in the heart arteries with angina is manifested by:

  • pain localized behind the sternum. Their character can be pressing or burning, spreading to the left shoulder and part of the back. Usually appears during physical exertion or nervous tension;
  • shortness of breath - sometimes appears with pain or on its own when moving. It is manifested by an acute lack of air, if you lie down - it grows, for this reason, in order not to suffocate, it is better to sit down;
  • dizziness and headaches - appear when there is a violation of blood flow and a lack of oxygen;
  • nausea and vomiting - sometimes accompanied by angina attacks.

With the appearance of cardiosclerosis due to atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart, severe edema supplements shortness of breath. Over time, heart failure develops. Deterioration reduces performance.

A heart attack due to atherosclerosis of the heart vessels is accompanied by signs of angina pectoris. There is an acute lack of air, severe shortness of breath, loss of consciousness.

Important! The use of nitroglycerin does not alleviate the condition, as with angina pectoris.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the mesenteric arteries

Atherosclerosis of these vessels affects the departments located at the top of the abdomen. There is a violation of blood flow in the digestive organs. There is not enough blood to ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract. This is indicated by signs that appear in the evening after eating. In this case, the signs of atherosclerosis have the common name "abdominal toad", and the characteristic symptoms are considered to be a pathology marker:

  • pain - moderate, reminiscent of pain in an ulcer, but longer. Their duration can be different: from several minutes to an hour;
  • flatulence;
  • atony or hypotension of the intestine;
  • belching, nausea, vomiting.

During thrombosis of the mesenteric arteries, diffuse wandering pain appears, which can be localized in the navel. Also, blockage of the arteries can be accompanied by severe vomiting. Sometimes vomit contains impurities of bile or blood. Not infrequently, thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels leads to peritonitis or gangrene. The following signs appear:

  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • strong department of sweat;
  • unbearable pain in the abdomen;
  • incessant vomiting.

Manifestations of atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the renal arteries

Over time, ischemia develops, due to which blood pressure rises. In some cases, specific symptoms do not appear. The disease often leads to impaired blood flow and secondary type hypertension.

Increased pressure in this case is an obvious sign of atherosclerosis, which indicates that the vascular lumen is blocked by more than 70%. Such violations cause an increase in pressure, they provoke the appearance of heaviness in the head, dizziness, increased intracranial pressure, visual disturbances, tinnitus.

When pathology affects only one artery, it develops slowly and is characterized by hypertension.

When there was a narrowing of both arteries, the pathology develops rapidly and manifests itself:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • in the lower back;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • rise in temperature;
  • aching pains in the heart;
  • increased heart rate.

Kidney infarction is a serious complication, accompanied by sharp pain in the lower back and blood in the urine, the patient's condition worsens.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries

Atherosclerosis can also develop in the carotid arteries. It is usually discovered after a stroke. Pathology is manifested by such signs:

  • itching, tingling or numbness of the extremities is felt;
  • loss of control of the movements of any of the limbs;
  • loss or weakening of vision in one of the eyes;
  • speech disorder.

Along with this, with atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, weakness and numbness of the body are noted.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is very difficult to identify the pathology at the beginning. Usually a specialist is visited with complaints that correspond to a certain type of atherosclerosis. At this time, the vessels are already severely affected.

In addition to laboratory tests, they prescribe:

  • Doppler study;
  • myocardial catheterization;
  • MRI or CT;
  • angiographic study.

For each patient, an individual set of diagnostic measures is compiled, which makes it possible to better assess atherosclerotic changes and make the most accurate diagnosis.

Forecast and prevention

A favorable prognosis for atherosclerosis will be with full compliance with the appointments of a specialist in taking medications, correcting nutrition, habits and physical activity. This is the only way to stabilize the disease and stop the growth and increase in fatty plaques. To achieve a complete regression of pathology is possible only in the initial stages.

If you refuse to correct your lifestyle and do not follow the recommended treatment, the prognosis of the pathology will be unfavorable.

Timely prophylaxis helps to prevent atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, and if they are present, stop the development of the pathology and stay healthy.

Preventive measures include:

  • exclude fatty and fried foods;
  • increase resistance to stress;
  • bring body weight back to normal;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • perform strenuous physical activity.

People who are prone to hypertension and diabetes need to visit doctors regularly for preventive examinations.

Atherosclerotic lesion of blood vessels is an unpleasant diagnosis faced mainly by older people. In official medicine, atherosclerosis of the arteries is called the main cause of the development of life-threatening conditions: ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, insufficiency of internal organs.

To date, no such methods have been found for the treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels, which could permanently get rid of the disease. Patients have to take a number of special drugs for the rest of their lives. But even this does not guarantee the absence of the risk of deadly complications. In order for the treatment of atherosclerosis to be effective, you have to change your lifestyle, follow a diet, and systematically undergo complex diagnostics.

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What is atherosclerosis and can it be cured

Official medicine classifies vascular atherosclerosis as a complex lesion of large and medium arteries with deposits consisting of cholesterol. Lipids form so-called plaques that interfere with normal blood flow and, under certain conditions, exfoliate, blocking the lumen of smaller vascular branches. With the progression of the disease, cholesterol deposits thicken, become more rigid due to the presence of connective tissue cells and calcifications in them. It becomes impossible to remove them by conservative methods.

In recent decades, pathology has become rampant:

  • the disease is diagnosed in every third man over 50 years old, and in every fifth woman at the same age;
  • half of the patients, even despite the timely treatment of atherosclerosis, develop serious life-threatening complications;
  • deaths from atherosclerosis have exceeded those of cancer, injury, and infection.

Such statistics are due to people's ignorance of what atherosclerosis is, how it manifests itself and how you can protect yourself from this dangerous disease. Moreover, at least 15% of patients experiencing symptoms of the disease deny the need for diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis, do not follow the doctor's recommendations and refuse to take medications.

Contrary to the opinion of many patients who are sure that atherosclerosis affects single vessels of individual organs (only the heart or only the brain), experts consider this disease to be systemic. The causes of atherosclerotic changes are multifaceted, so they cannot affect single vessels: the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is based on a complex change in metabolism, metabolism and the functioning of internal organs, which is why pathological changes are observed in all large and medium arteries.

Significant efforts are required for the effective treatment of vascular atherosclerosis. Doctors and the patient will have to work on nutrition, lifestyle, while simultaneously reducing the level of harmful lipids in the blood with medications. At the same time, there is no question of whether it is possible to recover from atherosclerosis once and for all. To date, this disease is considered incurable, requiring lifelong therapy and constant monitoring of the state of the circulatory system and the functioning of the affected organs.

Which doctor treats atherosclerosis?

If you suspect problems with blood vessels, you should not choose which specialist is better to contact. For starters, it is recommended to consult a therapist. He will prescribe a comprehensive examination and, if atherosclerotic changes are detected, he will refer to a narrow specialist. Which organs are affected by the disease will depend on which doctor treats atherosclerosis in an individual patient. Usually several specialists are involved in this: a cardiologist, a neurologist, a surgeon and other doctors of narrow specializations.

What is dangerous atherosclerosis - the mechanism of development

The development of atherosclerotic changes is very slow. On average, at least 20-30 years pass from the onset of pathological changes in the vessels to the appearance of the negative consequences of atherosclerosis. The slow course causes the symptoms to increase imperceptibly. And this is the first thing that atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels are dangerous for. The exacerbation of the disease or its manifestation is always sudden, because of which the patient may not receive timely assistance - in order to provide it, doctors will first have to diagnose high cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

For a long time, the patient does not notice the changes taking place with him and the initial signs of atherosclerosis, until the first vascular catastrophe occurs:

  • ischemia of organs (brain, heart, kidneys and others);
  • hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke;
  • aneurysm formation and rupture.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to know about the first signs of atherosclerosis and understand what exactly leads to the deposition of cholesterol in the arteries. This will allow you to assess the risks and suspect vascular problems before the changes become irreversible or life-threatening.

The main factors in the development of atherosclerosis are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Not dependent on a person, his environment, lifestyle. According to statistics, age is considered the main predisposing factor for the occurrence of cholesterol deposits. The older the person, the higher the risk of getting sick. In medicine, cases are not known when atherosclerosis was detected in children, although theoretically and in practice there are cases of detection in large arteries in adolescents and children at the initial stage of pathology. It is they who have the second irremovable factor - hereditary predisposition. In such patients, the causes of atherosclerosis most often consist of a violation of metabolic processes in which cholesterol is produced in the body in excessive quantities.
  2. Depending on the person, his environment and lifestyle. First of all, this is an unhealthy diet, which contains a lot of fats of animal origin. The situation with cholesterol deposits is complicated by smoking and alcohol, limited physical activity. In the presence of these factors, atherosclerosis first affects the walls of blood vessels, and the body tries to restore them by forming a fatty film consisting of cholesterol.

Often, signs of atherosclerosis appear against the background of other diseases that are partially or completely controllable, but not curable: with diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia (impaired lipid balance and metabolism in the body), hypertension, with general intoxication of the body. Such conditions lead to damage to the arterial walls, prevent the breakdown and removal of harmful fats from the body.

Important! Atherosclerosis does not develop in the presence of one predisposing factor. For the progression of the disease to dangerous diagnosable stages, a combination of removable and unremovable, controllable and uncontrollable factors in various variations is necessary.

If the disease is not detected in a timely manner, or the patient for some reason does not receive treatment, he is threatened with such dangerous conditions as vascular insufficiency of internal organs, acute heart attack or stroke, aneurysm rupture.

Stages of atherosclerosis

Regarding the stages of development of atherosclerosis, the classification distinguishes 3 stages of disease progression. Each of them is characterized by a different degree of damage to the arteries. The development of atherosclerosis by stages is described in more detail in the table below:

Stage of the disease Localization of pathological foci What happens to the vascular wall
Stage I - fatty spot Large arteries where they branch. In the initial stage of atherosclerosis, there is a protective reaction of the body to microdamage to the vascular walls. At the site of such damage, local edema and loosening occur. Enzymes dissolve lipids for some time, protecting the integrity of the intima (the inner surface of the vessel), and as the protective functions are depleted, increased deposition of lipids and proteins occurs. At an early stage of development, atherosclerosis does not manifest itself in any way. It can only be detected by examining the damaged section of the artery under a microscope. Such changes can occur even in children. Further development of atherosclerosis will only occur in the presence of predisposing and traumatic factors.
II stage - liposclerosis Branching of large and smaller arteries. Progressive atherosclerosis is accompanied by the formation of connective fibers in the fatty spot - an atherosclerotic plaque is formed. It is quite soft and does not interfere with blood flow, but under certain conditions it can come off and clog smaller vessels. The wall of the artery under the plaque, on the contrary, becomes less elastic, and when blood pressure drops, it can collapse, which leads to the formation of blood clots. At this stage of atherosclerosis, the first alarming symptoms are observed.
III stage - atherocalcinosis Any sections of large and medium arteries. With atherosclerosis of the 3rd degree, a thickening of the cholesterol plaque occurs due to the accumulation of calcium salts to it. It becomes harder and continues to grow, due to which the lumen of the arteries noticeably narrows. The patient has severe symptoms associated with insufficient blood supply to organs, and sometimes parts of the body (when peripheral atherosclerosis occurs). Ischemia of the brain, myocardium, kidneys and intestines occurs, the risk of occlusion (blockage) increases significantly. In patients who have suffered such a condition, post-infarction atherosclerosis, gangrene of the extremities, and necrosis of the tissues of internal organs are often observed.

It is noteworthy that at the initial stages, the early signs of atherosclerosis are ignored, although in the early stages the disease can be successfully contained by taking a complex of medications. At stages 2 and 3 of the disease, the treatment of atherosclerosis is more complicated. It requires not only the stabilization of cholesterol levels, but also the restoration of the functions of internal organs and systems.


There are no specific symptoms of atherosclerosis. Clinical manifestations of pathology are always complex and directly depend on which organs suffered from insufficient blood supply.

With the defeat of the cerebral arteries, the following symptoms occur:

  • deterioration of short-term memory - the patient remembers what happened in the distant past, but forgets the events that took place a few minutes ago;
  • sleep disturbances - the patient has problems falling asleep, suffers from insomnia, wakes up several times at night;
  • neurological disorders - mood swings, exacerbation of character traits, irritability are combined with regular headaches that are not relieved by conventional painkillers.

Symptoms increase gradually, which is why they are not always perceived as something threatening. At the final stage, they acquire especially acute features: the patient suffers from a constant feeling of fatigue, cannot lead his former way of life and serve himself because of persistent memory impairment. There is a loss of interest in life, apathy. Most people suffering from the disease become depressed.

Symptoms may resemble manifestations of heart and lung diseases, since against its background there is:

  • shortness of breath, reduced breathing;
  • general weakness and rapid fatigue during physical exertion;
  • dull pain behind the sternum;
  • cardiac arrhythmias of the type of angina pectoris.

Often, taking over-the-counter heart drugs (Validol, Nitroglycerin, Corvalol) with such symptoms does not bring relief.

In terms of symptoms, it resembles tumor processes in the organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. In this case, patients complain of the following discomfort:

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  • paroxysmal pain in the abdomen of unclear localization, which are not associated with food intake and stool;
  • flatulence of the intestines, which is not associated with the intake of fiber-rich foods;
  • frequent tension of the anterior abdominal wall.

As in the case of damage to other vessels, standard drugs (antispasmodics, analgesics, enterosorbents, defoamers, and others) do not have the desired effect.

Atherosclerosis of the renal arteries is also accompanied by nonspecific symptoms. With the defeat of this group of vessels, patients suffer from a severe form of arterial hypertension. Against this background, dull pains in the lower back are observed, which persist during activity and at rest.

Patients complain of pain and heaviness in the legs, which at the initial stage of the disease subside at rest. Along with this, the quality of the skin changes: it becomes pale and dry in the area below the site of the narrowing of the vessel. If atherosclerosis is not treated, trophic ulcers and areas of necrosis form on the limbs closer to the foot, which can then develop into gangrene. Similar symptoms are observed with damage to the arteries of the hands.

It is almost impossible to independently differentiate the disease due to the non-specificity of symptoms. Moreover, narrow specialists also cannot always immediately suspect this pathology, since in clinical practice it is extremely rare for only one group of arteries to be affected: the combination of symptoms can be extremely atypical and unexpected, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Treatment of vascular atherosclerosis

Treatment for vascular atherosclerosis is aimed at restoring and stimulating metabolism (primarily proteins and lipids), reducing cholesterol synthesis in the body and limiting its intake with food. Positive dynamics is observed only with therapy in the initial stages of the disease, while lipid deposits in the arteries do not contain connective tissue and calcifications. With advanced forms of the disease, complex therapy can only guarantee the absence of further progress.


The main direction of therapy is taking medications from several groups. Statins play a major role in atherosclerosis. This group of drugs is designed to reduce cholesterol levels in the body by reducing lipid synthesis in the liver and reducing their absorption in the digestive tract. Bile acid sequestrants and fibrates, as well as nicotinic acid derivatives, have properties similar to them.

In addition to the listed drugs, patients with atherosclerotic changes are prescribed additional drugs:

  • preparations containing Omega-3 - they improve lipid metabolism, reduce inflammation in the walls of arteries, and to a certain extent reduce blood viscosity;
  • preparations that improve blood circulation in organs and tissues, including those based on medicinal herbs;
  • drugs to stabilize blood pressure;
  • sedatives and nootropics, including those based on herbal ingredients.

Medicines are selected individually, taking into account the results of the diagnosis and the presence of concomitant diseases.


Drug therapy must be accompanied by compliance, since it is not effective to treat vascular atherosclerosis with drugs alone: ​​without limiting the intake of lipids with food, they will not be able to have a pronounced effect on the body.

Exclude from the patient's menu:

  • high-fat animal products, including meat, lard, milk, sour cream and cream, butter;
  • solid vegetable and animal fats;
  • sweets, muffins, chocolate and cream cakes, ice cream;
  • alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks;
  • strong coffee and tea.

The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), white meat (chicken and turkey breasts), seafood and sea fish, natural low-fat yogurt or kefir, egg whites or quail eggs, skim milk. Bread and pastries can be eaten if they are made from wholemeal flour.

In addition to a set of certain products, the method of cooking plays a special role. The preferred cooking method is boiling, steaming, baking in parchment and stewing in your own juice. Nutrition should be fractional: the portion size should not exceed 200 ml, and the number of meals ranges from 5 to 7 times a day.

Surgical intervention

If there is a high risk of blockage of the arteries and the development of a heart attack or stroke, the treatment of atherosclerosis is continued using surgical methods. There are 4 effective methods for restoring blood flow:

  • - open surgery on the arteries, during which the cholesterol plaque is removed along with part of the inner lining of the vessel;
  • endovascular dilatation of arteries- expansion of the lumen with balloon catheters;
  • endovascular stenting- expansion of the lumen of the arteries with the help of a spiral or mesh cylinder (stent);
  • coronary artery bypass grafting- creation of a new blood supply channel bypassing the damaged section of the artery.

A successful surgical intervention does not mean that the patient has completely got rid of the problem. After the operation, he will have to take medication and diet.

How to identify atherosclerosis - diagnostic methods

For modern medicine, the diagnosis of atherosclerosis is not a difficult task, especially if the patient has clear clinical signs of the disease. Initial conclusions are made on the basis of an oral questioning of the patient and a general examination. In favor of the disease testify:

  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • trophic changes in the skin on the limbs;
  • low weight;
  • the presence of wen on the body;
  • change in the pulsation of the arteries;
  • high or unstable blood pressure.

Since it is impossible to diagnose atherosclerosis only on the basis of complaints and anamnesis, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which includes:

  • blood tests for low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides and cholesterol;
  • vascular angiography;
  • kidneys, carotid and coronary arteries, vessels of the lower extremities and aorta.

Also, the diagnosis of atherosclerosis may include an examination using MRI and CT. With the help of these examination methods, organ damage due to tissue ischemia is diagnosed. Of no small importance is the rheovasography of the lower extremities, which makes it possible to detect a decrease in the rate of blood flow in them. This type of diagnosis is useful in the beginning of the disease, since it can be difficult to detect atherosclerosis by the previously announced methods at this stage of progression.

Complications in atherosclerosis

With atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia, patients are at risk of many complications, because almost all organs and systems suffer from insufficient blood circulation. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups:

Vascular insufficiency caused by malnutrition and gas exchange in the tissues of internal organs: such complications of atherosclerosis can be represented by dystrophic and necrotic changes that inevitably affect the functionality of organs and systems. With brain damage, the consequences of such processes can be progressive dementia, loss of vision, hearing, memory, and profound disability. With damage to the vessels of the heart, patients develop coronary disease, which also leads to profound disability. Damage to the arteries that feed the internal organs (kidneys, intestines, liver) results in multiple organ failure or organ necrosis. Atherosclerosis in the legs is complicated by gangrene.

Detachment of cholesterol plaques or the formation of blood clots with subsequent blockage of blood vessels: such complications of atherosclerosis occur rapidly and are catastrophic (not without reason in medicine there are the terms "brain catastrophe" and "heart catastrophe"). As a result of such processes, myocardial infarction and acute ischemic stroke develop. The result is paralysis and loss of many habitual functions. More than 70% die in the first year after plaque rupture occurs.

Thinning of the vessel wall with its subsequent protrusion outward - the development of an aneurysm: this complication can develop for a long time and go unnoticed. With stress, physical and emotional overstrain, which are often accompanied by jumps in blood pressure, the wall of the artery can burst. The rupture of an aneurysm leads to profuse internal bleeding, and in 80% of cases ends in death.

The only way to avoid such dangerous consequences of the disease is to consult a doctor if symptoms appear that may indicate vascular atherosclerosis. After the diagnosis is made, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle and take the medicines prescribed by the specialist. Subject to such conditions, the patient can live to a ripe old age and maintain a high quality of life.

Video: atherosclerosis