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Artificial feeding of puppies from birth. How to feed newborn kittens without a cat, puppies without a dog. From personal experience: artificial feeding of puppies twice

In cases where the bitch is unable to feed the puppies or if she does not have milk, it is necessary to resort to artificial feeding. Although, of course, it is optimal to feed puppies under a wet-nurse bitch, this is not always possible. The cause of a lack of milk can often be infection of both the bitch and the puppies (staphylococci, hemolytic streptococcus, chlamydia, etc.). Therefore, placing puppies with another lactating bitch, even with false lactation, can only be recommended if the mother dies from a purely mechanical reason or if there are too many puppies in the litter. At the slightest suspicion of the possibility of infection, it is safer, although more difficult for the breeder, to use artificial feeding. For this purpose, various mixtures are used, which in composition are more or less adapted to dog milk.

Cow's, goat's or human milk are quite different in their composition as they provide different rates of growth for babies. So puppies after birth double their weight by about 8 days, calves by 47 days, and a child in general after 150–200 days.

In different countries, formula formulas for artificial feeding of puppies have been developed. They are slightly different from each other, but generally similar.

In our country, approximately the following mixture options are accepted:

№ 1 : 800 ml cow's milk, 200 ml cream, 1 raw chicken egg, 1-2 drops of oil vitamin D 2 or D 3.

№ 2 : 1 glass of milk, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. honey

American veterinarians and breeders offer the following mixture recipes:

№ 1 : 240 ml homogenized milk. 3 yolks, 1 tablespoon corn oil, 1 drop of liquid children's vitamins.

№ 2 : 784 ml homogenized milk, 192 ml 12% cream, 1 teaspoon bone meal, 1 yolk, 4 g citric acid, liquid vitamins: vitamin A - 2000 IU, Vitamin D - 500 IU.

№ 3 : 400 ml 20% condensed milk without sugar, 100 ml warm boiled water, 1 teaspoon bone meal.

These mixtures provide 125 calories per 100 ml of mixture. (D. Carlson, D. Griffin Home veterinary reference book for dog owners. M, 1996.).

In some countries, powdered or condensed milk is used as the basis for artificial feeding of puppies, which is recommended to be diluted to the desired consistency with water or a weak chamomile solution. The protein content in the mixture, as necessary, can be increased by adding protein preparations, for example lyophilized albumin. Calcium and phosphorus preparations, as well as vitamins A and D, must be added to the mixture.

In most cases, infant formula is not suitable for artificial feeding of puppies. Currently, the dog food market has a wide selection of mixtures and bitch milk substitutes developed and produced by well-known companies. They are quite expensive, but, quite obviously, this is the optimal food for puppies deprived of mother's milk.

When bottle-feeding, it is very important to determine the correct dose of each puppy's daily feeding. When the bitch naturally feeds, such problems do not exist, since, starting from the 3rd day, the bitch begins to regulate the cyclicity of milk production. This usually occurs at 1–2 hour intervals and depends only on its physiological characteristics. And for the first two days, puppies can consume colostrum almost non-stop, since the bitch’s feeding cycle has not yet formed. Taking into account the frequency of feeding puppies by dogs, it is advisable to adhere to intervals within three hours when artificially feeding puppies at a very young age, which is 8 times a day. At the age of 2 weeks, you can increase the intervals to 4 hours, i.e., switch to 6 feedings a day, and by three weeks you can leave only one night feeding and feed the puppies 4 times a day every 5 hours . The smaller the puppies, the more often they should be fed. As the puppies grow, it is necessary to adjust the composition of the milk formula.

Starting at 3 weeks, puppies can begin to be fed from a bowl. As the intervals increase, the daily amount of food should gradually increase. Until 10 days of age, the daily rate of artificial nutrition is approximately 1/4 of the puppy’s weight. More precisely, the daily food requirement, depending on the age and weight gain of the puppies, is presented in the following table.

Table 6. Daily food intake for puppies

In addition to the amount of food, its calorie content is also of great importance. The volume of nutritional mixture per day is calculated using the following formula:

total daily feed = required energy in kJ × 100/amount of energy in kJ/100 g.

To more accurately calculate the required volume of milk formula, you should use the table below, which shows the energy requirements consumed through food by a growing puppy. The table is especially important in cases where, during artificial feeding, it is not possible to create a mixture as accurately as possible that is close in composition to that of mother's milk.

Table 7. Daily energy requirements for puppies

For an experienced breeder, the health of the puppies and the growth curve are sufficient indicators that the mixture has been selected correctly. You should just keep in mind that in the first 24–48 hours after the introduction of artificial feeding, puppies lose a little weight. However, they adapt quickly enough and begin to actively gain weight. Puppies that do not gain weight usually do not survive. You can finally make sure that the mixture is selected correctly at 8–10 days for small breeds and at 10–12 days for large breeds, when the puppies double their weight. However, it is important to keep in mind that puppies are very sensitive to overeating and will immediately react with diarrhea. Diarrhea and disruption of the puppies’ smooth weight gain are the main indicators that not everything is in order with artificial nutrition.

The temperature of the milk replacer should be approximately the same as the dog's body temperature. A pacifier for small puppies can be made from a rubber eyedropper can or purchased at a pet store. Large breed puppies can be fed using a regular baby pacifier. Weak puppies and short-faced puppies born by caesarean section are fed through a tube inserted directly into the stomach.

Formula-fed puppies must be kept warm. During the first week the temperature should be around 30 C, during the second week it can be reduced to 26–28, and by the end of the third to 24. A heating pad or electric heater can be used to maintain the temperature.

It must be remembered that newborn puppies are not capable of independent urination and feces, so to stimulate these processes they need to massage the area of ​​the anus and urethra. This is best done with a cotton swab dipped in water.

Hi all!

Today I want to talk about powdered milk Beaphar puppy milk, intended to replace mother's milk for puppies.

Beafar milk is made from easily digestible whey and is very close in composition and taste to natural bitch milk. Milk can be used as the main feeding from birth or as an additional feeding for both puppies and their mothers if necessary. Increases natural milk production.
Puppy Milk is especially recommended for orphaned animals, puppies born in large litters, for weaning and as a supplementary feeding for pregnant and lactating females.

It so happened that our dog quickly got tired of motherhood, so the question arose about supplementary feeding of the puppies.

Here is the culprit herself with the kids

Breed: Russian Toy (Toy Terrier)

At the clinic we were advised to take ROYAL CANIN BABYDOG MILK, but after running around all the nearest veterinary pharmacies, we didn’t find it. With the wording “it happens, but it’s over.”

In the latter we were offered Beaphar puppy milk. Since we were familiar with vitamins from Beaphar, which at one time helped us recover well after an injury, we decided to take it. And we had nowhere to go.

Price: 750 rub.

Volume: 200 gr.

(also available in 500 g volume.)

For feeding you need to purchase a bottle. Its cost is about 300 rubles.


So, we have a jar made of rather flimsy plastic.

The label contains information about indications, composition, use and other information. But in more detail, everything is indicated in the instructions.

The instructions, along with a measuring spoon, are included inside the jar.

My spoon was lying almost at the very bottom. At first, I even thought that they forgot to put it in, and used an ordinary teaspoon. But then I got to the bottom of it.

Smell: milky vanilla

Consistency: flour

Grind: small.


whey protein concentrate, oils and fats, vitamins, minerals, DL-methionine.
Analysis: protein: 24.0%, fats: 24.0%, minerals: 7.0%, moisture: 3.5%, calcium: 0.86%, phosphorus: 0.6%, sodium: 0.42 %, magnesium: 0.12%..
Additives: copper: 5 mg/kg, iodine: 0.14 mg/kg, iron: 80 mg/kg, selenium: 0.10 mg/kg, manganese: 20 mg/kg, zinc: 40 mg/kg, vitamin A: 50000 IU/kg, vitamin D3: 2000 U/kg, vitamin E: 50 mg/kg, vitamin B1: 5.5 mg/kg, Ca pantothenate: 25 mg/kg, nicotinamide: 25.5 mg/kg, vitamin B6: 4.5 mg/kg, vitamin B12: 50 mg/kg, vitamin B2: 20 mg/kg, vitamin C: 130 mg/kg, choline: 60 g/kg, methionine: 5.0 mg/kg, lysine: 16 .0 mg/kg, antioxidant E321.


When it is necessary to replace mother's milk for puppies or vitamin and mineral deficiencies in food for pregnant or lactating bitches.

Our reason for resorting to additional feeding was that the dog did not want to feed the puppies. This happened a week after giving birth. We were an exemplary mother for a week, and then she just got tired of it.

Her name is puppies, but she just won't go... a heartbreaking picture. And nothing can be done.

Naturally, if someone was at home, they almost kicked her and sent her to the puppies. But due to such unstable feeding, problems with milk production naturally began. The puppies squeak, want to eat, but there is almost no milk.

Another cause for concern was the fact that in the litter, one puppy was larger than his brothers, and constantly pushed everyone around the weaker ones. While the middle puppy was still able to squeeze through, the smallest one simply couldn’t. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to whether all puppies are getting enough food!

Method of use:

add the powder to hot but not boiling water and stir until completely dissolved. Cool the mixture to 38 C - and the milk is ready.

Adult animals may prefer to drink it cold.

The finished mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. To reuse, heat it in a water bath.

The first time it was quite difficult to figure out how much powder needed to be diluted and with what amount of water.

The instructions are written in such a way that you can break your head! Moreover, there are inconsistencies!

How to dilute the mixture

Dosage for all :

30 gr. 115 ml mixtures. water

And based on the weight of the puppy, you need to adhere to feeding standards.

That is, if a puppy needs to consume 45 mg. mixture per day, we dilute 45 mg. with 172.5 ml. water. Dilutes easily, without lumps.

Now for the inconsistency! 30 gr. This is not 12 measuring spoons, but 1 tablespoon or 2 measuring spoons of the mixture!

With such feeding, the consequences can be very sad...

Side effects:

In case of overdose, diarrhea is possible.

My application experience

At 7 days of age

I diluted the mixture in the ratio: 1 incomplete teaspoon to 50 ml. water (this is even slightly below normal). The smallest puppy did not eat. The largest one also refused. Average without pleasure, but I ate 5 ml myself. I gave the rest to my mother. Mom really liked the milk.

If the product is used as additional food for pregnant or sick animals, feed it separately from the main food.

After a few hours, all the puppies became restless. They began to actively crawl and squeak, their stomachs became swollen, and then everyone started having diarrhea...

And those who refused, and the one who ate. The mixture also relieved my mother, and she went to the toilet quite gently, but there was no diarrhea.

In this regard, the manufacturer gave the following recommendation:

If the animal suffers from diarrhea, reduce the amount, but do not reduce the target concentration.

But of course I didn’t torture the animals, and I didn’t torture them again after what happened. Moreover, the concentration was made less

The puppies experienced discomfort with their tummies for several more days. They continued to go to the toilet enchantingly.

We solved the feeding problem with my vacation. I sat at home and made sure that our unfortunate mother fed the puppies, and everyone ate. Mostly I stood over her so that she wouldn’t leave, but sometimes I had to hold her. The milk began to come in well, and the puppies began to have enough of it.

By the way, if a dog refuses to feed, perhaps the puppies are simply scratching it with their claws. Therefore, it is important to monitor this and trim it regularly so that feeding does not cause discomfort. I cut my hair 3 times during feeding.

At 25 days of age

Remembering my previous experience, with caution, I finally decided to try diluting the mixture again and giving it to the puppies as their first food. I took the same ratios.

The birth of puppies is always a joyful and touching event in the life of every breeder, but sometimes the joy is overshadowed by certain events. Such unfortunate events include the refusal of the bitch to give up her puppies. If your bitch is unable to feed puppies, then you will have to resort to artificial feeding. This task is very troublesome and requires a lot of time, effort and patience.

How to feed newborn puppies

The difficulties of feeding lie in the fact that babies need to be fed 12 times a day, with an interval of two hours, and after eating, be sure to massage the abdomen, moving in the direction of the clock until the intestines start working. Hygiene procedures should also be carried out using cotton swabs. Puppies should be kept in dry and clean diapers, at a room temperature of about 25-27 degrees and always on heating pads.

If suddenly the puppy becomes hypothermic, you should immediately put it on a heating pad and inject it subcutaneously with a 5% glucose solution, in a dosage of 5-10 cubic meters, depending on the weight of the puppy, after a few hours you need to repeat the procedure, and then give warm milk with 1 spoon of honey per liter of milk.

You can feed puppies with special dry or natural milk. It is not recommended to feed puppies with infant formula, since its composition is different from that of dog milk and therefore is of little benefit to babies. You can also try to find a wet nurse for a foster dog, but it is important that the age of the foster dogs coincides with the age of her puppies, since the composition of the milk changes as the puppies grow older.

Food for newborn puppies

Today, there are a wide variety of analogues of dog milk, which are produced by manufacturers of ready-made food, but you can also feed them with formula. The mixture is prepared from 0.5 liters of milk, 1 raw yolk, and liquid vitamins. Sometimes 1 spoon of honey or 40 percent glucose is added to the mixture.

When bottle-feeding, it is advisable to keep a diary in which information about the amount of food consumed and the baby’s growth will be recorded. A separate column is allocated for each puppy and feeding data is entered daily, and once every three days the puppies are weighed and recorded in the diary. If the puppy receives the right amount of food and is not sick, then its growth should increase according to the following scheme:

  • a week after birth, weight increases 3 times,
  • after two weeks weight increase 5 times,
  • after 3 weeks—7 times
  • at the age of 1 month, the puppy’s weight increases 10 times the weight with which it was born.

The number of feedings from the 1st to the 10th day is 10-12 times a day, from the 10th day you can switch to 8 feedings, and from three weeks leave 6-7 feedings. At the age of four weeks, the puppy should receive six feedings a day, with the last feeding as late as possible, at approximately 10 pm, and the first at 6 am. The interval between meals is approximately 3 hours. All food is given to the puppy at room temperature and only fresh, otherwise the baby may get enteritis or gastritis and even die.

Introduction of complementary foods

  • Starting from day 21, raw, scraped beef or poultry meat is added to the baby’s food. In the first days of complementary feeding with meat, you should give very small portions, the size of a pea, once a day.
  • Every day you should increase the portions, and be sure to monitor the puppy’s health. If suddenly the puppy begins to have diarrhea or vomiting from the newly introduced product, then you should return to the previous feeding - milk, and introduce meat into the diet a few days later. Basically, the puppy’s body accepts meat food well and by the time they are a month old, puppies already consume 30-50 grams, small and medium breeds, 50-100 grams for large breeds.
  • Cottage cheese is introduced from the third week of birth. And, of course, do not forget about vitamins, which are simply necessary for a growing body.
  • From the month you can transfer the puppy to special

The most useful food that puppies that have just seen the world will happily accept is their mother's milk. However, exceptions are possible, for example, a period of illness of the bitch, her refusal to accept her offspring, or even a simple lack of milk. Feeding with artificial formula can eliminate this problem.

Making your own formula for feeding newborn puppies

One of the most affordable means for feeding puppies is ordinary cow's milk, which is always possible to get. However, due to its specific composition, it is not able to fully replace bitch milk. Those substances the presence of which is vital for puppies, namely calories, proteins, phosphorus and calcium, are contained in insufficient quantities. Their concentration barely reaches 50% of the norm. There is only one way out of the situation - to “modernize” the milk obtained from a cow, increasing its nutritional value.

The simplest and at the same time reliable way to create a mixture of acceptable quality is to mix cow's milk with chicken yolks. The required concentration is achieved by adding 1 yolk to 100 ml of milk. To bring the resulting mixture even closer to the original, it is advisable to supplement the mixture with vitamins A, D (1-2 drops), and a 5% solution of ascorbic acid in an amount of 2-3 ml. The acid is known to be vitamin C.

Artificial bitch milk substitutes

You should resort to using such food for puppies when good quality cow's milk is not available to you, or simply preparing the formula gives you trouble. The industry produces mixtures that can become a complete replacement for bitch milk. And the puppies won't feel any difference. Industrially produced milk powder is available for sale, which only needs to be properly diluted and heated.

  • Royal Canin (Royal Canin);
  • Hartz (Hartz);
  • Beaphar (Bifar);
  • Canina Welpenbrei (This manufacturer also produces special cereals suitable for feeding puppies after they reach 3 weeks of age).

You can view and order dog milk substitutes.

Is it difficult to feed newborn puppies?

Any food is most beneficial if it is fresh. The same can be said about industrially produced mixtures. If the formula has not been fed during one feeding, it will remain suitable for another day (but not more than 36 hours). The mixture ready for feeding should only be kept in the refrigerator. For ease of use, this is where you should place the rest of the prepared mixture. Food “served” to the puppies’ table should be heated to a temperature of 38 degrees. To ensure that the mixture retains all its beneficial properties, it is more effective to use a water bath to heat it.

If the puppies are still very small, it is best to use a pipette or a syringe from which the needle has been removed to feed them with the mixture. For older puppies, a baby bottle with a nipple attached to the neck will probably be suitable. You also need to pay attention to the size of the hole in the nipple. If it is too large, the puppy will most likely choke when feeding. And through a hole that is too small, he simply will not be able to get enough of it.

As you know, when feeding a bitch with her tongue, she performs a small massage on the puppies’ abdomen, thereby stimulating digestion. With artificial feeding, you will have to perform this function. Arm yourself with a piece of natural cloth moistened with warm water and massage the puppies' bellies with light movements.

Do puppies need a lot of food?

The first week of life deserves special attention, when feeding will have to be done at intervals of two hours. Night hours will be no exception. For puppies that have lived 10 days from birth, the intervals between feeding periods can be increased. And puppies that have reached the age of one month should be fed 5-6 times a day.

How much food does a puppy need? The answer to this question depends on the size of the puppy and its age. Below are approximate correspondences between age and food volumes:

  • for a 2-3 day old puppy - 30 ml of mixture per day, if the bitch weighs 1-5 kg, (70 ml of mixture for a bitch weighing 5-10 kg; 90 ml for an animal weighing 10-20 kg; 120 ml/20- 30 kg; over 30 kg - mixture in a volume of 170 ml);
  • for a 7-day-old puppy - 40 ml of mixture per day for a bitch weighing 1-5 kg, (90 ml of mixture for a bitch weighing 5-10 kg; 120 ml for an animal weighing 10-20 kg; 160 ml/20-30 kg; over 30 kg - mixture in a volume of 230 ml);
  • for a 14-day-old puppy - 60 ml of mixture per day for a bitch weighing 1-5 kg, (130 ml of mixture for a bitch weighing 5-10 kg; 180 ml for an animal weighing 10-20 kg; 250 ml/20-30 kg; over 30 kg - mixture in a volume of 340 ml);
  • from the 21st day of a puppy’s life - 80 ml of mixture per day for a female weighing 1-5 kg, (180 ml of mixture for a female weighing 5-10 kg; 240 ml for an animal weighing 10-20 kg; 330 ml/20-30 kg ; over 30 kg - mixture in a volume of 460 ml);
  • from the 28th day of a puppy’s life - 100 ml of mixture per day for a female weighing 1-5 kg, (220 ml of mixture for a female weighing 5-10 kg; 300 ml for an animal weighing 10-20 kg; 410 ml/20-30 kg ; over 30 kg - mixture in a volume of 570 ml);

The above proportions are only approximate, because even puppies from the same litter may have different appetites. To determine the degree of saturation of the puppy’s body, you need to observe him. If the puppy independently turns away from the pacifier offered to him, most likely he is no longer hungry. Although this is also not an axiom, because he just gets tired of sucking a lot. In order to normalize your puppy's food intake, you need to find out at what rate puppies of your breed gain weight.

As soon as the puppies reach the age of 2-3 weeks, you can add a small amount of finely ground cottage cheese to their food or dilute it with a special porridge. When the puppies become even older, their diet can be diversified with a small amount of scraped meat or dry food. These additives are best added to their porridge. Dry food from Royal Canin Starter has proven itself well. This food is quite versatile and is suitable for dogs of a wide variety of breeds.

Foster mother for puppies

Caring for orphan puppies or is it difficult to be a bitch?

It's very sad when newborn puppies are left without a mother. Usually their owners try to find a foster mother for the puppies - a bitch who recently whelped herself, but brought very few puppies. It is advisable that the foster mother be similar in size to the mother of the orphaned puppies. If the puppies cannot find a foster mother, the owners have to raise the puppies themselves.

Artificial rearing of puppies is a last resort that must be resorted to in order to prevent the babies from dying.

Artificial feeding of a puppy

Artificial rearing of puppies has many more disadvantages than advantages:

Requires a huge amount of effort and time from a person. If a person does not have the skills to raise newborn puppies, then one cannot do without calling a veterinarian or consultation with an experienced breeder.

Artificial formula for feeding, no matter what it is, is always worse than mother’s milk. Mother's milk in the first few hours after birth - colostrum contains vitamins and antibodies that protect puppies from infections from birth to three months. Puppies that have not received colostrum require special attention. Sometimes there are cases of sudden death of artificially raised puppies under the age of 1 month.

Oddly enough, the character of “artificial” puppies turns out to be imperfect. A mother dog teaches puppies a lot, starting from a very young age. Maternal warmth and care are a wonderful start in life. In the first 3 weeks after dog giving birth She is almost constantly in the “nest” next to her puppies, which creates an atmosphere of security and safety. By one month, the bitch begins to teach the puppies to be independent, and by two months she can give the puppy a good “thrashing” for bad behavior.

Positive aspects of artificially feeding puppies:

Because the puppies receive constant attention and care, a close bond develops between them and the person who serves as the foster mother.

Caring for orphan puppies:

To survive, puppies need:

• Warm. Thermoregulation in puppies is not developed. Outside the warm “nest,” the puppy dies from hypothermia, even at room temperature.

• Feeding. It is important to know what and how to feed, how often, and how much the puppy eats at one “feeding”.

• Stimulation of urination and defecation . Puppies under 3 weeks of age cannot go to the toilet on their own. They need stimulation to urinate and to empty their bowels.

Warmth for newborn puppies

Puppies need to stay warm to survive. Temperature changes or drafts are contraindicated for them. Puppies can go long enough without food and will survive, but they will not survive if they become hypothermic. Warmth for newborn puppies is no less important than food. During the first week of life, the temperature in the “nest” should be 30-35 ° C. Since newborn puppies cannot regulate their temperature, it completely depends on the ambient temperature. From hypothermia, puppies quickly catch a cold, and it is very difficult to save them.

Feeding orphaned puppies

Feeding frequency: breaks between feeding newborn puppies are 2-3 hours.

Milk mixture temperature: 38 - 40 ° C.

The volume of milk for feeding a puppy weighing 300 g is two full pipettes, but this is only a guide. If the volume of milk formula is chosen correctly, the puppies sleep peacefully from one feeding to the next. A very common mistake is overfeeding, which leads to severe constipation, or vice versa – to upset bowel movements.

What to feed from? For feeding very small puppies, a pipette or a disposable syringe is suitable, to the end of which a rubber tube with small holes is attached - holes (for example, from another pipette). As puppies get older, you can switch to a bottle with a nipple. It is important that the holes in the nipple are small, otherwise the puppies will choke! It is preferable to have several small holes in the nipple instead of one large one.

What to feed? What is the composition of the milk formula?

IN bitch's milk there is almost 2 times more fat and protein than cow milk, and 1.5 times less sugar. You can use ready-made mixtures - bitch milk substitutes sold in large pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. You can prepare the mixture yourself.

Recipes for artificial feeding of a puppy

Recipe No. 1 – 0.5 liters of milk + 1 raw egg yolk without shell.

Recipe No. 2 – 0.25 liters of milk + tablespoon of milk powder = stir and strain.

Stimulation of urination and defecation in puppies

After eating, you need to help the puppies urinate and empty their intestines. To do this, massage the puppy’s belly with a piece of cotton wool or a terry towel moistened with warm water, imitating the movement of the bitch’s tongue to cause the separation of urine and feces. Puppies cannot “defecate” on their own until they are three weeks old.

Veterinarian consultation on caring for orphaned puppies

To our veterinary service "Vasilek" owners periodically contact orphaned puppies behind consultation with a veterinarian or for veterinary assistance in more complex cases.

Ball with Lusha

From personal experience: artificial feeding of puppies twice

Some of our clients faced the need feed the puppies twice. The first time, being caring people, we were unable to pass by the puppies that someone had put out in the trash. A box containing three newborn puppies stood next to a trash container. It was early spring outside, the puppies were hypothermic, we had to do call the veterinarian. The condition of the puppies was serious; out of three, only one “girl” was saved. The puppy was given a name - Lusha, and surrounded with warmth and care. In a large, friendly family, the puppy was fed strictly “on the clock,” and the feedings were divided among each other. As a result, Lusha grew up. She became a wonderful loyal dog. Throughout her life, Lusha was almost never sick. At the age of 6 I had to sterilize the dog for medical reasons. Since then call the veterinarian was needed only for routine vaccinations.

And so, when Lusha turned 10 years old, history repeated itself. Again - “foundling”. An abandoned newborn puppy lay on the grass in the courtyard of a kindergarten, he loudly called “mom”. The puppy was brought home without hesitation. The owners already knew exactly how to care for the baby. While the puppy was small, spoiled Lusha took almost no part in his upbringing, but after a month she could no longer “get away” from his persistent attention and unceremonious games. Veterinarian consultation Only needed it once. On the eleventh day, the puppy suffered from severe constipation, which was overcome thanks to veterinarian advice. From the fourteenth day the puppy was taught to eat from a saucer. The puppy was named a wonderful, unambitious name - Sharik. First puppy vaccination They did it at two months, the second at three months. Soon the puppy will go for a walk. We hope that Sharik will develop into a deep, highly intelligent personality.