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What tests should a child take for growth hormone? Somatotropic hormone. General information about the study

All processes in our body are regulated by a whole complex produced by several organs. All of them are of great importance for the formation, development and functioning of the body. One of these important substances is growth hormone. It sets the external physical parameters of the human body, shapes its height and proportions.

This hormone is one of many that control the functioning of our body. The hormonal system is vital to human well-being, so failure of one of the hormone-producing organs leads to the fact that the entire system goes out of tune.

The cause of disturbances in the process of GH production may be hereditary pathology, problems with intrauterine development, malnutrition by the mother, her abuse of alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic drugs and smoking during gestation, taking certain medications, the negative impact of poor environmental conditions, poor-quality water, radiation exposure and many other factors. Most often, they all act in a complex manner, leading to the development of pathologies.

Somatotropic growth hormone is produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Its main function is to influence the structure and development of the body. This substance affects the growth of the body, which is why we grow. The born child is very small, but by the end of puberty, under the influence of hormones produced in his body, he reaches the growth inherent in him by nature. This indicator depends on many factors: heredity, health, nutrition and other reasons, so we all have different dimensions.

But growth hormone is the main force causing growth in the body in general, so any significant deviations in its production lead to serious problems with health and appearance.

If a sharp decrease in the production of growth hormone is observed in the human body during puberty, then this condition leads to the development of dwarfism, or pituitary dwarfism. Increased production of growth hormone during puberty leads to gigantism, that is, excessively tall growth. If the growth process and active production of growth hormone continues into adulthood, excessive growth of bones throughout the body occurs, which leads to the development of a special disease called.

The need for analysis

An analysis for growth hormone is prescribed if a child of a certain age has slowed or accelerated growth, deformation of the bone skeleton with elongation of the limbs, and an adult with closing growth zones on the bones experiences a change in their shape, coarsening of facial features, and sexual underdevelopment.

During the general examination, the analysis is not performed, since it is only necessary if there are clinical disorders or suspected dysfunction. It makes no sense to do an analysis “just in case”, since the hormone is released cyclically, in waves, so the result will never be the same, and therefore accurate.

To obtain accurate indicators, a sampling technique is used to suppress and stimulate it.

In this case, doctors have the opportunity to accurately evaluate the data and obtain information that deserves complete trust. This is especially important for further treatment, since the future dosage of hormones depends on this information. It must be accurate to avoid further “distortion” in the hormonal background of the body.

Diagnostics and norm of growth hormone

An analysis for growth hormone is performed when studying the function, if its excess or deficiency is suspected, after obtaining data on other hormones of the human body.

Before taking a sample, you must properly prepare for the procedure. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. You need to donate blood on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Before the test, the fasting period should be at least 12 hours.
  2. The day before the procedure, you must exclude all fatty foods from your diet.
  3. Within 24 hours before the analysis, avoid serious physical activity, including sports, especially with weights. You also need to protect your body from stress and emotional overload.
  4. You should not smoke the day before the analysis so that this does not affect the accuracy of the indicators.
Norms for growth hormone levels, in mIU/l
Person's ageMaleFemale
From birth3,0-70,2 6,2- 62,4
up to 3 years1,1-6,2 1,3- 9,1
4-6 years0,23-6,5 0,26-5,7
7-8 years0,4-8,3 0,4-14,0
9-10 years0,23-5,1 0,2-8,1
11 years0,2-12,2 0,3-17,9
12 years0,3-23,1 0,36-29,1
13 years0,26-20,5 0,55-46,3
14 years0,23-18,5 0,36-25,7
15 years0,26-20,3 0,62-26
16 years0,2-29,6 0,68-30,4
17 years0,57-31,7 0,8-28,1
18-19 years old2,5-12,2 0,62-11,2
> 19 years old0,16-13,0 0,16-13,0

A biochemical blood test is a comprehensive study that helps doctors determine pathologies in the patient’s body. One of the rarest tests that clinic visitors have to take is a growth hormone test, or somatotropic hormone (GH) test. This substance is produced by the pituitary gland at certain time intervals. The pituitary gland produces most of it at night.

Using growth hormone testing, doctors are able to diagnose diseases in both children and adults. In childhood, this blood test determines the causes of slow growth, delayed puberty, etc. For an adult body, a deficiency of the substance leads to rapid fatigue, headaches, problems with bone and muscle tissue.


When testing growth hormone in a blood test, it is important to understand all the functions that the substance performs. Somatotropin is a protein that is created using 191 amino acids. Such a rich composition is especially necessary for the body from birth. Only after 20 years, the production of somatotropin begins to decrease by 15% every 10 years.

Action of the hormone

The base amount of the substance is concentrated in childhood, and doctors record peak production in adolescence. Throughout a person’s life, this hormone performs a number of functions:

  1. Acceleration of muscle tissue metabolism.
  2. Increased muscle and bone growth.
  3. Regulation of collagen synthesis in skin and bone tissue.
  4. Enlargement of liver, thyroid, adrenal, and genital cells.
  5. Affects the amount of glucose in the blood by reducing the amount of insulin.
  6. Accelerates the breakdown of fatty compounds.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Helps speed up brain activity.
  9. Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  10. Increases libido.

Hemotest for somatotropin helps prevent multiple destructive processes in the body. It keeps you young and strong. These features are especially actively used in bodybuilding. In this sport, a voluminous and sculpted physique is important, and this is precisely what the substance contributes to.

How does excess and deficiency of somatotropin affect?

Growth hormone analysis is a common type of study in children who are characterized by slow growth. The cause of this condition may be a benign tumor of the pituitary gland. The neoplasm actively increases the growth of somatotropin. Excess substance leads to:

  • Rapid growth of tubular bones.
  • Coarsening of facial features.
  • The appearance of rapid fatigue and weakness.
  • Delayed puberty.

If the process is not corrected in time, gigantism may develop. In addition, many doctors associate an excess of somatotropin with the development of acromegaly.

Signs of acromegaly

This disease is characterized by rapid thickening of bones and skin, the appearance of pain in the joints, an increase in the size of the feet, ears, and most internal organs.

Important! A blood test for growth hormone is often prescribed in combination with IGF (insulin-like growth factor), since these substances are interrelated. Such tests help determine the quality of prescribed therapy against acromegaly.

In an adult, this substance is less active, but still affects bone density, fatty acid metabolism, and increased muscle mass. When there is a deficiency, muscle tissue is replaced by bone, and bone density decreases.

Growth hormone: blood test for children

Testing of growth hormone levels in children may be prescribed in the following cases:

  1. If during pregnancy the mother had health problems due to hormonal imbalance.
  2. If the child has congenital genetic abnormalities.
  3. If the baby received a birth injury or has a severe head injury.
  4. During the development of tumor processes in children and after treatment with radiation therapy.
  5. If there is a suspicion of a child’s developmental delay, pathology of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc.

When a child’s body experiences a hormonal imbalance, the negative impact of this process affects many organs and systems.

Taking blood from a vein

In some cases, analysis can only show a deficiency or excess of somatotropin in a hospital, where a comprehensive examination is carried out.

Important! GH deficiency can be determined by analyzing blood glucose levels. If it is lowered after birth, then this is one of the first signs of somatotropin deficiency.

Parents may suspect growth hormone deficiency if the child does not grow more than 5 cm per year. Sometimes such features go completely unnoticed in children under 3 and 5 years of age.


How do children get a blood test for growth hormone? Blood for testing is taken only from a vein. When the analysis is performed on children, it is important to calm the child in time before the procedure. Hyperactivity, emotional arousal, fear - all this can distort the results. Therefore, it is important for parents to bring their child on the day of the procedure 10-15 minutes earlier than the planned time so that the child has time to calm down.

If a blood test is taken from children over 5 years old, then everything should be explained and reassured to them. The parent can hold the baby in his arms to make him feel calmer.

When it comes to general training rules for both adults and children, it is important to remember the following recommendations:

  • Blood sampling is carried out on an empty stomach.
  • You should not eat food 10 hours before the procedure.
  • Stop taking hormonal medications 2 weeks in advance, but before doing so, discuss all the details with your doctor.
  • Give up fatty and fried foods in 2-3 days.
  • Avoid physical activity and training for 2 days before the procedure.
  • Adults are contraindicated to consume alcoholic beverages 2 days before blood sampling.
  • It is unacceptable to smoke cigarettes within 3 hours.
  • Minimize the stress factor.
  • It is not advisable to carry out the procedure after fluorography and x-rays.

Research can only be done in a specialized laboratory that is licensed to provide such services.

If the analysis is carried out with stimulation, then after a standard blood draw, a solution of insulin or arginine is injected into a vein. After this, blood is taken again at certain time intervals.


When an analysis is carried out to check growth hormone in children, it is important to know that their acceptable levels differ from adult norms.

Somatotropin molecule

This parameter is influenced by the age and gender of the child. Acceptable standards:

  • Boys under 3 years old – 1.3-9.1 mU/l.
  • Girls under 3 years old – 1.1-6.2 mU/l.
  • Boys under 10 years old – 0.2-17.9 mU/l.
  • Girls under 10 years old – 0.2-12.3 mU/l.
  • Adolescents under 15 years of age – 0.6-26.0 mU/l.
  • Girls under 15 years old - 0.3-20.3 mU/l.
  • For adults – 0.2-13 mU/l.

The attending physician should decipher the received data. This could be a general practitioner, endocrinologist, geneticist, or pediatrician.

How to independently determine pathology in a child?

Analysis for growth hormone is a highly informative indicator, but it is important for parents to understand why it is carried out. In order to timely diagnose the pathology of somatotropin production, it is necessary to monitor:

  • Child's height.
  • His fatigue and activity.
  • Mental development.
  • Appetite.
  • His reaction to stressful situations, etc.

If a child is diagnosed with a hormone deficiency or excess, it is important to undergo preventive examinations with a pediatric endocrinologist at least once every 6 months.


What do you need to know about the level of TSH in the body and its role?

Growth Hormone Testing (GH Testing)


Growth hormone (GH) testing is done to measure the level of human growth hormone in the blood. GH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the head. A doctor may order one of the following tests if there are symptoms that indicate abnormal amounts of GH:

  • Tests to suppress GH secretion - the amount of growth hormone is measured when there is a suspicion that the pituitary gland does not produce GH;
  • Stimulation test - measures the ability of the pituitary gland to secrete GH.

There are many factors that can interfere with GH testing. Stress, physical activity, certain medications, and blood glucose levels can all cause changes in GH levels. For this reason, GH tests are often performed in conjunction with measurements of other hormones, such as IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1).

Reasons for measuring growth hormone levels

Tests to suppress growth hormone secretion are carried out:

  • For children who show signs of gigantism;
  • For adults, if signs of acromegaly (abnormally large bone growth) occur;
  • If a pituitary tumor is suspected, it is also performed in conjunction with another test to determine IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), which does not change over time;
  • To monitor the effectiveness of GH replacement drugs (usually carried out in conjunction with IGF-1 testing).

Stimulation tests for GH are carried out:

  • For children who are very small for their age;
  • When thyroid tests rule out problems with the thyroid gland, but growth is slower than expected;
  • To check for abnormalities in the function of the pituitary gland;
  • For children who have received radiation therapy;
  • For children whose bones are developing abnormally;
  • For adults with symptoms of muscle weakness, lack of energy, thin skin, weak bones, and other symptoms that indicate a lack of growth hormone.

How is growth hormone measured?

Preparation for the procedure

To prepare for the procedure, most patients need:

  • Reduce physical activity for 10-12 hours before the test;
  • If directed by your doctor, you should stop taking your medications before the test;
  • Ninety minutes before the test you should rest and relax and avoid physical activity.

Description of the procedure for measuring growth hormone levels

Blood sampling

The needle insertion site will be cleaned. A rubber band will be placed around the upper arm and a needle will be inserted into the vein. The blood will be collected into a syringe. Once the syringe is filled, the needle will be removed from the skin. The puncture site is pressed.

Tests with suppression of growth hormone secretion

Blood will be collected between 6 and 8 am. You will be asked to drink a solution of water and glucose (sugar). Glucose should lower the level of GH in the blood. Two more blood samples are taken within one to two hours after consuming the solution. Each blood sample will have GH levels measured. IGF-1 levels can also be measured since they do not change as much as GH levels.

Stimulation tests

Insulin tolerance test

Blood samples will be collected at different time intervals (five samples). The first sample for blood glucose, cortisol and growth hormone will be collected between 6 and 8 am. Insulin is then injected through the IV. Insulin should lower blood glucose levels, which should increase GH levels. Blood samples will be collected at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes to repeat glucose, cortisol and growth hormone levels.

If the blood sugar level has not dropped to a certain level, a second dose of insulin is administered after 45 minutes. Blood samples will be collected at 75 and 150 minutes. If your blood sugar drops too low, a glucose drip is used to restore it.

Growth hormone - releasing hormone, arginine, growth hormone - releasing peptide

Blood samples will be taken five times at different intervals. The first sample is collected between 6 and 8 am. After 30 minutes, arginine or GH-releasing peptide will be administered through the IV. After this, GH-releasing hormone is injected intravenously, which should stimulate the pituitary gland to produce GH. The next four blood samples are taken every 30 minutes after the infusions.

After the test

You can go about your daily activities.

How long will it take to measure growth hormone levels?

The procedure often takes at least three hours.

Will it hurt?

There may be minor discomfort as the needle is inserted into the skin and the medications are infused. Your doctor will monitor your insulin tolerance because too much insulin can cause your blood sugar levels to drop.

Growth hormone measurement results

The doctor will tell you the test results. Further testing or treatment may be needed.

Contact your doctor after measuring your growth hormone levels

After returning home, you should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • Symptoms of infection, including fever and chills;
  • Severe redness, pain, or discharge from the site where the needle was inserted and where medications were infused.

General information about the study

The analysis determines the amount of growth hormone in the blood. Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, a grape-sized gland located at the base of the brain behind the bridge of the nose. The hormone is usually secreted into the blood in waves throughout the day with a peak concentration, usually at night.

Somatotropic hormone is necessary for the normal growth and development of children, since it helps to increase bones in length from the very birth of the child until the end of puberty. If there is a lack of growth hormone production, the child grows more slowly. Excessive growth hormone production is often observed with a pituitary tumor (usually benign). Excessive synthesis of the hormone contributes to excessive elongation of bones and continued growth even after puberty, which can lead to gigantism (height above 2 meters). Also, with an excess of somatotropic hormone, rough facial features, general weakness, delayed sexual development and headaches can be observed.

Although growth hormone partially loses activity in adults, it continues to play a role in regulating bone density, maintaining muscle mass and fatty acid metabolism: hormone deficiency can lead to decreased bone density, decreased muscle mass, and changes in lipid levels. However, growth hormone testing is not routinely used to evaluate patients with low bone density, underdeveloped muscles, and elevated lipids—growth hormone deficiency is rarely the cause of these disorders.

Excessive production of growth hormone in adults can cause acromegaly, the characteristic feature of which is not lengthening of the bones, but their excessive thickness. Although symptoms such as thickening of the skin, sweating, fatigue, headaches and joint pain are not severe at the onset of the disease, further increases in hormone levels can lead to enlarged hands and feet, carpal tunnel syndrome (painful sensation in the wrist) and abnormal enlargement. internal organs. Due to the increased level of somatotropic hormone, papillomas sometimes appear on the body and polyps in the intestines. Left untreated, acromegaly and gigantism often lead to complications such as type 2 diabetes, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and an overall shortened life expectancy.

To diagnose abnormalities of growth hormone, the test for its stimulation and suppression is most often performed. Because growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland in waves throughout the day, spontaneous measurement of hormone concentrations is not usually used in clinical practice.

What is the research used for?

A growth hormone test is not recommended for a general examination of the body. In general, it is carried out only when problems associated with its production are suspected, and is prescribed after tests for other hormones have been performed or to help study the function of the pituitary gland.

The test is performed to check for excess or insufficient production of growth hormone and to provide information about how severe the disease is. It is part of a diagnostic examination to determine the causes of abnormal growth hormone synthesis, and in addition can be used to assess the effectiveness of treatment for acromegaly or gigantism.

Along with the growth hormone test, an insulin-like factor test is often performed. The latter also reflects an excess or deficiency of growth hormone, but its level remains stable throughout the day, thereby making it an indicator of the average level of growth hormone.

Diagnosis of SG abnormalities often includes stimulation and suppression tests, which are used to assess pituitary function and changes in growth hormone levels.

  • Stimulation test helps diagnose growth hormone deficiency and hypopituitarism. To do this, blood is taken from a vein from the patient after 10-12 hours of abstinence from food, then, under medical supervision, a solution of insulin or arginine is administered intravenously. Next, blood samples are collected at certain intervals, at each of which the level of growth hormone is detected to determine whether insulin (or arginine) acts on the pituitary gland, producing the expected level of the hormone. In addition, clonidine and glucagon are used to stimulate growth hormone.
  • Suppression test helps diagnose hormone excess and, together with other blood tests and scintigraphy, help identify and localize pituitary tumors. To carry out this test, blood is also taken after 10-12 hours of abstaining from food. The patient then ingests a standard glucose solution, after which blood tests are done at certain intervals to determine the level of growth hormone to check whether the pituitary gland is sufficiently suppressed by the dose of glucose taken.

Other tests are often used to check the functioning of the pituitary gland, such as T4 (thyroxine), thyroid-stimulating hormone, cortisol, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (in men). They are usually performed before a growth hormone test to ensure that their levels are normal or under the control of medications taken. For example, hypothyroidism in children must be treated before testing for growth hormone deficiency, otherwise the results may be falsely low. The blood sample taken for the growth hormone suppression test is also used for the glucose test to ensure that the patient's body is sufficiently suppressed by the glucose solution taken.

Because exercise usually temporarily increases growth hormone levels, deficiency is sometimes assessed after intense exercise over a period of time.

Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor testing may be periodically administered to children who have undergone central nervous system radiation or radiation before a stem cell transplant. This is quite common in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, where radiation can affect the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and thus affect growth.

When is the study scheduled?

A growth hormone stimulation test is performed if a child has the following symptoms of hormone deficiency:

  • growth slowdown in early childhood - the child is much shorter than his peers;
  • diagnosis of the thyroid gland (for example, determination of free T4) indicates the absence of hypothyroidism (since insufficient thyroid function can also slow down growth);
  • fluoroscopy indicates delayed bone growth;
  • there is a suspicion that the pituitary gland has reduced activity.

A stimulation test in adult patients may be required for symptoms of growth hormone deficiency or hypopituitarism: decreased bone density, fatigue, impaired lipid metabolism, decreased resistance to exercise. Typically, tests for other hormones are done first to see if other diseases are causing these symptoms. Insufficiency of growth hormone production is a fairly rare phenomenon among both children and adults. Hormone deficiency in adults may occur due to a genetic predisposition to disease of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.

A growth hormone suppression test is performed if a child has signs of gigantism or an adult has signs of acromegaly. Such an analysis may also be required when a pituitary tumor is suspected; sometimes the test is performed in conjunction with an insulin-like factor-1 test and tests for other hormones to monitor the effectiveness of treatment of the disease.

Growth hormone and insulin-like factor 1 tests may be performed regularly at regular intervals over many years to monitor for possible recurrences of growth hormone abnormalities.

Today we decided to reveal a mysterious topic for you - the course of growth hormone and insulin. Why mysterious? Yes, because there is very little sensible information on this topic on the Internet, and if it exists, it is very scattered. We decided to reveal it completely - from pre-course tests to various dosage regimens. So, we'll start with the essence.

It is wise to check your body both before the AC course and before the GH course. Still, this is an intervention in your hormonal system, which cannot happen without consequences, and you can predict what they will be by taking tests. First of all, this is necessary in order not to get complications and not to ruin your body with an illiterate approach, because if, say, you have diabetes, then a course of GH can only worsen the situation. In general, let's go through the analysis:

  • Glucose level;
  • Lipidogram;
  • Uric acid.

Glucose analysis. Must be taken to check the likelihood of diabetes. Give in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also check your sugar levels yourself using a personal glucose meter. The sugar level looks like this:

Lipidogram. Necessary for checking blood cholesterol levels. It’s not entirely clear how GH and cholesterol are related, right? The fact is that cholesterol is necessary for the production of all hormones synthesized in the liver. By artificially increasing the level of GH, you force your body to fight for homeostasis (balance), increasing the production of all other hormones, which, as we have already said, require cholesterol. More hormones means higher cholesterol. This is a dangerous matter for those who already have it elevated. Taken on an empty stomach after at least 12 hours of fasting. The normal cholesterol level looks like this:

Uric acid test. May indicate various inflammatory processes and an increase in purines - substances that are products of the catabolism process. Their increase may indicate various failures. It is very important to identify inflammation, since taking growth hormone can only intensify this process. Sold on an empty stomach.

Tumor markers before a course of growth hormone. There is one more analysis, or rather a group of tests, which are not mandatory for everyone, but are desirable for those who have had cases of tumors of any location in their family. They are called tests for tumor markers (AFP, B-2-MG, PSA, CEA, CA 125, CA 15-3, CA 19-9, CA 242, hCG, UBS). You can find out which tests you need to take after consulting with your doctor (you can take, of course, all of them if you have so much money). These people definitely need to check tumor markers before taking GH! If you have even the slightest beginnings of a tumor process, then growth hormone will definitely increase the proliferation of cancer cells. The test is very quick and simple - your blood is taken from a vein, and within 24 hours the result will be ready. Taken on an empty stomach after at least 8 hours of fasting.

It is worth noting that it is advisable to take tests not only before the course, but also during and after it! Typically, a course of GH lasts 2-6 months, so it is better to take tests 2-6 times per course, that is, every month. This is a guarantee of your safety and success during the course of taking growth hormone!

Options for using a course of growth hormone for weight

GH is a very versatile drug that gives excellent results in both women and men, only the dosages are different. Dosage regimens will also vary slightly, since combining GH with designer steroids is not an option for women (or should be done very carefully), but for men it is just what is needed. It is better to start the first course of growth hormone with one of the classic options - solo. There are options for combination with insulin, but this is for professionals. In general, now let's look at everything.

The first course of growth hormone solo for men and women in sports

Purpose of the course: slight increase in muscle mass, reduction of body fat, increased muscle stiffness, improved skin quality, rejuvenation.

How to do it for men: start with 5 units subcutaneously daily (1 injection per day). From 2-3 weeks, you can increase the dosage to 10 units per day (2 injections), if there are no side effects.

How to do it for women: the dosage ranges from 2-4 units, that is, you start with 2 units, from 2-3 weeks - 4 units. The injection is administered on an empty stomach in the morning or after training. The main thing is that the sugar level is low, that is, before the injection you should not eat for 1.5-2 hours.

Course duration: 3-6 months. A shorter period will not give you results, and a longer period will cause tolerance to GH, which makes the use pointless.

A course of growth hormone and insulin (for professionals!)

Insulin and growth hormone are antagonists, which is why its level decreases during the course. As you know, growth hormone increases blood sugar levels, in response to which large amounts of insulin must be produced. Our pancreas cannot always cope with this task, and therefore it is necessary to administer additional insulin. In addition, additional injections will enhance the anabolic effect, so a course of growth hormone for weight must be accompanied by insulin.

Purpose of the course: increased growth of muscle mass, increased muscle stiffness, accelerated recovery, rejuvenation, improved skin quality.

How to do: growth hormone is administered in the same way as in the previous regimen. Rapid-acting insulin is added to it at a dosage of 10 units per day (2 injections). It is administered 15-30 minutes after the GH injection.

Course duration: 3-6 months.

HGH course with designer steroids

Target: impressive gain of muscle mass and increased relief, increased strength, rejuvenation, accelerated recovery.

How to do: GH is administered according to the first scheme. Designer steroids are taken orally at the start of the cycle. It is best to combine powerful designer steroids (multicomponent) such as Black Jack, Monster Plexx, Warlord, etc. with growth hormone.

Course duration: The duration of taking each component will be different: GH - 3-6 months, DS - 8-12 weeks, PCT - 4-8 weeks. Please note that several courses of DS can be administered in one course of growth hormone.

Growth hormone course for drying

GH itself dries well, but if you want to get an ideal result, a minimum fat percentage of up to 7-12%, then you will have to combine it with fat burners and thyroxine.

Target: minimum percentage of fat (from 7 to 12%), improving the quality of the relief.

How to do: Again, we take the course from the first option as a basis, add Thyroxine to it (100-200 mcg/day, take 3 times: morning, lunch, evening until 18:00). Thyroxine helps to significantly enhance the fat burning process, but it must be taken gradually, just as it should be discontinued - start with 50 mcg per day and increase by 25 mcg daily until you reach the recommended daily dosage. Withdrawal of Thyroxine proceeds in the reverse order - reduce the dose daily by 25 mcg. Well, and, of course, you can’t do without fat burners. For a powerful effect, it is best to take a burner based on Ephedra or Geranium, such as:

Which drug should I take?

Nowadays, a huge number of variations of growth hormone have appeared, but in essence, they are the same thing, they are only produced by different factories and differ slightly in the degree of purification and price. Today, the following drugs exist (we have listed only the main ones):

  1. Hygetropin;
  2. Kigtropin;
  3. Dynatrope.

The two most popular are Jintropin and Ansomon. They are the most acceptable in terms of price-quality and are most often used by athletes. Hygetropin is very popular, and low price, by the way. But Ansomon and Jintropin have the highest degree of purification. We will not tell in detail in this article what is better to choose, since you can read about it here. And you can choose and buy growth hormone from us.

Growth hormone is a universal drug and is ideal for both women and men. You can achieve amazing results if you use it correctly. Follow our advice and you will succeed!