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When is it better to run - in the morning or in the evening? How long should you run in the morning? Run in the morning or evening: pros and cons

One of the worst feelings in the world is dragging yourself out of bed, getting dressed and going for a run. Sleep lovers are asking all over the world: “Why should you run in the morning? Can I still take a nap?” However, there are other people who jump out of bed at 4.30 am, and they are all set for a ten-kilometer productive run with the motto - “Morning is the best time to move!”

But in the grand scheme of things, it's just personal preference and both runners don't know when it's best to run in the morning or evening, really.

When is it best to run?

Morning or evening - many people have this question only because the first run at dawn seems like hell. Therefore, it’s worth figuring out when it’s better to run in the morning or evening for your health. According to all scientific and medical facts, morning running is the worst option.

The body needs to be awakened gently, and not sharply undermined and strained. Studies have shown that the body is more susceptible to injury, strokes and heart attacks in the morning. The reason for this dependence is simple: all joints cool down overnight, muscles and blood vessels relax. If you drive any car onto the track without a warm engine, you can simply break it. Experts believe that you should run lightly and gently in the morning so that your body has time to warm up and warm up. But with regular jogging, the risk of injury decreases; in addition, the quality of sleep improves - the body gets used to the morning workout.

When morning and evening are not suitable, and you need to run during the day, then only personal feelings come into force. Listen to your body's biorhythms because running in the afternoon is ideal. The body has already warmed up and warmed up, it craves movement. Body temperature usually peaks around 4-5 pm, and you can begin any activity.

Nutrition throughout the day plays an important role in running performance. You need to eat healthy and balanced food. Fluid intake is sufficient, which is important for weight loss and heart training.

Evening jogging kills two birds with one stone: it relieves stress from the day and trains the body. Finishing a run is a great feeling. You can relieve fatigue with a warm shower, drink milk and go to bed. But scientists have found that people who run in the evening are more likely to skip runs because it takes more willpower to get off the couch after work and get moving again.

When is running more effective?

Run in the morning or evening - scientists answered this question in 2009, when they advised
train at 4-8 pm due to high hormonal levels. The body is in optimal conditions for physical activity. Kinesiologists have noted an increase in torque and maximum work during each running cycle. Thus, running time does not affect performance. However, the more the body warms up before training, the better it will perform.

However, some studies show that it is better to run in the morning than in the evening.

And that's why:

  1. blood pressure decreases;
  2. the body is charged with vigor;
  3. daily routine is maintained.

Why do these factors work? Because they are important for health and discipline.

Early morning jogging (or brisk walking) has been shown to have a positive effect on blood pressure, which has been shown in research. The subjects' blood pressure decreased by 10% during the day and by 25% at night.

Larks really need to launch the body, as if from a pusher, in order to awaken energy and get into a working mood. If strength training for weight loss can be done after 11 o'clock or from 4 to 6 o'clock, then light fat-burning running at a heart rate of 60% of the maximum is best done in the morning.

Running is not harmful, but you can end up overtraining. Many very successful runners train twice a day in pursuit of specific results.

Build a suitable schedule, weighing the factors of nutrition and rest.

Run morning and evening - is it possible to exercise twice a day?

Ask yourself - why? Why can professional runners run twice a day? Because they program workouts for a specific result, other than weight loss.

The following features of morning running can be noted:

  1. morning jogging is calmer, without crowds on the paths, and also without sweltering heat;
  2. if you need to train for a morning race, then you need to run in the morning so that the body gets used to the load at that time of day;
  3. If you want to do interval (sprint) running in the morning, it is better to alternate running and intense walking to warm up the body or run a circle at a slow pace, warming up the joints.

When is it better to run in the morning or evening for quick weight loss?

Scientists once said that to lose weight it is better to run in the morning, as storage in the evening
Glycogen is full and insulin is at a high level, preventing fat burning. However, research has shown that cardio (or running) in the morning does not trigger the fat-burning mechanism for the rest of the day.

When a person runs, muscle tension occurs, which, at the end of the workout, becomes a consumer of energy for recovery, which is important for losing weight.

If you throw some carbohydrates into the body, the muscles will work harder, which can cause even more calorie burning.

Scientists have found that running after breakfast is effective in terms of post-workout weight loss. After waking up, the body is in a state of catabolism, and if you give it more stress, it will begin to burn itself, including muscle mass.

Of course, this is useful for losing weight in terms of weight loss. But in the long term, you need to strengthen your muscles to lose weight so that the weight does not jump up.

Is it possible to exercise several times a day to lose weight?

The theory of short runs was once tested by American scientists.

The simplest and most accessible sport is running. Going for a run can solve many health problems or figure flaws. However, when is it better to run, at what age and how often, so that the result progresses and pleases? I will try to give comprehensive answers to the questions posed.

When to run: morning or evening?

In order to answer the question with absolute accuracy, you need to understand for what purpose you decided to take up running? The time of day makes adjustments to the physiological state of the body, which affects the final result of the run.

Morning run. The early hours of the day are always difficult. Apart from realizing the fact that it’s time to get up, the thought of going for a run is unlikely to add cheerfulness. Most likely, the sport will have to wait until better times. Just because today is a hard day, and tomorrow it will be easier, or the day after tomorrow, or never.

Running in the morning means reducing your sleep time, since the alarm clock will be set at least an hour earlier. If in the first days the motivation for jogging in the morning is fueled by enthusiasm, then after a week the ardor will subside and fade to nothing.

However, from the point of view of benefits for the body, is running in the morning beneficial or even harmful?

There are many supporters who categorically do not recommend morning jogging, arguing that:

  • Running in the morning is too much stress for an unawakened body
  • The early morning air is filled with harmful substances that will enter the body through the respiratory system during training.
  • A morning run is more exhausting than an evening run.

All arguments have a right to exist, but they can be challenged. Than cause even more controversy.

Pros of running in the morning:

  • The body wakes up faster, and a shower after a workout will finally wake you up
  • Fresh air (despite the accumulated harmful substances) has a positive effect on lung ventilation
  • Morning jogging is more valuable in terms of improving muscle tone

Evening run. Going for a run in the evening is usually easier than getting up early in the morning. However, after a busy day there is not always a desire to go outside again. As a result, classes can end as quickly as if they had studied in the morning.

The benefits of evening running are:

  • Calms the body and prepares for sleep (or completely exhausts it)
  • Positively affects muscle growth due to high fatigue after a long day, develops endurance
  • Accelerates the fat burning process (more calories are burned)

To summarize, it is worth saying that the optimal time for running is lunch time. But at this time, most runners are busy with school, work and other concerns. Therefore, it is an extremely inconvenient period of the day.

The optimal time for morning jogging is 6 – 8 hours. During this period, the body is ready for the load, although the feeling at the beginning of the distance will make you doubt it.

If you can’t do a workout during positive hours for jogging, then simply don’t attach such serious importance to the time. The main thing is systematic training and the desire for results: athletic or “slim”.

Is it necessary to run every day?

Daily jogging is a reason for joy. You were able to overcome yourself and take up sports seriously. But is it necessary to run every day or can you limit yourself to a few workouts a week? Both options are fine.

Running every day is useful if your goal is to achieve athletic results, tone muscles or lose weight. In this case, constant load will have a positive effect and speed up the process of achieving results. But one day of rest during the training week should be present.

If your goal is to build muscle in your buttocks and thighs, then daily running is not suitable. In order for muscles to grow, they need to be given rest. Limit yourself to 3-4 runs per week. The rest of the time, just rest or train other areas of the body.

Is it possible to run when you have a cold?

I always don’t like it when something interferes with my work. For example, a cold interferes with running training. Perhaps you can run when you have a cold and it won’t be so bad? Depends on the severity of the cold and the time of year.

You should stop running only if you have serious illnesses that occur with an increase in temperature above the permissible 37 degrees or are accompanied by a severe cough. In this case, it is not recommended to go for a run, it is better to lie down and bring yourself back to normal. Running will do nothing to cure a serious cold.

If a cold occurs with a runny nose and a slight sore throat, then the question of whether to run when you have a cold disappears - definitely yes. Running when you have a mild cold is useful, since active ventilation of the lungs will clear them of harmful bacteria that cause more serious diseases.

After jogging if you have a cold, it is advisable to drink a packet of cold medicine to improve the effect of the exercise!

Is it possible to run at an old age?

The big advantage of running is the ability to regulate the degree of exertion, limiting the pace and distance. Or, on the contrary, increase it by using weights or step frequency. This variability allows you to select the load for each person, regardless of his age and level of preparedness.

Despite the wide variability, there are restrictions that force you to stop running. These include age and various types of diseases. Although there is an opinion that running is useful at any age, this is not entirely true.

Experts do not recommend that older people take up running. This is primarily due to the aging process. With age, joints wear out and become fragile. One awkward movement can lead to a serious fracture.

In addition to injuries that are rarely life-threatening, there is a risk of causing more dangerous damage to the body. The morphofunctional features of the aging process are such that with age, the fluid content in the body becomes less, blood vessels lose elasticity, and the heart becomes weaker.

Since running always increases your heart rate, and the maximum load threshold is lower in older people, a simple jog can be a difficult activity for the heart. Does this mean that training should be stopped completely? No.

  • Joints do not receive the shock load that is inherent in running
  • Pulse rises slightly (up to 10 beats)

As you can see, age is absolutely no reason to deprive the body of its useful load. The main thing is to find the right alternative. In this case, the bicycle helped.

Based on the above, it becomes clear that the question of when is the best time to run is revealed only in a recommendatory form. Start from your personal desires and capabilities, and most importantly remember that running should be fun. It is much more important to be systematic and monitor your well-being, as well as know when it is better to find an alternative to jogging.

Running is the most accessible sport. Morning or evening jogging does not require financial investments or any additional equipment. This sport is suitable even for beginner athletes who do not have proper physical training. The main thing is regularity of training, perseverance, and then the desired result will not keep you waiting.

The most common question that worries beginner runners is “When is it better to run in the morning or in the evening?” Opinions of people experienced in this sport differ. Everyone can give many arguments in favor of one or another running time.

Physical activity in the morning

Preference for morning running is given by the so-called “larks”, people who are used to going to bed early and getting up early, since their body works most productively in the morning.

Some people believe that a morning run tones their body and gives them energy for the whole day. In addition, if you get up early, you will have a lot of time to do a bunch of things.

Morning air is the cleanest and free of exhaust gases. This will further strengthen the respiratory system. There are also few people on the street, which contributes to less fuss and more focus on your body.

If you have problems with the spine, but there are no contraindications to running, it is especially useful to run in the morning, since in the morning the compression of the vertebrae is significantly lower.

If you work late, then morning running is the best option for you. Since in the evening you are unlikely to have the energy for physical activity.

There are people who believe that running in the morning is an unbearable burden on the body. And they are right in some cases. Firstly, this may happen due to the fact that they start their morning jog immediately after waking up. . The body needs time to awaken, on average, 30-60 minutes, and it is necessary to warm up to warm up the muscles and prevent injuries. Secondly, if you had a difficult night and did not sleep well, then running in the morning may lead to injury to the nervous system. As a result, the level of stress hormones in the blood will increase, which will lead to tension and emotional imbalance during the day. Thirdly, Japanese scientists concluded that running in the morning is associated with blockage of blood vessels in the brain due to increased blood clotting at this time of day.

Running in the evenings

Night owls often prefer to run in the evening; they go to bed late and get up late. It is incredibly difficult for such people to wake up early in the morning. Moreover, it is much easier to force yourself to go for a run in the evening than in the morning.

Running in the evening is very beneficial for the body, in particular for the liver, its cells are renewed and regenerated, and the kidneys, they are intensively cleansed.

During evening jogging, the load goes mainly to the muscles, unlike in the morning, where the body, waking up and adjusting, also loads the heart and brain. Based on this, running at this time of day is more pleasant and calmer.

With the help of evening jogging, you prepare yourself for a sound and healthy sleep. But do not forget that jogging should end no later than two hours before bedtime. This time is enough for the body to adjust to sleep.

In addition, running in the evenings is beneficial for the nervous system, since an evening run allows you to relieve stress accumulated during the day and change the type of activity, especially if you have a sedentary job.

Well, those who work from the very early morning have no choice but to give preference to evening jogging.

The disadvantages of evening jogging are increased pollution and the presence of many people on the street.

So, when choosing a training time, you mainly need to focus on your biorhythms and listen to your body. The terrain and route you run on and the proximity of highways and factories to them also play a significant role. The most suitable options are stadiums and parks.

Whatever time of day you choose, running, in any case, is the most effective sport for losing weight, strengthening and overall health of the body. The most important thing is regular exercise for more than half an hour, warming up before running and stretching after it. By observing these simple conditions, you will most quickly and efficiently achieve your intended results.

Running is the most accessible sports activity. To start running, you don’t need to prepare in advance or have any special skills. You can run at the school stadium near your home, in the park, or just along the streets.

Running is useful not only for losing weight, but also for general health and maintaining body tone. To go for a run, all you need is comfortable sportswear and shoes, as well as a fighting mood.

It's spring outside and the weather is warm and conducive to running. However, before you run, HB STYLE offers to understand how to run correctly and when it is better to run: in the morning or in the evening.

How to run correctly

For running to bring maximum health benefits and be enjoyable, you need to do it regularly. You can achieve good physical shape and lose weight by dedicating several hours a week to running.

Running every day is great, but not necessary. Of course, if you run every day at the same time, the body begins to get used to it and adapts to the load faster. But with the modern pace of life, not everyone can afford such luxury as daily running.

The optimal running frequency is three to four times a week. For your first runs, allocate 15-20 minutes, and then gradually increase the running duration to 40-50 minutes, up to a maximum of an hour.

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Remember that if you constantly run for just 15 minutes, you will not lose extra pounds. During the first 15-20 minutes, the body only “warms up”, processing glycogen reserves and immediately restoring them.

Running to burn fat is running for 40 minutes to an hour. Only after 30-40 minutes of jogging the body begins to consume energy from subcutaneous fat, and only in this case does a person lose weight.

However, you should not run for more than an hour, thinking that this will burn even more fat. Running too long leads to muscle loss.

If it’s hard for you to run for 40-50 minutes without breaks, use the interval technique: run 100-200 meters at a fast pace, then switch to vigorous walking and jog for several minutes. What is jogging? This kind of running is also called jogging and consists of a relaxed, “splashing” run a little faster than active walking. This type of running reduces the risk of injury and effectively burns calories.

Another important rule for a runner is to warm up and stretch before running. This way you will prepare your body for the upcoming loads and it will be easier to run.

What time of day is best to run to lose weight?

The question of when is it better to run: in the morning or in the evening worries many. But there is no clear answer to it. Most experts recommend running at your own pace.

If waking up and running in the morning is difficult for you, and it takes a long time for you to come to your senses after waking up, running in the evenings is more suitable for you. If, on the contrary, you are a morning person, full of energy and strength in the morning, and in the evening after work you are already sleepy, choose morning running.

Both morning and evening running have their advantages. A morning jog gives you a boost of energy for the whole day, lifts your spirits and tones your body. Running in the evening relieves stress after a busy day at work and ensures sound sleep.


Regardless of the time of day, running is a useful physical activity, a change of activity, and a source of pleasure.

Note that for weight loss it is better to run in the morning on an empty stomach. In this state, the body contains the lowest level of glycogen, which means fat burning will occur faster. However, if the run is long and the workout is intense, an hour and a half before the lesson you should have a small snack and drink tea.

However, if running in the morning doesn't fit into your daily routine, try running in the evening. Keep in mind that about 3-4 hours should pass between jogging and sleep. This way you will protect yourself from insomnia.

Beginners often have a question: when is it better to run - in the morning or in the evening? Experts say that the most effective and favorable time for morning jogging is from 6 to 7 am. During this period, our body is at the peak of biological activity and is most predisposed to performing and accepting active physical activity. Morning jogging is especially useful for those who want to lose weight. The next morning there is practically no glycogen left in the body, therefore, during running, the body consumes energy by burning fat. Before your morning run, it is advisable not to have breakfast; just drink a little juice or sweetened water with lemon. It is very difficult to run on a full stomach, and juice or water will promote better nutrient metabolism.

The benefits of morning jogging

When you get up in the morning, don’t rush to go straight to the treadmill. Let your body wake up. Do some exercise or warm-up. It will warm up the muscles, prepare the joints, and minimize possible injuries. Running clothes should be loose and comfortable. Shoes must be chosen with shock-absorbing soles. After a run, it will be good to take a contrast shower and have breakfast. The average duration of a run is 30-40 minutes. If you are a beginner, start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the load.

In the evenings, the best time to run is from 5 to 7 p.m. This is the evening biological peak of our body. Before the evening run, they also do a warm-up. Unlike morning running, it is considered less effective. But when you don't have free time in the mornings, enjoy running in the evenings. This kind of running is also good for our health. It is better to start jogging a couple of hours after eating. Conduct evening runs in lighted areas or find yourself a partner to make it more fun and safer. Don’t try to immediately go to bed after running - you won’t succeed anyway, because the body is in the active stage. After such a run, you should walk a little, rest, and take a shower.

In winter you always run in the evening

Winter running is very effective. You expend more energy and train your muscles better by additionally overcoming obstacles - ice and snow. During races, breathe only through your nose to avoid illness. Run in a hat. Dress not too warmly, but not in a summer style. You should feel comfortable. Choose shoes with non-slip soles. Winter running maximally encourages, activates and strengthens our body. The average duration of the race is 30 minutes.

Running, of course, is very useful. But if you have serious diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, or persistent problems with blood pressure, consult a doctor for advice. He will explain whether you should take up running and what stress your body can handle. During an infection or cold with a high fever, it is better to refrain from running.


Running strengthens muscles, develops endurance, and makes our body stronger. It has a positive effect on mood, metabolism and figure. Morning running tones the whole body, we are filled with strength and energy for the whole day. After such a run, the body is saturated with oxygen - this has a very good effect on the organs of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

Evening running relaxes and calms us down. After it you can forget about insomnia. There should be no strict criteria in choosing a running time. Any run, be it morning, evening, winter or summer, brings only benefits. Everyone should listen only to their own body and organism. Choose a convenient time, place and duration of running for yourself. It is enough to run 2-3 times a week for about half an hour, at any time convenient for you. But do this systematically so that the body quickly gets used to the load.

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