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"The Third Eye", or How Clairvoyants See. Revelation of an international class psychic Anatoly Osipov

The seventh sense is called synesthesia - the ability to “hear” color or “see” music. After the five main ones: hearing, touch, sight, smell, taste. And sixth - intuition.

People who have the ability to perceive the world with a large number of senses are considered unique. But nothing more. There is nothing supernatural in the nature of extrasensory perception. It is given to every person from birth. After all, in the brain of infants, impulses from all senses are mixed. But at the age of about six months, their separation occurs: sounds - “to the right”, visual information - “to the left”. In scientific terms, this is the process of the death of neurons that create synaptic bridges.

For psychics, the bridges remain intact, and feelings remain undivided. As if superimposed on each other. And some of these people call themselves psychics, sorcerers and healers. And some are even messiahs.

Neuropsychologists from the University of Zurich set out to dispel the myth about the origin of the supposedly divine gift. For several years they studied psychics, who believed that they were able to see the future and shine through people, like X-ray machines.

During the experiments, scientists asked “clairvoyants” to look at a monitor designed specifically to “turn on” a certain center of the visual cortex of the brain. With its help, researchers wanted to understand how various images arise in the brains of unique people. And they discovered: very often many people “hear” the picture. Some are a faint buzz, others are a whistle. Although the picture is not actually accompanied by any sound effects.

Moreover, the so-called psychics, while listening to music, sometimes felt all sorts of tastes in their mouths: bittersweet, salty, sour. We saw the colors. For some reason, the note F glowed purple for them, and the note C glowed red.

The subjects do not imagine colors or tastes. And they really feel them. This was checked by Vileyanur Ramachandran, a professor of psychology and neurophysiology at the University of California, who developed a special test. Black twos and randomly placed fives appeared on the computer screen. It is very difficult for an ordinary person to isolate one from the other. And a psychic can easily see that twos form a triangle. After all, for him they are colored. Using similar tests, Ramachandran and his colleagues found that synesthesia is much more common than previously thought. Approximately one in two hundred adults.

Nervous abnormality

“All the so-called psychics showed clear signs of synesthesia,” says the author of the Swiss study, Dr. Michaela Esslen. - This phenomenon occurs against the background of abnormalities in the development of the nervous system. In ordinary people, each external signal is received by its own sensory system: sound - hearing, smell - smell. And in psychics, neurons function chaotically. And a signal intended for one sense organ arrives at several at once.

Neurophysiologist from the American National Institute of Psychiatry Peter Grossenbacher associates synesthesia with the existence of peculiar crossroads in the brain. The paths along which neural impulses are transmitted from the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose intersect.

And ordinary people have crossroads. But they are passive. And for psychics, they distribute nerve impulses in several directions at once. For example, signals traveling along the auditory pathway reach the junction, which sends an impulse to the eyes.

Brain scans of synesthetes have shown that when people who “color” letters look at printed text, not only the area of ​​their brain responsible for understanding speech is activated, but also the areas responsible for color recognition.

Biofield illusion

Maybe, psychics actually see pockets of illnesses in the body of the person being diagnosed, painted in a certain color. And they experience unpleasant sensations in those areas of their body that are sick in the patient. Or they hear a special sound when touching a sore spot. This is a variety psychics, scientists say. As well as the observation of the biofield - auras, ghostly visions, pictures of supposedly future events. Scientifically, this is the ability for reflexive, visual, auditory or kinesthetic illusions.

Visions are usually illusions,” explained the famous psychologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ramil Garifullin in one of his speeches. - Some people can hear or see the smell, see the colors of depression. The smell of gasoline, for example, can be blue and ringing for them, and the aroma of some flower can be red with white speckles and humming.

Geniuses with mixed feelings

Many famous people have had synesthesia. For example, the French poet Arthur Rimbaud associated vowel sounds with certain colors. Composer Alexander Scriabin saw the color of musical notes. Abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky, on the contrary, heard the sound of colors. Synesthetics include Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Marina Tsvetaeva, Konstantin Balmont, Boris Pasternak, Andrei Voznesensky.

However, for the most part, psychics are not distinguished by high intelligence. Weak in mathematics. Poor orientation in space. They suffer from a manic passion for order and symmetry. And their memory is inaccurate. For example, a typical psychic might well say: “I don’t remember the name of this street, but I remember that its name is orange.” Their peculiarity is passed on by inheritance. Most are left-handed.

Can you trust healers?

According to Dr. Garifullin, if there are common points of contact between the illusory picture of a psychic and the psychological state of the patient, then the “vision” is useful for diagnosis. In this case, synesthesia provides additional information about the disease, which can only be “deciphered.” If there is no connection, then the psychic may be deceived when choosing treatment methods. Psychics often hit the mark thanks to their highly developed intuition.

The most common type of synesthesia is “color numbers”. A synesthete, unlike an ordinary person, will see inverted fives creating a triangle in a second, because they will be highlighted in red in his brain.

Another opinion

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Tula State University, Director of the Research Institute of New Medical Technologies Alexander Khadartsev:

It is not a fact that the secret of psychics is synesthesia. In my opinion, they hear more sounds or smell subtle aromas.
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Number of impressions: 19840

Psychics - chosen among people, endowed with special abilities, can see both the past and the future, through signs, phenomena, oracles, cards or the energy of people. From time immemorial, people have wanted to know what will happen to them tomorrow, in a month, in ten years. Previously, only the richest and most influential people could afford to turn to soothsayers, priests, shamans, and fortune tellers for this information. Now information about the future is given to everyone who needs it. What are they? Why do they see something that is inaccessible to an ordinary person? Where did they learn this? How to become a psychic?

The emergence of the concept of psychic

If we turn to the literal translation, we will see that the word “psychic” simply means “sensitive person.” It turns out that in order to see the future, you need to develop sensitivity? No, something is wrong here, otherwise all creative people would be psychics. In fact, a psychic does not just feel something better and deeper. He uses the so-called sixth sense for this. We are talking about intuition, which among psychics is developed beyond the usual measure.

How else does a psychic differ from an ordinary person? Each of us believes that somewhere there are forces that can change life both for the worse and for the better. A psychic doesn't just believe. He sees and feels them, and also knows how to control them. He has the ability to enter the astral world, in which all our thoughts, emotions, and memories of past lives live.

How psychics see the future

“Each psychic has his own system for obtaining information about the past, present and future,” says our expert Rina . “But we all agree on one opinion.” There is a kind of parallel world. This is a kind of database about everything that happens in the Universe. Ordinary people have no access there. Using our abilities, we select, in modern language, a login and password for this database, and read the information that is needed at the moment. Learn this and become psychic Can. But for this you need to have abilities, great patience and endurance.”

Experts say that, in fact, every person born initially has extrasensory perception abilities. But later they fade away under the influence of a rigid system: parents - kindergarten - school - university. From childhood, a child is put in a vice and taught to think and see like everyone else. As a result, abilities are retained only in those who have them most developed. As a rule, future psychics, already at a young age, amaze their parents by predicting certain events, relieving pain with their hands, and talking about the fantastic (in the opinion of adults) worlds they have seen.

In general, it is a mistake to think that a psychic can only lift the curtain on the future and warn about any upcoming events. A true specialist works much more extensively. It can help a person make a decision in a difficult situation, diagnose damage, neutralize induced negativity, cleanse karma, and provide energy protection. In other words, it helps to improve life and harmonize it.

If you are interested in the future, if you want to unravel the mysteries of the past, find out what is preventing you from achieving success, get rid of illnesses, remove negativity, or discover your clairvoyance and extrasensory abilities, you can always contact the experts on our site. They will give a comprehensive answer to all your questions and repaint the black stripes of life into white.

Incredible facts

Have you ever felt that you are different from other people?

Has something happened to you that you couldn't explain, or have you had a clear feeling that something will happen?

In that case, you might hypersensitive person and you have a sixth sense.

A psychic is a person endowed with the ability to see and read through space and time. He is a bridge for others helping them see the future. He has visions, O n hears sounds and feels things more intuitively.

Many people are not aware of their hidden psychic abilities,until they pay attention to the signs.

If you have experienced these phenomena, you may have an innate ability to communicate with another reality.

Psychic man

1. You have very realistic dreams.

If you are able to clearly remember a dream and experience various sensations during the dream, such as touch or smell, this may be a sign of your latent psychic abilities. However, because of such realism, you also experience nightmares in your sleep very strongly.

The symbols you see in dreams can have deep meaning and often provide insight into what is going on in a person's life. You may also often have recurring dreams that clarify a real situation in life.

2. You hear noises in the next room when you are alone at home.

Have you ever heard sounds that no one else could hear? You may have wondered why others can't hear ringing, beeping, or other subtle sounds.

You may also hear shuffling or whispering sounds when no one is in the room. This could be a sign of some presence or indicate the approach of some events.

3. You have a strong connection with animals.

We can communicate without words and have the ability to communicate and understand animals. You may feel a connection to certain animals or have felt a strong attachment to a certain animal at some point in your life. This type of communication does not require words.

Clairvoyant abilities

4. You see what is happening out of the corner of your eye.

People endowed with the gift of clairvoyance often see things out of the corner of their eyes. These can be dark shapes or silhouettes, stripes and luminous balls.

However, when you turn your head to get a better look at the vision, it disappears. This is due to the fact that physical vision comes into force, and not your internal one.

5. You often experience déjà vu.

When you experience déjà vu, you have a feeling that people, places, or things are familiar to you.

If you often feel like you've been to a certain place before when you haven't, this may indicate psychic abilities.

6. You are very sensitive to negativity.

You really feel it when someone complains or is negative. It is very difficult for you to be around such people, because it creates discomfort almost on a physical level.

You may also dislike watching the news because you find it difficult to tolerate strong negative energy.

7. You feel the past when you hold objects.

You can tell the story of an object or its owner by holding it. This also applies to people.

For example, you can hold a person's hand and feel his past, see some parts of his life, or experience the sensations, smells and sounds of some period of his life.

Gift of clairvoyance

8. You know when a loved one is feeling bad or is in danger.

You may be psychic if you feel that a loved one is sad, in pain, or in trouble. Physical distance is not an obstacle to such a feeling. This is due to your high level of empathy.

Such situations can also cause fear and a feeling of helplessness because you are aware of the problem, but there is nothing you can do.

9. You read minds.

You may know what a person is going to say before they even say anything. You know who will call you before the phone rings.

Sometimes you can even predict the request. For example, you bring a cup of tea to your husband, and he says, “Are you reading my mind?” If this happens to you often, you have hidden telepathic abilities and can develop them in yourself.

10. You feel trouble coming.

You may suddenly feel anxious, afraid, or worried. You have a gut feeling that something is wrong. Sometimes it is difficult for you to understand what exactly will happen, but you clearly sense the approach of danger or trouble.

You can learn to predict future events by trusting your intuition by asking yourself what your feelings tell you.


The Third Eye has been talked about for a long time. And not only in the East. Remember the fairy tale about Tiny little girl: “Sleep the little eye, sleep the other one, sleep the third one...”.
Clairvoyants have always aroused not only interest, but also awe and fear. Rulers always consulted with such people and often sent them to the scaffold and the stake when the predictions came true.
Nowadays, even the orthodoxies of science have come to terms with the effect of being able to read information from Information Fields (IF): the predictions of Vasily Nemchin, Michel Nostardamus, Vanga have gradually knocked down the arrogance of the most inveterate nihilists, and serious scientific publications on this topic have appeared. Let us also look into this difficult, at first glance, question: how do clairvoyants actually see?
At the end of the past century, the American Center for Brain Research, having spent several billion dollars on research, came to the conclusion that ancient scientists were right - a person does not think with the brain, but with some external field structure (mental plane), and the brain and central nervous system act as a kind of switch .
Our physical plane, the physical body, is a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that perceives information not only with the well-known sense organs, but also with every cell, every molecule and elementary particle entering the body. In this case, time and distance do not play any role.
The time factor is a property of our four-dimensional space. Only here the time flow shows the direction “yesterday—today—tomorrow.” Starting from the astral plane, the time flow becomes a multidimensional Field of Events, where everything happens simultaneously. On the astral-mental plane, the concepts of “past”, “present”, “future” are absent. This opens up the possibility of the astral-mental plane reading information through the individual from the entire Field of Events. This ability is not something unique. All people potentially have sensory abilities.
Doctors say that only 4% of human brain cells are used. The remaining 96% is a certain safety margin, it is not clear what it is intended for. For those who claim this, it may be true. But in nature nothing is created just like that. For example, the appendix on the astral plane is the master generator of the entire immune system. 4% of our brain cells are, as it were, a block of self-preservation on the physical plane, what is called a person’s ego, his consciousness. The remaining 96% of brain cells provide the connection between the ego and the astral-mental plane. For the majority of people, this relationship is blocked both by alien programs and internal negativity (actions, thoughts, idealizations, lack of love in the heart, and much more).
However, almost all newborn children do not have this blockage, and children have free astral-mental vision. Many parents face this. For example, a child is afraid to sleep in a room alone because a scary grandmother is standing in the corner, and he is afraid of her. The child simply sees the astral plane of the deceased former owner of the apartment. Caring parents take their child to the doctor, and he prescribes calming drops. The child no longer sees anything, and no wonder: under the influence of light tranquilizers, his vision was closed, i.e. the connection between 4% and 96% was blocked. During surgical interventions when anesthesia is used, the astral plane is completely torn off from the physical body, and reverse restoration, with rare exceptions, does not occur without energy-informational correction.
I had a patient who described her condition like this:
“I have a feeling that I seem to be suspended somewhere, I exist on my own, and my physical body is on its own.”
Her recovery also took a very long time (this is the reason). After the correction session, she completely connected with her body and her health quickly improved.
The third eye is a normal phenomenon for any person. Christ told people:
“You are sinners because you are blind. If you think that you are sighted, then you will remain sinners forever!”
In the esotericism of the East there is a conditional gradation of vision with the Third Eye. The lowest level: I see, but I do not know and do not understand what I see. The following are the levels: I see and understand, I see and know. And the highest level - I don’t see it, but I know it!
Let's take a closer look at how the process of accepting and processing information in the brain actually occurs. The astral-mental plane of a person perceives information from the Event Field through Information Fields. This information is projected onto all levels of information carriers of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality: nucleons in such and such molecules have turned their spin; the molecules, in turn, slightly changed their shape, which resulted in a change in volumetric resonance and the cell generated an electrical impulse. This impulse travels through the central nervous system to the brain - to the very 96% of cells that form the image of the perceived information. An electrical impulse from the brain is sent to the retina of the eyes. The rods and cones are excited - a virtual image is formed, which, in turn, is again perceived by the retina. An electrical impulse travels along the optic nerve to the visual center of the brain, and the image of the perceived information is recognized.
Beginners look with their eyes closed. As you gain experience, there is no need to close your eyes.

So, clairvoyance is not seeing through walls or through the patient's tissue. Clairvoyance is a free relationship between the physical plane ego and the astral-mental plane of human multidimensionality.
The level of information perception directly depends on intellectual abilities. The more a person knows, the easier it is for him to understand what he sees. If a person does not have information about any ongoing process, then he will perceive the information in the form of an image. What is called the “third eye” is the whole complex of information perception: clairvoyance, telepathy, dreaming, intuition...
Many people are unaware that they are using the Third Eye. One patient was very surprised when she was told that her Third Eye was open: “I didn’t even know. I usually stand and look at people passing by. This one is well-fed, this one won’t eat this, but this one will buy it. Then I shout: “The pies are hot! Why yell in vain..."
Any information from the Information Fields must be perceived and filtered by our own mental plane and adapted to the level of perception of our ego. In this case, some information is inevitably lost due to our four-dimensional thinking. Therefore, when considering complex situations, it is necessary to combine the efforts of a group of clairvoyants. Since our ego often lacks an adequate “dictionary” for translating multidimensional information into generally accepted terms, a clairvoyant usually perceives it in a simplified form: light-dark, good-bad, dangerous-safe, etc. Moreover, a group of clairvoyants may have completely different perceptions. Combining mental images of this information allows you to form a generalized image.
In my practice, I observe cases when, after the necessary eniocorrection, the patient’s Third Eye begins to work perfectly. Sometimes this requires one session, sometimes ten - it all depends on the level of “slagging”. We cleanse his astral-mental plane, work through some situations through awareness, restore the connection between the ego and the astral-mental plane - and the person becomes much more “sighted”.
Let's summarize: The third eye is the entire multidimensional perception of multidimensional information by all projections of the essence. What is commonly called a person is just a four-dimensional volumetric resonator that allows this entity to cognize and change the world in one direction or another.

They can be divided into several groups according to the method of perceiving information inaccessible to ordinary people. There are specialists who see fields and energy influences, and there are those who hear them. Some psychics need to “feel” a person’s aura in order to read information from it. It is the difference in the channels of perception that explains the imperfection and inaccuracy of the knowledge received from psychics.

The main goal of any good psychic is to improve non-sensory ways of perceiving reality. Developing an additional way to receive information allows the psychic to perceive it more accurately and not depend on imperfect senses. Unfortunately, in practice this does not work for everyone.

It should be noted that even two psychics visualize this additional information very differently. One specialist can see energy fields in colors and bright colors, while another notices only vibration, but perceives it in a wide range. Constant training can sharpen perception, but it rarely qualitatively changes the way in which additional knowledge is acquired.

What can extrasensory perception do?

In other words, someone who is accustomed to perceiving the world not only with his eyes, but also with his fingertips, after constant training and self-tuning, will be able to more accurately determine the boundaries of energy fields using touches, but is unlikely to see them.
There are many exercises that are aimed at revealing extrasensory abilities in a person, but most of them are aimed at working with vision, since it is considered the most accurate sense in this area. Good “seeing” psychics are rare and their services are expensive.

It should be noted that psychics do not always see or sense energy fields. Some of them may perceive other information. There are people who can see karmic connections with other people, significant events in life, and the consequences of decisions made. But the trouble is that there is no adequate and objective way to verify and compare information received from two different psychics, since the involvement of a third with his individual perception characteristics will only complicate the current picture.

Extrasensory perception is interesting because it does not attract otherworldly forces and does not require special rituals. The effectiveness of a psychic depends solely on the strength of his consciousness and the ability to operate with the information received.