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Medicines for immunity in adults. Vitamins to boost immunity for adults. Immune stimulator "Imudon"

Specially created drugs help strengthen the resistance of the immune system against continuous attacks from pathogens of various origins. To increase immunity in adults, drugs of synthetic, plant, and animal origin are prescribed - interferons, immunomodulators.

How to increase immunity for an adult, what medications to take in order not to get sick during a flu epidemic, and to maintain ability to work?

For frequent infections and diseases of the nasopharynx, the following medications are prescribed:

  • microbial origin - Ribomunil, Bronchomunal, Imudon, IRS-19;
  • immunomodulators obtained from animal tissues – Myelopid;
  • cytokines – Polyoxidonium, Lykopid, Thymogen, Diucifon, interferons – Leukinferon, Viferon;
  • herbal – Immunal, tincture of Eleutherococcus, hawthorn, Leuzea;
  • propolis;
  • with nucleic acids – Methyluracil, Zymosan A, Derinat;
  • Levamisole;
  • Galavit.

List of medicines

Adults are most often prescribed medications that enhance immunity and stimulate the formation of interferons - Viferon, Kagocel, Derinat, Amiksin, Remantadine, Imudon, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Dekaris, Lizobakt, IRS-19.


The immunostimulating effect is combined in the drug with antiviral properties. You should start taking Kagocel in the first 96 hours of illness.

Taking a drug that strengthens the immune system in adults and children over 3 years of age stimulates the production of interferons, which are characterized by increased activity. Kagocel can be used for influenza, ARVI, the medicine is active against.

The positive effect of Kagocel is observed in the case of influenza complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection (,). The drug is approved for children and is not used to treat pregnant women, although it has no harmful effect on the fetus.

Kagocel is effective in prophylaxis against influenza A, B, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza of all types, and adenovirus infection.


A drug from the group of cytokines Viferon is used to strengthen the immune system in children, elderly adults, and pregnant women.

Viferon has a wide spectrum and suppresses the effects of viruses:

  • respiratory, causing diseases of the respiratory tract, including cases of complications due to bacterial infection;
  • urogenital, causing chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection in adults;
  • hepatitis B, C, D.

The dosage form in the form of suppositories allows the use of Viferon in premature babies in the first days of life and newborns. Local use of the drug allows its use during pregnancy (from 14 weeks) and during breastfeeding.


To stimulate the local immunity of the oral cavity during respiratory infections, an immunomodulatory agent is prescribed in Imudon lozenges.

The product contains a mixture of lysates (destroyed fragments) of several types of neutralized pathogens that cause diseases of the nasopharynx.

Absorbable tablets that increase the immunity of the oropharyngeal mucosa are used in adults and children over 3 years of age, as part of complex therapy for the treatment of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Imudon appears to be effective in the treatment of ulcerations caused by dentures in adults.


The drug Polyoxidonium is intended to strengthen the immune system in adults; it is approved for children:

  • suppositories – from 6 years;
  • in tablets – after 12 years.

Polyoxidonium increases the body's resistance to local and generalized infections, simulates the production of interleukins, without depleting the immune system, without causing hyperactivation.

The drug combines the properties of an immunomodulator, detoxifier, and antioxidant. Polyoxidonium accelerates the elimination of toxins and blocks the peroxidation of lipid compounds.

The use of Polyoxidonium allows you to reduce the number of antibiotics and hormonal drugs in the treatment of respiratory tract infections and inflammation of the nasopharynx.

The drug is widely used to boost immunity in adults, but is not approved during pregnancy due to insufficient knowledge of the action.


The drug Amiksin has antiviral and immunomodulatory activity; the tablets are used to boost immunity in adults and children from 7 years of age.

Amiksin (tiloron) causes the synthesis of interferon in the human body, exhibits the ability to counteract influenza viruses, RS virus, herpes infection, and hepatitis.

Amiksin is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, but not during pregnancy or lactation. The tablets are used to increase immunity in the treatment of hepatitis A, B, C, chlamydial infection in adults; as part of complex therapy, the medicine is taken in a course for tuberculosis.


The domestic product Likopid has a wide spectrum of action against pathogens of viral and bacterial nature. The drug, which boosts immunity, is available in tablets for adults, 10 mg, and for children, 1 mg.

Lykopid is a synthetic substance similar to a complex compound (peptidoglycan), which is a fragment of the bacterial wall. In the body, this compound activates phagocytes and enhances the synthesis of antibodies and interleukins.

Likopid is prohibited for pregnant women. In children, Likopid tablets are prescribed as part of treatment for exacerbation of a respiratory infection, but at a temperature below 38 0 C.

In adults, Likopid is prescribed to maintain immunity in cases of pneumonia, respiratory tract infections, herpes, papillomavirus, herpes, psoriasis, and pulmonary tuberculosis.


To strengthen the immune system for adults, Derinat is prescribed, an immunomodulating drug with activity against viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

The product can be used at any age; children can use it from birth. During pregnancy, Derinat is prescribed based on the possible benefit to the mother, taking into account the risk to the fetus.

The immunomodulatory property allows Derinat to be used to strengthen the immune system for respiratory infections, asthma, atopic dermatitis, salpingitis, and prostate hyperplasia.


The army of immune system cells that guards health includes several types of lymphocytes, eosinophils, macrophages, neutrophils, and basophils.

It is difficult to make this complex mechanism work correctly by taking pills alone. Moreover, self-medication runs the risk of unbalancing the immune system. You need to strengthen your immune system in a comprehensive manner, as described on the pages of the site.

Protects the body from the effects of various pathogenic factors. If the immune response decreases, the body loses protection and the person begins to get sick more often. To enhance immunity, special medications are used.

Photo 1. Immunity can be boosted with both synthetic and herbal preparations. Source: Flickr (theoilyguru.org).

How do drugs work?

The actions of some drugs are aimed at increase in the nonspecific part of the immune system. This means that such drugs can increase the body’s resistance to the action of any pathogenic factors. They can increase the stability of cell membranes, thereby preventing microorganisms from entering the cells. Or, for example, activate immunocompetent cells such as macrophages, neutrophils or lymphocytes.

Some drugs have antioxidant effect, preventing the process of tissue destruction by aggressive substances.

Other means increase specific immunity. It is directed against a specific pathogen. For example, vaccines containing antigens of a certain strain of bacteria activate the parts of the immune system responsible for destroying only this strain, protecting the body from it. Serums containing immunoglobulins also protect the body from only one pathogen, destroying it.

Types of drugs

There are many types of drugs that act on the immune system. They can be plant, bacterial or animal origin, and also create artificially(synthetic drugs).

In addition, some drugs affect the immune system, which, despite this, can only conditionally be classified as immune drugs.

Herbal preparations

This type of immunity booster has been known since ancient times. Almost all of them used to be classified as traditional medicine. Now many recipes are used to make traditional medicines: tablets, syrups, lollipops.

The most commonly used plants are: , ginseng and eleutherococcus. Preparations made from these types of plants stabilize cell membranes, prevent pathogenic microorganisms from entering cells, stimulate cellular immunity, and promote the destruction of microbes.

Herbal medicines increase nonspecific immunity, which allows them to be used both for any infectious diseases and for preventive purposes.

Vitamins for immunity

Vitamins are substances that the body needs for many biochemical reactions to occur. Maintaining vital functions without vitamins is impossible, but they are not produced in the human body, so it is important to consume them from the outside.

Vitamin C and E help strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid reduces the permeability of the cell wall, which prevents microorganisms from entering the cell. In addition, stabilization of connective tissue structures by this vitamin prevents the development of inflammatory reactions. Ascorbic acid can be used to prevent colds.

Vitamin E or tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant. It is necessary to ensure that aggressive substances released during the development of many diseases do not damage healthy cells. This vitamin can be used for infectious and tumor processes, as well as for preventive purposes.

It is important! Vitamins should not be consumed uncontrollably. Hypervitaminosis is as dangerous as hypovitaminosis. These substances should be taken only when symptoms of their deficiency are actually observed. For example, frequent colds or bleeding gums. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Bacterial immune drugs

Such drugs contain parts of bacteria or non-hazardous strains of bacteria. There are medications that are designed against one specific pathogen. For example, the BCG vaccine contains inactivated (non-dangerous) tuberculosis bacteria, which create an immune response against this pathogen. The antibodies produced in this process protect the body from new ingress of tuberculosis bacilli.

There are also preparations that contain parts of many bacteria or their common antigens. For example, Imudon contains those strains of bacteria that most often cause oral diseases. It activates immunity against all these pathogens. Bronchomunal acts similarly against pathogens of respiratory tract diseases.

Photo 2. Well-known vaccines are designed to help the immune system when faced with a serious illness. Source: Flickr (Carlos Reusser Monsalvez).


With decreased immunity due to hypovitaminosis, you should take vitamins. In addition to the above groups, there are multivitamin preparations; they can also be used to strengthen the immune system, taking courses twice a year - in spring and autumn.

In order to prevent the development of a certain infectious process, should be used bacterial preparations and immunoglobulins. Some of them can be obtained at outpatient clinics and clinics.

Children receive preventive vaccinations without fail, based on the recommendations of the vaccination card. Adults themselves decide on the need for such immunoprophylaxis.

Nucleic acid preparations are highly effective, but they have not yet been fully studied, and therefore are not widely used.

Photo 3. A doctor must select the type of drug.

Medicine began to develop inducers of body resistance simultaneously with its inhibitors designed to suppress autoimmune reactions. Some believe their action is more pronounced and better directed compared to. For others, they are just another “chemical” and allergy triggers. But they remain the most popular class of over-the-counter drugs today.

Tablets to boost immunity in adults

Remedies of this type provide the immune system with the substances it needs to function (usually microelements and) or include inducers for the production of antibodies of various types.


The active ingredient meglumine acridone acetate improves the production of the body's own interferon.

It is suitable for prevention and therapy, but is contraindicated in cirrhosis, during the gestational and lactation period. It is prescribed 0.45-0.6 g per day, in one dose, half an hour before meals. The treatment regimen requires drinking the indicated “portion” for the first two days in a row, the next 2 days - once every 48 hours, then - once every 72 hours. You can buy it for 366-390 rubles.

The tablet form of the drug is the only one that contains tilorone dihydrochloride. Amiksin produces interferons and T-type leukocytes, but it is not recommended for use during lactation and liver pathologies.

Depending on the perceived threat, its dose is 0.125-0.25 g per day, the first two days in a row, then once every 48 hours, 1.5-6 months. It is drunk after any meal without chewing. The price of Amiksin is 583-850 rubles.

Pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide, which forms the basis of the drug, is anti-inflammatory - not only.

It is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Immunity tablets for adults Ingavirin are prescribed 0.09 g, per dose every 24 hours, regardless of meals, for 5-7 days. It costs from 505 to 598 rubles.


Umifenovir, whose trade name is Arbidol, has repeatedly shown high effectiveness in alleviating the symptoms of infections and shortening the treatment period.

No teratogenic effect was found behind it, and there was no other serious side effect besides allergies. With caution, it is allowed for use during gestation and lactation. A single dose is 0.2 g. The regimen varies depending on the purpose of administration:

  • – prescribed dose once a day, twice a week;
  • suspected infection - 1 “portion” per day, daily, 10-14 days;
  • therapy - according to the prescribed dose every 6 hours, 5 days in a row.

Arbidol is cheap - for 20 tablets they ask for 250-290 rubles.

An adamantane derivative called rimantadine hydrochloride is marketed under its own name. It promotes by activating the work of lymphocytes and the synthesis of interferons, and is a fairly strong inducer of resistance.

Rimantadine produces a number of stimulating side effects on the central nervous system. It has not been tested for toxicity to the fetus and is not indicated for pregnant women or people with pathologies of the thyroid gland, kidneys, or liver.

On the 1st day of the disease, rimantadine is taken after meals, 3 times 0.1 g, on the 2nd and 3rd days - the same amount, but twice, on 4 days - 0.1 g and once. The prophylactic dose is 0.1 g daily, for a maximum of 15 days. A separate advantage of rimantadine is its low cost (65-200 rubles, depending on the dosage - 0.05 or 0.1 g).

Oseltamivir, as an active component of Tamiflu, destroys antigens rather than strengthens the immune system.

But its aggressive action is aimed at neuraminidase, an enzyme in the envelope of many viruses and bacteria, which is not typical for plants. And it is the main “agent of penetration” of the pathogen into the target cell, especially mucous membranes, with rapid spread within the tissue.

In the resistance system, the consumption indices of vitamins C, D, E, the minerals selenium, iron (only trivalent, divalent plant iron cannot be absorbed), and calcium are especially noticeably increased.

They are most widely distributed in tablets. Among them, the most are complete - 30 or close to that elements in total (a complete set of currently known nutrients for the body). These include AlfaVit, Centrum and Vitrum in the “basic configuration”.

But “solid” forms have disadvantages - slow absorption, high irritating potential for the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, especially given the need to drink them in long courses (30 days or more) with short breaks (maximum 2-3 weeks). Soluble multivitamins can eliminate them.

They are made in the form of effervescent tablets, after dissolution they form sweetish, bright colors (yellow, orange), with a fruity, unobtrusive taste. Such drugs are absorbed several times faster and almost do not irritate the digestive tract.

This is a good solution for children and people with digestion/absorption disorders. The most complete among them seems to be Doppel Hertz from A to zinc (27 components) at a price of plus or minus 450 rubles. Take it 1 “fizzy drink” per day, preferably after meals.


The active substance, the main component of the drug and its name are the same. it is presented as a dry extract with a characteristic odor and is in the form of lozenges.

The plant has scientifically proven immunomodulatory properties due to its simultaneous content:

  • bioflavonoids and tannins – antioxidants, natural antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, surface antiseptics;
  • minerals - including calcium, zinc, manganese, and selenium necessary for the resistance system.

Usually the drug is enriched with C and E, 1 tablet is prescribed up to 4 times a day for 7 days. Echinacea is contraindicated if you are allergic to any flowers or their pollen, and is inexpensive - 120-200 rubles.


In nature, the compound has a consistency slightly softer than stone and is found in the form of inclusions in its thickness.

Its origin does not cause appetite and consists in the natural decay and preservation of plant-organic accumulations in the relief of rocks. in tablets it works as a foreign, but not too toxic irritant for the immune system, not indicated for autoimmune diseases. It is used 1 piece at a time. (2 g) per day, for 14 days with a 7-day break.

A Thai version of general tonic herbal medicine based on Asian centella. In Europe it is more valued as a laxative and diuretic, in Asia – as an immunostimulant.

In India, it is officially recognized as a medicinal plant and is widely used in Ayurveda. Gotu kola leaves are rich in terpenes (a component of tree resin with antiseptic properties), “invigorating” tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, including strong antioxidants quercetin and rutin (also have antitumor effects).

Tablets with its extract are taken 20 mg in the morning and evening, after meals, according to the 7/7 day schedule. They are contraindicated for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cancer of any location. Buy 100 tablets/caps. Gotu kola can cost 960-1100 rubles.

The immune system is interconnected with the nervous and endocrine systems. It is impossible to quickly increase the immunity of a working adult who is in a state of chronic stress by simply taking medications. What needs to be done to boost immunity, how to improve the health of an adult, what foods and pills increase the body’s resistance to infections?

Before moving on to medications that can be taken to boost immunity, let’s look at when it is considered insufficient in an adult. Let's look at how to restore immunity for an adult, and whether it's worth running to the pharmacy for immunostimulants the first time.

An adult in good health can get a respiratory infection up to 4 times per year. If infections occur more often and are severe, lasting for weeks, then we can talk about a weakening of the body’s defenses.

An appearance even once a year can be considered an indicator of a malfunction of the immune system. If herpes appears more often, then this is already an alarm bell, signaling a health problem.

Nervousness and poor sleep indicate that the brain does not receive enough oxygen, microelements, and amino acids to function properly. There are plenty of factors that negatively affect immunity. Here we have poor nutrition, an unhealthy environment, disrupted circadian rhythm, family history, acquired diseases, and stress.

Let's dwell on the stress factor that depresses the immune system, find out how to raise it for an adult, and how you can improve your health with drugs and folk remedies.

What affects immunity

Strong negative emotions and physical overload cause the release of stress hormones in the human body. One of them is cortisol.

In the morning, when its quantity is maximum, it helps to wake up and move from sleep to wakefulness. In the evening, the natural level of cortisol in a healthy person decreases, causing sleep.

But if there is no evening decrease in cortisol levels, the amount of the hormone in the blood is much higher than normal, then deep disturbances occur in the body, weakening the immune system.

A person becomes susceptible to respiratory infections and easily catches colds and flu.

The negative effect of the hormone on the immune system is manifested:

  • decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the blood;
  • inhibition of cellular immunity;
  • suppression of the humoral response of local mucosal immunity to the introduction of infection.

Nutrient supplements that help fight stress can help reduce cortisol levels in the body:

  • B vitamins;
  • macro-, microelements Ca, Mg, Cr, Fe;
  • coenzyme Q;
  • alpha lipoic acid.

Cortisol blockers are:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • protein-carbohydrate foods;
  • antioxidants – vitamin E, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, Se, Zn;
  • omega 3.

All of the listed nutrients must be present in the daily diet; this is the basis of a strong immune system. To strengthen the immune system, an adult needs to provide the body with amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.

Only under this condition can one expect a positive effect from the use of immunostimulating drugs. If you provide everything you need to build your own immunoglobulins, it will be much easier to survive the cold season.

How to increase the immunity of an adult, can this be done very quickly, what medications and folk remedies should be used?

Strengthening the immune system with drugs

The immune system is stimulated by preparations prepared on the basis of bacterial lyalysate - destroyed fragments of microorganisms.

These drugs include Ribomunil - a complex that stimulates specific immunity, especially effective for frequent respiratory tract infections, used in adults, children - from 6 months. Likopid, Imudon, IRS-19 have a similar effect.

Interferons are used in the first 3 days of illness. You can improve immunity in an adult with medications such as Viferon, Interferon, Intron, Betaferon, Reaferon, Roferon-A.

The group of inferonogens includes drugs that stimulate the production of its own (endogenous) interferon - Arbidol, Amiksin, Cycloferol, Neovir, Curantil (dipyridamole), Kagocel, gasolidone.

The use of herbal immunostimulants (adaptogens) increases the stability of the immune system:

  • Mylife;
  • Apollo Willow;
  • Atlant-Iva;
  • Marina;
  • Immunorm;
  • Petilam;
  • Tonsilgon N;
  • Estifana tablets;
  • Tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis;
  • Aloe preparations;
  • Kalanchoe juice.

The Russian-made adaptogenic remedy Milife increases the body's ability to resist colds.

The basis of the drug is the mycelium of the fungus Fusarium sambucinum. Milife contains B vitamins, essential and non-essential amino acids, including tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, glutamic acid.

The drug contains micro and macroelements, organic acids, ubiquinones, and unsaturated fatty acids necessary to enhance immunity.

Adaptogens of animal origin include drugs that are obtained from animal organs, these include:

  • Pantohematogen Altamar;
  • Thymusamine;
  • Tsypagan;
  • Epifamin;

Among the medicinal synthetic adaptogens with an immunostimulating effect is the well-known anthelmintic drug Dekaris (active ingredient levomisol). This group includes medications:

  • Dibazol is a vasodilator;
  • Diucifon is an anti-tuberculosis drug;
  • Galavit is an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Glutoxim is an immunomodulator, hemostimulant, hepatoprotector;
  • Gepon – immunomodulator, antiviral agent;
  • Alloferon is an immunomodulator, antiviral drug;
  • Polyoxidonium is an immunoprotector and antioxidant.

All of the listed drugs to boost immunity in adults can only be used as prescribed by a doctor., since these products were not created to strengthen the immune system, but to treat certain diseases. The immunomodulatory properties of drugs have been discovered in practical use.

Homeopathy for adults

The mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines is not fully understood. It is also not known why drugs in this group affect people differently.

But, if you are not allergic to the components, you can resort to homeopathy, which is not prohibited by traditional medicine, although its effectiveness has not been proven.

What homeopathic medicines increase the protective properties of the immune system, what should an adult drink to boost immunity? Medicines recommended by homeopaths to strengthen the ability to resist respiratory infections include:

  • Echinacea Compositum;
  • Aflubin;
  • Antigrippin N;
  • Engystol;
  • Influcid;
  • Immunar;
  • Delufen;
  • Dr. Theiss for influenza;
  • Mucosa Compositum;
  • Engystol;
  • Edas 308;
  • Edas-131;
  • Edas-150;
  • Galium-Hel.

For children and adults, Aflubin absorbable tablets are used. Exactly how the drug works has not been established, but manufacturers claim that the use of Aflubin stimulates local immunity.

The drug Mucosa Compositum (Germany) has a positive effect, as indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for the drug, on the condition of the mucous membranes, increases immunity in cases of damage to the intestines, stomach, and ENT organs.

Folk remedies

Foods high in amino acids, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids will help boost your immunity. Walnut satisfies almost all of the above requirements.

This extremely healthy product contains B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acid, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, and selenium. This natural medicine for immunity is enough for an adult to take 5-8 nuts daily.

Recipe 1

An excellent folk remedy for increasing immunity in adults is walnuts with honey. To prepare this medicine, you just need to peel (preferably immediately before cooking) the nuts and pour honey over them.

Another, no less tasty, folk remedy that is very quick to prepare and does not require cooking is an excellent way to help an adult increase and strengthen their immunity. To prepare it you will need, in addition to walnuts, almonds and pine nuts.

Recipe 2

Take 200 g, crush, mix well:

  • nuts in equal parts - walnuts, pine nuts, almonds (all together 200 g);
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • lemon with zest;
  • raisin.

The resulting mass is poured with honey and stored in the refrigerator. Daily dose – 3 tablespoons. It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach, before meals.

Garlic does not lose ground at all in strengthening the immune system. This vegetable is not just a natural antiseptic, it is an important supplier of selenium - an antioxidant, without which the functioning of the hormonal system is disrupted.

There are many folk ways to boost immunity using garlic. One of them is a mixture of garlic and lemon.

Recipe 3

  • Chop the lemon and zest very finely;
  • Peel the head of garlic and crush it;
  • mix;
  • pour the mixture with water so that it covers the mixture by 0.5 cm;
  • leave in a dark place for 4 days;
  • keep in the refrigerator.

Take a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Berries for immunity

Products containing ellagic acid have high antioxidant activity and the ability to enhance immunity. There is especially a lot of this acid in raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries, and blackberries.

Preparing berries for the winter in the form of jams and preserves is a well-known folk remedy for strengthening the immune system in adults and children. And, as it turned out, our grandmothers did everything right.

The amount of ellagic acid in strawberry jam only increases during storage, which is believed to be due to the gradual extraction of ellagic acid from the seeds.

Ginger, honey, garlic, rose hips, mumiyo, and propolis have immunostimulating activity. Use of these products in the autumn and winter will support the immune system, strengthen the defenses of an adult in the fight against viral infection, and protect against stress.

Adults benefit from moderate exercise to strengthen the immune system. When drawing up a training plan, you must take into account both your age and health status, since overtraining is a severe stress for the body.

What is important to remember

When using immunomodulators to strengthen the immune system, we must not forget that any extremes are harmful to the body. Including too active immunity. Hyperfunction of the immune system can be even more dangerous than decreased immunity.

Before using any remedy to enhance immunity, you should visit a doctor and consult on this issue.

The immune system is one of the most important in the human body. To maintain health and good mood, it is important to know how to boost the immune system of an adult and a child at home, using not only medications, but also harmless folk remedies.

Causes and symptoms of poor immunity

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist the negative effects of the environment. The better this system works, the less people get sick. There are cases when the body never got sick at all due to a good protective reaction. Causes that can negatively affect the immune system:

  1. Stress, overwork at work or school, lack of sleep;
  2. A course of chemical therapy or radiation treatment for cancer;
  3. Surgeries and a course of antibiotic drugs that reduce the performance of almost all organs;
  4. Wrong lifestyle, poor quality nutrition, bad habits;
  5. Women's immunity also often decreases during pregnancy. This happens because the body gives all the most necessary microelements and vitamins to the development of the fetus. The passage of the birth process even depends on the quality of immunity: the stronger the body, the better the birth will be;
  6. Lack of hardening. Immunity is not an innate phenomenon, it is an acquired skill that needs to be trained throughout your life. Many people harden themselves for this, which is why we get vaccinated.

Naturally, weather conditions and standard of living play a big role in the development of a strong immune system. In winter and autumn there is a sharp increase in incidence and this is due to a lack of vitamins and sunlight. Also, residents of large cities are much more likely to experience decreased immunity than people living in rural areas.

Symptoms weakened immune system:

  1. Fatigue, lack of sleep, nervousness;
  2. Frequent respiratory tract infections, constant colds (or at least 4 times a year);
  3. Drowsiness, weakness, inability to concentrate on a specific task;
  4. Stomach upsets – constipation and diarrhea (especially after medications). For throat diseases, influenza virus, pneumonia and many other diseases, only antibiotics are used for treatment. They are destructive to female microflora, stomach, skin, and other organs.

Video: advice from doctors to strengthen the immune system

Food and vitamins

List of the best immune-boosting foods:

  1. garlic
  2. sprouted wheat
  3. lemon
  4. ginger

Photo - Sprouted wheat

During the cold season, many women experience various diseases that appear when the protective organs are weakened. To boost immunity for herpes and thrush, it is enough to take vitamins for women:

  1. Vitamin E is a must (in capsules and solution;
  2. fish fat;
  3. zinc and magnesium (to restore the nervous system and activate the brain);
  4. Carotenoids. Beta-carotene fights infections;
  5. bioflavonoids;
  6. selenium.
  7. omega-3.

Combine your usual menu with fresh fruits and other healthy foods (milk, cereals and bran).

Folk remedies

An adult can quickly boost their immunity after surgery (including chemotherapy) or illness using folk remedies. Is very effective vitamin decoction. To prepare it, you will need dried rose hips (10 spoons), two raspberry or currant leaves (also dried), 1 whole lemon and 5 spoons of natural flower honey.

Rose hips are boiled separately in two liters of water; the berries need to be cooked for at least 1 hour. The lemon along with the zest is cut into small cubes and crushed in a meat grinder or mortar. Lemon pulp, bush leaves and honey are poured into a glass container and filled with hot rosehip infusion. The tea is infused for three days in a dark, warm place, after which you need to drink two tablespoons of the decoction twice a day before meals.

Photo - Honey with garlic

An excellent recipe for medicinal teas is honey with garlic. You need to take:

  1. Medium sized head of garlic;
  2. One whole lemon;
  3. 200 grams of natural honey.

The garlic is peeled and grated on a fine grater (you can also chop it in a special crusher). Lemon and honey ground in a meat grinder are added to it. The mass is thoroughly mixed and poured into a non-metallic bowl with a tight lid. It is optimal for such purposes to buy glass containers with an airtight lid. Take the product also two spoons a day before meals, store in a cool place.

Boost immunity after illness pregnant or lactating woman can be the following components:

  1. Garlic;
  2. Ginger root.

Echinacea is a medicinal plant that is often recommended to restore immunity in sensitive people. For example, during lactation, pregnancy or after cancer. Echinacea decoctions can be made from fresh or dried plants, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Echinacea decoction to boost immunity, improve the functioning of the stomach and liver: you need to pour a tablespoon of the herb into 300 ml of boiling water and put it in a hot bath. The mixture is heated for half an hour, it must be stirred all the time. Then cool at room temperature and take two spoons per day on an empty stomach.

Photo - Echinacea

In case of breast cancer, diabetes, melanoma, and other serious diseases, it is very important to quickly improve the weakened immunity of an adult. Effective fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure to consult your doctor before use. Grate raw carrots and combine them with cold-pressed olive oil and consume before meals. Excellent reviews about cruciferous salads. Be sure to eat apples, preferably with honey. This is a simple and effective way to quickly restore the human immune system.

Few people know that it is important for any adult to raise local immunity. This can also be done using traditional methods. For example, it has proven itself to be excellent aromatherapy. This is a wonderful way that restores the normal mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and lifts your spirits. Aromatherapy against a weak immune system is carried out by the following means:

  1. Eucalyptus, tea tree, fir;
  2. Sage, thyme;
  3. Orange, rosemary.

This method can also activate the brain and provide reliable prevention for respiratory diseases.


Traditional methods are not always effective enough; moreover, homeopathy has a cumulative effect, i.e. the result is not immediately noticeable. Many recipes are not suitable due to allergic reactions to their components, in particular vitamin C. What professional medications are used to boost immunity in an adult after surgery or antibiotics:

Before boosting an adult’s immunity with medications, consult a doctor. Many have serious contraindications, for example, pregnancy, diabetes or heart failure.

Poll: Select 1-3 options that you use to boost your immunity