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Crossbite: causes, treatment, consequences. Features of crossbite and methods for its diagnosis and treatment. Is it possible to correct crossbite?

Crossbite is considered one of the rarest, but rather difficult problems in orthodontics. We will tell you more about the causes, treatment and photos of this disease. After all, if you do not pay attention to it in time, the consequences can be serious.

Usually, people go to the dentist only when they experience unbearable pain. Simple preventive examinations by an orthodontist are not in fashion. And it's very bad. This way, you can miss the anomaly at those stages when it is easiest to correct.

What is a crossbite?

Orthodontics distinguishes different types of malocclusions. One of them, the most dangerous in terms of consequences, is considered cross. In this case, there is a displacement of the jaws relative to each other in the horizontal plane, which in some cases is noticeable even by the external asymmetry of the face.

Most often, this disorder appears in childhood. And the sooner it is identified, the easier and faster the correction will be. Although there are also cases when a similar problem affects an adult.


Everyone has their own medical history and the causes of the anomaly can be a variety of situations. When determining the etiology and pathogenesis of this problem, doctors focus on the following:

The crossbite itself can cause the following consequences:
  1. Due to problems with chewing, the entire gastrointestinal tract suffers because food is not crushed in the mouth as it should.
  2. Faster development of caries and periodontal diseases.
  3. This problem leads to frequent inflammation of the throat, which can even become chronic.
  4. Difficulty breathing.
  5. Speech is impaired and it is difficult for a person to pronounce sounds.
  6. The appearance of the face in some forms of crossbite has pronounced asymmetry.

Thinking about why it has become difficult to eat, talk, and breathe, a person should contact a specialist and start treatment on time. It will tell you what to do and how to fix a similar problem.



When considering crossbite, there is its own classification:

  1. Buccal – a problem of lateral closure of teeth, which makes chewing food difficult. This is facilitated by both displacement and narrowing of the jaw.
  2. Lingual – in this case there is no contact between the antagonist teeth. This happens due to a too narrowed or expanded row of one of the jaws. The problem can become either one-sided or two-sided.
  3. Buccal-lingual - manifests itself in the maximum variety of causes and types of disorders and combines both the first and second options in the most bizarre forms. The reason for this may be a violation of the size of the bones, with a horizontal displacement of the lower jaw, underdeveloped dentoalveolar arches, etc.

Any of these forms of the disease brings its own difficulties to the patient. The doctor, having established the specific cause and type of bite, prescribes the most acceptable and effective therapy.


Only an experienced orthodontist can conduct a high-quality diagnosis of such a problem. In doing so, he uses both a visual method, that is, examination of the patient, and an x-ray examination of the jaw. The main symptoms characterizing this anomaly:

  • Visible asymmetry of the face, when it is noticeable to the naked eye that the chin is shifted to one side.
  • The patient complains of limited movements of the lower jaw.
  • When opening the mouth, the dentition noticeably shifts to the side, and sometimes diagonally.
  • Changes in the shape of the chin.
  • A person periodically bites the inside of his cheeks while eating. In this case, the chewing function is clearly impaired.
  • In a conversation, the patient cannot pronounce words clearly and speech is difficult for him.

Already these visible symptoms are enough for a complete examination and diagnosis.

Treatment of crossbite in adults

The doctor prescribes certain procedures or devices for correction only in strict accordance with the patient’s age, form of the disease, presence of complications, etc. In each case, an individual approach and different techniques are selected.

How long this process will last depends on the adequacy of the selected method, as well as the complexity and form of the violation. When treating adult patients whose bones are already formed, not much can be done:

  • Special orthodontic appliances are used to try to expand or narrow the dental arch.
  • Normalize the tone of the chewing muscles.
  • The lower jaw is fixed in the correct position.
  • Sometimes deformed dental units are removed.
  • In the most difficult cases, the only option is correction through surgery.

After treatment, you also need to consolidate the result. To do this, doctors recommend wearing a special plate at night or using a retention device.

How to get rid of an anomaly in a child?

The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it will be. Since the causes of crossbite are often congenital problems and childhood habits, correction should be carried out at a younger age. How to correct such disorders in children? Doctors recommend the following:

  1. Parents must fight the child’s bad habits - do not let him suck his fingers or pacifier, take his hand out from under his cheek when he is sleeping, etc.
  2. The dentist sanitizes the oral cavity and eliminates problems in the nasopharynx when they are detected.
  3. If there are tubercles in the lateral areas, they are sanded off.
  4. When forming the jaw, the method of separating the dentition is quite effective. This is done using special plates with screws.
  5. Also very useful during this period are activators that help bones form correctly.
  6. Much less frequently, but still in pediatric orthodontics, there are cases when surgery has to be performed.

In addition to the treatment itself, you need to take some preventive measures:

  • monitor the child’s posture;
  • teach him correctly;
  • diseases of the ENT organs should be treated in a timely manner;
  • monitor proper nutrition and the intake of all important microelements in the child’s body;
  • periodically visit the dentist to detect any problems with teeth in the initial stages of their appearance;
  • In case of early loss of mammary units, it is advisable to carry out temporary prosthetics.

Video: crossbite and facial anomaly.

Additional questions

How long should you wear braces for a crossbite?

The duration of treatment largely depends on the complexity and severity of the disorder itself. This process is also influenced by the patient’s age, bone formation, level of complexity, types and causes of crossbite.

Very often, dentists diagnose dental pathologies in patients. In children, as they grow older, these phenomena can lead to malocclusion and occlusion defects.

Among 30% of people with such problems, 3% have a crossbite, due to which, in addition to the incorrect placement of teeth in a row, the patient’s face does not look aesthetically pleasing, as it acquires asymmetry.

Currently, there are methods that will help correct or reduce the manifestation of this problem.

Crossbite is characterized by a discrepancy between the sizes of teeth and their shapes in the transverse direction. This anomaly is expressed in a displaced intersection of the jaws.

In addition to external asymmetry, patients have speech defects, impaired chewing function, and constant cheek biting.

The treatment is carried out by an orthodontist. Actions to eliminate pathology are carried out comprehensively over a long period of time.


There are several types of crossbite, which differ in characteristics that require a unique approach and choice of methods and means for treatment. Dentists highlight:

  1. Buccal bite. Its peculiarity is the narrowing of the upper fixed jaw and the expansion of the lower movable jaw. It can appear on one or both sides at once. In this case, displacement of the jaw bone is possible. Chewing food is difficult due to a defect in occlusion.
  2. Lingual. Expressed in a reduced lower jaw and an enlarged upper jaw. The closure of the teeth of the upper and lower rows can occur without contact with each other. The defect extends to both one and two sides.
  3. Buccal-lingual. Includes characteristics of the two types described. Dentists divide this bite into gnathic (excessive development or underdevelopment of the jaw), dentoalveolar (narrowing or widening of the jaw arches), articular (displacement to one side of the movable jaw).


The causes of crossbite formation are still being studied today. But all of them can be divided into two categories - congenital and acquired.

Main congenital causes:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. Among these diseases are various syndromes. For example, disturbances in the formation of gill arches in the embryo in the first weeks of the mother’s pregnancy.
  2. Improper formation of the temporomandibular bones. Leads not only to crossbite, but also to problems with the vestibular apparatus and motor skills.
  3. Cleft palate. A congenital defect in which a child is born with an anastomosis between the nasal and oral cavities.
  4. Defective dentition rudiments.

Among those purchased:

  1. Birth injury. Damage during childbirth can affect the improper formation of the child's jaw.
  2. Uneven teething and early tooth loss. Occurs due to impaired metabolism.
  3. Bruxism- strong squeezing of the jaw during sleep, which is likely to cause injury to the oral cavity, abrasion of enamel and the formation of a defective bite.
  4. Bad habits in early childhood. Regular pressure exerted by the baby on the maxillofacial part contributes to the development of pathologies. For example, this could be frequent lip biting, incorrect sleeping position, or finger sucking.
  5. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Such diseases include sinusitis and sinusitis.
  6. Musculoskeletal diseases. These include arthritis, rickets and osteomyelitis.


The actions of a specialist in identifying crossbite begin with conducting an instrumental examination and studying the results.

The dentist determines the condition of the dental system using the method of palpation of the temporomandibular joint and its auscultation. To compile a more detailed clinical picture, an orthopantomogram, teleroentgenogram and radiography are used.

Based on the research, the doctor specifies the type of defect and prescribes a method of treatment and correction.

To obtain a complete picture and establish a diagnosis, you may need to consult a pediatrician or therapist, as well as a neurologist.

The video presents material about the diagnostic signs of crossbite.

Correction methods

With the help of treatment prescribed by an orthopedist, it is possible to achieve a uniform arrangement of the dentition in relation to each other on the lower and upper jaw.

Treatment methods and time depend on the type of abnormal bite, the degree of neglect of the problem and the age of the patient.


This method consists of correcting the bite by relieving tension in the jaw muscles and pressure on the teeth.

Trainers are a silicone structure modeled on a computer to suit the individual characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity.

They are mainly intended for use while sleeping. Thus, they remain invisible to others. During the daytime, they must be worn for 1 to 3 hours.

Treatment is carried out in stages, using trainers of different material hardness, each of them is marked with a specific color.

To achieve the result, soft and then more rigid structures are used first.

Each type of trainer requires about 7 months to wear. The effect is noticeable in 90% of cases. The cost of trainers is about 4-5 thousand rubles.


This device remains on the teeth permanently for an extended period of time. It helps align the occlusion by applying pressure to the teeth.

Braces can be made of ceramic, metal, or plastic. One of the disadvantages of the braces system is that it takes a long time for the patient to get used to them. Treatment lasts at least a year. Sometimes the wearing period takes 5-7 years.

Dentists consider this correction method effective. The price for installing braces is on average 18 thousand rubles.

Orthodontic plates

The structures are removable orthodontic appliances made of metal wire and soft plastic. To correct serious pathologies, the device may have additional elements. For example, hooks holding it.

It is mainly used by dentists to correct bite defects in children under the age of 12-15 years. This is due to the fact that their impact is small to help an adult.

The devices are quite effective for children. The wearing period varies, but on average ranges from one to two to three years.

The cost of records varies depending on their configuration. The approximate price is 15 thousand rubles or more.


The orthopedic design follows the contour of the teeth. Made from transparent plastic. Elimination of bite pathology occurs due to the pressure of the aligners on the problem sectors.

The device does not cause pain, as it is created based on impressions of each patient’s jaw. Dentists advise wearing aligners for 20 hours a day. It is necessary to replace the structure every 2 weeks.

Among the advantages of the devices are easy adaptation, elimination of damage to the oral mucosa, and invisibility to others.

Can be used even for children. However, this treatment method is not suitable for patients who are missing even one tooth.

Depending on the extent of the problem, wearing can last from 3 months to two years. Aligner aligners are expensive - their installation will cost from 60 to 150 thousand rubles.

Surgical method

In difficult cases, when conventional means are not able to help, doctors use surgical methods.

They consist of making an incision in the upper palate and expanding the jaw using operating devices. Screw expanders are often installed, with which the dentist periodically expands the upper palate. After this, the patient experiences pain for an hour.

The result of treatment is visible within two to three months.

However, such surgical intervention can only be performed up to 20 years of age, since in older people the palatal suture ossifies.


Often, people who have been diagnosed with crossbite do not find anything wrong with it, except for its unattractive appearance. But untimely correction of the pathology can lead to a number of serious complications.

The most common of them:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • unclear diction;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • frequent dental caries;
  • causing injury to the tongue and mucous membranes of the cheeks;
  • difficulties in installing prostheses and implants;
  • development of problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • damage to tooth enamel, the appearance of excessive sensitivity;
  • the appearance of pain in the head due to pressure on the temporomandibular joint;
  • displacement and deformation of the vertebrae.


To avoid acquired crossbite, it is necessary to monitor his sleeping position from the first months of a child’s life. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the baby does not put foreign objects into his mouth.

You should regularly take your child to the dentist for timely treatment of caries, since pulling out teeth leads to displacement of neighboring units.

Posture is also important. Researchers have long proven the relationship between spinal curvature and the appearance of malocclusion.

For effective methods of correcting and preventing malocclusion, watch the video.

Crossbite- symptoms and treatment

What is crossbite? We will discuss the causes, diagnosis and treatment methods in the article by Dr. N.S. Zhuravskaya, an orthodontist with less than a year of experience.

Definition of disease. Causes of the disease

Crossbite is a dentofacial anomaly in the transverse plane, in which the size or position of the jaws changes horizontally. In people with such a bite, there is a reverse closure of the teeth on one or both sides, in the anterior or lateral sections.

It is known that crossbite is less common than other pathologies. The frequency of cases depends on age: in children and adolescents it is 0.39-1.9% of the total number of diseases, in adults - 3%.

The reasons for the development of this type of malocclusion can be congenital or acquired. The main factors include:

  1. Heredity and congenital malformations, including:
  2. growth retardation;
  3. shortening or growth of the jaw body on one side;
  4. disturbance of calcium metabolism in the body;
  5. reduction in the size of one half of the face (facial hemiatrophy or Parry-Romberg disease);
  6. incorrect sequence of teeth eruption;
  7. violations of teething - atypical location of tooth buds, late change of milk teeth to molars.
  8. Functional reasons and bad habits:
  9. incorrect position of the child during sleep - lying only on one side, placing a hand or fist under the cheek;
  10. grimacing, propping the cheek with the hand, sucking fingers, cheeks, lips, tongue or objects, clothing;
  11. impaired nasal breathing, improper swallowing;
  12. teeth grinding (bruxism);
  13. imbalance in the functioning of the masticatory muscles;
  14. uneven contact of one row of teeth with another, unworn cusps of milk teeth.
  15. and its complications:
  16. early destruction and loss of primary molars ("chewing" teeth).
  17. Joint disorders:
  18. immobility of the temporomandibular joint.
  19. Other reasons:
  20. injury;
  21. inflammation, due to which jaw growth is impaired;
  22. residual defects on the palate after cleft palate repair;
  23. neoplasms.

Most often (in 77% of cases), crossbite is a consequence of lateral displacement of the lower jaw.

If you notice similar symptoms, consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate - it is dangerous for your health!

Symptoms of crossbite

The development of crossbite does not happen overnight - it takes time for its pronounced facial and oral symptoms to appear.

Facial features

In addition to pronounced asymmetry, other facial shape disorders also develop:

  • displacement of the smile line;
  • different heights of the corners of the lips;
  • displacement of the chin to the side and other visible changes.

Sometimes patients pay attention to the displacement or discrepancy between the central line of the teeth of the upper and/or lower jaw and the central line of the face.

Oral signs

With a crossbite, the movement of the lower jaw and the function of the temporomandibular joints are often impaired, especially in the case of a malocclusion with a displacement of the lower jaw to the side.

When opening the mouth, a crunching sound and pain may occur. Sometimes the lower jaw becomes blocked and its movement in the transverse plane becomes difficult. This leads to an uneven distribution of the load on the teeth during chewing, and over time to traumatic occlusion (incorrect contact of one jaw with the other) and disease of the dental and periodontal tissues.

Inadequate dental occlusion can also affect the chewing pattern and provoke chronic muscle tension and, as a result, pain.​

A frequent sign of progressive pathology with complications is non-carious lesions of hard dental tissues: wedge-shaped defects, chipped enamel, pathological abrasion of teeth, fragility of orthopedic structures or fillings.

Patients often complain of biting the mucous membrane of the cheeks and note incorrect pronunciation of speech sounds.

Pathogenesis of crossbite

The pathogenesis of crossbite is influenced by a combination of various anatomical disorders. For example, it can arise as a result of a narrowing or widening of the base of the jaws. This occurs in the presence of congenital anomalies: growth retardation, impaired calcium metabolism in the body and other reasons. In this case, the development of the jaws is disrupted symmetrically, but sometimes unilateral underdevelopment is possible (for example, with facial hemiatrophy).

Another anatomical factor in the development of crossbite is disturbances within the dental arches and alveolar processes to which the teeth are attached. The trigger mechanisms in such cases are the rudiments of teeth located in an atypical place, their retention, teeth erupting in the wrong order, delayed appearance of molars in place of milk teeth, early destruction of chewing teeth.

Functional reasons and bad habits can lead to both changes in the basis of the jaws and dental and alveolar disorders. In this case, the duration of the habit and the age of the patient will play a key role in the formation of pathology.

Malfunction of the temporomandibular joint may be associated with its various pathologies:

  • chronic joint diseases (arthritis or arthrosis);
  • hereditary anomalies (asymmetry of the branches of the lower jaw, anomalies in the shape or size of the joint heads);
  • functional deformations that arose, for example, as a result of treatment of caries and its complications.

When chronic, these disorders cause displacement of the jaws, impaired closure of teeth and the formation of crossbite.

The rarest mechanisms leading to crossbite are injuries, residual defects after surgery, neoplasms and other deformities (for example, due to a complicated inflammatory process).

Classification and stages of crossbite development

Crossbite comes in various forms. All of them can be unilateral and bilateral, symmetrical and asymmetrical, as well as combined. In some cases, they are accompanied by displacement of the lower jaw.

Depending on the location of the teeth when the jaws are closed, there are three types of crossbite:

  • Buccal- when the upper row of teeth is narrowed, and the lower row is expanded on one or both sides. When the jaws close, the cheek cusps of the lower teeth overlap the upper ones. This type can be either with or without displacement of the lower jaw.
  • Lingual- when the upper row of teeth is expanded, and the lower one is also narrowed on one or both sides. When the jaws close, the palatal cusps of the upper teeth overlap the buccal cusps of the lower teeth.
  • Buccal-lingual- combines the characteristics of the first two types.

Based on the reasons for their occurrence, there are also three types of crossbite:

  • Gnathic- occurs when the base of the jaw is underdeveloped or overdeveloped, i.e. the shape of the alveolar arch or other parts of the upper and lower jaw is disrupted.
  • Dentoalveolar- when the main reason for the incorrect overlap of a row is associated with an atypical position or violation of the shape and size of the tooth (most often the roots). In this case, narrowing or expansion of the dentoalveolar arch can be observed in both one and both jaws.
  • Articular- lateral displacement of the lower jaw due to various disorders in the temporomandibular joint complex (underdevelopment, deformation or displacement of structures). The jaw can be moved not only to the side, but also diagonally.

Complications of crossbite

The position of the teeth and jaws in the crossbite directly affects the distribution of the chewing load and the direction of the chewing forces. In the process of adaptation to the characteristics of the bite, the body gradually enters the stage of decompensation and overload occurs in all structures of the maxillofacial complex. It is this that leads to complications, including irreversible ones.

Complications from hard tissues of teeth and periodontium

Enamel is the strongest tissue in the body, but under the influence of constantly increased load, microcracks appear on it, which then lead to chipping, the appearance of wedge-shaped defects and increased sensitivity of the teeth.

The periodontal ligaments surrounding the tooth also have their own functional reserve. When there is excessive load, especially on certain groups of teeth, a protective reaction develops in these ligaments. It can manifest itself as inflammation and further destruction of structures.

Muscle dysfunction

Changes in muscle function in the long term lead to the appearance of persistent tissue parafunctions - unconscious activity of some muscles, which is not associated with chewing or speech and is difficult to self-control. Constant overstrain of certain muscle groups in the presence of crossbite leads to their hypertrophy and hyperfunction, which in the future can cause bruxism, persistent muscle pain and tension.

Changes in the temporomandibular joint

When functions are impaired or the mobility of the heads and articular elements is limited, joint hypomobility develops and the trophism of its tissues is disrupted. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this can lead to disc displacement, pain, crunching and clicking in the joint, and later to atrophy and deformation of the disc and articular surfaces.

Diagnosis of crossbite

Diagnosing crossbite is not difficult for a specialist.

Collecting anamnesis and history of the development of the disease often helps to identify the true causes of the pathology. The nature of the pain that worries the patient, muscle fatigue, crunching and clicking in the joint are diagnostically important.

Clinical examination of the face helps to identify severe asymmetry and proportional inconsistencies. When examining the oral cavity, the type of crossbite is determined. The condition of the hard tissues of the teeth is assessed: detected wedge-shaped defects, pathological abrasion, chipped enamel, as well as a short service life of fillings may indirectly indicate the presence of occlusal overloads, thereby confirming the diagnosis. The mucous membrane of the lips and cheeks often has tooth marks due to biting of the mucous membrane in the place where the teeth cross.

Observation of the nature of joint movements, functional tests and x-ray studies (especially orthopantomography) can detect complications of the temporomandibular joint and muscle function. According to indications, CT and MRI of this area are performed in the open and closed mouth position.

Electromyography and axylography are also performed according to indications and are additional diagnostic methods.

Crossbite can be false - this condition is called forced displacement of the jaw. Registration of premature and supercontacts using an occlusiogram or specialized T-scan equipment helps to distinguish it.

Sometimes, to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to record the position of the jaws in relation to the structures of the skull. To do this, I fix the upper jaw using a facebow, and for the lower jaw, bite templates or bite recorders are used.

Treatment of crossbite

Treatment of crossbite directly depends on the patient’s age, initial clinical situation, material and technical support.

To correct the bite, removable and non-removable orthodontic plates made of plastic with various types of fastening (clasps, miniscrews, orthodontic rings and crowns), as well as other structures with active elements (screws and springs) are used. Such devices can be single-jawed, double-jawed or single-jawed with intermaxillary action.

The regimen and timing of wearing them are selected by the doctor individually. On average, treatment lasts 8-10 months. They can also be used as preparation for orthodontic treatment.

You can correct your bite using soft or hard silicone correctors and trainers, but their use in this type of pathology has more limitations and depends on the initial clinical situation.

The most common orthodontic equipment for correcting bites is braces. For this, various additional devices are used: buttons and hooks, elastics and elastic chains.

The duration of treatment with braces on average is 15-18 months and is carried out without fail on two jaws, followed by wearing a retainer (splint) for at least 1.5 periods of the active treatment period.

Nowadays, treatment with the help of aligners - transparent aligners with a predetermined trajectory of tooth movement - is gaining great popularity. This method, like others, has its advantages and disadvantages. With proper treatment planning and a responsible approach from the patient, the expected results can be achieved in 12-15 months.

During treatment, the main orthodontic structures can be supplemented with miniscrews. They are more often used in adult patients for more stable support and predictable results.

Forecast. Prevention

If treatment of crossbite is started in a timely manner, i.e. before the development of dystrophic processes and irreversible changes, the prognosis is favorable regardless of the patient’s age.

Sometimes, to correct pathology, a more comprehensive approach is necessary with the involvement of other specialists - an osteopath, a dental surgeon, a dental therapist, a speech therapist, an otolaryngologist and others.

Prevention is divided into primary and secondary. The first includes measures to prevent the occurrence of malocclusion:

  • identification of risk groups;
  • dispensary observation;
  • giving up bad habits and factors that affect the full development of the maxillofacial area.

Secondary prevention is aimed at preventing the development of complications of an existing pathology. To reduce risk factors it is recommended:

  • maintain oral hygiene;
  • undergo timely examinations by a dentist and otolaryngologist;
  • carefully care for the child’s baby teeth (including timely treatment);
  • In case of early tooth extraction, it is necessary to see an orthodontist.

The problem of malocclusion has always caused and continues to cause great problems and discomfort for many. This pathology prevents normal daily activities and chewing. In addition, it spoils the appearance of the smile and interferes with normal conversation. Bite pathologies can vary, but crossbite is considered especially problematic. With this disorder, there is a horizontal displacement of the upper and lower jaw bones in relation to each other. If you do nothing and do not use effective treatments, then this pathology can lead to serious problems in the future.

Attention! Overbite or cross-type occlusion is one of the abnormal developments of the dental system. With this pathological malocclusion, a change in the shape and size of one of the two jaws is observed, which as a result causes a displaced crossing of the closing units of the dentition.

This form of malocclusion is considered the rarest, but it is quite complex. This pathology requires long-term treatment, which usually involves complex therapy. Orthodontists are involved in correcting this disorder.

What forms are there?

Crossbite is a pathology of the closure of the dentition, characterized by a discrepancy in the size and shape of the teeth in the transverse direction, manifested in facial asymmetry, speech defects, biting the mucous membrane of the cheeks, and impaired chewing function.

Crossbite usually occurs in different forms. Moreover, each of its forms has certain characteristics that differ.


During this disorder, a change in occlusion is observed, in which the buccal cusps overlap in the area of ​​the lateral parts of the teeth. The overlap can be either one-sided or two-sided.
The main factors in the appearance of this form of malocclusion may be an increase in the movable part of the jaw, and sometimes underdevelopment of the upper jaw may be observed.


During the lingual type of crossbite pathology, a low degree of closure of antagonist teeth or a complete absence of contact occurs. During partial closure, contact is observed between different tubercles.
The main provoking factor of this pathology is the lengthening or shortening of one of the jaws.


This disorder may combine all or partial signs of the buccal and lingual appearance. Combined malocclusion is one of the most complex pathologies that can only be eliminated with the help of combined treatment methods.
Depending on the location of the pathological process, this type of disorder is divided into three types:

  • Articular;
  • Gnathic;
  • Dentoalveolar.

Factors that cause crossbite

There can be a large number of reasons due to which this pathology may occur. This disorder can appear during a variety of hereditary disorders, traumatic injuries, various diseases and bad habits.

Heredity is a genetic predisposition to the formation of a certain type of bite. Genes determine the structure of the tooth, its shape, and genetic factors also influence the risk of caries in certain areas of the teeth.

The main provoking factors may be the following reasons:

  1. Hereditary predisposition;
  2. If pathologies of tooth formation occurred during embryonic development;
  3. The presence of a congenital discrepancy between the sizes of teeth and jaws;
  4. Early loss or destruction of primary dentition;
  5. Nasal breathing disorder;
  6. The presence of inconsistency in the work process of the masticatory muscles;
  7. The presence of carious lesions or tooth extraction in childhood;
  8. If before this there was a late and inconsistent eruption of the primary units of the dentition, as well as the presence of cleft teeth;
  9. Congenital pathological processes (for example, clefts of the soft palate);
  10. Diseases of the jaw of an inflammatory nature;
  11. Mineral metabolism disorder;
  12. Complications of traumatic facial injuries;
  13. Having problems with posture, scoliosis.

Quite often, bad habits that appeared in childhood can be factors in the occurrence of crossbite.


How to determine that there is a crossbite? What signs accompany this pathology? Different types of this disease come with different signs and symptoms. Thanks to these symptoms, the doctor determines the presence of this particular form of occlusion and prescribes effective therapeutic therapy. But there are general symptoms that will help you identify the presence of this pathology.

Crossbite is a dental anomaly in which the lower jaw shifts to the side. The face becomes disproportionate, which is especially noticeable when smiling; it becomes clear that the teeth overlap.

Common symptoms may include the following:

  • The appearance of asymmetrical facial contours;
  • The upper jaw moves slightly forward or backward;
  • There is a slight shift of the chin to the side;
  • Disproportion of the dentition in relation to each other appears;
  • Problems with contact of opposite crowns during closure;
  • The occurrence of a mismatch between the upper and lower bridles;
  • Impaired diction.

What complications can there be?

Often patients do not see anything special about the fact that they have a cross type of occlusion. The only thing that can worry you during this period is external signs in the form of incorrect closure of the upper and lower jaw units. But, unfortunately, if you do not begin to eliminate this pathology in time, then unpleasant consequences and serious complications may ultimately arise. For this reason, many dentists and orthodontists recommend that you consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin taking all necessary measures to eliminate crossbite disorders.
What are the most common complications associated with cross-occlusion:

Features of the examination

Typically, a crossbite examination begins with the use of an instrumental method, and a clinical picture is also studied. At the first appointment, the doctor performs auscultation of the TMJ and palpation. Using these diagnostic methods, the degree of functionality of the dental system is determined. In addition, for a more detailed examination and accurate diagnosis, other examination methods are used:

  • Orthopantomogram;
  • Radiography;
  • Teleradiogram.

A teleroentgenogram is a panoramic image of the skull in lateral and frontal projections; it is obtained using the X-ray method and is used for postamology diagnostics and treatment planning.

After all examination methods have been carried out, the orthodontist, based on the data obtained, identifies the type of pathological process and determines an effective way to eliminate this disorder. At the last stage of diagnosis, the doctor examines the formed artificial jaw model. Sometimes, in order to correctly make a final diagnosis, it is often necessary to resort to the help of other specialists.

Features of therapeutic therapy

The main goal of treatment for this pathology is to completely restore the relationship of the teeth of both jaws. Crossbite correction is carried out using various types of structures and methods. The indications and use of certain treatment methods depend on the age of the patient, the type of pathological process and its degree of neglect.
The main condition for a successful treatment outcome is the complete elimination of all causes of the pathological process. Therefore, in order to completely eliminate all the causes and factors that caused malocclusion, the following effective treatment methods are used:

  1. Myogymnastics;
  2. The method of grinding the cutting area of ​​the tooth is used. This is necessary to align the closure line;
  3. Use of removable prosthetic elements;
  4. Application of instrumental therapy;
  5. Use of systems with extraoral exposure;
  6. Installation of dental arches;
  7. Expanding type plates;
  8. Installation of the trainer.

To treat crossbite and restore the integrity of the dentition, removable prosthetic elements are used (if one or more teeth are lost). They are fixed to natural teeth using hooks that cover the supporting teeth and can be externally noticeable.

In order to eliminate bite problems in permanent teeth, the following methods can be additionally used:

  • Engel apparatus;
  • Aligners;
  • Braces;
  • Katz crowns;
  • Surgical intervention.

Many orthodontists and patients claim that the most effective and efficient treatment methods are trainers, aligners, braces and surgical treatments.

Nuances of correction by trainers

The use of Trainers differs from other devices for malocclusion in that the bite is corrected by eliminating pressure on the teeth and tension in the muscle fibers.
Features of treatment using trainers:

  1. At the first appointment, the doctor models the structure using a computer. Through the use of computer programs, everything is done with maximum precision;
  2. The products are made from silicone material, which is the most convenient and practical;
  3. The main use of trainers is at night. During the daytime, these devices only need to be worn for 1-3 hours;
  4. Typically, treatment with trainers is carried out in several stages, and during each stage it is prescribed to wear products with a certain degree of rigidity, which is indicated by color;
  5. Treatment begins with the use of the softest retainer, which is blue in color. Due to the high degree of elasticity, easy passage of the adaptation period is ensured;
  6. At the last stage, retainers with the most severe degree, which is red, are used;
  7. Each type of retainer must be worn for 7 months.

Retainers are a special orthodontic design that holds the teeth in the correct place. It is used post-course after a course of teeth correction using braces. They can be removable or non-removable, depending on the individual preferences of the person and the doctor’s recommendations.

The effectiveness of this treatment method is 90% of cases. The cost of this treatment therapy is much cheaper than other methods of bite correction.

Features of using aligners to eliminate occlusion

Attention! Aligner aligners are a transparent structure made of transparent plastic material. A product of this type completely replicates all tooth shapes. The process of straightening teeth with the help of aligners is carried out through prolonged pressure on the problem area. In this case, the degree of pressure applied is quite low, so the patient experiences virtually no pain.

During the first appointment, the doctor makes dental impressions and performs virtual 3D modeling of dental units. After this, a complete set of aligners is manufactured using this sample.
For a full course you will need from 10 to 50 caps. The device usually needs to be worn for at least 20 hours. Every 2 weeks, the aligners are replaced with new ones.
The period of treatment of malocclusion with the help of mouth guards has some differences, it all depends on the type of disorder. Sometimes the treatment period is about 3 months, and sometimes more than 1 year. During the entire correction procedure, it is important to visit the dentist once every two months to check the condition of the dentition.
Aligner aligners have several positive features:
  • Adaptation time is approximately 3 hours;
  • When worn, there is no injury to the mucous layer;
  • When in use, these products are not visible from the outside;
  • Do not cause difficulties when performing hygienic and dental procedures.

Aligners are mouth guards for correcting malocclusion. They are made of inconspicuous transparent polymer, invisible to others, and do not spoil the aesthetic appearance of your smile.

This method of correcting malocclusion pathologies can be used even in children starting from the age of five. However, it has one significant drawback - aligners are not used if there is a partial or complete absence of a tooth.

Features of correction with braces

Important! Braces are a non-removable device that provides complete correction of malocclusions using mechanical influence on the teeth. As soon as the dentist conducts the necessary examination, identifies the presence of a pathological process, eliminates the reasons for the impossibility of using these products and consults with the patient on the choice of the necessary material for the manufacture of the structure.

Typically, braces are made from the following types of material:
  1. Made from ceramic base;
  2. Metal;
  3. Made of sapphire material;
  4. Made of plastic.

Installation Features:

  • The entire process of installing braces is carried out by a dentist;
  • First of all, the brackets are attached to the teeth with glue;
  • Then an arch is made from a metal base, which has a memory effect, to the fixing element of each bracket. Due to this element, the basic alignment of the dentition is carried out;
  • At the last stage, the device is secured and configured.

The disadvantage of these products is that when wearing these products there is a long period of adaptation, and sometimes it extends to the entire period of use of these structures. Treatment therapy lasts from 1 year to several years.
After the dentition is completely straightened and all defects disappear, the braces are removed. The structure is removed by squeezing it with special forceps. Sometimes small marks from braces remain on the surface of the crowns of the teeth, so after they are removed, the surface of the teeth is ground and polished.
However, wearing braces is not always permitted; there are cases when the use of these products is contraindicated. Contraindications include the following conditions:

  1. Carious lesion;
  2. Periodontitis;
  3. Gingivitis;
  4. Diseases of the skeletal system;
  5. Various mental disorders;
  6. Oncological tumors;
  7. Pathologies of the circulatory system;
  8. Endocrine system disorders.

Features of surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is used when conventional treatment methods are not effective.

Important! The method of therapeutic therapy consists of opening the palatal suture, after which rapid or slow expansion is performed using recommended hardware methods. In most cases, screw expanders are used, which are activated every day. After activation, slight pain may be observed, which usually disappears completely after an hour.

The final result of surgical treatment can be achieved in approximately 2-3 months. Retainers are used to secure the results.

How is treatment done in children?

Features of the treatment of malocclusion pathologies in children have some differences from medical therapy in adults.
During the period of early mixed dentition, but usually not earlier than 5-6 years, treatment is used using removable plate devices with an expanding screw and a sectoral cut. As a result of using this device, the expansion screw will expand exactly the segment of the dentition that needs expansion.
Also, in addition to the device for correcting crossbite, the doctor can additionally add some components - buccal and labial pads, which ensure the normal condition of the muscle tissue in this place. In addition, these elements cause the process of removing soft tissues from dental units to prevent unwanted pressure that the tissues exert on the teeth.
For children, another type of device can be used to correct occlusion pathologies - the Frenkel function regulator. Through the use of this device, normalization of the myodynamic balance of the maxillofacial area is ensured.
Often in children this pathology may be accompanied by a violation of the closure of the first molars. For this reason, the orthodontist in these situations may recommend the use of devices such as the Andresen-Goipl activator and the Persin activator to eliminate class II and III anomalies.
If cross-curvature of the teeth is observed with a slight narrowing of the upper jaw, then in these situations the doctor may prescribe the use of expanding structures. The most effective device is considered to be the Biderman apparatus. This design allows for rapid palatal expansion. Activation of this device can be done at home by parents. Activation is done once every 7-10 days.

With a crossbite, a narrowing of the arch of the dentition occurs, which is associated with the genetic predisposition of the patients, and also possible breathing disorders (replacement of nasal breathing with oral breathing). To combat this type of jaw pathology, the Biederman apparatus is used.

How is treatment done in adults?

The following devices and treatments are commonly used to correct crossbites in adults:

  • Individual fixed device with mechanical action. This device is used to both widen and narrow dental arches. In appearance, this device is an iron arc that covers the problem area on the vestibular side. The product is fastened to crown-caps, which are installed on the supporting units of the dentition. Bite restoration takes place over several years;
  • Engel's apparatus. This device is used to widen the jaw. In appearance, this device is a curved arc that applies pressure from the lingual side. In order to achieve a positive result while wearing this design, constant adjustment of the device is required. This product allows you to correct second-degree bite problems; it should be worn for at least 4 months;
  • Katz crowns. These products are used for occlusion of the anterior dentition. This device is a loop that is fixed to a metal crown. The principle of operation of this device is as follows: the loop is located on the lingual side at a certain angle in relation to the units with defects. As a result, constant pressure is placed on the teeth, which causes displacement;
  • Braces. These are the most common and effective devices that are used for different types of bites, including cross bites. This product consists of brackets and an arc, which is fixed inside the brackets. When wearing these products, pressure occurs on the dentition, which ensures its displacement.

The Katz guide crown is a non-removable orthodontic device with a functional guiding effect. It is a crown that is installed on a displaced tooth, with a guide plane made of wire loops soldered to it.

Preventive measures

Since the treatment of crossbite is quite long and does not always give 100% results, it is best to prevent the appearance of this pathology in a child from childhood. To do this, you should remember a few recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the child's posture. Especially starting from the age of 7, when there is a period of rapid bone growth;
  2. It is imperative that a child be taught how to properly brush his or her teeth from childhood;
  3. Limiting the consumption of sweets;
  4. Monitor the child’s behavior and prevent the development of bad habits - lying on the side, sucking fingers, making faces;
  5. Timely elimination of all diseases of the ENT organs;
  6. Compliance with preventive treatment of rickets, which can cause bone deformation;
  7. Regular visits to the dentist.

Crossbite is a serious deformation of the dentition that can appear in early childhood. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of your child’s teeth from the moment they erupt. It is also best to go to a pediatric dentist for prevention, who can conduct an examination and give useful recommendations on dental care. If it was not possible to avoid this pathology, then you should be prepared for the fact that the treatment will be lengthy and not always effective.