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The West Siberian Laika (ZSL) is a breed of hunting dog that was bred in the USSR. Such dogs are born hunters, they are distinguished by endurance, versatility, and quickly adapt to any climatic conditions. Their task is to chase the beast and make it clear to the hunter by voice where the prey is. The West Siberian Laika is considered the pride and national treasure of Russia. It is also quite popular all over the world.

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    The ancestors of the West Siberian Laika are the Zyryansky, Khanty and Mansi Laikas, which were bred by these peoples. In the climatic conditions of Siberia and the Urals, the character of dogs was formed. Only the strongest dogs survived. As a result of further breeding, the breeders decided to keep only the Khanty and Mansi types.

    The first species was distinguished by a stockier body, a broad head and a shortened muzzle, while the second was characterized by a lean body and an elongated muzzle. Such diversity did not harm the breed, but gave breeders scope for work to improve it. In 1925, a congress of cynologists was held, at which the standard of the Laika breed was described for the first time.

    Such dogs became more and more popular every year, as with their help a person obtained furs, which were valued on the world market. A large number of professional kennels were created throughout the country, which were engaged in breeding hunting dogs. During the Great Patriotic War, they transported cargo and blew up enemy tanks.

    In 1952yearstandard was approvedbreeds. Thanks to active breeding in professional nurseries, by 1970 the final formation of the breed took place. In 1980The International Cynological Association has officially recognized the West Siberian Laika.

    The main purpose of dogs of this breed is hunting. The pet is suitable for working with any game. He can chase large ungulates, track down a predatory animal, and is considered the best bear hunter. The dog finds small game (sable, marten, squirrel) and does not allow it to run away. Helps during the hunt for waterfowl, looking for and raising it on the wing for a shot.


    The West Siberian Laika is a medium-sized dog with a strong build. She has strong bones and developed muscles.

    The male is easy to distinguish from the female: males are much larger and more powerful than females.

    Description of the breed is presented in the table:

    Options Characteristic
    HeightMales at the withers - 55-62 cm, females - 51-58 cm
    Weight16–22 kg
    HeadIn the form of a wedge, dry, proportional to the body. Elongated skull, occiput prominently prominent. The occipital part is rounded
    NoseSmall, black nose
    MuzzleIts length is slightly less than the cranial part
    LipsFit tight and dry. There are no wings
    cheekbonesFairly underdeveloped
    JawsScissor bite, lower jaw tightly overlapping upper
    Teethstrong, white
    EyesOval, small in size, brown in color, deep set, set obliquely
    EarsErect, pointed tips, set high
    BackStraight, strong, muscular, not too broad
    Small of the backShort, slightly convex
    BreastWide and long, oval
    TailTwisted into a tight ring, tilted to the side or on the back
    limbsstraight, parallel
    LeatherDense, subcutaneous tissue is poorly expressed, there are no folds and sagging
    WoolThick, rough to the touch, with a soft undercoat. On the ears and head it is short, on the neck and shoulders it is much longer, forming a collar. On the back side of the hind limbs forms "trousers"
    ColorFawn, red, gray, zoned-red, zoned-gray, reddish-brown of various shades, pure white or two-tone (spots of the above colors are located on a white background)

    West Siberian Laika

    Many people confuse the West Siberian Laika with the East Siberian Laika, as these breeds are quite similar. The main difference is the color."Easterners" have a solid black or black and tan color, and in the "Westerners" this is a serious vice.

    The breeds can also be distinguished by the shape of the ears: in the East Siberian Laika, the ends are slightly rounded, while in the West Siberian Laika they are sharp.

    East Siberian Laika


    West Siberian Laika - smart and loyaldog. He loves his owner and his family members. It is extremely active, so it should be started by a hunter or a person leading a sports lifestyle. In the process of training, the pet is able to show character and stubbornness, but with the right upbringing, it grows up as a true friend and an excellent assistant.

    Laika is energetic and hardy, quickly orienting itself on the terrain. Friendly with other pets with which he lives. However, on the street it can chase someone else's cat as prey. Shows no aggression towards strangers.

    During the hunt, the husky from a good-natured pet turns into a vicious and ruthless animal, but only in relation to the beast. The dog clings to the prey and holds it until it receives a command from the owner to release it.

    Laika has a balanced psyche and loves children very much. The dog prefers to be near a person, so it is not recommended to put him on a chain. He can hardly tolerate loneliness or lack of communication.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the West Siberian Laika:

    Choosing a puppy

    Before you buy a husky puppy, you need to decide for what purposes it will be used. If a dog is needed for hunting, it is best to purchase a baby from the same avid hunters or in a specialized nursery. In this case, the breeder will provide all the necessary information about the puppy's parents, a pedigree and a document with all vaccinations made according to age.

    You should carefully examine the pet. A healthy baby is active, curious, has a good appetite and plays a lot. The optimal age for acquiring a dog is 1.5-2 months. You should not take an adult dog, since a husky is attached to one owner from early childhood and will not be perceived as a leader by another.

    Education and training

    Raising a puppy begins with the fact that he is taught the right attitude to prohibitions. Since the dog has a freedom-loving disposition, the sooner she learns to obey the owner, the better. Having outlined prohibitions once, in the future you should never deviate from them, otherwise the owner will lose his authority in the eyes of the pet.

    Laika, at the level of instinct, takes a small dog or cat for game and begins to pursue it. To avoid this, the puppy should be brought up from early childhood in such a way that he has a clear idea of ​​​​the area in which to hunt and where to live peacefully.

    The nuances of dog training:

    • before teaching a dog professional training, he must know the basic commands - “fetch”, “next”, “lie down”, “stand”;
    • when the puppy's milk teeth are replaced, its moral maturity is established and they begin to train the game and the beast;
    • they begin to teach them to hunt a certain animal only after the dog knows the basic commands perfectly and can quickly find the thrown object and bring it to the owner;
    • the pet should be taught not to react to unnecessary noise and distractions during the hunt.

    During training, you can not use physical force with respect to the husky or shout at her. A dog of this breed is independent and freedom-loving, so it can hold a grudge.

    Features of hunting with a dog

    The West Siberian Laika is used for hunting almost any animal. Most often it is taken to hunt for squirrel, badger, mink, ferret and hare, less often - for game birds and large animals (bear, wild boar).

    The main goal of the dog is to find the beast and bark to inform the owner about it. If the dog is trained correctly, he can drive the beast with his voice or silently.

    In the case of game birds, the husky will look for the duck and, as soon as it gets closer to it, it will lift it on the wing, under the hunter's shot. The bear and the wild boar are usually pursued by voice, trying to wear down the beast and drive it into a corner before the owner arrives.

    The West Siberian Laika can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house, but it is forbidden to put it on a chain. A place for a pet is arranged away from drafts and heating appliances.

    The animal has a huge supply of energy that it needs to splash out, so it is necessary to walk with a husky often and for a long time. Typically, daily walks should last 4-5 hours.

    Laika care has some features:

    Part of the body Procedures
    WoolComb out once a week with a comb or wire brush. During molting, do this daily using a furminator or slicker. They rarely wash the dog - only in case of severe contamination of the coat or before the show
    clawsTrim with a nail cutter once a month
    EyesChecked regularly. Small gray lumps in the corners of the eyes are allowed. They are removed with a soft cloth dipped in chamomile decoction.
    EarsChecked daily. If the ear is healthy, it is pink. There should be no unpleasant odor and excess sulfur. To remove wax and dust from the inside of the ear, wipe it with a damp cloth.
    PawsWipe after each walk with a damp cloth and inspect the pads for injuries and wounds


    The diet of the West Siberian Laika should be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

    Dogs of this breed are not picky about food and have a good appetite, but due to improper feeding and an inactive lifestyle, they can begin to gain weight.

    A puppy up to two months of age is fed 6 times a day, and by the year they gradually switch to two meals a day.

    The ration of likes should consist of the following products:

    • lean meat - beef, chicken, rabbit, lamb;
    • offal;
    • sea ​​fish, from which all bones are removed;
    • vegetables - cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots;
    • chicken and quail eggs;
    • fermented milk products - natural yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese;
    • buckwheat, rice

    It is recommended to add 1 tsp to a serving of food daily. vegetable oil. The pet needs two bowls - for food and water. The water tank must be freely accessible. Food is given at room temperature. Feed the dog only after a walk.

    Products that are banned:

    • pork;
    • cakes, sweets, pastries, chocolate;
    • River fish;
    • nuts, grapes, raisins;
    • smoked meats;
    • pasta;
    • potatoes, beans;
    • garlic, onion.

    Diseases and vaccinations

    The West Siberian Laika does not have hereditary diseases that are characteristic of thoroughbred dogs. Most dogs get injured while hunting. The appearance of other ailments is associated with improper maintenance and care. Most often, these are infectious diseases, from which the pet is protected by vaccinations.

    Vaccination is extremely important for hunting dogs, as they are constantly in contact with wild animals.

    Instill a like against:

    • plagues of carnivores;
    • rabies;
    • leptospirosis;
    • parainfluenza;
    • infectious hepatitis;
    • parvovirus enteritis.

    The first vaccination is given to the puppy at the age of 8-9 weeks, repeated a month later. After that, animals are vaccinated once a year.

    The average life expectancy of the West Siberian Laika is 10–12 years.

It used to be a curiosity, for example, to have a dog while living in the city. Now everyone is used to it, dogs have become part of our everyday life. On the streets you can see a huge number of them. These are small, almost pocket dogs, and very large ones. Each has its own special color, coat length, even behavior. But it is absolutely impossible not to pay attention to the West Siberian Laika among all this.

Characteristics of the breed: West Siberian Laika

The breed of West Siberian Laikas was bred as a result of crossing the Mantle Laikas of the Northern Urals and Western Siberia with the Khanty Laikas. As a result, the breed was a glorious success. At first, these dogs helped the hunters and shepherds who lived in the area. They performed their role remarkably, since nature gave them all the qualities necessary for this. From there, the breed spread throughout the world.

Today, this breed of dog not only faithfully serves its owners, but is also an indispensable assistant in hunting. Laika is a successful combination of beautiful appearance and good qualities, both character and physical. Such dogs are distinguished by their special endurance and the ability to quickly adapt to any conditions. Thus, the husky can live both in places with a very cold climate and where it is hot.

Laika - short-haired. The fur is like that of a wolf. Thick and warm, it makes it easy to endure different climatic conditions. Feature - puffy collar. The color of the coat can be varied: gray, gray-red, gray with white, white, fawn, piebald. Often, huskies have a zonal ("wolf") color. Such wool in natural conditions helps the West Siberian Laika to disguise itself.

It can also adapt to urban conditions, which today confirms the increase in the number of their happy owners living in cities. She can live in an aviary and in an apartment. But, before you start a husky in an apartment, you should think carefully about whether it is worth locking a freedom-loving creature within four walls. In this case, regular long walks are highly recommended. Even better if you combine them with additional physical activity. When walking in the city, it is worth using a collar. They do not like walking, walking close to the owner all the time, they are more eager to explore the area around.

Since the West Siberian Laika belongs to hunting dogs, in addition to endurance, it is also distinguished by activity, strength and excellent orientation in space. The hunting instinct is inherent in it by nature. This instinct allows almost without training, for example, to find the owner in the forest, to find prey. Laika has a keen sense of smell, eyesight, hearing, an informing voice, and is able to move quickly in pursuit of prey. A dexterous husky can detain the beast until the owner arrives.

Laika tracks prey with ease. Perfectly "holds" and "presses" animals such as raccoon dog, badger and raccoon. Laika always successfully finds their habitat. But their abilities are not limited to this. Almost any kind of small or mammalian animal may well become its prey.

Another feature in the development of the food taken by the husky. She digests food faster. Therefore, it takes less time to restore the spent forces. Even after heavy loads, she is full of strength again after a short time. Laika also tolerates an imperfect diet or short-term starvation more easily. Which, apparently, was passed on to her from her ancestors.

Dimensions: weight, height

The West Siberian Laika is neither particularly large nor small. She is relatively average in height. The eyes are brown and dark brown. The ears are set high and erect. The coat is short, but on the neck and shoulders it is noticeable that it becomes more magnificent. Thus, a typical "collar" and tanks are formed.

Height at the withers: males 55 - 62, females - 51 - 58 cm.

Height at the sacrum: in males 1-2 cm lower than the height at the withers, in females the same as at the withers, or 1 cm lower.

The head is dry, in shape, when viewed from above, resembles an elongated isosceles triangle, the skull is not very wide. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is moderately pronounced. The muzzle itself is long, not narrow, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcanines a certain expansion is noticeable. The superciliary ridges are poorly developed, but the parietal crest and occipital protuberance are well distinguished. The back of the head is rounded. Lips are dry and tight.

Laika's legs are strong, straight, parallel; the paws are oval, the middle fingers are longer than the rest.

The tail is curved in a ring or sickle, it can be either tightly curled or touching the thigh.

Weight ranges from 18 to 23 kg.


The West Siberian Laika is not only an indispensable assistant to a hunter, but also no worse friend of a person. Her character combines mobility, speed with calmness, moderate behavior. Laika possesses the hunting quality of viciousness towards the beast. But this does not affect her relationship with the person. Laika is kind to her master and trusts him. Therefore, it can easily be kept in the family. She becomes attached to a person, can become a good guard.

Laika needs a self-confident owner. She is very active, proud and independent. Therefore, there may be some difficulties with its training and training. In relation to other dogs can be aggressive and fight.

The West Siberian Laika is independent. She needs a more reasonable upbringing than tough training. It is easy to accustom her to the execution of a number of commands, but this will interfere with her when hunting, since her original independence is lost. It is best to teach her a few of the most elementary and necessary commands.

Laika can become an indispensable member of the family. She loves to play with children. If it is not possible to appear on the hunt, she directs all her strength in another direction - protection. Laika will never leave her master in trouble.

What to feed the West Siberian Laika?

Nutrition plays an important role in the health of the husky, its appearance. From the very first days, it is worth determining a special place for eating and accustoming a dog to it. It is necessary to form a rich diet and monitor the amount of food consumed, since overfeeding the animal is harmful. Dry food is good.

Especially it is necessary to adhere to the rules of feeding puppies. Laikas aged 2-4 months should be fed at least four times a day. At the age of 6-9 months, you can feed 3 times, more than 9 months - 2 times. At the same time, it is important that there be clean meat in the diet several times a week.

The diet should include:

  1. raw meat;
  2. raw fish;
  3. bone flour;
  4. boiled rice;
  5. cottage cheese;
  6. crackers.

Here are the most important feeding rules:

  • Raw meat - every day. In the calculation of 10-25 gr. per 1 kg. weight. Fish is added to the meat in the ratio of 1/3 fish, 2/3 meat.
  • Boiled rice as a filler. You can add vegetable oil or fat of animal origin to it. But the rice itself cannot be fed separately. You can also add 5-15 gr. raw liver (vitamins A, D and E).
  • Once a week - fasting day. Feed a small amount of crackers and give water to drink. This promotes a good appetite.
  • Bad food: spoiled food, hot food, frozen food, boiled bones.
  • Features of feeding a puppy bitch: feed high-grade entrails, cottage cheese, certain types of low-fat meat (chicken breast, turkey breast, beef and veal tenderloin), bones with fat. When puppies appear, you need to increase the diet four times (provided that the previous diet was 4 times a day). When the puppies are able to lap milk from the bowl themselves, the number of mother's meals can be reduced.
  • Feeding puppies: it is worth starting food with a mixture: milk with yolk. You can feed raw meat in a scraped form, boiled vegetables (before grinding).
  • Daily norm of products per day: 100 g of dairy products, 150 g of rice and bread, 300 g of meat, 20 g of bone meal, 25 g of fat.

If the West Siberian Laika is well taken care of, it will become both an assistant, a guard and a friend. Combining many advantages, this dog breed is a good choice for a pet.

Hunting breed of dogs of the forest belt of the Urals, Western and Central Siberia. She is a born hunter and shows excellent results in hunting wild animals: marten, squirrel, sable, arctic fox, mink, wild boar, roe deer, elk, bear, upland game: black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse and waterfowl. The task of the husky is to follow the beast, and give the hunter a signal with his voice where the prey is. This breed with the appearance of a wolf is hardy, versatile, has excellent working qualities and is able to adapt to any climatic conditions.

ZSL is the pride and national treasure of Russia, as it is one of the few indigenous breeds bred in the USSR. The blood of the Khanty, Mansi and Zyryan Laikas, who lived with these peoples, flows in the veins of modern ZSL. The breeders did not set a goal to change the appearance of the dog, but on the contrary, they only strengthened its natural hunting instincts. Each species had its own characteristics, and in further breeding it was decided to keep the Khanty and Mansi types, which are recognizable in modern West Siberian Laikas.

Since its ancestors accompanied hunters, shepherds and nomads everywhere, WSLs were bred under the harsh conditions of natural selection. Only the strongest individuals that benefited people survived. The “loafers” were eliminated, because in those days no one was fed for nothing. If the West Siberian Laika was not useful, did not hunt, did not pull a team with goods, no one needed it.

The modern West Siberian Laika is able to quickly restore strength, easily digests food, and tolerates malnutrition more easily than others. Thick coat allows ZSL to easily adapt to severe frosts and snow, it tolerates high humidity and wind well.

The breed is quite young, since it was bred in the 20s of the XX century. Its first standard was adopted in 1949. In 1952, an amendment was made that is still in effect today.

In 1980, the West Siberian Laika was recognized by the International Canine Association.

Description of the breed and characteristics of the West Siberian Laika

  1. Country of origin: Russia.
  2. Usage: general purpose hunting breed.
  3. FCI classification: Group 5. Spitz and primitive types of dogs; Section 2 Northern hunting dogs. With performance tests.
  4. Important proportions of the West Siberian Laika:
  • The ratio of the length of the body to the height at the withers in males is 100/103-107; bitches 100/104-108.
  • The height at the withers in males exceeds the height at the sacrum by 1-2 cm, in females the height at the withers is equal to the height at the sacrum or exceeds by 1 cm.
  • The length of the head considerably exceeds the width of the head.
  • The length of the muzzle is equal to or slightly less than half the length of the head.
  • The length of the forelegs from the ground to the elbows is slightly more than half the height at the withers.

Photo West Siberian Laika outdoors in a side stand

  • General appearance: West Siberian Husky of medium and above average height with well-developed muscles and a strong physique. The length of the body from the shoulder-blade joints to the ischial tuberosities slightly exceeds the height at the withers. Sexual dimorphism is clearly expressed. Males are larger than females and clearly more masculine.
  • Behavior/Temperament: energetic, attentive, confident with a balanced psyche. The West Siberian Laika has an exceptionally developed sense of smell and a unique ability to detect game. This is a versatile hunter with a natural passion for hunting game birds and fur animals.
  • constitution type: strong, dry.
  • Head: Dry, wedge-shaped, in proportion to the size of the dog. The shape resembles an elongated isosceles triangle with a narrow cranial part; in bitches a little narrower than in males.
    • Skull : elongated (longer than wide); seen from the front, flat or slightly rounded. The parietal crest and occiput are well defined. The occipital part of the skull is rounded. Superciliary ridges are poorly developed.
    • The bridge of the nose is parallel to the top line of the skull.
    • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): slightly pronounced.
  • Nose: medium size, black nose. In white huskies, a lighter (brownish) nose color is acceptable.
  • Muzzle: The length of the muzzle is equal to or slightly less than the skull. Seen in profile, the muzzle is moderately wedge-shaped.
  • Lips: Dry, close fitting. Without wings.
  • Cheekbones: poorly developed.
  • Jaws/Teeth: White, strong, evenly spaced and not tight. A complete dentition of 42 teeth must be present. The bite is correct, scissor bite, the upper jaw tightly overlaps the lower.
  • Eyes: Small, oval in shape, set obliquely, set deeper than in other representatives of the Laika breed. The look is lively, intelligent, attentive.
    • The color of the eyes of the WSL is dark brown or brown in any color.

    In the photo, West Siberian Laikas near the river

  • Ears: Erect, set high, V-shaped with pointed tips, mobile. The earlobes are poorly developed.
  • Neck: Muscular, dry, approximately equal in length to the length of the head. Oval in cross section. Set the neck in relation to the longitudinal axis of the body 45-55 °.
  • Withers : Well pronounced, especially in males.
  • Topline: Strong, slightly sloping from the withers to the set of the tail.
  • Back: Strong, straight, muscular, moderately broad.
  • Loins: Short, slightly arched.
  • Croup: Broad, moderately long, slightly sloping.
  • Chest: Moderately deep (chest reaches to the elbows), long, broad; oval in cross section.
  • Underline/Belly matched; the line of the bottom from the chest to the stomach rises smoothly.
  • Tail: Tightly curled in a tight ring, carried carried over the back or side, but always touching the back. In the straightened state, it reaches the hocks or does not reach them by 1-2 cm.
  • Forelimbs of the West Siberian Laika: Seen from the front, straight, set moderately wide and parallel. The length of the forelegs from the elbows to the ground is slightly more than half the height at the withers.
    • Shoulder blades : Long and laid back.
    • Shoulders: sloping, muscular. Good angulations between shoulder blades and humerus.
    • Elbows : Close fitting to the body. The elbow joints are well developed and directed strictly backward, parallel to the plane of the body. Should not be turned in or out.
    • Forearm : Straight, not coarse, muscular, oval in cross section.
    • Pasterns: Not long, seen from the side, slightly sloping.
    • Forefeet: Oval, arched, pollen collected in a ball. The middle fingers are slightly longer. Paw pads are elastic.
  • Hind limbs of the West Siberian Laika: muscular, strong, well angulated. Seen from behind, straight and parallel.
    • Thighs : Moderately long, set obliquely.
    • Knees : Well angulated.
    • Lower legs: Moderate in size, set obliquely, almost equal to the thighs.
    • Metatarsus : set almost vertically. Seen from the side, the perpendicular from the ischial tuberosity to the ground should pass near the front of the metatarsus. Dewclaws on the hindquarters are undesirable.
    • Hind feet: slightly smaller than the front. Oval, arched, toes tight. The middle fingers are slightly elongated.
  • Gait/Movement: free, energetic. The typical gait is a short trot interspersed with a gallop.
  • Skin: dense, elastic, with weakly expressed subcutaneous tissue, without sagging and folds.
  • Coat: the guard hair is thick, coarse and straight. The undercoat is thick, soft and fluffy. The hair on the head and ears is short and dense; on the shoulders and neck is longer than on the body and forms a collar (muff); and at the junction with the hair growing behind the cheekbones, it forms sideburns. Males have longer hair at the withers.
    • The limbs are covered with short, harsh, dense hair, which is slightly longer on the back of the forelegs. The hair on the back of the hind legs forms trousers, but without feathering.
    • The hair between the fingers (protective hair), hard, like a brush.
    • The tail is profusely covered with straight and coarse hair, which is slightly longer on the underside, but without dewlap.
  • Size/Weight:
    • Weight: 16-22 kg
    • Height at withers: Males 55 - 62 cm. Females 51 - 58 cm.

    Photo West Siberian Laika - teenagers

  • Disadvantages / Defects:
  • Any deviation from the above is considered a fault/defect, and the full severity of the fault/defect must be judged in proportion to its degree of severity, and its impact on health, well-being and the ability to perform its traditional work is also taken into account.

    • Mild sexual dimorphism
    • Hyperexcitability or aggressive behavior
    • Weakly expressed parietal crest and occipital protuberance; hook nose
    • Light brown eyes
    • Partial depigmentation of the nose, lips and eyelids
    • Lack of teeth: no more than 4 premolars missing (from PM1 and PM2 in any combination)
    • Straight bite after 6 years
    • Low set ears; slightly hanging, with weak cartilage; sedentary
    • Horizontal croup; overly sloping croup
    • Straightened humeroscapular joints; elbows turned out or in.
    • Flat ribs, small chest
    • Flat paws, loose paws
    • Slight speck on the head and limbs in the same color tone
    • Weakly developed undercoat, brushes, muff, sideburns (not in the shedding period)
    • Excess height of 2 cm in bitches. 2 cm below the minimum height for males.
  • Serious Deficiencies/Defects
    • Excessive excitability
    • Males in bitch type, females in male type
    • Excessive obesity/thinness
    • Sharp stop, upturned nose, short muzzle; saggy lips
    • Depigmentation of the nose, lips, eyelids
    • The eyes are round; directly set, convex, yellow; insufficiently fitting eyelids
    • Lack of teeth, small, sparse teeth
    • Ears set on the sides of the head; rounded at the ends; excessively large; with protruding urine
    • Sagging or hunchbacked back
    • The loin is long; narrow; straight, humped or sunken
    • small chest
    • Tail too long or too short or not touching the back
    • Feet turned inward or outward; clubfoot or twisted front. Failed pasterns
    • Excessively pronounced or straightened angles of the hind limbs; twisted knees; cow or goat hindquarters
    • heavy, limited movements; stilted or unnatural gait
    • Significantly elongated hair on the back of the forelegs, pronounced dewlap on the hind limbs and tail
    • Wavy, curly, soft or too long coat; elongated coat with collapse at the withers, back
    • Significant speckling (roan) of the same shade as the main color on the head and limbs, speckling on the body
    • Speck of a different color than the main color
    • Black or black and white color
    • Deviation from the standard height by more than 2 cm in either direction; height at withers less than height at croup
  • Disqualifying vices
    • Aggressiveness or cowardice
    • Any West Siberian Laika clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified.
    • Malocclusion
    • Jaw distortion
    • 4 or more missing teeth, including PM1 or M3. Extra incisors
    • Cloudy cornea, eye color with patches of a different color
    • hanging ears; semi-erect ears
    • The tail is in the form of a sultan, a rod or a saber tail; stubby
    • Shorthair or longhair
    • Color genetic brown; genetic blue; brindle or albinism.

    Note: Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

    West Siberian Laika color

    • zoned gray
    • zone red
    • Grey
    • Ginger
    • Pale yellow
    • Reddish-brown of all shades
    • Pure white or bicolor (piebald), that is, white with patches of any of the above colors.
    • With white color, a brown nose is acceptable.

    West Siberian Laika character

    By nature, the West Siberian Laika is a brave, loyal, intelligent and friendly breed. She adores the owner and all members of the family in which she lives. This active cheerful dog needs an experienced owner-hunter or a person leading a sporty and active lifestyle.

    It is common for the West Siberian Laika to show character and stubbornness during training, but with early and proper upbringing, an excellent helper and faithful friend will grow out of it. Like a true born hunter, the ZSL is hardy, energetic, courageous and has an excellent orientation to the terrain.

    He gets along well with other pets (dogs, cats), especially if he grows up with them. But on the street, a strange cat is more likely a prey for her, so stop any attempts to chase cats or small dogs during walks the first time.

    The West Siberian Laika never shows aggression towards people, but on the hunt, in the forest, it completely changes its good-natured appearance. In relation to the beast, she is vicious and ruthless. She is able to cling to the prey, and hold until the last breath, until the owner gives the command to let go.

    Photo ZSL - three kids

    One of the most important moments in the upbringing of the West Siberian Laika is communication with people. If the pet is not deprived of the attention of the owners during the apartment maintenance, since you are obliged to educate and walk with it at least 2 times a day. But the huskies kept in the aviary are alone and idle all day long (which is unacceptable when keeping lycoid dogs). The owner is simply obliged to regularly take aviary dogs to the forest for hunting or in the field, to give them the opportunity to run and release energy.

    Experienced hunters know better than anyone how important mutual understanding in hunting is for both the owner and the dog. The pet must unquestioningly obey the commands of the owner, and understand the owner - the leader of the pack, he gets the beast, the dog is an assistant, a tool, she just directs the prey to the leader.

    The West Siberian Laika can be seen more and more often in the city as a companion and pet, but the active breed needs energy, physical and mental stress. If you are not a hunter, of course, you can engage in various dog sports with your pet: canicross, bikejoring, but all these sports are designed for CEC (North Sled Dogs), and the West Siberian Laika is a hunter, and this cannot be taken away from her.

    The upbringing of the West Siberian Laika begins from the first day of its appearance in your home. He must understand that the owner is the leader of the pack and unquestioningly carry out commands, that is, obey. Laika cannot be brought up with rudeness, they are very touchy. Only affection and proper upbringing will help you grow a reliable companion with a healthy psyche.

    Photo West Siberian Laika female with offspring

    • Bitches are more calm, obedient, more attached to the owner and the house, good fur and bird hunters, neat and calm. They are obedient, rarely show character during training, while hunting they work close to the owner, cally, but do not tolerate rough treatment. They have loud voices.
    • Males are stronger, more enduring, more aggressive towards the beast, viscous for prey, better suited for hunting wild boar, elk or bear. But the tendencies to show character, stubbornness, often run away. The voice is not as sonorous as that of bitches, respectively, they are worse heard at a long distance.

    Care of the West Siberian Laika of medium complexity. Laika has a northern-type coat with a hard outer hair and a dense soft undercoat, sheds. Shedding is seasonal, plentiful. When kept in an apartment with dry and warm air (especially during the heating period), shedding will be constant, and the coat will be less fluffy and dense.

    But if you notice excessive hair loss, bald spots, reddening of the skin, a rash or peeling, be sure to reconsider the diet of the husky, perhaps some foods cause an allergic reaction, or there is a shortage of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for skin health and coat shine.

    Photo West Siberian Laika in the snow

    Combing: 1-2 times a week with a metal brush or comb to remove dead hair and dust. During the molting period (especially in spring), the West Siberian Laika must be combed out every day with a slicker brush or furminator.

    Bathe rarely, as needed or before a show. In summer, the West Siberian Laika enjoys swimming in open water bodies, and in winter she cleans her hair, swinging in the snow.

    Trim nails once a month with a nail cutter for large breeds.

    Laika's eyes should be checked regularly. If the eyes are clean, shiny, without tear ducts, they should not be touched. Small gray lumps at the corners of the eyes are acceptable as the West Siberian Laika is active and the eyes are thus cleared of dust. They are easily removed with a soft dry cloth or chamomile soaked in a decoction.

    Inspect the ears every day to notice inflammation in time. A healthy ear of a pleasant pink color without excess sulfur and an unpleasant odor. Wipe the inside of the ear with a damp cotton pad to remove dust and wax.

    Paws after walks are wiped with a damp towel or washed with warm water. After walking in the woods, and especially after hunting, always inspect the paws for wounds, cracks and other injuries. Treat the wounds with an antiseptic, and to prevent the appearance of cracks, especially in winter, rub vegetable oil (linseed, olive, sea buckthorn, etc.) into the paw pads and be sure to include it in the diet 1 tsp. in a day.

    Ticks and fleas of the West Siberian Laika

    Symptoms of piroplasmosis (babesiosis) in dogs:

    • High body temperature (above 39 degrees)
    • Refusal to eat, drink
    • Apathy
    • Red-brown urine
    • Does not rise on hind legs
    • Yellow whites of the eyes

    If you notice these symptoms, immediately seek help from a veterinarian, as huskies will need medical treatment.

    Deworming: huskies are wormed 4 times a year.

    Photo Siberian Laika outdoors in summer, how to care for a pet

    Keeping a West Siberian Laika in an apartment

    The place in the house is carefully thought out and prepared in advance. When kept in an apartment, place a sunbed in a cozy corner so that the West Siberian Laika feels safe and does not spin under the feet of the household. On the aisle, in a place where there are drafts or near heating radiators, do not place a lounger. Place a bowl of water next to the sunbed and lay a diaper for the toilet (you can put a rubber-based car mat under it). As soon as you bring the baby home, put him on a diaper, after the road he will probably want to go to the toilet, if he does his dog business, be sure to praise him, and then put him in a sunbed and command “Place”.

    If you are going to lock your pet in a cage during your absence (in order to protect the apartment from being destroyed), you should teach it from an early age, and even better from the first day of its appearance in your house, so that it perceives it as a house. Lay a sunbed inside, put a bowl of water and, of course, a diaper for the toilet.

    Keeping a West Siberian Laika in an aviary

    This will save you from wool and constant cleaning in the house, in addition, life on the street keeps the husky healthy and allows you to better adapt to different climatic conditions. The coat of huskies living on the street is more magnificent and more beautiful than that of individuals kept in apartment conditions. The aviary is made spacious, with a roof, part of the platform is covered with wooden boards, and part can be left with the ground so that the husky can dig it. The booth should correspond to the size of an adult West Siberian Laika, a bowl of clean water is placed next to it.

    Choose toys for baby huskies from thick rubber, squeaker balls, ducks, chickens, rope toys. Do not allow children to pull the cords too hard with the puppy during the game, so as not to damage the bite and teeth of the baby. Don't use a wooden stick as a toy and don't let your dog chew on it. A puppy can swallow chips, and this is fraught with problems with utilities. After 6 months of age, the puppy is given tendon toys.

    Walk at least 2-3 times a day. Walk in the city on a leash (can be long to ensure freedom of movement). It is impossible to go without a leash in the city, because huskies are able to run away, attracted by different smells and hunting instinct. In addition, West Siberian Laikas are true hunters who love to "disguise themselves". They are able to smear themselves in all sorts of filth, whether it be garbage, animal excrement, rotten product or dead meat. They do this not from maliciousness, but simply so that the game does not smell them on the hunt.

    Provide active and long walks with elements of training. Laika should not be bored, otherwise she will destroy your house from an excess of energy.

    Nutrition of the West Siberian Laika

    The nutrition of the West Siberian Laika is selected as balanced and nutritious, with a complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for proper growth. The West Siberian Laika is not picky about food and has a good appetite. But with improper nutrition and an inactive lifestyle, it is prone to obesity.

    With natural feeding, the main foods are those containing protein: meat (ideally raw), sea fish, dairy products, eggs.

    Photo West Siberian Laika - kids are waiting for dinner

    Number of feeding puppy ZSL:

    • up to 2 months the puppy is fed - 6 times a day
    • from 2 to 4 months - 5 times a day
    • from 4 to 6 months - 4 times
    • from 6 to 9 months -3 times
    • from 9 months and an adult husky is fed - 2 times a day

    Healthy foods:

    • Lean meat - beef, lamb, horse meat, turkey, rabbit, chicken (raw, scalded with boiling water or boiled) cut into small pieces for puppies.
    • Offal (tripe, heart, lungs, liver, heart, etc.), but they should not completely replace a serving of meat (no more than 15% of the meat part of the diet). Offal boil or scald with boiling water in order to avoid infection with worms.
    • Poultry offal (innards, heads, necks, etc.)
    • Beef ears and noses can be given as a treat
    • Sea fish without bones (boiled) 2 times a week
    • greens, lettuce,
    • Vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber) add raw or stewed to meat
    • Quail eggs 1-2 times a week
    • Chicken eggs (boiled soft-boiled, steamed omelet)
    • Dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt)
    • Cereals (rice, buckwheat)
    • Apples
    • Rusks made from rye or brown bread
    • 1 tsp vegetable oil per day - linseed, sea buckthorn, (add to serving)

    Prohibited Products:

    • Fat meat
    • Chocolate
    • Bakery
    • Smoked meats
    • Sweets, cakes
    • Raisins, grapes
    • Nuts (peanuts, macadamia)
    • Tubular bones of birds (injure the intestines)
    • river fish
    • Onion garlic
    • Spices
    • Legumes
    • Pasta
    • Potato (not digestible)
    • Pickles, marinades

    The West Siberian Laika will need two bowls for food and water. A bowl of clean water should be freely available. Water is changed 2 times a day. A bowl of food is placed only at the time of eating. A portion should be eaten in a crawl within 20 minutes, if she refuses to eat, we hide the food until the next feeding. The food is fresh, at room temperature (not hot and not cold). Always wash bowls with hot water. The West Siberian Laika is fed only after a walk.

    In addition to fermented milk products, it is useful for ZSL puppies to give calcined curd.

    How to cook calcined cottage cheese for a puppy

    1. 2 tablespoons of 10% calcium chloride (sold in a pharmacy) add to 0.5 liters of boiling milk.
    2. Stir until curdled.
    3. Throw the curdled cottage cheese on gauze or a fine sieve so that the whey is glass.
    4. Give the cooled cottage cheese to the puppy.
    5. It tastes less sour, and dogs usually eat it with gusto. Whey can be added to porridge.

    Diseases of the West Siberian Laika

    Photo West Siberian Laika with a deep look

    P.S.: Unfortunately, vaccination does not work against bear or wild boar attacks.

    With a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight, it can have problems with the joints.

    The West Siberian Laika is one of the most respected breeds by hunters. And this is no coincidence, because the history of the emergence and breeding of this breed confirms its main purpose - to help a person hunt.

    This dog most of all resembles a wolf, and not only in appearance, but also in behavior and wild habits. The West Siberian Laika is one of those rare breeds that were bred under harsh conditions of natural selection. The task of man was not to change her appearance, but on the contrary, to consolidate her natural instincts in hunting wild animals.

    The ancestors of modern representatives of the breed were various types of huskies, which were bred by the population of the Urals and Siberia. Under the conditions of the continental climate, in the harsh taiga nature, the character and working qualities of modern West Siberian Laikas were formed. Only the strongest dogs survived, which brought real benefits to a person. Taiga hunters not only did not allow “parasites” to reproduce offspring, but simply eliminated them, since it was unprofitable to maintain and feed them.

    No matter how cruel it may seem to modern breeders, but this path led to the formation of a breed that is recognized all over the world for its hunting qualities and services to people.

    The ancestors of the West Siberian Laikas are the Khanty, Mansi and Zyryan Laikas, which were bred by these peoples. Since each of these species differed in its characteristics and advantages, it was decided to keep the Khanty and Mansi types during further breeding. Therefore, West Siberian Laikas are found with a predominance of Khanty or Mansi bloodlines. The first type is more stocky, with a short muzzle and broad head, while the second is leaner with a somewhat elongated muzzle. Such diversity does not harm the breed, but on the contrary, gives scope for the work of breeders to improve its gene pool.

    The entire history of the West Siberian Laika breed can be divided into two periods. The first is the centuries-old selection by hunters of the most enduring dogs with excellent working qualities when hunting large game. The second is that which began in the 1920s. The 20th century was the purposeful work of breeders to bring the breed to the same standard.

    At first, Laikas were classified according to the names of the peoples who bred them. There were at least ten such ecotypes, and each of them was distinguished by a peculiar exterior. In 1925, at the congress of cynologists, the first attempt was made to describe the standards of laikas: Karelian, Ostyak, Zyryansk, Khanty and Mansi. Three years later, at the exhibition of hunting dogs, huskies were already exhibited in large numbers.

    In 1939, new standards for the same breeds were adopted at a special cynological meeting. The popularity of huskies grew, and this was due not so much to amateur interest, but to the value of the qualities of huskies, which helped a person to get furs that were in demand on the world market. A club of Laika lovers was created, which was led by famous cynologists. Subsequently, many state kennels were created in the Soviet Union, which bred hunting dogs, of which 17 were occupied with breeding huskies.

    During the war, Laikas were used as demolition workers and cargo carriers.

    In 1947, a proposal was received from an employee of the All-Union Research Institute of Hunting to change the classification and standards of huskies. Then interim standards were developed for 4 breeds. The final approval of the standard for the West Siberian Laika took place in 1952.

    Active breeding in numerous professional nurseries led to the fact that in the 1970s. the breed has already fully formed and won the hearts of hunters far beyond the borders of Siberia. In 1980, the West Siberian Laika was recognized by the International Cynological Association.

    Previously, Laikas were simply called dogs or "northern islands".

    Breed standard: main characteristics

    The current standard for the West Siberian Laika defines them as dogs of medium height with a strong constitution, well-developed muscles and a strong skeleton. These are mobile dogs, moving at a wide trot interspersed with a gallop.

    At one time there was a tendency for dogs above average height: such overgrown huskies reached 69 cm at the withers. But it was noticed that this trend was detrimental to both the general proportionality and mobility, and hence the working qualities of the dog. At one time, the upper height limit for males was 62 cm, but now its limits are marked by limits of 55-60 cm for males and 51-58 cm for females.

    The head is shaped like an isosceles triangle with a long muzzle and a broad skull. The lips fit snugly and do not form hanging jowls. The eyes are preferably almond-shaped with an oblique cut, deep-set, but may also be oval. Eye color is only brown. Scissor bite.

    The ears are erect, reminiscent of an elongated triangle.

    The chest is broad and muscular, smoothly merges into a tucked-up abdomen.

    The withers are developed and 1-2 cm higher than the sacrum. The back is straight and muscular. The loin is strong and short.

    The fore and hind limbs are straight and muscular. The shins are slightly longer than the thighs.

    The tail in the straightened state should reach the hock joint or be shorter than it by no more than 2 cm. It is usually bent over the back or sideways in the form of a ring or sickle.

    The coat is thick and short with a soft dense undercoat. On the neck and shoulders there is a thicker coat of wool, forming a collar and sideburns. Colors are diverse: various combinations of gray and white, fawn, gray-red, piebald. Zonarity is often expressed. The disadvantage is the black and white color, which is already rare among representatives of this breed.

    The nature of the breed West Siberian Laika

    Their owners talk about the nature of the West Siberian Laikas with enthusiasm. After listening to such stories, one gets the impression that this breed is an exemplary companion for a person, and if he is also an avid hunter, then an ideal tandem is obtained.

    Indeed, these dogs have a balanced psyche, but at the same time they are energetic and love to frolic. They are non-aggressive towards a person, unless, of course, they are specially angered. They love children very much and do not offend small pets, they are friends with other dogs. This is a surprisingly benevolent dog, considering that at the genetic level it is closest to its wild ancestors - wolves. A sense of the pack is developed, and West Siberian Laikas are very attached to their pack - the owner and his family.

    This dog is so accustomed to human society that it is hard to experience forced loneliness or lack of communication. Always ready to play and run, and does it with inexhaustible enthusiasm. The nature of the West Siberian Laika is docile and accommodating, but at the same time, independence without persistence and assertiveness is also inherent in it.

    She always strives to fulfill everything that the owner wants from her, so if he made a mistake by giving her the wrong command on the hunt, she would rather fulfill it even against her hunting instinct. Therefore, many hunters who already know their dog prefer not to overdo it with commands and give it freedom of action.

    It is difficult to scare the West Siberian Laika with anything, the fact that her ancestors fearlessly went hunting with a man even for bears affects. The dog knows his own worth, is confident in his abilities, but is always ready to recognize the leadership of a person and follow him. She is distinguished by her natural intelligence and ingenuity and does not cause any particular difficulties in education.

    The best hunter

    The West Siberian Laika is universal. Some believe that it is best suited for hunting large game, others that it is not worth it when extracting furs. There are also hunters who go with her to waterfowl or upland game. Despite some disputes in preferences for types of hunting, everyone recognized the universality of its hunting qualities, which are developed depending on the owner's hobbies.

    Previously, there was an opinion that it was suitable for hunting only in harsh northern conditions, but it has proven its performance in southern climates.

    One of the most valuable qualities of the West Siberian Laika is its endurance. If necessary, they work without signs of fatigue for several days in the difficult conditions of the taiga. They have an interesting feature - they digest food better, which gives them much more strength than other dogs, and allows them to do without the next portion for a long time.

    The love for hunting on the water is inherited by West Siberian Laikas.

    West Siberian huskies differ from other breeds of huskies in their endurance and less excitability. They are capable of relentlessly chasing the beast, following the tracks it left a few hours ago. It is difficult for them to find a replacement in other breeds when it comes to many hours of searching and chasing an animal in difficult conditions. For example, during autumn hunting, when there are no traces, or when searching in a dense windbreak along the rivers. They always work silently, but when they find an animal, they notify the owner with a loud bark and bark or even hold the animal in place until a hunter sneaks up on it. Habitable burrows are unmistakably determined. Among the West Siberian huskies, there are also avid birds who willingly work in the water, diving for ducks.

    West Siberian Laikas are successfully used both for individual hunting and for rounding up an animal, they work well in pairs. In different regions of our country and abroad, these hunters are used to hunt a wide variety of animals. The list of possible prey for West Siberian Laikas is extensive and interesting: bears, wild boars, elk, martens, polecats, roe deer, raccoons, lynx, capercaillie. This list can be continued for a long time.

    Laika Handsome in the 20s. In the 20th century, it constantly participated in the hunt for a bear, its owner, the famous huskier of the Urals, S. F. Shcherbakov, got 78 bears.

    Caring for the West Siberian Laika

    Mostly for obvious reasons, West Siberian Laikas are bred by hunters. Less commonly, they can be found in people who simply engage in popular sports with their dogs, in particular agility. Sometimes they are turned on by city dwellers, who are far from hunting hobbies and simply succumbed to the charm of this taiga beauty.

    In the latter case, you need to remember that it is impossible to turn the West Siberian Laika into a sofa dog. She will suffer from a lack of space and movement, so in this case she needs to provide long-term.

    Of course, everyone understands that the best option for both the dog and its owner will be when their interests coincide, that is, they both love hunting.

    There are no difficulties in caring for this breed, since by nature the West Siberian Laikas are endowed with excellent health. They are unpretentious in feeding and are able to endure forced hunger strikes without loss to their physical condition. But without an urgent need to test this ability in practice, you need to make the right diet and feed your pet at a certain time. Like many other breeds of dogs, boiled meat, fish, cereals, vitamin and mineral complexes are useful for West Siberian Laikas. It is necessary to exclude smoked, fried, flour and sweet foods.

    Wool requires increased attention only at a time when it actively falls out. It is necessary to remove intensely falling hair with a stiff metal brush.

    Laika Sobolko saved his master from death. During the hunt for the hunter Rasputin Ya.D. attacked by a big bear. The dog diverted the bear's attention to itself, giving the hunter the opportunity to shoot the beast. The hunter and his faithful husky remained alive.


    Many people are interested in how to properly train a hunting dog. Training for special hunting teams begins at about 10 months of age. Although some hunters start taking a puppy with them even earlier.

    Before this, you must definitely go through and teach the dog the basic obedience commands. Without this, further training will be impossible, because the main basis is to teach the dog to obey unquestioningly.

    Further training takes place at special sites, where the dog gets used to the sound of shots, headlights and other tricks necessary for a hunting dog. Only after that, an obedient and controllable dog begins to be trained for a certain type of animal.

    How to choose a puppy

    Before choosing a West Siberian Laika puppy, the main thing is to decide on the purpose of the acquisition. If you need a dog for hunting, then it makes sense to buy a puppy from the same avid hunters, they will not advise bad things to their “colleague”. In principle, real breeders knit only representatives of the breed that have proven themselves well in hunting.

    In this regard, the chance of getting a bad puppy is negligible, but, of course, there is always a risk. Therefore, in addition to the pedigree and working merits, you need to carefully consider the appearance and health of the puppies. Unfortunately, even this strong and hardy breed sometimes produces weaker puppies, which are not suitable for long-term hunting.

    In general, hunting is in the blood of West Siberian Laikas, so anyone can find a good hunting dog. Moreover, there are many professional nurseries and breeders of this breed, so there are plenty to choose from.

    Of course, one should not discount the numerous advertisements for the sale of puppies without a pedigree. If a show career is not important to you, but you just want to get a faithful assistant for hunting or a friendly companion, then pay attention to offers for the sale of puppies without documents.

    Price of puppies

    The cost of West Siberian Laika puppies has an interesting feature. Sometimes dogs without a pedigree are so famous for their record results from local hunters that puppies from them are sold at a higher price than representatives of unknown dogs with documents. This is the rare case when the cost of a puppy depends not only on the presence of a pedigree.

    The average price for a puppy of this breed is 10000 rubles, but you can always find a friend for a much lower cost, for example, for 2-3 thousand rubles. And in such a low price, there will not necessarily be a catch, perhaps avid hunters simply have no time to deal with offspring, and they sell puppies for a symbolic price. In nurseries, on the contrary, the price reaches 20 or more thousand rubles.

    Photo breed West Siberian Laika

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