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Protective mantra om vajrapani hum phet. Non-Silk Road

The practice of yoga does not stop with meditation, breathing exercises and vegetarianism. One of the additional techniques is the Vajrapani mantra, which eliminates difficulties and delusions on the path to Enlightenment.

About the Deity

Vajrapani Bodhisattva is the guardian of all healing teachings. It occupies a special place in Buddhism. Vajrapani is the main bodhisattva, a protector, representing the strength of spirit, compassion, and a symbol of the power of the Buddha.

Meaning in Buddhism

The deity is represented in dark blue, the head is crowned with a five-pointed crown of skulls, and an all-seeing eye is in the center of the forehead. Vajrapani stands in the middle of an angry flame, representing transformative powers.

According to legend, Vajrapani did not know the suffering of living beings. Once, having experienced physical pain, compassion for all living things awoke in him. Then Buddha Shakyamun entrusted him with all the secret knowledge about healing. Since then, the Medicine Buddha and Vajrapani have been invoked to help treat serious illnesses. For yogis, the Bodhisattva symbolizes firm determination as well as the conquest of ignorance.

About the mantra

The Vajrapani mantra is represented by the combination of the name Bodhisattva between the two words “Om” and “Hum”. Vajrapani means the lord of the vajra, the sword capable of cutting through dark forces and delusions.

Text and its meaning

Om Vajrapani Hum - text of the mantra.

Prayer helps to find access to the necessary energy, free yourself from anger, and achieve Enlightenment of the mind. Able to overcome ailments, misconceptions, gives a feeling of self-confidence. Provides support in any endeavor. Removes illnesses and fears from the body.

You can add different keys to the main text of the mantra: “pad”, “phat”, “pe”.

Additional elements can be used. The rosary will help you focus on one movement and not get lost. Relaxing music will put you in the right mood. Dim lighting will create a cozy atmosphere. Comfortable clothes, scented candles, and interior features will promote meditation.

Reading rules

A mantra is a prayer, a petition. It is not necessary to say the words in a special place or in a yoga pose. The text is read from the heart. You can read it to yourself, you can pronounce it in your own room, on the street or in transport.

Correctly pronounce the text of the prayer in musical form. The intonation is positive without sudden jumps. While singing, it is recommended to visualize God, his exact appearance, facial expression, and motives.

  • turn off all external stimuli:
  • gadgets, doorbell, intercom;
  • choose a convenient place for the meditation ritual;
  • take the correct yoga pose or any other position;
  • relax, clear your thoughts;
  • fingering the rosary, begin chanting the mantra;
  • do not take long pauses;
  • constantly visualize God Vajrapani;
  • stick to the same tempo when chanting a prayer;
  • The sound “Om” is pronounced as “o-o-u-mm” as you exhale.

In meditations they also represent a blue vector, this will help wash away all negativity from the depths of the heart. The body will begin to be freed from pus and dirt. Then imagine a yellow vector, which will give a blessing.


The Bodhisattva mantra is widely known in Buddhism and its practices. The deity in the text of the prayer personifies many positive traits. Together with other Gods, it forms a triad in Lamaism - strength, intelligence and kindness.

The Varjapani mantra, its sounds are filled with special energy that will help you find peace and Enlightenment.

Hello, dear readers! Today you will learn who the patron of Vajrapani is, what year of people he patronizes and how to perform the practice dedicated to him.

Ancient legend

Some believe that, as a very peaceful religion, it encourages inaction. But that's not true. Indeed, only by exercising compassion can one achieve the highest realization. But protecting beings seeking enlightenment sometimes requires the use of force.

According to legend, in ancient times four gods came to guard the cardinal directions. They complained that in the struggle between good and evil forces in the Universe, the latter wins. The Enlightened One called the Bodhisattvas and instructed them to think about how to protect innocent creatures.

Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara and Vajrapani

One of them, under the name Vajrapani (“with a vajra in his hand”), who had previously been quite peaceful and sympathetic, acquired a terrifying appearance.

His body became blue, his mouth bared, he shook his vajra with one hand, and in the other he held a rope with a loop to catch evil spirits. Red flames raged behind Vajrapani. He was girded with tiger skin, indicating fearlessness.

This terrible appearance was intended to reduce the manifestations of unsightly human qualities:

  • arrogance,
  • idleness,
  • ignorance,
  • envy,
  • voluptuousness and others.

Deity and other bodhisattvas

Vajrapani is an emanation of Akshobhya Buddha and a Dhyani Bodhisattva.

Buddha Akshobhya

In the fight against temptation, Vajrapani has two great friends: the bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri. Together they symbolize Strength, Compassion and Wisdom, respectively.

Bodhisattvas are characterized by mercy and determination to help. Happiness is impossible for them if others are unhappy, and the path to Nirvana is barred while the suffering and sick are tormented on earth.

Therefore, they make every effort to help others get closer to prajna– enlightened wisdom, and always help in a timely and delicate manner.

To receive help, all you need is , which is a personal yidam. In this case, you should be guided by the advice of your teacher or, if this is not possible, check the Buddhist horoscope.

In it you can see which year of birth this or that yid is patronized by. Vajrapani, which we talk about in this article, patronizes people born in:































How to Meditate on Vajrapani

In Vajrayana, many techniques are transmitted through symbolic images and allegorical speech. Therefore, in order to perform the practice associated with Vajrapani, one must receive transmission from a teacher.

After this, it is safe to meditate on this yidam on a regular basis. The forces of evil will no longer be able to influence the meditator. His mind will gradually unite with the minds of other buddhas.

The two main mantras associated with the name of the deity are:


The second mantra of the angry form is used when it is necessary to defeat evil spirits, cut off anything indecent from one’s thoughts, or during treatment.

Despite the fact that Vajrapani is “responsible” for strength, he is equally inherent in the qualities of the other two bodhisattvas from the above-mentioned trinity: wisdom and compassion.

The practice of Vajrapani should be done daily. Its goal is to pacify hostility, arrogance, rage, jealousy, which lead to the commission of actions that plunge a person into the abyss of suffering.

Before sadhana(spiritual practice) one must take refuge: promise to accept the Buddha, study and implement his teachings with the help of the Sangha community in order to achieve enlightenment and help all living things get rid of suffering.

Then you need to focus on the emptiness of everything. Imagine how a sparkling circle appears out of nowhere, transforming into a lotus throne. A syllable shines on it PAM, which gradually becomes a flat solar circle. A syllable appears on the circle HUM of blue color. It symbolizes the essence of the practitioner’s consciousness and emits a radiance that purifies all those in need and returns again to the same letters.

They become the form of Vajrapani, which is visualized within himself by the adept, that is, he himself is this deity for the duration of meditation.

While visualizing, you need to recite the mantra. At the end of the practice, the merit for this meditation should be mentally combined with the merits of other beings and dedicated to achieving the goal of this action.

During the day, you need to repeatedly return to the experienced state so as not to cease to feel like Vajrapani, and, feeling like him, do ordinary things: eat, move, do work, rest.

It is advisable to look at all living beings “through the eyes of Vajrapani” throughout the day and never cease to show mercy and compassion towards them.

Doing this practice is of great importance for any Buddhist:

  • Various ailments disappear
  • Misconceptions are dispelled
  • Self-confidence is strengthened
  • There is support for ongoing initiatives
  • Strength, perseverance, and focus develop
  • The boundaries of the capabilities of an adherent of the teaching are expanding


The purpose of Vajrapani is to inspire strength in the adept on the road to insight, to instill confidence, and to give hope. When turning to him, lethargy disappears, and with fresh energy the believer continues to move along this road of mercy and participation towards his cherished goal.

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Mantra is an ancient sacred formula that carries a powerful charge of positive energy. The meaning of the word "mantra" comes from two Sanskrit words: "mana" and "tra". “Mana” is consciousness, mind, and “tra” is an instrument, control, liberation. Thus, a mantra is control of the mind, the release of the energy of consciousness. Mantra is concentrated energy. The best number of repetitions is 108 times. Some mantras need to be repeated even more, but even simple repetition without counting has a harmonizing effect. Mantras can be read silently. But it’s best to set aside 10-15 minutes a day to repeat in a calm environment. Repeat the mantras calmly, in a full voice, focusing on the sounds being spoken. A person repeating mantras first of all calms the mind from everyday worries, relieves stress, and tunes in to higher knowledge.

Mantra recitation is considered a more advanced form of meditation, which is not easy for everyone to understand. For people who do not practice Buddhism, the purpose of such meditation is to bring your mind to a peaceful state. Buddhists believe that reciting mantras, or combinations of words, helps protect the mind from negative thoughts and emotions. We also believe that reciting mantras promotes spiritual development. There are many different mantras that serve different purposes.

When a person focuses on compassion, he recites a mantra, Skt. - lit. “Om, you are a treasure on a lotus.” The mantra has an inspiring meaning. Syllable OM, which is pronounced "aum" or "om", means body, speech and mind. By pronouncing this syllable, we want to improve our body, speech and mind - to make them the same as the body, speech and mind of the Buddha. In this context, purity means the absence of negative thoughts and emotions, as well as bad (harmful) actions. Other syllables show how to make this transition; when spoken, certain objects are used as symbols. Syllable MANI, which means “pearl,” is associated with the concept of right action, or action that is dictated by altruistic intention. Syllable PADME means "lotus". The lotus is a flower of perfect white color, although it grows from mud. It represents an image of your mind that lacks purity but can become pure (like a white lotus flower), which relates to the concept of right view. Syllable HUM means "invisible"; in other words, right view and right action must be one.


Mentally clearing your surroundings

May the whole earth acquire perfect purity, may it become as smooth as the palm of your hand, smooth as lapis lazuli.

Mentally place pure offerings

May the whole space be filled with offerings from gods and people, gifts obvious and in thought, similar to those presented by Samantabhadra.

Contemplation of Refuge

In the present space, on a lion throne of lotus, sun and moon, sits Shakyamuni Buddha, representing the very essence of all my merciful mentors; Around him gathered gurus, both immediate and in the lineage, as well as yidams, buddhas, bodhisattvas, shravakas, pratyekabuddhas, dakas, dakinis and guardians of the Dharma.

Creation of Reasons to Seek Refuge

I and all my kind-hearted mothers, in fear of the torment of samsara, turn to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha - the only principles of Refuge. From now on until Enlightenment, we stand under the protection of these Three Jewels.

A Short Prayer for a Refuge Seeker

I, along with all sentient beings, seek refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha until we all achieve Enlightenment (7 times, 100 times or more).

Creation of bodhichitta

Having acquired spiritual merit through giving and other perfections, may I become a Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings (3 times)

Acceptance of grace and purification

From the hearts of all in whom I seek refuge, streams of light and nectar descend; they dissolve in me and in every living being, cleansing me of harmful karma and obstacles, lengthening my life, increasing my virtues and success in comprehending the Dharma.

Creation of the Four Immeasurables

May every creature be happy. May every being be freed from suffering. May no one be separated from happiness forever. May every being be in peace, without hatred or attachment.

Summoning the Field of Spiritual Merit

O Protector of all beings, great conqueror of hordes of evil spirits. O Blessed One, Omniscient One, appear accompanied by your retinue in this place.

Seven-fold prayer

With body, speech and mind I humbly prostrate myself, make offerings in reality and in thought, repent of the atrocities I have committed since time immemorial and rejoice in the virtues of all beings. Deign to stay here until samsara passes, spin the wheel of Dharma for our sake. I dedicate all virtues to the Great Enlightenment.

Mandala offering

The earth is sprinkled with fragrant compositions and strewn with flowers; the great mountain, the four continents, the sun and the moon are offered as gifts to the realm of the Buddhas, so that all beings may enjoy life in these pure lands. Objects that cause affection, delusion or hatred; friends, strangers, enemies, our riches and our bodies are joyfully offered as gifts. Deign to accept it and bless us so that the three poisons will no longer poison us:


Appeal to the field of spiritual merit and to the lineage mentors,
indicating stages of the journey

O my kindest root Guru! Sit upon the lotus and moon crowning my head, and by your great mercy bestow upon me the grace of your body, speech and mind. (Mentally imagine your root Guru descending on the top of your head and invoking with you as follows)

I address you, O Buddha Shakyamuni, whose body comes from innumerable virtues, whose words fulfill the aspirations of mortals, whose thought clearly sees everything that exists.

I address you, O teachers of spiritual tradition, performers of many great deeds: Venerable Maitreya, Most Noble Asanga, Vasubandhu and all other precious teachers who have shown the path of extensive knowledge.

I address you, O spiritual masters of the tradition of deep comprehension: Venerable Manjushri, Nagarjuna, Chandrakirti and all other precious teachers who have revealed this most profound path.

I address you, O spiritual teachers of the sacred mantra tradition: Conqueror Vajradhara, Tilopa, Naropa and all other precious teachers who have revealed the path of Tantra.

I address you, O spiritual mentors along the line of the Ancient Kadam: the Second Buddha Atisha, Dromtonpa, Geshe Potoba and all other precious teachers who showed the unity of the path of extensive knowledge and the path of deep comprehension.

I address you, O spiritual mentors of the New Kadam lineage: Venerable Tsongkhapa, Jamvel Gyatso, Khedrubje and all other precious teachers who revealed the unity of Sutra and Tantra.

I address you, my kindest and most precious teacher, who shows concern for those unbridled in mind, not pacified by the succession of all the previous Buddhas, as if these wards are fortunate students.

(Repeat the next three requests three times)

Send down your blessings that give inspiration to me and all my mothers, so that all my perverted thoughts are stopped: from disrespect for the kindest mentor to the most refined duality of perception. Send down your blessings that give inspiration to quickly create pure thoughts: from reverence to the kindest mentor to the unity of Bliss and Emptiness. Send your blessings and inspiration to nullify all external and internal obstacles.

Receiving Grace and Purification

Streams of light and nectar descend from the hearts of all holy beings: they bestow grace and purification.

Prayer for the stages of the path

The beginning of the path is trust in my kindest mentor, in whom is the source of all good. Bless me to realize this and follow it with great devotion. Life in the human world with all its freedoms is a rare phenomenon with deep meaning. Bless me to realize this, so that day and night I can realize the meaning of life. Like a bubble in water, my body dies and decomposes very quickly, and after death the fruits of karma appear like a shadow accompanying the body. Give me the blessing to know and not forget about this, so that I will always be vigilant about what I do, and, avoiding harmful actions, acquire the wealth of virtue. The joys of samsara are deceptive: they do not bring satisfaction, but only torment. Therefore, incline me with your blessing to sincerely strive to achieve the bliss of perfect freedom. Give me the blessing that this pure thought will give rise to persistent attention and the greatest caution, so that my main spiritual activity remains the root of all Dharma - the vow of personal liberation. Like me, all my kind-hearted mothers are drowning in the ocean of samsara. Grant your blessing for the spiritual work of cultivating bodhicitta, so that I can save them sooner. But limiting myself to this, in the absence of the three moral foundations, I cannot become a Buddha, so I seek a blessing to gain the strength to work to fulfill the bodhisattva vows. Having calmed my mind from entertainment and explained in detail the true meaning of concepts, bless me to achieve the unity of Serenity and Insight. (Now begin the meditation to train your mind)

Mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha (Burkhn Bagsh)


Mantra of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Dala Lam Gegen)


Avalokiteshvara Mantra (Aryabal)


One of the main attributes of Avalokiteshvara is the six-syllable mantra Om mani padme hum, because of which the bodhisattva is sometimes called Shadakshari (“Lord of Six Syllables”). In addition, there is the Maha Karuna Dharani Sutra, popular in East and Southeast Asia, also called the Mantra of Great Compassion and dedicated to the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara

Namo ratna-trayaya Namo ariya-valokite-svaraya Bodhi-sattvaya Maha-sattvaya Maha-karunikaya Om sarva rabhaye sudhanadasya Namo skritva imam arya-valokite-svara ramdhava Namo narakindi hrih Maha-vadha-sva-me Sarva-arthato-subham ajeyam Sarva- sata Namo-vasat Namo-vaka mavitato Tadyatha Om avaloki-lokate-karate-e-hrih Maha-bodhisattva Sarva sarva Mala mala Mahi Mahi ridayam Kuru kuru karmam Dhuru dhuru vijayate Maha-vijayati Dhara dhara dhrini svaraya cala cala Mama vimala muktele Ehi ehi sina sina arsam prasari visva visvam prasaya Hulu hulu mara Hulu hulu hrih Sara sara Siri siri Suru suru Bodhiya Bodhiya Bodhaya Bodhaya Maitreya narakindi dhrish-nina bhayamana svaha Siddhaya svaha Maha siddhaya svaha Siddha-yoge-svaraya svaha Narakindi svaha Maranara svaha sira simha-mukhaya svaha Sarva maha-asiddhaya svaha Cakra-asiddhaya svaha Padma-kastaya svaha Narakindi-vagalaya svaha Mavari-sankharaya svaha Namo ratna-trayaya Namo arya-valokite-svaraya svaha Om Sidhyantu mantra padaya svaha

Mantra of Green Tara (Nogan Dyark)


Dedication of merit

By the power of the merits that I have acquired through labor on the stages of the Path, may all living beings gain the opportunity to work in a similar way. No matter how many living beings there are who are experiencing heart and body pain, may they all be delivered from suffering by the power of my merits, and may they all find eternal joy and happiness. May every being experience the happiness of men and gods and achieve speedy liberation, so that samsara will soon fade away. For the benefit of all living beings filling space, may I gain wisdom like Manjushri, great compassion like Avalokiteshvara, great strength like Vajrapani. The Dharma preached by the Buddha is the best healing remedy that alleviates all mental pain. May this Dharma-jewel flourish in all the worlds that fill space. May great faith in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha be born in the minds of all living beings; and thereby may they receive the grace of the Three Jewels. From now on, let there be no suffering in this world from incurable diseases, hunger and wars, and may earthquakes, fires, floods, storms and other disasters not cause harm.

May all sentient beings, my mothers, meet precious guides who show the stages of the path to Enlightenment, and, having entered this path, may they soon achieve the final peace of complete Enlightenment. May my prayers be fulfilled by the blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, by the truth of actions and their consequences, and by the power of my pure highest aspiration.



I take refuge in the Teacher


I take refuge in Buddha


I take refuge in the Dharma


I take refuge in the Sangha


Refuge- prayer of Buddhist refuge and Bodhichitta, read in most cases at the beginning of Buddhist practices.


I go to refuge in search of enlightenment,


I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha


Until I reach enlightenment


By the power of merit accumulated by giving and other deeds


May I become a Buddha for the benefit of all beings



Lama Tsongkhapa, Supreme Jewel of the Tibetan Sages,


To the Incarnation of Avalokiteshvara, the Treasury of inconceivable compassion,


Manjushri, Lord of pure knowledge,


Vajrapani, destroyer of all the armies of Mara:


Tsongkhapa, Lobsang Dagpa, I bow to you.

Mantra of Lama Tsongkhapa (Zunkwa Gegen)


Maitreya Buddha Mantra


Medicine Buddha Mantra (Manla)


Read it seven times, 21 times or 100 times. If you are sick, after reciting this mantra, blow on the medicines you are taking and also on the water to drink. The mantra enhances the beneficial effect of medicines. If you are not sick, after reading the mantras, blow on the water, which should be placed next to it in a glass, and drink this water, imagining that you are drinking healing nectar. It can also be useful as a preventive measure against various diseases.

Vajrapani Mantra (Vani)


Protects against the action of obstructive and pathogenic spirits. No damage can overcome you. If a person is subject to fear, if he quickly loses strength, then the lamas advise him to perform the Vajrapani practice, reciting the mantra 108 times.

Manjushri Mantra


Helps achieve success in intellectual pursuits. Helps to gain wisdom and helps to understand the emptiness of phenomena.

Mantra of White Tara (Tsagan Dyark)


The practice of White Tara promotes spiritual growth and prolongation of life, overcoming life-threatening obstacles. White Tara symbolizes exceptional purity and transcendental wisdom, and is also the goddess of long life.

How to achieve your desired goal? How to remove obstacles from the path? Sometimes we experience powerful resistance along our path that prevents our goals from being realized. At such moments, help from the upper world is needed. In this article we will learn how to recite a mantra that removes all negative energies from the path.

This mantra removes all evil and negativity from a person’s path, giving him power and strength to overcome any obstacles. Vajrapani is a wrathful deity who personifies the forces that remove obstacles on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

According to popular beliefs, Vajrapani personifies the thunderer (vajra in Sanskrit means lightning). He is also considered the patron of snakes and rain. The text goes like this:

"OM Vajrapani Hum Pe."

If a person is haunted by enemies or troubles, one should chant this mantra 108 times every morning, meditating on the image of Vajrapani. For counting, a rosary made of natural stone (108 beads) is used.

Listen to the mantra online:

When meditating, one should imagine how a stream of blue color and heavenly nectar emerge from the area of ​​Vajrapani’s heart, which envelops the practitioner from head to toe. This flow cleanses the aura of dirt and disease.

Then one should imagine how a stream of golden color and divine nectar emerges from the region of the heart of Vajrapani. This flow envelops the aura and is a protection against negative manifestations. The next morning the meditation is repeated. You need to practice for as long as necessary for protection.

Om Sarva Mangala Mangalye

The words of the mantra are addressed to the soft power of the Absolute. Its power crushes evil, provides protection from obstacles, and eliminates physical and psychological pain. The power of the heavenly stream, called upon by the words of the mantra, cuts off dark energies and bad influences on a person’s path.

This formula can be used to protect family, children, property. Sacred words give the power to say “no” to annoying people, to eliminate the adverse influence of dishonest and shady people. With the help of attracted celestial energies, a person can cope with problems calmly.

“Om S'arva Mangala Mangal'e
Shiva S'arvata Sadik'e
Shar`anye Trayambake Gaur`i
Narayani Nam'ostute."

In Sanskrit:

ॐ सर्वमङ्गलमङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तुते ॥१॥

Listen online (repeated 108 times):

Mantra “Ad Guray Name”

This magical formula removes obstacles and provides protection from any manifestations of dark forces. It must be practiced at dawn, when help and support from the upper world is needed:

  • in hard situations;
  • when attacked by ill-wishers;
  • in case of serious illness;
  • for support in your endeavor.

Text words:

"Ad Gurey Name
Jugat Gurey Name
Sat Gurey Name
Siri Guru Deve Name."

Listen to the mantra Ad Guray Name:

Sacred words attract protective energies that surround a person and destroy evil. When singing, you need to imagine your situation, which you decided to cover with protection. You should see how all obstacles are removed, and the green light is on ahead.

Mantra for removing obstacles

This magical formula gives the practitioner enlightenment, sharpens intuition and tunes into the spiritual channel. The mantra activates a person’s mind, and he is able to independently cope with any negative manifestations. He begins to see through the situation, choosing the right path. A very powerful mantra to overcome any evil.

“Ek on(g) kar sat gur prasaad,
Sat gur prasaad ek on(g) kaar.”

“God and we are one. I know this by the grace of the true Guru. God and we are one."

Vajrakilaya Mantra

This formula fights dark manifestations within and around a person. A powerful stream of light eliminates any internal demons attacking the practitioner's brain. The mantra also cleanses the space around a person and his home from dark energies.

"Om Bendza Kili Kilaya
Sarva Biganen Bam Hum Phat.”

The mantra eliminates aggressive energies, anger and ignorance. Frees the mind from information garbage, cliches and stereotypes.

Listen to the Vajrakilaya mantra:

If things don't go well: mantra to Ganesha

If your affairs cannot get off the ground, the elephant-headed deity Ganesha comes to the rescue. Ganesha (Ganapathi) is a symbol of wisdom, success and good luck. The energies of Ganesha remove any evil and obstacles from a person’s path.

“Aum Vakratundaya Hum x2
Vakratundaya Dhimahi x2
Ganesha Avatar Namaha."

The mantra also helps in despondency and depression. It liberates the mind, clarifies the situation, and inspires good luck. Ganesha is a very bright and positive deity of Hinduism. He is very loved in India. When making a request to Ganesha, it is traditional to stroke his trunk.

How to use mantras to remove negative energies from the path? To do this, you must clearly define what exactly is stopping you and what goal must be realized. After that, you turn to certain deities in it and ask for protection.

You can practice at any time. It is better to chant mantras at dawn. How many times should they be repeated? According to the Hindu tradition, mantras are pronounced 108 times; they can be said 9 or 27 times. However, the power of the formula increases with each new round of reading. Therefore, sacred formulas are recited many times. Some mantras gain power after being recited 1008 times.

It is better to sing mantras directly addressing the deity, that is, his image. You can print the image on a printer and laminate it - then the picture will always be intact and not wrinkled. In esoteric stores you can purchase a figurine of the desired deity and arrange a mini-altar in your home.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Among bodhisattvas, a special place is occupied by Vajrapani (Sanskrit: Vajrapāṇi, Tib. phyag na rdo rje Channa Dorje) - an angry bodhisattva, personifying active compassion and strength, eliminating obstacles, delusions on the path to Enlightenment, a protector-guardian and a symbol of power. His name literally means “Holding a vajra in his hand” (vajra - “diamond”, “lightning”, symbol of indestructibility).

For yogis, Vajrapani represents the method of achieving strong determination and symbolizes unrelenting effectiveness in conquering ignorance.

Vajrapani Bodhisattva is also the guardian of all healing teachings. According to legend, in the past Vajrapani was the god Indra and was not familiar with the sufferings that living beings experience, but when he himself experienced serious physical illness due to his own pride and arrogance, he awakened compassion for all living beings who also , like him, being exposed to the influence of three poisons, they suffered and created reasons for new suffering. After this, Shakyamuni Buddha entrusted him with keeping all the secret knowledge of healing, thus closely connecting him with the Medicine Buddha, and Vajrapani began to be called upon for the effective treatment of serious diseases that cannot be treated by any other treatment.

The Vajravidarana-nama-dharani says that the guardians of the four cardinal directions addressed the Buddha with the words that evil in the world overcomes good, and the Enlightened One asked Vajrapani to come up with a means to protect the pure in spirit. Then the bodhisattva took on his angry form.

Together with Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri, he forms the main triad - Mercy, Wisdom and Strength.

He is depicted as dark blue, standing with his legs spread wide on the solar disk in a halo of raging flames, which represents the transformative power of Awakening and wisdom. Vajrapani is crowned with a five-pointed crown of skulls (symbolizing the five Wisdoms of the Buddha), yellow-red hair stands on end, an eye of wisdom in his forehead, and a fierce expression. In his outstretched right hand he holds a vajra, denoting his ability to cut through the darkness of delusion, in his left - a lasso or noose for catching demons. He is decorated with various jewelry, gold and bone ornaments, has bracelets made of writhing naga snakes on his arms and legs, and wears an apron made of tiger skin. Vajrapani has an angry appearance, but he represents an enlightened mind and is therefore completely free from anger.

Vajrapani mantra and its meaning:

Oṃ Vajrapāṇi Hūṃ


The Vajrapani mantra represents the combination of the bodhisattva's name between the two bija syllables "OM" and "HUM". Helps you gain access to that irresistible energy of the enlightened mind, the qualities that Vajrapani personifies.

Reciting the Vajrapani bodhisattva mantra with sincere good intentions helps to overcome various ailments and misconceptions, brings self-confidence, strong support in any endeavors, determination, purposefulness, and increases a person’s strength and capabilities.

In some traditions, mantra is used in healing practices.

You can download different variations of the mantra execution .