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Products that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. How to lower the acidity of the stomach? What foods to eat to lower the acidity of gastric juice. Folk remedies to increase acidity

Less and less often in the diet and menu of a modern person, products that reduce the acidity of the stomach are used, as they have been replaced by appetizing fast food (fast food), various convenience foods, smoked meats and pickled products. Due to the use of such products, acidity increases, and from here such unpleasant symptoms as belching, heartburn, heaviness and pain in the stomach, and gastritis already appear. When a person is faced with unpleasant symptoms one on one, he immediately has a question: “How can I reduce the acidity in the stomach and save myself from discomfort?”.

Causes of high acidity

There are organic and external reasons for the overestimation of the acidity of the stomach. Common external causes are:

  • bad habits - smoking and excessive alcohol consumption;
  • nutritional errors - eating too hot or cold food, spicy or sour, which is irritating to the gastric mucosa;
  • frequent inhalation of harmful chemicals, poisons due to adverse working conditions;
  • self-diagnosis and treatment prescription - taking medications that have a negative effect on the stomach.

The most common organic causes:

Each of the reasons can lead to the appearance of erosions on the walls of the stomach and the development of erosive gastritis. According to statistics, this type of gastritis suffers mainly from young people.

Table of products that will help reduce the increased acidity of the stomach

Food can lower the acidity of the stomach, and remove the undesirable consequences of a painful condition. In order for food to have a positive effect, it is necessary to follow an alkaline diet with the exclusion of acidic foods and drinks. A table of foods containing the highest levels of alkali is presented here.

Alkali is required by the body, since with its lack there are serious disruptions in the work of internal organs. And excessive acidity creates unfavorable conditions that contribute to the development of various bacteria and the growth of abnormal cells, leading to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

When following an alkaline diet, gourmets will have to deny themselves a lot and follow the recommendations in order to reduce the acidity of the stomach. Many restrictions will allow you to remove the unpleasant symptoms that appear. Products with the properties of alkalis do not differ in variety, but they are quite enough for normal digestion and the introduction of nutrients into the body. What are the most relevant? These include certain vegetables, fruits, cereals, cottage cheese, certain types of meat and fish. Examples:

The therapeutic diet for underestimation of acidity necessarily includes meat and fish.

What products are prohibited?

Coffee should be excluded from the diet.

People with high acidity should not eat foods that increase the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Spicy, salty, sour foods, fried foods, muffins and fresh pastries (bread, buns), canned vegetables and marinades, black coffee are limited (chicory will be a substitute). From vegetables, it is worth giving up sour tomatoes, and from fruits - from citrus fruits (lemon, orange) and other sour fruits; chocolate products (sweets, chocolates). Additionally, it is recommended to limit the use of confectionery products (cookies and muffins with cottage cheese, cakes with cream), fatty milk and sour-milk products (homemade fatty sour cream and cottage cheese). Do not eat garlic and onions. From liquids, you need to give up tea with lemon, soda with lemon (lemonade), since the fruit itself increases acidity.


You can quickly diagnose the state of stomach acidity by the characteristic color of urine. To do this, you can conduct a comprehensive test to identify diseases of the stomach - "GastroTest" and "AcidoTest". This diagnostic method is today considered inaccurate and requires additional confirmation. The best method for determining acidity is considered a diagnostic procedure - fractional. It occurs by suctioning the contents of the stomach with a special tube (probe) and syringe, then sent to the laboratory for a detailed study. Unfortunately, this diagnostic method is also considered inaccurate.

The most revealing study is intragastric pH-metry, which is divided into several types: short-term, express, endoscopic and daily pH-metry. With this method, acidity is measured directly in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, according to a specific method and within a predetermined time. The study of acidity using pH-metry allows you to choose the right medicine for the patient (if the acidity is increased or decreased) and even determine how it affects the stomach.

Knowing how to increase the acidity of the stomach at home, you can always avoid the deterioration of health and the development of pathological conditions of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract). Violation of the process of production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach leads to the development of various diseases of the digestive tract. Reduced fermentation of the body causes health problems, a decrease in the standard of living of patients. In such situations, it is recommended to reduce the load on the hollow muscular organ of the digestive tract, use drugs and products to increase the pH level of gastric juice.

Dysfunction of organs that produce and release substances for the breakdown of food leads to the diagnosis of low acidity of gastric juice, which includes hydrochloric acid - HCl. Pathology causes the appearance of negative symptoms.

These include:

  • reduced production of hydrochloric acid, pepsins, digestive enzymes;
  • accumulation of undigested food residues in the body;
  • the appearance of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, flatulence, increased gas formation;
  • deterioration of intestinal motility;
  • impaired motility of the entire digestive tract;
  • insufficient breakdown of food entering the human body;
  • decrease in the patency of food through the digestive tract;
  • the appearance of belching, loose stools or constipation;
  • reducing the intensity of the process of splitting useful substances and their absorption into the body of patients;
  • increased risk of diagnosing intestinal infections, anemia, diseases of the digestive tract;
  • the appearance of metabolic problems;
  • weight loss;
  • deterioration in the general well-being of patients.

Belching, which provides an opportunity to remove part of the gases from the body, refers to a specific indicator. It indicates a high pH level of the digestive juice and the need to consume foods that increase the acidity of the stomach.

In such situations, heartburn and hiccups do not occur. The manifestation of such symptoms serves as a signal for contacting a gastroenterologist and the strictest implementation of all his recommendations.

Increasing the acidity of digestive juice at home

To solve the problem of low acidity of the hollow muscular organ of the gastrointestinal tract, a number of effective measures are envisaged, the combination of which makes it possible to obtain a positive result within a short period of time.

These include:

  • conducting drug therapy as prescribed by a gastroenterologist;
  • the use of traditional medicine recipes based on medicinal plants and other natural ingredients;
  • adherence to dietary nutrition, the use of vegetables, fruits and other foods that can increase the acidity of gastric juice.

If necessary, increase the acidity of the digestive juice and prevent the development of intestinal infections, anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, patients are prescribed drug therapy at home.

Taking medications prescribed by a gastroenterologist increases the production of HCl, activates the digestive tract, stabilizes metabolic processes, and also eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

Their list includes:

  1. Plantaglucid, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  2. Limontar, stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, normalizing metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Preparations based on fennel, peppermint, wormwood, the use of which allows you to saturate the gastric juice with acid and effectively solve the problem of the high pH level of the digestive juice.

Sometimes patients are prescribed the Ortho Taurin Ergo vitamin complex based on succinic, lipoic, and folic acids. The drug has a wide spectrum of action. Its purpose is to increase the body's endurance, maintain the balance of essential elements, and stabilize cell membranes.

Application of traditional medicine recipes

Among the popular recipes of traditional healers to increase the acidity of the stomach, it should be noted:

  • taking 2 grams of crushed lemongrass seeds per day, which allow you to activate the production of enzymes necessary for digesting food, and also make it possible to increase the acidity of gastric juice;
  • the use of alcohol tincture from 15 pieces of unripe walnuts, cut into small pieces, placed in 0.5 dm³ vodka, aged for 14 days in a dark place, it is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals;
  • supplementing the diet with red mountain ash in sugar;
  • drinking juice from fresh and sour cabbage;
  • taking 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of boiled or filtered water.

An integrated approach to solving the problem of low acidity of the digestive juice is the key to effective treatment and elimination of the risk of complications, as well as deterioration in the health of patients.

Features of dietary nutrition

Compliance with a diet with low acidity of gastric juice is considered a mandatory measure that successfully complements the main methods that are prescribed to normalize the production of enzymes and HCl in the digestive tract.

The organization of the correct diet, diet provides for the implementation of the following rules:

  1. Reducing the amount of food entering the body at one time.
  2. Mandatory use of fresh citrus fruits, berries and fruits containing natural acid.
  3. Supplementing the diet with fruit jelly, dried fruits.
  4. The use of dill, parsley, green onions, cilantro, garlic in small quantities.
  5. Proper selection and intake of mineral water during the month.

Knowing which foods increase the acidity of the stomach, you can always avoid problems with the production of enzymes, hydrochloric acid and the processes of digestion. Constant attention to your health, giving up bad habits and timely access to a doctor for qualified medical help is the key to longevity and a happy life.


  • What causes acidity
  • Causes of acidity
  • Products for the normalization of acidity
  • Folk remedies
  • Diet with low acidity

Patients suffering from gastroenterological ailments should know more about foods that increase the acidity of the stomach, since eating them will not only not help get rid of gastritis or stomach ulcers, but will also exacerbate the disease.

Most often, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by increased acidity of gastric juice affect young people, including many teenagers. In addition, the majority of patients with this category of gastroenterological pathologies are males. It is worth saying that it is they who are the least concerned about the state of their health both before the onset of the disease and at its initial stages. An increase in the acidity of gastric juice, which can lead to gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, is also observed in pregnant women.

A very different picture is observed in the elderly. Reduced acidity of the gastric juice often leads them to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but information about products that increase the acidity of the stomach will be useful for them, since by using them, patients will be able to normalize the production of an acidic environment in the digestive system.

What causes acidity

Hydrochloric acid produced by the fundic glands of the stomach is responsible for increasing the acidity of gastric juice. With the normal functioning of this organ, the action of the acid does not have a pathological effect on its mucous membranes, the walls of the esophagus and duodenum 12. In addition, HCl promotes disinfection in the cavities of the gastrointestinal tract, however, violations of the processes of production and neutralization of acid in the stomach will lead to an increase in its concentration. As a result, an excess of HCl becomes a corrosive factor for mucous membranes, in addition to such diseases as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, causing:

  • stomach burn;
  • the development of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in it;
  • various chemical poisonings;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • liver pathology.

The list can be supplemented with no less number of diseases acquired due to high acidity, the most serious of which can be pathologies of the cardiovascular system and the development of oncology in the stomach.

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Causes of acidity

The activation of the production of hydrochloric acid can be influenced not only by the consumption of certain foods, but also by other factors, including:

  • wrong diet;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • taking medications;
  • emotional overload.

An increase in acidity, like its decrease, can be caused by genetic causes.

Of course, in order to restore normal juice secretion, patients with low acid levels in it should not smoke heavily, drink alcohol and be nervous. Such "cures" will harm anyone.

And people with high acidity of the stomach should not eat the following foods:

  • sweet;
  • roast;
  • fatty;
  • smoked;
  • salty;
  • garlic;
  • apples;
  • tomatoes;
  • lemons and other citrus fruits.
  • to get involved in tea and coffee;
  • add vinegar to food.

You should limit the consumption of spices and spices, as they also increase the level of acidity.

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Products for the normalization of acidity

To normalize it, it is necessary to adhere to such a diet so that it does not cause excessive secretory function of the stomach. It is necessary to establish a 6-time diet, in which the amount of food at one time should be reduced. Products for the diet should be boiled, stewed or steamed. At the same time, one should not forget that the cooked food is balanced in content:

  • trace elements;
  • vitamins;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates.

  • dairy (but not fermented milk products);
  • baked or non-acidic fruits and vegetables;
  • vegetable oils and (in small quantities) butter;
  • eggs;
  • puree soups;
  • pasta without seasonings;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • boiled lean fish;
  • buns from lean dough;
  • bread (lightly dried);
  • whole grain cereals.

The diet should be selected together with the attending physician, who will advise the patient on the most suitable diet. In addition, he will give the patient recommendations on the use of therapeutic mineral waters, which will help restore the efficiency of the stomach. It is not worth choosing mineral waters for treatment on your own, since, having various components in their composition, they also have a different effect.

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Folk remedies

There are folk remedies that lower the acidity of the stomach and have a sedative effect. Of course, their use must be agreed with the doctor. Many folk recipes are based on bee products. In addition to them, apply:

  • aloe;
  • milk;
  • oil pressed from pumpkin seeds;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • salad;
  • flowers, stems and leaves of shepherd's purse.

Here is their description:

  1. Reduces the acidity of a remedy prepared from honey dissolved in warm water. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. product and ½ cup of water. The drink is consumed ½ hour before and after each meal.
  2. You can mix aloe juice (100 ml) with honey (100 g) and drink this remedy for 4 weeks in a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. Propolis is another useful bee product. Its alcohol tincture is instilled into milk. This composition is drunk before meals. No more than 20 drops of propolis are added to 1 glass of milk.
  4. Juice squeezed from lettuce leaves helps relieve stomach pain and eliminate heartburn. It should be drunk after symptoms appear. To weaken them, it is enough to drink 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of the product.
  5. To relieve pain, even strong, with an ulcer, a decoction of a shepherd's purse helps. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. collection and a glass of water. The course of taking the decoction is 2 weeks.
  6. Sea buckthorn and pumpkin oils are useful for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and can be used as a prophylactic. You can drink oil every morning. Dosage - 1 tbsp.

There is also a remedy that works so effectively with high acidity that many patients with heartburn or stomach pains prefer it. Drinking soda almost instantly reacts with gastric juice and breaks down the acid into neutral water and carbon dioxide. To get rid of pain, just take 1 tsp. substances, but the regular use of soda is contraindicated. It is impossible to determine how much alkali (which it is) will be required to neutralize the acidic environment.

An excess of alkali in the stomach acts on it no less destructively.

Sometimes you wonder: why do we need hydrochloric acid in our body? The answer is simple! It is simply an indispensable participant in the entire process of digestion of food. Thanks to hydrochloric acid, the necessary conditions are created for the normal functioning of the enzymes of the stomach, and also putrefactive and pathogenic microbes are destroyed, the secretory activity of the glands of the stomach increases, and the movement of food from the stomach into the duodenum improves.

What does high acidity do?

All indicators should be normal. If there is a lot of acid, then food cannot completely neutralize its effect - excess remains. It is these residues of hydrochloric acid that begin to act on the unprotected mucous membrane - inflammation occurs.

There are suspicions only when there are significant pains in the hypochondrium, fullness, a feeling of heaviness, constant heartburn, sour belching and nausea. Pain can appear both 20-30 minutes after eating, and after 2-3 hours. To find out what caused such pain, you need to visit a gastroenterologist, undergo an X-ray examination and ultrasound. As an additional diagnosis, the doctor may refer you to esophagogastroduodenoscopy, examination and biopsy of the mucous membrane.

Most often, increased acidity in the stomach provokes a disease such as gastritis. Reducing acidity is the main task of treatment. If there are no deviations from the stomach, then the doctor prescribes drugs to reduce the level of acidity.

What medicines can help

The main drugs that help reduce elevated levels of acidity:

  • Histamine blockers: ranitidine, nizatidine, famotidine.
  • Proton pump blockers: lansoprazole, omeprozole. (Such drugs are the most effective).
  • Antacids (have an anti-inflammatory effect): malaox, almagel.
  • Anticholinergics: gastrocepin (quite a strong remedy, so its use should be under the strict supervision of a doctor).
  • Baking soda and herbs are strong enough to lower acid levels. Remember one thing: you should not get carried away with soda: once it enters the stomach, it begins to be absorbed by the walls of blood vessels - and enters the bloodstream. Due to the high content of soda in the internal fluids, alkalosis occurs.

Taking drugs that can reduce the acidity of your stomach should be more than 8 days. The very process of reducing the level of acidity involves the observance of a special diet.

The main thing in treatment is medication and diet. For the treatment of gastritis, drugs are prescribed that bind hydrochloric acid, and also reduce its production. During treatment, it is necessary to stabilize its production, and restore mucosal cells that have suffered from excess. This is well done with drugs that envelop the walls of our stomach and improve the digestion process. Usually, treatment lasts from several weeks if the gastritis is acute, up to a year if it is chronic. Be sure to follow the diet, it must be correct, and most importantly - do not contribute to the production of excess amounts of hydrochloric acid.

What is the best food to eat

If you have found increased acidity in the stomach, enveloping products are shown to you: puree soups, jelly, various medicinal herbs, as well as dairy products, which reduce secretion. You should not go on a low-carb diet if gastritis symptoms appear. In the event that the body feels a lack of fats, mainly of plant origin, then the food will pass through the digestive tract very quickly, thereby leaving the walls of the stomach unprotected. Thus, the mucosa is exposed to hydrochloric acid. However, this “minus” can easily be turned into a “plus”. With such a diet, people who suffer from increased acid secretion may not limit themselves to high-fat dairy products.

Eat stewed, boiled and baked vegetables, cereals, but only except for millet, group A pasta, lean meat, fish and poultry. Indulge in sweet varieties of apples, bananas and pears. You can please yourself meat and fish dishes, which are previously scrolled through a meat grinder. Puree from vegetables and other root vegetables can be an unusually tasty dish for you. Not allowed to eat boiled eggs, preferably soft-boiled, omelettes, cottage cheese, white bread (but not soft - best of all yesterday), various mousses and jelly, mineral water. Such products, which reduce the acidity of the stomach, affect the general condition of the body.

What foods are undesirable

You will have to give up products such as roasted meat products, fatty pork, as they greatly irritate the lining of the stomach. It is forbidden to eat fatty and rich soups (especially mushrooms), pickles, raw vegetables, spicy dishes (which is why all spicy seasonings are forbidden), garlic, onions, sour juices, pastries, black bread, unripe and sour vegetables and fruits, fried eggs, meat and fish stewed in their own juice. Be sure to reject all carbonated drinks and fast food! These foods are too acidic.

It is not advisable to eat pea and millet cereals, unnatural juices, sorrel soup, mushrooms, turnips, radishes, and pineapple juice. Completely give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages - they provoke the concentration of acid in the gastric juice.

How traditional medicine can help

Traditional medicine says that herbs such as St. John's wort, mint, nettle, calendula, and centaury help reduce stomach acid. Carrot and potato juices also work great.

Need to eat A little, but very often - 4-6 times a day. Due to the fact that an excess of hydrochloric acid is harmful precisely when food is not in the stomach, it should always be there. Never leave your stomach empty. Do not chew gum on an empty stomach. Chewing movements cause saliva, which stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. The stomach is empty, there is acid - so it turns out that all the harmful effects pass to the mucous membrane.

  • Eat only warm foods: food temperature should be 40-45 degrees.
  • Do not deny yourself the consumption of mineral water, but it should also be warm. You need to drink it in an amount of 200-300 ml 1-1.5 hours before meals, try to chew your food thoroughly.
  • Make sure that the main meal is for lunch, and the last one is before 19.00.
  • Do not neglect the inscriptions "take before meals", "on time" or "after". Take it as it is written.

With proper nutrition and timely treatment, the level of acidity returns to normal very quickly. However, even the slightest breakdown: one smoked cigarette or a glass of wine or a little greasy food will negate all your efforts. Remember, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are the key to good health.

Normal stomach acidity is an important indicator of health. This is a guarantee of the absence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. High or low acidity of the stomach leads to various diseases, including oncology. Symptoms and treatment of imbalanced balance is the domain of gastroenterologists.

Danger of deviation of acidity from the norm

When the digestive tract does not work properly, food is poorly digested, the body receives less nutrients. An insufficient level of acid stimulates fermentation processes in the abdomen, intestines, and can cause anacid gastritis, gastroduodenitis, and malignant neoplasms.

Excess provokes ulcers, problems with the pancreas. People whose pH levels are either too high or too low need to know which foods will increase acidity. This will allow you to properly adjust the diet, normalize the amount of alkali. Signs of low acidity of the stomach - nausea, a feeling of heaviness after eating.

General characteristics of foods that increase acidity

Products that increase the acidity of the stomach differ from others in the significant content of certain trace elements. These are magnesium, potassium, calcium, and also sodium. The table shows where the most specific micronutrients are found.


bananaslentilssardineflax seeds
orangesbeansfloundersunflower seeds
lemonpeasshrimpspumpkin seeds
radishcheesecrayfishPine nuts
tomatoescottage cheesemusselswalnuts
dried apricotsvegetablesoysterschocolate
nutsgreen onioncarrotsea ​​cabbage
livercerealslentilsmillet groats
cottage cheesepoppypeas

All of these products are important for the human body. However, people with should reduce their use to a minimum. Those who do not have enough pH need to ensure that potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium are present in the menu more.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol is one of the main enemies of a normal acid-base environment. Even small doses cause a serious release of a substance that corrodes the walls of the stomach. Doctors say that such drinks are more harmful than others:

  • wine;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • champagne;
  • unfiltered beer.

Regular alcohol consumption inevitably leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which are not easy to solve. For people already suffering from gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, alcohol is strictly contraindicated. Healthy people should reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum, and it is better to refuse it altogether.

Fruits and vegetables that stimulate acid production

Gastroenterologists often recommend excluding fruits from the menu. They are among the leaders in their ability to increase acidity. However, the effect on the body of different fruits is different. The most dangerous for people with high acidity are:

  1. pomegranate abounds in vitamin C, which negatively affects the mucous membrane;
  2. melon is hard to digest, activating the release of large amounts of gastric juice;
  3. grapes are difficult to process in the digestive tract, causing fermentation processes;
  4. peaches increase the activity of secretory glands;
  5. kiwis are made up of small fibers that can damage the mucous membrane;
  6. citrus fruits contain a lot of acid.

Among the vegetables that increase the pH:

  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers.

The last of these pickled vegetables are especially dangerous for people with high acidity. Cabbage is not recommended in any form. In other cases, heat treatment somewhat reduces the ability of vegetables and fruits to increase acidity.

Fatty and sweet

Foods with a high fat content are very difficult to digest. As a result, the acidity of the gastric juice increases. Patients with gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis are advised to include only lean meats and fish in the menu. You need to limit consumption:

  • oils;
  • fatty milk;
  • cream;
  • sour cream;
  • margarine.

The listed products disturb the gastric balance. Various sweets contribute to the increase in the amount of acid, most of which also contain fats in abundance and are rich in carbohydrates. The leaders can be called sweet pastries and chocolate.

The white variety is free of caffeine and cocoa powder. However, it contains a lot of vegetable fats, which give the product a pronounced sweetness. Brown chocolate is loaded with full-fat milk powder and caffeine. Black is rich in cocoa (in the form of butter and powder). There is also a lot of caffeine in such chocolate. Products that do not affect the pH level - marshmallow, honey, halva.

Effect of spices on acidity

Fresh food few people will like. However, many spices provoke high acidity. Among them:

  • ground black pepper;
  • Chile;
  • nutmeg;
  • carnation.

They should not be included in the menu for people with a high content of acid in the gastric juice.

Interesting! Scientists have proven that these spices do not affect the pH if a person consumes them from early childhood. Seasonings have a negative effect only on those people whose stomachs are unusual for them.

Hot and cold drinks

Apart from alcohol, sweet soda is in the first place in terms of its ability to increase acidity among drinks. It irritates the gastric mucosa, activating secretion. Kvass has an almost identical effect.

Coffee, on the contrary, helps to relax the muscles, which become unable to retain acid in the stomach, and it is thrown into the esophagus. The person experiences heartburn. An increase in pH provokes the use of tomato, lemon, orange and tangerine juice.

How to normalize acidity

If the acidity is more than normal, it should decrease not only, but also by complete or partial rejection of the above products. Fractional nutrition helps to lower the pH level, when a person eats often, but in small portions. Food should only be steamed, baked or boiled. Fried foods are excluded from the diet.

Nutrition is very important when restoring balance. Diet helps to lower or raise the pH and is an integral part of the treatment. Do not eat too much acid-increasing food. Forbidden drinks include alcohol, coffee, soda. Reduce the presence in the menu:

  • fatty;
  • sweet;
  • rich;
  • acute;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • fried.

Diet with low acidity of the stomach must necessarily include:

  • greenery;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • liver;
  • seafood;
  • cottage cheese;

However, vegetables and fruits should be consumed in small quantities, as these lower the pH. Flavoring food with spices is allowed only within reasonable limits. In the morning you can drink a cup of coffee, on a hot summer day - a little kvass. Don't focus on:

  • rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn and pearl barley;
  • potatoes;
  • apples;
  • iris;
  • rye flour baking.

However, they do not need to be abandoned completely. It is recommended to eat at low and high acidity often, but little by little. It is highly undesirable to drink cold water with a meal.

The video will also be interesting: How to lower stomach acid

If problems with imbalance of acidity in the stomach have just begun, lower or increase acidity at first only with the help of products. normalizes the situation, negative symptoms will go away and treatment is not required. When eating junk food, it will only aggravate the situation and lead to serious diseases.