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What does the dog from the movie mask look like? The breed of dog from the movie mask. Who would like the dog from the movie "The Mask"

The film "The Mask" is one of Jim Carrey's most popular comedy films, and probably the most popular comedy of the 90s. One of the main characters of the film and subsequent sequels is the dog Milo. Milo is the animal companion of Jim Carrey's character, Stanley Ipkiss.

Milo's breed is the Jack Russell Terrier, but this was not always the case

In the original draft and some concepts, Milo's dog was described as a larger dog (one script described Milo as a golden retriever). However, the writing team decided that Stanley Ipkiss was probably not the type to own a large dog, and the decision was made to make his dog a Jack Russell Terrier.

Milo was voiced by Frank Welker in the film.

After the success of the film, an animated series under the same name "Mask" was released. Milo the dog has often appeared on various television shows. Milo's voice was provided by Frank Welecker, who has also voiced many other similar characters, including Scooby-Doo, Droopy, Santa's Little Helper; he also provided the voices of other animals, such as Abu in Aladdin and Garfield the cat in several cartoons.

There is a reference to Milo in "Son of the Mask"

In the new mask movie, all the characters are new, but like the original movie, the main character has a dog. In the sequel, the dog is named "Otis", which is a reference to the popular movie "Milo and Otis".

Description of the dog breed Milo

Jack Russell Terriers, despite their small size, are energetic and lively dogs. Loving, loyal and funny, they enjoy everything life has to offer them. They can happily race through the streets and over fences. These dogs are smart, but due to their nature, they are quite difficult to train. They are friendly to people, but can be aggressive towards other dogs and any animal that resembles prey, including cats. Their fearless nature can lead to dangerous situations when they decide to take on a large dog.


Jack Russells vary in size as different types are used for different purposes and terrain. They vary in height at the withers from 23 to 30 cm, and in weight from 5 to 8 kg.


The Jack Russell is a dog for living with the family indoors. It's best if he has access to a fenced yard where he can spend at least some of his restless energy.

When walking your Jack Russell, a leash is always required to prevent him from chasing other animals and challenging large dogs. He will need 30 to 45 minutes of vigorous walking every day.

People who are going to get a Jack Russell must be firm and consistent. Like all strong-willed dogs, he will need strict and firm rules that must be followed strictly. Persistent and patient owners will be rewarded with a loyal and “positive” dog.

Jack Russells, starting from puppyhood, need a lot of contact with other dogs - to prevent aggression towards other dogs and animals, they need early socialization.

Key Features of Jack Russell Terriers

  • Jack Russells, like other terriers, love to dig and can dig a fairly deep hole in a short time.
  • Aggression towards other dogs can be a serious problem for Jack Russells.
  • These dogs love to jump on people and various objects; they can jump up to a height of 1.5 meters.
  • Jack Russells have a strong chasing instinct.
  • These dogs need to have a securely fenced yard where they can expend their energy.
  • Inexperienced or timid dog owners may be better off choosing a different breed. Jack Russells can be a challenge even for experienced dog owners.
  • Jack Russells are not suitable for apartment living, as they can cause huge messes.

The Jack Russell Terrier, who played the role of the dog Milo in the film “The Mask,” is perhaps the most famous representative of his breed. For a long time, no one knew the name of such a dog. The four-footed animal was simply described as a nickname from a comedy film.

Milo in The Mask is the pet of the main character, Stanley Ipkiss. Loyal, smart, agile, funny four-legged creature made every viewer smile. The great popularity of the film created a demand for a breed previously known only to narrow circles.

The dog breed from the movie “The Mask” is a hunting dog. She comes from England. The inventor and first owner was a priest named Jack Russell (hence the name of the dog).

The dog Milo in the film Mask was played by a Jack Russell terrier.

Not by chance. The dog was bred by deliberate crossbreeding to catch badgers and foxes. In 1819, the pastor ended up with a female terrier. She had coarse fur, an interesting white color with red spots on her ears, tail and near her eyes.

The owner liked the nimble female, and he began crossbreeding experiments. By breeding greyhounds, Russell received puppies with improved hearing, scent, different heights and speed qualities.

In the end, the priest was satisfied with the result in the form of squat and long-legged offspring. For a long time no one registered them. After the death of the owner, the names Jack Russell Terrier and Parcel Russell Terrier took shape.

The Jack Russell Terrier has become a real find for hunters. After the film, the general public also showed interest.

As can be seen from Milo from "The Mask", the Jack Russell Terrier has a modest height of about 30 cm. The weight of such a dog rarely exceeds 5-6 kg. The legs are strong and short, the chest is narrow, the body is slightly elongated, and the coat is smooth. Sometimes individuals have their tail docked, which has become less and less common lately.

Jack Russell loves outdoor games, running, and long walks.

The breed is convenient to keep in apartments and houses. Its representatives are clean, practically do not shed and do not require complex care. Jack Russell loves outdoor games, running, long walks, and loves communicating with children and adults. Aggression is not typical, which makes it easy to take such a dog even when traveling.

Dog handlers note the friendliness of these dogs and excellent training abilities. Character, intelligence and energy are easy to direct in the right direction - stubbornness in front of the owner is not typical. A fearless defender in front of other dogs. In private homes, it easily deals with rodent pests, remembering its hunting abilities. They show themselves well at exhibitions - they are not afraid of the public, they behave confidently.

Dog breed from the movie mask and price

The Jack Russell Terrier from the movie “The Mask” with Jim Carrey is a sought-after breed. In specialized nurseries, the price of such a puppy is 15-30 thousand rubles. Club breeders offer the necessary documents and vaccinations by agreement.

The average cost of a Jack Russell puppy is 15-30 thousand rubles.

Important. For private breeders, the cost can be about 10 thousand rubles or even lower. However, in such cases, purebredness and proper health cannot be guaranteed without expert evaluation.

Interesting facts about the dog from “The Mask”

Here are some interesting facts about the film and this dog:

  • Pastor Russell considered terriers to be dogs not for shows and exhibitions, but for work. In addition, he categorically refused to mix his bitches with bulldogs to avoid aggressive offspring. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to obtain a friendly disposition and high endurance of the Jack Russell Terrier.
  • The breed only received a certificate of compliance with standards in 2001.
  • The dog who played Milo in “The Mask” was the favorite of the entire film crew. In the sequel “Son of the Mask,” another, but no less talented Jack Russell Terrier played.
  • Jim Carrey got himself a Jack Russell Terrier after filming The Mask, having been impressed by his tailed partner.

We invite you to watch a short excerpt from the film Mask, where a Jack Russell Terrier dog is filmed. We wish you pleasant viewing!

The film "The Mask", released in 1994, soon gained wild popularity. The main character, played by the inimitable Jimmy Carrey, was accompanied everywhere by a cute dog who helped the hero in his misadventures. Maybe someone mistook Milo (that was the dog’s name) for a mongrel, but in fact he is a purebred dog. What is the breed of dog from the movie "The Mask"?

Dog from the movie "The Mask"

A male Jack Russell Terrier named Milo was selected to play the role of Stanley Ipkis's companion. Initially in scenarios there was a dog character of a larger breed, a golden retriever and others were considered. But according to the director's plan, Jim Carrey's hero Stanley Ipkis would not have gotten himself a big dog. But the little crafty Milo came in handy for this role.

Based on the sensational film, a cartoon of the same name was later made; the dog from “The Mask” continued to win new hearts, now of a young audience. Viewers did not want to part with the cute dog forever, and he periodically appeared on various talk shows and television programs. And later, a sequel to the famous comedy called “Son of the Mask” was filmed, where the audience’s favorite Jack Russell terrier again got his role.

Jack Russell Terrier: description

Generally speaking, the dog from the movie "The Mask" is a representative of the peace-loving, sociable, cheerful compact dogs bred several centuries ago in the Kingdom of England. The genes of dachshunds, greyhounds and beagles are mixed in their blood.

These animals simultaneously They are considered hunting and decorative. They are no taller than 30 centimeters in height and weigh only 5-7 kilograms. The main color is white, with the presence of brown and red spots of different shades.

The dog breed from the movie "The Mask" can become a favorite for the whole family. Active and restless, she loves to play with children, is peaceful towards other animals in the house, intelligent and curious. Perhaps the decision to use a dog of this particular breed in the film was due to its complete lack of aggression and good training abilities.

It is not at all difficult to teach a Jack Russell Terrier some tricks and he will happily perform them for a small treat. If you want to get yourself a pet of the same breed, you should consider following:

  • This is an emotional and “loud” dog that barks for any reason.
  • You will have to give the animal attention and time to play; due to its high activity, it simply needs to move a lot. However, you can always entrust this to your children.
  • The dog breed in the film "The Mask" is a hunting dog, it is characterized by courage and perseverance in the pursuit of a goal. To one degree or another, this is common to all terriers.
  • If you decide to use your dog to hunt small game and birds, give him more independence. Instinct will do its job itself.

Features of education

The breed of dog from the movie "The Mask" requires only a home content. It will be great if she has at her disposal a fenced yard with a green lawn where she can have fun frolicking.

  • A young healthy terrier needs to be walked for at least 30-45 minutes. If he is taken out into a crowded place, a leash is required. This nimble fellow may well tag along with other animals, or begin to provoke large dogs, which can have consequences.
  • It is advisable for representatives of this breed to take a course training. This is the only way you can turn a stubborn, active and unpredictable dog into a well-mannered and obedient one.
  • To soften the naturally aggressive nature of terriers, you need to “socialize” him as early as possible by introducing him to other animals. Then he will learn the rules of behavior in society and will better understand what can and cannot be done categorically.

Characteristic qualities of the breed

This jumping dogs. They can easily jump 1.5 meters in height. They are very fond of ball games, during which they can indulge in a variety of jumps in all directions. Another passion of Jack Russells is digging holes. This feature must be taken into account when leaving the dog alone in the yard, even for a short time. She can easily dig under the fence and escape from the area.

Wayward Jack Russells have a strong instinct to chase and aggression towards other dogs; it is advisable to take control of these characteristics of the breed from early childhood. For those who are getting a dog for the first time, it is better to choose a calmer breed. The dog from “Mask” can be too much for even experienced dog breeders.

Undoubtedly, the main star of the film “The Mask,” which has captivated audiences for more than two decades, is the Canadian-American comedian Jim Carrey, but the highlight of the film can rightfully be called the hero’s perky dog. The main character's name is Stanley Ipkiss, and in the film "The Mask" his name is Milo (a shortened form of the name Miles).

The dog fits into the plot of the film so organically, making the funny scenes even funnier and the sad ones more touching, that it is impossible not to note his acting skills. What is the breed of the dog from the movie “The Mask”? This will be discussed in the article.

What breed of dog was featured in the movie "The Mask"?

Any viewer who has ever seen the comedy “The Mask” about a charming gentleman in a canary suit with a green face, probably noticed how professionally the protagonist’s dog behaves in the frame: he clings to the door handle with a death grip, flies up into the air after a flying rubber plate, and rescues his master Ipkiss from captivity, following commands. And the role of Milo actually starred a dog actor named Moose, who had participated in the filming of comedy films before. But real fame came to Milo-Moose after the release of the film “The Mask”. By the way, actor Jim Carrey got so used to the terrier Moose during filming that he later got himself a pet just like this.

The name of the breed from the movie “The Mask” is , and not a mongrel, as ignorant people sometimes said about Milo. Why was preference given to the dog of this particular breed? To begin with, it should be mentioned that these small ones are very active and mobile by nature. In addition, they are obedient and are not used to showing their bad mood when they have to work. Moreover, the Jack Russell Terriers look quite serious and are very cute, like grown-up puppies. So, now it’s clear which dog starred in the movie “The Mask”. What is interesting about these beautiful animals?

Features of the breed from the movie "The Mask"

Terriers like Milo were bred in Great Britain at the dawn of the 19th century. Modern Jack Russells have blood in their blood. In the past, the purpose of Jack Russells was considered to be burrow hunting for animals of medium and small size. Today, they are often purchased as companion dogs for active people who have enough time to walk their pets.

The appearance of these dogs is simple: 25-30 cm in height, 5-6 kg in weight, flat head tapering towards the tip of the nose, elongated body, strong neck, medium-length strong limbs. Jack Russell ears are usually droopy, but can rise at the slightest rustle. The nose of dogs is always black and medium in size. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, very intelligent. The coat is soft or coarse, the color is predominantly white, but there are markings of a black or brown-red hue (this is the color of the dog from the movie “The Mask”).

The character of Jack Russells is contradictory. On the one hand, they are very attached to their owner and do not need any other company. On the other hand, these dogs are still hunters and should not be treated as soft toys. They have a sense of self-esteem and can, for example, snap back when the owner’s child crossed the line during play (grabbed the dog by the ear and threw it in the air). In addition, Jack Russells are capable of coming into conflict with a dog whose weight exceeds a couple of tens of kilos. All such terriers are very active and love games and communication. They should never be placed in an outdoor enclosure, depriving them of participation in the life of the owner’s family and long walks.

With proper upbringing, a puppy of this breed will grow up to be a cheerful, cunning, skillful and fearless pet. If you train the dog from time to time, and even more so limit the animal’s movement, the Jack Russell will grow into a real house monster, destroying furniture, wires, the owner’s shoes, and even trying to grab hold of an unwanted house guest, or even the owner .

The rather irrepressible disposition of the Jack Russell is compensated in part by the trivial: the owner will only need to comb the dog’s fur a couple of times a week with a stiff brush. Even during shedding, you won’t expect a lot of hair falling out from a Jack Russell.

The life expectancy of these is quite high - 12-16 years. Terriers can boast of good health, although some individuals sometimes experience problems with the motor system (joint dysplasia, arthritis) and vision (cataracts, glaucoma).

Who would like the dog from the movie “The Mask”?

Despite the cute appearance of dogs like Milo from The Mask, some people should not have dogs of this breed. Before purchasing an animal, you should consider the following facts:
  1. “Small-sized” Jack Russells require the same active walking as. Keeping an animal within four walls all the time will not work;
  2. If there are other dogs in the house with a difficult dominant character, the Jack Russell may easily not get along with them. In addition, Jack Russells are quite jealous, which is why they can have clashes with other pets;
  3. Jack Russells are hunters, so even without training they will catch rodents if they are not weaned from this from an early age. If there is, say, a guinea pig in the house, the dog must be taught from the first days of being in the house that it is forbidden to touch the rodent;
  4. A priori, such a dog should not be owned by very elderly, lazy or busy people who will not be able to provide the dog with proper physical activity;
  5. These dogs like to bark loudly if something has alerted or angered them (hunting instincts come into play again), so they may not be suitable for people who love silence;
  6. Female Jack Russells are usually calmer and more affectionate than male Jack Russells of the same breed. Males are usually hyperactive and very fearless;
  7. Jack Russell dogs (if they are well trained) are able to stand up not only for themselves, but also for their owners. Of course, they will not be able to cause serious harm due to their modest size, but they are quite capable of driving away a dog that has stuck to its owner;
  8. It is best if the owner of the Jack Russell has character, that is, moderately strict, but fair. Connivance, excessive pity and lack of education will turn the puppy into an uncontrollable adult, which, thanks to its irrepressible energy, will behave disgustingly.

Price of the breed from the movie "The Mask"

The price of these cute miniature puppies of the breed from the movie “The Mask” starts from about 15,000 rubles, although a dog without documents can be bought cheaper - up to 10,000 rubles. Puppies from titled breed-class parents, and especially shu-class from breeding nurseries, will cost much more - from 30,000 -50,000 rubles.


Origin: England

Class: according to FCI classification – group 3 (terriers, section 2 – small terriers)

Usage: hunting burrow dog, companion dog

Color: predominant white color with markings of all shades of red and black

Dimensions: height at withers: 25-30 centimeters; weight: 4-6 kilograms

Lifespan: 10-15 years, there are individuals that live up to 18 years

A cheerful, restless dog who loves to get involved in various adventures, a charming and short-legged dog is a portrait of a typical Jack Russell.

A small dog with smart, expressive eyes and a frantic temperament, it feels great on hunting, traveling and as a dog.

The lack of aggression towards people and extraordinary mental abilities have made the Jack Russell Terrier breed popular; in second place is the dog breed norwich terrier .

History of the breed

The Jack Russell Terrier dog breed originates in England, and is named after Pastor John Russell, the founder of the breed.

Pastor John Russell, like many other hunters, dreamed of purchasing a dog that would combine the best working qualities of a terrier.

Nineteen-year-old John bought the first dog, who became the founder of the new breed, at the market, impressed by his temperament and pure white color.

As a result, the pastor was able to create a smart terrier, capable of tirelessly following the pack, fighting a predator in a hole and not starting squabbles with his relatives.

His terriers quickly became famous among hunters.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed received real recognition many thousands of kilometers from its homeland, in Australia.

Local fanciers were delighted with the cheerful, short-legged dogs and bought them as pets.

Psyche and character

Description of the breed The Jack Russell Terrier is a very lively, active and temperamental dog with a stable psyche.

These terriers are real choleric people, just like terriers, they are fearless and brave.

They cannot be embarrassed by any difficulties, moreover, they have not lost their working qualities and love to hunt any small animals.

An approximate collective portrait of a Jack Russell is as follows:

  • A small dog has ebullient energy that must be given an outlet. Sports competitions like, outdoor games and hiking, and learning any tricks and tricks - all this delights Jack.
  • The pet loves children very much, is friendly and happy to play, so the breed is perfect for families with children.
  • The Jack Russell usually does not have conflicts with other pets with whom he was raised, but he may be aggressive towards strange cats or dogs. Rats and rabbits are hunted by these dogs, so you should not leave them alone with these pets.
  • A disadvantage of the Jack Russell can be considered the habit of accompanying all manifestations of feelings with a ringing bark. Noisy and fussy dogs love to play pranks and, like and, are always ready for various adventures.
  • The charming appearance of the Jack Russell hides the character of a real terrier: bold, self-confident and fearless. They are very hot-tempered, prone to jealousy and consider their owner to be their property.
  • The high intelligence of Jacks requires constant work; dogs of this breed can and should be trained, and they get great pleasure from the lessons.
  • The Jack Russell is wary of strangers, but never shows aggression towards people.


The Jack Russell is a hunting, norn dog; it is capable of making independent decisions when driving an animal and fighting it.

In habits it resembles dogs of the breed Hungarian Vizsla And .

Hunters use jacks not only for fox hunting, but also for bringing game and driving large animals, such as deer.

A small dog disturbs deer less, allowing the hunter to get closer.

The Jack Russell is ideal for a variety of sports, for example in the UK they are a consistent leader in agility.

Instant reaction makes representatives of this breed excellent fetchers and catchers.

As a pet, Jack Russell terriers have become extremely popular after the sensational

How to choose a dog

Jack Russell Terrier puppies can usually leave their mother at the age of forty-five days, after being certified and receiving a puppy card or puppy certificate.

It is advisable to buy a puppy from show or working parents, whose origin and training results are confirmed by diplomas.

Absolutely all Jack Russell puppies must be active and inquisitive; showing timidity or uncertainty, as well as aggression towards humans, is unacceptable.

When choosing a puppy, you need to carefully examine the baby: clear eyes, a pink tongue, shiny fur - these are signs of health.

Dull, dirty, disheveled fur, a large belly are a sign that not everything is all right with the baby.

According to existing rules, the buyer and the breeder sign a contract.

The contract stipulates the terms of sale, the class of the pet (show class or pet), as well as the breeder’s responsibility for possible congenital anomalies in the puppy.

In any case, the breeder is obliged to take back the animal within ten days if any health problems are discovered.

Features of care


Jack Russell is a short-haired dog, so brushing the coat once every few days is quite enough, for which it is better to use.

Dogs living in an apartment may shed slightly all year round; in the off-season, shedding intensifies.

Indoor dogs are those that have virtually no undercoat.


Accustoming to neatness is an important element of living together with a dog.

The Jack Russell is a little stubborn, so you shouldn’t train him to wear a diaper, as there is a possibility that the adult dog will react to any textile.

The puppy should be taken outside after every meal, sleep, and while playing.

After a month of this regime, the puppy will independently ask to go outside.

It is enough to take an adult dog out two or three times a day, and this should be a full two-hour walk with jogging, games and jumping.

The Jack Russell needs movement, otherwise he begins to release his energy at home, gnawing and spoiling things.

In crowded places it is worth putting it on your pet.


You can feed a dog of this breed any food, as well as natural food.

The diet must include raw and boiled beef, rice and buckwheat, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

A Jack Russell up to four months of age does not need calcium-containing supplements if fed a balanced and varied diet.

After changing teeth, you can introduce special vitamin complexes into your diet.

It is advisable to feed the puppy at least 4 times a day until the age of six months.

During this period, the baby goes through a stage of intensive growth, so the basis of the diet should be meat or meat products (60% of the total food).

About 20% are carbohydrates in the form of rice, buckwheat and millet.

The pet gets calcium needed for bones from dairy products (about 20%): cottage cheese or kefir can replace one feeding.

From six months to one year, a young dog receives food three times a day.

Increased physical activity and an abundance of fun games help convert everything you eat into energy.

Adult dogs usually eat twice a day.

It should be taken into account that most representatives of the Jack Russell Terrier breed tend to gain weight quickly, so in the absence of training and exercise, you can slightly reduce the amount of food.


Characteristic diseases

Jack Russells are generally in good health, but there is a risk of developing the following diseases:

  • Pathology of the femoral head;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Deafness;
  • Eye abnormality

    The Jack Russell Terrier breed can be kept outdoors: they can easily tolerate cold, even snowy, weather


    All puppies over two months of age must be vaccinated with comprehensive non-rabies vaccines twice at twenty-one day intervals.

    The next vaccination is given after the change of teeth, at six or seven months. Then, every year, the dog is vaccinated with a complex rabies vaccine.


    Mating of Jack Russell bitches is usually carried out on third heat, hand knitting is practiced.

    To obtain documents for puppies, you must obtain a bill of sale, having previously received an assessment at the exhibition and a certificate of passing the tests.

    Jack Russell males can be bred as early as one and a half years of age.

    Jack Russell Terrier (photo) - a cheerful breed of dog from the movie “The Mask”

    A cheerful, restless dog who loves to get involved in various adventures, a charming and sweet short-legged dog is a portrait of a typical Jack Russell