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Face masks with pearl powder. Cosmetics based on pearl powder. Greetings to all who visit

Asians never cease to amaze the global beauty community. BB creams, CC creams, snail mucus, snake venom, exotic herbs, algae seeds, bandage masks, lip trainers, magic eggs… Now here’s another fad – pearl powder that promises everything at once: whitening, rejuvenation, cleansing , matting and all sorts of useful saturation elements. This powder is used not only externally, but also internally, they brush their teeth with it, take baths with it, and even use it as a matting powder and highlighter. By the way, there is also gold powder, but that's a completely different story.

According to manufacturers, pearl powder contains essential amino acids and calcium in a special, biologically active form, essential for our beauty and youth. Such a rich composition allows it to become an almost universal anti-aging, whitening and cleansing agent.

In fact, this powder is a white powder, which is most often compared with chalk or whitewash ground into flour. Sometimes pearl inclusions are found in the powder.

Manufacturers claim that they make powder from small non-standard pearls, which cost practically nothing, which allows them to sell this product at a very reasonable price. Those who have been to pearl-producing regions know that in local markets a handful of “illiquid” pearls can be bought for real, even with our money, a penny. On an industrial scale, as you might expect, small uneven pearls are much cheaper. This gives us hope that they are not fooling us and selling real pearls ground into fine powder, and not school chalk.

Having decided to try pearl powder, it is worth bearing in mind that it is primarily famous for its whitening properties. If your plans do not yet include the acquisition of aristocratic pallor, you should not apply it for a long time on the entire face. To lighten pigmentation, use pearl powder pointwise. The most "lethal" whitening effect will give a mixture of pearl powder with hydrogen peroxide. It is better to dilute the latter with boiled water so as not to overdry the skin.

A simple anti-aging mask is a mixture of the powder itself with egg yolk or, if the skin is not very dry, with whipped protein. In the first case, you will receive nutrition, in the second, narrowing of the pores and a very noticeable lifting effect will be added to the nutrition.

To prepare moisturizing and rejuvenating mask for the whole course, mix aloe vera gel with powder to a liquid slurry and store the finished mask in the refrigerator. One or two teaspoons of any vegetable oil with esters diluted in it can be added to the mask. Choose base oils and essential oils based on your skin's preferences.

One of the most popular and at the same time the simplest applications of pearl powder is a skin scrub. Here it is often recommended to mix it with cosmetic clay or, if the skin is dry and sensitive, with oatmeal.

A mixture of cosmetic clay, powder and water is suitable as a cleansing mask for oily skin.

If you powder the oily skin of your face with the heroine of our story before going to bed, then in the morning you will have clean matte skin.

This powder is also used as a matting veil powder, which allows you to permanently rid the skin of oily sheen.

She can play the role of a highlighter that gives the skin a youthful glow. To do this, it is applied in its pure form or added to foundation or caring creams. You can mix pearl powder with regular loose powder.

Pearl powder is a product that is made from natural raw materials, pre-crushed. This powder has been used in Chinese medicine for many years. For example, anti-aging agents are made from it. There are many such recipes, and the fair sex use them. Previously, this powder was used as a remedy. However, it is used for this purpose even now, in our days. First of all, it is used for skin diseases.

Sometimes pearl powder is used as a dietary supplement, because it is an excellent source of such a useful trace element as calcium. It is needed for strong bones. It puts the nervous system in order, strengthens the immune system, etc. In addition, it improves attention and memory, improves the quality of sleep. Many women drink pearl powder starting from the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This remedy is useful in disorders associated with the menstrual cycle. Men take it in case of problems with potency, if doctors cannot find the cause. The daily norm of the powder, regardless of the disease that a person wants to cure, should not exceed 3 g. Before using it for the treatment of diseases, you should first consult with your doctor.

Since ancient times, pearls have been considered a truly miraculous remedy. For example, there was a belief that he was able to prolong the period of youth, give people longevity and generally improve tone. According to the existing belief, Cleopatra drank a remedy every day, to which she added a crushed pearl. There she poured pomegranate juice. This allowed her to preserve her youth and beauty. Over time, pearl powder began to be actively used in the field of cosmetology, as well as medical purposes. It was included in various compositions and certain products were made from it, for example, powder. What is special about this product? What is it for?

What is powder made from pearls?

Powder is a natural product that is made, as you might guess, from pre-crushed freshwater pearls. Its chemical composition combines 18 amino acids and the same number of trace elements, calcium carbonate. Since the composition is natural, the price should be quite high. But it is quite accessible. If you are interested in pearl powder, you can buy it at an affordable price in the online store.

Pearl Powder Reviews

Pearl powder gets different reviews. The affordable price, in particular, confuses many. Usually, buyers think that a natural product cannot be sold at a low cost. They expect sky-high numbers, but pearl powder is really inexpensive. Natural pearls are not always worth a fortune. In Asian countries, there is a so-called illiquid pearl, which is not suitable for making jewelry, but is quite suitable for making pearl powder. It retains all the necessary properties inherent in this product. It contains calcium and other components found even in premium pearls.

Areas of use of pearl powder:

1. Pearl powder has many uses. It is used, among other things, as a dietary supplement, as it is able to have a beneficial effect on the human body. It is an excellent source of calcium, has a beneficial effect on the psyche, if a person is nervous a lot, strengthens the body's defenses. With its help, they carry out the prevention of eye diseases, it is able to improve memory, improve sleep, if it is intermittent or not deep enough. It is used to prevent spasms. It is used to treat impotence in men, as well as for menstrual irregularities. It is allowed to drink for pregnant women, it suits them as a good source of calcium. Pearls contribute to the proper development of the fetus. Before you start drinking preparations with pearl powder, you should consult a doctor. Do not exceed the daily dose, which is 3 g.

2. Pearl powder is suitable for teeth whitening As such, it is used by many people. If you use it as a tooth powder for at least a week, it will be able to whiten your teeth better than any paste. Although it is not recommended to make its use permanent. It is enough to conduct a whitening course, for example, lasting 1 month, and then take a break. Then there will always be an opportunity to repeat the course. With prolonged use, the tool can damage the enamel of the teeth, so you should not abuse it either.

3. Pearl powder has been used in Chinese medicine since ancient times for the purpose of speedy healing of wounds. The fact is that the powder is able to relieve inflammation and leads to the regeneration of skin cells. Dressings are made with powder. The sore spot is sprinkled with powder, and then bandaged. The powder has an antipruritic effect.

4. Pearl powder is used more often in cosmetology. It is included in anti-aging and whitening creams. It can stimulate blood circulation. In addition, with its help it is possible to regulate the balance of fluid in the body. If it is used on sunny days, the skin will be protected from UV rays. Powder eliminates pigmentation, removes swelling, improves the appearance of the skin. With prolonged use, it is possible to reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. It has excellent cleansing properties. In this regard, many people use it to eliminate all sorts of skin rashes. And the powder gives velvety to the skin.

How to apply pearl powder:

1. Among the most popular cosmetics is a mask. Pearl powder is its common ingredient. Masks are made from this powder according to various recipes. It is mixed with a favorite and often used (tested) cream. Then it is kept on the skin for twenty minutes. Moreover, it is useful to apply such a mixture not only on the skin of the face, but also on the neck. After 1/3 hour, the mask is washed off with water (heated water is suitable for this).

2. In combination with protein or milk, the powder mixture can whiten the skin. In addition, this mixture reduces the number of wrinkles. If you add honey, it will be absorbed and provide nourishment to the skin with useful microelements. Powder is often mixed with potato juice. But it must be freshly squeezed. The compress reduces swelling. Hold such a compress for about 10 minutes. Sometimes the powder is used as a scrub. Water is added to the powder so that the consistency is like gruel. It is lightly rubbed and wait until it dries, then washed off. You can use these products 2 times a week.

3. Powder is suitable as a component for almost any mask. The main thing is to find the right option for you.

Why is pearl powder so popular in cosmetology? It contains many useful amino acids that are involved in the formation of cells. In addition, it contains vitamins. The powder contains highly absorbable calcium complexes. They improve tissue metabolism. In cosmetology, the tool is used for various purposes:

  • prevention of cellular aging;
  • smoothing small wrinkles;
  • skin nutrition and hydration;
  • skin lightening;
  • improving cell metabolism.

There are many ways to use pearl powder. Here are just a few of them:

1. Face masks

The powder is often used as a component of masks. However, their recipes are different. Some contain milk, others contain dairy products, protein, etc. The main function of masks is skin whitening, wrinkle smoothing, pigmentation removal. But masks can have a different composition. Find the composition that suits you and use the components that are available. If there is a desire to rejuvenate the skin and it is not a pity for either time or effort, then you need to try and put yourself in order.

Pearl scrub is obtained by diluting the powder in water. At the same time, water is taken in a small amount. The main thing is to get a creamy consistency. The composition is applied to pre-moistened skin, massaging it.

3. Dusting

In the evening, after cleansing the skin of the face from daytime cosmetics, the skin is powdered with powder and not washed off. It will soak in overnight. In the morning it will be enough to wash. If you repeat this procedure several times a week, you can make the appearance of the skin better. It will eventually become flexible. Dusting helps to whiten the skin. If you want to keep a tan, then in this case, the tool should not be used yet.

4. Washing

If milk is used for washing, powder is added to it. Instead of milk, fresh cow's milk is also suitable. It is enough to stir a pinch of pearl powder in it. When using the product, the skin will be easily cleansed and refreshed, and will also become young in appearance.

5. Adding to the cream

Powder is poured into the cream and applied to the skin. As a result, the effect of pearl powder will be added to the effect of the cream.

Small tea leaves are poured with boiling water and pearl powder is added to the tea. This will provide the effect of rejuvenation and positively affect the body.

7. Brushing your teeth

To whiten teeth, pearl powder is added to toothpaste used in the morning and evening. This method will strengthen the enamel of the teeth.

8. Food supplement

As a food supplement, the powder can be used up to two times a day - in the morning or afternoon and evening. The powder is taken in a small amount (about 1 g) and diluted with water. But first you should consult with your doctor.

9. Pearl baths

100 g of powder is added to the bathing bath. It is enough to take such a bath for about 15 minutes. You can take a bath 1-2 times a week.

Powder of ground pearls is a remedy that has been actively used by oriental medicine for thousands of years. It has many uses, both internally and externally, and the long list of useful properties can be summarized as healing and rejuvenation of the body and skin including. Pearl powder is widely distributed in China, where I got it, a generous 200-gram package.

The package contains another transparent powder bag.

As always, a description of properties and methods of application masterfully translated by the Chinese into Russian:

"to prevent the formation of pimples" - an extremely useful property ^_^

The powder itself is white, very, very finely ground, a real powder.

On the package, in large hieroglyphs, there is an inscription that translates as Nanometer, nanometer - and this is found in many manufacturers of pearl powder in China. I do not have sufficient knowledge of both the Chinese language and physics to fully understand what exactly this gives us. The only assumption is that pearls are ground to nanoparticles (particles measured in nanometers, 1 nm = one billionth of a meter), i.e. unimaginably fine powder, so it can act more actively. Nanotechnology, however!

Many are surprised how ground pearls can be cheap and sold in bags. As far as I understood the Chinese descriptions, ugly pearls that do not have jewelry value are used to produce the powder, and there are a lot of them, so the powder is relatively inexpensive.

Smell. It has its own specific smell, unpleasant to my nose, reminiscent of the smell of burnt hair. But it is strongly felt only when preparing the mask, and in other cases it does not interfere. Plus, it's not the most disgusting smell possible (e.g., raw eggs smell much worse, brrr), so you can use it.

I am primarily interested in the cosmetic properties of the powder. There are 2 main areas here: masks and dusting.

masks . You can make an independent mask from pearl powder by diluting it with water or other liquid. It is easy to mix, it turns out a delicate texture like thick cream. The powder mono-mask just has an unpleasant smell, so I add a few drops of essential oils there. It dries quickly on the face, it is better to spray with water or hydrolat.

After washing off, an unusual feeling is created on the skin - the skin is not velvety or silky, as it happens with other natural masks, but as if powdered. Pearl powder is famous for its ability to whiten the skin (including fighting age spots and freckles), which is very popular among Asian women. And indeed it is - gives a uniform light skin tone. I really like this "feel like a geisha" result, I'm a fan of white skin!

Pearl powder mono masks are interesting, but it is more effective and pleasant to make multi-component masks, mixing with clay, other powders and oils (more on this).

Also, pearl powder can be used as wash-peeling alone or adding to homemade ubtans. I make ubtans from oatmeal, clay, herbal powders and pearl powder. This powder mixture is diluted with water and applied to the face with massage movements, then washed off - perfectly cleanses the skin!

Another way to use pearl powder is leave-in products.

Foundation Powder . I have non-traditional tastes: as a decorative foundation powder, I prefer white one-component powders. Mineral powders specially created for make-up with a pigment for fair skin seem to me too yellow and dark for my skin, I try them, but I use white powder as a base. And this pearl powder, of course, did not escape the fate of being powdered on the face. It evens out the color and relief, mattifies, slightly brightens the skin.

Of course, it emphasizes peeling, if any, but this is not a powder problem, but a skin problem. It seems to me that mineral powders cannot dry the skin on their own, they only show that the skin lacks moisture (even oily skin).

With pearl powder as a base, I made friends in the same way as with other mineral powders: moisturizer first, spraying with hydrosol after application. When the powder sits down, it is absolutely invisible on the face. The skin becomes so homogeneous that even the camera refuses to focus on it))

­ night powder . So this is who owns this idea - to powder the face with natural powders at night - to the Chinese! In pearl powder, calcium, amino acids and other trace elements are beneficial for the skin, which improve its functioning and prevent the formation of wrinkles, have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. It also mattifies - in the morning the skin looks beautiful and fresh. I use pearl powder at night, both on its own and as part of homemade night powder with other natural ingredients ().

A little pearl powder can be added to the cream - this gives a mattifying effect and UV protection.

They also use pearl powder inside, as a dietary supplement, diluting with water. I'm not ready for this kind of use yet. Yes, and on the packaging there are indications only for its external use, so I will look for powder with a direct indication from the manufacturer about the possibility of ingestion. You can read more about the medicinal properties in this article.

This package of pearl powder was purchased on Aliexpress for $ 7.56, i.e. about 250 rubles. The link I used to buy is no longer valid, and this is for the best, because the seller of BLUE RAIN's store posted a photo and description of a 250 g package of powder of the same brand, but sent a 200 g package. Although the price is still fair for 200 g , but I DO NOT recommend this seller. There are many more offers of pearl powder of different brands on Ali, searched for "pearl powder". There is even more choice on Taobao, for example, a link to exactly the same package of powder as mine. Price for Tao, of course, fantastically low: 4 yuan = a little more than 20 rubles I want to live in China!, but with shipping (if you order only one powder in a small package) and an intermediary commission, it will still come out about $ 7-8. Next time I will definitely take pearl powder for Tao and try different manufacturers to find the best.

Today, the leading beauty centers in Southeast Asia and Europe with the help of pearl powder solve almost all cosmetic problems: restore hair strength, shine, radiance and density, strengthen nails, smooth wrinkles. Pearl powder is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for thousands of years to restore and maintain health in the body. Oriental beauties took pearl powder to rejuvenate the skin, strengthen nails and increase sexual attractiveness. Chinese doctors still prescribe pearls for oral use against premature aging, heart disease, strengthening the nervous and skeletal systems.

The main components of this product are calcium salts: these are aragonite- a unique, bioavailable organic calcium, which is able to be absorbed by our body as much as possible, and calcium carbonate. It is they who will ensure the strength of our teeth and bones, the excellent condition of the spine, the smooth operation of the cardiovascular, nervous and hormonal systems, the growth and development of the body, improve and coordinate the functions of all organs, help in the treatment of diseases of bones and joints, improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, participate in the processes of hematopoiesis, metabolism.

Pearl contains conchiolin- pearl protein, a source of easily digestible protein, which is the building material for our hair and nails, which are 97% protein. Pearl protein is much closer, more related to our hair and nails than plant and even animal protein. Pearl powder is an indispensable product for people on a vegetarian diet.

In addition, conchiolin promotes the production of female hormones, protects the skin from aging, moisturizes it and regulates pH.

According to the chemical composition, pearl powder is a harmonious complex of calcium carbonate, calcium aragonite, conchiolin, 18 amino acids and 18 trace elements.

Unlike synthesized preparations containing calcium, pearl powder was created by nature itself and carries an energy-informational principle. The harmony of the amino acids and trace elements that make up pearls allows the formation of highly soluble, easily absorbed calcium complexes in the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption of calcium contained in pearl powder is 60%. Pearl powder is successfully used for osteoporosis, bone fractures, rickets, non-growth of fontanelles in children; with caries, periodontal disease, late teething, malocclusion. Calcium controls a number of enzymatic processes associated with the formation of energy. It is able to remove free radicals, improve metabolism in tissues, thereby providing a powerful rejuvenating effect, and is effective both when taken orally and when applied externally. Calcium is involved in the processes of blood coagulation, in connection with which pearl powder is successfully used for various bleeding.

Ionized calcium regulates the mechanisms of phagocytosis of cancer cells, therefore it is a means of non-specific prevention of cancer.

By coordinating the production of biologically active substances and at the same time reducing membrane permeability, pearl powder has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and anti-allergic effects. It is used for inflammatory diseases of any localization, as well as for atopic dermatitis, hard-healing ulcers, including trophic ones, burns and other skin lesions.

The drug has a calming effect on the nervous system, at the same time activates mental activity and intellectual abilities. It is used to improve the functioning of the cerebral cortex, restores efficiency, improves memory. Effective in neurasthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome. It is successfully used in the complex therapy of epilepsy convulsive syndrome, paralysis and paresis of various origins.

Pearl powder has a tonic effect on the myocardium, regulates vascular tone. It is indicated for heart failure, tachycardia, arterial hypertension.

Coordinating the contractile activity of smooth muscles, pearl powder expands the bronchi in bronchospastic syndrome. Normalizes the motor ability (motor) of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for intestinal atony, dyskinesia, reflux and other disorders of the digestive system.

Pearl powder strengthens the body's defenses, increases resistance to external adverse factors, including infection.

The drug improves visual acuity, eliminates clouding of the cornea.

It is used in the treatment of menstrual disorders, impotence, frigidity. It is recommended for pregnant women for the harmonious development of the fetus, its immune and nervous systems, and the intellectual abilities of the unborn child.

Working at the energy-information level, pearl powder introduces a rejuvenation program into the body, preventing premature aging. This is especially true of the energy structures of the female body.

Mode of application: pearl powder is used both internally and externally. Inside - drinking water. Doses - 1 g of powder, 1-2 times a day. Locally - in the form of a powder on the wound surfaces of the skin or mucous membrane, after which dressing with a sterile gauze is necessary. As a cosmetic mask - the powder is diluted with clean warm water to the consistency of sour cream, other ingredients can be added. Apply to cleansed skin of the face, neck, décolleté, hands for 15-20 minutes

With atopic dermatitis, as well as to improve skin turgor, it is recommended to add pearl powder to any indifferent cream (moisturizer and milk are perfect).
Pearl powder contains 22 types of amino acids, the main material for creating new healthy cells, 18 trace elements, glucose, which strengthens facial muscles, proteins and vitamins B and D. Pearl powder removes free radicals, improves metabolism, thereby providing a powerful rejuvenating effect, strengthens protective cell strength, activates sluggish, tired skin, increases its immune abilities and vitality, smoothes wrinkles, whitens age spots, gives the skin freshness, firmness, elasticity, dullness, silkiness and a healthy glow.

Internal use:
Pearl powder strengthens the body's defenses, increases resistance to external adverse factors, including infection. The drug improves visual acuity, eliminates clouding of the cornea. It is used in the treatment of menstrual disorders, impotence, frigidity. It is recommended for pregnant women for the harmonious development of the fetus, its immune and nervous systems, and the intellectual abilities of the unborn child. Working at the energy-information level, pearl powder introduces a rejuvenation program into the body, preventing premature aging. This is especially true of the energy structures of the female body.
Pearl powder is a unique source of Aragonite - biological calcium necessary to stimulate the growth and construction of bone tissue, which regulates the rhythm of the heartbeat and intercellular exchange. Calcium is used in the metabolism of iron and vitamin B12. Lack of calcium in the body causes nervousness, depression, poor sleep, predisposition to convulsions and spasms.

Application: Take orally 2 times a day. A single dose is 1 g. Take after dinner and before going to bed, diluting with warm boiled water. Reduce the dose for children or take as directed by a physician.

Outdoor use:
Pearl powder has an effective cosmetic function, can remove blemishes, blackheads,
wrinkles, stimulates blood circulation and renews the skin. At the same time, it can treat burns, decay, wounds, inflammation, itching, it can kill various bacteria, and remove pigmentation.
Pearl powder has the taste of marine products, it is the natural taste of marine pearls, and does not affect the effectiveness. Naturally, the Dabao company also offers its super popular pearl cream.

1. Mask method: mix fresh milk (or egg white, honey, pure water) with pearl powder,
and bring to a mushy mixture. Apply evenly on face and wash off after 30 minutes.
Apply the mask 2 times a week.

2. Powdering Method: After washing your face in the evening, powder on your face and wash off the next morning. The present method can whiten skin, keep skin flexible.

3 Facial cleansing method: add pearl powder to fresh milk. This wash refreshes the face and reduces wrinkles on the face.

4 Stain Removal Method: Add white vinegar and honey or vitamin E. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with plain water. Use 2 times a week

Pearl powder is a new effective tool in cosmetology and nutritional supplements. Find out full information about the branded "miracle" from China. Pearl powder from Batel, what's interesting.

  1. Natural Powder: Produced by physical methods (such as ball milling, jet milling, ultra-fine powder physical technology). It is characterized by the fact that no impurities are added, the components are not destroyed, all the nutrients of the pearl are preserved.
  2. Pearl powder, obtained by a chemical method: enzymatic or acid hydrolysis, is characterized by solubility in liquid. It is possible for people suffering from a deficiency of gastric secretion. The disadvantage is that useful substances are not fully preserved. For this reason, it has only one or a few effective characteristics. It is difficult to exploit it in cosmetology. Used as an additive.

Historical reference

Pearl medicine has existed in China for over 2000 years. The medical books of the "Three Kingdoms", "Materials of the Medica" by Liandai - 19 ancient healing books of ancient Chinese health science contain records of the effectiveness of pearls, noted positive results.

Liang Daitao Hongjing said that the pearl "acts on the skin, stops phlegm." During the Tang Dynasty, Herbal Medicine Materia Medica believed that pearls were good for the eyes, epidermis, and lungs. Under the rule of the Yuan clan, merchants often put honey and mother-of-pearl powder in health drinks.

During the reign of the Ming family, Li Shizhen showed great interest in the pharmacological effectiveness of pearls. He wrote: "Pearls are salty and sweet, non-toxic, enhance concentration, whiten the face and hands." He writes treatises of medicinal pearls.

When the country was ruled by the Ming, Prime Minister Li Deyu ate gemstone powder, realgar (a mineral, chemically arsenic monosulfide), and cinnabar (mercury mineral) decoction along with boiled rice. Each cup of food cost about 30,000 yuan. After three applications, the slags came out, purification took place. In those days, popular alchemy said that people who regularly eat pearl flour, realgar, vermilion with food achieve immortality.


- Protein (18 amino acids can be obtained after hydrolysis, 7 of which are essential), Batel protein shakes,

- calcium carbonate with an aragonite structure,

- more than 20 trace elements,

- vitamin B.

List of aminocarboxylic acids included in pearls.

Medium inclusions of amino acids (g / 100 h of pearl powder).

Aspartate - 0.2452 hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic coma

Threonine -  0.0389 component of various enzymes.

Serine- 0, 1546 enhances immune function.

Glutamate - 0.415 tinnitus, deafness, otitis media, allergic dermatitis, rhinitis, insomnia.

Glycine - 0.4580 is needed for beauty, regenerates collagen.

Alanine - 0.3995 vascular diseases.

Cysteine ​​- 0.4452 is associated with immunity.

Lysine - 0.0920 endocrine disease, rejuvenates.

Methionine - 0.0231 increases skin elasticity.

Leucine - 0.1037 is associated with the structure of the hair.

Leucine - 0.1551 promotes growth, stimulates gastric secretion.

Tyrosine - 0.0528 pathology of the thyroid gland.

Phenylalanine - 0.1768 stomach, intestines.

Lysine - 0.1109 for development, treatment of anemia.

Histidine - 0.011 stomach, duodenal ulcer, anemia, arthritis.

Arginine - 0.1081 dilates blood vessels, lowers high blood pressure.

Proline - 0.0411 for the treatment of the placenta, endocrine ailments.

2-aminoethanesulfonol - 0.0321 strengthens cardiovascular tissues.

Non-protein taurine is the subject of experimental research, clinical trials.

Clinical trials have shown that it provides one of the main therapeutic benefits of pearls. Not practiced for protein synthesis, but simply acts as an organic compound in the body.

For example, taurine itself has a good relaxing effect. Desirable for the regulation of the central nervous system. It can increase the contractility of the heart muscle, prevent heart failure, treat cardiovascular ailments.

An ancient Chinese practice relied on pearls in the treatment of the female placenta. Modern medicine has confirmed his role. Precious pearl taurine promotes the formation of protein in nerve endings, development, activation of the brain. It increases blood circulation in a person, which has a wonderful effect on health and energy state.

Trace elements - P, Fe, In, Mn, Ca, Se, Ge

How to define quality

We distinguish a fake in simple ways.

1 Look at the color. The real one should be slightly grey. If the white is most likely replaced by talc, and dark gray, probably pearl clam powder.

2, smell. Natural pearl powder has an unobtrusive astringency.

3 Pay attention to the pearl gloss. Take a little powder, lift it on your fingers. Take a look at the sun. If you see a shiny tiny dot on it, then it is not very authentic, because the mica glows inside.

4 Look at the reaction in the liquid. The powder will diffuse and sink. Pearl high-grade pearl powder has a small dispersion. In water, it has weak buoyancy, so it sinks. The worst quality powder is too coarse: it first diffuses after entering the container, and then gradually sinks. Fake is often oyster powder with talc inclusions. Its specific gravity is lighter, it floats on the surface in a heap, does not spread, sinks in a small volume.

5 Taste. Take a pinch of pearl powder and taste it with your tongue. Uncontaminated pearl flour has no specific odor and is barely salty. In the aftertaste, there is a slight astringency, the absence of acid, phlegm. Fine powder is homogeneous, and thicker pearl powder is interspersed with grains of sand.

Benefits and Efficiency

Skin care, rejuvenation

Pearl powder contains three types of essential ingredients: manganese, copper, zinc. They are components of superoxide dismutase (SOD). The surface of the powder increases the activity of SOD in human skin, inhibits melanin synthesis and maintains whiteness.

Since superoxide dismutase removes free radicals, the use of pearl powder on the outer skin prevents aging, wrinkle formation.

Liver and vision

Pearl dust selenium improves the transmission of visual endings and, accordingly, vision. Zinc powder promotes axoplasmic transport of the optic nerve, improves the metabolism and function of the retina, pigment epithelial cells. The effect of cooling, detoxification is pronounced, removes the heat of the largest gland.

Thus, Chinese powder helps the liver, facilitates the external treatment of eye diseases. Has the ability to protect the retina.

Immunity Boost

There are 18 amino acids in pearl powder: leucine, methionine, alanine… These components are important for growth and maturity of lymphoid tissue organs. It has a significant impact on the rate of creation of intracellular building material, its type. Long-term adherence to the powder can safely increase the activity of T- and B-lymphocytes of the human immune system. This increases disease resistance. Long-term use of powder is more desirable.

Calcium Supplement

Pearl powder contains 90-92% active calcium, of which the pure value reaches 38-40%, and a dose of 600 mg per day is equivalent to the norm of 220-240 mg of the element.

The rate of absorption of this element, which is necessary for most human organs, in powder is indicated by researchers as high. The absorption rate of the regular one is 29%, while the nanoscale one is higher. Powder mineral is natural, safe for health.

Pearl powder has become a new type of dietary supplement "Ca", which is very popular among the population.

Sleep improvement

Aminocarboxylic acids in the powder, chemical compounds play a smoothing, relaxing role in the brain center. Excessive nervous excitement causes fatigue - it calms, nourishes, quickly improves sleep.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Powder probably favors the reproduction of collagen in the human body. Collagen particles are the main participants in regeneration.

The powder has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits the regeneration of inflammatory cells. Prevents further deterioration of ulcers, performs a good restorative effect on knife wounds, burns.

Reminder: Loose powder should be conscientiously rinsed with saline or hydrogen peroxide, treating injuries in advance. Distribute a certain mass of substrate over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore spot to form a thin layer. Change the potion once a day. If blisters appear on the affected area, do not break them, do not tear off the upper crust. If suppuration occurs, the wound should be cleaned, sprinkled with powder.


Pearl powder is a powerful remedy. Like everything oriental has a sophisticated approach. According to Ayurveda - Indian science - every person should know his constitution (watta, pitta, kapha). Real only for certain types when taken orally and then with great care. Traditionally, they write: "it is advisable to consult a doctor first." This is not enough here - the doctor must be Chinese. Russian doctors and the Batel company offer topical application of the powder. It's safer, but it's best to do a test.


Functional food

For breakfast, in the evening, take sublingually (a pharmacological term meaning taking a certain drug by laying it under the tongue) or swallow 0.3 to 0.6 g with warm water.

Milk method: pour 0.3-0.6 g of pearls (1-2 spoons) into milk in the morning before meals, in the evening after dinner.

Honey: Pre-stir the white powder and the appropriate amount of "bee bread" into a homogeneous mass. After pour warm water, mix thoroughly before use.

This option is available for those who do not adapt to the taste of pearl pearl powder from the sea. To sleep better, add more "cow product".


Once again, we remind we do not recommend accept pearl powder ,as well as other, inside! Check the quality, plus the Chinese specialist + reasonableness + true understanding of the purpose + real need. This paragraph is provided for general educational purposes only, to broaden the reader's horizons!

Outdoor use


Every morning, after cleansing your face, apply daily cream. Next, use a puff to take the desired dose of powder and evenly spread over the face. After 10 minutes, apply to the face with a brush. Makeup will last for a long time, and the face will become white, delicate, with a rich surface texture.


A small portion of pearl powder is mixed with a moisturizer or sunscreen. It is applied over a whitening, nourishing facial treatment using a five-point application.

Against acne

Remove impurities from the skin after a working day, moisten and powder the acne area overnight.


Before washing your face, cover with a hot towel for five minutes. Mix egg white with powder, evenly cover the face. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse. Read also about Batel masks.

average cost

There are varieties of Chinese powder. The price for different varieties is different. The price as follows (in rubles): normal pearl crystal powder in accordance with GMP requirements: 3000 per 1kg, ultra-fine - no more than 10 microns, 8000 ~ 12000 - 1kg, nano-powder below 100 nanometers: about 60 per gram; mixed with artificial pearl sand: 500. Artificial - 40-60, sometimes even lower. If expensive packaging - 300 - 400 per kg.

Let's find out the cost of powder production: the cost of high-quality medicinal pearls should be at least 3,000 rubles, plus processing, packaging, organization costs, logistics ... How can you buy natural pearl powder for this price?

Pearl powder from Batel

Batel pearl powder is natural crushed pearls processed using innovative technology. Weight 100 grams. Packaging - plastic bags. Price 100 r.

Recipes from Batel

  • To prepare a scrub: spread the powder over a damp face, massage gently, rinse.
  • To prepare the mask: mix the pearl substrate with fresh milk (honey, egg yolk) in a ratio of 1:1, spread evenly on the face, neck, hold for 15-30 minutes, wash. Apply 2 times a week.
  • For cleansing: 1. pour the powder into the cleanser, spread it on the face, massage, wash (for whitening, after washing, you can apply the powder in a light layer on the face, hold overnight, rinse completely in the morning); 2. dilute with fresh milk, the created mixture to wash your face in the morning and evening.
  • To increase the turgor of the dermis: add a little pearl powder to any cream before spreading it on the skin.
  • To strengthen nails: make a solution of 3 g of powder in 100 ml, dip your fingers into the created composition for 10-15 minutes. The duration of the course is half a month.
  • To moisturize the body: dissolve 100-150 g of the product, lie down in the bath for 15-20 minutes. 2 times a week.