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Long-term plan for improving the environmental situation at the enterprise. What needs to be done to improve the environment around the world

I absolutely agree that our ecology leaves much to be desired. And this needs to be corrected. Moreover, we need to think about this collectively; everyone alone will not do anything. For example, I regularly participate in cleaning our yard. We usually post a notice on which Saturday everyone is going to clean the yard. And I always try to participate in this whenever possible. Because if not us, then who? It’s unlikely that someone will come and clean my yard. Yes, there are janitors, but firstly, they need to be paid, and secondly, they don’t clean with soul)) for them it’s just a job, but for us it’s like cleaning our own house. After all, we clean our apartment regularly and with all our hearts, then why do we treat entrances and courtyards this way?
In general, it seems to me that something will change in the world around us only when we change our mentality. If everyone treats the things around them not like “not mine, don’t mind,” but rather with care, only then will something change in our world. Then I think it’s also important not to litter every day. After all, there is...

“Man cannot help but be fascinated by nature; he is connected with it by a thousand inextricable threads; he is her son... Man's behavior in nature is a mirror of his soul."

I. Turgenev

It is often said that “alone in the field is not a warrior.” This does not apply to ecology - here each of us can make our contribution to environmental protection. And don’t think that your contribution will be a drop in the ocean. We must do something every day to make the world a little cleaner. Many actions are based on necessity. It happens that at the beginning of big projects and plans lies a dream. The unification of necessity and dream is the basis of environmental morality, our environmental consciousness and actions in nature.

“Ecology is a new way of thinking. If every person, before throwing out garbage in the forest or pouring waste oil into the river, thought about the consequences of their actions, then everyone would feel responsible for maintaining a good quality environment" (Pierre Agesse, famous...

35 simple ways to improve the environment on the planet: let's protect nature together

You don't have to put in a lot of effort to protect the environment. Of course, some believe that little can change from the actions of one person. However, if every inhabitant of the planet devotes at least a little time to the problems of “green”, then qualitative environmental changes will be so significant that it will be difficult not to pay attention to them.

List of rules for people who care about the state of the environment

In this list you can find things that are very often discussed, however, alas, not every person is guided by them in their life. Each of us can do this:

1. Use fluorescent energy-saving or LED bulbs for lighting rather than ordinary light bulbs.

2. When you go to bed, turn off your computer. This simple action will save more than 1000 kilowatts of electricity per month.

3. Don't use...

Situational analysis

The most important criterion for a city's competitiveness is the purity of water, air and soil, effective waste management, noise reduction, the presence of sufficient green spaces, and the aesthetic qualities of the urban landscape.

Every year, the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Vologda Region in the city of Cherepovets registers up to 140 natural resource users carrying out economic and other activities in the city as objects and sources of negative impact on the environment.

The main sources of air pollution are industrial production, energy installations and transport. The condition of the city's air basin also depends on climatic conditions that determine the transfer, dispersion and transformation of emitted substances. The quality of atmospheric air is influenced by the use of modern technologies in industry, the state and effectiveness of the use of environmental equipment, as well as the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact on atmospheric air.

The volume of gross emissions of pollutants entering the atmospheric air from stationary emission sources decreased by 20.7 thousand tons (6%) over a five-year period. In the total mass of emissions in the Vologda region over a five-year period, the volume of emissions of pollutants from stationary emission sources in Cherepovets decreased from 75.3% to 69.8%.

The volume of pollutant emissions from motor vehicles over a five-year period increased by 2.82 thousand tons (7.5%) due to the annual growth of motor transport in the city.

An analysis of the quality of atmospheric air in the residential part of the city showed that since 2005, the average annual concentrations of carbon disulfide (with the exception of 2009), nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, phenol and sulfur dioxide did not exceed the values ​​of established hygienic standards. Average annual concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene and formaldehyde remain above established hygienic standards.

Since 2009, the Air Pollution Index (API) has characterized the level of air pollution as “high.”

Since 2007, there has been an annual decrease in the volume of water consumption, water disposal and the mass of pollutants entering reservoirs with wastewater. Over a five-year period, the volumes of water consumption, wastewater disposal and the mass of pollutants decreased by 22%, 24% and 19.5%, respectively.

Treatment of household wastewater is carried out at a complex of city sewerage treatment facilities, where all wastewater undergoes complete mechanical and biological treatment and is disinfected with ultraviolet light. In the city, work was carried out to switch 18 storm outlets out of 35 existing ones in the domestic sewer network. Storm water undergoes complete biological treatment and disinfection at sewage treatment plants. It is planned to further switch storm outlets for subsequent purification of storm water coming from the city.

At industrial enterprises of the city, to ensure the treatment of industrial and storm wastewater, appropriate wastewater treatment facilities are in place, and water circulation cycles have been organized to reduce the volume of water consumption and wastewater disposal.

The quality of surface waters of natural water bodies - the Sheksna, Koshta and Yagorba rivers - on the borders of the city of Cherepovets, according to most indicators, has not changed significantly in recent years. Their quality assessment ranges from class 3, category “B” to class 4, category “B”.

In recent years, stability in the composition of tap water has been noted in terms of bacteriological and sanitary-chemical indicators. Since 2008, tap drinking water has been free of rotavirus antigens.

About 8.5 million tons of production and consumption waste are generated annually in the city, which is 53.4% ​​of the volume of production and consumption waste generated in the Vologda region. There is a gradual decrease in the volume of waste generation and disposal in the natural environment due to an increase in the amount of waste used and neutralized by Severstal OJSC, the group of enterprises PhosAgro-Cherepovets OJSC, and Vodokanal MUP.

On average, up to 190 thousand tons of solid household waste (MSW) are generated annually in the city. In the Vologda region, only in Cherepovets, since 1999, solid household waste has been disposed of using the thermal processing method. Since September 2011, the operation of waste incineration plants has been discontinued and almost the entire volume of solid waste is disposed of at the city landfill. In recent years, there has been a slight decrease in waste disposed of at the solid waste landfill. This was facilitated by the continued active work of medium and small businesses in collecting waste (recyclables) with their subsequent transfer for recycling.

At the same time, the design capacity of the city solid waste landfill will be exhausted in the near future.

The goal of environmental education is the formation of the ecological culture of society as a set of practical and spiritual experience of interaction between humanity and nature, ensuring its survival and development. Fostering an environmental culture is an urgent task in the environmental education of children and adolescents. The total number of organized and conducted events on environmental education and upbringing of the population averages 1,880 per year, covering up to 90 thousand people, including 24 thousand active participants. Monitoring the level of environmental culture of children and adolescents, carried out in the 2011-2012 school year, shows that the high level is 32% - actively restorative (in 2004 - 24%), the average level is 54% - actively saving (in 2004 - 53 %), the low level is 14% - passive consumer (in 2004 - 23%).

Priority tasks:

1. Reducing air pollution

2. Reducing pollution of the city with industrial and household waste.

3. Prevention of possible negative damage to natural water bodies

4. Increasing the level of environmental education of the population, forming the foundations of the ecological culture of the population.

To implement the priority area, the following activities are planned:

1. Improvement and landscaping of urban areas, including the territories of sanitary protection zones of enterprises.

2. Development of atmospheric monitoring in the city, taking into account the increasing influence of vehicles on the habitat.

3. Implementation of measures to reduce the negative impact of motor transport on air quality in the residential part of the city through the integrated construction of streets and roads, road junctions, reconstruction and construction of bridge crossings, installation of modern traffic light facilities, creation of conditions for increasing the share of environmentally friendly transport in the structure of urban motor transport .

4. Implementation of air protection measures by municipal and industrial enterprises, including achieving standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants (MPE) in accordance with approved projects.

5. Construction of a waste sorting complex and a new solid waste landfill that meets modern requirements for waste disposal facilities, increasing the volume of recycling of secondary raw materials.

6. Implementation by municipal and industrial enterprises of measures to comply with waste disposal standards in the environment in accordance with approved projects.

7. Implementation of a set of measures in the housing and communal services to reduce pollution of natural water bodies, including through the use of modern wastewater treatment technologies, reducing the discharge of untreated and insufficiently treated wastewater, including storm water, measures for the development of water protection zones and coastal strips rivers within the city.

8. Implementation of water protection measures by municipal and industrial enterprises, including achieving standards for maximum permissible discharges in accordance with approved projects.

9. Implementation of a set of measures in 6 priority areas of environmental education:

Development of the section “Ecology and Biology” of the city scientific society of students;

Creation of an ecological and local history map of the city of Cherepovets and its environs;

Formation of a data bank of the activities of urban educational institutions in the field of environmental education, generalization and dissemination of work experience;

Increasing the level of environmental education of children and schoolchildren through the introduction of new technologies for understanding the world around them;

Conducting organizational and mass educational events, events, conferences, developing a network of children's environmental theaters;

Implementation of environmentally significant projects “Our Common Home”, “School – Center for Education of Environmental Culture”, “School Eco-Teams for the City”.

Financing of these activities is planned to be carried out at the expense of budgetary funds (city, regional and federal budgets), as well as the own funds of enterprises and on the principles of public-private partnership.

The implementation of these measures will allow:

Reduce the volume of gross emissions of pollutants into the air;

Improve air quality in the residential part of the city;

Reduce the volume of water consumption, water disposal and the mass of pollutants entering natural reservoirs with wastewater;

Improve the quality of surface waters in urban rivers;

Create conditions for the formation of a future generation with a high level of environmental culture, focused on a healthy lifestyle;

To increase the number of objects and sites using the ecological model of knowledge of the surrounding world, to ensure the development of scientific and practical activities of students;

To ensure the development of organizational and mass activities of children and their parents in the implementation of environmentally significant projects;

Ensure the dissemination of information about the practice of implementation and the results of environmental education and upbringing of the population.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education

Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Urban Construction and Economy

Explanatory note

for a course project on the topic:

Development of measures to improve the environmental situation in the city


students of group 1052

Starunova E.Yu.

Mishin M.S.

Dorofeev M.A.

Kartashov E.V.

Khodunov A.M.

Voronezh, 2009


The state of the natural environment is one of the most pressing socio-economic problems, directly or indirectly affecting the interests of every person. The process of economic growth and technological progress characteristic of the second half of the twentieth century is inextricably linked with motorization. In many industries and agriculture, road transport is the most important link in the production process. At the same time, road transport is one of the major air pollutants.

The problem of improving the environment in cities is becoming increasingly important every year. Forecasts for the development of motor transport in cities show that over the next 15...20 years, the transport fleet of cities will increase 5 times, mileage will increase by 20...30%, and speed will increase by 15...25%. All together, this will lead to the fact that on city highways the concentration of carbon monoxide can be 30...50 mg/m3, and the noise level - 75...85 dB. At the same time, in the zone of influence of highways there may be children's institutions, schools, clinics, hospitals, in which the level of influence of the road should have a sanitary limit less than in residential buildings. In open space conditions, in order to reduce the noise level, it is necessary to provide for the removal of residential buildings from highways by 50...300 m. While the sanitary gap in terms of gas pollution is 50...100 m.

In this course project, we analyze the current situation in a residential area of ​​Voronezh, calculate emissions of pollutants from vehicles and concentrations of pollutants in the ground layer, assess the level of noise impact from vehicles and select environmental protection measures.

    Analysis of the situation

      Location of the territory in the residential area system

This section of the study area is located in the Leninsky residential area of ​​the city of Voronezh, within the boundaries of Pushkinskaya, Kutsygina, Svoboda and F. Engels streets. The area of ​​the territory is about 4.21 hectares. Pushkinskaya and Kutsygina streets are streets of citywide importance.

1.2 Characteristics of territory development

The territory is built up with five-story residential buildings.

Table 1.1 Characteristics of territory development.

Building address

Age of construction, years

Number of floors

Wall material

Physical deterioration, %

Number of inhabitants

st. F.Engelsa, 32

st. Svobody, 47

st. Kutsygina, 28

st. Kutsygina, 26

st. Pushkinskaya, 38

st. Pushkinskaya, 36

st. Svobody, 45

1.3 Relief characteristics

The terrain is calm, without sudden changes, the average slope is about 1%, there is a slight decrease in the relief from Pushkinskaya Street in the direction of Svoboda, Engels, Kutsygin streets. No terrain disturbances were identified. There are no ravines or karsts.

1.4 Vehicle traffic volume

Traffic intensity is the number of vehicles that passed in both directions through a road section per unit of time (hour or day).

The intensity of vehicle traffic is determined in two ways: by the average daily traffic intensity and by the intensity of traffic during rush hour.

In our calculation we used the second method.

The entire traffic flow is distributed by vehicle type:

    cargo from 3.0 t.

    cargo (diesel)

    bus (diesel)

    passenger vehicles.

The collection of material on street traffic congestion was carried out during peak traffic hours: 18.00-19.00.

The intensity of vehicle traffic is produced by counting vehicles of different types in each measurement period. The traffic flow is carried out and recorded in groups and tabulated.

Table 1.2 Calculation of vehicle traffic intensity.

Vehicle groups

Forward direction

Reverse direction

Hourly intensity Nm, auto/hour

F. Engels Street


Pushkinskaya street.


Trucks from 3.0 t.

Kutsygin street.


Trucks from 3.0 t.

Freedom Street.


The average flow speed can be determined experimentally. The speed of a single passenger car during free movement is measured. The number of measurements on a site (100 m) must be at least 30. Afterwards, the speed is calculated using the formula:

V = 3600*S /t (1.1)

where S is the length of the section (100 m)

t – time of passage of this section

    Calculation of pollutant emissions from road transport

2.1 Atmospheric pollution by toxic substances from vehicle exhaust gases

A pollutant is one of the types of pollutants, any chemical substance or compound that is found in an object of the natural environment in quantities exceeding background values ​​and thereby causing chemical pollution.

Emission source is an object from which pollutants are released into the atmosphere, worsening the quality of atmospheric air and limiting its use.

In the last decade, with a relative decrease in pollution per vehicle, in developed countries, overall global vehicular air pollution has been growing due to an increase in fuel combustion in engines of aging models. A sharp increase in the number of cars in Russia occurred, not only due to the growth of new ones, but also due to the increase in foreign-made cars aged 5...10 years and older, as well as a huge number of Russian-made cars returning from different European countries. All of the listed cars are on the verge of exhausting the service life of the engine, all systems and components of the car that affect toxic emissions. Motor transport, as a source of pollution, has the following features:

firstly, the number of cars in large cities is rapidly increasing, and at the same time the gross emissions of harmful substances are continuously growing;

secondly, unlike industrial sources of pollution, tied to certain sites and separated from residential buildings by a sanitary protection zone, a car is a mobile source of pollution, widespread in residential areas and recreational areas;

thirdly, automobile gases are a mixture of toxic components entering the ground layer of the urban atmosphere, where their dispersion is difficult;

fourthly, modern methods of reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases are not yet able to provide the desired degree of air purity.

These features make the problem of protecting the atmosphere from vehicle pollution one of the most complex and pressing problems of a modern city.

Emitted automobile gases are a mixture of more than 200 types of toxic substances, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and the most dangerous compounds: benzopyrene, smoke aerosol, photooxidant, compounds of lead, cadmium and other heavy metals.

When vehicles move, exhaust gases form a ground-level cloud of active and passive impurities stretched along the road. Active impurities, when distributed in the atmosphere, form new compounds and enter into chemical reactions with water vapor. Passive impurities do not change their qualitative composition, but this does not make them any less dangerous.

Environmental pollution by motor vehicles occurs due to exhaust gases and as a result of evaporation of fuel from the tank, carburetor and pipelines. The qualitative and quantitative composition of exhaust gases depends mainly on the power of the pollution source.

Car emissions entering the atmosphere create ground-level concentrations of pollutants, the concentration of which often exceeds the maximum permissible limits. The main source of pollution during the operation of vehicles is the process of fuel combustion in a car engine. Every day, a city dweller inhales about 16 m3 of polluted air, some of which settles in the lungs and is absorbed by the body, causing biological changes in it. The share of the main pollutants is: carbon monoxide – at least 80%, hydrocarbons – 8%, nitrogen oxides – 5%.