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What kind of hemorrhoids are they? Hemorrhoids: photos, symptoms and treatment. Hemorrhoids can lead to a condition called prolapsed hemorrhoids


Anatomy of hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids - photo

Causes of hemorrhoids

  • pelvic tumors,

Risk factors for hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

chronic acute

first symptoms

Treatment of hemorrhoids

General treatment measures for hemorrhoids

Nutrition, diet for hemorrhoids

Sitting less if you have hemorrhoids

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids

Conservative hemorrhoid treatment

  • anal fissure.


After hemorrhoid surgery

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids

In the early stages , laxative diet


How to treat hemorrhoids?

hemorrhoid treatment methods

Treatment methods for hemorrhoids conservative treatment , with heavy bleeding.

I would especially like to say about

take on hemorrhoid treatment

hemorrhoid treatment


    Preoperative preparation.

Baths for the treatment of hemorrhoids

At .

IN (rectal suppositories and ointments). ointments- mainly when external hemorrhoids

Ice– famous means, relieving pain from hemorrhoids


Pain syndrome with hemorrhoids


All these operations are low-traumatic, painless and easily tolerated by patients. In some cases, patients are concerned about discomfort during the intervention. Occasionally, patients report pain, but it is not intense and can be relieved with painkillers. The use of minor surgery in the treatment of hemorrhoids is possible at all stages of hemorrhoids, with the exception of the acute form of the disease. However, in later stages (III-IV), these techniques are mainly used as preparation for radical surgery. These methods also have a significant drawback - they do not remove the cause of hemorrhoids - impaired blood supply to the hemorrhoids. Therefore, resumption of symptoms of the disease (relapse) is possible - on average after 3-5 years. The relapse rate with these techniques ranges from 15% to 45% (the probability is lower the earlier the operation was performed).>

Operation Longo

Excision of nodes


Hemorrhoids in pregnant women

When to call the doctor

When to go to the hospital

Haemorrhoids– a disease of the vessels of the rectum, in which there is an increase, even prolapse, of hemorrhoids. In a normal state, hemorrhoids necessarily exist in the anal canal of every person; only their enlargement, prolapse, pain, and bleeding from them are considered abnormal. In general, hemorrhoids are classified as diseases of the circulatory system (Diseases of the veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes).

Hemorrhoids are vascular formations located in the lower part of the rectum (anal canal), in the form of three pads. When exposed to unfavorable factors, such as excessive physical activity, pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle, blood stagnates in the nodes and they increase. When the internal nodes enlarge, they speak of internal hemorrhoids, and when the external nodes become enlarged, they speak of external hemorrhoids. Most often, an increase in both external and internal nodes occurs; such hemorrhoids are called combined. The prevalence of the disease is very high and amounts to 140-160 people per 1000 adults. Every year there are more and more people suffering from hemorrhoids, and almost all age groups are susceptible to it.

Video about hemorrhoids from a surgeon

Anatomy of hemorrhoids

The arteries that supply blood to the anal canal descend from the rectum and form a rich network of vessels (this explains why bleeding in hemorrhoids is bright red, scarlet - arterial blood, and not dark red - venous, and why the bleeding can be very serious). These arteries supply blood to the hemorrhoids.

There are 2 venous ducts that drain blood from the lower region of the rectum and anus. The first leads into the rectum, the second passes under the skin around the anus.

If hemorrhoids begin in the upper (rectal) side of the anal canal (above the so-called dentate line), we are talking about internal hemorrhoids. If in the lower part of the anal canal - external. Hemorrhoids occur when the outflow of blood from hemorrhoids is obstructed for some reason. The vessels of the hemorrhoids swell and the tissues of the node increase in size. Bulging masses of tissue protrude into the anal canal, but unlike external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids are not visible from the outside and are difficult to feel at an early stage.

What are hemorrhoids - photo

Causes of hemorrhoids

What causes hemorrhoids? It is not known why hemorrhoids suddenly begin to enlarge. There are several theories, but none of them have scientific support. It has been noted that the causes of hemorrhoids can be:

  • Insufficient dietary fiber intake,
  • pelvic tumors,
  • constipation (pressure in the rectum increases and blood flows to the hemorrhoids, which contributes to their enlargement and subsequent prolapse);
  • hereditary factors (hemorrhoids often become a family disease);
  • pregnancy, childbirth (women experience increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, which can cause hemorrhoids);
  • Prolonged sitting on the toilet, excessive straining (long stay in a sitting position when the perineal muscles are relaxed leads to a weakening of the natural support of the hemorrhoids);
  • A sedentary lifestyle (leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which leads to an increase in hemorrhoids);
  • Alcohol abuse (leads to a significant acceleration of blood flow in the anal area, which can cause hemorrhoidal bleeding);
  • Excessive physical activity and heavy lifting (this increases intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to prolapse of hemorrhoids);
  • Hot and spicy foods (causes irritation in the anal canal area).

Risk factors for hemorrhoids

The presence of even one of the above reasons can provoke hemorrhoids. You are at risk if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, suffer from constipation, or are pregnant.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

There are 2 types of nerves in the anal canal - visceral (above the dentate line) and somatic (below the dentate line). Somatic nerves, like the nerves of the skin, are capable of transmitting pain. The visceral nerves do not feel pain, only pressure. Thus, internal hemorrhoids are painless and in the early stages cannot be seen or felt, unlike external ones. External hemorrhoids can be seen and felt along the outside of the anus.

Most people discover they have hemorrhoids by feeling a lump in their anus, seeing blood on toilet paper or in the toilet, or noticing internal hemorrhoids prolapse after bowel movements. Symptoms such as anal itching or discomfort may not be noticed.

Hemorrhoids occur in two ways - acute and chronic, but essentially these are phases of the same process. At chronic there is the release of scarlet blood during bowel movements, prolapse of hemorrhoids, dull, incessant pain in the anus, itching. While at acute Inflammation occurs in the nodes, which, in addition to other symptoms, leads to severe pain in the anal area.

The most common complaint with internal hemorrhoids is painless bleeding. You will see bright red blood in your stool, on toilet paper, or drops of blood in the toilet. The bleeding usually does not last long.

Bleeding from the rectum is a symptom of more serious diseases, therefore, when first symptoms It is recommended to consult a proctologist.

The chronic course of hemorrhoids is divided into 4 stages:

  • Stage 1 is characterized by the release of scarlet blood during bowel movements, without prolapse of hemorrhoids.
  • The 2nd is characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoids, which subsequently self-reduce.
  • The 3rd stage is characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoids, with the need for their manual reduction into the anal canal.
  • Stage 4 is characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoids, without the possibility of their reverse reduction. Stage 4 hemorrhoids also include hemorrhoids with blood clots.

The acute course of hemorrhoids is divided into 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 is characterized by thrombosis of hemorrhoids without inflammation.
  • Stage 2 is characterized by the addition of inflammation.
  • Stage 3 is characterized by inflammation of the tissues surrounding the hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoids can lead to a condition called prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Prolapse occurs when internal hemorrhoids swell and then protrude through the anus. In this case, you can feel and feel a lump on the outside of the anus. In many cases, it is possible to gently push it back through the anus and solve the problem, but if the hemorrhoid cannot be reduced, the hemorrhoids can swell further and become trapped outside the anus - pinching. If this happens, you urgently need to see a doctor!

When hemorrhoids prolapse, itching in the anus (anal itching) often occurs. If such hemorrhoids are injured (for example, due to constipation), bleeding and pain may occur.

External hemorrhoids can result in a painful condition called thrombosed hemorrhoids.

As the blood clot settles in the hemorrhoid, the hemorrhoid will become even more swollen. This leads to an even greater increase.
Severe pain and burning occurs during bowel movements.
This is also one of the factors that may require medical examination and treatment.

The presence of constant wetness in the anus can collectively lead to a symptom such as itching in the anal area, although this is not a typical sign of hemorrhoids.

Most people with hemorrhoids have a good prognosis. Outbreaks of the disease are possible - bleeding or mild discomfort from time to time, but they do not last long and can be relieved with home treatments without going to the doctor.

Some people need surgery. These operations are quite simple, and most people experience improvement after surgical treatment.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids. Tests and procedures

Diagnosing hemorrhoids is not difficult. The diagnosis is usually revealed during a patient interview and the first outpatient examination. During the examination, the degree of prolapse of nodes from the anal canal, the possibility of their reverse reduction, the skin of the anal area, the presence and degree of bleeding are assessed.

Sometimes an anoscopy may be necessary.

During an anoscopy, a small, lighted ball (anascope) is placed in the anus, allowing a full view of the anus and lower rectum. The procedure causes minor discomfort, but is easily performed in a doctor's office and does not require pain medications.

To exclude oncology, sigmoidoscopy is performed, an examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon, in which the mucous membrane of these areas is examined.

Hemorrhoids are differentiated (the diagnosis is clarified if symptoms are similar to diseases):

  • with an anal fissure, which can also cause bleeding and pain in the anal area.
  • prolapse of the mucous membrane or the entire rectum, with the formation having a cylindrical shape.
  • with rectal cancer, in which bleeding is also present. There are rare forms of cancer that look like hemorrhoids.
  • with skin diseases, in particular with condylomas.
  • other causes of bleeding may be colitis (inflammation of the intestine), polyps.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

General treatment measures for hemorrhoids

Frequent use of laxatives is not recommended, since diarrhea (diarrhea) aggravates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Treatment varies depending on the severity of the problem. Most of the time, treatment is conservative and done at home.

Sitz hot baths for hemorrhoids

This is the best way to reduce swelling and pain.

Be sure to thoroughly dry the skin around your anus after each bath to prevent chafing and cracking.

Nutrition, diet for hemorrhoids

Drink more fluids and eat more green vegetables to relieve constipation.
Those suffering from constipation or hard stools may benefit from increasing the amount of bran and fiber in their diet.

Laxatives for hemorrhoids

Laxatives may also provide relief.
You should be careful when choosing a laxative.
If the stool becomes loose or watery after taking a laxative, it may cause an infection in the anus and should not be used.

Sitting less if you have hemorrhoids

Medicines for hemorrhoids without a doctor's prescription

Over-the-counter medications for hemorrhoids only reduce symptoms, relieve discomfort, and relieve itching. The drugs are available in the form of ointment, cream, gel, suppositories and foams. The ointment, cream or gel is applied in a thin layer around the anus; when applied to the anal canal, a small amount of the medicine is tucked into it with your finger. Suppositories have no advantages in treatment, but they are more convenient to use for internal hemorrhoids.

Self-medication does not help much, and sometimes can even lead to complications of hemorrhoids and difficulty in further treatment, so consult your doctor before using any medications.

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids

Folk remedies are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but they should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids

In acute hemorrhoids, conservative treatment is primarily indicated. General and local anesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs, ointment applications, cleansing enemas (only in the early stages of hemorrhoids), and phlebotonic drugs are also used.

  1. For pain syndrome, non-narcotic analgesics (Diclofenac, Movalis, Nise, Voltaren, Ketonal) and local combination drugs (Ultraproct, Proctoglivenol, Gepatrombin G, etc.) are used.
  2. When inflammation spreads to the surrounding tissue and subcutaneous tissue, applications with ointments that have a strong anti-inflammatory effect (Levomekol, Levasin, Vishnevsky ointment) are used.
  3. In the treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids, phlebotonic (increasing the tone of the venous vessels) drugs are currently mandatory. The most effective is Detralex.
  4. For bleeding, suppositories containing adrenaline are used, as well as local hemostatic materials (beriplast, adroxon, spongostan).

Conservative hemorrhoid treatment gives a temporary effect, therefore, after acute inflammation subsides, minimally invasive treatment or surgical intervention is recommended, depending on the stage of the disease

If you have prolonged bleeding, prolapsed hemorrhoids that cannot be set back into place, uncontrollable pain, or severe rectal itching, surgery is necessary.

Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids

Patients with stage 1 and 2 hemorrhoids can undergo minimally invasive treatment methods: sclerotherapy, latex ring ligation, photocoagulation, cryotherapy.

Contraindications for using these methods:

  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids.
  • anal fissure.
  • acute and chronic paraproctitis, as well as other inflammatory diseases of the anal canal and perineum.
  1. Sclerotherapy: this method consists of injecting a sclerosing substance (1.5-2 ml) into the hemorrhoid, causing gluing and flattening of the vessels. Administration is recommended in no more than 2 hemorrhoids, as pain may develop. It is possible to repeat sclerotherapy 12-14 days after the first session.
  2. Ligation with latex rings: the method is used to treat internal hemorrhoids, on the base of which a latex ring is placed, which causes disruption of their nutrition. The nodes along with the rings are rejected within 7-10 days. Sometimes several sessions are required with an interval of 14-16 days.
  3. Photocoagulation: a light guide is brought to the hemorrhoidal node until it comes into contact with it. Thermal energy affects the hemorrhoidal node, causing emptying and gluing of blood vessels. The tip is applied to the base of the node 2-6 times in one procedure.
  4. Cryotherapy: the hemorrhoidal node is frozen for 2-3 minutes, after thawing the node dies and a wound is formed at the site of exposure. This procedure is most often performed under local anesthesia.

Minimally invasive procedures generally do not require general anesthesia or hospitalization, but with cryotherapy or laser therapy, you will need general anesthesia or an epidural (spinal cord) anesthesia.

A significant drawback of all minimally invasive methods of treating hemorrhoids is their non-radical nature. They do not eliminate the main cause of hemorrhoids - excess blood flow to the hemorrhoids.

Treatment of thrombosed hemorrhoids

o If you have thrombosed hemorrhoids, you will feel pain.
o If the pain is not severe and the hemorrhoid is not very enlarged, your doctor may recommend hot sitz baths and laxatives.
o If the pain is severe or the hemorrhoid is too enlarged, it may be necessary to remove the blood clot.
This procedure can be done in a doctor's office or emergency room, but never at home.
o Blood clot removal is performed under local anesthesia.
o Once the anesthesia has taken effect and the patient does not feel anything, the doctor will make a small incision into the hemorrhoid to remove the blood clot.
o A small piece of bandage will be inserted into the hemorrhoid to stop bleeding and prevent clotting from happening again.
o Another bandage will be made on the outer surface of the hemorrhoid. The doctor will prescribe sitz baths at home; the bandage can be removed 6-12 hours after surgery.
o Almost everyone experiences pain relief after clot removal and may only use acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) for further pain relief.

Prolapse (loss) of internal hemorrhoids

o If you have prolapsed internal hemorrhoids that you cannot reduce through the anus, you may need help from a doctor.
o In many cases, your doctor can gently apply pressure to the hemorrhoid and push it back into place.
o If hemorrhoids are too large and cannot be reduced, or if they fall out again after reduction, you may need a surgical procedure to relieve the condition.
o If hemorrhoids remain pressed against the anus and nothing is done, the hemorrhoids will not receive enough blood and will begin to die.
o If this happens, the hemorrhoids will become infected and the infection may spread throughout the bloodstream, which will greatly affect your well-being.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

Still surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is a reference, it is most often used for the 3rd and 4th stages of the disease. Excision of three hemorrhoids is performed with suturing of the nodes' pedicles (feeding vessels).

After hemorrhoid surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for another 7-9 days. The total period of incapacity for work lasts about 14 days.

In the early postoperative period, complications such as pain, discomfort in the anal area, and suppuration of the postoperative scar are possible. In the long-term period, complications such as relapse of the disease, weakening of the compressive ability of the anus, and possibly impaired dilation of the anus are typical. But with good preparation and extensive experience of the operating doctor, combined with hygiene, complications after surgery are minimized.

After hemorrhoid surgery

  • Warm sitz baths 3 times a day and after every bowel movement along with increasing the amount of fluids and leafy vegetables in the diet.
  • Any pain caused by hemorrhoids should be relieved with medications prescribed by a doctor.
  • Take laxatives only as directed by your doctor.
  • If you develop increased pain, bleeding, fever, abdominal pain, or vomiting after a hemorrhoid treatment, you should contact your doctor or go to the emergency room.

Hemorrhoid Treatment for People with Diabetes

Some drugs used to treat hemorrhoids can negatively affect blood glucose levels and thus can cause physical problems for people with diabetes taking diabetes medications. There are options for diabetic patients who also suffer from painful hemorrhoids.

Some simple methods to treat hemorrhoids in diabetic patients:

Eat plenty of high-fiber foods, including bran, fresh fruits and vegetables. Bran-containing products can also be used to add fiber to the diet.

Avoid straining while defecating or sitting on the toilet for long periods of time. In general, don't sit for long periods of time. Ice may help relieve swelling.

Sitz baths with warm water for about 15 minutes at a time may relieve symptoms. Adding Epsom salts to this water helps relieve inflammation. Taking sitz baths several times a day will also have a calming effect.

Avoid any food or drink that you have experienced may trigger hemorrhoid discomfort.

If you have diabetes, you should not use vasoconstrictors (eg, ephedrine, epinephrine, phenylephrine HCI). This includes Preparation H. Although it does not contain phenylephrine, Preparation H hydrocortisone 1% contains hydrocortisone, a steroid that can cause changes in blood sugar levels.

Other treatment options for hemorrhoids for patients with diabetes include astringents as well as local anesthetics:

Anesthetics relieve pain and burning by blocking sensation for a short period. Anesthetics should be used topically on the perianal area, as this is where the nerve endings are most concentrated. Active ingredients often found in local anesthetics: benzocaine (Lanacane Maximum Strength, Retre-Gel, etc.), dibucaine (Dibucaine, Nupercainal), lidocaine (Lidoderm, Xylocaine Jelly, etc.), pramoxine (Fleet Pain Relief Pad , Gold Bond Anti-itch, etc.) and tetracaine (Pontocaine, Viractin).

Astringents dry hemorrhoids, relieving burning and itching, but are not used for pain. Witch hazel (Hamamelis Gronov) is recommended for external use and provides temporary relief from itching, discomfort, irritation and burning. Zinc white and Calamine Plain also act as astringents for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid protectants are applied to the skin and mucous membranes to reduce inflammation and prevent water loss. We recommend using aluminum hydroxide gel, cocoa butter, glycerin in aqueous solution (Colace, Fleet Babylax, Fleet Glycerin Suppositories for adults), lanolin, mineral oil, zinc oxide, calamine and starch for topical external use.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

There are no reliable methods for preventing hemorrhoids. Eating a high-fiber diet, special diet, and avoiding straining during bowel movements are thought to help prevent hemorrhoids, but there is no way to completely eliminate the risk. Here are some recommendations that will reduce the risk of hemorrhoids:

  • If you have a job that involves sitting for a long time, you need to walk for 10-15 minutes every hour and make active movements.
  • Drivers should not drive for more than three hours; if possible, they should get out of the car and do a warm-up.
  • Replace soft chairs in your home and office with hard ones.
  • Eat food that does not cause constipation (first courses, porridge) and also avoid prolonged straining, as this often leads to prolapse of hemorrhoids and bleeding.
  • Eat foods that do not cause diarrhea, as frequent loose stools lead to irritation of the anal area
  • Reduce consumption of alcohol, spicy, spicy foods. Alcohol increases blood flow in the pelvic area, which contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoidal bleeding. Hot and spicy foods cause irritation in the anal area.
  • Washing with cold water after defecation.
  • Pregnant women are recommended to do gymnastics and walk daily.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

In the early stages Gymnastics helps with hemorrhoids, laxative diet (consumption of beets, prunes, foods rich in plant fiber), mild laxatives, hygiene care, cool water baths, suppositories with an analgesic effect . In case of infectious complications, hemorrhoids are treated with antibiotics. In the later stages of hemorrhoids, especially with prolapse of nodes and bleeding, surgical treatment is necessary.

Do not self-medicate hemorrhoids. Diagnosis haemorrhoids must be confirmed by a specialist - a coloproctologist: under the mask of hemorrhoids, more serious diseases of the colon may be hidden.

How to treat hemorrhoids?

Medicine since the time of Hippocrates has accumulated a lot hemorrhoid treatment methods . Some have gone into oblivion and cause horror at the mere memory of them (for example, cauterization of hemorrhoids with a hot iron). Others are still used today.

Treatment methods for hemorrhoids can be divided into conservative (therapeutic) and surgical (hemorrhoids are removed by a surgeon under anesthesia). Conservative methods are more often used. Surgical methods for treating hemorrhoids used in the presence of large, protruding nodes, lack of success from conservative treatment , with heavy bleeding. Treatment of hemorrhoids must be carried out systematically, comprehensively . And although now from morning to evening various potent drugs are advertised medicines for hemorrhoids - suppositories, ointments and other drugs, remember: there is no one pill that will cure it immediately and forever.

I would especially like to say about traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids. Some of them have proven themselves to be quite good, but you should not completely rely on them, much less postpone a visit to the doctor. The use of certain folk remedies in the treatment of hemorrhoids is possible only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a proctologist and, as a rule, only in addition to the main course of treatment.

Drug treatment of hemorrhoids

take on hemorrhoid treatment It is possible at absolutely any phase of the disease, but it is still better not to delay contacting a doctor, because the sooner the sufferer turns to a proctologist for help, the more successful and easy the treatment will be.

To achieve an effective result, hemorrhoid treatment should be complex, combining the use of several drugs aimed at eliminating pain, stopping bleeding, and improving the health of the veins.

Conservative methods of treating hemorrhoids (medicines for hemorrhoids)

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids It is carried out with the help of medications and is more effective at stages 1-2 of the disease, when the patient suffers from an unpleasant burning sensation in the anus and minor bleeding.

The purpose of conservative treatment for hemorrhoids:

    Relief of pain in acute hemorrhoids.

    Prevention of complications (mainly bleeding).

    Prevention of exacerbations in chronic hemorrhoids.

    Preoperative preparation.

    Postoperative rehabilitation.

Drug treatments for hemorrhoids exclusively symptomatic - that is, hemorrhoids are not radically cured, but allow you to temporarily cope with the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids. It has been proven that if a patient, after drug treatment, follows medical recommendations for prevention of recurrence of hemorrhoids , surgical treatment can be avoided.

Baths for the treatment of hemorrhoids

At exacerbation of external hemorrhoids Conservative treatment usually begins with sitz baths with a warm, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) three times a day. Baths have a calming and bactericidal effect. In addition to the potassium permanganate solution, decoctions of medicinal herbs are also used for baths: nettle, peppermint, clover, or a ready-made antihemorrhoidal collection. The infusion is prepared in this way: pour boiling water over the herb in a basin, cool to +36C - and that’s it, the medicinal bath is ready. The infusion can be poured into the bath. It is recommended to take a sitz bath for no more than 15-20 minutes. If there is too much infusion, you can freeze it - you will get phyto-ice, which can be applied to the anus. Baths are not effective for internal hemorrhoids .

Suppositories and ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids

IN local medications are used to treat hemorrhoids (rectal suppositories and ointments). Suppositories are used only for internal hemorrhoids (since when applied externally they simply do not affect the nodes), and ointments- mainly when external hemorrhoids .The composition of suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids varies and, depending on the component, can have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, venotonic, and hemostatic effects.

Ointments and suppositories may contain local anesthetics (for example, novocaine, anesthesin); they relieve pain in acute hemorrhoids and anal fissure. To reduce pain, gels, ointments and special medicinal suppositories are prescribed, such as anesthesin, bupivacaine, ultraproct, lidocaine.

If the pain is unbearable, the doctor will perform a novocaine blockade of the anus - several injections of novocaine into the tissue near the anus. If the pain is caused by an anal fissure, use baralgin, spasmalgon or a patch with nitroglycerin. Local preparations based on hormonal agents (mainly steroids) have an anti-inflammatory effect, but are limited to use for no more than 7 days.

For frequent bleeding due to hemorrhoids, suppositories containing adrenaline are prescribed. It is also recommended to use collagen sponges. These sponges are made from a natural material - collagen, which has the ability to stop bleeding. Sponges made from materials such as androxon and tachocomb also have hemostatic properties.

Ice– famous means, relieving pain from hemorrhoids . Its application to the hemorrhoidal cone promotes vasoconstriction and helps stop bleeding. Modern medicine also uses ice to treat hemorrhoids. Ice is used in the Crinus device. Crinus easily enters the patient's anus, while the ice lies in the reservoir, which slows down its rapid melting. The crinus is made of special plastic, so the ice does not come into direct contact with the intestinal walls. Krinus does not use frozen tap water, but a special liquid that defrosts much more slowly. But it should be remembered that treating hemorrhoids with ice is not a panacea; ice relieves pain, but does not eliminate the disease itself.

As a rule, medications are complex, that is, they contain several active components. The drugs reduce tissue swelling and inflammation, reduce pain and itching. Heparin, which is included in their composition, helps improve blood supply and resolve blood clots. Today, the pharmaceutical market for the treatment of hemorrhoids is represented by a wide range of drugs: proctosan, ultraproct, hepatrombin, proctosedyl, etc. But all drugs have nuances of prescription in each specific case, so only a proctologist can prescribe adequate treatment.

Preparations for internal use for hemorrhoids

To increase the effectiveness of local drugs, it is necessary to ingest drugs that improve the tone of venous vessels and prevent thrombus formation (detralex, troxevasin). In case of severe pain, conventional painkillers, both injections and tablets (analgin), can be used. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not recommended if there is a risk of bleeding, since they themselves worsen blood clotting (aspirin, ketorol, etc.).

The main medications for hemorrhoids are phlebotonics – drugs that improve the tone of the venous wall. They are also used in the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. Such drugs, in particular, include aescusan, detralex, etc. Medicines such as endotelon, glivenol, cyclo-3 forte detralex, ginkor forte improve peripheral blood circulation in hemorrhoids. Conservative treatment methods are also used for some complications of hemorrhoids, for example, bleeding. In this case, hemostatic drugs, that is, hemostatic drugs, are usually prescribed. These include calcium chloride, dicinone, vikasol.

In addition to these drugs that improve blood clotting, for bleeding hemorrhoids, local hemostatic drugs are used , which, when introduced into the anal canal, dissolve, forming a fibrin film, which thereby blocks the bleeding areas of the hemorrhoids. In the case of an anal fissure accompanying hemorrhoids, local medications can also be used, in particular, nitroglycerin-based ointments, which perfectly relieve spasm of the anal sphincter. If there is a risk of hemorrhoidal thrombosis, conservative (drug) therapy is also carried out. It involves the use of heparin-based ointments, which reduces blood clotting and thereby reduces the risk of blood clot formation. Taking into account the various forms and stages of hemorrhoids and the characteristics of its course, the choice of treatment tactics is usually individual. For example, in one group of patients it is enough to carry out a short course of conservative treatment, while in others it is necessary to carry out regular and longer courses lasting at least 1.5 - 2 months.

In almost 75% of cases of hemorrhoids, patients suffer from constipation, which is of no small importance laxatives are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Constipation itself can be a provoking factor for hemorrhoids, exacerbation of the chronic course of the disease, as well as a cause of injury to internal hemorrhoids by hard feces. In addition, the use of laxatives allows the patient to have a bowel movement at once, which significantly reduces pain. The patient himself should also follow a diet and lifestyle that help prevent hemorrhoids and constipation. It is recommended to eat foods rich in plant fiber, which promotes good bowel function, and avoid spicy foods and alcohol, which can exacerbate hemorrhoids. This is very important to remember, since following a diet for hemorrhoids and preventing constipation is one of the important factors for successful treatment.

Pain syndrome with hemorrhoids is usually associated either with inflammation of the node itself or surrounding tissues, or with thrombosis, or with strangulation of the node. In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Drug treatment is also aimed at preventing not only complications of hemorrhoids, but also the development of hemorrhoids itself (for example, after successful surgical treatment). Let us recall that conservative treatment, after all, does not lead to a cure for hemorrhoids , although it allows you to achieve remission of the disease, especially if after it the patient diligently follows a diet aimed at improving intestinal function. If constipation returns, errors in diet, or increased physical activity, there is again a risk of another exacerbation, which will require repeated, conservative treatment.

After the disappearance of the syndromes, the patient is advised to refrain from lifting heavy objects, strenuous exercise, and be sure to follow the diet recommended by the proctologist. It is impossible to cure hemorrhoids with medications without changing your diet and lifestyle. The use of medications can only inhibit the development of the disease and temporarily reduce unpleasant symptoms or complications. Practice shows that most people are not ready to change their lifestyle, change jobs, or eliminate all risk factors that provoke the development of hemorrhoids. In such cases, it is advisable to resort to radical surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. If conservative treatment is ineffective, minimally invasive or surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is performed..

Minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids. Gentle surgical methods of treatment

Sclerotherapy in the treatment of hemorrhoids

A special substance is injected into the hemorrhoidal node, which promotes gluing of the walls of the cavernous vessels. The result is that the node ceases to exist (replaced with connective tissue). The operation is performed in a clinic and does not require general or local anesthesia. After exposing the rectal lumen, a sclerosing drug (for example, ethoxysclerol) is injected into the pedicle of the hemorrhoid. The manipulation requires pinpoint precision and the experience of a proctologist. A common method used in the early stages of the disease. The manipulation is completely painless and takes only a few minutes. You don't have to worry about possible relapses of hemorrhoids. The method is used in the 1st stage of the disease.

Exposure to extreme temperatures in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Cryodestruction (ultra-low temperature) and focal infrared coagulation (high). In this case, hemorrhoids undergo necrosis. For large hemorrhoids, it is possible to perform such operations in several sessions. It is considered a fairly effective treatment for hemorrhoids in the initial and middle stages of development. Traditional methods used to treat stages 1-2 of hemorrhoids. These methods are used in case of contraindications to disarterization or surgical techniques. Disadvantages include the high risk of relapse (resumption of the disease) and complications, painful procedures, and the need for treatment in several stages.

Ligation of nodes using latex rings

Rings with a special apparatus are placed in a stretched state on the base of the hemorrhoidal node: the nutrition of the node stops and necrosis occurs. After the process is completed, the node is rejected along with the ring.

All these operations are low-traumatic, painless and easily tolerated by patients. In some cases, patients are concerned about discomfort during the intervention. Occasionally, patients report pain, but it is not intense and can be relieved with painkillers. The use of minor surgery in the treatment of hemorrhoids is possible at all stages of hemorrhoids, with the exception of the acute form of the disease. However, in later stages (III-IV), these techniques are mainly used as preparation for radical surgery. These methods also have a significant drawback - they do not remove the cause of hemorrhoids - impaired blood supply to the hemorrhoids. Therefore, resumption of symptoms of the disease (relapse) is possible - on average after 3-5 years. The relapse rate with these techniques ranges from 15% to 45% (the probability is lower the earlier the operation was performed).>

Radical operations - eliminate the cause of hemorrhoids

Operation Longo

The most common surgical treatment option for hemorrhoids. The procedure is relatively short in time, which is important when traditional hemorrhoidectomy is contraindicated. The surgical intervention consists of excision of a section of the rectal mucosa above the hemorrhoid. However, in the postoperative period, patients are often bothered by pain. And the use of the technique is possible only in the early stages of hemorrhoids (I-II).

Excision of nodes

The traditional operation, hemorrhoidotomy (excision of the nodes themselves), is still successful. The operation is quite traumatic and is performed under general anesthesia. The postoperative period is long and requires careful care of the rectum and the use of painkillers. Currently, leading proctologists around the world consider transanal hemorrhoidal dearterization to be the highest priority method. Doctor's comment

Classic surgery to remove hemorrhoids. Justified only in rare cases in the presence of large nodes, the risk of bleeding from the nodes, and in the presence of concomitant diseases of the rectum. The operation is traumatic, is usually performed under spinal anesthesia and requires a long period of rehabilitation. Most often, patients choose disarterization instead of excision.


Is the most modern option surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. Its purpose is to cross the artery that supplies blood to the enlarged node. To perform transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization, special equipment is required (ultrasound device with Dopplerometry capability). This allows the proctologist to work not “blindly”, as, for example, with sclerotherapy. The equipment allows you to accurately find the artery that supplies blood to the hemorrhoidal node and precisely, under visual control, cross it. This operation can be performed on an outpatient basis and does not require painkillers in the postoperative period.

Desarterization is new in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Thanks to this method, the root cause of the disease is eliminated - the pathologically altered vessels feeding the hemorrhoids are sutured. The procedure is painless, performed within 30 minutes, and requires virtually no rehabilitation period. If after surgery for excision of nodes it is normal to have pain for 2 weeks, then in the case of disarterization, after a couple of days the patient forgets about the problem and returns to normal life. Eliminating the cause of the disease guarantees the absence of relapse (re-development) of the disease.

The main advantages of the technique are the minimum duration of the operation (15 minutes), bloodlessness, high efficiency, and the possibility of use in all stages of hemorrhoids. The operation is so minimally traumatic that the patient does not need a sick leave and can begin his normal daily duties the very next day.

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy provokes or aggravates hemorrhoids, but why this happens is also unknown. Since in most women the symptoms of hemorrhoids disappear after childbirth, it is very likely that during pregnancy it is caused not only by increased pressure in the abdominal cavity and pelvis due to an enlarged uterus, but also by hormonal changes.

When the first signs of hemorrhoids are detected, treatment must be started immediately. In this case, hemorrhoids can be cured quickly, reliably, and painlessly.

When to Seek Medical Help

When to call the doctor

If you experience bleeding between bowel movements or moderate bleeding from your hemorrhoids during bowel movements, you should consult your doctor.

If you are over 40 years old or have a family history of colon cancer, you should see your doctor if you have anal bleeding of any intensity.

If you have prolapsed hemorrhoids that cannot be pushed back into your anus, or significant hemorrhoid pain, you should consult your doctor.

There are other causes of rectal bleeding, and they are much more serious than hemorrhoids. Inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer, like hemorrhoids, can cause rectal bleeding. Only a doctor can evaluate bleeding from the anus. If you are over 40 years old, have a family history of colorectal cancer, prolonged bleeding, or experience other symptoms, you should not delay visiting your doctor.

When to go to the hospital

Basically, under the supervision of a doctor and following his recommendations, it is possible to avoid critical complications of hemorrhoids, but in some situations there may be a need for emergency care.

If you have severe pain, heavy bleeding, or prolapsed hemorrhoids and are unable to contact your doctor, your condition should be evaluated at a hospital.

If you have heavy rectal bleeding, weakness, or dizziness, you should go to your hospital emergency room or call your doctor.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

There are 2 types of nerves in the anal canal - visceral (above the dentate line) and somatic (below the dentate line). Somatic nerves, like the nerves of the skin, are capable of transmitting pain. The visceral nerves do not feel pain, only pressure. Thus, internal hemorrhoids are painless. Internal hemorrhoids cannot be seen or felt in the early stages, unlike external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids can be seen and felt along the outside of the anus.

Most people discover they have hemorrhoids by feeling a lump in their anus, seeing blood on toilet paper or in the toilet, or noticing internal hemorrhoids prolapse after bowel movements. Symptoms such as anal itching or discomfort may not be noticed.

Hemorrhoids occur in two ways, acutely and chronically, but essentially these are phases of the same process. At chronic hemorrhoids there is the release of scarlet blood during bowel movements, prolapse of hemorrhoids, dull, incessant pain in the anus, itching. While at acute hemorrhoids Inflammation occurs in the nodes, which, in addition to other symptoms, leads to severe pain in the anal area.

Bleeding from the rectum is a symptom not only of hemorrhoids, but also of more serious diseases, therefore, when first symptoms It is recommended to consult a proctologist.

The chronic course of hemorrhoids is divided into 4 stages:

  • Stage 1 is characterized by the release of scarlet blood during bowel movements, without prolapse of hemorrhoids.
  • The 2nd is characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoids, which subsequently self-reduce.
  • The 3rd stage is characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoids, with the need for their manual reduction into the anal canal.
  • Stage 4 is characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoids, without the possibility of their reverse reduction. Stage 4 hemorrhoids also include hemorrhoids with blood clots.

The acute course of hemorrhoids is divided into 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 is characterized by thrombosis of hemorrhoids without inflammation.
  • Stage 2 is characterized by the addition of inflammation.
  • Stage 3 is characterized by inflammation of the tissues surrounding the hemorrhoid.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are quite simple. The most common complaint from internal hemorrhoids is painless bleeding. You will see bright red blood in your stool, on toilet paper, or drops of blood in the toilet. The bleeding usually does not last long.

Hemorrhoids can lead to a condition called prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Prolapse occurs when internal hemorrhoids swell and then protrude through the anus. In this case, you can feel and feel the hemorrhoids outside the anus. In many cases, it is possible to gently push the hemorrhoid back through the anus and resolve the problem, but if the hemorrhoid cannot be reduced, the hemorrhoids may swell further and become trapped outside the anus - pinching the hemorrhoid. If pinched hemorrhoids occur, you urgently need to see a doctor!

When hemorrhoids prolapse, itching in the anus (anal itching) often occurs. If such hemorrhoids are injured (for example, due to constipation), bleeding and pain may occur.

External hemorrhoids can result in a painful condition called thrombosed hemorrhoids.

As the blood clot settles in the hemorrhoid, the hemorrhoid will become even more swollen. This leads to an even greater increase.
Severe pain and burning occurs during bowel movements.
This is also one of the factors that may require medical examination and treatment.

The presence of constant moisture in the anus in combination with hemorrhoids can lead to a symptom such as itching in the anal area, although this is not a typical sign of hemorrhoids.

Most people with hemorrhoids have a good prognosis. Hemorrhoid flare-ups are possible - bleeding or mild discomfort from time to time, but they do not last long and can be relieved with at-home treatments.

Some people need surgery. These surgeries are fairly minor, and most people experience improvement after surgery.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids. Tests and procedures

Diagnosing hemorrhoids is not difficult. The diagnosis is usually revealed during a patient interview and the first outpatient examination. During the examination, the degree of prolapse of nodes from the anal canal, the possibility of their reverse reduction, the skin of the anal area, the presence and degree of bleeding are assessed.

Sometimes an anoscopy may be necessary.

During an anoscopy, a small, lighted ball (anascope) is placed in the anus, allowing a full view of the anus and lower rectum. The procedure causes minor discomfort, but is easily performed in a doctor's office and does not require pain medications.

To exclude oncology, sigmoidoscopy is performed, an examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon, in which the mucous membrane of these areas is examined.

Hemorrhoids are differentiated (the diagnosis is clarified if symptoms are similar to diseases):

  • with an anal fissure, which can also cause bleeding and pain in the anal area.
  • prolapse of the mucous membrane or the entire rectum, with the formation having a cylindrical shape.
  • with rectal cancer, in which bleeding is also present. There are rare forms of cancer that look like hemorrhoids.
  • with skin diseases, in particular with condylomas.
  • other causes of bleeding may be colitis (inflammation of the intestine), polyps.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

General treatment measures for hemorrhoids

Frequent use of laxatives is not recommended, since diarrhea (diarrhea) aggravates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Treatment for hemorrhoids varies depending on the severity of the problem. Most of the time, treatment is conservative and done at home.

Sitz hot baths for hemorrhoids

This is the best way to reduce swelling and pain.

Be sure to thoroughly dry the skin around your anus after each bath to prevent chafing and cracking.

Nutrition, diet for hemorrhoids

Drink more fluids and eat more green vegetables to relieve constipation.
Those suffering from constipation or hard stools may benefit from increasing the amount of bran and fiber in their diet.

Laxatives for hemorrhoids

Laxatives can also provide relief from hemorrhoids.
You should be careful when choosing a laxative.
If the stool becomes loose or watery after taking a laxative, it may cause an infection in the anus and should not be used.

Sitting less if you have hemorrhoids

Medicines for hemorrhoids without a doctor's prescription

There are many creams, ointments, and suppositories that are sold as pain relievers and hemorrhoid medications.

Over-the-counter medications for hemorrhoids only reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids, relieve discomfort, and relieve itching. Medicines available for the treatment of hemorrhoids are available in the form of ointment, cream, gel, suppositories and foams. The ointment, cream or gel is applied in a thin layer around the anus; when applied to the anal canal, a small amount of the medicine is tucked into it with your finger. Suppositories have no advantages in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but they are more convenient to use for internal hemorrhoids.

Self-medication does not help much, and sometimes can even lead to complications of hemorrhoids and difficulty in further treatment, so consult your doctor before using any medications.

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids

Folk remedies are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but they should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids

In acute hemorrhoids, conservative treatment is primarily indicated. General and local painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, ointment applications, cleansing enemas (only in the early stages of hemorrhoids), and phlebotonic drugs are also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

  1. For pain syndrome, non-narcotic analgesics (Diclofenac, Movalis, Nise, Voltaren, Ketonal) and local combination drugs (Ultraproct, Proctoglivenol, Gepatrombin G, etc.) are used.
  2. When inflammation spreads to the surrounding tissue and subcutaneous tissue, applications with ointments that have a strong anti-inflammatory effect (Levomekol, Levasin, Vishnevsky ointment) are used.
  3. In the treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids, phlebotonic (increasing the tone of the venous vessels) drugs are currently mandatory. The most effective is Detralex.
  4. For bleeding, suppositories containing adrenaline are used, as well as local hemostatic materials (beriplast, adroxon, spongostan).

Conservative hemorrhoid treatment gives a temporary effect, therefore, after acute inflammation subsides, minimally invasive treatment or surgical intervention is recommended, depending on the stage of the disease

If you have prolonged bleeding, prolapsed hemorrhoids that cannot be set back into place, uncontrollable pain, or severe rectal itching, surgery is necessary.

Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids

For patients 1st and 2nd stages of hemorrhoids it is possible to perform minimally invasive methods treatment: sclerotherapy, latex ring ligation, photocoagulation, cryotherapy.

Contraindications for the use of these methods of treating hemorrhoids are:

  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids.
  • anal fissure.
  • acute and chronic paraproctitis, as well as other inflammatory diseases of the anal canal and perineum.
  1. Sclerotherapy for hemorrhoids: this method consists of introducing a sclerosing substance (1.5-2 ml) into the hemorrhoid, causing gluing and flattening of the vessels. Administration is recommended in no more than 2 hemorrhoids, as pain may develop. It is possible to repeat sclerotherapy 12-14 days after the first session.
  2. Ligation with latex rings for hemorrhoids: the method is used to treat internal hemorrhoids, on the base of which a latex ring is placed, which causes a disruption in their nutrition. The nodes along with the rings are rejected within 7-10 days. Sometimes several sessions are required with an interval of 14-16 days.
  3. Photocoagulation for hemorrhoids: a light guide is brought to the hemorrhoidal node until it comes into contact with it. Thermal energy affects the hemorrhoidal node, causing emptying and gluing of blood vessels. The tip is applied to the base of the node 2-6 times in one procedure.
  4. Cryotherapy for hemorrhoids: the hemorrhoidal node is frozen for 2-3 minutes, after thawing the node dies and a wound is formed at the site of exposure. This procedure is most often performed under local anesthesia.

Minimally invasive procedures generally do not require general anesthesia or hospitalization, but with cryotherapy or laser therapy, you will need general anesthesia or an epidural (spinal cord) anesthesia.

A significant drawback of all minimally invasive methods of treating hemorrhoids is their non-radical nature. They do not eliminate the main cause of hemorrhoids - excess blood flow to the hemorrhoids.

Treatment of thrombosed hemorrhoids

o If you have thrombosed hemorrhoids, you will feel pain.
o If the pain is not severe and the hemorrhoid is not very enlarged, your doctor may recommend hot sitz baths and laxatives.
o If the pain is severe or the hemorrhoid is too enlarged, it may be necessary to remove the blood clot.
This procedure can be done in a doctor's office or emergency room, but never at home.
o Blood clot removal is performed under local anesthesia.
o Once the anesthesia has taken effect and the patient does not feel anything, the doctor will make a small incision into the hemorrhoid to remove the blood clot.
o A small piece of bandage will be inserted into the hemorrhoid to stop bleeding and prevent clotting from happening again.
o Another bandage will be made on the outer surface of the hemorrhoid. The doctor will prescribe sitz baths at home; the bandage can be removed 6-12 hours after surgery.
o Almost everyone experiences pain relief after clot removal and may only use acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) for further pain relief.

Prolapse (loss) of internal hemorrhoids

o If you have prolapsed internal hemorrhoids that you cannot reduce through the anus, you may need help from a doctor.
o In many cases, your doctor can gently apply pressure to the hemorrhoid and push it back into place.
o If hemorrhoids are too large and cannot be reduced, or if they fall out again after reduction, you may need a surgical procedure to relieve the condition.
o If hemorrhoids remain pressed against the anus and nothing is done, the hemorrhoids will not receive enough blood and will begin to die.
o If this happens, the hemorrhoids will become infected and the infection may spread throughout the bloodstream, which will greatly affect your well-being.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

Still surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is a reference, it is most often used for the 3rd and 4th stages of the disease. Excision of three hemorrhoids is performed with suturing of the nodes' pedicles (feeding vessels).

After hemorrhoid surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for another 7-9 days. The total period of incapacity for work lasts about 14 days.

In the early postoperative period, complications such as pain, discomfort in the anal area, and suppuration of the postoperative scar are possible. In the long-term period, complications such as relapse of the disease, weakening of the compressive ability of the anus, and possibly impaired dilation of the anus are typical. But with good preparation and extensive experience of the operating doctor, combined with hygiene, complications after surgery are minimized.

After hemorrhoid surgery

  • Warm sitz baths 3 times a day and after every bowel movement along with increasing the amount of fluids and leafy vegetables in the diet.
  • Any pain caused by hemorrhoids should be relieved with medications prescribed by a doctor.
  • Take laxatives only as directed by your doctor.
  • If you develop increased pain, bleeding, fever, abdominal pain, or vomiting after a hemorrhoid treatment, you should contact your doctor or go to the emergency room.

Hemorrhoid Treatment for People with Diabetes

Some drugs used to treat hemorrhoids can negatively affect blood glucose levels and thus can cause physical problems for people with diabetes taking diabetes medications. There are options for diabetic patients who also suffer from painful hemorrhoids.

Some simple methods to treat hemorrhoids in diabetic patients:

Eat plenty of high-fiber foods, including bran, fresh fruits and vegetables. Bran-containing products can also be used to add fiber to the diet.

Avoid straining while defecating or sitting on the toilet for long periods of time. In general, don't sit for long periods of time. Ice may help relieve swelling.

Sitz baths with warm water for about 15 minutes at a time may relieve symptoms. Adding Epsom salts to this water helps relieve inflammation. Taking sitz baths several times a day will also have a calming effect.

Avoid any food or drink that you have experienced may trigger hemorrhoid discomfort.

If you have diabetes, you should not use vasoconstrictors (eg, ephedrine, epinephrine, phenylephrine HCI). This includes Preparation H. Although it does not contain phenylephrine, Preparation H hydrocortisone 1% contains hydrocortisone, a steroid that can cause changes in blood sugar levels.

Other treatment options for hemorrhoids for patients with diabetes include astringents as well as local anesthetics:

Anesthetics relieve pain and burning by blocking sensation for a short period. Anesthetics should be used topically on the perianal area, as this is where the nerve endings are most concentrated. Active ingredients often found in local anesthetics: benzocaine (Lanacane Maximum Strength, Retre-Gel, etc.), dibucaine (Dibucaine, Nupercainal), lidocaine (Lidoderm, Xylocaine Jelly, etc.), pramoxine (Fleet Pain Relief Pad , Gold Bond Anti-itch, etc.) and tetracaine (Pontocaine, Viractin).

Astringents dry hemorrhoids, relieving burning and itching, but are not used for pain. Witch hazel (Hamamelis Gronov) is recommended for external use and provides temporary relief from itching, discomfort, irritation and burning. Zinc white and Calamine Plain also act as astringents for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid protectants are applied to the skin and mucous membranes to reduce inflammation and prevent water loss. We recommend using aluminum hydroxide gel, cocoa butter, glycerin in aqueous solution (Colace, Fleet Babylax, Fleet Glycerin Suppositories for adults), lanolin, mineral oil, zinc oxide, calamine and starch for topical external use.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

There are no reliable methods for preventing hemorrhoids. Eating a high-fiber diet, special diet, and avoiding straining during bowel movements are thought to help prevent hemorrhoids, but there is no way to completely eliminate the risk. Here are some recommendations that will reduce the risk of hemorrhoids:

  • If you have a job that involves sitting for a long time, you need to walk for 10-15 minutes every hour and make active movements.
  • Drivers should not drive for more than three hours; if possible, they should get out of the car and do a warm-up.
  • Replace soft chairs in your home and office with hard ones.
  • Eat food that does not cause constipation (first courses, porridge) and also avoid prolonged straining, as this often leads to prolapse of hemorrhoids and bleeding.
  • Eat foods that do not cause diarrhea, as frequent loose stools lead to irritation of the anal area
  • Reduce consumption of alcohol, spicy, spicy foods. Alcohol increases blood flow in the pelvic area, which contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoidal bleeding. Hot and spicy foods cause irritation in the anal area.
  • Washing with cold water after defecation.
  • Pregnant women are recommended to do gymnastics and walk daily.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

In the early stages Gymnastics helps with hemorrhoids, laxative diet (consumption of beets, prunes, foods rich in plant fiber), mild laxatives, hygiene care, cool water baths, suppositories with an analgesic effect . In case of infectious complications, hemorrhoids are treated with antibiotics. In the later stages of hemorrhoids, especially with prolapse of nodes and bleeding, surgical treatment is necessary.

Do not self-medicate hemorrhoids. Diagnosis haemorrhoids must be confirmed by a specialist - a coloproctologist: under the mask of hemorrhoids, more serious diseases of the colon may be hidden.

How to treat hemorrhoids?

Medicine since the time of Hippocrates has accumulated a lot hemorrhoid treatment methods . Some have gone into oblivion and cause horror at the mere memory of them (for example, cauterization of hemorrhoids with a hot iron). Others are still used today.

Treatment methods for hemorrhoids can be divided into conservative (therapeutic) and surgical (hemorrhoids are removed by a surgeon under anesthesia). Conservative methods are more often used. Surgical methods for treating hemorrhoids used in the presence of large, protruding nodes, lack of success from conservative treatment , with heavy bleeding. Treatment of hemorrhoids must be carried out systematically, comprehensively . And although now from morning to evening various potent drugs are advertised medicines for hemorrhoids - suppositories, ointments and other drugs, remember: there is no one pill that will cure it immediately and forever.

I would especially like to say about traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids. Some of them have proven themselves to be quite good, but you should not completely rely on them, much less postpone a visit to the doctor. The use of certain folk remedies in the treatment of hemorrhoids is possible only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a proctologist and, as a rule, only in addition to the main course of treatment.

Drug treatment of hemorrhoids

take on hemorrhoid treatment It is possible at absolutely any phase of the disease, but it is still better not to delay contacting a doctor, because the sooner the sufferer turns to a proctologist for help, the more successful and easy the treatment will be.

To achieve an effective result, hemorrhoid treatment should be complex, combining the use of several drugs aimed at eliminating pain, stopping bleeding, and improving the health of the veins.

Conservative methods of treating hemorrhoids (medicines for hemorrhoids)

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids It is carried out with the help of medications and is more effective at stages 1-2 of the disease, when the patient suffers from an unpleasant burning sensation in the anus and minor bleeding.

The purpose of conservative treatment for hemorrhoids:

    Relief of pain in acute hemorrhoids.

    Prevention of complications (mainly bleeding).

    Prevention of exacerbations in chronic hemorrhoids.

    Preoperative preparation.

    Postoperative rehabilitation.

Drug treatments for hemorrhoids exclusively symptomatic - that is, hemorrhoids are not radically cured, but allow you to temporarily cope with the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids. It has been proven that if a patient, after drug treatment, follows medical recommendations for prevention of recurrence of hemorrhoids , surgical treatment can be avoided.

Baths for the treatment of hemorrhoids

At exacerbation of external hemorrhoids Conservative treatment usually begins with sitz baths with a warm, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) three times a day. Baths have a calming and bactericidal effect. In addition to the potassium permanganate solution, decoctions of medicinal herbs are also used for baths: nettle, peppermint, clover, or a ready-made antihemorrhoidal collection. The infusion is prepared in this way: pour boiling water over the herb in a basin, cool to +36C - and that’s it, the medicinal bath is ready. The infusion can be poured into the bath. It is recommended to take a sitz bath for no more than 15-20 minutes. If there is too much infusion, you can freeze it - you will get phyto-ice, which can be applied to the anus. Baths are not effective for internal hemorrhoids .

Suppositories and ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids

IN local medications are used to treat hemorrhoids (rectal suppositories and ointments). Suppositories are used only for internal hemorrhoids (since when applied externally they simply do not affect the nodes), and ointments- mainly when external hemorrhoids .The composition of suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids varies and, depending on the component, can have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, venotonic, and hemostatic effects.

Ointments and suppositories may contain local anesthetics (for example, novocaine, anesthesin); they relieve pain in acute hemorrhoids and anal fissure. To reduce pain, gels, ointments and special medicinal suppositories are prescribed, such as anesthesin, bupivacaine, ultraproct, lidocaine.

If the pain is unbearable, the doctor will perform a novocaine blockade of the anus - several injections of novocaine into the tissue near the anus. If the pain is caused by an anal fissure, use baralgin, spasmalgon or a patch with nitroglycerin. Local preparations based on hormonal agents (mainly steroids) have an anti-inflammatory effect, but are limited to use for no more than 7 days.

For frequent bleeding due to hemorrhoids, suppositories containing adrenaline are prescribed. It is also recommended to use collagen sponges. These sponges are made from a natural material - collagen, which has the ability to stop bleeding. Sponges made from materials such as androxon and tachocomb also have hemostatic properties.

Ice– famous means, relieving pain from hemorrhoids . Its application to the hemorrhoidal cone promotes vasoconstriction and helps stop bleeding. Modern medicine also uses ice to treat hemorrhoids. Ice is used in the Crinus device. Crinus easily enters the patient's anus, while the ice lies in the reservoir, which slows down its rapid melting. The crinus is made of special plastic, so the ice does not come into direct contact with the intestinal walls. Krinus does not use frozen tap water, but a special liquid that defrosts much more slowly. But it should be remembered that treating hemorrhoids with ice is not a panacea; ice relieves pain, but does not eliminate the disease itself.

As a rule, medications are complex, that is, they contain several active components. The drugs reduce tissue swelling and inflammation, reduce pain and itching. Heparin, which is included in their composition, helps improve blood supply and resolve blood clots. Today, the pharmaceutical market for the treatment of hemorrhoids is represented by a wide range of drugs: proctosan, ultraproct, hepatrombin, proctosedyl, etc. But all drugs have nuances of prescription in each specific case, so only a proctologist can prescribe adequate treatment.

Preparations for internal use for hemorrhoids

To increase the effectiveness of local drugs, it is necessary to ingest drugs that improve the tone of venous vessels and prevent thrombus formation (detralex, troxevasin). In case of severe pain, conventional painkillers, both injections and tablets (analgin), can be used. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not recommended if there is a risk of bleeding, since they themselves worsen blood clotting (aspirin, ketorol, etc.).

The main medications for hemorrhoids are phlebotonics – drugs that improve the tone of the venous wall. They are also used in the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. Such drugs, in particular, include aescusan, detralex, etc. Medicines such as endotelon, glivenol, cyclo-3 forte detralex, ginkor forte improve peripheral blood circulation in hemorrhoids. Conservative treatment methods are also used for some complications of hemorrhoids, for example, bleeding. In this case, hemostatic drugs, that is, hemostatic drugs, are usually prescribed. These include calcium chloride, dicinone, vikasol.

In addition to these drugs that improve blood clotting, for bleeding hemorrhoids, local hemostatic drugs are used , which, when introduced into the anal canal, dissolve, forming a fibrin film, which thereby blocks the bleeding areas of the hemorrhoids. In the case of an anal fissure accompanying hemorrhoids, local medications can also be used, in particular, nitroglycerin-based ointments, which perfectly relieve spasm of the anal sphincter. If there is a risk of hemorrhoidal thrombosis, conservative (drug) therapy is also carried out. It involves the use of heparin-based ointments, which reduces blood clotting and thereby reduces the risk of blood clot formation. Taking into account the various forms and stages of hemorrhoids and the characteristics of its course, the choice of treatment tactics is usually individual. For example, in one group of patients it is enough to carry out a short course of conservative treatment, while in others it is necessary to carry out regular and longer courses lasting at least 1.5 - 2 months.

In almost 75% of cases of hemorrhoids, patients suffer from constipation, which is of no small importance laxatives are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Constipation itself can be a provoking factor for hemorrhoids, exacerbation of the chronic course of the disease, as well as a cause of injury to internal hemorrhoids by hard feces. In addition, the use of laxatives allows the patient to have a bowel movement at once, which significantly reduces pain. The patient himself should also follow a diet and lifestyle that help prevent hemorrhoids and constipation. It is recommended to eat foods rich in plant fiber, which promotes good bowel function, and avoid spicy foods and alcohol, which can exacerbate hemorrhoids. This is very important to remember, since following a diet for hemorrhoids and preventing constipation is one of the important factors for successful treatment.

Pain syndrome with hemorrhoids is usually associated either with inflammation of the node itself or surrounding tissues, or with thrombosis, or with strangulation of the node. In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Drug treatment is also aimed at preventing not only complications of hemorrhoids, but also the development of hemorrhoids itself (for example, after successful surgical treatment). Let us recall that conservative treatment, after all, does not lead to a cure for hemorrhoids , although it allows you to achieve remission of the disease, especially if after it the patient diligently follows a diet aimed at improving intestinal function. If constipation returns, errors in diet, or increased physical activity, there is again a risk of another exacerbation, which will require repeated, conservative treatment.

After the disappearance of the syndromes, the patient is advised to refrain from lifting heavy objects, strenuous exercise, and be sure to follow the diet recommended by the proctologist. It is impossible to cure hemorrhoids with medications without changing your diet and lifestyle. The use of medications can only inhibit the development of the disease and temporarily reduce unpleasant symptoms or complications. Practice shows that most people are not ready to change their lifestyle, change jobs, or eliminate all risk factors that provoke the development of hemorrhoids. In such cases, it is advisable to resort to radical surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. If conservative treatment is ineffective, minimally invasive or surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is performed..

Minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids. Gentle surgical methods of treatment

Sclerotherapy in the treatment of hemorrhoids

A special substance is injected into the hemorrhoidal node, which promotes gluing of the walls of the cavernous vessels. The result is that the node ceases to exist (replaced with connective tissue). The operation is performed in a clinic and does not require general or local anesthesia. After exposing the rectal lumen, a sclerosing drug (for example, ethoxysclerol) is injected into the pedicle of the hemorrhoid. The manipulation requires pinpoint precision and the experience of a proctologist. A common method used in the early stages of the disease. The manipulation is completely painless and takes only a few minutes. You don't have to worry about possible relapses of hemorrhoids. The method is used in the 1st stage of the disease.

Exposure to extreme temperatures in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Cryodestruction (ultra-low temperature) and focal infrared coagulation (high). In this case, hemorrhoids undergo necrosis. For large hemorrhoids, it is possible to perform such operations in several sessions. It is considered a fairly effective treatment for hemorrhoids in the initial and middle stages of development. Traditional methods used to treat stages 1-2 of hemorrhoids. These methods are used in case of contraindications to disarterization or surgical techniques. Disadvantages include the high risk of relapse (resumption of the disease) and complications, painful procedures, and the need for treatment in several stages.

Ligation of nodes using latex rings

Rings with a special apparatus are placed in a stretched state on the base of the hemorrhoidal node: the nutrition of the node stops and necrosis occurs. After the process is completed, the node is rejected along with the ring.

All these operations are low-traumatic, painless and easily tolerated by patients. In some cases, patients are concerned about discomfort during the intervention. Occasionally, patients report pain, but it is not intense and can be relieved with painkillers. The use of minor surgery in the treatment of hemorrhoids is possible at all stages of hemorrhoids, with the exception of the acute form of the disease. However, in later stages (III-IV), these techniques are mainly used as preparation for radical surgery. These methods also have a significant drawback - they do not remove the cause of hemorrhoids - impaired blood supply to the hemorrhoids. Therefore, resumption of symptoms of the disease (relapse) is possible - on average after 3-5 years. The relapse rate with these techniques ranges from 15% to 45% (the probability is lower the earlier the operation was performed).>

Radical operations - eliminate the cause of hemorrhoids

Operation Longo

The most common surgical treatment option for hemorrhoids. The procedure is relatively short in time, which is important when traditional hemorrhoidectomy is contraindicated. The surgical intervention consists of excision of a section of the rectal mucosa above the hemorrhoid. However, in the postoperative period, patients are often bothered by pain. And the use of the technique is possible only in the early stages of hemorrhoids (I-II).

Excision of nodes

The traditional operation, hemorrhoidotomy (excision of the nodes themselves), is still successful. The operation is quite traumatic and is performed under general anesthesia. The postoperative period is long and requires careful care of the rectum and the use of painkillers. Currently, leading proctologists around the world consider transanal hemorrhoidal dearterization to be the highest priority method. Doctor's comment

Classic surgery to remove hemorrhoids. Justified only in rare cases in the presence of large nodes, the risk of bleeding from the nodes, and in the presence of concomitant diseases of the rectum. The operation is traumatic, is usually performed under spinal anesthesia and requires a long period of rehabilitation. Most often, patients choose disarterization instead of excision.


Is the most modern option surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. Its purpose is to cross the artery that supplies blood to the enlarged node. To perform transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization, special equipment is required (ultrasound device with Dopplerometry capability). This allows the proctologist to work not “blindly”, as, for example, with sclerotherapy. The equipment allows you to accurately find the artery that supplies blood to the hemorrhoidal node and precisely, under visual control, cross it. This operation can be performed on an outpatient basis and does not require painkillers in the postoperative period.

Desarterization is new in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Thanks to this method, the root cause of the disease is eliminated - the pathologically altered vessels feeding the hemorrhoids are sutured. The procedure is painless, performed within 30 minutes, and requires virtually no rehabilitation period. If after surgery for excision of nodes it is normal to have pain for 2 weeks, then in the case of disarterization, after a couple of days the patient forgets about the problem and returns to normal life. Eliminating the cause of the disease guarantees the absence of relapse (re-development) of the disease.

The main advantages of the technique are the minimum duration of the operation (15 minutes), bloodlessness, high efficiency, and the possibility of use in all stages of hemorrhoids. The operation is so minimally traumatic that the patient does not need a sick leave and can begin his normal daily duties the very next day.

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy provokes or aggravates hemorrhoids, but why this happens is also unknown. Since in most women the symptoms of hemorrhoids disappear after childbirth, it is very likely that during pregnancy it is caused not only by increased pressure in the abdominal cavity and pelvis due to an enlarged uterus, but also by hormonal changes.

When the first signs of hemorrhoids are detected, treatment must be started immediately. In this case, hemorrhoids can be cured quickly, reliably, and painlessly.

When to Seek Medical Help

When to call the doctor

If you experience bleeding between bowel movements or moderate bleeding from your hemorrhoids during bowel movements, you should consult your doctor.

If you are over 40 years old or have a family history of colon cancer, you should see your doctor if you have anal bleeding of any intensity.

If you have prolapsed hemorrhoids that cannot be pushed back into your anus, or significant hemorrhoid pain, you should consult your doctor.

There are other causes of rectal bleeding, and they are much more serious than hemorrhoids. Inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer, like hemorrhoids, can cause rectal bleeding. Only a doctor can evaluate bleeding from the anus. If you are over 40 years old, have a family history of colorectal cancer, prolonged bleeding, or experience other symptoms, you should not delay visiting your doctor.

When to go to the hospital

Basically, under the supervision of a doctor and following his recommendations, it is possible to avoid critical complications of hemorrhoids, but in some situations there may be a need for emergency care.

If you have severe pain, heavy bleeding, or prolapsed hemorrhoids and are unable to contact your doctor, your condition should be evaluated at a hospital.

If you have heavy rectal bleeding, weakness, or dizziness, you should go to your hospital emergency room or call your doctor.

The general definition of hemorrhoids is enlargement and prolapse of the choroid plexuses of the rectum. Under the influence of provoking factors, blood supply in the hemorrhoidal vascular plexuses increases. Blood is retained in these areas, which leads to stretching of the spongy tissue and the appearance of hemorrhoids.

During the process of defecation, they pull out the mucous membrane of the rectum under the weight of their own weight and begin to fall out (“crawl out”) from the anus. In this case, hard feces injure the thin mucous membrane of hemorrhoidal cones, causing bleeding.

Hence the main symptoms of hemorrhoids: bleeding from the anus, sensation of a foreign body in the rectum, pain during bowel movements, discomfort, itching and burning in the anal area.

Additional information about how it develops and what factors lead to its appearance can be found in the article by our expert.

Predisposing causes of the disease

Proctologists identify 4 main causes of hemorrhoids, which act as predisposing factors and can initiate the pathological process.


Genetic features cannot by themselves cause hemorrhoids, but the predisposition to the disease can be congenital. It is associated with disorders of the vascular system, weakness of the veins and muscle ligaments in the rectal area.

In some families, it is even possible to trace chains of relatives who exhibited rectum pathologies to varying degrees. It should be understood that in this case, hemorrhoids may appear under the influence of other provoking factors. The disease can be avoided if you pay special attention to lifestyle, nutrition and self-care.

The tendency to venous pathology can be transmitted along any line - male and female.

Low mobility

It’s not for nothing that hemorrhoids received the unspoken name “the disease of our time.” New technologies greatly simplify human life, but they can also play a cruel joke on him. Full automation of production processes, movement exclusively by personal or public transport, and a sedentary lifestyle lead to persistent physical inactivity.

Lack of movement and physical activity causes sluggishness of internal organs, including the intestines. Constant, chronic constipation and stagnation of feces occurs, which is the first step on the path to hemorrhoids.

Hiking, playing sports, active housework, and swimming will help keep your intestines in good shape and prevent constipation.


What causes signs of hemorrhoids in these cases? Pathogenesis is associated with circulatory disorders of the abdominal organs and inflammatory processes in the intestines. This type of hemorrhoid is called symptomatic - after the underlying disease is cured, the symptoms disappear.

In women, the provoking factor for vascular disorders of the rectum is the incorrect position of the uterus.


A depressed psychological state cannot be the direct cause of hemorrhoids. Decreased emotional background, stress and depression become a trigger for non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle. The need for drinking and smoking may appear, physical activity decreases, and the person neglects the norms of a balanced diet, work and rest schedules.

All this together “backfires” - constipation occurs, which underlies the pathogenesis of the disease.

An unbalanced diet as one of the leading causes of hemorrhoids

Proper nutrition is the basis for good health and stable functioning of human organs and systems.

And the gastrointestinal tract is no exception.

What foods can cause hemorrhoids:

  • spicy, generously spiced dishes;
  • fast food dishes;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • foods containing saturated fats and preservatives;
  • chocolate and sweets;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol in any form.

An unbalanced diet not only irritates the walls of the digestive tract, but can also cause constipation, which is a prerequisite for such pathologies as hemorrhoids.

To prevent constipation, it is important to maintain a drinking regime. The volume of fluid consumed per day should be about 1.5-2 liters.

Basic treatment methods

Treatment of hemorrhoids will be successful only if the causes that caused it are eliminated. If you do not level out the risk factors, the disease will remind itself again and again. And even the most expensive medications and techniques will not lead to the expected positive dynamics.

Drug therapy

Treatment of hemorrhoids with medications is effective in the first stages of the disease, when the anatomical and physiological changes in the intestines and blood vessels are still reversible.

The main purpose of using pharmacological agents is to reduce unpleasant symptoms, burning, itching, pain, stop bleeding and accelerate the healing of anal fissures.

Local remedies - suppositories and ointments - have a good effect. For bleeding, proctologists prescribe:

  • Hepatrombin G;
  • troxevasin ointment;
  • heparin ointment;
  • Proctosedyl and others.

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are exerted by:

  • Relief;
  • Proctosan;
  • Anuzol;
  • Aurobin;
  • Ultraproct.

Systemic treatment of hemorrhoids involves the use of injections and oral administration:

  • hormonal drugs - corticosteroids:
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • blood thinners for thrombosed hemorrhoids;
  • medications to stop bleeding;
  • means that strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • restorative drugs.

Minimally invasive techniques

It is preferable to treat progressive hemorrhoids with modern gentle methods:

  • sclerotherapy - the introduction of a special drug into hemorrhoids, which promotes the adhesion of vascular walls and the resorption of cones (read more about);
  • ligation - ligation of arteries supplying inflamed hemorrhoids, which leads to their gradual drying out and death;
  • infrared photocoagulation - laser treatment of hemorrhoids, layer-by-layer burning of nodes with simultaneous cauterization of the resulting wound;
  • cryotherapy – exposure of nodules to low temperatures, freezing of nodes with liquid nitrogen.

Minimally invasive operations have a number of advantages: they are performed with minimal blood loss, most often under local anesthesia, and allow for stable results and rapid recovery of the patient.

Radical operations

Radical surgical treatment is used for advanced hemorrhoids, when medication and minimally invasive methods are unable to help.

  • The Milligan-Morgan technique is the excision of hemorrhoids with an electric knife, followed by cauterization of the dissected tissue.
  • Longo's operation is the removal of sections of the mucous membrane of the upper rectum, due to which the nodular formations are pulled into the intestine.

Having an idea of ​​why advanced hemorrhoids occur, you can avoid traumatic surgery and serious complications.

More detailed information about methods, basic tips and recommendations from experts can be found in the article by our author.

Knowledge of what can cause hemorrhoids will allow you to take preventive measures in time.

What leading proctologists advise:

  • rational nutrition and proper drinking regime;
  • normalization of stool and prevention of constipation;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • combating physical inactivity and increasing daily physical activity;
  • refusal of kettlebell sports and weight lifting if there is a hereditary predisposition to hemorrhoids;
  • positive emotional attitude, control of psychological state and fight against stress.

An important means of prevention is maintaining personal hygiene. After defecation, both men and women need to wash the anal area with warm water. If this is not possible, you can use wet wipes.

Among preventive medications, experts recommend drugs that increase the tone of the venous network.


The reasons why hemorrhoids occur are varied. But a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, which causes constipation, play a decisive role in the development of the disease. It should be remembered that without eliminating the root causes, it will not be possible to get rid of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are a pathology that occurs quite often. Moreover, often they simply do not pay attention to its first signals. After all, the initial signs include only slight discomfort. At the same time, it is easier to treat pathology when it only develops at the very first level. After all, in this case everything can be done quickly and easily. Doctors often say that it is necessary to understand what can cause hemorrhoids. This will eliminate the provoking factor and help avoid relapses.

Any person will need knowledge about how hemorrhoids manifest themselves. After all, it is impossible to predict who exactly may develop pathology - everyone is susceptible to it. And here it’s worth understanding exactly how it develops in order to prevent it in yourself.

The human rectum is completely permeated with vessels that carry blood throughout the body. If everything goes well, then blood circulation is not disturbed in the process. However, often a failure occurs in the extensive network of blood vessels and blood stagnation occurs. And then, when the situation repeats regularly, the vessels begin to lose their tone, stretch, the mesh begins to protrude and turns into a hemorrhoid. And here the question becomes very important - what can cause hemorrhoids.

What reasons lead to the development of the problem?

It is imperative to determine what could be causing hemorrhoids. This will allow therapy to be carried out more correctly. Doctors identify many causes of the pathology. Today they have identified a whole list that includes:

  • Lack of movement, or physical inactivity: a sedentary lifestyle, spending free time on the couch in front of the TV, working in an office - all this is the cause of a number of problems in the pelvic organs and the rectal area, where blood begins to accumulate
  • Improper and unhealthy diet: all traditional food options - fast food, eating on the run - all this causes very poor digestion and also contributes to the development of constipation
  • Failure to comply with the drinking regime - lack of water in the body leads to dry tissues, thickening of the blood, all this causes injury to the intestinal mucosa, which can cause hemorrhoids
  • Excess weight – excess kilograms play a significant role, because they are the result of poor nutrition or hormonal fluctuations
  • Heavy lifting, for example in the gym or at work, if this is repeated regularly and for a long time, there is a high risk of a problem.
  • Pregnancy: in the later stages, the fetus, which is growing, actively puts pressure on the pelvic area and intestines; and during childbirth, the peritoneum experiences serious pressure, which causes protrusion of the vascular networks
  • Diseases leading to varicose veins

Read also:

Treatment of hemorrhoids with traditional methods at home

Another point that can cause hemorrhoids is tumors - but this cause is considered quite rare.

Who is at risk

It is extremely important, when trying to understand and assess who exactly the risk group concerns, to understand who is most at risk of developing pathology. For example, the risk of developing hemorrhoids is high in those who have already observed cases of pathology within their family. Moreover, varicose veins may well be observed in different areas. This happens because the peculiarity of the structure of the network of blood vessels and even the weakness of its tone are transmitted at the genetic level.

In addition, people over 40 years of age are at risk of developing hemorrhoids. This happens due to age-related loss of elasticity of blood vessels. Because of this, more active protrusion of the veins begins and thrombosis often forms. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly understand that, in principle, hemorrhoids may well occur in different people, regardless of age and gender characteristics.

Also, the active development of hemorrhoids depends on the gender of the person. Thus, men have a significantly higher risk of developing pathology than women. It is worth understanding that in this situation it manifests itself more acutely and often turns into chronic forms. But women more often experience bleeding after bowel movements, but women tolerate exacerbations more easily.

A risk factor is the presence of problems with the digestive system. Ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc. – all this often turns into the reason why hemorrhoids develop. All these pathologies lead to bloating, increased gas formation, constipation and diarrhea. All this irritates the intestines and prevents it from functioning normally.

Bad habits are what also contribute to the development of pathology. This is due to the fact that smoking and alcohol worsen the condition of the walls of blood vessels, reduce the elasticity of tissues, etc. In addition, they negatively affect the quality of blood - it thickens and flows worse through the veins.

What are hemorrhoids? This question arises for people who have experienced discomfort in the anus for the first time. Hemorrhoids are an enlargement of the cavernous bodies (vessels), accompanied by their thinning, deformation and the formation of hemorrhoids. People often say that hemorrhoidal disease is varicose veins of the anal canal. Destruction of the intestinal walls can provoke anal bleeding and prolapse of nodes from the anus.

Approximately 150 adults out of 1000 have at least once experienced symptoms of this insidious disease. Statistics

What does he look like? More often it is an inflamed lump that comes out of the anus. Bleeding and mucus discharge may occur.

Stages of the disease

In medical terminology, external, internal and combined forms of the disease are distinguished. In the case of combined hemorrhoids, damage to the internal and external hemorrhoidal cavernous bodies is observed.

Hemorrhoids are two distinct vascular structures: the internal (submucosal) hemorrhoidal plexus and the external (subcutaneous). The rectum is equipped with a network of vessels tightly intertwining the intestine. This plexus promotes reliable sealing of the anus. However, with impaired innervation, this system of vessels in places of turns and kinks begins to increase, forming venous stagnation. The result is the appearance of hemorrhoids.

There are an asymptomatic stage, an acute and bleeding form without prolapse of nodes, and chronic hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes.

Degree of disease development:

  1. Stage 1: Enlarged nodes are visible through the lumen of the rectum. There may be discomfort during bowel movements.
  2. Stage 2: During defecation or when straining, the nodes fall outside the anus. Perianal itching and discharge may occur.
  3. Stage 3: Hemorrhoids fall out randomly and do not retract on their own. The nodes can be easily palpated and are visible during routine examination.
  4. Stage 4: Acute hemorrhoids. The nodes fall out quite strongly, the mucous membrane of the rectum is visible. At this stage, symptoms such as ulceration, thrombosis, involuntary passage of gas and loose stools appear.

The higher the stage of the disease, the more difficult and time-consuming it is to treat

How to treat the disease in its early stages

Why does the disease appear?

The main provoking factors for the manifestation of the disease are:

  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle.
  • Any disturbances in the functioning of the intestines (diarrhea, constipation).
  • Uncontrolled consumption of smoked, spicy and salty foods.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Inflammation in the pelvic organs.
  • Engaging in heavy sports.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Excessive passion for anal sex.

As we see, most factors are inherent in the life activity of modern man. Man went against nature, punishing himself with such an unpleasant illness as hemorrhoids.

Most often, patients turn to a proctologist for help, having already made their own diagnosis. This is due to the fact that, from a layman’s point of view, any anorectal symptomatology is hemorrhoids. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will not only need the patient’s complaints; he will need a complete medical history and instrumental diagnostic methods.

It is important to understand that the diagnosis must be made by a doctor after an examination! Only he can prescribe the most effective treatment, taking into account the severe symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease

Main signs of the disease:

  1. Bleeding occurs during or immediately after bowel movements. Most often it is scarlet blood, less often clots and darker blood discharge.
  2. The pain is provoked, possibly with the simultaneous presence of an anal fissure.
  3. Swelling and prolapse (prolapse) of hemorrhoids.
  4. Discharge (watery or mucous).
  5. Perianal itching.
  6. Stool incontinence.

Table: clinical symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease

Who's at risk

The formation of hemorrhoids is promoted by a predisposition to the disease, accompanied by the negative factors described above.

The first category of risk group includes people who are forced to lift heavy objects or work while standing for long periods of time. Physical activity increases venous pressure, causing a loss of elasticity of the venous walls. This causes the development of hemorrhoids in representatives of the following professions: loaders, salesmen, hairdressers, athletes, teachers, etc.

The second category includes those who, due to their profession, are forced to constantly sit, or people leading an inactive lifestyle. A kind of thermal compress formed between the seat of the chair and the body promotes stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. This applies to drivers, bank employees, cashiers, programmers, accountants and other office workers and representatives of sedentary professions. Some are ashamed to talk about such a delicate problem, others are worried about diagnostic methods. This is a big mistake, since it is at the first stage that the disease can be cured relatively easily.

Therapy for early hemorrhoids is the use of rectal suppositories. Their action is different: they relieve pain, inflammation, and establish normal blood flow. Traditional medicine advises making potato suppositories and using them between bowel movements.

The third category includes people suffering from chronic constipation. Constipation, caused by a disruption in the formation of feces and its movement through the intestines, contributes to the blocking of normal blood flow. People suffering from constipation have the habit of straining for a long time during bowel movements. This has a similar effect to lifting weights.

The fourth group is people with diseases and tumors of the pelvic organs. For women - from inflammation of the female organs, fibroids, uterine fibroids. For men, hemorrhoids can be caused by problems with the prostate gland.

The fifth group includes all owners of bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol, and regular consumption of spicy foods.

Oddly enough, hemorrhoids can even develop. Disturbance of the intestinal microflora, poor diet, which provokes stagnation of feces, sitting on the potty for a long time, frequent and prolonged crying: all these are factors that can provoke this disease in a child.

Hemorrhoids are most common in older people. In this case, its appearance is due to a weakening of the venous wall, leading to stagnation of blood. For older people, all other provoking factors are added: high blood pressure, heart failure, excess body weight, irritable bowel syndrome.

What treatment is the most effective?

Treatment of hemorrhoids is often referred to as two components. These include conservative (medicinal) treatment, minimally invasive techniques and surgical intervention. The basis of conservative treatment is to normalize bowel function and bowel movements. To influence the volume and consistency of stool, diet therapy methods, petroleum jelly and lactulose preparations are used.

Products that stimulate colon peristalsis (coffee, tea, alcohol) are excluded from the diet. Local therapy is also used: anti-inflammatory, analgesic suppositories and ointments. Conservative methods are used in the initial stages and in the acute period, when other treatment methods are contraindicated for the patient.

Treatment of the disease using minimally invasive techniques is quite effective. The treatment method directly depends on the degree of development of hemorrhoids and its stage. The following methods are used: sclerotherapy, infrared photocoagulation, transanal ligation with latex rings. For stages 3 and 4, only one treatment option is possible - surgery (hemorrhoidectomy).

Any treatment for hemorrhoids is carried out only after a colonoscopy to exclude the possibility of a colon tumor.

There are several physical exercises that can be effective both for the prevention of hemorrhoids and for their treatment:

  • Lying on your back, you need to focus on your elbows and raise your legs and pelvis up. You need to remain in this position for 2-3 minutes. You need to do the exercise several times a day.
  • Exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. You need to sit on a chair, retract your anus and hold it in this position for 10 seconds, then relax.
  • The previous exercise is performed at a fast pace 40-50 times for 10 minutes in the morning and evening.

Your doctor will tell you how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. It is dangerous to take medications on your own during this period.

At home, diseases are treated with baths and medicinal plants. Doctors recommend drinking herbal decoctions and making lotions.

Remember the main rule! Hemorrhoids do not disappear on their own. If the pain goes away and the itching disappears, this is not a cure. This insidious disease can strike again at any moment. The best solution would be to undergo a full course of conservative treatment from a specialized doctor.

Important materials

What causes hemorrhoids? So what should I do?

List of reasons why hemorrhoids occur

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the blood vessels located in the rectum. With this pathology, they weaken and expand, which is why they cannot cope with the task assigned to them - draining venous blood from the rectum. The disease is accompanied by swelling of the veins and their prolapse from the anus, pain, bleeding and inflammation of the rectal mucosa and the skin around the anus. To successfully fight the disease, it is important to know the causes of hemorrhoids. In this case, it will be possible to direct efforts to eliminate factors that negatively affect the plexuses of blood vessels in the pelvis and rectum, which will stop the pathological process and restore them to their former elasticity.

Types of hemorrhoids

In proctology, several types of hemorrhoids are distinguished depending on the location of the nodes and the course of the disease. So, hemorrhoids can be:

  1. Acute - when the symptoms manifest themselves in full force, and the nodes swell as much as possible. Acute hemorrhoids last for a limited number of days, and then the symptoms subside.
  2. Chronic - when the symptoms are mild, occur periodically, and the disease itself progresses over several months or even years. Each subsequent exacerbation is characterized by an increase in symptoms.
  3. Internal - when hemorrhoids are located under the mucous membrane of the rectum above the serrated edge.
  4. External - when the nodes are localized below the serrated edge and are located near the anus under the skin.
  5. Combined - when hemorrhoids do not have a clear localization, and the patient has both internal and external venous formations.

Whatever the types and forms of the disease, the reasons why hemorrhoids occur are almost always the same.

Causes of hemorrhoids

There are not many reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids, and they all come down to three phenomena: changes in the vascular wall, disruption of venous outflow and decreased tone of blood vessels in the pelvis and rectum. Various factors can provoke such changes, and each of them can negatively affect several directions at once - for example, weaken the walls of blood vessels and interfere with normal blood flow.

Causes of impaired venous outflow

The most common cause of hemorrhoids is stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic organs and cavernous bodies of hemorrhoids. This can lead to:

  • lack of movement - sedentary work, forced position in a static position (including standing);
  • obesity - extra pounds limit physical activity and negatively affect blood vessels and the heart, which often causes venous stagnation;
  • pregnancy is a typical cause of hemorrhoids in women, which provokes venous congestion in the rectum;
  • lifting weights is a typical cause of hemorrhoids in men, which, like pregnancy in women, causes stagnation of blood in the pelvis, but due to increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • the presence in the pelvic organs of benign or malignant neoplasms that compress nearby blood vessels and prevent normal venous outflow.

Causes of weakening and thinning of the venous wall

The cavernous bodies of hemorrhoids are penetrated by vessels - arteries and veins, through which blood flows into them and, accordingly, is drained back. Damage to the walls of these vessels causes them to be unable to withstand blood pressure. The result is that the walls of the blood vessels stretch and bulge. The following factors can lead to this:

  • age-related changes - over time, the human body produces fewer proteins, from which connective tissue is synthesized, which is responsible for the elasticity of the vascular wall;
  • hormonal fluctuations - hormones released during pregnancy or menopause negatively affect the walls of blood vessels, weakening them (such changes can also be provoked by taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • hereditary predisposition - some genes cause congenital weakness of connective tissue, as a result of which such people suffer not only from hemorrhoids, but also varicose veins of the lower extremities, a tendency to dislocate joints, etc.;
  • chronic liver diseases (cirrhosis and hepatitis), in which venous outflow is impaired;
  • arterial hypertension.

Reasons causing changes in vascular tone

The condition of the vascular wall, or more precisely, their tone, can be influenced by various factors. If we talk about hemorrhoidal plexuses, then the dominant role in changing the tone of the arteries and veins in them is played by the foods consumed. The dilatation of arterial vessels in the cavernous bodies of the rectum can be caused by:

  • capsaicin - a substance found in red peppers and other spicy foods;
  • nicotine is a component of cigarettes and smoking mixtures for hookahs;
  • caffeine is a component of the well-known invigorating drink and some medications.

The absence or low content of fiber in food has a similar effect on blood vessels as the substances listed above. An incorrectly composed diet provokes chronic constipation, and this may well lead to hemorrhoids.

Stress is considered an equally dangerous phenomenon for vascular tone - situations in which certain hormones and enzymes are released. They can cause an increase in blood pressure, affect bowel movements, and increase blood flow to the hemorrhoidal plexus. Taken together, this often leads to hemorrhoids.

How to deal with the disease at different stages

The expansion of hemorrhoidal veins requires an immediate response already at the initial stage of its development. In this case, it is necessary to clearly establish why hemorrhoids occurred in a particular situation, and try to reduce the negative influence of factors to a minimum. In addition, it is important to begin eliminating the consequences of changes as early as possible in accordance with the stage of the disease:

  1. At the first stage of hemorrhoids, drug treatment with topical drugs with anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic and venotonic effects is recommended. Sclerosis of hemorrhoidal veins can also be used. Patients are also advised to follow a diet and increase physical activity.
  2. The second stage of hemorrhoids involves the same treatment as in the first stage, but with the use of oral medications (local ones are also included in the treatment regimen). In addition, radical methods for eliminating hemorrhoids are used: sclerotherapy, ligation, laser removal of nodes, cryotherapy or coagulation of nodes.
  3. The third stage of hemorrhoids requires more radical measures, and therefore conservative therapy gives way to surgical treatment - hemorrhoidectomy and vein disarterization and the use of various technologies (laser, radio waves). Latex ligation of nodes is also used at this stage.
  4. The fourth stage of hemorrhoids is complicated by complete prolapse of the nodes and a high probability of thrombosis and heavy bleeding. Effective methods of treating hemorrhoids at this stage are laser coagulation and hemorrhoidectomy (laser or radio wave). For vein thrombosis, thrombectomy is performed. Conservative therapy for this degree of disease is ineffective.

Regardless of what stage of hemorrhoids occurs, in parallel with the methods described above, it is necessary to apply preventive measures. They are most often aimed at eliminating the causes of hemorrhoids. This allows you to lengthen the relapse-free period and avoid further progression of the disease.

Consultation with a proctologist - how to get it

To ask questions regarding the causes and consequences of hemorrhoids, you need to fill out the form located below under the banner. Enter your email address and describe the problem as completely as possible so that our specialist can give the most complete answer in the shortest possible time.