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Blooming money tree omens. Money Tree. Benefit or harm. be careful

This article will tell you about the most common signs and superstitions associated with the money tree.

“Money tree” (“Crassula” or “Crassula”)- a common plant in modern homes. The tree is grown not only because it is easy to care for, but also because there are a number of signs associated with it. In particular, with the well-being and wealth of the house in which it is located.

The most important sign- the tree grows wildly in the house where everyone is prosperous, knows no needs and has good income. And also, on the contrary, he languishes, gets sick and does not give leaves in a house where there are debts and ruin.

Another opinion based on the ancient teachings of Feng Shui states that the one who starts a “money business” in the house attracts prosperity and grace to the house. You can only “maintain” this well-being if you carefully care for the plant, enhancing its growth.

IMPORTANT: “Fast woman” can fit into almost any interior and will develop if it receives all the necessary conditions. However, few people know that the “money tree” is also capable of producing favorable pairs that improve human health.

Crassula - money tree

How to plant a money tree correctly so that it brings in money: conspiracy

One of the signs says: “a plant can take root in a person only when its sprout is stolen from him”. This rule suits the “crassula” perfectly, because it reproduces either by cuttings or by leaves. It is especially good to break off a sprout with aerial roots, so you can be absolutely sure that the petiole will take root.

A sprout that is too large should not be torn off, as the tree itself can be damaged. If you are afraid to injure the grass after a break, you should sprinkle the broken area with charcoal. In addition, you should be sure to comply with all planting conditions so that the tree will definitely take root and contribute to improving the well-being of its owner.

Another condition for proper tree planting is plant the shoot, focusing on the lunar phase (the waxing moon). In addition, it is good to do this at night, when the moonlight can “bless” your action and enhance the effect of the wealth plot. Read the plot confidently and in a low voice. After planting, be sure to tie a red ribbon or red thread to the trunk of the Crassula, which can enhance the unique ability of the plant.

Spell for planting a tree: read three times

Signs for planting and replanting a money tree

An important sign when planting Crassula, which helps to increase wealth, is that it should be placed at the bottom of the flower pot along with drainage and soil.

It is this feature of the “money” tree that will contribute to its will begin to “attract” money into the house. The larger the coin you place at the bottom, the more favorable energy the flower will bring you.

IMPORTANT: If you put a coin with the number 5 on it at the bottom of the pot, you will attract positive energy.

Other signs indicate that The “money” plant must be kept on the windowsill. There is plenty of light there to ensure the tree gets enough sunlight. However, not every window sill is suitable for a fat woman, find a south-east window in your home - it will fit perfectly. The southeastern sector, following the teachings of Feng Shui, is responsible for wealth.

IMPORTANT: Feel free to talk to your money tree, wipe it from dust, moisten it with a spray bottle. In addition, try to grow it symmetrically, pinching the crown and sides.

Important signs when planting a truly “money” tree:

  • Pinch off a sprout from a person who is prosperous.
  • Give the plant enough attention
  • Buy your tree the most beautiful and expensive pot you can find.
  • It’s good if the pot is made of natural material (clay, ceramics) and decorated in red (itself is that color or has a red design).
  • Often real gold is placed at the bottom of the pot (a piece of a chain, a broken earring, etc.).

How to grow a money tree correctly?

Money tree - indoor plant: how to care, signs

A wildly growing money tree indicates the well-being of the family. If you want your plant to always please you with its health, it needs careful care. Fortunately, Caring for a fat plant is not difficult:

  • Water the dry soil
  • Moisten and wipe the leaves
  • Select the appropriate email
  • Allow sunlight to reach the plant

It is believed that something that fades should not be resurrected, because in this way you will not improve your financial situation in any way. In this case, it is urgent to purchase a new plant and plant it in a pot accordingly.

IMPORTANT: If the “money tree” unexpectedly blooms, this is the best sign for you, foreshadowing big profits or an improvement in your financial situation.

Signs associated with the money tree

Is it possible to prune a money tree: signs

It is believed that if “other people’s hands” touch the “money tree”, it will will allow your money to “leak” out of your home. Each tree owner must independently care for his tree, in particular, trim it.

If the plant grows strongly, it should be trimmed a little from the top so that the fat plant gives “strength” to the leaves and stem system. Your money tree must be beautiful, powerful and neat, without crooked branches or mechanical damage.

How to care for a money tree?

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home: signs

According to the teachings of Fei Shui every house or apartment should have a money tree, which can attract positive energy to the family. If you are unable to care for a living plant, make a symbolic tree with your own hands.

The money tree died: signs

The dead “money” tree – the worst sign for your well-being, especially if you grew it yourself from a small sprout. If you bought an “adult” plant, brought it home and after a while it began to wither, it means that it is too early for you to think about your well-being.

A withered tree should not be revived or saved in every possible way, it should be thrown out and all your efforts should be directed to growing a new flower. If fat women do not take root with you often enough, most likely you have problems either with your financial or mental state.

How to make a tree give you well-being?

Is it possible to throw away a money tree: signs

Very superstitious people may think that Under no circumstances should you throw away a money tree. However, this situation should be looked at from all sides. Of course, if a tree that you have grown for quite a long time from a small sprout has withered, this is a reason to be upset and think about your financial situation.

If you've grown a flower long enough (cared for it, watered it, trimmed it, and even talked to it), you “absorbed” a lot of personal positive energy into the tree. There is no point in getting rid of it; it should be “returned to nature.” Therefore, try to find a place and time to simply bury the plant in the ground.

If a tree that you recently brought from the store has withered, you don’t have to worry, but feel free to throw it in the trash. There is another gentle method - just put it in the entrance or outside the yard right in the pot so that anyone else can take it for themselves. The same rule can be followed if you were given a flower.

What can and cannot be done with a money tree?

How to properly throw away an old money tree?

Options for how you can throw away the “money tree” without harming yourself:

  • Put it in the entrance
  • Give it to someone who wants to “resurrect” it
  • Bury in the ground
  • Pinch off the sprout and try to grow it, throwing the plant into a bucket.

IMPORTANT: Before you get rid of the “money tree,” thank the plant for the time it spent with you and say goodbye from the bottom of your heart.

Is it possible to give a money tree from home?

Money Tree - one of the best gifts that can be given on any occasion: just like that, for a birthday or wedding. It is believed that a donated tree will definitely bring good luck and prosperity to a person if he takes care of it.

IMPORTANT: It is good to give and receive a money tree as a gift, not from a store, but from home, grown with your own hands. A gift that was raised in a prosperous home will be favorable.

How to attract prosperity to yourself with the help of a money tree?

Gave a money tree: signs

What signs are associated with the “money tree” if you were given one:

  • Gave a lush big money tree - good luck and prosperity.
  • They gave her a small tree - a present that foreshadows a slow but steady increase in wealth in the family.
  • If you gave a tree with diseases, you have envious people and ill-wishers.
  • If you gave a tree that soon died, you will have temporary financial difficulties.
  • If you gave a “sick” tree that you “brought back to life” - a good omen, you will make a profit.

The money tree has fallen: signs

Other signs regarding the money tree:

  • The tree has bent its trunk - you will have financial difficulties.
  • The tree fell along with the pot - a good omen, your wealth will increase.
  • The tree fell and the pot broke - you should expect people who are envious of your happiness.
  • The tree fell and broke - you will lose your material well-being.

What is the best way to accept and give a money tree as a gift?

Why does the money tree bloom?

Crassula blooms quite rarely. This happens more often in nature than at home. However, if the tree bloomed, this means that it had very pleasant indoor conditions: light, humidity and your love.

A flowering Crassula tree produces buds only when the most favorable period has arrived in your life. You can’t waste this moment and be sure to take advantage of it: take important actions, make decisions, make deals.

Blooming money tree

Is it possible to give a money tree to strangers?

You can give your money tree to a stranger, but only if you do it for the purpose of a gift. Give away the tree with positive emotions and only to those whom you truly love and respect.

Is it possible to borrow a money tree from friends?

You can and even need to take a money tree (leaf or sprout) for yourself, but pay attention to where you take it. It is believed that if you take a flower from “rich” people, you will be able to achieve the same wealth in the future.

Is it possible to buy a money tree from someone else?

You can buy a plant in a store or from hand. If you want it to give you positive energy and promote prosperity, don’t skimp on buying a plant and pay more money for the purchase than required.

Is it possible to sell a money tree?

It is better not to sell your own grown tree. You, of course, can do this, but Feng Shui says it’s easy, and most importantly, to happily make any decision, as well as say goodbye to things. If you are simply breeding crassulas, you can sell the tree without any problems.

Money tree: is it possible to give or donate shoots?

It is possible to give or donate shoots of a money tree, but superstitious people believe that in order for the petiole to “take root,” it must be stolen, preferably where the family lives prosperously and happily.

Video: “To make money flow: how to care for a money tree?”

Growing Wealth

I think you will agree that money plays a rather important role in our lives. Moreover, regardless of whether we recognize their influence or not. Do you understand their importance, do you love them - that’s what their presence in our lives sometimes depends on. They must be loved - money will not “go” to someone who despises them. Although for many years being rich was considered shameful. Evaluate what place does money occupy in your life now?

  1. Are you ready to truly accept money into your life?
  2. Do you know exactly what you need them for and in what quantity?
  3. Will they improve your life, and if so, in what ways?

Why is it important to answer these questions for yourself? Yes, because without your right attitude, all the knowledge and money talismans in the world will be powerless to help you get rich. Are you really ready to become rich? Then the Feng Shui money tree can help you with this.

What is a feng shui money tree?

There are a huge number of signs, symbols and affirmations (positive phrases) that can attract money into your life. According to Feng Shui, wealth and abundance in a person’s life should manifest itself in many areas of life: spirituality, culture, and material wealth. For example, a three-toed frog with a mouth placed on a red napkin is a sure way to financial well-being. But most often the main symbol of well-being is the money tree. The Feng Shui money tree talisman is considered one of the most powerful means for attracting material wealth. A properly placed money tree that is loved and cared for is sure to bring with it money and financial well-being.

Feng Shui symbolic money tree

Coin tree

The most common feng shui money tree is a small symbol stylized to resemble a real tree. Such a tree is fixed on a pedestal, its branches are made of wire, and the leaves are Chinese coins with a hole in the middle. The money tree talisman can be bought in many souvenir shops, or you can make it yourself. It is believed that a tree made by yourself will bring good luck to its owner - after all, you have invested your energy and your thoughts about well-being into it. To make a tree you will need wire, coins (preferably Chinese, with a square hole), as well as red ribbons or beads for decoration. There should be a lot of coins on the tree, at least 100 (for example, 10 coins on each branch, for a total of at least 10 branches). Then your tree really becomes rich. The size of your tree can be any and depends only on the amount of available materials and your imagination. Caring for the tree and its correct location is very important - the southeastern sector, which symbolizes material well-being. Even though your tree will be symbolic, it should be treated as if it were a real living plant. Give it attention, for example, with frequent wet cleaning and good lighting, place an image of water next to it, which will symbolize “watering” and improve the “growth” of your money tree.

Living money tree - Crassula arborescens

Crassula - money tree

This plant has long been popularly nicknamed the money tree for its small, fleshy leaves that look like coins. If you are a fan of indoor plants, then you can successfully make Crassula yours. She is quite unpretentious and loves a lot of light. This will only benefit the wealth sector in your apartment, which should also be well lit. If you decide to put a crassula at home as a money tree, it is advisable to buy it in a store, or even better, discreetly cut it at a party. It is believed that a gifted money tree will not bring good luck to either its new owner or the donor. There will be no problems with its breeding and cultivation - the fat plant is so tenacious that even a leaf will soon sprout a root and be ready to be planted in a pot. The pot itself should not be too large at first; it is better to replant the flower in the future as it grows. By the way, many owners of the plant consider it useful to bury small coins in the pot: this way the fat plant will further justify its name “money tree”. Since this is a plant with rather dense branches, turn it from time to time to the light with different sides. This way your money tree will develop evenly. In order for the fat plant to have a beautiful shape, its branches are often attached to a wooden peg, which aligns the sprouts and gives them direction. To turn your crassula into a real symbol of good luck and prosperity, decorate its branches with red ribbons and coins, and then it will become a real money talisman for your family.

Where to put the money tree feng shui

The effectiveness of the Feng Shui money tree largely depends on its correct location in the apartment. According to Feng Shui, the southeastern side, the wealth sector, is responsible for the well-being in the house - this is where your money tree should be placed. Use a compass to determine where southeast is in your apartment. You can take the front door as a starting point, or you can take the traditional compass determination of the cardinal directions. Use the method that is more pleasant and convenient for you. Also, do not forget that when defining zones in an apartment or plot, you should stick to one method you choose.

Correct design of the wealth sector

After identifying the well-being zone in your home, start decorating it. There should not be old unnecessary things: they should not be everywhere, but in this sector they are especially harmful, interfering with the free movement of energy. Place your money tree there, live or artificial. Since like attracts like, banknotes are often placed under the money tree. The tree itself is decorated with red ribbons, and a red napkin is placed under the pot. To enhance the positive effect, the Feng Shui symbol of wealth is embroidered on the napkin. Feng Shui masters advise decorating the area itself in blue or green colors. Don't forget to take care of your tree. This applies not only to a living plant that needs light and watering. The symbolic tree also loves good lighting and care, so dust it often.

What else can you do to activate your wealth zone?

In the southeastern sector, real wooden elements will come in very handy - light wooden furniture, a stand, a table. They will “support” your money tree, strengthen it, and promote its growth.

Strengthening the wealth zone

Water or its image also contributes to the revitalization of the southeastern sector. After all, our tree, no matter whether it is symbolic or living, loves water. You can put a small fountain in this sector: its water will symbolize the cash flow and feed it. Another option for water decoration is an aquarium. It must match the size of the room and fit harmoniously into the overall space. Populate it with fish, which can be either “golden” or ordinary. Before installing an aquarium, keep in mind that you will have to carefully care for it and its inhabitants, and clean the aquarium - the wealth sector does not forgive neglect. Therefore, if you do not have enough time to take good care of your fish and aquarium, limit yourself to the money tree. If you don’t want to install a real indoor fountain or aquarium, hang a picture of water - symbolic water will also please your money tree and “feed” the cash flow. Pay close attention to the depicted body of water. It is important not to overdo it with your choice: the amount of water in the picture should be moderate. For example, a stormy waterfall or a raging ocean will simply “wash away” your cash flow. It is also good to hang “wind music” in this sector - its movement will contribute to the circulation of energy in this sector. Pay special attention to your corridor, because this is where the flow of money into your apartment begins. The corridor should be well lit, spacious and clean. The main thing is to remember that in our lives only what we think about happens, and what we believe in works. For Feng Shui and its talismans, this statement is especially true. Just let your money tree make you richer, believe in it, take care of it - and it will certainly change and improve the quality of your life.

A tree such as the crassula (another name is the money tree) can be found in every grandmother’s house - our ancestors knew about its special properties. It is this kind of indoor plant like the money tree that will be discussed further.

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Why is the money tree called the money tree?

Money tree or silver crassula - everyone knows this tree; it grows in almost every home. But many may naturally ask the question - why is it called that, money tree? We'll talk about this further.

Giving an answer to the question - why is the crassula called the money tree? several possible answers:

  • The most popular answer is The leaves of the money tree vaguely resemble coins and its trunk seems to be strewn with them. And the energy of the plant itself, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, is capable of attracting cash flows into the house - this property of the plant was especially revealed by the Chinese science of space arrangement, Feng Shui.
  • And again we return to the leaves - the uniqueness of the plant itself lies in the fact that, even falling and drying, they look as if they were sprinkled with silver or gold dust. It is they who create the impression that under the plant lies a whole bunch of jewelry, gold coins and silver.

Blitz advice! To enhance the effect, you can paint some leaves in silver or gold, which will only enhance the magical properties of the plant itself, its ability to attract wealth into the house.

Money tree according to feng shui

According to the Chinese teachings - Feng Shui, a house can have both an artificial and a living money tree. But it is the latter that is preferable, since its living energy will harmonize the space in the living room and attract money into the house. In his care, he prefers a well-lit room - good lighting is also important for the zone of wealth, which should be filled with sunlight.

If you have a live crassula in your house, then it is worth placing several coins of different denominations in its pot. This will help ensure that income will grow along with the tree, but once every six months it is worth taking them out and periodically washing them under running water, cleansing them of negative energy.

Blitz - advice! If you decorate the crown of the tree with red ribbons, this will only enhance the energy of the money tree!

Where should the money tree be? You should place it in the south-eastern part of your house - it is she who is responsible for wealth and cash flows. But it is water that can greatly enhance his magical monetary abilities - the main thing is that it is running. So that your cash flows will immerse you headlong, and the situation in the house will improve significantly, be sure to place a small fountain near your money tree. This will not only improve your financial condition, but it’s also simply beautiful. According to Feng Shui, it would be ideal to place the money tree in the wealth sector. Among other things, the fat tree itself can not only attract wealth to your home and direct financial flows into it. But also become a kind of detector of what is currently happening in your financial situation. If the money tree has dropped its leaves and begins to rot at the roots, the owners should prepare for large financial losses. And in this case, it is worth taking urgent security measures - start forming your emergency fund, or, more simply, a stash, or install an alarm against thieves.

Read also: how to prevent the money tree from getting sick? .

Use of the money tree in folk medicine Most of us are accustomed to thinking that the money tree attracts money to the house, and few people know that the money tree is a real home doctor. At the very beginning, many herbalists believe that it is the money tree that perfectly relieves stress, helping to strengthen the psyche, and at the same time, it is the fat plant that effectively fights pathogenic microflora in the room, purifying the air.

In addition, the money tree is a medicine in a flowerpot, which is always at hand, and helps to overcome many diseases. The main properties of this plant are that its juice has bactericidal and antiviral properties. So, in case of a bruise, you can lubricate the sore spot with money tree sap, or soak a bandage with it and apply it to the damaged joint or muscle. If you are bitten by a wasp, simply apply a fat leaf cut in half to the wound and secure it with a bandage. In this way, you can relieve pain and prevent many complications from burns - solar, thermal or chemical.

If you have a sore throat, it is enough to chew a third of a money tree leaf three times a day, but do not swallow the juice or green mass. And the plant itself acts as an indicator that someone in the house is sick - it begins to wither and die, and shed its leaves. But when the patient recovers, the plant comes to life.

Speaking of existing contraindications. The plant itself is known among chemists for the fact that it contains a tiny, but certain percentage of arsenic in its juice - because of this, many doctors argue about the advisability of using it for medicinal purposes as traditional herbalists. It is for this reason that you should first think about whether to use crassula in home remedies for self-medication, having first consulted with doctors.

The money tree is a wonderful exhibit for - its crown lends itself perfectly to shaping, the tree grows quickly and is itself unpretentious in care. If you have certain skills, you can create a real living masterpiece out of it. With patience and certain skills, you can grow your own bonsai from the crassula. To do this, take into account the following tips and recommendations.
Money tree bonsai (crassula)

  • The very first technique by which a money tree is formed is pinching. It is in this way that you can quickly achieve the desired shape and size, with a certain number of branches. The main thing to remember is that the tree should be planted in a flowerpot alone. In this case, neighbors will not “put pressure” on its crown, branches and trunk, taking up its space and nutrients from the soil. Along with this, you should not form it until the plant itself has taken root completely.
  • To get a massive bonsai, it is important to pay attention to the size of the flowerpot in which the money tree grows. In this regard, all beginners should know that you can get a large and beautiful composition only if the flowerpot is shallow. Opt for a shallow but wide container - the plant will devote all its energy to forming not the root system, but the above-ground part.
  • An important and very difficult stage in creating a bonsai is the formation of the crown. To do this, it is worth ensuring that two sprouts begin to emerge from one bud - each new bud is removed by pinching with tweezers until 2 sprouts begin to emerge. This should be done very carefully, since the tree itself seems massive and strong, but in reality it is a delicate plant, and the pinching method itself is shown as a technique for forming a crown only for a young plant from which a bonsai is formed.
  • If a bonsai is formed from an already mature plant, its crown will have to be formed using a radical method, namely pruning. In this case, the crown is formed anew - to create a living composition on the stem, it is worth leaving branches with 4 leaves. So the incision is made just above these 4 leaves, and the cut site itself is sprinkled with activated carbon. In further care everything is the same as before.

Watch the video on how to form the crown of a money tree:

It is also called Crassula or Crassula, or Zhiryanka - for its plump, fleshy leaves, similar to coins. Perhaps it is for the leaves that the plant is called the “money tree.” Perhaps it really has a special energy for accumulating energy where it grows... The history of the plant begins in warm countries - one should look for its roots in Africa, Madagascar, Australia. Presented in many species. A tree-like money tree usually grows on our windowsills - the older the plant, the more it resembles a small tree. Here is a photo of a money tree that grows on the windowsill in our apartment:

Is the money tree good or bad?

Benefits or harms of the money tree.

Anyone who has a money tree growing at home cannot help but be interested in the plants. Of course, it is useful for the home.

First of all, it should be noted that it purifies the air and absorbs odors. For these properties, Crassula is also called a filter plant.

The next useful property is the ability to absorb the negative energy of the room. It has been noted that the fat woman accumulates bad energy when someone is sick. Even withers away. And he recovers when a person recovers.

The plant does not have a pronounced odor and therefore the fat plant is one of the few plants that can be grown without harm to health. There is no allergy to crassula, or money tree. If it doesn't bloom. If the tree has bloomed, then, of course, an allergy to money tree pollen is possible.

There is a legend that originates in the east - a beautiful legend that the money tree brings success and prosperity to the house. This is another reason for the popularity of the fat plant. According to these beliefs, it is better to place the money tree on the southeast window.

In addition to all of the above, the medicinal properties of the money tree are little known. It has phytoncidal and bactericidal properties.

Money tree is used in the treatment of arthritis, wounds, cuts, suppuration, herpes, sore throat, tonsillitis, and kidneys.

Be careful!

However, you should be careful when using crassula for oral administration at home, because its leaves contain large amounts of arsenic. If used incorrectly or overdosed, there may be complications in the form of impaired consciousness, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset, and even serious poisoning. It turns out that it is a plant money tree harm can bring it to us too! If handled incorrectly, crassula can turn out to be a poisonous plant and, accordingly, very dangerous!

Money tree care.

Caring for a money tree is quite simple. The plant needs to be replanted, but not more often than once a year. Doesn't like waterlogged soil very much. In summer it is necessary to water 1-2 times a week. In winter, if the plant is not near the radiator, watering it once a month is enough. Grows well even in small pots. The soil is preferred “for cacti”.

The downside is that the root system is very weak, so it is better to choose a larger pot so that the “crown” of the tree does not outweigh. Loves light, but does not like direct sunlight. Overheating causes the leaves to turn red or brown. Crassula should be wiped from dust with a damp cloth. During the active growing season, it is better to feed the plant. Ready-made fertilizer “for cacti”.

Crassula blooms very rarely. If this happens, then no earlier than five years after planting.

Very easily propagated by leaves. They take root quickly. After you have separated the leaf from the tree, it is better to dry it for 2-3 days so that the wound heals. Then dig it into the ground, but very shallowly, like cacti. It is important. It is possible to plant as usual, placing it in water and waiting for the roots.

In addition, shoots often appear on the tree itself - right on the trunk.

money tree propagation
shoots on the trunk of a money tree

They also quickly take root and are quite unpretentious.

Reproduction by seeds is also possible.

This is how to care for a money tree! Very simple!

In order for a fat woman to be attracted to the house, you need to buy it very small and raise it yourself. That's what they say! So that’s how it should be done!

Good luck with your plant growing!

The money tree, or crassula, is known to the general public. There are a huge number of signs and superstitions associated with the dollar tree. It is believed that the money tree brings wealth and financial well-being to the home.

Money Tree

Botanical name: Crassula arborescens. The plant has a thick trunk (which is why it is called “crassula”) and round, thick leaves that resemble coins (which is why it is called “money tree”).

Crassula is easy to care for and does not require large expenses or special knowledge. What it needs is moderate watering (once every 1 - 2 weeks), fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (once a month) and loosening. It should be noted that the root system of Crassula is superficial and can be easily damaged during loosening and replanting.

Properties of the money tree

Money tree has medicinal properties.

This plant contains arsenic - the use of fatty acids internally is strictly contraindicated.

A paste is made from the leaves and applied to the wound. In this way, calluses, abrasions, bruises, contusions and sprains are treated, and wounds are healed.

There are folk recipes for preparing infusions and decoctions from money tree branches, which they use to treat varicose veins, gout, and arthritis. But you should always remember that the juice of the plant contains poisonous arsenic; treatment with this plant should always be coordinated with doctors. Although, with all this, the money tree can heal the space around it by releasing phytoncides into the atmosphere.

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home? Signs

The contents of the fat woman are intertwined with folk signs. Let's look at them in order:
  1. If you decide to purchase Crassula in a store, choose a young, small flower. It must grow in the house, saturated with its energy. Then finances will be attracted to your home. When you buy an adult plant, no matter how beautiful it is, its energy is already tuned to the store (or greenhouse, depending on where it was grown). Such a plant will not benefit your home.
  2. It is even better to take a leaf or shoot from a wealthy family, or discreetly break it off in rich buildings whose work is related to money. It could be a successful shopping center, business center, bank. Choose shoots with aerial roots. This will make it easier for the plant to take root. If you tear off a leaf, it should be small. The smaller the leaf size, the more wealth it will bring to your home.
  3. The flower pot should be red, green, golden. This will help attract money into your home.
  4. You need to plant the crassula on the growing Moon. They say that you need to plant at night in the moonlight. It charges the money tree with the necessary energy and sets it up to attract wealth.
  5. When planting a sprout or transplanting an adult plant, you need to read the plot three times: “ Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket».
  6. Either three or eight coins are placed at the bottom of the pot; it is imperative that the number “5” be present in the denomination of the coins. It's even better to put a piece of gold, for example, a broken chain.
  7. Only a tree with an even, beautiful crown brings the right energy. To prevent your fat plant from growing one-sided, you need to rotate it from time to time, exposing all sides to sunlight.
  8. Every time finances enter your home, you must put a coin in the pot; this is gratitude to the money tree for its work.
  9. You should also tell the tree about your successes every Wednesday.
  10. You can tie several bills to the branches, and these bills need to be used, and new, fresh ones should be tied in return. You cannot use fake banknotes and souvenir coins. Only real days attract financial flows.
  11. Also, a red thread or ribbon tied on branches will protect your home from financial losses.
  12. A pot of Crassula is located on the southeast window. According to the science of Feng Shui, this is the sector of the house responsible for wealth, luck and prosperity.
  13. You should not place the Crassula next to cacti and other thorny plants (for example, milkweed). Thorns and thorns protect the house from foreign energy and protect it from strangers. In the vicinity of a money tree, cacti will suppress the energy of the plant.
  14. Electromagnetic fields from operating devices suppress the fat plant, which can lead to financial difficulties.
  15. Dried and fallen leaves are not thrown away. They are put in a special rag bag, creating a kind of talisman. The bag is kept next to money and savings. One piece of paper can be put in your wallet.
  16. Dreams about a money tree are also well interpreted. Planted a tree - quick profit awaits you, just a beautiful money tree - everything you do in the financial side of your life is correct.
  17. Leaves are falling - expect problems and expenses. The plant has dried out or rotted - big financial losses and collapse await you.
  18. If you put a souvenir in your apartment, for example, a money tree made of beads, to make it “earn”, water it like a living tree.
  19. A good sign is the flowering of Crassula. Promises sudden great wealth.

Crassula flowering occurs extremely rarely. It is believed that if you make a wish at this time, it will definitely come true.

To stimulate flowering, the following activities are carried out:
  • The right choice of location. More sunlight, with artificial lighting you may not wait for flowering.
  • Moderate watering. Crassula is a succulent, i.e. plant that accumulates moisture. Excess moisture will lead to rotting.
  • Don't forget about fertilizing. You can use fertilizers for cacti.
  • Transplanting the fat plant into a new pot, slightly larger. In general, the money tree does not like frequent transplants.
  • The soil should be loose, it is better to add sand.
  • Crassula grows very well in fresh air. As soon as the threat of frost has passed, take the plant out onto the balcony. You can even leave it for the whole summer.
  • Treat the soil and plant against pests. Remove dried and diseased leaves.

Is it possible to throw away a money tree? Signs

It is believed that by throwing away a tree, money will leave your home. But sometimes you can’t do without it.

If a recently purchased Crassula suddenly begins to die, feel free to throw it away. The energy in your home is not suitable for this plant. This plant will not bring you any benefit, even after recovery.

All plants eventually outlive their life, begin to wither, shed their leaves and dry out. The money tree is no exception. If this is your case, then do this.

Find young leaves and shoots on the dying plant and plant them again.

If the plant did not die from old age, it is better to throw it away without regret. Often a dying money tree promises financial collapse and ruin.

There are situations in life when you need to get rid of unnecessary things. For example, during a move. But here you have to be careful. Just throw it away or put it on the street, other people can pick up your luck. Take your time and plant your tree somewhere in a park or forest. Then your energy will go into nature.

When parting with a plant due to your fault, talk to it and ask for forgiveness for this act.

Is it possible to give a money tree? Signs

Giving a fat woman as a gift is not considered a bad omen.

It can be an original gift, for example, for newlyweds. The trunk is tied with a red ribbon, large bills are attached to the crown - in fact, the main gift. You can give a money tree to your family and friends with a light heart. In this case, cash flows will not go away from you.

The size of the money tree can tell you a lot.

  • A small tree - your finances will grow with it.
  • Large tree - expect improved well-being in the house.
  • A sick tree means loss, waste.
  • A dying tree is a very big problem associated with the loss of money. If you managed to bring him back to life, everything will work out for you.
You cannot expect that just having a money tree in your home will save you from a lack of money. The better the care of the money tree, the greater the return. Only a healthy, beautiful, large plant brings wealth and prosperity to the house.