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How much should a one year old baby sleep per day. How much should a one month old baby sleep? Video - how much a newborn baby should sleep and how to properly organize a healthy sleep for a baby

Each child develops individually and lives at their own pace, but there are general guidelines for sleep frequency in childhood:

  • Sleep frequency in newborns and infants up to 1 month is very difficult to say, but the average amount of sleep per day ranges from 16 to 20 hours. Further, with age, the period of night sleep increases, while the period of wakefulness increases due to a decrease in the amount of daytime sleep. By 3 months, the baby sleeps an average of 10 hours at night and 5 hours during the day. By 9 months, night sleep increases to 11 hours, in the daytime it is reduced to 3 hours.
  • One year old and kids? up to 1.5 years of age usually sleep twice a day. The first sleep lasts from 2 to 2.5 hours, and the second is less long (only about 1.5 hours). Night sleep at this age lasts an average of 10-11 hours.
  • Children aged 1.5 to 2 years most often sleep already once a day. The duration of such sleep is from 2.5 to 3 hours. Night sleep in such children still lasts from 10 to 11 hours.
  • Two to three year olds sleep during the day once from two to two and a half hours. At night, their sleep lasts approximately 10-11 hours.
  • Children over three years of age to 7 years of age It is recommended to sleep once during the day. The duration of this sleep is about two hours. Night sleep of children from three to seven years lasts an average of 10 hours.
  • Children over 7 years old rarely sleep during the day. Night sleep at this age is reduced to 8-9 hours.

What affects the frequency and duration of sleep?

The characteristics of the sleep of a particular baby are influenced by the temperament of the child, the stage of development of the peanut, the presence of ailments, the daily routine and other factors.

Comfortable conditions in the children's room, comfortable position of the bed, shading the room with thick curtains, comfortable clothes for the baby, a favorite toy, as well as the usual ritual contribute to good falling asleep.

But due to excessive heat and stuffiness in the room, cutting teeth, ear pain, colds, wet diapers and loneliness, the child will wake up more often.

Possible problems

  • The child may bang his head against the walls of the bed when falling asleep. This may be a sign of stress or illness, but if the mother does not see other negative symptoms, then the baby just likes how the crib moves rhythmically when he hits her head. Mom should think about the safety of the baby by softening the walls of the bed.
  • If the child sleeps less than the average sleep of his peers, he will accumulate fatigue. It will be manifested by increased excitability, whims, attempts to fall asleep earlier than usual (for example, at 18 o'clock). In this case, it is recommended to reconsider the laying time of the little one. You can help your baby go to bed earlier if you slowly and gradually shift your bedtime by 15 minutes.
  • Too much sleep can also negatively affect a child's well-being. He may become lethargic and uncommunicative.
  • At the age of two, children may have nightmares.
  • At 3-4 years old, some children refuse daytime sleep. In this case, parents need to make sure that they get enough sleep at night - at least 12 hours.


It will be easier for the child to fall asleep if, when laying down, the mother repeats the same actions. They are called ritual. An example of such a ritual would be the following actions, following each other in the same order every day: walking, feeding, bathing, reading a book, feeding, putting to bed with dimmed lights.

It is very important that the ritual familiar to the baby is repeated daily. If the regime on a certain day has gone astray and there is not enough time for each stage of the ritual, the sequence should remain the same, and the time of each action can be reduced. If the mother leaves the house, she should plan everything so that she has time to return to laying the baby.

  • Babies over 6 months of age begin to wake up less frequently at night. If waking up at night is still frequent, mom can resort to some tricks to help the baby sleep longer. Among them are late bathing, dense feeding after it and airing the room.
  • When weaning, nighttime feedings are usually discarded last, and for formula-fed babies, nighttime feedings are removed earlier. If you want to wean an artificial baby from feeding at night, give the baby gradually less and less mixture, and if the baby requires more food, gently soothe the little one. You can also pour the mixture from the bottle into the cup.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 06/02/2019

As soon as a newborn child appears in the family, the life of young parents changes dramatically. For some mothers, the days after birth become a continuous paradise, when their baby sleeps almost all day, but for others, on the contrary, the baby does not fall asleep well during the day and often wakes up at night. And it happens that one mother is worried that her child sleeps too much, and the other, on the contrary, that too little. So let's figure out how many hours babies sleep per day? What are the norms of sleep in children immediately after birth?

Why do newborns sleep so many hours?

All children are different, even from birth, all babies are different from each other, even in such crumbs you can see the beginnings of a future character. The same applies to sleep, some babies need to sleep more than 20 hours a day, and some, on the contrary, are awake a lot and sleep little. Why is this happening? The thing is that each child has a different structure of the brain, respectively, different physiological characteristics and habits. Therefore, how much the baby should sleep depends only on the crumbs themselves. Often after giving birth, the baby sleeps at night for 8 hours, without even waking up for feeding. However, some experts believe that this is a deviation, the newborn must wake up at night in order to eat. And if he does not eat on time, it can harm his health.

It is believed that a child who is breastfed should wake up every 3-4 hours to eat, so he sleeps no more than 20 hours a day. When the baby is rarely awake, eats little and spends a lot of time sleeping, he may be at risk of dehydration, which over time can turn into hypoglycemia and jaundice. To prevent this phenomenon, the baby must be applied to the chest every 3-4 hours.

There are several reasons why a newborn may sleep for a very long time:

  • difficult childbirth. Always during childbirth with complications, various drugs are introduced into the body of the mother giving birth, which have a sedative effect on the baby, and after childbirth, such children can sleep soundly for several days or even weeks;
  • a woman incorrectly puts her baby to her breast. If the baby does not take the breast correctly, he quickly gets tired, because. he spends a lot of energy on a futile attempt to suck milk. A tired baby quickly falls asleep under the breast and then sleeps for quite a long time;
  • nipple structure. It happens that it is difficult for the baby to grab the mother's nipple, all attempts are very tiring for him, and he falls asleep from fatigue.

Newborn sleep rate

How much should a baby sleep right after birth? Average statistically, the baby after birth should sleep up to 18-20 hours a day. During sleep, the baby digests food and gains strength for the next feeding, which occurs every 3-4 hours. Frequent meals are due to the fact that the baby has a too small stomach, and breast milk is quickly digested.

Naturally, parents do not record the time and do not sit near their baby, counting how much he sleeps. However, the norm of sleep must be adhered to, the only exceptions are those periods when the newborn is tormented by intestinal colic, intracranial pressure or temperature during a cold, and so on. These phenomena significantly reduce the duration of sleep and affect the psyche of the infant. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor how many hours their child sleeps, otherwise carelessness can lead to various pathologies.

How long should a night's sleep last?

On average, at night, a child should sleep up to 8 hours with awakenings for feeding. Babies usually wake up on their own to feed on their mother's milk. You can’t even call this an awakening, the mother is nearby, and as soon as the baby gives a signal, she feeds him right there, the baby most often eats in half-asleep.

Some experts believe that a newborn should sleep next to his mother at night, feeling the warmth of his mother's body, her caress and care, he will sleep much better, and it is easier for a woman to feed a baby.

Also, many pediatricians believe that if a child does not wake up every 3-5 hours at night, then it is necessary to wake him up or consult a doctor if this phenomenon has become constant. Every parent should know what the baby needs to eat at night to avoid dehydration.

Sleep norms for children under six months of age

The older children get, the more they have a period of wakefulness, and the less they sleep. How much sleep should babies sleep before 6 months after birth?

On average, babies sleep per day:

  • 1 month of life: daily duration is 16-20 hours;
  • 2 months of life: 14-17 hours;
  • 3 months life: 13-15 hours;
  • 4 months life: 12-14 hours;
  • 5 months life: 12-13 hours;
  • Six months of life: 10-11 hours.

However, these are average norms, each newborn is individual, and can sleep more than the norm, or, conversely, less.

We learned how much a baby should sleep in the first month after birth, and now consider the question: how should a newborn sleep? What conditions for the crumbs are the most comfortable?

  1. Is silence necessary? Some mothers try to lay the baby in absolute silence, but do not forget that in the mother's womb the child almost never was without any sounds. Therefore, you should not create a complete sound vacuum for the baby so that he falls into a dream.
  2. Darkness during the day. Sometimes mothers, in order for their baby to fall asleep faster during the day, tightly close the curtains, it is better not to do this. The child must have an internal biological clock, i.e. it should be light during the day and dark at night. Otherwise, the baby may confuse day with night.
  3. In a soft bed and on a pillow. In order to avoid sudden infant death syndrome, the infant's mattress should be hard, and the pillow does not appear until after two years.
  4. The room must be warm. For a comfortable sleep in the baby's room, the temperature is set at around 22 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is up to 70%.

Why won't my one month old baby sleep?

There are times when the baby does not want to sleep, which greatly exhausts the parents. There are several reasons for the baby to worry during sleep:

  • Too hot, not humid enough. Check if the room is very stuffy, a calm and healthy sleep of a child is possible at a temperature of 20-22 degrees and an air humidity of 50-70%;
  • perhaps the diaper has leaked, or the baby is uncomfortable in the clothes in which he sleeps;
  • uncomfortable sleeping position. Sometimes babies choose the most comfortable position for themselves during sleep, if the mother put it in a different way, the baby did not like it, and he refuses to sleep.

Now it is known that how much a newborn sleeps depends on many factors: the individual characteristics of the child, comfortable temperature and humidity, clothing, closeness with his mother. However, parents should still adhere to the average sleep rate in order to avoid negative consequences for the health of the crumbs.

Read more:

A newborn baby sleeps 18-20 hours a day. With good health, it is quite acceptable that the sleep of a newborn baby will be only 15 - 18 hours. A normal night's sleep can be 8-10 hours.

Immediately after childbirth, the life of every mother changes dramatically. Now she first needs to take care of the little man, her child. If the first child was born, then a young mother may be worried that their baby sleeps almost around the clock, so we will try to answer this common question (how much a newborn baby should normally sleep in the first days of life).

How many hours a day does a newborn baby sleep

The baby does not yet distinguish the time of day, and may well confuse day and night. This becomes a real problem for the mother, and she can neither plan housework nor get enough sleep herself, which negatively affects her well-being and lactation. If this happens, the baby’s sleep needs to be gently but surely turned in the right direction. Do not put him to bed too early in the evening, presumably schedule a bedtime and try to rock the baby at that time, give or take an hour. The very next day the child will return to his usual way of life, during the day - hours of wakefulness, at night - sleep.

Walks in the fresh air have a very good effect on the sleep of a child. The lungs are saturated with oxygen, the baby falls asleep easily, and in good weather conditions, daytime sleep on the street can be as much as six hours in a row! But to maintain breastfeeding, it is worth putting the baby to the breast at least once every three hours, do not forget about it. ()

Everyone knows that sleep is important for the proper functioning of the human body. Its deficiency can lead to much more serious consequences than a decrease in food and fluid intake. At the same time, most mothers, being attentive to the nutrition of young children, do not pay close attention to the issue of healthy and high-grade children's rest.

The importance of sleep for a child

Dream- a significant component for the full development of the child's body. It is at this time that important physiological processes take place.

  1. Relaxation of the limbs.
  2. Tissue restoration.
  3. Formation of energy reserves.
  4. Processing and assimilation of information received during wakefulness.
  5. The formation of melanin - the hormone responsible for the growth of the child.
  6. Formation and restoration of immunity.
  7. Active work of internal organs.

How much sleep should children sleep per year

For a good rest, children, just like adults, need to sleep a certain number of hours a day. For each age, this figure and the composition of sleep is different. For a one-year-old baby, the duration of sleep is 12-14 hours. At the same time, night sleep lasts 10-12 hours, and daytime rest 2-3 hours. Daytime rest at the beginning of the second year of life is still divided into two segments of 1–1.5 hours each.

For a baby of one and a half years, these figures change slightly. The total duration of sleep for a child of one and a half years should be at least 10-12 hours. At night he should sleep 10-11 hours. But the daytime rest by this time takes 2–2.5 and is not divided into parts.

Of course, it is not necessary to drive a child into a certain time frame that strictly determines the number of hours of sleep and wakefulness. Small deviations from the norm are not an indicator that a child has problems with dreams.

Sleep disorders

So, having decided how much a one-year-old child should sleep, parents can be guided by these figures when distributing rest time and periods of activity for their children. Deviations from these limits in an hour or two are not a problem. But if a child sleeps more or less than most of his peers for two or more hours, then you need to be wary. Only by carefully observing your child, you can determine whether this deviation is an individual feature of the baby, or there is a violation of the body's recovery function.

Signs of sleep deprivation in children 1 year old can be:

Ignoring the signs of lack of sleep at 1 year can lead in the future to disorders of the nervous system, behavioral disorders, chronic fatigue, decreased immunity, slowing down the speed of reactions and information processing processes in the brain.

To correct sleep disorders in children of any age, and especially in infants, a stable daily routine must be observed.

Daily routine for children at 1 year old

When developing a daily routine for your child, you can follow the recommendations of pediatricians and psychologists. But the basis for the regimen of the child during the day should be his individual characteristics and needs.

Daily regime

A one-year-old child receives a lot of new information. For its successful development during the day, he needs 12-14 hours of rest. A child's nighttime sleep at the beginning of the second year of life should last 10-12 hours. Most experts say that the optimal time to fall asleep in the evening is 21:00. This is dictated by the characteristics of the child's body. Sleep from 21.00 to 1.00 is considered the most productive, in terms of physiological processes.

The time of awakening the child should not be adjusted to the wishes of the parents. If a little man wakes up in the morning at 6–7 o'clock, this is normal and acceptable. During the day, a one-year-old baby sleeps for about 2-3 hours. This time is best divided into two parts of 1-1.5. The body of a child at this age is not always ready for a long period of wakefulness. In 1 year it is 3-4 hours. The first half of this time is devoted to active games, walks in the fresh air. In the second half of the wakefulness period, it is advisable to take the baby to less active activities (drawing, reading books, playing with blocks). This will help him and spend energy during vigorous activity and prepare for daytime sleep.

At one year old, in most cases, a child cannot fall asleep on his own and talk about his fatigue. The task of attentive parents is to notice the fatigue of their baby in time and help him fall asleep. If you skip this moment and continue the games, then it will be quite difficult to put him to bed. You can understand whether the little one is ready to sleep in one of two ways.

You can, by watching the games, identify the actions of the baby, which indicate his fatigue:

When putting the child to sleep, focusing on the recommendations of specialists, it is necessary to fix the time when this process takes place as calmly and quickly as possible. In this case, it is necessary to start preparing for falling asleep in advance, 15–20 minutes in advance.

General rules for preparing for sleep

For the formation of positive habits in young children, a constant sequence of actions is important, which must remain the same every day. This statement is also true for the organization of healthy and sound children's sleep.

daytime sleep

The benefits and necessity of daytime sleep for the baby's body per year have been repeatedly noted. During the daytime rest, the child processes the information received in the morning hours, muscles and limbs rest and relax, the baby stores energy for vigorous activity in the afternoon.

How many times a one-year-old child should rest during the day depends on his individual characteristics and physical activity. Up to a year and a half, the alternation of one and two daily naps can be the norm. Unacceptable at this age is the daily rejection of the daily period of rest. This phenomenon is a significant deviation from the norm and requires decisive action from parents.

There are several reasons for refusing to fall asleep during the day:

Infrequent cases of sleep refusal can not be considered a deviation. But even if the baby refuses to sleep, he should have a daytime rest when his body is in a state of relative rest. If a one-year-old child does not fall asleep, then he should not get out of bed and go to games instead of sleeping. Sleep can be occupied by reading a book, singing a calm song, telling a fairy tale.

There are some simple tricks you can use to help your little one fall asleep easily. Mom can lie down next to him during the period of falling asleep and stroke him on the back, head and arms. Physical contact is soothing and comforting. Airing and daily wet cleaning of the room for children's sleep are required! It is undesirable to put the baby to sleep immediately after feeding.

The quality of night rest directly depends on its sufficient daily amount.. If the baby slept little or did not sleep at all during the day, he will not fall asleep faster in the evening. On the contrary, his overexcited nervous system will work to the limit and will not let him calm down and go to the realm of Morpheus.

Bedtime plays a big role in the quality of a night's sleep. You can not adjust the baby's sleep schedule to the needs and desires of adult family members. Children under the age of one and a half years should be asleep by 22 hours, no matter how many times they sleep during the day.

A consistent ritual will help prepare for a night's sleep. In the evening hours, calm games without active movement are desirable. An hour before bedtime (at about 20–20.30), you need to start getting ready for bed: collect and put toys to bed, take water procedures, read a book. As during the day, in the process of falling asleep, one of the parents should be nearby (in the evening it can be dad).

Night sleep is rarely uninterrupted throughout the night. How many times a baby wakes up during the night depends on the individual characteristics and conditions in the children's room. If a child in one year wakes up 1-2 times a night, this is normal.. The reason for this may be the desire to go to the toilet, abdominal discomfort, bad dreams, hunger. If the little one does not experience problems with sleep, then he will easily fall asleep again after satisfying his needs. But most often, children a year cannot doze off at night on their own. Mom should help them in this, stroking, in a quiet, calm voice, setting the child to continue dreams.

Separately, it is necessary to touch on the topic of the comfort of the baby during sleep. Nightwear should not restrict movement, should be made of breathable materials and be comfortable to the touch. Compliance with the mode of ventilation, humidification and cleaning of the premises will also provide the child with a healthy, relaxing rest.

How much should a child sleep per year? Such a rigid wording of the question may not be entirely correct, since the child does not owe anything to others. Parents, relying on the recommendations of specialists and the individual characteristics of their children, should draw up a certain daily routine and development conditions under which the kids will be able to fully relax at night and during the day.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 03/27/2019

Sleep is a physiological state of rest, necessary for a baby at 1 year old for full growth, normal psychological and physical development. Sleep performs protective functions and allows all organs to recover to regulate metabolic processes and resist aggressive external influences. When answering the question of how long a baby should sleep per day, its age and character should be taken into account.

How much should a baby sleep at 1 year old

Some children have a stable daily routine almost from birth, which undergoes gradual changes as they grow older. They fall asleep without motion sickness and persuasion, sleep for a long time, fall asleep on their own, waking up at night. Their parents do not experience problems associated with the baby's sleep. Unfortunately, the number of such babies is small. In most cases, the child needs the help of loved ones to fall asleep.

Knowing how much the average baby sleeps per day will help to avoid the following problems:

  • lack of sleep for the development of the brain and the functioning of various body systems;
  • accumulation of fatigue (hyper-fatigue);
  • bad mood;
  • overwork;
  • reduced attention and speed of mastering new skills;
  • risk of future hyperactivity and behavioral difficulties.

Sleep should guarantee a quality rest for the baby, its average duration is an approximate guideline for parents. Lack of sleep can lead to nervous system disorders and chronic overwork. Excessive sleep is also not beneficial, the child becomes lethargic, irritable, often wakes up at night.

In total, a one-year-old baby should sleep 12-14 hours a day, of which 2-3 hours during the day. With the positive behavior of the child, deviations of 1-2 hours from the norm are considered acceptable.

How to tell if it's time for your baby to sleep

A baby in a year does not always clearly show signs of fatigue. He can move energetically, play, smile cheerfully, when in reality he is already very tired and wants to sleep. If the baby has problems falling asleep, especially during the day, mommy needs to carefully monitor him during the period when bedtime is approaching. So she will be able to notice the individual characteristics of the manifestation of fatigue and avoid tears at the time of laying the crumbs in the crib. Sometimes for this you have to keep a diary, where you write down not only how much he sleeps and stays awake per day, but also how he spends time before going to bed. These notes will help you figure out what is preventing the baby, and how to change the sequence of actions in preparation for sleep.

You can determine that a child is tired at 1 year old by the following behavior:

  • he yawns;
  • rubs eyes and pulls ears;
  • cries for nothing;
  • he is not interested in toys and people around him;
  • refuses to eat, puts his head on the table, scatters food, pushes the plate away;
  • does not leave his mother a single step, constantly requires attention, asks for hands, whimpers;
  • becomes overly active;
  • makes clumsy movements unusual for him, bumps into objects, looks sleepy.

If you put the baby to bed at the first symptoms of fatigue, then he should fall asleep easily. Skipping this moment leads to overexcitation, whims, refusal of sleep. The child is again ready for games and communication, but such activity can lead to tantrums and sleep disturbance at night.

If there are no obvious changes in behavior during the day before bedtime, then you can note what time the little one falls asleep best, and start getting ready for bed 10-15 minutes before this time.

Parents often make the mistake of noticing that the child wants to sleep, they try to have time to feed him, remove toys or finish reading a fairy tale. It is better to postpone all affairs, reduce or cancel the ritual of going to bed in order to avoid whims and overwork.

How long should the baby be awake

Proper organization of wakefulness is often the basis of sound sleep. The main criterion for determining how long a baby can stay awake is the behavior of the baby. If the child actively plays, communicates with others with pleasure, sleeps peacefully during the day and does not wake up at night in tears, then there is no need to adjust the daily routine.

For a baby at 1 year old, the time of continuous wakefulness is 3.5-4.5 hours, the total time is about 10 hours a day. Some children, without prejudice to the general condition, are able to stay awake for longer. It depends not so much on age, but on the characteristics of the development of the nervous system, psychotype and temperament.

During wakefulness, the child should not be left to himself. It is necessary to deal with the crumbs every day. Mobile and educational games, reading rhymes, telling fairy tales, manipulating toys - all this contributes to its development. In a year, more than half of the children already know how to walk without support. Actively moving, the child not only learns the world around him, but also receives the physical activity that is required for sound sleep.

If the baby is awake less or more than average, but is in a good mood, then this is his natural rhythm. It is necessary to focus on the norms recommended by child psychologists if the child falls asleep with tears, sleeps without a break for no more than 40 minutes and wakes up crying.

Why does a one year old baby sleep during the day

A baby who is one year old is recommended to sleep twice during the day for 1.5-2 hours. The total duration of daytime sleep fluctuates around 3 hours per day. The optimal time for putting the baby to bed is approximately 10-11 and 15-16 hours. Such a sleep rhythm is considered the norm for crumbs under the age of one and a half years. Some children already in the year prefer one long afternoon nap per day. To understand that you can switch to such a mode, you can reduce the duration of each of the two periods of daytime sleep.

When the baby sleeps during the day, his brain, disconnected from external stimuli, processes a lot of impressions that he received over the past day. Daytime sleep, first of all, is necessary to restore and protect the nervous system from overwork, relieve muscle fatigue and stress from the spine.

It is wrong to think that if a child does not sleep all day, then at night his sleep will be stronger and longer. In fact, without rest during the day, the baby's nervous system will be physically and emotionally overloaded by evening, which will make it difficult for him to fall asleep at night.

In order for the child to fall asleep more easily during the day, it is necessary that active games begin the period of wakefulness, and by its end the classes are calmer. Going to bed at the same time after eating will help form the habit of napping. Even if the baby is not sleeping, you should not let him get up and continue the game. Let him just lie quietly in the crib. You can help the little one mentally prepare for sleep with the help of toys, putting them to “sleep”. Persistence and methodicalness will allow him to accustom him to daytime sleep.

It is good if during the day the baby sleeps in the open air. Prolonged exposure to fresh air improves health and is an effective means of preventing colds. How much time per day the baby can spend on the street depends on weather conditions. In summer, there are practically no restrictions, you just need to make sure that the child is in the shade, and insects do not bother him. In winter, sleeping outside is recommended when the temperature is above -15°C and there is no strong wind.

You can allow isolated cases of refusal of daytime sleep. If it is not possible to lay the baby within half an hour, he becomes more and more irritated and naughty, you should offer him quiet entertainment, such as drawing, and send him to bed a little earlier in the evening.

How to put baby to sleep

In order for the baby to fall asleep without problems, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions and work out a certain sequence of actions before putting him to bed.

The room must be prepared for sleep in advance, ventilated, and if necessary, carry out wet cleaning. In the summer, the window can be left open while sleeping. In the nursery, the optimal temperature regime should be observed, it should not be cold or hot. You need to make sure that there is enough moisture in the air to allow the child to breathe freely and protect him from a cold. During the heating season, a humidifier should be installed in the nursery, maintaining the humidity at 60%.

Bathing before bed has a positive effect on the baby. He relaxes and calms down. At one year old, the baby should be bathed every other day. The water temperature is recommended to be maintained at 33 ° C, and the ambient air at least 21 ° C, bathing time is about 10 minutes. For hardening after a baby bath, you can pour water 1-2 degrees colder. On other days, before going to bed, the baby can wash the legs.

A baby should get used to going to bed at the same time every year. Consistent adherence to this rule does not give quick results, but eventually leads to the fact that the child gets used to the schedule and sleeps soundly at night.

It is necessary to first prepare comfortable night clothes that do not restrict movement, collect toys, choose a book, draw curtains, muffle the sound. You can use methods that have been proven for centuries: a good fairy tale, a quiet lullaby, light stroking of the hands and head. To relax and fall asleep an anxious, excitable child, mommy can lie down next to her. In such a peaceful environment, the baby sleeps deeply and peacefully all night.