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Is it necessary to treat cervical caries? Treatment methods for cervical caries. What does official medicine offer?

There are three parts to a tooth: the root, the neck and the crown. The anatomical crown is normally located above the gum, and the neck and root are covered by surrounding tissues. That is why caries, which is located at the border with the gum and near the neck of the tooth, is called cervical (otherwise known as cervical).

Below are several photographs with examples of cervical caries:

Many people begin to take cervical caries and the reasons that cause it seriously only when the problem is already clearly evident in the reflection in the mirror and causes natural aesthetic inconvenience. The smile zone is of particular value for people who need communication to accomplish certain tasks. And since cervical caries is often localized precisely on the front teeth, there is an urgent need to restore the aesthetic component.

The photo below shows a typical example of cervical caries on the front teeth:

At the same time, many questions arise regarding the reasons causing such problems and, of course, regarding possible methods for eliminating cervical caries, which we will talk about next.

The main causes of cervical caries

The main reasons for the development of cervical caries in general differ little from the reasons that cause other forms of dental caries. They are connected:

  1. With the nature and diet: the amount and frequency of consumption of foods containing easily fermentable carbohydrates.
  2. With a microbial factor: the activity under dental plaque and in its volume is predominantly of bacteria of the species Streptococcus mutans. In this case, bacteria ferment carbohydrates with the formation of organic acids, which affect the surface and subsurface layers of enamel with the formation of foci of demineralization. As a result, calcium, phosphorus, and fluorine are washed out, the mineral crystal lattice of the enamel is disrupted, with the gradual formation of a carious stain.
  3. A very common cause of carious lesions is also the lack of adequate oral hygiene (correctly developed manual skills for cleaning tooth surfaces, the regime and frequency of this procedure).

Photo in the cervical area of ​​the tooth:

From the experience of a dentist

I often get asked questions like: “Why then does my brother eat as much sweets as he wants and whenever he wants for many years now, and doesn’t even really brush his teeth, but they are still intact, and I have solid fillings?”

The fact is that although the causes of caries are the same for everyone, they affect everyone differently. A significant role in the prevention of caries is played by the composition and quantity of saliva, its remineralizing properties, the functional state of the body, environmental influences, caries susceptibility of the tooth surface, and the individual structure of dental tissues, determined by genetics and heredity.

However, the cervical area of ​​the tooth also has a number of features that contribute to the fact that the carious process here can very quickly pass from the stage of initial caries to deep...

Diversity of clinical presentation

In its development, cervical caries goes through all the same stages as any other:

  • Caries in the spot stage;
  • Surface;
  • Average;
  • Deep.

A feature of cervical (cervical) caries is that it is often difficult to determine at what stage of destruction the enamel and (or) dentin are. It is especially difficult to establish the difference between caries in the spot stage and superficial caries, as well as between medium and deep.

This is due to the fact that at the border of the transition of the crown part of the tooth to its neck there is thin and often weakly mineralized enamel. As a result, the cervical area tends to become subject to excessive abrasion due to poor brushing techniques, excessive brushing, and the use of highly abrasive toothpastes (commonly called whitening toothpastes).

As a result, over the years, the thickness of the enamel in the cervical area becomes less and less. And as soon as this zone ceases to experience the cleansing factor, then, with a combination of several cariogenic mechanisms, cervical caries quickly develops.

On a note

Many patients mistakenly call cervical defects cervical dental caries. From the point of view of the classification of caries, such forms do not exist, but the doctor, when a patient asks to cure “cervical caries of the front tooth,” easily understands what kind of help is needed from him (and often we are not even talking about caries, but about wedge-shaped defects, which we are talking about We'll talk more below).

Gingival caries is a synonym for cervical caries. It is only important to distinguish perigingival from subgingival. The first develops directly above the gum, and the second - in those areas of the tooth that are below the gum.

Most people, when carious stains appear on teeth in the cervical area (initial stage), may already experience unpleasant sensations: a feeling of discomfort, a feeling of setbacks and even certain pains characteristic of hypersensitive teeth, but this is less common. Basically, caries in the spot stage is asymptomatic and is detected only visually in the form of a white or pigmented spot.

Below is a photo of cervical caries in the spot stage:

With superficial caries, pain often occurs from chemical irritants (salty, sweet) and temperature (cold). Outwardly, at this stage, the disease resembles caries in the spot stage, but when probing at the dentist with a special sharp instrument (probe), a roughness zone is revealed in the center of a large spot.

Medium and deep cervical caries are often characterized by a whole palette of pain symptoms from all types of irritants. Sometimes they may be accompanied by pain from mechanical influences when hard food gets in, but this is rare due to the shape of the teeth, which protects the cervical areas from food getting under the edge of the gum.

Cervical often causes pain when inhaling cold air.

A month ago I had to go to the dentist because my front teeth were falling out. First, the very front ones near the gums darkened slightly, and then the fangs also darkened. It didn't end there. Just a few days before visiting the dentist, I began to feel severe pain in my front teeth from cold water and sometimes from sweets. I tried to drink warm water and eat less, but this could not continue. I went to the clinic, where in 5 visits my front teeth were repaired first, and then my fangs. They said it was advanced cervical caries. True, the color choice was not quite perfect, but it saved money.

Maxim, Tolyatti

The following photo clearly shows deep caries in the cervical area:

Cervical caries and circular: similarities and differences

The following lesion zone is characteristic of cervical caries: the gingival areas of the vestibular (buccal) as well as the lingual (palatal) surfaces of the lateral and anterior teeth.

If the causes of the pathology are not eliminated, then the boundaries of the caries lesion in the cervical area increase to the contact surfaces covering the tooth in the form of a ring - in this case they already speak of circular caries. That is, circular caries can be conditionally called a “cervical complication.”

To a greater extent, circular caries affects baby teeth, especially in weakened children. It is also called “ring” or “anular”.

In the photo below you can see an example of circular caries on a child’s baby teeth:

It is not difficult to guess that circular caries, being more aggressive, more often occurs with pronounced clinical symptoms, and even sometimes leads to breaking or spalling of the crown part of the affected tooth. However, in some cases, even such serious defects may not cause significant pain, since they produce replacement dentin, which protects the pulp from irritation.

Possibilities of differential diagnosis of cervical caries

At home, it can be difficult to determine exactly what kind of formation on a tooth spoils the aesthetics or causes pain. Spots, streaks, defects, depressions in the cervical area - all this can characterize the following types of pathologies:

  1. Actually cervical caries.
  2. Dental diseases of non-carious origin (fluorosis, hypoplasia, erosion, wedge-shaped defect, etc.).
  3. Various variants of pigmented (colored) dental plaque, up to the so-called “smoker’s plaque.”

The photo below shows stains on teeth due to fluorosis:

Of all these options, cervical caries ranks first in the number of people visiting the dentist. Other types of pathologies are less common.

Only a doctor can correctly make a final diagnosis, but you can correctly navigate yourself even before visiting the dentist. Most often, difficulties arise when comparing caries with fluorosis and enamel hypoplasia.

The length of time that a stain or stains have existed on the enamel, as well as their location on different parts of the tooth crown, may indicate hypoplasia (its cause is the underdevelopment of tooth enamel, which is caused at the stage of fetal development in the mother’s body). To confirm the diagnosis, the dentist stains the spot with a 2% solution of methylene blue. If the spot does not stain, it is enamel hypoplasia, and not cervical caries in the white spot stage.

Fluorosis is more difficult to distinguish from caries and other non-carious lesions. It is important here to know the level of fluoride in drinking water in a given area or area of ​​early residence. If it is elevated, then the multiple nature of the stains located on the teeth of the same name at the same time indicates fluorosis. Cervical caries most often develops in the form of a single carious spot.

It is important to distinguish between a wedge-shaped defect and cervical caries: they differ in that the first has a wedge shape or a V-shape. With a wedge-shaped defect, the walls of the cavity are dense, smooth and shiny, which cannot be said about carious tooth destruction in the cervical area.

Despite the fact that the localization of these diseases is the same, the appearance of the cavity always tells the doctor the correct diagnosis. In addition, the initial forms of caries and wedge-shaped defects can be recognized by staining with special caries indicators.

There is no such thing as wedge-shaped dental caries. This is an erroneous common name for a wedge-shaped defect.

In the photo you can compare a wedge-shaped defect and cervical caries:

I went to the dentist about strange decay of the front and back teeth on the left. I am already over 50 years old, I have almost all my teeth, I have not suffered from caries, unlike my relatives, but recently I felt pain from cold water and began to look at my teeth in the mirror. I found some holes near the gums on the canine and on other teeth only on the left side.

The doctor said at the appointment that these were wedge-shaped defects on three teeth on the left, and not caries at all. A possible reason turned out to be that I am right-handed, and I always brushed my teeth hard and for a long time, so I erased the enamel on the left side, since it is more convenient to clean there. The dentist showed me that there are also beginning wedge-shaped defects on the right, but they are not expressed yet.

Sergey, Volokolamsk

Modern treatment methods and the specifics of choosing materials for fillings

Depending on the depth of the lesion, the appropriate treatment tactics are selected.

Home treatment of cervical caries can be carried out as an addition to the treatment of caries in the spot stage. The following applies:

  • toothpastes and gels containing high concentrations of fluorides, as well as calcium and phosphorus compounds;
  • dental floss (floss) impregnated with fluoride;
  • rinses, again, with fluorides (since it is this element that very effectively promotes the mineralization of tooth enamel).

Using fluoride-containing complexes on your own without first consulting a dentist can be hazardous to your health. Any prescription of drugs or additional funds is based on the diagnosis, the activity of the carious process, the area of ​​the lesion, long-term results and possible risks.

Cervical caries in the spot stage most often responds to conservative treatment, that is, without the use of a drill. However, due to the close location to the gum tissue, the constant leakage of gingival fluid into the working area and the thin layer of enamel, certain difficulties are created for the use of some new techniques.

For example, the modern minimally invasive technology ICON (ICON), due to the close location of dentin in the cervical area, is limited in use, since the substances used cannot affect dentin. It can be difficult to determine how thin the enamel in the cervical area is in a particular person, so this technique is used relatively rarely for cervical caries.

Chemical preparations related to remineralization therapy and deep fluoridation of enamel have become widespread.

In adult and pediatric dentistry, the following drugs are currently actively used for the treatment of initial cervical caries:

  • Gluflutored;
  • Enamel-sealing liquid;
  • Belagel Ca/P, Belagel F.
  • Remodent.

Treatment of superficial, medium and deep cervical caries when conservative therapy is not possible is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Anesthesia (anesthesia) to ensure painless manipulation.
  2. Cleansing a carious tooth from dental deposits to reduce the infectious load.
  3. Preparation (mechanical processing) of a tooth to remove carious and pigmented tissues.
  4. Medicinal treatment of the cavity with weak antiseptic solutions.
  5. Formation of a cavity according to the selected material for a permanent filling.
  6. Filling the formed cavity.

The difficulty of choosing a material for a filling is determined by the immediate location of the formed cavity near the edge of the gum. The closer the cavity is to the gum, the more difficult it is to properly install the material. The reason for this is the possibility of moisture, gingival fluid and blood getting onto the working surface.

Dentist's opinion

The most difficult ones for high-quality filling are not even the subgingival carious cavities, but their combination with subgingival ones. Combined forms are not so rare and are associated with the activity of the carious process in a particular tooth. Often, cervical caries of the anterior teeth is complicated by subgingival defects, which, as a result of preparation, can be difficult to isolate from fluid (blood) even with the use of a rubber dam. In this case, the doctor chooses a material that may be inferior in strength and aesthetics, but hardens reliably in a humid environment.

Due to the specific localization of carious cavities, the choice of dentists comes down to the use of glass ionomer cements (GIC), which are more resistant to moisture compared to aesthetic light-cured composite materials. Hybrid GICs are of particular interest.

On a note

One of the most widely used glass ionomer cements for filling cavities with cervical caries is VITREMER. This is one of the few GICs that has a wide range of colors, a triple curing mechanism and high strength. In the treatment of cervical caries, this material competes with aesthetic light-curing composite materials.

Modern methods and technologies make it possible to combine glass ionomer cements with composites to achieve maximum effect. Competently following the instructions for the materials used makes it possible to profitably use the positive properties of each subsequent material when introduced into the formed cavity, creating a filling with reliable fixation, increased retention time, strength and aesthetics.

An example of filled teeth after treatment of cervical caries is shown in the photo below:

Unfortunately, many budget organizations cannot boast of the ability to use modern technologies and materials. The equipment of hospitals and clinics is often limited only to materials for compulsory medical insurance, where there is no rubber dam, saliva ejector, modern and convenient for working with cervical defects GIC, light-curing composites - all that is required for high-quality work in the long term.

A week ago, standing in front of the mirror, I discovered a dark spot on my upper front tooth near the gum. There was no pain, but the fear of the prospect of walking with a black tooth seemed to me, as a physics teacher at school, stronger than the fear of the dentist since childhood. They recommended a good doctor in a small private office, where after examining the spot, the doctor said that it was cervical caries, which had already destroyed all the enamel and had gone a little under the gum. It turned out that fear has big eyes: they made a good imported injection, drilled a little, put a filling in one go, and even the color of the filling, one might say, is almost like the real one - you can’t even tell the difference from the outside.

Alexander, Omsk

Features of early diagnosis and prevention of cervical caries

Among the common methods for diagnosing cervical caries are the following:

  1. Visual methods. They are actively used by both the doctor and the patient. When caries occurs on the front teeth, recognizing defects (especially in advanced form) is not so difficult. In this case, the doctor only needs a dental mirror and a probe.
  2. Laser diagnostics. An equally popular technique, especially when it comes to hidden caries or zones. One of the devices, “Diagnodent,” uses the principle of changing the characteristics of a laser beam reflected from dental tissues affected by caries. As soon as cervical caries or root caries is found, the device emits a sound signal.
  3. Method of vital staining of carious spots. Ideal if the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis of caries. The simplest and most reliable way is to stain the stain with a special caries marker (indicator), which is used, for example, a 2% solution of methylene blue dye. If staining has occurred, this is initial caries. Other well-known chemical dyes can also be used: 0.1% solution of methylene red, carmine, congorot, tropeolin, silver nitrate solution.
  4. Transillumination. A technique that is used much less frequently, but makes it possible to identify the initial forms of cervical caries when teeth are illuminated with a bright beam of light. In this case, shadow formation is assessed as the beam passes through healthy and caries-affected tissues.

Modern prevention of caries is aimed at eliminating the causes of its development:

  • Firstly, it is necessary to break the chain “carbohydrates - microbial factor” (which will stop the development of not only cervical caries, but in general will significantly improve the cariogenic situation in the oral cavity).
  • Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the mineral structures of the enamel.

To implement the first direction, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Follow the diet and nature of your diet, focus on solid and moderately rough foods, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables (especially after the main meal), limit the consumption of easily fermentable carbohydrates in any form (cakes, cookies, sweets, sweet buns, etc. .).
  2. Follow important hygiene rules: brush, toothpaste and floss all accessible surfaces of the teeth at least twice a day, and rinse your mouth immediately after each meal. It is important to understand that brushing your teeth before eating does not give a good result, since dental plaque, contaminated with microbes, forms within a few hours after a snack.

On a note

Floss (dental floss) is by no means a waste of time, but a complete cleaning of the most inaccessible contact surfaces, especially in the cervical area, where caries most often begins to form.

The photo shows an example of using dental floss:

To strengthen the mineral structure of enamel, it is enough to combine the above methods with various forms of preparations for remineralization and fluoridation at home. The range of products containing mineral components (fluorine, calcium, phosphorus) in various combinations is huge. Your dentist will help you figure out what is best for the health of your teeth and also has fewer risks when used independently.

The most popular for home prevention of cervical caries are: toothpastes with fluoride and calcium, rinses (with fluoride), dental floss impregnated with fluoride.

The correct and safe combination of methods and means of prevention is usually selected at an appointment with the dentist. Within 20-40 minutes, the doctor can talk about the pros and cons of each of them, and determine, taking into account individual parameters (dental caries susceptibility, level of hygiene and condition of the cervical area), the most suitable option for you.

Interesting video about the features of cervical caries

An example of the treatment of deep cervical caries using a drill

Each tooth consists of three parts: the root, the outer crown and the neck. The neck of the tooth is the area adjacent to the gum. It is in this zone that what is called cervical develops. Without treatment, all tooth canals can be affected, which can lead to tooth loss.

The concept of cervical caries in children and adults

Cervical caries is the most dangerous form of dental disease. The pathological process develops on the neck of the tooth and the tissues located next to it. The thickness of the enamel in this place is insignificant, so the infection quickly penetrates inside, affects all canals and progresses to a deep stage.

Cervical caries can appear on any tooth, but is most often localized in the smile area. All or several teeth may be affected at once (blooming or generalized form). Sometimes cervical caries covers the area of ​​the neck of the tooth bordering the gum. In this case it is called circular.

The pathology occurs more often in adults after 35 years of age, but can also develop in children. It does not even spare milk teeth, and it is they that are affected by circular caries.

Children are characterized by the involvement of several teeth in the process at once. The problem can arise as early as 3-4 years, and sometimes even earlier.

It happens that a baby tooth, not having time to fully grow, begins to deteriorate due to cervical caries. The reason is that the enamel of children's teeth is weaker and therefore erodes faster.

As a result of advanced cervical caries, a child may be left without baby teeth long before the permanent ones appear, and this leads to sad consequences, such as:

  • swallowing poorly chewed food, which can lead to digestive problems;
  • incorrect pronunciation of sounds;
  • unattractive appearance, ridicule from peers;
  • formation of malocclusion.

Cervical caries is dangerous because it destroys the tooth at the very base. At the beginning of the disease, you can get rid of the problem without much difficulty and without the help of a drill.

Developing in a place that is difficult for a toothbrush to reach, the pathological process can go unnoticed for a long time.

In advanced cases, this form certainly turns into pain, the acute pain from which forces the patient to literally run to the doctor. But if at this stage it is possible to save a tooth, then, as a rule, only at the cost of removing the pulp - the nerve that feeds the tooth.

Causes of cervical caries

The mechanisms of appearance of cervical caries differ little from those in other types of caries process.

  1. The main reason is the lack of proper hygiene care. The gingival area is difficult to access for high-quality cleaning, so it is there that bacterial plaque accumulates, which is a material for the formation of plaque. Such deposits favor the development of inflammation of the gum edge, and there is a close relationship between this process and cervical caries.
  2. The occurrence of pathology can provoke dysfunction of the salivary glands, in which saliva is produced in insufficient quantities. But it is precisely this that serves to protect tooth enamel from bacteria that live in large numbers in the oral cavity. In conditions of a lack of saliva, pathogenic microorganisms multiply well, exerting their detrimental effect on the teeth.
  3. The following may be important for the development of cervical caries:
    • lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet;
    • unfavorable environment;
    • drinking “hard” drinking water with harmful impurities;
    • severe stress;
    • smoking;
    • abuse of coffee and confectionery products.

In addition, there are specific reasons that lead to the occurrence of this particular type of caries:

  1. The thickness of the enamel in the coronal part of the tooth is 0.5–0.6 mm, and in the cervical area it does not exceed 0.1 mm, so it can suffer from any external influence and is easily injured even when brushing the teeth with a hard brush or using abrasive pastes.
  2. A genetically determined tendency to detach the gum from the neck of the tooth, leading to the formation of periodontal pockets. Food debris that accumulates in these cavities is a favorable breeding ground for bacteria that secrete enamel-damaging acid. As a result, a carious lesion forms under the gum unnoticed by a person.
  3. Pathological receding gums (recession). Due to endocrine diseases or age-related characteristics, the gum becomes flabby, and its edge gradually sinks. The exposed neck of the tooth with thin enamel becomes easy prey for microorganisms.

The risk group for generalized cervical caries is:

  • children and adults with pathologies of the endocrine glands (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease);
  • people with weakened immunity as a result of a long-term general illness;
  • patients with heart disease;
  • children with rickets, Down's disease, vitamin deficiency;
  • pregnant women;
  • teenagers during the period of hormonal changes in the body;
  • children who have suffered from many infectious diseases.

Clinical symptoms and stages of the disease

Dentists distinguish 4 stages of development of cervical caries, each of which has its own distinctive features:

  1. Initial stage. At this stage, nothing bothers the patient yet. A small unnaturally white or darkish spot with a smooth surface appears at the border of the tooth and gum.
  2. Superficial clinical and morphological stage. The stain darkens and becomes rough - this means that the process of destruction of the enamel has begun. The tooth begins to react to sweet, sour, salty, cold and hot foods with short-term attacks of aching pain.
  3. Middle-stage cervical caries, having completely destroyed the enamel layer, switches to dentin. A crack or cavity appears in the area of ​​the tooth neck adjacent to the gum. The pain from hot and cold increases more and more, the tooth becomes sensitive to any touch. At this stage, the carious process can no longer be ignored.
  4. The deep stage of cervical caries very soon replaces the previous one. Severe pain occurs when eating, brushing teeth, from cold water, and even from talking in a cold wind. A dirty black spot (or stripe) becomes clearly visible in the cervical part of the tooth. Often the process spreads to the necks of neighboring teeth.

    The carious cavity, having destroyed the layers of enamel and dentin, reaches the pulp. The next stage of the disease will be pulpitis.

Photo gallery: stages of cervical caries


To prescribe adequate treatment, the dentist must make the correct diagnosis. An experienced doctor will be able to identify cervical caries at its initial stage.

The following methods are used to diagnose the disease:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity to detect accumulations of plaque, tartar, stains, and streaks in the gum area.
  2. Fluorescent stomatoscopy to identify the boundaries of the pathological process. The method is based on the property of intact tooth tissue to glow blue in ultraviolet rays.
  3. Vital coloring. A 2% solution of methylene blue or a 1% solution of potassium iodide is applied to the affected area. The foci of cervical caries change color.
  4. Thermal test. A cotton swab soaked in chlorethyl, ether, or simply cold water is applied to the affected area. This determines the sensitivity of the tooth to temperature stimuli.
  5. Radiography. It will help determine the depth of the carious process and its distance from the tooth pulp.

In addition, differential diagnosis of cervical caries with wedge-shaped dental defects is necessary. Similar and distinctive signs of these diseases are presented in the table.

Comparative table of cervical caries and wedge-shaped dental defects

Sign Cervical caries Wedge-shaped defect
Defect locationIn the area of ​​the neck of the tooth on either side.On the outside of the tooth.
Sensitivity to irritantsIn the final stages of the disease, the tooth reacts to any chemical and temperature stimuli.
Hearth shapeCould be anyone.V-shaped.
Enamel colorAt the beginning of the disease - unnaturally white, then yellow, brown or black.Does not change.
Bottom and edges of the defectLoose, rough, uneven edges.Smooth, dense, polished, with smooth edges.

What to do and how to treat

When choosing a treatment method for cervical caries, the doctor proceeds from the stage of the pathological process. The sooner the patient contacts the dentist, the greater the chance that the development of the disease can be stopped without opening the tooth.

In the dental office

  1. The most gentle method of treating the disease in a dental clinic is remineralization of tooth enamel. But its implementation makes sense only at the initial stage of the disease, when caries is a stain. The essence of the method is to apply fluoride-containing applications to the tooth. Therapy is carried out in sessions. As a result, the hard tissue of the tooth is completely restored.
  2. Deep fluoridation is a type of remineralization. The enamel of well-dried teeth is treated with a fluoride-containing solution, after which a preparation with calcium hydroxide is applied to it.
  3. At the initial stage of cervical caries, the conservative Icon method is also used. A comfortable, painless procedure lasts only half an hour and consists of the following:
    • the tooth is isolated using a special latex plate (cofferdam);
    • treat it with sodium hypochloride gel;
    • dead dentin is removed with special instruments;
    • the surface is washed, disinfected, and dried with a stream of air;
    • a liquid polymer is applied, which penetrates the rough enamel, leveling and compacting it;
    • To consolidate the result, the tooth is illuminated with a special lamp.
  4. When tooth decay has already begun, the treatment of cervical caries with filling does not differ from that for other carious processes:
    • dental plaque is removed under local anesthesia;
    • then the tooth defect is opened with a drill;
    • Having cleared the working area of ​​softened dentin, the doctor places a filling and grinds it;
    • in severely advanced cases, after filling, it is possible to cover the tooth with an artificial crown.

Cervical caries of the upper anterior teeth and its treatment with filling - video

At home

Only the initial stage of the disease can be treated at home. To remineralize tooth enamel, dentists recommend special medicinal pastes and gels containing beneficial microelements:

  • fluorine;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium.

The product is applied to the affected area after regular teeth brushing.

After 3–4 months of regular use of such gels, patients note a decrease in the sensitivity of tooth enamel, and the stain itself in the cervical area becomes almost invisible.

Among the medicinal products for home use, the following have proven themselves to be effective:

  • restorative cream for remineralization of tooth enamel Tooth Mousse;
  • remineralization cream with calcium and fluoride Mi Paste Plus;
  • Stomysens Vernicette Biorepair varnish with calcium and phosphorus;
  • BioRepair medicinal paste, which acts as liquid tooth enamel;
  • gel for enamel restoration “Liquid enamel”.

Toothpastes, creams, gels for remineralization of tooth enamel - gallery

Tooth Mousse is designed to strengthen and restore tooth tissues with their simultaneous fluoridation Mi Paste Plus will provide protection against caries BioRepair performs the function of liquid tooth enamel Stomysens Vernicette Biorepair helps treat early forms of caries (spot stage) and prevent its further occurrence

Folk remedies in the treatment of cervical caries

It’s worth warning right away that no folk remedies can stop the tooth decay that has begun. With their help, you can only slow down this process a little.

Some traditional medicine recipes can indeed temporarily reduce pain in a carious tooth, but a radical solution to the problem will still require the help of a dentist.

If the tooth hurts quite badly, and going to the dental clinic is impossible at the moment, then to relieve the discomfort, you can try the following folk methods:

  1. Fir oil. Apply a cotton wool soaked in fir oil to the aching tooth. It is advisable to surround the tooth with such lotions on all sides.
  2. Camphor alcohol. Place a swab soaked in medicine for 5-10 minutes near the disturbing tooth.
  3. Garlic juice is a proven remedy for reducing pain in deep caries. Use a special machine to crush a clove of garlic, place the mixture on a gauze pad and apply it to the tooth. Keep it until the pain relieves.
  4. Sage tincture. Being a wonderful natural antiseptic, sage destroys bacteria that multiply in the carious cavity, thereby stopping the destructive process:
    • brew 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of the plant 250 ml of boiling water;
    • wait until the tincture cools;
    • rinse your mouth and apply swabs soaked in liquid to the carious tooth.
  5. Decoction of onion peels. This remedy soothes toothache and also cleanses the oral cavity of putrefactive microorganisms:
    • wash 3 medium onions;
    • remove the husks from them;
    • fill it with 400 ml of hot water;
    • bring the mixture to a boil;
    • turn off the heat and let the broth brew for 5–6 hours;
    • strain and rinse your mouth with it 4-5 times a day.
  6. Propolis is one of the most effective remedies. To combat caries at home, apply a piece of it to the affected tooth. Cover the top with cotton and keep for 40 minutes.
  7. Vodka tincture of calamus root relieves toothache well. Its disadvantage is that it takes a long time to prepare. To make the remedy:
    • add 200 ml of vodka to 2-3 tbsp. l. crushed calamus roots;

      For greater effectiveness, you can add a spoonful of propolis to the calamus.

The area of ​​the tooth where it connects to the gum is the neck. The enamel in this area is thin, and high-quality cleaning with a regular brush is almost impossible, so pathogenic flora often accumulates here. It is not surprising that when the enamel is damaged, caries sometimes develops, which is called cervical caries.

Why is it considered very dangerous?

The patient himself may not detect it at an early stage, when treatment is most effective and less expensive. The disease develops rapidly: the inflammatory process covers nearby tissues, root canals and often leads to tooth loss.

Untreated caries can result in the most serious complications: painful pulpitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, gumboils, and even phlegmon. And this is no longer a cosmetic defect - the inflammatory process has taken over the soft tissues of the neck and head and the patient exposes himself to mortal danger by refusing medical care.

Cervical caries often presents unpleasant surprises. A small dark spot may hide a large carious cavity. This area is inconvenient for treatment, high-quality treatment of the cavity is difficult, the working area may not be dry enough (it is difficult to dry it), so the fillings hold worse than in other areas.

Unfortunately, the sanitation of the oral cavity cannot guarantee a complete cure - cervical caries sometimes returns.

Photo: cervical caries requiring urgent treatment


Any type of caries begins in approximately the same way: with a loss of shine on the enamel surface in a certain area, a change in its color and the appearance of a white spot. This area becomes rough. Then tissue destruction begins and only after that pain appears. If treatment is not started, the disease affects the canals.

In order to detect pathology as early as possible, in addition to regular preventive examinations at the dentist (at least once every six months), it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the oral cavity.

If alarming symptoms appear (increased sensitivity to hot and cold, discomfort, change in enamel color), you should consult a doctor. Only a professional can make the correct diagnosis; there are several diseases (wedge-shaped defect, fluorosis, enamel erosion) with similar symptoms.

The capabilities of modern dentistry make it possible to do this at the very beginning of the disease. This is not only a visual examination, but also electroodontodiagnosis, radiography, vital staining and other methods.

The following video will help you visually understand this type of caries:

Why does it appear?

Many of them are the same for all types of this disease:

  • Poor nutrition. Excessive indulgence in sour, flour, confectionery foods, and carbonated drinks is especially harmful. Insufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products in the diet.
  • Bad habits (tobacco smoking).
  • Bad heredity.
  • Oral hygiene is lacking or cleaning is performed poorly. Constant use of gel instead of toothpaste (it does not contain abrasive particles) and improper cleaning lead to plaque remaining on the enamel.
  • Bad water.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Treatment with drugs, after taking which the enamel becomes porous.

If cervical caries has damaged the enamel of more than one tooth, dentists usually recommend contacting an endocrinologist. It is possible that these disturbances in the endocrine system provoked the rapid development of the disease.

Features in case of occurrence on the front teeth

In this case, the highest demands are made. They are always in sight - when we talk or smile. You have to carefully select the shade of the material for the filling and take into account that the front teeth are much thinner than the molars, and the load on them is higher. Therefore, their restoration is a difficult task.

In children

Most often, this disease is diagnosed in patients over 30 years of age. But sometimes it occurs even in infants. This is the so-called bottle (milk) caries.

It develops due to the fact that the child is fed and immediately afterwards put to bed. In this case, natural sanitation of the oral cavity does not occur - during sleep, the amount of saliva produced decreases.


  • Mandatory cleansing of teeth, tongue, palate, gums 2 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to remove food debris with a special thread; when brushing, direct the brush movements along the surface of the tooth, and not across it. For cleaning in the morning, it is advisable to use regular pastes or even powder, but at night you can clean with gel. After lunch and snacks, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water and mouthwash and remove any remaining food with floss.
  • Periodic (twice a year) professional cleaning of the oral cavity, including removal of tartar, polishing the enamel surface and coating it with preparations containing fluoride.
  • Regular massage of the gums, rinsing with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, using rinses.
  • Proper nutrition (balanced), it is not recommended to eat too hot or too cold food.

How to treat?

These recipes are used in the early stages of the disease and as auxiliary ones to alleviate the patient’s condition in case of severe pain.

Use of folk remedies

  • Onion peel decoction. Measure out 1.5 tablespoons of plant material, add 0.5 liters of water, boil for a few minutes, leave for 8 hours, rinse after meals.
  • Propolis. Pour 4 teaspoons of pharmaceutical tincture into slightly warmed water (1 glass). Rinse 3 times a day. Whole propolis is also suitable for treatment: you need to make a small cake, apply it to the sore spot, and cover it with a cotton pad. Remove the application after 1 hour.
  • Sage. An infusion is prepared: a tablespoon of dried leaves is poured into 1 glass of boiling water, infused for 1 hour, and used for rinsing.
  • Camphor alcohol. Soak a cotton pad or a piece of bandage with alcohol, squeeze it out, carefully lubricate the gum near the affected tooth, and then press it against it for a few minutes.
  • Melissa. The infusion is prepared within an hour: 4 tablespoons per 1 glass of boiling water. Used for rinsing after meals.

Using special paste

Special pastes have appeared on sale that can be used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of the initial stages of various types of caries, including cervical caries. Dentists advise using them in courses of 30–60 days, using regular pastes in between.

LacalutExtra sensitive. Increases the resistance of enamel, helps strengthen it and remove tartar. As a result of use, inflammatory processes stop, sensitivity decreases, the affected surface is restored faster, and new damage does not appear.

It is considered one of the best pastes for the prevention and treatment of caries. The cost of 1 tube is 170 – 220 rubles.

It is a low-abrasive paste that cleanses gently and helps strengthen and restore weakened enamel. Costs from 140 rubles for 1 tube.

SilcaCompleteSensitive. Contains sensitivity blocking and acid neutralizing ingredients. Application promotes enamel mineralization. 1 tube costs from 90 rubles.

32 bionorm for sensitive teeth. Strengthens and restores enamel, its sensitivity is blocked by potassium ions, and vitamins (E and A) accelerate these processes. The price of 1 tube of this domestic paste is low (30 - 50 rubles).

What does official medicine offer?

At the beginning of the disease, it is enough to carry out professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar and ensure remineralization of the enamel - apply special preparations (contain fluorine or calcium) or deep fluoridation. In the future, it is recommended to use special pastes for cleaning.

If the destruction has affected the tooth tissue, the cavities are first prepared, and only then the missing part is restored. In advanced cases, they resort to tooth extraction.


The sooner the patient contacts the dentist, the cheaper it will cost him to bring his oral cavity to normal condition. On average, you will have to spend 1200 – 3600 rubles to treat 1 tooth. This amount includes: the cost of anesthesia and consumables, treatment of the cavity and installation of a filling.

If the disease has affected the root canals, be prepared to shell out another 1,200 - 2,000 rubles (x-ray, cleaning and filling of the canals).

The cost of treatment is determined individually in each case, depending on the status of the clinic, the type and quality of materials used, and the scope of work. For comparison: treatment of caries at the initial stage can cost up to 500 rubles.

Treatment without pain is possible!

A new method of treating caries is already being used, allowing the removal of damaged tissue. laser, without the use of a drill. In Germany, a treatment method has been developed for the sanitation of the oral cavity ozone– mechanical removal of tissue covered by caries is also not required.

Using a special installation, ozone is applied to the diseased tooth, which almost instantly suppresses pathogenic flora. Then the damaged area is covered with drugs that strengthen the tissue.

In this case, the cavity may not even be filled. No anesthesia is required either - the procedure is painless.

The advent of these revolutionary techniques allows us to hope that our children and grandchildren (and us too) will enter the dentist’s office without fear. And the caries treatment procedure itself will be no less pleasant than a massage session.

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A tooth can become damaged in a variety of places. And cervical caries, the causes and treatment of which we will describe in more detail, is the most difficult option.

This disease is often confused with some other problems, but it is much more dangerous.

Causes of cervical caries

What causes cervical, or as it is also called basal, caries. To answer the question of why such a disease appeared, it is necessary to reconsider all possible causes. Doctors distinguish the following:

  • Poor nutrition, in which the body lacks calcium and vitamins. As well as consuming large quantities of flour, sweets, carbonated drinks, etc. The absence of dairy and fermented milk products, fish, vegetables and fruits in the diet will lead to complications in the general state of health, and teeth in particular.
  • Bad habits - alcohol, smoking, etc.
  • Hereditary factors influence the tendency to certain diseases, which include caries.
  • Incorrect. And this is the wrong choice of toothpaste (gels clean worse), a too soft brush, horizontal movements. No rinsing after meals.
  • Poor quality of drinking water you use.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a time of hormonal fluctuations. And they, in turn, greatly influence the overall health.
  • Taking medications that can destroy the enamel structure.
  • Increased acidity of the gastrointestinal tract and saliva itself contributes to frequent diseases of the oral cavity.
  • The functioning of the endocrine glands can also affect dental health. Therefore, endocrinology is one of the important factors in dental caries damage.
  • The enamel is too thin from birth.
  • Impaired metabolism.
  • Age-related changes. It was found that after 30 years of age, teeth are affected by cervical caries in most patients.

Even after undergoing treatment, it is advisable to eliminate the very reason that caused the problem so that it does not return again and again. Otherwise, you will have to constantly fight root caries.

Symptoms and stages

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out at a dentist's appointment. He will immediately notice the changes or use a special coloring gel, which will reveal the beginning of the destruction of the enamel. In some cases, the observation of the patient himself will indicate the appearance of cervical caries at the first stage, when everything can still be quickly corrected. At various stages of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. At the first stage, the changes are almost invisible. A white spot may appear at the root of the tooth, the enamel will become dull, and sensitivity will increase.
  2. The second stage is characterized by superficial manifestations of caries, in which the spot becomes larger and lighter. It will be difficult not to notice him. In this case, the enamel structure becomes rough and begins to gradually collapse.
  3. The third stage refers to the average intensity of the disease, in which the upper layers of dental tissue are affected.
  4. But the last stage is characterized by deep destruction of the tooth, in which both the roots and nerve endings are already affected. If these are chewing teeth that receive a lot of stress, they may even break. This process is always accompanied by painful sensations, sometimes so acute that it is impossible to endure.

Since cervical caries is often similar to other diseases, and a hard-to-reach place does not always make it possible to examine the tooth for the presence of initial symptoms, it is better to visit the dentist on time. The doctor will be able to detect the problem at an early stage, knowing how to identify it, and distinguish it from similar ailments that are treated in a fundamentally different way.


Cervical caries and methods of its treatment

Only a professional dentist can diagnose and prescribe treatment for cervical caries. And the sooner the disease is detected, the easier, faster and cheaper it will be done, so you shouldn’t delay going to the clinic.

What exactly the treatment consists of depends strictly on the severity of the disease.

  • At the stage of the appearance of the stain and the virtual absence of most other symptoms, it is enough to prescribe a remineralizing toothpaste. It is rich in fluorine, calcium and other minerals important for the health of enamel. As a result, the tissue is strengthened, and caries does not damage its deeper layers.
  • At the second and third stages, with more noticeable destruction, the doctor may prescribe filling of the affected surface, without affecting the nerve endings.
  • They are treated only by completely removing the nerve, filling the canal and the dental cavity. In this case, an injection with an anesthetic is used, since the procedure is quite painful.

If the doctor decides that a filling cannot be avoided, he must additionally carry out a number of preparatory procedures:

  1. Clean tartar and plaque.
  2. If possible, neutralize the cause of caries.
  3. It is good to dry the working area, since with the least amount of saliva, the filling will not hold and it is possible that it will break.

Treatment of cervical caries is complicated by its location. When the gums are close, it is quite difficult to dry the desired area. If the chewing teeth are affected, then it is physically difficult to reach them. In this case, the patient’s sensitivity is increased, since the place is quite painful.

The fillings themselves are used the same as in the treatment of other types of caries. The only differences are in the location and complexity of the dentist’s work. When filling the front teeth, the doctor must carefully select the color of the material so that it does not differ from the natural one.

In modern dentistry, painless ways to treat caries are emerging. For example, the use of ozone and laser therapy are all already available technologies.

In children

Cervical caries is more common in adult patients, after 30 years. But there are cases when teeth are affected in childhood. In this situation, it is important to use an anesthetic, as the procedure will cause the child a lot of discomfort.

The cause of cervical and any other caries in very young children is most often bottle feeding before bedtime. The child holds the milk formula in his mouth for too long, sometimes falling asleep with it. As a result, bacteria begin to actively multiply on milk teeth that are not yet strong, rapidly destroying them.

First aid

If you have made an appointment with the dentist, but feel that discomfort is emerging, and the appointment is still far away, then you can do something yourself. So, there are folk remedies that are used at home to relieve pain and reduce the negative effects of bacteria.

  • Sage infusion - 2 tablespoons of dry herb are poured with half a liter of boiling water and left to brew for half an hour. Next, just strain it and rinse it up to five times a day.
  • Valerian decoction - also take 2 tablespoons of the root, but pour a glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for no longer than ten minutes and filter. Rinse the affected area three times a day.
  • Melissa infusion - the ratio of dry herb and boiling water will be as follows - 2 tablespoons per 100 - 150 ml of water. You need to leave it for an hour and rinse it every time after eating.
  • Propolis tincture is a great help to cope with most ailments and reduce the effect of bacteria. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of the prepared tincture in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth periodically up to four times a day.
  • The onion is wiped and wrapped in several layers of gauze. Apply it to the affected area until the pain goes away.
  • Ordinary saline solution - add three tablespoons of table salt to a glass of warm water. You can rinse as often as pain occurs.
  • Camphor oil compress - a small piece of cotton wool is soaked in camphor and applied to the sore spot.
It is important to understand that such remedies will not cure the underlying disease, but will only help relieve pain and wait for the appointment, so you need to make an appointment with a doctor in any case.


If you have never had cervical caries or this problem has not bothered you for a long time, it is advisable to engage in disease prevention. The sooner you start taking action, the less likely you are to get tooth decay. Doctors recommend:

  • Brush your teeth with toothpastes that contain a high concentration of minerals. This could be Lacalut Extra sensitive, President sensitive, Silca Complete Sensitive, 32 bionorm and others.
  • Daily oral hygiene. However, choose toothpaste rather than gel, as it removes plaque and tartar better. The brush should be of sufficient rigidity, and the movements should be vertical or circular. should be taken twice a day and rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Soft tissue massage is desirable, since blood vessels that feed the teeth pass under the gums.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamins, calcium, fluorine and other minerals. Refusal of flour, confectionery and other harmful products. From time to time it is advisable to take vitamin complexes with a high calcium content.
  • Once every six months, it is necessary to visit the dental clinic for a general examination. This will help to detect the problem in time and prevent the condition from worsening.
  • Every year, professional cleaning of the oral cavity is desirable, which includes removing tartar, cleaning heavy plaque, strengthening enamel and other health procedures.
  • Mechanical damage and injury must be avoided.
  • Giving up bad habits will help improve your overall health.

Video: what is cervical caries and how is it treated?

Additional questions

How much does treatment cost?

The cost of the procedure will depend on the specific clinic and region, but most of the price is determined by the neglect of the problem. When installing a simple filling, you can spend 1500-2000 rubles, and if necessary, the cost will increase to 4000. In Ukraine, prices vary between 350-650 hryvnia.

Can a filling fall out due to cervical caries and cause tooth pain?

If the lesion occurs on a tooth that was previously filled, then such a filling may fly out. After all, the disease has penetrated from the other side and destroys dental tissue. Pain appears at the stage when caries reaches the nerve endings.

Is it normal for a tooth to hurt after treatment?

If the pulp was not removed, then it may have become infected and inflamed. In case of tolerable pain, in the absence of deterioration in the general condition, redness or swelling of the gums, this is probably just a reaction of the tooth to the intervention; it will go away over time. If you experience severe pain, especially at night, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Cervical caries is a dangerous disease that affects the very base of the tooth. It is strictly necessary to treat it. We will talk about the features of this dental disease and treatment methods below.

Cervical caries is a severe form of dental disease. An aggressive state occurs due to a number of factors.

First factor

If we consider, then these are the root, the crown and, in fact, the neck. The neck itself is located under the edge of the gum. The area where the neck is located is called the cervical area. The cervical area has a small protection in the form of fabric. In this area, tooth enamel is poorly mineralized. Caries affects precisely this weakened area. The disease actively destroys dentin and the enamel itself. The inflammatory process reaches the pulp itself. Depending on the stage of the disease, a person experiences varying degrees of pain. If cervical caries is not treated in a timely manner, it will soon develop into more dangerous diseases such as periodontitis and pulpitis.

Second factor

Cervical caries has a specific circular distribution. Defects in the form of caries quickly spread throughout the entire area. They quickly move to the middle of the crown. Further, the defects begin to deepen under the gum itself and, over time, cover the entire tooth in a circle. Without treatment, such caries can lead to the breakage of part of the tooth. Often the disease develops into circular caries.

Third factor

Another feature of cervical caries is that disease defects can be located in the area of ​​the open mouth during a smile. Cervical caries of the anterior teeth greatly affects the human psyche. It can even lead to a nervous breakdown. This psychological problem often concerns public people who are busy with business contacts and are constantly in public.

If the areas affected by caries are located on the side of the lateral teeth, which are not visible to the eye, then they do not cause such strong feelings. But another problem arises: sick people usually do not strive to heal such invisible caries. Over time, cervical lesions of the lateral teeth begin to cause pain and sensitivity from various irritants. If treatment is delayed, cervical caries will develop into a more complex form.

How does cervical caries develop?

Cervical caries develops in several stages. At each stage it is characterized by its own clinical picture.

  • First stage:. A small stain forms on the surface of the tooth. It may not change in shape and size for a long time. With this form there is no pain. But sometimes a sore throat may appear, especially from taking sour or other irritants. The color of the spot can be white or pigmented. The shade depends on the speed of development of caries and its staining with food dyes. The enamel itself becomes thinner and acquires a matte tint. But it still feels smooth. The first stage of the disease is treated conservatively; drill preparation is not used here.
  • Second stage: superficial cervical caries. The spot becomes rough. The process of destruction of the enamel begins. Painful sensations that appear from various irritants: sour, sweet, spicy foods and drinks begin to bother you. There have been cases when the stage of superficial caries was asymptomatic. This stage is characterized by fairly rapid progression of the disease.
  • Third stage: average cervical caries. A carious cavity forms here. Dentin and enamel are simultaneously affected. The defect is very noticeable visually. The pain becomes much more intense.
  • Fourth stage: deep cervical caries. The disease penetrates into the deepest tissues, which are located next to the neurovascular bundle. Caries affects the pulp and dental canals. The patient begins to suffer from unbearable pain, which intensifies at night. A person also begins to feel pain when inhaling cold air.

Determining the stage of the disease can be difficult. It is not visually clear to what stage the cervical caries has reached. There is a fairly smooth transition between developmental stages.


Having described the mechanism of development of cervical caries, we list the generalized symptoms:

  • The appearance of a visible stain on the surface of the tooth.
  • Formation of a corrosion cavity.
  • Headache.
  • Night toothache.
  • Pain while chewing food.
  • Feeling of tooth pain (reaction to irritants).
  • Soreness in the oral cavity during brushing and toothpaste.


Some causes of cervical caries are similar to the causes of ordinary caries. Let's look at them.

  1. Features of the structure of the cervical region. The gingival zone collects plaque very quickly. It is difficult to remove dental plaque with a brush without injury. As a result, soft tissues are always injured. If you don’t make an effort when cleaning, the plaque near the neck of the tooth always remains in place in a fairly large amount. Plaque contains cariogenic microorganisms that destroy the neck of the tooth. In addition, the thickness of the cervical enamel is only 0.1 mm. Compared to other areas of the teeth, this is a very small value. A thin layer of enamel is also easily damaged by hard bristles of a brush or aggressive cleaning pastes. The enamel layer wears off even more. As a result, the tooth becomes susceptible to damage by pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Finding leftover food in the mouth. Food is collected in peculiar pockets that are located near the gums and teeth. When food remains decompose, lactic acid is released, which leads to demineralization of tooth enamel.
  3. Excessive consumption of foods that contain quickly fermentable carbohydrates. For example, this applies to sucrose. Fermentation of carbohydrates leads to the appearance of organic acid, which begins to rapidly corrode the enamel.
  4. Frequent consumption of acidic foods.
  5. Significant deficiency of vitamins, especially vitamin B1.
  6. Treatment with medications that significantly increase enamel porosity.
  7. Presence of endocrine diseases, hormonal disorders.
  8. Pregnancy period.
  9. Insufficient or improper hygiene, which results in soft plaque and hard stone.

In most cases, cervical caries begins to develop in elderly and senile people.

Diagnosis of the disease

Root tooth damage is very easy to diagnose, even at home. It can be seen by carefully examining the teeth using a mirror and good lighting. There is usually a whitish spot near the neck of the tooth, which is similar in color to chalk. Detection of a defect should prompt a person to visit a dentist. The doctor will treat early-stage cervical caries.

The doctor can also confirm the diagnosis using a certain test. The patient is allowed to rinse his mouth with a dye solution. After rinsing, the white area indicating the disease turns dark. Other surfaces of the teeth remain unpainted. This happens due to the fact that the affected area has a porous structure into which the dye used can easily penetrate. The patient should not worry that his teeth will now be darker. The color will fade after a few hours.

The doctor also diagnoses diseases based on the following signs:

  • Presence of a poor spot: first stage.
  • The enamel is destroyed, the dentin layer is not affected: the second stage.
  • Deep damage to the enamel, layers (superficial and middle) of dentin are also damaged: the third stage.
  • The enamel and deep layers of dentin are severely damaged: the fourth stage.

When diagnosing, the doctor may use other methods. For example, transillumination, radiography, radiovisiographic examination, EOM and others.

Treatment Options

The treatment method depends on the stage of the disease. Treatment, except for the first stage, is carried out under the influence of painkillers. The fact is that the neck of the fur coat is a very sensitive area. Therefore, any aggressive influence causes unbearable pain to the patient. Patients do not have to worry about the pain of treatment. Because if the dentist understands that he will cause pain to the patient, he will definitely administer anesthesia.

Spot stage

The stain can be “removed” using remineralizing therapy. This therapy program includes:

  • Cleansing tooth enamel from plaque and tartar.
  • Carrying out application using fluorine-containing compounds. Such compositions are sometimes replaced with special gels. Ca/P, Fluoroden Gluflutored or Belagel F are used as these drugs. The listed products allow you to achieve a good visible result in just a few applications. Under their influence, the enamel layers are regenerated and the process of caries development is stopped.
  • Carrying out rinsing with special solutions at home.
  • Using toothpaste with fluoride (the concentration of the active substance should be 1000-1500 ppm).
  • Use with fluoride content.
  • Use of fluoridated water and salt.

It should be remembered that before applying special gels or pastes, plaque and stone must be removed.

Stage of superficial caries

At this stage, the affected carious area is polished. Diseased tissue is removed. In addition, remineralization therapy is recommended.

Stage of middle caries

At the stage of medium caries, the damaged tissue is first removed, then the resulting cavity is treated with special preparations. At the last stage, a filling is installed.

Stage of deep caries

This stage is the most difficult to treat. The dentist is forced to remove the pulp, thoroughly clean the root canals and perform a filling.

The doctor can easily reach the oral cavity and carry out treatment. The difficulty lies only in machining this area, because:

  • The cervical area is extremely inconvenient for filling. If the patient still has subgingival caries, this significantly aggravates the situation.
  • The treatment area is constantly exposed to moisture (saliva).
  • The blood that accompanies the process interferes with the work.

The entire process of getting rid of deep caries takes place in several stages:

  1. Conducting anesthesia. The gum is a very sensitive organ. Therefore, any doctor’s manipulations cause pain to a person. You can't do without painkillers here.
  2. Carrying out professional cleaning. The deposits are removed from the tooth, as a result, the likelihood of infection is significantly reduced.
  3. Setting the color of the filling material. The composite material used should be as close as possible to the original enamel color. This is quite an important stage.
  4. Retraction of gums. The procedure is necessary to treat the area under the gum.
  5. Preparation of a carious defect. Here, using a drill, tissue that has been affected by caries is removed.
  6. Tooth isolation.
  7. Carrying out the formation of a cavity for further installation of a permanent filling.
  8. Treating the created cavity with adhesive. The material helps the filling adhere well to the tooth surface.
  9. . This is a structural stage at which the structure and functionality of the tooth is restored. The filling material is applied in layers. Each layer is processed with a photopolymerization lamp.
  10. Carrying out polishing and grinding. Here the doctor creates the correct natural form. This is a corrective stage in which the tooth is restored to its aesthetics.

Dentists often use glass ionomer cements for fillings. They are very stable in humid environments, are triple-cured, durable and have a fairly wide range of colors. Doctors also continue to use composite materials, which are much more aesthetically pleasing.

Treatment at home

Many people wonder: how to help themselves with cervical caries on their own, whether it is possible to cure the disease at home. It is possible, but only at the stain stage, that is, at the first stage. Among the drugs used in treatment, PresidentUnique, Ftorodent, Blend-a-med Anticaries, or Icon are often used. In addition, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with sodium fluoride and drink additional calcium tablets.

  1. Sage. Pour one glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of herbs and leave for 1 hour. After cooling, treatment is carried out by rinsing.
  2. Onion peel. Three teaspoons of husk are poured into half a liter of boiling water and put on fire to boil. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered and allowed to brew for 8 hours. Treat the tooth by rinsing.
  3. Fir oil. For treatment, lotions are made from the named remedy.
  4. Common angelica. Hold it in your mouth for 20 minutes and spit it out.
  5. Calamus tincture. Calamus root is infused with vodka (0.5 l) and kept for one week. Rinsing is carried out for several minutes. It is not advisable to use infused calamus internally.


It is advisable to prevent the appearance of cervical caries. To do this, constant hygiene is necessary. When cleaning, you should only use a good brush with medium-hard bristles. In daily care it is better to use only high-quality pastes. Dentist advice will help with this.

It is necessary to use dental floss. They clean the interdental space well.

After main meals and snacks, you should rinse your teeth. An irrigator helps with care. It makes care more complete.

Twice a year, in addition to treatment, you need to visit a dentist who will assess the condition of your teeth, restore them, whiten them and remineralize them.

It is necessary to carry out procedures at home that regenerate and restore tooth enamel. These include gum massage, application of preventive compositions, rinsing with herbal decoctions.

You also need to consume enough calcium and reduce your intake of sweets to a minimum.

Cervical caries occurs due to other diseases of the body, such as endocrine disorders. Therefore, such diseases must be treated so as not to completely lose teeth and not make the treatment of cervical caries useless.

Serious consequences from cervical caries can be avoided if all actions are systemic. After all, the disease affects the root of the tooth, and this is its basis.