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How to promote a hotel business using Feng Shui. Ancient wisdom will help you set up your business. feng shui for business

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Usage feng shui for business will help make the business more profitable. Eastern philosophy is applicable in various fields. However, it should be remembered that simply following the advice of Eastern sages is not enough: in order to achieve success, it is necessary to take other actions.

Number in the company name

Numbers in Chinese philosophy have meaning not only on their own, but also in combination with each other. To choose a good combination, you should carefully study the meaning of each number, favorable and unfavorable combinations:

  1. 1 – symbol of unity. Promotes good name. Strengthens the beneficial influence of other numeric signs.
  2. 2 can be understood as “easy”. It will increase your luck if you place any lucky number after it.
  3. 3 – “development, growth.” This number should be combined in the name with other favorable ones.
  4. 4 is considered a symbol of death. The Chinese tend to avoid any combinations with fours, considering them unfavorable.
  5. 5 is also not suitable for use in a company name. This number means "no" or "nothing".
  6. 6 – “income”, profit figure. Six has a positive influence and helps increase material wealth.
  7. 7 symbolizes confidence that what you want will happen. Used in combination with other numbers that have a favorable impact, you can achieve business prosperity.
  8. 8 is a good sign. Attracts well-being, prosperity, money. The combination of two eights is especially favorable. Until 2024, the impact of this numerical symbol is intensifying.
  9. 9 has an even stronger effect than 8. Nine attracts longevity and promotes health.

There is no consensus on account 0. Some experts think that this is a symbol of emptiness, others believe that zero enhances nearby values.

Business areas with numbers

Numerology for business can be used in various fields. The teaching can be applied in the service sector, trade in clothing, shoes and accessories, sale of food and household goods.

Signs and symbols feng shui for business

First, you should select the area where the office or retail outlet will be located. Eastern philosophy considers the southeastern part to be the most suitable.

Various images and objects symbolize success in business. It is believed that material well-being is attracted by coins connected by red ribbons. The Chinese often display them in front of store doors. It is believed that bells hanging at doors not only attract material wealth, but also increase positive energy.

The turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom. A figurine depicting this reptile will become a talisman against misfortune and will attract money to its owner. By feng shui for business It is recommended to place the turtle in the northern part of the room.

Shoe shop

For shoe sales to be more successful, you need to arrange the goods correctly. Sections should be divided into women's, men's and children's. Shoes should be clearly visible, the best place is at eye level of a potential buyer. It is recommended to use shelves with a slight slope.

It is better to locate the fitting room in an area where Qi energy accumulates. The sector responsible for fame or marriage is suitable. It is recommended to place some kind of good luck talisman near the entrance.

Furniture store

The entrance door must be kept closed at all times. This will save working space from the influence of weather conditions.

It is necessary to create a stable microclimate. For this there must be good heating and ventilation systems. Air stagnation should not be allowed: because of this, the goods may become covered with rot, the circulation of Qi flows will be disrupted, and unfavorable energy will accumulate in the sales area.

Books should be placed on shelves of appropriate size. This will help increase sales and stimulate influx Money to the owner of the outlet.

Vegetable shop

In summer, it is recommended to place some of the goods on trays located in front of the store. The door must be open. In this case, potential buyers will feel the energy of the store not only inside, but also outside, which will help increase the number of sales.


The chairs in which clients sit during a haircut should be of favorable sizes, from the point of view of Eastern philosophy. In addition, they should be positioned correctly. A Feng Shui specialist can help with this.

Some practical Feng Shui tips for success in your career and business that will help you attract money and good luck.

  • Let's start with desk. In general, it is good when the table faces south or southeast - it attracts fame and money. If you work in a room where there are many shelves and cabinets with working documentation or reference literature, review these deposits and throw out what is outdated and unnecessary. Place items that are rarely used in the utility room. Cluttered and crowded cabinets, racks, and shelves mean an inability to perceive new things and limit your professional growth.
  • According to Feng Shui, it is good to place your desk “behind the boss,” but in no case facing him. It doesn’t matter what boss's office is in another room or even on another floor. The position “behind his back” means his support, “facing the boss” means confrontation.
  • Arrangement of things on the desktop is of great importance. To receive money through a computer, the computer must be placed on the upper left corner of the table - this is the wealth sector on the table.
  • If you put the phone on the upper right corner of the table, it will attract partners; if you put it on the lower right corner (friends sector), then calls from friends will bring wealth.
  • Good to put on the table rock crystal crystals to improve intellectual communication between people. A crystal placed in the northeast corner of the table also increases educational luck.
  • A glass or crystal ball is no less effective. Installed in the east, it will provide you with a successful career, and in the southwest it will help you move to a whole new level in communicating with people.
  • If you place on the far left side of the table table lamp or a metal object, financial success is attracted.
  • If you put a photo of yourself speaking at a prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career.
  • The side of the tabletop where you sit is considered your glory sector. Here, according to the recommendation of Richard Croesus, a notepad or keyboard should be located.
  • On the left side of the table, keep "outgoing" papers, which will promote relaxation after each completed task. On the right side – hold the “incoming” documents accordingly.
  • Hang it behind your back mountain image- she will support you and protect you from the machinations of ill-wishers.
  • It is advisable to have before your eyes water image– this could be a calendar on the wall or a screensaver on the monitor. Water symbolizes the flow of creative energy. In general, water plays a huge role in the symbolism of Feng Shui. Moving water attracts great luck. So, if possible, be sure to purchase a small fountain for your office.
  • An equally strong “magnet” for attracting wealth is aquarium with fish. The aquarium should ideally contain nine fish: eight gold and one black. In general, the most magical fish for attracting enormous wealth is considered to be the Arrowana. It is even called the “feng shui fish.” But, unfortunately, it is very rare and its price is such that it is quite possible to limit yourself to ordinary aquarium fish. The aquarium itself with fish must be installed in the southeast, in the classic direction of wealth. And one more addition: if your fish dies, it is believed that it takes with it all the owner’s troubles, so there is no need to be upset (but you need to replace it with a new one for good measure). In general, fish (especially copper and ceramic images of carp) are widely used in the east in office interior decor as symbols of wealth and prosperity.
  • Also in the wealth zone (in the southeast) it is recommended to place "money" plant, which symbolizes prosperity. Basically, any plant with round or heart-shaped leaves is considered a money plant.
  • The south is also considered a place Crimson Phoenix, which is a wonderful symbol of happiness. In the absence of an image of a phoenix in the office, any image of a bird will do. Another unconditional symbol of happiness is the peacock. In India and Nepal, the peacock is considered a bird that brings favorable career opportunities for the owner of the house. If possible, it is good to store a few peacock feathers in the southern corner.
  • The presence of a turtle in the office (or home) is very favorable. Even a ceramic image (or poster) of this celestial animal brings wealth and great luck to the owner. According to tradition, the turtle should be in the north, where it also brings support from useful people.
  • To prevent money from being transferred from you, link three Chinese coins with red ribbon and put them in your wallet. This technique is universal and always works. The same coins on a ribbon can be attached to a folder with important contracts or placed in a safe.
  • By the way, did you guess that it is also advisable to install the safe in the south or southeast? And to enhance the flow of wealth, it would be good if the safe would also be reflected in the mirror, which would symbolically “double” the money.
  • A small amount of wealth will bring a flow of wealth to its owner. merchant ship model with symbolic “gold” coins (bright copper coins of 10-50 kopecks). The main thing is that the ship is directed towards the future millionaire (that is, you) and “sails” from the front door.
  • A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth remains a universal symbol of money.
  • If you constantly feel chronic fatigue, use symbols of longevity in your interior, such as the image deer, peach, bamboo or crane.
  • To increase activity, place a small dragon figurine on the left side of the table. Also, according to Chinese teaching, all kinds of flags, pennants and even wall or table clocks enhance the circulation of positive energy.
  • A great source of positive energy is hanging by the door. chinese bells, or, as they are also called, wind chimes. Opposite the main entrance door, experts recommend hanging an image of the Golden Dragon on a red background. In this case, luck will never pass you by.
  • And in conclusion, I will give Lilian Tu’s recommendations on placement of various departments of the company depending on the direction of the world. The main leader, or more simply the boss, should be located in the northwest corner if he is a man, or in the southwest corner if he is a woman. It is optimal to place the financial department in the south-eastern zone of the office, which will increase the company’s income and accelerate turnover. The ideal location for marketing employees is the southern part of the room, where the type of energy that contributes to successful sales is best generated.

Feng Shui Career Zone

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the career sector corresponds to the northern direction (see photo below).

In addition to your career, the northern sector is also defined as the “path of life,” so activation of this zone will help you not only advance your career, find a new job and cope with it successfully, but also open up new prospects in life and contribute to your internal spiritual development.

The main element of the career sector is Water, so everything related to this element can be safely used when designing the northern sector. For example, “aquatic” colors: black, blue, light blue colors are welcome. Don’t neglect the shapes of the Water element: curving, wavy, smooth.

The embodiment of the main element in the career sector can be mirrors, as well as mirrored surfaces and objects, glass objects, fountains, aquariums, water containers, paintings and images of the Water element.

The generative element for the career sector is Metal. Using the Metal element helps to attract good luck in material affairs, as well as develop enterprise and versatility of personality. Use Metal colors in the interior - white, gold, gray, silver, and oval, round shapes.

It is favorable to place wind chimes with metal tubes in the career area. The sound of wind chimes has a beneficial effect on the surrounding atmosphere and attracts positive energy. You can also purchase metal bells. They dispel negative energy and attract the shen qi we need.

Filling the sector with positive emotions will also lead to favorable results. You can listen to pleasant music, mantras, and say affirmations from time to time. Good lighting also plays an important role. The sector should not be dull and dull. If your career zone is located, for example, in a dark corner, place a beautiful lamp or sconce there and turn it on every day for a few hours to activate the sector.

The career area is ideal for placing your desk or, if possible, even a separate office.

In the northern sector you can place portraits or images of famous people who have achieved a lot in life, their biographies, recommendations and “secrets of success.” Some, by the way, even advise when making an important decision to imagine yourself in the place of such a person or mentally ask his opinion.

The classic mascot of the career sector is the Black Turtle. The turtle's wisdom helps make decisions and promotes career growth.

In fact, there are many ways to activate the career zone and they are all good in their own way, however, you need to start by clearing the room of debris, unnecessary, unused and broken things, because stagnation of energy in such zones can lead to apathy and despondency.

Unfavorable for the career area

The Wood element in relation to the Water element according to the five element theory is depleting, so using a lot of wooden furniture and wooden objects, potted flowers, green and lime flowers can significantly weaken the Water element and all the efforts you put in.

The Earth has a destructive effect in relation to Water. Therefore, it is better not to use objects of yellow and brown colors, objects made of crystal, porcelain, clay and ceramics, as well as images of the planet Earth at all - this can not only negate all your efforts to improve the career zone, but also have a negative impact on your work and career , material well-being and future prospects.

It is unfavorable for the northern sector and its complete absence in the room - problems may arise with the realization of your potential and career. In this case, hang a mirror in the place where the sector is missing, and it will visually fill the career area. Just remember that the mirror should not reflect the clutter and your front door.

" Feng Shui

© Elena Butivshchenko

Eastern philosophy for business

We are sure that many in their practice have come across stores designed according to the latest fashion. But, interestingly, for some reason these shops are deserted. But in the neighboring store there is no shortage of customers. And it seems like there is nothing special in this store, but the people there are comfortable and warm. Perhaps there are some forces, energies that can attract or repel people. Of course, the symbiosis of ancient Eastern teachings and domestic business is a controversial issue. We tried to derive some rules that work for the benefit of businessmen.

The topic of this article was not born by chance. Many people have noticed the beneficial effect of various laws of harmonization of the atmosphere of home and office. When arranging your home, it is important not only to arrange the furniture functionally, but also to make sure that the room is easy to breathe, beautiful and happy to live in. These seemingly intangible concepts are easy to put into practice using ancient Eastern practices. In the West, for example, there is a tendency to design and build both residential premises and business centers using the advice of Feng Shui specialists. The question arises: why in the West? It's simple. It is there that businessmen are primarily focused on obtaining maximum results. Not theory for the sake of theory and some abstract conclusions, but profit - that’s what drives entrepreneurs.

When approaching architects, it is worth distinguishing at the design stage and the first sketches in time where we are talking about the pursuit of original ideas, and where the thought is aimed at ergonomics and harmony. Much is done by architects and designers under the influence of fashion trends. For example, the fashion for sharp corners not only has a detrimental effect on those who will work in the new building, but also on clients and even residents of nearby buildings. A small mock-up of a building can look pretty good. But when the model becomes a real building, what was original becomes harsh or even threatening. The same situation is observed when implementing interiors.

A completely reasonable question may arise: how does this apply to retail premises? The answer is the most immediate.

The science of “golden triangles,” planograms and customer flows essentially reflects the basic rules of Feng Shui. Let's look at some examples of the interaction of these two practices.

Entrance for buyers and positive energy

The size and proportions of the store should convey a feeling of balance. The store must be placed so that vital energy can easily enter the room. This is exactly how the entrance area should be designed - so that nothing prevents the buyer from entering and looking around the room.

The entrance is considered a very important factor in the success of a store. A good option according to Feng Shui is the corner placement of the entrance to the store. The placement of a store is considered unfavorable when there are no houses behind it, i.e. the store is at your fingertips. Houses, hills behind the building are good protection. If houses or hills obscure the front of the store, this is considered an obstacle to the passage of positive energy. However, a vacant lot or a construction site in front of a store is also an unfavorable factor. If this has already happened, you should put up a small decorative fence or plant trees (just not too close to the front door). Too open spaces can attract negative energy. If the store is located, as it were, in a recess from the highway (in the corner), then it is necessary to decorate the resulting triangle in front of the entrance with a sculpture, build a small green island or make a fountain. The main thing is that the trees were not too tall, the sculpture had a pleasant streamlined shape, and the fountain worked properly. An emergency exit, stairs, or storage room door cannot be placed opposite the entrance to the store. Otherwise, the positive energy, as soon as it entered, will leave the room through the emergency entrance. And, even worse, accelerating along the corridor of shelving, it will turn into negative energy. If nothing can be changed, then it is worth hanging bright lamps in this corridor or putting large flowers in tubs (if the space allows). Happy opportunities in all areas, and in business as well, bring you a red and gold decoration in front of the front door - it could be a painting, a tapestry or something else.

As Yulia Shavrina, an energy design specialist, notes, a store located near a highway, and especially if it turns around, and the store is on the outside of the circle, can speak of an imminent business fiasco. If we already talk about roads, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the size of the store should be related to the size of the highway (or road). And in general, according to Feng Shui, the road for a store should not be too busy or intense.

Perhaps, thanks to this law, trade on Andreevsky Spusk in Kyiv is always lively. Unlike the rapid energy of the highway, on Andreevsky the flow of energy moves smoothly and wave-like, without sweeping anyone away from profitable places.

There is another interesting question in choosing a favorable location for a store on a city map. It is absolutely clear that proximity to a morgue, hospital or cemetery will not bring anything good. Maybe the store will be successful if it is located near a church? There is certainly positive energy circulating around the church. However, as practice shows, this location also applies to complex cases and it is not a fact that the business may not succeed.

The question arises: which neighbors are considered the best for a store? Fitness clubs, cinemas, schools, and cultural centers are very positive on this issue. And also those establishments that the business owner has a positive attitude towards. Because the success of a business directly depends on it.

The front door should be attractive and should be given special attention, since it is through this that people and money enter the store. If it is glass, then it needs to be washed and wiped on time. To increase sales, it is desirable that the entrance to the store is at or slightly higher than the level of neighboring stores.

Red Chinese lanterns in the entrance area also play a good role at the entrance (if they are combined with the overall style of the interior). Buyers will flock to such a store like moths. Buyers should be greeted with warm, pleasant colors. Pastel colors have a particularly harmonizing effect. And, of course, it is necessary to keep windows and display cases perfectly clean.

A luminous sign, or even better with dynamic lighting, can attract not only the attention of passers-by, but also flows of energy. The store will not only seem alive, but actually be so.

Before putting things in order according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to free the sales area from the rubble of boxes with products. If there is nowhere to store products, this does not mean that they need to be placed wherever there is free space on the sales floor.

To check the correct choice of Feng Shui tools, listen to yourself and your customers. If done correctly, the atmosphere should evoke a feeling of joy and delight.

Profitable cash register

The cash register should be in the money area. A mirror is a tool for amplifying energies. A mirror in front of the cash register can increase its profit. Actually, mirrors behind goods on shelves work in the same way. In addition to the effect of visible abundance, they attract additional positive energy to the shelves. There is another way to increase cash register revenue. To do this, a mirror is placed in the cell. The money in the cell seems to multiply, and this, in turn, attracts even more money. If there is no cash register, and the money is placed in a box, then this box must be red. It is the red color that is considered a symbol of success and money.

Interestingly, psychological aspects are also reflected in Feng Shui. We are talking about the location of the cash register. According to Feng Shui recommendations, cash registers should be placed so that the buyer does not bump into them when entering the store. It is good to make sure that the cash registers are not visible when entering the store. The interesting thing is that the cashier must clearly see the people entering. In other words, the cash register does not need to be pushed around any corner. It is important that the buyer is greeted with a variety of products at the entrance. And, of course, the postulates of both Eastern and European space organization experts coincided in the fact that the product must be clearly highlighted. These honors are awarded to the product that is most interesting to the retailer and brings the greatest profit. We are convinced once again that Feng Shui is very intuitive and understandable to a person who thinks and listens to his intuition.

Yulia Shavrina gives clear recommendations on how to increase cash register profitability. To do this, the cash register must be placed in a favorable direction specifically for the business owner. And the Chinese also hang a mirror next to the cash register. In order for it to double your revenue, it needs to be hung in a place that reflects the money, cat. are located in the retractable cash register.

Another method of increasing money luck is to use Chinese coins (round coins with a square hole in the center should have a yin and yang side - the yang side has four characters, and the yin side has only two). Three such coins should be tied with a red ribbon so that they lie with the yang side up - this will activate their potential. Then you can place these coins anywhere: stick them on folders with important documents, contracts, agreements; stick on a safe or cash register; put it on the accountant’s desk and distribute it to all financial employees of your enterprise; they can be placed under the doormat inside the store, etc. and so on. The Chinese leave these coins at the bottom of their rice urn and replace them on the eve of each Lunar New Year - this custom symbolizes that the family will always have money at least for food and in general this custom guarantees good luck for the family.

Specular highlight

A concave mirror placed opposite the front door will help attract more buyers. It will act like a funnel. However, you should be very careful when using mirrors. Mirrors have always been considered something magical. In Feng Shui you can find a lot of tips on their use. Maybe that’s why they are also called “Feng Shui” aspirin. Mirrors can visually enlarge a small retail space. But most importantly, they make the energies sound brighter and stronger. But, before you start experimenting with this tool, you need to clear the room of unnecessary boxes and packaging and put things in order on the shelves. Otherwise, you can double not the positive energy, but the number of your own problems. If you decide to use mirrors in the sales area, then you need to select large mirrors so that customers can see themselves in full height. It is impossible for a mirror to visually cut through a person’s torso. It is also important that there is sufficient space above the reflection of the person’s head. This will develop the potential of employees working in the store. There is another reason to choose a large mirror. A person, having found himself in the reflection of a mirror, will feel confident if, in addition to his reflection, he is surrounded by people in the mirror. If you place mirrors opposite each other (for example, on opposite walls), then nothing good will come of this idea. This is due to the fact that energy, having hit one mirror, will be immediately sent to the other and back. It turns out something like a trap. Such chaotic throwing of energy is unacceptable. Mirrors must be taken care of carefully, preventing them from getting dirty, clouded or cracked. Otherwise, the positive will quickly turn into negative.

Approximate prices

If you invite a Feng Shui specialist to provide recommendations on choosing a room, you will need to pay $100. Feng Shui services for a store, as well as apartments, will cost from $3 (if the room is more than 1000 sq.m.) to $5 per 1 sq.m. m.

Dowsing: room analysis - area less than 80 sq.m. - 3 USD/sq.m., more than 80 sq.m. - 2 USD/sq.m., area analysis - from 180 USD.

It would be unfair to say that dowsing is the only way to get into the information field. On Earth, there are a considerable number of techniques or methods that allow one to receive information in the information field, not to mention people who “dive” into the information field spontaneously, thanks to their partially discovered abilities. They all have one common and serious drawback. Fragmentary “visits” to the information field give such people the opportunity to receive knowledge only partially, in small portions. To prevent this process from being spontaneous, you can identify dowsing zones and “dive” there consciously. If you believe esoteric science, in such information fields a person can find answers to questions that concern him.

Oriental flavor

Feng Shui pays attention to the proper use of color in a room. Each color can play its important role in a room.

  • Yellow color enriches energies.
  • Pink is the color of love.
  • Red activates and attracts attention.
  • Green heals and gives energy.
  • Orange makes you feel hungry.

Decorating a room with white trim will freshen up the space and help bring out people's potential. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with the color white, as this will indicate a lack of main direction in life.

There is a nuance that applies to ardent fans of Feng Shui. Having become convinced (or believed) that ancient Eastern laws are effective, many go to extremes, painting everything red or hanging red Chinese balls and “singing winds.” Here I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Feng Shui is not a panacea or magic. You shouldn't follow the letter blindly. After all, we live in a European country and what looks organic in China will look ridiculous in the center of Kyiv. Don't use Feng Shui tools ostentatiously. It is possible that most buyers do not adhere to this philosophy. Therefore, they may not understand or accept it. Rather, you need to listen to your intuition and not radically change the store’s own style, but only adjust it. And, of course, before you do anything, invite an experienced Feng Shui consultant. Without his help, correctly calculating the ba-gua zones of a room will not be so easy.



Feng Shui is based on the concept of the energetic construction of the world. Everything that surrounds us is created by different energies. And man is an integral part of the world around him. The main task of Feng Shui is to study and correct the influences of energies on a person.

FENG SHUI is often called geomancy, better known in the West as "earth magic", but in fact Feng Shui covers a wider area than Western geomancy. It is not only a part of everyday life that provides physical comfort, mental well-being and financial security; Feng Shui involves much more powerful cosmic forces that are said to influence the Universe. Using a compass, a Feng Shui practitioner correlates human activity with these forces. These days, Feng Shui is becoming increasingly popular in the West as a further development of the traditional Western practice of geomancy. It is believed to add a deeper dimension to understanding the relationship between people, structures and their environment.

Feng Shui Schools

There are two main schools of Feng Shui: the School of Forms and the School of the Compass. The school of forms examines the forms of mountains, rivers, and landscapes. In the case of a metropolis, these are buildings, roads, spaces. The compass school takes compass directions into account. In other words, the electromagnetic field of the Earth and the electromagnetic field of humans.

Ba Gua

A system of numbers with which you can understand the world, predict the future, and comprehend the present.

Did you know that you can set up a successful business using Feng Shui? I was bombarded with questions about the practical application of Feng Shui at home, in the office, and in people's relationships. Everyone, of course, has their own specific problems, but the main thing that I understood after talking with readers is that Feng Shui has interested many people, and now people no longer need a brief description and a fascinating story, but detailed instructions, so to speak, a practical scheme of application centuries-old experience of feng shui masters.

I can say with confidence that with the help of Feng Shui, most of our clients have completely changed and continue to change their lives for the better. Seven or eight years ago, some of them sold old family belongings in spontaneous markets, their financial situation was so difficult, there was no work and no means of subsistence. Now they have their own shops and other material goods.

I remember the first time they came to us (and then we only had a small table, which we asked for a while). We were constantly asked: “Will it be possible to return unsold goods back?” And now some clients from other cities confidently buy 10-20 boxes of goods for sale in their retail chain, even leaving a large deposit in advance. It’s indecent to ask where you got so much money, but one thing is clear: over these seven or eight years, my students have also achieved remarkable results. And they keep asking me: “Why did you achieve such success so quickly? Do you have any secret? It seems to me that there is!

Successful business according to Feng Shui. First: you need to choose the right location for your store. In modern life, Water cannot be visible everywhere, and instead you can focus on the road (street). The appearance of the road will be different, like the five elements.

Remember some rules forever.

1.You cannot locate a store near a temple, prison or cemetery. There is an excess of Yin qi in these places.

2. You cannot locate a store on a street that goes downhill: downstairs in the store, business will immediately go downhill.

3. The store must not be located in front of unfavorable road shapes. 4. Your outlet must not be located at the end of a large supermarket.

Our stores were first and second row in the market, there is nothing wrong with that. And then the market was expanded, our stores were at the bottom, like the “tail of Water.” Business immediately began to decline. I thought about it and asked all the sacred talismans to help us: we placed large posters around the store: Lions, Pi Shu, god Guan Gong, etc. Now our business is thriving even better than before, because people can already see our posters from afar - sacred talismans.

Five elements

The front door of the store should be located in a safe direction for the owner. For example: my son is a store director. His personal gua 3 is Zhen, his most prosperous direction of Sheng Qi is in the south. The front door of its stores is located in the south. All stores are square in shape. Our products are souvenirs made of metal, bamboo, porcelain, crystal; fountains, which attract a lot of people, also work during the sale of goods. The back door should not be opposite the front door of the store, otherwise qi (energy) enters and immediately leaves along with the money. In our store it is located in the west - this is an unfavorable direction for the owner. So we put posters of a couple of big lions on it to protect us from bad energy.

The first way to strengthen or correct Feng Shui is to use a pair of large red lanterns, which are best hung near the front door; this not only protects against bad energy, but also contributes to the unity of the team and people. If your store is located in the basement, there is more Yin Qi there, this is very bad for women or elderly people working in it. If you want to improve Feng Shui, then in addition to red lanterns, you can increase the door threshold (like increasing the level of a store). Usually it is necessary to increase by 3.6 cun (Chinese length measure 1 cun = 3.3 cm), that is, no less than 10 cm (there are 365 days in a year, this is a symbol of the fact that business is thriving every day). Sometimes the threshold is raised by 5 tsun - this symbolizes the five elements and the creation of harmony.

How to choose the right product to sell.

This is the first important task in business. Thus, Feng Shui, like sacred souvenirs and talismans, gives my clients confidence in their affairs and hope for a bright future.

My neighbor successfully sells clothes for children, because children are the future for parents, and any good parent tries to give the best to their child, but children grow up, therefore, they need new clothes, and my neighbor’s business is thriving. She can offer your child everything: from rompers to newfangled jeans and stylish jackets, and constantly offers more and more new models. I respect my neighbor very much: a wise merchant never follows someone else, she chooses her own path in business - unique, and therefore profitable.

Successful business according to Feng Shui. Honesty and dedication in business are the key to its prosperity. In Beijing I had a store called Nadezhda. One day there was an incident that I want to tell you about. The customer, a young woman from Almaty who came to Beijing for the first time, was in such a hurry that she left a handkerchief containing money (exactly $2,300) on the counter. Where to look for this woman, who is she and what is her name? A little later, another woman from Kazakhstan came, we told her about what happened. Wow! That same day in the evening a woman came to us, leaving money, without which she could not even return home.

She thanked us so much, cried, repeated many times: “Thank you very much, Aunt Nadya” (all my friends call me just Nadya), you saved my life...” - after all, she borrowed most of this money from other people to purchase goods... This The news became known to passengers on the Beijing-Almaty flight. Since then, no one has ignored our store. No, it was not for nothing that my mother told me that if you take questionable money one day, you will worry for the rest of your life. As my mother teaches me, this is how I teach my children. According to Feng Shui, if you do good to another person, sooner or later it will return to you in one form or another. If we harm people, sooner or later we will pay for it.

Anyone can open their own business. But not everyone can increase profits and stay afloat for a long time. Of course, business acumen, the ability to invest finances and negotiate are all important qualities for a businessman. But Feng Shui is no less important in the concept of “successful business”. By following the principles of this ancient Chinese practice, you can improve your business and minimize the risk of bankruptcy. Some people believe in the power of this art, others doubt its effectiveness. But everyone should try!

Feng Shui signs and symbols for career, success and money

In order to increase wealth in your home, office or store, you need to be able to use the principles of this ancient Chinese science and use symbols correctly.

For example, the south-eastern part of the premises is considered the area for attracting money in trade. This sector must be protected in every possible way in order to attract only positive energy. How to do it?

The most common symbols are bells, turtles, coins tied with a red ribbon, Foo dogs, and fans.

Bells protect the wealth sector and attract positive forces. When the bells ring, negative energy turns into positive energy.

Turtle is a very popular Feng Shui talisman and symbolizes protection, wisdom and longevity. It also brings money and support from the right people. The turtle is located in the North.

Fu Dog protects home, family, stabilizes family relationships. By placing two Fu dogs in the wealth zone in the office, an entrepreneur will protect himself from failures and troubles, and will also ensure prosperity.

Chinese coins, tied with red thread. A powerful magnet to attract money.

Fan– a common and universal symbol of home and office protection. It enhances positive energy, especially in places with stagnant energy.

If in the zone of wealth, that is, in the southeast of a house, office or store, there is a bathroom and toilet, then according to Feng Shui, all material wealth is simply flushed down the drain. How to eliminate this possibility? Hang a mirror on the bathroom or toilet door. It should not reflect the front door. You can also hang a picture of a flowering tree on the bathroom door.

Colors for business according to Feng Shui

The meaning of color also has symbolic meaning in the home and business. We list the most popular colors that guarantee a successful business.

Violet– a good calming color that improves health. Wellness centers, companies producing sweets, as well as those who have a very busy business should choose a logo and branded packaging in this color scheme.

Blue- the color of the sea. It also has a calming effect. Creates a feeling of trust, reliability, responsibility. However, it also symbolizes conservatism and predictability. You should choose this color in business with caution. Too much blue will turn off younger audiences and cause boredom.

Red– one of the brightest and most symbolic flowers. The color of good luck, happiness, money in the science of Feng Shui. Good for any business, especially where love is present. Red color is recommended to be used when decorating shopping centers and restaurants. At the same time, too much of this color is tense, causes stress and is often associated with war and bloodshed.

Green– a great color for business. The color of freshness, good mood. Dark shades of green attract money and wealth, while light shades promote growth and evoke a feeling of kindness. This color can be chosen for any business, but above all for environmental ones (for example), as well as for medical centers and food products.

Yellow- although it is sunny, it causes anxiety in large quantities. Not the best option for business. It is good to use this color in business related to children and cosmetics.

Orange– warm color, increases attention, develops creativity. Good for use in cafes, restaurants, travel companies. Any shade of orange can be used in business with children. However, you should not make it dominant. The predominance of orange creates a feeling of cheapness and irresponsibility.

How to choose a Feng Shui phone number for business?

Many people have heard about the magic of numbers. The combination of certain numbers can awaken certain energy. Sometimes in cell phone stores they ask if the client wants to select an individual number. In business this will not be superfluous at all.

So, what does each number mean according to Feng Shui? Good and favorable numbers are 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 2 and 4 should be avoided.

Almost all of these numbers are often found in the issue. Therefore, when choosing a Feng Shui phone number for business, you should pay attention to which numbers are repeated most often.

The magic of numbers is one of the most mysterious teachings

Creating a logo using Feng Shui

The company logo includes a combination of colors, shapes and text. According to Feng Shui, a logo should primarily reflect your activities. This art has 5 main elements: earth, water, fire, metal and wood.

It is necessary to determine which element your business belongs to and use its sign when creating a logo.

Fire: catering establishments, marriage agencies, entertainment services, design studios, organizations supplying energy products, trade, sports.

Metal: banks, pawnshops, courts, notary offices, government agencies, jewelry workshops.

Water: recruitment agencies, everything related to beauty and health, wedding agencies, .

Earth: agricultural enterprises, farms, real estate agencies, hotels, construction companies.

Tree: any educational, children's and training institutions, flower shops, tailoring, travel companies, bookstores, printing enterprises.

We hope that the listed rules of Feng Shui science for business will provide you with prosperity, success and stability!

Do you use Feng Shui principles in your business? Leave your opinions in the comments below!