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What does jerking off lead to. How to quit masturbation forever? Hidden harm of onanism. The defeat of the psyche and mind

When discussing the dangers of masturbation, one should not ignore the subjective opinion of the masturbator himself: the more “destructive” he considers this vice for himself, the more harmful its consequences can be.

Very often people suffering from schizophrenia, psychopathy and other psychopathology indulge in masturbation. However, many people engage in masturbation completely unconsciously, especially at night, during sleep.

V. M. Bekhterev explained this by the fact that these persons in the state of wakefulness, understanding the harm of onanism, persistently suppress vicious desire, while in a dream they mechanically masturbate.

The main harm of onanism lies in its negative impact on the state and functions of the higher nervous system. After normal sexual intercourse, a man experiences a natural calm, improvement in his general condition, satisfaction.

Moreover, during sexual intercourse, in the formation of feelings, such factors as the appearance of a woman, heightened tactile sensations, visual perceptions, etc., also acquire significant significance.

With onanism, this whole complex of complex emotional perception is absent and is replaced by artificial irritation of the genital organs or fantasizing.

After an onanistic act, after an orgasm, no matter how much relief it brings, in the future there is a feeling of depression, oppression of the general state, physical weakness, etc.

The masturbator is well aware that he suffers from a vice, according to some - even a serious one, represents the unnaturalness and immorality of what is being done.

Realizing that masturbation humiliates human dignity and harms health, these persons experience remorse, painful emotional experiences, are ashamed of their vice and always reproach themselves for supposedly immoral acts.

Usually, in these conclusions, exceptionally great importance is attached to the loss of the seed, which, according to onanists, is a biologically valuable substance.

There is no doubt that the experiences of persons engaged in masturbation are unjustifiably exaggerated, which, in all likelihood, is facilitated by the unnaturalness of the act and the social condemnation of the vice.

Without denying the undoubted harm inflicted on the nervous system by persistent and systematic onanism, it should be emphasized that its degree is greatly exaggerated not only by the onanists themselves, but also by the medical community.

It should be thought that the harm of masturbation is especially great if teenagers or young men are engaged in it, whose body is still developing and not fully formed.

For assessing possible harm, the age of the subject, to which the onset of masturbation belongs, as well as the duration and frequency of onanistic acts, may be of primary importance.

It has been established that as a result of persistent onanism, a person's working capacity can suffer significantly and fatigue sets in faster.

For example, after an onanistic act, the dynamometer readings become 1/3 and even 1/2 lower than before it.

A person engaged in masturbation often cannot concentrate, becomes absent-minded, indecisive, gloomy, capricious, touchy.

The memory of onanists deteriorates, isolation, depression, indifference to the environment appear.

Therefore, it is quite natural that such a subject seeks solitude, avoids society.

In some cases, onanism in persons with an unstable emotional sphere can lead to severe neurosis and even mental disorders.

Onanism deeply depresses with its impotence to cope with a bad habit. Frightened by those around him, and even more often by reading pamphlets describing fantastic horrors as a consequence of onanism, the patient constantly lives under the threat of future illnesses and the thought of his unfitness for life.

A condition is created that can lead to the development of psychasthenia. Therefore, onanism predisposes to all kinds of diseases, both somatic and nervous.

An onanistic act is under no circumstances equivalent to sexual intercourse, especially if there are frequent onanistic acts.

Practiced onanism in physically healthy people (with a strong type of higher nervous activity) may sometimes not cause much harm. At the same time, it should be remembered that the harmful effects of onanism are aggravated by the fact that they often begin to engage in it in childhood.

In addition, a second person is not needed for this, and a bad erection or its absence is not an obstacle to performing onanistic acts.

Those engaged in masturbation may suffer from prostorrhea, i.e., the release of a prostatic secret, and spermatorrhea, an involuntary separation of the seed.

It should be noted, however, that prostorrhea and spermatorrhea may depend on completely different causes and be dependent on onanism.

In parallel with prostorrhea and ejaculation, there is also an increased secretion of the secretion of the glands of Cooper and Littre.

The release of the secrets of these glands in masturbators can occur even with the most insignificant excitations (reading books or looking at paintings, photographs, films of erotic and pornographic content, etc.).

According to A. I. Vasiliev, among urological patients, masturbation was the cause of colliculitis (inflammation of the seminal tubercle) in 15% of cases. AP Kolomiytsev during the examination found changes in the posterior urethra and seminal tubercle in 13% of persons engaged in masturbation or used interrupted sexual intercourse.

Masturbation is the cause of prostatitis.

Due to frequent masturbation acts in persons engaged in masturbation, there is a weakening of the tone of the prostate muscles. The gland in these cases becomes atonic and flabby, and congestive prostatitis may also form in connection with this.

The occurrence of aseptic, catarrhal or congestive prostatitis, as well as damage to the glandular ducts of the prostate as a result of onanism, is due to frequent flushes of blood and the presence of constant congestion.

In addition, prolonged and persistent onanism often contributes to the defeat of the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation.

It is clear that congestion in the prostate can cause other diseases, which, in turn, leads to impotence.

As a result of onanism, paraphimosis can develop, most often with a narrow opening of the preputial sac.

The foreskin, infringing on the head of the penis, leads to its swelling and increase in volume. At the same time, the foreskin itself also swells sharply, increases in size and becomes painful.

Untimely reduction of the head can lead to its necrosis in the restrained ring of the foreskin.

Frequent friction of delicate skin and foreskin can contribute to the occurrence of balanoposthitis, i.e., inflammation of the skin of the head and foreskin.

It is impossible not to mention the other side of the harmful consequences of onanism.

We are talking about the psychological impact of the bad habit of masturbation, as a result of which certain attitudes are formed in the psyche of the subject, mostly associated with ideas about sexual inferiority.

In such cases, masturbators develop self-doubt, thoughts about possible failures when trying to sexual intimacy and inferiority in this regard.

Some of them believe that they suffer from an irreparable sexual disorder, and find "consolation" in the continuation of masturbation after a failed sexual intercourse.

The vast majority of people (up to 80-90%) note that masturbation was accompanied by a general neurasthenic state, irritability, awareness of their physical and sexual inferiority, depression, loss of strength, depression, fear of the possibility of serious consequences, etc.

Most modern domestic and foreign sexologists do not classify masturbation as a bad habit, as the people involved in it themselves believe.

Mar 27

How dangerous is masturbation?

According to statistics, about 90% of men and more than 50% of women periodically masturbate or have done so in the past. Moreover, most people who gravitate towards such "entertainment" at least once thought about the dangers of masturbation. Indeed, many sources speak of the dangers of masturbation, but these statements are far from always confirmed by specific data and facts. We will try to understand the issue under consideration so that you understand what exactly you need to be afraid of and not harm your health.

Is masturbation always harmful to a person?

Most modern doctors argue that a sexually mature person can periodically masturbate. The main thing is to do it carefully and irregularly. If you become addicted to such acts, the problem can only be solved with the help of a sex therapist. Therefore, both men and women are advised to be careful in this matter.

Situations when a person harms his body

However, under certain circumstances, masturbation can indeed be dangerous. It is appropriate to talk about this in the following cases:

  1. A person has not reached puberty, and his body is not ready for the processes and experiences with which the act is associated.
  2. The person is in old age, and his body is already exhausted. This remark concerns, first of all, men, who, as practice shows, sometimes engage in masturbation even in old age. Remember that such "pastime" is fraught with serious problems with pressure.
  3. A man or woman masturbates too often, and far exceeds the needs of his body for sexual intercourse.
  4. A man or woman consciously postpones the moment of orgasm, delaying the act.
  5. A person acts too roughly, irritating the genitals. In this case, over time, their sensitivity may decrease. As a result, it will be difficult for you to enjoy normal sexual intercourse.

What are the consequences of masturbation?

Speaking about how harmful masturbation is, it is necessary to touch upon not only the physiological, but also the psychological component of the issue. After all, most people who masturbate are very shy about it. A person begins to consider himself "wrong", "not like everyone else" or even "dirty". This most negatively affects self-esteem, interferes with building normal relationships with members of the opposite sex, causes depression and other psychological problems.

The abuse of onanism leads to even more serious consequences. The human body is depleted, and its nervous system is constantly in an excited state. After all, masturbation does not give such a feeling of peace, which occurs in a man or woman after a normal sexual intercourse. In this case, the tension recedes much more slowly, and the increased load negatively affects the nervous system.

Summing up, we can conclude that a person who once engaged in masturbation or occasionally does it now does not need to suffer from a guilt complex and feelings of inferiority. Most people who masturbate during adolescence or early adulthood live and develop normally. However, such "entertainment" should not be abused, since this is fraught with serious physiological and psychological problems.

No matter how you feel about masturbation, statistics say that 95% of men and 72% of women do it. If you do not take into account the ethical component, appealing solely to scientific facts, then self-satisfaction (in the absence of a permanent partner or as a way) is completely normal. And if you do this from time to time, then nothing terrible, of course, will happen.

Despite the fact that the topic itself is quite delicate, scientists regularly try to learn something new about masturbation. And most of the research is aimed at deciding once and for all: it is rather harmful or rather beneficial. AsapSCIENCE dedicated their new video to this topic - and we tell you what conclusion they came to.

So, despite the rumors that masturbation can lead to infertility and even blindness, research has shown that there is actually a lot of good in it. Firstly, it releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that activates the "pleasure center" in the brain, releasing endorphins into the bloodstream that relieve pain (for women, by the way, this can be useful for), improve mood and generally act on the body in the most favorable way. .

In addition, in the body of both women and men, there is a natural surge of prolactin, a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which, among other important functions, helps. Men, in the case of masturbation, benefit most from regular ejaculation, which has been correlated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer, according to several studies. Scientists still cannot say exactly how this works, but they suggest that more carcinogens, which, as you know, come out of the body along with sperm.

And these are not all the reasons why people and some animals have acquired and retained the skill of masturbation in the process of evolution. It only seems like a waste of energy at first glance, as studies on the topic show that for women it can be a way to maintain reproductive function, and for men it can be a strategy to improve sperm quality by displacing older sperm from the body.

But while masturbation is a surefire way to train your muscles with a partner, you still shouldn't get carried away. As the experts at AsapSCIENCE explain, if you don't "mix methods" from time to time, there is a chance that one day you will stop responding to other types of sexual stimulation. Well, or you will not react to them as well as before.

The technique of self-satisfaction has been known since ancient times, in most cases it is not considered a vice, and even experts are not inclined to exaggerate the harm of masturbation for men. However, constant masturbation is condemned in society, it is considered a disease that leads to serious problems of a physiological and psychological nature. In this case, there is no need to talk about the benefits.

How to stop masturbating, what exactly is the harm of masturbation and why does the refusal of constant masturbation only benefit any man? Details about the features of male masturbation, about its harm and benefits - in this article.

Opinions of doctors: what is it

It is believed that the future man begins to masturbate (masturbate) as early as adolescence. If this imitation of older comrades disappears over time, when regular sexual relations are established, then experts are not ready to talk about the pathology or serious harm of onanism. A man cannot stop “doing it” at all, but masturbation will not be fundamental to achieving pleasure.

A bad effect on potency and erectile function in general is exerted by the desire of a young man or an adult male to replace normal sexual intercourse with masturbation (this is a determining factor influencing the further development of the disease). Especially if such a tendency can be traced from an early age and extends to the entire conscious life, if there is an alternative to self-satisfaction - sex with a permanent partner.

In this case, experts answer the question “Is it harmful if a man engages in masturbation (masturbation)?” they answer unequivocally - it is harmful, there is no benefit in this, you can stop doing this only by contacting a doctor.

To definitely say what is the benefit or harm of masturbation in men and how to stop excessive masturbation, you need to consider in detail the types of onanism and their characteristics:

  • Reflex.
  • Psychopathological.
  • Conscious.

The first type of masturbation is not considered a pathology, it is mainly manifested in children who unconsciously tug at the penis, stimulate it. The child can stop doing this at any time. But you should not allow too frequent touching, otherwise the penis may swell. In the case of conscious actions, a man is trying to solve the issue of the lack of a regular sexual life, if this does not become a systematic practice, then one cannot talk about the dangers of masturbation.

If masturbation is carried out due to the absence of a sexual partner, then this is not harmful.

If a married person or a man who has a permanent partner invariably practices masturbation, and in addition, prefers to masturbate and refuse normal sexual intercourse, then experts speak of a psychopathological form of onanism. This is an undoubted harm to health, both psychological and physical, the penis may swell or stop responding to stimulation. Is it possible to get rid of it? Yes, if the treatment is completed in a timely manner.

When not to panic

Does masturbation affect erection badly and how often can masturbation be practiced? Not always the influence of onanism on an erection is fraught with unpleasant consequences, in some cases, onanism can be useful. This applies to situations where, due to circumstances, a man cannot lead a regular intimate life for a certain period of time (business trips, watch, army, etc.), but it is necessary to “blow off steam”. This type of masturbation, which is temporary, can be considered a benefit if the man subsequently moves into a regular relationship with a woman. Sometimes masturbation helps a lot in a very stressful situation.

In some cases, a masturbating man has an exciting effect on girls, this can be considered part of an intimate relationship, and you should not blame what is good for two. Doctors say unequivocally about how often such sexual games can be practiced - if a man excited in this way ends sexual intercourse on his own every time, then this fact is not useful, and the question of visiting a specialist should be raised in order to resolve the issue: how to quit masturbating systematically in damaging normal relationships.

To avoid problems after masturbation (not swollen penis), a man should follow some rules:

  1. During masturbation, it is better to lubricate the penis with a lubricant gel to ensure easy sliding (friction “dry” is not desirable, the penis may swell).
  2. Ask your doctor how often you can practice masturbation in the absence of regular sexual relations.
  3. Stop masturbating if the swelling begins to increase, the penis "refuses" to stand up and increase in size.

When masturbating, the penis must be lubricated with a lubricant gel.

You should not touch the penis with excessive rudeness, all movements should be soft, directed, allowing the penis to grow and ultimately achieve the goal for which everything was started.

Why masturbation is bad

How to stop masturbating or weaken the influence of onanism? Only a specialist will give an exhaustive answer to this question, he will also determine the degree of “benefit and harm” of onanism for a particular man.

You should not look for an answer in dubious manuals, such as the “handbook for girls”, where the harm of masturbation is expressed in the depletion of the nervous system and the presence of hairy palms afterwards. And if the first aspect is similar to the truth, then hair growth in a place where there are no hair follicles is, in principle, impossible.

So, first of all, the harm of masturbation lies in the development of nervous strain, this is facilitated by the following points:

  • Excessive production of glucose in the absence of sufficient physical exertion.
  • High concentration of residual adrenaline.

Harm during masturbation can manifest itself in the possibility of developing a varicocele, in that the genitals can swell due to frequent blood flow, which, in turn, will lead to inflammatory processes in the prostate and tissues in the penis area.

With frequent onanism, a man should not complain that the member does not get up, masturbation provokes depression of the spinal centers, which affect erection and ejaculation. Due to the inability to carry out the usual actions, irritability, nervousness develop, problems with concentration and memory appear.

There is a growing likelihood that the head and foreskin may swell, swelling will appear, which is manifested by pain and severe discomfort.

With regular friction, if you do not lubricate the penis, you can earn balanoposthitis, constant masturbation has a bad effect on blood circulation in the penis, it can swell. Due to increased nervous excitability, a man brings himself to a neurosis, the feeling of satisfaction is inferior, and there remains a feeling of weakness, weakness, oppression or depression.

To determine the degree of harm and consequences of onanism in men, it is important to take into account a lot of factors that determine behavior. You should not consider short-term facts of masturbation as something inferior and depraved, but the prolonged presence of the disease is an occasion to consult a doctor and reconsider your life.

Sexologists have long recognized masturbation as a physiological necessity. Doctors allow self-satisfaction without restrictions, but only if this process is really necessary to relieve sexual tension in the absence of a permanent partner. In this matter, the ball is ruled by libido. Someone needs a discharge several times a day, while someone is content with once a week or a month.

What happens if you masturbate frequently

Masturbation, as they say, "having nothing to do" is not particularly welcomed by experts. The fact is that this process can form the so-called self-sufficiency complex. It manifests itself when a guy or girl prefers self-satisfaction to a full-fledged sexual life with a partner.

Self-sufficiency complex

People who are prone to this complex see certain advantages in masturbation.

  • Firstly, you can do this exactly when you yourself want to, and not when it is also convenient for your partner.
  • Secondly, by masturbating, a person will 100% achieve orgasm, because he knows his body better than any partner.
  • Thirdly, sex with oneself does not require any financial, psychological or emotional costs.
  • As a result, after weighing all the pros and cons, a person comes to the conclusion: why do I need someone, because I am absolutely self-sufficient.

Thinking of this kind is fundamentally wrong and leads to loneliness. It is better for such lovers of masturbation to immediately contact a sexologist. Let the expert figure it out. For such people, masturbation is often harmful.

Signs of a self-sufficiency complex

A trip to a specialist on the issue of your frequent masturbation is worth organizing if:

  • self-satisfaction began to interfere with intimacy with a partner, that is, you increasingly choose the first,
  • I don’t want to enter into close and sexual relationships with anyone, being sure that I myself am a jack of all trades.

To sum it up logically, the question of how often one can masturbate usually turns into a completely affordable luxury. The main thing is not to overdo it with masturbation.