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Various animals come at me in my dreams. Noble dream book by N. Grishina. Dream Interpretation - Small animals

I had this dream when I was 15 years old, during a period of illness. I was an Indian woman, dressed in a sari, walking down the path with a jug on my head. There was fantastic greenery all around, “not ours” trees, lush vegetation, extraordinary beauty. I was pregnant and felt incredible calm and peace. So I go down to the lake - it is small and very clean, the water is clear. I fill a jug with water. I see that around the lake, very close to me, there are wild animals sitting (I don’t remember which ones, it seems a tiger or a lion was among them) and, it seems, there was some kind of dog there. With reason I understand that I have something to fear, but sleep is not driven by reason, but by something else, thanks to which I know that I have nothing to fear. I feel very well. Then the picture changes. I’m just me, and not an Indian, I’m in some hospital office, where the atmosphere is... ordinary and unpleasant. It seems like the time has come to give birth. I am very scared to give birth, and I wake up from fear. In my opinion, the dog was present there too... I don’t know whether the dream is connected with the disease, but after a while I recovered. And I still remember the incredible beauty and richness of colors of the “Indian” part of the dream.


It seems to me that you misunderstood the proposed version of the image of bears. They cannot be released. Besides, in my dream, we are not talking about training. For example, if a “lion” came to visit me - which can be deciphered as “the king of all instincts”, of course, it would be better to tame him. By the way, “zoo” may well represent a person who keeps all his feelings in cages.


I completely agree with this interpretation of the “zoo”. But feelings in a cage do not develop freely; the person who keeps them there is afraid of something. That’s why I suggested imagining the other extreme: what would happen if they, your completely tame animals, were released into the wild?

And training - I’m talking about a dream in which a circus appeared.


Meg, I was also thinking about your recurring fountains... This is also a kind of cage, only not for animals, but for water. Although you interpret the sea as an illusion of development (I’m still more inclined to agree with Arseny here - I read your discussion), a natural body of water is natural, there is no artificiality in it, unlike an artificially created fountain... It’s not for nothing that the sea in “Goat” dolphin" is overflowing its banks - if something is artificially restrained for a long time, it will definitely break through someday and can take on threatening forms...



I’m standing on the veranda of a familiar country house. A little to the left and lower on the ground, a black panther is tormenting a tiger, a lion appears and enters into a fight, but is attacked by a leopard. I bang my hand on the railing and shout, “Tell me this is a dream, it can’t be like this!” However, throughout everything, the polar bear calmly walks...


Several times in recent days I have had the same dream: a fluffy animal is lying on my chest, warming me, and spreading its paws towards my shoulders. And now I had such a dream. I wander around the garage complex, it is deep underground, somewhat reminiscent of stables, multi-story, the walls, floor, ceiling are made of black earth. And only the iron gates of the boxes are light gray. In one of the garages there is my car, I started around it with my father, then alone. Coming to the surface, I find myself in a beautiful park, I walk there until I remember that I didn’t close the garage! I run back, I keep picturing to myself that there is no car, the garage is empty. The man on duty at the entrance to the garage complex looked for my name in a book for a long time, when he found it, I noticed he had a remote control with green and yellow lights, asked if anyone had driven out in my car, and he said no. Having calmed down a little, I went down to my garage, opened the iron gates, entered and only then realized that since they were closed, it meant that I had closed them after all! After the interruption, I find myself in the Crimea, in the park, with a tour we go down a narrow stone staircase with high steps into a small clearing, along the edges overgrown with beautiful willows with silver leaves. A strange animal follows us up the stairs, which one of the employees of the establishment where we are giving a tour calls a “tiger pony.” It really does look like a tiny orange horse with black stripes, and the animal runs up to me. Everyone admires him, and he suddenly jumps up on me and lies flat on his chest, throwing his paws over my shoulders. So, with him on my chest, I walk. I feel good, warm, and even sorry to give away the animal. And he doesn’t want to leave! We already went to the bus stop, but he didn’t show up! There is another interruption, and I find myself one of the residents of the hostel. Narrow corridors, inconvenient. I go down to the store, and there I see children torturing some kind of creature. I take it from them and identify the creature as a baby kangaroo. It fits on my chest just like the Tiger Pony. For some reason I go into the kindergarten and persuade the manager to place the animal, she objects, and I and the kangaroo return to the hostel.

The beast is a symbol of man’s spiritual strength, a symbol of his enemies and friends. It is necessary to look at the situation that you are dreaming about, since the animal can have many meanings and interpretations.

What if you dream about an animal?

Why do you dream about an animal? If a sleeping person dreams of warm-blooded animals, this speaks of the internal drives and affects of the sleeping person, social forces and how they influence his life.

If a person dreams of many white animals, all dreams are favorable, however, only if this animal is not a cat. Several white animals in a dream - meeting with friends.

If you dream of flying animals, but without wings, you are leaving a good, good life, from spirituality. If you dream that you are riding a wild animal - be able to subjugate those internal forces that the dreamed animal symbolizes, try to cope with an insurmountable obstacle.

If you dreamed of an animal whose head the sleeper carries in his hands, the sleeper is guided and controlled by attractions and passions. If you dream of scary animals, the sleeper has a bad conscience and has enemies. If animals talk in a dream, the voice of conscience will awaken in the sleeping person, or it is he who is talking to the sleeping person in a dream. If the sleeper himself talks to an animal in a dream, he will experience grief.

What does it portend?

Dream of an animal that growls - to the news. If the roar is menacing, it predicts the proximity of the enemy. If you dreamed that an animal’s mouth was gaping, there were a lot of thoughts and thoughts about the female genital organs.

If animals fight, there is a struggle of passions in the sleeper’s soul, a meeting with strangers, discord with sad consequences.

Small animals, their cubs, blind and naked - if a woman has such a dream many times, it indicates an imminent pregnancy.

Wild animals are usually not a good dream. If they are in a closed or limited space (not in the wild) - experience excitement, anxiety for their freedom.

according to the dream book of animals

It has a dual meaning, carrying both solar and lunar symbolism, the personification of both good and evil. As a solar symbol, the lion represents the heat, brilliance and power of the midday Sun, the principle of fire, splendor, strength and courage, fortitude, justice, law, military power, the King of Beasts. On the other hand, the lion symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, and an animal lifestyle. He is a symbol of war and is an attribute of the gods of war. Personifying the lunar principle, the lioness accompanies the Great Mother or is harnessed to her chariot. Symbolizing maternal instinct, the lioness is often depicted with virgin goddesses of war. The goddesses of Crete, Mycenae, Phrygia, Thrace, Syria, Lycia and Sparta had a lioness on their coat of arms. She appears in images next to the winged Artemis, Cybele, Fortuna and the Gorgons, and in India and Tibet - as an attribute of Tara and a symbol of earth and motherhood. The lion and unicorn symbolize the competing solar-lunar, feminine-masculine forces. The lion killing the boar signifies the power of the Sun killing the boar of Winter. The lion and dragon devouring each other symbolize a union in which the identity of both allies is preserved. The lion and lamb symbolize the newfound paradise, the original unity, the "Golden Age", and the end of this world and all conflicts. The solar hero who kills the lion is the Sun god, moderating the scorching heat of the midday Sun. Macrobius says that lions symbolize the Earth, “Mother of the Gods.” A pair of lions means a “twice strong” ruler, as well as a guardian of doors, gates and treasures, or the Tree of Life. They often support the solar symbol in images and personify vigilance and courage. A winged lion or griffin can represent an androgyne or a union of two elements. The green lion is the symbol of the young grain god before he ripens into the golden grain. The lion's head serving as a fountain symbolizes the daytime Sun, the gift of water spewing onto the Earth. The throne standing on lions means the tamed forces of the cosmos. In alchemy, the red lion symbolizes the male principle of sulfur, and the unicorn symbolizes the female mercury. The green lion signifies the beginning of the alchemist's work, the elixir that transmutes everything. The two lions represent the element of Mercury, philosophical mercury, nous. In Buddhism, the lion is the protector of the law, the wisdom of the Buddha, spiritual zeal, advancement and comprehension, courage, an enlightened person, his own master. Sometimes Buddha is depicted on a throne standing on lions. Lioness is an attribute of Tara. Ratnasambhava rides on a lion. The lion cub represents a Boddhisattva who has just undergone initiation. The lion, depicted with a lion cub under its paw, also represents Buddha ruling the world and compassion. The lion's roar represents the Buddha, fearlessly preaching the Dharma. In China, a lion means courage, energy, strength. A lion with a ball is either the Sun, or the Cosmic Egg, or dualism in nature. A married man is represented by a lion, signifying strength, and a horse, symbolizing speed; woman - flowers. In Christianity, the symbolism of the lion is ambivalent: on the one hand, it means the strength and power of Christ, his royal beginning as the King of the Jews, and on the other, the ability of Christ to save Christians from the jaws of the “roaring lion,” that is, the devil. The lion was believed to sleep with its eyes open, and therefore symbolizes vigilance, spiritual vigilance and strength. Leo, like a sentinel, supports the foundations of the church. In addition, there was a belief that lion cubs are born dead, and life is breathed into them by the parent, therefore the lion is a symbol of resurrection. Being a solitary animal, the lion signifies the hermit and loneliness. The lion is the emblem of St. Mark, as his Gospel emphasizes the royal nature and greatness of Christ. It is also the emblem of Saints Adrian, Euphemia, Jerome, Mary of Egypt, Paul the Hermit, Prisca, Thecla. In the catacomb images, the story of Daniel in the lions' den symbolizes the Lord's salvation of his subjects. In Egyptian art, the lion represents protection and guardianship; is solar when depicted with the solar disk, and lunar when adjacent to the horned Moon. A lion with two heads located at different ends of the body represents the solar gods of dawn and sunset. Two lions, located with their backs to each other and depicted together with the solar disk, mean the past and the present, yesterday and today. The Lioness is an attribute of Sekmet and the Mother Goddesses, symbolizing motherhood. But, like Sekmet, it can also mean retribution. The lion depicted together with the solar disk means the Sun God Ra, and the Moon means the Judge of the Dead Osiris. Tefnut has the head of a lion. In Greek mythology, the lion accompanies Phoebus, Artemis, Cybele, Tyche, the Gorgons and, at times, Dionysus. Lions are harnessed to the chariot of Cybele and Juno. The lion's skin is an attribute of Hercules, the solar hero, who fought with the lion, acting in this case as a symbol of death and overcoming death. For Jews, the lion is a symbol of power and cruelty. The winged lion is the sign of the South, the Lion of Judah. In Hinduism, the lion symbolizes the fourth avatar of Vishnu, who is sometimes depicted as half-man and half-lion; lion Agni. The lion, depicted together with the lioness, symbolizes Shakta-Shakti, where the lion is the Supreme Lord, the rhythm, and the lioness is the power of the spoken word. The lion is the guardian of the North and an attribute of the goddesses Devi and Durga and the destroyer of demons. For Iranians, it is a symbol of royalty, the power of the Sun and light. In Islam, the lion provides protection from evil. For the Japanese, the lion is the King of Beasts and appears in images with a peony, the symbol of the Queen of Flowers. The lion's ball represents emptiness. In Mithraism, the lion is a solar symbol, meaning the fourth level of initiation. Kronos, depicted with a lion's head, is Zon, time; fate that devours everything; symbol of the Sun, personifying fire. The lion and the bull symbolize death; lion and deer - the moment of death. For the Romans, the lion is solar fire, royalty; attribute of Apollo, Hercules and Fortune; the devouring power of death, but also man's victory over it. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the lion is the fire of the Sun, the highest power, strength, courage; attribute of the sun god Marduk. The goddess Inanna Ishtar, as the Great Mother, is accompanied by two lionesses. A lion with a branch in its paws or a two-headed lion personify the solar god of war Ninib. The Chaldeans depicted Nergal, the god of war and death, as a lion, personifying the hostile aspect of the Sun, the all-consuming summer heat. Additionally, the two lion heads facing away from each other represented the god of the Sun and the underworld. The lion accompanied the Great Mother Atargatis. In Taoism, the hollow “brocade ball” or “lion ball” is emptiness, the detachment of the mind.

I dreamed about a lion

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a lion in a dream means that you are controlled by enormous forces. If you subjugate a lion, you will be a winner in any matter. If a lion overpowers you, this means that you will remain unprotected under the blows of ill-wishers. Seeing a lion in a cage means that your success depends on your ability to neutralize people opposing you. Seeing in a dream a trainer controlling the behavior of a lion in and out of a cage means success in business: your knowledge and high business qualities will help you gain the favorable attention of women and men. Seeing a young lion is a sign that a new business is looking for you, which will be successful if you pay due attention to it. If a young woman sees a young lion in a dream, she will have a new charming lover. For a woman to see Saint Daniel in the lion's cave in a dream means that her intelligence and charm will favor her with fate and the most desirable lover for her. Hearing the roar of a lion in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected achievements in business and success with women. Seeing the head of a lion above you, showing its teeth with a growl, threatens to defeat your desire for power. Seeing the skin of a lion portends wealth and happiness. Seeing yourself riding a lion means that you will show courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties. To see that you are protecting your children from a lion with a sharp knife means that the enemies who threaten you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade debt and business obligations even for a moment.

Why do you dream about a lion?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

wealth, security; vanity, pretension; power; pursues - to victory; to be afraid - the anger of the authorities; to find the corpse of a lion - treasure, wealth, victory; riding a lion - high patronage; hear a roar - (for a man) - the attention of beautiful women; (for a woman) - fulfillment of desires in love; lion cubs (for a girl) are suitors.

Lion in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The lion is a symbol of royalty, power, tyranny. Seeing a lion in a cage - this dream means that at a decisive moment, military leaders will not behave boldly and persistently enough, which will lead to the loss of the prestige of a strong power. Seeing a lion playing with a small dog is a sign of true friendship that will last a lifetime, until the death of one of the friends. Seeing a lion wounded in the heart means inflicting a personal insult on the crowned lady, which will cost the life of the offender. To see a lion and a bear eating the same carcass - this dream suggests that, despite the historical confrontation, Germany will enter into an alliance with Great Britain. Seeing a hungry and thin, shabby and emaciated lion is a symbol of the period of revaluation of values ​​that will come after the hungry August. Seeing a flock of lions surrounding prey is a sign that Ireland will actively defend the right to independence and things will get off the ground no earlier than 2003. To see a lion sleeping on a huge bed - this dream symbolizes the strengthening of the position of European states and the successful dominance of the new currency - the euro.

An animal seen in a dream can evoke various emotions in the dreamer, from tenderness and joy to feelings of anxiety and fear. We learn from the article about what our four-legged friends want to tell us when they appear in a dream.

Seeing an animal in a dream

If in a dream you simply watch an animal, then this means your psychological similarity with the four-legged animal that appeared in this night vision. A lion, for example, can mean power and strength, a fox - cunning and deceit, a hare - fear and timidity, a wolf - danger, a horse - stubbornness, independence, etc.

Why do you dream about animals of unusual appearance? This means that in the near future you will experience worries and anxieties, possibly related to your family and friends.

If the kingdom of Morpheus provided you with a vision in which you met white, calm animals, then expect a pleasant time with good and loyal friends.

Why do we dream about animals (a lot)? If you see entire herds in your night vision, then expect to meet people who will become loyal friends for you in the future.

If in a dream you saw angry and enraged animals, then there will be an improvement in your life. All obstacles on the way to the goal will be completely destroyed.

If you are watching fluffy, beautiful and completely harmless four-legged animals, then expect to meet a devoted friend in the near future.

Do you look in a dream at a sad and unhappy four-legged animal that evokes nothing but pity? Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it's time to become strong!

Looking at animals wandering and prowling in search of food means your desire to improve living conditions. For example, you want to increase your earnings or find a new job. Or maybe you liked the position of a boss? In this situation, you should pay attention to the little things, the situation, etc. If the animals were angry and hungry, then it will be quite difficult for you. Are the animals beautiful and friendly? Then expect good news.

Why do you dream of animals in the reflection of the mirror you look into? This suggests that in reality you will suffer significant losses and also experience serious disappointment.

Animals behind the fence

In your dream, did you watch animals at the zoo? Then you will soon experience worries that will be completely in vain.

What if you see animals in a menagerie? This is not a good sign. You will be overcome by troubles from all sides.

Looking at an animal awaiting its fate in a slaughterhouse means that you will witness an ugly and disgusting scene that does not correspond to your moral views on life.

What if in night vision you are watching animals in a circus? This means that soon you will have fun in a fun company.

If you see in your dream how animals are languishing in cages, then in the future you are guaranteed victory over all enemies and competitors.

Wild animals

Why do you dream about wild animals? This means that in reality some areas of your life are out of control. In this case, you should think about what you can associate the dreamed animal with. Whether it has power over you or serves you, whether it is angry or harmless, etc.

If in a dream you are simply observing the life of wild animals, then this means that traps have been placed for you everywhere, so be careful.

What if in a dream you dreamed that you were feeding wild four-legged animals? This indicates serious disappointment.

If in a dream you feel danger (you are at a short distance from an angry animal), then in real life an incident awaits you that could end in death.

If in your vision you lock eyes with an animal, it means that you will soon meet one-on-one with your sworn enemy.

Why do you dream about wild animals running? This suggests that the danger will pass by.

What if you're into a wild animal? Serious danger awaits you.

How to interpret a dream in which you catch a wild animal? This speaks of upcoming joy.

How to interpret a dream in which a porcupine appeared? This beast means that many people are angry with you and want revenge.


Why do you dream about pets? White means love or friendship, pleasant dates. Black - a large number of enemies.

What if in a dream you stroke and caress pets? This suggests that you will soon buy yourself a house.

If the kingdom of Morpheus provided you with a vision that your pets are roaring, then bad news will soon come to you. If a pig squeals, someone's death will greatly upset you. Also, this dream may mean a bad assessment of your work, which was done conscientiously.

Why do you dream of animals in the house that rush at you? This suggests that all obstacles to the goal will soon be removed.

Do you watch grazing pets in your dreams? This means that you are surrounded by good and faithful friends.

Do you hear a goat bleating or a cow mooing? This means that a lot of worries and problems will fall on you.

Why do you dream about animals (a lot) running away from you? This means your career is at risk.

How to explain a dream in which you see an animal that has never been in the house? Perhaps it reflects your irresistible desire to have this or that animal.

The opposite interpretation is given to a dream where you acquired a pet that you never wanted or were even afraid of. Such a dream may mean your desire to defeat the enemy and move to a new stage in life.

Dead animals

This suggests that someone from your close circle is lying to you or is not telling you the real truth. Perhaps this person does this not out of bad intentions, but to warn you against unnecessary worries.

If in your dream you watch dead animals lying around, then expect attacks from a person you know. He may try to make fun of you or offend you.

What if you saw a dead horse in your dream? This means that you will soon receive bad news. This may also indicate the dreamer’s inability to deal with the difficulties and problems that have befallen him.

Killed animals

Why dream of killing animals? If you have such a dream, then expect an accident to happen to you or your loved ones.

Why do you dream about dead animals that you killed yourself? This means you regret what you did in real life.

If in a dream you killed an animal unintentionally, then this means upcoming news about the death of a person who died under random circumstances.

Animal? If you see a dead animal and its blood spatters your clothes, expect profits or a significant improvement in your financial situation soon.

If in a dream you beat a defenseless animal and at the same time experience enormous pleasure, it means that in real life you are prone to sadism.


Why do you dream about animals that you yourself killed and eat their meat? This means that in the near future you will face confiscation of property.

If you carry meat in your hands, then illness will soon break you.

If someone gives you the meat of a killed animal, then this means that you will fall under the influence of evil spells.

If you find a killed animal and begin to eat its meat, then your situation may improve over time.

Dreaming about animals: meaning for relationships

If a girl saw blind small wild animals in a night vision, then this predicts an early pregnancy for her.

If you dreamed that a person was killing a quadruple, this means that your significant other will soon leave you for another person. For family people, this vision suggests that a person who calls himself a friend of the husband (wife) is secretly in love with you.

Why do you dream about a dead black animal? This suggests that you will soon quarrel with a loved one. Your opponent will be to blame for the quarrel. If the animal is white, you are yourself.

If you observe how pets are placed in a slaughterhouse, then this means that your significant other will not love you, but will be afraid of you.

Did you dream that your pets were well-groomed and well-fed? This is a good sign. Your marriage will be happy. Night vision is interpreted in the opposite way, in which domestic animals are shabby and ugly.


In general, as mentioned earlier, it all depends on what little things surrounded you in your dream. If the vision was bright, with kind and affectionate animals, then in this case it is easy to guess that nothing bad is expected. The main thing is that you need to set yourself up for the positive, and only then will the kingdom of Morpheus delight you with wonderful and vivid dreams.