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Problems at school and in the family. Primary school: what difficulties await the child

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Ekaterina Burmistrova spoke about what happens to children in primary school and how to solve the difficulties that they may have from 1st to 4th grade.

– What are the typical problems of younger schoolchildren?

– If we are talking about urban schoolchildren, then the first and main problem is a learned ININDEPENDENCE, an unformed planning block. In short, this is called “academic lack of independence that spoils relationships.”

-Where does it come from?

– There are several reasons that lead to the fact that a child cannot do homework on his own, and therefore parents have to sit with him during lessons, which greatly spoils the relationship between parent and child. Now nothing sets up either the parent or the child to develop independence. It does not arise by gravity.

Firstly, the school curriculum makes a significant contribution to this - it is often oversaturated and adjusted not to the age of the children and their abilities, but to the ambitions of the educational institution.

When you and I were studying, it never occurred to anyone to sit with the child during lessons, except in cases of transfer to another stronger school or admission somewhere. Everything was arranged in such a way that the program could be handled. But now everything is arranged in such a way that the program can only be dealt with if everyone listens to it. And I’m talking about ordinary children without educational abilities, without dysgraphia, without attention disorders, without vegetative disorders.

Secondly, not only has the program changed in terms of capacity, but the approach of teachers has changed. Last year, in one of the strong Moscow schools, only one first-grade teacher out of four told parents: “Don’t even think about helping the children do their homework, they came to learn on their own,” all the rest said: “Parents, you have entered first grade. In mathematics we have such and such a program, in Russian - such and such, in this quarter we study addition, in the next - subtraction...” And this, too, of course, creates educational independence.

Today, the school shifts some of the responsibility onto the parents, and it is believed that there is some advantage in this. In addition, teachers are terribly nervous about Federal State Educational Standards and other things. They do not have the task of developing this educational independence - they have many other tasks and difficulties: these are large classes, and huge reporting... The generation of teachers, determined to develop independence, is leaving the working arena.

Another factor contributing to the deterioration of the situation in primary schools is that, following significant changes in education, the number of students per class has increased everywhere. It makes a huge difference for a teacher to teach 25 children in the first grade or 32 or even 40. This greatly affects the way the teacher works. Therefore, one of the serious problems of primary schools is large classes and the accompanying changes in the way teachers work, and as a result, more frequent teacher burnout.

– What contribution do parents make to the formation of lack of independence?

– First of all, parents now have a lot of free time. Today, often, if a family can afford for the mother not to work, she sits with the child throughout elementary school. And sharing homework is partly inspired by the fact that adults now have more free time than before. This is not to say that this is bad - this time can be spent on something wonderful, but it is often spent on lessons, and because of this, relationships do not improve.

– What other reasons are there?

Another one is that we raise tadpoles. We place great emphasis on the development of intellectual abilities. This is facilitated by the large volume of various offers, especially in Moscow, you can choose so many things - just have time to carry them. And as a result, we load children more than necessary. This is a general tendency, and it does not manifest itself on a conscious level - everyone does it.

– What are the symptoms that a child suffers from learning disability?

– The child does not remember what he was given. And all the conditions have been created for this: the paper diary is a thing of the past - we now have teacher blogs, parent chats, groups, electronic diaries, where all this is posted.

The child does not remember that he needs to sit down for his lessons on time. Often the reason is that everything is so tight in his schedule that right after school he goes somewhere, and then somewhere else, and when he gets home, he is simply not able to remember anything.

Only very mature children are able to remember their lessons at 7-8 pm, so parents have to remind them. And this is a classic sign of school independence. A self-sufficient person must take a task, remember that he must do it, and plan a time when it will be done. In the first grade, this skill is just being formed, but by the second or third grade it should already be there. But it does not arise by gravity, and in a modern school nothing and no one shapes it.

The child is basically not trained to be responsible for his time. He is never alone - we take him everywhere. Now no one has a key around their neck - we lead him everywhere by the hand, drive him in the car. If he is late for school, then it is not he who is late, but his mother who is stuck in traffic. He can't plan what time to go out and how long it takes to do something because he just doesn't need to learn it.

– How to treat all this?

– Treatment is painful, no one likes these recommendations, and usually people go to psychologists when they have already reached the limit, they have brought the relationship to such a state that doing homework together turns into hours of agony. Before this, parents are not ready to listen to any recommendations from specialists. And the recommendations are as follows: you need to survive the downward spiral, a serious decline in academic performance, and teach the child to feel responsible for his time and lessons.

– Roughly speaking, you stop controlling the process of leaving the house, reminding him to do his homework, and sit with him during lessons, and courageously endure the temporary wave of bad grades?

– In short, yes. It is advisable to explain to the teacher that you will have this downward dive, but not every teacher can agree on this: one teacher out of ten is able to treat this process with understanding.

The problem is that in elementary school the child is still small, and you can practically force him to sit down for his lessons and hold him back. Difficulties often begin later, in the 6th-7th grade, when he is already a big person, sometimes taller than mom and dad, who already has other interests, puberty things begin and it turns out that he does not know how to manage time at all and is no longer ready to listen to you . He wants independence, but is completely incapable of it.

I exaggerate, and it doesn’t always come to sharp confrontation with my parents, but quite often. While parents can, they hold him, control him, guide him. As they say, the main thing is to bring the child to retirement.

– What other problems do elementary school children have?

– A problem associated with lack of independence is the OVERLOAD OF A CHILD, when everything that can be shoved into him is crammed into him. Every year I meet with mothers who say: “My child’s schedule is more difficult than mine,” and they say this with pride.

This is a certain part of society where the mother is killed and takes the child everywhere herself, or where there is a driver who takes the child everywhere and waits for the child in the car. I have a simple marker of abnormal load: I ask: “How much time per week does your child walk?” When it comes to elementary school, parents often say: “Which one is playing around? He goes for walks during the holidays.” This is an indicator of abnormal load. Another good question is, “What does your child like to play?” - “In Lego.” - “When does he play with Lego?” - "In holiday's"…

By the way, this schedule overload increases the number of children who do not read. If a child has not yet become a fan of reading, has not had time to read, has not discovered reading for himself, then in conditions of intellectual and organizational overload, when he comes home, he will most of all want to turn off the brain, which is working all the time. There is a direct connection here, and when you unload the children, they begin to read.

If we systematically overload a fragile creature that is actively growing, it does not begin to learn better. Therefore, the issue of load is very subtle and individual. There are children who are ready to bear a heavy load, and they feel great, they only get better from it, and there are those who take the load, carry it, but gradually become neurotic because of it. We need to look at the child’s behavior, his condition in the evening and at the end of the week.

– What condition should make parents think and reconsider their child’s workload?

It depends on his psychological type. Melancholic people will suffer, cry quietly and get sick, because this is the most vulnerable and exhausted type, they will only get tired of the number of people in the class and the noise in recreation. Cholerics will scream and throw tantrums by the end of the week.

The most dangerous type are those children who, without external manifestations of overwork, bear the load until it brings them to a somatic breakdown, until they are covered with eczema and spots. This endurance is the most dangerous. You need to be especially careful with them. They really can do a lot, they are very effective, positive, but their internal fuses do not always work, and parents often catch on when the child is already in poor condition. They need to be taught to feel the load.

These are individual indicators, but there are also general ones: a child in elementary school should walk at least three times a week for an hour. And just walking, and not what my parents sometimes tell me: “We walk when we go from one class to another.” In general, there are situations when a child and his mother live in heroic mode: “I feed him soup from a thermos in the car, because he should have a full lunch.”

I hear this quite a lot, and it is often positioned as a great achievement. People have the best intentions and don't feel overwhelmed by their schedule. But childhood is a time when a lot of energy goes into simply growing and maturing.

– Do modern primary schoolchildren have functional problems that interfere with their school life?

– Oddly enough, with all the modern level of awareness and literacy, undetected MINIMUM BRAIN DYSFUNCTION, MMD, is quite common. This is a complex of small disorders that cannot be diagnosed before they appear, but at the same time they interfere terribly. This is not quite hyperactivity and not quite attention deficit - these are smaller things, but a child with MMD is difficult to teach in a regular classroom format. There are also all kinds of speech disorders that are undiagnosed, which greatly affect the development of writing, reading, a foreign language, all kinds of dyslexia and dysgraphia.

-Where does this come from?

– This may have always been there, but before school it didn’t really interfere and didn’t really manifest itself. The reason - perhaps due to induced labor and intervention in labor - when looking for where this comes from, they look at prenatal factors and always find something there.

MMD is a disorder of our time, which, along with allergies and oncology, has become more common. Some of them prevent the child from studying in a general education format.

Few schools have support systems, speech therapists, psychologists who can help the child adapt, but there are a huge number of children who, in the middle of the first, second, third grade, are squeezed out of regular schools because they cannot study there, it is difficult for them. This means that they didn’t call a speech therapist or psychologist on time, didn’t go to a neuropsychologist, didn’t get treatment.

– Minimal brain dysfunction is psychophysiological disorders, but there is another socio-pedagogical problem, which is more pronounced in Moscow and other big cities: today there are many children who are NOT USED TO LIVING IN SOCIETY and are not taught the rules of interaction. They do not learn well in a large class format, simply because they have never been prepared for it.

- So they didn’t walk in the yard, didn’t go to the regular garden, were with the nanny and mom all the time?

– Yes, and everyone always adapted to them. Maybe they had excellent tutors, they have excellent knowledge and study skills, but they are not used to working in a group format. Usually in schools where there is a competition, such children are monitored and they try not to take them or take them with conditions, but in private schools there are a lot of such children. And they can greatly spoil the work of the class.

– Are there new problems associated with the fact that children spend a lot of time with tablets, phones and TVs?

– Yes, there is another type of problem - quite new and little studied in the Russian-speaking space, but for several years now generations have been coming to school who are MORE USED TO WATCHING THAN LISTENING. These are children who heard the main stories not from books their parents read or from relatives, but watched, and for them the visual form of presenting information became the main one. It's a much simpler form and requires much less effort to learn anything from the video. These children at school cannot listen, they listen for two minutes and switch off, their attention floats. They do not have organic disorders - they are simply not accustomed to the form of presenting information accepted at school. The less screen time there is before school, the more likely it is that this won't happen to your child.

– If we talk about the youngest, first-graders, are there any signs that the child went to school too early?

– If a CHILD GOES TO SCHOOL TOO EARLY, then after one and a half to two months, when it should become easier, it becomes, on the contrary, more difficult. These patients come annually in October-November: the child is tired of school, his motivation has gone, at first he wanted to go to school and went with pleasure, but he is exhausted, disappointed, he is not interested in anything, somatic disorders have appeared, he does not respond to the teacher’s requests.

This is very evident in first-graders. By October-November, they should learn to respond correctly to general forms of address when the teacher says: “Children, take your pencils.” Children who are emotionally ready for school take pencils in the general form of address. And if even in November they are told: “Everyone took a pencil, and Masha also took a pencil,” it means that the child’s ability to work independently in a group has not yet matured. This is a sign that he went to school early.

– If a child, on the contrary, spent an extra year at home or in kindergarten, what will it look like?

– He will also be bored, but in a different way: he feels smarter than others. And here you need to think about how to choose a workload for your child so that he can stay in class. If those who went to school early can be taken away and returned a year later so that there is a pause, then these children need to be given individual tasks in a class format so that they are interested, and not every teacher is ready to do this.

– Are there any signs that the child is unwell in primary school?

- Certainly. Usually it is difficult for a child during the adaptation period, in the first one and a half to two months, when he either just started first grade, or went to a new class, to a new school, changed staff, teachers. In theory, it should get easier.

– What should a child not have in a normal educational process?

– Neurosis, total depression, apathy. There are a number of neurotic signs that should not exist: biting nails, tearing out hair, gnawing clothes, the appearance of speech disorders, hesitations, stuttering, abdominal pain in the morning, headaches, nausea, which occur only in the morning and go away if the child is left at home , and so on.

After 6-7 weeks of adaptation, there should be no talking in your sleep, and your sleep pattern should not change. We are talking about younger schoolchildren, because in adolescence it is much more difficult to determine where the reason is school, and where some of their personal experiences are.

How to form a child’s correct perception of the learning process? Should I help and how to prepare my homework? How can problems with lessons damage the relationship between a child and parents? Psychologist and mother of many children Ekaterina Burmistrova hears all these questions very often during consultations.

From undone lessons to family conflicts

Preparing homework

Ekaterina Burmistrova

The basic practice when we were growing up was the same: “You will do your homework yourself, and if you have difficulties, you will ask me, and I will help you.” Now the entire education system in primary school is designed for parents to do homework with their child .

And here there is a certain dilemma: how to make sure that the child successfully masters the school curriculum, given that:

  • The programs have changed a lot - even in Russian, mathematics and reading.
  • The initial level of knowledge of first-graders has changed greatly - many schools are expecting children who can already read.
  • Teaching a foreign language begins in grades 1-2, the programs are designed so that an adult will help the child master them, but most of us started learning the language in grades 4-5.
  • In Russia, the number of unemployed mothers who are ready to devote all their time to a child who has become a schoolchild has sharply increased, as a result of which the level of independence of children has decreased. No one walks around with a key around their neck and warms up their own lunch.

In my opinion, these changes are:

  • are inconvenient for parents, as they make them directly responsible for their children’s educational success.
  • In the long term, the relationship between children and parents is very adversely affected.
  • Decreased independence in learning in primary school slows down the volitional maturation of children, reduces motivation to learn, up to a complete reluctance to learn and the inability to do it on their own - without parental urging and mother sitting next to them.

Now, at the first parent-teacher meetings in first grade, teachers directly warn parents that they will now have to study with their children .

Teachers, by default, assume that you will be responsible for the quality and quantity of homework throughout elementary school. If previously the teacher’s task was to teach, now the teacher’s task is to give tasks, and the parents’ task (presumably) is to complete these tasks.

Foreign language programs are generally designed in such a way that a child, in principle, cannot do them without an adult. Rudely: “I don’t understand - I’m a fool myself.” I explain the material, and if the child doesn’t understand, then either go to additional classes, or the parents will explain.” You need to be prepared for such a situation .

This means that parents must sit down and do homework with a first-grader, a second-grader, a third-grader, a fourth-grader. But now maturation begins quite early, and already at 9-10 years old one can observe all the symptoms of adolescence. By the 5th-6th grade, this opportunity to sit and do homework with your child will disappear. This situation will become impossible, and after four years the child will get used to the fact that the mother is responsible for the lessons. , and he himself cannot and does not know how to take this responsibility .

You can, at the cost of losing the relationship, continue to force him until he is 14-15 years old, as long as you have enough strength. The conflict will be postponed for several years, and the child will still be unable to take responsibility for his assignments. At the age of 14-15, the protest will already be very strong - and with a break in relations.

There are indicators that children who were almost excellent students in elementary school, because their mother and father did everything for them, sharply decline in their studies in middle school, because they are no longer ready to accept help, and they lack the ability to learn.

This system, imposed by many elementary school teachers, is for the child to do everything perfectly at home, that is, with the help of his parents.

If the child is behind, the teacher can present a complaint to the parents: you are not paying attention! Only old, experienced teachers adhere to the classical system - so that the child does everything himself, even with mistakes, and they themselves are ready to teach and correct.

Photosight.ru. Photo: petrovichbal

“How are we doing?”

Formation of the correct educational stereotype

You need to understand what kind of teacher you will be dealing with and what his position is. And, depending on the rigidity of this position, bend the line of independence.

The most important things that can be taught to a child in elementary school are responsibility, the ability to work, and the ability to take a task as their own.

At first, if you are moving towards developing academic independence, your academic performance will be lower. Lack of independence is especially acute in only children in the family, and here you need to be especially careful.

The child writes his first hooks - and is immediately subjected to pressure from his parents: “I put my pen in the wrong place! You're making fun of us! You will be a janitor! The child’s level of motivation is low – the parents’ level of motivation is off the charts.

And at school the teacher says: “Why can’t the child connect the letters?” You don’t come to the teacher, but he forces you to study with your child. Having explained the material at school, he assumes that you will study regularly and get advice on what and how to do. And a stable lexical connection is formed: “How are we doing?”, which speaks of the ongoing symbiosis of mother and child. Then, in the 9th grade, the child says: “I don’t know who I want to be,” - he didn’t have a sense of himself in school.

If a child is always insured, he will not learn to do anything on his own; he knows that “mom will think of something”, that in any situation the parents will find a way out.

But parents often have fear: “Won’t teaching independence result in a confrontation between the child and the teacher, with the system?”

At first there may be delays, but then the child achieves success. There is an initial loss, but there is no loss in grades 4-5. If during this period the academic performance of artificially excellent students drops sharply, then the academic performance of such children increases sharply.

There are children who still need help . These are children who are chronically absent-minded, the child is “not here” in his thoughts (albeit within the norm).

These children need a little more help. If a child, in principle, has the ability to self-organize, they need to be included. The question with lessons is very simple: either he will take responsibility for them, or he will not.

The picture emerges quite early, even from the “preparation”. It is better to create conditions for the emergence of independence, and it is necessary to form the correct educational stereotype associated with lessons.

Photosight.ru. Photo: Siren1

School characters

If there are many teachers

It is easier for a child to get used to one teacher who teaches several subjects. If the teachers are different, you need to help the child figure out “what is the name of which aunt.” Aunts are different, they have patronymics, but first-graders have a hard time understanding patronymics - it’s hard to remember, it’s not easy to pronounce.

Here we may need some kind of home training: we cut out a figurine of aunt so-and-so - she teaches mathematics, her name is so-and-so.

It is also worth helping your child learn the first and last names of his classmates. Until the child knows the names of his classmates and teachers, he feels uncomfortable.

Focusing on the child’s abilities, helping to remember “school characters” - children and adults - is an important parental task.

Daily worries

The student needs help organizing the learning process

If in your family there are children's household responsibilities, if you have at least some semblance of a routine or rhythm of life, there is some kind of daily chain of events that repeats (we get up at about the same time, go to bed at the same time) - the child will It’s easier to get used to the school rhythm.

Household responsibilities teach you to take on daily responsibility. And flowers and pets are very good here, taking out the trash is something that needs to be done regularly . Flowers visibly wither, cats meow and ask for a drink, and the trash can cannot be used. Adults should not “save” the child and not perform duties in his place.

By the time a child gets to school, he should have regular responsibilities, what he does every day: brushes teeth, makes bed, folds clothes. Against this background, other daily responsibilities - school ones - are added to household responsibilities.

Useful for schoolchildren:

1.Be able to pack your things for classes in sections and fold your briefcase yourself . You need to start doing this a year before school - at least. Boys are generally worse at this than girls.

At first, the child will do this with your help, with a sequence prompt. While your child is not reading, you can hang a drawn list of what should be in the briefcase on the wall. If a child has forgotten something, there is no need to correct him: let him find himself with the missing item once, but he will be able to remember it.

2. If you know that your child will still forget something at home, you can help him check the portfolio. “Let's check if you've collected everything. Show me if everything is in the briefcase.”

3.Know where clothes and shoes for school are. He must evaluate whether the clothes are clean or dirty, and put the dirty ones in dirty linen. Here, too, responsibility is formed: there is nothing difficult, check your clothes for stains.

4."Children's time management": not only pack your briefcase, but also get ready for class on time. This is a basic skill, without which starting school is very difficult. This skill, which will become a stepping stone to the next one, also needs to be developed not in 1st grade, but over the course of a year, when classes are quite relaxed and not in the morning.

5. Know what days what preparation takes place. It's good to use calendars for this. You can write under the days what activities are on that day, coloring them in different colors so that the child knows what exactly needs to be collected.

If you did not have time to give your child all these skills before school, do the same in 1st grade .

How to do homework

School time management

There must be a certain time to do homework. . We need a daily schedule: get up, wash, get dressed - the outline of the day, and allocated time - do homework. It’s easier for a child when everything is rhythmic . A dynamic stereotype arises (according to Pavlov) - a system of reaction to time: the child prepares in advance to move on to the next action.

Photosight.ru. Photo: yakshee

This system is easier for about 85% of children who are classified as “rhythmic.” There are 15% rhythmless, with a chaotic temporary structure. They are visible from infancy, and they remain like this even at school.

After school there should be an hour of rest (this rule should be observed), and then there may be lesson time.

To kid you can show dad's and mom's schedule in the weekly planner, diary, and then write his schedule, explaining that this happens to people, and this is an attribute of adulthood. Everything that is an attribute of adulthood is preferable.

One of the diseases of our time is lessons stretched out over an inordinate amount of time. This means that people did not take simple actions to help both the child and themselves.

1. You need to know that the child does not feel time. A 6-7 year old child does not feel time the way adults do; he does not know how much has passed.

2. The longer a child sits at lessons, the lower his efficiency.

Standards for doing homework for a first grader:

40 minutes – 1 hour.

2nd grade – 1 hour – 1.5 hours

3-4 grades – 1.5 – 2 hours (not 5 hours)

by grades 5-6 this norm goes to 2-3 hours,

but more than 3.5 hours should not be spent on lessons.

If a child takes longer to do his homework, then he has not been taught how to work, or he is a chronic “slower,” and they especially need to be taught how to work. The child does not feel time, and parents should help him feel time.

The adequate period for doing homework for a first grader is 20-25 minutes, for preparatory work it is even less - 15 minutes, for children who are exhausted - maybe even less.

But if you sit your child down for longer than necessary, you are simply wasting time - both yours and his. You don’t have to help with homework, but it’s still worthwhile with “time management.”

In order to feel the time, there are different ways to help your child . For example, different types of timers:

- there may be an hourglass (not suitable for dreamers - dreamers will watch the sand pour in);

— there may be electronic devices that will beep after a certain time;

— sports watches that have a stopwatch, timer, and programmed signals;

- kitchen timers;

— the sound of a school bell recorded on the phone.

When preparing homework, you need to make a plan for its implementation. . Usually they start with a lesson that comes quite easily. The written assignments are done first, and then the oral ones. You start with what is easier; the child is working out - break.

In order for a child to work actively, a change in activities is needed, a break: ran into the kitchen, squeezed the juice with you and drank it; I buttered my sandwich; ran around the table five times; did some exercises - switched.

But The child’s workplace is not in the kitchen. He must have a specific place, and he can come to the kitchen during his “break.” It is necessary to teach the student to keep the workplace in order. Good ecology of the educational place is a very important matter. There should be a place for toys, a place to sleep, and a place for activities can be organized even from 4 years old.

You agree in advance that if the child does his homework in the allotted hour, then you will then have time to do a lot of things: read a book, play a board game, draw, make something, watch your favorite movie, take a walk - whatever you like. It should be interesting and beneficial for the child to do his homework during this time.

Homework time is preferable before it gets dark . After school, rest. Do not leave lessons until after clubs until you have developed a skill. In order to have time for extra classes (swimming pool, dancing), you need to learn how to do homework quickly and efficiently. If you do this, there will be no stretching for the rest of the day.

If the evening is endless, and homework can be done until lights out, then a “donkey” situation arises: he got up, stubbornly, does not expect anything good, they don’t scold him much - you don’t have to do it. Usually children realize that they can’t spend the whole day on this boring mission, but that there is something else in life. It is important that life does not end with going to school: the first part of the day is classes, and the second is homework until the night, and the child is used to having it all spread out like semolina on a plate, and cannot think of anything else. Usually time boundaries and good consequences work great.

The final consequences need to be changed periodically: replace board games with listening to a fairy tale or something else pleasant. The daily schedule includes lessons first, and then free time, i.e. your own life begins, and you don’t need to mix it up with lessons.

Lessons with enthusiasm?

What is homework? A continuation of what happened at school or a separate matter at home?

Psychologically, this is training a skill: they explained it in class, and practiced it themselves at home. If there is no strong failure, then it is better to treat this as something after which life begins. There is no need to expect enthusiasm from a child (although there are some children who are potential excellent students ). We need to teach you to treat lessons as an intermediate stage, even fun - you work hard, and then there will be joy. If another stereotype has not formed (lessons until late with tears and swearing), then this is enough.

Tasks cannot be duplicated (adding more than what is given) - they must be small so that the desire to learn is maintained, so that the child does not overwork. All “over-” are much more dangerous than “under-”.

Usually the child is able to hold himself at the table for 15-20 minutes, and the skill of doing homework at a pace arises. If a child does not keep up in the allotted time, and the mother sits over him, catches him and forces him to continue, then the student receives a negative experience. Our task is not to torment the child, but to let him understand that he missed something.

If a child was faced with time restrictions before school - in some classes, getting ready on his own or engaged in some specific activity within a clearly allocated time frame, then he has already developed some skill.

Facing these complex time skills for the first time in 1st grade can be a big challenge. It’s better to start with “preparation”, and even better from 5 – 5.5 years.

If assignments are not assigned at school, then you still need to invite the child to do a certain amount of assignments in a certain amount of time on his own.

Parents themselves also do not need to show excessive enthusiasm and sit over their heads. We are all very worried about our child's success, and the reaction to mistakes can be turbulent - and relationships deteriorate.

You need to be prepared that not everything will be perfect, that there will be mistakes, but gradually there will be fewer of them.

The lack of ratings in . While the skills of doing homework are being developed, the child picks up on his own, in the 2nd grade he turns on, and the grading system immediately puts everything in its place. We must allow ourselves to make mistakes. Perfect expectations that everything will be “excellent” right away must be restrained.

Wherein need a lot of praise , When the child took on independence, he tried to praise him for what he did himself. Praise not the result, but the effort. From any parent, strictness towards school success is perceived as a blow to self-esteem. In middle school, a child already understands that if a parent scolds, then he means well. A junior schoolchild perceives criticism as a blow: “I’m trying, but here you are saying something against...”. Focus on effort.

It’s good if the teacher is also inclined to evaluate effort rather than success. But, unfortunately, many teachers believe that reprimand is the best way to promote a person to greater success.

Special situations

1. It is especially difficult if a child immediately starts speaking English in 1st grade. .

If you choose such a school, it is better to start English a year before school. This is a very heavy load - mastering two written languages ​​and two grammars at the same time. With the preparation of homework in English help is necessary. It is advisable to have a tutor or teacher. If a parent wants to teach the child himself, then he should try to maintain a good-natured mood, not get angry, and if this is not to the detriment of the family as a whole. But it’s better not to replace yourself as a teacher.

2. If there are a lot of questions at school, and the child does not understand what to do? Should I help him?

It is advisable to avoid such a situation. It’s better not to do homework with a child, but still keep an eye on what’s happening: “Tell me what happened at school, what did you study? How do you solve problems? This situation is possible if you went to a stronger school than you were shown. Usually a normal child without special needs understands everything in a school of his level, although he can listen and chat. Use the help of a teacher and take extra classes at school. Teach your child that the teacher gives knowledge, and if you don’t understand, you need to ask him. In situations of misunderstanding, you need to deal with it specifically: talk to the child, to the teacher. Usually, after preschool training, the child has already developed the ability to hear and perceive in a group.

3. In 1st grade, the child is still poorly able to read the assignment. .

Decide that he still reads the task first, then you read it. This won't happen in 2nd grade. In 1st grade, explain that for now you are writing down the assignment because he doesn’t know how to write well, but later you won’t do it. Set time limits on how long this situation will last.

4.The child makes a lot of mistakes when doing his homework, and teachers demand excellent finishing.

Checking homework is still necessary, but if you hand in tasks that you have completed perfectly, teachers will not understand that the child is lacking in something.

Your position depends on the sanity of the teacher. If the teacher is sane, then you can explain to him that you are for independence, for the opportunity to make mistakes. This question can be raised directly at the parent meeting.

If, when checking, you see that everything was done wrong, then next time do it with a pencil, find the most beautiful letter and focus on it. Let the child do the tasks himself on a rough draft and bring them to you to check if he wants. If he refuses, then it will be his mistake. As much as he can do it himself, let him do it, let him make mistakes.

If you can bring it to the teacher with an error, rejoice. But you can’t argue against the education system. If there is failure in all subjects, then it is better to hire a teacher than to spoil the relationship with the teacher.

The role of a mother is support, care, acceptance. The role of the teacher is control, rigor, discipline. The child perceives all teaching qualities from the mother as offensive, especially in the first two grades, while the student’s position is being formed. He does not perceive correction as correction, but thinks that you are scolding him.

Primary school - learning to learn

Three Factors for Success in Primary School

The main task of a child in elementary school is to learn to learn. He needs to understand that this is his job, for which he is responsible.

Good first teacher - a winning lottery ticket. The authority of the first teacher is a very important point. At some stage, his teacher’s authority may be higher than his parents’. He (the authority) greatly helps the child in his studies. If a teacher does something negative: plays favorites, is rude, unfair, parents need to talk to the child and explain so that the student does not lose respect for the teacher.

The key to raising a child is your personal memories . As your child approaches school, it's time to jog your memories. Everyone probably has them; everyone has kept them since they were 5.5-6 years old. It’s useful to ask your parents and find your notebooks.

When sending your child to school, you must tell him: “If something bright, interesting and unusual happens to you or someone else at school, be sure to tell me - I’m very interested in it.” As an example, you can tell him stories from the family archive - stories of grandparents, parents.

Negative experiences and memories can be held back and not projected onto the child. But there is also no need to idealize the school; if you do not intimidate, but explain, then you can usefully share your negative experience.

Relationships with classmates are extremely important . Nowadays, children often study far from school, and after school they are immediately dismantled and taken away. Contacts are not made. Parents need to make contacts with children from the class, go for walks together, and invite them home.

Well, happy upcoming Knowledge Day and good luck!

Nowadays we increasingly use the concept "difficult child. Teachers often complain about children who are difficult to teach or control. But success or failure in the classroom often depends on our relationships with “problem children.” Who do we mean when we use the name “problem children”? These are children who do not respond to the warmth, care and attention that most children thrive on. It is difficult to gain their favor, to gain their trust, to find contact with them, and this is necessary for good discipline in the classroom and for successful learning. By withdrawing from the classroom, these children build walls around themselves, silently and silently refusing to ask or answer questions. Or, by disturbing us or their classmates, problem children undermine our efforts to teach or even control the classroom.

I work with primary school age students. I believe that working with difficult children is closely related to parenting tolerance in students. For elementary schools, the problem of teaching tolerance is relevant in itself. At this stage of life, interactions begin to develop between children who come from different microsocieties, with different life experiences and with unformed communicative activities. For fruitful learning in the classroom, it is necessary to reduce these contradictions in the interaction process to some common basis. The primary task that stands from the very beginning of the educational process is the formation of cohesion of the class team. My goal is to teach children to act coherently, together, to listen to the opinions of classmates, and to cultivate a culture of work and communication. It is no coincidence that one of the priority areas in educational activities in my class is morality.

The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in schools. In my class I often encounter the problem of relationships between students. Children are not always tolerant of each other and do not communicate correctly. This manifests itself in the formation of cliques in the classroom and negative attitudes towards individual students. Children call each other names and sometimes use foul language.

I think one of the ways to solve this problem is use of the game as a method of education. In 1st grade, almost at the very beginning, I conduct game-based communication training “Let’s get to know each other better.” For example, here is a fragment of the game: “Envelope of Revelations” Students are asked questions that touch on their personal qualities, the qualities that they value in people. Or the game “Compliments”: students stand in a circle and throw a ball with compliments, and here they also use wishes for each other to change something in themselves. During the game, children get to know each other's strengths. Children come to understand that each person is a unique and inimitable person and that they must perceive another person as he is. Collective games are of great importance, as well as competitive programs that take place in a game form: “A Primer of Nature”, a quiz game “In Search of Treasure”, a game-traveling through stations, etc. Using various games, I try to put the children in such situations, when you need to make a decision yourself and resist the influence of the group. Such situations are created with such a purpose that in those cases when a child finds himself in a situation in real life where it is necessary to firmly say “no,” he would be able to do this. In the process of various games, children become accustomed to joint problem solving and division of labor when completing tasks, learn to support each other and trust. The game allows you to clearly show how everyone wins when solving problems through cooperation.

Tolerance must be cultivated from the first days of a child’s stay at school. The development of this quality occurs daily through communication with children. I always tell the children that our class is a small family, and in order for kindness, respect, and mutual understanding to always reign in our family, we must first of all learn to understand each other, to be able to see the mistakes not only of others, but also of our own. In the course of communicating with children, I contribute to the formation of the ability to behave constructively during a conflict, to end it fairly and without violence. In my educational work, I use conversations of varying content on the following topics: “What is beautiful about the people around us,” “If I were a wizard.”

A series of classroom hours, evenly distributed throughout the learning process in grades 1–4, is also dedicated to solving the problem of teaching tolerance. Among them: “Let’s talk about kindness”, “The magic word is like a clear day”, an hour of ethics “If you are kind, that’s good”, a lesson on Smiles, an hour of communication “Me and my friends”, a debate “Who do I consider a true friend”.

Tolerance is a new basis for pedagogical communication between teacher and student. Therefore, the teacher’s task, both in extracurricular activities and during class hours, is to create such optimal conditions that contribute to the formation of a culture of personal self-expression, eliminating the factor of fear of the wrong answer (using multi-level tasks, using the right to express one’s own judgment, opinions, accepting someone else’s point of view and etc.). For example, when studying the work of H.H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”, the following questions are discussed: “Why didn’t you want to be friends with the duckling?”, “Why is he different from everyone else?”, “What qualities did he have?”, “Did others act correctly?” in relation to him? and “What are they excited about now?” The use of proverbs on the themes of goodness and justice also contributes to the education of tolerance (internal event “A proverb is a helper to all corners”).

In order to find the right approach to problem children, the teacher has to build an entire educational system. Children reflect the lifestyle of their fathers and mothers.

Among reasons, giving rise to “difficult” children in the family, the following can be distinguished:

  • lack of targeted educational work with children from an early age;
  • ignorance of their interests and needs;
  • unfavorable family and household relationships;
  • lack of control over children's behavior, neglect, inattention to children;
  • excessive connivance or cruelty of punishment for committed offenses;
  • "epidemic" of divorces;
  • loss of emotional contacts with children.

Re-education of a child must begin with the correction of relationships within the family. It is the class teacher who must find individual approaches and words for each family in order to strengthen its positive potential. And if family members do not accept tolerance as their own attitude, then the child, when entering school, will not be ready to accept other people as they are. Therefore, targeted work with parents is also necessary. In my practice, I often use events that involve joint activities between students and their parents. Among them: “Conference of Young Ecologists”, game “Through the Mouth of a Baby”, Holiday program “Mom and Me - a Hospitable Family”, parent meeting on the topic “Pedagogy of Understanding”, open lessons and ext. events for parents.

Tasks of the class teacher in working with problem families.

Types of problem families Tasks of the class teacher
Families in which neglect prevails. In such families, parents tend to drink alcohol. Parents are characterized by cultural limitations, poverty of feelings, lack of spiritual connections with children
  • Patiently prove to parents the harmful effects on the child of the lifestyle they lead.
  • Pay attention to the child’s feelings, pain, shame, resentment for his father and mother.
  • Find out which parent enjoys greater authority in the family, who can become a support in changing living conditions.
  • Include the child in broader communication with people around him, provide moral support, and establish control.
Families characterized by pedagogical illiteracy of parents. Parents do not understand their children, display complete ignorance of pedagogical methods, underestimate the importance of family education, and undermine the authority of the school and teachers.
  • To create in parents a need for pedagogical knowledge through consultations with them, including them in the systematic work of the school with parents.
  • Arouse interest in self-education.
  • Instill the idea that all children need educated parents
Families in which parents place excessive demands on their children, often bordering on cruelty. Children are often physically punished, causing them to grow up angry and violent.
  • Prove to parents that the child must be treated as an equal, and refuse to act from a position of strength.
  • Treat the child as a person who has equal rights to independence and respect.
  • To prove that patience and leniency towards a child are the main means in education

Difficult children can be classified according to different criteria.

By type of neglect:
underachievers and undisciplined
with a passive life position
with an inadequate reaction (selfish, stubborn);
with antisocial behavior (cruel, antagonistic, immoral);
socially neglected (passive and active disruptors);
offenders (vagrancy, theft, hooliganism);
deviating from the norm in health (mental and somatic diseases).

The main areas of work of the class teacher with “difficult” students are:

  1. Study of problem children.
  2. Drawing up an individual plan for working with these children by the class teacher.
  3. Organization of assistance to educationally neglected children.

First of all, to the class teacher should identify all problem children in the classroom and create a card for them and their families. To get to know these students in more detail you need to:

  • determine the nature of pedagogical neglect and family dysfunction (through systematic monitoring of children, students’ families, and the results of their activities);
  • establish the status of a pedagogically neglected student and a student from a disadvantaged family in the classroom, the nature of the relationships of classmates with them (through observation, sociometric measurements and questionnaires), and outline ways to improve them;
  • to study the interests, inclinations and abilities of such a student with a view to possibly including him in extracurricular clubs, sports, and socially useful activities;
  • establish: whether pedagogically neglected children are included in other groups, companies, associations; the focus of these groups, the nature of their influence on a particular student;
  • become familiar with the child’s situation in the family;
  • study the moral guidelines of the individual, the educational potential of the family and the team;
  • identify errors in setting goals, choosing methods and forms of education.

To facilitate the work of the entire teaching staff, it is necessary draw up a diagnostic chart for a “difficult” child. For this you will need:

  • drawing up cards for each child (indicating: last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, class, health status, academic performance, character, behavior, social activity, family composition, teaching environment and emotional relationships in it, family problems);
  • conducting a survey to identify difficult-to-educate children in the classroom;
  • establishing the nature of pedagogical neglect, attitudes towards educational activities, reasons for the lag, manifestations of volitional qualities;
  • determination of the collective attitude towards others, towards oneself, towards one’s family, towards groups in the microdistrict;
  • study of cognitive interests, abilities and professional intentions.

At a younger age the consequences of improper family and kindergarten education are manifested. Children do not know how to play with peers, communicate with them, manage themselves, work together, and do their work diligently. It is very important at this stage to identify children who are developmentally delayed, have a difficult character, and are poorly prepared for school, and pay attention to the difficulty of mastering a new routine of life and activity, the specifics of relationships with teachers, changes in relationships with family, difficulties in educational activities and doing homework. tasks.

A few months before the children enter the first grade of school, I conduct readiness diagnostics child to attend school. Parents bring their children to this event as if they were taking an exam. Diagnostics are carried out in the form of an interview, as well as practical tasks. Diagnostics are carried out in the presence of parents, which helps bring the family and school closer together. Parents see what they want from their child, what requirements are placed on him, which in the future will help to unite efforts to overcome difficulties in working with children. Here is the approximate content of such a diagnosis

1 Identification of orientation in the environment, stock of knowledge, attitude towards school – orientation in the environment (What are the names of your parents? What remains on the ground after rain? Etc.)

– the child’s attitude towards school (What do you think will be good and interesting at school? Do you want to go to school? etc.)

2 Level of mental and speech development – understanding of grammatical structure (Listen carefully to the sentence: “Petya went to the cinema after finishing reading the book.” What did Petya do before, watch a movie or read a book?)

– carrying out verbal instructions (“Collect the pencils, put them in a box and put the box in the box. Where are the pencils now? Where did you get them?”)

– changing nouns according to numbers

– compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures (arrange the pictures in a certain order

3 Development of figurative ideas – collect a cut picture

– draw a man (seven main parts of the body:

The diagnostic results are reflected in points on the scale. Such diagnostics help in future work with low-performing students

The class teacher must:

  • teach children to prepare their own homework and overcome difficulties;
  • create a “success situation” for such students;
  • involve the child in activities that interest him (play, work, study, leisure);
  • teach how to deal with failures correctly and correct mistakes;
  • teach respect for comrades and adults;
  • develop the ability to forgive each other’s weaknesses and shortcomings

Educational work with students at the primary stage of education.

  1. Working with a team of students
  2. Activities aimed at identifying pedagogically neglected children through collective creative activities, class self-government, etc.
  3. Individual work with low-achieving students

Organization of assistance to pedagogically neglected children in the classroom.

Areas of work, events Deadlines
1.1. Creating favorable conditions for the development of students' personality. During a year
1.2. Monitoring gaps in students' knowledge, skills and abilities. Constantly
1.3. Conducting additional classes and consultations. Removing the “loser syndrome”. Scheduled
2.2. Prevention of smoking habits, craving for alcohol and toxic drugs:
  • survey of students in grades 1–4, parents;
  • round table meeting on the topic “Drug addiction, alcoholism – weakness or disease”;
  • meetings of family clubs “Smoking is the price of a fashionable habit”, “Drug addiction among teenagers”;
  • lectures for parents.
During a year
3.2. Identifying problems in family education (observation, conversations). During a year
3.3. Psychological counseling to help the child understand his problems and suggest how they could be solved. Systematically together with a psychologist
3.4. Individual conversations with students to help them take more conscious actions. Systematically
3.5. Organization of psychological training "Tolerance" for children from disadvantaged families 1 time per week
4.1. Studying the interests and abilities of students. During a year
4.2. Involving children in clubs, sections, socially useful activities, children's public organizations. September October
4.3. Studying the reader's interests, signing up for the library, tracking the frequency of visits, assistance in compiling a list of books that are interesting and necessary for development. September
4.4. Studying children's participation in informal community associations. During a year
4.5. Encouraging all types of artistic and technical creativity of children and their participation in social and classroom activities. During a year
4.6. Organization of seasonal recreational school camps and after-school groups September, November, January, March, June

Action plan for working with educationally neglected children and dysfunctional families.

Name of events Deadlines
1. Identification of educationally neglected children and dysfunctional families During a year
2. Study of the causes of social and pedagogical neglect of a child As identified
3. Maintaining a file cabinet of educationally neglected children and dysfunctional families During a year
4. Development and distribution of family behavior reminders among peers September October
5. Psychological training "Tolerance" 1 time per week
6. Raids on dysfunctional families and families of educationally neglected children As needed
7. Study of the child’s position in the team As needed
8. Individual consultations for children and parents Systematically
9. Conversation with educationally neglected children and parents on crime prevention 1 time per month
10. Lectures for parents and pedagogically neglected children Systematically

It often happens that a problem child has long-standing problems in all spheres of his life: academic, social and family. If he excels in one of these areas, then the solution to the problem with him - academic or disciplinary - should be different from the approach to the problem child. Although fear may be the cause of his difficulties, he must first address the area in which he is successful. Whether you are facing a child's true problem or a child who has a problem, keep one important thing in mind: If the key to difficulties of a problem child - fear, it is necessary to establish relationships with him in those areas where he is not afraid .

First, we turn to the child who Not is problematic, but who “just” has a problem. That is, he copes in one of the three main areas of his life. With a problem child, the approach is similar, but you need more patience and you need to find what he does well.

How to help a child if he is being bullied by his classmates?

What can a teacher do?

A lot depends on the teacher. If you completely stop any ridicule and create conditions in the classroom for the development of partnerships, then there will be no bullying, even if the victim herself provokes the offenders. It is the teacher who must see bullying, understand its causes and stop it. It is he who must work on the psychological climate in the classroom. It is imperative to work with offenders, one at a time, breaking the pack into individuals: the responsibility here is not collective, but individually. Find out (preferably with a school psychologist) why they do this: for self-affirmation, to settle scores, out of boredom, for fun? – and look for acceptable solutions.

What can parents do?

Do not make a ready victim out of a child. “I often come across a situation at school when parents do not pay enough attention to the appearance of their children (dirty hands, bad taste in clothes, unpleasant smell).” Parents must understand: children begin a stage of socialization when the opinions of peers are more important than the opinions of adults. It is necessary to present the rules of behavior in a team and not force the child to go against them.

Another harmful position is “you should be higher than them, they are rednecks, and you are from an intelligent family.”

Support the child's self-esteem. Do not humiliate him, do not harass him with criticism. The child should not feel that he deserved to be treated poorly. It is not interesting to bully a child with normal self-esteem: it does not happen. “They usually bully those who have some obvious otherness combined with an acute reaction to insult.

Recognize that a child is in trouble. Notice signs of bullying (depression, irritability, reluctance to go to school or leave the house, bruises, dirt on clothes, torn things, requests to buy new pens, pencil cases, notebooks, textbooks, “loss” of pocket money, frequent complaints of poor health, bad dream). Gain trust. Listen. Don't ignore repeated complaints, even if they seem insignificant.

React correctly yourself. Russian children are brought up with the understanding that no one will solve their problems: figure it out yourself, don’t complain, fight back. It’s especially bad for boys: they can’t cry, show weakness, but have to fight. In fact, if a child cannot cope with his problem on his own, he has every right to turn to an adult and ask for help; this is not denunciation, but self-defense. Bullying doesn't harden you. The child must know: it is not his fault that he is offended. His anger and pain are legitimate and understandable. His parents love him and are ready to help. And their help will not fail him. “Teach your child to react correctly so that you stop being teased and bullied” explains in detail to the child why it is important to calmly react to attempts to piss him off, and how not to give the offender the pleasure for which the whole cruel game is started. He advises not to try to stop gossip, not to get into fights, not to take revenge, and to maintain a sense of humor.

Parents usually teach to “embrace”. Sometimes this helps, but it is not a universal solution. The degree of threat can be different: in one case it is enough to ignore the offender, in others it is necessary to flee. The task of the family is not to teach a growing person to assert his rightness with his fists at any cost. The point is to teach him how to build relationships with other people, understanding them and himself.

First aid (Memo for parents).

  1. The most important thing is the child. Comfort, warm, make it clear that you will help. Get a certificate from a neurologist or clinical psychologist if his mental condition does not allow him to go to school. You should definitely see a psychologist if your child is very depressed: statistics say that there is a high suicide rate among victims of bullying.
  2. Then talk to the teacher: calmly, without shouting or threats. It is necessary: ​​ask how the child gets along with others, whether he has conflicts, whether he is lonely, whether he is excluded from games, whether it happens that no one wants to sit with him. Ask what solution the teacher can suggest. If you know that a child is usually accosted in the wardrobe or toilet and there the tormentors can be caught red-handed, tell them.
  3. If you have not reached an understanding with the teacher, write a statement to the director and keep a copy for yourself. If the school insists that they cannot control everyone, say that you do not require complete control, you are only interested in your child and his tormentor. Demand that their contacts be limited and that educational measures be taken against the offender.
  4. It is better to talk to the parents of the offenders through the school. Control yourself, don't threaten, don't try to take revenge. Confrontations between the child and the offenders are not necessary.

Working with low-performing students.

Every teacher has to deal with students who experience considerable difficulties in mastering educational material. With normal intellectual development, children at risk at the initial stages of education experience difficulties in mastering academic knowledge and skills due to low performance due to somatic weakness, partial retardation in the development of higher mental functions, or pedagogical neglect that occurs in unfavorable microsocial conditions of learning and development. Undoubtedly, there are a variety of mental and physiological reasons. In some cases, the basis of any difficulty in academic work may be the same reason. For example, difficulties associated with calligraphy can be, in one case, a consequence of lack of coordination of movement, in another - the result of disinterest in this type of activity, in a third - a lack of accuracy, etc. Problems such as the inability to highlight the main thing, transfer acquired knowledge to new conditions, and a low level of memorization may be the cause of unformed analytical thinking.

Based on the above, the conclusion follows: if traditional methods (multiple repetition, additional explanation, etc.) are applied to students who have learning difficulties, then in most cases it is impossible to achieve success; only the opposite result is achieved. The teacher teaches the underperforming student day after day, but no progress is visible, the student only receives negative emotions from such classes and begins to hate school. To carry out such work, the teacher should: firstly, identify the nature of the reasons, and then the reasons for the difficulties themselves, secondly, systematize these reasons, and, as a rule, there can be several reasons, thirdly, select material for classes, based on identified reasons, taking into account an individual approach to each student.

How I work with low-performing students.

At the first stage of work, using the method pedagogical diagnostics, find out the reasons for difficulties in learning. I study these reasons according to the following scheme:

  1. Familiarization with the school medical record (diagnosis at birth - previous surgeries, etc.).
  2. Speech therapy examination (by a specialist).
  3. Conversation with parents (It may happen that the child spent a long time before school in the village, where he was left to his own devices. The rest of the time he attended kindergarten).
  4. Conversation with the child (find out what the child knows interesting in various fields of knowledge, how speech is developed in accordance with age, what is the educational motivation).

After receiving the research data, I will organize for my part individual work with every. At the same time, in my opinion, it is important to remember that that it is better to praise a child in public, but it is advisable to blame a child in private. In the first case, this will help raise the student’s authority among classmates and will contribute to the formation of self-esteem; in the second, it will have a beneficial effect on the relationship between the class teacher and this particular child, which will help him make the right decision or think about the problem posed.

Along with this work, I plan to organize consulting assistance from number of classmates. Consultations will take place after school according to a specific schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

I am convinced that students will feel more comfortable when they are helped by friends rather than teachers.

In my opinion, the formation of educational motivation will also be helped by attracting students to attend hobby groups.

For my part, I also plan constant monitoring by parents, subject teachers and the students themselves, constant support and encouragement.

Systematization of difficulties and their causes.

  1. Low self-esteem – a decrease in cognitive activity as new knowledge is acquired, a decrease in overall academic performance.
  2. Imperfection of the small muscles of the hands - the inability to hold the pen firmly enough when writing - the inability to correctly reproduce the graphic image of a letter.
  3. Spatial impairments, lack of development of visual-motor coordination - difficulty writing letters - begins to write slowly, because cannot navigate and concentrate on a line, slow writing pace.
  4. Errors when writing are not only spelling, but also phonemic in nature: ugle (coal) netro (metro) vtorog (cottage cheese) kapet (package).
  5. Reduced tone of the facial muscles - unclear pronunciation of consonant sounds with correct articulation patterns, decreased voluntary attention - difficulties in reading syllables, words, sentences, texts, misunderstanding or partial misunderstanding of what is read.

Exercises aimed at correcting deficiencies.

In order to increase the student’s self-esteem, special exercises were not used, but praise was used quite generously at first, both in lessons and in additional classes during extracurricular activities. It is important to find in a child what he does especially well, highlight it, emphasize his success (especially in front of his classmates).

1st group of exercises. Imperfection of small arm muscles:
– collecting scattered cereals – peas, buckwheat, millet – grain by grain;
– exercises with a rubber expander ring;
– exercises for the small muscles of the hands (counting exercises involving the fingers);
– working with various construction kits, modeling from plasticine, dough, cutting out small parts, beading, embroidery, etc.;
– shading of small figures in different directions;
– outlining the elements of letters, syllables, words according to a ready-made sample.

2nd group of exercises. Spatial violations:
– graphic dictations for correcting spatial orientation (right, left, top, bottom, diagonal);
– exercises to develop the ability to navigate by description (“Set the table for breakfast” - put the kettle on the right, the sugar bowl on the left, etc.);
– exercises to compare objects by height, width, size, color, etc.

3rd group of exercises . Lack of formation of voluntary attention.
– rewrite the following lines: opporoppo manammanna strostrustra, etc.;
– proofreading tests: for example, underline a letter with one line A, two letters D etc.

From the plans I have planned for the support and development of underachieving people, I expect the following results:
– formation of educational motivation;
– development of general academic skills; – qualitative improvement in academic performance in problematic subjects; – mutual understanding, cooperation, co-creation.

To summarize the above, it should be noted that when starting to work with a low-performing student, it is first necessary to find out the reason for the failure. A neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist, teacher and parents should help with this. And only after establishing the reason can you begin to draw up a plan for working with students. This work is not easy and labor-intensive, but in the end, another student has ceased to be a low achiever, another one has believed in himself. Isn’t this what any self-respecting teacher or class teacher strives for...

Let childhood mature in childhood
J.-J. Rousseau.

It is a proven fact that children’s mental qualities and personal characteristics are most intensively formed in children’s play activities. The game develops other types of activities, which then acquire independent meaning.

Gaming activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of mental processes. The works of outstanding psychologists L.S. are devoted to this issue. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, Sh.A. Amonashvili. In play, children, according to scientists, begin to develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory. During play, children concentrate better and remember more than in laboratory experiments. The very conditions of the game require the child to concentrate on the objects included in the game situation on the content of the actions and plot being played out.

In the articles of Doctor of Psychological Sciences E.E. Kravtsova. it is said that the gaming situation and actions in it have a constant impact on the development of the mental activity of a preschool child. In the game, the child learns to act with a substitute object - he gives the substitute a new game name and acts with it in accordance with the name. Gradually, playful actions with objects are reduced, the child learns to act with objects mentally. Thus, the game contributes to a greater extent to the child’s gradual transition to thinking in terms of ideas.

Within the gaming activity, educational activity also begins to take shape, which later becomes the leading activity. The teaching is introduced by the adult, it does not arise directly from the game. But a preschooler begins to learn by playing - he treats learning as a kind of role-playing game with certain rules. However, by following these rules, the child unnoticeably masters basic learning activities.

Play contributes to the development of mental processes not only in preschool age, where play is the main and predominant activity of the child, but also in primary school age.

When teaching younger schoolchildren, it is important to understand that at this age it is valuable not to “stuff” the child as tightly as possible with knowledge and skills (especially in the “do as I do” style), but to skillfully form each stage of mental processes.

Leading child psychologists of St. Petersburg S.N. Kostromina, A.F. Anufriev proposed solving the problem of school failure with the help of educational games. In their opinion, difficulties in teaching children are most often caused by insufficient development of certain mental processes, each of which performs its own function in the process of learning and mastering educational content. This is a low level of perception and orientation in space, deficiencies in the development of attention, memory, thinking, speech, and lack of formation of methods of educational activity.

Let's look at the example of the most common mistakes in the Russian language, how the formation of mental processes during the game helps to correct illiteracy problems.

According to scientists, omission and replacement of letters in written work is allowed by those children who have poor concentration, poorly developed ability to act according to rules, and low performance. Games “A Kingdom without Electricity”, “Spell for an A”, “Adults - to the board”, “Help the fidgety gnome”, “Secret encryption”, “Sieve for royal words”, “Capricious echo”, “Hard to learn, easy in battle”, “Playing with fairy tales” will help, when used systematically, to eliminate this spelling error in written work.

Mathematics for a child is the door to the world of logic, signs and symbols. In elementary school, the child is immersed in this world. What he gives him depends on whether the child makes friends with this world or feels alien and unprotected in it. Failure in math is not insurmountable. It is well known that logic is a trainable function. To develop spatial concepts, conceptual thinking, and logic, there are a number of educational games.

Children often have difficulty solving math problems. According to psychologists, the cause of these difficulties is the insufficient development of verbal and logical thinking, memory, concentration and stability of attention, the inability to focus on the system of requirements and plan one’s actions. Games such as “Collect treasures”, “The story stuck together. What to do?”, “Words are calling for help”, “Where are the words hidden”, “Reading upside down”, “Number traffic controller”, “A kingdom without electricity”, “Exercise for future intelligence officers”, “Word hunter”, “ Words in a story - become!”, “Read, remember, repeat”, “Magic from the oven”, “Twins”, “Wits of intelligence”, “Hard in learning - easy in battle”, “A change of place produces a miracle” , “Who ate the king?”, “Super focus with circles”, “Memorize the poem”, “Cow and six pencils”, etc. will develop the child's intellectual abilities.

Another problem that both parents and teachers face is the reluctance of children to read, which means that such students will not have good and competent reading, which is necessary for all further education. The reason for the reluctance to read lies not only in the computerization of modern life, but also in the fact that when developing the skill of reading, almost all mental functions are involved: perception, attention, thinking, and memory. To help develop reading skills, you can use the following games: “Letter Tamer”, “Photographer”, “Try to Circle”, “City of Squares”, “Young Detective”, “Labyrinth”, “Detective Assistant”, “Digital Park”, “Outfits” for Christmas trees”, “Ambulance”, “Read the letter”, “Rescuers”, “Make words”, “Book book”, “Playing a wizard”, “Wunderkind”.

From the above, we can conclude that primary school age is sensitive to the development of a child’s mental processes, which at the middle level will allow him to be a successful student, and for the development of mental processes and their improvement, leading psychologists recommend the use of gaming technologies.


Game "Spell for Five".

Gaming setup. There are fourteen great spells before you. Whoever rewrites them without errors will always study well. Will you try? Don’t forget to check the correct execution at the end of the task; if you find errors, correct them and try to rewrite the spells again without errors.”

Note to teacher. Check the finished work yourself. If you find errors, do not rush to show them, but tell your child that he wrote with errors. Let him try to find them himself. If you don't find it, narrow your search area.

Text of sample spells:

  1. A M M A D A M A R E B E R G E A S S A M A S A G E S C L A L L A E S S A N E S S A S D E L T A
  2. E N A L S S T A D E D S L A T E T A L T A R R R U S O K G A T A L I M O R A K L A T I M O R
  3. R E T A B R E R T A N O R A S N A D E B A U G A K A L L I H A R R A F I L L I T A D E R R A
  4. G R U M M O P D
  5. V A T E R P T A S E R A F I N N E T A S T O L E E M M A S E D A T O N O V
  6. G R A S E M B L A D O V U N T
  7. G R O D E R A S T V E R A T O N A H N I M A T A D A R R I S V A T E N O R R A
  8. L A Y O N O S A N D E R A
  9. O S E P R I T A M A T O R E N T A L I T E L I G R A N T O L L I A D Z E
  10. M A Z O V R A T O N I L O T O Z A K O N
  11. M U P O G R I N A V U N P I M O N A T O L I G R A F U N I T A R E
  12. A D S E L A N O G R I N T E B Y D A R O C H A N
  13. B E R T I N A C H I G T O D E B S H O J A N U Y M T E N A V A D I O L O YUZ G L N I C H E V YA N
  14. O S T I M A R E

Game "Sieve for Royal Words"

Gaming setup.

  1. Write the letters so that they only contain consonants.
  2. Write the sentences, omitting the letter “O”, instead of “O” put periods.

Note to teacher. You can use any texts, come up with any rules for cheating that train those skills that pose the greatest difficulties for the child. The main meaning of the task: regulation of writing taking into account the rules.

Game "Capricious Echo"

Gaming setup. Imagine that you are a capricious echo, and therefore you do not repeat everything you hear, and not right away. I will say different words. Your task is to listen to them carefully and remember them.”

Sofa, letter, tree stump, rice, fur coat, barrel.

Now repeat the words:

  • in which there are three sounds;
  • in which there are sounds [a] and [p];
  • ending in a vowel sound (consonant sound);
  • consisting of two syllables;
  • with a soft sign.

Note to teacher. The task can be complicated - ask the child to clap his hands to mark the words that correspond to the condition.

Game "Playing with fairy tales"

This game develops the planning function. You can use any fairy tales familiar to your child. For example, these could be fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Wolf and Forests”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, etc. Read the fairy tale with your child, ask how many pictures describing the events could be drawn. If there is difficulty, help him. Ask your child to schematically draw illustrations of the sequentially developing events of the fairy tale. After that, let the child, guided by the pictures, retell the fairy tale on his own. Next, using this example of work, offer to analyze a new fairy tale for him.

Game "Collect treasures"

Gaming setup. In the land of Imagination, gold coins are called "oro". There are a huge number of such coins in this text. Find and write down all the words that contain the combination of letters “-oro-”.







Game “The story stuck together. What to do?"

Gaming setup. You need to free a whole stuck together story. First, separate the linked words from each other with a vertical line, and then place dots between the glued sentences. Capitalize the beginning of each sentence. Read the story aloud, pausing between sentences.


Game “Where are the words hidden”

Game "Twins"

Gaming setup. Find two identical drawings.

Game “A change of place produces a miracle”

Gaming setup. Try to change the arrangement of the pieces in Figure 1 to the one shown in Figure 2. Do this in your mind in just two moves.

Game "Letter Tamer".

This is a letter dictation with the setting: “The trainer tames the animals, and we will tame the letters. Let's start together, and you will continue on your own. We write down the capital letter T, the lowercase letter t, then the next two lowercase letters of the alphabet: Ttab. Let's continue: Ttwg. Compare notes, find a pattern. Continue working, speaking out loud.

For the teacher: the work lasts 10 - 15 minutes, teaches you to maintain attention for a long time.

Game "Photographer".

This is a visual dictation that promotes the development of working memory. The dictation contains 20 sentences of varying lengths - from 3 to 22 words. Each next word is one more syllable. Let's start with the first phrase. Let the child read it and, covering it with a piece of paper, repeat it from memory or write it down.

Game "Try to circle."

For the game, templates measuring 15 by 15 are made with different shading patterns. The width of the spaces varies from 1 to 5mm. Tasks can be complicated by pressure or changes in line drawing.

Place the template under tracing paper and trace the visible lines. Now draw the same shading, but without the template placed under the sheet.

Game "City of Squares".

This is a mathematical dictation. Just like the game “Try to Circle,” it develops memory.

Before you is a plan of the city of Kvadratov, through which we will travel by steam locomotive. In squares 1 - 15 there are dots - departure stations. I will dictate to you the direction in which the train is moving, and you will draw it with arrows, straight or with a turn. Each time, start drawing an arrow in a new square.

Game "Young Detective".

To play, you need to prepare a set of geometric shapes. The lesson consists of tasks that contribute to the development of visual memory. The teacher puts several figures in a line and asks the children to remember. Next, the teacher covers the laid out figures and asks the children to repeat the sequence of figures in the line. Next, the teacher asks the children to close their eyes. At this time, it is necessary to rearrange the figures. Ask the children to open their eyes and find out what has changed.

Game "Read the letter".

You can take any text and make missing letters in the words. For example: “Along the pond p-y-ut-t-e, k-as-y- and o-a-zhev-e co-a-l-k-. (Yellow, red and orange boats float along the pond.)

This exercise will force the child to pay attention to the letter structure of the word, its meaning, and the general context of the phrase.

Game "Make Words".

The parts of the word quarreled, they need to be reconciled.

Only the second part of the words needs to be read. The word is conventionally divided in half and only the second part is read. First, a sample is given, and then the child himself performs this work orally. For example: read/NIE, only/KO, tra/VA, sol/OMA, bed/VAT.

Game "Bukvoezhka".

For Bukvoezhka, the most delicious letter is A, and he is very gluttonous. Save her. Rewrite the sentence, inserting periods instead of the letter A. The condition may be different.

Game "Wunderkind".

Here you can include the following tasks: Is it possible to read both silently and out loud at the same time? Read the passage to yourself, but say every second word out loud, or say every second word out loud, or say out loud those words that begin with a certain sound.


  1. Amonashvili Sh.A. Go to school from the age of six. - M., 1986.
  2. Davydov V.V. The relationship between the concepts of formation and development of the psyche. - M.: Enlightenment, 1966
  3. Kravtsova E.E. Lectures “Psychological characteristics of children of primary school age” - Ped. University "First of September", 2004.
  4. Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. - M.:AST:KHRANITEL, 2008.
  5. Kravtsov G.G. Psychological problems of primary education. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk University Publishing House, 1994.

Secondly, not only has the program changed in terms of capacity, but the approach of teachers has changed.

Today, the school shifts some of the responsibility onto the parents, and it is believed that there is some advantage in this. In addition, teachers are terribly stressed by various responsibilities. They do not have the task of creating this educational independence - they have many other tasks and difficulties: these are large classes, and huge reporting...

There is a huge staff shortage. The teaching profession has not been prestigious for a long time, and they have only now begun to attract young specialists into this profession. This is partly why even the best schools today are experiencing a severe educational crisis.

Parents themselves, who have a lot of free time, also contribute to lack of independence. Today, a mother often sits with her child throughout elementary school. And, of course, she needs to feel in demand. This is not to say that this is bad - this time can be spent on something wonderful, but it is often spent on lessons, and because of this, relationships do not improve.

Another reason is that we raise tadpoles. We place great emphasis on the development of intellectual abilities. This is a general tendency, and it does not manifest itself on a conscious level - everyone does it.

What are the symptoms that a child suffers from learning disability?

The child himself does not remember what was given to him. He doesn’t remember that he needs to sit down for his lessons on time. Often the reason is that everything is so tight in his schedule that right after school he goes somewhere, and then somewhere else, and when he gets home, he is simply not able to remember anything.

A self-sufficient person must take a task, remember that he must do it, and plan a time when it will be done. In the first grade, this skill is just being formed, but by the second or third grade it should already be there. But it does not arise by gravity, and in a modern school nothing and no one shapes it.

The child is basically not trained to be responsible for his time. He is never alone - we take him everywhere. Now no one has a key around their neck - we lead him everywhere by the hand, carry him in the car. If he is late for school, then it is not he who is late, but his mother who is stuck in traffic. He can't plan what time to go out and how long it takes to do something because he just doesn't need to learn it.

How to treat all this?

Treatment is painful, no one likes these recommendations, and usually people go to psychologists when they have already reached the limit, they have brought the relationship to such a state that doing homework together turns into hours of agony. Before this, parents are not ready to listen to any recommendations from specialists. And the recommendations are as follows: you need to survive the downward spiral, a serious decline in academic performance, and teach the child to feel responsible for his time and lessons.

It is advisable to explain to the teacher that you will have this downward dive, but not every teacher can agree on this: one teacher out of ten is able to treat this process with understanding, because the general trend of the school is different. Today, teaching a child to learn is not the task of school.

The problem is that in elementary school the child is still small, and you can practically force him to sit down for his lessons and hold him back. Difficulties often begin later, in the 6th-7th grade, when he is already a big person, sometimes taller than mom and dad, who already has other interests, puberty things begin and it turns out that he does not know how to manage time at all and is no longer ready to listen to you . He wants independence, but is completely incapable of it.

A problem associated with lack of independence is the child’s overload, when everything that can be shoved into him is crammed into him. Every year I meet with mothers who say: “My child’s schedule is more difficult than mine,” and they say this with pride.

This is a certain part of society where the mother is killed and takes the child everywhere herself, or where there is a driver who takes the child everywhere and waits for the child in the car.

I have a simple marker of abnormal load: I ask: “How much time per week does your child walk?” When it comes to elementary school, parents often say: “Which one is playing around? He goes for walks during the holidays.” This is an indicator of abnormal load. Another good question is, “What does your child like to play?” - “In Lego.” - “When does he play with Lego?” - "In holiday's"…

By the way, this schedule overload increases the number of children who do not read.

If a child has not yet become a fan of reading, then in conditions of intellectual and organizational overload, when he comes home, he will most of all want to turn off the brain, which is working all the time.

There is a direct connection here, and when you unload the children, they begin to read. An overloaded child's brain is constantly on edge.

When you and I, adults, deprive ourselves of full, regular sleep, it doesn’t make us work better - we start working completely differently, and many have to go through the experience of severe insomnia and neuropsychic exhaustion before they stop experimenting with amount of sleep.

Load is the same. If we systematically overload a fragile creature that is actively growing, it does not begin to learn better. Therefore, the issue of load is very subtle and individual.

There are children who are ready to bear a heavy load, and they feel great, they only get better from it, and there are those who take the load, carry it, but gradually become neurotic because of it. We need to look at the child’s behavior, his condition in the evening and at the end of the week.

What condition should make parents think?

It depends on his psychological type. Melancholic people will suffer, cry quietly and get sick, because this is the most vulnerable and exhausted type, they will only get tired of the number of people in the class and the noise. Cholerics will scream and throw tantrums by the end of the week.

The most dangerous type are those children who, without external manifestations of overwork, bear the load until it brings them to a somatic breakdown, until they are covered with eczema and spots. This endurance is the most dangerous. You need to be especially careful with them.

They really can do a lot, they are very effective, positive, but their internal fuses do not always work, and parents often catch on when the child is already in poor condition. They need to be taught to feel the load.

These are individual indicators, but there are also general ones: a child in elementary school should walk at least three times a week for an hour. And just walking, and not what my parents sometimes tell me: “We walk when we go from one class to another.”

In general, there are situations when a child and his mother live in heroic mode: “I feed him soup from a thermos in the car, because he should have a full lunch.”

I hear this quite a lot, and it is often positioned as a great achievement. People have the best intentions and don't feel overwhelmed by their schedule. But childhood is a time when a lot of energy goes into simply growing and maturing.

Oddly enough, with all the modern level of awareness and literacy, undiagnosed minimal brain dysfunction, MMD, is quite common. This is a complex of small disorders that cannot be diagnosed before they appear, but at the same time they interfere terribly.

This is not quite hyperactivity and not quite attention deficit - these are smaller things, but a child with MMD is difficult to teach in a regular classroom format. There are also all kinds of speech disorders that are undiagnosed, which greatly affect the development of writing, reading, a foreign language, all kinds of dyslexia and dysgraphia.

MMD is a disorder of our time, which, along with allergies and oncology, has become more common.

Few schools have support systems, speech therapists, psychologists who can help the child adapt, but there are a huge number of children who, in the middle of the first, second, third grade, are squeezed out of regular schools because they cannot study there, it is difficult for them. This means that they didn’t call a speech therapist or psychologist on time, didn’t go to a neuropsychologist, didn’t get treatment.

There is another socio-pedagogical problem, which is more pronounced in big cities: with Today there are many children who are not used to living in society and are not taught the rules of interaction. They do not learn well in a large class format, simply because they have never been prepared for it.

Everyone always adjusted to them. Maybe they had excellent tutors, they have excellent knowledge and study skills, but they are not used to working in a group format. Usually in schools where there is a competition, such children are monitored and they try not to take them or take them with conditions, but in private schools there are a lot of such children. And they can greatly spoil the work of the class.

There is another type of problem - quite new and little studied in the Russian-speaking space, but for several years now Generations come to school who are more accustomed to watching than listening.

These are children who heard the main stories not from books their parents read or from relatives, but watched, and for them the visual form of presenting information became the main one. It's a much simpler form and requires much less effort to learn anything from the video.

These children at school cannot listen, they listen for two minutes and switch off, their attention floats. They do not have organic disorders - they are simply not accustomed to the form of presenting information accepted at school.

This is formed by us, parents - often it is convenient to “turn off” the child by showing him cartoons, and we thus form not a listener, not a doer, but a viewer who passively consumes visual information.

The less screen time there is before school, the more likely it is that this won't happen to your child.

If a child goes to school too early, then after a month and a half to two months, when it should become easier, it becomes, on the contrary, more difficult. These patients come annually in October-November: the child is tired of school, his motivation has gone, at first he wanted to go to school and went with pleasure, but he is exhausted, disappointed, he is not interested in anything, somatic disorders have appeared, he does not respond to the teacher’s requests.

This is very evident in first-graders. By October-November, they should learn to respond correctly to general forms of address when the teacher says: “Children, take your pencils.”

Children who are emotionally ready for school take pencils in the general form of address. And if even in November they are told: “Everyone took a pencil, and Masha also took a pencil,” it means that the child’s ability to work independently in a group has not yet matured. This is a sign that he went to school early.

If a child, on the contrary, has spent an extra year at home or in kindergarten, he will feel smarter than others. And here you need to think about how to choose a workload for your child so that he can stay in class. If those who went to school early can be taken away and returned a year later so that there is a pause, then these children need to be given individual tasks in a class format so that they are interested, and not every teacher is ready to do this.

Are there any signs that your child is not feeling well in elementary school?

Usually it is difficult for a child during the adaptation period, in the first one and a half to two months, when he either just started first grade, or went to a new class, to a new school, changed staff, teachers. In theory, it should get easier.

There are a number of neurotic signs that should not exist: biting nails, tearing out hair, gnawing clothes, the appearance of speech disorders, hesitations, stuttering, abdominal pain in the morning, headaches, nausea, which occur only in the morning and go away if the child is left at home , and so on.

After 6-7 weeks of adaptation, there should be no talking in your sleep, and your sleep pattern should not change. We are talking about younger schoolchildren, because in adolescence it is much more difficult to determine where the reason is school, and where some of their personal experiences are.