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Which helps keep you healthy. Preservation and strengthening of human health is the primary task of mankind. Health promotion and prevention

health promotion

Group #14

Health - this is a state of the body in which it and all its organs can fulfill their purpose.
Everyone knows that in order to strengthen and maintain health, it is necessary to play sports and temper, or at least do exercises and be outdoors more often. But sometimes it's so hard to force yourself to do a few exercises or take a contrast shower. We are accustomed to postponing everything until tomorrow, as if tomorrow there will be more time and desire than today. So maybe you should start right now?
Health is nature's greatest gift
The so-called "risk factors" play an important role in shaping the level of health. risk factor- additional adverse effects on the body, increasing the likelihood of illness or death.
According to the classification of the American scientist Robins, factors affecting health can be divided into four large groups.
Factors affecting health:

    state of the environment;
    volume and quality of medical care.
The first place in terms of influence on human health in modern conditions is played by factors lifestyle, they account for more than 50%. Such concepts as the standard of living, quality of life, lifestyle, way of life are associated with the way of life.
Among the leading lifestyle factors, negatively affecting health, should be called:
    alcohol abuse;
    harmful working conditions;
    poor material and living conditions;
    drug use;
    fragile, incomplete or large family;
    excessive level of urbanization, etc.
In second place in terms of the power of influence on life are biological factors(sex, age, heredity, constitution). They account for about 20%.
Third place is occupied environmental factors(state of air, water, food, soil, radiation level). The influence of these factors is also about twenty percent.
The fourth place is occupied by medical factors- therapeutic and prophylactic and sanitary and anti-epidemic measures (vaccinations against infectious diseases, the quality of treatment and examination of patients, etc.) determine the state of health only by 10%.
An important conclusion can be drawn from the above data: the main direction of efforts to preserve and improve human health is to improve lifestyle and the state of the environment.
How to improve health?
Can significantly improve health, if you follow 7 recommendations:
    daily 7-8 hour sleep;
    three meals a day at the same hours without overeating;
    daily breakfasts;
    maintaining normal body weight;
    abstinence from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
    daily exercise;
    complete abstinence from smoking.

Human health and healthy lifestyle.
1 Protecting one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone, a person has no right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person with a wrong lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating brings himself to a catastrophic state by the age of 20-30 and only then remembers medicine.
No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways.
Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor.
A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, labor, tempering, and also protecting from adverse environmental influences, allowing you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age.
According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), “Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
In general, we can talk about three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social) health.

    · physical health- This is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the whole human body (self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.
    · mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities.
    · moral health determined by those moral principles that are the basis of human social life, that is, life in a particular human society. The hallmarks of a person's moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of the treasures of culture, an active rejection of mores and habits that are contrary to a normal way of life. A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral monster if he neglects the norms of morality. Therefore, social health is considered the highest measure of human health. Morally healthy people have a number of universal human qualities that make them real citizens.
A healthy and spiritually developed person - he feels great, gets satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty.
The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the relationship and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of our life. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity, not allowing the “soul to be lazy”. Academician N. M. Amosov proposes to introduce a new medical term “amount of health” to denote a measure of the body's reserves.
In a person in a calm state, 5-9 liters of air per minute passes through the lungs. Some highly trained athletes can arbitrarily pass 150 liters of air through their lungs every minute for 10-11 minutes, that is, with an excess of 30 times the norm. This is the reserve of the body. The power of the heart can also be calculated. There are minute volumes of the heart: the amount of blood in liters ejected in one minute. Suppose that at rest it gives 4 liters per minute, with the most vigorous physical work - 20 liters. So the reserve is 5 (20:4). Similarly, there are hidden reserves of the kidneys and liver. They are detected using various stress tests. Health is the amount of reserves in the body, it is the maximum performance of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their functions.
The system of functioning of the body's reserves can be divided into subsystems:
      1. biochemical reserves (exchange reaction);
      2. physiological reserves (at the level of cells, organs, organ systems);
      3. mental reserves.
Consider the physiological reserves at the cellular level of a sprinter. Excellent result in the 100 m run -10 seconds. Only a few can show it. Can this result be significantly improved? Calculations show that it is possible, but not more than a few tenths of a second. The limit of possibilities here rests on a certain speed of propagation of excitation along the nerves and on the minimum time required for muscle contraction and relaxation.
8.2 Factors that shape health and factors that destroy health.
A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition.
Factors affecting human health:
    - ecological - 20-25%;
    - genetic - 20-25%;
    - development of the healthcare system - 8-10%;
    - Healthy lifestyle and social factors - 50%.
    Health classification.
        1. objective - objective indicators of the state of health;
        2. subjective - how healthy the person himself feels;
        3. public - the health of the nation.
The vital activity of a healthy person and its components:
      - the ability to perform a certain physical activity (age, gender);
      - ability to cognitive activity; knowledge is a stimulus to life, an opportunity to prolong it;
      - the ability to adequately emotionally evaluate the events of the external world and one's position in it;
      - the possibility of having healthy children.
Health indicators: fertility, mortality, life expectancy.
The human development index (recognized by the world community) is determined by indicators - the standard of living, education, longevity.
Socio-medical aspects of the life of Russians:
      1) catastrophes, problems characteristic of modern Russia:
      - demographic;
      - consequences of drug use (AIDS);
      - neglect.
Changing behavior and maintaining health are the main values, the main tasks of society.
      2) today in Russia:
    - the death rate exceeds the birth rate by 2 times;
    - 1 million Russians die every year;
    - 85-90% of children born with pathology;
    - more and more families have children with disabilities;
    - there is a birth of children with withdrawal symptoms (hangover, drug addiction);
    - the number of children born from HIV-infected mothers has increased;
    - the maternal mortality rate in the Volgograd region for several years has been 2 times higher than the national average;
    - every third woman dies from a criminal abortion.
The high mortality of the working-age population of the Volgograd region is caused by the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, and these phenomena contribute to the growth of cardiovascular diseases and sexually transmitted infections, injuries and the birth of children with pathology.
Indicators of the social disadvantage of the Russian Federation:
    - 50% of families are socially disadvantaged;
    - 53% of large families are in a state of poverty;
    - 3 million street children;
    - 5-7 year old children commit suicide;
    - 305 thousand mothers in 2003 were deprived of parental rights;
    - 500 new orphanages have been opened in Russia in recent years;
    - 400 thousand orphans are kept in 2000 guardianship institutions;
        - Today, one's own family is becoming a socially dangerous environment for a child (parents are drug addicts);
    - 2 million children in the Russian Federation of school age are not literate;
        - 3,000 graduates of orphanages out of 15,000 commit crimes in the first year.
Tasks and goals of healthy lifestyle:
    - preservation and strengthening of health;
    - disease prevention;
      - extension of human life.
Components of a healthy lifestyle Factors negatively affecting healthy lifestyle
- fruitful work - hypodynamia
- rational mode of work and rest - smoking
- eradication of bad habits - drugs (3-4 million drug addicts in Russia, 2 million AIDS patients)
- optimal motor mode - malnutrition
- personal hygiene - alcoholization
-balanced diet - stress
- drinking culture
The main condition for a healthy lifestyle is the personal interest of a person. The first step on this path is the choice of life attitudes, the definition of a goal in life, then the choice of ways by which you can realize your plans (sports sections, morning exercises, rational nutrition). The main thing to remember is that nothing in life comes for free. And a muscular, harmoniously developed body, and a light gait, and the ability not to get tired for a long time in difficult work - all this is achieved through training and requires constant effort to maintain it.
From the analysis of the causes of death in Russia over the past decades, there is a clear trend towards an increase in the risk factors for mortality from non-communicable diseases (heart disease, blood vessels, cancer, accidents). Many risk factors for deaths from noncommunicable diseases are self-created. These include radiation, toxic substances, environmental pollution, an increase in noise and stress, and, most importantly, a person's lifestyle (decrease in physical activity, malnutrition, smoking, alcohol and drug use). What makes young people resort to contact with substances that are toxic to the body - nicotine, alcohol, drugs? First of all, this desire to be “like everyone else” is the dictate of the company. Self-doubt, the presence of inferiority complexes, the desire to take a leading position - these are the personal prerequisites for the first steps towards bad habits. Social factors include a severe macro- and micro-social climate - economic instability, war, natural disasters, difficult family situation.
Alcohol is an intracellular poison that destroys all human systems and organs. As a result of the systematic use of alcohol, a painful addiction to it develops. According to the WHO, alcoholism annually claims about 6 million human lives.
Tobacco smoking (nicotinism) - a bad habit that consists in inhaling the smoke of smoldering tobacco - this is one of the forms of drug addiction. The diverse consequences of smoking include diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems (ischemic heart disease, hypertension, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema).
Narcotic substances should be understood as chemical products of synthetic or plant origin, drugs that have a special, specific effect on the nervous system and the entire human body, which lead to the removal of pain, changes in mood, mental and physical tone. The achievement of these states with the help of drugs is called drug intoxication.
Drug addiction is a serious disease caused by drug abuse and the acquisition of a pathological addiction to it. The main goal of a drug addict's life is the desire to take a new dose of the drug, other interests are lost, and personality degradation sets in.
The average life expectancy of a drug addict is 7-10 years.


    Smirnov A. T., Mishin B. I., Izhevsky I. V. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle: Textbook - M., 2002
    Frolov M.P. Fundamentals of life safety: Textbook. - M., 2003
    Getia I.G., Getia S.I., Emets V.N. Life safety: Practical exercises. - M., 2002


In order to strengthen and maintain the health of healthy people, that is, to manage it, information is needed both about the conditions for the formation of health (the nature of the implementation of the gene pool, the state of the environment, lifestyle, etc.), and the final result of the processes of their reflection (specific indicators of the health status of the individual or population).
World Health Organization (WHO) experts in the 80s. 20th century determined the approximate ratio of various factors for ensuring the health of a modern person, highlighting four groups of such factors as the main ones. Based on this, in 1994, the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health in the Federal concepts "Protection of public health" and "Toward a healthy Russia" defined this ratio in relation to our country as follows:
genetic factors - 15-20%;
state of the environment - 20-25%;
medical support - 10-15%;
conditions and way of life of people - 50-55%.
The value of the contribution of individual factors of different nature to health indicators depends on age, gender and individual typological characteristics of a person. The content of each of the health promotion factors can be determined as follows (Table 1).
Let's take a closer look at each of these factors.
Genetic factors
The ontogenetic development of daughter organisms is predetermined by the hereditary program that they inherit with parental chromosomes.
However, the chromosomes themselves and their structural elements - genes, can be exposed to harmful influences, and, most importantly, throughout the life of future parents. A girl is born into the world with a certain set of eggs, which, as they mature, are sequentially prepared for fertilization. That is, in the end, everything that happens to a girl, a girl, a woman during her life before conception, to one degree or another, affects the quality of chromosomes and genes. The life expectancy of a spermatozoon is much less than that of an egg, but their life span is also sufficient for the occurrence of disturbances in their genetic apparatus. Thus, it becomes clear the responsibility that future parents bear to their offspring throughout their entire life prior to conception.
Often, factors beyond their control, which include adverse environmental conditions, complex socio-economic processes, uncontrolled use of pharmacological preparations, etc., also affect. The result is mutations that lead to the occurrence of hereditary diseases or to the appearance of a hereditary predisposition to them.
Table 1
Factors affecting human health
Sphere of influence of factors Factors
Health enhancing
Impairing health
genetic Healthy inheritance. The absence of morphofunctional prerequisites for the onset of the disease. Hereditary diseases and disorders. Hereditary predisposition to diseases.
State of the environment Good living and working conditions, favorable climatic and natural conditions, ecologically favorable living environment. Harmful conditions of life and production, unfavorable climatic and natural conditions, violation of the ecological situation.
Medical support Medical screening, a high level of preventive measures, timely and comprehensive medical care. Lack of constant medical control over the dynamics of health, low level of primary prevention, poor quality medical care.
Conditions and lifestyle Rational organization of life: sedentary lifestyle, adequate motor activity, social lifestyle. Lack of a rational mode of life, migration processes, hypo - or hyperdynamia.
In the inherited prerequisites for health, factors such as the type of morphological and functional constitution and the characteristics of nervous and mental processes, the degree of predisposition to certain diseases are especially important.
Life dominants and attitudes of a person are largely determined by the constitution of a person. Such genetically predetermined features include the dominant needs of a person, his abilities, interests, desires, predisposition to alcoholism and other bad habits, etc. Despite the significance of the influences of the environment and upbringing, the role of hereditary factors turns out to be decisive. This fully applies to various diseases.
This makes it clear that it is necessary to take into account the hereditary characteristics of a person in determining the optimal way of life for him, choosing a profession, partners in social contacts, treatment, the most suitable type of load, etc. Often, society makes demands on a person that conflict with the conditions necessary for the realization programs in the genes. As a result, many contradictions constantly arise and overcome in human ontogenesis between heredity and the environment, between various body systems that determine its adaptation as an integral system, etc. In particular, this is extremely important in choosing a profession, which is enough for our country. relevant, since, for example, only about 3% of people employed in the national economy of the Russian Federation are satisfied with their chosen profession - apparently, the discrepancy between the inherited typology and the nature of the professional activity performed is not the least important here.
Heredity and environment act as etiological factors and play a role in the pathogenesis of any human disease, however, the share of their participation in each disease is different, and the greater the share of one factor, the less the contribution of another. All forms of pathology from this point of view can be divided into four groups, between which there are no sharp boundaries.
first group constitute actually hereditary diseases, in which the pathological gene plays an etiological role, the role of the environment is to modify only the manifestations of the disease. This group includes monogenic diseases (such as, for example, phenylketonuria, hemophilia), as well as chromosomal diseases. These diseases are transmitted from generation to generation through germ cells.
Second group- these are also hereditary diseases caused by a pathological mutation, however, for their manifestation, a specific environmental effect is necessary. In some cases, the “manifesting” effect of the environment is very obvious, and with the disappearance of the effect of the environmental factor, clinical manifestations become less pronounced. These are the manifestations of HbS hemoglobin deficiency in its heterozygous carriers at a reduced partial pressure of oxygen. In other cases (for example, with gout), a long-term adverse effect of the environment is necessary for the manifestation of a pathological gene.
third group makes up the vast majority of common diseases, especially diseases of mature and old age (hypertension, peptic ulcer, most malignant tumors, etc.). The main etiological factor in their occurrence is the adverse effect of the environment, however, the implementation of the effect of the factor depends on the individual genetically determined predisposition of the organism, and therefore these diseases are called multifactorial, or diseases with a hereditary predisposition.
It should be noted that different diseases with a hereditary predisposition are not the same in the relative role of heredity and environment. Among them, one could single out diseases with a weak, moderate and high degree of hereditary predisposition.
Fourth group

Health promotion methods. This issue has been given attention for centuries, since human health is the main value of any society, and healthy lifestyle is a way of life of a person, which is aimed at developing immunity against diseases and strengthening health.

As for medicine, it summarizes the experience of strengthening and maintaining human health.

There are two approaches to health promotion.

1) Adopting a healthy lifestyle as a basis.

2) Improving health through medicines and medical intervention.

Even in ancient times, Hippocrates believed that all diseases - from environmental conditions, lifestyle, body type and temperament of a person.

Democritus and Plato came to the conclusion that a person's illness depends on a violation of the interaction between the soul and the body.

And Pythagoras assumed that health is the interaction of spiritual and bodily life.

Thus, since ancient times, the foundations for preserving and strengthening human health have been laid and remain unchanged to this day.

In health promotion, it is easier to prevent illness than to cope with it and its consequences.
In general, the psychology of preservation and the psychology of health promotion are completely different things. All of us, when we get sick, are used to being treated ... and we don’t think about anything until we get sick. If you take care of your health, you can avoid many diseases.

Whoever wants to be healthy constantly thinks about it and takes steps in this direction.

It has long been proven and there is no doubt that illness and premature old age are the choice of each of us, and this happens because of the violation of the Laws of Nature. Each of us, whether a woman or a man, can become a role model.

Observe the following rules daily:

  • daily walk in the fresh air for at least an hour;
  • watch your diet - do not overeat, eat only high-quality and natural food;
  • regular exercise for the muscles of the body;
  • body hygiene and dousing with cold water;
  • healthy sleep, at least 7 hours a day;
  • strengthening inner spiritual strength through meditation.

Health Promotion Tools

Health is very important for any person. It is known that the average life expectancy of a Russian is 12 years less than an American and 5 years less than a Chinese.

Therefore, the promotion of people's health is at the forefront in any country and implies the following principles of health promotion:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • special exercises;
  • special procedures.

These are the basic principles of health promotion.

10 simple methods to improve health.

1. Reduce your fat intake, which will reduce the risk of blood clots and keep your heart from overloading.

2. Healthy sleep. During sleep, our body regenerates itself. Don't drink coffee at night. Caffeine, which is part of it, interferes with healthy sleep.

3. Eat foods rich in fiber. Fiber helps the body eliminate waste products.

4. . Water is the basis of life, helping to increase digestibility nutrients, moisturizes our skin and promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

5. Daily walks in the fresh air. Without them, the muscles of our body weaken and lose strength and endurance.

6. Eat garlic. It helps stabilize blood pressure levels and keeps a person's heart healthy. Garlic is also an immune booster.

7. Laugh more often. When you laugh, the blood begins to move 20% faster through our capillaries and the hormone of joy is produced.

8. . Do difficult tasks more often and train your brain, which will help maintain its potential.

9. Eat oily fish. Oily fish - omega-3 fatty acids included in its composition, reduce cholesterol levels and problems of cardiovascular diseases.

10. Choose bread with whole grains, rich in nutrients that help cleanse blood vessels.

Health preservation and promotion systems are a set of measures designed to heal and rejuvenate the human body:

  • hardening and steam room;
  • qigong and yoga;
  • aromatherapy;
  • water procedures;
  • alternative medicine;
  • impact on biologically active points;
  • sea ​​water;
  • Mountain air.

Anyone who wants to become healthy has a huge choice. The main thing is that everything that is done to improve health should be accompanied by a good mood, and you will not complain about your health throughout your life.

Health promotion is a process that gives people the opportunity to influence and improve their well-being, making all the necessary efforts to correct lifestyle to increase the level of physical and mental well-being.

Health Promotion Factors

A healthy lifestyle is the main factor in promoting health in modern conditions. Its principles are simple: get eight hours of sleep a day, keep your body in good shape, give up bad habits, and exercise regularly. There are a number of reasons that have a great impact on the possibility of changing lifestyles - personal, cultural, family, social. For example, people with long-term life prospects have stable social connections, are open and ready to listen to the opinions of others, are optimistic and have high self-esteem. They have more opportunities to make the necessary changes than people who do not have these qualities. Therefore, leading a healthy lifestyle means, first of all, changing your worldview and taking an active life position.

The environment serves as a secondary factor in promoting health. Natural conditions have a direct impact on human well-being. For a full existence, fresh air and clean water are needed. Even a few hours of outdoor activities will benefit the body, not to mention regular walking, jogging or swimming. Of course, there are problems associated with environmental pollution. But the solution of these problems can be carried out only with the introduction of a new socio-economic policy and a change in the attitude of man to the environment.

Health care is also one of the factors affecting the quality of human life. The complex of measures to improve the health of the population on the part of health care includes:

  • Improvement of mass consumption products;
  • Sanitary control over the cleanliness of the environment;
  • Prohibition of smoking in public places;
  • Conducting vaccinations and medical examinations;
  • Provision of preventive health services.

Health Promotion System

You should always take care of your well-being. For this, a health promotion system was developed, aimed at changing and improving lifestyles. It consists of the following components:

  • Preparation - collecting information about the new lifestyle, as well as examining the presence of risk factors (blood pressure, body weight, general physical condition);
  • Setting goals and objectives - a clear statement of the desired result and the definition of means to achieve it, taking into account their real capabilities;
  • Gradual change in habits - limiting adverse effects on the body is carried out sequentially, since an attempt to change several habits at the same time leads to failure;
  • Strengthening motivation - encouraging success in the path of health promotion;
  • Maintaining the incentive - creating the conditions necessary to consolidate the new behavior and help to establish itself in the principles of the right way of life;
  • Social support - a positive attitude to the ongoing changes on the part of others;
  • Relapse prevention is anticipating and avoiding situations that entail a temporary return to bad habits.

With this system of health promotion in mind, you should plan your daily routine, eat right, exercise and walk in the open air.

Health promotion methods

All health promotion methods are based on the principles of a rational lifestyle.

The daily routine is the basis of normal life. The correct mode provides high performance, protects the nervous system from overwork and increases the overall resistance of the body. It is necessary to maintain an optimal ratio of work and rest every day, as well as to reasonably distribute mental and physical stress. The daily routine includes:

  • Eight hour sleep;
  • Walking or exercising outdoors;
  • Labor activity;
  • Free time;
  • food intake;
  • Personal hygiene.

Motor activity is one of the most important components of the formation and promotion of health. A sedentary lifestyle affects the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and leads to other adverse consequences. Metabolism worsens, blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the whole organism and especially the brain - attention and memory are weakened, coordination of movements is disturbed, and the time of mental operations increases. When choosing exercises, one should take into account not only their frequency and systematic nature, but also the initial state of the body. Walking, jogging, swimming, skiing, cycling, and flexibility exercises provide the best health benefits.

Rational nutrition is a physiologically complete and balanced menu of a healthy person, taking into account his gender, age, work activity and climatic conditions of residence. This method of health promotion is based on four principles:

The eradication of bad habits is a key method of promoting health. Smoking and alcoholism dramatically reduce life expectancy and are the cause of many chronic diseases. These are the strongest depressants and their use relieves psychological dissatisfaction only for a short time. Difficulties in quitting bad habits are associated with withdrawal syndrome. The body does not immediately restore the disturbed mechanisms for releasing dopamine, which is usually produced during positive experiences (pleasant sensations or eating tasty food). Therefore, giving up nicotine and alcohol, a person experiences depression and irritation. As soon as dopamine begins to be produced naturally, the short period of withdrawal syndrome ends.

All health promotion activities should be planned in consultation with a physician.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Science has studied various ways and means of maintaining and strengthening health. Based on the results of research, it is possible to identify the main factors contributing to health promotion. The basics of a healthy lifestyle are a system of rules and norms that everyone must follow and follow. We all worry about our health, we wish to live a long and happy life in the hope of avoiding serious diseases. The relevance of a healthy lifestyle today is due to a change in the rhythm of life, food quality and environmental degradation.

Key Health Factors

Health and a healthy lifestyle are interrelated concepts, since a person’s well-being directly depends on a person’s lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is a complex concept, it includes the following components:

  • physical activity;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • hygiene;
  • correct and balanced diet;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • quality rest and sleep;
  • hardening.

To summarize a little, there are three main keys to health. The author of the project "Mikhail Sovetov's School of Health" writes about them

The life of a person leading a healthy lifestyle actually consists of these health factors.

Each person determines the role of various factors in promoting health for himself, as well as the definition itself - what it means to be healthy, what are the signs of a healthy person. Depending on this understanding, a person sets himself goals and objectives and selects the means of preserving and strengthening health.

But is it possible to change your lifestyle instantly? For example, expert and consultant on a healthy lifestyle Brett Blumenthal believes that it is necessary to consistently introduce useful components into the lifestyle. The 52 step method is designed for a year. In his book A Year Lived Correctly. 52 steps to a healthy lifestyle "Bretta tells that you can not quickly change stable habits, consistent steps are needed. And these small steps inevitably lead to big changes. Using the 52 steps method, in a year you will become a completely different person. Health will become a way of your life. And even after childbirth, women can quickly restore the perfect body and feel great. This is beautifully written in the book "Fitness Mom" ​​by Arina Skoromnaya.

At the same time, with the help of special tricks, you can become more attractive right now. Try to adjust your figure just by choosing the right clothes. In this course, all the tricks of this method.

Compliance with elementary rules should become a habit, and then become a reflection of the person himself, part of his character, nature. Such tips can be obtained by reading this Denis Semenikhin fitness book, which can actually be a life guide.

Influence of factors on health status

The following main factors influence a healthy lifestyle:

  • environment and ecology - 20%;
  • heredity and genetics - 20%;
  • healthcare system and access to treatment – ​​10%;
  • lifestyle - 50%.

These are the main points that determine a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and observing all its rules and norms helps to strengthen immunity, the full development of all systems of the human body, including, as well as the extension of youth and activity for many years.

Interesting and simple recommendations on how to improve the quality of life in his book Health Myths. Where do diseases come from?” are given by the well-known Russian journalist and TV presenter Igor Prokopenko and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergey Bubnovsky.

This topic has attracted close attention of scientists, especially in the last two decades, with the development of scientific and technological progress and information technology. The facts about a healthy lifestyle indicate that it was two or three decades ago that people began to be replaced by cars. Take, for example, the same automatic washing machine. If earlier you had to make an effort and wash clothes by hand, now while washing is in progress, there is an opportunity to lie on the couch with a glossy magazine or spend an extra hour on social networks. This also applies to the manufacturing sector. Previously, people worked in the fields, on farms, in factories, and now more than half of the workforce has been replaced by automated machines that do all the work instead of a person, thereby freeing him from physical labor.

Together with a decrease in physical activity, the economic factor has a negative impact on well-being. In a market economy, every entrepreneur is trying to reduce production costs and save on everything. First of all, this is reflected in the quality of products consumed by people. Hence the bad ecology, and mass diseases and many other problems that determine a healthy lifestyle.

Poor health, stress, depression, decreased immunity are largely the result of a person's lifestyle.

The benefits of physical activity

Healthy lifestyle promotion includes various contributing factors, among which one of the main ones is sports and physical activity. With the development of information technology, machines have deprived a person of most of the work, which significantly reduced his physical activity.

Why is hygiene important?

A beautiful, clean and well-groomed appearance indicates good health and good health. Elementary rules of hygiene will help maintain health and raise the level of vitality. Regular hand washing is a defense against many infectious diseases caused by bacteria and microbes.

The condition of the body depends not only on washing hands. There are also other factors of a healthy lifestyle that will prevent many diseases. This includes daily showering (preferably a contrast one), brushing your teeth twice a day, manicures and pedicures, and other hygiene procedures.

Proper nutrition is an important factor in health

Rational and balanced nutrition is the principle of nutrition, the essence of which is to follow a diet and eat healthy and healthy foods.

Human health depends on compliance with:

  • vegetable fats predominate over animal fats in the diet;
  • eating only dietary meats;
  • the main part of the diet is fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • refusal of sweets, carbonated drinks, fast food and other unhealthy foods;
  • the number of meals - 5-6 per day in small portions;
  • do not eat two to three hours before bedtime;
  • do not eat stale food, hunger is better than spoiled food;
  • drink enough clean water;
  • monitor the calorie content of foods (it should not exceed the daily energy consumption);
  • refusal of alcoholic beverages, coffee (instant) and strong tea;
  • avoidance of fried and fatty foods.

Compliance with all these simple rules will help to quickly restore shape, strengthen immunity, tighten the body and improve well-being. We wrote about strengthening immunity with vitamins in the article. For those who radically decided to fight for harmony - an effective video course with an analysis of "difficult cases" and expert advice.


Factors that promote health include the hardening of the body. Disease prevention has a positive effect on a healthy lifestyle. The main measure of prevention is hardening. This can be dousing with cold water, diving into an ice hole, regular visits to baths and saunas, contrast showers and other procedures aimed at strengthening the immune system and the body's defenses.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures include:

  • Improving immunity (a set of measures aimed at improving the functioning of all vital systems of the human body);
  • physical activity, sports;
  • mental activity (simulators for the brain);
  • hardening;
  • prevention of stressful situations;
  • body weight control;
  • regular medical examinations, etc.

The modern one has another type of prevention, recovery and healing. This method is a healing music superimposed on the sounds of nature. High frequency sounds interact directly with specific areas of the brain, causing a biochemical resonance in the production of hormones and neuroregulatory peptides, which results in significant improvements in the implementation of various brain functions and, as a result, improved health. At this link you can download the disc itself and the description of the technology. As the saying goes: combine business with pleasure.

health facts

Motivate to maintain a healthy lifestyle interesting facts that:

    • The ringing of an alarm clock has a less detrimental effect on hearing than the cry of a small child. Doctors advise avoiding noise above 85 decibels in order to preserve hearing acuity in the future.
    • Regular consumption of honey and other bee products improves brain function, improves memory and reaction speed.
    • Sport is health, but everything should be in moderation. Intense sports for more than two hours a day can cause poor stress tolerance, chronic fatigue and apathy.
    • According to the results of studies conducted by Canadian scientists, it has been proven that people who do not follow the daily routine and do not get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from obesity.
    • Mental stress contributes to the prolongation of life and activity of the brain, and also prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.
    • The rejection of salt or the maximum reduction in the daily amount, according to American scientists, significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases, due to which life is extended by an average of 6 years.

Suppose all the same, the disease happened, but there is no way to quickly get to the doctor. What to do? To help you regularly updated medicines guide for quick and convenient selection of medicines for the disease you specified and pharmacies where they are available. Using it is easy and convenient.

The most interested researchers of the topic of health improvement will be interested to get acquainted with the "general theory of health". This research direction is called: valeology. This direction studies the physical, spiritual and moral principles that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health in a complex. Read more about valeology in the article on our website.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not that difficult. In this case, the main desire and correctly set priorities. The quality and duration of his life depends only on the person.

Preservation and promotion of health is the goal of many people. It is worth noting that the path can be long. However, after some time, you will be able to see excellent results. This article will tell you about what are the factors that promote health. You will also learn about ways to prevent diseases.

Should you improve your health?

The opinions of people on this issue were divided into two groups. One part of the population believes that sport and health are inseparable. They try to maintain their immunity and strengthen it. There are many ways to do this.

Another part of the people says the following. The human body is formed in such a way that it can independently cope with a variety of diseases. Indeed, most viral infections go away on their own. The patient only needs to provide comfortable conditions for this. The same cannot be said for bacterial diseases. Such pathologies are eliminated with the help of special antimicrobial drugs.

Expert opinion

If you come to an appointment with an immunologist or a general practitioner, the doctor will tell you what means of improving health are. Among the many medicines and homeopathic formulations, you can, together with a specialist, find the right one for you. It is worth noting that all drugs have a different form of release for the convenience of users.

Doctors also say that not only chemical compounds should be used. If you take into account the factors that promote health, then you can get sick much less often. In the event of an infection, the human body will be able to cope very quickly, with minimal effort. Let's consider these factors.

Healthy sleep

Health-promoting factors always start with sleep. A person must rest for eight hours a day. In this case, sleep should be uninterrupted. In children, the duration of this time may increase depending on age. It is worth noting that children under seven years of age are necessarily shown daytime sleep. Only in this case, health indicators will be good.

A person's rest should take place on a comfortable bed. If you have back problems, you should give preference to an orthopedic mattress. Train yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time. Even if you have taken a weekend or vacation, you should not allow yourself to wallow in bed before dinner. Otherwise, you will feel overwhelmed all day. After three weeks of compliance with the regimen, efficiency increases. You will begin to feel much better, insomnia, anxiety and nervousness will go away. The state of the body is also stabilizing. After all, organs and systems will be launched by a certain time.

Sport and health

These two concepts are inseparable for many people. If you have the opportunity, then you need to play sports. It is not necessary to go to the gym for this. After all, many busy people do not have time for this. Train yourself every morning to allocate 10-15 minutes for gymnastics. Stretch and stretch your muscles. If you wish, you can go jogging or ride a bike. is not a health booster. In such occupations, on the contrary, a person can lose it.

Proper nutrition

The topic "nutrition and health" is studied in every school. It is there that the foundations of strengthening immunity are laid. People's opinions about proper nutrition differ.

One group of people believes that meat, milk and similar products should be abandoned. They are called vegetarians. These people are also divided into vegans and raw foodists. Another group says that you need to stick to a separate diet. Proteins should be consumed separately, carbohydrates separately. There are also people who report that nutrition should be correct. They can eat many foods. However, all of them must be natural, without dyes, flavor enhancers and other additives. It is worth saying that the topic of proper nutrition can be described endlessly. If you have questions about your own diet, then you should contact a nutritionist and find out all about it.


Factors that promote health always include hygiene procedures. You need to shower daily and change clothes. Also, don't forget to wash your hands. If it is not possible to clean your palms with soap, then use a special antibacterial gel. Wet wipes are less effective at killing germs.

Remember that hygiene products must be individual. So, each person should have their own washcloth, towel, toothbrush and comb. If you use the funds of other people, then there is a high probability of acquiring an infection.

Health promotion and prevention

In addition to the manipulations described above, there are also medications for health promotion and disease prevention. In the first place in this list are vitamin complexes. If you get enough minerals and trace elements from your diet, you can stop using chemical formulations. However, there is no such person who would receive his daily norm of all the necessary substances. Vitamin complexes are divided into children's, adults and for pregnant women. Among the many drugs you can choose what is right for you.

You can also strengthen the immune system with the help of immunomodulators. They look like:

  • drops in the nose ("Derinat", "Grippferon");
  • ointments ("Viferon");
  • rectal and vaginal suppositories ("Viferon", "Genferon", "Kipferon").

You can also purchase powders for the preparation of suspensions ("Reaferon") and tablets ("Likopid", "Isoprinosine", "Ergoferon"). Remember that all medicines should be taken only on the advice of a doctor. Some of them are forbidden to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Most formulations are not assigned to children under three years of age. An exception may be an individual situation.

  • Proper nutrition, regular sleep and exercise cannot guarantee you that you will not get sick at all and will be able to live a long time. In addition to all of the above, you also need to change your attitude to the outside world. Those people who treat criticism with understanding, are loyal and can change their attitude to this or that matter, according to statistics, live much longer.
  • Many grandmother's recipes help to strengthen their own health. So, ginger tea is very popular. Just boil the crushed root and add honey to it. Drinking 200 milliliters of this drink will avoid infections in the winter, when the likelihood of infection is highest.
  • Strengthening the health of young children contributes to long-term breastfeeding. During this period, babies receive useful immunoglobulins that the mother's body produces. Also, with natural feeding, the baby receives all the proteins, fats and amino acids it needs.

Article Conclusion

Now you have learned about what factors contribute to better health. If you still have questions, then you should contact your doctor and ask them. The doctor will tell you in detail about and methods of prevention. Good health to you!