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Tom and Tamara are different names. Tamara: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character

1. Personality: those who discover the secrets of life

2.Color: green

3. Main features: excitability - receptivity - sociability - intuition

4. Totem plant: maple

5. Spirit animal: trout

6. Sign: Pisces

7. Type. Neurasthenic choleric people with an unstable nervous system. They are easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair. Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

8. Psyche. They are certainly charming, they are “women-children” whom you want to protect and protect. If life becomes too difficult for their sensitive nature, they withdraw into themselves. From childhood they must be taught to keep their word and not retreat in the face of danger.

9. Will. Very changeable.

10. Excitability. More than strong.

11. Reaction speed. These are women with unpredictable lightning-fast reactions, just like their totem - the trout.

12. Field of activity. They are not very active. They are interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. These are excellent mothers, gentle and devoted wives.

13. Intuition. They place excessive emphasis on intuition. They live in a mysterious world of “signs” and premonitions.

14. Intelligence. They are intellectuals, but they act so quickly that they often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget about everything in the world - from the umbrella to the husband!

15. Receptivity. Very responsive, but somewhat careless. In their attentive eyes you can read great love, tenderness and desire for a calm, problem-free life.

16. Morality. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for such a character; they can only cause harm; these women, first of all, need love and tenderness.

17. Health. Not very strong, depends on mental state. Susceptible to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

18. Sexuality. The very word scares them! They don’t know and don’t want to understand their desires, so they often deal with partners who are far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

19. Activity. It is made up of dreams, unjustified enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. They put off until tomorrow what can and should be done today.

20. Sociability. They need love and cannot stand loneliness. They are very influenced and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. Very attached to family and friends.

21. Conclusion. These are charming and attractive women. Very variable and therefore quite difficult to understand.

According to Mendelev

A powerful, big, good and courageous name. There is nothing effeminate, mannered or even indecisive about Tamara. This woman is strong, simple, brave and powerful. Everyone who encounters her, even by chance, feels these qualities, to which some rudeness is often added. An independent and cool character is typical for her, she knows her strength (which is enough for both her husband and children) and uses this strength for herself, and sometimes not only for her own benefit.

Tamara equally successfully overcomes the wisdom of both male and female professions. She can become a good doctor, driver, teacher, administrative worker, businessman, because she is characterized by perseverance in achieving goals, assertiveness and foresight.

Quite high, although somewhat down-to-earth, intelligence alien to abstractions, speed of reaction, activity, perception of new things without excessive exaltation and common sense allow Tamara to successfully ensure both her own well-being and the well-being of her family. She will not disappear herself and will not let her loved ones disappear. It happens that the latter abuse her energy and good feelings.

Toma is “good”, “big”, but not so “rude” and “brave”. In her youth, she often feels envy of her more graceful and weaker friends, who, in her opinion, are more beautiful and gentle, but she arranges her destiny, perhaps, more successfully than them. Laziness and weak character are unfamiliar to Tamara, whether it concerns work or her personal affairs.

Conflicts arise due to her straightforwardness and assertiveness. Not recognizing any obstacles or difficulties, she naively considers everyone to be as strong and determined as she is - and she is mistaken.

Tamara's colors are dark red and burgundy.

According to Higir

Of Hebrew origin, meaning: fig tree.

Since childhood, Tamara cannot stand monotony. She is unable to get carried away by playing or reading for a long time, although by nature she is inquisitive, curious, interested in everything, she cares about everything. She is artistic, performs in front of guests with obvious pleasure, and, having matured a little, takes part in theatrical performances. She constantly plays some role; either an obedient and diligent girl, or an adult aunt, or a character in a film she liked. She is sweet, friendly with people she knows well, but wary of strangers. Obligatory, diligent, inclined to make critical comments to peers.

In the family, Tamara is almost always the leader. She is independent, accustomed to relying only on her own strength. The husband's attempts to change her lead to friction, and if the husband continues to persist, the matter may end in divorce. Therefore, Tamara’s husband is often younger than her. Tamara also manages the family budget; she does it quite skillfully; it is almost impossible to blame her for unreasonable spending, except when it comes to purchases for children - here she does not stop at the price. If she is jealous, it is better not to give her reasons; she will ruin the mood of both herself and others. She is quick-tempered, but after quarreling, shouting and crying, she quickly calms down. She is distinguished by her ability to cook well and loves to clean up her apartment, involving her husband and children in the task. She is a big travel lover and enjoys meeting new people. Throughout his life, he repeatedly rearranges the furniture in the apartment, changes curtains and wallpaper, and loves novelty in everything.

They work in different industries; Tamar makes good leaders.

Tamara's happiness is possible with Mikhail, Alexander, Vitaly, Semyon, Matvey, Boris, Yuri. It is unlikely that a marriage with Igor, Nikita, Roman or Vadim would be lasting.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: From the biblical name Tamar, "Palm Tree"

Name energy and character: In terms of energy, the name Tamara is distinguished by rare directness and sufficient firmness. At the same time, he exhibits sensuality and the ability to experience deep emotions. In addition, the fairy-tale image of Queen Tamara plays a significant role, which also undoubtedly leaves a certain imprint on Toma’s character.

As a child, Toma usually grows up as an inquisitive child, whose interest in anything can hardly be called superficial. No, already at this young age she strives to get to the very essence of the issue. The only thing that prevents her from completely concentrating is that she can have quite a lot of such interests. It is also worth noting her well-developed imagination and some daydreaming. There are many creative people among people with this name, but even if Tamara does not find herself in creativity, this inclination will still be reflected in her love for literature or another type of art.

Most often, Tamara lends itself well to education, in which her seriousness and directness help her parents well. Probably, only by some incredible miracle can Tom be taught to be cunning and disingenuous. Undoubtedly, such directness can inspire respect, but it’s a pity that it often seriously complicates Tamara’s life. The fact is that her inherent severity both towards herself and towards those around her forces her to restrain her feelings and emotions, but, alas, restraining does not mean getting rid of them. Moreover, it is precisely because of this restraint that Tom’s feelings often reach significant depth and strength. It’s great when it relates to positive emotions, but dissatisfaction, no matter how much you hide it, only gains strength. It won’t take long for her to reach a nervous breakdown, and therefore it would be appropriate for Tamara to look for another way out, and a kind sense of humor and a slightly lighter attitude towards life will best help her. Then it is possible to avoid many conflicts and troubles not only in your career, but also in family life.

Tamara’s firmness and significant will usually encourage her to rely primarily only on herself and her strengths, so it is unlikely that she will decide to limit her role to the household, leaving her husband with the problems of financially providing for the family. Rather, on the contrary, Toma will strive to be on time everywhere and everywhere, and at the same time in the house he will try to take the place of leader. It’s good if she gets a soft and compliant man as her husband, but if not, then, alas, the ending will most likely be sad. In a word, a little more openness, trust in Fate and gentleness, then her life will change for the better.

Secrets of communication: For all Tomina's directness, it is difficult to call her a conflict person. She is quite quick-witted and, in addition, her inner experiences often give her the ability to sympathize with someone else’s misfortune. If you are embarrassed by her certain severity or harshness, then try to have a heart-to-heart talk with her; most likely, you will find in her soul qualities completely opposite to severity.

The name's trace in history:

Tamara Sinyavskaya

Without exaggeration, we can say that nature, having endowed Tamara Sinyavskaya (born 1943) with an amazing voice, gave her a chance that falls to one in a million, and she (which also happens infrequently) managed to take full advantage of this chance. It is enough to even briefly familiarize yourself with the facts of her biography so that the question involuntarily arises: how is this possible - to work so much, to be on time everywhere?

By the age of twenty, in parallel with her studies, Tamara Sinyavskaya had already gained extensive experience working in the choir of the Maly Theater. At twenty, she was immediately accepted into the Bolshoi Theater trainee group, and already at the audition the commission noted her excellent vocal abilities. And six years later, an absolutely incredible situation was created when the young singer became a recognized master of the best theater in the country and a leading performer of all mezzo-soprano roles. In just a few years of hard work, Sinyavskaya sang more than two dozen different parts...

In general, the singer’s creative biography is diverse, if not exotic. For example, she spent two years on an internship at one of the most famous theaters in the world - La Scala Theatre, where she learned to act freely and naturally on stage, and after returning from Milan and receiving the role of Olga in the opera Eugene Onegin, she became a permanent soloist of the Bolshoi Opera.

By nature, Tamara Sinyavskaya belongs to that breed of creative people for whom work is everything, and therefore she found her happiness in her usual circle, having married the no less famous singer Muslim Magomayev.

Purposeful Active Caring

Tamara Lisitskaya, TV and radio presenter

What does the name Tamara mean?

Taking into account the meaning of the name Tamara, it is impossible not to mention its extraordinary strength, even masculinity. It is endowed with powerful energy, strong-willed, devoid of any floridity and allegory.

It is believed that this name has Hebrew roots and is translated as “fig tree.” But often, to interpret it, they turn to the Phoenician language, which has a very similar sounding word “tamar”, that is, “palm tree”.

The sound of the name is quite solid. It already on a subconscious level inspires respect for its owner and is associated with something regal and majestic.

At the same time, the name contains a lot of tenderness and comprehensive care. Tamara, being a self-sufficient person, always provides support and assistance, but she herself practically does not need it.

Would you name your child this name?

This essentially Jewish name gained worldwide fame from the legendary Georgian Queen Tamara, who ruled her country back in the 12th century.

Although the origin of the name Tamar is more ancient, biblical history mentions it in a slightly different form - "Tamar". This was the name of the woman who gave rise to the line of the great Israeli kings: David and his son, the legendary Solomon.

We can say that Queen Tamara was the brightest representative of her name. She had a clear mind, strong character and extraordinary fortitude. At the same time, her nobility and generosity knew no bounds.

It was during her reign that Georgia reached its greatest prosperity: in the state itself, any strife was stopped and corporal punishment was abolished. At the same time, not a single external enemy could resist its power.

In Rus' this name also appeared in the 12th century. It was extremely popular in the countries of the former USSR, however, these days it has become a rarity.

Name forms

Simple: Toma Full: Tamara Ancient: TamarAffectionate: Tomochka

From an early age, Tamara will be distinguished by her lively character, activity and an irresistible desire to explore all the riches of the world around her.

The mystery of the name Tamara is practically impossible to solve, because this woman will try on different images every minute of her life. Today she can be a compliant modesty, and tomorrow - a shocking rebel.

She knows when to stop everything. Since childhood, she loves to be the center of attention and demonstrate her irrepressible creative potential in every possible way. This is a true crowd favorite and the queen of parties.

Her character is holistic and persistent, thanks to his strength Tamara achieves everything she wants. Although she can often overestimate her capabilities, striving to embrace the immensity. Success in both her personal life and career is of great importance to her.

Persistence, a sense of duty and phenomenal hard work distinguish women with this name. But they manage to combine strong-willed qualities with gentleness and empathy; they are incredibly easy to communicate with.

Unyielding strength and generous kindness - this is what the name Tamara means.

Among her friends she is known as the iron lady, whom nothing and no one can stop. But she is also endowed with a deep inner world and is an incorrigible dreamer.

Her character is quite complex: she is not used to obeying, but rather becomes the leader of any team. The characteristics of the name Tamara indicate that she is quite easy to piss off. Then she will not choose words, boldly expressing her opinion, no matter how unpleasant it may be for the interlocutor.

She quickly loses her composure in difficult situations: if something really terrible happens, Tamara becomes absolutely helpless and loses the initiative.

However, the owners of this name easily move away and quickly move towards reconciliation. Thanks to great demands on themselves, they never repeat the same mistakes twice.

Character traits


Artistry and talent are the main notes in the question about the meaning of the name Tamara. She skillfully turns guests into spectators and develops her personal performance. Even if they don’t want to listen to her, she will get attention in any way. There are dreams in the heads of such women. Their fantasies are far from the planet. The range of their interests is very wide. At the same time, she is surprisingly strong in spirit and violent in character. She may explode, but almost immediately admits her mistake. Toma is strict with herself and gives vent to her emotions very rarely.

Brief meaning of the name Tamara

If great difficulties arise on her way, her character insists on withdrawing. It’s easier for her to go through everything deep inside than to ask for help. Friends know her as a sweet and sociable woman who will always listen sensitively and help. She attracts everyone, from young to old. However, she is conflicted because of her straightforwardness.

The meaning of the name Tamara speaks of a woman who is always committed and hardworking, so she succeeds in many things. The management appreciates Mara for her unique professionalism and dedication. In a team, she always tries to be a leader. Toma often criticizes his colleagues. They may be afraid of her, because she is powerful and decisive.

Her character is economical, but she will buy everything her children need. To buy the child the desired item, she will work three shifts. There is always comfort and peace in her home, and delicious food awaits on the table. Her children hold a special place in her heart, as does her husband. Women named Tamara are considered completely tactless. They are not lazy to look for reasons for jealousy and sort things out (sometimes even in the presence of strangers).

Women with this name face a difficult fate. They cannot pacify themselves, and often conflict with their husbands. Quarrels arise. Toms often get divorced a lot. And not only because of her character, because her family often takes advantage of her activity.

In the future, Mara will be able to master any profession. Thanks to her character, she can easily cope with men's work. Her most successful path was in medicine and education. However, even administration and business can reveal her talents.

The female name Tamara is of Jewish origin. It comes from the word "tamar", which means "date palm" in Hebrew. According to another version, the name came to us from the Phoenician language, where the word “Tamar” meant “palm tree”, “fig tree”. The third version says that the origin is Greek, but also means “palm tree”.

In Russia, women began to be called by this name in the 12th century due to the fault of Georgia and. He was glorified by the Georgian Queen Tamara.

Peculiarities of worldview and the meaning of the name Tamara at different ages


For Tom's parents, she is an obedient and meek girl. The characterization says that she plays her role perfectly from infancy. He doesn’t like long, abstruse books: he’d rather play and make some noise. However, her interest in life is simply admirable. Even little Mara wants to understand the essence of things and understand this world more deeply. Many interests inflame her attention and she cannot concentrate on anything as a child.

Closer to school, she becomes a very receptive dreamer. He knows how to deceive for his own benefit, to deceive both men and women. She is constantly in images through which she tries to find her real self. She is an activist at school and enjoys participating in all events. This prevents her from studying and the girl's grades are mostly mediocre. Treats strangers coldly.

Young woman

Young Mara often envies her beautiful girlfriends, but she understands that beauty will not achieve happiness. Her character helps and she becomes more successful than them. She is constantly expanding her range of interests. With age, Mara becomes more responsive and generous. This is the peak of her bright side, then she will not be so kind. She is very suspicious and reacts to any trouble. Tries to do any work correctly, but is not as responsible as she will become in the future. Toma is very fair, unlike other women.

She is not susceptible to flattery. She doesn’t get married quickly, although many appreciate her. He treats suitors and even friends in a slightly arrogant and selfish manner. She is sure that she must first understand herself. Late marriage does not bother her.


As an adult she impresses everyone. The meaning of the name Tamara says that she is unshakable and independent. Because of her heightened sense of justice, she seems cruel to people. Over the years, she goes deeper into herself and at a certain point stops needing people. She feels good with herself. She tends to make drama out of everything, but in reality, almost all relationships in her life are devoid of human warmth.

Toma must be careful, because her fate is dangerous. This situation makes her vulnerable. There is a risk of contacting some sect or dangerous organization. Impulsiveness only prevents her from getting out of this. Passions are constantly boiling inside her, which cannot find a way out.

Women with this name are not very interested in a career. She is passionate about herself, but diligent in her work. She has a practical mind. Since childhood, without ceasing, she has been delving into serious life issues. Therefore, she understands her loved ones and knows the solution to their problems. It is impossible to hide anything from her. She unceremoniously invades personal territory.

Derived forms of the name and declension

Full name: Tamara.

Short forms: Toma, Mara.

Diminutive forms: Tomulya, Tomusya, Musya, Tusya, Tamarka, Tama, Ama, Tata, Tatusya, Tomunya.

Declension by case

I. Tamara

R. Tamara

D. Tamare

V. Tamaru

T. Tamara

P. Tamare

Name on the church calendar

Church version: Tamara.

The patroness of all Tamars is Saint Tamara of Georgia. Name days are celebrated on the week of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, who are under the care of Saint Tamara. Orthodoxy also honors other women - the Venerable Martyr Provornik and Abbess Satsi. Each of them had a difficult fate. They proved that a woman with that name has a strong spirit and a steady hand. Mara's honesty makes her exceptional and unique.

Who can Tamara build a family with?

Toma also tries to dominate men. But if the right person comes along, she may give in. She loves tenderness and affection, but never shows herself to be absolutely weak. An ideal union is guaranteed with Boris, Alexander, Mikhail, Semyon, Yuri, Vitaly. A marriage with Igor, Vadim, Roman, Timur, Evgeniy and Oleg will be unfavorable.

What do the letters in the name and its translations mean?

T is a sensitive person. The letter endows the owner with excellent intuition and creative qualities. This man strives for the truth with all his soul. Has a tendency to make mistakes in the proportionality of what is desired and reality. The letter resembles a cross and tells the owner that life has an end, so you should hurry.

A is the beginning. Gives you the desire to start and create. A person wants to find his spiritual comfort and physical satisfaction. A very good letter for women.

M – care and responsiveness. The letter gives the opportunity to help people and get joy from it. The person may be shy. The owner must remember that we are all children of nature and harming it is the same as harming oneself.

A – the beginning of creativity. Desire for comfort and grace.

R – deep look, capable of seeing the essence of things. Gives strength and self-confidence, sometimes even excessive. The characterization of the letter speaks of a person who is brave and effective, but he can become stupid by succumbing to risk and dogma.

A is the beginning.

English: Tamara.

For international passport: TANARA.

Ukrainian: Tamara.

Belarusian: Tamara.

Georgian: თამარი.

Bulgarian: Tamara.

Romanian: Tamara.

Greek: Ταμάρα

Tamaras who conquered the world

  1. Actresses Tamara Makarova, Nosova, Taylor, Yatsenko.
  2. Singers Tamara Sinyavskaya and Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Tamara Miansarova.
  3. Writer Tamara Gabbe.
  4. Animator Tamara Poletika.
  5. Ballerina Tamara Karsavina.
  6. Athletes Tamara Moskvina, Tyshkevich, Danilova.
  7. Politicians Tamara Morshchakova and Queen Tamara of Georgia.

Unfortunately, there is no universal algorithm for choosing a name for a child. There are only a number of descriptions of general principles and several types of interpretations of the interpretation of a particular name. Pragmatic parents have their own examples of resolving the issue of choosing a name for their child. For example, they are named after a saint whose memory falls on the date of birth of the child, or they give a name in honor of some relative. You need to figure out what the name Tamara means for women.

Origin and meaning

In the 21st century, the name Tamara is very rare. But it is still common, since girls were often called this name in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. This name has a very good characteristic.

The history of the origin of the name Tamara has always been a topic of debate among researchers. There are two versions of the origin and meaning of the name Tamara:

  1. From the ancient Greek word "tamar" - "date palm".
  2. From the Finnish word “Tamar” - "fig tree", "palm tree".

In our culture, this name became known from the 12th century through Georgia and Armenia. The most famous person with this name was the Georgian queen.

The full name Tamara has a number of abbreviated forms: Tamarochka, Toma, Tomulya, Tomunya, Tomka, Tamuna.

Childhood and youth

Since childhood, Tamara has been a real angel, a joy for all her family. The girl is obedient, calm and neat. Very attached to her parents. To prevent Tomochka from feeling lonely, adults need to constantly pay attention to her. But excessive indulgence of a daughter’s whims can lead to constant whims, resentment and even aggression. Any action she takes will result in a demand for admiration, praise and encouragement. For any reason he can become capricious and even throw a tantrum. In general, Tomochka’s character is unpredictable and difficult.

But despite her complex character, Tomulya is a very hardworking girl. He is always happy to help his mother with household chores.

Tomunya studies well at school. Loves to read. Her main hobby is creativity. He plays in school productions and almost always plays the leading roles. But even in life she never takes off her mask of an actress. In front of her parents, Tamara plays the role of an obedient daughter. She loves for her friends and everyone around her to pay attention to her and admire her. Toma is a cheerful, perky girl who hates monotony, so she always tries to diversify her boring everyday life.

Over the years, the character of the girl whose name is Tamara, the meaning of the name and fate are transformed. From a soft girl who depends on her parents for everything, she turns into a strong-willed, principled girl with a difficult character. But he still loves and appreciates his parents. He cannot compromise and often argues to defend his opinion. Toma never admits he is wrong.

In her youth, the advantage of Tomochka’s character can be called kindness and high morality. These character traits manifest themselves in Tamara in her interactions with friends and family. If she is friends, then one hundred percent. Tamuna can never betray. There is no self-interest in her actions. But some unkind people can take advantage of this. And then Toma learns what betrayal is.

Tamara is a straightforward person, does not like intrigue and does not participate in it. If Tome doesn’t like a person, then she will stop all communication with him. But there may be instigation on her part. Tamara loves to incite others to do things that she herself would never do. And these actions are not always positive.

In adolescence, Tamara begins to develop intuition. A favorite thing appears - a hobby. Thinking is widely developed, but a little mundane, does not recognize abstractions.


With age, the owner of this name becomes more eloquent, diplomatic, judicious, calculating and powerful, and fair in nature. Tamara is a strong woman who, at the right moment, can be weak and show her defenselessness. It is impossible to carry it out. She easily identifies people who communicate for some kind of gain. For communication, Toma chooses simple, open people. Friends and acquaintances always listen to her authoritative opinion.

This woman is very strict with herself. Doesn’t allow emotions and some momentary weakness to go overboard, no matter what happens in life. Tamara can be called a “leader from God,” since she is not afraid to take responsibility, solves any assigned tasks, and does not reject problems. But status in society is not important to her. The main thing is the moral benefit from doing what you love, not the financial one.

Despite all this, a woman with this name constantly needs love and does not like loneliness. I am ready to do anything for the sake of my loved one and my family. Tom has a lot of friends. She values ​​loyalty in friendship. There are also a lot of suitors. Tamara respects their sympathy.

There are also disadvantages in the character of adult Tamara. Since she is kind in communication, she demands the same attitude towards herself. Toma does not like harsh and rude statements not only towards himself, but also towards relatives and friends or those who were unreasonably offended. In this case, she awakens to a tough, one might say cruel, character. He will certainly respond in kind to evil and betrayal.

In the life of a woman with this name there can be serious upheavals and moments of absolute happiness, ups and downs. But this is all an integral part of her destiny. Tamara is inherently a very emotional person. Therefore, without all this, her life will become boring and monotonous, which is in no way acceptable for her.

Sometimes even the date and month of a person’s birth has an impact on his fate. Here is what the name Tamara means depending on the time of her birth:

  1. "Winter" Tamara reveals herself as a gentle, sweet and attentive person. Can easily adapt to any conditions. She also tries to be strong and confident. For the future chosen one, she will be an excellent wife and caring mother.
  2. "Spring" endowed Tamara with the traits of a true woman - bright, beautiful and independent. Lover of bright emotions, constant movement and sports. Does not like loneliness and boredom. Spring Toma has many fans.
  3. "Summer" Tamara is hysterical. He behaves calmly with strangers. But those close to her experience the full power of her emotionality. It’s easy for Tom to get angry - it starts with a half turn. But despite this, he is distinguished by his honesty.
  4. "Autumn" gave Tomula a multifaceted character. On the one hand, she is a vulnerable girl with high self-esteem, and on the other, she is a true leader. Loves to have fun and be the center of attention.

Love and marriage

Love is of great importance to Tomochka. The seemingly calm and cool-headed girl is filled with warmth and emotions. Having met a worthy person, Tom will make him happy. Her chosen one will always feel loved and needed. Tamara will never demand that her loved one change for her own sake, since she does not change this world, but rather adapts to it. Whatever Tomochka’s family life is, she will never betray her husband or abandon her family. She gives all of herself to her husband and children.

Tamara always has a feeling of hidden passion. However, he treats sex itself with restraint and even a little fear. Tom is afraid of his desires. She does not fully open up to men because they are all far from ideal. Tomulya is waiting for that one and only person with whom she will reveal herself one hundred percent and show herself from a completely unexpected side.

Immediately after Toma gets married, she tries to take a leading position in the family. But not every man can stand it. This situation can lead to divorce in some cases. Tomulya may choose a person slightly younger than himself as his life partner. She is very jealous, so scandals on this basis in the family are not uncommon. She will not even be ashamed of a public scandal if she sees that someone is encroaching on her chosen one.

Despite the minor disadvantages, Tamara is a good, thrifty housewife, a loving and faithful wife and mother. Her house is always clean, cozy and comfortable. She cooks deliciously.

Here are the names of those lucky ones with whom they will be able to build a successful family union with Tamarochka: Alexander, Boris, Vladimir, Vitaly, Grigory, Zakhar, Mikhail, Oleg, Ratmir, Semyon, Yuri. Well, a list of those with whom relations will not be so rosy and carefree: Vadim, Nikita, Roman.

Tamara's health

Tomochka’s health has not been very good since childhood. In childhood, there is a predisposition to diathesis, which is a consequence of a great love for sweets. The immune system is also weak. Tamara has weak bronchi, intestines and genitals. The nervous system is also weakened. Often, the general state of health depends on the mental state of the woman.

Career and business

Tamara is able to successfully prove herself in both female and male professions. She chooses one thing for the rest of her life. Changes jobs in very rare cases, due to serious circumstances.

Tomochka is attracted by pedagogy, medicine, psychology or some creative profession. She can even become a driver. But economics, jurisprudence, analytics and finance are alien to her.

Tomunya has a strong mind and developed intuition, so she can run her own business. It is possible that a private matter will have a creative bent.

Numerology of the name

In numerology, this name has a soul number: 1. It is necessary to understand what the name Tamara means with this soul number.

A few are extraordinary, creative individuals. There are always a lot of innovative ideas lurking in their heads. People are gambling people in life, but fortune does not leave them either. They easily enter into something new and unknown. Failures are endured with pride. All these qualities help Units in society achieve great success and become leaders.

For a woman, this soul number means her ambition and love of freedom. It is always very difficult for men to find a common language with female Units. Cold and indifferent on the outside, on the inside they are gentle and romantic people. For those around them, the soul is darkness. Units are not revealed to everyone. They communicate only with those who are worthy of their attention and meet high standards.

Name Tamara in astrology

Interest arises not only in the compatibility of the name Tamara with certain people, dates, months, but also what designation it has in astrology. How this name is influenced by one or another zodiac sign:

It must be remembered that the name affects a person’s morality. Therefore, you should not be sure that a child named after an outstanding relative will be his copy in character, and fate will also be successful. The name not only influences a person’s life path and destiny, but also carries a number of other indicators, such as: characteristics of thinking and health, belonging to a profession, compatibility with other names in work, love and friendship.

Attention, TODAY only!

Meanings of the name Tamara: translation from Hebrew from the male name Tamar - “date palm”, from the Phoenician word Tamar - “fig tree”, Arabic interpretation - “moon”, Indian version - “spice”. The majestic Queen of Georgia Tamara is the most famous and prominent representative of this name. Tamara celebrates her name day twice a year: May 14 and April 29.

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Variations of the name: Tomik, Toma, Tomuska, Tomusha, Tamka, Mara, Tara, Tomochka, Tamilya, Tamasha, Tamarochka, Musya.

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      Little Tom

      The girl is very active, curious and developed beyond her years. She does not like monotony and is not able to do painstaking work for hours. Toma is artistic, graceful, dances and sings well, loves to draw, and has shown creative thinking and excellent taste since early childhood. A child loves to be the center of attention, so she can do an extraordinary act so that those around her will definitely notice her.

      • Toma is an obedient and responsible child, she is affectionate with her parents, but she can also show character by throwing a tantrum if she is forbidden something and does not take into account the girl’s opinion. In such cases, she always acts out of spite in order to prove her autonomy and independence.

        The girl loves to hang out with her peers, she easily and naturally becomes a leader in any company, and always takes the initiative for having fun and inventing various games.

        Tamara is a very diligent student. She enjoys going to school and eagerly does her homework. He always tries not only to complete the assigned work, but also to find additional information in order to show off his intelligence in front of his classmates and teachers. The girl has great mathematical abilities and a penchant for exact sciences, but Toma is also fine with humanities subjects. The girl loves to be admired and set as an example, so she does everything possible to gain praise from others.

        Tamara is a versatile and creative person, she attends various clubs and knows how to rationally manage her time, not forgetting about playing with the kids and having fun. Parents are proud of their girl, because she strives to be the first in everything.

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        Early years

        The fate of a young girl is different from that of most teenagers. Tamara will never allow herself to be manipulated and does not succumb to the negative influence of others. She is not prone to bad habits and is indifferent to alcohol. The girl strives to get a good education, so she spends a lot of time studying books and preparing for exams.

        Tamara is arrogant and too critical of guys, so she is in no hurry to start a love relationship, searching for her ideal. She loves polite and educated guys with a good sense of humor, so she is looking for a gentleman to match her. Her peers seem too stupid and superficial to her, so she avoids communicating with them.

        Toma has many friends, she always dresses stylishly and expensively, knows her worth and will never allow anyone to tell her what to do. She relies only on her own strength, so she never asks for help from relatives and friends.

        Adult Tamara

        Tamara is reasonable and wise, but she cannot be called balanced. A woman can commit an impulsive act and will regret it for a long time. She always defends her point of view, even if she feels that she is wrong, and has difficulty admitting her own mistakes.

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        Marriage and family

        When a woman falls in love, she completely surrenders to her partner, becoming tender and affectionate. A woman can show weakness if she is confident in her man, giving him the leading role in the family.

        Tamara likes everything to be in its place; she is clean and thrifty. Her house is always in perfect order; the woman is ready at any moment to receive guests and set a hospitable table for them. She is generous and open, loves family feasts and intimate conversations with friends. However, the role of a housewife is not for her. A woman can perfectly combine creating family comfort and a successful career as a businesswoman.

        Tamara is extremely demanding and strict with her children, but believes that in order to raise them you need to be tough. She strives to give her children the best, dresses them beautifully and instills a love for beauty.


        Tamara is not used to being content with little, so she is ready to work day and night to achieve financial well-being. She occupies leadership positions and quickly climbs the career ladder, thanks to her hard work and determination.

        A woman with a similar name can realize herself in the creative field, since her potential and natural talents will help her become a famous singer or world-famous actress. She can easily master male professions and show her best qualities in politics, science and medicine.

        The mystery of the name

        The secret of the name Tamara.

        Character typeCholeric
        Basic qualitiesPride, communication skills, sensitivity, insight
        Negative sidesImpulsiveness, hysteria, inability to control one’s emotions, self-confidence, straightforwardness
        The good sideResponsiveness, responsibility, dedication, caring, devotion, honesty, openness, mercy, self-sufficiency, courage
        LoveTamara is waiting for her prince, she won’t agree to anything less, so she doesn’t have many romantic relationships. The woman is picky and demanding of members of the opposite sex. To win her heart, you need to look after her beautifully and have an outstanding appearance.
        HealthDiseases of the reproductive system, gastrointestinal tract. A woman’s nervous system is very vulnerable; if she worries about every little thing, serious mental health problems will begin.
        PsycheTamara can cause a huge scandal over a trifle, but she quickly moves away and asks for forgiveness for her incontinence, is subject to sudden mood swings, is too critical, and does not compromise
        SexTamara does not attach much importance to sexual caresses. Intimate relationships are secondary for her, she does not like to experiment in bed, she is conservative and modest
        HobbiesDesign, cooking, literature, theater, music, painting, travel, handicrafts
        FriendshipTamara loves to spend time with friends, she is very sociable, she has many acquaintances. A woman knows what true friendship is and will always support her friend
        ProfessionsFinancier, lawyer, journalist, artist, designer, art critic, educator, scientific director, physician, writer
        MoralDoes not accept strict restrictions and prohibitions, may sacrifice his moral principles to achieve the intended goal
        Intellectual abilitiesTamara knows how to think logically, is witty, has an excellent memory, and thanks to her intuition she rarely makes mistakes, making quick and effective decisions
        BusinessA woman has high ambitions and leadership qualities, strives to be self-sufficient and not depend on anyone, so she will feel great in the role of a leader. Her business will be successful, and her subordinates will be happy, because Tamara will always appreciate the work done.
        Intuitive abilitiesA woman completely trusts her feelings, is guided exclusively by her sixth sense, sometimes not paying attention to logic and common sense.
        Compatibility with male namesBoris, Alexander, Mikhail, Zakhar, Semyon, Ratmir, Vitaly, Matvey, Yuri, Arkhip, Sergey, Lev, Artem, Grigory
        Incompatibility with male namesVladimir, Alexey, Oleg, Igor, Afanasy, Philip, Roman, Nikita, Vladislav

        Patrons and totem symbols of the name Tamara.

        Famous women

        Famous representatives of the fair half of humanity with the name Tamara:

        • Artists - Dzhuraeva, Makarova, Mello, Semina, Nosova.
        • Singers - Sinyavskaya, Gverdtsiteli, Dadasheva, Miansarova.
        • Athletes - Tyshkevich, Press, Podpalnaya, Tansykkuzhina.
        • Other famous women are Karsavina, Cheban, Fiedler, Rojo.


        Characteristics of a woman named Tamara, born under different astrological signs.

        a lionProud and resilient nature. Does not accept comments and criticism addressed to him, does not know how to lose. Prefers male company, makes new acquaintances easily
        VirgoThe woman has good business acumen, she is hardworking, persistent, and prudent. She doesn't like to be controlled, so she gets married late, preferring to be independent.
        ScalesBehavior and character depend solely on the woman’s mood. She can be soft and flexible when she is in a good mood. Tamara is terrible in anger, cruel and vindictive, capable of harming her loved ones
        ScorpionA very hot-tempered and passionate woman, she overcomes any obstacles and spares no one on the way to her intended goal; the most important thing for her is self-realization
        SagittariusShe is charming, knows her worth, enjoys great success with men, loves increased attention to her person, strives to achieve popularity and general recognition by any means.
        CapricornHe will not allow outsiders to interfere in his personal life, he relies only on himself and does not listen to the advice of relatives and friends. She is incredulous and looks for a catch in everything.
        AquariusAssertive, active, always defends her position, loves to teach and criticize others, does not notice her own shortcomings, self-confident and selfish
        FishA woman is wise, can give valuable advice and will always find a way out of a difficult life situation, loves to think about philosophical topics and does not tolerate down-to-earth people
        AriesStrong-willed, extremely stubborn and purposeful nature. He can commit rash acts and can be harsh when communicating with his loved ones. She is used to bringing any task to perfection, she is pedantic and responsible, and has self-discipline.
        TaurusTamara can give in and find an alternative solution. She is soft and good-natured and will never refuse help. Above all, spiritual and family values ​​are important to her; she creates a harmonious and cozy homely atmosphere.
        TwinsShe is impressionable and emotional, prone to an illusory perception of reality. She is a very contradictory and fickle nature; she cannot decide on her desires and goals.
        CancerA true dreamer with enormous creative abilities and a rich inner world. She is touchy and vindictive, like all representatives of this astrological sign, and does not know how to admit her mistakes.