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Dwarf dog breeds: names, photos, prices. Decorative dog: choosing a breed Photos of decorative dogs

The choice of a four-legged friend must be taken seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial expenses. The chosen breed of dog determines its character, ability to train, and susceptibility to diseases.

Defining goals

Before purchasing a pet, decide for what purpose you are buying it. Are you choosing a pet, a watchdog or a companion? Answer yourself a number of questions that will help you choose the breed of your four-legged pet:

Choosing the gender of the dog

When purchasing a pet, keep in mind an important nuance: males and females need different care. Female dogs are more loyal than the opposite sex. They are easier to train and more flexible. However, bitches cause a lot of trouble to their owners with regular estrus, unplanned or false pregnancies. Therefore, if your plans do not include breeding puppies, consider having your dog spayed.

Males are emotionally more persistent, strive to take a dominant position, and therefore require more strict education. Dogs show an active interest in females all year round.

Pet age

There are pros and cons to purchasing a puppy or an adult dog. The baby needs to be educated, accustom him to hygiene procedures and the toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, the new environment and the behavioral norms you have instilled.

A well-mannered, mature dog will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the room or chew your shoes. But getting used to the new owners and home can be long and painful. The dog may yearn for its previous owners, refuse to eat and show disobedience.

However, your patience and love for your new pet, regardless of its age, will bring you the expected result.

Dogs are guards

Do you want to buy a pet to protect your home? Not all dog breeds are suitable for this role. Thus, hunting dogs are completely unadapted to this, and fighting dogs, bred specifically for fights, have warm feelings for all people without exception, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

The following are great for protecting a private home:

They do an excellent job of securing the apartment:

Dogs for hunting

If you choose a four-legged friend for hunting together, then choose a pet of the breed:

Hunting dogs can be kept both in a large house and in a city apartment. Since they are hyperactive, they need daily active long walks.

Decorative dogs

Pets of decorative breeds are ideal for living in an apartment. Most dogs are small in size and friendly in nature. When choosing a decorative four-legged friend, pay attention to:

Decorative pets, like any breed of dog, need training. They need to instill basic behavioral skills.

When choosing a pet, study the characteristics of a particular breed, rules for caring for puppies, and susceptibility to diseases. Treat this issue wisely and then you will gain a devoted and loving friend.

Decorative breeds of dogs were bred specifically so that they could be kept in an apartment. These dogs are small in size and have a calm, friendly disposition. If you decide to have a pet of this category, be prepared for the fact that it will require a lot of attention. It will also become a companion on any trip and even on a shopping trip, since its dimensions allow it to fit even in a bag.

Indoor dogs will happily spend time with you on the couch. They calmly make contact with people, allow themselves to be picked up and sometimes even squeezed a little. For these animals, the greatest joy is to constantly be close to the owner and accompany him everywhere.

Puppies of these breeds should definitely be train and educate from an early age. Otherwise, an unsocialized dog will behave badly and bother you with its attention and loud yapping.

Decorative dogs are perfect for not particularly active and elderly people, as well as women. They do not require special care, exhausting training, intense physical activity and perfect knowledge of all commands. This dog is created for quiet evenings and leisurely walks.

We invite you to get acquainted with the most popular breeds of decorative lap dogs.

This dog is very similar to a cute, funny children's toy. Previously, like all terriers, this breed was used for hunting small game: foxes, badgers and hares. Nowadays, Yorkshire dogs are kept in apartments as lap dogs.

This breed is energetic and has a good attitude towards people and other animals. Yorkies can easily get along with children and even cats. For people who are allergic to wool, this pet is perfect. The fact is that Yorkshire terriers are covered with hair, the hair structure of which is as similar as possible to human hair.

These little terriers have a golden character. They very smart, patient and balanced animals. But all this does not prevent them from being cheerful, mischievous and playful. Such a dog can calmly lie with you all day, buried in a blanket in front of the TV. And the next day go to the park, run and frolic, bring back thrown balls and sticks.


The Yorkshire Terrier is a small breed of dog.

  • He has a small, graceful body covered with long, smooth hair.
  • Neat small black nose.
  • Dark almond-shaped eyes.
  • Neat little erect ears. Their shape is similar to regular triangles.
  • Thin tail covered with long thick hair. The color of the fur on the tail is always a couple of shades darker than the main color. Previously, the tails of this breed were shortened by half, but recently they stopped docking the tails of Yorkies.

Puppies are born with black fur. WITH color changes with age. An adult Yorkshire Terrier may be:

  • Dark, steely base color. The head and paws are golden or reddish in color. The tail is two to four shades darker than the body.
  • The color of the paws and head is brown, with a red or yellow tint. The body is a very dark cool brown color with a metallic tint.


The Yorkshire Terrier's coat does not shed and grows throughout its life, therefore, in order for the dog not to become overgrown at all, it needs to be trimmed periodically. It is also necessary to comb every day using a special comb for dogs with sparse teeth, to prevent your pet's long hair from matting and matting.

Long hair often gets into the eyes and blocks the view. To prevent it from disturbing your pet, gather it high on the head with an elastic band into a small ponytail.

This dog should be bathed once a week, as the coat gets dirty, using special shampoo and conditioner for this breed.

Nails should be periodically trimmed and treated with a nail file.

indoor decorative dog. This breed is the smallest and most popular among decorative dogs in the world. Chihuahuas come in short-haired and long-haired varieties.

Despite their very small size, Chihuahua babies are very brave and almost fearless dogs. They have a very sensitive mind and lively temperament. They have a stable psyche and rarely experience stress and fear, which is very rare among representatives of decorative dog breeds. Among the representatives of Chihuahuas you can rarely find a hysterical and fearful individual.

These dogs are very trainable and upbringing, but you need to start working with them at an early age. An adult, untrained Chihuahua rarely agrees to learn how to behave correctly.

These decorative dogs have a well-developed immune system. They rarely get sick and catch various viruses, but they can catch a cold from a draft.

The courage of a pet is not always a plus; Chihuahuas do not seem to realize their size, so they often bully stronger rivals, for example, other dogs of large breeds. Due to their small size, it is very easy to injure such a pet, so you need to keep a close eye on it while walking.

Chihuahuas are very attached to their owners, they... love to be held and require a lot of attention. Also, such dogs will not refuse to play with a ball or walk in the park. Chihuahuas have an impulsive temperament. They are very energetic and have strong likes and dislikes.


  • Chihuahuas have a small, dry body.
  • The head, in its shape, resembles a medium-sized apple.
  • The muzzle is slightly pointed.
  • The eyes are bulging and widely spaced.
  • Small nose.
  • The ears are large and erect.

Short-haired Chihuahuas have shiny and smooth fur, which can be with or without undercoat. Those with long hair may have it wavy or straight, soft to the touch.

Chihuahuas come in a variety of colors. An individual may have a skin of the same color or with different spots and patterns. Most often, this breed is brown or black in various shades. The most common of them:

The skin may have light spots, such as white, cream, light red, silver and bluish.


Chihuahuas are easily litter trained. This is a big plus, since it is not recommended to walk with them in windy and cold weather. For a small apartment, a Chihuahua is an ideal pet, but you need to be very careful with it. A nimble dog can squeeze into any gap, which is very dangerous - you can crush him under a door or sit on him.

In warm weather, be sure to take your Chihuahua for walks. It is very useful for them to periodically be in the fresh air and run. Dogs of this breed shed once or twice a year. Short-haired animals should be brushed once a week with a natural bristle brush or a special silicone mitten. Long-haired dogs need to be combed every day with a wide-toothed metal comb..

This dog should be bathed once every two weeks. After the bath, be sure to dry your dog with a hairdryer or with a towel so that he doesn’t catch a cold. Claws need to be trimmed every two to three months and treated with a file so that they do not cling and hangnails do not form. Since Chihuahuas have a thin skin and a fatty layer, they often freeze, so if it is cool at home or outside, take care of clothes for dogs of this breed. You can feed your dog premium industrial food or natural food you prepare yourself.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian is one of the cutest toy dog ​​breeds in the world. This is an energetic and active dog who loves the attention of everyone around him. This Spitz is quite small, but has a strong skeleton. It will feel great both in a small apartment and in a spacious house.

If you are choosing a pet for a child, pay attention to the Pomeranian. Thanks to his energy and playfulness, such a dog can become an excellent friend to a small member of your family. The dog will agree to run, jump and play until the child runs out of energy.

Among decorative dogs, the Spitz is the most versatile pet. He can become a best friend, companion and even a watchdog. Of course, such dogs are not currently used for guard purposes, giving preference to larger and stronger breeds of dogs. But know that in case of danger, the Pomeranian Spitz will not run away, yelping in fear. With a loud bark, he will rush at your offender, and if he tries, he can give him a good beating.

The dog is easy to train, picks up commands on the fly, is very intelligent and resourceful. Pomeranians are small lovers of walks; they prefer to spend time at home - playing or snoring sweetly on a soft bedding. In connection with my attitude towards going out - Spitz very easily learns to go to the toilet at home, on a diaper or in a tray.

Pomeranian Spitz are very sensitive to their owner. With a child they are playful and funny cute creatures. With an adult, they are understanding, serious and not noisy dogs.

Thanks to its gentle and sensitive character, as well as the terribly cute appearance inherent in almost all fluffies, this decorative dog will not leave anyone around indifferent.

Description of the breed

Spitz have a variety of colors. The skin of a dog of this breed can be painted in the following colors:

  • Cream.
  • White.
  • Brown (from light to darkest shade).
  • Black.
  • Orange.
  • Ginger.
  • Silver gray.

Individuals of this breed can be either completely solid or spotted.


The owner of such a luxurious and thick coat requires special care. It will need to be combed daily with a metal comb. Despite the fact that the Spitz's hair is very long, it never mats or gets tangled.

You should bathe your dog according to the degree of contamination. Representatives of this breed do not require frequent water treatments; their thick undercoat allows the dogs to remain clean for a long time.

Pomeranians often suffer from various diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically check the health of this area with a veterinarian.

You can feed such a dog with natural meals or balanced dry food. Your Spitz should always have access to clean drinking water. The emergence of decorative breeds has allowed dog lovers to get a pet that is not cramped in a small city apartment and does not require many hours of active walks.

Such dogs have a calm and peaceful character, but do not forget that the blood of their wild ancestors flows in them. No matter the size of the dog, he does not see himself as small and defenseless.

Take a responsible approach to choosing a pet, be sure to think about who you want to have next to you - a play and jogging partner, a companion, a friend or a protector.

Dogs of decorative breeds are characterized by their small size, which is why they are also called indoor decorative dogs. Strictly speaking, this group can be classified as conditional, however, it has very clear definitions.

Funny, cheerful friend

Decorative breeds of dogs are spiritual friends that do not have other functions - for example, protection. Many of these pets can be classified as hypoallergenic; they are usually distinguished by a cheerful disposition, are well socialized and are very devoted to people.

Such a dog will become a good, playful friend not only for a child, but also for an adult. In addition, due to their small size, they can be kept even in small-sized apartments in large cities. They are easier to train to the tray, and do not require as much attention to care and walking, unlike large breed dogs.

Decorative dogs are divided into two categories - long-haired and short-haired. Both among the former and among the latter, there are hypoallergenic pets - you should not think that long hair is a death sentence, and such dogs are inaccessible to those with allergies.

Here are some representatives of indoor decorative breeds:

  • Yorkshire Terrier - despite their very tiny size, these pets have a rather strong character, which can sometimes manifest itself as attempts to dominate other dogs. It has long hair, which is usually cut short, and is hypoallergenic. He has a good-natured, cheerful character and adapts well to people.
  • The Pomeranian is a very popular toy breed of dog that loves people and does not tolerate loneliness well. The dog requires a lot of attention, but gives it in abundance.
  • The miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) is a short-haired breed, and according to many dog ​​breeders, it has a difficult character. With proper upbringing, it will become your best friend; in addition, the dog is distinguished by its endurance, temperament, is very active and looks like a Doberman pinscher, only in a smaller form.

There are different breeds of decorative dogs, and you can find out a lot of useful information about them in this section of our website.

The concept of decorative dogs refers to dog breeds that are used “for beauty”. They play with them and go for walks.

They do not perform special work, and do not have hunting instincts.

The decorative group includes more than 50 different breeds.

The most popular ones will be discussed in this article.

How they appeared

Not all breeds that are currently considered decorative were bred for this purpose. Some were selected to perform certain tasks, for example, for hunting rodents or searching for game.

And then they lost their purpose and became simply their owners’ favorites and family members.

Decorative dogs were bred by miniaturizing ordinary large breeds.

They were a symbol of their owner's wealth and high social status. Some of the first breeds are Pekingese, Chihuahuas, and Japanese Chins.

Only the emperor in China had the right to keep Pekingese. When the Empress entered the room, 100 Pekingese stood on their hind legs and waited in this position for her to take her place.
And those who violated the ban and got themselves these wonderful pets faced the death penalty.

Later, the number of decorative dogs of small breeds began to grow. Dachshunds, Yorkshire terriers, poodles and others appeared.

They were very diverse, had long and short hair.

Since ancient times, famous and influential personalities have made such four-legged friends with whom they can be seen in portraits. They took them with them to social functions and other events as decoration.

Did you know? A dog hears 10 times better than a human.

Features of decorative dog breeds

These dogs are compact in size and are convenient to keep in small apartments, although the need for regular walks and physical activity remains.

A significant advantage is that these four-legged friends eat less food than larger dogs. Some breeds, such as the Yorkshire Terrier, do not have an undercoat, so they are often adopted by allergy sufferers.

Keeping an indoor dog also has some features that require additional time and financial costs. Difficulties include the delicacy of pocket dog breeds.
They have fragile bones, so often, when jumping, for example, from a sofa, dogs break their legs. Due to their size, pets freeze and need special clothing for walks.

These dogs often have stomach problems. They are very delicate, so you need to be careful when choosing food.

Important!Economical food options can cause various allergies. You should choose high-quality food from well-known manufacturers, which is not cheap.

Small dogs are difficult to breed. There are strict weight restrictions for bitches that are suitable for breeding. The birth itself is also problematic. For example, there are often cases when Chihuahua puppies can only be born through surgery, which requires additional costs for veterinarian services and anesthesia.

Dogs' fur needs to be constantly looked after, so you should purchase special cosmetics that do not cause allergies. Also, mini-dogs do not perform the functions of a protector and guard, but are simply a pet, friend and family member.


Let's look at the names of the most popular breeds of small dogs.

  • . This Scottish breed was previously used for protection and hunting. The dogs caught game, foxes, which hid in holes, crevices and rock shelters. The fur of representatives of the breed is short and hard, gray or red in color. Four-legged friends have short but strong legs. They are loyal and accompany their owner everywhere. They are smart, love children, are active and easy to train.

  • . The breed was bred in England to hunt rodents and small animals. The dogs have a medium-sized body and large eyes. The fur is hard and close-lying. It can be gray, black and reddish in color. These pets are very active, cheerful and love long walks. They are also loyal and fearless.

  • . This small white dog was bred in Scotland. Representatives of the breed have short light fur, a straight tail and small ears. Dogs are energetic, loyal, hardy, and do not tolerate loneliness well.

  • . These dogs used to hunt rats. They have long hair and no undercoat, so they practically never shed. Coat color varies from light to dark brown tones. They are energetic, mischievous, do not cause allergic reactions and can adapt to the mood of the owner. This breed is one of the most beautiful, and its representatives are very popular small dogs.

  • . The dogs were bred in Germany. They have a white, golden, black color with spots. Their character is loyal, cheerful, and inquisitive. Dogs get along well with children and practically do not need walks or training.

  • Australian Silky Terrier (Silky Terrier). The dogs are medium in size and have long, smooth, straw-colored fur. They are very calm, clean and quickly get used to the owner.

  • English toy terrier. Dogs of this breed are small, smooth-haired and with protruding ears. They are active, friendly, intelligent, fearless, and able to learn quickly.

  • . The body of these dogs is small, the legs are thin and sinewy. They can have either long or short hair, straw-colored, black with brown tints. These dogs are active, brave, loyal, and get along well with children. Their advantage is that the coat requires virtually no maintenance.

  • . These four-legged friends are of Mexican origin. Representatives can have long or short hair of straw, reddish, white and black colors. They are brave, observant and loyal. Chihuahuas require virtually no training and have a stable psyche.

  • (miniature pinscher). The dogs have short and smooth fur of reddish and tan colors. Their body is slender and their paws are strong. They are energetic, active and inquisitive. Be wary of strangers.

  • Affenpinscher. The dogs are medium in size and have short dark hair. Representatives of the breed are smart, hardy, balanced, and get along easily with children.

  • . The breed was bred in Belgium. The fur of these dogs is short and stiff, and comes in black, red and tan colors. These dogs are very smart, active, learn quickly, love children and other animals.

  • . All types of poodles come in different sizes, coat types, and colors. Their fur does not cause allergies and they practically do not shed. They are considered one of the smartest dogs. They are smart, self-sufficient, and easy to train.

  • . The ears of representatives of the breed can be either erect or hanging. They have long fur with white, black and sable shades. These dogs are active, friendly, and well trained.

  • . Medium-sized dogs with short legs. They have thick and curly fur. They need constant walks and special coat care. Dogs learn quickly, are smart and friendly.

  • . The breed was bred in China. Representatives have long hair of red, white, and black colors. They have large eyes and a large lower jaw. Dogs can be selfish, arrogant and demand a lot of attention. They are indiscriminate in feeding, active and playful.

  • . Chinese breed, has long hair of white, black, brown or red color. Dogs love all family members, especially children. Characterized by laziness and fearlessness.

  • . The dogs are the ancestors of the Tibetan spaniels. They were brought out as a gift to the emperor. The fur of the representatives is thick and long, white and black. Their muzzle is small, their eyes are large, and their ears have long hair. They have confidence, self-sufficiency, stubbornness and good health.

  • . Dogs of this breed are small, active and vocal, their fur is fluffy. There are several types of Spitz, for example, the now very popular Pomeranian Spitz, which, with a certain haircut, becomes like a cute bear cub. Dogs are very loyal, loyal, restless and good athletes.

  • . The dogs have a large body, strong paws, erect ears. The fur is short, lying close to the body. The color can be brindle or fawn. Representatives of the breed are friendly, active, reserved, and witty. They can rarely show aggression towards strangers and other dogs.

Important! If there is a small dog living in the house, then it is necessary to teach children to treat it correctly. Despite its size, it can bite if it doesn’t like something.

Choosing a breed for yourself

Let's consider which breeds of small dogs are right for you. Before you get yourself a four-legged friend, you need to decide on the requirements for him. Decide whether you are ready to spend a lot of time caring for long fur.

If you are a busy person and have very little free time, then it is not recommended to get yourself long-haired dogs, such as lapdogs, Yorkshire terriers, Pekingese, Shih Tzus and others.

If you don't take care of their fur, these little beautiful dogs will very quickly turn into a complete tangle.

Decorative dogs can be energetic and calm.
If you don’t have time for long walks with active pets so they can splash out their energy, then it’s better to choose calmer ones.

Otherwise, an energetic dog will look for other uses for its activity, for example, chewing your shoes or furniture.

Did you know?Dogs can regulate their body temperature using their tongue. When it's hot, they stick it out, cooling themselves in such an interesting way.

If you lead an active lifestyle and love family holidays in nature, in the countryside, then it is not recommended to have fragile breeds, such as a toy terrier. They simply may not withstand the active load. In this case, it is better to give preference to energetic poodles and spaniels.

People who, for some reason, cannot train pets should choose breeds that require virtually no training, for example, Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua.
In families with children, it is recommended to give preference to breeds that are friendly and non-aggressive.

If you choose the right four-legged pet, you are guaranteed a lot of positive emotions. Decorative dogs will not only decorate your family, but will also become devoted and faithful friends for you.

Decorative dogs are one of the most famous and numerous breed groups. The variety of types, sizes and colors of decorative dog breeds is amazing. Most of them have a centuries-old history: they saw the reign of ancient Chinese and Japanese dynasties, enjoyed success at the courts of the kings of the Middle Ages, and successfully survived the 19th and 20th centuries with their wars and revolutions. Nowadays, the definition of “decorative dog” is most often used in relation to dogs of small and dwarf breeds, such as chihuahuas, toy terriers, Japanese chins, Pekingese, Yorkshire terriers, various types of lapdogs, etc. (although some classifications are classified as decorative dogs altogether). not “little” chow-chows, poodles and Afghan hounds).

There are both advantages and difficulties in keeping indoor dogs of a decorative breed. The advantages include, first of all, their size: decorative dogs are ideal for living in a small apartment, and the amount of food eaten by such a dog is several times less than the daily nutritional intake of its medium and large counterparts. Traveling with such a dog is also very convenient: it easily carries the road in the arms of its owner or in a special handbag, without creating problems for neighbors in a train compartment or airplane cabin. Some breeds, such as the Yorkshire Terrier, do not have an undercoat, which is why this dog is not dangerous for allergy sufferers.

All these advantages, along with the charming appearance of most decorative dogs, have led to their high demand and even a kind of fashion for them these days. It is not surprising that you can often buy a decorative dog only by appointment at a kennel, and the cost of puppies of some breeds is equal to 1-2 salaries of an average office worker. As a result, the pages of newspapers and online publications for the sale/purchase of animals are full of advertisements like: “I will buy a decorative dog inexpensively,” “I will accept a Chihuahua as a gift, in good hands,” “I will take a toy terrier puppy for free,” etc. However, in high The price of these dogs has its own logic and fairness, protecting them from the risk of ending up with a person who cannot provide the pet with proper care. After all, keeping a pet dog has its own characteristics that require additional time and financial investments.

Difficulties that arise for the owner of a decorative dog usually include:

- effeminacy: these dogs are very fragile (for example, a toy terrier can break its legs simply by jumping off the sofa); they are very sensitive to cold (and therefore need both winter and summer clothing); Most small dogs have delicate stomachs, requiring extremely careful selection of commercial food or natural nutrition products. There are often cases when food that a mongrel dog or a dog belonging to unpretentious herding or sledding breeds eats with pleasure causes other disorders in a decorative dog. Quite typical for small indoor dogs and various types of allergies.

Difficulties with breeding: due to their small size, many representatives of dwarf breeds have problems during pregnancy (strict weight restrictions for bitches suitable for mating) and childbirth (for example, Chihuahua puppies are born via cesarean section, which involves additional costs for anesthesia and services of a veterinary surgeon).

The need for constant care of coat and appearance: a decorative dog, whose purpose is to decorate the house and attract attention to the owner, must always look impeccable. Breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese, Shih Tzu, Miniature Poodle, etc. require significant expenses for caring for their coat, eyes, etc. As a rule, it is the owners of decorative dogs who are regular customers of pet salons. Thus, financial investments in maintaining the exterior of a decorative dog at the proper level often “balance” the savings on its nutrition

Lack of necessary qualities for protection and protection: due to their size, most decorative dogs, if necessary, are unlikely to be able to seriously protect their owner and his property (although in their innate fearlessness and the ability to bark loudly, they are not inferior to many other breeds:) At the same time, If such a dog is not raised, it can quite seriously bite family members, including children.

Myths and misconceptions about decorative dogs:

Myth one: You don’t need to walk your lap dog

Indeed, a Chihuahua or a dwarf Spitz can be trained to do its business in the litter box at home, just as cats do. However, unlike cats, dogs remain dogs - to maintain health and good physical, as well as psychological condition, they need a daily walk of 2 or 3 times, during which the dog can run, play and get acquainted with new interesting smells.

Myth two: Any small dog gets along great with children

Despite their harmless size, some decorative dogs have a far from harmless character. For example, Pekingese and lapdogs can be quite capricious and self-centered; they will not allow a child to treat them familiarly, and in response to direct rudeness they may bite.

Myth three: Decorative dogs cannot be trained

The result of this misconception is a huge number of small dogs that are completely unbearable. They do not obey their owners, yelp and rush at everything that moves, crap houses, spoil things, bite and act up. However, contrary to another common myth about the stupidity of small fry, many decorative breeds are very smart and amenable to training (remember poodles - one of the most popular “circus” dogs). If the owner does not know where to start training a decorative dog, he can turn to professional instructors - currently, many kennel clubs offer mini-OKD courses specifically for small breed dogs, where kids successfully master basic commands. In any case, whether a decorative dog will be an easy-going companion or an uncontrollable “room terrorist” depends only on the owner.