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Self-hypnosis or a real threat: what are the dangers of solar flares? How does the sun affect a person?

7-09-2017, 15:57

To date, meteorologists have predicted magnetic storms that affect the well-being of many people.

The energy accumulated in the solar corona erupted from the surface of the star in the form of a powerful torch. The echoes of the huge explosion that occurred yesterday on the Sun will be reflected on our planet in the form of strong magnetic storms today, September 7. The flare that occurred on the Sun was the largest in the last 12 years. In the current solar cycle, which began in 2008, it has become record powerful. A flare of this magnitude occurred on the Sun in September 2005. And the largest outbreak in the entire history of observations was the one that occurred in October 2003. At that time, scientists believed that the Sun had exhausted all its energy, and such large-scale phenomena would no longer occur, at least in the near future. But they were wrong - a few days later there was another huge explosion. This suggests that the situation where large outbreaks follow one after another may well be repeated this time. Such phenomena are usually observed at the peak of solar activity.

Experts believe that weather-dependent people should be prepared for a deterioration in their well-being and the possible occurrence of health problems. Usually, as a result of a change in the magnetic field, blood thickens, causing an insufficient amount of oxygen to reach the brain, which has a negative effect on the condition of hypertensive patients. People exposed to magnetic storms are advised to refrain from stressful situations, as well as from being outside unless absolutely necessary.

Due to the solar flare, a significant deterioration in the quality of communication was recorded in European territory, as well as in America. Experts predicted a possible shutdown of communication systems and space technology due to the influence of a powerful explosion, which experts estimated at X9.3, where X is the class of the flare, and 9.3 is its strength. The standard classification of flares involves 5 levels: A, B, C, M, X, they have different X-ray powers. The power of the explosion, according to scientists, was extreme. But its consequences will be extended over time. The speed of radiation from the Sun is such that it reaches planet Earth in 8 minutes. This means that X-ray radiation in our orbit is already higher than normal, but the Earth's atmosphere absorbs harmful heavy particles. Experts noted failures in the operation of both high-frequency and low-frequency communications on the sunny side of the Earth within an interval of about an hour.

It is noteworthy that the phenomenon was observed precisely in that part of the Sun that has the maximum impact on our planet. This area is designated as geoeffective, bordering the Sun-Earth line, as explained by specialists from the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory. Scientists predict that the outbreak will have an impact on the world around us, including changes in weather and climate conditions.

Experts also advise paying special attention to the road situation, especially on Friday, September 8 in the evening. The consequences of the outbreak could be an increased number of accidents and even an increase in deaths from road accidents. Attention must also be paid to children, especially to those who have not yet turned 12 years old.

Another unusual consequence of a powerful solar flare could be the northern lights; it is expected at the poles of our planet, but it is quite possible that it will reach mid-latitudes. This gives reason even for Muscovites to hope that they will be able to see the northern lights in their area.

Scientists are constantly monitoring the consequences of an explosion on the Sun. After all, the flow of protons released as a result of the flare can be directed towards the Earth and can cause an increase in background radiation. According to scientists, it should reach Earth around September 8-9.

By the way, in fact, two outbreaks were observed, just one of them was weaker, so it did not cause alarm among scientists. Both explosions on the Sun occurred on the morning of September 6. The first one peaked at 5:10 a.m. ET, and the second, larger outbreak occurred at 8:02 a.m. This information was disseminated by NASA, whose specialists closely monitored the events taking place on the Sun. They also informed the population of the Earth that, in principle, the Earth’s atmosphere will “stand” in the way of harmful radiation from the outbreak, which will not allow it to have a harmful effect on people, but they should still be more attentive to their health. Moreover, weather-dependent people most often feel the bulk of magnetic storms; their chronic diseases may worsen and headaches may occur. In addition, due to intense flares, the layer of the atmosphere in which GPS and communications signals pass can be disrupted, which will lead to failures in the communication system.

Literally in the coming days - September 8 and 9, scientists predict new coronal mass ejections from our star, which will continue to “threaten” us with changes in the magnetic field of our planet. Flares on the Sun occur at moments when dark spots form on the surface from its magnetic field, then the field seems to twist and a release of energy occurs, from which the solar surface overheats. Astronomers are analyzing data about a cosmic event that has gone down in the history of science.

Anna Voronina - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

The sun has not raged like this for twelve years. On Wednesday, September 6, due to the merger of several sunspots, the Sun released a huge amount of energy. This solar wind will be truly destructive.

Scientists from NASA recently predicted a significant decrease in solar activity, because there have been no serious magnetic storms over the past couple of months. Contrary to expectations, on September 6 a unique, but very real event happened - the Sun went beyond its “traditions”.

Communication problems

As you know, the solar wind itself does not cause problems, because it simply does not reach us, because the Earth has two magnetic poles that protect us from these bombardments. But every coin has a downside. In the case of storms, this side is obvious - the magnetic field is excited, and its waves negatively affect people and equipment.

Speaking of technology: all over the world on September 7 and 8, communication problems are or have been observed. This is quite obvious given the scale of the problem. Most of the explosions or flares on the Sun, fortunately, occurred in a place where it is more difficult for the solar wind to reach the Earth. If you draw an imaginary line from the Sun to the Earth, then the flash was directed slightly to the side. If it were aimed directly at Earth, the problems would be much more dangerous.

Magnetic storm on September 8 and 9

The solar wind travels to Earth for about two or three days. After the flare on September 6, the released energy will reach Earth on the 8th. Even though the flash was not direct, the magnetic storm from it will reach an incredible fourth level. If this outbreak had been directed at us, it would have exceeded the record fifth.

The storm will not only be unpleasant, but destructive. Not only weather-sensitive people, but everyone else can experience headaches. Chronic diseases will worsen in almost one hundred percent of people. According to the first estimates of scientists from America, on September 8 and 9 pharmacies will have huge profits, because the problem will be on a global scale.

On the 8th, the fourth level storm will subside in the evening, reducing its strength to the first level. September 9 will not be a time for relaxation. The Earth's magnetic field will still be excited. We are all lucky that a problem like this comes before the weekend, because in the middle of the week it would lead to serious troubles at work for those who give it their all.

Only common sense and caution will help you protect yourself from danger. Don't drink alcohol and don't overwork yourself at work. All you will need on September 8 and 9 is peace. Abstract yourself from negative thoughts. They should not torment you during these two days. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.09.2017 13:03

The sun does not always have the same activity indicator. This is evidenced not only by magnetic storms. On the...

Scientists are noticing alarming news: sunspots are increasingly disappearing on the Sun. This means that solar...

Last week there were 4 powerful flares on the Sun at once. One of them turned out to be the strongest in the last 12 years and was among the largest explosions on the surface of the star in the entire history of observations. On Earth, these phenomena did not go unnoticed: many people felt unwell, and cases of equipment failure were recorded. Astronomer Anatoly Ryabtsev explained the dangers of solar flares and how you can protect yourself from the consequences of cosmic disasters.

Influence of the Sun

Flares on the Sun are invisible to the human eye, however, according to scientists, on the star itself this phenomenon looks like a huge nuclear explosion. “Energy accumulates in the solar atmosphere,” explains the astronomer. “And when there is too much of it, an explosion occurs, releasing a plasma cloud that can weigh billions of tons and fly at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second.”

Most often, such outbreaks last no longer than 10 minutes, and the most severe ones last several hours. If the flow is directed towards the Earth, the consequences of the outbreak will be clearly felt by the population of the planet. When particles ejected by the Sun reach the Earth at enormous speed, the flow interacts with its magnetic field and makes adjustments not only to the well-being of people, but also to the operation of electronic devices.

Weather-sensitive people are at risk

The plasma ejected by the Sun reaches the Earth in the next two to three days after the start of the flare. During this entire time, magnetic storms will rage on the planet, the power of which depends on the force of the explosion on the surface of the Sun. Thus, after the September 8 outbreak, equipment malfunctions occurred on Earth: many noted that their mobile phones stopped receiving signals, and some cable television channels stopped broadcasting. “Explosions on the Sun also affect telecommunications equipment,” says Ryabtsev. “Powerful flares can disable not only telephones, but also entire communications satellites and even spacecraft: the blast wave can be so strong.”

Scientists have proven that during solar activity, natural disasters most often occur on Earth - hurricanes and earthquakes. Solar flares also have a great impact on the Earth's population. First of all, the danger to people is associated with increased radiation levels.

When an explosion occurs on the surface of a star, powerful streams of protons are formed, which enhance the radiation around it. “So far, radiation from the Sun has not reached the Earth,” says the astronomer. “But astronauts may be at risk.”

For the common population, explosions in the Sun are fraught with deterioration in well-being; such outbreaks will especially affect the health of weather-sensitive people. Usually, in the first hours after an explosion, people experience general malaise, which can subsequently result in severe headache and joint pain, nervous disorder, increased blood pressure and decreased concentration. “On days of solar activity, various accidents are most likely due to the human factor,” notes Ryabtsev.

How to escape from a magnetic storm?

People with chronic diseases, weakened immune systems and sleep disorders suffer the most from solar flares. To cope with the consequences of magnetic storms, experts advise limiting yourself from bad habits - smoking and alcohol. In addition, it is better to exclude heavy and fatty foods from the diet - fried meat, fast food. “I would recommend not driving during periods of solar activity,” Ryabtsev emphasizes. - On such days, a person’s brain activity is somewhat slowed down, and he cannot make quick decisions on the road. It’s better to play it safe and use public transport or walk.”

To make the magnetic storm less acute, you need to drink more water and eat berries, fruits and vegetables. “Walk outside more, but avoid direct sunlight,” the astronomer advises. - Tea with herbs helps many people. If you follow these simple rules, solar flares will pass unnoticed by you!”

At the height of the storm there were power surges

For several days now, many have been complaining of drowsiness, fatigue, and lack of strength. It's hard to work, hard to live. Especially if you belong to the category of weather-sensitive people.

A series of solar flares of unprecedented force affected all areas of our lives. Scientists seriously declare that solar radiation literally burns out the Earth's magnetic field. Doctors warn about deterioration of health. Physicists predict an increase in fatal transport accidents. And eccentrics advise protecting yourself from unprecedented solar activity with the help of tin foil hats.

A series of flares on the star, which began to occur on September 4, “spitting out” plasma charges, ended only on September 7. The most powerful outbreak was the highest X-class with an index of 9.3, which occurred on September 6. Our planet has not experienced anything like this for the past 12 years. Despite the fact that the main impact of the plasma cloud from X9.3 occurred on September 8 at about 2 a.m. Moscow time, the magnetic storm continued to rage throughout Friday. Meanwhile, the Sun sent another portion of solar wind in pursuit. Will it reach us, have the earth’s electrical networks and radio systems reflected the previous blow? We talked about all this with the staff of the Physics Institute. Lebedev RAS (FIAN).

The X9.3 flare turned out to be so powerful that it reached us 12 hours earlier than expected. The plasma cloud reached the Earth by 2 a.m. Moscow time, causing a magnetic storm with a power of 4 points on a 5-point scale. By 7–8 o'clock in the morning its power had dropped to average and by 17 o'clock it was already noticeable with a slight disturbance of the planet's magnetosphere.

This event combined two factors at once - the clear direction of the solar ejection towards the Earth and its strength, says Sergei Bogachev, a senior researcher at the Lebedev Physical Institute, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. - This happens infrequently and leads to the so-called burning of the magnetic field lines of our planet. Figuratively, this can be represented as a meeting of oppositely directed charges: one flies from the direction of the Sun, the second from the direction of the Earth, and the solar one destroys the earthly one. , opening up deeper access of solar radiation into our atmosphere. One thing can be said for sure: power surges in the power supply networks were definitely present at the height of the storm, but I think modern warning means ensured their uninterrupted operation.

A strong magnetic storm could most likely damage long-range radio communications,” another FIAN employee, Sergei Kuzin, adds to his colleague. - This is due to the fact that during the collision of solar plasma with the radiation fields of the Earth, the ionosphere becomes denser due to an increase in charged particles and interferes with the passage of radio waves. The same reason can disrupt the operation of space satellites that do not have modern, stable electronic components. This mainly concerns small cubesats - satellites less than a meter in size. Large devices will most likely need to be resistant to magnetospheric disturbances.

After talking with Kuzin, we contacted the Russian Space Systems company, which not so long ago sent into flight the second nanosatellite, TNS-02. “Everything is fine with him,” the company’s press service told us, “only today, September 8, he got in touch.” We received the same answer from the Scientific Center for Operational Earth Monitoring (a structure of RKS), which monitors the entire Russian constellation of Earth remote sensing satellites: “The remote sensing system worked normally on September 7 and 8, and no deviations were recorded.”

As for people, experts remembered the possible risk for pilots and passengers flying on airliners over the Arctic Circle when solar plasma meets the radiation belts of our planet. It is believed that the radiation dose to humans at this moment can exceed the annual norm. But, as we see, this does not at all frighten those who specifically fly out to observe the polar lights (they arise along with a magnetic storm).

On Thursday evening, IZMIRAN reported another solar flare that occurred on September 7 at about 6 p.m. It belonged to the same highest class X, but with a lower index - 1. Following it, on September 8, another M-class flare appeared on the luminary. However, according to Bogachev, they can no longer lead to a magnetic storm on our planet, since they “shot” far from the Sun-Earth line, almost on the side of the star hidden from us.

Many people feel the effects of magnetic storms. For some, the reaction will be delayed, that is, the deterioration of well-being will begin after the storm. Some people react with headaches and increased blood pressure exactly during the outbreak hours. According to Galina Kholmogorova, a researcher at the Research Institute of Preventive Medicine, it depends on the person’s temperament, existing chronic diseases, and the medications he takes. “The current storm is really very strong, it feels like the end of the world has come,” says Galina Kholmogorova. - In weather-sensitive people these days, changes in blood pressure, swelling, and increased heart rate are possible. There are also those who react by deteriorating vision. In addition, during magnetic storms, the composition of the blood may change: the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells, some enzymes, and minerals may decrease. Therefore, these days it is better not to take blood tests for biochemistry - the result may be incorrect. Scientific fact: the cardiovascular system of people born during periods of maximum solar activity reacts more sharply to magnetic storms.”

Scientists are also not mistaken about the increase in the number of accidents. During magnetic storms, our nervous system begins to slow down, reactions become slower, and attention weakens. Even in a healthy person, the reaction can worsen by 3-4 times, emphasizes Galina Kholmogorova. Therefore, it is dangerous to drive on such days.

It has also been proven that during magnetic storms the number of cardiovascular accidents increases. Numerous studies have shown that the largest number of heart attacks occur in the first three days from the development of this phenomenon. A particularly close connection has been established between the development of myocardial infarction and geomagnetic disturbances during the period of moderate magnetic storms. It is very important for all chronically ill patients not to miss taking medications prescribed by their doctor these days.

Storms affect not only the heart and vascular system, but even digestion. At this time, the acidity of gastric juice decreases. This is especially noticeable in cases where magnetic storms occur during the period of the full Moon (as now). Therefore, doctors now advise drinking juices squeezed from fresh vegetables and fruits, salted mineral water or water with lemon juice before each meal. In the evening, it is better to eat foods rich in carbohydrates and refrain from eating before bed. In addition, now you need to include milk, seaweed, fish, legumes, baked beets, jacket potatoes, blueberries, turnips and rhubarb in your menu. Also try to spend more time outdoors, go to the pool. And don't wear clothes made of synthetic materials.

But the most important thing is to reduce all physical activity in the coming days! And this even means going to visit or receiving guests, and even more so doing laundry or repairs. Summer cottages are also a very powerful physical activity, take pity on yourself so that a disaster does not happen. Devote time to rest and peace, says Galina Kholmogorova.

But Galina Kholmogorova calls the folk recipe in the form of a foil hat, which supposedly can protect against solar radiation, complete nonsense: “Solar waves penetrate the entire Earth, no hats can save you from them! There are also crazy people who are trying to escape in the pyramids - this is about the same crazy idea.”

One day, the entire European telegraph could not withstand the influx of solar energy.

“I have a headache - probably magnetic storms!” - each of us has heard, and perhaps said, something similar more than once. Scientists regularly warn about the restless behavior of the Sun and subsequent possible disasters. What are these mysterious storms and flares? How do they connect the Earth and the Sun? And is it true that these cataclysms are dangerous for humanity?

When the luminary is indignant

Periodically, unique releases of light, heat and kinetic energy occur in the solar atmosphere. They are called solar flares. Despite the fact that their duration is short (no more than a few minutes), the amount of energy that is released in the process is enormous. In TNT equivalent it reaches billions of megatons. An average flare generates energy 10 million times (!) greater than the energy of a large volcanic eruption.

In addition to the amazing quantitative indicators, energy manifests itself in many forms. These are, in particular, ultraviolet, optical, x-ray and even gamma radiation, as well as particles (protons and electrons).

Magnetic storms occur on Earth in low (close to the equator) and middle (40 to 60’) latitudes of the planet. What do solar flares have to do with it? The relationship between the phenomena is direct: solar activity generates disturbances in the earth's magnetic field. Charged particles - those same protons and neutrons - are released during flares on the Sun, reach the Earth and, with their intense flow, change its magnetic field.


Storm in the blood

Scientists regularly warn that a large-scale solar flare could lead to catastrophic consequences. What is the danger?

Solar flares have a direct negative impact on astronauts in orbit and on space equipment. Waves of powerful energy penetrate stellar space and can damage instruments and control systems until they completely fail. But, of course, people are exposed to a more serious danger: the significantly increased level of radiation as a result of a solar flare carries the risk of severe radiation exposure for space explorers. Moreover, even airline passengers traveling during certain periods of peak solar activity are likely to be exposed to radiation.

The more significant consequences of solar flares for humanity are, of course, observed on Earth. First of all, geomagnetic fluctuations affect people’s health, and this is a proven fact, and not just attempts to explain another surge in pressure or a sudden headache. Experts have calculated: at times of high solar activity, the number of suicides increases 5 times, and cases of heart attacks and strokes increase by 15%.

Scientists interpret the relationship between magnetic storms and deterioration in health as follows: a change in the Earth’s magnetic field entails a slowdown in capillary blood flow, an increase in blood density, and as a result, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) occurs in organs and tissues. First of all, all of the above affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Hence - hypertensive crises and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Why hasn’t humanity become extinct yet, if our body is so dependent on solar activity and changes in the geomagnetic environment? Because the body is characterized not only by high sensitivity to external factors, but also by the ability to adapt to recurring phenomena. Solar flares and, as a consequence, magnetic storms repeat with a certain periodicity. And we react only to the strongest of them.


What did the Japanese cedars hide?

Researchers regularly appear in the news about the planet-threatening consequences of solar activity. Constant solar flares may be harbingers of the apocalypse - such a frightening statement was made by scientists at the American Harvard University in June 2017. A month later, NASA researchers reported a future strong solar flare that would have negative consequences for the Earth. The point was that precision equipment could fail, and even volcanic eruptions could occur. The sun allegedly can destroy the Earth in three days - experts from the British University of Reading have proven that an increase in solar activity has a negative impact on the health of the Earth's population and have come to the conclusion that humanity is absolutely defenseless against the threat.

However, in the history of observations of solar activity there are not only concerns, but also real facts of negative consequences of solar flares, and not only for human health.

The strongest documented flare on the Sun occurred 1.5 centuries ago, on September 1-2, 1859. Among researchers it is known as a flare Carrington. For several days, the sky in the western hemisphere of the Earth was illuminated with crimson light, and at night it was as bright as day. In the tropics and subtropics, people could observe lights reminiscent of the northern lights. Throughout Europe and large parts of North America the telegraph was out of order. At first, observers could not find an explanation for what was happening. Only British astronomer Richard Carrington connected the phenomena occurring on a planetary scale with the solar flares he had observed the day before.

Today, scientists say that events of this magnitude occur at intervals of approximately 500 years. However, eyewitness accounts or researchers’ documents with records of similar manifestations of solar activity preceding the Carrinton flare have not been preserved. However, in 2012, physicists from Japan, and then astronomers from the United States, examined the growth rings of Japanese cedars and came to the conclusion that in the 8th century there was a “super flare” on the Sun, several times more powerful than the “Carrigton event”. Now it would lead to irreversible consequences for our high-tech world.