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Why do you dream of black leather gloves? White gloves dream book

The first interpreters of dreams go back to ancient times; in the second century BC there were already revered people who interpreted dreams and predicted the future from them. Nowadays, everything is much simpler: there are many dream books of different cultures, religions and trends, and all of them are available at any time. What do gloves mean in dreams, according to ancient and modern interpreters?

What you should pay attention to?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is to remember what kind of gloves were in the dream: color, shape, size, whether there was any special decoration on them. They were new or worn, perhaps with holes. Dirty or clean - it all plays a role when interpreting images from a dream. Who was wearing gloves, what actions were performed with them, was there a pair, only one glove or many pieces.

Material and color

White gloves in a dream symbolize triumph, celebration is a very good symbol. If you dreamed of yourself wearing white gloves, there will be a family celebration, and if someone else was wearing white gloves, then you will receive an invitation from this person or something related to him. If you dreamed of black gloves, expect news that will affect your business.

A dream in which the gloves were torn and had holes in them symbolizes the arrival of a difficult financial period, but at the same time, the subconscious mind tells you to treat this with detachment and composure: everything passes sooner or later, and these difficulties will also pass.

Long gloves above the elbow indicate disappointment in relationships or love; try not to close yourself off from the outside world. Short ones, on the contrary, promise reconciliation with a dear person with whom there was a short quarrel or separation.

If you dreamed of a whole pile of gloves of various colors and styles, this is a signal that there is no need to aggravate an already difficult situation.

Freud on gloves

Why do you dream of gloves, according to the father of psychoanalysis? Sigmund Freud believes: if you dream of gloves, you are a very vulnerable person who is often overcome by attacks of disgust, and the glove as a symbol of a condom protects you from unpleasant things. If the gloves are torn in a dream, this is a hint that it is time to stop shunning people and their company, and if you chose and tried on this item of clothing, you may contract a skin disease, be careful in your relationships.

Why do you dream about gloves?

Leather - hints that the authorities are unfair to you.

Like ones - to your surprise, the details of the dream will tell you what kind of dream it will be: pleasant or not.

Lace or mesh - frivolity in relationships. Especially the new ones. Try to behave more restrained and prudently.

Red - you are too emotional and easily excitable person. The dream recommends cooling down a little and looking at the world with a sober look.

The yellow color of gloves in a dream hints at frivolity and inability to concentrate on one thing.

Rubber gloves hint at your disgust towards some current situation or a specific person.

Warm, fur-lined gloves symbolize wealth and luxury or simply a successful investment.

Boxing portends a very difficult situation from which it will be difficult to get out.

Men's and women's gloves

If a man puts on women's gloves in a dream, then in life someone will pursue him with attempts to blackmail him and expose some secrets and mysteries. Giving a man gloves in a dream means for an upcoming date or meeting. If this accessory is lost in a dream, it promises a man a drinking session with unpleasant consequences, dubious company, which can greatly affect his good reputation.

Basically, a man should pay attention to a dream in which he loses gloves or searches, but cannot find them, and also if in a dream he deliberately throws away his gloves, this is an indicator of his confidence in his abilities in the upcoming task: he can easily cope with everything and help no need from outside.

If a woman sees in a dream how she is trying to pull off her gloves, as if fused with her skin, this is a hint that men are avoiding her because of suspicions caused by her desire to marry any of them. If in a dream she tries on a large number of different gloves, it means that soon she will have an update of any kind: wardrobe, furniture in the house, or a change of job (or even place of residence).

For a young unmarried girl, white wedding gloves in a dream promise a quick marriage or a meeting with her future spouse. Finding a glove in a dream, according to ancient dream interpreters, for a young man means a warning to be more careful with new people so as not to get into trouble. If he dreamed that he threw away his gloves, this promises a difficult life with hard work, and if there were torn, frayed or dirty gloves on his hands, he will have to come to terms with the fact that achievements in life will be given only by “clean” hands, and by dubious ones You can’t get richer with connections and machinations.

Also, buying a glove according to the dream book foreshadows a dubious person who will try to involve him in a dubious enterprise with an unpleasant ending. And if the gauntlet is thrown as a challenge to a duel, he will achieve what he wants with his head held high. If he refuses, he will have to negotiate with honor and conscience in order to continue living under the same conditions.

Modern dream books about gloves

According to the modern dream book, gloves dream of success in business. If you wear them, you are guaranteed a sensation. If you find a glove and you try it on, expect a knife in your back, the traitor is in your environment and is waiting for an advantageous moment to set you up. If she gets lost in a dream, it means the illness of his wife or lover (for a single person).

Handling gloves

A dream in which you found good, high-quality gloves promises a happy marriage or the beginning of a new love affair with a good person. But losing a glove in a dream means, on the contrary, that a dear person will leave you. Also, such a dream promises big problems with money: ruin, thieves in the house and other troubles. If in a dream someone takes off your glove or both, there will be trouble.

Wearing gloves in a dream means a trip is coming soon, the outcome of which will be very important for you.

Taking off gloves means quarrels in the family because of your attitude to work: you are ready to do anything to achieve success in business.

Gloves torn in a dream - you are trying to restore the old relationship, but nothing will work out, you can abandon the idea.

Buying gloves is a sign of unpleasant news that will bring disappointment and sadness.

Trying on other people's gloves means that you want to live according to the principle of the herd reflex: so that everything is like other people's, without thinking about your true needs and desires.

If you dreamed that you were a glove salesman, the subconscious is hinting that you are an overly boring, boring and pedantic person, it’s time to shake yourself up and smile at life.

How to remember a dream?

In order to remember the dream well, immediately at the moment of awakening, mentally repeat it, noting the remembered details. Then get up and try to immediately write it down on paper: all the images and fragments that are remembered, but without analytical thinking and logical interpretations. But it is better to approach the interpretation of a dream two to three hours after getting up, then the first impression and emotions will have settled and the interpretation will be less subjective.

If the dream turns out to be too restless and you cannot calm down, then you need to wash your face with cold running water, saying out loud or to yourself: “Where there is water, there is sleep.” Repeat at least three times. The dream will quickly be forgotten and is unlikely to come true.

Why do you dream about mittens?

All close relatives of gloves - mittens, mittens and muffs - are symbols of home, loved ones at home and relationships with them. Often such dreams try to warn of approaching troubles, deceptions and adventures with an unpleasant ending.

Knitting children's mittens in a dream foreshadows home coziness, comfort and a quiet life, even if at the moment everything is completely different, but if you knit for a man, romantic moments await you that will be remembered for a lifetime.

If you find someone else's mittens in a dream, this is a signal that you are paying too much attention to other people's gossip and slander; you don't need to do this. If, on the contrary, you lost your mittens, then this indicates that your desire to help all your loved ones can provoke health problems, and if they were children, the disease will be short-lived, but if they are large, for an adult, then the disease will drag on and will require long-term treatment.

A fur muff in a dream foretells that changes are brewing. What is considered acceptable now will soon cease to be so: you will become unpredictable, nervous and capricious.

Based on all the information gleaned from dream interpreters, it becomes clear: it is possible to understand why gloves are dreamed of only from the context of the dream: accompanying images, people and their actions will significantly affect the interpretation of the meaning of the dream and its prediction. Therefore, any dream must be analyzed carefully, in detail, in order to avoid mistakes and incorrect interpretations. It is also worth noting on what day the dream occurred: the most accurate dreams occur on the night from Wednesday to Thursday and before church holidays, and dreams on Sunday are usually “empty”, they rarely come true or have too vague a meaning, so you should not pay attention to them .

Their appearance predicts mistrust, indicating coldness and inaccessibility. But a lot depends on the functions of this accessory - velvet gloves differ from agricultural, medical and others.

To determine the exact meaning of a dream, remember who was in them, what you liked and what you didn’t, what color they were. This is what it means to see gloves in a dream most often.

Ward against cold

If you used them to avoid catching a cold, the dream book indicates that in real life you will be able to achieve a certain level of comfort. Especially if the mittens were made of natural wool or leather.

Their material, color and size indicate the degree of your protection from the discontent of others and conflicts with them, a cold attitude or the storms of life. A mitten found on the street dreams of news or a quarrel.

If you start trying on gloves in a store, the dream book says that you will choose protection for yourself. For girls, the dream predicts a quick marriage or job, but much depends on the model and quality of the insulation.

Thin and rough knitted gloves are seen as a sign of poverty, worries and troubles. If you didn’t like this accessory or the material was rough, then this is a sign of unpleasant work or life with a reliable but unkind person.

Choosing antique gloves in a store with patterns and decorations is a sign of fidelity to family traditions. Buying them for yourself means a modest existence and quick love.

Gloves and mittens made of natural sheep or goat wool symbolize warmth and comfort in the home. Despite the lack of luxury, you will be happy with your existence and the fact that you will be able to establish relationships with others. Girls dream of a friendly and healthy family.

Wearing new mittens means protection. The dream indicates a modest life and opportunities, a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the house.

If you dream that you are choosing one from several options, this is a situation of choice in reality. Perhaps you will be offered many job vacancies and activities, or several guys will propose to the girl at once.

Changing gloves for mittens is a sign of poverty or forced inactivity. If everything turned out the other way around, this is a symbol of a more mature social status and love.

Especially if they were made of genuine leather or suede, a beautiful and expensive material, or decorated with fur. Buying or giving them to someone is a good sign. The dream book indicates that you will want to establish a relationship with a person.

If a girl dreams that a guy is giving her mittens, then the dreamer will be proposed to by a kind, but not wealthy, person.

If he offered her leather or fur gloves, then life with him will be pleasant and rich. Remember their color and decorations.

A visible dream in which you choose several sets of gloves is a dream of news or announcements. Sometimes a girl's dream indicates that she will have to choose between several guys or job options.

Finding one glove on the street is a surprise. It is possible that you will learn only part of the truth or the answer to the question that interests you.

Why dream of women's gloves on a man or young man? Such a dream indicates that the dreamer does not control his own destiny, and that he is led by a woman. It is possible that this is a mama's boy or a henpecked man.

Children's mittens on an adult indicate that he may have a child on the side or that this man will behave childishly in some situation.

If you dreamed of a girl wearing mittens, it means that she will worry about something or will quarrel with her mother. Seeing children's gloves or mittens on her is a sign of imminent motherhood or trouble.

Sometimes this is a sign of a girl’s immaturity or the fact that her mother constantly interferes in her relationships with the opposite sex.

Wearing children's gloves if you are not a child is a bad sign. Such a dream predicts poverty and great experiences. Seeing that your mittens have been eaten by moths means losses.

But if they have holes for your fingers, then, despite your outwardly infantile behavior, you will be able to control those around you in a non-childish way.

If you dreamed of a friend wearing such gloves, beware of her claws. Despite her pretty appearance and pleasant manner of communication, she skillfully knows how to manage those around her. Receiving mittens as a gift is a surprise or an interesting offer.

Tying them yourself means material security or a worthy reward for your efforts. Trying on leather or felt gloves in a store, not mittens, means choosing a job or a fan.

If a guy or a man bought them for you, then you will soon take part in some kind of business. Giving mittens to your younger sister or friend means changes in life.

Giving them away or throwing them away is a favorable sign. Especially if after such a dream you buy a pair of gloves in reality. To remove them is to give up a relationship or protection.

A married woman dreams that she will leave her husband and go on an adventure.

Ladies' accessory

Wearing expensive gloves under an evening dress is a sign of distrust in men and flirting. If they were given to you in a dream, expect male favor.

Seeing a man wearing gloves in a vision means that he does not believe you. If you dreamed of a girl in an evening dress and elbow-length gloves, then she will skillfully control men.

Giving them to a friend means losing in your personal life and relationships with men. Trying them on in a store means looking for a new job or a reason to flirt. The more unusual they were, the better opportunities you will have.

Expensive fur on gloves, rhinestones, stones and jewelry dream of an attempt to deceive others and throw dust in their eyes. Seeing a girl in them is a sign of a rival for women.

If you dreamed that an acquaintance of a classmate or friend was wearing provocative gloves and accessories, a modern dream book indicates that for you she can be very dangerous and insidious, as she hides her intentions and skillfully controls men.

Trying on leopard or snake-colored evening gloves is a sign of battle and competition for male attention. Sometimes this is a sign that you want to appear to others as an unapproachable seductress.

If you dreamed that they were bought and put on along with an evening dress, this means flirting and a new love relationship.

Black gloves made of velor, suede or velvet are seen as an expensive gift or purchase. The longer they are, the more seductive your image will be and the subtler the intrigue or game.

Fur gloves made of expensive material dream of a prosperous life. Wearing torn gloves or seeing a hole in them means failure. Sometimes a dream indicates that an annoying little thing will prevent you from carrying out your plans.

Red gloves made of expensive material or black ones with mesh dream of a frivolous act or defiant behavior.

If a woman sees a friend or acquaintance in them, it means intrigue or rivalry in love. For a lady to wear men's gloves in a dream - to losses and worries.

Washing them means unpleasant responsibilities and regrets. If you dreamed of expensive, but not wedding gloves, remember their color. White, silver and blue ones made of satin, organza or transparent fabric dream of important events and reciprocal love.

Selling them means receiving an invitation to a celebration. For some people, a dream predicts fatal events. Gloves in pastel colors - pink, beige or lilac - symbolize dreaminess and romance.

For some people, such a dream foreshadows a new romance, but provocative red tones indicate provocative behavior, like black ones.

Gloves in blue, green or purple hint at isolation and mystery. Putting rings and bracelets on top of them is a sign of unexpected wealth and happiness. Buying white gloves is for a special event.

Freud writes that you will be happy. Wedding gloves dream of an unusual event or celebration. Wearing them on yourself will make you happy.

Seeing them on a friend or relative who took them without asking is a sign of rivalry in love and great experiences.

Taking off your wedding gloves means that at the last moment you will change your mind or be forced to postpone the wedding.

Other meanings of sleep

Gloves can be completely different in a dream, depending on their function. Remember what exactly you saw them in your dream. Working gloves dream of poverty, difficulties, or the need to intervene in some unpleasant matter.

But, if, in addition to your own people, you were also found by strangers, the dream book indicates that they will help you in difficult times.

Wearing them means difficulties in life. Sometimes such a dream predicts incidents at work and all sorts of troubles.

Seeing rubber gloves in a dream that you use in the garden means active or unpleasant activity.

Buying them is a favorable sign. You will be happy with the way things are going in your life and will be able to protect yourself from difficulties.

If a guy hands a girl work or rubber gloves, be careful with him. Your life will not be pleasant, because circumstances will force you to work a lot or the man will not provide you with help and support. If a friend's or relative's hand was in a glove, she does not trust you.

Boxing gloves dream of battle and rivalry in love, fight, unless you are a professional boxer. Buying them and putting them on means a scandal or quarrel. Finding it in an apartment or house means clarifying relationships with household members.

If you see a familiar person in them, get ready for competition or a quarrel with him. Taking them off or throwing them away means giving up the fight.

Medical gloves dream of illness. Sometimes this is a sign that you will be forced to contact the appropriate institution. Buying them means a bereavement or illness; throwing them away means you will cope with all the difficulties.

Seeing a doctor wearing gloves, a surgeon or a gynecologist means unpleasant news. You may need help or advice.

Gloves in a dream represent relationships between people; they are also a symbol of fidelity, protection and interaction. You can find out in more detail why you dream of seeing gloves in a dream using our dream book.

The interpretation of the dream - gloves, largely depends on the type of product itself (its external features and purpose), as well as the actions that are performed with this accessory.

What are they...

In order to better explain what gloves mean in dreams, you should remember the appearance of the mittens, the material and other features associated with them. The color of the item of clothing is also an important sign that helps in interpreting the vision.

For a man to see white gloves on a person, the dream book promises an early visit to an entertainment establishment, or the receipt of an invitation to some holiday. Seeing an accessory on your hands is a sign of celebrating your own victory over a fairly strong opponent.

For a girl to see wedding gloves on her own hands in a dream, it means an imminent marriage, a declaration of love, or a marriage proposal. Seeing this object on your avid rival is interpreted by the dream book as an upcoming struggle for the young man’s affections, which will most likely be lost.

For a young guy to see wedding gloves on his companion, the dream book predicts an imminent unification, a wedding. If in a dream you had to clearly realize that a girl is marrying someone else, this means that the young man is unsure of his fidelity to his passion.

Dream books clearly explain what black gloves mean in dreams. The dream has a bad omen, promising imminent troubles or disturbing news. If a black accessory is a daily attribute in real life, then the dream book interprets the vision as unexpected changes in life for which the dreamer is not mentally prepared.

Red gloves in a dream are a symbol of unbridled passion or serious problems. For a married woman, the vision promises the danger of succumbing to sexual attraction to a strange man. Such frivolity can greatly affect the family relationships of a young lady; it is very likely that the husband will quickly find out (guess) about the betrayal.

For a man to see a red accessory on a guy he knows, the dream book foretells a clash and confrontation between young people, mutual hostility and the inability to reach an agreement among themselves. If a guy sees mittens on his hands, then he should be a little more restrained, because excessive excitability will only negatively affect his relationships with others.

For hard workers who see leather gloves in a dream, the dream book predicts misunderstanding on the part of their superiors and possible unpleasant showdowns with management. For businessmen, leather mittens promise good luck in business and the signing of a lucrative contract. For a woman to see leather mittens, it means updating her wardrobe or changing her image.

To find out what men's gloves mean in dreams, you should remember what the purpose and purpose of this accessory was in the dream. For a young girl to give a gift to her beloved boyfriend, the dream book foretells ardent and reciprocal feelings, excellent mutual understanding and harmony. For a young man himself, purchasing this accessory for himself is a sign of the need to ensure a stable financial position. There may be problems with money.

Rubber gloves in a dream tell a person that profit is expected only under the condition of back-breaking work and diligence. For a young girl who wants to marry advantageously in order to have everything at once, such a vision promises a strong delusion or finding herself in a difficult situation, from which she can only get out thanks to her work.

The dream book characterizes a woman who sees rubber gloves as a suspicious and indecisive person who tries to shift all the difficult moments in life onto the shoulders of her husband.

Why do women dream about gloves? The interpretation of the dream directly depends on the purpose and purpose of this accessory. For a man, purchasing this accessory as a gift, according to the dream book, indicates completely sincere intentions and a desire to make his life partner happy. If a man puts on or fastens a glove on a woman’s hand, it means that soon a young lady will appear in his life, passionately wanting company, who will woo the guy through blackmail and threats of exposure.

Boxing gloves in a dream symbolize a period in life during which you will need to sweat a lot in order to achieve positive results. Perhaps in reality you will temporarily have to give up pleasures and entertainment and devote all your free time to work.

Seeing dirty, torn gloves in a dream foreshadows material losses and unpleasant news. For girls who have been dating a guy for a long time, this vision is a sign indicating disappointment in love, as well as bitter regret about wasted time.

Dream books give several explanations of what new gloves mean in dreams, which depend on the purpose and purpose of the purchase (find). For a girl to see new mittens on her hands, the dream book foretells unexpected news or a change in conditions or wages.

A man who sees new mittens on his passion should take a close look at his girlfriend’s behavior and listen to her wishes. To find out what such a vision means in a dream, you need to remember the conversation with your chosen one. The picture also suggests that the young lady is not satisfied with the current relationship, which threatens a complete severance of communication.


To reliably find out why you dream of seeing gloves in a dream, you should remember the actions that a person performs with this item of clothing.

For a woman, buying gloves in a dream is considered a rather unfavorable action. The dream book advises to refrain from unplanned monetary expenses, since a serious threat to the stability of the young lady’s financial situation will soon arise.

If, during a purchase, a woman tries on gloves in a dream and tries to choose the right size and model, it means that in real life the girl will have to make the final choice between two candidates vying for the hand and heart of the young lady. Buying mittens and remaining dissatisfied with your purchase threatens that the dreamer will make the wrong choice.

For a man to buy or choose gloves for himself in a dream, it means that in reality he leads too wild a life, which threatens with negative consequences, showdowns with former and current passions. In addition, you should carefully protect yourself during intimate pleasures.

For a woman, trying on someone else's gloves in a dream means secret envy or admiration for a person. The dream book advises you to look around and find positive moments in your own life, since in most cases it’s all about the dreamer’s low self-esteem.

According to Miller’s dream book, for a guy to take off gloves in a dream means successful performance of his work and business affairs, as well as significant changes in amorous affairs and intimate adventures.

Those people who happened to lose a glove in a dream should prepare for parting with their soulmate, the reason for which is a loss of trust in a loved one. If, after a long search, you managed to find a lost mitten in a dream, then it is possible to restore the previous love relationship, but the union will last until the first minor quarrel.

To find out in more detail why you dream of giving gloves, you should remember the appearance of the mittens. For example, giving rubber gloves means helping in solving problems that have arisen, leather ones mean consumer and profitable cooperation with a person, red ones mean a passion.

People who happen to find gloves in a dream will meet their soulmate in the near future. For young ladies, the dream book promises a profitable marriage and reciprocity.

For businessmen, such a find is interpreted by the dream book as the emergence of a business partner with whom good relations will be established, as well as an increase in profits and material well-being.


  • I dreamed of ordinary leather-rubber work gloves, I was strangling an obsessive man in a coat and hat with almost no face, and when I heard his last breath, I let him go, he fell, fell down, I discovered that the right glove was missing, it flew away with him, and I was left with only the left one , but then he came to life as a man and was without a head, pus was pouring from his body, I was baptized and ordinary water ran, I ran away, and then 2 drunks with sharply sharpened knives I ate and ran away from them.

  • I dreamed that I was buying or trying on gloves, I don’t remember exactly, but there were several of them, it seems like 7 pieces, all of them were different, but I remembered the white one, it seems there was a stain on it, there were also brown ones and some with flowers, I don’t really remember the rest.

The most complete collection of dream books. Includes: Standard Dream Book, Doff's Dream Book, Freud's Dream Book, Miller's Dream Book, Nostradamus' Dream Book, Assyrian Dream Book, Hasse's Dream Book, Vanga's Dream Book, Hazard's Dream Book, Zhou-Gong's Dream Book, Tsvetkov's Dream Book, Old Russian Dream Book, English Dream Book, Esoteric Dream Book, French Dream Book, Indian dream book, Kopalinsky's Dream Book, Culinary Dream Book, Slavic Dream Book, Meneghetti Dream Book, Muslim Dream Book, Persian Dream Book, Correct Dream Book, Small Dream Book, Solomon's Dream Book, Krada Veles Dream Book, Family Dream Book, Intimate Dream Book, Children's Dream Book, Modern Dream Book, Love Dream Book, Lunar Dream Book , Electronic dream book, Dream book of food, Dream book of flowers, Wedding dream book, Dream book of numbers, Dream book for women, Dream book for men, Ancient dream book, Sonic Kananita, Dream book of Longo, Ukrainian dream book.

To dream that you are wearing gloves means that you will be careful and prudent in your relationships with people, but not selfish. Also expect litigation and troubles in commercial matters that will be resolved in your favor. If you dreamed that you were wearing old, torn gloves, then in reality you are in danger of betrayal and will suffer losses. Losing gloves in a dream means that in real life you will go broke and you will have to work to ensure your existence. Finding a pair of gloves means marriage or the appearance of a new lover. If a man dreams that she is fastening a woman’s glove, then in reality some woman will threaten to expose him. Taking off gloves in a dream means that failures await you in business and in love.Miller's Dream Book
Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others. Although you will face litigation or troubles in business, everything will work out. If you wear old or torn gloves, you will be deceived and you will suffer losses. If in a dream you lost your gloves, you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness. Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest. If a man fastens a woman’s glove, this means that a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure. If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and in love.Old Russian dream book
protection, well-being; lose - change of place or activity.Esoteric dream book
Disgust. Wear gloves and you will have to look after seriously ill people or clean up disgusting dirt. Buying - marriage with an unloved person, disgust for a sex partner. Seeing, choosing - there is a danger of contracting a skin disease (fungus, scabies). Dirty, torn - you need to use protective equipment and personal hygiene, but you neglect this. Very beautiful, with finishing - you need to free yourself from complexes about external flaws.Slavic dream book
Wellbeing; to lose - a change of job or place.Small dream book
If you dreamed that you had gloves on your hands, then you will be careful and prudent in relationships, but not selfish. Possible legal proceedings will turn out in your favor. If in a dream you wear old, torn gloves, then in reality you should be wary of betrayal, as a result of which you may suffer large losses. Losing gloves means that in real life you will go broke and you will have to work a lot and hard to ensure your existence. Finding gloves means that you will soon get married. Taking off your gloves means that failures await you in business and in love. For a man to dream that he is fastening a woman’s glove, means that in reality he will be blackmailed by a certain person.Family dream book
Gloves in a dream are a symbol of protection, fidelity, mutual love and respect. Sometimes such a dream predicts a cloudless existence. However, it all depends on what kind of gloves you have. If they are clean, made of expensive material, and look expensive, then prosperity and good luck await you. A dream in which you saw that the gloves were torn, dirty, singed, and made of cheap material warns: disappointments, disappointments, and failures in business await you. Sometimes such a dream means that your chosen one is not at all who he claims to be or who you take him for. Such a dream is a warning about possible disappointment in the future. If you dream that someone threw or handed you one glove, then expect grief due to a quarrel with a friend with whom you will have a long showdown. If in a dream someone hands you a pair of gloves, then expect a marriage proposal. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may soon have a new patron. See what the gloves look like, so will your patron. Wearing good, expensive gloves in a dream foretells the well-being and respect of others. Seeing one mismatched glove in a dream means that you will be separated from a close friend who has helped you in many ways. Burning a glove in a dream means reconciliation between friends or lovers. Seeing or wearing insulated gloves in a dream means good protection or help in need. Losing gloves in a dream is a sign of separation from a loved one, which you will experience very hard. Sometimes a dream about them foreshadows a change of place of residence. Buying gloves for yourself in a dream means that you will achieve the favor of the person you like in any way. Buying cheap gloves for your opponent (rival) in a dream means that you will bypass him (her) in all matters. See interpretation: clothes.Modern dream book
Gloves dream of success. If you dreamed that you were putting them on, then success will be stunning. If you are trying on a glove, then the dream suggests that in reality you will find yourself in an ambiguous position, which can be interpreted in different ways. If this dream occurred on Tuesday, then the situation will be resolved successfully and you will come out unscathed. On Monday night, losing a glove symbolizes a wrong step, which will make you blush for a long time. If you dream that you have come across someone else’s glove and are trying it on, this means that in reality you will be brazenly set up or even betrayed. The same dream on Thursday foretells stormy applause and odes of praise in your honor.Love dream book
A dream in which you lose your gloves suggests that your relationship with your lover leaves much to be desired. You will probably have to separate soon. If in a dream someone else takes off your gloves, then your success in business and love will largely depend on the impression you make on others.Lunar dream book
Wearing gloves is for everyone's well-being.English dream book
In a dream, discovering that you have lost your gloves is a dream that predicts losses in commerce and trade, and you may have to move to another city.For a married man who dreamed that he had lost his right glove, the dream promises illness or the loss of his wife. If you are alone, then another will take away your love.
Dream Interpretation of Hassegeneral well-being.
Correct dream book
Word ▲Description

general welfare

Miller's Dream Book Putting on new gloves in a dream

- means that you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others. Although you will face litigation or troubles in business, everything will work out. If you wear old or torn gloves

- you will be deceived and you will suffer losses. If in a dream you lost your gloves

- you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness. Find a pair of gloves

- means a happy marriage or a new love interest.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.