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The magic of numbers. How to learn to understand dreams. I dreamed of a Shaman, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing a Shaman in a dream

A shaman seen in a dream indicates that the desire for the forbidden has taken over your thoughts and completely guides your actions. The desire for unnaturalness, perversion, and absurdity can radically change your life, as a result of which you risk losing everything that you have been striving for for so long.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a shaman means changes in your intimate life and a significant expansion of your sexual range. Seeing a shaman performing a ritual in a dream means that you are still burning with the desire to possess the long-standing object of your close attention.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Dream about Shaman

The bearer of the primitive, shamanic tradition is the same as a sorcerer or healer. Initiation into shamanic activity is very rare.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mythological Dream Book

What does Shaman mean in a dream?

Seeing a dancing shaman: a sign that some extraneous events can literally fascinate you, distracting attention from your pressing affairs and plans.

Meanwhile, the dream suggests that nothing serious will happen around you in the near future, and therefore it is better for you to focus on your own affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Meaning of Shaman dreams

In reality, they will try to subjugate you to their will in order to use you for their own purposes.

If you dreamed that you were shamanizing, it means that in reality you are trying to resort to deception in order to hide things that poorly characterize you from others.

You will not be able to do this, since the deception will be exposed.

Interpretation of dreams from

The Shaman's Dream Book was compiled using techniques used by shamans from Siberia who lived 5000 BC. Shamans treated dreams with particular seriousness, since it was in dreams that they carried out the most important actions of their activities, namely, they moved into the space of the upper and lower worlds in search of souls bearing the cross of oblivion.

Differences in the Shaman's Dream Book approach

During sleep, shamans were able to leave their physical body; they were the founders of the use of this mystical ritual. So in one of the caves in France there is an image of the figure of a shaman, spreading his arms wide like wings. His penis was in an erect state. Birds were also depicted behind his back, and a bull was depicted in front of him. But the most distinctive feature of this image is that the shaman's body is bent at an angle of 37 degrees. The ancient Egyptians considered this position optimal for leaving the body shell.

Another important detail of this image is the erect penis. Modern scientists know that during the period of time when a man enters the REM phase, he can experience an erection, it is believed that this is a consequence of the fact that this reflects the energy that separates the astral body from the physical body. This energy is widely used by yogis; many techniques in magic are based on it.

To transition to the upper and lower worlds, some yogis and shamans use the technique of visual focus. These technical approaches use the image of a corridor, which reflects in its appearance the transition to the space of the lower world. Whereas to ascend to the upper world, a figurative flight on an eagle or ascent from the crater of a volcano is used. Some mystical schools use visualizations and images. This process is described as fundamental to the development of the ability to experience lucid dreams.

In addition, there is information that symbolic displays in the form of images of sacred places, temples of the inner worlds,

The world of dreams interests all people. Why do we see dreams, and some of them can foreshadow real life events? Shamans have their own answer to this question, which is fundamentally different from the generally accepted one. The Dream Book of Shamans is not a list of interpretations of certain dream images; it is based on a different approach to this issue. Let us consider the features of shamanic interpretation of dreams.

Shamans claim that in dreams the world of the living and the world of spirits are united. According to shamans, each creature can release its spirit and connect with the spirits of other creatures in the dream world. Since the world of dreams is different from the earthly world, different transformations can occur there. For example, a person may appear as a tree or an animal, and an animal may take the form of a person.

Therefore, the interpretation of shamanic dreams is never straightforward. They are sure that the image of an animal or plant symbolizes a person. But the image of a person or plant speaks of an animal.

Shamans also believe that the appearance of images in a dream always carries important information. However, this information is encrypted, so an ordinary person cannot interpret the dream - the help of a shaman is needed. Messages in dreams cannot be ignored, since the spirit world always warns about something important. If you correctly decipher symbolic messages, you can live to a ripe old age and not get sick.

How to learn to understand dreams

Shamans always use dreams to lift the veil of secret knowledge. How can an ordinary person learn such techniques? To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to change thinking - to make it flexible and pliable.

First you need to go to a bookstore that sells esoteric books. Choose a book about shamans and their journeys. You can visit this store in your dreams and in reality. In the book you will find a detailed description of the worldview of shamans, and you will be able to touch a different perception of the world.

Spirits of nature and things

Next, you need to realize that the entire universe is a living organism. There are no inanimate objects, no matter how inanimate they may seem. Plants, stones, all objects and water have soul and consciousness. You need to learn to feel this - then you can open the door to the world of shamanic dreams.

However, just knowing is not enough. You should feel the spirit of the surrounding objects and nature. Start saying hello to your things, sending a ray of love to the sun and wind, and mentally talking to animals. This does not have to be done in the presence of strangers, because not everyone can understand and accept your changed worldview.

Symbols and signs

Next, you must realize that there are no accidents. For example, identical thoughts are not an accident - they are a manifestation of a different pattern. If you met a person in real life, and then he came to you in a dream, this has a special meaning. You need to start a dialogue with him in your dream.

Know how to notice and distinguish symbols and signs - this is the right path to shamanic dreams.

Further, symbols in dreams can be both archetypal and personal. For example, religious symbolism refers to archetype symbols, and the caw of a crow refers to your personal symbolic meanings. Both a smell and a musical melody can become a personal symbol. This is something that only you and no one else understands.

Twilight Zone

This is not a darkened consciousness, but the border between sleep and wakefulness. The twilight zone state can be caught immediately after waking up. This time needs to be spent usefully, for example, planning a successful day. The twilight zone can also be used before going to bed, when consciousness begins to “blur.”

Before going to bed, imagine that you are climbing a staircase leading to heaven. This way you can get to the upper world during sleep. But don't just climb the stairs, but with a clearly posed question. For example, you want to know about your future or the past of your ancestors. Go up the steps and think about your question. You can go down the stairs in the same way if you want to get to the lower world.

Three dream worlds

So, shamans distinguish 3 worlds of dreams and 3 levels of perception:

  1. upper;
  2. average;
  3. lower.

The first level is always associated with spiritual manifestations or knowledge. Usually a person contemplates the heavens, the planets, or a source of spiritual light.

The second level is ordinary everyday dreams. This is due to a person's daily experiences, which are processed by the brain. These dreams are devoid of information content and do not mean anything.

The third level is the level of shamanic journeys to the lower world. It is associated with ancient knowledge. In these dreams you will see nature and animals. At this level, you can gain knowledge and find a spiritual patron from the animal world.

What to do if you feel yourself in a dream at a certain level? If you find yourself on the middle level, try to find the door - this will be the exit to the lower or upper level. You will simply go there through the portal.

If you are at the top level, look for answers to questions about the meaning of life or connections with your ancestors. If you find yourself on the lower level, look for a patron from the animal world.

Now you need to learn to wake up in your sleep. This does not mean opening your eyes and staying awake - it means being conscious while dreaming. You must continue to sleep, but at the same time you must be aware that you are dreaming. There is no need to wake up in reality!

Ways to develop awareness in dreams:

  • Throughout the day, constantly ask yourself whether you are asleep or awake - this skill will transfer to sleep.
  • If you ask yourself this in a dream, then you have achieved lucidity in the dream.

How to understand that you woke up in a dream and not confuse the dream with reality? There are several characteristic signs:

  • watches and other devices in dreams are always faulty;
  • the shape of the body in dreams looks different than in reality.

As soon as you notice these features, immediately ask yourself: is this a dream or reality?

To quickly get into a lucid dream, use binary rhythms - record them on your player and fall asleep with headphones on.

Decoding symbols

How to correctly interpret what you see in a lucid dream? Only with the help of sensations. You need to remember what feelings you experienced during a given dream episode. There should be a notebook on the bedside table, in which you should immediately write down the scenes you see and the feelings associated with them. Subsequently, you will learn to decipher symbols directly in your sleep.

Everyone has heard that shamans can use hallucinogens in their practices. However, this cannot be used by an uninitiated person. First of all, you don't know how to take substances correctly. Secondly, it can harm you. Therefore, do not experiment with unfamiliar ingredients.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A mess will begin, through which blood will be shed.

Dreaming of "Shaman" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To correct the situation, superhuman effort is required.

If you had a dream - Shamanic dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They represent a very harsh, brutal invasion of a person’s dreams by various forms of demonic consciousness. This consciousness forcibly forces the dreamer to engage in shamanic practice, while exhausting the human psyche, driving him to madness and sending him severe painful illnesses - the so-called “shamanic ...

Dream - Shaman

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A representative of the shamanic magical tradition, a primitive form of magic. The entire esotericism of shamanism is fundamentally indistinguishable from any other line of knowledge of black magic.

If you had a dream - Magic (shamanism)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A system of secret practical knowledge, which is based on energy exchange with the gloomy, dim light of the demonic consciousness of lucifags. And the division of shamanic teachings into lower, middle and upper worlds are just different strata of the earth’s noosphere, worlds of different types of lucifags. ...

Dream Interpretation: Why Shaman dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The bearer of the primitive, shamanic tradition is the same as a sorcerer or healer. Very rarely - initiation into shamanic activity.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Shaman

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a dancing shaman means suffering from your own gullibility. Asking a shaman for help means asking for help or a simple favor from an unpleasant and unreliable person. If you dreamed of yourself as a shaman, you will have to hide the truth about someone or something.

Dream Interpretation: Why Shaman dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In reality, they will try to subjugate you to their will in order to use you for their own purposes. If you dreamed that you were shamanizing, it means that in reality you are trying to resort to deception in order to hide things that poorly characterize you from others. You won't be able to do this...

Dream Interpretation: Why Shaman dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The need to pay attention to the metaphysical side of life.

Shaman - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Shaman - the need to pay attention to the metaphysical side of life.

What does the dream portend: Shaman

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will fix something if in a dream you were a shaman. Communicate with a shaman - darn your underwear. The shaman's tambourine - a loud public scandal that will end with a quick reconciliation.

What does the dream portend: Shaman’s tambourine

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To a loud public scandal that will end with a quick reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation: Why Shaman dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a dancing shaman is a sign that some extraneous events can literally fascinate you, diverting attention from your pressing affairs and plans. Meanwhile, the dream suggests that nothing serious will happen around you in the near future, and therefore you better...

Dream Interpretation: Why Shaman dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The dream suggests that the desire for the forbidden has taken over your thoughts and completely guides your actions. The desire for unnaturalness, perversion, and absurdity can radically change your life, as a result of which you risk losing everything that you have been striving for for so long. See yourself in...

If you had a dream - Shaman

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The essence of the dream is Horse

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The winged horse is the Sun or the cosmic horse. It represents pure intellect, innocence, purity, life and light. It is ruled by heroes. At a later time, the horse replaced the bull in sacrifices. Both of them personify the gods of Heaven and fertility, masculine strength, as well as...

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Bear dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a bear is a sign that you should slow down, reflect, wait until the right time to act comes. In today's world it is difficult to sit still. There is always a danger that we will miss a good opportunity. Is the bear in your dream aggressive or playful? ...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Needle?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In real life, a needle is an ancient tool that is associated with many activities and, characteristically, with associations. Your dream is that you are at a fitting and a tailor, connecting parts, pricks them with needles - worry about updating your...

If you had a dream - Energy breakdown

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The introduction of an energy charge of a certain strength into the volume of another person (“shot”) by a magician, simply an experienced dreamer or a Lucifagus, which leads to energy damage and corresponding physiological destruction (often to serious mental disorders). Depending on the strength of the breakdown, this may...

If you had a dream - Black World

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

One of the main independent worlds of consciousness, which Toltec magicians train to “collect,” and with the energies of which all sorcerers are gradually saturated. Corresponds to Christian hell. According to all the inevitable laws of consciousness, all magicians, shamans and sorcerers irreversibly fall into the black world. The Black World (and similar spaces)…

Author of the article: website

A shaman seen in a dream speaks of something secret that lives in your soul. Moreover, please note that if you see this image quite often, then such a vision may indicate your dissatisfaction with something. To find out in as much detail as possible what the “supreme magician of the tribe” dreams about, analyze your dream in as much detail as possible, identifying all its smallest details, dream books advise.

The healer and the high priest are a sign of internal constriction

It’s not often in our time that you can meet an ancient shaman, much less performing some kind of ritual. However, dreams have no boundaries, either temporal or territorial. We may even dream of something that we have never witnessed, but know only by hearsay.

Why do you dream of an old shaman of an Indian tribe calling on the spirits of his ancestors? According to Pastor Loff's dream book, a dream means your fears of something new that you have not tried yet, but should do. Don't be afraid, nothing bad will happen.

Modern shaman as a symbol of doubt

Why dream of a plot in which a white man plays the role of a shaman, and not an Indian? As the Modern Dream Book explains, this means that you cannot understand what you want. You are embarrassed that you are capable of making the wrong decision, thereby losing the chance to improve your situation.

And if you saw in a dream how a young Indian is twirling in a shaman’s dance, demonstrating in a theatrical action the rite of initiation into shamans, then you should treat the difficult choice with a dose of irony, remembering that “everything that is done is for the best.”

Being a shaman yourself is a sign of change

If a girl dreamed that she was a tribal shaman speaking with the souls of dead ancestors, this means that mystical events will occur in her destiny that will radically change her destiny, says the Wanderer’s dream book.

There is one point: a girl sees herself in a dream as a young and beautiful shaman - changes will be for the better; but the scary shaman is a signal of a worsening situation.

The same dream book predicts a career take-off for a man if in a dream he saw himself as an ancient and powerful shaman, who was feared and worshiped.

What did he “shamanize” you in your dream?

Did you dream of a shaman who cured you or helped you make a choice? This is an excellent omen, prophesying the fulfillment of hopes and aspirations. But if in a dream he casts a spell on you at the request of adding something missing to you, then remember what exactly you asked for, and dream books will tell you why you dream about it. So:

  • health - someone will greatly upset you;
  • love - you will feel a lack of attention from your loved one;
  • wealth - to a significant increase in finances;
  • the birth of a child - pay attention to your household.