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The most noble dog. Rating of the most expensive dog breeds. The most expensive dog in the world - how to choose a puppy

Caring for pet dogs can sometimes become quite expensive: a few basic vaccinations, food and supplies can already cost thousands of dollars. But often the purchase of a dog itself is an equally wasteful part. Depending on the breed, a pet can cost you anywhere from a thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars. Below is a list of the 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world, according to the American Kennel Club.

10. Saluki – about $2,500

Salukis have been known to mankind since the time of the pharaohs. This breed of dog was popular among merchants traveling along the Great Silk Road and hunters, helping them catch hares and gazelles. This is one of the oldest domesticated dog breeds that has survived in its pure form to this day.

Salukis are long, slender dogs that resemble long-haired greyhounds. Males reach up to 70 cm at the withers and weigh 27 kilograms. These dogs prefer to remain isolated and independent of their surroundings, which makes them not the best choice for first-time pet owners. Salukis love movement, so when you get this breed, be prepared for the fact that you will have to leave the cozy chair more often.

9. Pharaoh Hound – up to $6,500

Despite such a loud name, this dog breed was not bred in Egypt. This breed is a symbol of Malta, graceful and elegant, with all its appearance it expresses belonging to royal blood. One of the distinctive features of these dogs is that their ears and noses turn red when the animals are excited or happy.

Pharaoh hounds have short reddish hair and red paw pads, whiskers and noses. Despite the fact that dogs of this breed can reach a weight of 27 kilograms, less heavy specimens are often found. The height of females usually ranges from 53 centimeters, while males reach 63 centimeters at the withers. Stubborn and independent, these dogs can be difficult to train, but if you manage to find an approach to them, the Pharaoh Hound will make a loyal companion and friend.

8. Tibetan Mastiff – up to $7,000

The Tibetan Mastiff is another ancient dog breed and is also considered to be the largest dog in the world. Initially, this dog breed was common in Nepal and China; individual individuals can reach a weight of 73 kilograms and 83 centimeters at the withers. In ancient times, mastiffs served as excellent protection for small livestock and houses from leopards and wolves.

Tibetan Mastiffs can be stubborn, which will require extra effort on your part when training. And although it is usually not difficult to get a dog of this breed, puppies whose parents were born and raised in Nepal are especially valuable. In 2013, one such Tibetan mastiff was sold in China for $1.9 million.

7. Levchen – from $3,000

Translated from German, the name of this breed means “little lion.” These dogs are similar to other small breeds, although they often grow up to 35 centimeters at the withers and weigh up to 8 kilograms. Purebred Levchens are quite difficult to find; every year, only a few hundred puppies of this breed are registered in official kennel clubs around the world. Initially, these dogs accompanied the royalty of medieval France and Germany. By nature, they are, first of all, playful and friendly companion dogs. The official haircut for this breed is the lion cut, when the dog's hair is shaved only from the lower part of the body.

6. Akita – about $4,500

This dog breed is perhaps one of the most famous on our list, all thanks to the movie “Hachiko”, filmed in Hollywood. Originally from northern Japan, this dog breed has today been divided into two variants: the Japanese Akita (or Akita Inu) and the American Akita. Both options are quite expensive, but Japanese Akitas are usually slightly more expensive than American ones.

The Akita has a appearance and temperament similar to other Spitz dogs (including the Siberian Husky). These are large dogs, well adapted to low temperatures, with large heads and a double undercoat. The Japanese Akita is slightly smaller than the American Akita, but their temperaments are similar, including a high degree of desire to guard their territory and family. They are incredibly clean.

5. Samoyed dog – from 4,000 to 10,000 dollars

Initially, Samoyeds were bred by nomadic tribes that inhabited Siberia. This breed of dog was bred not just to help herd livestock, but also as a riding animal (a local alternative to Siberian huskies). Samoyeds are tough, strong and seasoned animals. Males can reach a weight of 30 kilograms. And although their herding abilities are practically useless in urban conditions, their friendliness and sociability have won many hearts.

If you decide to get a dog of this breed, keep in mind the fact that if the Samoyed gets bored, he will start digging in the ground, so if you don’t need a dug up yard, try to keep your dog busy. Since they are too friendly to be guard dogs, it would be wiser to keep them indoors. In addition, the fur of these dogs has hypoallergenic properties, and in some areas of the world gloves and scarves are knitted from it.

4. Peruvian Inca Orchid – up to $3,000

This dog breed is perhaps one of the strangest in the world. Completely naked, with the exception of a few islands of skin on the head and legs, it has a gray skin color, to which mottled spots can sometimes be added. There are three varieties of these animals, depending on their size: from tiny 4-kilogram dogs to 25-kilogram individuals.

And although this breed may seem very profitable to you (goodbye to constant visits to the hairdresser), do not rush to rejoice, since the dog’s skin requires separate care. Without fur to protect it, this dog's skin tends to become clogged, dry, and can even burn in the sun. Additionally, this breed would not be the best choice in cold climates.

3. Azawakh – from $3,000 and above

The Azawakh is one of the few breeds of African dogs available for purchase in the United States and Canada. Initially, they were bred by nomadic tribes as hunting and watchdogs. These dogs are capable of reaching speeds of up to 65 kilometers per hour, which is why they were often used when hunting hares and gazelles. These are very brave dogs that will defend their pack (which includes humans) from any predator, regardless of its size.

These are usually very thin and tall dogs, whose height reaches 73 centimeters at the withers. Their structure is such that even when well-fed, this dog will always have protruding bones. This dog breed is very active and needs a caring owner.

2. Rottweiler – up to $6,000

This dog breed was originally bred to be used as draft animals, and in fact, up until the 19th century, Rottweilers were used to pull carts loaded with meat to market. This breed was also often used for herding livestock and protecting warehouses. Strong, resilient and very intelligent, these dogs can reach a weight of 60 kilograms.

These are fearless dogs, ready to protect their owner from anything. In addition, they have a well-developed sense of protecting their territory, so the dog needs quality training from an early age. Despite the fact that Hollywood positions these dogs as cruel and aggressive, in fact, a properly trained Rottweiler will be an excellent friend and favorite of the whole family.

1. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog – cost unknown

The first thing you should know about the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is that in order to become its owner, you will most likely have to make a trip to the Czech Republic. Outside of its homeland, this breed is practically unknown. She was created in 1955 by mixing Carpathian wolves with purebred German Shepherds. The result was a dog very similar to a wolf, with a lively character and great activity. This is a very sociable breed that loves its family. And although she exhibits pronounced hunting instincts, early training can solve this problem and subsequently she will be able to calmly get along with smaller animals, which she usually perceives as prey. Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs are experts in sign language and very rarely vocalize.

Dogs are different, if a puppy of a common breed can be purchased for 5-6 thousand rubles, then for another rarer, noble pet with a large number of titles and awards you will have to pay hundreds of thousands. So, which dog is the most expensive in the world?

The most expensive dogs cost thousands of dollars and have virtually no upper limit. Only fairly wealthy people can afford such a purchase.

Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the most expensive dog breeds in the world. The price for puppies starts from $3,000 and is practically unlimited. The record price was recorded at $1.5 million. A female of this breed cannot give more than one offspring per year, which only adds to the rarity of mastiffs and significantly increases their price. Their main value lies in their excellent behavioral characteristics and high level of fidelity.

He is a small lion dog. It is one of the most expensive breeds in the world. It got its name from its peculiar “lion’s mane”. Prices for puppies start at $2,000. Lyons were very common in France and Italy at the end of the 16th century. At that time they were even very often depicted in paintings. In the 60s of the last century, the breed had the status of the rarest, which is why its high price is associated.

One of the rarest and most ancient hunting breeds. Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with the pharaohs and Ancient Egypt, which is fully confirmed by relevant DNA studies. It is almost impossible to find it on Russian territory. Prices for puppies start at $1,000. Pharaoh hounds are characterized as playful and kind, but somewhat capricious animals. Due to its highly developed hunting instinct, care should be taken when keeping it together with smaller pets.

He's a toy poodle. Another most expensive dog breed. The price for purebred puppies starts from 4000-5000 dollars. The weight of such an adult poodle does not exceed 1.5 kilograms. It needs very careful care, but due to its very modest size it can be successfully kept in even the smallest apartment. Now there is a real boom in these small dogs in South Korea and Japan.

An expensive breed of dog originally from Germany. Originally bred to catch rats. The price of puppies can reach several thousand dollars. It got its name due to its external resemblance to primates. Affe means monkey in German. Despite the perky disposition and curiosity, if necessary, it can very loudly notify about the invasion of a stranger and defend its territory.

The most expensive dog and the national hunting breed of Thailand. For a long time it was distributed exclusively in its homeland. And only in the last century, several animals were brought to America, where the famous dog breeder Sterling began breeding them. Prices for puppies start at $1,000. Ridgebacks are characterized by highly developed thinking and a high level of self-esteem, so raising them for an inexperienced dog breeder can present some difficulties.

A very ancient Chinese breed. She was most often kept in noble houses. It is believed that its representatives existed before our era. The original purpose of Chongqing was hunting small game. These dogs also do a good job of guarding the territory entrusted to them. Puppies start at $3,500. Such a high cost is due to the rarity of this breed. According to data at the beginning of the 2000s, its total number did not exceed 2,000 dogs.

Small decorative dogs come from Germany. Their images are very often found on antique luxury items and coins. Queen Victoria of England loved these dogs. It was she who, in the process of breeding, created miniature forms of Spitz dogs.

The price for puppies starts from 500

dollars, the final cost depends on the breed characteristics of the parents. The breed is very easy to train and easily learns various commands. Its main difference is its cheerful disposition, combined with a very devoted character.

She's a big Japanese dog. A working breed, which in its homeland is revered as a national treasure. Akita Inu has even been given the status of a natural monument.

The breed is characterized by a very high level of devotion, courage and even some nobility. Akita Inu remember any commands very easily and can be first-class guards. In life, these are very active, playful dogs with simply irrepressible energy. The price for puppies of this breed starts from $1000.

Also known as the Hungarian Shepherd. These are large guard dogs with long white hair. According to ancient Hungarian legend, they are the result of crossing sheep and wolves. Their long white coat is shaped like dreadlocks and therefore does not require brushing. Among the characteristics of the breed, it is worth noting the complete absence of seasonal shedding. Commanders are brave and very determined dogs with a serious character. They usually become very attached to children and get along well with other pets. Puppies start at $1,500.

There are many expensive and rare dog breeds. In the modern world, a four-legged pet is very often an indicator of wealth and well-being, and its guard and communication skills are relegated to the background. But despite this, such elite pets still remain loyal friends and excellent companions for outdoor activities. Indeed, in most cases, their incredibly high price does not depend on the breed characteristics, but on the number of different awards and the title status of the parents.

A person who wants to make a four-legged friend can go two ways: take a mongrel dog on the street or from friends, or buy a purebred puppy from professional breeders. The cost of a dog will always depend on its breed, pedigree, titles, health status, etc. For a dog that meets all the requirements and standards, future owners are willing to pay a lot of money. At the same time, few people know how much the most expensive dog in the world costs.

Knowing the average prices for elite puppies in leading Russian and world nurseries, you can make the top 10 most expensive dog breeds.

The charming dog with expressive eyes and fluffy fur was bred in England many years ago as a hunting dog. Such a pet has a balanced character and an inexhaustible charge of energy. It seems that this active dog is always on the move and enjoying life.

The Norfolk Terrier is not picky about food or maintenance. This sensitive dog will always be able to catch a person’s mood and will not bother him if he is not in a good mood. A brave and tireless dog will be able to protect his territory from attacks by small predators and rodents.

The Norfolk Terrier will be an ideal friend and full member of the family. You can buy a Norfolk Terrier puppy for $1000-2500.

9. Chongqing

Chongqing dogs, which originate in China, are considered one of the rarest breeds in the world. Even in China there are only 2,000 of these dogs. This breed is also not common in other countries, so residents of Russia who decide to buy such a dog will most likely have to pay additionally for its delivery from abroad.

Animals with beautiful red-brown fur, which can be clearly seen even in photographs, have excellent protective qualities and have pronounced hunting instincts. The Chongqing dog breed is very friendly, loves children, and is loyal to other pets.

It is quite difficult to acquire a rare Chongqing dog. Therefore, the cost of a puppy of this breed is approximately $3,500.

Japan (Akita province) is considered the homeland of these smart and loyal dogs. In this eastern country it is considered a national treasure. The Japanese traditionally give figurines depicting an Akita, symbolizing health and well-being, to families that have a new addition.

The energetic and loyal companion dog has captured the hearts of many people around the world. A fairly large pet (its weight often reaches 50-60 kilograms, height - 60-70 centimeters) is very energetic and at the same time obedient. A courageous dog, having settled in the house, will show its protective qualities and quickly learn any commands.

Those who dream of owning an Akita Inu want to know not only what kind of character this dog is, but also how much it costs. You can buy a lively and very cute dog for $1000-3700.

Dogs of this breed were bred in Thailand several centuries ago. In Thai homes, they served as guards and snake catchers. Also, the residents of Thailand took strong and intelligent dogs with them on hunts, where they fully demonstrated their speed, agility and intellectual abilities.

A person who decides to own a Thai Ridgeback will not regret a minute about his choice. This independent and independent dog will always protect its owner from the slightest danger. It should be remembered that dogs of the Thai breed are very active and need long walks.

Despite the fact that the Thai Ridgeback breed is considered quite rare, buying a puppy is not difficult. A Thai dog costs on average from $800 to $4,000.

The sixth place in the ranking of expensive dogs is occupied by Pomeranian Spitz. These fluffy dogs with a fox face are very smart and friendly towards people. They always try to please their owner, fulfilling his commands and showing their affection in every possible way.

With cheerful and energetic Spitz dogs, there will never be a dull moment at home. They will make friends with everyone in the household, including other animals and small children. It will be very easy to train such obedient animals.

The exact answer to the question of how much a Pomeranian Spitz costs will be given by the breeder of this breed. The approximate cost of a puppy is $700-4000. The price of rare colored Spitz dogs can reach $5,000.

Affenpinschers were first bred in Germany about four centuries ago. The breed was named with such an unusual word because of the external similarity of doggies to monkeys (“affe” is translated from German as monkey). Such animals are relatively small in size: their weight can reach 3-4.5 kilograms and their height is 20-28 centimeters.

The distinctive features of the breed include thick, coarse hair, an inquisitive character, agility and courage. Active and playful dogs have excellent security qualities and are also able to protect your home from rats and mice, catching rodents on the way to the house.

Families with small children and single people can get an Affenpinscher. The cost of a puppy of this breed varies from 1500 to 4000-5000 dollars.

This truly pocket dog, more similar in size to a plush toy, weighs from one and a half to three kilograms. This miniature pet, first bred in Japan, will be an excellent companion for anyone. The compact dog is an ideal option for residents of small apartments. A puppy or an adult dog of this breed will have enough space even in the smallest room.

Despite its tiny size, the Japanese requires serious care. The dog needs to be combed and trimmed regularly, and monitor its well-being and mood. In response to care and love, the pet will give its owner its tenderness, affection and devotion.

People who want to have such a little friend may be very surprised to find out how much this adorable dog costs. The average price for a Miniature Japanese Poodle is $5,000.

Despite the fact that this breed received its official calling only in 1975, its history goes back more than one thousand years. Images of the pharaoh's dog have been found in ancient Egypt. Drawings of this animal decorated tombs and ancient frescoes.

A beautiful and strong companion dog is distinguished by well-developed intelligence and friendliness. Looking at it live or in a photo, you can immediately feel the nobility of the breed. At the same time, such a dog is very playful, loves walks and jogs, and does not tolerate loneliness.

It is no coincidence that the Pharaoh Hound made it into the top most expensive dogs. You can buy a graceful and very smart dog for $3,000-$7,000.

The phrase "Lyon Bichon" translates as lion's head. The miniature dog (its weight can reach 3-7 kilograms) got its name because of its peculiar haircut, which gives the animal a resemblance to a lion. In the second half of the 20th century, this breed was recognized as one of the rarest in the world and even got into the pages of the Guinness Book of Records because of this “achievement”.

A small decorative dog of French origin has not only a funny appearance, but also a cheerful character. A loving dog will become a devoted friend to his owners. Such a pet will be happy to spend time with a person, keeping him company at home, on a walk or on a picnic.

You can buy a Lyon Bichon puppy with a good pedigree from trusted nurseries. Its price can reach 4000-8000 dollars.

Every person who decides to get a dog is aware that for any puppy, unless, of course, it is a foundling or a street foundling, you will have to pay a certain amount of money. More or less - depending on the breed of the pet, its origin, the demand for dogs of this breed, and sometimes - on the ambitions of its breeders. And many of these people are wondering: how much can a dog actually cost? And what breeds are currently considered the most expensive?

There are different types of dogs: purebred and not so purebred. Some can be taken from the street or from a shelter completely free of charge, while for others you will have to pay a very substantial amount at an elite nursery. But there are also truly expensive breeds, the cost of a puppy can be several hundred or even millions of rubles.

In this article you will find a list of the most expensive breeds with photographs.

Top 10 breeds on Earth

Let's find out the 10 most expensive dog breeds in the world with prices and photos! Currently, the price of a dog depends not so much on how rare a breed it belongs to, but on its quality and breed, and therefore it often happens that a truly high-quality puppy of a very common breed can cost several times more than a representative of an expensive and a rare breed, if the dog itself belongs to the pet class.

But, despite this, puppies of some breeds are initially more expensive than all other dogs, regardless of their quality and origin. What kind of breeds are these?

10th place: Akita Inu

Price: 1500–4500$

This beautiful, stately and very expensive dog is considered a national treasure in Japan. Despite the fact that the breed was unknown in other countries for a long time, it quickly became popular after it was “discovered” in Europe and America.

Not the least role here was played by the story of the dog Hachiko, the most famous representative of this breed in the world, whose loyalty to his deceased owner won the hearts of millions of people around the world. Many people wanted to have the same wonderfully loyal dog in their home, and, moreover, it would be desirable for it to look exactly like Hachiko...

Demand, as we know, creates supply, and it also regulates the price. And so, after these dogs became incredibly popular all over the world, and the demand for them increased many times, the price of puppies also increased. However, she was not particularly small before: after all, Akita Inu are large dogs and the cost of raising a litter is quite high, and, therefore, breeders, in order to recoup the money invested in the kids, put an appropriate price on them.

9th place: Bearded Collie

What is the price: 1000-5000$

One of the oldest Scottish dog breeds, the first mention of which dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. Among the ancestors of the Bearded Collie are Commanders, as well as Polish and Old English Sheepdogs. As a result of selection, a universal breed of dog was obtained, which can be a shepherd, a rescuer, and even a hunter.

The high cost of puppies is due to the fact that bearded collies are very good as companions, they are easy to train, and can be kept both in a house and in an apartment. Well, and also because this breed is not as popular as, for example, German shepherds, and therefore the number of their livestock is not yet too large.

8th place: Pharaoh Hound

Price: 2500-7000$

One of the oldest dog breeds, whose history goes back 5000 years. Pharaoh dogs are depicted on frescoes in ancient Egyptian tombs, which undoubtedly testifies to the ancient origin and purity of the blood of this amazing breed.

In the past, pharaoh dogs were tireless hunters, but in our time, these graceful, graceful and noble animals have turned into companion dogs. They are distinguished by their restless and friendly character, as well as an amazing wealth of facial expressions, for example, they can wrinkle their nose funny and smile.

And if the Pharaoh Hound becomes ashamed of some trick, it blushes like a naughty child, which is especially noticeable in its nose, ears and eye rims.

7th place: Löwchen or Bichon Lyon

What is the price: 2000-6500 $

A charming little dog, very popular in the past among the Spanish aristocracy. Lewchens were often depicted in portraits of noble ladies by the great Francisco Goya. Despite their popularity in the past, by the middle of the 20th century, Bichon Lyons became very rare and they, as a breed, were threatened with oblivion, and subsequently extinction.

Thanks to the efforts of enthusiastic cynologists, Bichon Lyons survived, but to date their population numbers are still small. Levchens are distinguished by their friendly, cheerful character, courage and mobility, and, despite their small size, they are ready to play with children for hours.

6th place: Rottweiler

Price: 3000-8000 $

These dogs, famous for being excellent watchmen and bodyguards, are incredibly popular all over the world. Real athletes of the canine world, Rottweilers are distinguished by enormous physical strength, fearlessness and high trainability, in addition, they are very smart and have high intelligence. The inflated price for Rottweilers is due, first of all, to the demand for them.

But, unfortunately, not all potential owners of these dogs correctly assess their strengths, and often simply do not want to admit the fact that the Rottweiler is not a dog for everyone, that it requires not only high-quality food and walks on a leash, but also an owner who has the qualities of a leader and an iron will, and also has the time to train such a dog.

5th place: Chow-chow

What is the price: 3000-8500 $

Charming to look at, but independent and proud, like Chinese emperors, Chow Chows, with their amazingly thick and beautiful coat and unusual blue tongue, are always popular. Of course, there are incomparably fewer of them than the same shepherd dogs or Rottweilers. But, nevertheless, both in terms of price rating and popularity rating, these dogs confidently adhere to average positions: in both cases they take fifth place.

In skillful hands, a cute chow-chow puppy, similar to a teddy bear, grows into a calm, balanced and noble dog. Chow Chows have long been popular as show dogs for all kinds of exhibitions and competitions.

4th place: English Bulldog

Price: 2500-9000 $


A breed that is the embodiment of thoroughness and calmness, a true English gentleman, the bulldog has long become a faithful and devoted companion, a lover of good food and a good night's sleep on the sofa or armchair. These dogs are friendly and intelligent. At the same time, the English bulldog is not at all averse to playing and frolicking.

These dogs have a very characteristic appearance: a stocky, tightly built body, massive short legs, a small tail and a large head with a short, strongly upturned muzzle and small semi-erect or pink ears. The English Bulldog is usually sweet and obedient, but can sometimes be stubborn.

Photo of a white fashionista

The high price of bulldogs is not least due to the fact that breeding these dogs is not easy, since puppies are almost always born by caesarean section, which requires not only large financial outlays from the breeder, but also time and effort, since The operated bitch and her newborn offspring must be closely monitored.

3rd place: Samoyed dog

What is the price: 4000-11000 $

These snow-white dogs have been living next to humans for almost 3,000 years. Since ancient times, they lived in the same yurt with their owners, warming them with their warmth in the most severe northern frosts, helping herd deer and hunt.

Now, these animals have become popular as companions and as show dogs. And in the USA, communication with them is recommended as a treatment for depression. Their high price is explained, first of all, by the popularity of the breed and the demand for it.

2nd place : Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Price: 2000-14000 $

Considered to be the most expensive small dog breed in the world. This breed was developed in the 16th century and immediately became popular among court ladies and crowned heads. It is distinguished by its flexible character and lack of aggressiveness. Cavalier King Charles dogs are excellent at adapting to the lifestyle of their owners. They willingly play with children and love the company of other animals.

Which breed can cost more?..

1st place: Tibetan Mastiff

What is the price:$3000-7000 for a regular black or brownish puppy

Finally we know which is the most expensive Chinese dog in the world! The undisputed leader in this rating. The Tibetan Mastiff still remains a rare exotic curiosity for most countries.

And if black and tan dogs of this breed are no longer very rare, then mastiffs with such colors as red or white are very rare and the cost of them can reach simply incredible amounts. So, in 2011, two puppies of this breed - white and bright red, were sold for 1,200,000 and 1,500,000 respectively.

Top 5 in Russia with prices

As for the most expensive breeds in Russia, the situation here is somewhat different. The undisputed world leader in puppy price, the Tibetan Mastiff, is also in the top list, but not in first, but in fifth position. This is due to the fact that in our country there are very few Tibetan mastiffs and they are not particularly popular, moreover, they are mostly dogs of a regular, black color, the cost of which is not so high compared to Tibetan mastiffs of rare colors.

So, what are the most expensive dog breeds in Russia and Ukraine with prices, photos and names:

  • 1 place: Alaskan Klee Kai (300,000-400,000 rubles).

In this ranking the palm is held or, in other words, mini husky. This breed is relatively new and at the same time fashionable. The number of these dogs in Russia and Ukraine is still small, since only a few nurseries deal with them professionally in these countries.

All producers are brought from foreign kennels, most of the breedings are either from imported dogs or from outside dogs. Therefore, it is not surprising that puppies of this breed are the most expensive!

  • 2nd place: Saluki (from 100,000 rubles)

Saluki is a Persian greyhound, long-legged and thin-boned, fragile and aristocratic. This breed is one of the oldest in the world - our ancestors portrayed it 5.5 thousand years ago!

Just look at these slender, graceful dogs with fluffy tails and beautiful, soft fur - the embodiment of grace and proportionality!

Why are Salukis so expensive? This breed almost became extinct in Britain during the Second World War, and their numbers are still small. Partly from a tendency to disease: about a third of dogs of this breed die from cancer, partly from low frost resistance.

  • 3rd place: American Bully (from 90,000 rubles)

This is a completely new breed, appearing in the mid-1990s. At the moment it is recognized only by the Union of Cynologists of Russia and America. Bully is the curious result of the “love” between the American Pit Bull and the Staffordshire Terrier.

Despite its menacing appearance, the dog is not aggressive and sociable. He is a good friend, protector and a true athlete. The cost of puppies ranges from 150 to 350 thousand rubles, but if you want a Native American, then upon arrival in Russia, the price automatically increases by an average of another 40 thousand.

  • 4th place: Affen pinscher (from 50,000 rubles)

The charming “little little devil” is very popular due to his cute face, sincere devotion to his owner, playfulness and courage. Even if someone tries to offend you, the little Affenpinscher will immediately rush to the defense of her loved one!

  • 5th place: Tibetan Mastiff (from 30,000 rubles)

Top 3 small

  • 1 place: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (up to $14,000)
  • 2nd place: Levchen (up to $6500)
  • 3rd place: Toy Poodle, also known nowadays as the Japanese Miniature Poodle (from $4,000)

We have already talked about the first two leaders of this top; as for the toy poodle, recently these dogs have become incredibly fashionable in Asian countries, and poodles of apricot, white and cream colors are especially popular.

Poodles, regardless of size, are very smart animals, they even understand human speech well and “know” up to 80 words!


The most expensive dog collar in the world is considered Amour Amour, the cost of which is more than $3,000,000. It is made by hand from white gold and encrusted with more than 1600 diamonds.

The developer of this dog collar model is an American company I Love Dogs Diamonds, which is a generally recognized leader among manufacturers of the most expensive accessories for pets.


The most expensive and often the highest quality foods are considered to be “holistic” foods. All of them are distinguished by their natural composition and high content of meat products.

THIS IS INTERESTING! The most expensive food in Russia at present is Almo Nature Alternative 170 Chicken and Rice M-L, its cost is more than 8,000 rubles per 9.5 kilograms. Dry food is not far behind. Isegrim Junior Salmon, the cost of which also exceeds 8,000 rubles, but not for 9.5, but for 12 kg.

Painting: “Dog” by Joan Miró

Many famous artists painted dogs in portraits of high-ranking dignitaries and crowned heads next to their noble and wealthy owners. But only in the 18th century, at the dawn of the era of romanticism, artists began to depict not portraits of owners with their pets, but rather portraits of the dogs themselves. Many of these paintings are true works of art, included among the world's masterpieces along with portraits of famous people.

THIS IS INTERESTING! One of the founders of the “dog” portrait was the English artist George Stubbs, who also painted portraits depicting prize racehorses, as well as paintings depicting wild, including exotic animals.

However, none of these masterpieces, painted in the genre of realism, could surpass the price of a painting by the Spanish abstract artist Joan Miró. This painting was sold at Christie's auction for 2 210 500 $.

The most expensive painting shows a white dog of an unknown (and most likely undetectable) breed with a brownish-red spot on its back. Like all of Miro’s other works, this painting most closely resembles a child’s drawing, created by the still unsteady hand of a small child. In addition to the “portrait” of the dog, the picture also contains an amorphous black figure, reminiscent of a deformed rectangle, as well as several not very even multi-colored circles of different sizes, scattered across the entire surface of the canvas.

In any case, one can only guess what kind of animal served as a model for the artist and whether it was his pet, his friends’ dog, or a dog he accidentally saw on the street.

How much does maintenance cost per month?

Now let's talk about more prosaic things: what is the price of keeping a dog and is it really important how much the pet was bought for, or maybe it was given for free (found on the street, adopted from a shelter, received as a gift, adopted for future puppies from the breeder). However, even if the dog was received for free, the owners will still have to spend a lot of money on its feeding, maintenance, veterinary care and training.

As for the question of whether the price of the puppy itself is important, it is impossible to answer unequivocally. On the one hand, the high cost of a show-class pet purchased from a well-known nursery is a guarantee that the dog is purebred, healthy at the time of sale, and that perhaps he will someday become a champion of the breed.

On the other hand, a puppy may not have been bought for money, but found on the street, taken from a shelter or given as a gift, but this does not mean at all that it is worse than the dog that was bought from a well-known kennel. He will also love his owners and, just like his elite relative, will need good maintenance, care, care and love.

IMPORTANT! It doesn’t matter how much money the owner paid for his pet or whether he paid at all. If a dog somehow appears in the house, then the duty of any responsible owner is to provide his pet with the best conditions that he can provide him.

Buying and maintaining a dog requires considerable expenses. But, regardless of what breed the pet is and what pedigree it has, the task of any conscientious owner is to make sure that his pet does not need anything. Therefore, before going to a nursery or poultry market to buy a puppy, you need to properly calculate all possible costs associated not only with buying a dog, but also with feeding and maintenance. Whereas, believe me, they can be many times higher than the cost of the pet itself.

What do you think: is it important or not how much it costs to buy a dog and is it worth pursuing some rare and very expensive breed just for reasons of fashion and prestige? And why do people even buy dogs that cost hundreds of thousands of rubles? Share your opinion on this matter in the comments, as well as your stories, tips and photos of your pets.

One of the oldest breeds known to mankind is the Tibetan Mastiff. The monks of Tibet kept them in monasteries for protection.

Mastiffs helped nomads in the Himalayas. They are naturally muscular and strong animals. They have thick fur, so they tolerate cold and heat well.

This breed is the most expensive dog breed in the world. Some copies were purchased for over a million dollars. Rich people buy mastiff puppies as a sign of high social status, as an indicator of wealth.

The height of an adult male Tibetan Mastiff is more than 80 cm, weight reaches 80 kg. Mastiffs from Tibet are the largest and most expensive dog in the world.

Endowed with protective qualities. Clean. Calm and friendly. Attached to the owner.

Top 10 most expensive dogs in the world: ranking with prices and photos

  • Pharaoh's Hound.

    The history of this dog is more than 5 thousand years old. During excavations in Ancient Egypt, archaeologists found rock paintings of these dogs.

    Elegant and graceful. They are easy to train. They quickly find a common language with all family members. Puppies are extremely expensive. The price reaches 7 thousand dollars.

  • Lyon Bichon.

    The Lyon Bichon comes from France. Incredibly beautiful dog. Back in 1775, the famous Spanish artist Francisco Goya depicted the Duchess of Alba with this dog in her arms. These dogs, although small, are fearless. They are included in the ranking of expensive dogs.

    The price of a puppy varies from 2 thousand to 6500 dollars.

  • Bearded Collie.

    The breed was bred in England as a herding dog. Now it is not used for its intended purpose. But in agility competitions she has no equal.

    Sports dog. He will be happy to accompany his owner for a morning run. Children's best friend. Loves active games in nature.

    Collie fur requires special care. It is necessary to comb it with a special comb.

    A bearded collie puppy costs $5,000.

  • Affenpinscher.

    This is a small dog bred in the 17th century. Outwardly similar to a monkey. Because of this similarity, it received the name Affenpinscher. In past centuries, its purpose was to catch rats.

    Affenpinschers are excellent watchdogs. Despite its small size, it perfectly protects the house. It is distinguished by a ringing bark. Friendly and smart. Included in the top 10 expensive breeds. The cost of a puppy reaches 4 thousand dollars.

  • Dwarf Spitz.

    Spitz dogs first appeared in Germany. Under Queen Victoria, Spitz dogs began to be bred in England. She doted on these cute dogs. In England, breeders paid attention to this breed. They bred a smaller copy of the Spitz.

    Dwarf Spitz are smart and funny. They have a perky disposition. They love to play. Children adore them. The affectionate nature of Spitz dogs captivates any dog ​​breeder.
    The price of a puppy is 1 thousand–4 thousand dollars.

  • Thai Ridgeback.

    National Thai breed of hunting dogs. They owe their origin to the wild dog dingo. Ridgebacks are now popular all over the world.

    An active breed that requires good walking and intensive training. Beautiful and elegant. They are savvy and smart. They can easily outwit their master.

    This breed appeared in Russia relatively recently, in 1998. A Ridgeback puppy will cost 3 thousand - 4 thousand dollars.

  • Akita Inu.

    This breed comes from Japan. They are highly trainable. They are very attached to their owner.

    Let us remember the famous film “Hachiko”, where an Akita Inu dog met his owner on the platform even after his death. This breed is called the “Treasure of Japan”.

    A puppy of this breed can be purchased for $2,000–$3,500.

  • Samoyed dog.

    The progenitors of this breed are Nenets Laikas. The Samoyed got its name from the Samoyed tribes. They were used as sled dogs.

    The advantage of a Samoyed is cleanliness. Its wool has a wonderful self-cleaning property. There is no need to wash it more than twice a year. The Samoyed's coat does not require special care.

    The Samoyed has virtually no odor. You just need to brush it regularly. Perfect for people who don't like dog smell.

    How much does a puppy of this breed cost? The price reaches 3 thousand dollars.

  • Norfolk Terrier.

    These terriers are native to Norfolk in northwestern England. These are one of the smallest terriers. They are considered burrowing hunting dogs. Perfect for keeping in an apartment.

    However, do not forget that Norfolk are hunters. They require active play and long walks. Subject to these conditions, the Norfolk will be the most obedient dog on earth.

    They are sensitive and smart. They love fun games and communication with the owner.

    A Norfolk puppy costs 2 thousand dollars.

  • Weimaraner.

    Weimaraners are hunting dogs. Residents of the ancient German city of Weimar hunted big game with them. The Weimaraner has retained its hunting instincts, so it is active and requires daily training and long walks. Weimaraners are large and muscular animals.

    Weimaraners are used by police for search work. They quickly get on the trail of the criminal, helping the police.

    The Weimaraner costs $1,500.

Top 10 most expensive breeds 2017:

Note! Each of the described breeds has its own pros and cons. If you decide to get yourself a pet from this list, carefully read its needs and personality traits.

You will have to spend a decent amount of money to buy a puppy. Don’t forget, you are choosing a companion for many years, which means you can’t make mistakes.

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