Diseases, endocrinologists. MRI
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Check the small intestine ways. In what ways the doctor will check the rectum and intestines. MRI bowel examination

In modern medicine, there are many different ways to diagnose the gastrointestinal tract. If the patient is concerned about the characteristic symptoms of a violation of the digestive system, then it is necessary to check it. To check the small intestine, the patient should contact a gastroenterologist.

Before certain methods of diagnostics and research are prescribed, the patient should be provided with all possible anamnestic data. Anamnesis implies a complete collection of information from the visitor. He should give all the detailed information that relates to the symptoms of a violation of the digestive system. The patient needs to be told how and when they are concerned about certain symptoms of cancer. Gathering information about pain, vomiting, or his stool can go a long way.

The collection of anamnestic data is quite important, since some characteristic signs of an oncological disease cannot be detected in the process of applying other methods of examining the body.

After identifying the problem area, the doctor begins to examine the patient. He looks for some concomitant signs of pathology, as mentioned by the patient or other abnormalities that can be detected visually: protrusion of the anterior wall of the peritoneum, the appearance of characteristic neoplasms, bloating, assessment of peristalsis.

On examination, a gastroenterologist is able to detect some abnormalities that may indicate the presence of a cancerous tumor in the patient's intestines. These signs include flatulence, swelling of loops in the intestines, copious accumulation of gases in the damaged intestine, and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. These signs can be detected by a doctor by probing and tapping the patient on certain areas of the abdomen.

By listening to noises in the abdomen, the doctor can check the intestines for obstruction, he can also make an assessment of peristalsis and listen to the pulsation of the aorta. In some cases, using the method of probing or palpation, the doctor is able to check the intestines for the presence of a tumor, and determine the approximate location of its location. In the last stages, therefore, the doctor can determine the size of the tumor, its consistency, diagnose ascites and some other diseases.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosing the small intestine for the presence of a tumor is more time-consuming than examining the colon or rectum.

Diagnosis of the small intestine consists in the study of its three sections: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Most of the research cannot be done at home, as almost all methods require a specially equipped laboratory.

To check these departments, endoscopy, ultrasound, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, as well as the use of a video capsule are used.

Endoscopy. This diagnostic method is used to detect polyps in the gastrointestinal tract and other neoplasms. Endoscopy is a safe and painless way to collect data. It allows you to get accurate information about the mucous membrane of the digestive system, which allows you to additionally examine adjacent internal organs and learn about the spread of the tumor in the patient's body.

A contraindication to this research method is a violation of the heart or lungs.

ultrasound. Diagnosis using ultrasound radiation helps to diagnose inflammatory processes in the body, as well as oncological and functional diseases. With the use of ultrasound, you can carefully examine the structure of the tissues of the large and small intestines.

This research method can be used at any age, as it is considered quite safe and does not carry radiation exposure to the body.

MRI can also be used along with ultrasound. This diagnostic method allows you to identify chronic disorders in the intestines, as well as to detect a malignant tumor.

Colonoscopy. The method allows for visual diagnosis of polyps, ulcerative formations on the intestinal walls, and many other pathologies of the digestive system. During this procedure, a biopsy is often performed and the affected tissues of the internal organs are removed. During a colonoscopy, biological material may be collected for additional histological examination.
Using this method, the large intestine and the last segments of the small intestine are mainly examined.

Indications for colonoscopy are some dangerous pathologies: the formation of polyps, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, obstruction, tumors and neoplasms on the patient's mucosa.

In Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, colonoscopy is not recommended, as there is a risk of damage to the walls of the large intestine.

Irrigoscopy. Diseases and disruption of the intestines can also be detected using barium enema. The irrigogram, which is the result of the study, contains all the necessary data to assess the degree of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, as well as the detection of fistulas, the formation of tumors, diverticulum and a number of some defects of the internal organs.

Irrigoscopy should be prescribed when bleeding is detected, when purulent or mucous formations are isolated from the body, and for the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. This method is less traumatic than colonoscopy and rarely provokes complications.

Videocapsule. This method is very simple and involves the introduction of a special capsule into the digestive system, which is equipped with an optical device. The introduction of an enterocapsule is necessary for severe pain in the abdomen, bleeding, and if a tumor or congenital pathology is suspected.

The study must be carried out on an empty stomach. It takes about 8 hours, and all this time is recorded on a special device. The capsule comes out naturally.

This diagnostic method can be carried out at home if the patient is aged and it is difficult for him to get to the hospital.

Video “Capsule Endoscopy”


In addition to conducting diagnostics and collecting data, the patient must submit biological samples for analysis.

Urine, blood, feces are needed as material for the patient's research.
Blood undergoes a biochemical study, and fecal analysis is necessary to detect blood clots, which may indicate internal bleeding, as well as helminthic invasions and pathogenic microorganisms. During the research, the doctor pays attention to the consistency of the material, its color and smell.

During the analysis of biological material, a number of dangerous intestinal pathologies can be detected: a cancerous tumor, dysentery, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, varicose veins of the digestive system.

You can exclude some diagnostic methods if you do a complete analysis of feces. So the patient may not need a colonoscopy. This analysis will allow you to establish the amount of bile pigments in the composition of the material, to identify helminthic invasion, ulcerative or inflammatory formations on the walls of the digestive system. Also, the analysis of feces will allow an assessment of the intestinal microflora.

Also, during the tests, doctors can inoculate on a certain nutrient medium for some harmful bacteria, determining the ratio between the detected microbes (pathogenic, opportunistic, beneficial).
A healthy person should be free of pathogens. Conditionally pathogenic microflora is acceptable in relatively small quantities.

Video “Examination of the abdomen for illness”

In the video you will learn what kind of inspection procedure it is, what diagnostics are most effective and how it is carried out.

Today, medicine has many different methods for diagnosing a patient. So, you can conduct an examination of the human body, choosing the most appropriate method so as not to harm it. Having received all the necessary data on the patient's state of health, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment regimen for the gastrointestinal tract.

First of all, the attending physician examines the patient, collects anamnestic data. Based on the described symptoms and signs of the pathology of the digestive system, he prescribes a certain type of examination or, if additional data is needed, their complex.

The diagnosis of the small intestine consists in the study of each of its departments. The small intestine consists of the duodenum, which connects it to the stomach, as well as the jejunum and ileum.

In order to detect diseases of the small intestine with high accuracy, several types of examinations should be carried out in order to obtain more data on the state of the patient's gastrointestinal tract.

Video “Intestinal Capsule Endoscopy”


The endoscopy technique consists in introducing a special device equipped with an optical and lighting device into the patient's digestive system. The endoscope is designed to provide visual data, allowing you to examine the internal organs from the inside. With the help of endoscopy, it is possible to detect damage to the mucous membrane of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the process of erosion or inflammation on their walls.

Examination with an endoscope today is not very common due to the lack of the necessary equipment in many medical institutions. It is not recommended for severe abdominal pain. Usually, diagnostics using an endoscope is prescribed for suspected polyposis. This method is necessary for the study of pathological neoplasms on the walls of the stomach and small intestine.

The endoscopy method is painless and safe. However, it may not be used if it is necessary to examine a small child. This method has contraindications - disrupted work of the heart muscle, lung disease. Before applying this type of diagnosis, you should prepare the body. The last meal should be no earlier than 12 noon, usually an examination of the digestive system is carried out in the morning. The patient should not drink alcohol two days before the start of the endoscopy and should not smoke on the day of the examination. You should also brush your teeth well.

The data collected during a visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract allows the doctor to determine the disease that causes damage to the digestive system. Endoscopy allows you to detect a tumor in the intestine, as well as the stage of its development. Additionally, it is possible to conduct an examination of adjacent organs, the state of which is able to characterize the form of the patient's disease.


This diagnostic method is based on the study of images of the small intestine. Within 3 hours, x-rays are taken, which are provided to the attending physician. This research technique is synchronized with the work of the digestive system. Before starting the X-ray, the patient must drink a special barium mixture. Barium fluid is needed to create clear images of the internal organs of digestion and display them on devices. Also, the barium mixture causes an active process of gas formation in the stomach and small intestine of the patient.

The patient must change the position of his body several times so that the walls of the internal organs are completely covered with the substance. On the monitor, it is observed how barium suspension spreads through the gastrointestinal tract.
After the x-ray examination, it is recommended to drink more fluids and eat foods high in fiber.

If the doctor suspects a perforation in the stomach, then barium can be neglected and replaced with a remedy similar in its action. With the help of radiography, it is possible to diagnose narrowing of the esophagus in the patient's body, hernia, diverticula of the pharynx. Research can also detect stomach and duodenal ulcers, the formation of polyps on the walls of the digestive organs, chronic inflammation on the walls of the intestines, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and other diseases.

Within a few days, a white coating can be found in the patient's secretions, which is formed by barium in the process of exiting the body.


Such diagnostics is carried out using special equipment - a fiberscope. During fibroscopy, the doctor takes biological material for histological examination. Examination of the tissues of the patient's internal organs can reveal the cause of many symptoms and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. During the fibroscopy, you can stop the bleeding of the digestive system.


The examination technique using irrigoscopy allows you to detect a tumor in the gastrointestinal tract, some symptoms of diseases of the internal organs, and places of bleeding. Irrigoscopy is necessary when purulent or mucous secretions are found in the feces, as well as in violation of the intestines (constipation, loose stools) and its obstruction. This examination method can replace colonoscopy if the patient has contraindications to it.

Diagnosis of the small intestine is necessary to obtain data on the degree of Crohn's disease, ulcerative lesions of the walls of the stomach and intestines, as well as to detect a cancerous tumor in the digestive system and evaluate some of the characteristic malformations of the internal organs, which are the cause of the patient's acute symptoms. With the help of irrigoscopy, fistulas in the intestine and diverticula can be detected.


This diagnostic method is based on the use of ultrasound radiation. It is directed to the organs of the digestive system. Ultrasound allows you to conduct an examination, having received data on the state of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and the integrity of its walls. Such a study can detect an inflammatory process in the digestive system, oncological diseases or diseases that are reflected in the functioning of organs. It is prescribed for a thorough study of the structure of the digestive organs, the detection of foreign inclusions in the stomach and small intestine.

The technique of using ultrasound radiation can be used at any age, because it is safe enough without high radiation exposure to the patient. Rarely prescribed for people with high weight or impaired metabolism, because this method may not be effective enough in such a situation.

Ultrasound is one of the most effective diagnostic methods for detecting a cancerous tumor. With the help of ultrasonic radiation, a clear image of the internal organs is displayed, which makes it possible to observe their movement and functioning at the present time. During this method, a special rectal sensor can be introduced into the patient's body, which can facilitate the detection of a tumor at the initial stage, its location and size.

Other types

Diagnosis of the small intestine can also be performed using other common methods. With the exacerbation of some symptoms of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient can be examined using a special video capsule.

This method of examination is considered safe and quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to introduce a capsule into the body, in which there is a special optical device. Within 8-9 hours, the capsule moves through the main digestive organs, and the video is stored on the media. Thus, it is possible to carry out a visual diagnosis in a completely painless way. The video capsule itself should come out naturally in a couple of days.

The introduction of the enterocapsule into the body takes place on an empty stomach, so that nothing interferes with the process of collecting information from the digestive organs. This technique is very convenient and if the patient cannot independently come to the examination at a medical institution, it can be carried out at home. All the necessary equipment is transportable so that you can diagnose the gastrointestinal tract remotely.

In addition to the endocapsule, colonoscopy is often used. Colonoscopy is necessary to examine the intestines for the presence of ulcerative pathologies, erosion of the intestinal walls, polyps and tumors.

During a colonoscopy, doctors may remove the affected areas of the digestive system or take biological material for histological examination. The method is intended primarily for the study of the rectum and large intestine, as well as the adjacent section of the small intestine.
There are some indications for colonoscopy - polyps and neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, detection of bleeding, intestinal obstruction, inflammation and swelling.

Doctors do not recommend a colonoscopy if the patient has symptoms of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. In addition to various diagnostic methods, test data are needed to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. The doctor should review the patient's blood, urine, and stool test results.

Analysis of biological material will more likely establish the true cause of the disease or pathology. While research can detect signs of cancer in the body, dysentery, peptic ulcers or ulcerative colitis, as well as harmful bacteria. Metabolic disorders in the body will be displayed on the composition of the blood and secretions. The study of such material will also give a lot of information about the pathology of the small intestine and adjacent organs.

If various diseases are suspected, an examination of the intestine is required. It involves examining the mucous membrane and determining peristalsis. Distinguish between small and large intestine. Inspection of the initial sections is difficult. Instrumental diagnostic methods are supplemented by laboratory tests, palpation and questioning of a sick person.

Instrumental examination of the intestine

Intestinal examination is performed according to certain indications. Patients can be both adults and children. There are endoscopic and non-endoscopic techniques. In the first case, the mucous membrane is examined from the inside using a camera. This is the most informative way to identify various diseases. It is necessary to examine a person if he has the following symptoms:

  • persistent or intermittent abdominal pain;
  • violation of the stool by the type of constipation or diarrhea;
  • vomiting of feces;
  • bloating;
  • the presence of blood or other pathological impurities in the feces.

The following studies are most often organized:

  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • anoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • capsule colonoscopy;
  • radionuclide research;
  • radiography.

Sometimes a laparoscopy is performed. Therapeutic and diagnostic procedure, in which the organs of the abdominal cavity are examined from the outside. During the examination of patients, the following diseases can be detected:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • diverticula;
  • polyps;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • duodenitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • proctitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • condylomatosis;
  • paraproctitis.

Endoscopic examination of the duodenum

FEGDS allows you to check the condition of the duodenum. This is an endoscopic method for examining patients. It allows you to examine only the initial section of the small intestine. FEGDS is often performed for therapeutic purposes. During the study, you can stop the bleeding or remove the foreign body. There are planned and urgent FEGDS.

The benefits of this study are:

  • rapidity;
  • information content;
  • good tolerance;
  • safety;
  • low invasiveness;
  • painlessness;
  • the possibility of implementation within the walls of the clinic;
  • availability.

The disadvantages include discomfort during the introduction of the probe and discomfort during the withdrawal of anesthesia. FEGDS is performed if the following pathology is suspected:

  • ulcer;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • bleeding;
  • cancer of Vater's papilla;
  • duodenitis;
  • gastrointestinal reflux.

Before FEGDS preparation is required. It includes not eating immediately before the procedure and following a diet for several days. Spicy foods, nuts, seeds, chocolate, coffee and alcoholic beverages should be excluded from the diet 2-3 days before the study. Dinner on the eve should be no later than 18 pm.

In the morning you can not eat breakfast and brush your teeth. It is necessary to examine the duodenum and stomach in the supine position on the left side with the knees pressed to the body. A thin tube with a camera is inserted through the patient's mouth. Local anesthesia is carried out. This ensures a painless procedure. During the examination, the person should not talk. Saliva should be swallowed only with the permission of a doctor. You can eat only 2 hours after the study.

Contraindications for FEGDS are:

  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • neoplasms of the mediastinum;
  • a history of stroke;
  • hemophilia;
  • cirrhosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus;
  • bronchial asthma in the acute phase.

Relative limitations include severe hypertension, angina pectoris, lymphadenopathy, acute inflammation of the tonsils, mental disorders, inflammation of the pharynx and larynx.

Performing an intestinal colonoscopy

The main instrumental method for diagnosing diseases of the colon in women and men is colonoscopy. It is classic and capsule. In the first case, a fibrocolonoscope is used. This is a flexible tube that is inserted into the intestine through the anus.

The possibilities of colonoscopy are:

  • extraction of foreign objects;
  • restoration of intestinal patency;
  • stop bleeding;
  • biopsy;
  • removal of tumors.

How you can prepare for this procedure, not everyone knows. The main goal is to cleanse the intestines. For this, enemas or special laxatives are used. In case of constipation, castor oil is additionally prescribed. An enema is performed when a bowel movement is delayed. To carry it out, you will need a mug of Esmarch and 1.5 liters of water.

Within 2-3 days you need to follow a slag-free diet. It is forbidden to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, smoked meats, pickles, marinades, rye bread, chocolate, peanuts, chips, seeds, milk and coffee. On the evening before the procedure, it is required to clean the intestines. Used drugs such as Lavacol, Endofalk and Fortrans.

Colonoscopy is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is less pleasant than FEGDS. A probe with a camera at the end is inserted into the rectum. The doctor examines all parts of the large intestine, starting with the rectum. The expansion of the intestine occurs due to the injection of air. This study lasts 20-30 minutes. The following complications are possible with an incorrectly performed colonoscopy:

  • bleeding;
  • perforation of the intestine;
  • bloating;
  • fever;
  • pain.

If the general condition worsens after the procedure, you should visit a doctor. Normally, in a healthy person, the mucosa of the large intestine is pale pink. It is shiny, without ulcerative defects, protrusions and outgrowths, smooth with slight striation. The vascular pattern is uniform. Seals, pus, blood, fibrin deposits and necrotic masses are not determined. Absolute contraindications to colonoscopy are peritonitis, severe heart and respiratory failure, heart attack, severe ischemic stroke, and pregnancy.

X-ray examination of the intestine

Methods for examining the intestines include irrigoscopy. This is a type of radiography that uses a dye. This study allows you to determine the pathological changes in the mucosa. The bowel relief is assessed in detail. Contrasting is simple and double. In the first case, barium sulfate is used. In the second, air is additionally introduced.

The advantages of irrigoscopy are:

  • safety;
  • painlessness;
  • availability;
  • information content;

The condition of the colon (ascending, transverse and descending), sigmoid and rectum is assessed. It is recommended to inject contrast not through the mouth, but through the rectum using an enema. During the examination, the patient is on his side with his upper leg pressed to his stomach. A rectal tube is installed through which a barium solution is injected.

Then an overview photo is taken. After that, the examined person empties the intestines. Next, a second photo is taken. There are the following:

  • suspicion of a tumor;
  • blood in the stool;
  • the presence of stool with pus;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • bloating with stool retention;
  • chronic constipation and diarrhea.

There are 3 main methods of preparation for the procedure:

  • cleansing enemas;
  • taking the drug Fortrans;
  • carrying out hydrocolonotherapy.

A conclusion is drawn from the picture. Irritable bowel syndrome can be suspected if uneven folds-gaustras, areas of narrowing of the intestine in combination with incomplete excretion of contrast during defecation are detected. If during the examination an uneven diameter of the colon, a narrowing of the lumen against a background of spasm, and areas of asymmetric contraction are found, this indicates ulcerative colitis. Barium enema should not be performed in pregnant women, with intestinal perforation, diverticulitis, ulcers, and severe heart failure.

Conducting a capsule study

Modern methods of examining the intestines include capsule colonoscopy. Its difference is that nothing is introduced into the anus of the patient. It is enough to take one capsule, equipped with two chambers. The advantages of this study are:

  • safety;
  • simplicity;
  • no need for anesthesia;
  • no radiation exposure;
  • minimally invasive;
  • the possibility of examining the intestine without a cleansing enema.

The disadvantages include the inconvenience of processing the received data and the difficulty of swallowing. A picture of the intestine with a capsule is recorded on a special device that is worn on a belt. This study is of limited use. It is costly. A capsule study is performed when it is impossible to implement.

Complications include a delay in the removal of the capsule. Some patients develop allergic reactions. The study is carried out on an outpatient basis. The person does not need to be in the hospital. After swallowing the capsule, you can go about your daily activities. Preparation includes the use of laxatives.

Examination with a sigmoidoscope

To examine the final sections of the intestine, sigmoidoscopy is often organized. The procedure is performed using a sigmoidoscope. It is a lighting device with a metal tube. The thickness of the latter is different. Using a sigmoidoscope, you can examine the mucosa of the sigmoid and rectum at a distance of up to 35 cm from the anus.

  • pain in the anus during bowel movements and at rest;
  • persistent constipation;
  • unstable chair;
  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • the presence of mucus or pus in the feces;
  • feeling of a foreign body.

The study is carried out in chronic hemorrhoids and inflammation of the colon. Sigmoidoscopy is contraindicated in acute anal fissure, narrowing of the intestine, massive bleeding, acute paraproctitis, peritonitis, heart and lung failure. The preparation is similar to that for a colonoscopy.

Immediately before the introduction of the tube of the sigmoidoscope into the anus, it is lubricated with petroleum jelly. The advancement of the device is carried out during attempts. To straighten the folds of the intestine, air is pumped. In the presence of a large amount of pus or blood, an electric pump can be used. If necessary, material is taken for histological analysis.

Other research methods

Magnetic resonance imaging is a modern method for diagnosing bowel diseases. It can be done with double contrast. The dye is administered intravenously and through the mouth. This method cannot replace a colonoscopy. He is supportive. The advantages of MRI are painlessness, information content and the absence of radiation exposure.

Layered pictures of the organ are taken. The doctor receives a three-dimensional image on the screen. Tomography is based on the use of magnetic fields. The latter are reflected from the nuclei of tissue hydrogen ions. Before an MRI, you need to clean the intestines and follow a diet for several days. The procedure takes about 40 minutes. Pictures are taken while the patient is holding his breath.

The patient is placed on the platform and the body is fixed with straps. The methods of examination of patients include anoscopy. With it, you can examine the final section of the intestinal tube. An anoscope is required. This is a device that consists of an obturator, a tube and a light handle.

Before anoscopy, a digital rectal examination is often required. This is done in order to assess the patency of the intestine. If necessary, an anesthetic ointment is used. Thus, if intestinal pathology is suspected, an instrumental study is mandatory. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on the basis of a survey, examination and palpation.


Health 10.04.2018

The state of the gastrointestinal tract directly affects the functioning of the whole organism. For the proper course of internal processes, a person needs certain substances, hormones, enzymes. If they are not enough, a gradual imbalance occurs, the functions of many systems change, immunity decreases.

The wide possibilities of modern diagnostics allow timely detection of acute and chronic diseases. But how to check the intestines and when should it be done? Doctor Evgenia Nabrodova will tell us about everything.

Which specialist to contact

So, how to check the intestines for diseases, and which doctor does this? The first thing I recommend is to see a therapist. This generalist has knowledge from various fields of medicine and can prescribe all the necessary studies. There are therapists in every medical center, but gastroenterologists are often absent, especially in public clinics in provincial cities and small towns.

Make an appointment with the doctor who can see you in the near future. The specialist will study the complaints and tell you how to check the intestines and what procedures need to be carried out for this. The proctologist, endoscopist, is engaged in checking the intestines.

The gastrointestinal tract is very long and consists of several parts. Its lower sections are occupied by the small and large intestines. If any pathologies occur in this area, there are signs of indigestion and characteristic changes:

  • weight loss;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • acute or chronic abdominal pain;
  • sudden onset weakness;
  • pathological impurities in the feces (blood, pus, mucus);
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of burning, itching in the anus;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • aversion to certain foods.

If you find the symptoms listed above, it is recommended to make an appointment with a general practitioner or gastroenterologist. If your health is satisfactory and the doctor has not found any serious violations, then the diagnosis will be carried out on an outpatient basis.

If you wish, you can undergo certain tests and check the intestines for diseases without visiting a doctor. But with the results of the diagnosis, it will still be necessary to contact a specialist. And he can also refer you to other procedures. Therefore, I advise you to first contact a gastroenterologist or therapist with all suspicions and complaints.

Methods for examining the intestine

Instrumental diagnostic methods make it possible to identify with high accuracy the signs of the inflammatory process, benign and malignant neoplasms, assess the condition of blood vessels, lymph nodes, bone and soft structures.

The main methods for examining the small and large intestines:

  • colonoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • intensinoscopy;
  • capsule endoscopy;
  • CT scan of the abdominal organs.

I would like to briefly talk about how to check the intestines for diseases in adults and children using the listed instrumental diagnostic methods. I draw your attention to the fact that most methods of diagnosing the intestines require preliminary preparation (enemas, taking laxatives and enterosorbents, short-term hunger).

Colonoscopy is a modern endoscopic method for studying diseases of the large intestine. Diagnosis is carried out using a flexible probe equipped with a miniature camera. It is injected through the anus and at the same time air is supplied, which expands the intestinal tube and smoothes the mucous walls.

Indications for colonoscopy:

  • the presence of a foreign body in the large intestine;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • chronic pain syndrome;
  • iron deficiency anemia with unknown causes;
  • suspicion of erosive colitis and malignant tumors;
  • obtaining a positive blood test for tumor markers;
  • inflammatory processes of the large intestine.

Some gastrointestinal diagnostic procedures are complex and require general or local anesthesia. It's just a colonoscopy. The method itself is informative, but its specificity frightens patients. They do not want to go through the procedure again, especially if there is an alternative. Because of this, people often ask how to check the intestines for diseases without a colonoscopy.

During an endoscopic examination, the doctor not only examines the walls of the intestine, but also carries out various therapeutic measures and minimally invasive operations (tissue sampling for biopsy, removal of polyps and tumors, elimination of the causes of bleeding).

In this video, you can learn a lot about how to check the intestines with and without colonoscopy, about common ways to examine the lining of the small and large intestines.


Irrigoscopy refers to radiopaque methods for diagnosing the large intestine using a barium suspension. The method is invasive, but quite safe.

The main indications for irrigoscopy:

  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • chronic abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of mucus or blood in the feces;
  • weight loss and appetite.

With the help of barium enema, you can check the intestines for the presence of tumors, malformations, inflammatory processes, fistulas, diverticulosis. First, the doctor takes a plain x-ray of the abdominal cavity, and then, under x-ray control, fills the intestines with barium. In this case, there is a feeling of bursting and discomfort. During the procedure, the diagnostician makes an aiming x-ray, and then again - a survey x-ray.

Sigmoidoscopy is an endoscopic method that allows you to examine the rectum and lower part of the sigmoid colon using a special tube. Before the procedure, a complete bowel cleansing is performed. Sigmoidoscopy is performed without anesthesia. But some patients are advised to use local or intravenous anesthesia.

The main indications for sigmoidoscopy:

  • abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • suspicion of oncological tumors of the lower parts of the large intestine;
  • pathological impurities in the feces;
  • violation of the stool, alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • assessment of the involvement of the colon in the malignant process in the presence of tumors in the pelvic area - (cancer of the prostate, uterus, ovaries);
  • determination of the cause of mucopurulent discharge from the rectum.

Sigmoidoscopy is considered one of the best methods for the prevention of colorectal cancer in the early stages of the growth of a malignant tumor. The study is recommended to be carried out annually after 50 years.


Intestinoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the small intestine. Allows for biopsy for subsequent cytological and histological studies.

The main indications for diagnosis:

  • detection of diseases of the small intestine during x-ray studies;
  • the need to take tissue for further study;
  • intestinal bleeding of unknown cause;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • development of enteritis;
  • malabsorption of nutrients;
  • assessment of the patient's condition after surgery on the small intestine;
  • the presence of polyps and neoplasms.

Many people do not know how to check the small intestine. Most of the available methods make it possible to examine the large intestine. And for visual monitoring of the state of the small intestine and for minimally invasive procedures, intestinoscopy is intended.

Capsule Endoscopy

Capsule endoscopy makes it possible to check the intestines for common diseases. Before the procedure, you need to swallow a capsule that acts as a camera and takes pictures. They are transferred to the recording device. Using this method, it is possible to obtain an image of even hard-to-reach parts of the intestine, to detect tumors, polyps, areas of necrosis and inflammation.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the intestine is a non-invasive method for examining and obtaining images using electromagnetic pulses. The method is considered highly informative, it is used by gastroenterologists, surgeons and oncologists.

The main indications for checking the intestines with MRI:

  • search for neoplasms;
  • clarification of the boundaries of the inflammatory or oncological process in order to conduct effective surgical treatment;
  • determination of the internal structure of the tumor and the quality of its blood supply;
  • detection of metastases in hard-to-reach places (mesenteric root, hilar lymph nodes);
  • suspicion of polyps and intestinal diverticula;
  • the presence of contraindications for colonoscopy and contrast study of the large intestine.

Magnetic resonance imaging is not used in the presence of any metal elements in the patient's body or implants. Sometimes MRI of the intestine is performed with contrast. During the procedure, the patient must remain still.

CT scan of the abdominal cavity

CT of the abdominal organs makes it possible to obtain layered x-rays of the gastrointestinal tract, to detect not only intestinal diseases, but also concomitant pathologies. Diagnostics is informative for detecting inflammatory and tumor processes, assessing the degree of damage to internal organs. With the help of additional contrasting during computed tomography, it is possible to assess the condition of the vessels and, with a high probability, to detect oncological tumors, which most often have a noticeable network of capillaries and vessels.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to check the intestines with an ultrasound. Ultrasound attracts patients with its simplicity, accessibility and non-invasiveness. But specifically, it is useless to check the intestines on ultrasound. The method is not informative. With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to study nearby organs - the liver, pancreas, bile ducts, spleen, but not intestinal loops.

Preparing for an instrumental bowel test

Most methods of checking the condition of the intestine require careful preparation. The doctor should tell about it in detail. In order for the diagnostic results to be reliable and help to make an accurate diagnosis, there should be no feces, gases and a large amount of liquid in the intestinal lumen.

Preparation for endoscopic and radiopaque studies of the intestine begins 3-5 days before the diagnosis. All gas-producing foods, including legumes, black bread, cabbage and milk, are excluded from the patient's diet. Additionally, the intestines are cleansed with enemas and laxatives. Research is carried out on an empty stomach. In the morning, 1-2 hours before the procedure, the doctor may recommend an additional enema.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

How to check the stomach and intestines using laboratory diagnostics? Test results can only indirectly confirm the presence of certain diseases. An exception is blood donation for tumor markers. Using this method, you can check the intestines for oncology with high accuracy.

When contacting a doctor with complaints about bowel function, standard laboratory tests are prescribed (general blood count, blood biochemistry, general urinalysis). In the inflammatory process, the ESR, the number of lymphocytes and leukocytes increase. Many bowel diseases occur with intermittent bleeding that leads to anemia. Blood loss can be detected on a general blood test for a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cell count.

If bowel disease is suspected, a fecal analysis is mandatory. According to the consistency and the presence of pathological impurities in the stool, a preliminary diagnosis can be made and the development of dangerous diseases, including colitis and helminthic infestations, can be suspected. Feces are handed over fresh (no later than 2-3 hours after defecation).

I tried to briefly and succinctly tell you about how to check the intestines for diseases using modern methods. And which one is right for you - still the doctor must decide.

your doctor
Evgenia Nabrodova

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Delicious halva

Today, thanks to diagnostic methods, it is possible to identify many diseases at the initial stage of their development. The use of modern equipment makes it possible to obtain the necessary data on human health without causing him severe discomfort and pain.

The study of the state of the body can be done in various ways, among the variety of which endoscopy, ultrasound, radiography, fibroscopy and irrigoscopy are considered the most effective. Each of these methods has its own advantages and nuances, so you should know how to examine the small intestine, and what preparatory measures are needed.

An examination of the small intestine is simply necessary to determine tumors and ulcers. In addition, various types of diagnostics make it possible to detect pathologies of varying complexity even at the initial stage of their development. Thanks to the use of various techniques, it is possible to diagnose the problem area, assess the complexity of the disease and determine the course of the operation.

In fact, the small intestine plays an important role in the digestive system. It is in it that the final processes of digestion of basic foodstuffs to relatively simple substances and their subsequent absorption are carried out. Subsequently, from such material, the cells of the human body are built.

It is in the small intestine that the absorption of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body occurs.

Specialists distinguish various pathologies of the small intestine, and each of them has a rather uniform manifestation. It is for this reason that all digestive problems are united by such a name as malabsorption syndrome. Regardless of the cause of the pathology, the development of the following symptoms is observed:

  • stool problems
  • rumbling in the stomach
  • pain
  • flatulence
  • intestinal dyspepsia

For more information about capsule endoscopy, see the video:

Mostly with various disorders of the small intestine, patients complain of a disorder of the stool, in which there are remnants of undigested food. The place of localization of painful sensations usually becomes the navel or pancreas, as well as the right half of the abdomen. Usually, the pains are aching, pulling and bursting in nature, and after the passage of gases, their severity decreases markedly.

With various ailments of the small intestine, the appearance of various symptoms is noted due to impaired digestion and absorption of basic foods, trace elements and vitamins. The patient can rapidly lose weight, lose weight and can not get better. The result of this is the development of anemia, the appearance of hemorrhages on the body, increased dryness of the skin and disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Preparation for the procedure

To obtain informative indicators of the study, it is important to observe certain preparation for any procedure:

  • in the event that a capsule is used to diagnose an organ, then such a procedure must be performed only on an empty stomach
  • if it is necessary to perform some diagnostic studies, laxatives are preliminarily prescribed to cleanse the intestines
  • before barium enema, you need to empty the intestines from feces with an enema or laxatives, and the procedure itself is carried out on an empty stomach

If you need to perform endoscopy, you will have to refuse to take medications that contain iron and activated charcoal.

Organ research methods

The latest medical equipment greatly facilitates the process of obtaining information about the state of the patient's digestive organs. To study the state of the body, various diagnostic methods are used, and each of them has its own characteristics. Their main advantage is that their implementation does not cause discomfort and pain.

Using various methods, it is possible to determine even the most complex disease, the course of which is not accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms. Mostly, the examination of the intestine is carried out using various methods. The choice of one or another diagnostic method is determined by the doctor, taking into account the identified pathology of the organ and the need to confirm the diagnosis. For any of these procedures, you should contact your doctor for a referral.