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Where is Vasily Iosifovich Stalin buried? “Hot, quick-tempered, weak nervous system.” About Beria's women and Khrushchev's antics

Vasily IosifovichStalin, with yn Stalin And Nadezhda Alliluyeva, born March 21, 1921 in the Kremlin. I studied at an ordinary Moscow school, went to classes by tram, without any security.

Like many other children of the Soviet elite, he became a pilot. At the age of twenty he went to the front with the rank of captain. During the war he made 27 combat missions; shot down one plane and was awarded three Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov II degree and the Order of Alexander Nevsky. In 1942 he was awarded the rank of colonel, in 1946 - major general, in 1947 - lieutenant general; one of the youngest generals of the Soviet army. He ended the war as commander of a fighter aviation division. During the war, he received official reprimands from his father several times, was demoted for various offenses, and was promoted again. In 1947, Vasily Stalin was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. He is known as a patron of sports, the creator of football, hockey and other Air Force teams. He was removed from office by Stalin after on May 1, 1952, one of the Il-28 bombers crashed during an air parade over Red Square due to lack of weather reconnaissance. After the death of his father, he was summoned to the then Minister of Defense Bulganin and received orders to leave Moscow to command one of the districts. Vasily Stalin disobeyed the order and took off his shoulder straps.

He was arrested on April 28, 1953 and accused of making slanderous statements aimed at discrediting party leaders.

In December 1953, the prosecutor in charge of the case was shot. However, even under the new leadership, Vasily Stalin was sentenced to 8 years in prison for anti-Soviet propaganda (Article 58-10 of the Criminal Code) and abuse of official position (Article 193-17 of the Criminal Code). He was held in the Vladimir Central Prison, where he was listed as Vasily Vasiliev.

They released him in 1960, prohibiting him from living in Moscow and Georgia, as well as from bearing the surname “Stalin”. In his passport he was called “Dzhugashvili”, but he was given the right to wear a military uniform and awards, was given a personal pension and the right to vouchers to sanatoriums. He chose Kazan as his place of residence, where he died on March 19, 1962, according to doctors, from alcohol poisoning.

military rank: Lieutenant General of Aviation.

1. marriage: ♀ Galina Aleksandrovna Burdonskaya (Stalina)

divorce: ♀ Galina Aleksandrovna Burdonskaya (Stalina), divorce not registered


Son - Alexander,
daughter - Nadezhda

2. marriage: ♀ Ekaterina Semenovna Timoshenko

3. marriage: ♀ # Kapitolina Georgievna? (Vasilieva),

civil marriage...: April 1953, arrested for “anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda, as well as abuse of official position.” Spent about 8 years in prison marriage: ♀ Maria Ignatievna Shevarshina (Nuzberg), Kazan

funeral: 2002, Moscow, Reburied at Troekurovskoye Cemetery.

Vasily Stalin - a victim of the era?

March 19 marked the 47th anniversary of the death of Vasily Stalin, a man whom history still seems to not know how to treat. Life is too scandalous, his father’s surname is too ominous for the 20th century... However, Vasily’s personality continues to arouse interest.


The sociable boy Vasya Stalin, born on March 24, 1921, had a happy Soviet childhood. There were many comrades nearby: Artem, Stalin’s adopted son, brother Yakov and sister Svetlana. Nadezhda Sergeevna Alliluyeva took care of the children, who instilled in them “a sense of justice and love for people.” The unexpected suicide of Nadezhda Sergeevna in 1932 split the family and became a harbinger of difficult changes in the country. The children were abandoned by their estranged father. And if there were no problems with the others, then Vasya completely got out of hand with seven nannies.

A red-haired hooligan and a poor student, he ran away from school to play football, disrupted classes, and not all teachers had the courage to fight him, although Stalin the Father insistently demanded tough measures from them. “A savage with a disorganized will,” he said about his son. - He was spoiled by all sorts of godfathers and gossips, who constantly emphasized that he was “the son of Stalin»….

Having somehow completed the 8th grade, Vasya entered the artillery school, but a year later he ran away from there. The youth of the 30s were passionate about aviation - and Vasya, who, like all boys, dreamed of becoming the “second Chkalov”, went to study at the Kachinsky aviation school in Crimea.

The cadets loved the “prince” for his cheerful disposition and simplicity, but there were still plenty of problems with him. The head of the school informed Stalin that Vasily regularly skipped theoretical classes.

Stalin’s address to his son sounded aphoristic: “ If you love me, then love theory...»

Two years later, Vasya was already famously tracing all kinds of loops and turns in the sky. Like many difficult teenagers, having found something he liked, he fully revealed himself in it.

In war as in war

In the winter of 1940, at the skating rink, junior lieutenant Vasily Stalin met 19-year-old Galya Burdonskaya. She had a fiancé, but Vasya easily won the girl off - he was charming and knew how to court beautifully. The wedding was a secret. Stalin found out about her months later, when Vasya asked his father for his blessing in writing. He responded with an irritated telegram: “I got married - to hell with you! I feel sorry for her for marrying such a fool.”

Soon the young couple had a son (now the famous theater director Alexander Burdonsky), and in 1943 a daughter, Nadya.

In the very first days of the war, Yakov Dzhugashvili was captured.

19-year-old Timur Frunze died in an air battle,

Khrushchev's son went missing...

After this, the leader’s youngest son was practically prohibited from flying combat missions. Vasily suffered; his active nature could not stand the boredom of paper.

Only in January 1943 did he take to the skies, becoming the commander of the 32nd Fighter Aviation Regiment, which became famous at Stalingrad.

And in 1944, he became the commander of a division that reached Berlin. Interesting fact: it was on Vasily’s team that the people served (Sergei Dolgushin and Vitaly Popkov) who became the prototypes of the heroes of the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle.” “A great pilot, a reckless driver and a virtuoso,” his colleagues recalled about Vasily. The only thing that let him down in the sky was excessive gambling...

He was responsive, helped out a lot of people, all this endeared him and attracted people to him.

Although some believed that Stalin’s eccentric son “wasn’t all at home.” He easily got involved in fights; it cost him nothing to curse Beria himself in the presence of officials. Having learned about Vasily’s affair with the wife of a famous filmmaker, Stalin ordered to “return this fool” to her husband and put his son under arrest.

And in 1943 he was completely removed from command - then the pilots, led by Vasily, went fishing with shells instead of fishing rods and people suffered...

But Vasya was a maximalist in everything: having started the war as a lieutenant, in 1942 he was already a colonel. Even then, such a rise haunted someone, causing envy and rumors. He was nominated for the rank of general three times, but Stalin was adamant. And yet, in 1946, Vasily became a general. At 25 years old.

Air Force Star

It is difficult to briefly list everything that the young general had a hand in after the war, becoming commander of the Moscow District Air Force. Under his leadership, the destroyed airfields were quickly resurrected, the district literally “flourished”, and poor people were provided with housing...

Since 1946, Vasily has conducted 14 air parades over Moscow. At the same time, the famous Air Force sports club arose, which officially sponsored the Vasily district. Stalin Jr. was in love with sports and, without any ceremony, lured the best players from other teams to himself, creating excellent conditions for them. It was under his patronage that the stars of football players Vsevolod Bobrov and Nikolai Starostin (the latter was returned from exile) lit up.

All the bohemians of that time were friends with Vasily - Valentina Serova, Konstantin Simonov, Mark Bernes, Maya Plisetskaya...

He also had a renaissance in his personal life. After a divorce from Galina and a short unsuccessful marriage with the daughter of Marshal Timoshenko, Vasily fell in love with 26-year-old Kapitolina Vasilyeva, a USSR swimming champion. In honor of this woman, the CSKA sports complex with a games room and a 50-meter swimming pool appeared (“Vaska built a pool for his wife...” - all of Moscow whispered). These were the last moments of his enchanting reign in a country in which even those in power were afraid of their own shadow.

An unsuccessful parade in 1952 (then a plane crashed due to bad weather, and Stalin removed Vasily from his post) caused his severe depression. Vasily moved away from people, drank a lot, was tormented by bad premonitions, and neither his brother-friend Artem nor Kapitolina could discourage him from the saving “front-line glass”...

Iron Mask USSR

We can say that with the death of his father on March 5, 1953, his life also ended. Their relationship was complex, but only Stalin, who deeply felt his son, could allow him to be himself - and only the “unlucky” Vasily proved his worth to his father all his life. At the funeral, he cried bitterly and kept saying that his father was killed. This emotional outburst a month later will be reflected in the indictment: “He allowed himself to make “slanderous fabrications against the Party and the Government...”, “anti-Soviet statements... anti-Soviet sentiment...” Vasily’s arrest was sanctioned by the USSR Prosecutor General Safonov, and approved personally by Beria.

The investigation lasted for 2 years, Vasily did not have lawyers. In addition to “anti-Soviet sentiments,” he was accused of “abuse of official position” - this is the waste of state property, and the mentioned swimming pool (which, by the way, is still in operation), and the maintenance of athletes at the public expense, etc., etc. (In 1999, Vasily was posthumously rehabilitated). Another irony of fate: Vasily Stalin was convicted under the legendary article “58-10” - that is, in fact he turned out to be an “enemy of the people”...

The romantic era of the “thaw” was beginning in the country, and Vasily, abandoned by everyone, spent 8 years of imprisonment in the Vladimir Central. It is believed that one year in prison is equal in psychological stress to three in a camp. Vasily was saved only by work, correspondence and rare meetings with Capitolina.

In 1961, he left prison completely disabled. Upon his release, Vasily was offered to change his last name - he refused. Then he was simply given a passport in the name of Vasily Dzhugashvili and sent to die in Kazan, where on March 19, 1962 this happened - according to the official version, “due to alcoholism” (Capitolina still had serious doubts about this). Persons in military uniform were prohibited from attending the funeral, but Alexander Burdonsky drew attention to a small group of people: approaching the coffin, they slightly moved the sides of their coats, slightly revealing their uniforms and orders. This is how the pilots said goodbye to their fighting friend...

Vasily died at the age of 41. In 2002, he was reburied in Moscow, at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

The fates of Yakov, Vasily and Svetlana show that being the children of the leader of all nations is a heavy burden, often with fatal consequences. After the death of his father (his natural, and not all nations), Vasily Stalin became an object for revenge: Nikita Sergeevich did with his son everything that he would have wanted to do with his father. Where does this unhealthy craving come from? This still needs to be clarified. In any case, we should remember Stalin's son, who became a victim of the cult of personality... Khrushchev.

Vyacheslav Rumyantsev

No right to wear military uniform

Stalin (real name - Dzhugashvili) Vasily Iosifovich (1921, Moscow - 19.3.1962), pilot, lieutenant general of aviation (1947). Younger son I.V. Stalin from N.S. Alliluyeva . He was the leader's favorite son. After the death of his mother (1932), he was raised by the head of security N.S. Vlasik . He was a capricious, weak-willed, weak person. Served in the Air Force. He started the Great Patriotic War as a captain. Since 1941, head of the Red Army Air Force Inspectorate. In January 1943 he was transferred to the active army and appointed commander of the 32nd Guards Fighter Regiment. On May 26, 1943, by order of his father, he was removed from the post of regimental commander “for drunkenness and riotous behavior.” Since 1944 commander of the 3rd, since February 1945 - 286th Fighter Air Division. He did not have any commander abilities. During the war he made 27 combat missions and shot down one enemy aircraft. Awarded 2 Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of Alexander Nevsky and Suvorov, 2nd degree. His description stated: “He is hot-tempered and quick-tempered, allows for intemperance: there have been cases of assault on subordinates. His state of health is poor, especially of the nervous system, he is extremely irritable. All these shortcomings are incompatible with the position of division commander.” Since 1946 corps commander, then deputy. commander of the combat unit, and since June 1948 commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. He invested huge government funds in the Air Force sports club. His appeal to his father in 1946 caused the arrest of a large group of Soviet aviation leaders, and even suffered G.M. Malenkov . Stalin suffered from a chronic form of alcoholism. After the death of his father, Stalin was dismissed from the army without the right to wear a military uniform. He was soon arrested, accused of using his official position for personal gain and sentenced to 8 years in prison. Released early. A month after his release, while driving while drunk, he caused an accident and was deported to Kazan. One of the marriages was to the daughter of a marshal S.K. Tymoshenko Catherine (1923-1988).

Materials used from the book: Zalessky K.A. Stalin's Empire. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow, Veche, 2000

Famous prisoner of Lefortovo prison

Stalin Vasily Iosifovich (1921-1962). Son of Stalin and N.S. Alliluyeva. 1) Air Force Lieutenant General. Born in Moscow. In 1938-1939 studied at the Kachin Aviation School in Crimea, then, in 1940-1941, at the Lipetsk Higher Aviation Courses.

“He didn’t shy away from women either, because he was only 19 years old. Despite his unprepossessing appearance (short stature, thinness, reddish hair and freckled hair) - youth, carelessness, dashing and wit, and the main fact - a pilot, and besides Stalin, took their toll... Vasya was a good athlete, dashingly rode a horse , was fond of motorcycles and cars. All kinds of sycophants and, especially, girls clung to him like flies to honey" (Polyansky V. 10 years with Vasily Stalin. Tver, 1995. P. 20). In 1940 he married Galina Burdonskaya. A year later, a son was born, who was named Sasha.

Vasily Stalin - participant in the Great Patriotic War. 2) He made 27 combat missions and shot down two enemy aircraft. He ended the war as commander of an aviation division. At the age of twenty, Vasily Stalin became a colonel (directly from the majors), at twenty-four - a major general, at twenty-nine - a lieutenant general. 3)

In 1947-1952. - Deputy Commander, then (from July 1948) Commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. Since 1949 - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Chairman of the USSR Equestrian Federation.

With the light hand of V. Stalin, plans for the construction of equestrian sports bases were approved, and the selection of the best breeds of horses was further developed. His personal stable, equipped at his dacha in Novo-Spasskoye, contained personalized horses, which he sometimes gave to his guests. The name of V. Stalin is also associated with the creation of unprecedentedly strong Air Force sports teams. But he solved all the problems of organizing sports in the spirit of that time - with orders, and even intimidation. On his instructions, within a few days the team was assembled by V. Bobrov, E. Babich, V. Shuvalov, 4) V. Tikhonov (future head coach of the USSR national team). He literally forced G. Dzhejelava (one of the best wingers of Soviet football, Dynamo Tbilisi player in 1937-1948 - Comp.), who did not want to voluntarily accept V. Stalin’s offer, to take the post of senior coach of the MVO Air Force football and hockey team .

In the summer of 1952, Vasily Stalin was removed from the post of commander on Stalin’s personal instructions. 5) On March 26, 1953, he was transferred to the reserve.

Foreign newspaper reports that Vasily Stalin, after the death of his father, went to Beijing at the invitation of Mao Zedong and became a military adviser to the PLA, do not correspond to reality, although, according to S. Krasikov, he visited the Chinese embassy.

V. Stalin was arrested on April 28, 1953. On September 2, 1955, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced him to eight years in prison for theft and appropriation of state property, as well as “hostile attacks and anti-Soviet slanderous fabrications against the leaders of the CPSU and the Soviet state.” . Vasily was imprisoned first in the Lefortovo prison, then in the 2nd Vladimir prison. According to prison documents, he was listed as Vasily Pavlovich Vasiliev, a foreman convicted of illegal waste of public funds.

Released early on the instructions of N.S. Khrushchev in 1960, reinstated in the party and military rank (lieutenant general). For a car accident with a representative of a foreign embassy, ​​he again ended up in Lefortovo prison. In April 1961, Vasily was sentenced to five years of exile, offering him the choice of any place to live except Moscow and Georgia. Vasily chose Kazan, where his fellow pilots served. He lived in a one-room apartment (Gagarin St.) and enjoyed the benefits of a retired general. Died on March 19, 1962. An autopsy revealed complete destruction of the body by alcohol.

He was buried in Kazan at the Arskoye (Ershovoy) cemetery. Almost the entire capital of Tatarstan gathered for the funeral. His son and daughter from his first marriage and his third wife, Kapitolina Vasilyeva, arrived. There was also another (unmarried) wife of Vasily - Maria (Marisha) Nikolaevna, a resident of Kazan, with whom, as they say, Vasily Stalin lived before the arrival of M. Nusberg. Svetlana Alliluyeva was not present at the funeral. On the black marble monument there is the inscription: “Dzhugashvili Vasily Iosifovich, 24.3.1920-19.3.1962. The only one, from M. Dzhugashvili.” After his death, seven children remained, four of his own and three adopted (see: Gribanov S. Hostages of Time. M., 1992).


1) Svetlana Alliluyeva wrote that she does not know a single Georgian who would “forget his national traits and fall in love with everything Russian so much” as his father. One day, brother Vasya stunned her, saying: “You know, our father used to be a Georgian.” Six-year-old Svetlana did not know what this wonderful word meant, and Vasya, who was five years older than her, explained importantly: “They wore Circassian shorts and cut everyone with daggers.” Let us remember that Vasily’s elder brother, Yakov Dzhugashvili, who lived in Georgia until he was fifteen, spoke only Georgian and almost did not understand Russian speech before moving to Moscow.

2) V. Stalin commanded a regiment consisting of only Heroes of the Soviet Union. They flew little. They drank more and misbehaved, led by their commander. Stalin ordered the regiment to be disbanded, the Heroes to be distributed to different units, and Vasily was demoted to major (Chuev F. Soldiers of the Empire. M., 1998. P. 235).

3) Former Soviet missile specialist Professor G. Tokaev knew Vasily Stalin closely, whom he calls “a brutally spoiled schoolboy, released into the outside world for the first time.” Despite very poor performance at the Kachin flight school, where he had a special instructor, V. Stalin was released into the Air Force without a single bad mark... He got away with all the unbridled antics. “They dragged him upstairs by the ears, regardless of his strengths, abilities, or shortcomings - they thought to please his father” (Tokaev G.A. Stalin Means War. London, 1951. P. 120).

4) V.G. Shuvalov (b. 1923) is one of the best strikers of the late 40s - early 50s. Honored Master of Sports. Center forward of the trio, in which E. Babich and V. Bobrov played. In 1949-1953 played for the Air Force team in 1953-1957. - for CDSA and CSK MO.

5) On May 1, 1952, the command banned aircraft flights through Red Square during the festive parade, as it was cloudy and windy. But Vasily gave orders himself, and the aviation went through - poorly, randomly, almost touching the spiers of the Historical Museum. And several planes crashed on landing.

Book materials used: Torchinov V.A., Leontyuk A.M. Around Stalin. Historical and biographical reference book. St. Petersburg, 2000

From the memories of a peer:

Vasily was a power-hungry boy, and financially absolutely unselfish. He could give everything he had, even if he could get hurt for it. He always tried to give something to his comrades, even if he himself needed this thing. “For his friends” he was ready to “lay his belly.” Vasily, as a schoolboy, fought a lot, but never fought with those who were weaker or smaller than him. Fought with elders after some argument or insult inflicted on a weak person. He was a "weak defender." He often got it, he was beaten hard. He never complained and, I’m sure, considered it a disgrace to complain that he got it hard. He was a kind boy, he had an affection towards his comrades, which disappeared with age.

As a boy, I easily went to the Kremlin, and then I already had a pass. My mother was often sick, and then I lived in the Stalins’ house. And when Stalin and Nadezhda Sergeevna left somewhere, Vasily lived with us in the National Hotel, where, after the government moved from Petrograd to Moscow, the country’s leadership temporarily settled. I had a blowgun, which Stalin gave me as a gift for accuracy: I somehow hit a cigarette box several times. So Vasily and I, when he lived with us, shot from it, and I still have a chair that Vasily, having missed, shot through one of our shooting matches.

Vasily, if he was jealous of anyone, was jealous of power. He was a power-hungry man. But this jealousy was also momentary, up to a certain point. His relationship with Svetlana was normal. But there was no special love. He was worried that his father loved Svetlana very much and set him as an example. This love was expressed not in words, but in attitude: gestures, intonation. Stalin and his daughter were more affectionate.

[At the dacha] Vasily always tried to do something. And if he was trusted with something, allowed to do something, then he worked literally to the point of exhaustion. They told him: “Vasya, that’s enough.” If he had not been stopped, he would have worked until he fell. And it’s not for nothing that they say “work until you drop.” Vasily really worked until exhaustion. Whether it is necessary to dig, whether it is necessary to move something, sweep it, throw off snow - Vasily is always right there if he was at the dacha. They told him: “Vasya, that’s enough, we need to rest.” He always answered: “I’m not tired.”

Vasily began to indulge in smoking early: he would take a cigarette somewhere and lock himself in a secluded corner. I didn't smoke around my father. And if my father came, I tried to make sure there was no smell. There were mint candies, Pectus, it seems, with which he tried to drown out the smell. And he never took cigarettes from his father’s box!

We really loved skiing, and especially skiing from the mountains. Back then there were no special ski bindings; we skied in felt boots, and on skis there was just a strap and an elastic band. And Vasily and I fought great during these skating sessions. But we knew that no matter how badly we hurt ourselves, we shouldn’t complain. And Stalin will never reprimand us, as others sometimes do: “Oh, be careful, be careful, don’t ride.” He didn’t have such conversations, excessive care. We had severe bruises: we limped, and walked around with bruises and bumps, but we knew that nothing would happen to us if Stalin saw, and it would be bad if we complained. You cannot do this without failures; without them there will be no success. And if you ride a horse, too. He himself rode horseback as a child and also fought. He said you shouldn't complain. We knew this and learned it very well: you must do everything well, be patient and not be nagging. (page 111)

There were no problems with Svetlana. She studied very well. She was diligent. Vasily’s father sometimes reprimanded him harshly. Of course, some offenses caused more serious criticism. One day we were sitting at the dinner table at the dacha, Vasily threw a piece of bread out the window. The father flared up: “Vasya! Is that what you are doing?! Do you know how much labor, sweat and even blood there is in this bread? Bread must be respected. Not everyone has enough bread. And we are working on it." Vasya replied: “Dad, I won’t do it again, I did it by accident.” To which Stalin replied: “They also beat you for accidents.” Bread is the head of everything. It must be protected and respected." (page 129)

[During the war years] By the way, there was a similar case with Vasily Stalin. And in this situation, Fyodor Prokopenko literally saved him from death. The same situation: Vasily rushed after a German plane, not thinking about anything, but only about killing the enemy, and did not notice that another German was already on his tail. This coffin position is certain death! And Fyodor Fedorovich literally squeezed him off Vasily’s tail with his chest, showing that he was going to ram him. When they sat down, their own pilots attacked Vasily and swore at him! But they didn’t beat me! - Prokopenko spoke. They told Vasily: “You are a regiment commander, but not only a commander. You have a surname that you must also protect. You shouldn’t rush in so recklessly.” And he just smiled guiltily and then gave a photograph to his savior with the inscription “Fyodor Fedorovich Prokopenko. Thank you for life. Life is the Motherland." (page 95)

Artem Sergeev

Quote according to the book: A. Sergeev, E. Glushik. Conversations about Stalin. Moscow, "Crimean Bridge-9D". 2006.

Burdonskaya Galina Aleksandrovna(1921-1990). The first wife of Vasily Stalin (1940-1944).

Burdonsky Alexander Vasilievich(b. 1941). Son of Vasily Stalin.

Stalina Nadezhda Vasilievna(b. 1943). Granddaughter of Stalin, daughter of Vasily Stalin and Galina Burdonskaya. The only one who bears the surname “Stalin” of all the living relatives of the leader. After graduating from high school, she moved to Georgia. I got an apartment in Gori. She studied at the theater school. After the third year I left the institute and returned to Moscow. In 1966 she married the son of the writer A.A. Fadeev, actor of the Moscow Art Theater Mikhail Fadeev (1941-1993) Has a daughter (b. 1977), for whom her parents kept the surname of Stalin.

Timoshenko Ekaterina Semenovna(?-1988). Second wife of Vasily Stalin.

Relatives of I.V. Stalin(name index).



Vasily Iosifovich Stalin(since January 9, 1962 - Dzhugashvili; March 21, 1921, Moscow, RSFSR - March 19, 1962, Kazan, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet military pilot, lieutenant general of aviation (May 11, 1949). Commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District (1948-1952). The youngest son of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.


Vasily Stalin was born on March 21, 1921 in Moscow, in the family of the People's Commissar of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of the RSFSR and for National Affairs of the RSFSR Joseph Stalin and his second wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva.

Vasily had a younger sister, Svetlana Alliluyeva (b. 1926), and a half-brother, Yakov Dzhugashvili (b. 1907), his father’s son from his first marriage. Vasily was raised and studied together with Stalin’s adopted son Artyom Sergeev. Vasily, like all the children of the party elite of that time, studied at the 25th model school in Moscow.

On November 9, 1932, Vasily’s mother Nadezhda Alliluyeva committed suicide. At her funeral, 11-year-old Vasily reassured his father as best he could (according to eyewitnesses, his father, walking behind his wife’s coffin, cried bitterly, as he loved her very much). According to other eyewitnesses, Stalin did not go to his wife’s funeral at all.

After the death of his wife, Joseph Stalin changed his Kremlin apartment and stopped visiting his dacha in Zubalovo, where children and relatives lived under the supervision of his Kremlin housekeeper, Karolina Vasilyevna Til. Vasily was supervised by Stalin's security chief, General Nikolai Vlasik, and his subordinates.

From an early age, left without a mother and unable to be raised under the constant supervision of my father, I essentially grew up and was brought up in a circle of men (guards) who were not distinguished by morality and self-control.

This left an imprint on my entire subsequent life and character. Started smoking and drinking early
- Vasily Stalin.

Pre-war service

In November 1938 he was enrolled in the Kachin Military Aviation School named after. A. Myasnikov, which he graduated in March 1940. According to his teachers, Vasily did not show himself to be an excellent student in his studies. Vasily did not like theory classes, but in practice he turned out to be a good pilot. Since March 1940, he served in the 16th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 57th Aviation Brigade of the Moscow Military District Air Force, junior pilot. From September 1940 he studied at the Air Force Academy of the Red Army named after prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, in December of the same year he was transferred to the Lipetsk aviation advanced training course for squadron commanders. He graduated from them in May 1941.

The Great Patriotic War

Since May 1941 - inspector-pilot of the 2nd department of the Red Army Air Force Directorate. Since September 1941 - Head of the Inspectorate of the Red Army Air Force Directorate. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he asked his father to let him go to the front.

He could not be kept in the rear. He was an active, energetic, courageous person. He flew beautifully, was eager to go to the front, and his place was certainly there. He was burdened by his position in the rear and suffered from the fact that people thought that he was well settled behind his father’s back
- Vladimir Alliluyev. The book "Chronicle of a Family: Alliluyevs, Stalin."

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War - from July 1942: commander of the 1st special air group of the 8th Air Army of the Stalingrad Front. From February 1943 - commander of the 32nd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (Lyubertsy airfield, then on the North-Western Front. He was wounded in the leg. From the memoirs of Artyom Sergeev:

...He had three Orders of the Red Banner. Moreover, one of these orders was without a surname. The army commander saw him in the air. This was in 1941 in Mtsensk. German bombers attacked the Mtsensk airfield. Vasily flew there on an unloaded plane and pushed these bombers out with his forehead, drove them away. The army commander said: “I am awarding this pilot the Order of the Red Banner.” When I landed, I found out the pilot's name...
- Artyom Sergeev, Ekaterina Glushik. Conversations about Stalin.

There is no information about this award on the website of the RF Ministry of Defense "Feat of the People".

Vasily Stalin commanded the regiment diligently and listened to us, the more experienced pilots. As a regiment commander, he could, at his discretion, fly combat missions as part of any squadron, but most often for some reason he flew as part of mine. During February - March 1943, we shot down a dozen enemy aircraft. With the participation of Vasily - three. Moreover, it should be noted that Vasily, as a rule, attacked them first, after these attacks the planes lost control, and we then finished them off. According to our flight laws, Vasily could count them as shot down personally, but he considered them shot down in a group. I once told him about this, but he waved his hand and said briefly: “Don’t!..
- Hero of the Soviet Union S. F. Dolgushin.

Removed from the regiment for violation of discipline (an explosion on a fishing trip with the participation of V.I. Stalin while killing fish, in which 1 person was killed and 2 were injured) on May 26, 1943. Since May 1943 - as an instructor pilot of the 193rd Aviation Regiment. He is prohibited from piloting. The father is afraid of the death of his son or his capture, like the eldest son of Jacob. The Germans began a real hunt for him in the sky.

From January 16, 1944 - inspector-pilot for piloting techniques in the 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Corps (3rd Air Army, 1st Baltic Front). Since May 18, 1944 - commander of the 3rd Guards Fighter Aviation Division as part of the 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Corps, Lieutenant General E. M. Beletsky.

The division under his command takes part in the fighting to liberate Minsk, Vilna, Lida, Grodno, Panevezys, Siauliai and Jelgava. From the award sheet dated July 1, 1944, signed by the commander of the 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Corps, Aviation Lieutenant General E. M. Beletsky:

“The division in this sector conducted 22 air battles, in which the pilots destroyed 29 enemy aircraft (their losses were 3 pilots and 5 aircraft). Guard Colonel V. I. Stalin has excellent piloting technique, he loves flying. He flies all types of fighter aircraft. He personally participates in battles. He is tactically competent and has good leadership qualities. He is worthy of a government award - the Order of the Red Banner."

Since February 22, 1945 - commander of the 286th Fighter Aviation Division of the 16th Air Army of the 1st Belorussian Front. The division under his command takes part in the Berlin offensive operation. The award sheet dated May 11, 1945, signed by the commander of the 16th Air Army, Aviation Colonel General S.I. Rudenko, states:

“During the period of the Berlin offensive operation, units of the division under the direct leadership of the Guard Colonel V.I. Stalin carried out 949 combat sorties. 15 air battles were carried out, during which 17 enemy aircraft were shot down, and on the first day of the operation - 11, only one crew was lost .

Personally, Comrade Stalin, during his participation on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, carried out 26 combat missions and personally shot down 2 enemy aircraft. Worthy of being awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree."

During the war, he received official penalties from his father several times for his service, and was demoted for various offenses (“for example, during the war, he organized a fishing trip using aircraft missiles, as a result of which the weapons engineer of his regiment died, and one of the best pilots was wounded and forever lost the ability to fly") and was promoted again.

In total, during the war he made 26 combat missions; according to some sources, he shot down 5 enemy planes, according to others only 3, according to others 2 personally and 3 in a group. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov II degree and the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

Post-war service

Until 1946, as commander of the 286th Fighter Aviation Division, from July 18, 1946 - commander of the 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Corps as part of the GSOVG (the headquarters of the air corps was in Wittstock). In July 1947, he was transferred to Moscow to the position of combat assistant to the commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. On January 17, 1948, he was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District.

In the early 1950s, on his orders, construction of a sports center and the Sovetskaya Hotel began in the Leningradsky district of Moscow, where he lived. Now, in memory of this, apartment No. 301 is named after him.

He is known as a patron of sports, the creator of football, hockey and other teams of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District, where the strongest athletes from other teams were transferred (comic transcripts of the Air Force team: “They took all the athletes” or “Vasily Stalin’s gang”).

The commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District organized and supervised combat training, the development of aviation equipment, the retraining of flight and technical personnel, conducted military councils and inspections, supervised construction, and was involved in arranging the life of his subordinates. He paid a lot of attention to the development of physical education and was himself the chairman of the USSR Equestrian Federation. Veterans recall that it was he who organized the construction of 500 Finnish houses, in which the families of pilots and technicians settled in 3 garrisons, who had previously huddled in barracks and barracks. By his written order, he forced the officers to go to evening schools so that everyone would have a 10th grade education.

Vasily Stalin is breaking through a new building for the headquarters of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District, before which the headquarters did not have its own building.

He was removed from his post and placed at the disposal of the Air Force Commander-in-Chief in July 1952, after, at the end of the Air Fleet holiday at the Tushino airfield, he came to a government reception drunk and said something rude to the Air Force Commander-in-Chief P.F. Zhigarev. After this, his father kicked him out of the hall. Also, J.V. Stalin recalled to him that on May 1, 1952, at the end of the air parade on Red Square, two of the newest Il-28 jet bombers crashed during landing due to low clouds.

In August 1952, he was enrolled as a student at the Military Academy of the General Staff. He showed no interest in studying and did not attend classes.

After the death of I.V. Stalin

On March 5, 1953, J.V. Stalin dies. After the death of his father, he was summoned to the USSR Minister of Defense Nikolai Bulganin and received an order to leave Moscow to command one of the districts. Vasily Stalin did not obey the order. On March 26, 1953, Aviation Lieutenant General V.I. Stalin was transferred to the reserve without the right to wear a military uniform. Having contacted the Chinese embassy with information that his father had been poisoned and a request to travel to Beijing, Vasily Stalin signed his own death sentence.

He was arrested on April 28, 1953 and accused of making slanderous statements aimed at discrediting the leaders of the Communist Party. In addition, during the investigation, he was accused of abuse of official position, assault, and intrigue, which resulted in the death of people. During the investigation, Vasily confessed to all, even the most ridiculous, charges. The investigation lasted 2.5 years. All this time he was in custody. Vasily Stalin was sentenced to 8 years in prison for "anti-Soviet propaganda"(Article 58-10 of the Criminal Code) and abuse of official position (Article 193-17 of the Criminal Code).

He was held in the Vladimir Central Prison, where he was listed as “Vasily Pavlovich Vasiliev.” At his own request, he was appointed as a mechanic in the prison maintenance yard. As the former duty officer at the central Alexander Malinin recalled, Stalin was a good turner and exceeded the plan. They also recalled that tools were difficult to get then, and at his request, his wife brought two heavy-duty suitcases with cutters, cutters and other devices for the lathe.

In prison he became seriously ill and actually became disabled.

Protesting against unjustified detention, he repeatedly wrote letters to Khrushchev, Voroshilov, Bulganin and others asking them to look into his case. The letters were inappropriate - the 20th Congress of the CPSU took place, exposing the cult of personality of J.V. Stalin. I did not receive any replies to the letters.

On January 9, 1960, he was released early from prison and summoned to an appointment with N.S. Khrushchev. On January 21, 1960, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense, the order of March 26, 1953 was changed, and now it "resigns" to the reserve with the right to wear a military uniform and pension provision. He is allocated a three-room apartment in Moscow, assigned a pension, and the question of the return of personal property confiscated during the arrest is raised.

April 16, 1960 Vasily Stalin was again arrested by the KGB "for the continuation of anti-Soviet activities". This was expressed in his visit to the Chinese Embassy, ​​where he allegedly made “a slanderous statement of an anti-Soviet nature”. Was returned to prison "to serve the remainder of the sentence". For a whole year he was in Lefortovo prison.

On April 28, 1961, he was released from prison due to the completion of his sentence. He was forbidden to live in Moscow and Georgia, and also to bear the surname “Stalin”; in his passport he was called “Dzhugashvili”; on January 9, 1962, he received a passport with this surname. The place of residence of V.I. Stalin was determined to be the city of Kazan, closed to visits by foreign citizens. In Kazan, he lived at Gagarin Street, building 105, apartment 82.

Vasily Iosifovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) died on March 19, 1962. According to doctors, from alcohol poisoning. It is believed that in 1998, Kapitolina Vasilyeva, his third wife, who attended his funeral, questioned the version of alcohol poisoning and said that there was no autopsy.

On November 20, 2002, his body was reburied at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow, next to his last wife, Maria Ignatyevna.

On September 30, 1999, having studied the judicial and investigative materials, the Main Military Prosecutor's Office overturned the verdict of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR and dropped all political charges against Vasily Stalin.

Military ranks

In 1942 he was awarded the rank of colonel, in 1946 - major general of aviation, in 1949 - lieutenant general of aviation.

Although Stalin became one of the youngest generals in the Soviet army, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Vitaly Popkov later recalled: “My father was strict with him, only on the 12th time he signed an order conferring the rank of general on his son, and he himself added it to the end of the list. Before this I always crossed out.”


  • Order of the Red Banner (1942)
  • Order of Alexander Nevsky (03/11/1943)
  • Order of the Red Banner (07/02/1944)
  • Order of Suvorov, II degree (05/29/1945)
  • Order of the Red Banner (06/22/1948)
  • Medal "For Military Merit" (1948 - for 10 years of service).
  • Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"
  • Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"
  • Medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • Medal "For the Capture of Berlin"
  • Medal "For the Liberation of Warsaw"
  • Medal "30 years of the Soviet Army and Navy"
  • Medal "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow"

Foreign awards

  • Order of the Cross of Grunwald (Poland) (1945)
  • Medal "For the Odra, Nisa and the Baltic" (Poland) (1945)
  • Medal "For Warsaw 1939-1945" (Poland) (1945)

Orders (gratitude) of the Supreme Commander

  • For the capture of the city of Lida - a large railway junction and an important stronghold of the German defense in the Grodno direction. July 9, 1944 No. 133
  • For the capture of the city of Jelgava (Mitava) - the main communications hub connecting the Baltic states with East Prussia. July 31, 1944 No. 159
  • For the capture of important German defense strongholds Telypay, Plungany, Mazeikiai, Triškiai, Tirkšliai, Seda, Vorni, Kelmy (northwest and southwest of the city of Siauliai) October 8, 1944 No. 193
  • For the capture of the cities of Frankfurt an der Oder, Wandlitz, Oranienburg, Birkenwerder, Hennigsdorf, Pankow, Friedrichsfelde, Karlshorst, Köpenick and for battles in the German capital Berlin. April 23, 1945 No. 339
  • For the capture of the capital of Germany, the city of Berlin - the center of German imperialism and the center of German aggression. May 2, 1945. No. 359

Personal life

Vasily Stalin was actually married 4 times, had four children of his own, not counting the adopted children of his wives from previous marriages.

  • First wife- Galina Aleksandrovna Burdonskaya (1921-1990), daughter of a Kremlin garage engineer (according to other sources, a security officer), great-great-granddaughter of a captured Napoleonic officer. The marriage was registered in 1940 and lasted until 1944, but the divorce was never officially formalized.
    • Son - Alexander Burdonsky (born 1941), theater director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
    • Daughter - Nadezhda Stalin (1943-1999). She studied at the Moscow Art Theater School with Oleg Efremov. Expelled “for professional incompetence.” According to her, the real reason was the political caution of the rector Veniamin Radomyslensky. Lived in Georgia (Gori), then in Moscow. She was married (since 1966) to Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev (1936-1993), actor of the Moscow Art Theater, adopted son of the famous Soviet writer, secretary of the USSR Writers' Union Alexander Fadeev.
      • Granddaughter - Anastasia Stalina (born 1977).
  • Second wife- Ekaterina Semyonovna Timoshenko (1923-1988), daughter of Marshal of the Soviet Union Semyon Timoshenko, marriage lasted from 1946 to 1949.
    • Son - Vasily Stalin (1949-1972). He committed suicide while under the influence of drugs.
    • Daughter - Svetlana (1947-1990).
  • Third wife- Kapitolina Georgievna Vasilyeva (1918-2006), athlete, USSR swimming champion. The marriage lasted from 1949 to 1953. Capitolina's daughter from her first marriage, Lina Vasilyeva, was adopted by Vasily Stalin, and therefore bears the surname Dzhugashvili.
  • Fourth wife- Maria Ignatievna Nusberg (née Shevargina) (1930-2002), nurse. The marriage was registered on January 9, 1962. After marriage she took the surname Dzhugashvili. Maria's daughters from her first marriage, Lyudmila and Tatyana, were adopted by Vasily Stalin; after getting married, they kept the surname Dzhugashvili.

Film incarnations

  • 1991 - “My best friend is General Vasily, son of Joseph”, in the role of Vasily Stalin - actor Vladimir Steklov.
  • 1992 - “Stalin”, in the role of Stanislav Strelkov.
  • 2004 - “Moscow Saga”, in the role of Sergei Bezrukov.
  • 2004 - “Thieves and prostitutes. The prize is a flight into space,” played by Evgeniy Krainov.
  • 2005 - “Alexandrovsky Garden”, in the role of Andrey Gusev.
  • 2005 - “Star of the Epoch”, in the role of Ilya Drevnov.
  • 2006 - “Stalin. Live", as Pavel Vashilin
  • 2008 - “The Hunt for Beria”, in the role of Andrey Gusev.
  • 2009 - “Wolf Messing: who saw through time”, in the role of Georgy Teslya-Gerasimov.
  • 2012 - “Hockey Games”, in the role of Alexander Pechenin.
  • 2012 - “MUR”, in the role of Andrey Gusev.
  • 2013 - “Son of the Father of Nations”, in the role of Gela Meskhi.
  • 2014 - “Talyanka”, in the role of Pavel Derevyanko.

Source: wikipedia.org

Vasily Stalin is a notable personality in the history of the USSR, they talked a lot about him, attributed various crimes to him, most of which turned out to be untrue. Political activities, biography, personal life, connections with the wives and children of Vasily Stalin - all this interests many people. By and large, this is the history of our country.

Vasily Stalin is one of the favorite sons of the head of the USSR Joseph Stalin. The boy was born in the capital in 1920 on March 24. At that time, my father worked as a commissioner and was not so famous. Mom - Nadezhda Alliluyeva, about whom many people talk, was half Gypsy, half German. The age difference with my father was significant, almost 20 years, so quarrels arose between them more than once.

Mom also worked in the field of government affairs and edited a newspaper. The boy grew up, one might say, alone; his parents were constantly at work. In 1932, a tragedy happened that completely changed the life of both Joseph Stalin and the boy.

Nadezhda committed suicide, which entailed dramatic changes in Joseph’s psychological and emotional state.

The boy was provided with security guards who were responsible for his education. One might say he lived under the strictest conditions and restrictions.

The Kachin aviation school became an opportunity for the boy to escape from this life. In 1938, he became a cadet and began to master flying. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, Vasily immediately submits an application to go to the front, but it is rejected. Stalin did not want to lose his beloved son, who reminded him of his mother. In addition, Stalin’s eldest son had already died at that time.

Military exploits

Of course, the guy suffers for a very long time from the fact that everyone is sent to the front, but he remains on the sidelines. In 1942, he received approval and was sent to the Stalingrad Front. He is appointed commander of a regiment, where he has proven himself on numerous occasions.

Many of his students said that he was a risky and brave person who was never afraid of anything. He always covered his fighters and carried them away from the battlefield.

While working at the front, he more than once became involved in legal proceedings due to his risky actions. As a result, the time came when he was finally sent back to the capital. In fact, Joseph Stalin himself was glad that his son came back. The head of the USSR felt that an attempt on his life would soon be prepared, and more than once told his son about this. This was the reason for his arrest.

Stills from the film “Son of the Father of Nations”

In 1943, Vasily received disciplinary punishment and was sent to a training base to work as an instructor. He received the punishment as a result of an incident that happened while killing fish. Due to improper planting of the explosive device, people were injured and killed. Vasily never received permission to participate in battles again. During his year of work at the front, he received more than a dozen awards.


After the end of the war, Vasily was appointed commander of the Central District Air Force. His work was more than once appreciated by both his wards and senior officials. Subsequently, by his decree and initiative, a sports complex for pilots was built. He was actively involved in training the military in the field of physical exercise. He understood how difficult it was to control an airplane in the air. Therefore, under his command, football and hockey teams were created, which more than once became prize-winners of competitions. All subordinates and soldiers received housing, which was built for their needs.

Information about the tragic incident of 1950 was obtained from the archives. The created football team of pilots crashed during the flight. Vasily was supposed to be on this flight, but he was removed on instructions from Joseph Stalin. As the sources say, Wolf Messing warned that a tragedy would happen. In order to cover up this incident, a new team was formed and quickly arrived at the match.

Tragic events often haunted Vasily. He was a risk taker and never listened to anyone. In 1952, during the parade, on his instructions, fighter planes were launched into the air. As the report says, the weather was unflyable. As a result, two pilots died during landing and crashed. As a result, Vasily was removed from all serious work and his position.

It will be very difficult to find photos of Vasily Stalin’s children and wives, information about his personal life and biography on the Internet. For various reasons, some information was destroyed during the USSR. Most of the information remained secret for a long time. Speaking about Vasily’s personality, one cannot fail to note his services to the USSR Air Force. He made a considerable amount of effort to improve military training.


After the death of Joseph Stalin, Vasily begins to actively talk about the fact that an assassination attempt was made. As a result, an investigation was carried out, after which Vasily went to prison. Of course, the son was right, and the case against him was also fabricated. The article under which he was detained is embezzlement of public money, where he ends up under the name Vasily Vasiliev. During the 8 years of prison, he largely took care of his health, mastered working professions, in particular, learned to work on a lathe.

His detention was planned; Vasily himself expected such a moment to come soon. In general, he did not resist, realizing that if he did not cooperate, he would simply be shot. Later, the city of Kazan, which was closed to foreigners, awaited him. Many political prisoners were sent here. He again begins to get involved in alcohol, which ruined his health.

Personal life

Today, the wives and children of Vasily Stalin, his personal life and biography are of great importance. Of course, having power and being the son of the head of state, he was not always a moral person.

In addition to the fact that he had four official marriages, he also had at least a dozen different novels. Relationships with the wives of prominent political figures have more than once become the cause of scandals.

Today we know about four of his natural children and three adopted ones. The first wife is Galina Burdonskaya, she worked in a managerial position at an aviation garage. They lived together for 4 years and took part in amateur performances more than once.

Ekaterina Timoshenko, the daughter of the famous marshal, became Vasily’s second wife. They had a son, but his life was not long, as he was a drug addict and died of an overdose young. Also, sometimes articles appear that there was a second daughter, Svetlana.

Despite his official marriage, Vasily begins dating a famous athlete. Vasilyeva subsequently became the reason for the divorce. After breaking up with Tymoshenko, they lived for three years and separated. The most important thing is that after Vasily was detained, all the spouses constantly came to see him in prison. This is exactly how his wives and children influenced the biography and personal life of Vasily Stalin.

The fourth marriage was with the unattractive and little-known nurse Maria Nusberg. They got engaged on the eve of Stalin's death. Vasily himself adopted her two daughters from her first marriage. The meeting with Maria became a new milestone in his life, but he could not contain his emotions and subsequently drank himself to death. Many say that this was a planned action, he was simply poisoned so that he would not tell anyone about anything. The events of that time remained hidden.


Stills from the film “Son of the Father of Nations”

Vasily Stalin died due to an alcohol overdose. After his release, he is sent to Kazan, where he rents a one-room apartment and begins to drink very heavily. As a result, intoxication occurs. Vasily was first buried in Kazan under the name Dzhugashvili, and subsequently his remains were transported to a cemetery in Moscow. All charges against this man were dropped posthumously.

A lot of information about his life can be obtained from documentaries that are dedicated personally to Vasily Stalin. Many facts that were obtained from the archives became a sensation. The film tells about the biography and personal life of Vasily Stalin, about his children and wives; it is this information that interests the audience. By and large, he received 8 years in prison undeservedly on a fabricated case. Many reliable facts became open to ordinary people and to Stalin’s family. One of these paintings is “Reckoning”.

Shelepin in the KGB had to deal with the fate of Stalin’s youngest son Vasily.

Three weeks after the death of the leader, on March twenty-sixth of fifty-three, by order of the Minister of Defense Marshal Bulganin, Aviation Lieutenant General Vasily Iosifovich Stalin was transferred to the reserve without the right to wear a military uniform. And a month later, on April twenty-eighth, the son of the leader, from whom dust had previously been blown away, was arrested.

The arrest order was signed by the head of the investigative unit for particularly important cases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General Lev Emelyanovich Vlodzimirsky.

Why was Stalin's son treated so harshly?

The machinations of Lavrenty Pavlovich, who took revenge on his son for his father? But Beria himself was arrested two months later, and Vasily Stalin continued to sit in prison. He was accused of being a drunkard and “not showing up for work. He received reports from his subordinates at his apartment or dacha. He instilled servility in the apparatus subordinate to him.” But they don’t go to prison for this. Accused of squandering public funds. But this is not the most serious crime. The real charge was brought against him under the notorious fifty-eighth article - for anti-Soviet statements.

He was tried according to the accelerated procedure adopted after the murder of Kirov in December thirty-four: without a lawyer and without a prosecutor. His father came up with this idea to quickly send “enemies of the people” to the next world. He probably didn’t think that it would turn against his own son.

The case of Vasily Stalin was considered by the military collegium of the Supreme Court and on September 2, 1955, it sentenced him to eight years in prison. He was supposed to be sent to a camp, but he was kept in the Vladimir prison, away from people.

Why such a severe punishment? For drunkenly promising to go to foreign correspondents and say everything he thinks about the current leaders of the country?

The verdict included: for illegal expenditure and appropriation of state property (abuse of official position under especially aggravating circumstances, Article 193-17 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR) and for “hostile attacks and anti-Soviet slanderous fabrications against the leaders of the CPSU and the Soviet state” (and this is already deadly Article 58-10).

His sister, Svetlana, recalls that Vasily was arrested after a drinking session with some foreigners. Later, during the investigation, scams, embezzlement, and abuse of official position came to light. The investigation lasted more than two years. The security officers arrested Vasily's adjutants and his colleagues, and they quickly signed the testimony necessary for the investigation.

But the main thing is different - people who were imprisoned by the light hand of Vasily Stalin returned from places not so distant. And these were not ordinary people, but marshals and generals.

Not only the major military men, but also the party leaders really had reason to hate the younger Stalin. First of all, the all-powerful Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov, whose career was almost ruined by Vasily Stalin.

So, it turns out that Vasily Stalin was punished for the fact that at one time he gave his father a hard time about generals and party officials? Got revenge? This is one reason. There is another - he ceased to be a celestial being, and he was no longer allowed those liberties that were forgiven to the son of a leader.

Vasily was not liked by the Minister of War, Marshal Bulganin, with whom the younger Stalin behaved familiarly, if not boorishly. After the death of the leader, everything changed, but Vasily Iosifovich continued to talk with Bulganin, and with other members of the Presidium of the Central Committee in the same way as before.

He publicly said about Bulganin:

Killing him is not enough!

And all Vasily’s words were recorded and reported to the party leadership.

Vasily Iosifovich was called by the head of the main personnel department of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel General Zheltov, and gave a copy of the dismissal order. Vasily began to ask to be given some work.

Bulganin accepted him. Offered:

Will you go as head of the flying club to Morshansk?

Vasily exploded:

This is a position for a first lieutenant. I won't go to her.

Bulganin said:

Then I have no place for you in the army...

Apparently there was another motive. Subconsciously, by imprisoning the younger Stalin, members of the Presidium of the Central Committee were freed from the mystical fear of this name.

In the Vladimir prison, the leader’s son was kept under the name “Vasiliev”. He, still a very young man, was already very ill - apparently due to excessive consumption of strong drinks. And the Soviet prison quickly destroys health.

Khrushchev once asked Shelepin:

How does Vasily Stalin behave? Talk to him, consult with Svetlana.

Stalin Jr. swore to Shelepin that he would behave with dignity.

Khrushchev said:

I am for his release.

Carrying out the will of the first secretary, on January 5, 1960, KGB Chairman Shelepin and Prosecutor General Rudenko reported to the Central Committee:

“Stalin V.I. imprisoned for six years and eight months. During this period of time, the administration of places of deprivation of liberty was characterized positively.

Currently, he has a number of serious diseases (heart disease, stomach disease, leg blood vessels and other ailments).

Taking into account the above, we ask the Central Committee of the CPSU to consider the following proposals: apply to Stalin V.I. a private amnesty, release him from further serving his sentence and expunge his criminal record; instruct Mossvet to provide Stalin with V.I. in Moscow, a three-room apartment; instruct the USSR Ministry of Defense to assign Stalin a pension in accordance with the law, provide him with a trip to a sanatorium for a period of three months and return the property that personally belonged to him confiscated during the arrest; extradite to Stalin V.I. thirty thousand rubles as a one-time benefit..."

On January 8, the proposals of Shelepin and Rudenko were accepted.

On January 11, Vasily Stalin was released early. But Vasily Stalin did not have time to take advantage of anything that was promised to him. He began drinking heavily again, and three months later, on April sixteenth, he was arrested again “for continuing anti-Soviet activities.”

This was reflected in his visit to the Chinese embassy, ​​where he made a “slanderous statement of an anti-Soviet nature,” as stated in KGB documents.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov, talked with Vasily Stalin in a fatherly manner. The elderly marshal reproached him for drinking:

I have known you since the day you were born, I had to babysit you. And I wish you only the best. But now I will tell you unpleasant, bad things. You must become a different person. You're still young, but you're so bald. Your father did not have one, although he lived to be seventy-four years old. All this is because you lead too hectic a life, you don’t live the way you should. You bear the name of a great man, you are his son, and you should not forget this..

Vasily Stalin repented and asked to give him a job. Khrushchev did not like Voroshilov’s conversation with Stalin.

Khrushchev did not like the recording of Voroshilov’s conversation with Stalin. On the fifteenth of April he arranged a discussion of their conversation. All members of the Presidium of the Central Committee, as one, attacked Voroshilov, although Kliment Efremovich did nothing wrong.

Vasily Stalin is an anti-Soviet, an adventurer,” said Mikhail Andreevich Suslov, a member of the presidium and secretary of the Central Committee. - It is necessary to stop his activities, cancel the decree on early release and place him back in prison. The behavior of Comrade Voroshilov - there was no need to get involved. It seems that you support this scum.

Put him in prison,” Nikolai Ignatov supported Suslov. - Rebirth led him to treason.

Vasily Stalin turned out to be a vile, dirty person, said Nuritdin Akramovich Mukhitdinov, a member of the presidium and secretary of the Central Committee, recently transferred to Moscow from Uzbekistan. - Why did Comrade Voroshilov need to accept him?

Vasily Stalin is a traitor to his homeland, his place is in prison, and you caressed him,” Frol Kozlov scolded Marshal. After the conversation with Comrade Khrushchev, he did not run anywhere, but after the conversation with you he ran to the Chinese embassy.

Vasily Iosifovich wanted to ask the Chinese embassy to allow him to go to China for treatment and work. The party leadership had no intention of letting the leader’s son go to China, with whom relations were deteriorating before our eyes.

Vasily Stalin is a state criminal,” said Alexei Nikolaevich Kosygin, a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee and Khrushchev’s deputy in the government. - He needs to be isolated. But Comrade Voroshilov is behaving incorrectly.

Shelepin was present at the meeting, but did not speak.

The decision of the Presidium of the Central Committee stated:

“In connection with the criminal antisocial behavior of V. Stalin, cancel the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 2, 1960 on the early release of V. Stalin from further serving his sentence and the expungement of his criminal record; place V. Stalin in prison to serve his sentence in accordance with the verdict of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR dated September 2, 1953.”

Vasily Stalin was returned to prison to serve his sentence in full. A year later, the prison term ended. They didn’t want to let him into Moscow.

Shelepin and Rudenko proposed “as an exception to the current legislation, to send V.I. Stalin, after serving his sentence, was sent into exile for a period of five years in the city of Kazan (foreigners are prohibited from entering this city). In case of unauthorized departure from the specified place, according to the law, he may be subject to criminal liability.”

On April twenty-eighth, sixty-first, Vasily Iosifovich was transferred to Kazan. They took him to the chairman of the KGB of Tatarstan, who explained to the leader’s son that he could not leave the city for the next five years.

Vasily Stalin, already a seriously ill man, lived free for less than a year. He was given a one-room apartment and a pension of one hundred and fifty rubles. He drank constantly. He willingly told his drinking buddies, neighbors and just random people about himself, explaining meaningfully:

They put me in prison because I know too much.

He did not receive a passport for a long time because they demanded that he change his last name to Dzhugashvili, but he flatly refused. Finally, the local KGB made a deal with him. Vasily demanded to be given a larger apartment, an increase in his pension and a car. Moscow agreed to his demands.

On January 9, 1962, he was given a passport with the last name Dzhugashvili. He immediately married nurse Maria Ignatievna Shevargina. She looked after him at the A.V. Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky, where he lay after prison, and followed him to Kazan.

There was listening equipment in the apartment, so the security officers knew that Vasily continued to vilify Khrushchev. He believed that they were not allowing him into Moscow because they were afraid of him.

He drank almost every day. He was very old and looked bad. Doctors had difficulty getting him out of his drinking bout. On March fourteenth, sixty-two, a teacher from the Ulyanovsk Tank School came to his home. Coming from Georgia, he brought with him a large amount of red wine. A three-day binge led to alcohol intoxication, and Vasily Stalin’s heart could not stand it.

On March 19, the new chairman of the KGB, Vladimir Semichastny, reported to Khrushchev that Vasily Iosifovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) had died in Kazan: “According to preliminary data, the cause of death was alcohol abuse. Dzhugashvili, despite repeated warnings from doctors, systematically drank.”

The KGB chairman proposed burying Vasily Iosifovich Dzhugashvili in Kazan without military honors. The proposal was accepted.

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Vasily Stalin

Age: 41 years

Place of birth: Moscow

Place of death: Kazan

Occupation: military pilot, lieutenant general of aviation

Marital status: married

Stalin Vasily Iosifovich is a famous Soviet pilot, lieutenant general of aviation and the youngest son of Joseph Stalin.

Childhood, family

Vasily Stalin in childhood

Vasily Stalin was born on March 21, 1920. His biography began in Moscow. Vasily Stalin's father, later known throughout the world, then still served as the chief commissioner of the country's inspection of national issues.

Vasya Stalin with his mother Nadezhda Alliluyeva

The boy’s mother is Nadezhda Alliluyeva, who by her origin was half Gypsy and half German. She was the editor of a communist newspaper.

Vasily Stalin with Sister Svetlana and Father

Six years later, a sister, Svetlana Alliluyeva, was born into the family, whom Stalin loved very much, but was also demanding.

Quarrels between parents broke out often, although they loved each other. Since his wounded childhood, Vasily did not know what maternal love was, since his mother was always busy at work. In 1932, Vasily lost his mother altogether, as Nadezhda Alliluyeva committed suicide. Security officers became his mentors. Vasily was always monitored by KGB agents.


At the age of eighteen, Vasily Stalin entered the Kachin Aviation School as a cadet and graduated from it in two years. Even then, many teachers noted that their student did not want to study and often skipped classes. But this only concerned theoretical knowledge; when it came to practice, the young man showed himself to be an excellent pilot, who has a strong character and the same willpower. Just before the war, the young pilot spent a year trying to improve his flying skills, constantly taking to the skies.

Career of Vasily Stalin

As soon as the war began, Vasily immediately, without hesitation, submitted a request to be sent to the front. But since Vasily was Stalin’s favorite son, he could not let him go to where he could perish and die.

Vasily Stalin - the war years

The young man’s military biography begins in 1942, when he manages to achieve enrollment in the aviation of the Stalingrad Front. From the very beginning of his military career, he was able to prove himself as a brave and risky pilot. He always came to the aid of his comrades in battle.

But in 1943 there was an incident when he and his friends were killing fish, and people died. After this, his military career as a pilot was over. Vasily was punished and transferred to a flight instructor. He never flew again. But throughout the war, Vasily Stalin received several awards and medals, and a memorial was erected in memory of his services in the battles in Vitebsk.

A few years after the end of the war, Vasily Stalin was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Central District. He did a lot for the development of aviation and quality training of pilots and for his subordinates and their families.

It is known that death always haunted Vasily. So, in 1950, he was supposed to fly to the Urals with the football team. But Wolf Messing warned the leader about this, and Vasily’s flight was cancelled. Everyone else on that flight died in the plane crash.

In 1952, there was another incident: two fighter planes crashed while landing after speaking at a May Day demonstration. Soon Vasily began to appear drunk more and more often and he was removed from his position. Each time, to his father’s arguments that he needed to stop this way of life, he answered that he had only a short time to live, until his father’s death.

When Stalin died, Vasily announced that he had been killed. The party elite did not like this, and soon a case of embezzlement was created, according to which he was sent to prison under the name of Vasily Vasilyev. Vasily Stalin spent eight years in prison. Here he stopped drinking, and this had a positive effect on his health. In prison he also studied turning. He worked a lot and persistently.

Vasily Stalin - biography of personal life

Vasily Stalin was married many times, but he cheated on all his wives. It is believed that he was married only four times. Often his mistresses were married women whose husbands wore military uniforms or were politicians. After the death of Vasily Stalin, there were four natural children and three adopted children.

Vasily Iosifovich’s first marriage took place before the start of the war. His official wife was Alexandra Burdonskaya, whose father was the head of the service garages. Two children were born in this marriage. Alexander and Nadezhda. They connected their lives with the theater.

Ekaterina Timoshenko

Vasily’s second wife was Ekaterina Timoshenko, the daughter of a marshal. This marriage produced a son, Vasily, and a daughter, Svetlana. The son died from drugs.

Vasily Stalin and Kapitolina Vasilyeva

At the same time, the famous son of Stalin had an affair with Kapitolina Vasilyeva, who became his third wife. Vasilyeva was a world champion in swimming. Their marriage lasted only three years.

Vasily Stalin with his last wife

The fourth marriage in his biography turned out to be more successful, as it lasted until the death of Vasily Stalin. His wife was Maria Nusberg, who worked as an ordinary nurse. He lived with his family in Kazan, where he was forced to move after his imprisonment. He died in 1962 from alcohol poisoning.

A rare visitor who comes to visit someone’s grave will, no, no, even ask where Vasily Stalin is buried. Knowledgeable people will show you the quiet alley where the leader’s son, a military officer, rests.

Nine years and two weeks after the death of Joseph Stalin, his youngest son passed away. His fate was tragic, although to many he seemed to be the darling of fate. The circumstances of V. I. Dzhugashvili’s death remain mysterious today.

Few knew how Vasily Stalin died. Maria, the woman who became his last love, was not one of them. At the end of February 1962, she was not very politely asked to leave her small Kazan apartment, which had become the last earthly abode of the “Kremlin celestial,” a major general and the son of “the most powerful man on the planet.”

A certain Nusberg, an employee of state security and the Serbsky Institute, who was listed as Vasily’s wife, rushed to Kazan after an unsuccessful trip by Marisha and her aunt to Moscow for the truth. The attempt was indeed naive, they were even able to get to Voroshilov himself, but instead of the “first red officer”, who, according to their idea, could stand up for Vasya, they saw an old man with a dull gaze, honestly admitting that he no longer decides anything.

The decisive lady began by expelling the resident who was not registered there, namely Maria, from the living space. Then she got down to business. Some injections completely paralyzed the will of the prisoner on the fifth floor of the Khrushchev building, and on March 19, “whoever needed it” reported to “whoever needed it” that V. I. Dzhugashvili was no more.

The Kremlin decided to simplify the entire ritual as much as possible, so that as few people as possible knew where Vasily Stalin was buried. What frightened N.S. Khrushchev about a dead man who was broken during his lifetime is unknown, but even veteran pilots were forbidden to wear awards when seeing off their commander and comrade on their last journey. The medals were under civilian coats, and when combat friends bowed low, they were visible.

And after, decades later, every wartime pilot, coming to Kazan, found out where Vasily Stalin was buried and visited his grave, thereby expressing, sometimes only to himself, fidelity to memory and respect for his son and father. Perhaps this attitude towards the dictator and his spoiled descendant may seem misleading to some, but it deserves at least respect.

People present at the funeral noted the lack of military honors; it seemed unfair to them. Vasily was a brave officer, and if he shot down only one enemy plane (according to other sources - two), it was only because after Yakov’s capture his father forbade him to risk his life.

They also noticed mysterious traces of beatings on his face, and how some woman covered his uniform with tulle, apparently on someone’s orders. There were a lot of people, the sad news spread quickly throughout the provincial city, and now it was no longer possible to hide the number of the plot at the Arskoye cemetery in Kazan, where Vasily Stalin is buried.

Time gradually puts everything in its place. Today, it is clear to almost everyone that the grief-stricken son accused his father’s associates of poisoning him in the heat of the moment, and, having done many other stupid things, did not conduct anti-Soviet agitation. Vasily Iosifovich was very inconvenient for the then leadership, he did and said a lot of things wrong, but the cruelty shown to this brave and open man was excessive. In 1999 he was completely rehabilitated. The body was reburied next to Maria at the capital's Troekurovsky cemetery.

The Moscow grave of Vasily Stalin has not become a place of pilgrimage, but someone still brings flowers to it.