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Painful pimples on the labia. Why do pimples appear on the labia and what to do?

Such an intimate female problem as the appearance of acne on the labia of the vagina raises not only a bunch of questions regarding the woman’s health, but can also become a serious psychological complex, especially in the area of ​​intimate life. What does the appearance of this kind of rash on the labia mean? Should we panic? Let's figure it out further.

Types of acne and causes of appearance

Doctors emphasize that women experience the appearance of pimples in the intimate area quite often. In most cases, this situation indicates that there has been a malfunction in the functioning of the female body, but this is not the only reason for the occurrence of such trouble. It happens that such rashes are just a cosmetic defect.

To accurately determine the cause, you will need to find out the following points:

  • What size is it?
  • What color is it?
  • Does it come out with pus or not?
Having clarified these points, you can determine the type of pimple and the reason for its appearance.

White pimples on the labia

Already from the name it is clear that rashes of this type are visually white in color. They are bumps the size of a poppy seed, which fill with pus over time (the pimple reaches the stage of full maturity).

As a rule, after the head, which contains pus, reaches its peak growth, the pimples go away. Purulent pimples on the labia also fall into the category of white pimples.

Common manifestation factors include:

  • Minor injury to the intimate area and bacteria entering the wound, for example, when removing hair in the bikini area with a razor.
  • Wearing underwear made of synthetic materials or rarely changing pads.
  • Hypothermia of the body - this leads to the fact that blood circulation is disrupted, and the pathogens of purulent pimples receive all the favorable conditions for their activity and reproduction.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. If white pimples are localized near the mucous membrane, this may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted infection.

If pimples with liquid inside and begin to burst with the release of this liquid (transparent or cloudy), then it is likely that they are caused by. This is a lifelong disease that cannot be eliminated, but its manifestations can be suppressed for a while. You need to monitor your diet, lifestyle, and also improve your immunity. And if herpetic rashes occur, immediately begin treatment with local antiherpetic agents and avoid sexual relations until the acne is completely eliminated. Read more about herpes treatment.

Genital herpes is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact, so there is a risk of infecting your sexual partner.

In what situations should you immediately consult a doctor?

Some of the formations in the intimate area do not pose a threat to health, while others become a symptom of a more serious disease, so it is important to know in which situations you should immediately consult a doctor. So, consultation with a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist is necessary if:

  • Pimples do not go away in more than 7 days. It doesn’t matter whether the pimple becomes inflamed or nothing happens to it.
  • Pimples not only cause cosmetic discomfort, but also begin to itch and burn, which leads to swelling of the labia.
  • If, in addition to a red pimple, peeling of the epidermis also appears.
  • If intimacy without using a condom provokes the appearance of acne.
  • In addition to acne on the labia, other ailments are also troubling: high fever, weakness in the body, enlarged lymph nodes.
  • An open wound has formed at the site of the pimple, which does not heal for a long time (from 14 days).
In this case, the doctor will determine the exact cause of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

5 rules for treating acne on the labia

There are a number of measures that you need to take to alleviate your condition, and they do not depend on what etymology the education has:
  • Make sure you wear underwear made from natural material. If the fabric contains at least some amount of synthetics, you should avoid such underwear for a while. It is also important that the underwear fits in size - it should not press anywhere.
  • Don't forget about genital hygiene. An intimate shower should be taken both in the morning and in the evening, and every day. During this process, it is imperative to use products intended specifically for intimate hygiene, since they are also antibacterial. In addition, they have a mild effect and do not disturb the pH balance of the mucous membranes of the genitals. If there is no suitable product, regular soap made specifically for children will do.
  • Pimples that do not cause any discomfort, but are still of concern from an aesthetic point of view, can be treated with disinfectant solutions. One option is this.
  • For any pimples, regardless of their type and cause of appearance, it will be useful to drink a vitamin-mineral complex. Vitamins are sold without a doctor's prescription, so if you feel unwell, you can immediately buy yourself a vitamin complex and begin therapy. This will help strengthen the body and quickly cope with the pathogens that led to the appearance of pimples in the area of ​​a woman’s external genitalia.
  • Avoid shaving your bikini area with tools that have a blade. The blade not only irritates the delicate skin of the intimate area, but also causes microtraumas through which infection can penetrate, and then all treatment will simply be pointless. If you need depilation in such situations, it is best to use a depilatory cream that is suitable for sensitive skin.
While observing these measures, do not forget about the need to visit a doctor, who can prescribe treatment with complex measures, which include

Pimples... How much trouble they bring to a person! Sometimes even the smallest pimple can ruin a person’s mood for a long time. But it’s even more unpleasant if such a pimple appears on the labia. To begin with, it is worth noting that such phenomena are more typical for adolescents. Most often, it does not pose any danger and is not a symptom of a serious illness, including a sexually transmitted disease.

It is often found on the labia in girls. A representative of the fair sex may experience quite painful and unpleasant sensations when touching this area. most often it is a simple blockage of the glands, which are called sebaceous, which means that this does not harm women’s health in any way. Pimples on the labia are not a disease; they are not transmitted by direct contact.

Sometimes white pimples are visible on the labia. They don't itch, don't hurt, and don't bother me at all. Such pimples usually disappear within a week. The fact is that people often mistake so-called hair follicles for acne. After some time, hair grows from these dots, while others may remain such white dots forever. In any case, this is all completely normal. There is no need to worry about this at all.

But this cannot be said about purulent pimples, which sometimes form on the external genitalia. They are not sexually transmitted; they simply become infected in the sebaceous gland. To prevent such an infection from occurring, a woman must comply. If she does not comply with them, it is quite possible that a pimple will soon appear on the labia. This occurs as a result of blockage of the duct of any sebaceous gland. Subsequently, they fester and cause severe pain to the woman.

They are located throughout the human body. However, in some places, due to the thick skin, they are simply not visible. As for the skin that covers the genitals of women or men, it is very thin and sensitive in such areas. It is for this reason that any changes in this place will be almost immediately noticeable to your eye.

In general, a pimple on the labia often has exactly the same origin and structure as similar formations on the skin of the face. However, they often differ in color. A pimple on the labia may be red or even black, and if you squeeze it, a white mass will come out. However, as on the face and other parts of the body, pimples on the genitals should never be squeezed out. How is this ban explained? After squeezing a pimple, an infection can get into the gland duct. You understand that if the sebaceous duct becomes infected, you will have to consult a specialist and then undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics and other medications.

If you have a pimple on your labia, do you maintain proper personal hygiene? After all, this does not require a lot of time and effort. Simply wash your genitals daily with soap and water. The industry now produces quite effective cosmetics for intimate hygiene, and they also have a pleasant aroma.

Acne can be a consequence of a lack of vitamins in your body, as well as poor nutrition. Many experts claim that all external manifestations: allergies, as well as acne, are the consequences of eating food. If you have a pimple on the labia, it is better to get examined by a specialist who will find out the cause of its occurrence and give recommendations on how to combat it skin phenomenon.

Proof of dysfunction in the female body are white pimples on the labia. A delicate problem becomes a source of strong female experiences. Let's try to identify the main causes of sexual pathology and the methods that exist to eliminate the problem.

There is a widespread belief that the labia, endowed with foreign skin elements, is a sign of inadequate hygiene of intimate places. However, there are other reasons for such complications.

White pimples on the labia differ mainly in their purulent contents. They may develop a purulent tip, after which they disappear on their own.

There are 4 conditions that cause such acne:

  1. Damaged labia due to shaving or depilation.
  2. Preference for synthetic underwear.
  3. Sudden temperature changes.
  4. Venereal diseases.

Depilation causes damage to the skin, through which pathogens freely penetrate. The outer labia with elements that are not purulent in nature is often a carrier of a disease transmitted through intimate intercourse.

The best hygienic material for women's underwear is cotton. Panties made of cotton fabric provide free air exchange without creating a greenhouse effect. Synthetics cause diaper rash, which leads to cracks.

Hypothermia or overheating of the female body is the starting point for the formation of genital acne. Critical temperature fluctuations disrupt blood circulation in the genital area, which poses the risk of impaired local immunity.

Large abscesses located in the genital area may have a sexually transmitted etiology. This situation is a necessary reason to contact a venereologist or gynecologist. If elements of the genital area cause painful symptoms when urinating, suspicion falls on herpes. The disease is characterized by the development of closed pustules. A discovered pimple, both on the labia majora and labia minora, needs immediate diagnosis in the office of a dermatovenerologist.

Internal acne

Most cases of formations under the skin are hair follicles and are detected by palpation. The reasons for their birth are said to be changes in hormonal balance, including the endocrine network.

Enlargement of the sebaceous glands

Seals identified during adolescence that do not cause pain are not a reason to panic. The period of puberty is marked by the activation of the exocrine glands, which, in turn, can provoke an inflammatory process in the hair root (follicles) or lead to clogging of pores. Sprouted hair does not require treatment. If hair growth has stopped or has grown ingrown, there are 2 options for the development of the process in the genital area:

  • suppuration appears;
  • A white pimple forms on the labia.

As a rule, white elements do not cause discomfort, but they cannot be eliminated on their own. This will not bring a positive result and can become a source of infection. The occurrence of inflammation in the hair follicle is fraught with the formation of an abscess and redness around the diseased area. In this case, the possibility of an abscess breaking through is allowed if you use uncomfortable underwear that injures the integument of the intimate area. Insufficient hygiene accelerates the process of turning a microtrauma or crack into a pimple.

Cystic formations

Wen are considered harmless if they are not inflamed. Otherwise, surgical intervention is necessary. In modern medicine, a wen is called a lipoma. This benign subcutaneous formation, consisting of subcutaneous tissue, usually has a round shape and a jelly-like consistency. A pimple that appears in the external genitalia remains mobile and painless.

Lipoma pimple on the intimate lips is divided into several types:

  • fibrolipoma is recognizable by a large amount of connective tissue;
  • angiolipoma is characterized by a mixture of adipose tissue and blood vessels;
  • Liposarcoma is a rare pimple with a tendency to metastasize and is observed in women between 40 and 50 years of age.

Subcutaneous formations indicate problems associated with immune deficiency. Autoimmune pathologies are treated comprehensively with the participation of a gynecologist, rheumatologist, and dermatologist.

Forms and treatment of genital acne

Light-colored pimples can be large in size and cause discomfort or pain to a woman. The reasons for their origin lie in endocrine disruption, a decrease in the body’s immune strength, and hormonal surges.

Viral acne

A watery-looking body with an elongated apex and dense to the touch is a sign of human papillomavirus. Their appearance provokes reduced immunity and vitamin deficiency.

The labia minora or majora, strewn with small bubbles (1-2 mm), which burst and form erosions, is infected with another virus. The bubbles are crowded on a red base, and then their contents turn white. This rash is characteristic of the genital form of herpes, accompanied by itching and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes. The disease is determined by analyzing a PCR smear. In case of a positive result, treatment is prescribed, including a set of measures:

  1. Therapy with antiherpes drugs
  2. Therapy with immune drugs.
  3. Prescription of antiherpetic vaccine.
  4. Auxiliary treatment with ointments.

Herpes is dangerous for both the woman and the partner, so timely consultation with a doctor guarantees the “catch” of the insidious virus and eliminates the possibility of relapse.

Molluscum contagiosum, a disease in which the labia is also affected by the virus. Most often, adults with weakened immune systems are affected by invasions in the genital area. The incubation period of such neoplasms is no more than 2 months. Their birth is characterized by the appearance of vesicles - 2-8 mm - flesh-colored with an indentation in the middle, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. When pressing on the element, a white substance is released. Sometimes adult patients experience symptoms of itching when a secondary infection is attached to the molluscum. Molluscum contagiosum should be distinguished from condylomas and papillomas. Nodules are also not a type of cancer. In healthy people, it disappears on its own without causing discomfort. A progressive disease is treated by destruction. For this purpose the following is used:

  • chemical removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • coagulation;
  • removal with tweezers.

To establish a diagnosis, only an examination by a dermatologist is required; no studies are performed.

Hormonal nodes

Granular Fordyce cysts are frequent “guests” on the mucous membranes and genitals. A nodular defect is formed as a pimple of the sebaceous glands, small in size and light in color. A Fordyce nodule on the skin of the genital organs is not painful or dangerous. The reason for their appearance is considered to be the displacement of the sebaceous glands closer to the surface of the skin due to a surge in hormone levels. Sebum accumulates in the form of dense nodules and represents an aesthetic defect that is effectively removed using laser, liquid nitrogen and electrocoagulation. The surgical removal method is not used today because it leaves postoperative scars. There are also folk methods of dealing with cyst-shaped granules based on mumiyo. The product for external use "Retin-A" has a strong healing effect.

Recommendations for carriers of genital white acne

For women, a serious reason to think about their health and contact an appropriate specialist occurs when:

  1. The rash or cystic growths do not disappear within a week.
  2. There are unpleasant symptoms: itching, proliferation of elements, erosion, swelling of tissues.
  3. The rash appeared after intimate intercourse.
  4. Body temperature rises, lymph nodes enlarge.
  5. Open wounds appear.

Personal hygiene these days is becoming an important part of therapy. Replace special intimate care products with regular baby soap. When removing hair, use a cream for sensitive skin instead of a razor. Don't forget about the correct size of underwear and choice of material. White pimples on the labia that are not accompanied by pain symptoms can be cured on your own by using antiseptics. Remember, pain (especially during urination) requires an urgent visit to the doctor. It is likely that the disease is infectious in nature and requires complex treatment.

Very often, women do not pay attention to their health and sometimes “miss diseases” that can lead to serious consequences.

Often, women notice the formation of pimples on important organs, including the genitals. Is there any cause for concern, and for what reason do pimples form in intimate places?

Pimples on the genitals

Both men and women are susceptible to the formation of pimples on the genitals. Of course, many people panic, and some completely ignore the appearance of acne. What to do in such situations? Could there be any threat from such rashes?

In fact, the appearance of acne on the genitals is a reason to visit a highly qualified specialist. This is necessary, first of all, to understand the cause of the acne breakout.
Of course, the appearance of pimples is not always an indicator of any disease.

Often, they disappear on their own and are completely harmless. However, there is another side to such cases. Sometimes, acne breakouts can cause serious illnesses. In this case, reliable diagnosis and assistance from a doctor are required.

How to get rid of women's disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she explained what medications she took, whether traditional medicine was effective, what helped and what didn’t.

To understand what we are talking about, you need to define what acne is and in what form it appears on the genitals. Pimples are spherical formations with contents such as pus. We can say that acne is an enlarged sebaceous gland.

The formation of pimples can be attributed to the inflammatory process due to the fact that the contents of the formations are pus.

Pimples can appear either singly or multiple times. There are many types of acne, differing from each other in content, character, size and other characteristics. What types of acne can form on the genitals?

Types of rashes

As you know, rashes are different and differ in the content that fills the pimple. Often, acne occurs with pus and water.

Pimples also differ from each other in color. You may notice inflamed pimples that are bright red in color. This suggests that the inflammation process is at its peak. You may notice yellow pimples, the contents of which consist of pus.

It often happens that the skin is accompanied by painful sensations when pressed, but there are no visible changes on the skin. This indicates that the pimple is of a subcutaneous type. This type of acne is painful.

There are seals on the skin, and removing a pimple will require quite a bit of effort. The seal on the skin prevents the contents from coming out, which often turn out to be purulent.

White pimples on the labia

Small white pimples on the labia minora are a common occurrence today.

Among white pimples, there are two types of rashes:

  • similar in appearance to goose skin;
  • having a white head with purulent contents.

White pimples, which resemble goose bumps in appearance, can pop up due to a large accumulation of cells that are considered dead. These cells belong directly to the epidermis. The accumulation of cells is often concentrated near the hair follicles or on the inside of the mucous membrane.

Due to the appearance of pimples, the skin becomes rough, hard, and rough. To get rid of pimples, it is enough to ensure the necessary hygiene and also treat the area of ​​rough skin with a washcloth.


  • Shaving frequently. This often happens when the method of hair removal is chosen using a razor. When using a razor, it is very easy to damage not only the skin, but also the hairs on the skin. When damaged, microbes can easily penetrate into the epidermis, which causes the inflammatory process to begin, resulting in a rash of pimples. Due to frequent depilation, hairs become quite thin. This is, of course, an advantage, but still such hair cannot grow outward and grows into the skin. Ingrown hairs also contribute to inevitable inflammatory processes.
  • Synthetic underwear. Today in lingerie stores you can see a large assortment, which, unfortunately, is offered from non-breathable fabric called synthetics. Synthetic underwear is the first reason why inflammatory processes occur. Due to synthetic fabric, the skin begins to sweat, thereby creating a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.
  • Hypothermia of the body. In such situations, the immune system is compromised. After all, first of all, the level of immunity decreases, which subsequently causes bacterial activity, accompanied by the formation of pimples.
  • Venereal and infectious diseases. When diagnosing diseases of an infectious nature, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, processes of inflammation and the appearance of pimples may develop.

Subcutaneous pimples on the labia

Subcutaneous acne is another type of rash that often worries women. Being under the skin, such pimples accumulate a large amount of pus and are dense.

When you press on the place where the pimple has formed under the skin, you may feel pain.

This type of pimple can be identified by compaction in the skin.

Many people try to get rid of this type of acne on their own. This is not worth doing.

Firstly, it is very easy to introduce an infection into an already inflammatory process with your hands. Secondly, it will not be possible to completely remove such a pimple.

It is best to leave the pimple and not touch it yourself. After all, this is also dangerous because this type of pimple can develop into a boil, the removal of which cannot be done without medical intervention. If such a pimple bothers you for a long time and the exacerbation does not go away on its own, then it is better to consult a doctor.

Often, women confuse red pimples and rashes. If a rash appears on the skin, then it does not pose a threat. A red rash can occur due to hormonal changes, as well as during pregnancy, as well as during puberty and.

If red pimples form, this can cause stressful situations. Such rashes, as a rule, go away on their own and do not pose any harm to a woman’s health.


Due to a cold, acne may also break out. This is due to a reduced level of the immune system. Such rashes do not pose any threat and will disappear on their own as soon as the body returns to its normal state and the level of immunity is restored.


Watery pimples often occur in women. Many patients do not attach importance to rashes, but in vain. After all, watery-looking pimples can cause genital herpes.

Genital herpes is transmitted from a sexual partner. During the treatment period you should abstain from sexual intercourse. Moreover, diagnosis is necessary, as well as consultation with a doctor.



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  • Transitional age. During puberty, every girl faces the problem of pimples. Pimples can appear not only on the face, but also on the genitals. There is an explanation for everything - puberty. Due to hormonal changes, pimples appear in the body. The most important thing is not to remove the rash yourself. This can make the condition worse.
  • Inflammation. Inflammatory processes are also one of the reasons why pimples appear. The thing is that inflammatory processes manifest themselves quite simply and easily. Inflammations can be due to lack of hygiene, synthetic underwear, excessive sweating, as well as stressful situations and a lowered immune system.
  • Uncomfortable underwear. Uncomfortable underwear means wearing synthetic underwear. Due to the non-breathable material of the underwear, the skin under the underwear begins to sweat. In this case, favorable conditions are created for the development of bacteria, which subsequently cause inflammatory processes and the eruption of pimples. It is recommended that women choose cotton underwear.
  • Lack of hygiene. Failure to comply with hygiene rules also leads to the appearance of rashes and pimples. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to wash your face twice a day – morning and evening. It is also necessary to select and exclude laundry soap.
  • STD. This type of rash is the most dangerous of all existing ones. As a rule, with STDs, they may also appear. In case of such diseases, you must immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and complete and effective treatment. With such diseases, pimples appear multiple times and contain water. The big disadvantage of these diseases is their instant spread throughout the genitals.
  • . Papillomas, like condylomas, can begin to spread throughout the entire genital organ. Papillomas look the same as pimples. It is also better to diagnose such rashes by a doctor and achieve effective treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

It is necessary to consult a doctor when acne does not go away for a long time and causes severe pain, it can itch and itch. They should be treated immediately.

If you become ill, you need to urgently get tested and undergo appropriate diagnostics. In such cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. The formations are somewhat similar to pimples, but have different contents. They resemble small warts, as well as watery blisters, which instantly and multiply spread throughout the genital organ.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We settled on one drug - which helped cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to... Once I started taking it, it became much easier, you can even feel it "that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have a sexual relationship with my husband again, otherwise it was all without much desire."


  1. If the rash does not pose a threat to the woman’s health, most often doctors prescribe hygiene rules (twice a day), as well as treating the skin with antiseptic drugs.
  2. If the rash is the cause of an infectious or sexually transmitted disease, the doctor prescribes individual comprehensive treatment depending on what disease was diagnosed and its severity. Treatment is prescribed with medications containing active substances. This is prescribed when infectious or sexually transmitted diseases are detected. In such cases, an integrated approach is used with the addition of a complex of vitamins. Treatments such as using an antiseptic and observing basic hygiene rules are often avoided.

Pimples on the labia are a symptom indicating a dysfunction of the body. The rash may be accompanied by pain, disrupting the woman’s general well-being. And there are quite a few reasons for this phenomenon, so it is hardly possible to independently establish their cause and eliminate it.

The most common provoking factor is a violation of the rules of intimate hygiene or, on the contrary, too ardent adherence to them (microtrauma of the mucous membrane with the invasion of a secondary infection). Rashes are also accompanied by a number of serious diseases, so if a pimple appears, you should consult a gynecologist or urologist.

White pimples on the labia

Sometimes such blisters are filled with purulent contents. When the purulent heads mature, the rash goes away. The reason may be hidden in microtraumas that occurred during hair removal in this area.

For example, after epilation and shaving, irritation often occurs, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the areas where future hairs grow; accordingly, pimples filled with cloudy liquid form.

The cause of white pimples on the labia may be hidden in the regular wearing of synthetic underwear. Such fabric is not able to allow air and moisture to pass through, which contributes to overheating of the skin and irritation.

White rashes sometimes form when the body is overcooled or overheated. Critical temperatures, both low and high, lead to impaired blood circulation; accordingly, local immunity deteriorates; pathogens of pustular diseases can actively and uncontrollably multiply.

Purulent pimples that appear on the labia

They are localized only on the mucous membrane and are most often provoked by sexually transmitted pathologies. In this case, it is necessary to consult a qualified dermatovenerologist or gynecologist, undergo a comprehensive examination, and proceed with treatment based on the results. In the early stages of the development of such diseases, the prognosis is more than favorable.

It is worth noting that the cause may be HPV - human papillomavirus. When it enters the body, condylomas are formed on the skin, which can become malignant. The probability of contracting HPV through sexual contact is close to 60%.

Why did a subcutaneous pimple appear on the labia majora or minora?

Such rashes, as a rule, do not cause pain, but can be easily felt
upon palpation. There are several reasons for their appearance.

Enlargement of the sebaceous glands is one of the provoking factors. A similar phenomenon can be noticed on the thin skin of the external genital organs, but does not pose a threat to the body.

Typically, the glands do not expand in the presence of any pathologies, but are simply a physiological feature of a particular female body. The glands expand and shrink on their own, but treatment is not required in this case. A subcutaneous pimple may be a fatty cyst.

The reason for their formation is blockage of the sebaceous gland due to excessive amounts of sebum. If the cyst is not inflammatory in nature, it does not pose a danger. Otherwise, when inflammation is present, drug and then surgical treatment is necessary.

Decreased immunity is another reason why an internal pimple may occur on the labia majora or minora. Such rashes, accompanied by pain, most often accompany diseases of the immune system. They arise against the background of increased production of aggressive protective cells. As a result, they attack their own body, as a result of which it ceases to function properly. In this case we are talking about autoimmune diseases. These need to be treated together with a rheumatologist and gynecologist.

Red pimples on the labia

In this case, it is necessary to evaluate not only the color of the lesions, but also the size and pain of the rash. If they are small and not accompanied by pain, they may be a type of acne or acne.

Otherwise, when they are accompanied by pain and reach significant sizes, hormonal imbalances or disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system can be suspected.

Very often, the listed phenomena are diagnosed in adolescents and during menopause. In addition, they can be of an emotional nature, when the cause of their appearance is stress and regular lack of sleep, respectively, disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.

Cold pimples

In this case, the provoking factor is prolonged hypothermia of the body and the subsequent cold. There is also a possibility that this disease will become infectious or viral, which can lead to suppuration.

This pathology is quite dangerous, since there is a possibility of blood poisoning, so you should not delay treatment.

Watery pimples

If they are filled with clear fluid but have a pointed top, papillomas can be suspected. They are provoked by HPV and a decrease in the body’s immune defense, usually caused by a deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients.

If the pimples burst and release fluid, herpes occurs. This pathology is dangerous both for the woman herself and for her sexual partners. The herpes virus greatly weakens the body's immune system, contributing to the development of various abnormalities in its functioning. The contagiousness of herpes is quite high.

What to do if there is a subcutaneous or any other pimple on the labia?

From the above, we can conclude that rashes in the groin area may indicate the development of serious pathologies, so you need to visit a specialist in this area and undergo diagnostics, especially you should not delay a visit to a specialist if the following symptoms appear:

  1. The rash does not go away within 7 days, regardless of whether it remains unchanged or progresses;
  2. The labia are itchy and swollen;
  3. With a red rash, there is peeling of the skin;
  4. The rash is watery in nature;
  5. The pimple appeared after unprotected sexual intercourse, especially after a recent change of partner. There is a high probability that this phenomenon is a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases;
  6. The general condition worsens, the temperature rises, the lymph nodes enlarge;
  7. Wound surfaces form that do not heal for 2 weeks.

Treatment of rashes on the genitals

If any rash appears in the genital area, it is recommended to use regular baby soap as a means of intimate hygiene. It is better to avoid using various cosmetics, because they contain preservatives and fragrances that only increase irritation.

It is not recommended to remove hair in the bikini area using a regular razor. For these purposes, it is better to use depilatory creams specifically designed for this area. Such cosmetics, as a rule, rarely cause side effects in the form of irritation.

If the cause of the rash is functional or hormonal disorders, then you cannot self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a doctor, diagnose and treat identified pathologies.

Such rashes can indicate many pathologies, ranging from common colds to serious sexually transmitted diseases. Incorrect therapy or lack thereof leads to the development of complications, for example, blood poisoning, which poses a threat to health and even life, chronic inflammation, leading to problems with the reproductive functions of the body.