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How to determine the exact day of conception. Online conception calendar

Exact day of conception: how to find out

Favorable days for conceiving a child

It is believed that a woman can only become pregnant during ovulation. At this time, the fertilized egg leaves the ovary into the uterine cavity. She lives no more than 48 hours, so a couple may not have much time to conceive a child during one menstrual cycle.

Male sperm, once in the vagina, can live for about seven days at best. Therefore, conception is possible only a few days before ovulation, as well as on the day the egg is released into the uterine cavity.

How to find out the exact date of conception

To find out when conception occurred, you need to find out the date of ovulation and compare it with the day when unprotected sexual intercourse occurred.

To calculate the exact day of fertilization, you can use a special calculator, finding it on websites about pregnancy and childbirth, but it’s easy to do it yourself.

If a woman monitored her ovulation, it is very easy to determine the exact date of conception. This will be the day on which the closest sexual intercourse occurred to this date.

Calculating the date of ovulation is possible by measuring basal body temperature, using ultrasound, blood tests for hormone levels, and using diagnostic rapid tests to determine ovulation.

On the basal temperature chart, the day of ovulation is the moment the line of the measured indicator transitions to a higher level (temperature rise by 0.3–0.5 degrees)

You can guess: baby's date of birth

  • More details

If a woman did not monitor the onset of ovulation, it will be somewhat more difficult to determine the exact date of conception. An egg ready for fertilization is released from the ovary approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The duration of the period between the onset of menstruation varies among different women and can range from 24 to 40 days, so both early and late ovulation are possible. In most cases, it happens 14 days before the expected menstruation date.

When going to the antenatal clinic, the doctor informs the woman about the duration of her pregnancy. You can find out (if the start date of the last menstruation and the moment of ovulation are unknown) by the results of a gynecological examination or ultrasound data. Based on the established period, it is possible to calculate the date of expected birth. Using this data, using a special formula, you can find out on what day conception occurred. You need to count a week from the date of birth and add three months and two weeks to the resulting number. On the resulting day, fertilization most likely occurred. However, please note that this result is approximate.

It turns out that getting pregnant even if you are an absolutely healthy woman is not an easy problem, since during the month each of us has a maximum of one week, during which, under favorable circumstances, you can catch a pregnancy. As a rule, this time occurs at the moment of ovulation or, more simply, at the moment when our egg matures. Since she, like a butterfly, lives no more than a day, if we want to get pregnant, it would be nice to ensure that during this period she meets sperm, the viability of which lasts on average five days...

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I. Rogaleva

1. "Frozen heavens" "We are all saved in hope" (Rom. 8:24) "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life" (Matthew 7:14) Antonina dreamed that winter had come. The gray asphalt disappeared under the snow-white sheet, and the cars parked on the streets turned into snowdrifts. At home they put on white hats, and thick fur coats were thrown over the shoulders of the old, freezing poplars. A small child in the yard was rolling down a wooden slide with joyful screams, and older children were playing with snowballs. This was the yard from her childhood, and she herself was a five-year-old baby...

Yana asks:

Hello! Please help me determine the date of conception. My last period was on 02/21/2012. The cycle is approximately 27-28 days. Menstruation usually lasts three days. On the last day of menstruation (they had already ended by this time) on February 23, I had a condom, as far as I know, it didn’t seem to break. But I’m still worried. In early March I had daily unprotected sex with a regular partner. Moreover, several times the sperm got into the vagina. 05/23/2012 there was an ultrasound. CTR of the fetus 71 mm, BPR 21 mm, OG 82, OB 65, which corresponds to 13 obstetric weeks, as far as I know. If with accuracy up to days, then 13 and 2 days. Second ultrasound 07/25/2012. BDP 52 mm, OG 187, OB 161. Help me figure it out, it’s very important to find out the exact date of conception. Could I get pregnant after sex on 02/23/2012??? Thank you very much in advance for your answer.

Yana comments:

Thank you very much for your answer and for the very useful links! I want to clarify the latter with you. There is a lot of information on the Internet about early ovulation, tenacious sperm, etc. Could sperm survive until ovulation? (If, of course, they got into the vagina during sex with a condom).

Marina asks:

Hello! Help me determine the date of conception. My last period was on August 17, 2012. The cycle is approximately 23-25 ​​days. My period lasts for 4-5 days. I had unprotected sexual intercourse with my husband on August 27, 2012. On September 17, 2012, I had an ultrasound and it was written that I was pregnant (p/egg 6.8 approximately 4.5 weeks) (obstetric weeks?) Help me figure it out, it is very important to know the date of conception. Thank you in advance

Marina comments:

Please tell me, the ultrasound said 4;5 weeks, obstetric?

Natalya asks:

02/21/2013 last menstrual cycle 30 days tell me the exact date of conception

In this case, the ovulation period falls on March 4-12, and the most likely date is March 8. You can get more information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic sections of our website: Conceiving a child, Ovulation

Marina asks:

Hello. Please tell me. My last period was 07/14-07/18. The cycle was 28-30 days. I went for an ultrasound on 08/26. The pregnancy was stated at 5-6 weeks.
Can you find out at least the approximate day of conception? I just calculated that 6 weeks fall on July 14. Now I don’t understand when I could have gotten pregnant, or I’m counting incorrectly.

In your menstrual cycle, the probability of pregnancy falls on July 25-31. As a rule, the period is set obstetrically, that is, from the first day of the last menstruation, and not from the date of conception. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Pregnancy calendar

Irina asks:

Hello! Please help me determine the date of conception. My last period was on May 20, 2013. The cycle is approximately 26-27 days, duration 4-5 days. There was unprotected sexual intercourse on May 25 and with constant porter on May 27. 30.05 and 31.05. When did conception occur? I know that the first pregnancy occurred on the 11th day of the cycle.

Given your menstrual cycle, the probability of conception falls on May 29-June 6, with a maximum probability of June 2. Pregnancy from May 25 is unlikely. You can obtain additional information on the issue you are interested in in the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: Conceiving a child

Anastasia asks:

Please help me determine the date
conception. Last menstruation was December 12, 2013.
Cycle 28 days
duration 4-5 days. Wasn't
protected sexual intercourse 12/22 and from
was a permanent partner on December 27 and January 1. When did conception occur?

Ksenia asks:

Hello) help me clarify the day of conception. the first day of menstruation is March 17. the cycle is 35-37 days.

In your menstrual cycle, the ovulation phase and, therefore, the probability of conception falls on March 30 - April 7. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant Conceiving a child

Anastasia asks:

My last period was on 03/24/2014, I went for an ultrasound on 06/03, they set the period at 10 weeks, but as I thought, I couldn’t get it.....the average cycle is 28.30 days

The obstetric gestational age is determined by the date of the last menstruation; in your case, according to the data provided, as of June 3, the gestational age is 10 weeks, so there is no cause for concern. Read more on this issue in the thematic series of articles on our website by following the link: Ultrasound during pregnancy and in the series of articles: Pregnancy calendar. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Gynecologist

Masha asks:

Hello, I have a question... when was I supposed to get pregnant? My last period was March 24. Cycle 28-30...

Considering the length of your menstrual cycle, pregnancy could have occurred between April 4 and April 12 - this is when your ovulation phase occurs. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: The likelihood of getting pregnant and in the series of articles: Signs of pregnancy. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website:

Natasha asks:

Hello! How to find out the day of conception if the last menstruation was 24-27 in 28 days is very urgent.

Please indicate the exact date of the start of your last menstruation and the average duration of your menstrual cycle, after which we will be able to calculate the ovulation phase and, accordingly, the most likely days of conception. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant and in a series of articles: Ovulation Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Marina asks:

Hello. please tell me the time of conception. The last menstruation was 06/06/2014. cycle 28 days. I went for an ultrasound on July 16, 2014, and the obstetric deadline was set at 5 weeks and 6 days. Please define.

According to the data provided, the obstetric gestational age is determined correctly; according to ultrasound (gestational, from conception), the period is 2 weeks less. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Ultrasound during pregnancy. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Pregnancy calendar

Lydia asks:

good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to find out the exact date of conception, this is very important, menstruation should come on August 17, sexual intercourse was on August 2 and July 28, August 2 is just one of the days of ovulation, the test showed positive, I went for an ultrasound, they said it was early What else should I do if pregnancy occurs, on which of these days? Thank you in advance

Please indicate the average duration of your menstrual cycle and the date of the start of your last menstruation, which will allow us to calculate the ovulation phase and, accordingly, the days of expected conception. I also recommend that you take a blood test for hCG after 7-10 days, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages. This study can be carried out no earlier than 7-10 days after the day of possible conception.

You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant and in the series of articles: Pregnancy test, Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Blood test for hCG - early diagnosis of pregnancy

Lydia asks:

last menstruation from 12/07 gj 17 average cycle 39 days using phone app ovulation from July 29 to August 4
help, it’s important to find out on which day conception occurred, if it happened on August 2 or July 28

In your menstrual cycle, the ovulation phase falls on July 25 - August 2, so conception could occur on August 2 or July 28. Unfortunately, given the short interval between sexual intercourse and the fact that both of them occur during the ovulation phase, there is no way to determine on which day conception occurred. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant and in the series of articles: Sexual relations. You can get additional information in the following section of our website: Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Lydia asks:

it’s just that 28 had unprotected intercourse, and 2 were in a condom, but then we saw sperm on the condom, although the condom itself was intact, tell me, are you more inclined to which date and maybe there are some tests or methods to find out the exact date?



Ovulation can occur after the 14th day of the cycle!

Most likely day of ovulation

Favorable days for conception

Progesterone test

Start date of next menstruation

Pregnancy test

Estimated due date (40 weeks)

The baby can be born (38-42 weeks)

Previous cycle Next cycle

Follicular phase


The follicular (estrogen) phase begins on the first day of the last menstruation and lasts until one dominant follicle (or several) matures in the ovaries. It ends with ovulation. Typically, the length of this particular phase of a woman’s cycle affects the delay of menstruation - for example, if the maturation of the follicle occurs more slowly than usual, or does not occur at all (since the phase of the corpus luteum is almost always constant).

Ovulation tests:

C – 1-2 times a day (until a positive result)

With an irregular cycle, it is reasonable to combine the use of tests with ultrasound monitoring.

Ultrasound monitoring:

C – every 2-3 days (until the formation of the corpus luteum)

Corpus luteum phase


The corpus luteum (progesterone) phase begins from the moment of ovulation and lasts 12-16 days in a normal cycle. The corpus luteum forms at the site of the ovulated follicle within a few days after ovulation. Its main function is the synthesis of progesterone and estrogens to maintain future pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then after 10-12 days the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, which leads to a drop in hormone levels, after which the next menstruation begins. If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to function and support the pregnancy. In the absence of pregnancy, progesterone levels reach their maximum value about a week after ovulation - at this time it is recommended to take a blood test for progesterone to assess the function of the corpus luteum.


– once 6-8 days after ovulation

– at least 3 times (4, 7 and 10 days after ovulation) if there are suspicions of existing disorders

– only after the start of the “delay”

For several decades, women have been using a formula that allows them to calculate the period of conception and determine the period of ovulation. Now there is no need to stock up on a pen, a sheet of paper, or do calculations. An online conception calculator will do this job faster and better. This program only needs a few data to accurately calculate the day of conception. The calculator can be useful to any woman of childbearing age; with its help you can obtain useful information for solving various problems.

In what cases can you use a conception calculator?

A calculator that calculates the days of conception is most often used by women dreaming of a child. In cases where the desired pregnancy is in no hurry to occur, determining the period of ovulation becomes an urgent task. An accurate conception calculator will tell you when you need to start implementing your plans.

A woman who has planned the date of conceiving a child in advance will be able to competently prepare for this important process. It is necessary to improve health, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals in order to increase the percentage of the probability of fertilization of the egg, to make the pregnancy period more comfortable and safe.

You don't have to wait for a problem to appear. Many women prefer to carefully plan important events in their lives. If, you can choose the most convenient date for conceiving the future baby, and roughly plan the date of birth.

The obtained data for calculating the period of conception will help to detect pregnancy in a timely manner. Knowing the days on which conception could occur, you can determine when to take a test to check the result. Pharmacy test strips can confirm pregnancy 12-15 days after conception.

The information from the calculator may be needed by an expectant mother who wants to determine the date of her upcoming birth. Not all women know the day they conceive a child. Having determined the most likely period, you need to add forty weeks to it. You can use the date you receive to prepare for the birth of your baby.

Who shouldn't use a calculator?

Often, women use a calculator to calculate favorable days for conception in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend abandoning this method of contraception. Practice has long proven its ineffectiveness. Fertilization of the egg can occur not only during these “dangerous” days. There are cases when pregnancy occurred immediately after menstruation, a couple of days before it, or even during menstruation. You need to understand that the calculator does not help you find out the exact day of conception; it only determines the period of ovulation.

Difficulties in using the calculator information may occur in women with an uncertain cycle. If it is constantly disrupted or shifted for some reason, it is unlikely to be possible to determine the date of conception of the child using this method.

For women who have a clear menstrual cycle, the calculator calculates the appropriate days of conception quite accurately. However, you should not limit yourself to this information only if you dream of pregnancy. In order for the expected date of conception to be determined more accurately, it is worth additionally using the basal temperature chart. You can buy special tests at the pharmacy that determine ovulation. The use of several methods increases the possibility of getting pregnant on time.


In healthy women, ovulation occurs regularly. How to find out if conception occurred after ovulation? Neither a pregnancy test nor an ultrasound will give any result immediately after ovulation because hCG is not produced during the pre-implantation period. Once the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall and hormone secretion begins, a test can be done. Until this moment, a woman can record the initial signs of pregnancy, which are not always objective.

Favorable period for conception

Is it possible to get pregnant before or after ovulation? The maximum chance of conception exists on the day of ovulation. The favorable time after it is calculated in hours and averages less than a day. This is explained by the fact that the oocyte lives only 12-24 hours. The potentially dangerous period is about 8 days (7 days before the oocyte is released and 1 day after it), since sperm live from 2 to 7 days. That is, they can penetrate the tubes even before ovulation and wait for the egg there. In this case, conception occurs on the day the oocyte is released.


To calculate ovulation, you need to divide the average cycle length by two; the error is three days in both directions. This method is not very accurate because ovulation may occur earlier or later than the middle of the cycle. A test for LH (luteinizing hormone) in the urine can accurately determine the yield of the oocyte. An increase in LH levels indicates approaching ovulation. The test allows you to find out about ovulation a day before its onset with an accuracy of 99%.

Signs of pregnancy

Specific signs signaling a change in hormonal levels will help you understand that conception has occurred. Preimplantation symptoms of conception and fertilization are not reliable, but sometimes accurately indicate the presence of pregnancy.

Bloody issues

Minor spotting that appears after ovulation may indicate conception; this is implantation bleeding that accompanies the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. This discharge is often mistaken for the beginning of menstruation. But we cannot ignore the bleeding that appears repeatedly throughout the day or more. This could mean an impending miscarriage, a condition that requires medical attention.


Long before toxicosis occurs, a woman may complain of increased gas formation and bloating. These symptoms can be considered a sign of pregnancy if they occur towards the end of the cycle.

Some note intolerance to certain foods and smells, unusual food preferences. These phenomena disappear over time, but having become pregnant for the second time, the woman already clearly knows what the occurrence of these symptoms indicates.

Abdominal cramps

Also, many women indicate such signs of pregnancy as heaviness in the lower abdomen and cramps, sometimes tingling and nagging pain. These symptoms may also indicate increased uterine tone, so if they continue for a week, you should consult a specialist.

Changes in the mammary glands

Soreness, enlargement and engorgement of the breast, enlargement and darkening of the areolas are the main signs that conception has occurred. These phenomena occur before menstruation, but at the beginning of pregnancy they are more pronounced and can last longer. A woman may also notice light discharge from the nipples; this is when the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum.

High basal temperature

If fertilization has occurred, then the elevated basal temperature should remain throughout the second half of the cycle. Sometimes the sensations when an egg is released are mistaken for the onset of fertilization, since the symptoms that occur during ovulation are similar to signs of conception. It is safer not to rely on subjective feelings, but to wait until the 10th day of the expected pregnancy and conduct a test.

After fertilization, basal temperature rises. If the thermometer shows 37 degrees, this allows us to conclude that pregnancy is possible even before the delay. After ovulation and fertilization occur, increased production of progesterone begins. It is he who gives the increase to 37 degrees.

Normal temperature after fertilization is an unfavorable prognostic sign and indicates a lack of progesterone. This condition poses a risk of miscarriage and requires treatment.


The initial signs of pregnancy include increased fatigue, sleepiness and a constant feeling of malaise, which is caused by hormonal changes. After ovulation and conception, the body adapts to its new state and provides protection to the embryo. If pregnancy occurs after ovulation, immunity is automatically reduced so that the mother’s body does not reject the embryo, which it perceives as a foreign body.

An informative sign of pregnancy is severe irritability and emotional lability, which is also a reaction to hormonal changes occurring in the body. If a woman is nervous and irritated for any reason, then this may indicate that conception has occurred.

Increased PMS symptoms

Unpleasant sensations after ovulation and conception may resemble discomfort before the onset of menstruation. They are evidence of the onset of pregnancy. Severe and prolonged pain may indicate abnormal attachment of the egg, so if it continues for more than 14 days, then you should visit a doctor.

Stomach ache

In the first days after conception, mild pain in the sacrum and discomfort in the lower abdomen sometimes occur. More severe pain occurs with a threatened miscarriage or ectopic implantation, in addition to bleeding.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction

Sometimes the first signs of conception after ovulation are associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. If more than a week has passed since the estimated moment of conception, the woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea, urge to vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • increased gas formation;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • perversion of taste.

These symptoms occur when conception occurs after ovulation and the egg is implanted into the uterus. Before this happens, the hormonal levels remain at the same level and any changes in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are not informative.


The early stages of fetal development in many women are accompanied by inflammation of the bladder. The reason for this phenomenon is not so much that the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder (it is still no larger than a chicken egg), but rather hormonal changes in the body. The immune defense is weakened, as a result, the infection penetrates into the urinary organs and cystitis develops. Problems of this nature can haunt a woman throughout her pregnancy. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs that do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Signs of conception by day

For the fusion of gametes, a full-fledged egg must be released from the follicle. A mature cell is capable of fertilization and subsequent division. On what day after ovulation does conception and fertilization occur? Most often, on the same day, the life of the egg is short - about 12-24 hours.

First day

Sperm must travel a certain distance to enter the fallopian tube, where the egg awaits them. This process takes about 2-6 hours. After the struggle, the sperm penetrates inside and fertilization occurs. In most cases, there are no signs of conception after ovulation before implantation. A woman does not feel anything on the 1st day of pregnancy.
Second day
The immune system perceives the fertilized egg as a foreign body, therefore, on the 2nd day of pregnancy, the production of antibodies begins, the so-called immune attack. This makes the expectant mother feel tired and overwhelmed. In addition, on the second day, changes in taste preferences, bloating and nausea may occur, as well as signs of egg fertilization such as engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands.

The third day

The first few days, including the 3rd day of embryo development, occur in the fallopian tube. A woman may lose her appetite, experience nausea and dizziness. Starting from the third day, the woman’s body begins to rebuild and prepare for implantation.

Fourth day

On the 4th day after the fusion of gametes, thanks to the peristalsis of the tubes, the embryo enters the uterus. Signs of pregnancy on this day: increased gas formation, bloating. Sensation of a foreign body in the abdomen.

Fifth day

Implantation means the process of attachment of the embryo to the uterine mucosa, which occurs from 5 to 9 days from the moment of fertilization and lasts about 40 hours. If the embryo does not move into the uterine cavity, but continues to develop in the tube, then an ectopic pregnancy is formed. On the 5th day after the fusion of gametes, the temperature may rise, dizziness and chills may occur. A woman feels like she has a cold.

Sixth day

On day 6, there is an increase in basal temperature, which must be measured without getting out of bed in the morning. A nagging pain is felt in the lower abdomen, as before the onset of menstruation.

Seventh day

A sign of pregnancy on day 7 is: slight light brown or pink discharge. They can occur between the fifth and seventh day after gamete fusion, corresponding to embryo implantation.

Eighth day

The beginning of the second week of embryonic development corresponds to the first critical period of formation. During this period of time, teratogenic factors lead to the death of the embryo. But if he survives, then he does not have any developmental defects. On the 8th day there is a feeling of constant fatigue, headaches and dizziness. The expectant mother looks pale.

Ninth day

The embryo, which is at the stage of crushing, reaches the uterus and begins to sink into the mucous membrane. This sometimes causes minor implantation bleeding. Until day 9, signs of pregnancy are very scant and similar. Due to the fact that hormonal levels begin to change, the expectant mother feels very tired, so on the 9th day after the fusion of the gametes, the woman feels drowsy.

Tenth day

On the 10th day, the embryo is finally implanted into the uterine mucosa. Now you can determine the presence of gonadotropic hormone in the blood. A biochemical blood test, which can be done from this day on, objectively confirms the onset of pregnancy. After day 10, you can use a highly sensitive test.

Eleventh day

For most women, the approach of menstruation is accompanied by some characteristic sensations: mood lability, nagging pain in the back or lower back, migraine, engorgement and breast enlargement. And if on the 11th day these signs are absent, then it is possible that you should no longer wait for your period.

Twelfth day

On the 12th day of embryonic development, dyspeptic symptoms may appear: changes in taste, nausea, vomiting, and aversion to certain odors. These symptoms of fertilization occur in the vast majority of expectant mothers. At this time, the body itself can tell you what it needs for the proper formation of the fetus, so women note a change in taste preferences. They may be attracted to those foods that seemed tasteless to them before pregnancy, and their previously favorite dishes may cause disgust.

Thirteenth day

Changes in the mammary glands begin to occur immediately after conception, parallel to the processes occurring in the uterus. On the 13th day of pregnancy, a common sign of fertilization is discomfort in the mammary glands, and in some cases even slight discharge from them. The body is preparing for breastfeeding; the result of changes may be darkening and swelling of the areola around the nipples.

Sixteenth day

From the 16th day of pregnancy, a neural plate is formed in the embryo, the ends of which connect and form a tube. This is how the nervous system begins. After this, the skeletal system of the embryo is formed.

Carrying out the test

How to find out whether conception has occurred and whether pregnancy has occurred after ovulation? The accuracy of the test results depends on the timing of the test. In order for it to detect pregnancy before the onset of menstruation, you need to purchase a test with high sensitivity. Some products are able to show hCG concentrations starting from 10 mU/ml and record fertilization already on the 10th day. The second type of test is less sensitive and notes the presence of hCG only from 15-25 mU/ml, that is, after the first day of a missed period.

It often happens that conception occurs, but the test is negative. One of the reasons for this phenomenon may be non-compliance with the correct sequence of the test specified in the instructions. The objectivity of the study can also be affected by drinking too much liquid and conducting the test in the evening, which affects the concentration of the hormone in the urine.

If the second strip is poorly visualized, it is recommended to conduct secondary testing after a few days. Sometimes hCG increases slowly, and the test will record a false negative result up to 3 weeks after the fusion of gametes. In this case, a woman can focus on subjective signs of pregnancy. Learn more about the early symptoms of fertilization in the video:

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