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What can menstrual blood mean in a dream? Why do you dream about menstruation?

Among the main reasons for dreaming about menstruation, the dream book notes the consumption of vitality. Details in the dream will help identify the causes of the leak. The symbol reveals the main obstacles on the way to the goal, warns against everyday troubles, and contains tips.

Interpretations of different dream books

The French interpretation of menstruation is associated with blood relatives, promises a meeting with one of the relatives. The mood in the dream fully corresponds to the impressions of the upcoming event.

An alarming aftertaste foreshadows illness or troubles among loved ones. If a spouse dreams of his wife’s menstrual flow, the Eastern Dream Book advises both to take care of the organs of the reproductive system.

If the symbol was seen on other days of the cycle, the Universal Dream Interpreter suspects the dreamer of a tendency to rash acts.

According to Miller and Wang

If you dream of menstruation, Miller’s dream book warns that you will have to sacrifice something that has become obsolete for the sake of favorable changes.

In Vanga’s prediction, menstruation symbolizes repentance for a long-standing offense or doubt: is it worth implementing a new idea or will it turn out that it was just another mistake.

Signs of good luck

According to the Muslim interpreter, a girl sees her period in anticipation of an unexpected income. The wife's rules promise a man a chance to pass a test that will strengthen his faith.

The Islamic dream book does not see anything unusual in the fact that a guy happens to experience female sensations in a dream. Men's periods are interpreted as an opportunity to achieve success in an unfamiliar business.

What does it mean to get dirty

Dream interpreters contain many explanations of what clothes, underwear or palms stained with menstrual blood mean. Stains on the sheet promise a shameful revelation of something recently done. Soiled panties symbolize secret fantasies of an erotic nature.

A bloody hand represents the risk of getting hurt due to your own haste, gullibility, and talkativeness. If you happen to observe the embarrassment of another woman, you can safely make a request: The family dream book reassures that you will not be refused.

Seen bleeding

Predictions about why you dream that menstruation lasts for many days in a row sound warning. Recommendations from dream books will help you avoid trouble.

  • Bleeding happens in anticipation of a breakup;
  • Severe blood loss indicates a major misconception;
  • Seeing red streaks on the legs happens to those who have lost their way;
  • If this happens at the wrong time, big changes are coming.

Why do you dream about water?

Rommel's dream interpreter explains in detail why one dreams of swimming in bloody water. A sign in a dream calls for strength and patience to overcome hardships.

A bathtub full of red liquid portends a dispute with relatives, litigation over an inheritance, or a heated dispute over a fundamental issue.

What do you remember about the arrival of your period?

The romantic dream book specifies who has their period. If a lonely lady dreams of her own, a whirlwind romance awaits. When a married woman rejoices at the arrival of critical days, the Autumn predictor promises harmony in married life.

What should a dreamer secretly in love do: continue to suffer in silence or send a message to her chosen one? A decisive step can indeed start a romance, but it will end quickly and suddenly on the initiative of the lady. For the elderly, the plot promises an interesting turn of events.

Better to know in advance

If in a dream you remember how your daughter got her first period, worries about her unwanted pregnancy are in vain. When a girl has early menstruation, take care of the family's health. In a daughter’s dream, the symbol means the risk of being annoyingly late.

If the subconscious sent in a dream the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule, embarrassment is possible. The plot foretells a slight malaise. A sudden cycle failure indicates a general vulnerability.

We saw a delay

The prediction of what a delay means in a dream is very ambiguous. The literal meaning is possible: pregnancy in reality. If you saw belated, but profuse bleeding in a dream, a short-lived affair with a wealthy man is approaching.

If in your night dreams you happen to be worried because you haven’t had your period for a long time, in reality you will have an opportunity to express yourself.

I dreamed about the details

Sometimes you may dream about the most unexpected details. Even an implausible episode helps to predict the development of events and the attitude towards them: often the path to well-being lies through problems.

Often, visions are associated with the desire for self-improvement and reflect unfulfilled sexual and spiritual needs.

Excessively heavy periods represent a leak of vitality, energy, and self-confidence. This is a reflection of the fear of losing something valuable, usually not of a material nature: dear relationships, health.

The meaning of clots

In dream books there is a meaning for what pieces and clots are dreamed of. The image indicates an increased likelihood of disease. The dark color promises the end of the black stripe.

If you dreamed about how the embryo came out, the undertaking is doomed to failure. If the discharge is clear, you are underestimating your abilities.

Sex and blood in a dream

Dream books will tell you how critical days and intimacy are combined in a dream:

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its specific content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection.

One of the ARCHETYPES according to JUNG is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct for preserving the family.

Seeing yourself involved in an activity in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS like “what if” may arise, which require comprehension and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is in question.

Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to various events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous.

This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or the frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative WILL-EXECUTION and are also a result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Habitual and ordinary phenomena, which in real life do not cause us any surprise or unnecessary emotions, change their meaning in the world of dreams - after all, everything here is organized according to its own laws.

Blood, for example, in principle is not something creepy or causing great fear, especially if we are talking about the natural female cycle, which is familiar to absolutely every girl and woman.

But it’s one thing to experience critical days every month in reality, and another to have a dream in which menstruation appears. Such a dream can cause a lot of anxiety, because blood is a powerful symbol and will not be dreamed of just like that, without a reason.

It’s worth finding out why you dream about menstruation, and what to expect after such a vision?

Remember what happened in the dream

Before you figure out why you dream about blood, menstruation, and other things related to the female menstrual cycle, it would be useful to remember the details of the dream and take them into account.

Namely, how much blood there was, where it was, and even what emotions you experienced in the dream. This is also extremely important. The most common dream scenarios associated with menstruation look like this:

  • They can be abundant or scanty.
  • I dream that my period came unexpectedly.
  • Blood from menstruation flows down the legs.
  • A pregnant woman dreams about her period.
  • In a dream, you accidentally stained clothes or pieces of furniture with menstrual blood.
  • We saw feminine hygiene products in the blood.
  • You are waiting for menstruation, but you don’t have it.

These are the most common options, and each has its own meaning. As the dream book shows, menstruation often symbolizes female strength, energy, and, accordingly, its loss. But a lot depends on the dream conditions.

Remember details

In general, menstruation is a necessary and inevitable phenomenon, so you should not be afraid of such dreams, although some meanings may warn you of something unfavorable.

1. If you suddenly have heavy periods in a dream, this means that there is probably some threat of loss or loss in the future. Moreover, we are most likely not talking about something material.

Menstruation means strength and energy, which means there is a risk of either losing faith in recovery or in yourself. Or maybe you risk losing some relationships, and this can really break you. This is a warning - be careful.

2. If in your night dreams you notice that you are not just menstruating, but blood is flowing down your legs, this is a warning.

Some thoughtless action, a wrong step on your part can directly lead to very negative, irreparable consequences for you. While there is time, think about whether it is possible to avoid a wrong step and, accordingly, bad consequences.

3. When menstruation does not come on time, this is a huge stress in reality. But if there are no periods in a dream, this is a sign that during a difficult situation, in troubles and problems, you will not have to count on anyone.

For some reason, you will not be able to get help from anyone from your own family and relatives. However, this is a chance to show your own strength, independence, and maybe resort to the support of friends.

4. During pregnancy, a woman generally has special dreams, vivid, memorable and not always pleasant. If during pregnancy you notice in a dream that your period has suddenly begun, don’t worry.

Don’t be alarmed by the fact that according to dream books, menstruation is often a negative, warning sign. This does not apply during pregnancy.

On the contrary, such a dream is a wonderful symbol; it promises the expectant mother good health, the entire pregnancy will proceed perfectly, childbirth will be easy, and most importantly, the baby will be born into this world as an absolutely healthy and strong toddler. So, for a future mother, menstruation in a dream is an incredibly good, favorable sign.

5. If in your dreams you not only dreamed of critical days, but also happened to stain your clothes or furniture with this blood, this promises you some kind of awkward situation in reality, shame, exposure.

Perhaps your conscience is not completely clear, you are harboring bad thoughts, and this will be revealed, and in the worst way for you. Think carefully.

6. Women associate menstruation not only with unpleasant sensations, but also with personal hygiene products. If they visited your dream, and were also full of menstrual blood, this is a hint that you are sticking your curious nose into things that are not your own business, doing something that you are not supposed to do.

This is a direct warning from higher powers - do not meddle in someone else’s life, behave with dignity, otherwise consequences cannot be avoided.

Such different dream books

In addition to the meanings of dreams, which contain certain details, many dream books provide interpretations of such visions in general.

This is also worth paying attention to. Let's see what menstruation dreams mean according to different dream books.

1. Miller’s dream book states that seeing menstrual blood in a dream and losing it means that in reality you will have to sacrifice something. But the sacrifice, however, will not be empty.

2. Vanga’s dream book confidently says that if a woman sees her period in a dream, it means that in her life she has committed (or is soon at risk of committing) some offense, a wrong step, and will regret it later.

3. The Eastern Women's Dream Book simply advises taking proper care of your health. Because, according to this dream book, menstrual blood in a dream promises illness and loss of energy for a woman.

4. The French dream book promises a meeting with relatives, but whether this meeting will be pleasant or not, you can decide by remembering your feelings in the dream.

Remember that any dream should be interpreted based primarily on your nighttime emotions and sensations. And if the dream was joyful, this cannot be a bad sign!


Blood menstruation according to the dream book

Everyone has a different attitude towards what they see in their dreams. Many people immediately forget everything, but some try to decipher events by reading a dream book. Only he will tell you whether the night vision was a warning or a warning. In order to understand why you dream about blood and menstruation, you must try to remember the dream in all its details.

It is often said that seeing menstruation in a dream promises some kind of illness, often related to gynecology. Dream books claim that this is a very erroneous opinion, and a dream can have very different interpretations.

Quite often, women who are about to begin menstruation can see menstrual blood in their dreams. Why do you dream about this? This can only indicate a tense psychological state, nervousness and excitement of the lady.

If she really has started her period, the dream book advises not to pay too much attention to such a dream, considering it an echo of daytime anxieties. This is often seen in a dream by those who are really looking forward to the onset of menstruation, worrying about a possible and unwanted pregnancy. Or vice versa, ladies who dream of getting pregnant.

The dream book also explains the monthly blood that the girl saw on the eve of some important event for her, getting a new job, an upcoming date, etc. And only, only she herself will be able to influence the success of the upcoming event, and it will turn around and change her destiny.

The dream book explains why menstruation is a blood dream, taking a lady by surprise in front of everyone, by the possibility of a similar situation arising in reality, not necessarily related to menstruation, but to any public embarrassment and humiliation. And the more painful it is to cleanse the body, the more shame the lady will experience in reality.

For those who in a dream saw blood on the clothes of their girlfriend, relative or good friend, the dream book suggests asking if she needs help. The fact that you dreamed of someone else's menstruation is a sign of a very trusting relationship. Although, if someone stained your house, bed or furniture with it, then you should be wary of imaginary friends who will try to gain your trust and then betray you. So, you should take a closer look at your new acquaintances.

In general, seeing blood, menstruation, or another woman in a dream, causing disgust, fear or hostility in you, is not a very pleasant dream. It may mean that in reality you will have a rival, or people may start gossiping about you.

Why do pregnant women see blood in their dreams? This is a good sign, promising an easy birth and that the rest of the pregnancy will proceed without complications.

If a man dreams of menstruation

It happens that they also see such dreams, but, for example, Miller’s dream book does not divide blood and menstruation into “female” and “male” at all. He considers this vision a symbol of illness and anxiety.

In the case of men's dreams, dream books advise remembering every detail. For example, if he sees blood on a pad or fabric, this indicates that he is too curious in life and shows excessive interest in the personal lives of others.

A dream in which a man sees a lady who is currently having her period is explained as a warning about significant material expenses, or even losses. Often, according to dream books, this is a confirmation of the guy’s disrespectful attitude towards this girl, or of distrust of her in reality.

This vision can be a bad omen, promising an imminent separation, for sexual partners and spouses. Most likely, the man’s feelings have faded, and the woman is no longer interested in him. It often visits jealous people who doubt the fidelity of their beloved, dream books say.

Whether night visions come true depends on what day, or rather night, you dreamed of them. To determine this, refer to the lunar calendar.



The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A woman dreams of her period- to the illness of a relative; for a man to see that his woman is having her period- to her illness associated with internal bleeding.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If in a dream a woman sees her period, but in reality she will not have it- she will take a rash action.

Islamic dream book

If a woman sees her period, but she actually doesn’t have it at that time- it means she will commit some kind of offense.


Menstruation during pregnancy

Dream Interpretation Menstruation during pregnancy dreamed of why you dream about menstruation during pregnancy? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your period during pregnancy in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy


Pregnant woman dreams of menstruation

Dream Interpretation of a Pregnant Woman Dreaming of Menstruation dreamed of why a pregnant woman dreams of menstruation? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a pregnant woman having her period in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Menstruation (menstruation)

If a woman sees her period, and she actually doesn’t have it at that time, it means that she will have committed some kind of offense.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its specific content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the ARCHETYPES according to JUNG is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct for preserving the family. Seeing yourself involved in an activity in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS like “what if” may arise, which require comprehension and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to various events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or the frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative WILL-EXECUTION and are also a result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A dream about pregnancy foreshadows troublesome matters related to new plans.

A dream in which you see a beautiful pregnant woman and are surprised, portends you an unexpected profit, which will come in handy, although you will have to work hard to get it. If the pregnant woman in your dream is ugly and you were unpleasantly surprised, then a lot of trouble and worry awaits you. See interpretation: childbirth, midwife, nanny. For young women, a dream in which they see themselves pregnant predicts happiness in love, overshadowed by quarrels with their lover or spouse; For old women, such a dream threatens ill health; and for the sick - death. If in a dream a woman feels pregnant and gives birth to a son, then success awaits her in all matters. For the rest, especially the sick, such a dream predicts a lot of troubles, and for the seriously ill - a quick death. For people who have a lot of debt, such a dream can predict some relief in their situation. If you have secrets, then you should be careful that they do not become known, and if you yourself want to know something, then the dream predicts that you will have an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity. For girls, a dream about pregnancy predicts that shame and dishonor await them. If a young and pregnant woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, then the dream predicts a lot of troubles and worries for her. For everyone else, a dream about pregnancy promises that their life will be filled with excitement and bold plans. If in a dream you see your friend pregnant, then grief and sadness await you. If a man dreams that he is pregnant and is unpleasantly surprised in his dream, then many disappointments and failures await him. Under certain circumstances, such a dream may foretell to a married man that he will soon lose his wife or that she will no longer be able to bear children. For a single man, such a dream predicts a quick marriage if he is actually thinking about it. Seeing pregnant women in a dream is a harbinger of troubles, minor troubles, grief and disappointment. For a married man to dream that his wife is pregnant, such a dream predicts that if his wife actually turns out to be pregnant soon, he will have a healthy child.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

For a woman to see herself pregnant in a dream means a quarrel with her husband.

If she is really pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful birth and a quick restoration of strength.

In addition, dreaming about pregnancy may mean that this event will happen in real life. Or maybe there is an opportunity to meet a new fan, the relationship with whom will be much more productive than with the previous partner.

If a man has such a dream, then paternal feelings clearly awaken in him. However, this dream may also mean that he will have troubles in relationships with women - a love union will be complicated by undesirable consequences.

D. Loff argued that anyone can become pregnant in a dream, regardless of age and gender. In his opinion, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

So, if such a dream is dreamed by a young woman who in real life has no intention of getting pregnant, then it may indicate the beginning of a new stage of introspection. For example, this could be the transition from the child stage to the adult level.

Women often dream of pregnancy during their monthly cycle. In connection with this dream, they have anxieties that require comprehension and resolution.

As for a man who sees himself pregnant in a dream, then, according to D. Loff’s theory, this most often happens in a situation where his masculinity is in question. He himself sees himself as less active sexually than he would like to be, and the dream of pregnancy acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of his personality. In a dream, a man gives birth not necessarily to a child, but to something that could justify his mission in this world.

Real pregnancy can cause a wide variety of dreams with completely unimaginable events - both cruel and ridiculous. And this is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy causes a whole range of emotions - from anxiety to euphoria.

Pregnant women often have disturbing dreams, for example, infidelity or death of a spouse, health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the unborn child, etc. These dreams are associated with a feeling of insecurity, changes in the frequency and nature of sexual relations, as well as with anxiety caused by pregnancy. In addition, they are a consequence of a woman's fears about her ability to properly cope with the role of a mother.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success. A pregnant woman sees in a dream how her pregnancy is progressing - foreshadows childbirth without complications, after which the woman’s body will quickly recover. Seeing a pregnant woman - a dream means a change in financial situation for the better. Along with wealth, honors will certainly come. Lying next to a pregnant woman in a dream - the dream promises good news that will be unexpected for you.

Imagine that the pregnancy is going perfectly, the pregnant woman feels great, you are having fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Seeing a pregnant woman means for a man changes, material well-being; lying next to a pregnant woman in labor means pleasant hopes.

Being pregnant means the realization of promising plans, profit, wealth.

Seeing a pregnant woman means success in the household, prosperity in the family, and being pregnant herself.

Being pregnant means deception for a girl.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Seeing yourself in a dream while pregnant: foretells wealth for the poor, ruin for the rich.

For a married man, this is a sign that he will lose his wife.

To a single person - that he will have a wife.

For a girl, such a dream is a deception, a shame.

For a woman - pride and joy.

For an elderly woman - death.

Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to liberation from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret affairs will become apparent.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of unexpected profits.

The birth of a son is a quick profit.

Daughters are new events on the path to happiness.

If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is actually pregnant, this dream means a successful birth for her.

If a man sees his wife or mistress pregnant in a dream, it means that he loves her very much.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy dreams promise a better future for everyone.

For a young woman, this is a play of natural forces, a rehearsal that prepares her for real pregnancy and childbirth.

But in other cases, for people who are not concerned about this problem.

For men, such a dream foreshadows newness in work, acquisitions, and acquaintances.

Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes the development of some plans.

But the birth of a child indicates that the first step towards achieving the goal has already been taken, all you have to do is raise the child.

Bring your actions to their logical conclusion. Phenomena such as marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, death are natural for people.

But in dreams these events happen much more often than in life.

They are especially significant for the dreamer if they are not feasible or unlikely in real life.

For example, pregnancy and childbirth in a man or an elderly woman, the death of a healthy person, a wedding with a celebrity, etc.

Next to the symbol of pregnancy and childbirth there is, it would seem, their antipode - the symbol of death. Death in a dream is not the same as real death.

Dying in a dream only means getting rid of some aspect of your life, which for you is a thing of the past.

Therefore, death in a dream is also a rebirth to a new life.

And although death can be dreamed of by patients who are worried about their lives, it almost never foreshadows the end of life.

On the eve of real death, people see extremely optimistic dreams: moving to another country, flying into space, etc.

Of course, such exotic travel does not always foretell death.

Often they are followed only by significant changes or unusual life circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy (see also “woman”) - seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a nuisance; being pregnant means making bold plans. Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman it is joy, for an old woman it is death behind her.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A lady sees herself pregnant in a dream - the marriage life of this lady cannot be called happy; the lady will always be suppressed by the idea that she was in a hurry, that she was cheap, that if she had been a little more experienced in her time, she could have made the best match and there were, after all, more worthy contenders! The lady doesn’t like everything in her life, even the kids don’t bring her joy, because they look like her husband and can’t be called child prodigies.

A young unmarried woman has a dream as if she is pregnant - this dream does not bode well for her; if a woman is careless and frivolous, she will find herself in a situation from which she can only get out of it with shame; in former times, for such deeds, the gates were smeared with tar; let this woman be more selective in her relationships.

If a pregnant lady sees herself pregnant in a dream, this is a good dream; it states that childbirth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; this lady will have healthy offspring. A man sees a pregnant lady in a dream - in real life - to little trouble.

Dreams are a kind of signal that the body gives, warning that certain changes may occur in the future. It is often possible to see menstruation in a dream. Moreover, this is a dream not only for women, but also for men. Not every person knows what such a dream means and what it warns about. A dream about menstrual bleeding indicates serious problems or a joyful event.

First of all, such a dream can be observed in those representatives of the fair sex who will soon begin menstruation. This situation arises against the background of a mental and physical state, that is, an exciting moment is noted, especially if the girl is not at home. In addition, anxiety usually occurs on the eve of an important event or task, which may be interfered with by menstruation. As a result, the woman dreams about what worried her in reality.

In this situation, daytime experiences simply turn into nighttime ones and are in no way related to changes in health. Often such dreams can be seen by those who are anxious about the onset of their critical days. When you dream that your period, which a girl has been waiting for so long, has begun, then in reality it may not happen. In most cases, such a dream indicates the onset of pregnancy.

If you dreamed that menstruation took you by surprise, for example, in a place with a large number of people, then the fact that it may occur in real life cannot be ruled out. If there is painful or heavy discharge, which is accompanied by discomfort even during sleep, the presence of some kind of disorder in the body cannot be ruled out. In addition, such a dream may indicate sexual dissatisfaction of the fair sex.

If a woman sees something other than her period in a dream, this is a sign of the development of problems for the girl herself, her relative or friend whom she saw in the dream. But this is also a warning about how the girl treats the owner of the dream.

Why do you dream about menstrual flow on a pad?

In a dream, menstrual blood can stain not only underwear, but also personal hygiene products. In this case, it is important to remember the abundance and fullness of, for example, pads. If it is completely saturated with blood fluid, this warns the girl of increased interference in someone else’s life.

When the gasket is slightly soiled, we can say that the woman is too curious and likes to mind her own business. Such a dream can be interpreted in another way. For example, he warns that someone is overly interested in the personal life of this lady. If you dream of a large number of gaskets, it means that there are certain problems in the professional sphere or there will be a reprimand from your superiors.

If you dreamed that a sanitary pad was dirty, this indicates a woman’s increased curiosity to know more about the intimate life of someone close to her. In such a situation, the dream speaks not only of curiosity, but also of the desire to provide assistance in restoring broken relationships.

When a girl who has reached the age of twelve dreams of blood on a pad, she will soon grow up. But here it is important to pay attention to the negative sides. Such a dream often indicates a loss of trusting relationships with parents.

When a woman sees heavy bleeding in a dream and hygiene products are replaced too often, this can be interpreted as a warning about missing something that is of great importance in real life.

Why do you dream about periods during pregnancy?

Often menstrual blood appears in a dream during pregnancy. As a rule, such dreams have a pronounced and memorable character. In addition, they often cause anxiety among pregnant women. In order not to panic, every woman should have an idea of ​​what menstruation may mean in dreams during pregnancy.

The sudden onset of menstruation in a dream indicates good health and the absence of problems associated with it. In addition, this is a sign that the birth will take place without complications and the child will be healthy. At the same time, the interpretation of a dream may indicate a moment when it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary and old things in the near future, or to positive changes in life.

When a pregnancy is unwanted, dreaming about menstruation most often means that the woman is thinking about terminating it.

When a child is desired and long-awaited, menstrual flow will indicate that the expectant mother is afraid for her baby and is worried about his health.

It is worth noting that all dream books interpret such a dream in almost the same way. It often indicates an obstacle that arises unexpectedly before a date. But the pleasant thing in this case is that the obstacle will be joyful - the birth of a baby.

Why do you dream about menstruation during menopause?

If an older lady sees menstrual flow in a dream, this usually indicates the absence of problems with her health or the cure of any disease. But we must not forget that such bleeding in a dream can also be seen by a younger woman who is in the menopausal period.

When a woman dreams of menstruation and has not had her period for a long time, then certain changes in life may occur regarding financial well-being or something personal.

Menstrual flow during sleep, accompanied by pronounced pain, is an alarming sign. The development of a serious pathological process cannot be ruled out. In this case, it is recommended to immediately undergo a full medical examination. This will help diagnose the disease at an early stage of development and take timely measures to eliminate it.

Men's dreams about menstruation

When a representative of the stronger sex dreams of menstrual blood, which causes disgust, then this is a sign indicating that it is necessary to treat women differently. Such changes will transform your life and gain love and respect from the ladies.

If you dreamed about your wife starting her period, then you need to pay attention to her health. Menstruation in a dream for an unmarried man means that he has no trust in his chosen one.

When should you worry?

When a girl dreams of menstruation, first of all, you need to pay close attention not only to your health, but also to your behavior:

  1. Often such a dream warns of committing a rash act that can ruin your reputation. In addition, such a dream speaks of possible disappointment regarding your lover, as well as the development of a sexually transmitted disease, or unjustified hopes.
  2. Seeing attempts to clean up blood in a dream means that there are fears that relatives or friends will condemn you for any actions.
  3. Clothing stained with menstrual fluid is a sign of trouble.
  4. If menstruation begins suddenly in a dream, this also indicates some kind of disease. The more women see blood, the more serious the problems will be.

If a girl dreams of the onset of critical days, which do not bring discomfort and anxiety, then this indicates good luck or a big win in the near future.

When you don't need to be afraid of such dreams

If you dream of a delay in your period, this can be interpreted as the fact that the girl will soon meet a rich admirer.

If in a dream a woman is bothered by the fact of lack of menstruation, in real life she will receive help in solving certain problems.

There is no reason for alarm among pregnant girls who dream of their menstrual periods, since this indicates the birth of a healthy and strong baby.

As a rule, all dream books interpret menstrual flow in the same way. Interpretations may have only minor differences, which in most cases depend on the presence of additional factors accompanying the dream. In order to interpret the dream as correctly as possible, you need to take into account all the details and only then draw certain conclusions.

If you want to look into the future, then you can interpret the dream you saw. Thanks to the signs coming from the subconscious, you can learn about happy and sad events, as well as about the chances of fate and troubles. When interpreting dreams, it is important to take into account the maximum number of plot details and the emotional component. In addition, an analogy should be drawn between the information received and real life events.

Why do you dream about menstruation?

Most often, such a dream is a harbinger of the occurrence of some kind of disease. The dream book recommends closely monitoring your own health. There is also information that such a dream promises the arrival of relatives or you will go to visit them. To find that blood is flowing down your legs in a dream means that an unfortunate incident will have negative consequences. If you are waiting for your critical days to begin, and this never happens, this is a warning that you will soon have to face problems and you should not count on the help of others. It’s worth knowing why a man dreams of menstrual blood. In this case, the dream serves as an indication of chastity. This can also be taken as a recommendation that in your sexual life you should give more to your feelings.

Let's figure out what it means if a man dreams of menstruation. Such a plot is a harbinger of certain losses that may relate to both the material and personal spheres. The dream book recommends monitoring your own words and behavior, as this can cause serious trouble. Night vision, where furniture or clothing is smeared with monthly blood, predicts the onset of an awkward situation in the near future. Seeing menstruation on a pad means that the dreamer is excessively showing his curiosity and meddling in his own business. Because of such activity, personal life often suffers.

One of the dream books considers a dream about menstruation to be a warning about the emergence of a serious problem that will ruin plans in your personal life. A night vision where you feel blood on your feet in a public place can be taken as advice that you should beware of rumors arising. This is why the dream book recommends not attending noisy feasts. For people in a relationship, a dream about menstrual periods promises pregnancy. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that serious complications should be expected. A delay in menstruation in a dream for a single woman is a harbinger of meeting a financially secure man. Seeing old pads with blood means you should soon expect a serious conversation with your boss, which could result in dismissal.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about menstruation?

In this case, the dream is a favorable sign, indicating good health for both mother and adults. It is also a symbol of easy childbirth without complications. Some dream books contain information that such a dream promises premature birth, but everything will be fine with the child Fine.

Why do you dream about heavy periods?

Heavy bleeding is a warning of serious problems that will be related to blood loss, such as surgery or serious injury. Such a dream may also indicate that all the energy expended will be duly rewarded.

Why do you dream about the beginning of your period?

A dream where menstruation began, but this does not happen in reality, is an unfavorable sign indicating the approach of trouble. The important thing is that this will be solely the dreamer’s fault. If you dream that your period suddenly started, it means you should prepare for some kind of loss and illness. It could also be a harbinger of bad news.

A dream about menstruation foreshadows problems related to the health of loved ones. If a man dreams that a woman is going through her “critical days,” there is a chance that she will get sick, perhaps she will have internal bleeding.

Who dreamed about menstruation? What stage of menstruation did you see in your dream? In what position did you dream about your period? Where did you see your period in your dream? How big were your periods in your dream? What did you do with period blood in your sleep?

Who dreamed about menstruation?

A girl dreams that she is having her period

If a girl dreams that she is having her period, then she should consult a doctor; most likely, something is wrong with her body; a complex illness is developing inside.

A woman dreamed that she was on her period

If a woman sees her period in a dream, but in reality it does not come and will not begin soon, then, according to Felomena’s dream book, this means that she will have to commit a spontaneous, rash act.

What stage of menstruation did you see in your dream?

My period started

In what position did you dream about your period?

Menstruation during pregnancy

Where did you see your period in your dream?

Menstruation on a pad

How big were your periods in your dream?

Heavy periods

What did you do with period blood in your sleep?

Why dream of wiping away blood from menstruation?

If you dreamed that you were wiping away blood from your period, then not everything is going well with your relatives, you will have to establish communication with loved ones, and re-build relationships with blood relatives.

Why do you dream about menstruation in a dream?

If a woman dreams that her underwear is covered in blood, the dream promises the appearance of an heir. Seeing other clothes stained with menstrual blood portends big problems.
Very often such a dream foreshadows the emergence of something new in life and parting with the old.

If a pregnant woman had a dream in which blood or menstruation appears, it means that she will have an easy birth and a healthy child will be born. If a husband dreamed that his wife had her period in a dream, the dream speaks of his wife’s illness.

If a young woman has such a dream, it warns that she needs to immediately take care of her health, especially those diseases that she has not paid attention to for a long time.

If a woman dreams that she will menstruate soon, perhaps in reality she will be late for some important meeting.

What does it mean? When do you dream about periods?


Yulia M

blood - to blood relatives - news

Irina Puchkova

any blood in a dream means profit


If they walk tediously... then they are in danger. And if they pour... then to profit

Orphan Tambovskaya

Near menopause.


for menstruation and dreams)))


For a young woman, a dream in which she sees that she is menstruating means that she should take care of her own health. Perhaps it’s time to deal with those sores that do not make themselves felt constantly, but have been accumulating for years. If a pregnant woman dreams of menstruation, then she will give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby. Seeing clothes stained with menstrual blood in a dream means that you are in serious trouble.


For a young woman, a dream in which
she sees that she is menstruating means that she should take care
about your own health. Perhaps it's time to address those sores
which do not make themselves felt constantly, but accumulate over the years.
If a pregnant woman dreams of menstruation,
then she will have a beautiful, healthy baby.
Seeing clothes stained with menstrual fluid in a dream
blood means that you are in serious trouble.


any blood to relatives

Victoria Dolgonosova

Any blood dreams of relatives. Dark for those close to you, light for those far away. And not necessarily their arrival, but maybe just a phone call or just news from or about them

Brezhnev L. I.

The brain works even in sleep, we remember some things in the morning, and forget others.
It’s just a dream, it’s like watching a movie. It's nothing
does not mean. Prejudice.

I am an orphan

and yes, it’s definitely the Red Army, which means there’s something wrong with your health.

Almira Akhmetkalieva

in my opinion this means that you will meet one of your relatives in the coming days

Susanna Yesayan-Bagharyan

you will meet your soul mate.

Menstruation during pregnancy

Dream Interpretation Menstruation during pregnancy dreamed of why you dream about menstruation during pregnancy? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your period during pregnancy in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Menstruation (menstruation)

If a woman sees her period, and she actually doesn’t have it at that time, it means that she will have committed some kind of offense.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its specific content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the ARCHETYPES according to JUNG is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct for preserving the family. Seeing yourself involved in an activity in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS like “what if” may arise, which require comprehension and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to various events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or the frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative WILL-EXECUTION and are also a result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A dream about pregnancy foreshadows troublesome matters related to new plans.

A dream in which you see a beautiful pregnant woman and are surprised, portends you an unexpected profit, which will come in handy, although you will have to work hard to get it. If the pregnant woman in your dream is ugly and you were unpleasantly surprised, then a lot of trouble and worry awaits you. See interpretation: childbirth, midwife, nanny. For young women, a dream in which they see themselves pregnant predicts happiness in love, overshadowed by quarrels with their lover or spouse; For old women, such a dream threatens ill health; and for the sick - death. If in a dream a woman feels pregnant and gives birth to a son, then success awaits her in all matters. For the rest, especially the sick, such a dream predicts a lot of troubles, and for the seriously ill - a quick death. For people who have a lot of debt, such a dream can predict some relief in their situation. If you have secrets, then you should be careful that they do not become known, and if you yourself want to know something, then the dream predicts that you will have an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity. For girls, a dream about pregnancy predicts that shame and dishonor await them. If a young and pregnant woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, then the dream predicts a lot of troubles and worries for her. For everyone else, a dream about pregnancy promises that their life will be filled with excitement and bold plans. If in a dream you see your friend pregnant, then grief and sadness await you. If a man dreams that he is pregnant and is unpleasantly surprised in his dream, then many disappointments and failures await him. Under certain circumstances, such a dream may foretell to a married man that he will soon lose his wife or that she will no longer be able to bear children. For a single man, such a dream predicts a quick marriage if he is actually thinking about it. Seeing pregnant women in a dream is a harbinger of troubles, minor troubles, grief and disappointment. For a married man to dream that his wife is pregnant, such a dream predicts that if his wife actually turns out to be pregnant soon, he will have a healthy child.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

For a woman to see herself pregnant in a dream means a quarrel with her husband.

If she is really pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful birth and a quick restoration of strength.

In addition, dreaming about pregnancy may mean that this event will happen in real life. Or maybe there is an opportunity to meet a new fan, the relationship with whom will be much more productive than with the previous partner.

If a man has such a dream, then paternal feelings clearly awaken in him. However, this dream may also mean that he will have troubles in relationships with women - a love union will be complicated by undesirable consequences.

D. Loff argued that anyone can become pregnant in a dream, regardless of age and gender. In his opinion, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

So, if such a dream is dreamed by a young woman who in real life has no intention of getting pregnant, then it may indicate the beginning of a new stage of introspection. For example, this could be the transition from the child stage to the adult level.

Women often dream of pregnancy during their monthly cycle. In connection with this dream, they have anxieties that require comprehension and resolution.

As for a man who sees himself pregnant in a dream, then, according to D. Loff’s theory, this most often happens in a situation where his masculinity is in question. He himself sees himself as less active sexually than he would like to be, and the dream of pregnancy acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of his personality. In a dream, a man gives birth not necessarily to a child, but to something that could justify his mission in this world.

Real pregnancy can cause a wide variety of dreams with completely unimaginable events - both cruel and ridiculous. And this is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy causes a whole range of emotions - from anxiety to euphoria.

Pregnant women often have disturbing dreams, for example, infidelity or death of a spouse, health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the unborn child, etc. These dreams are associated with a feeling of insecurity, changes in the frequency and nature of sexual relations, as well as with anxiety caused by pregnancy. In addition, they are a consequence of a woman's fears about her ability to properly cope with the role of a mother.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success. A pregnant woman sees in a dream how her pregnancy is progressing - foreshadows childbirth without complications, after which the woman’s body will quickly recover. Seeing a pregnant woman - a dream means a change in financial situation for the better. Along with wealth, honors will certainly come. Lying next to a pregnant woman in a dream - the dream promises good news that will be unexpected for you.

Imagine that the pregnancy is going perfectly, the pregnant woman feels great, you are having fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Seeing a pregnant woman means for a man changes, material well-being; lying next to a pregnant woman in labor means pleasant hopes.

Being pregnant means the realization of promising plans, profit, wealth.

Seeing a pregnant woman means success in the household, prosperity in the family, and being pregnant herself.

Being pregnant means deception for a girl.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Seeing yourself in a dream while pregnant: foretells wealth for the poor, ruin for the rich.

For a married man, this is a sign that he will lose his wife.

To a single person - that he will have a wife.

For a girl, such a dream is a deception, a shame.

For a woman - pride and joy.

For an elderly woman - death.

Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to liberation from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret affairs will become apparent.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of unexpected profits.

The birth of a son is a quick profit.

Daughters are new events on the path to happiness.

If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is actually pregnant, this dream means a successful birth for her.

If a man sees his wife or mistress pregnant in a dream, it means that he loves her very much.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy dreams promise a better future for everyone.

For a young woman, this is a play of natural forces, a rehearsal that prepares her for real pregnancy and childbirth.

But in other cases, for people who are not concerned about this problem.

For men, such a dream foreshadows newness in work, acquisitions, and acquaintances.

Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes the development of some plans.

But the birth of a child indicates that the first step towards achieving the goal has already been taken, all you have to do is raise the child.

Bring your actions to their logical conclusion. Phenomena such as marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, death are natural for people.

But in dreams these events happen much more often than in life.

They are especially significant for the dreamer if they are not feasible or unlikely in real life.

For example, pregnancy and childbirth in a man or an elderly woman, the death of a healthy person, a wedding with a celebrity, etc.

Next to the symbol of pregnancy and childbirth there is, it would seem, their antipode - the symbol of death. Death in a dream is not the same as real death.

Dying in a dream only means getting rid of some aspect of your life, which for you is a thing of the past.

Therefore, death in a dream is also a rebirth to a new life.

And although death can be dreamed of by patients who are worried about their lives, it almost never foreshadows the end of life.

On the eve of real death, people see extremely optimistic dreams: moving to another country, flying into space, etc.

Of course, such exotic travel does not always foretell death.

Often they are followed only by significant changes or unusual life circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy (see also “woman”) - seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a nuisance; being pregnant means making bold plans. Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman it is joy, for an old woman it is death behind her.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A lady sees herself pregnant in a dream - the marriage life of this lady cannot be called happy; the lady will always be suppressed by the idea that she was in a hurry, that she was cheap, that if she had been a little more experienced in her time, she could have made the best match and there were, after all, more worthy contenders! The lady doesn’t like everything in her life, even the kids don’t bring her joy, because they look like her husband and can’t be called child prodigies.

A young unmarried woman has a dream as if she is pregnant - this dream does not bode well for her; if a woman is careless and frivolous, she will find herself in a situation from which she can only get out of it with shame; in former times, for such deeds, the gates were smeared with tar; let this woman be more selective in her relationships.

If a pregnant lady sees herself pregnant in a dream, this is a good dream; it states that childbirth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; this lady will have healthy offspring. A man sees a pregnant lady in a dream - in real life - to little trouble.



I dreamed that I was in the bathroom, and there was another girl in it, I see only her legs and notice that she was bleeding (probably she had no menstruation. There were no wounds) and this blood flows in a beautiful stream in the water. But I I’m not sure that it was not me (maybe my period started, I don’t remember exactly). Thanks in advance


I dreamed that I was pregnant (I'm actually pregnant) got up from the toilet and saw bright red blood on my white panties. I went to show my husband, bawling.


I'm pregnant and I had my period




I dreamed that my period started (but in reality it’s not there yet) and I’m worried that I’ll get dirty


I dreamed that my period came - I ran to the toilet, and blood was even flowing down my legs)))))))))))))))))). I was looking for a pad in my bag to put it in.


I dreamed that I had periods, but they were heavy, even very heavy. I
I want to put a gasket on. The dream was colorful. From Wednesday to Thursday. Although I just had my period


In reality, I’m pregnant in a dream my period started and I say how I’m 8 months pregnant or is it a premature birth, I panicked, I don’t remember further.


I dreamed that I was on my period and dogs came running at the smell of blood, I was trying to hide from them, to run away.




I'm actually having my period


I dreamed that I was making love to my husband and he drank my period and said that it tasted like sauerkraut


threw away my period pads


hello, I dreamed of pads with supposedly my period, and a priest in a black cassock, please tell me what this could mean.


I dreamed that in a dream I got my period and I noticed it on my underwear. I'm single. And in real life I don't have periods.


I made love with my husband for a few split seconds and saw that I was on my period and immediately saw how I was taking a pregnancy test with my period


Hello! The dream occurred from Sunday to Monday. I dreamed that I was lying in bed with my boyfriend. After intercourse, he and I discovered that I had started menstruating. The blood was red, and it seemed like I saw blood on my palms. Why have such dreams? I've noticed that I've been dreaming about menstruation a lot lately? What is this for??


I should get my period, but I don’t have one, and today I dreamed that my period started, I put on a pad, I thought it would start, and so I went to bed, and in the dream I was wearing the same pad and my period started and I started to rejoice.


In my dream I was surprised when I saw that my period had arrived, although it had stopped coming for some time. Menopause, probably)) but in a dream I saw that my periods were long, but not bloody, so calm)) and I was even happy!


Well, I dreamed about my period, I was playing with a young man, and then my period started, I told him, he said it’s okay, I went and washed myself in the dream, and I told him. And that’s it for the whole dream.


Hello Tatiana!
I then took a bath (in a place unfamiliar to me, the room and the bath itself were white). So, I got my period.
I drained this red water... And then I couldn’t get clean water... The water ran out...


My period suddenly started. In the dream, at first I didn’t understand where this blood was on my hands, then I noticed that my period had started, and that more and more blood was appearing. I tried to stop the bleeding. I don’t remember then.


I dreamed that my sister and I were starring in some kind of film (and, by the way, she also dreamed that same day that we were starring in a film) and so we filmed it (I don’t remember the director or the production either) and just sat down to watch it again film, but then I found myself on some street where there was some kind of performance and with me there was an acquaintance and some guys. And then she left, two guys were near me, and one asked what my name was, but he was sitting about a meter away from me, and then we ended up with that girl on a 2-story building and decided to go down, since we had to go home (for We were driving a bus, driven by dad (he just works there)) and then she jumps off and breaks her left leg, everyone crowded around her and went down some tree and then my friend picks her up (I liked him at one time) and carries them to the hospital, and in the meantime I take the first aid kit and run after them to the hospital. Then I tell him it’s time for us to go and we run to the bus, holding hands and let go closer to the bus. We sit down, and the whole bus is full, I sit down where 2 girls are sitting.


I’m pregnant, and I had a dream with my period that my boyfriend and I were going in a taxi, and I was saying why they’re walking so much, he says I don’t know, maybe to the doctor? I wake up and fall asleep again and the dream continues, as if we were getting out of the car and the seat was all covered in blood.


Hello. In a dream, I cheated on my husband with a work colleague. We had sex and hid from someone. and when we had the pleasure of taking this one out, he showed it to me and said that I was on my period, then the two of us were caught and there was contempt on their part, I don’t remember further.


a dream on Sunday that something showed that my periods were late and that I might be pregnant, I began to be indignant that I was not sexually active, then they said that my periods had stopped and they wouldn’t happen again
My email address [email protected]


NEWLY ARRIVED OR BEGINNING PERIOD. It’s as if I wasn’t expecting them since they ended recently. And then I felt something. I take off my underwear and there is blood from my period


I had a dream about menstruation. In a dream, I dreamed that I got out of bed and I saw that my period had begun. I don't remember any more details.


Good afternoon. I dreamed very clearly that I had heavy periods and I know that there is a tampon, but I’m worried that I won’t bleed and I also use a pad, but it doesn’t help... I throw away the first used tampon, and the second one, because of heavy periods, is very It also leaked quickly and I throw it away again... Please interpret the dream... I used to dream that two teeth fell out with profuse bleeding from the gums and soon my brother died.... now this... Thank you


I dreamed that my periods were coming very hard, I tried to change the pad but the non-magla was bleeding heavily and blood flowed down my legs


I was lying with my boyfriend, from whom I had been separated for 3 months, and wanted to make love, but something didn’t work out for us, at the beginning people were interfering, and then I saw blood on my boyfriend’s hand, I immediately felt that I had started menstruation. I looked at my underwear and saw that my period had definitely started, so much seemed to have flowed out and they were light. I was even scared!!!


as if I woke up and my period is running, but in reality it’s not, well, it’s supposed to start one of these days! please tell me what is this for?


I dreamed that I was walking with friends and then my period suddenly started! They flowed down my legs and then ended. I also stained my pants with them. (I'm a girl. I've never had a period)


Hello! I dreamed that I was being transported on a plane by several people, and I was in bed, with my period, which had stained the sheets, everyone was preoccupied, there was a man among the people, you would think that they were transporting me just for him... they handed me a new pad and I woke up... in the plane is like being in a hospital, there is no fear, but the feeling is that I am here against my will. like this) Thank you)


I had a dream that I started getting my period, which I wasn’t happy about, because I don’t want them to start in my life because I want a child. But I’ve never had such a dream.


hello, I dreamed that I was getting my period in chunks. She saw that I was getting my period and told me.


I dreamed that I was pregnant and at the same time I was getting my period... I recently experienced a breakup with a loved one, maybe that’s why I dreamed.


we made love with my boyfriend, after that I saw blood on my panties and also said, this is why I didn’t have my period (and I’m late)


Hello. It seems to me that this dream is important and wants to tell me something. I beg you to explain it to me.
I dreamed in the morning that I was taking a bath with my common-law spouse, the water was very clean, my Siamese cat climbed into our bathroom, played with its paw with the water and came out. And my husband and I continued to soak, then my wedding ring spontaneously came out with my period, My husband said that he hid the ring from me and wanted to propose for a long time. In general, the water turned a little red, we spread it with our hands and it became clean again. After the bath, my husband locked me in the apartment and went with my mother to meet my grandmother. I was torn, I didn’t let him in, I cried. . They didn’t take me allegedly because I don’t communicate with my grandmother (in dreams and in life). This is such a dream.

In life, I avoid my grandmother, and bypass her on the tenth route, I don’t introduce her to my husband, because she is strong with her words (not thought out), she has a bad look. If you communicate with your grandmother, nothing will work out in life, and there will always be a black streak. We don't have children. Maybe this dream wants to tell me something. Thank you in advance.


I don’t have any menses right now but they were supposed to come yesterday. I dreamed that I was sitting on the sofa under a blanket and suddenly I saw blood on the sofa

out of spite:

in a dream, something is bothering me between my legs and I go into someone else’s house to see what is bothering me there and there I have quite 2 large pieces of rag, one a little smaller, I pull it out and see there is blood from my period there. Then I try to go down from the window of this apartment to the bottom one and start screaming for help. The owner of the bottom apartment responds and helps me down, it turns out she was my client in the salon in real life. Then I see two more girls there and they turn out to be my clients, we all chat happily and I wake up


I found my period on my underwear, but not heavily... In reality, the delay was 3 months, problems with the thyroid gland, I didn’t do a test.


I dreamed that I was sleeping and woke up from the fact that my period began with a large amount of blood


Hello! I don’t really remember, but I dreamed about my period as if it had started, which upset me very much, since I had it recently


I will soon be 12 years old, I don’t have my period yet... But I dreamed that I was doing water procedures in a pink and yellow bath... And then a blood clot began to flow out of me


I am 10 years old. I dreamed that my mother and father went to the village. When we arrived, my stomach began to hurt badly, and then my mother said, “It’s my period.” This is the first time I have had such dreams.


I saw in a dream that my period came, but I’m already 6 days late. and in a dream my son was born and I feed him breast milk


I dreamed that I went to the toilet and now I look at my panties (I’m just worried in reality and waiting for my period) and I don’t see anything, and just when I want to put on my panties, I see blood dripping onto my hand. warm and somehow soft (almost like a clot), I was glad that they had finally arrived. ran for a tampon. and that's all


I was having sex with my loved one, and my period suddenly started, there was a lot of blood. and at that moment a mother and child enter the room, I don’t remember who and why. and I start washing everything. everything seems to be


I was sitting on the sofa, then I suddenly went to the toilet and saw that I had my period, but I didn’t get dirty, I was wearing a pad, and I can’t understand why I dreamed about it, I already had my period!


I had a dream that I was having my period, but in the dream I didn’t want it to come, I saw blood, as usually happens with menstruation, and then I was in no mood because I had my period, I wanted to get pregnant, that’s all I saw in the dream


I dreamed of almost black periods on a pad, I don’t remember what else happened in the dream, in reality I of course assume that they will begin, but it’s unlikely after radiology


Hello Tatyana, you know critical days are supposed to come, but I don’t want them to come, I really want a baby, and I had a dream as if I went to the toilet, started wiping the toilet with paper and saw that I had critical days, why such a dream? The most important thing so that he is good

Your name:

I saw in a dream that I got into a taxi, three guys were sitting in front of one of them, as if his period had started, he began to wipe it with a napkin and throw it out the window... what was this for?


I dreamed that I felt pregnant in a dream, I was walking down the street and my period began, the blood was not red but brown, I was scared for the child. I'm actually not pregnant


in fact, I don’t have my period, but I dreamed that I got into the bathroom, the water was clear, and then I immediately got my period, the water turned bloody. What is this for?


I dreamed that I was having sex with another man (I’m married) and after that I started menstruating. What is this for?


in some store I helped choose a wedding dress... they found a very beautiful white one and they offered me to try it on. the stain gets bigger and bigger, I run to the toilet and start washing this dress. I washed it and it remained the same as it was.


as if I was sitting on the toilet, talking with a friend, wiping myself and there were pale pink spots on the paper, I thought it was my period


I dreamed of an unexpected, downright sudden, onset of menstruation. Moreover, the blood is thick and dark. I didn’t see any black clumps, I didn’t feel awkward, rather annoyed (they started at the wrong time again!).


Hello! I had a dream last night. that when I ran it between my legs, I saw blood on my hand, and supposedly I understood. that your period has arrived... is this a bad dream?


I am in menopause, but in a dream I saw that my period had arrived, what could this dream be connected with? In the dream, I was at work, I was dressed in a long mink coat, I saw my long hair pulled up, I talked with the team and realized that my period had come, I went to the toilet and saw a pad in the blood.


Hello! I had a dream that my period started. I was lying in my bed, woke up and saw blood on the sheet. In fact, I don’t have them and never have.


Today in a dream I saw that my period came, that there was a wound on my arm, as if my veins were open and I was itching, and in the morning I get up, my period came, although it should come in 7 days


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was pregnant for a long time and my period started and there was blood flowing on my legs, I wanted to wipe it off but I was all dirty... in real life I’m not pregnant. Thanks in advance.


Hello. From Thursday to Friday I had a dream in which I was pregnant. In reality, I have a 5-year-old son and I don’t plan to have a second child in the next 5 years, I don’t have a husband, I’m 24. So I dreamed that I and two other girls were pregnant at about the sixth month of pregnancy. We took turns spending the night with some woman from the government. She has a 2-room apartment and she allowed us to sleep in the living room on the sofa) I was the first to visit her and at night I wanted to go to the toilet, but there were no doors in the toilet, just curtains on both sides. I was very shy, afraid that someone would come in. I sat on the toilet and started bleeding, as if I was just having my period. Very heavy bleeding. Then the owner of the apartment comes in and begins to quietly be indignant that her daughter can see blood on the toilet and ask unnecessary questions. I am silent, but I think to myself that she invited us to stay, why is she swearing now? Then her husband comes into the toilet. He sees me drying myself with toilet paper and watches the blood flush in the toilet. I barely remember what happened next. The next day the other two girls came and we talked about something.


I saw frosts, the whole park was covered in snow and ice, but it was very beautiful and fascinating, and I remember walking up the icy stairs


Hello. I dreamed that I found a package at my parents’ entrance. And there are rags with my period. And I started going through them. And my friend stood next to me. My parents actually live far away, 1000 km away.


in a dream I started my period, so they should actually start for me, but there’s a delay (


Hello! I dreamed that in a dream I had another dream that there were very dark, almost black periods on the pad, then it was as if I woke up and saw red spots of periods on my panties..


I saw in a dream that my period started, although in reality it stopped, the color was clear and I was glad that it started


I saw in a dream that my period started. And I leaked. But I only saw blood on the pants I was wearing. In reality, I don’t have my period yet.


ya viju chto zaxaju v vannu i u menya obilno nachinaetsya mesechnie i ya ocheen rastraivayus tak kak verila shto v etom mesyace zaberemeneyu i prasipayus


I'm 12 years old and I don't have my period.
But last night I had a dream about menstruation, I was watching TV at home by myself and for some reason I wanted to look at the panties, but I was wearing a panty liner and I looked and I had no shelter


You see, I don’t have periods, but I dreamed about them today, what can this warning do for them?


It’s as if I was sitting in the bathroom and then looked into the water and there the blood was dark at first and then began to spread, and my daughter came up to me in a dream and I leaned on the bathroom so that she wouldn’t see the blood.


I was in the bathroom, apparently bathing, started to get up and saw blood dripping, I realized that it was my period, and in the bathroom I was wearing panties with a pad, and then I told the woman that I had my period.


Hello! Somewhere around 5-6 o'clock in the morning I had a dream; I clearly dreamed in my dream that my periods were red, and that I was seeing a doctor. I was sitting, waiting for my turn, I had number 20 in my hands, my mother was also with me, but when my turn came, I wanted to go to the toilet, so I went and there I just noticed that I was on my period, then I went to the reception again when I was already approaching the door, There my mother and the nurse prepared a couch and my mother said that I would stay. I started to explain to my mother that I was on my period and couldn’t stay, but my mother still left and left. Well, I also ran away from the hospital after she left, it turns out you could leave there at 6 o’clock in the evening, so I ran out into the street in winter slippers and got into a taxi. That’s all, to be honest, I didn’t understand the text of the dream, but everything was clearly visible in the warm tans


Good afternoon. My apartment. My husband and I and my mother are nearby. I see how I have stained the bed with my blood and quickly begin to clean everything. Mom says leave it. Do not touch.


Hello! I’m Katya, last night I dreamed that I got out of bed in a dream, and there was blood on the bed and underwear, as if I had my period, I’m 12 years old, I don’t have my period, and now my stomach hurts all day, what could it be?


Hello Tatiana. My name is Victoria. I am 12 years old and do not have periods. But I dreamed that I was with my parents and grandmother in some hotel and we were going somewhere. Mom and dad left and grandma and I were still getting dressed. I put on a dress and went to the toilet and I saw that I was getting my period. I saw them in the toilet. I am writing this only because I want to know if there is a reason to wallow.


Olga, I dreamed that my period came, but I had gone through menopause a long time ago and my periods were not bright red, but somewhere burgundy


I dreamed that I was undressing, taking off my underwear, and there was blood on them


I dreamed that my period was coming, but not just periods, but in pieces and dark red in color, what could this mean?


I dreamed that my periods came unexpectedly and not just periods, but in pieces and a dark-dark red color, what could this mean?


My underwear was stained with periods. I haven’t had them in my life for a long time.


Hello, my girlfriend may be pregnant (not getting her period). We are both against this pregnancy and are looking forward to her period more than ever. Last night I dreamed that she was coming up to me holding her hand between my legs, where the blood was coming from. She smiles as if to say that it has finally begun. At the same time, I immediately wake up. And my girlfriend also had a dream about menstruation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


I went to the toilet and my period started, in reality I haven’t had a period for four years


I dreamed that I was sleeping and woke up with the feeling that my period had started, I ran my hand over the sheet and it was covered in blood, and this caused a storm of positive emotions (my periods ended in 2011, after the death of my husband) to some man nearby (I didn’t see his face , but I understood that he was close to me) I explained that now I could give birth to a child.


I don’t remember exactly the dream, I was somewhere, I came somewhere, I went somewhere. It seemed like I wasn’t alone, but I remember that I had a daily plan and it was clear from it that my period had started.


Hello! My name is Natalya. I dreamed that my periods were pale pink. In reality, I don't have them right now. Thank you!


I just woke up and saw that I had my period and I haven’t had it for a long time


I saw my periods, and in fact I have them in reality. I wanted to change the gasket, but people were beating me around and I felt uncomfortable, but I saw blood


I dreamed that I was at sea and suddenly realized that my things were covered in blood. My period has started. I was so ashamed and I even knew what to do


Hello, I dreamed about my period in a dream, as if I was lying sleepy, my classmate was sitting next to me, he saw me, he told me that I had my period, I looked, it was really my period, I told him calmly, I saw blood on the gauze, the gauze was coarse, there was all the blood and leaked on my pants, there was not a lot of blood Why is this a good or bad dream, please tell me? I haven’t had my period in real life for like 2 months, but I just dreamed about it


I dreamed that there was blood in my underpants, my period ended yesterday, why would that be

Olga Pronina:

I dreamed that I was on a transport and had to get out, I touched myself with my hands and my pants were all covered in menstruation and I was ashamed to get out


In the dream I was in the hospital, but I wasn’t sick. I understood that I was having my period and I felt and saw a pad in the blood


last night I dreamed that I had my period, only they were black, black, but I’m 13 years old and I’ve never had a period


In a dream, I dreamed that I was standing near the door in my house and greeting guests, and suddenly blood flowed down my legs, I was scared and looked at those around me, but people didn’t seem to notice this blood, only one girl stood opposite me and looked closely at me me, and the blood kept flowing down my legs, there was a puddle of blood on the floor, then I ran into the room, and there were girls sitting on the sofa, I told them that my period had started, and they said quickly go and change clothes and gave me other jeans, I ran to the bathroom, and then I woke up...