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What is the most popular thing on the Internet right now? How to view search query statistics


Perhaps the most visited service in Russia is wordstat from Yandex. To select, just follow the following link http://wordstat.yandex.ru/?cmd=words and enter the query you are interested in in the “Key words and phrases” field. After clicking on the “Select” button, a table will appear in front of you, the left side of which will display the most popular queries, and the right side will show related queries.

Do not forget that the display of query statistics is different for regions, so if you are interested in regional information, use the “By” tab. There you should specify your choice - region or city.

Rambler (Rambler) is no less famous than Yandex, but clearly inferior in terms of, and more recently, completely using the search technologies of the above-mentioned company. To go to the service for checking request statistics, click on the link http://adstat.rambler.ru/wrds/. In the empty rectangular window, enter the words or phrases of interest, and then click the “Calculate” button.

This service is clearly inferior to Yandex, but there is also a regional issue: check the box next to the “Geography of requests” item or click the “Geography statistics” link and click the corresponding button.

Google has two products that allow you to create an objective assessment of entered queries: using a service for selecting keywords, you can select the most relevant query, and the Google comparative search statistics service gives an idea of ​​​​the query being promoted.

The keyword selection service (AdWords) is Wordstat from Yandex, you can find it at the following link https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal. Search query statistics can be viewed on this page http://www.google.ru/insights/search/.

Video on the topic

Before you start creating a website, you need to know exactly who will be looking for it and why. And all the more necessary information about statistics requests, if it is planned to be promoted.

You will need

  • computer, internet


Specify the list of parameters that interest you in your requests. In addition to the words typed, the period of data analysis - a week, a month - can also be important. Understand what kind of audience you need. For example, in Russia the most used search engine is Yandex. And to work with domestic Internet users, focus on its indicators. If the real location of the site visitor is not so important, then it is necessary to conduct an analysis using Google and Rambler.

Go to http://wordstat.yandex.ru/ and enter the desired word. Specify the region, if it matters (in our case, most likely, you need to select “Russia”. Enter a word or phrase that denotes your product or service. Click the “select” button. You will receive two columns: the left one with data on your request, the right one - with data about what else these people were interested in.

Go to the “regions” tab to find out how popular this request is in different parts of Russia and the world. There are also two columns here: absolute number requests and regional popularity as a percentage. This data can be visualized on a map. To do this, go to the appropriate tab. If seasonal variations are important to you, open by month and week.

Every day, users formulate about one and a half million Yandex search queries as questions. For example, [what to use to catch crucian carp], [who are these hipsters] or [when will I get married]. Question requests account for more than a percentage of the total daily flow

Most often they ask questions about current topics: about the latest Internet memes, new films, etc. Having arisen in connection with a certain event, requests disappear shortly after the event has passed. For example, in January the most popular questions were related to the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive" and the TV series "Magnificent Century". And in June - with the popular Internet meme “Who are you? Come on, goodbye!”, exam results (Unified State Exam and State Examination) and the European Football Championship.

Some questions are constantly present in search queries, regardless of the time of year or current events. The most popular of them are [what holiday is it today], [what movie to watch] and [why doesn’t he get in touch].

At any time of the year, questions about dates are equally often asked. Users want to know what can be celebrated right now, when a specific holiday will be or what kind of holiday will be on such and such a date: [when is Tatiana’s day], etc. People are also interested in which days will be non-working days - [May holidays 2012 how we rest]. In winter, compared to summer, people asked much more often about the dates of the “end of the world,” and at the beginning of summer, about the passage of Venus across the disk of the Sun.

Another big topic, always equally popular, is health. Users ask Yandex what to do in a given situation or how to treat a disease: [high blood pressure, what to do], [bitten by a tick, what to do], [stye on the eye, how to treat]. Approximately every fiftieth question to Yandex is in one way or another related to pregnancy: [when to take a pregnancy test], [when the belly begins to grow in pregnant women].

Winter and summer questions

The popularity of some topics varies greatly depending on the time of year. For example, questions about the weather are asked mainly in winter, and all of them are related to cold weather: [when it gets warmer], [at what temperature do you not go to school], [at what temperature can you walk with your child]. Also, in January, compared to June, socio-political questions were asked much more often. First of all, they were caused by changes in legislation that came into force in the new year and the recalculation of various indices: [how much will pensions be increased in 2012], [what can maternity capital be spent on in 2012], [how much will cigarettes cost in 2012].

The European Football Championship started in June, and sports topics rapidly gained popularity - every twentieth request in the form of a question was dedicated to Euro 2012.

They were mainly interested in the schedule of upcoming games and television broadcasts, but also asked about the current score and even about the rules of the game: [what time is Euro 2012 today], [what is the score for Russia versus the Czech Republic], [how many halves are there in football].

Another topic that took off greatly in the summer was exams. In winter, they were practically not remembered, but in June every tenth question was related to the results of the Unified State Exam or State Examination. The most popular subjects, as expected, are Russian and mathematics.

In addition, in June the number of questions related to vacations and travel increased: [how much does a train ticket cost], [where is Ibiza]. Quite often, users ask questions “how to get there” or “how to get” to a certain place. In winter and summer in the same region people ask about different places. Voronezh residents, for example, in winter most often look for how to get to the bird market, and in summer they ask for directions to Kostomarovo.

Questions in different regions

Most questions are of equal interest to users from different regions, but there are differences. For example, only in Kaliningrad they often ask [how much does customs clearance of a car from Germany cost], in Omsk - [what is Cthulhu], and in Chelyabinsk - [why do crocodiles swallow stones]. Also, each region has its own vacation spots, the directions to which are asked most often: in Kyiv they go to the botanical garden, in St. Petersburg to Peterhof, in Belarus to the Mir Castle, and Odessa residents are looking for a way to the local nudist beach.

Popular question words

Among the question words, users most often use “how much” and “how.” This is not surprising - the word “how much” is found in such popular questions as the number of episodes in TV series, the age of celebrities, and the cost of goods. The word “how” usually precedes questions like “how to find out”, “how to spell”, “how to treat”, “how to get there”, “how to remove”, “how to turn off”.

There are minimal differences in the frequency of use of different question words between the four countries studied. Russians are slightly more likely than others to ask “how much?”, Kazakhs – “how?”, and Ukrainians – “why?”. Otherwise there are no differences.

Quite often, users use the constructions “what is it”, “who is it” and “how is it” - with their help they look for definitions of new words, concepts and phenomena. Often, interest in unknown concepts is due to their widespread use in popular culture. For example, the most popular winter query with the interrogative word “what” is obviously caused by mentions of Article 228 of the Criminal Code in many songs of Russian rap artists and the growing popularity of clothes with the inscription “228”. Also often among the top unknown concepts are Internet memes and Internet slang.

Questions on eternal topics

Most often, when asking search questions, users want to solve specific problems, for example, figuring out what movie to watch or checking the weather forecast. But there are also rhetorical questions or questions on eternal topics - [when will I get enough sleep] and [why am I such a fool]. Among them there are many questions about love relationships and, judging by the wording, love issues concern girls to a much greater extent.

Sometimes Yandex is also asked children's questions - [why the sky is blue] or [where do children come from]. Obviously, parents, stymied by such complex questions, have to look for answers on the Internet.

The Yandex search engine receives more than one hundred million requests every day. What are they looking for on the Internet? About half of these requests are entered in ten cities of Russia: these are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. Users of the listed cities launch 18.5 million search sessions, the duration of which, in general, would be 100 years.

On average, a person spends two minutes creating a query and viewing search results. Queries consisting of three or more words have become more popular; queries consisting of one word are much less common. The most verbose Yandex queries are those with five words.

Most often, users turn to the Yandex search engine - 82.7%, then to Search Mail - 36.3% and Rambler - 20.3%. Users from different cities and regions most often request large regional portals that are unknown in other cities.

What is most often searched for on the Internet? In the search engines Yandex, QIP and Search Mail, the most popular queries remain queries on social networks. The majority of users visit them regularly. Next in popularity are queries with the word “porn”; the number of such queries is clearly not decreasing.

Top 10 search queries on Yandex:

  1. In contact with
  2. Classmates
  3. Mail.ru
  4. Porn
  5. In contact, login to the site
  6. In contact login
  7. Auto RU
  8. Porn online
  9. My world
  10. Games for girls

Google also has its own TOP 10 search query:

  1. Download
  2. Classmates
  3. In contact with
  4. Download for free
  5. In contact with
  6. Yandex
  7. Weather
  8. Translator
  9. Programs

There are resources Yandex.Wordstat and Google.Adsense, where you can view and estimate the number of ad impressions in Yandex.Direct; all information is based on user requests. The service works to identify popular topics: the more popular the topic, the more users will be interested in it.

What people are looking for on the Internet now

What questions are asked most often? Most often, users begin interrogative queries with: how many, which or who. These are the most commonly used questions, they are asked every day to all search programs: why do we need men, how to kiss correctly, where to go to study, what is love, where do children come from, where to buy, whose phone number, when will they open, how much does a wedding cost, why is Putin a crab? , what holiday is it today, who wants to become a millionaire.

About 10% of requests have clarifications or direct instructions - to sell, buy or receive something.

The most common clarifications today are requests for download and free.

Every year the number of Internet users is growing inexorably, so the question is always how to interest and attract people, what resources are popular and in demand. Studies have shown that, first of all, queries in various search engines depend on the age of the user.

What is often searched on the Internet

For example, young people 12-17 years old are most often interested in programming, computer equipment, games, payment systems, cars, cell phones, various possibilities of modern technologies and earning money from home. In the age category of 18-24 years old, social networks, chatting, website development and optimization, games (strategies, quests), music and mobile devices are added to all this.

Unlike guys, girls are interested in educational programs, fashion, music, social networks, cosmetics, TV series, television projects, nail extensions and other things.

In older age groups, the Internet is used as widely as among young people. What are people looking for on the Internet? Many people are interested in dating, with the help of which they are looking for a partner for a serious relationship. Some are looking for new movies, listening to online music, and online shopping is also popular.

Regardless of their position and age, users often request the social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

We will talk about one interesting Yandex service that will help us find out what they are looking for Internet users and how they can use it for their own purposes. Any webmaster is probably aware that Yandex has quite a lot of services that are designed to help us. Today we’ll talk about just such a service. How will he help us? It all depends on the goals you are pursuing.

As you might have guessed from this subtitle, we will talk about a service called Yandex live broadcast. And it has a name for a reason. Since this service really provides an opportunity to find out what they are looking for right now in the Yandex search engine online. The topic is really cool. Not only can you see what users enter into the search bar, but you can also use the data for your own purposes, for example, to identify a query that is gaining popularity. That is, for example, we have some kind of topic for writing an article and what do we do? Let's go to Yandex.Wordstat and select keys for your topic. If you don't know how to do this, be sure to read the article about the site. There I explained in detail what was happening.

But let's return to our topic. How can this service help? Usually we select the necessary requests based on frequency and discarding everything unnecessary, that is, zero or unprofitable requests. But, if you use Yandex live broadcast, you can really shoot. Of course, this will require a lot of time or a parser to identify such interesting queries. It works like this: for example, we went to Yandex.Wordstat, selected popular words by frequency and left. But the unpopular words remained. But we know that Wordstat provides information with a lag and therefore a popular query may look like it is not popular. And someone using live broadcast revealed a request which is rapidly gaining popularity, but according to Wordstat it is zero, which we rejected and others too. And a cunning user, using the information received, is sure that this request will bring him a lot of traffic, and even without competition, since others do not promote this request.

This is how, with the help of the Yandex analytical service, you can increase the traffic of your Internet resource; to do this, you just need to find out what users are looking for and use the information received.

Moreover, we can see in which part of the planet the key phrase is being typed, zoom in or pause. And this service is located.

And I would like to add that not so long ago this service showed the last 20 requests and I had to constantly refresh the page. And it wasn’t quite a live broadcast. But now, everything is much more convenient and simpler. And it can be quite fun to follow what users ask, sometimes you see this...

Moreover, with the help of the Yandex analytical center, we can find out the most popular queries for the past year, broken down by category, city and other criteria. You can also look at the topics of the year, etc. That is, by collecting all the necessary information and analyzing it, we can discover a lot of useful things for ourselves and our site.

Popular Yandex queries broken down into different criteria and presented in graphs with percentages as well as brief descriptions. In general, don't pass by.

This is what it looks like, the top themes of 2012 from Yandex.

With the help of this analytical center, you can learn a lot about users, the queries they type, and the Yandex search engine itself. Personally, I’m going to dig a little deeper into analytics and I advise you to do so.

And that's all for me. I told you about what, in my opinion, might be of interest to the site owner. That is, about live broadcasting and popular Yandex queries.

Good luck, friends. Until next time.

Have you ever asked yourself the question: what are people looking for on the Internet? What are they interested in? I think if you are a webmaster, or you are simply interested in the topic of the Internet, then you have asked yourself this question. Let's find out which search queries are the most popular in 2017 in Yandex and Google.

The most popular queries in Yandex 2017

The most popular phrase in Yandex is download for free, and other phrases are also very popular: either with the word “free” or with the word “download”! Well, what can you do, people love free things: download for free, watch for free, play games for free. But besides them, there are other common requests: March 8, New Year, February 23. Yes, holidays are another very popular topic. True, these are so-called situational requests, the traffic for which increases immediately before the event itself. Usually this happens 2-3 days before the holiday and after its completion, requests drop to almost zero. I also want to mention seasonal requests. These are the requests that arise during a certain period of time of the year. There are a lot of such requests, for example, “answers on the Unified State Exam,” “where to relax in the summer,” etc.

Here is a list of the most popular queries in Yandex in 2017.

The most popular queries on Google in 2017.

In Google, the list of the most popular queries is similar to the Yandex list. But there are also some differences. For example, the most popular word here is download. Download for free (also a leader), download MP3, download a movie, download a game. By and large, the lists of the most popular queries for both search engines are almost the same. This is if we take, of course, the Russia region in Google.

Well, now, look at the list of the most popular queries on Google in 2017.

What topic for an article should a webmaster choose to get maximum traffic to the site? First you need to check how many times a particular question has been asked. Some requests are very popular (download for free), others are extremely rare. It is clear that according to popular phrases, there is maximum traffic. But the competition for them is very strong. As a result, it is very difficult to get into the TOP10 of search results using such queries. For rare requests, and even more so for zero ones, getting to the top is usually not a problem. The problem is different, according to them, the traffic is either very small or there is none at all.

To determine the popularity of queries, there are two popular tools - Yandex Wordstat and Google keyword planner.

How to view keyword statistics in WordstatYandex

Yandex Wordstat is the most popular tool in RuNet for obtaining search query statistics. It is free, it allows you to collect data on all search phrases entered by users of the Yandex PS. It's no secret that Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia.

What I like about the WordstatYandex service is its simplicity. To use it, just create an email account in Yandex and go to wordstat.yandex.ru. Next, enter a query and get its statistics. And it's all!

This way you can get the dynamics of statistics for any search query. Moreover, you can get data by region and month.

Yandex Wordstat shows statistics not only for the selected phrase, but also for other search queries related to the search phrase.

Unfortunately, this tool has some disadvantages.

The display of statistics is not entirely clear. For example, if you need statistics on the phrase “summer dresses,” then Yandex will show that this search query was requested 73,000 times. But that's not true. In fact, 73,000 times is the total number of searches that included the words “Summer Dresses.” That is, they also searched for “summer dresses photos”, “buy summer dresses” and so on. If you look at the statistics directly for the phrase “summer dresses”, it turns out that there were significantly fewer such search queries.

To determine exact statistics for a phrase, you need to use the “quote” operator. And then the answer will be completely different.

But you can find out the exact data for each search phrase using the exclamation point operator, see the screenshot.

Thanks to Yandex Wordstat, you can quickly find out statistics on the selected phrase and only then decide whether to use this phrase for promotion.

How to view statistics in Google Planner.

In addition to the Yandex Wordstat service, there is another service. This is a Google service and it is called Google Planner (Keyword Planner). In RuNet, the description of this service is much less common than the description of Yandex Wordstat. And in vain. Since the capabilities of the Google planner significantly exceed the capabilities of Yandex Wordstat.

As with Yandex, you also need to have your own account here. Simply put, you need to have an email account in Google. Next, go to adwords.google.com, after which you need to go to the Tools menu,

and select the item – Keyword Planner.

Now you need to select the item – Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category

Enter the desired search term. Here you can also set additional settings: landing page, category, and so on. However, it is not necessary to specify these settings; you can simply enter the desired phrase and click on the button - Show options.

A window will open with a lot of numbers. It displays how many options there are with the selected keys (as in Yandex), and separately, how many options there are for the selected query. There is also a button here - Download.

The report shows how many impressions a particular search query had. The statistics displayed are approximate. The values, from and to, differ tenfold: a hundred to a thousand requests, a thousand to ten thousand, and so on. For example: the search query, “Summer dresses,” has a total number of one hundred to one thousand (region – Russia). And this error applies to all search queries.

For a general assessment, such statistics will be sufficient. After all, in any case, this is only a rough assessment of whether it is necessary to work with this request. But there is one trick in AdWords. Thanks to this feature, you can get accurate statistics on all queries. True, for this you need to transfer money to an advertising company. Each country has its own minimum requirement for creating an advertising company.

Since I have such an account, here is a screenshot with the exact readings.

As you can see, the exact numbers are already displayed here. More precisely, exact average figures for the year. Although, when creating a report, you can check the box, and then it will indicate the values ​​​​for each month for the past year.

Finding out the statistics of search queries in Yandex is not a problem. It's even easier to do this in Yandex. But Google immediately displays all related queries into an Excel file, thanks to which you can immediately select the necessary keys. You can sort the keys alphabetically, by frequency, by level of competition, by approximate cost.

What is the cost of advertising for a search phrase? First of all, AdWords is designed for advertisers. And of course, it is simply vital for potential advertisers to know how much advertising costs for a particular request. But for webmasters who do not intend to provide paid advertising, it will not be superfluous to know the meaning of this parameter.

In Yandex you can also find out how much advertising costs for a specific request. But for this, you need to open another service. And this is not at all so convenient.

One more thing. The fact is that Google can show phrases that may not contain the keywords you requested. However, these search queries may also be related to the search phrase.

For example, for the phrase “summer dresses,” Google will also suggest the word “sundress.” Essentially, this is a tip for webmasters. Which will allow you to use even more search queries for search engine promotion.

How to combine Yandex and Google tools.

Although Yandex is ahead of Google in terms of the number of search queries, Google also has a very large share. And therefore, for me these search engines are equal. When I receive statistics in Yandex, I understand that the statistics in Google will be similar. And vice versa. Therefore, both tools are relevant to me. And here the scheme of my work is simple.

For example, for Yandex requests
“buy an apartment in Moscow” and
“Buy an apartment from Moscow” will be the same

To avoid this, you must use the + operator before the preposition
“buy an apartment + in Moscow” and
“Buy an apartment + from Moscow”

This is especially important when creating semantics for Direct!


    Good addition on operators, they really need to be used. By the way, I myself also often use “+”


    • Well, I think that any user who is going to work with Wordstat should memorize these operators and understand what each of them represents.
      Moreover, there are not so many of them.