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In state Z, a democratic political regime is established, and in the state. State Z established a democratic political regime State z established a democratic

The main state exam of the OGE Social science task No. 21 Demo version 2018-2017 State Z has a democratic political regime, while State Y has a totalitarian one. Compare these two political regimes.
Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences.
1) suppression of violations of public order
2) the presence of executive authorities
3) free elections on an alternative basis
4) sentencing by extrajudicial bodies

Answer: 1324

21. The school year is over, and the high school students decided to go camping. Stopping in a forest clearing, they set up tents, hung pots over the fire, in which potatoes were boiled and tea was boiled. While waiting for dinner, one of the tenth graders took out a guitar, and the guys sang a popular song in unison. At that moment, many felt the harmony of two worlds: natural and social. Compare these two worlds. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers that are common to nature and culture, and in the second column - the serial numbers that distinguish nature and culture.

3) is a complete system

Answer: 1 4 2 3

21. Zinaida Ivanovna on her day off did hair styling at the hairdresser and went to the grocery store for shopping. Compare the two products of economic activity mentioned in the assignment statement: a service and a product.

1) Most often used at the time of production
2) In market conditions, the penalty depends on the ratio of supply and demand
3) Always has a real form
4) Is the goal and result of production

Answer: 2 4 1 3

21. Tamara Ivanovna teaches computer science at school. In addition, she conducts scientific research on the use of computer technology in teaching. Compare the two activities mentioned in the assignment statement: education and science. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences.
1) involves the discovery of new facts and patterns
2) belongs to the sphere of spiritual culture
3) covers the system of organizations and institutions
4) has a stepped character

Answer: 2 3 1 4

21. State Z is a unitary monarchy. It is adjacent to state Y, which has a federal structure. Compare the forms of government mentioned in the condition of the assignment: unitary federal.
Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of differences.
1) reflects the organization of state power
2) determines the distribution of powers between the central government and the subjects of the state
3) involves the allocation of administrative districts that do not have sovereignty
4) reflects the nature of the relationship between central and local authorities

Answer: 1 4 2 3

21. Citizen D. had to help a comrade who found himself in a difficult situation. But in order to fulfill his moral obligations, he needed one day of vacation at his own expense, and with this request he decided to turn to the head of the department. At the same time, citizen D. understood that, according to the Labor Code, the head of the department could refuse his request.
Compare the two types of social norms faced by citizen D.: moral and legal. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers that are common to both types of social norms, and in the second column - the serial numbers that distinguish social norms.
1) are social regulators
2) protected by the state
3) are supported voluntarily
4) streamline people's lives

Answer: 1 4 2 3

21. The above list shows the similarities between the executives and the legislative power of the Russian Federation and the differences between the executive and legislative powers of the Russian Federation. Select and write down in the first column - the serial numbers of the features of difference.
1) public authority
2) has the right of legislative power
3) is a representative body of power
4) consists of two chambers

Answer: 1 2 3 4

21. State Z retains a subsistence economy, while State Y has begun the transition to commodity production. Compare the two types of farming mentioned in the assignment statement: subsistence and commodity.
Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers for both types of farms, and in the second column - the serial numbers that distinguish these types of farms.
1) the main purpose of the activity is to make a profit
2) the production of agricultural products is carried out for sale
3) Production production is subject to weather conditions
4) work is carried out in open space in rural areas

Answer: 3 4 1 2

21. The owner of the company produces vegetable products for sale on the market, but at the same time exchanges a small part with neighbor farmers for livestock products. Compare trade and barter. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers that are common to both types of activities, and in the second column - the serial numbers that distinguish these types of activities.
1) products of exchange have a use value
2) the exchange is carried out for money
3) you can get some good without producing it
4) products of exchange have a price

Answer: 1 3 2 4

21. The training goal ended, and the high school students decided to go camping. Stopping in a forest clearing, they set up tents, hung pots over the fire, in which potatoes were boiled and tea was boiled. While waiting for dinner, one of the tenth graders took out a guitar, and the guys felt the harmony of two worlds: natural and social. Compare these two worlds. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers that are common to nature and culture, and in the second column - the serial numbers that distinguish nature and culture.
1) is a condition for the existence of people
2) changes are progressive
3) development is carried out as a result of people's activities
4) is a complete system

  • State Z has a democratic political regime, while State Y has a totalitarian one. Compare these two political regimes. Choose and write down a strict sequence of numbers in response, as if you were entering it in the corresponding table.

    4) sentencing by extrajudicial bodies
  • Similarities of democratic polit. regime and totalitarian polit. mode:
    1) suppression of violations of public order
    2) the presence of executive authorities
    Differences in democratic politics. regime and totalitarian polit. mode:
    3) free elections on an alternative basis
    4) sentencing by extrajudicial bodies
  • 1. The function of the state is
    1) separation of powers
    2) sovereignty
    3) maintaining public order
    4) the presence of the state apparatus
    2. A sign of the rule of law is
    1) public authority
    2) the unity of the territory
    3) separation of powers
    4) professional apparatus management
    3. The main task of the Russian parliament (Federal Assembly) is
    1) ensure the execution of the state budget
    2) act as the guarantor of the Constitution
    3) administer justice
    4) develop and adopt laws
    4. Are the following statements correct?
    Democratic state as an institution of the political system
    A. has a monopoly on the use of force in accordance with the law
    B. is outside the law, does not obey its requirements
    1) only A is true
    2) only B is true
    3) both A. and B are true
    4) both judgments are wrong
    5. What is a sign of any state?
    1) collection of taxes and fees
    2) democratic regime
    3) separation of powers
    4) federal structure
    6. A feature common to a democratic regime and a republican form of government is
    1) the dominance of the executive power
    2) election to public authorities
    3) mutual responsibility of the state and the individual
    4) political pluralism
    7. What feature distinguishes a republic from other forms of government?
    1) the presence of a head of state
    2) the election of the head of state for a certain period
    3) transfer of supreme power by inheritance
    4) the presence of a control apparatus
    8. The lower house of parliament in Russia is
    1) State Duma
    2) Federation Council
    3) State Council
    4) Federal Assembly
    9. Executive power in the Russian Federation belongs to the Government of the Russian Federation:
    1) true 2) false
    10. Which of the following refers to the exclusive features of the state?
    1) the right to establish and collect taxes
    2) exercise of political power
    3) creation of political programs
    4) formation of governing bodies based on elections
    11. The highest form of the political will of the people in a democratic state is:
    1) referendum
    2) elections of deputies of the State. Dumas
    3) participation in protest demonstrations
    4) work in trade union organizations
    12. Which of the judgments about the political regime is correct?
    1) Democracy is possible only under a republican form of government.
    2) Authoritarianism is impossible in monarchical states.
    3) Democracy exists in both republican and monarchical states.
    4) In an authoritarian state, there is only one mass political party
    13. The state is the only institution of the political system that is the bearer
    1) sovereignty 3) authority 2) power 4) norms and customs
    14. One of the conditions for favorable interethnic relations in a democratic society is
    1) observance of human rights and freedoms
    2) development of private entrepreneurship
    3) complication of the social structure of society
    4) restriction of social mobility
    3) 15. In a totalitarian regime, in contrast to a democratic
    1) a single obligatory ideology dominates
    2) the state is the most important element of the political system
    3) equal and free elections are held
    4) the individual has ample opportunities to influence political decision-making
    16. In country Z there is a king who reigns but does not rule. Legislative power is exercised by the parliament, elected by the citizens, executive power is exercised by the government, formed on the basis of the results of parliamentary elections. There are also independent judiciaries. What form of government has developed in country Z?
    1) presidential republic
    2) authoritarian republic
    3) unitary monarchy
    4) constitutional monarchy
    17. Government of the Russian Federation
    1) develops and adopts laws
    2) manages federal property
    3) approves court decisions
    4) resolve issues of granting citizenship
    18. Forms of territorial-state structure are unitary and republican states:
    1) true 2) false
    19. The state ensures the maintenance of law and order, the provision of medical and educational services to the population. What function of the state in economic life is manifested in this activity?
    1) ensuring the legal framework for economic activity
    2) production of public goods
    3) control of the money supply
    4) maintaining competition, fighting monopolies
    20. "Tyranny" and "despotism" are one of the oldest types of state regimes:
    1) true 2) false

  • 1. 3) maintenance of public order2. 3) separation of powers
    3. 4) develop and adopt laws
    4. 1) only A is true
    5. 1) collection of taxes and fees
    6. 2) election to public authorities
    7. 2) the election of the head of state for a certain period
    8. 1) State Duma
    9.1) true
    10. 1) the right to establish and collect taxes
    11. 1) referendum
    12. 3) Democracy exists in both republican and monarchical states.
    13. 1) sovereignty
    14. 1) observance of human rights and freedoms
    3) 15. 1) a single obligatory ideology dominates
    16. 4) constitutional monarchy
    18. 2) wrong
    19. 1) ensuring the legal framework for economic activity
    20.1) true
  • I need to outline the given passage and give an example to this passage. VERY NECESSARY NOW!

    The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation indicates the following types of crimes: against a person, in the sphere of the economy, against public safety and public order, against state power, against military service, against peace and security. Crime is not only a social, but also a legal phenomenon, since only what is enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is criminal. Crime includes actions that encroach on a person, on property, rights and freedoms of citizens, on social relations. These actions cause the object of encroachment real and very significant harm.

    The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation indicates the following types of crimes: against a person, in the sphere of the economy, against public safety and public order, against state power, against military service, against peace and security. Crime is not only a social, but also a legal phenomenon, since only what is enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is criminal. Crime includes actions that encroach on a person, on property, rights and freedoms of citizens, on social relations. These actions cause the object of encroachment real and very significant harm.
    The peculiarity of crime: the presence of a certain contingent of persons - criminals, for some of whom criminal activity has become professional.
    Organized crime is the biggest threat. In a broad sense, it refers to any group of persons organized on a permanent basis to extract funds in an illegal way.
    Organized crime is characterized by a particular danger to the individual, society, state.

  • 1. Types of crimes.

    2. Features of crime.

    3. Organized crime and its danger to the life of society.

    4. Character. org. prest.

    5. What includes crime.

    6. Features of crime.

    1. Crimes: against the individual, in the economic sphere, against public safety and public order, against state power, against military service, against peace and security.

    2. The peculiarity of crime: the presence of a certain contingent of persons - criminals, for some of whom criminal activity has become professional.

    3. The greatest danger is organized crime. In a broad sense, it refers to any group of persons organized on a permanent basis to extract funds in an illegal way. Organized crime is the biggest threat. In a broad sense, it refers to any group of persons organized on a permanent basis to extract funds in an illegal way.
    Organized crime is characterized by a particular danger to the individual, society, state.

    4. Organized crime is characterized by a particular danger to the individual, society, state. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation indicates the following types of crimes: against a person, in the sphere of the economy, against public safety and public order, against state power, against military service, against peace and security.

    5. Crime includes actions that encroach on a person, property, rights and freedoms of citizens, and social relations. These actions cause the object of encroachment real and very significant harm.

    6. The peculiarity of crime: the presence of a certain contingent of persons - criminals, for some of whom criminal activity has become professional.

    7. Own conclusion on the text (I think it will not be difficult for you to express yourself)

  • 1.
    The hallmark of a rule of law is


    socially accepted notions of good and evil

    force of public opinion

    human rights

    2. Faithful
    whether the following judgments about legal facts?

    may be legal.

    actions are in accordance with the law.

    only A

    only B

    both judgments

    judgments are wrong

    3. For what offense is the criminal
    Responsibility starts at age 14

    moral damage




    The concept of "competitiveness of the parties" refers to the activities of bodies





    5. Firm
    A is a business organization. What additional information
    will allow us to conclude that the organizational and legal form
    What about a joint-stock company?

    The company's profit is constantly growing

    formed by several persons

    the company's capital is divided into equal shares




    6. Faithful
    whether the following judgments about legal liability?

    committing serious crimes, minors are subject to criminal

    of the types of legal liability is disciplinary

    only A

    only B

    Both are true

    judgments are wrong

    7. According to
    Constitution of the Russian Federation as a guarantor of the territorial integrity of the country, rights and freedoms
    personality is



    The president




    8. Restriction of the right to privacy of correspondence,
    telephone conversations, telegraph messages are allowed only on

    human rights



    9. Faithful
    whether the following judgments about legal relations?

    protects each of the parties of legal relations from illegal actions of the other

    legal relations
    impermanent, they arise, change and cease in connection with
    occurrence of various facts of legal significance.

    only A

    only B

    Both are true

    judgments are wrong



    Are the following statements about labor relations correct?

    the emergence of an employment relationship, it is always necessary to conclude an urgent
    agreements between employer and employee.

    labor relations are the employee and the employer.

    Only A is true

    Only B is true

    Both statements are correct

    Both statements are wrong

    11. Any
    relationships are made up of

    state and citizens' rights

    producers and consumer rights

    subordinates and the rights of managers

    rights and
    obligations of subjects of law

    12. Despite
    on a statement received from a disabled person, on the day of elections at his place of residence,
    A commission was sent with a ballot box. What was the right of a citizen

    in the administration of justice

    elect in

    in person to local authorities

    On guard
    health and medical care

  • 1 - acceptance
    its respective government agency
    2 - both judgments are correct
    3 robbery
    4 - judiciary
    5- valuable
    the company's securities are freely tradable on the market
    6 - only A is true
    7 - President of the Russian Federation
    8- ships
    9 - both judgments are correct
    10- both judgments are correct
    11 - rights and obligations of subjects of law
    12 - to elect to the authorities
  • 1. To the organs
    executive power of the Russian Federation
    a) State Duma of the Russian Federation
    b) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
    c) Government of the Russian Federation
    d) Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
    The hallmark of the rule of law is the recognition
    a) guarantee of human rights and freedoms
    b) the principle of equality of citizens in income
    c) parliament as an institution of legislative power
    d) elections as the main mechanism for the implementation of democracy
    3. Match:
    1) Persecution
    2) Wide range of rights and
    freedoms of citizens.
    3) Equality of citizens.
    4) The dominance of the one
    social ideology.
    5) Comprehensive
    state control over society.
    A. Totalitarian
    B. Democratic.
    4. To the signs of any
    states include:
    a) the rule of law
    b) the presence of a parliament
    c) unitary device
    d) the presence of supreme power
    5. K
    The distinguishing feature of the rule of law is:
    a) state sovereignty
    b) the presence of the institution of citizenship
    c) mutual responsibility of the state and the individual
    d) establishment of state borders
    The political and legal connection between the state and the individual is ....?
    7. What
    is a characteristic feature of a totalitarian political regime:
    a) the concentration of power in the hands of the elected
    b) the presence of a single ideology, implanted
    c) censorship-free media
    d) high degree of development
    civil society
    8. Famous
    actresses turned off electricity and telephone for non-payment of utilities. What
    of the following is an assessment of this situation in terms of requirements
    rule of law?
    a) the actions of the authorities are illegal, since in a state of law
    famous people should be respected and honored
    b) the actions of the authorities are illegal, since honor and dignity are hurt
    c) the actions of the authorities are legitimate, because demand from people known to society
    always higher
    d) the actions of the authorities are lawful, because the laws must be observed by all
    citizens regardless of their social status
    9. Find in
    list of civil society institutions:
    1) manufacturers association
    3) scientific associations 4)
    5) deputies of the regional duma 6)
    independent media
    7) public organizations
    10. In structure
    Legislative power in the Russian Federation includes:
    a) Federation Council of the Russian Federation b) Government of the Russian Federation
    c) Constitutional Court d) Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
    11. According to the form of the national state structure
    the state can be:
    1) federal 2)
    3) republican
    The activities of state bodies in strict accordance with the law and in
    within the framework of the law distinguishes the state:
    a) multinational
    c) monarchy
    d) legal
    13. Are the judgments correct?
    A. Citizen of the Russian Federation
    may be deprived of citizenship for a particularly serious crime.
    B. Man, not
    having citizenship of the Russian Federation, is deprived of the right to participate in the political life of the country.
    a) right A
    b) right B
    c) both statements are correct
    d) both are wrong
    14. A federal state is characterized by:
    1) complete subordination of the subjects of the federation to the central government
    2) complete independence of the subjects of the federation from the federal center
    3) each subject of the federation is subordinate to the central government, but at the same time
    has its own administration, its own taxes.
  • 1. In
    2. A
    3. 1a; 2b; 3b; 4a; 5a
    4. A
    5. In
    6. This is mutual dependence, which is due to the totality of individual, social, biological and spiritual qualities of the individual and the political organization of society, structured by normative guidelines based on the idea of ​​​​justice and freedom, and
    expressed in the legal status of the individual.
    7. B
    8. G
    9. 7)
    10. A
    11. 1)
    12. G
    13. G
    14. 3)
  • ?
    1. What type of legal liability is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?
    1) criminal 2) disciplinary 3) administrative 4) civil
    2.. Is it true that:
    a) the presence of guilt is a mandatory sign of an offense;
    b) is intent a form of guilt?
    3. Is it true that:
    a) the presumption of innocence exempts from criminal liability;
    b) does the presumption of innocence apply only to minors?
    1) only a is true 2) only b is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong
    4. What characterizes civil liability?
    1) compensatory nature
    2) confiscation of property
    3) dismissal from work
    4) property relations
    5) full compensation for harm
    5. Guilty committed socially dangerous act, prohibited by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under threat
    1) misdemeanor 2) offense 3) behavior 4) crime
    6. The use of measures of state coercion is characterized by:
    1) for moral responsibility 2) for legal responsibility
    3) for religious responsibility 4) for ethical rules
    7. Is it true that:
    a) a sign of an offense can be both action and inaction;
    b) is the infliction of harm a sign of an offense?
    1) only a is true 2) only b is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong
    8. Is it true that:
    a) administrative responsibility is a type of legal responsibility;
    b) administrative responsibility comes for illegal acts in the field of management?
    1) only a is true 2) only b is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong
    9. Which of the offenses are crimes?
    1) violation of traffic rules
    2) a false report of an act of terrorism
    3) late payment of rent
    4) being late for work
    5) extortion of drugs
    6) car theft
    10. Which branch of government does parliament belong to?
    A. Executive
    B. Legislative
    B. Local
    G. Judicial
    11. What form of state-territorial structure does not exist?
    1. Confederation
    2. Unitary state
    3. Authoritarian kingdom
    4. Federation
    12. What political regime does not exist?
    1. Monarchist
    2. Authoritarian
    3. Democratic
    4. Totalitarian
    13. Find 2 signs that are not related to the concept of "State"
    1. Legislative activity
    2. Unity of the territory
    3. Political propaganda
    4. Sovereignty
    5. Tax fees
    6. International diplomacy
    7. Public authority
    14. Full legal capacity of individuals occurs:
    1) from birth 2) from 14 years old 3) from 16 years old 4) from 18 years old
    15. Is it true that:
    a) the subjects of legal relations can be individuals and legal entities;
    b) to become a subject of legal relations, it is necessary to have legal capacity
    and capacity?
    16. What are the elements of a legal relationship?
    1) subject 2) object 3) motive 4) goal 5) content 6) action
    17. The supreme legislative body of the Russian Federation is:
    A. government b. president v. courts of the Federal Assembly
    18. Name the remaining two branches of modern government -
    executive, ………, ………..
    19. The executive power in the Russian Federation is ...
    A. Federal Assembly, b. people, in Public Chamber, Government
    20. The modern Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in what year?
    A. 1992, b. 1990, c. 1994, y. 1993
    21. The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation consists of ………. Federations and ………… Dumas
    22. The head of state C is the hereditary ruler. He issues laws, manages the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers, participates in the work of the judiciary. What is the form of government of country C?
    1) constitutional monarchy
    2) parliamentary republic
    3) presidential republic
    4) absolute monarchy
    23. What political regime is characterized by free elections to government bodies, respect for human rights?
    1) authoritarian
    2) totalitarian
    3) democratic
    4) dictatorial
    24. An association of several sovereign states created to solve common problems is called
    1) federation
    2) confederation
    3) a unitary state
    4) republic
    25. A popular vote to decide on an important state issue is
    1) poll 2) rating 3) referendum 4) electorate
    26. Define the concepts:
    A) republic
    B) Political party-
    27. What is the function of the executive branch?
    1) creation of laws 2) development of the state budget
    3) administration of justice 4) development of election programs
    28. Define the concept:
    The Constitution of the Russian Federation -
    29. When was the Constitution of the Chechen Republic adopted?
    1. March 2, 1999
    2. March 23, 2003
    3. December 9, 2005
    4. April 28, 2008
    30. During the elections to the State Duma, the election commission, despite a request from a disabled person, forgot to send members of the election commission with a ballot box to his apartment. What civil right has been violated?
    1) to the inviolability of the person
    2) freedom of movement
    3) to elect to the authorities
    4) for social security
  • 1) 2
    2) 3
    3) 1
    4) 4
    5) 4
    9)2, 5
    10) B
    13)3, 6
    15) both veins
    16)1, 2, 5
    17) G
    18) Judicial, legislative
    19) G
    20) g
    21) Federation Council and State Duma
    28) the highest regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation
  • 11. Which of the following applies to a special discipline:
    1. Crossing the street on a green light
    2. Fulfillment by the soldier of the order of the commander of the military unit
    3. Smoking ban in public places
    4. Compliance with the rules of the competition
    5. Compliance with fire safety rules
    6. Compliance with student code of conduct
    12. Are judgments about law-abiding behavior correct:
    A. A law-abiding person enjoys all rights and honorably performs duties.
    B. Law-abiding behavior should be useful to society.
    1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
    2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong
    13. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, correspond to the concept of "participants in the crime." Specify a term that refers to another concept.
    1) instigator 2) perpetrator 3) witness 4) accomplice 5) organizer
    Read the test and complete tasks 14-17.
    In the Russian Federation, the police are part of the system of state bodies of internal affairs. It is designed to protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens, to combat crime, to protect public order, property and ensure public safety.
    The police may include subdivisions of the organization and services created to fulfill the duties assigned to the police.
    Police officers are fighting crime. They are engaged in the prevention and suppression of various offenses, the detection and disclosure of crimes, the production of inquiries in criminal cases. Police officers ensure law and order in public places and traffic safety.
    14. Plan the text. To do this, highlight the main idea of ​​each part of the text and briefly formulate it in the form of a statement or question.
    15. What functions of the police are named in the text? Write down two of them.
    16. The police force consists of various units and services. Name one of them and describe its functions.
    17. Express your opinion on why citizens should cooperate with the police. Support your opinion with examples from literature, social reality, and your own experience.
    18. Fill in the gaps in the text:
    The duty and obligation to defend the Motherland extend to any _______ (1) of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Federal _______(2), ________(3) is the obligation of Russian citizens who must perform military service in the Armed Forces. You can also participate in the defense of _______ (4) by working at a defense enterprise, working in a hospital, inventing new equipment.
    Insert words:
    A. Labor G. Law
    B. Citizen D. Military
    B. Fatherland E. Man
  • 11) 2, 4, 6
    12) 3
    13) 3
    14) 1. What is the police
    2. Structure of the police
    3. Functions of the police
    15) fighting crime, ensuring road safety
    16) For example, the tax police. Its functions include the fight against tax crimes and offenses, as well as the fight against corruption in the tax authorities.
    17) It is necessary to assist the police in order to benefit society, to tone up one's social activity. In addition to the fact that the help of the police strengthens a person's faith in justice, it speeds up the process of inquiry and paperwork, and also increases the chance of investigators to find out the cause of the incident. For example, a friend of mine testified about a burning house of neighbors and thus significantly helped the police to find the arsonist.
    18) bgdv
  • Help with self. slave.
    1. Enter instead of gaps:
    The basic law of the state is.... She is. .. based on. .. has. .. serves as the basis for. .. And it is characterized by a special order. ...
    2. The sources of law include:
    a) legal practice
    b) judicial precedent
    c) normative act
    3. Lawful behavior does not contradict:
    a) socially active behavior
    b) law-abiding behavior
    c) conformist behavior
    d) marginal behavior
    d) habitual behavior
    4. Offenses always include acts:
    a) illegal
    b) sane
    c) immoral
    d) capable persons
    k) guilty
    5. The following act may be considered an offense:
    a) inaction
    b) committed by a minor
    c) committed by the mentally ill
    d) not provided for by the law
    6. The following persons may be held criminally liable:
    a) president
    b) government
    c) the State Duma
    d) court
    7. Administrative responsibility is expressed in:
    a) warning
    b) fine
    c) confiscation
    d) deprivation of special rights
    e) criminal prosecution
    8. Below is the row position. all of them, with the exception of one, belong to the internal functions of the state.
    a) Protection of law and order
    b) Formation of state sovereignty
    c) Ensuring state cooperation
    d) Development of international cooperation
    e) Implementation of social policy
    9. Find examples of the crime in the list below:
    a) drug use without a doctor's prescription
    b) violation of privacy
    c) violation of the rules for the use of electricity in everyday life
    d) obstruction of the exercise of the right to vote
    e) avoidance of indignation of property damage
    6) disclosure of the secret of adoption (adoption)
    10. Expand the meaning of the concept:
    a) OFFENSE-
    11. Rules of law, in contrast to the norms of morality:
    a) regulate social relations
    b) are provided by the power of public opinion
    c) are expressed in official form
    d) rely on authority
    12. What is an example of an offense?
    a) non-fulfillment by the construction company of the terms of the contract for the construction of a house
    b) turning off the water supply to individual houses
    c) departure of a novice driver to the track at rush hour
    d) an employee’s speech at a team meeting criticizing the administration
    13. Administrative responsibility in relation to citizens comes with:
    a) 14 years old
    b) 18 years old
    c) 16 years old
    d) 20 years old
    14. Crime is:
    a) any offense
    b) an offense provided for by the criminal code
    c) any act of a criminal
    d) any violation of the law
    15. Match the concepts:
    a) an offense
    b) crime
    c) misdemeanor
    a) socially dangerous act
    b) wrongful act
    c) violation of the law established by the state
    16. Indicate the number of offenses 1-misdemeanors, and 2-crimes:
    a) theft
    b) tree damage
    c) slander
    d) murder
    e) gambling
    e) an attack on a bank
    g) robbery of a passerby
    17. Mark with a "+" related to the signs of the offense:
    a) human behavior, expressed in action or inaction
    b) arbitrariness
    c) social harmfulness of the act
    d) wrongfulness of the act
    e) the degree of damage
    f) the guilt of the behavior of subjects of law
    g) punishability of the act
    h) aggravating or mitigating circumstances
    18. Match the concepts and their definitions:
    a) right
    b) the state
    c) democracy
    a) a set of norms and rules established and protected by state power that regulate the attitude of people in society
    b) democracy
    c) the main political organization of the society that manages, ensures the protection and stable structure of society
    19. Mark with a "+" related to the features of the rule of law:
    a) power is above law
    b) the rule of law
    c) inviolability of freedoms and human rights
    d) building law on the laws of the state
    e) the authority of local authorities
    f) separation of powers
    20. Indicate the sign of the rule of law:
    a) power is higher than right
    b) justice
    c) separation of powers
  • 1) The basic law of the state is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is a legal act of a higher order, based on the moral and democratic values ​​of the social world, has special legal properties, serves as the basis for current legislation, and is characterized by a special procedure for reviewing amendments.
    2) A
    3) Everything is suitable, but socially active behavior is the highest form of lawful behavior.
    4) A, G
    5) A
    6) G
    7) A, B, C, D
    8) G
    9) A, B, E, F (6) disclosure of the secret of adoption (adoption)
    10) An offense is a guilty illegal act of a capable person that harms society.
    Legal responsibility is a legal relationship entered into by the state, represented by its competent authorities, and the offender, who is obliged to undergo appropriate hardships for the unlawful act committed by him.
    11) In
    12) A
    13) A
    14) B
    15) -----
    16) A - 2; B - 1; AT 2; G - 2; D 2; E - 2; F - 2
    17) ----
    18) ---
    19) B+; B+; G+; E+.
    20) Signs of the rule of law:
    supremacy of law and law in all spheres of society;
    equality of all before the law; division of powers into three branches;
    the reality of human rights and freedoms, their legal and social protection;
    recognition of human rights and freedoms as the highest value;
    mutual responsibility of the individual and the state;
    political and ideological pluralism;
    stability of law and order in society. (Accordingly, it is difficult to give the correct answer.)
  • Article 13

    1. The child has the right to freely express his opinion; this right includes freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, whether orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other medium of the child's choice.

    2. The exercise of this right may be subject to certain restrictions, but these restrictions may only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:

    a a) to respect the rights and reputations of others; or

    b) for the protection of national security or public order (ordre public), or the health or morals of the population.

    Article 15

    1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to freedom of association and freedom of peaceful assembly.

    2. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than such as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), public health or morals. or protect the rights and freedoms of others.

    1) What 2 rights of the child are recorded in the above articles of the Convention?

    2) Using your own social experience, give an example of the implementation of each of these rights.

    3) What restrictions on these rights are provided for by the Convention?

    4) Confirm the need for any of the restrictions on the rights of the child with specific examples.

  • 1) The child has the right to freely express his opinion

    the right of the child to freedom of association and freedom of peaceful assembly

    2) When a child is in a store and sees, for example, mold on a tomato, he can approach the seller, because he has the FULL RIGHT to do so under article 13.

    As for article 15, I don’t know

    3) 1- a) and b) of the above in Art. 13

    2- grievances that are necessary in a democratic society and. ..(above in Art. 15)... The rights and freedoms of others.

    4) If a child is in the same store and sees the same tomato with mold and shouts about it to the whole store + tells customers to leave this place because of the spoilage of the goods, then this is a violation of Art. 13.

  • 1) In a democracy, there is always a choice.
    2) Democracy is the recognition that all of us as a society are responsible for each other.
    Why is a democratic regime established in most of the developed countries of the world, as in modern Russia?

    formulate the prerequisites for establishing a non-democratic regime in the state, using material from the history course. (From workbook

    Chrome) There is a scheme divided into 5 points, and all arrows lead to "Establishment of a democratic regime"

    The term "form of government" is used to refer to

    1) methods of exercising state power
    2) structures and powers of higher authorities
    3) the relationship between the central, regional and local authorities
    4) distribution of legislative, executive and judicial functions
    2. One of the forms of government -
    1) dictatorship 2) republic 3) federation 4) democracy
    3. One of the forms of government -
    1) totalitarian state 2) unitary state
    3) presidential republic 4) monarchical state
    4. The head of state Z is a prince who inherits power. What additional information allows us to conclude that state Z is a parliamentary monarchy?
    1) All the fullness of state power is concentrated in the hands of the prince.
    2) The law provides for the transfer of the throne only through the male line.
    3) The prince is the commander in chief of the army.
    4) The power of the prince is limited by the constitution.
    5) Rights and opportunities to receive education in their native language.
    5. What additional information allows us to conclude that Z is a unitary state?
    1) Citizens of this state have the right to dual citizenship.
    2) Executive power is exercised by the government.
    3) There are several political parties in the state.
    4) The state is divided on a territorial basis, the regions do not have political independence.
    6. Are the following judgments about the forms of the state correct?
    A. In a monarchy, power is vested in the hereditary ruler.
    B. In any federal state, several state languages ​​are officially recognized.
    1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong
    7. The concept of "political regime" reflects
    1) the nature of the relationship between a citizen and state power
    2) a way of organizing the supreme state power
    3) the method of interconnection of territorial state formations
    4) the status of regions within the state
    8. What political regime is characterized by free elections to government bodies, a guarantee of human rights?
    1) authoritarian 2) totalitarian 3) democratic 4) dictatorial

    A 1. Specify a specific sign

    law that distinguishes it from other forms
    social regulation
    1/ social value 2/ provided
    the possibility of applying
    state coercion
    3/ supported by the power of public
    opinions 4/ connection with morality
    A 2. Among the listed
    offense is a crime
    1/ food trade in
    unspecified place 2/ non-payment of debt
    3/ appearing at work drunk 4/
    malicious evasion of alimony
    A 3. Are the following statements correct?
    A. Source of power and bearer
    sovereignty in the Russian Federation is
    multiethnic people - says
    constitutional separation principle
    B. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 does not include
    of the President of the Russian Federation to none of the three branches

    are wrong
    A 4. The content of the policy is determined
    1/ relations between private persons by
    about power
    2/ relations between small groups
    people about power
    3/ relations between non-state
    organizations about the conclusion
    4/ relations between large groups
    people about power
    A 5. In the state of N. the main body,
    activity, is the National
    an elected assembly.
    The National Assembly creates and
    enacts laws that
    king. Government bears
    responsibility to the national
    assembly. What is the form of government
    state N?
    1/ estate-representative monarchy 2/
    absolute monarchy
    3/ parliamentary monarchy 4/
    parliamentary republic
    A 6. Are the following judgments about
    separation of powers?
    A. Separation of powers promotes
    avoiding the concentration of power in the hands
    one man.
    B. Separation of powers promotes
    clear division of functions between
    branches of government.
    1/ only A is correct 2/ only B is correct 3/
    both judgments are correct 4/ both judgments
    are wrong
    A7. Are the following statements about
    A. having your own territory is not
    is a must for
    B. establishing and levying taxes on
    territory of the state is a monopoly
    state law.
    1/ only A is correct 2/ only B is correct 3/
    both judgments are correct 4/ both judgments
    are wrong
    A 8. Specify the form of direct
    citizen participation in governance
    state, guaranteed by the constitution
    1/ rallies 2/ petitions 3/ referendum 4/
    popular initiative
    A 9. Totalitarian state
    1/ availability of economic
    independence of citizens based
    on private property
    2/ ideological pluralism
    3/ by independent means
    mass media
    4/ lack of opposition parties and
    A 10. The rule of law distinguishes
    1/ principle of separation of powers 2/
    3/ independent foreign policy 4/
    having an army
    A 11. Which statement is correct?
    A. Laws in the Russian Federation are adopted by the Government
    B. An ordinary citizen does not have
    the right of legislative initiative.
    1/ only A is correct 2/ only B is correct 3/
    both judgments are correct 4/ both judgments
    are wrong
    B 1. The following list indicates the features
    similarities between presidential and parliamentary
    republics and four distinctions of the presidential
    republic from parliamentary. Choose and
    write the answer in the table.
    1/ power is replaceable, elected to
    certain period
    2/ election of the head of state by the population
    3/ government responsibility to
    head of state
    4/ legislated
    government accountability and accountability
    for the results of their work.
    similarities traits differences
    B 2. Match between
    features of political regimes and their
    Features of political regimes:
    A) opposition is allowed, but is located
    under strict control B) legal
    C) full control of the state over all and
    each D) suppression of any opposition
    E) equality of all before the law E)
    imposition of a single ideology
    Types of political regimes: 1)
    democratic 2) authoritarian 3)
    B 3. Match the
    public authorities in the Russian Federation and
    branches of power.
    State authorities in the Russian Federation:
    A) administration of Primorsky Krai B)
    Federal Assembly
    C) Ministry of Culture D) city
    E) Government of the Russian Federation E) Department
    education in Moscow
    Branches of government: 1)
    legislative 2)

    stve Y - totalitarian. Compare these two political regimes. Choose and write

    in the first column of the table, the serial numbers of similarities, and in the second column - the order

    kovy numbers of traits of distinction.

    1) free elections on a competitive basis

    2) suppression of violations of public order

    3) the presence of heads of executive authorities

    4) developed civil society

    similarities traits differences

    16. Establish a correspondence between the signs and types of political regimes:

    For each element given in the first column, select the appropriate element

    From the second column.


    A) free elections to government bodies

    B) the rule of law

    C) obligatory state ideology

    D) comprehensive constant monitoring of human life and general

    D) multi-party system

    1) democratic

    2) totalitarian

    Establish a correspondence between the signs and types (kinds) of political

    Zhimov: for each element given in the first column, select the appropriate element

    Ment from the second column.


    A) the imposition of a mandatory state ideology

    B) holding free elections on a competitive basis

    B) a multi-party system

    D) rule of law

    D) political repression

    1) democratic

    2) totalitarian

    Politics and political culture 119

    Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

    (A) State Z has periodic parliamentary elections, but

    only candidates from the ruling party are nominated. (B) It is feared that in the means

    only the position of the government is presented to the mass media. (B) Probably in country Z

    established an anti-democratic regime.

    Read the given text, each position of which is marked with a letter.

    (A) Country Z has parliamentary elections every 4 years. (B) It is very important that beat-

    The guardians are free to choose from several alternative candidates. (B) Du-

    I think this indicates that country Z is democratic.

    Determine which positions of the text

    1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

    Record in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions.


    The activities of the executive authorities are

    1) development of the state budget

    2) appointment of presidential elections

    3) approval of changes in boundaries between subjects

    Which of the following is within the competence of the Government of the Russian Federation?

    2) announcement of amnesty

    3) assignment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation

    4) development and adoption of laws

    Are the following judgments about the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation correct?

    A. The Federal Assembly is the highest executive body in the Russian Federation.

    B. The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State

    Noah Duma.

    What type of normative legal act is adopted by the Federal Assembly

    1) resolution 3) decree

    2) order 4) law

    What are the powers of the President of the Russian Federation?

    1) management of federal property

    2) development and adoption of the state budget

    3) approval of changes in the borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation

    4) determination of the main directions of state policy

    Are the following judgments about the powers of the President of the Russian Federation correct?

    A. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state.

    B. The President of the Russian Federation develops and submits to the State Duma of the Russian Federation a federal

    1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

    2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    Government of the Russian Federation

    1) takes measures to ensure the rule of law, human rights and freedoms

    2) develops and adopts laws

    3) acts as a guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    4) resolves issues of granting citizenship of the Russian Federation

    A1. Which of the following characterizes a democratic regime?

    1) the supremacy of the executive branch
    2) command-administrative management methods
    3) the dominance of one obligatory ideology
    4) protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens

    A2. What is a sign of a state of any type?

    1) the presence of a bicameral parliament
    2) the presence of law enforcement agencies
    3) popular election of the head of state
    4) multi-party system

    A3 . Are the following statements about the participation of citizens in political life correct?

    A. Citizens participate in political life through elections and referendums.

    B. Citizens participate in political life by sending their appeals to public authorities.

    A4. The totality of non-state relations and organizations expressing the private interests of citizens in various fields is called:

    1) civil society 2) multi-party system
    3) federation 4) rule of law

    A5 . A political regime characterized by the concentration of all power in the hands of one person or body of political power and a decrease in the role of other institutions is:

    1) liberal 2) democratic 3) revolutionary 4) authoritarian

    A6 . Are the following statements about the state correct?

    A. In any state there is a separation of powers and a system of "checks" and "balances".

    B. The state has the exclusive right to legislate.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A7. Which of the following characterizes any political party?

    1) availability of regional branches
    2) expression of the interests of society as a whole
    3) the exclusive right to issue generally binding laws
    4) claim to power, participation in power

    A8 . What is meant by the form of government of the state?

    1) organization of higher authorities 2) political regime
    3) distribution of power throughout the country 4) political system

    A9 . Are the following judgments about local self-government in the Russian Federation correct?

    A. Local self-government is carried out by citizens through a referendum, elections, and other forms of direct expression of will.

    B. The structure of local self-government bodies in the Russian Federation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A10. In our country signs and promulgates laws:

    1) head of government 2) president
    3) Chairman of the Federation Council 4) Prosecutor General

    A11. The hallmarks of a federal state are:

    1) election of the highest bodies of state power
    2) the supremacy of the executive branch
    3) the presence of local governments
    4) the presence in the territorial entities of their own authorities

    A12. Are the following statements about political regimes correct?

    A. Democratic regimes include such forms of government in which the main role is played by the parliament - the collective legislative body.

    B. Non-democratic regimes include those forms of government in which the ruler with unlimited power plays the main role.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    A13 . State Z regularly holds parliamentary elections. The leader of the winning party becomes the head of government. Parliament elects a president who performs representative functions. What is the form of government of this state?

    1) republic 2) monarchy 3) federation 4) democracy

    A14 . In state Z, elections were held, in which about half of the citizens with the right to vote took part. What information will allow us to conclude that the elections were democratic in nature?

    1) members of the ruling party received additional votes in the elections
    2) voters had to be guided by the opinion of the authorities about each of the candidates
    3) voters chose from several alternative candidates offering their programs
    4) only those citizens who have a permanent job could participate in the elections

    A15. Are judgments about the forms of state-territorial structure correct?

    A. The main forms of the state-territorial structure are: a unitary state, a federation and a confederation.

    B. Modern Russia is an example of a confederation.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A16. The supreme power in the state Z. is inherited. What is the form of government in this state?

    1) federation 2) unitary state 3) monarchy 4) republic

    A17. Politics is:

    1) the sphere of society, designed to ensure the activities of scientific, religious, educational institutions and organizations

    2) the sphere of application of the forces of the most conscious part of society

    3) the sphere of relations that develop in the process of material production

    4) the sphere of interaction of various groups realizing their interests with the help of power

    A18. The state Z. is characterized by a certain degree of independence of the lands that form it, there is a dual system of legal proceedings, a civil law code. The central government does not have the right to unilaterally change the borders of the state, and the land, respectively, the right to withdraw from it unilaterally. What is the form of the state-territorial structure of the state Z.?

    1) unitary state 2) autonomy

    3) federation 4) confederation

    A19. Executive bodies of local self-government:

    1) establish local taxes and fees

    2) approve the local budget

    3) carry out law-making activities within the scope of their powers

    4) dispose of property and objects of municipal property

    A20 . Are the judgments about the separation of powers correct?

    A) The separation of powers contributes to the exclusion of the concentration of state power in the hands of one person.

    B) The separation of powers contributes to a clear delineation of functions between the branches of government.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    IN 1. The above list indicates the similarities between elections and a referendum and the differences between elections and a referendum. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

    1) is (are) an expression of democracy;

    2) is (are) carried out, as a rule, regularly;

    3) serves as a form of democracy;

    4) involves the nomination of candidates.


    AT 2. Establish a correspondence between state authorities in the Russian Federation and their powers. For each element given in the first column, match the element from the second column.



    A) hears the annual reports of the Government 1) President

    the Russian Federation on the results of its activities; 2) Government

    B) manages foreign policy 3) State Duma

    Russian Federation; 4) Federation Council

    C) approves changes in boundaries between subjects

    Russian Federation;

    D) manage federal property;

    E) resolves issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation and

    granting political asylum;

    E) conducts financial, credit and monetary policy;

    G) passes federal laws

    AT 3. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

    1) reflect the facts

    2) express opinions

    In country Z. a sociological survey of citizens was conducted. They were asked the question: “Do you think that the modern Russian mass media (media) are free from state control?”

    The results of the survey (in % of the number of respondents) are presented in the table.

    AT 4. Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the data in the table, and

    1) the opinions of the interviewed citizens were divided approximately in half

    2) every fifth considers the Russian media to be absolutely free from state control

    3) every tenth respondent believes that the Russian media are under the absolute control of the authorities

    4) about half of the citizens surveyed believe that the media are under full or partial control of the state

    5) the majority of respondents believe that the Russian media are under the complete control of the state authorities


    AT 5 . The results of the survey, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follow from the information received during the survey?

    Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) the population of the country has sharply polar views on issues of state control over the media.

    2) there is a sharp social stratification in society

    3) in country Z. democratic processes are developing

    4) the bulk of the population is dissatisfied with the quality of the media

    5) the government of country Z. should pay special attention to relations with the media


    Part III.

    Civil society.

    Civil society is a structured society. It contains within itself a mass of non-state associations independent of the state, and a person, being a member of one or several unions or associations, no longer stands alone in the face of the state machine. She can no longer calmly drive over it and not notice.

    I am here not so much a citizen of the state as a member of the consumer union, a member of the firefighters assistance club, a parishioner of the temple, a visitor to the sports club. I am a member of a team with which we have common interests, we protect each other, we help each other. The same “Union of Consumers” is a very serious public organization that, at your request, can sue any enterprise that produces low-quality goods and services. This organization has its own magazine, its own lawyers and can, in principle, ruin any public or private enterprise if it is convicted of disrespect for consumer rights.

    The sprouts of civil society are just emerging in our society. But if we take, for example, modern Germany, then it is highly developed there. Small enterprises are being created that call themselves “collectives”, “social projects”. These are pre-school education centers, food cooperatives, workshops, public libraries. There is a broad civil rights movement.

    All this, taken together, creates a picture of a rich civil society, where a person can always find a group of like-minded people, can always receive protection from the injustices of the state and from his own loneliness. A person feels like a person only in his small group, where everyone knows, loves him and helps each other.

    (According to the materials of the encyclopedia for schoolchildren)

    C1 . Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.


    C3 . What manifestations of civil society are named in the text? List any five manifestations.

    C4. Give three examples of civil society protecting the interests and rights of a citizen. In each case, name the protected right of a citizen, and then give an example.

    C5. Some scholars believe that the full functioning of civil society is possible only under the rule of law. Give two reasons to support this opinion.

    C6. The text contains the statement: "A person feels like a person only in his small group." Do you agree with this statement? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

    Diagnostic work in social science.

    Topic: "Sphere of politics and social management".


    Option 2.

    Part I

    A1. Indicate the political party, based on its participation in the exercise of power:

    1) communist 2) opposition

    3) left 4) personnel

    A2. In state Z, the popularly elected president is both head of state and head of government. At the same time, the government bears responsibility for its actions to the president. What is the form of government of state Z.?

    1) constitutional monarchy

    2) presidential republic

    3) semi-presidential republic

    4) parliamentary republic

    A3 . Are the following statements about elections correct?

    A. Elections are the act of public authorities to appoint candidates to elective office.

    B. Elections are the consolidation by voting of pre-determined employees of the executive authorities.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A4. The Commonwealth of Independent States, created as a result of the meeting of the heads of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on December 7-8, 1991, is an example:

    1) confederation 2) federation 3) unitary state 4) autonomy

    A5 . To policy functions not applicable:

    1) regulation of relations between classes, social groups, nations

    2) defending the private interests of citizens

    3) maintenance of public order, integrity and stability of society

    4) ensuring a civilized dialogue between citizens and the state

    A6 . Are the following judgments about the ways in which a citizen develops the skills of political action correct?

    A. The way to form a citizen's skills of political action is to include him in social and political life.

    B. The method of forming the skills of political action in a citizen is the development of only political knowledge.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A7. To the signs of democracy not applicable:

    1) appointment of the main authorities

    2) equality of citizens

    3) subordination of the minority to the majority when making decisions

    4) recognition of the people as a source of power

    A8 . State Z. has established a unified legal order on the territory of its country, issues laws, determines the rights and obligations of state bodies and public organizations, officials and citizens. This example illustrates:

    1) territorial integrity 2) external sovereignty

    3) sovereignty of the nation 4) internal sovereignty

    A9 . Are the following statements about local government correct?

    A. Local self-government is part of the system of state power.

    B. Local self-government is characterized by a variety of forms of its implementation.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A10. In state Z, citizens do not have the right to make political choices, political, ideological and economic pluralism. Citizens cannot influence the government, which exercises full control over all spheres of public life. what kind of political regime exists in state Z.?

    3) totalitarian 4) tyrannical

    A11. The component of civil society in the field of spiritual culture is:

    1) an association of environmentalists

    2) pedagogical society

    3) human rights organization

    4) charitable foundation

    A12. Are the following statements about state sovereignty correct?

    A. State sovereignty is not the main feature of the state.

    B. There really is no unrestricted state sovereignty and there cannot be.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A13 . N.'s organization seeks to influence the authorities so that they ensure the environmental safety of their region. The organization includes scientists, students, journalists, businessmen, athletes, deputies of the city assembly, pensioners with different ideological positions. This organization is:

    1) political movement 2) human rights organization

    3) municipal committee 4) political party

    A14 . Specify the state, based on the form of state-territorial structure:

    1) democratic 2) totalitarian 3) monarchist 4) federal

    A15. Are the judgments about the separation of powers correct?

    A. The essence of the separation of powers is that the three branches of state power (legislative, executive, judicial) must be independent of each other.

    B. The essence of the separation of powers is that when one power operates, others stop their activity.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A16. Party N. is not numerous in its composition. It does not have permanent rigid membership. In fact, the real members of the party are professional politicians who seek power. Therefore, the N. party was created for the purposes of election campaigns. This party- :

    1) mass 2) personnel 3) conservative 4) left

    A17. Which of the following terms unites, generalizes the rest?

    1) form of government

    2) political regime

    3) form of state - territorial structure

    4) the form of the state

    A18. A sign of the rule of law is:

    1) full guarantee and inviolability of human rights and freedoms

    2) periodic elections to state authorities

    3) the development of all branches of law necessary for the life of people

    4) the presence of law enforcement agencies

    A19. Referendum as opposed to elections:

    1) implements the right of citizens to participate in the management of public affairs

    2) is a legalized form of influence of the population on political life

    3) acts as a manifestation of direct democracy and the will of the people

    A20 . Are the judgments about active suffrage correct?

    A) Active suffrage means the right to elect to public authorities.

    B) Active suffrage means the right to be elected to the State Duma.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    Part II.

    IN 1. In state Z, a democratic political regime is established, and in state Y, a totalitarian one. Compare these two political regimes. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

    1) suppression of violations of public order

    2) the presence of executive authorities

    3) free elections on an alternative basis

    4) sentencing by extrajudicial bodies


    AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and its branches: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.



    A) administration of the Krasnodar Territory 1) legislative

    B) Federal Assembly 2) executive

    C) Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

    D) city council

    D) Government of the Russian Federation

    Write down the selected numbers in the table:

    Determine which positions of the text

    1) reflect the facts

    2) express opinions

    Record in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions:

    In one of the regions, the sociological service conducted a survey of adult citizens. They were asked the question: “What form of participation in political life do you prefer?”.

    The results of the survey (in % of the number of respondents) are presented in the diagram.

    AT 4. Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) Every tenth respondent prefers meetings with politicians as a form of participation in the political life of the country.

    2) A quarter of the respondents do not consider participation in elections as the preferred form of participation in the political life of the country.

    3) The direction of appeals and letters to the authorities among the respondents is more popular than the activity in political parties, movements.

    4) Respondents prefer to participate in rallies, demonstrations rather than come to meetings with political figures.

    5) Sending appeals and letters to the authorities as a form of participation in the political life of the country received the same support among the respondents as participation in rallies, demonstrations and activities in political parties, movements taken together.


    AT 5 . The results of the survey reflected in the diagram were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follow from the results of the survey?

    Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) The most popular form of participation of the population of the region in the political life of the country is activity in political parties.

    2) Residents of the region use various forms of participation in the political life of the country.

    3) The vast majority of the population of the region is interested in the election of officials and heads of organizations, as well as deputies to representative bodies of power, carried out by voting.

    4) The democratization of political relations, in the opinion of the respondents, makes it possible to strengthen the influence of a person on power structures.

    5) A significant part of the inhabitants of the region prefers a form of participation in the political life of the country, in which there is no principle of immediacy of democracy


    Part III.

    “In order not to be able to abuse power, such an order of things is necessary in which various authorities could mutually restrain each other. Such a state system is possible, in which no one will be forced to do what the law does not oblige him to do, and not to do what the law allows him to do. (…)

    In every state there are three kinds of power: legislative power, executive power, in charge of international law, and executive power, in charge of civil law.

    By virtue of the first power, the sovereign or institution promulgates laws, temporary or permanent, and amends or repeals existing laws; by virtue of the second power, it declares war or makes peace, sends or receives ambassadors, provides security, prevents invasions. By virtue of the third power (which can be called judicial. - Auth.), He punishes criminals and resolves conflicts between private

    persons. (…)

    If the legislative and executive powers are united in one person or institution, then there will be no freedom, since it may be feared that this monarch or senate will issue tyrannical laws in order to apply them just as tyrannically.

    There will be no freedom if the judiciary is not separated from the legislative and executive powers. If it is connected with the legislative power, then the life and freedom of citizens will be in the power of arbitrariness, for the judge will be the legislator. If the judiciary is combined with the executive, then the judge has the opportunity to become an oppressor.

    Everything would perish if these three branches were combined in one and the same person or institution, composed of dignitaries from ordinary nobles or ordinary people: the power to create laws, the power to enforce decisions of a national nature and the power to judge criminals or lawsuits of private individuals.

    In most European states a moderate form of government is established, because their sovereigns, having the first two powers, provide their subjects with a third administration. (…)

    If the executive power does not have the right to stop the actions of the legislative assembly, then the latter will become despotic, since, having the opportunity to give itself any power that it wants, it will destroy all other powers.

    On the contrary, the legislature should not have the right to stop the actions of the executive. Since the executive power is limited by its very nature, there is no need to limit it in any other way; in addition, the subject of its activity are issues that require a quick solution.

    (Montesquieu C. On the Spirit of Laws M.1999. С137, 1380139.)

    C1. Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

    C2. What types of power existing in each state are mentioned in the text? What are the consequences of the combination of powers in one person or in one institution?

    C3. Complete the table using the content of the text.

    C4. Why, according to the author, should there be a separation of powers? Based on the text and social science knowledge, name three reasons for the separation of powers.

    C5. In one television talk show dedicated to the reform of the political system, one of the participants argued that the legislative power is supreme, absolute, which, therefore, can take on the powers of other branches of government. Involving the text and social science knowledge, formulate two arguments (justifications) that critics of this point of view could use. Give a piece of text that helped you answer this question.

    C6. Describing the legislature, the author notes that it "issues laws, temporary or permanent, and corrects or repeals existing laws." Do you agree that "the legislature should not have the right to stop the actions of the executive"? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

    Subject: " Sphere of politics and social management».


    Part I

    1 - option

    Option 2

    A 4












    Part II

    1324 - 1 point

    1234– 1 point

    3142123 - 2 points

    21212- 2 points

    121– 1 point

    122 - 1 point

    134– 1 point

    235– 1 point

    15 - 1 point

    23 -- 1 point

    Part III

    1) composition of civil society;

    2) tasks of civil society organizations;

    3) the degree of development of civil society in our country and in the West;

    4) the importance of civil society groups for human life.

    The following semantic fragments can be distinguished and titled:

    1) three kinds of power in the state;

    2) conditions that threaten freedom in the state;

    3) a moderate form of government;

    4) legislative and executive power: a system of checks and balances

    Other formulations of the points of the plan are possible that do not distort the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.

    A correct answer may include the following rights and examples:


    1) types of power, existing in each state:executive power, which is in charge of international law, and executive power, which is in charge of civil law.

    2) consequences, to which the combination of types of power in one person or institution can lead: the loss of freedom, the power of arbitrariness.

    The response may include the following manifestations of civil society:

    1) a member of a consumer association;

    2) a member of the firemen assistance club;

    3) parishioner of the temple;

    4) a visitor to a sports club;

    5) a visitor to a public library.

    Other manifestations of civil society may be given

    The correct answer must containcompleted table.

    1) Legislative– creation of laws, their abolition or correction.

    2) Executive - declaring war or making peace, sending or receiving ambassadors, ensuring security.

    3) Trial - punishment of criminals, resolution of clashes between individuals.

    Other wordings that are close in meaning may be given in the table.

    The correct answer may include the following rights and examples:

    1. The right of the consumer. Every citizen can get help from the "Union of Consumers" if he received low-quality goods in the store.

    2. The right to a favorable ecological environment. Citizens uniting in public organizations protest against deforestation for the construction of a highway through the territory of the reserve.

    Other rights may be specified and examples given of them.

    The correct answer must contain the following elements.

    1) answer to the question: according to the author, the separation of powers creates an opportunity not to abuse power;

    2) reasons for the separation of powers:

    The exclusion of the concentration of power in the hands of one person or a state body, which prevents abuse, the establishment of a dictatorship;

    The division of functions between the branches of state power makes it possible to effectively fulfill the important state powers of each of them, to exercise mutual control, to create a system of checks and balances;

    A harmonious solution to many problems of public and state life, in which a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value.

    Other reasons for the separation of powers can be given.

    The following arguments can be given:

    1) for the functioning of civil society, such a principle as the rule of law is necessary;

    2) for the functioning of civil society, such a principle is necessary - the priority of human rights and freedoms;

    3) for the functioning of civil society, such a principle is necessary - the subordination of the state to laws.

    The correct answer must contain the following elements.

    1) two arguments (explanations) For example:

    The legislature cannot exercise the rights granted to another power;

    Legislative power is supreme but not absolute.

    Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

    2) a piece of text, for example:

    - « … different authorities could mutually restrain each other”;

    - “If the executive power does not have the right to stop the actions of the legislative assembly, then the latter will become despotic ...”;

    - "the legislature should not have the right to stop the actions of the executive."

    In a correct answer, the following arguments can be given in support of this point of view:

    1) in a small group it is easier to achieve love and respect;

    2) interpersonal relationships arise only in a small group.

    Arguments in rebuttal:

    1) public people: politicians continue to feel like people and communicate with a huge number of people (the president with the whole nation);

    2) the opportunities for self-realization of their capabilities in large groups are much higher.

    Other arguments may also be given.

    The correct answer must contain the following elements.

    1) the expressiveness of the student's position:agreement or disagreement with the opinion expressed.

    2) two arguments (explanations) For example:

    In case of consent, it may be indicated:

    There is no need to limit the executive power, since the boundaries of its action in its own nature are to fulfill what is accepted by the legislative power: it is accepted - to fulfill, not accepted - they will not fulfill;

    The subject of the activity of the executive power are issues that require a quick solution, so its restriction by the legislature can negatively affect the entire life of society.

    In case of disagreement, it may be indicated:

    The lack of control over the executive branch by the legislative branch can lead to lawlessness, arbitrariness, authoritarianism, since the system of checks and balances is violated and the executive branch receives special rights in the system of state power;

    The legislature should have the right to stop the actions of the executive, since mechanisms and ways of implementing the decisions of the legislature are of great importance in society. Their ill-conceived execution can lead to negative consequences for the whole society.

    Other arguments may also be given.

    C1 - 2 points

    C2 - 2 points

    C3 - 2 points

    C4 - 3 points

    C5 - 2 points

    C6 - 2 points

    TOTAL - 39 points