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"Bell" - the secret miracle weapon of the Nazis? Secrets of the Third Reich. incredible project "bell"

After the end of World War II, Polish intelligence services became aware of the existence of the “General Plan - 1945” - a secret Nazi program for the evacuation of high technologies, behind which stood Hitler’s closest ally Martin Bormann. What was alarming was that the special SS teams operating within the framework of this plan, instead of eliminating documentation, specialists and enterprises for the development and production of jet technology, guidance systems, computers and much more, purposefully destroyed traces of other, more mysterious activities. In recent years, information about one of these top-secret German projects called “Bell” has leaked to the press.

The project involved experiments with a bell-shaped object made of solid heavy metal and filled with a violet-colored, mercury-like liquid. The liquid was stored in a tall, thin thermos, 1 m high, packed in a 3 cm thick lead shell. The experiments were carried out under a thick ceramic cap, with two cylinders rotating rapidly in opposite directions. The mercury-like substance was conventionally called “xerum-525.”

The room in which the experiments were carried out was located in an underground gallery. Its area was about 30 m2, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles with a thick rubber lining. After the end of each experiment, the room was treated with saline solution for 45 minutes. The processing was carried out by prisoners of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. The rubber pads were replaced every two or three experiments, and the used ones were burned in a special oven. After approximately ten tests, the room was dismantled and its contents destroyed. Only the “Bell” itself has survived.

Each experiment lasted approximately one minute. When active, the Bell emitted a pale blue light; scientists kept a distance of 150-200 m from it. Electrical equipment within this radius usually failed. Various plants, animals and living tissues were placed within the range of the Bell. During the first series of tests, carried out from November to December 1944, almost all prototypes were destroyed - liquids, including blood, coagulated and were divided into purified fractions! The first team of researchers disbanded due to the death of five of the seven scientists. In a second series of experiments, begun in January 1945, harm to animals was somewhat reduced through various modifications to the equipment. Just before the end of the war, the SS evacuation team took the Bell and all the documentation to an unknown location. The scientists involved in the project were shot by SS soldiers between April 28 and May 4, 1945.

What was the ultimate goal of the Bell project? According to Vitkovsky, the descriptions made by the scientists who worked with the Bell did not use nuclear physics terms, and no radioactive materials were used during the experiments themselves. Sporrenberg remembered the terms “vortex compression” and “separation of magnetic fields.” Some researchers suggest that experimenters tried to use twisting fields, now known as torsion fields (the “Lord of Light” project) to influence the fourth dimension - time (the “Chronos” project). That is, we are talking about nothing less than creating... a time machine? However, there are also assumptions that are more similar to the truth.

There are episodes in the activities of one of the participants in the project, Professor Gerlach, that give reason to classify him as a scientist who has worked on issues of gravitation. In the 20-30s of the 20th century, Gerlach worked on the problems of spin polarization, spin resonance and the properties of magnetic fields, which had little to do with nuclear physics, but related to some unexplored properties of gravity. Gerlach, together with Otto Stern, is responsible for the experimental proof of the existence of electron spin, dated 1922. And Gerlach’s student O. Gilgenberg published an article entitled “On gravity, vortex flows and waves in a rotating medium.” But after the end of the war and until his death in 1979, Gerlach never returned to this topic, as if he had been forbidden to talk about it.

Now let’s remember the mysterious substance “Xerum-525”. The only thing we know is that it looked like mercury. The Indian text Samarangana Sutradhara, attributed to King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 CE), contains descriptions of aircraft that used mercury as fuel. Here is one such description: “His body, made of light material, should be strong and durable, like a large flying bird. A device containing mercury and an iron heating device underneath should be placed inside. By means of the power that lies hidden in mercury and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person located inside this chariot can fly distances across the sky in the most amazing way. Four strong containers for mercury should be placed inside. When they are heated by controlled fire from iron devices, the chariot will develop the power of thunder thanks to the mercury, and it will immediately turn into a pearl in the sky.”

Experts suggest that the flow of mercury, accelerated along the annular path to high speeds, excites a high-intensity gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot”, as a result of which the lifting force necessary for flight is generated. But why mercury? The whole point is that in order to obtain maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest volumetric density as a working fluid. It is mercury – or compounds based on it – that meets this condition.

As soon as the speed of the mercury flow exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot” will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the “flying chariot”, which was previously hovering in the air, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a silvery shiny ball or pearl will appear. In this regard, it is worth remembering the light that the German “Bell” began to emit when it was in working condition. Indologist and historian Vishnampet Dikshitar, in his book “Warfare in Ancient India,” provides numerous evidence of the use of “flying chariots,” or vimanas, in ancient Indian wars and argues that vimanas were real flying vehicles.

Attempts to build an aircraft with a mercury-based propulsion system were made back in the 18th century. This is evidenced by the story of the Italian monk Andrea Grimaldi Wolande. The newspaper Leiden Gazette of October 21, 1751 describes the flying machine he built as follows: “In the machine on which Andrea Grimaldi Wolande can make seven miles in one hour, a clock mechanism is installed; it is 22 feet wide and has the shape of a bird, the body of which consists of pieces of cork connected together by wire, covered with parchment and feathers. The wings are made from whalebone and intestines. Inside the machine there are thirty unique wheels and chains that serve to lower and raise weights. In addition, six copper pipes, partially filled with mercury, were used here.

The balance is maintained by the experience of the inventor himself. It can fly equally fast in storms and calm weather. This wonderful machine is controlled by a tail seven feet long, attached by straps to the bird's legs. As soon as the car takes off, the tail points it to the left or right, as the inventor wishes. After about three hours, the bird falls smoothly to the ground, after which the clock mechanism starts up again. The inventor flies constantly at the height of the trees. Andrea Grimaldi Wolande flew once across the English Channel from Calais to Dover. From there he flew to London that same morning, where he spoke with famous mechanics about the design of his car. The mechanics were very surprised and proposed to build a car before Christmas that could fly at 30 miles per hour.”

After reading about “guts,” “wheels,” “chains,” and especially “tubes filled with mercury,” many scientists dismissed the story. But in addition to the article, there are two more documents testifying to the flights of the “Grimaldi bird”. In Italy there is a letter from London confirming the flight, and in the French city of Lyon there is a scientific study of this machine certified by three academicians, which records that in 1751 Grimaldi made a successful flight from Calais to Dover. Unfortunately, we know nothing about the further fate of the invention of the Italian monk.

Returning to the Bell project, it should be remembered that the Third Reich paid great attention to the historical heritage of ancient civilizations. Take, for example, the famous German institute “Ahnenerbe” (“German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and the Heritage of Ancestors”). The effectiveness of the work carried out there is clearly evidenced by the fact that in 1941 the institute was included in the personal headquarters of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and oversaw projects to create retaliatory weapons.

It is no secret that in 1938-1939, under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe and the SS, a successful expedition to Tibet was organized. A direct radio bridge was established between Lhasa and Berlin, which, according to available information, functioned until 1943. In addition to extensive information on the anthropology, geography and climatology of the region, the expedition members brought numerous ancient texts to Germany, including the complete collection of the Ganjur Buddhist corpus. It is possible that, thanks to the benevolent attitude of the Tibetan religious authorities, descriptions of devices similar to Indian vimanas, and perhaps even individual surviving examples of ancient technologies, could have ended up in the hands of German scientists.
In this light, the Bell project appears to be one segment of a larger scientific program to create a propulsion system for an aerospace system of a fundamentally new type, based on the technological heritage of ancient civilizations. The main task of the Kolokol project, apparently, was to create a system to protect pilots from the negative consequences that arise during the operation of new types of engines. It is not known how far German scientists were able to advance in this direction, but the boom in observations of mysterious devices with unusual flight characteristics that began in the 40s of the 20th century suggests that their efforts were crowned with some success.

In 2010, conspiracy theorist V.V. Tsibulkin released a new book with the results of his investigations. In a book entitled "Ahnenerbe - declassified files", he takes a fresh look at the projects “Chronos”, “Lord of Light” and “Bell”.

At the beginning of April 1945, the Third American Army of General J. Patton made a lightning rush to the southeast of Germany. The main target was the city of Pilsen and the giant Skoda military factories.

This was a very strange demarche, since, on the one hand, the disposition of the allied forces was distorted; and on the other hand, the Yalta agreements on the division of spheres of influence in post-war Europe were grossly violated.

It must be said that cryptohistorians have long been offering their own versions of these developments, in which the central place is occupied by the side direction of Patton’s offensive, which ended in the mountains of Thuringia. Somewhere there, between Weimar and Erfurt, for many decades expeditions of cryptologists have been unsuccessfully searching for dungeons storing the remains of "Wunderwaffe".

A decade and a half ago, Polish journalist Igor Witkovsky conducted his own investigation of the “Thuringian Mystery.” This is how the book “The Truth about Wunderwaffe” was born, from which the world learned about the top-secret project "The Bell" ("Die Glocke").

It is known that in the last year of the dying Reich, the Nazi bosses clutched at any straw, hoping for some unthinkable technological miracle that could change the course of the war. Among the stillborn projects of huge tanks, guns in the form of “jet pumps” and giant submarines, there are often vague hints of some other unusual developments.

Recently, the “Vitkovsky bell” has also firmly entered the list of some super-secret miracle weapons. This was preceded by the English and German editions of a book by a Polish journalist, as well as a book by British journalist Nick Cook, “The Hunt for Point Zero,” which was published a year after Witkowski’s sensation. Cook reworked Vitkovsky’s “creative heritage” in a very original way, adding a lot of interesting details.


Cook claims that there was a secret SS experimental training ground "Giant" ("Der Riese"). The Bell was tested at one of the Gigant facilities in the area of ​​the Polish Wenceslash mine.

Cover of the book by British journalist Nick Cook “The Hunt for Point Zero”

Cook's description of the Bell is simply fascinating with its engineering and technical details. This is a bell-shaped unit made of heavy and durable metal measuring 2.7 by 4.5 meters. Inside there are two cylinders rotating at high speed in the opposite direction.

The inside is filled with a certain purple substance “Xerum-525”, reminiscent of mercury. The unit was supplied with meter-long lead Dewar flasks for storing “xerum” and safes with an alloy of thorium peroxide and beryllium.

Both Vitkovsky and Cook suggest that we are talking about creating anti-gravity engines...

Sensing the sensational nature of the topic, such conspiracy theorists as Joseph Farrell, Jim Marre and Henry Stevens rushed after Witkovsky and Cook.

Naturally, after a series of these novels, the theme of “The Bells” turned into a tangled tangle of urban legends. Here you can find the eerie details of the liquidation of dozens of witnesses to the experiments, and the connection between the mythical “xerum” and the no less mythical “red mercury”. Detailed technical details are also provided - from the anti-gravity “bells” of the flying saucers of the Third Reich to spherical mirrors reflecting... the past and the future.


Kammler's name is closely associated with one of the Nazi organizations that was involved in the development of many “miracle weapons” - the Ahnenerbe occult institute.

This is what “The Bell” (“Die Glocke”) might have looked like

This “Scientific Society for the Study of Spiritual History “German Ancestral Heritage”” was created in 1935. At first it all came down to the study of the area of ​​residence of the Nordic Indo-Germans, but then archaeological excavations and ethnographic searches grew into Tibetan and Middle Eastern expeditions to search for “lost artifacts” together with studies in occult mysteries.

On January 1, 1942, the organization was included in the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer SS, and thus the Ahnenerbe Institute for Military Research arose.

Among the priority tasks of the new institute was the creation of “weapons of retaliation” and participation in the “Uranium Project”. The highest level of secrecy and special rules of document flow, when research reports were periodically destroyed, still do not allow us to understand what exactly the individual divisions of the institute were doing.

Only indirect evidence and surviving fragments of financial reports indicate that, starting in the second half of 1943, large funds were allocated to departments that designed some incomprehensible “miracle weapon” systems.

Among other sectors and departments that developed military equipment, the “R” department, which dealt with “non-nuclear methods of material fission,” is interesting. As can be seen from the very meager secondary information remaining from the “Reich Research Council”, Department “R” requested enormous quantities of enriched uranium, ultra-pure graphite and heavy water. The limits of the allocated electricity were also impressive.


In 1900, a few tens of kilometers from New York on the wasteland Vandercliffe American inventor of Serbian origin Nikola Tesla began to implement a grandiose project of creating a “World System” of wireless energy transmission.

The inventor wanted to build a real “Radio City”, from where it would be possible not only to communicate with any point on the planet, but also to send there a kind of “energy package” for any electric motor.

Tesla designed a “World System” capable of pumping electricity through the ether of the “planetary atmosphere.” At the same time, he claimed that he would turn the entire Earth into one global resonator circuit, where the air layers would play the role of colossal capacitors, and “standing waves of energy” would appear in the places of the “antinodes of the electric ether.”

In his technological park, Tesla was going not only to “shock the ethereal distances,” but also to look deep into the atom, splitting it with super-powerful discharges. Unfortunately, the economic crisis, misunderstanding of shareholders and intrigues between Edison and G. Marconi did not allow the inventor’s dreams to come true.

In the twenties, need forced Tesla to contact a number of embassies with an offer to buy his patents and unrealized ideas. Among the interested parties were German diplomats...

It is possible that in this way part of Tesla’s work could have reached the director of the Ahnenerbe Institute, Walter Bust. In turn, being the scientific curator of defense projects, Bust handed over the materials to the head of the “R” department, Sigmund Rascher.

This is exactly how the “Bell” project could have been born...


On April 2, 1951, the popular American magazine Time published a sensational report, “Perón’s Atom.” It was about a press conference by Argentine President Juan Peron.

He told the assembled journalists truly sensational news: “On February 16, 1951, Argentine scientists, using only local materials, carried out a controlled release of atomic energy, that is, an atomic explosion... A successful experiment was carried out at the state nuclear power plant on the island of Huemul, located in the highlands of Lake Nahuel Huapi is approximately one and a half thousand kilometers southeast of Buenos Aires. He did not demand either uranium or plutonium..."

Peron's words were confirmed by one of the leading employees of the Argentine atomic program, post-war emigrant Dr. Ronald Richter. Richter’s story raised deep doubts among experts, because just a few kilometers from the Huemul test site is the town of San Carlos de Bariloche, whose residents did not hear the slightest echo of the explosion and did not feel the blast wave.

Reports of experiments on the island of Huemul at one time caused heated controversy in the scientific and popular press. All nuclear physicists, without exception, completely rejected the possibility of such experiments and expressed complete bewilderment at such an irresponsible demarche by Peron. Under pressure from the international scientific community, Peron was forced by a special presidential decree to instruct the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission to conduct a special investigation.


In September 1952, the investigation was completed. Its results were quite expected and briefly boiled down to the fact that the research program proposed by Richter completely contradicts the basic principles of modern atomic physics.

The only explanation for the strange results allegedly obtained by Richter's group could be systematic errors in the experiment and a completely incorrect interpretation of laboratory experiments. All members of the Commission unanimously confirmed that they had not been presented with any evidence of the existence of an “explosive release of energy without uranium and plutonium” reaction...

Naturally, after a stream of such accusations, Richter was forced to resign.

The history of the Bell project allows us to understand the reasons for the failures of the Uranium Project. Ahnenerbe's defense research took up such huge amounts of money that there was practically nothing left for other areas of atomic work. In addition, despite the decree on the immediate implementation of military developments, “atomic magicians” in SS uniforms, until May 1945, literally “sucked all the juice” from the dying German economy.

Thus, the “occult alchemists” of the Third Reich unwittingly thwarted one of the most terrible projects of weapons of mass destruction in the history of mankind...

Newspaper "Anomalous News", 2015

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The Third Reich is credited with creating a number of technologies that are advanced even for our time. Among them is a project to develop a secret weapon codenamed Die Glocke - “The Bell”. What is known about him?

The Mystery of Hans Kammler

The public first learned about the existence of this mysterious project from the book “The Truth About Miracle Weapons” by Polish journalist Igor Witkovsky, published in 2000.

Witkowski wrote that the source of information about the project was the transcript of the interrogation of SS Obergruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg, which a certain Polish intelligence officer gave him to read in August 1997. The journalist was allegedly allowed to make the necessary extracts from the protocols, but was not allowed to copy the documents.

Subsequently, the information presented by Vitkovsky in the book was confirmed and supplemented by the English military journalist and writer Nicholas Julian Cook in the book “The Hunt for Point Zero,” first published in 2001 in the UK.

Witkovsky claims that this story is closely connected with the name of Obergruppenführer and SS General Hans Kammler, one of the most mysterious figures of the Third Reich. Together with the general director of Skoda, honorary SS Standartenführer Colonel Wilhelm Voss, he allegedly worked on some secret project.

According to the official version, Hans Kammler committed suicide on May 9, 1945 in the forest between Prague and Pilsen. One way or another, his burial place was never found. There is an assumption that at the end of the war, the Obergruppenführer went over to the side of the Americans, who transported him to Argentina in exchange for him transferring his secret developments to them.

According to Witkovsky, Kammler's main project was space weapons. It was called Die Glocke, which translated means “The Bell”.

Horror in the laboratory

Work on the project began in mid-1944 at a closed SS facility near Lublin, codenamed "Giant". After Soviet troops entered Poland, the laboratory was moved to a castle near the village of Fuersteinstein (Kszac), near Waldenburg, and then to the Wenceslash underground mine near Ludwigsdorf, located on the northern spurs of the Sudetenland near the border with the Czech Republic.

The device really looked like a huge metal bell, consisting of two lead cylinders, in working order, rotating under a ceramic cap in opposite directions and filled with an unknown liquid called “Xerum-525”. This substance looked like mercury, but had a purple color.

During the experiments, which lasted no more than a minute, the electricity went out throughout the entire area. Various instruments, as well as experimental animals and plants, were placed in the area of ​​effect of the object, which glowed with a faint pale blue color. Within a radius of up to 200 meters, all electronic equipment failed, and almost all living things died, while all biological fluids disintegrated into fractions. For example, blood coagulated and plants turned white because chlorophyll disappeared from them.

All employees who dealt with the installation wore special protective clothing and did not approach the Bell closer than 150-200 meters. After each experiment, the entire room was thoroughly washed with saline solution. Only concentration camp prisoners were involved in sanitation. But still, five of the seven employees who participated in the project and were part of the first team died after some time.

An invention of journalists?

At the end of April 1945, writes Vitkovsky, a special SS evacuation team arrived at the facility, which took the device and part of the documentation to an unknown location, and all 62 scientists in the building were hastily shot and the corpses were thrown into underground mines.

According to Vitkovsky, the operating principle of the “Bell” was associated with so-called torsion fields and even attempts to penetrate other dimensions. The Nazis may have been just a couple of months away from creating this terrible technology.

Both Witkovsky and his colleague Cook believe that the remains of a large reinforced concrete frame that can be seen near the Wenceslash mine, which looks very much like the famous British Stonehenge, is nothing more than an integral part of a secret device.

Alas, all research about “The Bell” to date is based only on information obtained from the popular books of Igor Vitkovsky and Nicholas Cook. There is no official evidence of the existence of such a project. Therefore, the history of the creation of Die Glocke is nothing more than a legend.


SECRETS of the Third Reich. Incredible Project "BELL"

SECRETS of the Third Reich. The BELL project, which was 1000 years ahead of its time

Project "BELL" is the most secret, most mysterious and most ambitious Project in Germany during the time of Hitler. Its implementation promised the Fuhrer the fulfillment of his most unimaginable dreams, and threatened the rest of the world with complete enslavement...

After the end of World War II, Polish intelligence services became aware of the existence of the “General Plan - 1945” - a secret Nazi program for the evacuation of high technologies, behind which stood Hitler’s closest ally Martin Bormann. What was alarming was that the special SS teams operating within the framework of this plan, instead of eliminating documentation, specialists and enterprises for the development and production of jet technology, guidance systems, computers and much more, purposefully destroyed traces of other, more mysterious activities. In recent years, information about one of these top-secret German projects called “Bell” has leaked to the press. The project involved experiments with a bell-shaped object made of solid heavy metal and filled with a violet-colored, mercury-like liquid. The liquid was stored in a tall thin thermos 1 m high, packed in a lead shell 3 cm thick.

The experiments were carried out under a thick ceramic hood, with two cylinders rapidly rotating in opposite directions. The mercury-like substance was conventionally called “xerum-525.” The room in which the experiments were carried out was located in an underground gallery. Its area was about 30 m2, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles with a thick rubber lining. After the end of each experiment, the room was treated with saline solution for 45 minutes. The processing was carried out by prisoners of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. The rubber pads were replaced every two or three experiments, and the used ones were burned in a special oven. After approximately ten tests, the room was dismantled and its contents destroyed. Only the “Bell” itself has survived.

Each experiment lasted approximately one minute. When active, the Bell emitted a pale blue light; scientists kept a distance of 150-200 m from it. Electrical equipment within this radius usually failed. Various plants, animals and living tissues were placed within the range of the Bell. During the first series of tests, carried out from November to December 1944, almost all prototypes were destroyed - liquids, including blood, coagulated and were divided into purified fractions! The first team of researchers disbanded due to the death of five of the seven scientists. In a second series of experiments, begun in January 1945, harm to animals was somewhat reduced through various modifications to the equipment. Just before the end of the war, the SS evacuation team took the Bell and all the documentation to an unknown location. The scientists involved in the project were shot by SS soldiers between April 28 and May 4, 1945. What was the ultimate goal of the Bell project? According to Vitkovsky, the descriptions made by the scientists who worked with the Bell did not use nuclear physics terms, and no radioactive materials were used during the experiments themselves. Sporrenberg remembered the terms “vortex compression” and “separation of magnetic fields.” Some researchers suggest that experimenters tried to use twisting fields, now known as torsion fields (the “Lord of Light” project) to influence the fourth dimension - time (the “Chronos” project). That is, we are talking about nothing less than creating... a time machine? However, there are also assumptions that are more similar to the truth. There are episodes in the activities of one of the participants in the project, Professor Gerlach, that give reason to classify him as a scientist who has worked on issues of gravitation.

In the 20-30s of the 20th century, Gerlach worked on the problems of spin polarization, spin resonance and the properties of magnetic fields, which had little to do with nuclear physics, but related to some unexplored properties of gravity. Gerlach, together with Otto Stern, is responsible for the experimental proof of the existence of electron spin, dated 1922. And Gerlach’s student O. Gilgenberg published an article entitled “On gravity, vortex flows and waves in a rotating medium.” But after the end of the war and until his death in 1979, Gerlach never returned to this topic, as if he had been forbidden to talk about it. Now let’s remember the mysterious substance “Xerum-525”. The only thing we know is that it looked like mercury. The Indian text Samarangana Sutradhara, attributed to King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 CE), contains descriptions of aircraft that used mercury as fuel.

Here is one such description: “His body, made of light material, should be strong and durable, like a large flying bird. A device containing mercury and an iron heating device underneath should be placed inside. By means of the power that lies hidden in mercury and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person located inside this chariot can fly distances across the sky in the most amazing way. Four strong containers for mercury should be placed inside. When they are heated by controlled fire from iron devices, the chariot will develop the power of thunder thanks to the mercury, and it will immediately turn into a pearl in the sky.” Experts suggest that the flow of mercury, accelerated along the annular path to high speeds, excites a high-intensity gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot”, as a result of which the lifting force necessary for flight is generated. But why mercury? The whole point is that in order to obtain maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest volumetric density as a working fluid. It is mercury - or compounds based on it - that meets this condition. As soon as the speed of the mercury flow exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot” will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the “flying chariot”, which was previously hovering in the air, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a silvery shiny ball or pearl will appear.

In this regard, it is worth remembering the light that the German “Bell” began to emit when it was in working condition. Indologist and historian Vishnampet Dikshitar, in his book “Warfare in Ancient India,” provides numerous evidence of the use of “flying chariots,” or vimanas, in ancient Indian wars and argues that vimanas were real flying vehicles. Attempts to build an aircraft with a mercury-based propulsion system were made back in the 18th century. This is evidenced by the story of the Italian monk Andrea Grimaldi Wolande. The newspaper Leiden Gazette of October 21, 1751 describes the flying machine he built as follows: “In the machine on which Andrea Grimaldi Wolande can make seven miles in one hour, a clock mechanism is installed; it is 22 feet wide and has the shape of a bird, the body of which consists of pieces of cork connected together by wire, covered with parchment and feathers. The wings are made from whalebone and intestines.

Inside the machine there are thirty unique wheels and chains that serve to lower and raise weights. In addition, six copper pipes, partially filled with mercury, were used here. The balance is maintained by the experience of the inventor himself. It can fly equally fast in storms and calm weather. This wonderful machine is controlled by a tail seven feet long, attached by straps to the bird's legs. As soon as the car takes off, the tail points it to the left or right, as the inventor wishes. After about three hours, the bird falls smoothly to the ground, after which the clock mechanism starts up again. The inventor flies constantly at the height of the trees. Andrea Grimaldi Wolande flew once across the English Channel from Calais to Dover. From there he flew to London that same morning, where he spoke with famous mechanics about the design of his car. The mechanics were very surprised and proposed to build a car before Christmas that could fly at 30 miles per hour.”

After reading about “guts,” “wheels,” “chains,” and especially “tubes filled with mercury,” many scientists dismissed the story. But in addition to the article, there are two more documents testifying to the flights of the “Grimaldi bird”. In Italy there is a letter from London confirming the flight, and in the French city of Lyon there is a scientific study of this machine certified by three academicians, which records that in 1751 Grimaldi made a successful flight from Calais to Dover. Unfortunately, we know nothing about the further fate of the invention of the Italian monk. Returning to the Bell project, it should be remembered that the Third Reich paid great attention to the historical heritage of ancient civilizations. Take, for example, the famous German institute “Ahnenerbe” (“German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and the Heritage of Ancestors”). The effectiveness of the work carried out there is clearly evidenced by the fact that in 1941 the institute was included in the personal headquarters of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and oversaw projects to create retaliatory weapons. It is no secret that in 1938-1939, under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe and the SS, a successful expedition to Tibet was organized. A direct radio bridge was established between Lhasa and Berlin, which, according to available information, functioned until 1943.

In addition to extensive information on the anthropology, geography and climatology of the region, the expedition members brought numerous ancient texts to Germany, including the complete collection of the Ganjur Buddhist corpus. It is possible that, thanks to the benevolent attitude of the Tibetan religious authorities, descriptions of devices similar to Indian vimanas, and perhaps even individual surviving examples of ancient technologies, could have ended up in the hands of German scientists. In this light, the Bell project appears to be one segment of a larger scientific program to create a propulsion system for an aerospace system of a fundamentally new type, based on the technological heritage of ancient civilizations. The main task of the Kolokol project, apparently, was to create a system to protect pilots from the negative consequences that arise during the operation of new types of engines. It is not known how far German scientists were able to advance in this direction, but the boom in observations of mysterious devices with unusual flight characteristics that began in the 40s of the 20th century suggests that their efforts were crowned with some success.

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After the end of World War II, Polish intelligence services became aware of the existence of the “General Plan - 1945” - a secret Nazi program for the evacuation of high technologies, behind which stood Hitler’s closest ally Martin Bormann. What was alarming was that the special SS teams operating within the framework of this plan, instead of eliminating documentation, specialists and enterprises for the development and production of jet technology, guidance systems, computers and much more, purposefully destroyed traces of other, more mysterious activities. In recent years, information about one of these top-secret German projects called “Bell” has leaked to the press.

The project involved experiments with a bell-shaped object made of solid heavy metal and filled with a violet-colored, mercury-like liquid. The liquid was stored in a tall, thin thermos, 1 m high, packed in a 3 cm thick lead shell. The experiments were carried out under a thick ceramic cap, with two cylinders rotating rapidly in opposite directions. The mercury-like substance was conventionally called “xerum-525.” The room in which the experiments were carried out was located in an underground gallery. Its area was about 30 m2, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles with a thick rubber lining. After the end of each experiment, the room was treated with saline solution for 45 minutes. The processing was carried out by prisoners of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp.

The rubber pads were replaced every two or three experiments, and the used ones were burned in a special oven. After approximately ten tests, the room was dismantled and its contents destroyed. Only the “Bell” itself has survived. Each experiment lasted approximately one minute. When active, the Bell emitted a pale blue light; scientists kept their distance from it
150-200 m. Electrical equipment in this radius usually failed. Various plants, animals and living tissues were placed within the range of the Bell. During the first series of tests, carried out from November to December 1944, almost all prototypes were destroyed - liquids, including blood, coagulated and were divided into purified fractions! The first team of researchers disbanded due to the death of five of the seven scientists. In a second series of experiments, begun in January 1945, harm to animals was somewhat reduced through various modifications to the equipment. Just before the end of the war, the SS evacuation team took the Bell and all the documentation to an unknown location. The scientists involved in the project were shot by SS soldiers between April 28 and May 4, 1945.

What was the ultimate goal of the Bell project? According to Vitkovsky, the descriptions made by the scientists who worked with the Bell did not use nuclear physics terms, and no radioactive materials were used during the experiments themselves. Sporrenberg remembered the terms “vortex compression” and “separation of magnetic fields.” Some researchers suggest that experimenters tried to use twisting fields, now known as torsion fields (the “Lord of Light” project) to influence the fourth dimension - time (the “Chronos” project). That is, we are talking about nothing less than creating... a time machine? However, there are also assumptions that are more similar to the truth.

There are episodes in the activities of one of the participants in the project, Professor Gerlach, that give reason to classify him as a scientist who has worked on issues of gravitation. In the 20-30s of the 20th century, Gerlach worked on the problems of spin polarization, spin resonance and the properties of magnetic fields, which had little to do with nuclear physics, but related to some unexplored properties of gravity. Gerlach, together with Otto Stern, is responsible for the experimental proof of the existence of electron spin, dated 1922. And Gerlach’s student O. Gilgenberg published an article entitled “On gravity, vortex flows and waves in a rotating medium.” But after the end of the war and until his death in 1979, Gerlach never returned to this topic, as if he had been forbidden to talk about it.

Now let’s remember the mysterious substance “Xerum-525”. The only thing we know is that it looked like mercury. The Indian text Samarangana Sutradhara, attributed to King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 CE), contains descriptions of aircraft that used mercury as fuel. Here is one such description: “His body, made of light material, should be strong and durable, like a large flying bird. A device containing mercury and an iron heating device underneath should be placed inside. By means of the power that lies hidden in mercury and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person located inside this chariot can fly distances across the sky in the most amazing way. Four strong containers for mercury should be placed inside. When they are heated by controlled fire from iron devices, the chariot will develop the power of thunder thanks to the mercury, and it will immediately turn into a pearl in the sky.”

Experts suggest that the flow of mercury, accelerated along the annular path to high speeds, excites a high-intensity gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot”, as a result of which the lifting force necessary for flight is generated. But why mercury? The whole point is that in order to obtain maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest volumetric density as a working fluid. It is mercury - or compounds based on it - that meets this condition. As soon as the speed of the mercury flow exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the “flying chariot” will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the “flying chariot”, which was previously hovering in the air, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a silvery shiny ball or pearl will appear. In this regard, it is worth remembering the light that the German “Bell” began to emit when it was in working condition. Indologist and historian Vishnampet Dikshitar, in his book “Warfare in Ancient India,” provides numerous evidence of the use of “flying chariots,” or vimanas, in ancient Indian wars and argues that vimanas were real flying vehicles.

Attempts to build an aircraft with a mercury-based propulsion system were made back in the 18th century. This is evidenced by the story of the Italian monk Andrea Grimaldi Wolande. The newspaper Leiden Gazette of October 21, 1751 describes the flying machine he built as follows: “In the machine on which Andrea Grimaldi Wolande can make seven miles in one hour, a clock mechanism is installed; it is 22 feet wide and has the shape of a bird, the body of which consists of pieces of cork connected together by wire, covered with parchment and feathers. The wings are made from whalebone and intestines. Inside the machine there are thirty unique wheels and chains that serve to lower and raise weights. In addition, six copper pipes, partially filled with mercury, were used here. The balance is maintained by the experience of the inventor himself. In storm and in calm weather
he can fly equally fast. This wonderful machine is controlled by a tail seven feet long, attached by straps to the bird's legs. As soon as the car takes off, the tail points it to the left or right, as the inventor wishes. After about three hours, the bird falls smoothly to the ground, after which the clock mechanism starts up again. The inventor flies constantly at the height of the trees. Andrea Grimaldi Wolande flew once across the English Channel from Calais to Dover. From there he flew to London that same morning, where he spoke with famous mechanics about the design of his car. The mechanics were very surprised and proposed to build a car before Christmas that could fly at 30 miles per hour.”

After reading about “guts,” “wheels,” “chains,” and especially “tubes filled with mercury,” many scientists dismissed the story. But in addition to the article, there are two more documents testifying to the flights of the “Grimaldi bird”. In Italy there is a letter from London confirming the flight, and in the French city of Lyon there is a scientific study of this machine certified by three academicians, which records that in 1751 Grimaldi made a successful flight from Calais to Dover. Unfortunately, we know nothing about the further fate of the invention of the Italian monk.
Returning to the Bell project, it should be remembered that the Third Reich paid great attention to the historical heritage of ancient civilizations. Take, for example, the famous German institute “Ahnenerbe” (“German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and the Heritage of Ancestors”). The effectiveness of the work carried out there is clearly evidenced by the fact that in 1941 the institute was included in the personal headquarters of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and oversaw projects to create retaliatory weapons.

It is no secret that in 1938-1939, under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe and the SS, a successful expedition to Tibet was organized. A direct radio bridge was established between Lhasa and Berlin, which, according to available information, functioned until 1943. In addition to extensive information on the anthropology, geography and climatology of the region, the expedition members brought numerous ancient texts to Germany, including the complete collection of the Ganjur Buddhist corpus. It is possible that, thanks to the benevolent attitude of the Tibetan religious authorities, descriptions of devices similar to Indian vimanas, and perhaps even individual surviving examples of ancient technologies, could have ended up in the hands of German scientists.
In this light, the Bell project appears to be one segment of a larger scientific program to create a propulsion system for an aerospace system of a fundamentally new type, based on the technological heritage of ancient civilizations. The main task of the Kolokol project, apparently, was to create a system to protect pilots from the negative consequences that arise during the operation of new types of engines. It is not known how far German scientists were able to advance in this direction, but the boom in observations of mysterious devices with unusual flight characteristics that began in the 40s of the 20th century suggests that their efforts were crowned with some success.