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Symptoms and treatment of cough without fever in a child. Cough in a child without fever: causes and treatment Frequent cough in a child without fever

A cough is one of the most common symptoms of respiratory diseases in childhood. Associated symptoms such as fever and runny nose indicate the likelihood of developing an acute respiratory disease.

Not everything is so simple in a situation where a cough develops without fever. Incorrect actions by parents, dictated by the desire to help the baby, can aggravate his condition. You need to know that a cough can be a normal reaction of the body to external factors, but it can also indicate the development of a serious illness.

Possible reasons

Various diseases shape the specific nature of cough in children. Parents need to pay attention to the strength, timbre, duration, time of onset and intensification of the symptom, the amount of discharge, color, and consistency of sputum. This will speed up an accurate diagnosis to begin treatment.

Main reasons:

  • . They can occur with or without temperature. In the case of a viral pathogen, there is also a sore throat and general weakness. Making a diagnosis is not difficult.
  • Acute and chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract( , ). They usually begin in a child with no fever, especially severe at night. Over time, it acquires a wet character. May persist for up to several weeks.
  • Allergies. A child’s body reaction in the form of an attack of severe dryness, without fever, often at night, can be triggered by any allergens. For example, pollen, household dust, medicine, animal hair or food product.
  • . Attacks of chronic inflammatory pathology of the respiratory tract are caused by the influence of allergens, infections, cold air, physical activity, and psycho-emotional stress.

Typical manifestations of asthma in children are continuous wheezing, feelings of suffocation, and chest compression. In some children, the only symptom observed is a recurring, prolonged, paroxysmal dry cough without fever.

A child's cough can have many causes. It is important to take immediate assistance measures in a timely manner.

Necessary urgently call an ambulance if, along with a cough, the following symptoms are present:

  • very heavy breathing, difficulty speaking or crying (in the case of infants);
  • blue lips;
  • loss of consciousness.
  • If there are no severe symptoms, but the child has a persistent cough without fever for several days, you should consult a doctor.

    Prescribed groups of drugs

    The doctor decides how to treat cough without fever in children after establishing the etiology of the disease. He prescribes medications that relieve or eliminate the main symptom. When choosing medications, the doctor is guided by such facts as type, strength, duration, condition and age of the baby.

    For treatment use:

    • Antitussive drugs.

      Their action is based on suppressing the cough reflex, so they are used exclusively to eliminate dry cough. Centrally acting drugs are used in cases of obsessive symptoms, for example, whooping cough.

      Peripheral drugs dull the sensitivity of respiratory tract receptors, producing a local anesthetic effect.

    • Expectorant drugs.

      Their main purpose is to liquefy mucus to facilitate its removal. Used in the presence of liquid, easily separated sputum.

    • Mucolytic drugs.

      Affects phlegm. They are used for the accumulation of thick, viscous, difficult to cough up mucus in the respiratory tract.

      Cough medications are available in various forms, all of the same in digestibility and effectiveness. The choice of dosage form for children is determined by ease of use.

    Children are reluctant to take pills, and capsules and lozenges can be dangerous for them, so they are recommended for children over 6 years of age. Preparations in the form of syrups and powders for dissolution contain harmless flavoring additives, which makes them much easier to take.

    After the first dose of the drug, parents need to pay attention to whether an allergic reaction has occurred.

    Review of drugs for treatment

    Treatment of cough in children has its own specific characteristics and requires medical supervision. Pediatricians, not without reason, adhere to the principle that Children's cough should not be suppressed. Its inhibition can contribute to the accumulation of sputum, that is, the creation of a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and the progression of infection. That is why in pediatric practice, expectorants are mainly used to help remove sputum.

    When treating children prefer herbal preparations, but provided there are no allergies.

    • "" - syrup and drops based on ivy leaf extract. It has an expectorant, mucolytic, antispasmodic effect. Recommended dosage is 3 times a day for at least a week, undiluted. Contraindications: children under 2 years of age, diabetes mellitus, predisposition to laryngospasm. Average price – 350-550 rubles.
    • « Bronchicum" - elixir and drops based on extracts of grindelia, primrose, quebracho, thyme. Recommended doses of the elixir are 0.5-1 teaspoon, drops – 15-20 drops for sugar or with hot tea. Contraindicated in children with allergic respiratory diseases. Estimated price – 400-450 rubles.

    In the absence of a therapeutic effect, after 4-5 days they proceed to treatment with agents that dilute and enhance sputum separation.

    • « Ambroxol"("", "") - tablets, syrup, drops, solution for inhalation. It is used in children of all ages, including newborns. It is recommended to dilute the syrup with water and not take it for more than 5-6 days. Contraindications – hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. The average price is 150-300 rubles.

    For more tips on treating a prolonged cough without fever in a child, watch Dr. Komarovsky’s video:

    Folk remedies and herbal remedies approved by doctors

    You can use herbal remedies with expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. Fees usually include marshmallow, licorice, wild rosemary, chamomile, plantain, coltsfoot, pine buds.

    Children under 1 year of age should brew only one plant. Children under 3 years old are given 1 tablespoon of decoction 4 times a day. For older children, the dose is increased 2-3 times.

    Brings significant relief inhalations with soda, boiled potatoes, herbal extracts. The most accessible way is to add a tablespoon of soda to a bowl of hot water and let the baby breathe over it for about 15 minutes, covering his head with a towel.

    Rubbing and massage of the chest with animal fats, honey and pharmaceutical ointments stimulates the functioning of the bronchi and lungs, increases blood circulation and the outflow of phlegm. It is important to cover the baby with a blanket after rubbing to maintain the thermal effect. The same therapeutic effect is achieved by thermal cakes made from flour, potatoes and honey, applied to the chest for 2 hours.

    An important condition for treating a child is compliance with measures that alleviate the patient’s condition.

Cough is a physiological reaction of the body to the influence of certain unfavorable factors. Its main purpose is to clear the airways from a foreign agent, which occurs mechanically during coughing. The presence or absence of fever when a child coughs is an important criterion; it helps to establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Cough without fever

Body temperature usually increases due to intoxication of the body against the background of the development of inflammatory processes caused by various pathogenic (disease-causing) and opportunistic microorganisms. A cough without severe intoxication can develop against the background of the following pathological processes:

  • Chronic – long-term inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which has a different origin (bacteria, irritation with chemical compounds). The duration of the disease exceeds several months.
  • Atopic is an inflammatory reaction of the bronchi, which is of allergic origin. In this case, the cough is dry and accompanied by shortness of breath. A more severe form of allergic inflammation is bronchial asthma. It is characterized by severe paroxysmal dry cough and severe shortness of breath.
  • Post-existing whooping cough is a childhood infection characterized by the fact that the toxins of the pathogen (whooping cough bacteria) lead to long-term changes in the functional state of the bronchi, as well as the activity of the cough center of the medulla oblongata. Therefore, after the body is completely freed from bacteria, a dry, paroxysmal cough remains for a long period of time.
  • Some acute respiratory viral infections can occur with a severe dry cough, but without an increase in body temperature, as well as intoxication.
  • Tuberculosis is a specific infection, the main feature of which is the development of pronounced changes in the lungs without severe intoxication. The pathological process is accompanied by the development of a slight cough. Today, tuberculosis is of very high relevance, since the incidence remains at a high level.
  • Inflammatory processes that affect the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (middle ear, larynx, nose, paranasal sinuses) have different origins and are characterized by a chronic course.
  • Low humidity in the room where the child is located is a common cause of a dry cough without fever during the heating season. Heating devices (radiators) dry the air, thereby reducing the humidity of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and coughing develops. Low air humidity also leads to a decrease in nonspecific immune protection of the respiratory system. Today, to normalize indoor air humidity, you can purchase household humidifiers.
  • Some helminthic infestations (ascariasis) are characterized by the fact that at a certain stage the larvae migrate through the respiratory tract. This leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of a cough without fever.
  • Systematic or periodic contact of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract with certain irritating substances, inhalation of air with volatile chemical compounds, vapors of household or industrial chemicals.
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the reflux of stomach contents through the esophagus into the respiratory tract. In this case, severe irritation of the mucous membranes and cough develop.
  • Entry of a foreign body (in children very often small objects that they try to taste get into the respiratory tract) into the respiratory tract.

The appearance of a cough without fever despite the relatively satisfactory general condition of the child without severe intoxication requires further examination and diagnosis of the causes.

Cough with fever

Cough, accompanied by an inflammatory reaction and intoxication of the body, is a consequence of several of the most common causes:

  • Influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection and other acute respiratory diseases, which are characterized by intoxication of the child’s body and cough.
  • Acute, of bacterial origin - the disease can develop independently or be a complication of acute respiratory viral pathology.
  • The acute course of a childhood infection of whooping cough, in which the causative agent of the disease is present in the respiratory tract.
  • Inflammation of the lungs (), which is most often of bacterial origin.
  • Acute inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs.

When coughing with fever, after diagnosing the causes of the disease, complex treatment is prescribed, which, in addition to fighting the cough, necessarily includes measures aimed at reducing the severity of intoxication.

Types of cough

The modern classification of cough involves its division into types based on the following criteria:

  • Duration - cough can be acute (lasting less than 1 month) and chronic (lasting more than several months).
  • Productivity - depending on the production and production of sputum, the cough can be dry (sputum is produced in a minimal amount, the cough causes significant discomfort, usually accompanies an acute inflammatory process) and wet (a productive cough with sputum production, usually an indicator of the beginning of the child’s recovery in an acute pathological process ).
  • Periodicity - the criterion implies the presence of a constant and paroxysmal cough, which is characterized by the periodic sudden appearance of a series of cough impulses against the background of a relatively satisfactory condition of the child. A special feature is night cough, which is more pronounced when the child sleeps at night.

Classification of cough with its division into types helps to carry out a reliable diagnosis of the disease, the stage of its course and severity, as well as determine the most effective subsequent therapeutic tactics.

Dry cough

Dry cough in most cases is the result of an acute inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa. It is characterized by the fact that glandular cells produce viscous sputum in small quantities, which is poorly excreted from the bronchial tree. Most often, a dry cough in children develops against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, as well as. A dry paroxysmal cough is the result of the development of allergic or bronchial asthma. At the same time, it is accompanied by severe shortness of breath.

Wet cough

A wet or productive cough develops against the background of increased functional activity of the glandular cells of the bronchial mucosa. This pathophysiological process makes it possible to quickly remove foreign agents from the respiratory tract. The cough itself is less intense and is easier for the child to tolerate, so treatment of any disease is aimed at converting a dry cough into a wet one. In some diseases, the initial development of a wet cough is possible (tuberculosis, helminthic infestations).

Barking cough

A barking cough in children is relatively common. Its appearance is accompanied by an acute inflammatory process affecting the trachea, larynx, and part of the posterior wall of the pharynx. The cause of the inflammatory process can be some specific infections, which include measles. Cough with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is dry, often paroxysmal. During the coughing impulse, a rough loud sound appears, reminiscent of a dog barking, the mouth remains wide open and the tongue sticks out. The pathological condition is aggravated by even greater irritation and an inflammatory reaction, which is provoked by the dry barking cough itself.


A severe cough is characterized by the very frequent occurrence of cough shocks, which leads to exhaustion of the child. In this case, complications often develop, which include hemorrhages in the sclera of the eyes, ruptures of muscle or connective tissue fibers of the abdominal press, hernias of the walls of the abdominal cavity. If a severe cough develops, the prescription of antitussive drugs is justified, the mechanism of action of which is based on the suppression of excessive activity of the cough center of the medulla oblongata.

Night cough

Night cough develops during sleep. It is usually intense and paroxysmal. From a pathogenetic point of view, the development is associated with higher activity of the parasympathetic part of the nervous system at night. When a paroxysmal cough develops, the child wakes up; at night, there may often be complications, including hemorrhages in the sclera of the eyes and the formation of a hernia of the abdominal wall of various locations. At night, the use of antitussives, distractions (sucking lollipops), and air humidification is justified.

How to cure a child's cough

Cough treatment is always comprehensive. In order to successfully get rid of it, several areas of therapeutic measures are prescribed:

  • Etiotropic therapy is treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of cough; antibiotics and antiviral agents are usually used.
  • Pathogenetic treatment with liquefaction and improvement of sputum discharge, it is carried out using expectorant mucolytic agents.
  • Symptomatic treatment involves the use of antitussive drugs that suppress the activity of the cough center of the medulla oblongata.

When complex treatment is carried out correctly, the dry cough initially becomes wet, then its intensity gradually decreases.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for cough are used as a complement to the main treatment and help shorten its duration. These include honey, radish with honey, mustard plasters, inhalations.


Honey is a valuable product that contains a large number of beneficial compounds. It also contains compounds that have an indirect effect on the cough center, reducing excessive functional activity.

Radish with honey

Radish with honey has a combined expectorant and antitussive effect. It can be used in children for various types of cough in a small amount 2-3 times a day.

Mustard plasters

Mustard plasters have an expectorant effect due to their reflex effect. They contain esters, which, after applying mustard plasters to the skin, irritate certain nerve receptors, causing a reflex increase in the activity of the glandular cells of the bronchi.


Inhalation is a technique of inhaling steam to reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction. Previously, hot steam was used for this (inhaling steam over a pan of boiling water). Today you can use special inhalers into which various medications are added.

Drug treatment

Medication to reduce the severity of cough includes the use of mucolytic expectorants, as well as medications that suppress the activity of the cough center.

Cough syrups

Sufficient effectiveness of modern cough medicines, as well as effective treatment, can only be possible with an integrated approach. It must necessarily include measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the development of unpleasant manifestations after performing appropriate diagnostic studies.

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, which should help get rid of excess particles in the respiratory tract (lumps of dust with mucus, other foreign particles). It is impossible to say that if the baby is sick, then it is impossible; sometimes this is a normal reaction of the body. This reflex is very important, as it performs a protective and cleansing function.

If your child coughs, this does not mean that it is necessary to start treatment at this moment. This is the first sign that is worth paying attention to; perhaps the body was clearing the airways, or perhaps we are talking about a disease. Therefore, if the symptoms do not stop, it is necessary to diagnose the disease and only then begin treatment.

There are several types of cough:

  1. By nature: dry, wet productive and wet unproductive. Dry, if sputum is not coughed up, wet - with sputum discharge.
  2. According to the duration of occurrence: acute - occurred before three weeks, chronic - bothers longer than three weeks.

It is also necessary to pay attention to what time of day the baby coughs the most.

Why does the child cough?

A severe coughing attack may be a reaction to a small object accidentally entering the respiratory tract; parents should keep an eye on what the baby is playing with.

A dry cough in a child without fever can occur due to low humidity in the room. The mucous membranes dry out, and a reflex cough occurs. In this case, it is worth making the air humid using humidifiers.

Another reason is irritating agents - household chemicals and other volatile substances that the child comes into contact with; they irritate the mucous membranes of the upper long-term tract and provoke a cough without general inflammation.

If a child’s cough becomes too obsessive, coughs up colored sputum, and other symptoms appear, it can be caused by the following diseases:

  • Acute respiratory infection, which is accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, and body temperature rises; In this case, it is not difficult to distinguish the presence of a problem.
  • Chronic disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract - bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and others; The cough appears periodically, most often it is wet, with colored sputum, sometimes there is no temperature.
  • ENT infection in chronic or acute form - sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenitis; temperature in this case is not necessary, but a doctor’s examination is mandatory; Most often, a strong cough without fever occurs when the patient is lying down, that is, there is no opportunity to regularly clear the airways.
  • Tuberculosis is a serious disease; a prolonged dry cough in a child can be the cause of the disease; the temperature does not always rise.
  • The allergy causes frequent coughing in a child without fever; Regardless of the origin, characteristics of the allergy, the symptom is characteristic; A particular difficulty is that sometimes allergies are combined with an infection and the child coughs after the course of treatment, which creates additional problems for parents and the doctor.
  • Residual effects after whooping cough; The child has a cough without fever that appears at night.
  • Worm infestation, which causes coughing or dry cough; in this case, coughing without fever appears with repetitions after 2-4 weeks, during the period of helminth activity.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, for example, when reflux of stomach contents into the respiratory tract occurs.

This is not the entire list of diseases, some of them sound scary, sometimes the cause can be even more serious, but it is worth remembering that timely treatment and a visit to the doctor are the key to recovery. The situation cannot be neglected; it is worth contacting a specialist to diagnose the disease and identify the cause of the cough.

Cough without fever in a child: what to do?

If a cough without fever creates problems for both the baby and those around him. Night attacks are especially problematic, as this disrupts children's sleep.

Usually, a symptom does not arise on its own without a reason, and it is important to identify and eliminate it in time.

The first thing you should do is take another look at the condition of the room; in many cases, the reason lies in the place where the baby is.

Make sure there are no irritating factors:

  • items that cause allergies;
  • dry indoor air;
  • absence of mold on the walls, children's things in the room;
  • lack of contact with irritating agents - renovation of neighbors where they work with paint, solvents and other substances.

If the cause cannot be eliminated on your own, you should consult a pediatrician. Sometimes only this symptom can be an indicator of a serious illness; it is better to make sure that everything is in order than not to know about the hidden course of the disease.

A severe cough in a child without fever is a reason to consult a specialist and start taking certain medications.

At normal temperatures, one of several groups of drugs or other procedures may be prescribed:

  1. Antitussive medicines

Synthetic or natural origin, they are used to get rid of dry cough. The essence of the work is to suppress the reflex, this disrupts the natural cleansing of the airways.

  1. Expectorants

They are divided into several types: some act on sputum, thinning it if it is viscous, while others increase the secretion of sputum.

  1. Drugs that affect the lumen of the bronchi

Treat diseases with obstruction – bronchospasms. They have many contraindications; they affect not only the bronchi, but also other organs, so taking them without a doctor is contraindicated.

  1. Herbal medicines, herbal preparations

When used correctly, they have the best effect; official medicine recognizes herbal medicine as an effective and safe method of treatment. But if we are talking about an allergic cough, herbs can only do harm.

  1. Distraction procedures

Inhalation, rubbing with ointments, foot baths are an excellent way to stop some processes, for example, the initial manifestations of acute respiratory infections. These methods are not effective for allergies.

  1. Humidifiers

They create optimal conditions for the baby in the room, therefore they are effective for all types of cough.

Only a doctor can determine what exactly will help get rid of this problem; the task of parents is to provide the most optimal conditions for the child. Only a professional knows which treatment methods to choose and how to combine them. For example, you cannot combine the first and second medications, that is, antitussives and expectorants, since they act in different directions. This can cause serious deterioration and cause serious complications, even if the child was almost healthy.

Dry cough without fever: treatment

A rare dry cough or a prolonged cough causes a lot of discomfort and pain. For this symptom to become productive, special medications are needed that will contribute to recovery.

Effective for expectoration of sputum: Gerbion, Sinekod, Codelac Fito, Bronholitin. It is important that the medicine is prescribed by a doctor, since an incorrectly selected drug can cause stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.

Syrups for this symptom are effective even at the first signs of a cold. This alleviates the baby’s condition, reduces pain and has antitussive, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and expectorant effects. Natural components have an effective effect on the child’s body and have no contraindications, unless individual intolerance is excluded.

Compresses, mustard plasters, inhalations, and rubbing ointments into the chest will also be effective.

A prolonged cough, barking, that is accompanied by longer than 3 weeks is a reason to identify the causes of the symptom. The doctor should prescribe a medicine that will help the baby; it should suppress the cough reflex, that is, affect it at the level of the brain.

Some drugs cannot be prescribed because they are too strong - Codeine, Morphine. These are narcotic substances that are addictive, so they can only be prescribed to adults for a maximum of 7 days.

The most commonly used tablets for children are: Butamirate, Libexin and others. After a course of treatment with antitussive drugs, it is necessary to change tactics by prescribing other drugs depending on the symptoms.

How to cure a very wet cough?

A cold often causes a change from a dry cough to a wet one. But sputum is not always released normally; sometimes it is too viscous and thick. Coughing can cause pain.

The best solution would be mucolytics: Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol and others.

The effect of mucolytics is quite mild, they will not increase the volume of sputum, will not intensify the cough itself, but will alleviate the child’s condition, making him more productive. But the use of mucolytics is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age and with bronchial asthma.

If sputum is separated normally, you will need herbal expectorants - Alteyka, Ambroxol, licorice root, Lazolvan and others. However, natural ingredients are not always beneficial.

To help remove mucus better, you can give your baby a drainage massage. Drinking plenty of fluids, walking in the fresh air, and ventilating the rooms will help. If a child has a rare or prolonged cough without fever, then moderate activity will help, not necessarily lying in bed. On the contrary, with moderate activity, sputum will come out easier and the baby will recover faster.

How to stop coughing at night?

If you can cope with the disease during the day, it is possible to monitor the child and help him, then at night parents have to stay awake, especially if the symptom is complex.

During a night attack, give your baby warm milk or tea. Next, you need to change your body position - walk a little, move around, which will improve the discharge of sputum.

You can give cough drops, for example, Doctor Mom. No matter how tired you are, make sure that the lollipop is completely dissolved in your baby’s mouth and that he doesn’t fall asleep with it.

To prevent another attack, keep the bedroom slightly cool and humid.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of children's cough

A long cough in a baby that lasts a month or longer, a cough in a baby up to a year old, requires immediate action. You should not ignore the doctor and self-medicate; it is worth remembering that traditional medicine recipes are auxiliary and cannot replace full treatment.

If a child has a cough without fever, and you are wondering how to treat it, then it is best to combine drug treatment and traditional recipes:

  1. Black radish with honey – immunostimulating, antitussive, anti-inflammatory. You need to take one root vegetable, grate it, add 1-2 tbsp. honey, leave for half an hour, take a teaspoon 3 times a day.
  2. Cabbage with honey. You need to take a cabbage leaf, scald it with boiling water, apply honey on it and use it as a compress. Place a warm sheet of honey on your back, a plastic bag and a towel on top. Keep for about 3 hours. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times. Do not place on the heart area.
  3. Bananas. Grind 2-3 bananas, dilute with a glass of water, bring to a boil and give to the baby to drink throughout the day.

A competent combination of medications and folk remedies will help cure cough in children and avoid serious consequences. A visit to the doctor is the most reasonable decision, because a child cannot take care of himself, he needs qualified help and parental care.


Cough is the body’s protective reaction to the introduction of a foreign agent into the respiratory tract. Based on the nature of sputum discharge, it is divided into wet and dry. This allows you to select the right treatment in the future.

Causes of cough in a child without fever:

  • allergic component;
  • inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • physiological cough.

Allergies and cough in a child

Children, especially under one year of age, are often susceptible to diathesis. Against this background, a paroxysmal dry cough may occur. The main thing here is to eliminate the allergen: dust particles, pet hair, indoor plants.

Pediatrician Baranov A.A. in his book he describes the primary and secondary prevention of allergic sensitization. To prevent hypersensitivity, you need to:

  • maintain for as long as possible (at least 6 months);
  • eliminate passive smoking;
  • periodically (2 times a year) donate blood for specific Ig E, which indicates the presence of an allergic component;
  • exclude contact with animals, dust, etc. (hypoallergenic life);
  • follow a hypoallergenic diet.

If allergy symptoms occur, treatment is carried out with antihistamines (Zodak, Zyrtec, Loratadine), inhalations with drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi (Berodual, etc.) up to 3 times a day. Inhalations with physiological saline solution (to moisturize the mucous membrane of the bronchi and upper respiratory tract).

It is necessary to strictly observe the age dosage and follow the doctor’s prescriptions. Any medications have contraindications, which must be read before use!

These are insidious inflammatory diseases that are accompanied by a dry hacking cough. When it occurs, it has a “barking” character and is accompanied by hoarseness of voice.

It is dangerous because with it, especially in young children, swelling of the larynx quickly increases and an attack of suffocation may occur.

In practice, this usually happens in infants at 6–7 months. Laryngitis and bronchitis are a consequence of a cold and may be accompanied by other respiratory symptoms such as a runny nose. The cough can become chronic and last up to 2-3 months if not treated adequately.

What to do to prevent chronic cough?

  1. First aid for acute laryngitis is inhalation with saline and adrenaline, in a ratio of 1:5, up to five times a day. This quickly relieves swelling of the larynx.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. You can give still mineral water in small sips.
  3. Antitussives and mucolytics.

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

The cause of a cough may be the accidental entry of balls, buttons, coins or small stationery into the respiratory tract. The cough begins suddenly, the child’s voice disappears, breathing becomes difficult, and the skin turns blue.

In this case, an emergency call to the ambulance is necessary! Parents, be careful! Do not leave your baby unattended, hide all small objects!

Because of this, skin rashes may occur, total immunoglobulin E and eosinophils in the blood may increase, which will falsely lead the doctor to think about an allergy.

But experienced pediatricians know that if allergic dermatitis or an allergic cough is suspected, it is necessary to exclude helminthic infestations in the child.

Twice a year it is necessary to take tests for eggs, especially if the child attends a children's group, and, if necessary, carry out sanitation with anthelmintic drugs.

Medications in the treatment of pathological cough in children

Antitussives are divided into:

  • expectorants;
  • mucolytic.

The first group is used to improve sputum discharge. Drugs from the second group are intended to liquefy it.


  • Codelac;
  • Bronchicum.
  • Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan);
  • Ascoril.

The most common in pediatric practice is Ambroxol, or Ambrobene.

The drug is quite good, the effect occurs quickly, and can be prescribed from the age of three months in the form of syrups. Used up to 2 - 3 times a day orally or in the form of inhalations. The ACC drug is used in the form of syrup from 2 years of age.

Children under 3 years of age should be given these drugs with caution, as there is rapid and profuse discharge of large quantities of sputum.

It is difficult for a baby to cough up such a volume. A good effect is achieved by using a nebulizer, thanks to which the drug directly enters the bronchi and lungs.

Herbal remedies are also useful. True, in order to avoid allergic reactions, you should not get carried away with them. For infants, calendula, chamomile and thyme are used.

Physiological cough

In newborns, due to the anatomical features of the respiratory system (the bronchial mucosa is delicate, covered with many blood vessels and a thin layer of mucus), a physiological cough often occurs, which allows the upper respiratory tract to be cleared of accumulated mucus.

Its peculiarity is that:

  • it is not accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • the baby eats well, sleeps, and is not capricious;
  • does not require drug treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky advises to eliminate this type of cough:

  • ventilate the room 3 - 4 times a day for 10 minutes;
  • perform daily wet cleaning;
  • humidify the air;
  • walk in the fresh air for 1.5 hours.

During teething, in the fourth to fifth month of life, the child experiences profuse salivation, which may result in coughing. It also does not require treatment.

In general, we can say that coughing in infants under one year of age is a completely normal symptom, if there is no cough. This clears the airways of accumulated mucus and dust.

Without fever it occurs quite often. And in most cases, this is a completely normal physiological process that is necessary for a person in order to free his bronchi from dust particles that accidentally get there, etc. That is why, before starting to treat this phenomenon, the true cause of its occurrence should be established.

If dry is not accompanied by any other symptoms (runny nose, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, etc.), and the baby feels normal, then no treatment is required. In other cases, this deviation may be pathological. However, such diseases should only be identified by a qualified pediatrician based on the results of a medical examination.

A child with such a deviation should be shown to an experienced doctor if:

  • The cough begins suddenly and has a paroxysmal character. This often gives the impression that something has gotten into the baby’s throat.
  • In a child without fever, it occurs at night and prevents him from falling asleep for a long time.
  • He is barking, dry and annoying.
  • The cough is accompanied by severe allergic reactions.
  • Provokes nausea and vomiting.
  • The cough begins to get worse.
  • The child has a fever and also has all the signs of a cold.

Let's look at the list of the most common diseases that cause dry cough. A child with such deviations may or may not have a temperature.

1. Whooping cough. The stick regularly irritates the cough center, which provokes attacks that last up to 30 minutes and subsequently end in vomiting.

2. Measles. The disease is characterized by a dry and unproductive cough, which occurs only in the first days of the disease.

3. Laryngotracheitis or laryngitis. A dry cough in a child without fever requires urgent dilution of the sputum and its subsequent removal.

4. Allergic exacerbation. It can be observed in the form of bronchial asthma, as well as asthmatic or obstructive bronchitis. For dry coughs, for children with such diseases, medications that thin out excessively viscous sputum are recommended.

5. Tracheitis or ordinary bronchitis. These diseases begin with a dry and unproductive cough. It should be treated with medications or folk remedies that can separate sputum from the bronchi and remove it from the body.

6. Viral pharyngitis. At the very beginning of such a disease, a sick child may be plagued by a rather severe dry cough, which needs to be calmed with antitussive drugs and thermal procedures.

7. Pleurisy. This disease is characterized by a dry and rather painful cough, which can intensify with deep inspiration.

8. Flu or parainfluenza. This disease is accompanied by a painful dry cough, as well as a strong increase in body temperature.

9. MS infection. As a rule, this disease affects young children under 1 year of age. It is also characterized by a severe cough, which should be treated immediately.