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How long do Chinese crested puffballs live? How many years do mongrel dogs, Chinese Cresteds, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers, Alabais, Toy Terriers, Jack Russell Terriers, Belgian Griffons, Pekingese, Shepherds, Spitz dogs live on average at home? Which

There are some dog breeds that simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. You don’t have to love them, but it’s simply impossible not to become interested and stop if a Chinese Crested Dog is walking nearby! We want to tell you about them - the history of the breed, a description of its appearance, features, how to feed, what are the reviews of the owners and how long do the cute dogs live. You will learn all this right now by looking at the beauties in the photos and videos!


Breed overview

There is so much that can be said about this dog, there are so many contradictions just in the history of its origin. And their appearance is unusual and atypical. There are many legends and beliefs associated with them. Let's quickly get acquainted with the Chinese Crested!


There is no consensus on the homeland of unusual dogs. The name of the breed itself - Chinese Crested Dog - seems to speak for itself. However, not everything is so simple. China and Mexico are fighting for the title of being called the homeland of Crested Dogs; there is also an opinion that the breed may originate from Africa.

The Mexican theory is supported by the skulls of dogs found in the desired territory, which are very similar to the skull of the Chinese Crested and dated to 1500 BC. In addition, it is possible that our hairless dog is closely related to the hairless Mexican breed Sholo - one of the oldest on Earth.

In China, the found remains of dogs of similar types date back to the beginning of our era. In addition, it is not entirely clear how the dogs could make such a long journey, from Mexico to China. But be that as it may, both “homelands” gave the Chinese Crested Dog an important role in their legends and beliefs. Thus, in China, she is still considered a symbol of love and happiness and a home healer.

And in another possible “homeland,” these dogs were a totem animal in the ancient Toltec tribe, the predecessors of the Aztecs. There is even a beautiful legend explaining the lack of hair on the body of Crested dogs. Once upon a time, these animals saved a human baby who had lost in the forest, they gave him their fur, and they themselves remained naked, the way we see them now. For this act, the Chinese Crested Dog was recognized as one of the ten symbols of goodness under the leadership of the ancient god Quetzalcoatl.

In addition, many unusual hairless dogs were servants of temples. And when the owner of a non-standard dog died, she followed him and accompanied the owner to the kingdom of the dead. When the Aztecs replaced the Toltecs in the historical arena, “troubled times” began for the Chinese Crested. New patrons also revered unusual creatures, but this did not stop them from eating hairless dogs!

After many centuries, in 1966 the breed was in danger of extinction. Great Britain became the “godmother” of the unusual hairless breed and began restoring and breeding it. It was in Great Britain that the breed standard was established and a sufficient gene pool was created for further distribution throughout the world. And then the first video about the breed in question!

Breed standard

We emphasized that the Chinese Crested Dog is a hairless breed, however, this is only one of its varieties; there are also individuals with quite “normal” hair (pictured below). Naturally, unusual hairless creatures that have a crest on their heads, a tassel tail and funny downy socks on their feet are of greater value. Outwardly, such dogs often resemble miniature ponies. Powder dogs have a rich undercoat and long, smooth coat.

In addition, according to its constitution, the Chinese Crested Dog is divided into two types: deer and medium. “Deer” are considered more elegant and sophisticated due to their light frame. Representatives of the average type cannot be called heavy and large, just their skeleton is somewhat heavier, due to which the dog can look larger and be heavier. So, for example, a Crested deer type with a height of 30 cm should weigh 3-3.5 kg. And a dog of average stature with the same height is one kilogram more - 4-4.5 kg. Moreover, according to the standard, the ideal height of Chinese dogs is 23-33 cm.

The standard requirements for the hairline of hairless dogs look rather vague. There may or may not be a crest on the head; woolen socks are also not always present. Individual hairs on the animal's body are allowed. It is noted that exhibition specimens, as a rule, are decorated with more wool. Downy Corydalis can also be different: there are dogs whose hair is long and flowing with the same flowing ears. And there are shorter-haired representatives with protruding ears.

The color of these dogs deserves special attention; it can be very diverse, from plain to marbled and spotted. In addition, dogs can sunbathe and change their natural color when exposed to the sun. And one more feature - Cresteds may be missing a few teeth in their mouths, and this is quite normal for this breed. Only this is the norm for hairless dogs, because the gene for hairlessness is linked to the gene for toothlessness. This is unusual for “hairy” dogs.

In general, the Chinese Crested Dog (you can see it in our photos) is a miniature, graceful and graceful dog. It seems that there is even something royal in the habits of these animals.


Despite some external fragility and elegance, the Chinese Crested Dog is by no means a sissy dog. This is a wonderful companion, a loyal, good-natured and affectionate friend. These dogs are recommended for inexperienced breeders, because getting along with them is not a problem. But people who are too busy are not advised to have these dogs. Without human interaction, they will suffer and may become withdrawn and apathetic.

In a family, the Chinese Crested Dog usually chooses one or two people to whom it becomes especially attached. This is evidenced by numerous reviews.

Such attachment makes it extremely problematic to acquire an adult pet. It is definitely better to get a puppy. The Chinese Crested Dog is a very inquisitive and sociable creature. If she doesn't have the opportunity to learn new things every day, it is likely that she may become bored and nervous. This may manifest itself in behavior that is not entirely typical for this breed - barking for no reason.

Chinese Crested puppies (pictured above and video below) are very playful. Therefore, as a rule, there are always a lot of toys in the house where they live. These dogs are very trainable, so owners who want to teach their pets various tricks can safely choose Chinese Cresteds!


The lifespan of Chinese Hairless Dogs (pictured below) averages 10-12 years. However, with proper care, surrounded by the care and love of its owner, this dog can live a little longer. In general, this breed has good health and good immunity. The mutated hairlessness gene is not associated with physical defects and abnormalities, so the breed is full-fledged and healthy. There are some diseases that hairless dogs are more susceptible to and that can shorten your pet's lifespan, these include:

  • Perthes disease;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • problems associated with difficult labor and childbirth;
  • problem teeth.

Features of care and maintenance

Caring for a Chinese Crested largely depends on the type of dog. It is a little easier to care for a hairless dog, as evidenced by most reviews from breeders. You still need to wash them (otherwise acne may form), but not more than once a week or a week and a half. The tassel on the tail, as well as the tuft on the head, are combed daily so that the fur does not get tangled. Also, to prevent the animal’s skin from drying out, it must be periodically lubricated with a protective cream. For walks in the cold season, naked dogs must wear waterproof clothing.

Some breeders mistakenly believe that Cresteds have a higher body temperature than other breeds. This is not true, they have a standard “dog” temperature - 38-39 degrees. Simply because the fur is missing and does not absorb some of the heat, it seems that the dog is very hot. Related to this, by the way, is the opinion about the “healing power” of dogs, they say they emit heat and can heal a person.

Perhaps there is some truth in this, only, most likely, dogs do not emit warmth, but simply positive energy. Sometimes even they themselves lack warmth. Some breeders write in reviews about their pets as terrible freezing creatures who need clothing not only on the street, but also at home. Another video about the original breed below!

The Chinese Crested Powder requires more attention to its coat, which it recommends brushing every day. In addition, dogs of this breed are recommended to brush their teeth, because this is their weak point. And trim the claws more often, which grow faster due to the special structure of the paws.

Dog food

Feeding the dog is not a problem. They are practically omnivores, like many of their relatives, they love meat, but, like not all of their relatives, they love vegetables and fruits. Moreover, according to reviews from breeders, they eat almost everything: tomatoes, apples, cucumbers, oranges, peaches, cabbage and much more. Considering your pet's problematic teeth, it is recommended to grind all the food you feed, and choose soft canned food from ready-made diets. It is recommended to feed an adult pet 2 times a day, and do not leave the bowl for more than 15 minutes. It’s very good if you feed your dog on a schedule.

Photo gallery

Video "Chinese Crested"

As you can see, there is enough information about this wonderful breed. Therefore, in our opinion, one more video to complete our acquaintance with the Chinese Crested will not hurt!

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The Chinese Crested dog breed is a real star in the world of four-legged decorative exotics. Centuries-old selection has given the world an extravagant appearance and a pronounced focus on humans.

Delightfully graceful miniature dogs with a dashingly fluffed forelock on their heads and intelligent (slightly languid) eyes involuntarily attract attention, causing constant delight.

About the breed

The Chinese Crested is “number one” in the magnificent four “hairless” dogs of the world. In the description of the breed, there are equally two types of dogs: with soft fur enveloping the entire body (Chinese Crested Powder Dog, Powder Poof) and practically naked, with long strands of fur on the head, tail, and paws.

The origin of the breed is densely shrouded in myths, assumptions, and fantasies. There is no reliable information (traditionally for China of that period). Dog experts are unanimous on one thing: this is not a native breed. Disputes, confusion, leapfrog theories begin with determining the homeland of the four-legged foreigner. The most fantastic option: transit from the African coast, the habitat of the legendary Abyssinian sand terrier. A striking resemblance to the Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless breed) supports the second version of overseas family ties. The most plausible theory: the import of breeding material by trade caravans from Thailand.

The selection work, breeding and distribution of Chinese exotics was carried out by the monks of the foothills of Tibet. Personal ownership of status dogs was stipulated by law, all breeding books were kept secret, every dog ​​of good blood was registered.

Only at the end of the nineteenth century did the Celestial Empire slightly open its impregnable borders: numerous restrictions were lifted, bans on the export of information, artifacts, and wonders were lifted. It was then that the English diplomatic mission took the first breeding couple to Foggy Albion. British breeders paid attention to the new breed, but there was no rush of demand and things didn’t work out. Chinese exotics have found a home in the US market for decorative exotics (Americans love funny, unusual dog breeds).

The worldwide expansion of the breed was carried out precisely from American nurseries.

The incredibly beautiful corydalis were presented to the Russian public at a metropolitan exhibition in the late nineties (before that, Russians looked at glossy pictures of American magazines).

The Chinese Crested Powder Dog is an equal representative of the decorative exotics from the Forge of the World. The life of the powderpuffs was very difficult. In British nurseries, all fluffy crested puppies were mercilessly culled, declaring woolly offspring to be “second class”. Down jackets, prohibited from further selection, were considered a regressive branch and were distributed free of charge to everyone.

The “snow flakes” were saved by the innate conservatism of the British: naked dogs were perceived as a curiosity, and although the shaggy dogs were very unusual-looking, the population sympathized with them.

The spontaneous popularity of poufs grew. The imperturbable Britons took their furry pets to exhibitions, competitions, and courts, driving the judges into a stupor (the fluffy variety was declared defective). The opinion of fans changed the stubbornness of the leadership of the “Chinese Crested Dog Club” only in November 1981: the status of the down coats changed from defective outcasts to a separate variety with permission to be equally exhibited in the ring with hairless relatives.

Democratic Americans did not fool themselves: both varieties have entered the same ring since 1885.

The problems of selection and exhibition excitement passed over the Celestial Empire. In China, these dogs are still considered as a symbol of happiness, love and prosperity. Both varieties of the breed are traditionally bred in nurseries at monasteries; the possession of crested exotics is the prerogative of very wealthy people, and even short-term, fleeting communication with animals is recognized as therapeutic, restoring energy balance.

The ancestors of the Chinese bald cat, first presented to the world community at an exhibition in London, looked very modest (there were no combed, specially “fluffed” plumes and manes). The modern, delightfully airy image (show it once, remember it forever) was finally formed quite late. In fact, the “Chinese” dog was “built” into the world galaxy of decorative exotics by English and American breeders by the second half of the twentieth century.

In China, the breed is not divided into varieties: a reverent attitude towards any national antiquity is part of the traditional way of life of the country. Cynologists of the Celestial Empire operate with legends. When asked about the origin of the Chinese hairless cat, monastic breeders answer with a legend about a baby freezing in the forest and a small dog sharing its fluffy coat (naturally, everything ends with the baby’s divine blessing). When asked “how long do the funny dogs live at the monastery,” they calmly use the concept of “eternity.”

Over the last decade, the world of decorative breeds has been literally exploding with the fashion for dwarfism. It seems that breeders have gone crazy: the market is full of mini-mini varieties, baby-face breeds. Most of the "designer stuff" comes from American gene laboratories. Modern overseas breeders have developed conveyor production of breed modifications according to market demand.

Not a single canine association has identified (recognized) a mini variety of the Chinese breed.

Non-compliance with the standard (dimensions is the most important characteristic of the breed) indicates a defective puppy, guaranteed health problems for the Chinese mini.


The Chinese Crested is a cheerful, photogenic, intelligent animal. The hairless variety is deceptively hot to the touch. Due to their extraordinary appearance, hairless crested cats are often compared to small, peppy horses. The Chinese Longhaired Powderpowder looks more like a proportionally smaller Afghan Hound.

Refinedly graceful, overflowing with energy, the Chinese Crested Dog looks great in photos, show rings, and catwalk shows.

A proudly raised head, a regal posture, a dignified look from his long-eyed eyes. Gracefully throwing out its graceful paws as it walks, it seems to hover above the ground, the dog resembles an Arabian horse. This is the real ideal of decorative exoticism: unusual, whimsical, thoroughbred beauty in everything (exterior, manners, temperament).

In accordance with the standard, the corydalis is a compact animal with a light skeletal structure and innate graceful sophistication.

The standard behavioral characteristics of the breed are impressively positive: Corydalis are famous for their friendliness, loyalty, and cheerful temperament.

A fat dog from the Celestial Empire is a rarity. The weight of an adult individual fits into the “fork” from two to five kilograms, the height at the withers depends on gender: 23-33 centimeters for males and 23-30 for females.

Coat type and color

The description of the breed includes three types of coat:

  • Chinese Crested Powderpuff (long-haired branch) - famous for its rich coat with a thick undercoat;
  • Konik - have strands of fur on the tail, paws, head, neck. The body is covered with very short fur;
  • hairless - without a “collar”, fur on the paws, or tail.

The standard requirements for the color of corydalis have always been interpreted loosely: “all colors and combinations are allowed.” Since 1990, the requirements have become more stringent:

  • white with black, gray, dark beige;
  • the predominance of black in combination with white;
  • spotted (dark chocolate with white);
  • heavenly with white markings;
  • spotted (bronze with gold).

Proper care and maintenance

Keeping crested Chinese does not imply anything extraordinary. The breed needs personal space to sleep, eat, and perform its natural needs. For visits to the veterinary clinic, as well as long journeys, a carrying bag is very useful. Experienced owners recommend that from a very early age you accustom your pet to walking equipment (a collar, or better yet a harness, a leash-roulette), and a wardrobe from bad weather (a dog’s lush, thick fur coat does little to protect it from the cold). To prevent the family favorite from getting bored, toys (store-bought squeakers, traffic jams, balls, balls) will come in handy.


Caring for and caring for a Chinese Crested will require a lot of effort from the owner. The bare skin of crested cats requires no less attention than the lush fur of powder puffs. Hairless dogs are bathed twice a week using a mild shampoo. The delicate skin of corydalis is very sensitive and prone to inflammation: treatment with nourishing, moisturizing creams is a good solution for the prevention of dermatitis.

Sparse hairs on the belly of hairless corydalis spoil the toned silhouette. To bring the exterior to perfection, dogs are subjected to a depilation procedure (with a razor or depilatory cream).

Powder puffs are bathed less often than puffs, but puffs require daily combing. The Chinese Corydalis is famous for its soft, delicate fur - irregular combing and unprofessional care will inevitably lead to the formation of tangles. It is better to accustom your pet to hygienic haircuts (trimming split ends, refining the contours of the crest, framing the muzzle) from the first days of moving from the kennel.

Standard hygienic grooming procedures are simple; caring for a Chinese Crested is accessible even to a novice owner:

  • care for the funnel of the ears;
  • treat the mucous membranes of the eyes with veterinary lotion;
  • trimming claws;
  • take care of your mouth and teeth.


Playful, dynamic, Chinese Cresteds love walks. The dog just needs a burst of energy and regular physical activity. The exclusive exterior and playful character turn daily walking into a responsible event that requires special training and equipment.

Crested dogs love to plow the ground and dig holes (like a burrowing terrier). To keep a gambling dog from destroying the pastoral picture of country garden beds and house lawns, walking on a leash is recommended.

In the spring and summer, before going for a walk, naked corydalis are lubricated with sunscreen balm (protecting delicate skin from burns), and the fur of poufs is treated with lotion from drying out and coarsening.

When going out into nature (forest, country house, city beach), dogs are sprayed with repellent against bloodsucking insects.

Training and education

It all starts with the social adaptation of the Chinese Crested baby. The dog must know its owner, all members of his family, recognize neighbors, postmen, and veterinary clinic doctors. The puppy should not be frightened, alarmed, or thrown into panic by standard life situations, noises, or smells of a big city. In parallel with socialization, the pet is raised. The dog must clearly know the norms and rules of living in a “human pack” and be aware of the scope and boundaries of what is permitted. Experienced owners joke: socialization takes a couple of months at most, but education takes the rest of their lives.

You cannot blame the breed for its absurd character and complete uncontrollability. The Chinese Crested dog breed is a smart, fully trainable, obedient creature. They simply have an abyss of innate sense of tact and behavioral aristocracy. Smart dogs grasp everything on the fly: explain clearly, show the dog what is required of him, he will remember what is necessary forever. Having spent time and effort, showing perseverance and strength of character, even a novice owner can take a service dog breeding course with a pet, adapted for decorative breeds. Prohibiting commands with calling signals are skills even for decorative exotics.

Health and life expectancy

The answer to the question “how long do Chinese Cresteds live” is clear - they are long-lived animals. In the history of the breed, dogs have been recorded whose life expectancy reached eighteen years. Crested cats are famous for their good health and strong immunity. Veterinarians focus the attention of owners on the prevention of allergies, problems with joints, and teeth.

Regular visits to the veterinary clinic, preventive examinations by specialists, routine vaccinations, anthelmintic measures are a guarantee of a long, happy life for your crested pet.

Diseases of the breed

There is a small list of the main diseases of Chinese Cresteds:

  • eye pathologies;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • renal failure;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergies;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • epilepsy.


Pathology of the skin of hairless dogs is a regular headache for all owners of Chinese corydalis. Wen or lipomas (subcutaneous manifestations of fatty origin), acne and comedones (a type of cyst that occurs when the hair follicle is blocked with sebum). The skin needs to be looked after, the wen should be removed regularly: the dog’s skin is steamed, the sebaceous plugs are squeezed out. The main thing in the process: compliance with all hygiene standards, treatment with antiseptic agents, prevention with veterinary lotions and oils.

Most often, wen is a purely aesthetic problem, but (you cannot treat your health negligently) a visit to a veterinary dermatologist is the right solution to the problem.

Diet and feeding rules

The delicate and vulnerable digestive system, as well as allergies to a huge number of foods, makes feeding the crested cat a very difficult undertaking. Corydalis love to eat, but the list of prohibited foods is simply amazing. Preparing a balanced diet is the job of a nutritionist from a veterinary clinic or an experienced breeder. Feeding natural foods is walking through an allergy minefield. Best choice: super-premium commercial food, hypoallergenic and highly specialized for Chinese Crested cats. Feeding with industrial feed is simple, convenient and reliable. For “naked dogs” (who have had dental problems since childhood), it is preferable to eat wet canned food or highly moistened dry food.

There is no room for trifles in nutrition: the slightest deviations from the diet, an unplanned change in the menu, “a tasty treat from the master’s table” - end in diarrhea and vomiting, skin inflammation, and the inevitable call to the veterinary ambulance.

Choosing a puppy is a responsible undertaking. The right choice is facilitated by visiting exhibitions and nurseries, communicating with breeders and breed experts. Nothing tells you as much about a potential pet as meeting the baby's parents.

Healthy Chinese Crested puppies are curious, active, funny, and moderately playful. A straight, proud posture, a good appetite, and vigorous energy will only confirm the health of the babies. Even one-month-old Chinese Crested dog puppies must meet all standard parameters.

The color of the Chinese dog's skin and coat changes with age.

If a puppy is purchased for exhibition purposes, you should wait to purchase until the baby is six months old.

Let's sum it up

Recent decades have significantly improved the appearance and health of the corydalis. The popularity of this delightful breed is constantly growing. The Chinese dog is an excellent choice for a pet, a reliable companion and a faithful companion.

The history that characterizes the Chinese Crested Dog is distinguished by a large set of legends and a variety of hypotheses. There is an opinion that representatives of the breed first appeared in Ancient China. The name contributed to the appearance of this version.

There is an opinion that the name is associated with the presence of a crest on the head, which makes the appearance of the dogs more attractive and original. The naked Crested looks especially touching with him. This review will look at this breed in more detail: photos, types, what to feed, what food to use, how to train, how long they live, etc.

Historical facts

What kind of origin story does the Chinese Crested Dog have? Again, there are several versions. According to the first, the Mexican Hairless Dog played an important role in the emergence of the breed. This opinion is based on skulls found in the country, which completely coincide with the skeletons of dogs dug up in China.

There is another opinion. According to him, selection played a role in the appearance of the breed. Experts crossed the Mexican dog with the Chihuahua. As a result, the hero of this review arose. It should be noted that in ancient times in Mexico, the Hairless Dog was considered sacred. That's why the remains were preserved.

Representatives of the breed gained fame in 1800. At that time, the first dogs were brought to Great Britain. This played a role in increasing the popularity of this unusual breed.

In Russia, the Chinese Crested Dog is not as popular as in other countries. She cannot yet replace other decorative pets.

Types of dogs

How many types of pets are there? There are several main types of representatives of this breed: hairless dog and fluffy dog. They differ from each other in appearance. The first pets have an original crest on their heads, and the hair is located only at the very end of the tail and legs. Thanks to this, the Chinese Crested Dog acquires a rather interesting appearance.

The fluffy pet has luxurious, long and thick hair that flows down. Because of this, caring for this kind of pet is significantly complicated. Both hairless and furry dogs are about equally popular. It should be noted that the Chinese Crested Powder is divided into several more types.

Both hairless and fluffy dogs are approximately the same in size. Height varies from 23 to 35 cm, weight - from 2 to 9 kg. How long do representatives of the breed live? Life expectancy is on average 12 years. However, reviews show that they live for 15 years if you take good care of them and choose only high-quality food and natural products.

Temperament of decorative pets

The pets have a good character, it is comfortable to live with them both in an apartment and in a private house. It is important to consider that the dog requires a lot of attention, good care and quality care.

It is worth highlighting some features that distinguish the character:

  1. The dog is characterized by increased activity and excessive curiosity, but will not show aggression, no matter how much you provoke it.
  2. He becomes quite attached to family members. A friendly nature helps to establish excellent relationships with other animals.
  3. The Chinese Crested Dog is shy and sensitive. She does not tolerate rudeness very well, so yelling is not recommended.
  4. Representatives of the breed do not take well to loneliness, becoming very bored and nervous.
  5. The dog's appearance is fragile. But my health is quite good. However, on cold days, you should walk your pet in clothes to avoid catching a cold.
  6. The character is pliable and helpful, which facilitates the training process. We can say that training brings them joy, since with its help the dogs have a chance to prove their loyalty to the owner.

The video will demonstrate how the character of miniature pets can manifest itself (the author of the video is Irina Nurgatina).

Content Features

The Hairless Chinese Crested Dog requires frequent water treatments. You need to wash your pet at least once a week. It is important to use special products - gels. Places where there is wool must be washed with shampoo.

Hairs that appear on the face of representatives of the breed must be carefully shaved off. The procedure requires extreme caution. After hair removal, the area should be treated using a light baby cream.

The Chinese Crested Powder also requires frequent bathing. Water treatments should be carried out once every 10 days, not forgetting to comb out the fur after washing. Nails should be trimmed regularly, regardless of the type of breed.

It is important to purchase clothes. It will be needed during periods of cold weather. With its help it will be possible to protect dogs from colds and other diseases. It is worth remembering that a hairless dog experiences discomfort if the temperature is too hot. Therefore, it is worth purchasing a light outfit to protect the skin of your four-legged pet from ultraviolet radiation.

What to feed decorative pets? For these purposes, you can use both dry food and natural products. Dogs that have lost teeth must be fed pre-chopped food. In some cases, the food will need to be ground so that the pet does not experience discomfort.

Grooming of the Chinese Crested should be left to professionals. Otherwise, you can ruin the entire original appearance of the pet. This is especially true for puffs.

As numerous reviews from owners show, caring for a four-legged pet is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the basic recommendations and strictly follow them. Then there will be no problems.

Diet preparation

How many times should dogs be fed per day? A Chinese Crested Powder puppy should eat 5-6 times a day. As soon as the age exceeds 12 months, it is recommended to feed 2 times. Until this point, the number of meals should be reduced gradually, and not sharply. Starting from 4 months of age, you should stop feeding milk.

If you do not want to buy food, relying on natural nutrition, you should know that there will be no difficulties in creating a diet. Neither the Chinese Crested Powderpuff nor the Hairless are picky eaters. It is advisable to feed them fruits regularly as they love them.

  • low-fat raw meat products, cooked offal;
  • pre-cooked sea fish (also lean);
  • a variety of vegetables (not potatoes or legumes) with fruits and herbs;
  • boiled eggs;
  • vegetable oils (they should be added to porridge);
  • You can also feed fermented milk products (kefir and cottage cheese).

You cannot feed your pet sausage, frankfurters, lard, as well as confectionery and flour products. It is also necessary to exclude fatty, salty, smoked, fried, sweet and spicy foods from the diet.

Under no circumstances should dogs be fed food from the table. Dry food is not recommended to be mixed with natural products. According to reviews from experts and owners, this will not lead to anything good. Also, you should not suddenly switch from natural food to dry food, and vice versa.

Young pets

Chinese Crested Dog puppies are in dire need of attention, affection and constant care. It is worth understanding that they are not toys. Before moving your pet into the house, it is necessary to remove wires from accessible areas of the apartment, move bottles, chemicals, cosmetics and other similar things to places that are more difficult for the dog to reach.

> Chinese CrestedThe Chinese Crested dog is one of the most iconic and popular decorative breeds. The birthplace of the breed is considered to be China, where there is even a beautiful legend about how a crested dog found a baby in the forest and saved him from freezing by shaking off all his fur on the baby and remaining naked forever. Even today, this miniature beauty is considered a symbol of prosperity, happiness and love in China.

Description and life expectancy of the breed

The Chinese Crested Dog is one of the smallest breeds in the world, the height at the withers is from 23 to 33 cm, the weight is on average from 2 to 6 kg. The body of the animal is thin-boned and fragile, the muzzle is graceful and flat, tapering towards the nose. Based on the structure of the body, a distinction is made between the deer body type, with a light skeleton, and the medium type, with denser bones.

As described above, individuals of this breed can be either hairless (hair can be present only on the head, paws and tail) or long-haired puffs with a soft, veil-like coat. Distinctive features of the breed are the presence of a characteristic crest on the head and a tail ending in a beautiful flowing tassel.

For the Chinese Crested, absolutely any coat color is allowed; the skin color of hairless varieties can be pink, black, lavender, beige, as well as marbled or spotted.

The lifespan of a dog is 10-12 years.

Features of maintenance and care

The Chinese Crested Dog is a sensitive and gentle creature that needs the tender care of its owner.

Depending on the type of crested cat, the care for the animal’s fur will differ. Puffs and “koniks” have fine wool that is not subject to shedding and tends to get tangled, so “fluffies” should be combed daily and thereby free them from dead hair.

Hairless dogs need special attention to bare skin, as under the sun's rays it can dry out, burn and change color. It is advisable to use moisturizers and sunscreens to protect the skin from peeling. Parts of the body covered with hair also need to be combed. Be sure to bathe your pet regularly to prevent acne from forming.

Despite the fact that the crested cat easily learns to go to the toilet on the cat litter box, you should not neglect daily walks - these babies love active games in the fresh air. For walks, you should get some wardrobe: a synthetic overalls for the winter season and a light T-shirt for the summer to protect from the sun and insects.

Breed health and temperament problems

The health of the Chinese Crested has some weak points. Often representatives of the breed face dental problems, such as congenital lack of teeth or their loss at an early age. Regular brushing will help keep your pet's teeth healthy.

In addition, hairless individuals are susceptible to acne and sunburn.

This miniature dog is sometimes overly cowardly and timid, and therefore needs early socialization and frequent communication with people and animals. It is difficult for the breed to adapt to new living conditions; it has a hard time with a change of owner in adulthood.

Universal breed

Both novice breeders and experienced amateur dog breeders can safely purchase a crested dog. The breed is remarkable because it is suitable even for allergy sufferers, because the lack of fur and skin secretions will not cause a reaction in them.

Puppy assessment

When buying a Chinese Crested puppy, you need to pay attention to a strong, proportional body, a straight back and a correct bite. Crested babies' ears rise differently, depending on their size and amount of fur.

The Chinese Crested Dog will become a loyal and kind companion to absolutely any dog ​​owner. These cute creatures, even at first glance, seem worthy of any exhibition display. Since ancient times, they have protected emperors and Buddhist monks, and today they are prominent representatives of post-imperial culture. In this article we will talk about the content of the Chinese crested dog, as well as about the history and description

Description of the breed

  • Country that approved the breed: England.
  • Homeland: China.
  • Type: companion dog.
  • Weight: 2-6 kg.
  • Height: 23-28 cm.
  • 12-15 years old.
  • Kinds: smooth-haired and downy.
  • Color: cream, chocolate, white, apricot, black, etc.

Although this breed of dog is called Chinese Crested, but, most likely, it did not appear in China. Among professional dog handlers around the world, there is still debate about the origin of the breed: some say that the dog first appeared in Mexico, others say that the dog was a companion of African indigenous people, and then of colonists. Be that as it may, in the mid-60s of the last century, the Chinese Crested Dog practically disappeared, but the British restored its population and created a new breed standard. That is why Foggy Albion is considered to be the birthplace of this breed, and there is no reliable historical information about the fact how the dog came to the territory of China.

Did you know? The Toltecs considered Chinese crested dogs to be guides to the afterlife.

The head of the “dog from the Celestial Empire” has a slightly elongated shape. The muzzle is graceful, tapering slightly from the back of the head to the nose. The lips fit tightly to each other, the nose has a variety of colors. This dog breed got its name because of the crest on its head, which is one of the main standards of the breed. The eyes of the Chinese Crested resemble a black hole, the white is almost completely absent.

The ears of the “Chinese” are set deep, erect, and sometimes covered with fringe. Dogs of this breed have a strong and durable dental system. They are not, but they have a deadly grip. The paws of these dogs have a hare-like structure: they are narrow and long, slightly covered with hair.

Hair does not grow completely over the entire body. veil-shaped, reaching a fairly large length. It can be painted in a variety of exclusive colors: chocolate, cream, apricot, white, black, tricolor (a mixture of several of the listed colors), etc. The weight of the breed can vary from 2 to 6 kg. The length of the dog at the withers can reach a maximum of 28 cm. Such small sizes make the Chinese Crested dog a favorite of indoor dog breeders. There are obvious differences between females and males: females are more elegant and graceful, and have subtleties in their gait.

Dogs of this breed have never been used for hunting wild animals, even taking into account the fact that they have a powerful teeth system. Already from the beginning of the 70s of the twentieth century, dog breeders began to organize various exhibitions of the breed, demonstrating all the decorative beauty of the dogs. The character of the Chinese Crested Dog is calm and balanced. She is very friendly, cheerful, graceful and temperamental. It begins to show love for its owner from the very first days. The Chinese Crested does not tolerate loneliness well and begins to whine if the owner does not appear at home for a long time. She loves the company of her family and other calm and balanced dogs.

The Chinese Crested cat senses the state of its owner on an emotional level. If her family members are busy with their own affairs, then the dog will not interfere with them. Such a pet will simply find a secluded place and doze off. Professionals do not recommend having Chinese Crested dogs in families with small children. The fact is that the “Chinese” are very fragile pets, and children can harm them without even realizing it.

The average lifespan of a Chinese Crested Dog is 14 years.. However, with proper care of your pet, this figure can easily be increased by 2-4 years.

History of the breed

The Chinese crested dog came to Russian territory immediately after the collapse of the USSR. A few years later, a kennel club for breed lovers appears in the country, which begins to popularize the “Chinese”. Today, such dogs are known to many people, since for more than 25 years they have become a beloved breed of dog among domestic dog breeders.

Important! cascadinglike a veilWool is one of the main guarantees of a purebred dog.

Many dog ​​lovers who do not have reliable historical data still deeply believe that the Chinese Crested first appeared on the territory of the Celestial Empire. This opinion is easily disputed by professional historians, but Chinese archaeologists Chao Tai and Min Tao recently stated that they allegedly unearthed reliable information that dogs with a tuft and monkey paws accompanied Buddhist monks long before the birth of Christ. But were they bred specifically on the territory of Ancient China? Unfortunately, no authoritative historian of our time has such data.

Some lovers of heated debates are eager to declare that the “Chinese” were brought to the Celestial Empire approximately 2,500 years before the start of Columbus’s voyages. Just then the Han Dynasty was reigning, and the archaeological data of Chao Tai and Min Tao are completely confirmed. It is interesting that, according to this version, the Chinese Crested was brought by Latin American Indians, who tamed it long before on the southern slopes of modern Mexico. And, if you believe this historical information, then the breed is distinguished by its Mexican roots, but not by its Chinese ones.

The African version of the origin was invented more by genetic engineers than by archaeological historians. According to it, the Chinese Crested Dog first appeared on the African continent and became bald in the process of evolution, since the constant hot climate did not give rest to these ancient creatures. And dogs from this breed came to the territory of China with the help of sailors who explored the African coasts and traded with the Middle Kingdom.

Since the 18th century, many British and Portuguese sailors wrote about dogs of this breed in their diaries. What is most interesting is that it was noticed not only in China, but also in Africa and other Asian countries. Later, the Chinese Crested came to Europe, where it impressed few people in those “cloudy” times.

Did you know? In addition to China, Mexico and Africa, Turkey and Argentina are considered one of the possible homelands of Chinese crested dogs.

The breed standard and fan club appeared only about 50 years ago. The modern appearance of these dogs was first officially standardized and documented only in the 70s of the last century. The breed was officially recognized worldwide only in 1973.


Professional dog handlers do not use the words “hairless” or “down” in the name of the breed. The fact is that in one litter there can be wool and hairless representatives, and this is considered normal. Chinese Crested dogs are divided into two types: "deer" and "pony". The former are distinguished by lightness, thin bones and a graceful gait, the latter by heavy bones, confidence and calmness.


The smooth-haired Chinese Crested dog breed is also called hairless. Such dogs have thick and long hair only in the area of ​​the tail, head and paws. They practically do not experience molting processes and do not emit unpleasant odors. The skin of the Chinese Hairless Dog has a characteristic pink pigmentation, which is easily visible to the naked eye due to the lack of hair on most of the body.


The entire body of the Chinese puffball is covered with long flowing hair. Its coat should not be curly. In addition, such dogs practically do not shed, except for the period of change from fluff to adult wool. A distinctive feature of Puff Puffs is their hanging ears (the smooth-haired variety of the breed often has erect ears). Puff puffs require technically correct care: grooming, bathing, etc. Otherwise, dogs may have problems due to the long coat length.

Choosing a puppy

The choice of a Chinese Crested dog puppy must be approached with all responsibility. First of all, enlist the support of a specialist who will accompany you during the purchase. Take your time with your choice, visit all the existing nurseries in your region and try to determine the one that has the best reputation. Good nurseries can provide you with a set of all necessary documents and photographs from exhibitions when purchasing a puppy.

Important! The Chinese Crested Dog is a digging dog. Keep this in mind if you plan to keep it near vegetable gardens.

If you have decided on a kennel, then the next step will be to choose between a female and a male, a downy dog ​​and a hairless “Chinese”. You should only buy a downy dog ​​if you can devote a lot of time to caring for its fur. In addition, a well-groomed downy Chinese Crested will be able to conquer any decorative dog show in the future.

When purchasing, it is better to immediately tell the seller that you are going to take your dog to various exhibitions. In this case, you will be offered the best dogs with a spectacular appearance, appropriate breed standards and a courageous show temperament. It is best to buy a dog for exhibitions at the age of 4-6 months.

When choosing a puppy from a kennel, pay attention to the most active and curious dogs. They must move proudly and gracefully, demonstrating all their beauty to the observer.

Dog breeders often have questions about how much a Chinese Crested dog actually costs. The price will depend on whether the dog is bald or completely covered with hair. Downy varieties in nurseries with a high reputation (this means: the eminence and awards of animals from the same nursery, the quality of food and veterinary care, the number and varieties of animals, etc.) will be offered at prices from 300 to 700 dollars. Prices for hairless dogs can reach $1,500. If you are offered to buy a second-hand puppy, the cost of which does not exceed $100, then remember: most likely, they are trying to sell you a mixed breed.

Dogs of the Chinese Crested breed can take root anywhere, the most important thing for them is the care and love of their owner. First of all, after buying a puppy, purchase special water bowls for it and If your dog will live in the house, then arrange a place for it where it can sleep in normal conditions. In this case, the puppy also needs to be toilet trained. You also need to remove all fragile and dangerous objects at a safe distance for your pet.

If you plan to frequently transport your pet from place to place, then purchase a special shipping container. In addition, Chinese Crested dogs can freeze in frosty winters, so they need to purchase special clothing: sweaters, overalls, shoes, etc. And on hot summer days, the dog's skin can be damaged by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. To prevent this from happening, you need to limit your pet’s exposure to the sun (purchase a special sunscreen just in case).

Did you know? In China, crested cats have long been favorites of emperors and high-ranking religious persons.

In addition to all of the above, a Chinese Crested dog will need a collar, toys, a leash, and anti-flea medications (drops, shampoos). Regardless of what type of dog you buy (fluffy or hairless), you will need a whole set of tools to care for its coat (combs, brushes, clippers, scissors).


Dogs of this breed should not be left to their own devices. Even if they are not shown at exhibitions, they require care, and this may take some time. So keep this in mind before purchasing a puppy.


Chinese Cresteds can sometimes develop mats. To prevent this, your pet must be combed daily with a metal comb. This is done throughout the body, starting from the roots. If you allow tangles to form, you must first remove them with your hands and only then use a comb. For normal and proper care of the Chinese Crested coat you will need:

  • comb with long metal teeth;
  • lint removal brush;
  • (needed to remove hair from the face, throat and cheekbones);
  • hairdressing scissors (for removing hair on paws);
  • massage brush;
  • hair dryer (will help not only with drying, but also with styling wool after bathing);
  • trimmer (necessary for detailed trimming of show dogs).
Remember that it is better not to comb dirty fur. First, bathe your pet using special shampoos for wool. In cases where the coat becomes very matted, it is necessary to use conditioner.

Regular grooming of a Chinese Crested dog's coat includes: weekly bathing, constant trimming of the fur in the area between the paw pads and the anus, frequent trimming of the face, and daily combing of the coat. If you are not going to enter your pet for participation in exhibitions, then you can cut it short. This way, you will get rid of the daily hassle with his fur.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

The Chinese Crested dog's nails grow rapidly, so try to trim them 1-2 times a month. Your pet's eyes, like any other breed of dog, are prone to souring. To prevent this, they must be washed with a weak tea solution (1-2 times every 10 days).

Important! Regular visits to the veterinarian are the key to good health for your pet.

Get your dog used to brushing its teeth. This should be done using a special attachment or a children's toothbrush. Toothpaste can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. The teeth cleaning procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. The ears also need to be looked after, as Chinese Crested dogs have weak ears. Before the age of one stroke, puppies need to be given special vitamins that will help strengthen the cartilage tissue of the ears.


Bathing procedures for your pet should be carried out regularly (1-2 times a week). First you need to select special bathing gels. Selection is carried out based on data on skin and coat type. You need to bathe your pet in warm, but not very hot water. Immediately after bathing, you need to wrap it in a terry towel for a few minutes (it will help remove excess moisture from the skin and fur). Next, if necessary (for example, dry skin), you need to lubricate the skin with a special moisturizer.


Crested Chinese love frequent walks, so do not neglect them. You need to walk your dog daily (1-2 times a day). At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that no harm comes to her from outside large dogs. It is best to walk your pet on a leash, however, if you live near a deserted field, then take your dog there, and then she will have freedom of movement without a leash.

In summer, try not to walk with your Chinese Crested under the hot scorching sun, as its skin is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. For walks in winter, buy your miracle winter clothes that will protect him from frostbite.


Chinese Crested Dogs are not picky eaters. Moreover, unlike many other dog breeds, they happily eat a variety of exotic fruits and vegetables. If you are going to treat your pets with fresh gifts of nature, then first chop them. The Chinese diet must include the following ingredients:

  • dairy products;
  • porridge based on buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, etc.;
  • chicken meat (it is not advisable to give pork and beef, as these products can harm your pet’s liver);
  • apples, bananas, pears, raspberries;
  • cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin.
There is a list of ingredients that should not be given to a Chinese Crested Dog:
  • cheap dry food;
  • boiled large bones;
  • sweets;
  • spicy and overly salty foods (it is also not recommended to serve dishes with a lot of seasonings);
  • raw fish.
You need to feed your pet in moderation, because obesity does not suit this breed of dog. Create a specific eating routine and always rely on it. And regularly make sure that there is fresh water near the bowl of food.

Education and training

Chinese Crested Dogs are ok with procedures. The main thing is that you regularly reward your pet with treats during the training process. Such simple commands as “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Come to me!”, “Place!”, “The Chinese can be taught independently. But it is important to understand that when training you need to show patience and respect for your pet, because he feels all your emotions. The “Chinese” needs to be trained to use the toilet from childhood; for this he needs to have a special tray installed.

Did you know? In the USA, an exhibition of the most terrible dogs in the world is held annually. And for a strange reason, it is the Chinese Cresteds that often become the leaders of the program.

If you are going to buy a show-class puppy for later showing it at exhibitions, then it is best to give it to an experienced dog handler. Show dogs must have a beautiful and graceful gait, even posture, patience and all the most beautiful model qualities. It will be very difficult to train a dog like this on your own, especially if you do not have the relevant experience.

Health and characteristic diseases

In general, Chinese dogs are in good health, but their condition needs to be monitored regularly. Sometimes dogs of this breed may experience damage to their kneecaps due to jumping from great heights. Dental problems can begin from an early age (this refers to genetic defects, so brush your pets' teeth regularly). There is a small list of the main diseases of Chinese crested dogs that every owner of this miracle should know about:

  • diseases of the visual organs (keratoconjunctivitis, hereditary cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, etc.);
  • musculoskeletal system (Perthes disease, hip dysplasia);
  • kidney disease;
  • dental problems (caries, stones, missing teeth).
The task of every owner of these beautiful creatures is to prevent any of the above diseases. Visit the veterinarian regularly and your pet will not have any health problems.

The Chinese Crested Dog will be a good friend for your family. Love her and look after her and she will return her love to you.