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How to get rid of dog smell. We solve problems quickly: why does my dog ​​smell like dog, fish or rotten meat? The dog began to smell strongly of dog

Many people dream of having a pet, but not many think about the problems and responsibilities when we get pets. They require a lot of attention and care, like a small child. None of the signs should be ignored. Monitoring and caring for a pet is not so simple, it causes a lot of trouble. Therefore, if you are not ready for this, it is better not to get a pet - a dog.

It happens that a dog smells bad, what to do, what to do, not get a dog? This is not an option! Many dogs have a similar smell after a walk or rain. The main thing is to know how to get rid of the dog smell in your apartment and remove the smell that is so unpleasant to you. Almost all dogs have a similar smell, except those who have no fur at all. It is believed that the greatest “smell” comes from it, but terriers have practically no smell, here a lot depends on the breed. Also take this into account. The smell of a small puppy can still be tolerated, but when the smell comes from an adult dog, not everyone can tolerate it. You need to figure out why this happens, for what reasons, and most importantly, how to eliminate the smell, safely for you and your pet. Don't throw him out into the street for this!

Rarely does a person know why a dog has an unpleasant dog smell. Also, many pet owners do not know how to remove this smell and what methods to get rid of it. Let's look at everything in more detail. The reasons for this situation may be different, due to the fact that the owner simply takes poor care of the animal, does not adhere to the rules of hygiene for caring for the pet, shows an indifferent attitude, or the emotional state of the dog.

The unpleasant odor itself can come not only from the fur, but also from various organs: the mouth, dirty paws, the area under the tail. Buy your pet, as well as yourself, toothpaste and shampoo! Several times a week the pet also needs and. After each walk, owners should wash the dog's paws.

The unfortunate smell can also come from such unexpected places as the ears and eyes. In such cases, in these places you will be able to observe some kind of discharge from your pet. This is already a reason to contact the veterinarian. As you can see, a dog’s odor can also appear due to health problems. It’s not for nothing that there is an opinion that a healthy, well-groomed dog will not smell bad! It is important with all vitamins and minerals, the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The smell depends on the breed, some animals smell more, others less. The presence of odor is also affected by the gender of the animal; male dogs (males) smell much stronger.

How to fight

There are other reasons why your dog stinks. My dog ​​smells like dog, what should I do? Review your pet's hygiene. You may be breaking the rules. Maybe the animal should be washed more often, because basically the most common sources of foul odor are the mouth and fur. You forget. This can be done with regular children's toothpaste. Recently, dog breeders have been using special dog deodorants and shampoos, try purchasing them, the smell may disappear.

There is a way to eliminate the smell: you can bathe the animal, and then apply a solution of water and vinegar, in a one-to-one ratio, to the fur. Vinegar does an excellent job of removing odors and eliminating them. Keep an eye on your pet, treat them, there may also be a concentration of an unpleasant “aroma”. There is no need to spray your dog with your own hygiene products, deodorants, straighteners, eau de toilette, or perfume. This may cost your pet a sense of smell. It's better after a walk. Here are simple rules, failure to comply with which can lead to the dog having an unpleasant odor.

The second common point is that a dog may smell bad due to poor nutrition. Let the animal be the same as you. The animal's menu should be balanced, containing all the necessary elements. If you wish, you can contact a veterinarian, he will select a special diet for your pet in accordance with the nature and characteristics of the dog. Do not give your dog raw meat and fish. Fried foods should also not be given. This may lead to infection. It's better to steam your dog.

Do not salt food or add pepper or seasonings to it. Vital cereals for dogs - millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge - they contain a lot of carbohydrates that the animal needs. Cook porridge in water. Meat and vegetables are also added to porridges for vitamins.

Removing the smell

It happens that compliance with hygiene standards and care do not help. The dog still smells bad. I can't get the dog smell out. Then the pet’s illness may be to blame. The animal should be checked for illnesses and health problems. Perhaps the dog’s body is showing that something is wrong. The result of such odors may be due to illness in the animal. The cause may also be stress. Maybe the animal is afraid of something or is nervous, then the sebaceous glands begin to produce an unpleasant odor. Try to find and eliminate the causes of fear or stressful situations in dogs, perhaps the dog suffered something, or you moved, think about it!

Nowadays, there are also animal psychologists who can help cope with the problem. For example, some dogs are afraid of vacuum cleaners, get nervous, and at the same time release unpleasant substances and odors into the air.

Let’s summarize how to get rid of dog smell. special dog detergents, use shampoo and conditioner for the coat so that it has a pleasant smell and smells clean. You can use special shampoos that eliminate inflammation. Dry the dog's hair after you have bathed it, so it does not become stubborn; wipe it dry with a towel that absorbs water well. dog, without neglecting special toothpaste or tooth powder.

Wash your dog after a walk - this is a must! Thoroughly clean the area under the dog's tail, this is where lumps, particles of feces, dirt and more collect, because dogs do not use toilet paper. Feed your dog properly, exclude diarrhea, allergies, if the metabolism is disturbed, some glands may not function properly, leading to disruption of the sebaceous glands and a bad odor. It is important to protect your dog from, give it special anthelmintic drugs.

The next stage is to periodically take your pet to see a dog doctor and get tested, because the dog’s smell is a signal of health problems.

Be a caring and attentive dog owner. Pay attention to your pet’s mood, emotional state, and make sure that the dog does not experience fear or stress. Do not scold your pet, much less hit him.

Clean, wash and dry dog ​​bedding and his habitat at least once a week, this also applies to his toys. It can also spread an unpleasant odor throughout your home. Wash his clothes. Subject to these simple rules and principles, the dog simply has no chance of producing unpleasant odors.

Dealing with the smell in the apartment

If there is a smell from the dog in the apartment, there are also ways to help cope with them. Did your dog urinate on the carpet? You can clean the area, wash it with a sponge and soap or disinfectant, pour baking soda into the area, and after a while, vacuum the area; the soda will absorb odors and deal with germs. If you find a smelly area in your apartment, you can use baking soda, peroxide and dishwashing detergent, mix everything in equal parts, rub well and rinse off after an hour.

You can wash the area that smells bad with a weak solution of potassium permanganate; it also disinfects and eliminates odors. Vinegar, diluted one to one with water, effectively removes unpleasant odors. Vinegar can destroy the most fetid odors, remember this in the fight against dog smell. Another assistant in disinfection and odor removal is regular medical alcohol, which you can buy at the pharmacy.

Spray alcohol or scrub the affected area well. Dilute ten to twenty drops of iodine in water, wipe the area where the dog has marked or has an unpleasant odor. Laundry soap and lemon peels will eliminate odors. As you can see, there are simple ways and means to eliminate odors that come from your pet. You can purchase special products in the store such as: “Mr. Muscle”, “Whiteness”, “Mr. Proper” and others. This can be fixed! Try all the products and find yours, which will help you fight odors very effectively.

To get rid of dog smell, do wet cleaning in the apartment using special products. Vacuum to remove fur, which is a source of dirt. Wipe the floor with sting solution or ammonia. The room and housing where the pet lives needs to be ventilated.

We treat the animals that live in our apartment with the same care and attention as the rest of the family. However, along with joy and devotion, a dog brings a specific aroma into the house, which is not always pleasant to the human sense of smell.

Why does my dog ​​smell bad? How to protect your personal space from persistent and pungent aroma?

Why does my dog ​​smell bad?

The most important factors in the appearance of odor from a dog are the natural features of its structure - natural skin oils and secretions from the anal glands. A healthy animal emits a slight odor that can be tolerated.

The reasons for the occurrence of odor can be divided into several groups:

  • health status;
  • age;
  • seasonal reasons;
  • breed predisposition
  • hygiene procedures and nutrition;
  • caring for your pet's household items.

Dog's health status

  • during the period of estrus, a change occurs in the functioning of the hormonal system, which in turn increases the dog smell for the worse;
  • The dog's paraanal gland, which is responsible for the production of
  • substances with which he marks the territory;
  • the sebaceous glands begin to work intensively or with dysfunction, which leads to a disease such as seborrheic dermatitis;
  • the dog may get conjunctivitis and purulent discharge from the eyes will increase the odor;
  • The dog's sweat glands malfunction: they either become inflamed or secrete a large amount of secretion produced by the glands located between the pads of the fingers.


The older the pet, the more its fat metabolism is disrupted, which contributes to the formation of unpleasant-smelling chemical compounds.

Seasonal reasons

In winter and summer, the aroma emanating from the pet intensifies. This is due to the adoption of water procedures. In summer, swimming in ponds, in winter, wallowing in the snow.

The reason for this is microbes that live on dog fur; in a humid environment they multiply more intensively.

Breed predisposition

Breeds that, due to their characteristics, have a particularly foul dog odor include:

  • English and American cocker spaniels;
  • boxer;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • basset hound;
  • Shar Pei;
  • shepherd dogs;
  • Pugs.

Decorative dogs, representatives of breeds with non-shedding fur, and some animals without hair are practically odorless.

Among the most popular breeds, poodles, Dalmatians, Shih Tzus, and miniature pinschers have virtually no smell.

Hygiene procedures and nutrition

The fault for the appearance of unpleasant behavior from a dog as a result of failure to comply with hygiene procedures and improper nutrition lies with the owner.

The following factors lead to problems:

  • no ear cleaning once every two weeks;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • lack of water treatments;
  • the use of shampoos and gels for humans when bathing, which dry out the dog’s skin and coat;
  • a large amount of protein in food or switching the dog to a fish mono-diet gives the urine a strong ammonia smell.

Caring for your pet's household items

The dirty bedding on which the dog sleeps or rests stinks horribly due to the larvae that settle in its folds.

Dog breath odor

Most often, the unpleasant one comes from the dog’s mouth. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called halitosis. Halitosis affects people of all ages.

In puppies, the disease manifests itself during the change of teeth; food gets stuck in the cracks and decomposes, contributing to the appearance of a bad odor. The disease is also caused by trauma to the oral cavity or getting a foreign object into the mouth.

Middle-aged dogs are confirmed to have halitosis most often due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

But in older dogs, halitosis signals serious health problems, diseases of internal organs or the presence of neoplasms.

If a dog has kidney problems, a persistent smell of ammonia is heard from the mouth, the smell of acetone indicates a disorder in the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).

What should you do to get rid of bad breath from your dog?

An owner who loves his pet should visit a veterinarian who will conduct all the necessary examinations and determine the correct cause of the “foul-smelling” problem. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

In addition to the medical problem, halitosis can be a purely domestic problem; the dog likes to pull bags out of trash cans on walks.

In this case, a dog that is not accustomed to commands should be taken out for a walk wearing a muzzle, and a trained dog should be given the commands “No” or “Ugh.”

Bathing a dog

An easy way to get rid of dog stink is to regularly bathe your dog. Your veterinarian will tell you how to wash your dog so that it doesn’t smell like dog. He will select a product that will completely rid the dog of an unpleasant odor, and not just mask the stench.

You need to remember that you can completely bathe your pet 1-2 times a month, and every day after walking you wash its paws and belly with warm water, and comb its fur to prevent the formation of tangles.

The dog can be washed without water, using a special powder containing talc and adsorbing granules. The powder must be thoroughly rubbed into the coat, distributed over the surface and gently combed out.

Getting rid of dog smell from upholstered furniture

Although the rules of behavior with a dog do not allow him to spend time on the sofa, dogs adore this piece of furniture. Over time, your favorite vacation spot exudes a stench, which can be removed by simple steps using available means.

To remove dog smell from the sofa you need to:

  • Place removable covers from the sofa and pillowcases from the sofa cushions for washing in a machine; when washing, add white vinegar, preferably apple;
  • Sprinkle the dirty surface of the sofa with baking soda, brush and vacuum after a while.

If your household has a steam cleaner, then adding vinegar to the water compartment can achieve excellent results in combating stains and dog smell.

A dog travels in a car

When traveling in a car, your pet can leave a trail of its scent that will remain for many weeks. To get rid of dog smell in your car, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • After a joint trip, spray air freshener in the car;
  • Pour a solution of baking soda and water into a bowl and leave it in the car overnight;
  • place a can of coffee under the seat;
  • put bread on the seat where the dog was, it will absorb the unpleasant aroma, then feed the bread to the birds;
  • Wash the seat with shampoo and leave to dry with the car doors open.

When transporting your four-legged friend, it is better to have a towel on hand to cover the seat with, and then wash the towel.

If you have a four-legged friend

Preventative measures are a sure way to avoid dog smell in the house.

Daily vacuuming of sofas, carpets and floors will help prevent the presence of a strong stench.

Essential oils, which can be added to a spray bottle and sprayed around the perimeter of the apartment, will help freshen the air in the apartment.

The dog grooming industry offers a variety of grooming products: combs, brushes, furminators.

Regular visits to the veterinary clinic will allow you to prevent the disease in time.

Minutes of joy spent with your beloved pet compensate for all the additional time and effort spent on maintaining order and cleanliness in your home.

The article was read by 3,104 pet owners

Does your pet have an unpleasant odor?

An unpleasant odor coming from your pet's skin may be a sign of a skin infection. The most common skin infections are bacterial(superficial pyoderma) and fungal(dermatitis).


Bacterial infections, are mainly caused by bacteria that are a normal part of the skin flora (for example, staphylococcus). Because of this, the infection is not contagious to other animals. In dogs with allergies, the amount of bacteria on the skin is increased, which can cause red bumps (papules) and an unpleasant odor. With bacterial skin infections, your pet may shed excessively and experience patchy hair loss. The infection can affect the deeper layers of the skin if left untreated. As a result, nodules filled with pus may form on the skin. If the cause caused by a bacterial infection is not identified and eliminated, this can lead to relapses.

Fungal infections cause itching, redness, and an unpleasant odor. Fungal infections most often affect the neck, groin, armpits and perineum. This infection is also most common in animals prone to allergies. In some dogs this can be caused by long-term use of antibiotics or steroids, but this is not common.

When your dog has an unpleasant odor and you, not knowing what to do, are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet on forums, we recommend not to self-medicate or experiment on your beloved pet. The fact is that there are many reasons for an unpleasant odor in an animal, and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.


To make a correct diagnosis, the veterinarian must carefully examine the pet's medical history; the doctor may ask questions about the development of the disease and previous treatment. Cytology and/or skin biopsy may also be needed to provide information about the type and severity of infections.


Treatment of bacterial dermatitis

Antibiotics (for example, ampicillin, cephalexin, clindamycin, enrofloxacin) are used to treat bacterial skin diseases. There are other methods:

  • Local treatment. Shampoos and conditioners containing benzoyl peroxide (eg, Oxidex) or chlorhexidine (eg, Hexadene) may be prescribed. In the area where the bacterial infection is localized, you can use Bactoderm.
  • Minimum treatment period superficial pyoderma is from 3 to 4 weeks, and deep pyoderma- 8 weeks.

Treatment of Malassezia dermatitis

  • In severe cases, combination therapy is prescribed. It is important to know that griseofulvin is not effective in treating fungal infections. Ketoconazole, itraconazole and fluconazole may be prescribed to treat Malassezia dermatitis.
  • Local treatment is effective in mild cases, but in severe cases, selenium sulfide is usually used (effective in 65 percent of cases).
  • Ketoconazole (Nizoral) shampoo is approved in many countries for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in humans and is also used to treat Malassezia dermatitis in dogs.
  • 2-4 percent chlorhexidine is effective against fungus.
  • The use of miconazole or derazol is also successful.
  • Rinsing fungal-affected skin areas with vinegar and water is a cheap and effective treatment.

Care and maintenance

You should bathe your dog using medicated shampoos. Benzoyl peroxide is an excellent antibacterial agent (for example, Oxidex). You can also use other shampoos containing miconazole or ketoconazole (for example, Nizoral).

For effective treatment, shampoo must be applied to the pet’s skin and not rinsed off for 10-15 minutes.

Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics or antifungal medications to treat the infection. It is necessary to adhere to all doctor's instructions and take medications regularly.

If your pet has relapsed, you will need to contact your veterinarian for more appropriate treatment.

Dog smell or what to do if my dog ​​smells like a dog?

All dogs smell, and, accordingly, the smell of a dog is the normal smell of a dog, which is formed as a result of the vital activity of its body. Most often it is noticeable after rain, swimming or when the snow melts on the fur.

In different dogs it manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent: some individuals naturally have a stronger odor than others (as in people - there are “smelly” people, especially some men, no offense intended). Also, people’s sense of smell is different: for people who have a heightened sense of smell, almost every dog ​​will smell like a dog. And, of course, it is important how a person treats animals - if it is a beloved family member, then this smell is perceived as “native”.

However, sometimes the smell changes, appears or intensifies, causing concern to owners.

In this article, we will look at the reasons why dogs most often smell and how to deal with them.

Conventionally, the reasons can be divided into:

- breed;
- food;
- seasonal;
- physiological;
- pathological.

Hygienic reasons for dog smell.

The most common reason. In dogs, the source of unpleasant odors is most often their fur and skin. Natural oils on your pet's skin sometimes accumulate in the fur, become rancid, and emit an unpleasant odor. Yeast also lives on the skin, which sometimes overgrows and causes infection and odor. Regular washing eliminates this problem. The optimal frequency of bathing an animal is once a month if the animal is indoors. If it lives on the street, then less often.

You need to try to accustom your dog to washing so that it can easily tolerate the procedure, because... fear intensifies the smell. The result is a vicious circle: the dog seems to be saying: “I smell strong when I’m worried, the owner doesn’t like the smell, he gives me a bath, and I’m so worried, I’m so worried when they bathe me and I smell even more!”

“Human” shampoos and conditioners should not be used when bathing - their acidity is not suitable for the dog’s coat. Special shampoos take into account the characteristics of dogs and cats. Along with shampoo, it is good to purchase a special conditioner, especially for long-haired pets. It helps eliminate unpleasant odors and restores the structure of the coat, making it soft, silky, and shiny.

The quality of washing and the condition of the coat after bathing largely depends on the quality of cosmetics. Groomers note that inexpensive shampoos do not do their job well - the smell remains, dries out the skin, and the coat does not lie down.

To increase the effectiveness of bathing for dogs with thick undercoat, it is recommended to rinse the pet with a weak solution of vinegar: two tablespoons of a 9% solution per 3 liters of water.

Shampoo "Doctor" has proven itself very well - with or without tar - both are very effective. But you need to use it exactly as it is written in the instructions - lather it, rinse it off, lather it again and leave it on for at least 7-10 minutes before rinsing it off again.

You need to rinse off the shampoo and conditioner as thoroughly as possible. Their residues may cause skin irritation. It is important that the water temperature is comfortable for the animal, otherwise it will try to finish the procedure quickly, starting to break free and run away.

You should not use anti-flea shampoo unnecessarily - it also gets rid of fleas ineffectively and can cause allergies.

After bathing, dry the animal's fur with a hairdryer (the regulator should be set to a gentle setting) or a soft towel. A sharp sour smell may appear from undried fur - this is a common situation in the summer, when the dog constantly swims in open water or simply runs and walks a lot.

Dry your ears very thoroughly - any water that gets into them can cause problems.


Regular combing with a comb or brush removes the thick undercoat, which accumulates moisture, rots and causes an unpleasant odor. This will also rid the house of an abundance of hair, especially during the shedding period (owners of Labradors and Shepherds know this more than others!). A damp terry towel will help remove lost hairs after the procedure.

Trim animals in a timely manner.

There are other reasons for odor related to hygiene.

Because animals don't use toilet paper, dogs and cats (especially long-haired cats) sometimes have unpleasant-smelling particles stuck to their fur around their anus. We recommend cutting or trimming the hair under the tail and periodically washing the back of the animal with a sponge and warm water.

The dog may also smell due to blockage of the anal glands.
Signs: the dog begins to actively lick the anus area, growl at it, bite itself in this area, ride on its butt and itch for no reason - this means that the glands are clogged and need to be cleaned, otherwise inflammation and abscess will begin. If you wish, you can do the cleaning yourself, but the first time is better in the clinic, so that you can repeat the procedure correctly later.

If frightened, the glands may void on their own - then just wash your pet.
We advise you to pay attention to your ears! Veterinarians will tell you how often unkempt, uncleaned, with an abundance of sulfur on unplucked hairs in the ear canal simply give off a suffocating odor. Ear diseases such as otitis media or ear mites can cause a very unpleasant odor. Also, breeds with long ears (spaniels, basset hounds, bluehounds, etc.) often have problems with them due to poor ventilation of the ear canal, and smell is the first sign.

Bad breath appears due to tartar. Buying special teeth-cleaning toys is very good for preventing and removing soft plaque. Unfortunately, they do not remove hard tartar impregnated with mineral salts. Only doctors can do this: mechanically or with an ultrasonic scaler. After cleaning, please, toys, bones from veins, and special food, for example, “Hills t/d” are recommended.

Finally, traditional way to get rid of dog odor, which has proven itself to be excellent:

Since you can’t often bathe your dog, try making a mixture of vodka and vinegar in equal parts and using a tampon or rag, wet the dog with this mixture, avoiding getting it in the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and then carefully wipe it with a wad of newspaper as the fur grows. The dog will shine and there will be no smell, but if you do not find out the reason, then after a while it may appear again.

Breed causes of dog smell.

It is believed that other breeds smell more: the American Cocker Spaniel, the English Springer Spaniel, the West Highland White Terrier and the Basset Hound. They can smell all year round. This is associated with their predisposition to seborrhea - a pathological condition associated with impaired keratinization of the skin.

All hunting breeds smell very strongly - especially dogs for working in water. Their sebaceous and sweat glands work very intensively and, accordingly, their sebum production is 30% greater - this is a protective layer from getting wet.

Dogs that are washed with strongly alkaline products without using balm often smell strongly and get dirty. Their sebum production is simply disrupted.

Nutritional reasons.

Improper digestion is also an important reason. Allergies are a common cause of skin and coat problems. The appearance of rashes, itching, and ear infections is often the result of begging for pieces at the table.

Perhaps the dog should be switched to special food, because... natural food is not always balanced. The smell may be due to general ill health: if the dog does not receive enough nutrients, the metabolism in its body will be disrupted.

An unpleasant odor is often noticed when using food containing fish (tuna, salmon, etc.)

Seasonal causes of dog odor

Often the smell intensifies in the summer, in the heat, especially if the dog swims in ponds.

Reasons for increased odor from dogs:

Wool not drying out.

In wet wool, microorganisms multiply faster, the process of debate accelerates and the smell intensifies.

-A microfiber towel is very helpful for drying a dog, because... it absorbs moisture well.

Physiological reasons.

In everyday life, it is believed that a male dog always smells more than a female dog, except for the period before estrus - then the hormonal surges of female dogs intensify the smell. Then the “ladies” smell like some kind of rotten fish, and strongly. In nature, this smell attracts male dogs. Change her “panties” or special diapers and wash her often.

The smell at the end of heat is due to a normal increase in the number of bacteria in the genitals. But if the heat has already ended, and then a smell appears, and it is accompanied by bloody discharge, an increase in the abdomen in volume, depression, fever, weakness, vomiting, refusal to eat, but increased thirst - consult a doctor immediately - these are signs of a serious purulent inflammation of the uterus – pyometra – which in almost 100% of cases requires emergency surgery.

A sudden odor in an older, unspayed female dog is often a sign of problems in the “female” part – hurry to see a doctor.

In young animals during puberty, the smell may sharply increase - this is normal, usually goes away after estrus or by 1.5 - 2 years on its own.

Our recent example: Siberian husky, female, 9 months. In the summer they complained about a recently appeared smell. No pathology was identified. Prescribed: washing with shampoo with tar "Doctor", alternating with shampoo with chlorhexidine, thoroughly drying after washing, vitamins for wool. The smell has decreased dramatically. A month later, the dog began to come into heat, during which the dog smelled especially fragrant, despite the treatments. After the end of the heat, the smell disappeared completely.

Pathological causes of odor from dogs

Be wary and consult a doctor if, despite eliminating the above reasons, the odor intensifies, the pet smells of wet fur, even when it is dry, and even after bathing with medicated shampoos, the odor remains, decreases slightly, or returns quickly.

This can be caused by serious problems: infections, gastritis, allergies, oncology, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, mouth, gums and ears. The dog may also have skin problems or abscesses... A “sweet” smell from the mouth often indicates a kidney problem. The smell of gasoline or antifreeze from your pet is a reason to immediately visit a doctor.

Preparations used to combat animal odors.

It is strictly forbidden to use “human” perfumes and deodorants on dogs! Their sense of smell is much more subtle, these odors are too strong for them and will irritate them. There is a known case when, during vacation, a family took their dog on an excursion to a perfume factory. And there the dog almost died from an asthmatic attack of suffocation.

There are “dog” eau de parfums, deodorants and powders. These products only mask the smell from the dog, but are actively used by the owners. You can use them, but remember that they do not eliminate the cause of your pet's unpleasant odor. In rare cases, fragrances can cause severe allergic reactions.

Short review:

"OdorGone"- odor neutralizer. It is designed to successfully combat any unpleasant odors, as well as bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. An unsurpassed result is achieved through their destruction at the molecular level.

“SMART SPRAY. Dog odor eliminater"- helps get rid of the unpleasant dog smell without drowning it out with flavorings, but eliminating it at the molecular level thanks to the natural enzymes included in its composition. The spray is effective even for removing the smell of “wet dog” - for treating the animal after a walk.

In addition to removing odor, the product also cares for the skin and coat of the animal: it protects the coat from the adverse effects of the external environment, regulates the natural hydrobalance, and prevents fur fragility and the appearance of tangles. Does not make the coat oily or greasy, protects against dandruff, and serves as an antistatic agent. Indicated for frequent use.

“A faithful friend - dog odor eliminater” (spray)
The deodorizer contains microencapsulated enzymes, sodium salt, tea tree oil, purified water, and fragrance.

The principle of using the product is based on the absorption of molecules of the specific dog odor by microencapsulated enzymes, decomposition and neutralization of the source of the odor itself.

After using the product, the coat becomes silky and shiny, and the skin becomes clean with a slight smell of freshness. Recommended for all types of dogs, as well as for sick animals. The product is non-toxic and anti-allergenic.

Vitamins and supplements containing fatty acids are also very useful - this will help improve the quality of the skin and coat in general, and also help eliminate toxins in the body that have an unpleasant odor.

Drops on the withers "Essential 6 spot on" prescribed to dogs and cats for skin and coat care, to moisturize and reduce flaking of the skin, to eliminate unpleasant odors from animal fur, to reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Health to you and your pets!

Golneva Tatyana Nikolaevna,
Veterinarian at the Vasilek Clinic.

Photo courtesy of breeder Margarita Berzhitskaya.

2007-2017: Network of Veterinary Clinics in Moscow "VASILYOK": 10/4/17

In fact, each tailed cat has its own normal, natural, subtle smell, of course, provided that it is properly cared for. It cannot be eliminated by bathing, changing food, or applying cosmetics. If the smell haunts you, then to reduce its intensity there are special preparations that are made based on plant chlorophyll. You can buy them at a veterinary pharmacy. When using such products, strictly follow the instructions on the packaging.

It is much more problematic if your four-legged friend, who always smells normally, begins to emit a sharp, unpleasant odor that is almost impossible to remove. This should alert you.

What are the causes of the disease?

Wool. First of all, this happens when Not enough attention is paid to dog hygiene. The coat must be brushed and washed regularly. If this is not done on time, the natural protective oil on the skin accumulates and begins to emit a pungent, rancid odor. To remove it, you can use any dog ​​shampoo. It is best to obtain recommendations on the frequency of washing from the breeder when purchasing the animal or from a veterinarian. Modern shampoos and rinses do not cause harm; they can be used frequently, which will quickly eliminate the problem.

If a natural dog smell remains after bathing, this is normal. Moreover, when wet, it can intensify. However, if the animal still smells pungent and unpleasant, this may be due to yeast growth on the skin. Such a nuisance needs to be removed with a veterinary shampoo; it is best to find out which one from your doctor.

Many of you may ask: “What about “perfume” for dogs? After all, this is what they were created for...” In reality, not everything is so obvious and safe. Firstly, eau de toilette and other perfumery products for animals are applied to clean fur, otherwise they do not suppress the natural odor, but mix with it, making it even more unpleasant. Secondly, make sure that such fragrances do not cause severe allergic reactions in our smaller brothers.

In addition to fur, unpleasant odor in pets can be caused by dental problems, or rather plaque and tartar. Without oral care, a thick layer of plaque accumulates on the teeth, which is an ideal environment for bacteria. It is necessary to regularly brush your pet’s teeth; if the plaque on the teeth is already thick, it will be removed by a veterinary dentist.

And of course, it’s no secret that we are what we eat. This also applies to our pets. An unpleasant odor from an animal's body may be the result of improper feeding.. In this case, you need to change the tailed dog's diet. To start, try feeding him only high-quality biologically appropriate foods. Biologically appropriate food corresponds to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of carnivores, their natural diet. Sometimes it is enough to exclude unnecessary porridge from the dog’s diet or choose food low in carbohydrates. It is worth paying attention to the problems of food intolerance and food allergies. Among the biologically appropriate foods, you can choose a formula with a composition suitable for your pet, which will help improve the general condition of the pet, and, as a result, solve the problem of unpleasant odor from inflamed skin.

If you follow these simple precautions, you will have a much more enjoyable time with your beloved Tuzik or Mukhtar!