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Discharge after cesarean section: how long does it last and when should you see a doctor? Colors of discharge after childbirth

After the baby comes out, a bleeding wound forms on the surface of the uterus, from which blood, placenta particles, clots and remnants of the fetal membrane eventually come out. At this moment, the uterus contracts intensively and removes everything unnecessary. Doctors call this process lochia, it lasts several weeks and resembles menstrual periods.

A young mother should not be afraid of such a phenomenon. Upon completion, the uterus will return to its previous size, and the separation of fluids will stop after a while. Lochia initially has a bright scarlet tint without an odor, and in recent days it becomes creamy or transparent. But sometimes a girl may notice green discharge after childbirth, which may indicate the presence of disorders and abnormalities.

A number of the following factors provoke a similar illness in the form of a green tint:

  • infectious diseases;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus due to injury or incomplete release of the fetal membrane;
  • the process of suppuration due to the accumulation of discharge after cesarean section.

This sign can mean dangerous consequences, so

It is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist and not self-medicate.

What do the symptoms mean?

Green lochia indicates malfunctions and are quite dangerous for the mother’s health. Under no circumstances should you ignore a visit to the doctor. A similar shade of secreted liquid indicates the presence of pus in it. This symptom is often accompanied by a rotten odor from the vagina, as well as itching and burning. This causes extreme inconvenience for the girl in everyday life.

Green discharge in women after the birth of a child may indicate the appearance of serious and sometimes dangerous diseases.

If greenish discharge is accompanied by high fever and painful sensations, medical This illness manifests itself as poor health and is extremely difficult to treat.

A sluggish form of endometritis can be suspected when green discharge makes itself felt after childbirth after 2 months or a month later. The girl may not feel any discomfort, but in this case it is necessary to consult a diagnostician.

Greenish discharge may indicate several other diagnoses:

  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • thrush.

In order to accurately understand the cause of the light yellow-greenish discharge and make the correct diagnosis, you need to consult an experienced gynecologist and undergo a series of examinations.

Discharge after cesarean section appears very often among women in labor. This problem arises due to the inability of the uterus to contract intensively and remove excess fluid. As a result, clots, blood, and tissue particles remain inside and the process of putrefaction begins. During this period, the mother may also be bothered by painful trips to the toilet, as well as itching, redness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the intimate area.

Treatment options

After a thorough examination, a qualified diagnostician prescribes effective methods of therapy. From the many options, you should choose the one that suits you best. Effective treatments include:

  • antibiotics;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • suppositories (anti-fungal or antibacterial).

In order not to harm the baby, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding during treatment.

If the case is advanced or a serious diagnosis has been made, then simply taking pills will not do. A specialist has the right to prescribe a planned operation and, through surgical intervention, remove excess tissue particles, remnants of clots and rotted tissue. Such an intervention does absolutely no harm and will only benefit the young mother. The operation takes little time, and its results appear immediately. Recovery of the body will occur much faster after such manipulation.

Prevention methods

This problem can be prevented.

  1. Doctors recommend leading an active lifestyle. As soon as the opportunity arises, you need to move more. Movement will provoke improved blood circulation and speed up the release of everything unnecessary. A woman who has just given birth should not ignore this rule. It is not necessary to visit the gym and exhaust yourself; walking with a stroller during the day is quite suitable for this purpose.
  2. It is important not to forget about the rules of personal intimate hygiene. Doctors strongly advise rinsing the vagina with warm boiled water or a herbal decoction after each visit to the restroom. For this purpose, it is better to use herbs against skin irritation; chamomile, sage, and calendula work well. Also, do not forget about regularly changing hygiene products (postpartum pads). Failure to promptly change such products may cause the development of bacteria or microbes.
  3. While taking a shower, you need to temporarily forget about fragrant gels and foams. It is better to give preference to antibacterial products without fragrances and dyes.
  4. It is also necessary to wear underwear made from natural fabrics (cotton), and ignore synthetics.
  5. The girl and report all suspicions and unpleasant symptoms.

You need to listen to the advice of medical professionals and get diagnosed on time, since self-medication can only worsen the well-being of a young mother.

What to do if you are worried about yellow discharge after childbirth? This issue is relevant for many women in labor, so you need to consider it. Throughout the life of a woman of childbearing age, hormonal changes occur in her body. They are accompanied by secretions. It varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. If there is a cyclical nature of these discharges, then there is no reason to worry about your health.

Etiology of the phenomenon

If you are concerned about yellow discharge after childbirth, which is accompanied by fever and an unpleasant odor, then there is a suspicion of the development of an infectious disease or inflammatory process. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

It’s not for nothing that doctors advise women to take special care of their personal hygiene after the birth process. The fact is that the body can be very weakened. The immune system is weakened, and the birth canal is open.

The mother's body is designed in such a way that a wound remains at the placenta attachment site, which bleeds for some time. Therefore, the first days are the most difficult in this regard. A woman in labor needs to take special care of herself so as not to contract any infectious disease.

What personal hygiene should be like:

  1. It is necessary to keep sanitary pads clean and change them every 2 hours.
  2. After every trip to the toilet you need to wash yourself.
  3. It is necessary to empty the bladder on time, even if the urge is minor.
  4. You should not wear fashionable silk underwear. It is best to use loose-fitting cotton items at this time.
  5. Many women prefer to use tampons rather than pads. However, doctors categorically advise against doing this. The fact is that tampons prevent the natural release of fluid from the body. After the birth process, this can cause the development of serious inflammatory diseases.
  6. Douching is also best left until better times. In any case, there is no need to do this after birth permission.

However, in some cases, even despite the most careful adherence to personal hygiene rules, some women still experience yellow vaginal discharge after childbirth. When is this the norm, and when is it a pathology?

When is yellow lochia considered normal?

Having a child is a natural process for the female body. After delivery, the placenta is separated. The place where it attaches then becomes an open bleeding wound. It takes time for the body to recover. In general, you need to be prepared for the fact that lochia will appear immediately after the end of labor. If a woman is breastfeeding, the uterus will contract and repair faster.

It is considered normal if lochia lasts from a month to 6 weeks. However, do not be alarmed if the color of the secretion changes. This is also considered normal and does not require medical attention. During approximately the first week, lochia is bright red in color and abundant. Around day 11, the discharge will decrease and then turn into mucus.

Yellow secretion is also normal. Over time, the color will change and become white-yellow, and sometimes completely transparent. However, in some women the process of uterine contraction occurs more slowly, so yellowish lochia may last for about 2 months.

But this state of affairs is not considered a pathology. Even if there is yellow lochia with a small amount of blood, you should not be alarmed.

Sometimes lochia appears a month after the birth of the child. This is also considered a normal recovery process. But if lochia appears, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, as well as painful sensations, then perhaps the development of an infectious disease or inflammatory process is taking place.

Pathological causes

When should you worry? If your state of health after childbirth causes concern, it is better to consult a gynecologist. You should be especially wary if blood has been present in the lochia for a long time.

Sometimes the development of a pathological process in a woman who has given birth can even have life-threatening consequences. Therefore, if symptoms such as:

  1. Fever.
  2. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen. You should be alarmed if not only your stomach hurts, but also your lower back.
  3. Pus with blood appeared in the lochia.
  4. The secret is green.
  5. There is burning and itching in the vaginal area.

Such symptoms may be a sign of developing endometritis. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a hospital. The sooner a woman receives medical help, the less likely she is to develop serious and dangerous complications.

There is no need to worry if the yellow secretion becomes a little brighter even when a woman is taking birth control pills. They can also affect hormone levels in the body. However, if the green discharge after childbirth takes on a foamy or cheesy appearance, then the development of the disease should be suspected.

If lochia becomes abundant, then the development of an acute form of a bacterial disease can be suspected. Abundant yellow lochia may be symptoms of:

  1. Salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tubes. This disease develops due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the uterine cavity. Gradually, bacteria penetrate into the lower pelvic organs. Abundant yellow lochia may be symptoms of the acute form of this disease. In this case, the woman is bothered by painful urination. After intimacy with a partner, a bloody secretion may be present.
  2. Inflammation of the appendages. The acute form is accompanied by the release of pus, which is yellow in color. In this case, the woman suffers from irritation of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. Frequent urination and pain during intimacy with a partner are often added to the unpleasant sensations. Often menstruation becomes extremely painful.

Yellow lochia with an unpleasant odor can be symptoms of other serious diseases. That is why it is necessary to visit a gynecologist more often after childbirth. In this case, many serious health consequences can be avoided.

Recovery after childbirth is an integral period of motherhood. The uterus needs to return to its previous state in order to continue reproductive function. Normally, a woman stops feeling discomfort from discharge, itching, and pain after 4-6 weeks. Hygiene must be observed, stitches are treated (if any), and physical activity is limited. Lochia gradually changes color from red-brown to pale pink, then turns white, and disappears by the end of the second month. If a woman observes green discharge after childbirth, pathologists of the reproductive system are clear.

Provoking factors are always dangerous to health. Ignoring the symptom of green discharge in women leads to serious complications, including removal of the uterus. Therefore, gynecologists recommend using sterile pads to determine the color of the secreted secretion. Green or yellow mucus is a sign of pathogenic organisms entering the reproductive system.

Provoking factors:

  1. inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  2. endometritis;
  3. bacterial and fungal infections;
  4. erosion.

Adnexitis and Salpingitis are a common cause of green discharge after childbirth. Inflammation of the appendages and fallopian tubes develops due to the penetration of pathogenic flora deep into the vagina. Signs appear late, 7-10 days after infection. The woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, intensifying with palpation, the temperature rises above 38 C, chills, and fever.

It is necessary to start treatment on the first day of symptoms, as complications develop quickly. The advanced form leads to purulent abscesses, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and infertility.

With green discharge, endometritis is diagnosed a month after birth. The inner layer of the uterus becomes inflamed due to infection. A weakened body is not able to fight pathogenic microorganisms that rapidly spread throughout the genitals.

Green, odorless discharge after childbirth will appear if a fungus, virus, or bacteria lives in the vagina. The mucous membrane is corroded (colpitis); in advanced forms, pathechial rashes, itching, burning, and pain when urinating are observed. Often inflammation of the lower genital tract is caused by an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear and hygiene products.

Every second woman, 8-10 weeks after birth, is diagnosed with cervical erosion. It is more common in patients with a history of slow opening of the cervical canal. With erosion, green discharge appears 2 months after childbirth, tingling, and aching pain. Signs of the disease are mild, the discharge is scanty, the grassy tint is barely noticeable. Late diagnosis is the cause of dysplasia and cancer.

The brightness and severity of green in the discharge depends on the state of the hormonal background. Depending on the predominant hormone, the color, consistency, and volume of the secretion changes.


Treatment tactics for pathological discharge are tailored individually, depending on the nature of the disease and the condition of the body. For example, when breastfeeding, antibiotics are prescribed carefully, only if the threat of complications exceeds the risk to the baby.

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • compresses;
  • antihistamines.

If you have green discharge, you cannot do without antibiotics. Depending on the type of pathogenic organism, complex therapy is prescribed.

For vaginitis, metronidazole is prescribed, an antiprotozoal agent similar in action to an antibiotic. If copious greenish discharge has already appeared, treatment consists of 2 stages. First, the vagina is sanitized with antibacterial solutions, then therapy is carried out to restore the flora (Bifidumbacterin, Vaginorm-S, Lactoberin).

When complicated candidiasis develops into trichomoniasis, greenish, odorless discharge appears after childbirth. Vaginal antibacterial capsules (Neomycin, Terzhinan, Tinidazole) and creams (Clotrimazole) are recommended. Additionally, oral tablets are prescribed (Fluconazole, Diflazon, Mikomax).

To relieve symptoms of burning, itching, and irritation in the genital tract, local treatment is used. The following are used against odor and inflammation: antiseptic suppositories (Fluomizin, Movalis, Mikozhinax); bacteriostatic drugs (Clindamycin, Zerkalin); antimicrobial (Fluomesin, Terzhinan).

It is useful to apply compresses and insert tampons soaked in medicinal herbs. A decoction of chamomile, calendula, string, oak bark, marsh grass, etc. is suitable. Every 4 hours, it is recommended to douche with antiseptic solutions - chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide.

If the allergic nature of the pathology is established, antihistamines are prescribed in the form of suspensions and tablets (Fenistil, Suprastinex, Supradin). Taking antiallergic drugs is justified for no more than 3 days.

Any treatment is carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist, drugs are prescribed according to a prescription. An independent combination of therapy is fraught with advanced forms of pathologies, with irreversible consequences.

After caesarean section and ruptures

Complications during surgical intervention during childbirth are diagnosed in every fourth woman in labor. Due to constant suture pain and copious discharge, pathological disorders are noticed late, when the problematic sutures are already oozing pus, fever and green discharge appear after childbirth.

Normally, fresh sutured tissue is treated with an antiseptic 5-6 times a day (it is recommended to douche the internal uterine scar). In the hospital, before discharge, after a cesarean section, antibacterial therapy is prescribed to eliminate the risk of wound infection. Recommendations are given for processing seams at home.

The main causes of greenish discharge in women after childbirth by cesarean section is the penetration of infection into the wound. Since the mucous membrane is inflamed, the pathogenic microorganism spreads at double speed, covering large areas of tissue. Erosion and endometritis develop. A woman is recommended to take antibiotics and antiseptic drugs.

If greenish discharge appears a month after birth or later, when the symptoms of an inflamed uterus have subsided, there is a risk of developing a ligature fistula. These are formations that arise due to the body’s rejection of suture material. The sutures swell, become inflamed, and fester.

Treatment takes place in a hospital setting, under the supervision of surgeons. With properly selected therapy (antiseptics, antibiotics, bactericidal drugs), the fistula hole heals in 10-14 days. The patient returns to a full life.

Difficulties in treatment for complications of sexually transmitted infections are often associated with the prohibition of the use of antibiotics during lactation. Therapy is selected individually; high concentrations of components in milk are unacceptable. For example, when taking Metronidazole, Tetracycline, breastfeeding is stopped. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed and supervised only by a doctor.

Regardless of how the birth took place (through surgery or naturally), the inner lining (mucosa) of the uterus requires a recovery period. It takes about 5-9 weeks, if everything goes well without complications.

Discharge from the genital tract after cesarean section deserves special attention. They are usually called lochia in gynecology. They include blood cells, plasma, mucus, and dead epithelium. Many women perceive them as a kind of menstruation. However, their color palette, smell, composition, volume change throughout the postpartum period and signal whether everything is fine with the young mother’s body.

Any operation, like childbirth itself, is a serious stress for the body, tired after pregnancy. Therefore, a woman needs to listen to him sensitively, feel the slightest deviations and know what discharge should be like after a cesarean section and what is considered normal. This will allow her to notice warning signs in a timely manner and receive treatment if necessary. Many sources indicate that lochia after a CS is no different from what happens after a natural birth. In fact, this is far from the case. Differences still exist.

  1. The wound surface is much more extensive after a cesarean section, so the risk of infection or inflammation of the genital organs is very high. So, during discharge after surgery, you need to especially carefully carry out all the prescribed hygiene procedures and not just once a day.
  2. At the very beginning, just after a cesarean section, about 5-7 days, the discharge is not only bloody, but also contains a lot of mucus, which is not observed after natural delivery.
  3. The normal color of the discharge after a cesarean section for several days is bright red, deep scarlet, and it is much juicier than during the natural process of childbirth.
  4. Contraction of the uterus and its healing after cesarean section is a longer and more protracted process, so the duration of the discharge is also different and is 1-2 weeks longer.

These differences should not frighten or worry a young mother, perhaps not yet experienced in such matters, since this is the norm for discharge after a cesarean section, which indicates that everything is in order. But in order to see that something is wrong in time, you need to know about deviations, which will first of all have to be addressed to specialists. Usually they differ little from problematic lochia after.


One of the most exciting questions is how long does the discharge last after a cesarean section in order to know for sure whether the recovery period is prolonged or the process is progressing within the permitted limits. Information about the normal timing will allow you to control the actual menstrual cycle, which should soon occur.


The normal discharge period after cesarean section is from 7 to 9 weeks. So discharge 2 months after cesarean does not pose any danger to the health of the young mother.


If after a cesarean delivery the discharge ends too quickly (within 6 weeks) or is very prolonged (up to 10 weeks), this is not yet a reason to panic. Yes, the norms are no longer met, but these indicators can only be determined by the individual characteristics of the body. If the composition, smell, thickness, color, and number of lochia do not indicate complications, there is no need to worry. Although even in this situation, it wouldn’t hurt to tell the doctor about it.


Seeing a doctor is mandatory if the duration of discharge in the postpartum period after cesarean section is beyond the normal range. This is either too quick of an end (less than 5 weeks) or too long a process (over 10 weeks). Both are equally dangerous. In the first case, the remnants of the dead endometrium for some reason could not come out and there is a high probability of them festering. If lochia lasts too long, an infectious process in the abdominal cavity or genitals can be diagnosed. A condition when the discharge after a cesarean section ends and begins again is also dangerous: this also indicates some deviations in the process of restoration of the uterus.

Knowing how long the discharge lasts after a cesarean section during the normal healing process, a woman does not have to worry that this period is very long or, on the contrary, has passed too quickly. After all, in both cases, you will have to take appropriate measures: go to see a doctor, undergo additional examinations and, if diseases or complications are detected, undergo a course of treatment, no matter how much you would like it.

Be careful. You should not be happy if your discharge has already stopped a month after a cesarean section. Such a rapid process very often ends in inflammation or infection, which requires surgical cleaning of the uterus.

Lochia character

Throughout the recovery period after surgery, the nature of lochia will change. Initially, blood clots will be released, since the uterus at this time is a large, open, bleeding wound. But over time, during the healing process, they will change to mucus, dead epithelial cells and other postpartum debris.

This also needs to be monitored very carefully. If, for example, bleeding after a cesarean section does not end, this will be an alarming signal that the damaged tissues for some reason cannot regenerate. Such cases require medical intervention and treatment. Therefore, monitor the nature of your lochia and its duration.

  1. Presence of blood

At first, the presence of blood in the lochia should not raise doubts among young mothers: this is the healing of broken blood vessels and damaged tissue. However, the important point here is precisely the timing, how many days does the bleeding last after a cesarean section: if more than 7-8, then this is already abnormal and you need to sound the alarm.

  1. Presence of clots

This is also quite understandable during this period of time: they are cells of the already dead endometrium and placenta. After 7-8 days they will go away, so the discharge will become more liquid.

  1. Mucus discharge

If in addition to the bloody discharge there is also mucous discharge in the first days after a cesarean section, this is also the norm: in this way the body is cleansed of the products of the baby’s intrauterine vital activity.

  1. Pink discharge

If pink discharge begins a month after a cesarean section, it means that the healing process is not yet complete. Perhaps, under some mechanical influence, the wounded tissues were damaged again. Very often this happens if a couple is impatient and, without waiting for the end of the recovery period, they begin to have sex too early.

  1. Brown shade

After 6-7 weeks, the nature of the lochia will resemble ordinary menstrual smears of a brownish color: the blood will coagulate and will no longer be so bright and scarlet.

  1. Purulent discharge

The danger after cesarean section is represented by purulent discharge, which is the first symptom of the endometrium (inflammation of the uterine mucosa). They are usually yellowish-green in color, smell very unpleasant and are accompanied by fever (due to infection), pain in the abdomen and perineum.

  1. Watery lochia

A young mother should also be alerted to watery lochia, devoid of any shade, almost transparent. This is how transudate, a fluid contained in blood or lymphatic vessels, can come out. This is bad, as it indicates poor circulation in this area. In addition, watery discharge after cesarean section with an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of rotten fish, is a symptom characteristic of vaginal dysbiosis (gardnerellosis).

If you had to give birth by cesarean section, you must definitely monitor the nature of the discharge that begins. It is the impurities in their composition that may indicate a particular disease that will need to be identified and treated. Often all this threatens the hospital walls again - and this is precisely at the moment when the mother so needs her baby. It is much easier to prevent the problem and enjoy unforgettable moments of communication with the baby. In addition to character, the color of the discharge can tell a lot.


Normally, the color of lochia after a cesarean section should be red at first, followed by brown discharge (towards the end). The rest of the color palette should alert the young mother and force her to go to the hospital for an additional examination to find out if everything is in order with the restoration of her body.


If yellow discharge begins after a cesarean section, it may indicate the following postpartum processes:

  • pale yellow, scanty lochia by the end of 2-3 weeks is normal;
  • bright yellow, almost orange discharge with a greenish tint, putrefactive odor on days 4-6 - a symptom of pronounced, but just beginning endometritis;
  • copious, mucous, yellow discharge after 2 weeks is a sign of already hidden and, most likely, rather advanced endometritis.

Endometritis cannot be treated on its own: antibiotic therapy or even surgery will be required.


It is not difficult to guess that the green discharge that began after a cesarean section is explained by the presence of pus in it. It indicates the occurrence of an infectious, inflammatory process in the uterus. Only a medical examination will help determine its cause and diagnose the disease.

White lochia

By itself, without accompanying symptoms, white discharge, which may begin some time after a cesarean section, does not pose a threat. But as soon as certain signs appear, you need to be alert. These include:

  • itching of the perineum;
  • redness in the intimate area;
  • if there is discharge with a sour smell;
  • cheesy consistency.

In such cases, a bacterial culture or vaginal smear is required for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


If after a cesarean section black discharge without odor or pain is observed, they should be taken as normal. They are dictated by hormonal changes in the blood after childbirth. A deviation is if they occur some time after the operation.

To avoid complications after cesarean section, you need to monitor the color of postpartum discharge. She can suggest a problem at the very beginning. This will make it easier to eliminate it and allow you to quickly return to normal after completing the necessary course of treatment.


A young mother also needs to pay attention to how much lochia comes out of her in order to judge how the body’s recovery is proceeding. If after a cesarean section there is little discharge, especially in the very first days, this may be an alarming signal that the tubes, uterine ducts are clogged, a blood clot has formed, etc.

The opposite situation is no less dangerous: profuse lochia that does not stop for too long is an alarming signal about the impossibility of full restoration of the uterus after surgery. In both cases, you need to undergo a special examination and find out what is the reason for such deviations.

Any woman wants postpartum lochia to end as soon as possible and nothing to overshadow happy motherhood. However, there is no need to be too hostile towards them. It is they that can serve as that alarming and sometimes the only signal that not everything is in order with the restoration of the body and some measures need to be taken to help it. You should especially be wary of discharge after a cesarean section with an odor and an unrealistically bright hue. This almost always ends with a course of antibiotic treatment, which is highly undesirable during lactation, or another surgical intervention.

Carrying and giving birth to a baby is a difficult job that affects the condition of the mother’s body. Immediately after childbirth, two important and interconnected processes are launched in the body - milk production and restoration of the organs of the reproductive system. Afterwards, a wound forms from the woman’s uterus in its place, and the organ itself is greatly enlarged. Gradually it contracts, and lochia is released from the woman’s vagina. This is a liquid mass containing blood, wound secretion, mucus and remnants of membranes.

Gradually, the uterus returns to its normal size, all excess tissue leaves its cavity and liquid discharge stops. Normally, lochia does not have a distinct odor, and its color varies from blood red immediately after birth to yellowish and completely transparent at the end.

But sometimes something goes wrong and a woman discovers that the discharge has acquired a green tint. What does this mean and what to do in such a situation?

The green tint of lochia is the most dangerous and should not be ignored under any circumstances. The discharge turns green if pus appears in it, and it also causes an unpleasant putrid odor. Several factors provoke its appearance:

  • Inflammatory processes in the uterus caused by incomplete release of membranes or injury to the organ;
  • Decay of secretions caused by their accumulation in the uterine cavity;
  • Infectious diseases.

This is why it is so important to immediately go to the hospital when green lochia appears. True, serious diseases, for example, endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining), are quite severe and acute, so mothers are forced to consult doctors. With endometritis, there is usually a significant increase in temperature and severe abdominal pain.

Sometimes large blood clots or pieces of tissue close the uterine pharynx, and the discharge cannot leave its cavity. If this problem is not solved in time, it can cause stagnation of secretions and their decay.

Sometimes green discharge does not appear immediately after childbirth, but after one and a half to two months, even after the lochia has stopped. This indicates sluggish endometritis. Even if this disease does not cause severe discomfort, it must be treated immediately.

Green discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor, especially if its consistency resembles foam, can be a sign of gonorrhea, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, or trichomoniasis. Even someone familiar to many can provoke such a problem. Therefore, without additional bacteriological studies it will not be possible to make a diagnosis.

In addition to green discharge, a woman may be bothered by:

  • Itching and redness of the genitals due to bacterial vaginosis;
  • Painful urination and pain in the lower abdomen due to chlamydia and gonorrhea;
  • A mixture of blood and pus in the discharge, as well as itching and burning in the genitals with colpitis.

Methods for treating green discharge are chosen by the doctor depending on the diagnosis. If this is inflammation of the endometrium, systemic antibacterial drugs are most often used. For infectious diseases, a suitable antibiotic or antifungal agent is also selected.

Sometimes local procedures are used and multivitamins are prescribed to speed up the recovery of the body. In less dangerous situations, topical medications, such as antibacterial and antifungal suppositories, can be used.

In advanced cases, especially if there are particles of membranes left in the uterus, curettage may be required. During the operation, damaged epithelium and decaying tissue are removed using special instruments. Over time, he will definitely recover.

If therapy with systemic drugs is required, breastfeeding will have to be stopped during treatment. To prevent milk from wasting, you can express it by hand or using mechanical devices. You should not delay treatment, as this can lead to complications.

To reduce the likelihood of green discharge after childbirth, you need to start moving a little as early as possible. This will facilitate the natural removal of blood and residual membranes from the uterine cavity. It is also necessary to strictly follow all hygiene rules:

  • Wash yourself after every trip to the toilet. This can be done with clean water or decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as calendula or chamomile.
  • Change gaskets as often as possible, without waiting until they are full.
  • Wash with baby soap or other products without dyes or fragrances.

If all the precautions did not help and green discharge appeared, do not get upset or panic. Modern medicine can easily solve this problem. The main thing is not to delay your visit to the doctor and listen to all the recommendations of doctors.