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How to quickly calm down from nervous tension. How to calm your nerves and relieve stress - the best tips and recommendations from experts

It will not be possible to eliminate various stressful situations, conflicts, quarrels or depression from everyday life. The human psyche instantly notices dangerous and harmful environmental factors and immediately reacts to them. Frequent emotional stress can disrupt the performance of the entire body. When figuring out how to relieve stress and calm your nerves, you need to objectively evaluate the existing nuances. Important points in choosing a particular product are:

  • frequency of breakdowns;
  • psychological condition;
  • established, often incorrect, daily routine.

How to calm your nerves

There are several ways to get rid of irritability, excessive sensitivity to events, and bring your psyche back to normal. The most effective methods are the use of sedatives, natural remedies, traditional medicine complexes or special breathing exercises. You can increase their effectiveness by changing your daily routine, diet, or giving up bad habits. Necessary:

  • spend more time outdoors;
  • do not forget about proper sleep;
  • establish proper nutrition.

Using sedatives

Strong medications intended to treat the nervous system are prescribed by specialists in emergency cases. Prescription sedative tablets have a special composition and are not recommended to be taken unless prescribed by specialists. The course of treatment should not exceed specifically established periods. This period depends on the degree of the unpleasant condition. How to relieve severe stress and calm your nerves with medications? Accept:

  • “Atarax” (a medicine with a combined effect that additionally relieves sleep disturbances);
  • “Glycine” (normalizes the state of mind, helps improve mental activity, does not have the properties of a sleeping pill);
  • “Nervo Vit” (contains valerian extract, has a complex effect on the nervous system).


Most sedatives available in tablets have a number of contraindications. They should be taken after consultation with a specialist. They are prescribed in case of emergency, when stress reaches its maximum manifestation. Traditionally, tablets are used to treat the consequences of severe emotional shocks, prolonged depression, and nervous breakdowns. Common prescriptions that help solve the problem, how to relieve stress and quickly calm your nerves are:

  • “Tenoten” (available in different forms, intended for the treatment of neurotic diseases, stress conditions, taken by prescription);
  • "Quattrex" (available in pharmacies with a prescription, refers to a broad-spectrum drug);
  • "Phenazepam" (a highly active tranquilizer, has a hypnotic, muscle-relaxing effect on the body).

Natural sedatives

The most common herbal sedatives are:

  • “Persen” (recommended to be taken at the time of neuroses, stressful conditions, as a prophylactic agent);
  • “Novo Passit” (has a complex effect, but has some side effects, sold without a prescription);
  • “Motherwort” in the form of tablets or tinctures (a sedative, considered safe, available in pharmacies over the counter);
  • “Valerian” in tablets (calms the psyche, does not disturb sleep, helps fight anxiety, stress and other mental conditions).

Sedatives for sleep disorders

Some stress relievers that can calm the central nervous system include:

  • “Adaptol” (relieves irritability, normalizes sleep, relieves the effects of stressful conditions);
  • “Deprim” (contains St. John’s wort extract, has a calming effect on the body, relieves insomnia);
  • “Melison” (lavender extract and a mixture of other herbs have a beneficial effect on the psyche and normalize sleep).

Using breathing exercises

Some methods to help cope with the problem do not involve the use of medications. Gymnastics will help you quickly figure out how to get rid of stress. Special breathing exercises can have no less effective effects on the psyche than medications. It is recommended to listen to soothing melodies while doing gymnastics. Breathing exercises for calming:

  1. Relieving tension from the shoulders and neck (hands should be placed on the shoulders, while inhaling, move them as far apart as possible, repeat the exercise several times).
  2. Relieving tension from the back (raise your arms up, while inhaling, stretch your body as much as possible, standing on your tiptoes, try to “reach the sky” with your hands, repeat up to 5 times).
  3. Belly breathing (air must be inhaled and exhaled several times so that it fills not only the chest, but also the stomach).
  4. Slow breathing to calm down (you need to inhale the air slowly and as deeply as possible, exhale sharply, repeat several times).
  5. Active breathing through the nostrils (inhale air through the nasal cavity, capturing oxygen through the nostrils as much as possible).

When solving the problem of how to cope with stress, it is recommended to use a breathing technique from yoga. Inhale in four counts, then exhale, and hold your breath for the same amount of time. You need to repeat these steps several times. Experts note that noticeable relief of the emotional state occurs within a few minutes.

Through songs and music

The influence of certain melodies and sounds on the human psyche has been studied by psychologists for many centuries. It is believed that music to calm the nerves has no less effect than traditional medicine or medications. Doctors recommend listening to compositions by S. Rachmaninov, I. Bach, P. Tchaikovsky. Calming melodies include favorite songs or pieces of music that a particular person likes and during which he relaxes.

To eliminate stress, it is recommended to listen to special musical compositions for meditation and recording sounds of nature. Such relaxing sessions should be carried out not only during periods of nervous tension, but also regularly - to prevent breakdowns and neurosis. Melodies will be an ideal addition to gymnastics or the process of getting ready for bed.

It happens that we are looking for complex recipes to improve the quality of life. We think: “If I go to yoga, I’ll immediately become calmer.” And of course, we don’t go to yoga. And we have a heartfelt excuse - why do we feel so bad? There is no good yoga in the area! Sadly...

Nevertheless, there are primitive quick-fix self-help remedies that have been used for centuries in cases of stress, irritation, frustration, in a situation where someone or something is eating your brain out.

They were used for recommendations by general practitioners (and not only) of the old school. One of those who took the patient by the hand, and this already made him feel better. Self-help tips were taught by physical therapists, massage therapists, and athletic trainers. Now advice is more expensive and more difficult to formulate. Self-help is suppressed, this is not a market approach.

And we'll go back to the good old days when self-help was encouraged.

Method 1: Get distracted by something

This method of relieving emotional stress is suitable in cases where you are trapped, driven into a corner and cannot escape anywhere. For example, sit at a planning meeting and listen to your boss, internally boiling. You can’t escape, but... Distraction at the same time by contemplating something extraneous, neutral and being carried away by this extraneous thing is the best way not to overthink yourself over trifles.

For example: “However, what is Masha’s manicure like... I wonder how she did it?”

This only works if you yourself understand the benefits of such a strategy - don’t look at the nasty, don’t listen to the nasty. If you like to fume and get into arguments, that’s your right.

Method 2 Leave an annoying situation (aka emotional zone)

Did something make you sad at someone else's birthday? On a picnic? Do you hate some group, public page, or page on a social network? Do you dream of removing an unpleasant person from your friends list?

So, we quickly left the group forever. They banned an argumentative provocateur, a troll, a boor, a fool. Deleted your profile, if that happens.

Quickly call a taxi (don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze), kiss the hostess and rush home - away from the party, away from the barbecue, away from the irritating, emotional zone.

Method 3 Drink some water

This is already the signature recipe of all brilliant therapists who do not sell dietary supplements from pharmaceutical corporations.

A glass of water, drunk slowly, stops all attacks known to science. The first thing they offer a person who has suffered something terrible is a glass of water. Drinking water triggers the body's self-rehabilitation mechanism. Most often, people feel ill for two reasons:

  • hysteria (sympatho-adrenal crisis in another way),
  • dehydration of the body that was not noticed in time.

Since we don’t listen to our body and don’t teach healthy lifestyle, we drink tea, coffee and soda all day - we all have dehydration, and you have it too. Go drink a glass of water right now, and then read on.

Method 4 Get involved in an exciting, interesting activity

This method is suitable in a situation where you cannot “let go”. You need to break the stuckness of chewing “And they, And I, And fuck them all” with something cool, even if it’s stupid and tasteless. Reading a detective story. Computer game. Hunting and gathering. Surveillance and tracking. An attempt to reveal someone's secret. Even by spying and eavesdropping, damn it.

You must be involved in the intrigue, in the detective story, in the rapid development of events, in the hunt, in the game, in courage, in flight.

Your ears should lift and your tail should twitch.

You yourself know what can captivate and amuse you. Everyone has their own, individual thing. Just don't get carried away with this surveillance. Don't harm anyone.

Method 5 Physical discharge

Everyone is familiar with this method firsthand, but, as usual, no one cares. And I remind you once again that rapid physical discharge, which includes:

  • walking,
  • swim,
  • general cleaning of the apartment (possibly someone else’s),
  • sex,
  • destruction of trash,
  • work in the garden,
  • dance,
  • mopping floors and washing by hand

relaxes twisted muscles and relieves stress and frustration fantastically effectively. General washing by hand even helps to cope with grief - again the advice of the old doctor, which I share with you.

Method 6 Come into contact with water

Washing dishes is a free session of hypno-psychotherapy. The sound of clean running running water relieves our fatigue and takes away with it all the “dirt,” not just household dirt.

In addition to washing dishes, there is a well-known classic: take a bath, take a shower, go to the sauna, go early in the morning or in the evening - swim in the sea, in the river, in the lake, in the spring. Refresh yourself, in short.

Method 7 Positive reframing of a stressful event

So much has been written about positive reframing (including by me) that I don’t want to repeat myself. I'll just give an example:

“It’s so good that it turned out that I won’t go anywhere this summer! Finally, I’m taking English courses, fitness classes, and even self-development courses! When else would I allow myself such a “useless” luxury? And in the summer there is low season everywhere and there are only discounts around. So I’ll save money too!”

Method 8 It could have been worse, it was even harder for others

Are you not satisfied with the outcome of the event? Imagine that there could have been a worse outcome. Imagine how bad it is for some people around you. If you master this art and stop turning your nose up at this strategy, then you will not need any psychotherapy at all.

Method 9 Laughter kills everything scary and terribly important

Ridiculing, reducing, vulgarizing something inflated and important is an ancient recipe of human culture, dating back to the Neolithic. Thanks to grandfather Bakhtin for his term "carnival-laughter culture". Read, ask.

Or watch one episode about the adventures of SpongeBob SquarePants. When he was terrified of speaking at a school seminar, a smart squirrel gave him super glasses. Wearing these glasses, SpongeBob saw all the students and the teacher... in their shorts. That was funny! True, from laughter, he did not read out his report. And what were the teacher's panties .. Mmm ...

Method 10 Counting to 10

Just read to ten. Slowly. Controlling your inhalations and exhalations. To myself, not out loud. This is the recommendation of doctors and sports trainers.

Method 11 Cry

Crying relieves stress. With the tear fluid, the body leaves the toxic substances that are formed under the influence of stress hormones. If you can’t cry about your own things, come up with a pitiful topic and specifically cry over it.

Method 12 Verbalization of everything that is on your soul

Pronunciation or verbalization is putting a vague “something” into clear words. However, great thing. Or better yet, write it all down on paper, write a long letter.

Just don’t send it anywhere!

Here are 12 tips for dealing with stress and the diseases that stress then causes.

These 12 are those that help us and do not require money for it. And the rest is expensive and from charlatans.

Each of us faces the following problems: stress, everyday life, discomfort and everyday life, which drives our mind into stress, anxiety, which is why we begin to get nervous and worry. In order for this to happen with minimal consequences, today we will talk about how to calm your nerves.

We say to stress – stop!

Often in the modern world people are exposed to stressful situations. These could be problems in the family, at work, some social situations and even financial issues. And often, instead of simply relieving stress, many begin to simply ignore the problem, and after a while the increased influence of stress leads a person not only to depression, but sometimes to suicide.

In order for this not to happen, and for you to be able to control the situation, you need to learn not only to control fear and anxiety, but also to know how to relieve stress correctly and in a timely manner.

Before we look at relaxation techniques and stress relief, we need to understand what stress is.

Stress is, first of all, the strongest load of unfavorable factors on the body. It is worth noting that this type of stress can be both physical and emotional.

Knowing the physiology of the origin of such a modern, but already deeply rooted ailment called stress, we can now talk about methods of resistance.

Relieve stress in 1 minute

Every person, sooner or later, has an urgent need to relieve stress quickly. And this situation can be caused by anything: a quarrel with the boss, waiting before an interview, fear of a presentation, and much more.

All these factors should be taken into account and prepared for them in advance. But what if you need to be in shape in 60 seconds and eliminate anxiety or fear?

To quickly and effectively relieve stress, first of all, you should pay attention to your breathing! After all, breathing is not only the body’s natural need for oxygen, but also an excellent sedative. Therefore, before any stressful situation, or after it ends, first of all, concentrate on breathing. We offer you a universal and good breathing system codenamed “478”.

The technique itself is simple, you only need to follow the following three steps:

  1. As you slowly inhale through your nose, count to four.
  2. After inhaling, hold your breath while counting to seven to yourself.
  3. Exhale slowly to the count of eight.

This system must be repeated four times. And after completion, you will be able to completely relieve stress, anxiety and fear.

The advantage of this technique is that it can be used anywhere, at any time. And thanks to the complex physiological and psychological effects, by performing such manipulations, you saturate your lungs with air to the maximum (which is not the case with shallow breathing); when you hold your breath, more oxygen penetrates into the blood.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the slow process of exhalation stimulates the muscles to maximize relaxation and remove the maximum amount of carbon dioxide.

The psychological trick is that when performing physical activity (breathing), the consciousness is busy counting, so it simply has no time to focus on unfavorable factors.

Due to its versatility, this method can be used to relieve stress by both men and women, as well as children.

How to calm your nerves at home

Of course, a modern person often does not have time at work to focus on factors such as fatigue, fear, anxiety about an unfinished project, quarrels, etc. And so, when a person comes home, he is like a squeezed lemon, he has a feeling of anxiety, irritability and other symptoms of stress. And at these moments, everyone wonders how to overcome the blues and how to relieve stress at home?

To combat such an unpleasant “neighbor” as stress, you can use the following techniques:

1. Dance

One of the most effective actions. After all, by listening to your favorite music and releasing your emotions, desires and feelings to freedom, you thereby dump negative ballast. You are immersed in an atmosphere of pleasure and satisfaction. And your body is just resting. Allow yourself to take a break and just enjoy your favorite music. You can even invite your significant other to dance.

2. Sports exercises

Any type of exercise is an accessible method to relax, distract attention from problems and aggressive factors. If you want to run, run! Sign up for yoga, go to the pool, start doing fitness or bodybuilding….

Switch and focus your attention on something newer, interesting and, most importantly, useful. And within 10-15 minutes after the first lesson or exercise, you will be able to relieve stress, and at the same time, you will be able to do without pills.

3. "Strike the enemy"

The power of this exercise is that you can use a pillow, blanket, punching bag, or other object. Taking a pillow for example, imagine that this is your problem, your worst enemy, such an arrogant boss, no matter who, visualize your fear. And start hitting him with all your might, let the anger come out.

Beat him until you have fun, yell at him, humiliate him, do whatever you want. "Blowing off some steam"? Nice, rest and gain strength, and don’t forget to catch your breath. You are happy and content and the stress has run away seeing your strong side.

Every person needs to relieve stress and this is necessary for everyone: man, woman, child. School, work, everyday life, relationships - all this sometimes poisons our gray matter. And how to deal with stress, you can listen to the advice of a psychologist.

In any stressful situation, when you need to quickly and effectively relieve stress, psychologists recommend:

  • Pay attention to breathing. Supply the brain with oxygen.
  • Reconsider the whole situation from the outside.
  • Don't give in to emotions.
  • Switch your attention to something pleasant. Music, pictures, film, cooking, sports, walking.
  • Meditation.
  • Anti-stress pills. Please note that it is the doctor who, as a last resort, prescribes the necessary medications; self-medication is strictly prohibited!
  • Do not drink alcohol or drugs under any circumstances. They can only aggravate the situation, but cannot solve it.

We are always in a good mood or how to relieve stress

After reading this article, you know what stress is and how to overcome it. And what methods and systems can be used to relieve stress in one minute. By regularly doing simple exercises, you can always be in a good mood.

But it is worth noting that any stressful situations can lead to serious consequences, and only a specialist in this field can tell you how to relieve stress with maximum effect. After all, cases are different.

Modern life is full of stress and tension that every person faces on a daily basis. As you know, nervous tension is not only a debilitating factor, but also negatively affects the body, leading to disruptions in its functioning. It should be noted that most diseases known to modern medicine have a psychosomatic form. As a result, maintaining your own psychological balance becomes the most important condition, and this can be achieved using many methods that are described in this article.

How to understand that your nerves are out of order or a nervous breakdown has occurred

In order to differentiate a nervous breakdown from other pathological mental phenomena, it is necessary to give the most accurate definition. Since in medicine there are no clear criteria for defining a nervous breakdown, one should be guided by individual factors that explain the nature and essence of such a process.

Thus, a nervous breakdown is a reactive, temporary disturbance in a person’s mental activity that arose as a result of some emotionally intense event, the intensity of which exceeded the permissible barrier of the individual sensitivity of the nervous system. As a result of a nervous breakdown, an individual's mental and physical activity, sensitivity to external factors, and interactions with the social world change.

A variety of reasons can lead to the phenomenon described, which makes no sense to characterize. In this case, a number of symptoms can be identified, according to which one can assume the presence of a specific syndrome:

  • increased sensitivity to light and sounds;
  • loss of performance due to loss of concentration and volitional activity;
  • decreased appetite;
  • overly intense reaction to the most insignificant stimuli;
  • feeling of worthlessness;
  • increased irritability;
  • feeling of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, confusion, panic, etc.

There are a large number of different techniques that allow you to bring thoughts and feelings back to normal. At the same time, few people realize, but harmonization of one’s psychological state can be carried out without any additional tools. Most people, experiencing irritability or anticipating nervous tension, drink sedatives, but you can cope with it “with your own hands.” That's why below are the best ways to calm your nerves, depending on your situation.

How to stop being nervous before an exam

Fear of exams is one of the most common phenomena during the student period, to which a huge amount of research has been devoted. According to different approaches, you can get rid of this anxiety using different methods. One of the traditional methods used in practical psychology is the method of systematic desensitization. If we break down the name of the approach by words, it will have the following meaning: a gradual decrease in sensitivity to the experienced event.

You can carry out the process both independently and with the help of a professional. As part of the designated process, you should be guided by the rules that will be described below in the context of the instructions for desensitization. It is important to note that the method should be used a week, or at least a day before the exam. So, when starting the process, you need to relax, close your eyes and imagine the upcoming exam, but do it step by step.

First you need to imagine the day of the exam and when the excitement appears inside, you need to relax so that the anxiety disappears. When everything is smooth inside, you need to imagine getting ready for going to the exam, gradually approaching the most important thing. Likewise, you will need to relax to get rid of the tension after the last picture. At the next stage, you can go further, for example, imagine a trip to an educational institution, what the audience looks like, the moment of pulling out exam cards, etc. It is important to relieve tension each time through relaxation, as a result of which the real exam will seem like an ordinary event that does not cause any discomfort.

How to get rid of stress at work fast

If you need to quickly, here and now, relieve stress, getting rid of anxiety, you can resort to express methods. The best way to bring thoughts and feelings back to normal is to normalize your breathing. There are many techniques and trainings that discuss the most effective breathing exercises. However, for quick calm, there is almost the only exercise that is part of holotropic breathing.

To carry out the process, you need to sit up straight and straighten your back, then take a deep breath through your mouth. At the moment when the air has filled the lungs as much as possible, it is necessary to exhale sharply through the nose, without making any pause between inhalation and exhalation. This exercise needs to be done about 10 times, after which you can feel relief.

Ways to relieve nervous tension before bed

The best way to relieve tension before going to bed after a hard day at work is the method of progressive relaxation. This method is good because it can be done just before bed, while under the covers in bed. As a tool, you can use relaxing, quiet background music without words, which sounds from the speakers, since nothing should be constrained, including headphones.

In order to begin the process, you will need to start breathing evenly, taking long, deep breaths and exhalations, with no pauses between them. Breathing should be continuous, reminiscent of a wheel rolling down a hill. Breathing is something that you should concentrate on, something that will clear your mind and stop thinking about anything.

Now it is important to begin to relax, and this should be done gradually, relaxing each muscle and each part of the body in turn. You need to start with your hands, gradually relaxing your right hand, then your forearm, shoulder, then your other arm, leg, back, head, etc. It will help you relax if you imagine that your body is gradually getting heavier, filling with warmth.

Effective means to calm the nervous system

Everyone at least once in their life has come across drugs that calm you down, relieve stress, and help you sleep. All of them are aimed at enhancing the inhibition processes taking place in our nervous system. At the same time, medications have different forms and origins. As part of this, herbal preparations will have a less pronounced sedative effect, and strong medications aimed at suppressing nervous activity are used to treat neuroses, stress and psychological trauma.

List of names of sedatives: tablets, drops

The most popular and well-known remedy for everyone is valerian, which today is sold in a variety of forms, including tablets, drops, and tinctures. The medication reduces excitability, relieves intestinal spasms, and improves sleep.

Another medicinal product based on the herb St. John's wort is "Deprim" - this is a high-quality drug that is prescribed for depression of varying degrees of severity. The drug helps to suppress the activity of the autonomic nervous system, improve mood and sleep. It should be noted that such a pharmacological agent as “Persen” is based on herbal components and has a highly effective effect. The drug is suitable for both men and women.

Acupuncture will help you calm down and not be nervous

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine technique in which the human body is manipulated by inserting needles into specific areas under the skin. According to people involved in this type of alternative treatment of diseases, by acting on special points, you can increase or decrease the intensity of activity of the nervous system. Thus, the method of acupuncture is successfully used to calm the nerves.

Folk remedies for stress and depression

Among the folk remedies that can help cope with stress and depression, carrot juice should be noted. In this case, the juice must be freshly squeezed. This product contains a large amount of B vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Good sedative - medicinal herbs

As you know, most sedative medications are based on herbal components. Thus, using infusions or decoctions of various herbs, you can effectively calm your nerves, improve sleep and relax. You can also brew herbal teas, which will also have a positive effect on the nervous system. Among the most noteworthy are:

  • valerian;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm;
  • St. John's wort, etc.

Sounds of nature for relaxation at home

Most people use special music for relaxation and relaxation. Music containing the sounds of nature, birds singing, the sound of the wind, rain - all this evokes thoughts of harmony with nature, unity, peace and balance. Using specific melodies, you can thoroughly relax, meditate, concentrate and even relax, which is very important during stress or nervous tension.

What foods calm your nerves?

Doctors have found that eating certain foods helps reduce the risk of depression, improve metabolic processes in the body, and increase the body's resource to combat stress. These products include:

  • beets;
  • carrot;
  • cocoa;
  • potato;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts, etc.

Modern society does not leave us the opportunity for a calm and measured life. Problems at work and school, bad relationships with loved ones, material losses and everyday troubles - all this can ruin our mood and cause a storm of negative emotions. If a person is tense, feels angry, insecure, empty, irritable, this means that his nervous system is not in order.

Often emotional experiences lead to problems with sleep, headaches, and exacerbations of chronic ailments. To avoid these consequences and ensure a comfortable existence, you urgently need to calm your nerves and put your thoughts in order.

How to calm down using self-hypnosis

First, remember why you are nervous. Sometimes a person is in a bad mood simply by inertia. He has a feeling of something unpleasant, although the reason has long been forgotten. For example, you spilled coffee on your passport and it is irretrievably damaged. You scold yourself for being clumsy and are constantly upset about it. Sit down and think. The passport is already damaged and there is no point in worrying about this further. From experiences, he will not be the same. It's already done. So why get on your nerves? Call the appropriate authorities and ask how the damaged document is replaced, how much time and money it will take. Understand that this is a very common situation that happens not only to you. Therefore, you should not worry about it.

Correct self-hypnosis will allow a person to calm down without any additional measures. Most unpleasant situations do not depend on our participation. The incident has already happened, and you should not worry about it. You just need to think about what to do next with the current situation. As they say, tears will not help grief. And try to find positive aspects in every situation. If you've got a stain on your white blouse, maybe it's a sign that you haven't been shopping for a while?


If the feelings are so strong that your heart is beating at a breakneck speed and your head is filled with exciting thoughts, you need to take sedatives. These are glycine, navopassit, persen and other means that will help calm the nervous system in a short time. Home remedies include a decoction of hawthorn, mint and valerian, which perfectly restore emotional balance.

If you have heart problems or are prone to high blood pressure, you should always have special means to suppress symptoms with you. After all, nervous shocks can overtake us on the street. Let there always be a Validol tablet and a bottle of Corvalol in your purse.

How to calm your nerves at home

This is an easy way to relax and calm down. If the nerves are redistributed, take a bath of hot water with foam. The smell of pine extract, which can also be added to water, perfectly calms the nerves and induces sleep. Lie in this bath for at least 20 minutes to feel relief and release from worries. If you take such a bath in the evening, your sleep will be healthy, calm, deep and complete.

If unpleasant news hits you like a bolt from the blue, and your heart begins to pound wildly, drink a glass of cold water in one gulp. It has been proven that clean cold water fills cells and blood vessels with life-giving moisture. This affects the functioning of the nervous system and significantly calms it down.

Burst of energy
If everything inside is bursting with indignation, you urgently need to throw out all the negative emotions outward. Find a reason to change old plates - smash them to smithereens! If you feel like crying, don't keep your tears inside. Cry as much as you want - you will feel better.

For some, scream therapy helps a lot. If you want to scream, you can go out into nature and scream your heart out in the forest or on the shore of a pond. If you don’t have the time and energy to go out of town, just scream into your pillow. Throw out all your negative emotions so that they don’t eat you up from the inside.

Physical exercise
In primitive times, a person experienced stress and nervous shock when his life was threatened. If he saw a lion or a tiger, a huge amount of adrenaline was released into his blood, which helped him run faster and longer. Modern shocks in most cases are not associated with a risk to life, but the adrenaline rush still occurs. To get rid of a nervous condition, you need to engage in physical activity. Lift dumbbells, do squats, go for a run, or at least walk. This will calm your nerves and benefit your figure.

If you are constantly nervous, even for minor reasons, then your nervous system is exhausted. To bring it back to normal, you need to change your diet a little. Eat more foods that are rich in vitamin B and fatty acids. Add sea fish, dairy products, honey, eggs, beans, meat, and various oils to your diet. When your nerves are on edge and you want to quickly calm down, chocolate is the way to go. It promotes the production of joy hormones - endorphins, which restore nervous balance and improve mood.

Music is a powerful stimulator of positive energy. With the help of music you can drive a person to suicide or inspire him to great feats. Turn on the music of your favorite artist to feel the relief in the notes and lyrics of the song. Classic time-tested melodies are very good at calming your nerves. Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin - what could be more beautiful? You can also listen to the sounds of nature - the singing of birds, the sound of the surf or the forest wind will create a complete imitation of the natural environment.

If you've broken up with your boyfriend or your husband has left you, it's best to listen to strong, inspiring songs. One of these is Gloria Gaynor’s legendary song “I will survive.” She will help you get back on your feet, wipe away your tears and move on in life with your head held high.

Work and rest hours
If any troubles seem like serious problems to you, if you flinch when the phone rings and get nervous when you knock on the table, you urgently need to get your work schedule in order. Nerve health is ensured only by observing the work, sleep and rest regime. Sleep at least eight hours a day. Try to go to bed early, because resting before midnight is considered the most effective and beneficial.

Give yourself a whole day off. If you have children, send them to their parents or nanny - they simply need a psychologically healthy mother. Send your husband to football with friends. Stay at home for the whole day - take a bath, get some sleep, read a book. No Internet, telephone or TV - these inventions of civilization will not calm your nerves.

Don’t neglect your vacation - instead of repairs, choose outdoor trips and travel. If you work mentally, choose an active form of relaxation, but if you work physically, it is better to relax in a chair with your favorite book.

Many people go out into nature after a hard week at work. Walking in the forest, climbing mountains, fishing, picking mushrooms and other types of active recreation help to move away from problems and gain peace and unity with nature.

Relaxation with alcohol is highly doubtful. Doctors say that alcohol is only an imaginary sedative. Alcohol, entering the blood, provides temporary oblivion, and in the morning the problems seem even more serious. In addition, constant consumption of alcohol leads to thinning of nerve endings.

Cold and hot shower

When your head is filled with negative thoughts and your heart aches from worries, you need to use a contrast shower. Turn on the shower and adjust it so that the water temperature is comfortable. After the skin gets used to it, turn the water cold. Alternate between high and low temperatures to improve blood circulation. This is useful not only for the nervous system, but also for skin elasticity.

You can relieve nervous tension by dousing yourself with cold water. If you can go outside, pour a bucket of cool water over yourself. This contributes to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels and normalization of the nervous system.

As the famous phrase says, all diseases come from nerves. Therefore, you need to closely monitor your emotional state and respond to possible problems. Look for joy in life and don't worry about trifles!

Video: how to quickly calm your nerves and relieve accumulated stress