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What do medical and health procedures include? Water wellness treatments Kneipp path, sanatoriums

Great Encyclopedia of Health by Paul Bragg A. V. Moskin

Wellness water treatments

Hydrotherapy - the use of fresh water for preventive and therapeutic purposes - has a thousand-year history. Water treatment was used by the Egyptians, ancient Indians, Chinese and Babylonians. In Ancient Rome, public baths (therms) were the prototype of modern health centers. Along with the actual washing, they were used for treatment - contrast bathing in hot and cold water, massage, aromatherapy, mud baths.

After the long decline of hydrotherapy in the Middle Ages in Western Europe, interest in the healing properties of water began to grow again in the 17th–18th centuries, and in the 19th century scientific justification for hydrotherapy appeared. The work of Pastor Sebastian Kneipp, dedicated to hydrotherapy, gained great popularity.

Hydrotherapy is based on several unique properties of water, as well as its availability to almost everyone and the relative ease of performing wellness procedures.

Hydrotherapy is a healing modality that is suitable for everyone, but it has some limitations.

Since the main healing effect of water procedures is based on the temperature contrast, and the body is subjected to mechanical stress, there are strict contraindications for hydrotherapy. Ignoring them can lead to serious consequences.

First of all, this includes any acute forms or exacerbations of chronic diseases, especially inflammatory ones. At this time, you need to treat your body with extreme caution, because most of your energy is spent fighting the infection, and excess stress can undermine your already weakened defenses.

Hydrotherapy is dangerous in the presence of malignant tumors or benign neoplasms with a tendency to grow. Blood diseases in the acute stage, diseases accompanied by bleeding, exclude hydrotherapeutic procedures. The same applies to severe kidney diseases, tuberculosis, and glaucoma.

We have already said that the cardiovascular system experiences significant stress during hydrotherapy. Doctors strongly recommend refraining from strong impact procedures (for example, a contrast shower) if the patient suffers from cardiovascular diseases or circulatory disorders above degree I.

The skin is directly exposed to water and other mechanical factors during procedures, and in the presence of certain skin diseases, contact with water can lead to deterioration of health. This applies, for example, to weeping eczema - pemphigus.

You should be extremely careful when using water procedures during pregnancy, especially in the second half. It must be remembered that not only the mother’s body is at risk, but also the health of the unborn child. When choosing a particular procedure, you should definitely consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Women are also not recommended to carry out water procedures on menstruation days.

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Water treatments

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Water procedures They include showering, bathing (baths), washing, dousing, rubbing and wet wrapping. The hardening effect in this case is due to water irritation of the nerve endings of the skin. Temperature effects are the main factor of water

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Water procedures External water procedures, which are given great importance, are among the means of external cleansing of yoga. If the skin is not regularly cleansed, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is hampered, conditions are created for the proliferation of microbes and various problems arise.

We bring to your attention a list of medical and health procedures used in spa treatment in the Czech Republic.

A therapeutic technique in which acupuncture points are stimulated with a special needle. Acupuncture for the whole body is used in the treatment of painful conditions and functional disorders of internal organs, vertebrogenic algic syndrome, neuralgia, tinnitus (extraneous noise in the ears). Ear acupuncture is used as an adjunctive therapy in abstinence treatments, such as in the treatment of excess weight, smoking habits, etc.

Aromatic massage
During an aromatherapy massage, pleasantly smelling oils are rubbed into the skin. Typically, rose, rosemary, and lavender oils are used, each of which, when inhaled or absorbed, helps to relax the brain and improve mood.

Braxiradiumtherapy (therapy with boxes)
Used for treatment in the Jáchymov resort. Local treatment of painful areas with alpha and gamma radiation, which is used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. As a rule, such treatment is carried out when other radon treatment methods are ineffective.

Pneumatic massage of the lower extremities, carried out in a specially equipped apparatus. Massage performed under pressure forces muscles, blood vessels, and veins to work, helping to improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. With pronounced diabetic changes in blood vessels, the pain syndrome decreases, improves blood circulation in the skin, thereby reducing the risk of formation of trophic ulcers on the lower extremities.

Vibration sauna
Combination therapy, which is based on the integrated use of vibration massage, heat, relaxation music and aromatherapy. It has a positive effect on all body systems, helps establish physical and mental balance, relieves high tension, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, accelerates metabolism and lowers blood pressure.

Group whirlpool bath with overall relaxing effect. Recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, overexcitation and fatigue.

An aqueous solution of Vitasol with Dead Sea salts is sprayed in a special box. From the resulting suspension, the medicinal mixture enters the body through the patient’s skin and respiratory tract, where it actively reacts with free radicals, prevents cell damage, prevents premature aging and the occurrence of a number of diseases. The procedure is especially effective for chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, eczema, dermatids and psoriasis, when it is necessary to improve immunity, after acute infectious diseases and for skin regeneration.

Whirlpool bath
General or partial whirlpool bath for the upper or lower extremities. The massage is performed underwater using water jets and whirlwinds. Improves blood circulation in the extremities and metabolism.

An integral part of each course is a rehabilitation pool, which is used as a thermal treatment.

Gas injections
This procedure is proprietary in the Czech Republic. Carbon dioxide of natural origin is injected into the subcutaneous space in the immediate vicinity of large joints and the spine. The main result is pain reduction, improved blood supply and rapid wound healing. During one procedure, usually 200 ml of gas is administered, divided into 50 ml, in rare cases this dose is reduced.

Geyser bath
Produces a gentle massage of the skin and subcutaneous space with the movement of large bubbles of gas released into the bath through a special grill.

Internal injection that slows down the aging process, improves concentration and memory.

In a special bath, an intense underwater massage is performed with water jets saturated with air or oxygen.

Mud vaginal tampons
It is a form of local thermotherapy. It is prepared from sulfur-stringent mud, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

Mud application (mud envelope)
We are talking about one of the types of warming up. Heat, penetrating into the body, improves blood supply and metabolism and thereby accelerates the absorption of chronic inflammatory infiltrates. Mud absorbs sweat and dead particles of skin epithelium. Mud is used in the form of applications for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological disorders and diseases of the respiratory system. Contraindications: not recommended for patients with heart and vascular diseases, stroke or cancer complications.

Diadynamic currents
This is treatment with direct currents of different frequencies. Diadynamic currents have a pronounced analgesic effect, reduce swelling and congestion at the site of the disease, improve local blood and lymph circulation. As a result of treatment, rapid healing of trophic ulcers and long-term wounds occurs. Diadynamic currents are also prescribed for severe pain in the spine, joints, muscles, neuralgia and paralysis.

Sharko's shower
Charcot's shower - alternating warm and cold water in the form of a jet supplied under pressure to the human body. The procedure has a stimulating effect on the brain and spinal cord, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and also helps to harden the body and strengthen the immune system. As a stimulating procedure, it can be prescribed for obesity, as it increases metabolic energy processes, breaks down fats, which has a beneficial effect on weight loss while simultaneously introducing an active motor mode and low-calorie food.

Pearl baths
Baths are prepared artificially. A grate is placed at the bottom of the bath, through which air is passed, pumped by a compressor.

The baths got their name due to the fact that the large air bubbles that form shimmer in the bath like pearls.

For this procedure, mineral waters are used, which improve the functions of the respiratory mucosa, have an anti-inflammatory effect, remove mucus and facilitate coughing.

Medicines for the treatment of shortness of breath, natural salts for the treatment of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, or herbal decoctions can be added to mineral waters during inhalation.

Oxygen therapy
Regenerating oxygen therapy, which in combination with antioxidants and exercise helps the body get rid of free radicals, the accumulation of which leads to premature aging of cells and the occurrence of a number of diseases. Typically, the technique of Professor Manfred von Ardenne is used, who invented a device that allows you to saturate the body with oxygen so that the result of treatment has a long-term positive effect on the body. The procedure improves oxidation in tissues and organs, increases endurance, and improves heart and lung function.

Intestinal lavage
The procedure is especially popular among patients suffering from chronic constipation and intestinal dyskinesia. Using a special device, mineral water is supplied to the rectum for 10-15 minutes. During this time, partial intestinal lavage occurs. When carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to remember that irrigation with water does not occur throughout the intestine, but only in its underlying sections; in addition, water partially washes away the physiological flora in the intestine, thereby contributing to the development of dysbiosis.

Classic massage
A favorite spa procedure, which is mainly used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

This procedure is always a good addition to the main course where it is necessary to relax tense muscles, treat painful connective tissues, or prepare the patient for physical therapy.

Although massage also has its contraindications, which need to be remembered. Contraindications: postoperative complications in the cavity of the peritoneum and sternum, varicose veins of the lower extremities, complications of blood circulation and bleeding.

Colon hydrotherapy
This procedure involves washing the large intestine and removing toxins from the mucous tissue using a special apparatus (colon-hydromat), water and massaging the abdominal cavity. The day before the procedure, it is recommended to limit food to cereals, vegetables, fruits and a sufficient amount of liquid.

Cryogenic therapy
Cold treatment. Used as local therapy for acute inflammation. The duration of the procedure is only a few minutes.

Lavaterm, duotherm
Local heat compresses, in which heat arises from heating in a water bath or from a chemical reaction in the compress itself.

It takes place individually or in groups for patients with similar diseases. The set of exercises is aimed, first of all, at restoring the functions of the affected organ, for example, exercises for the spine, breathing exercises, exercises for the hip joint after surgery. In the final part of the complex, the intensity of the exercises is reduced, and gentle exercises are used to relax and stretch the muscles.

Therapeutic exercise in the pool
Conducted in groups. In addition to direct physical therapy, pool water and thermal effects also have a beneficial effect. It produces exceptional results in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Prescriptions: 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes; with individual lessons, daily use is possible.

Lymphatic hydromassage
During this procedure, a gentle massage with water jets is used in a special box. Both general and partial hydromassage can be performed; it is also possible to combine the procedure with a hydrogun or Turkish steam room. The procedure improves lymph exchange, normalizes skin condition, improves blood supply to the skin and subcutaneous space, improves tissue metabolism and stabilizes the autonomic nervous system.

Lymphoven - pressure massage
A type of massage that uses a special device to create increased pressure on the upper or lower limbs or on the abdomen, pelvis and thighs. At the end of the massage, doctors recommend wearing tight stockings or applying an elastic bandage. The procedure lasts 60 minutes.

Treatment of diseases with magnetic fields, pulsed and constant. The cardiovascular system is very sensitive to the magnetic field, and in the treatment of heart diseases, coronary circulation improves, the myocardium's need for oxygen decreases, and the body's resistance to physical activity increases. When exposed to blood vessels, their expansion is achieved, the viscosity of the blood decreases, the ability of platelets to form blood clots in the vessels decreases, local blood circulation and oxygen delivery to tissues and organs improves. All this helps reduce inflammation, swelling and healing of wounds and fractures.

Mineral baths
For mineral baths, water with a high content of carbon dioxide, mineral salts and humic acids is used. The water in the bath is heated to 28-34 °C. Carbon dioxide is absorbed into the skin, improves its blood supply, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart and kidneys, and has a calming effect on the nervous system. A course of carbon dioxide baths also has an anti-stress effect. The procedure lasts 20 minutes, followed by a 20-minute rest in a dry bag.

Mineral baths with additives
Mineral baths are used as an additional therapeutic factor in the treatment of eczema and dermatitis. Various herbal extracts or Dead Sea salts are added to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes at a temperature of about 34°C.

Oxygen therapy
A therapeutic procedure based on improving oxidative processes in cells. It is also possible to enhance the therapeutic effect through the use of antioxidants.

Mineral water irrigation (gum, vaginal)
As a result of direct washing of the mucous membranes of the gums or vaginal mucous membranes, ions of mineral water penetrate through absorption to the source of inflammation, are carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, thereby achieving anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and disinfection effects.

A mixture of paraffin and medicinal mud extracted from lakes on the slopes of the northern Italian hills. Used for cosmetic elimination of cellulite.

Paraffin envelope
The procedure is based on the effect of local thermotherapy. It uses white paraffin with an admixture of paraffin oil. The temperature during the procedure is kept at the melting point of paraffin - 55° C. Paraffin is applied to the sore spot with a special brush or by dipping in a special bath.
The therapeutic effect is based on segmental reflex action and is used against pain and spasms. This procedure is recommended for small joint pain due to arthritis, spinal pain and wound healing. A special combination of the use of paraffin and subsequent exposure to ultrasound achieves a therapeutic effect for prostatitis and difficulty urinating.

Underwater massage
It can be partial or general; it is recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and circulatory disorders. With the help of a flow of water of controlled intensity, you can improve blood flow, relax connective tissues and improve nutrition of organs. Has an analgesic effect. A very popular procedure for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Bubble bath
It has a sedative effect, weakens muscle tone and mental stress. Recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, to improve blood supply to the extremities and wound healing. Temperature: 34°C

Radon baths
Used for treatment in the Jáchymov resort. Radon baths cause contraction in the first phase, and dilation of capillaries in the second phase; they have a beneficial effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system, leveling and lowering blood pressure, reducing the pulse, and activating metabolic processes in the myocardium. Radon baths have a slight inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, the patient calms down, sleep and mood improve. In severe pain conditions, radon has an analgesic effect.

Relaxation and rehabilitation gymnastics
Relaxation and rehabilitation gymnastics is one of the methods of physical education; it is especially effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory tract. Includes various ball exercises, special breathing exercises, etc.

Reflex (segmental) massage
Mechanical impact on reflex zones, which is used for diseases of internal organs. A set of special manual techniques is used, which the physiotherapist selects depending on the patient’s condition. Three basic complexes are used - cervical, dorsal and thigh

Reflexive foot massage
Stimulation of acupressure points on the surface of the foot. With the help of special massage techniques, it is possible to have a positive effect on internal organs, establish vegetative balance, accelerate wound healing and reduce pain. This type of massage is recommended for insomnia, depression, and also for general improvement of the body's condition.

Manual lymphatic drainage
The procedure is carried out by a physiotherapist who has completed special courses. During this procedure, a massage is used, which affects the walls of the capillaries and improves the metabolic process. It can be performed separately for the upper and lower extremities. At the end of the massage, an elastic stocking or elastic bandage is put on the limbs. The procedure lasts 40-60 minutes.

Sigorol - massage roller
Hardware massage used to strengthen connective tissue, skin and flabby muscles, to eliminate cellulite and reduce excess weight. The result of the procedure improves the use of ivy gel.

Slide styler
Cosmetic anti-cellulite procedure, which includes the use of parafang or cinnamon compress, pressure massage using a lymphovenous apparatus and cosmetic skin care.

Dry gas bath (gas envelope)
For this procedure, dry Marija gas is used, which accompanies the mineral springs in Marianske Lazne. We are talking about a gas of volcanic origin, consisting of 99.7% CO2, and used for treatment in the form of dry gas baths (gas bags) and gas injections. The gas freely penetrates through clothing, is absorbed into the skin, dilates blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on skin receptors, and has an antiseptic effect. As a result, wounds heal faster, blood supply and kidney function improve. Mariin gas stimulates the synthesis of the sexual hormones testosterone and extradeol, and therefore is successfully used to improve sexual functions in men and suppress menopausal symptoms in women. During the procedure, gas is supplied from a gas cylinder into a plastic bag.

When performing acupressure, biologically active points on the body are identified. By pressing on them, endomorphins are released, the action of which is similar to that of hormones. Depending on the technique of influencing a local point, the massage can be stimulating or soothing. Acupressure is used for almost all disorders of muscle tone, also for muscle and joint pain, where it is necessary to achieve relaxation, relaxation, and calm. Ultrasound
When using ultrasound, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy (tissue micromassage) and thermal energy. This leads to better blood circulation and improved metabolism in tissues, relief from muscle tension, scar healing, pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Relaxation exercises
Yoga tools are used to relieve muscle and mental tension, to establish balance in the autonomic nervous system, and to restore impaired functions of internal organs. Can be used in combination with aromatherapy.

Extremite vacuum compression therapy
A type of massage that uses a special device for pressure vacuum compression of the upper or lower extremities. By alternating the use of increased and decreased pressure on the tissue, improved blood circulation, metabolism, unblocking of veins and capillaries are achieved, which leads to a decrease in swelling.

For treatment, various types of electric current are used, which improve blood circulation in tissues, relieve muscle tension, or vice versa - compensate for insufficient muscle tone, relieve pain and suppress inflammatory processes.

Depending on the choice of specific parameters of the electric current, the procedure is effective for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, circulatory disorders, chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases, postoperative conditions, chronic gynecological and urological diseases, diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems, skin and other diseases. (travelprague)

Hardening and wellness procedures

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of hardening as a proven means of improving health. The basis of all hardening procedures is repeated exposure to heat, cold and sunlight on the human body. During the hardening process, the child gradually gets used to changes in the external environment, the functioning of the body improves, and performance increases. Children react less to sudden changes in weather, so the incidence of illness, especially colds, decreases, and their well-being improves.

Hardening procedures must be carried out correctly. There are clear rules for carrying out all hardening procedures:





Only with regular and properly organized hardening can the maximum effect be achieved. Already 2-3 weeks after the cessation of hardening procedures, the achieved level of adaptation noticeably decreases.

You need to start hardening procedures with the simplest - with air baths and wiping with a dry and wet towel. It is necessary to gradually increase the dose of the hardening procedure, starting with the minimum and accessible to your child. During hardening procedures, you must carefully monitor the body's reaction. Only this can bring maximum success. Hardening by cold, sun and heat are its main forms. Cold hardening is carried out using air and water.

One of the most effective forms of hardening, which should be carried out daily, is air hardening. This allows you to improve the supply of oxygen to the tissues and, if you dress in accordance with the weather conditions, without excessive wrapping, it is also a hardening procedure. Every day the child should be in the fresh air for at least 2-3 hours. To enhance the effectiveness of hardening, you need to add constant ventilation of the rooms, and also teach children to sleep with an open vent or window.

Air baths - air hardening is a very useful and effective procedure. It must be carried out naked at a temperature of 15-20°C in a place protected from the wind. The duration of the procedure for children increases gradually from 5-7 minutes to 1.5-2 hours. Cold air baths (5-4°C) are indicated only for already seasoned people and for no more than 1-5 minutes. If a child combines being outdoors with simple gymnastic exercises and the sun, this will only add a hardening effect

One of the most effective means of cold hardening iswater hardening . Water trains our body. At the same time, metabolism increases and all body processes are activated. It is best to harden with water in the morning or afternoon.

There are three types of water hardening:

    rubdown , which is applied as an initial procedure. First, dry rubbing is performed. Using a piece of clean soft cloth, wipe the entire body of the child until slight redness appears. After 2 weeks you can start wet wiping. It is performed with a wrung out towel, sponge or palm, starting at a water temperature of 32-34°C. Duration of rubbing is 1-2 minutes. After wiping with a damp cloth, you need to wipe the body with a dry towel or sheet and do a light massage until the skin becomes slightly red. You must gradually accustom your body to this procedure - first your arms, upper body, legs. The water temperature gradually decreases by several degrees every 4-5 days and reaches 12-16°C. Rubbing is performed in the direction from the fingertips to the shoulder, from the periphery to the center along the blood and lymph;

    dousing (shower) - the initial water temperature is at least 30 ° C, which is gradually lowered to 12-15 ° C. The duration of this procedure is no more than 1.5 minutes. During dousing, water is directed by a stream from a vessel, hose, or palms. The duration of the first procedures is no more than 20-30 seconds, without wetting the head. When the child is used to dousing, you can start using the shower. Showering causes a more active reaction in the body. The initial shower temperature is at least 30°. Gradually it drops to the level of water from a cold tap. A contrast shower, that is, a shower with a change in water temperature, has a special effect on the child’s body. At first, the temperature difference should not exceed 5-8°, gradually it becomes as large as possible (at the same time, hot water should not be more than 39-42°). The duration of stay under water at one temperature is 40-60 seconds, changing the temperature no more than 2-4 times.

    bathing – This a very effective method of hardening. The most beneficial effect on the body is swimming in open water. Water in a pond combined with exposure to air and sunlight has the most beneficial effect on a child. It is recommended to start swimming. You can start swimming at an air temperature of at least 24-26°C and a water temperature of at least 21°C. The duration for children under 5 years old should not exceed 5-8 minutes, for 6-7 years old - 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to control whether the child has overbought. You need to pay close attention while in the water. If the child turns pale, his lips turn blue, or “goose bumps” appear, you should immediately stop bathing, wipe him dry, persuade him to run, give him warm tea and change him into dry clothes.

Sun hardening . The sun's rays have a predominantly thermal effect on humans, training the thermoregulation mechanism. At the same time, metabolism improves, the hemoglobin content in the blood increases, the protective function of the skin is activated, which improves the immune system. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed in the skin. But the positive effects of the sun appear only with the correct dosage of tanning. The child should wear a light-colored hat on his head. Children under one year old are not recommended to be naked in an open sunny meadow. The first exposure to the sun should not exceed 4 minutes (one minute each on the back, stomach and both sides). Gradually, every 2-3 days you can add a minute for each body position. But the total duration of sunbathing for children 3-4 years old cannot be more than 12-15 minutes; 5-6 years -20-25 minutes, 7-8 years -20-30 minutes, for older children it should not exceed 1 hour. The best time for sunbathing is in the morning. Contraindications for sunbathing may include elevated temperature and acute colds. In case of sunburn, it is recommended to wipe the affected areas with cologne, and then apply napkins moistened with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate to them.

Soaring , that is, using a steam bath, is considered an effective way to train the body to cope with high temperatures. Bath procedures help the skin to cleanse itself of oil, dirt and sweat. The steam room helps speed up recovery after physical activity and relieves emotional stress. But a long stay in the bathhouse can lead to dehydration. It is not recommended to steam immediately after eating and before bed. It is better to steam in an old felt or woolen sports cap, moistened with cold water, placed on your head. Children can steam from the age of 3, but this procedure should be gentle. After the steam room, contrasting water treatments are not recommended for children.

Walking barefoot . Parents should use barefoot walking - a proven folk remedy for promoting health. This should be done at home first, but you can start walking barefoot outdoors on warm spring or summer days. Walking barefoot starts from 10-15 seconds. Gradually its duration increases. This procedure can be continued until autumn frosts.

Massage - the most famous healing procedure that was widely used in ancient times. Massage has a positive effect on the skin, making it more elastic, smooth, increases its blood supply, increases muscle performance, and helps them recover faster from physical stress. Joints gain greater mobility and range of motion increases. Massage also affects the nervous system. A short energetic massage excites her, and a long, calm one causes inhibition of the nerve centers and calms her down. Massage is beneficial for everyone, but it should not be done during inflammatory processes and .

When performing a massage, you need to remember a few rules:

    Hand movements should be soft and not cause pain. For better glide on the skin, you can use talc or baby powder, as well as Vaseline and special cosmetic creams.

    Massage movements are performed along the flow of blood and lymph towards the nearest lymph nodes. It is not recommended to massage the nodes themselves. Their locations are the armpit, groin area, popliteal fossa. Hands are massaged from the fingertips to the elbow joint, and from there to the armpit. The foot massage is carried out from the toes to the knee and from there to the groin. The chest is massaged from the sternum to the side, the stomach clockwise, the face - from the nose in different directions and from the temples down.

Massage usually uses techniques such as stroking, squeezing, rubbing, kneading, shaking, and percussive techniques.

Stroking has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves skin nutrition.

Squeezing already has a more active effect on humans. It improves nutrition of muscles and skin, tones the entire body. After several squeezes, stroking is recommended.

Trituration affects joints and ligaments. It is performed energetically and in different directions. After rubbing, it is advisable to do several strokes.

Kneading This is the main technique in massage, with the help of which not only superficial muscles are massaged, but also deeper ones. It actively increases blood circulation.

Shaking performed after kneading, it helps to better relax the muscle and calm the nervous system.

Striking techniques This is tapping, chopping, patting. They promote blood flow to the massaged area and have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Acupressure has become very popular lately. It is based on the effect on biologically active (vital) points. In total, about 700 of them are described, but 150 are used. During acupressure, the body's energy balance improves. This type of massage can both calm and excite the nervous system (depending on the method of influence), and improves the nutrition of nervous tissue.

When carrying out allDuring hardening and health procedures, parents must always strictly follow all their rules, taking into account the characteristics of their child. Only in this case can they get the best possible result.

Depending on the time of year, you can choose a set of procedures to improve your skin.

1. Spring, summer
Swimming in the sea is beneficial, as sea salt helps cleanse the skin and kills germs. But if you have a lot of purulent acne, then salt bathing, and even more so salt steam baths, may not only not be beneficial, but also cause tissue irritation.

There is no consensus among experts regarding sunbathing: many recognize its positive effect (of course, if the procedure is reasonably dosed), but in recent years, most dermatologists are inclined to believe that tanning is not only ineffective in the treatment of acne, but is also dangerous for health, as it can cause very serious and even fatal diseases: melanoma, skin cancer. In any case, sun tanning contributes to premature aging of the skin, although it helps hide age spots from acne.

Therefore, if you do not need a short-term effect, but healthy skin, refuse solar treatments.

Autumn winter

In winter, short-term exposure to air at low temperatures is useful (just don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll get frostbite instead of healing your skin).

At any time of the year it is advisable to find time to play sports. It may not be immediately clear how sports training affects acne. However, the old truth that sport is movement, and movement is life, is not so banal. Moreover, if we remember that playing sports improves the condition of almost all internal organs: heart, liver, muscles, bones, joints. And physical inactivity (decreased physical activity) can cause diseases of the spine, arthrosis and even prostatitis (in men).

Sports activities help optimize blood circulation, which means a better supply of cells with beneficial substances carried by the blood. The body gets an additional opportunity to cleanse itself of toxins and waste (through blood, urine and sweat), which is essential for getting rid of acne.

Of course, no one encourages you to “rush” into professional or even amateur sports (although why not, if age and health allow it); regular physical education is enough.

So what should you choose? You can go running, skiing, cycling or swimming.
It is not the specific sport that is important, but the beneficial physical activity that accompanies it. But choose it based on the individual characteristics of the body. For example, tennis and badminton are not suitable for people with spinal diseases, as these are asymmetrical sports.

It is advisable to exercise regularly (at least 4-5 times a week) for 30–40 minutes.

After sports activities, thoroughly dry your face and body from sweat with a dry towel or antibacterial wipes to prevent the growth of germs that cause pimples. You can, of course, wash your face with water after each workout, but do not overdo it - excessive water procedures can aggravate the course of acne.

Another tip - treat yourself with sleep! Even if you make every effort to get rid of acne during the day, poor sleep or lack of sleep at night will only make your skin problems worse. The causes of insomnia can be stress, physical pain and others. In this case, it is better to consult a specialist.
But, if lack of sleep is temporary, try drinking 30 drops of motherwort tincture or a few drops of valerian before bed.

There are different points of view regarding the optimal “dose” of sleep. Some experts believe that 8–9 hours of rest is enough for the normal functioning of the human body. However, for many, the average amount of “good” sleep can range from 4 to 12 hours. But the main thing is not quantity, but compliance with the regime! That is, you need to regularly go to bed and get up at the same time.

You can try to calculate your sleep rhythm. For example, some people feel good only when they sleep in multiples of 3 or 1.5 hours. That is, 9 and 7.5 (but not 8!). Find out experimentally what your sleep rhythm is. But don't forget that it takes 5-15 minutes to fall asleep, so subtract this time from the total result.

You can’t start an affair at such a “resort”, but...

A working person is entitled to vacation once a year, and everyone wants to spend it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for wasted money. Relax, improve your health. But in sanatoriums it’s a bit boring, and “in the wild” harmful excesses are inevitable...

But what if you do the opposite: take wellness treatments at home so that you can relax more freely on your long-awaited vacation? Would you say that our capital has nothing in common with a resort? You are wrong!

“We had a good rest, but we were very tired”
The Dead Sea, Karlovy Vary, and hundreds of other resorts primarily attract us not with their marvelous landscapes, but with the unique properties of specific natural factors that help cure many diseases. Mother Nature is actually the best doctor in some cases.

Meanwhile, “health tours” to any resort area are not useful for everyone. Some vacationers have a hard time with both acclimatization and sudden changes in diet. And most importantly, the procedures themselves can cause unexpected side effects - sometimes the physiotherapist blessing the trip cannot predict them. In addition, there is no sanatorium area where all ailments can be treated at once.

This means that real benefits can be derived from a trip only when recovery adequate to the state of the body is guaranteed. Otherwise, at the end we will get an ordinary vacation away from home, only too generously paid for.

“Is your sea water fresh?”
Physiotherapeutic procedures are good as a preventative measure. It's even better when they are done on time. Radon baths, for example, would be very useful during an exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis. But going to the resort for six sessions prescribed by a rheumatologist is pointless, and it will take more than one day to arrange the trip. But in a specially equipped clinic these procedures can be obtained immediately. Like many others from the arsenal of spa treatment.

Modern medicine, paying tribute to the possibilities of physiotherapy, has reasoned sensibly: if the patient does not go to the resort, why not make the resort “come” to the patient? There is no need to stock up on canned sea air, but you will need natural sea water. As well as unique healing muds - peloids, and algae, widely used for rejuvenation and tissue restoration. For suppliers of medicinal raw materials this is a profitable business, for reputable clinics it means prestige and an expansion of the range of therapy options. You just can’t bring the climate from a resort, and therefore climatotherapy remains perhaps the only advantage of natural health forges.

Council on the issue of taking a bath
In developed countries, there are many medical institutions that in urban conditions will give a head start to any medical resort, offering a much wider range of medical procedures in the complex and volume that are relevant for any patient without exception. In addition, treatment or recovery at “artificial resorts” is in some cases even more effective and... safer. There is no paradox in this. By drawing up individual programs, specialists at city clinics play it safe: the commandment “do no harm” in physiotherapy is no less relevant than in any other area of ​​medicine.

Even staying in solariums, which are opened at every turn today, has contraindications, but what do sunbathing lovers know about them? And what doctors at resorts and sanatoriums sometimes turn a blind eye to (“The man traveled so far, paying a lot of money!”) will alert the specialists of the city medical center. For example, excess weight may mean a hidden endocrine disease. This means that before immersing the patient in the bliss of procedures, it is imperative to conduct a thorough examination. And only after this, the coordinating doctor will determine the indications for their use, and the physiotherapist will adjust the program, dosing the loads and checking the compatibility of techniques and areas of application.

From mud to algae
For many, the first sign of a physiotherapy department being a “resort” is the presence of healing mud. The demand for mud therapy is stable. They are traditionally used in gynecologists, urologists, proctology, otolaryngology...

“Mud wraps activate numerous processes in the body, including the resorption of fat cells,” says Zhanna Yusova, a doctor at the Swiss Medical Center in Moscow. – For example, we use highly mineralized mud from Crimea, “live”, containing natural antibiotics - beneficial bacteria, antagonists of pathogenic microbes. They help restore human skin and flora.”

Algae successfully competes with healing mud in terms of spectrum and strength of impact. The most rich in microelements are those that grow in the Mediterranean Sea. They make hot and cold wraps. The first creates a sauna effect that enhances the penetration of active substances inside, helps to sculpt the figure, increases skin tone and elasticity, dilates blood vessels and activates blood circulation. And with cold wrapping, capillaries and vessels narrow, blood and lymph carry toxins and waste to the internal cleansing organs. Cold wrap is recommended for swelling, fatigue, heaviness in the legs - that is, for the most common ailments. It is effective as rehabilitation after vein sclerosis.

Seaweed wraps also give excellent results in the fight against cellulite. Body contouring is generally an incredibly popular procedure among women. While some are even ready for surgical removal of fat deposits, physiotherapists offer a gentle “herbal” technique.

“During the first three days of wraps, the volume of the waist and hips decreases, sometimes up to 2.5 cm per day,” assures Dr. Yusova. – Despite the fact that the specialized literature describes more modest achievements with a larger number of procedures. And the best results are obtained after using a comprehensive course of treatment or recovery: natural ingredients plus therapy using the latest and unique equipment.”

Luxury – and for cellulite!
Directed massage - using special equipment and in combination with an individually formulated Euro-diet - easily eliminates cellulite formations. This is also physiotherapy. Today, in the best physiotherapy departments they use a device with the exotic name “Yin-Yang”, which breaks down fat cells with low-frequency ultrasound - using attachments that are attached to problem areas of the body. The split cells are removed through the lymph under the influence of microcurrents produced by the device. Moreover, the lymph does not stagnate in the nodes, “Yin-Yang” effectively creates a surge.

To prevent the muscles from looking flabby after being freed from fat cells, they are tightened using special exercise machines. In this case, you can influence a muscle group, and even just one, pointwise. And this is no longer just high-level physical therapy - this is aerobatics. Steam bath, infrared sauna, wooden plunge pool, Charcot shower, vacuum roller and many other massagers - everything that is considered an unattainable luxury in a regular clinic is considered a necessary accessory in specialized medical centers. Together with a bathtub for balneological procedures (bathing treatment) and an underwater massage shower. All this is actually necessary so that procedures with physical activity are replaced by relaxing, restorative ones. In various combinations, they make up the same therapeutic or health complexes, the effectiveness of which, according to experts, exceeds the results of staying at a specialized resort.