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Valin. Essential amino acids. Valine In an acidic environment, the amino acid valine will


The substance belongs to the essential amino acids having a branched structure. It is not produced by the human body on its own, but can enter it only from external sources - with food and special dietary supplements. Aliphatic and hydrophobic amino acid contributes to the normal formation of the protein structure, turning into glucose in the liver - an additional source of energy for the body.

Characteristics and properties

Chemical name - 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid, formula - HO2CCH(NH2)CH(CH3)2. The element is used in the manufacture of some medicines and sports supplements. The main active ingredient of these drugs acts as a structural component of all proteins, together with glutamic acid forms the protein chain of hemoglobin. It contributes to the full absorption of other amino acids. Under the action of the substance, the synthesis of vitamin B5 occurs.

In its pure form, the amino acid obtained under production conditions is colorless crystals that dissolve in an alkaline environment and water. Once in the human body, it supports the immune system, participates in the formation of muscle fibers, increases tone and vitality. Amino acid improves the growth of tissues in the body, reduces the threshold of pain sensitivity. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the human psyche, contributes to the normal functioning of the liver, helps to get rid of toxins.

Main Functions and Benefits

For adults

Amino acid supports the body of an adult, increases endurance, resistance to stress. It also performs the following functions:

  • increases the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy and good mood;
  • removes nitrogen;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the condition of the kidneys, liver;
  • reduces the degree of alcohol and drug addiction;
  • allows you to quickly gain muscle mass;
  • improves brain activity;
  • reduces the content of cortisol;
  • promotes rapid satiety, so it can be used in the treatment of obesity.

For children

Immunity in a small child is not formed immediately. In the early years of his life, his immune system needs the special support that an amino acid can provide. It contributes to the formation of muscle muscles, supporting a growing body. During increased mental stress, schoolchildren need to consume foods and supplements containing this substance.

Products containing valine

The substance is found in dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. Legumes are rich in them: peas, beans, soybeans, as well as hazelnuts, pine and walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cereals, cereals, mushrooms, seaweed, cocoa, fresh herbs, bran.

What is valine used for?

The drug is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are other indications for its use:

  • peritonitis, sepsis;
  • burns and injuries;
  • postoperative period;
  • protein deficiency;
  • multiple sclerosis, depression, drug addiction;
  • increased physical activity.

About excess and deficiency

An overdose leads to impaired functioning of the nervous system, numbness of the extremities, indigestion, causes a tingling sensation in the arms and legs. A person may experience chills, due to excessive release of ammonia, goosebumps appear on the skin. In this case, blood circulation worsens, clots appear in the blood, the digestive system is disturbed, the kidneys and liver experience the greatest load. Taking high doses of the drug causes hallucinations.

Amino acid deficiency can provoke the onset of degenerative neurological diseases. The lack of this substance can occur with malnutrition, diets. The main signs of a lack of a substance:

  • increased hair loss;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • migraine, sleep disorders, memory disorders;
  • depression, despondency;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • dermatitis, skin rashes;
  • leukopenia;
  • growth stop;
  • hypoalbunemia;
  • muscle weakness;
  • arthritis;
  • fragility of nails and hair;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

How to take valine?

The daily intake of an amino acid for a healthy person is 3-4 g. To determine a more accurate dosage, it must be taken into account that 10 mg of the drug is taken per 1 kg of a person's weight. To achieve the best effect, the remedy is taken together with leucine and isoleucine. Amino acid complexes are taken by bodybuilders to improve athletic performance. In the presence of severe diseases of the liver and kidneys, it is necessary to take the drug strictly according to the instructions of the attending physician.

Interaction with other substances

The substance is perfectly combined with isoleucine, leucine and other essential acids: threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine. To meet the body's need for amino acids, isoleucine, leucine and valine can be mixed in a ratio of 1:2:2, respectively. The amino acid interferes with the normal absorption of tyrosine and tryptophan, therefore, drugs based on them should be taken separately. This element goes well with slow carbohydrates and polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins.


There are the following contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • heart, kidney or liver failure, hyperhydration;
  • metabolic disorders, including amino acids, metabolic acidosis;
  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis.

Side effects

If the prescribed dosage is violated, side effects such as:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • hallucinations;
  • chills;
  • cardiopalmus.

special instructions

During pregnancy and lactation

It is not recommended to take supplements during pregnancy and lactation.

Application in childhood

L-valine is used in clinical pediatrics, in particular, in the organization of parenteral nutrition. The main indications for its use are a lack of body weight in a child, rapid growth, causing a need for additional nutrients. The substance is included in the diet of premature babies.

(2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid), is part of almost all known proteins.
Valine is one of the three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), the other two being L-leucine and L-isoleucine.
Valine or α-aminoisovaleric acid is named after the plant, although it was first isolated by E. Fischer in 1901 from casein. Chemical formula: C5 H11 NO2
The L-isomer of valine (L-valine) cannot be produced by the body and must be ingested through food or dietary supplements. L-Valine is an amino acid essential for daily bodily functions, as well as muscle maintenance and immune system regulation. L-valine is not processed in the liver, it is taken up by the muscles. The daily requirement of our body for valine is 4 grams.

Valine is found in foods of both animal and plant origin. The richest in valine:
dried peas (1159 mg per 100 g)
raw beef, chicken and salmon fillet (1055-1145 mg per 100 g)
chicken egg (859 mg per 100 g)
walnuts (753 mg per 100 g)
whole wheat flour (618 mg per 100 g)
unpolished rice (466 mg per 100 g),
cow's milk 3.7% fat (220 mg per 100 g)
cornmeal (351 mg per 100 g)

The role of valine in the body

Valine is necessary for the restoration of damaged tissues, increases muscle endurance during heavy loads.
Valine, together with leucine and isoleucine, serves as an energy source for metabolism in muscle cells. Valine is one of the main components in the growth and synthesis of body tissues.
Valine has a general improvement in the state of the body with insomnia and nervousness.
Valine prevents a decrease in the level of serotonin (a hormone that affects susceptibility to stress and emotional stability, regulates the hormonal function of the pituitary gland and vascular tone, and improves motor function). Lack of serotonin leads to migraines and depression.
Valine suppresses appetite, so it will be useful in the fight against.
Valine serves as one of the initial substances in the biosynthesis of pantothenic acid - Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid is sometimes incorrectly called vitamin B3 in Russian-language literature).
Experiments on laboratory rats have shown that valine increases muscle coordination and reduces the sensitivity of the body to pain, cold and heat.
Valine is used to treat cravings and the resulting amino acid deficiencies, drug addictions, (mild stimulant compound); multiple sclerosis, as it protects the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord.
Valine is essential for maintaining normal nitrogen metabolism in the body.

Side effects of valine

Excessively high levels of valine can lead to symptoms such as paresthesia (goosebumps) and even hallucinations.
As a result of DNA mutation, the replacement of valine with glutamic acid can occur, which causes sickle cell anemia, i.e. the inability of hemoglobin to effectively carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
The intake of valine in the form of dietary supplements should be balanced with the intake of other branched amino acids - L-leucine and L-isoleucine.

Valine(2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid L-Valine) is an essential aliphatic amino acid that has a stimulating effect. This is one of the 20 proteinogenic amino acids. In the body it is present in the composition of proteins and in free form. It got its name from the valerian plant.

For the first time in a study in 1901, the German chemist G. E. Fischer isolated the aminoisovaleric acid valine from casein.

Valine is the starting material for the biosynthesis of Vitamin B5 and penicillin. Valine is a branched chain amino acid, which means that it can be used by the muscles as a powerful source of energy.

The human body is not able to produce this amino acid itself, so it must be supplied to it through food and special dietary supplements (BAA). In addition, you need to know how much is the daily requirement of the body for valine.

The body's daily requirement for valine

The daily requirement of the body for valine for an ordinary person is 3-4 grams. Depending on age, lifestyle, state of health, this need for valine can vary from 1.8 to 5 and in some cases up to 7 g per day. The best effect is achieved when using valine together with and. However, it is combined with all the amino acids of the protein group.

But do not forget that in the lack or excess of this essential amino acid, unpleasant consequences arise that entail damage to health.

The consequences of a lack of valine in the body

With a lack of valine in the body, immunity is weakened, memory worsens, sleep is disturbed, and this also affects the lowering of serotonin levels, which provokes mental disorders and despondency. With frequent tension of the muscles of the body, bodybuilding, the lack of valine leads to the destruction of part of the contractile proteins. Deficiency of this essential amino acid causes frequent skin inflammatory diseases and these include dermatitis. Even a slight decrease in the amount of valine needed by the body affects the absorption of other amino acids. Children are more vulnerable to a lack of this amino acid, especially those who are on a diet in the final stage of the course of food allergies. Their body requires proper nutrition, as little stress and manifestations of depression as possible. This also applies to people on high protein diets. The fact is that valine is involved in the removal of protein metabolism products, in the transport of nitrogen obtained with proteins from the liver to other tissues.

Adverse consequences can also be with an excess of this proteinogenic amino acid.

Consequences of excess valine in the body

With an excess of valine in the body, there is a fluctuation or deterioration in the passage of nerve impulses, this can be manifested by chills throughout the body, numbness and tingling in the limbs, up to hallucinations. There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, blood clotting, interference with the liver and kidneys. Each person should focus their attention on this point so that you can be completely healthy people and get only the benefits of taking valine, without negative effects on the body.

Useful properties of valine

Valine, like other amino acids, is very important for the life of the body. As mentioned earlier, valine is a powerful source of energy for muscles, it is involved in their development and recovery, which is why it is so often used in bodybuilding. It supports normal nitrogen metabolism in the body. And also, this amino acid contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, tissue regeneration after illnesses, injuries, and has a positive effect on the central nervous system and ANS.

Valine keeps the level of serotonin, one of the main neurotransmitters that elevates mood, and adds sparkle to the eyes, from dropping. Responsible for many hormonal processes, increases the production of growth hormone, thyroid and adrenal glands. Reduces the sensitivity of the living body to pain, improves adaptation to heat and cold. And in the fight against obesity, this amino acid helps to suppress cravings.

Valine is considered an important element in the treatment of bad habits such as alcoholism and smoking. Thanks to him, these weaknesses gradually disappear from a person's life.

Contrary to its useful properties, valine in the form of dietary supplements also has its contraindications and harm.

Contraindications and harm of valine

Valine supplements should be taken under medical supervision. Independent actions in this direction can end in a sad outcome. It is contraindicated in people with severe liver, kidney and heart failure, children under the age of majority, pregnant women, as well as during lactation, with hepatitis, diabetes, impaired amino acid metabolism, and individual intolerance.

Valine damage can be manifested by symptoms such as feeling sick (vomiting), heart palpitations, hallucinations, and chills.

In order not to endanger our body, to be more beautiful, calmer and more resistant to stressful situations, you should know which foods include valine.

Foods rich in valine

We can get valine from foods of plant and animal origin. Foods with the greatest amount of valine include chicken eggs and fillets, cheeses, cow's milk, beef, salmon, and squid. Valine is also found in unmilled rice, cornmeal, walnuts, pistachios, peas, red beans, pumpkin seeds, and seaweed.

It is also necessary to know how the process of food preparation affects the content of amino acids, including valine.

Influence of food preparation process on valine content

The content of valine changes during the preparation of food products, as is the case with other amino acids. So, this amino acid in boiled form or cooked as a result of stewing meat, chicken fillet and fish is more than in raw, canned or fried. As for chicken eggs, there is more amino acid valine in the fried form than in boiled and raw eggs.

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In these tables, the average daily requirement for valine is 3500 mg (3.5 grams). This is an average figure for the average person. For athletes, the norm of this essential amino acid can reach 6-7 grams per day. The column "Percentage of daily requirement" shows the percentage of 100 grams of the product that satisfies the daily requirement of a person for a given amino acid.


The product's nameThe content of valine in 100gPercent Daily Need
Egg powder2550 mg73%
Cheese "Parmesan"2454 mg70%
Red granular caviar2140 mg61%
Soy (grain)1737 mg50%
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 45%1270 mg36%
Lentils (grain)1270 mg36%
Cheese "Swiss" 50%1250 mg36%
Peanut1247 mg36%
Pink salmon1230 mg35%
pistachios1230 mg35%
Milk powder 25%1207 mg34%
Cheese (from cow's milk)1200 mg34%
Cheese "Cheddar" 50%1150 mg33%
Beans (grain)1120 mg32%
sea ​​bass1100 mg31%
Cashew1094 mg31%
Cheese "Roquefort" 50%1080 mg31%
Sunflower seeds (seeds)1071 mg31%
Chees Feta"1065 mg30%
Meat (beef)1030 mg29%
Peas (shelled)1010 mg29%
Low fat herring1000 mg29%
Mackerel1000 mg29%
Low-fat cottage cheese990 mg28%
Zander980 mg28%
Pike980 mg28%
Horse mackerel950 mg27%
Chicken egg yolk940 mg27%
Almond940 mg27%
Meat (turkey)930 mg27%
Keta900 mg26%
Pollock900 mg26%
Cod900 mg26%
Hazelnut900 mg26%
Sesame886 mg25%
Meat (chicken)880 mg25%
quail egg880 mg25%
Meat (broiler chickens)870 mg25%
Curd 18% (fatty)838 mg24%
Meat (pork meat)830 mg24%
Meat (lamb)820 mg23%

Article added: 2017-10-10

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The latter are known today quite a large number, but some are of particular value. A striking example is branched chain amino acids, which are also called BCAAs. These are valine, leucine and isoleucine. This article focuses on the amino acid that opens this short list.

General information about valine

Valine differs from the lion's share of protein components in that it is part of almost all the proteins that we currently have at our disposal. The amino acid got its name from the name of the medicinal plant valerian, and was first isolated from casein in 1901 by the German scientist G.E. Fisher.

4. Energy. As mentioned above, valine is converted as needed into glucose. Participating in energy metabolism, it contributes to the formation of ATP molecules, which primarily supply energy to muscles, including the heart. When a person trains or engages in physical labor, valine becomes a source of amino nitrogen.

Excess and deficiency of valine

Every day, each of us should receive from 2 to 4 g of valine, depending on the intensity of physical activity and the presence of health problems. Individual dosage is determined at the rate of 10 mg of amino acid per 1 kg of body weight.

Unfortunately, some categories of citizens need to be treated with caution to dietary supplements, which include valine. This applies to people with kidney or liver dysfunction, sickle cell anemia, or diseases of the digestive system. The intake of valine should be prescribed by a doctor in such cases, otherwise it is easy to overdo it with the dosage, and an excess of the amino acid will certainly cause a deterioration in the condition. An overdose of the compound is fraught with the occurrence of hallucinations, an increase in the content of ammonia in the body, and the appearance of goosebumps on the surface of the skin. An upset stomach or intestines, an allergic reaction, irritability, and an increase in blood density can also make themselves felt.

Valine deficiency is an equally serious condition of the body, which leads to the development of diseases of the nervous system of a degenerative nature, the formation of lipid inclusions in the liver, hair loss, a significant decrease in the level of albumin protein in the blood, and exhaustion. Prolonged deficiency of an essential amino acid can cause depression, arthritis, memory impairment, and insomnia. Valine deficiency is often seen in people who have been following strict weight loss diets for a long time and in those who suffer from BCAA indigestion. In the second case, doctors use the term "maple syrup disease" (due to the acquisition of the corresponding smell by the urine of the victim of the disease).

Athletes should definitely consume valine in the form of supplements if they want to achieve the best results in their activities. However, you should take the amino acid together with leucine and isoleucine, that is, it is advisable to choose a BCAA supplement.

Food sources of valine

To avoid a lack of valine in the body, you should include foods rich in this essential amino acid in your diet. These include:

  • meat (beef, lamb, chicken meat, turkey, duck meat, goose, veal, pork);
  • fish and seafood (mainly salmon family, herring, tuna, dried smelt and whitefish, black and red caviar, squid);
  • milk and dairy products (hard cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • nuts and seeds (walnuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, watermelon, pumpkin, sunflower seeds);
  • legumes (lentils, soybeans, peanuts, red beans, peas);
  • whole grain cereals, wheat and corn flour;
  • seaweed;
  • dried and fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill);
  • mushrooms;
  • cocoa;
  • soy protein isolate.

Valine should be taken in addition to the use of foods rich in it for overweight, nervous disorders, migraines, sleep disorders, brittle nails and poor hair condition. Dietary supplements with an amino acid in the composition are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, individual intolerance to the compound. You can not take valine during pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding a baby, at a minor age, in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, malfunctions of the liver and organs of the urinary system.

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