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Psychosomatics of hemorrhoids: causes, treatment methods by Louise Hay. Hemorrhoids: psychological causes as possible factors in the formation and development of hemorrhoids

Diseases are not always caused by physiological or structural changes in the body. Pathological processes can also be provoked by psychological and metaphysical disorders, which explains such a field of knowledge as psychosomatics. As psychiatrists say: “All diseases are from nerves, and only venereal diseases are from love.”

Louise Hay - a mentor, writer, psychologist, philosopher and psychotherapist - owns more than a dozen books about how psychological attitude affects our life and the occurrence of diseases.

We propose to consider what the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids is, as explained by Louise Hay, as well as the physiological and metaphysical causes of hemorrhoids.

What is psychosomatics?

Psychosomatics, translated from ancient Greek as “soul and body,” is a field of medicine and psychology that studies the connection of psychological factors with the occurrence and course of somatic diseases.

Psychosomatic pathology refers to diseases of the body or pathological processes in the body caused by internal experiences or emotional stress.

Disturbances in the emotional sphere include unconscious internal conflict, fear, feelings of aggression and mental suffering.

Somatic illness against the background of psychological problems appears at the moment when the metaphysical pain and suffering of the soul has reached its peak and comes out through the body, damaging and disrupting its functioning.

In the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids, there are eight sources of the disease:

  1. A state of internal conflict.
  2. “Conditional benefit”, when a patient hides from problems behind an illness.
  3. The effect of suggestion, when a person is told from childhood: “You are harmful, clumsy, greedy.” An impressionable person can adopt these qualities.
  4. “Organic speech” when they say: “I’m heartbroken,” “I’m going crazy about this.” Symptoms of the described disease may occur.
  5. The desire to be like. When a person tries to be like someone else, he may become ill with his diseases.
  6. Self-punishment and guilt;
  7. Severe emotional stress caused by the loss of a loved one, moving, job loss, etc.;
  8. Painful past experiences that are imprinted on the present.

Physiological causes of diseases

Varicose veins and enlargement of hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum are a consequence of increased venous pressure in the choroid plexus of the pelvis and stagnation of blood in them.

Venous loans expand and deform, and pockets appear in their walls, in which the rheological properties of blood and normal blood flow are disrupted. These very pockets are usually called hemorrhoidal cones or nodes.

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A complex of various factors leads to the formation and inflammation of hemorrhoidal formations, among which are the following:

  • systematic excessive physical activity associated with lifting heavy loads contributes to overstraining the muscular system of the pelvis and increasing pressure inside it;
  • excessive physical activity during sports, especially weightlifting;
  • inactive lifestyle, which leads to venous stagnation in the choroid plexus of the pelvis. The risk of developing hemorrhoids is especially high in representatives of “sedentary” professions, namely: office workers, programmers, cashiers, teachers, needlewomen, etc. Also, due to a lack of physical activity, intestinal motility is weakened;
  • unhealthy and unbalanced diet, for example, eating large amounts of meat, poultry and fish, spicy and salty foods, baked goods, as well as foods low in plant fiber, can cause bowel problems;
  • chronic constipation or diarrhea.

It has long been said that all of the above factors, in combination or individually, contribute to hemorrhoids. But there are also supporters of the idea that hemorrhoids arise due to psychological and spiritual factors.

Spiritual factors for hemorrhoids

Many years of experience and research by some scientists have shown that hemorrhoids are more common in people who are exposed to systematic psycho-emotional stress.

Damage to hemorrhoidal veins can occur due to psychological suffering, fear or other emotional overload.

It can be considered a disease of our time not only because it arises due to the inactive lifestyle that the benefits of civilization provide us, but also because of the harsh conditions of competition and market relations created in the modern world.

Everyone wants to live well: have a house, a car, relax at resorts, eat high-quality and tasty food, so they are afraid of losing their job or business. Thus, fear of the future is formed inside a person.

In order not to lose wealth or luxury, a person works at a job that he does not always like, but which brings in income. Due to the lack of moral satisfaction with the work in which he is engaged, chronic stress and emotional overstrain arise.

Therefore, the constant race for the blessings of life and psychological overload indirectly contribute to impaired blood flow in the pelvic vessels, and, accordingly, to hemorrhoids.

Psychosomatics explains the occurrence of hemorrhoids by the law of similarity, that is, a person cannot, does not want and does not know how to throw aside everything that is outdated and unnecessary.

Psychosomatics of hemorrhoids - psychological causes

High-risk groups for hemorrhoids can be supplemented the following categories of persons:

  • persons who trust only family and old friends or acquaintances, and are also afraid to open up to a new person in their environment;
  • persons attached to something acquired long ago, for example, clothes, furniture, jewelry, a car, etc. Such people do not want to replace old things with new ones because they are unsure of their reliability, and they are also afraid of losing the memories associated with these things;
  • persons who retain events of past years in their memory for a long time. These may be pleasant moments, or there may be grievances;
  • persons for whom change brings fear and panic. Such persons are not only afraid to change their place of residence, car, or even their hairstyle;
  • persons who have been preparing for future changes for a long time and carefully.

Such people, when there is a risk of losing what they are attached to, or what is significant to them, immerse themselves in work or constantly replay memories of the past. In the first and second cases, a person seems to surround himself with a protective shell.

Psychosomatic aspect of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, according to supporters of psychosamatics, are caused by a person’s inability or unwillingness to get rid of and cleanse themselves of “excess,” as this brings them difficulties and suffering.

“Superfluous” can be called not only garbage in the house, but also in the head, for example, outdated views on life or work that does not bring pleasure.

If you believe the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids, then the disease occurs due to chronic emotional stress, which a person, moreover, does not recognize and suppresses. A person keeps such hidden emotional stress inside, doing himself a “disservice.”

Many people force themselves to go to work that they don’t like and do it faster in order to “forget” about it. There is an opinion that a person in constant emotional stress, trying to quickly complete an unloved job, forgets about rest, sits too long and physically overexerts himself, causing hemorrhoids.

The psychological aspect of hemorrhoids is as follows:

  • long-term resentment and anger towards someone, which a person keeps within himself, seeks a way out and sometimes comes out through the tissues of the rectum;
  • the fear of losing a loved one, as well as a job, jewelry, etc. leads to hemorrhoidal disease. Often the fear of loneliness becomes the cause of hemorrhoids.

Psychosomatics of hemorrhoids according to Louise Hay: causes

As stated earlier, all our diseases arise from nerves. This opinion is not based on empty space, but has an impressive evidence base, which was collected by specialists in the field of psychosomatics, psychologists and psychiatrists.

Louise Hay also has her own opinion on the occurrence of hemorrhoidal disease, who proved that there is a strong connection between a person’s emotional state and hemorrhoids. In her works, she quite clearly described how emotional experiences and emotionality affect the human body.

Louise Hay also says with confidence that by finding the causative emotion or mental experience that is the etiological factor of hemorrhoids, you can completely cure the disease, including hemorrhoids.

The writer claims that enlarged and inflamed hemorrhoids are a reflection of the internal metaphysical and psychological state of the patient. The cause of hemorrhoids should be looked for in yourself, that is, in your consciousness.

To help find the cause of hemorrhoids, she suggests using the following algorithm:

  1. Find the mental state that caused hemorrhoids. This can be done through a deep analysis of your thoughts and experiences that preceded the appearance of the first signs of the disease.
  2. Calculate a possible psychological reason and work through it. It is also necessary to assume other backup mental factors for hemorrhoids.
  3. Start telling yourself that you will get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids and get better.

If you meditate like this every day, then after a certain time you can cleanse your body of “excess”, and with it, of diseases.

As stated, the most common cause of hemorrhoids is long-term resentment and anger at someone. The hardest thing to get rid of is resentment. A “vindictive” person can “bear” a grudge for years. Such “gestation” will harm you much more than the one who offended you.

Louise Hay gave many examples in her books of what mental factors influence the development of hemorrhoids and interfere with recovery. For example, the fear of missing out on a good moment, being late for work, a date, a meeting, or not completing an assignment on time.

But still, Louise Hay puts hidden resentment and anger at someone in first place among the causes of hemorrhoids.

What should be the treatment for hemorrhoids, taking into account the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids?

You can clear your thoughts of bad things and eliminate the mental causes of hemorrhoidal disease through daily and regular meditation. Self-hypnosis will also relieve you of the internal fear that causes illness.

Remind yourself that treatment will take time and you have enough time to overcome the problem. Such self-hypnosis will push the fear of not having time to recover from your thoughts, and will also teach you not to pay attention to external irritating factors.

An equally rare cause of hemorrhoids, according to Louise Hay, is a sense of duty and guilt for something. Guilt is especially inherent in those people who expect punishment. The previous cause of hemorrhoids – fear – also comes into play here.

Negative emotions are psychosomatic factors in the occurrence of diseases.

The main method of treating hemorrhoids against the background of psychological and metaphysical factors is acceptance and awareness of your mistakes, as well as the understanding that this will not happen again. Because a person sets himself up for illness, roughly speaking, he himself is to blame for his troubles.

That is, when treating only the body, do not forget to treat your soul. There is an opinion that not only physiological and structural changes lead to hemorrhoids.

Internal fears, torment, and grievances can also cause symptoms of this proctological disease.

The formation of hemorrhoids leads to unpleasant symptoms in a person, starting with a feeling of itching and discomfort in the anus, ending with bloody discharge from the rectum during defecation. The causes of the disease are different, but most often associated with the characteristics of a person’s life: lack of physical activity, bad habits, chronic constipation, etc.

Psychosomatics also plays an important role in the causes of hemorrhoids and requires special attention from attending physicians due to the need to adjust the treatment regimen.

Clinical manifestations in patients are as follows:

Timely detection of the disease allows you to conduct the necessary research and select effective treatment for the patient, which consists of changing lifestyle and using non-surgical methods of therapy.

In this regard, if any symptoms of dysfunction of the rectum appear, a person should seek medical help.

Causes of the disease

In addition to the influence of psychosomatics on hemorrhoids in women and men, physiological factors play an important role in the development of the disease, the most important of which are:

  • sedentary lifestyle with a predominantly sedentary position. In this regard, hemorrhoids are mainly affected by people whose profession requires a large amount of movement: drivers, cashiers, office workers, etc.;
  • heavy physical activity requiring heavy lifting, such as weightlifting, laborers, etc.;
  • physiological conditions accompanied by increased pressure in the abdominal cavity (pregnancy) also affect the condition of the large intestine;
  • anal sex, leading to negative effects on the mucous membrane and sphincters;
  • changes in the vascular walls associated with senile changes in the body;
  • poor diet, etc.

These factors associated with changes in the tissues of the large intestine create the basis for the appearance of hemorrhoids, however, the psychological state of a person can be of great importance in the development of diseases.

Psychological causes and disease

In addition to the physiological prerequisites for the onset of the disease, it is important to note the psychological causes and psychosomatics of hemorrhoids.

In this regard, every person and doctor needs to know about the impact of psychological problems on the risks of developing or exacerbating the disease.

Any psychological stress, overstrain, problems at work, school or personal life affect not only a person’s well-being, but also the functioning of his internal organs, due to the impact on the autonomic nervous system.

As a rule, for the above reasons, a person begins to change his behavior, including food behavior, he develops apathy and reluctance to do anything.

This condition indirectly leads to stagnation of blood in the rectal area, which creates the preconditions for the development of hemorrhoids.

In addition, psychosomatics plays a role in the development of pathology of any internal organs. This is a complex of changes in various body systems in response to changes in a person’s psychological state. There are special tables and guides that help identify possible psychosomatic causes of diseases, including hemorrhoids.

For example, according to Louise Hay’s table, the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids is associated with the following conditions:

Similar reasons are identified by Dr. Sinelnikov, whose psychosomatics of hemorrhoids is primarily associated with negative experiences or their anticipation. Understanding these factors allows you to select effective therapy and get rid of relapses of the disease.

Treatment approaches

All medications used for treatment improve blood flow in the pelvic vessels, or strengthen the venous wall, which helps stop the progression of the disease. However, recent data on the role of psychosomatics in the occurrence of the disease require certain adjustments to be made in the therapy process.

To do this, the patient should either independently understand the existing reasons, or, what is more correct, contact a specialist, for example, a psychotherapist. Without eliminating psychological problems, hemorrhoids can exist for a long time without responding to standard treatment.

A person should master the following psychological skills:

A person may be aware and understand these aspects of life, however, in practice, many people maintain their behavior, which does not allow them to cope with the disease or recovery occurs for a short period of time. A psychotherapist or psychologist can help the patient apply these principles in life and teach him to live happily and fully.


Psychological factors play an important role in the occurrence of diseases of internal organs. For example, the psychosomatics of anal fissures, hemorrhoids and other disorders of the rectum are regarded by some doctors as the main reason for their occurrence.

It is important to note that, despite the role of the patient’s mood and characteristics of life in the onset of diseases, therapy must necessarily include medications, and, if necessary, surgical methods. This is especially important if the patient develops complications of hemorrhoids, for example, thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins, etc.

A delicate and extremely unpleasant disease, accompanied by varicose veins in the rectum, as well as the formation and possible inflammation of hemorrhoids - vascular formations located inside the rectum or in the perineum. Proceeding unnoticed by prying eyes, hemorrhoids significantly spoil people’s lives and prevent them from leading a normal lifestyle. And although this disease is very common and affects almost every 4th inhabitant of the planet, it is not customary to talk about it due to the sensitivity of the problem.

Signs of hemorrhoids

Like any other disease, hemorrhoids have several forms - from mild to severe and advanced. You can successfully cope with a mild course of the disease on your own and, to one degree or another, control the dynamics of its development.

Advanced forms of hemorrhoids cannot be self-medicated and require only surgical intervention, as a result of which the inflamed hemorrhoids are removed or cauterized with a laser. But even prompt resolution of the problem cannot guarantee a complete cure, since if you are prone to hemorrhoids, relapses are more than likely.

In order to prevent possible complications of the disease, you need to know it.

Main symptoms of hemorrhoids

  1. Unpleasant sensations in the rectum and anus even after bowel movements. They can be expressed in the form of a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of fullness of the rectum, itching, burning, pain both during the act of defecation and after it.
  2. Traces of blood in the stool and on the underwear. Bleeding during and after bowel movements.
  3. Prolapse of hemorrhoids.

It is very important to pay attention to alarming symptoms in time, and. Otherwise, all sorts of complications are inevitable. A timely visit to a doctor will help you avoid a lot of problems and troubles in the future.

Physiological causes of hemorrhoids

Modern medical statistics indicate that hemorrhoids are rapidly becoming younger and are increasingly appearing in young people.

  1. The main and main cause of the disease is a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Hemorrhoids often affect people whose professional activities do not allow for moderate physical activity - drivers, office workers, programmers, accountants, etc.
  2. At the same time, people whose main activity involves heavy physical labor are also susceptible to this disease. As a result of excessive physical activity, builders, loaders, weightlifters, etc. may suffer from hemorrhoids.
  3. Pregnancy and natural childbirth also contribute to the occurrence and development of hemorrhoids.
  4. At risk are people with chronic and congenital diseases: malformations of the intestine and rectum, with, with tumors and intestinal obstruction, etc.
  5. Excessive drinking of alcohol can also cause hemorrhoids.
  6. Passion for anal sex.
  7. Age-related and physiological changes in the body.
  8. Poor nutrition, in the diet of vegetables, fruits, fiber, abuse of fast food and/or spicy foods, drinking insufficient amounts of fluid per day are the most important factors provoking hemorrhoids in all its forms.

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Considering all the above circumstances, it is very important to carefully monitor changes in the body’s functioning, take the necessary measures as quickly as possible and not let the disease take its course.

Psychological causes of hemorrhoids

Despite the abundance of physiological reasons for the occurrence of this unpleasant disease, doctors do not exclude psychological and psychosomatic factors that contribute to the progressive development of the disease.

Modern doctors and psychologists admit the influence of psychological problems on the occurrence, development and exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

The main psychological reason that provokes the disease is considered to be endless stress and emotional tension.

The state of persistent emotional tension directly affects not only a person’s behavior, but also his lifestyle. Due to “nerves”, many people do not monitor their diet - they “eat up” stress or, conversely, stop eating regularly and systematically. Also, under the influence of stress, many are characterized by apathy and reluctance to take any active actions, move, increase physical activity, etc. All this contributes to congestion in the pelvic area, which can subsequently cause the formation of hemorrhoids.

The mental perception of the world around us, according to psychologists, also most directly affects human health. So, according to some of them, the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids is caused by the following factors:

  • Feelings of anger towards events from the past
  • Fear of giving freedom to your sincere feelings
  • Fear of possible separation from something or someone, reluctance to “let go” of something that should leave a person’s life
  • Excessive greed

Psychologists and psychotherapists argue that negative and negative thoughts have the ability to affect a person’s physical condition. And the cause of hemorrhoids, from a psychological point of view, can be the “relocation” of anger, rage or fear from a person’s thoughts into his body.

In simple terms, from the point of view of psychologists, hemorrhoids can be a manifestation of emotional stress or fear that a person would not want to show or in any way demonstrate to others. It is believed that the development of a disease in the rectum is a significant indicator that reflects a person’s internal, perhaps unconscious desires to quickly deal with the negative in one form or another. Therefore, a person, straining, tries to push for a speedy resolution of the psychological problem, but does not do this very successfully.

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Methods of treating hemorrhoids of a psychological nature

If medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids are intended to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and in the rectum in particular, to improve intestinal motility and to strengthen veins and blood vessels, then psychological methods of influencing the disease and its consequences are aimed at reviewing, rethinking and reassessing the current situation and searching for answers to questions that cause a person so much emotional and physical trouble.

You can fight psychological reasons on your own. But the help of a specialist will help speed up this process.

In order to overcome psychological factors, it is important to correctly identify and diagnose the true causes that have become a “springboard” for the development of hemorrhoids. And only after this can you begin active actions to eliminate psychological barriers. Otherwise, all the work done may turn out to be ineffective and useless.

Further methods of treating psychological causes involve the fact that a person must learn:

  • accept circumstances, recognize your rights to fatigue, including emotional fatigue, fears, mistakes, possible failures, etc.
  • give yourself freedom to express emotions, thoughts, ideas, etc.
  • live as calmly and relaxed as possible under the conditions offered
  • radiate positive energy
  • think in a positive way and broadcast only a positive attitude and intentions to the world around you and the Universe

The complexity of such treatment lies in the fact that a person must really understand, realize and accept everything, and not just demonstrate to others his supposed mental changes, because this will help get rid of the disease.

Achieving your goals is achieved through meditation. But for their effectiveness, long-term practice and, possibly, joint work with specialists (psychologists, psychotherapists) are necessary.

Needless to say that psychological practices should only be an auxiliary method of treatment and that medicinal methods of combating the disease are not canceled.

Only with an integrated approach is it possible not only to achieve the highest results, but also to eliminate the possibility of relapses and exacerbations.

Have you ever come across such a concept as the psychosomatics of constipation and hemorrhoids? The people have firmly established the phrase that all diseases are caused by nerves. One might think that these were speculations of ordinary people who accidentally connected a bad mood and various ailments. However, this is not so, and there is a definite truth that the appearance and development of diseases of the body, that is, somatic, is influenced by a person’s state of mind (psychological). What psychosomatics is and how this concept is related to such a pathology as hemorrhoids will be discussed in this publication.

Is there a connection between soul, character and health?

Before explaining what the principles of psychosomatics are, we will give three quotes from great people.

  • “Our life is what we think about it” (Marcus Aurelius).
  • “What we are today is a consequence of our yesterday’s thoughts, and today’s thoughts create tomorrow’s life. Life is a creation of our mind.” (Buddha).
  • “If your health is bad, think about something else.” (Edward Benson).

Paraphrasing each of these statements into the language of psychosomatics, we can say that the state of the nervous system, thoughts and mood of a person also influence the state of his health. The psyche and body are inextricably linked with each other, and there are a great many striking examples of this. Have you noticed how easily you can get sick, for example, catch a cold, if you are in a bad mood or some mental problem is haunting you? It can be observed that the exacerbation of chronic diseases often occurs precisely during the period of some life troubles, stress or depressive conditions. Hemorrhoids are no exception. Psychosomatics is called upon to explain these phenomena; let’s get to know it better.

What is psychosomatics?

In simple terms, psychosomatics is a direction in science that studies the relationship between the human psyche, his nervous system and physical health, the state of systems and organs. If we delve deeper into psychosomatics, then any psychological state corresponds to a certain level of energy. At the same time, it can have different frequencies, and the body adjusts its cells, tissues and organs in accordance with the energy level at which a person is, whether he is happy or depressed.

Psychosomatics claims that any of the feelings: love or joy, passion or resentment, hatred, uncertainty, fear, pride or sadness, endows its owner with a certain energy. This has long been not considered something from the realm of mysticism, but on the contrary, this fact has been proven by physicists and biologists in numerous scientific studies, and lies at the basis of psychosomatics. It is not surprising that the word “love” pronounced over freezing water leads to the formation of amazingly beautiful and symmetrical crystals and snowflakes, while negative words such as “fear” and “Hitler” form ugly, ugly crystals. By the way, the human body consists of more than 80% water...

Psychosomatics allows for the principle of multifactoriality, according to which several problems together can become the cause of one disease.

A person’s personality with all its psychological characteristics, experience, past experiences, temperament and upbringing determines the tendency to certain diseases.

And any personality is formed by time, therefore, the solution to psychological problems, according to supporters of psychosomatics, should begin with working on one’s past, which will help eliminate certain negative and not entirely useful character traits, complexes, habits, illusions, fears and beliefs. The practice of using psychosomatics has shown that this does not require a long period of several years - with a serious approach to solving the problem, it is six months to a year.

Today, many methods and trainings have been created, by studying and applying which you can radically change your life, forgetting about many diseases, including hemorrhoids. The best option would be to seek help from a qualified psychosomatic specialist.

Psychosomatic diseases: are there many of them?

Based on the concepts of psychosomatics, any disease can be considered as the result of certain psychological problems and mental discomfort. Let's take for example a disease such as asthma, the main symptom of which is painful attacks of suffocation. From the point of view of psychosomatics, this pathology is the result of the fact that a person does not feel completely free, does not know how to “breathe deeply,” is under psychological pressure from circumstances or other people, has not learned to act independently and live a full life. Asthma develops due to exposure to allergens, and adherents of psychosomatics believe that this disease may indicate that the body “expresses” a protest against something, but cannot resist it.

Any disease can be characterized in this way. Many people do not agree with the principles of psychosomatics, believing that the causes of all ailments are already clear - a virus or bacteria has entered the body, a certain hormone has ceased to be produced in sufficient quantities, the immune system has shown a protective reaction to the allergen, etc. But speaking in the language of supporters of psychosomatics, one can ask the question why a bacteria or virus took root in the body, why the gland stopped synthesizing the required amount of hormones, how to explain the protest of the immune system?

In psychosomatics, it is believed that the human body is a shell that, as it were, adapts to the thoughts of its owner, his mental state. The body can be considered as an indicator that can signal certain problems through discomfort, pain, and all kinds of pathologies.

If something hurts, psychosomatics experts urge you to regard it as a signal to action, to the fact that you should change something in your life, or change your attitude towards it, towards yourself or towards the people around you.

In psychosomatics, each organ of the body corresponds to a certain concept or symbol. For example, the duodenum is associated with the team, and the person is the leader. Figuratively speaking, the state of the intestines depends on how you lead and treat your subordinates. In psychosomatics, the feelings that accompany illnesses of this part of the intestine are anger, revenge, cruelty, and the more pronounced such thoughts and emotions are in a person, the more severe the intestinal pathology is, ranging from pain to bleeding, ulcers and even rupture of the intestine. Psychosomatics explains the development of a huge number of ailments, including hemorrhoids and other rectal problems.

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But, for example, diabetes in psychosomatics is associated with dissatisfaction with one’s life, with unjustified expectations, unfulfilled dreams, the desire that others are obliged to make a person’s life better, as well as with anger between a man and a woman. The body seems to be trying to make life sweeter, as a result of which the blood sugar level rises.

State of mind and the rectum

Problems of the rectum (hemorrhoids, etc.) are associated with a person’s inability to admit their own mistakes, the habit of avoiding and running away from problems and affairs, and the organ itself symbolizes work, activity, labor. Let's find out what conditions, from a psychosomatic point of view, are associated with various diseases of the rectum, including constipation and hemorrhoids:

  • rectal spasm, proctitis – fear of accepting the result of one’s work;
  • fecal incontinence - a person wants to quickly get rid of the result of his activities, labor;
  • paraproctitis - associated in psychosomatics with fear of negative criticism in relation to one’s work;
  • itching and fissures of the anus - an internal conflict between responsibilities and reluctance to do something, self-coercion;
  • bleeding - thoughts of revenge and hatred towards someone who prevents something from being accomplished;
  • inflammation - in psychosomatics this is the construction of grandiose plans and uncertainty in their implementation;
  • infectious inflammatory process - the habit of blaming others for your failures;
  • fungal infection in psychosomatics corresponds to bitterness and sadness from failed work;
  • varicose veins, hemorrhoids - anger at loved ones, inability to finish a job and the habit of putting off important things for later;
  • Cancer – in psychosomatics, it is non-acceptance of oneself and the results of one’s activities, fear of criticism, old grievances and hatred, self-criticism, deep emotional wounds.

What is the psychosomatics of constipation and hemorrhoids?

Factors in the development of hemorrhoids can be different problems, which can be combined into three directions, or opinions.

Emotional Traps

The first point of view regarding hemorrhoids in psychosomatics is based on the fact that the enlargement of hemorrhoids is provoked by the phenomenon of a person getting stuck on something or someone. For example, the habit of hoarding things, the inability to get rid of unnecessary things, greed. “Plyushkin syndrome” has an emotional cause, namely attachment to things, fear of losing something. By cluttering up his space and his thoughts, a person, willy-nilly, clutters up his body, the blood becomes viscous and stagnates in the veins.

Psychosomatics indicates that unnecessary excess energy with stagnant blood accumulates in hemorrhoids, ultimately leading to their distension and the well-known symptoms of such a delicate proctological disease as hemorrhoids.

Therefore, the first thing psychosomatics experts advise to do in such cases is to learn to let go without getting hung up on anything. Let go of people, throw away unnecessary things, learn to accept loved ones as free people and get rid of excessive emotional dependence on them. Designers and philosophers recommend paying attention to minimalism, according to which a person should surround himself only with those things that he really needs, and psychologists and psychosomatic specialists call for freeing oneself from accumulated emotions and attachments.

Here is a vivid example of the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids. Incredibly, family members suffering from hemorrhoids and constipation have certain character traits: they are all inveterate conservatives who are terribly afraid of changing something in their lives and getting rid of something. They do not make new friends, living by the principle “an old friend is better than two new ones,” they value old relationships, they rarely change furniture or interiors, and they tend to think about everything for a long time and carefully. Together with things and objects, they can also diligently, over the years, accumulate grievances and negative memories, which very often overwhelm the body and literally crawl out through the fifth point in the form of hemorrhoids or accumulated dense feces, leading to constipation.

Tension and fears

The second line of opinion about the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids implies that this disease is the result of a constant state of stiffness, tension and fear. An example of this could be an unloved job, pressure from others, as well as dissatisfaction with one’s financial situation. Hemorrhoids are often found in men who have a domineering wife and occupy the position of “henpecked”.

Chinese philosophy and hemorrhoids

From this point of view, the cause of hemorrhoids is a malfunction of the so-called muladhara, or lower chakra, which, due to circumstances, has exhausted its resources or cannot withstand the lifestyle that a person leads. Here, experts recommend practicing therapeutic exercises aimed at restoring the energy resources of muladhara. Note that ancient Chinese philosophy is also close to the principles of psychosomatics.

Treatment of hemorrhoids and management of thoughts

But how, you ask, can you treat hemorrhoids based only on the principles of psychosomatics? After all, the development of the disease is influenced by a sedentary lifestyle, weakness of the venous wall, bad habits, and many other reasons. Of course, the treatment must be comprehensive and no one cancels the medications and methods of therapy prescribed by the proctologist. In this case, compliance with recommendations, therapeutic diet and gymnastics play one of the main roles.

But a counter question arises - why, after successful treatment and strict adherence to the doctor’s advice, does hemorrhoids appear again after a while? Because the root cause was and remains in the person himself, resulting in a repeated result. Therefore, following the doctor’s recommendations, do not forget about the principles of psychosomatics in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The basic rule of psychosomatics here is: do not accumulate anything, do not be afraid to give or lose, move forward, let go of grievances and people, gain new experience. Don’t get attached to the past, learn to give, free yourself, share both knowledge and material values, as well as love and emotions.

In conclusion, here are affirmations and phrases for adjusting your mental attitude and thoughts:

  • I love life.
  • There is always a place and time to do what I want.
  • In my life, everything happens in the best way and on time.
  • I enjoy freedom.
  • It’s easy and pleasant for me to part with everything that is no longer useful.
  • I happily forgive myself.
  • Parting is pleasant and safe.
  • I gladly part with the past and thank you for everything that happened to me.
  • I choose love, I approve of myself and everything I do now.
  • The only thing that leaves me is what I no longer need.
  • I'm parting with everything except love.

And don’t forget that “constipation in thinking is the same as constipation in the anus.” Be healthy!

- this is varicose veins in the anus, associated with enlargement, prolapse, inflammation, and sometimes bleeding of the venous areas of the rectum.

The human rectum is penetrated by a network of venous plexuses with small arteries. The basis of hemorrhoids is a dysfunction of these vessels: an increase in the influx of arterial blood and a decrease in the outflow of blood from the venous plexuses. This disorder leads to expansion of the venous plexuses and the formation of hemorrhoids.

It was revealed that this disease is more often diagnosed in men (80%).

Signs of hemorrhoids:

  • unpleasant sensations
  • itching and pain in the anus,
  • bleeding.

Based on the location of hemorrhoids, internal, external and combined types of hemorrhoids are distinguished.

Depending on the degree of complication, four stages of hemorrhoids are diagnosed.

The causes and factors of hemorrhoids are:

  • genetic predisposition,
  • overstrain of the pelvic muscles and increased pressure inside it due to excessive physical activity (sports, lifting heavy objects),
  • venous congestion in the choroid plexus of the pelvis and weakened intestinal motility due to a sedentary lifestyle,
  • constant stool disorders due to unhealthy and unbalanced diet,
  • chronic constipation or diarrhea,
  • pregnancy and childbirth,
  • various intoxications (alcohol, etc.),
  • infections that cause inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins.

Probably, more than once we have heard the word “hemorrhoids” being used to describe difficulties in life that take away a person’s nervous strength.

If you look at the metaphysical symbolism of veins, then this identification of difficulties and illness becomes clear. Blood vessels are the “roads” along which vitality and joy (blood) move. And then obstacles appear on the path of movement in the form of problems and experiences that disrupt normal functioning and lead to stagnation (illness).

The place of origin of the disease tells us what the person’s problems are related to. Thus, the rectum is responsible for ridding our body of waste and unnecessary waste. Hence, the appearance of psychosomatic hemorrhoids in this area clearly indicates that people suffering from this disease cannot or do not want to get rid of unnecessary things, accumulate negative emotions, and are afraid of change.

Psychosomatics of hemorrhoids: opinions of Liz Burbo, Louise Hay, Vladimir Sinelnikov

The famous author on psychosomatics Louise Hay writes that the anus is a channel for liberation from everything unnecessary. And, in her opinion, extreme contamination (with unnecessary old thoughts, beliefs and emotions) leads to problems with this organ.

In Louise Hay's table of causes of illness, we find that hemorrhoids symbolize fear of the last line, anger at the past, fear of giving vent to feelings, as well as depression.

According to Dr. V. Sinelnikov , hemorrhoids appear if it is difficult to get rid of the old and unnecessary in life. Deliverance is difficult and painful due to anger, fear, anger, and feelings of guilt in connection with past events. The person is burdened with unpleasant emotions, feels the “pain of loss,” and therefore does not want to let go of the past.

V. Zhikarentsev He sees the psychological causes of hemorrhoids as fear of a forbidden trait, a limit, anger towards the past, fear of letting go of the process, a painful feeling.

According to psychologist Liz Burbo , hemorrhoids speak of emotional stress and fear, which a person does not want to show or discuss. These suppressed emotions are associated with the fact that a person constantly forces himself, puts pressure on himself, especially. in the material sphere. All this becomes a heavy burden.

Considering that hemorrhoids appear in the rectum, which is the final part of the large intestine, the psychologist writes that a person strains and pushes himself due to the fact that he wants to finish something quickly.

According to Liz Burbo, psycho-emotional tension is often created by a person’s desire to have something or someone. This desire is associated with a feeling of material disadvantage or inability to make decisions. Moreover, the stronger the lack of self-confidence or the future, the more suffering hemorrhoids cause.

The psychologist believes that the anus as a terminal orifice symbolizes the end of an idea, relationship or other process. Pain in this area indicates a feeling of guilt due to a strong desire to stop something.

According to Liz Burbo, bleeding from hemorrhoids indicates that a person is not allowing himself to enjoy life. Man has reached the limit of his capabilities. Everything he has suppressed inside himself comes out.

Dr. Luule Viilma This is how a patient with hemorrhoids is characterized: a person is waging a difficult, evil war without the desired result. Such a person is characterized by a desire to finish what he started at any cost, using any means and opportunities.

Reiki specialists B. Baginski and S. Shalila write that it is difficult for a person suffering from hemorrhoids to leave something, that something bothers him, but he cannot or does not want to get rid of it.

Yoga teacher G.G. Statsenko (Guru Ar Santem) writes that the psychological cause of hemorrhoids is greed and reluctance to let go of what should go away according to natural laws. A person may feel sorry for letting go of things related to the navel chakra: things, money or energy.

Psychological causes of the disease

Repeated studies by scientists and psychologists have revealed that this disease most often occurs in people who regularly experience psycho-emotional stress.

This means that both excessive physical activity and excessive psycho-emotional overload associated with a specific area of ​​life are reflected in the body by tension in the corresponding organ and lead to the same effect. In our case – to hemorrhoids.

Strong attachment to something, unresolved memories of something unpleasant in the past, trust only in loved ones, fear of change - such characteristics belong to people suffering from hemorrhoids.

Bleeding from hemorrhoids indicates their loss of zest for life, which is accompanied by anger and disappointment. People suffering from this disorder tend to get irritated instead of seeing the positive in the situation.

The psychosomatics of hemorrhoids in women is associated with such characteristic qualities as impressionability and emotionality. It should be taken into account that a woman’s inner world can contain a lot of fears: fear of unattractiveness and fear of losing a beloved man, fear of losing a job, anxiety for children, etc.

If all these qualities and negative emotions, combined into one whole, “settle” in a woman’s inner world for a long time, then her body, for the purpose of self-preservation, will be forced to find a painful way out of the current situation.

As psychologists note, the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids in men is based on the fear of losing what is available as a result of changes and on the desire to achieve more. Considering the tendency of men to suppress and keep their fears and problems to themselves, the mechanism for increasing pressure inside the body becomes clear. And then it’s up to the body: how much it can withstand.

Ways to heal psychosomatic hemorrhoids

If we are talking about a psychosomatic illness (and not hemorrhoids that appeared after lifting weights), then the algorithm of actions here is quite simple (as is the case with other psychosomatic illnesses).

It will be better if before the debriefing you calm your thoughts and emotions and relax.

  1. Calm analysis obsessive thoughts and strong emotions preceding the disease that have haunted you for a long time. You can use the psychological reasons listed in the article as a hint.
  2. Awareness and acceptance of the found psycho-emotional cause your illness. Here you need honesty with yourself and courage to admit your incorrect, destructive thoughts and emotions. Awareness gives liberation.
  3. Developing a Positive Perception the surrounding world, building a gentle attitude towards yourself: learning to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, choosing relaxation techniques for yourself, giving yourself time and freedom, being self-confident, being able to express your feelings, etc.
  4. Forming the habit of thanking the Creator for every day of life and enjoy every day.

Live easily and joyfully, and be healthy!