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How is lung treated? Treatment of lung cancer using folk remedies. If a child gets sick

Sunday, July 22, 2012 22:57 + to quote book

Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2000 09 (165)
I would like to offer a recipe that my mother used to cure me. In 1951, I fell ill - I had a high fever and found it difficult to breathe. We were taken to the hospital in the city. It turned out: darkening of the right lung up to the fourth rib. I was 14 years old then. They prescribed penicillin and other drugs, but treated it with a prescription that my mother used for colds (she died at the age of 99). This recipe has helped many people in our village.
Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of birch buds, infused in 0.5-0.7 liters of grape wine for 1 week in a warm place so that the resin comes out of the buds. The buds will become swollen and green.
400 g of honey (forbs, white, slightly yellowish), 200 g of carrot juice, 200 g of aloe juice from fresh, healthy leaves, 200 g of birch bud infusion (prepared in advance). You will get 1 liter of mixture. Leave everything for a day and drink 30 g 3 times a day. This jar is enough for 10 days.
After three days, lethargy disappears and appetite appears. During treatment, instead of brewing tea, use apricots: boil it with honey and drink 1 liter of decoction per day. Preferably fresh milk, fat content 4-5%, or warm cream. Eat 1-2 raw eggs per day. Plus fresh air, walks.
I am now 62 years old, and when the flu comes into the house, we treat it with this mixture.
Address: Tarasevich Valentina Aleksandrovna, 644069, Omsk, st. 20th North, no. 28.

“Pneumonia” is a phrase that bridges the gap between doctors and non-doctors. It helps explain the complex mechanisms of the disease in a simple way. The average person does not need to know what is happening in the body at the current moment in time. To assess the danger and begin treatment, it is enough to hear only two words from the doctor: “pneumonia.” This article will help you understand both adults and children.


In the medical community, this phrase is not used; it is replaced by the completely familiar and well-studied pneumonia. Morphologically, this is an inflammation of the lung tissue with the participation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa or saprophytic microflora of the lungs themselves. The process itself is accompanied by all the characteristic symptoms: pain, swelling, redness (we don’t see it, but it’s there), fever and dysfunction. In addition, fluid leakage from the lesion into the pleural space is often observed.


As is usually the case in medicine, there are several categories into which all types of pneumonia can be grouped:

  1. By localization:
    - focal, when inflammation occupies a small area of ​​the lung parenchyma, sometimes involving the bronchus;
    - segmental - the infiltrate has reached the size of one or several segments;
    - lobar - a whole lobe is involved in the pathological process;
    - confluent, when several lesions unite to form a larger one;
    - total - extends to the entire lung or both.
  2. For lung damage:
    - one-sided;
    - two-sided.
  3. By origin:
    - primary - is an independent disease;
    - secondary - develops against the background of another illness or a long stay on strict bed rest.
  4. By infection:
    - community-acquired, that is, ordinary pneumonia;
    - hospital, nosocomial or nosocomial, i.e. developed after a person’s admission to a medical institution.
  5. By pathogen:
    - bacterial;
    - viral;
    - fungal;
    - aspiration;
    - toxic.

Transmission routes

The main way to get an infection of the respiratory system remains through the airborne route. People cannot help but breathe, which means there is a terrible mixture of gases, bacteria, viruses, pollutants and particulate matter in the air. But, in addition to gas exchange with the external environment, the lungs also communicate with the internal environment of the body through blood and lymphatic vessels. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude the route of infection from another inflammatory focus, which is the primary source of bacterial spread.

Pathogenetic picture

When the pathogen enters the upper respiratory tract, it moves with the air flow deep into the bronchial tree. This is where the bacteria stop and begin to form a colony, causing acute bronchitis of varying degrees of complexity and severity.

When a colony of microorganisms moves from the bronchial cavity to the pulmonary parenchyma, doctors talk about pneumonia. If measures are not taken, the disease spreads further to healthy tissue and foci of elimination appear in other organs. As the disease progresses, intoxication, oxygen deficiency, and, in some cases, heart failure increase. The right lung is most often affected, since its main bronchus is shorter and wider than that of the left.

Clinical manifestations

As a rule, it is quite difficult to immediately distinguish pneumonia from bronchitis. Both of these diseases are manifested by fever, cough, and sputum. But after a short time, when intoxication increases, fever appears with strong temperature changes in the morning and evening, pain during breathing, sputum becomes purulent and has an unpleasant odor.

Objectively, the disease is manifested by moist rales and crepitus, decreased conduction of sounds (vocal tremor, bronchophony), as well as the appearance of a shadow on a plain radiograph of the lungs.

In any case, you should not immediately after a slight cough run for a medical reference book and look at the section “Pneumonia. Symptoms in adults." How to treat this disease, we will consider below.

Other types of pneumonia

  1. Atypical. It is called so because its course is completely different from the “classical” manifestations of pneumonia. The onset is smooth, with a slight dry cough. Patients complain of a predominance of headache and muscle pain, nausea, and weakness. There may be no changes at all on chest X-rays.
  2. Secondary. It is divided into several subspecies.
    - aspiration - after inhalation of foreign bodies, gastric contents or chemicals (acids, alkalis);
    - septic, with a predominant picture of acute sepsis;
    - hypostatic, when the patient adheres to strict bed rest for a long time or is on mechanical ventilation;
    - immunodeficiency, opportunistic infection caused by a general decrease in the body’s resistance to infections;
    - post-traumatic - the focus of inflammation coincides with the site of injury.

How to treat pneumonia if it is secondary? It is necessary to get rid of what caused the disease. This will be the most effective tactic in this case, since symptomatic therapy may be ineffective in this situation.


The main methods for studying patients with a preliminary diagnosis of pneumonia are:

  • a general blood test that will show a picture of acute inflammation (increased ESR, a shift in the leukocyte count to the left to younger forms, anemia);
  • biochemical blood test (acute phase indicator, dysproteinemia, increased immunoglobulin levels);
  • blood gas composition (pulse oximetry), shows the degree of respiratory failure;
  • culture of sputum on solid media to determine the pathogen;
  • Gram stain of bacteria;
  • X-ray of the chest organs in several projections;
  • CT, MRI (if necessary).

Additional research methods, which mainly affect the diagnosis of complications, include pleura, bronchoscopy, angiopulmonography and other invasive procedures. They are resorted to quite rarely, since for the patient it is associated with uncomfortable sensations, and with the development of modern visualization technology, these manipulations can be avoided.

Treatment of pneumonia

Doctors today often ask the question: “How to treat pneumonia?”, and not because they did not study well at the institute or, in the wake of innovations in their industry, forgot how to do it. On the contrary, various approaches to solving this problem, a wide range of etiotropic drugs and auxiliary agents expand the possibilities of selecting the right therapy.

The only, but significant, disadvantage is that ordinary people, who have a vague idea of ​​what pneumonia is, try to act as an aesculapian themselves. This usually happens as follows: a person notices what he thinks are alarming symptoms, and immediately rushes... no, not to the clinic, but to the computer to enter a query like “pneumonia, symptoms.” Good Uncle Google will tell him how to treat this disease, just like that, as a bonus.

After that, our man runs to the pharmacy, buys antibiotics, just the kind that will definitely get you through, and quickly, in a couple of days, relieves all his symptoms. With this, his mission is completed. The medications helped, I can go back to work and into battle. But the disease has not gone away, it sits and waits for any opportunity to return, and those who caused it have now become more resistant to treatment.

Let's figure out how to do the right thing.

Non-drug methods

With the typical development of the disease, the question of where to treat pneumonia does not even appear on the agenda. Of course in the hospital! There you can create optimal conditions for recovery. This includes bed rest, a varied balanced diet, plenty of alkaline drinking and adequate sleep. Physical activity is out of the question. After complete clinical and laboratory recovery, approximately two to three months must pass before the patient is allowed to attend physical education or exercise independently.

2. Home care

If you nevertheless decide to take such a step as treating pneumonia at home, then you will need all the endurance and patience to care for the patient. First of all, the room temperature should not be higher than 18-22 degrees Celsius. Less is possible, but more is not advisable, since during a fever the already dry air will irritate the mucous membranes and aggravate inflammation. The second is wet cleaning. The ideal option is twice a day, but if this is not possible, then at least once a day. It is not recommended to use disinfectants, as they can also affect


Since one of the symptoms of pneumonia is cough, this must be taken into account when prescribing therapy. It is advisable to determine the type of cough: dry or wet, and only then select a medicine. According to the treatment protocols, in the presence of a dry cough, it is necessary to transform it into a wet one so that sputum separation begins, and for a wet cough, select a mucolytic for better expectoration of mucus.

There are situations when a cough only interferes with recovery, exhausting the patient, but without bringing significant relief. In this case, drugs are used that affect the cough center. The goal of therapy is to stop the uncomfortable symptoms.

Antibiotic therapy

Global question: “How to treat pneumonia with antibiotics?” occupies the minds of not only practicing doctors, but also scientists who are well aware of the threat from uncontrolled antibiotic therapy. Due to the incorrect selection of drugs, bacteria become resistant to the treatment; they produce substances that neutralize the effect of the drugs. When there are a lot of such bacteria, this is already a serious problem, because it becomes more and more difficult to eliminate them from the body.

But before you panic and run away from the hospital, you should still listen to what the doctor tells you. Believe me, he knows a little better how to treat pneumonia than your mother, mother-in-law, neighbor and even the Internet.

To begin with, the specialist will take the necessary tests, then, as a trial approach, will prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic, usually a penicillin. And for three days he will monitor the dynamics of his patient’s health. If there are positive changes, then everything is going well, and there is no need to change the drug. If after three days the situation has not changed or worsened, then it makes sense to think about changing the leading drug to a stronger one. In any case, in a week the results of a microbiological study should arrive, which will show the sensitivity of microorganisms to available types of drugs.

Sometimes you can observe atypical pneumonia - symptoms without fever. How to treat this condition? Yes, almost the same as regular inflammation. But it is extremely difficult to notice that a patient is developing pneumonia if there is no fever, which means that the help of a doctor will be required.

If a child gets sick

How to treat pneumonia in children is a completely different story. You shouldn’t wait for ARVI or bronchitis to turn into pneumonia. It is better to immediately contact your local pediatrician for professional help. He will be able to determine whether hospitalization is needed, how serious the child’s condition is and how to treat him.

As a rule, in general, the rules for treating pneumonia in children are not very different from those in adults. The regimen is prescribed to bed, and sometimes strict bed rest, plenty of drinking, daily wet cleaning, moderate ambient temperature. The cough is corrected with medication, flora is cultured and antibiotics are prescribed.

It is important to remember that not all of them are suitable for children. There are entire groups of drugs that are not used in pediatrics due to their toxic effects on the liver, kidneys, nervous system and sensory organs. Under no circumstances try to treat a child at home, guided by your own knowledge, experience or advice from people far from medicine.

Outpatient treatment or home hospital

How to treat pneumonia at home when it is not possible to take sick leave at work or school? This is somewhat more difficult than simply going to a doctor and shifting all responsibility onto him, but you can try.

First of all, in order to cure pneumonia, you need to diagnose it in yourself. The criteria for pneumonia have already been described above, so we will not dwell on them. So, you have found out that the disease exists, which means it needs to be stopped so that you can fulfill your professional duties. To do this, you should adhere to strict bed rest for at least several days, drink a lot and often (especially alkaline mineral water), and eat nutritious broths.

There is no point in lowering the temperature if it stays within 37-38 degrees. This is a good sign that the body is trying to cope with the infection. Take antibiotics according to the instructions, do not forget about mucolytics and immunomodulators to increase the body's resistance.

This is just a small list of how to treat pneumonia. In modern medicine, there are special protocols in which therapy is scheduled in stages, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body and the course of the disease. Therefore, trust your health to professionals.


How to treat pneumonia with folk remedies? After all, there will probably be opponents of official medicine who will decide that their body copes with diseases much better than everyone else’s, which means they can experiment.

Folk remedies are good only as an addition to medications, but not as independent treatment. So, it is recommended to eat honey, black elderberry jam, and drink raspberry tea. And physical methods for better expectoration include inhalation over boiled potatoes, warm foot baths, mustard plasters and cups. But these manipulations are already a thing of the past due to the use of interferon drugs and antibiotics of the latest generation.

Duration of treatment

How long does it take to treat pneumonia? Minimum three weeks for both adults and children. Relief of the condition may occur within a week, but final recovery with resorption of pathological foci in the lungs will not occur earlier than 21 days from the start of treatment.

In addition, do not forget about additional therapy, in addition to antibacterial therapy, which also has its own timing. In any case, you should not count on quick relief from the disease. Recovery is a rather painstaking process.

The article describes in sufficient detail how to treat pneumonia at home and on an outpatient basis. This will help you make the right decisions regarding your health.

This is a large group of diseases characterized by an inflammatory process in the lungs. In this case, the entire lung tissue or only part of one lobe of the organ can be affected. The cause is usually a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. Inflammatory fluid and mucous secretions accumulate in the alveoli and air ducts, thus creating stagnation of blood and thickening the lung tissue. All this negatively affects the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The disease can be caused by injuries, be a complication of another disease or a consequence of prolonged bed rest, or develop from inhaling air poisoned by chemicals.

There are acute and chronic pneumonia.

Acute pneumonia is characterized by fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, inflammation

There are two forms: transient, or croupous, and protracted - catarrhal.

According to the doctor's definition O. Morozova, lobar inflammation always begins with stunning chills and high fever - up to 40 and above. The urine becomes thick and dark, then a cough and pain in the side appear. At first the cough is dry, and after two or three days sticky, rust-colored sputum appears, sometimes with blood. With the correct course of the disease, after 7-8 days a crisis occurs: the patient falls asleep soundly, during sleep the temperature drops sharply, the patient wakes up sweating, and from that day recovery begins. If the crisis does not occur at a certain time, then the disease becomes chronic or threatens a bad end.

At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor, since pneumonia is a very dangerous disease and, if not treated correctly, can result in death.

Injecting penicillin quickly stops the inflammatory process in the lungs, and the patient recovers.

But if for some reason you have to treat the patient yourself, then you must first take the following measures: cleanse the patient’s stomach with some laxative, place him in a warm, but not hot, room. Give as food broth, milk, but eating beyond desire is harmful. To lower the temperature give water with lemon or cranberry juice. To the very weak and old, give a little to increase strength guilt. Wrap your chest, sides and back with a warm compress of water, changing it twice a day. Give hot orally for expectoration tea, marshmallow root infusion two cups a day or on an empty stomach - half a glass of warm water, in which dilute half a teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of salt.

If there are powders salicylic soda 0.5 each, then to lower the temperature give one twice a day. It’s good to give something diaphoretic to drink - infusion linden blossom, mint, sage.

With chronic or prolonged inflammation, the lungs are not completely affected, as is the case with acute inflammation, but the affected areas are scattered throughout.

At the very beginning of prolonged inflammation, it is useful to give something hot or warm to drink. milk, letting a drop of purified turpentine.

IN Otherwise, the measures taken for treatment are similar to those used for lobar inflammation.

Doctor O. Morozova, who published a medical book for Russian emigrants, widely used the practice of old zemstvo doctors who did not abuse medications, preferring well-tested remedies. So she advises using the following for pneumonia: folk and home remedies:

1. IN In the very first days of the disease, you should start taking purified sulfur 1/4 teaspoon per day, washed down with water or eaten with semolina porridge. And who lives next to a pine forest, then it is necessary to collect the dripping from the pine trees sulfur(resin), roll it into balls with sugar and swallow it like that. This remedy is very good not only for pneumonia, but also for tuberculosis.

2. To cough up mucus, drink a cup of hot herbal infusion a day. Ivan-da-Marya, otherwise - tricolor violet.

3. A warming compress can be made like this: spread on a cloth soft cottage cheese(a little with serum) into a finger thickness and then proceed as with a regular compress.

4. It is advisable to give the real thing inside Provençal oil.

5. To distract the heat from the chest, wrap your feet to the ankles soaked in water with vinegar with rags(well wrung out), and wrap your feet in something warm on top. When the rags are dry, you need to moisten them again. You can put wet socks on your feet and wrap them in something warm.

6. Place banks on the chest and back for 10-15 minutes.

Famous Russian doctor P. M. Kurennoye offers:

Banks and... "Superbanks"

With pneumonia, the body temperature quickly reaches a high level in a short time. In this case, it may be necessary to place from 30 to 40 cans on the patient’s back, sides (near the back), and sometimes on the chest. 8-10 hours after cupping, the body temperature begins to drop and the patient recovers. Grandfather used “super banks” only for very old patients and in very frail health, the hopes of saving whom with simple banks were very weak.

Grandfather took small (with a capacity of two glasses) clay crusts (with a belly). He heated the Russian stove and, when it was necessary to put bread in the oven for baking, my grandfather laid V bake a sheet of asbestos and coat the top edge of the crusts with a crust of dough. Then he placed the crusts upside down and heated them to the desired temperature. The asbestos and dough crust protected the crusts from excessive heat.

Then the grandfather made very small cuts (up to 10 in number) with a sterilized sharp knife in the place where the “super jar” should be placed. Then he placed the crust on the cuts and... left this peculiar jar for 7-10 minutes. Under the jar there was blood, black as hell, the amount of one-sixteenth of a glass... .

But no matter how attractive the idea of ​​“super jars” may seem, nevertheless, their installation requires enormous experience, skill, adaptability of both the oven and the pots themselves... Mere mortals, and not experienced healers, should better install simple jars. Forty simple cans can simultaneously reduce any temperature. Even a dying patient can recover!

For pulmonary diseases, traditional medicine recommends using the following mixtures:

1. 100 g honey, 100 g butter oils, 100 g lard or goose fat, 15 ml aloe juice, 100 g cocoa heat together without bringing to a boil. Drink twice a day, morning and evening, 1 tablespoon per glass of hot milk.

2. Leaves aloe rinse, chop, squeeze 150 ml of juice, mix with 250 g honey and 350 ml Cahors. Leave for 4-5 days in the dark at a temperature of 4-6 degrees Celsius. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

3. Keep cut aloe leaves aged 3-5 years in the dark for 12-14 days at a temperature of 4-8 degrees Celsius (in the refrigerator). Rinse, chop, add boiled water in a ratio of 1:3. Leave to stand for 1-1.5 hours. Squeeze out the juice. Mix 100 ml of juice with 500 g of chopped walnuts nuts and add 300 g of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

4. Hot infused viburnum berries honey for 6-7 hours, drink and eat for bronchitis, pneumonia and liver disease.

5. For pneumonia and bronchitis, drink an infusion of dried fruits raspberries, sheet coltsfoot and herbs oregano(total equally); 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water, drink warm.

6. In Russian folk medicine, lilac has long been known as a diaphoretic, laxative, expectorant and diuretic, used for malaria, diarrhea, cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, radiculitis, inflammation of the bladder, colds. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of inflorescences with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, then filter. Drink 1 tablespoon of infusion 3-4 times a day. Vodka tincture is prepared at the rate of 1 part inflorescences to 5 parts water, infusion time - 7 days, strain before use. Take 30 drops 3 times a day.

For pneumonia, traditional medicine advises taking sulfur: purified powder 1/4 teaspoon per day; washed down with water or eaten with semolina porridge. Or collect dripping water in a pine forest resin, Roll small balls of sugar and swallow.

Residual effects after pneumonia are treated paraffin. Paraffin is applied to the affected side of the chest.

Propolis. According to many traditional healers, propolis is a good remedy for the treatment of many diseases, in particular pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases.

Doctors recommend chewing 1-3 g of propolis thoroughly every day, while swallowing saliva. When taking propolis for the first time, caution is necessary, although in very rare cases an allergic reaction may occur. On the first day, it is recommended to chew only 0.3-0.5 g before bed. If the next day no allergic phenomena are noted, then you can begin a systematic course of treatment, which lasts for 4-14 days; if there is a need to continue the course of treatment, then in the second half the dose should be reduced to a quarter of the dose or to half.

Propolis is chewed once a day, always after meals. To avoid irritation of the oral mucosa, after the first 10-15 minutes of chewing, you should take a break for 1-2 hours; Chewing can then be continued until the propolis in the mouth is completely crushed and can be swallowed.

In some cases, with severe chronic and infectious diseases, the daily dose can be increased to 10-20 and even 40-100 g, but such treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Propolis oil can be successfully used in the treatment of pneumonia. In this case, butter is used as a base. 10-15% propolis oil is medicinal. Together with cream, it is taken orally 10-15 g (teaspoon) 2-3 times a day 1-1.5 hours before meals with warm milk. The course of treatment is 2 months with breaks of 2-3 weeks. With each course, the amount of oil increases by 5 g, but not more than 30 g.

In case of pneumonia, at the very beginning of the disease it is useful to place a warm compress on the chest from fresh cottage cheese with whey, placing it on a napkin in a finger-thick layer.

Treatment koumiss- one of the best traditional methods of treating pulmonary diseases. Kumis is a fermented milk product made from fermented mare's milk. At one time, Tolstoy and Chekhov were treated with kumis.

If you don’t have mare’s kumys, it can be made from cow’s milk. To do this, fresh cow's milk (even better, fresh) is diluted with cold water so that for each bottle of milk there are from 1 to 3 bottles of water - thicker than kumiss or thinner. Mix water with milk in an open container and add granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon for each bottle. The more sugar you add, the stronger the kumiss will be. After the sugar has completely dissolved, liquid yeast is poured into the mixture, 1 tablespoon for each bottle. If there is no liquid yeast, then for each bottle you can put 4-6 g of good dry yeast diluted with cold water. Then the mixture is bottled, sealed well, tied and kept for 24 hours at a temperature of 17°C, while the bottles are shaken once an hour. The next morning, the bottles are transferred to a cooler place with a temperature of 7-10 ° C and are still shaken. On the third and fourth days, kumis is ready to eat. Bottles can only be used from champagne bottles, as excess pressure is created in them during fermentation.

To prepare each new portion of kumys, instead of yeast, add from 2-3 tablespoons to a glass of finished kumys, depending on the strength.

“Home-prepared cow kumis can to some extent replace the real thing, as a strengthening and nutritious remedy for the weak-chested and consumptive,” writes Dr. S. M. Arensky in his book “Home Remedies,” published in 1912.

Doctor Hippocrates advised me to drink donkey milk from many diseases. Its composition differs little from that of women's; it can even be given to infants.

Here's some advice from D.'s book. Osawa“Macrobiotic Zen or the art of rejuvenation and longevity” is used for pneumonia. He suggests as a remedy fish.“Cut off the head of a live carp weighing approximately 0.5 kg and collect blood. Quickly, before it curdles, give the patient a drink. Then pound the fish thoroughly and apply this “plaster” to the patient’s chest. After normalization, remove the “plaster” after 5-6 hours. Many patients, having used all antibiotics in vain, were cured using this method.”

It is very useful for patients suffering from chronic lung diseases to take 1 tablespoon orally 3 times a day after meals. ectericide, produced from natural fish oil, but does not contain fat as such.

Sprouted grain. The ancient Russian medical book “Cool Vertograd” begins with a description of the healing properties bread, wheat and the so-called "wheat sludge"- a special product that played a big role in health improvement and spring nutrition. He “... strengthens all the insides and strengthens the bodily strength.” “Wheat silt” is a specially sprouted grain, from which porridges, jelly and other dishes are made. Dishes made from sprouted grains are used by yogis. The content of vitamins in sprouted grain sharply increases - this is the secret of its healing properties!

Wheat, rye, corn are soaked and placed in a warm place for a day. In a day, sprouts up to 1 mm will hatch. Large sprouts should not be allowed!

Sprouted grains can be consumed as seeds, dried, and then crushed in a coffee grinder and added as a seasoning to first and second courses. You can put it through a meat grinder and put it in boiling water or milk (you can’t boil it!). You can cook scrambled eggs with sprouted grains in a water bath.

One of the best yoga specialists A. Zubkov writes: “If you regularly eat porridge or jelly made from sprouted wheat at breakfast, you can achieve truly amazing results (and proven in practice!): coordination of movements is restored, visual acuity increases, hair on the head thickens, its natural color and shine are restored, and teeth, caries stops, periodontal disease is treated, almost complete immunity to colds appears, health improves in diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, eczema, stomach ulcers, disease of the bronchial nodes, impotence.

People of any age can eat sprouted grains. A clear improvement in health usually occurs within 1-2 weeks.”

Iodine. For pneumonia, bronchitis, and tracheitis, iodine is used in this way: wrap a small cotton ball on a stick, dip it in iodine tincture and apply intersecting lines 1 cm thick on the skin in the chest and back area. You need to draw along the midline of the sternum, then parallel to it on both sides, starting from the middle of the collarbone, and between these lines you need to draw one more on each side. On the back, two vertical lines are applied on both sides parallel to the spine through the inner edge of the shoulder blade and in the middle between these lines and the spine. Horizontal lines on the back, And on the chest should be carried out along the intercostal spaces, since this is where vessels and nerves rich in reflex connections pass.

For pneumonia, another medicinal remedy called “kalyshumium” (“calciumitis”).

It is prepared as follows: take 10 lemons, 6 eggs (necessarily fresh and only with white shells), 300 g of honey (preferably linden) and 3/4 cup of cognac. The eggs are placed in a jar and filled with squeezed lemon juice. The jar is covered with gauze, wrapped in thick paper and placed in a dry, dark place (cool, but not cold). Keep until the eggshell dissolves, which usually occurs after 6-8 days. Then the honey is heated to a fluid state, cooled and a mixture of eggs and lemon juice is added, then cognac is poured in. The medicine is poured into a dark bottle and stored in a dark, dry, cool place, but no longer than three weeks, since the “calcium” deteriorates. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day immediately after meals.

Here another great tool for a patient with pneumonia, which alleviates the patient's condition And delays the development of the disease.

They take Linden honey– 1 kg, leaves aloe— 200 g, olive oil - 200 g, birch buds - 150 d, linden flowers,— 50 g. Brew birch buds and linden blossom separately in 0.5 liters of water, boil for 1-2 minutes, strain. Pour the broth into a mixture of honey with finely chopped aloe leaves and add olive oil. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day, shake before use.

To treat residual effects of pneumonia, breathing exercises, water and physiotherapeutic procedures, and exposure to fresh air are useful.

For pneumonia, healer Vanga advises: strip the patient naked, wrap him in a sheet, and he should do this several times for 20 minutes. lie down on very hot sand.

Here's what a Russian doctor offers for a cough after pneumonia P.M. Kurenoye:

Cough remedy after pneumonia

Boil a glass of fresh, unpasteurized milk with two yellow wine berries(dried). Drink a hot glass twice a day after meals.

Russian and Brazilian cough remedies

A. Cut into very thin slices 6 or 8 radishes. Sprinkle each radish slice generously sugar. After about half a day, radish juice mixed with sugar will appear. Dose: one tablespoon every hour. Healers claim that the described remedy cures the most severe cough in a relatively short period of time.

B. Brazilians take ripe ones bananas and pass them through a sieve, then put the grated bananas in a pan with hot water in the proportion: two bananas to one cup of water with sugar, heat it again and drink this mixture.

14 Very Valuable Village Healing Remedies

A. For a prolonged chest cough, wipe the chest with a dry cloth, then rub the inner lard or ghee. A small amount should be added pine oil to lard, which is considered better than ghee.

B. Take rye and oats And barley, add chicory and two grams of purified bitters almonds and drink it like regular coffee. Can be drunk with hot baked milk.

B. Boiled turnip juice with sugar or honey(preferably with honey) is also very useful in treating chest pain from colds and coughs.

D. Cut into small pieces and boil 10 heads Luke and one head garlic unpasteurized milk until the onions and garlic are soft. Add a little boudra juice. This tree is also called ivy, or dogmint. Add honey. Dose: one tablespoon V hour throughout the day.

D. Gogol-mogol (egg yolks beaten with sugar and rum) is also a great remedy for coughs if eaten on an empty stomach.

E. Mix radish juice or carrots with milk or honey drink: half juice and half milk or honey drink. Dose: one tablespoon six times a day.

G. Mix two tablespoons of fresh unpasteurized butter butter, two yolks fresh eggs, one teaspoon of wheat flour and two teaspoons of pure honey Take one teaspoon orally many times a day.

3. In spring it is very useful to drink for cough Birch juice-(birch tree) or maple tree sap with milk.

AND. For a dry cough, it is useful to rub the following mixture into the chest: into two parts wood oil one part ammonia.

K. To facilitate the separation of sputum, it is useful to take orally lingonberry juice syrup with syrup Sahara or honey This syrup should be taken quite often, one tablespoon per dose. During treatment with this remedy, it is useful to drink a decoction of wild strawberries instead of water or tea.

L. The following remedy is highly recommended for “choking” coughs in children: dissolve ten grains cochineal, twenty grains tartaric acid and apothecary's ounce Sahara in six ounces of hot water. Dose for children: one teaspoon three times a day. The described remedy is known to be unusually highly healing and cures all cases of cough “with suffocation” in children. It is well established that this remedy has always cured coughs and stopped coughs after measles.

M. A man of forty suffered greatly from a severe cough for five years. The cough was accompanied by heavy breathing, colic, acute pain in the side and large sputum production. One spring, the contractions became almost unbearable, and none of the medications brought the slightest relief to the patient. Then the patient's entire body was rubbed poppy seed oil, and this, in turn, caused a very profuse secretion of sweat for 48 hours after rubbing. The patient's health improved so much that after two weeks he was able to begin physical labor.

N. The following remedy is very useful in the treatment of old dry cough.

Take a rag the size of an adult’s palm and lubricate it generously shoemaker's pitch and stick it to the back between the shoulder blades, change the rag with the varnish every two to three days.

A. The following powders are very useful for coughs: take an ounce of powder licorice root, half ounce powder dill and two ounces Sahara. Dose: for adults - half a teaspoon; for children - on a knife edge, twice a day.

Folk remedy for dry cough

Boil two ounces of roots pepper with half a pint of white grape wine. Strain the mixture and drink it all V hot three times a day. In addition to this remedy, you need to take a large onion, grate it and mix it with goose lard. Rub this mixture into the chest and front of the neck. Rub in the evening before bed. The patient should also eat one tablespoon of a mixture of onions and goose lard every morning.

Folk remedy for runny nose

Inhale snuff deeper so that it passes through the nasopharynx into the mouth. After a few sniffs, the runny nose stops.

Rinsing the nose with clean water also helps with a runny nose. Pour water at room temperature into a handful of hands and draw in alternately through one and the other nostril so that the water passes into the mouth. With all methods of treating a runny nose, one should not forget that a runny nose in most cases is a manifestation of an infectious (contagious) disease - influenza. Therefore, when treating a runny nose in one way or another, it is necessary to take a clean handkerchief so that self-infection does not occur through the handkerchief after treatment.

An ancient healing method for treating a runny nose

Immediately after the start of a runny nose, do mustard plasters from mustard powder and apply them to the heels of the feet (from below) and bandage with flannel. Then you should put on warm woolen stockings and keep the mustard plasters on for as long as possible (usually from an hour to two). Then remove the mustard plasters and walk quickly for a while. It is best to use the described remedy in the evening before bed. The runny nose will stop before dawn.

Folk remedy

This often persistent disease can be successfully treated with porcine "healthy." That is, internal fat from the intestines, which looks like a mesh. This lard mesh is placed in a bowl and placed in a warm but not hot oven or over very low heat so that the lard drips off the mesh. The melted lard is drained and placed in a cold place. Take one dessert spoon per glass of hot milk and drink V hot in sips... For external rubbing into the chest, you need to mix this lard with turpentine and rub it into the chest until dry.

Medicine man's remedy cough at children

cut radish small cubes, place in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for two hours. Strain, discard the radish pieces, and pour the liquid into a bottle. Dose: two teaspoons three to four times a day before meals and at night before bed.

Mustard treatment

We offer you an effective - in just a week - way to treat these diseases without drugs. I learned about it from casual acquaintances, our compatriots who lived in Bulgaria for a long time. The opportunity to test this recipe in practice presented itself quite soon. My relative complained that she had been treating her 8-year-old daughter with antibiotics for pneumonia for a whole month. I told her what to do, and a week later I found out that the girl had recovered. I have had the opportunity to verify more than once the effectiveness of the “Bulgarian” method of treating both adults and children.

So, here's the recipe. Take 2 tablespoons of dry mustard, flour and vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly so that not even small grains remain; mustard - otherwise a burn is possible. Dilute the resulting mixture with warm water until the consistency of sour cream. If the mustard is very fresh, “evil”, add not 2, but 3-4 tablespoons of flour. Take a large newspaper and fold it in half crosswise. Attach it to your chest so that the fold line rests against your neck, make indentations in places corresponding to the throat and armpits. Apply a layer of the mixture to one side of the newspaper so that it does not get on the heart area. Cover this area with a cotton cloth folded in four. Now apply the newspaper with the greased side and body, wrapping it around the chest. The fold line should rest against the neck. Wrap yourself in sheets or towels (crosswise and crosswise), put on a sweater and go to bed. In the morning, remove the newspaper with the mixture. This wrap should be done 3 times every other day. For the child, take 2 dessert spoons of the mixture components. For the youngest, before wrapping, the breasts are lubricated with baby cream. If you don’t have dry mustard at home, you can scrape 2 tablespoons from 10 mustard plasters. Contraindications: heart disease, allergy to mustard.

REMEMBER: When wrapping, you should not use materials or clothing that do not allow air to pass through.

Aloe treatment

In the treatment of these diseases, aloe can be used not only as an oral remedy. Compresses with juice also help. 1 part of the plant juice is mixed with 2 parts of honey and 3 parts of vodka. You need to thoroughly moisten a piece of white cloth with this mixture, wrap it around the sore spot, put cotton wool and plastic wrap on top and wrap it tightly with a towel or woolen scarf. The same method can be used for arthritis.

It is also recommended for frequent sore throats to squeeze 20 drops of aloe leaf juice into a glass of boiled water every day and gargle with this remedy for several months. The effect is both therapeutic and preventive.

Pneumonia is a pathological inflammatory process that is usually infectious in nature and affects the lung tissue covering the walls of the organ and the alveoli. Alveoli are small vesicles, one side of which connects to the alveolar duct. They are involved in ensuring respiratory function and carry out gas exchange in the capillaries of the lung tissue, so their inflammation leads to breathing problems and painful sensations when inhaling and exhaling.

Pneumonia (a general term that refers to any inflammation of the lung tissue) is usually caused by viruses or pathogenic bacteria. If treatment is incorrectly selected, there is a risk of developing severe complications, for example, lung abscess, meningitis or pleural damage, therefore in severe cases the patient is hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital. If the patient refuses hospitalization and wants to be treated at home, it is important to follow all recommendations and prescriptions of specialists. Before using traditional medicine recipes, you should also consult your doctor, as some of them may have contraindications.

Pneumonia in most cases has a fairly characteristic course, accompanied by typical symptoms, but only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis. To diagnose an inflammatory process in the lungs, differential diagnosis may be required - a set of examinations to exclude pathologies with a similar clinical picture. This could be bronchitis, pleurisy, pulmonary candidiasis or tuberculosis infection.

It is almost impossible to make a diagnosis at home, but by certain signs you can determine the approximate localization of the pathological process and seek medical help in time.

Symptoms of the disease include:

  • general signs of intoxication (headache, poor appetite, weakness);
  • dry, hacking cough;
  • chest pain that increases in intensity when inhaling or coughing;
  • temperature increase;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • increased heart rate (above 90 beats per minute);
  • pallor of the skin of the face and limbs;
  • signs of cyanosis (blueness of the skin and mucous membranes of the lips);
  • nasal congestion;
  • rhinitis.

In some cases, pneumonia is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure. Hypotension cannot be considered as an isolated symptom of pneumonia, but in combination with cough, chest pain and other manifestations, low blood pressure complements the clinical picture characteristic of this disease. The temperature in the first days of the disease in adults can remain at the level of low-grade fever (not higher than 37.5-37.7°), in children the disease immediately begins with a febrile syndrome, chills and a rise in temperature to 38° and above.

The cough at the beginning of treatment is always dry, painful, and persistent. After the cough becomes productive, the patient will produce sputum of a thick yellow consistency.

Important! In some cases, sputum from a wet cough may be white and have small specks. This picture is typical for candidiasis of the lungs. Hemoptysis with pneumonia can occur due to rupture of small vessels or be a sign of tuberculosis. To correctly determine the cause of the pathological condition, you will need to undergo a diagnostic examination, which includes laboratory diagnostics (urine and blood tests, sputum collection or throat discharge), and chest x-ray.

Basics of treating pneumonia at home

Even if the patient refuses hospital treatment, this does not mean that pneumonia can be cured without the use of medications. The basis of drug therapy for pneumonia of bacterial origin is the use of antibiotics. Semi-synthetic penicillins are usually the drugs of choice in adults. These are medications based on ampicillin and amoxicillin (“Flemoxin”, “Augmentin”, “Amosin”, “Amoxiclav”). These drugs have a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity, but they often cause an allergic reaction, so they can be replaced by stronger new generation antibiotics: cephalosporins or macrolides.

Antibiotics used to treat pneumonia

Antibiotic groupAllergy riskPossible side effectsWhat medications are included?
MacrolidesAverageHeadache, confusion, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting“Zinnat”, “Clarithromycin”, “Sumamed”, “Hemomycin”, “Azithromycin”
PenicillinsHighSkin rash, pain in the epigastric and abdominal space, headache and dizziness, unpleasant taste in the mouth"Amoxicillin", "Amosin", "Flemoxin", "Augmentin", "Ampicillin"
CephalosporinsShortSevere headaches, migraines, tremors of extremities, blood pathologies"Ciprofloxacin", "Cefalexin", "Cefazolin", "Cefadroxyl"

Note! If pneumonia is caused by viral or fungal microorganisms, the use of antibacterial therapy will be ineffective. In this case, systemic drugs with an antifungal effect (Miconazole, Fluconazole) or antiviral drugs in combination with immunomodulators (interferon drugs, Imudon, Afobazol) may be required.

Symptomatic therapy at home

The main symptom of pneumonia is cough. To make it productive, the patient may be prescribed expectorants and mucolytics. Most often these are drugs containing acetylcysteine ​​or ambroxol. These include:

  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Ambrobene";
  • "Ambroxol";
  • "ACC";
  • "Mukonex."

They can be taken orally in the form of tablets, syrups and solutions, or used for steam inhalation using an inhaler or nebulizer. “Lazolvan” in the form of a solution perfectly thins phlegm and relieves dry cough. If the pathology is accompanied by signs of obstruction (narrowing of the airways), therapy is supplemented with inhalations with Berodual and Berotek.

Inhalations should be carried out 3-4 times a day. The dosage of the drug is 20 drops at a time (for Lazolvan - 25 drops), which need to be diluted with 3-5 ml of saline solution. Among local remedies, Salbutamol in aerosol form has a similar effect. It should be used 4 times a day, making one injection during the inhalation phase.

Paracetamol can be used to reduce the temperature. If they do not provide sufficient effect, you can replace them with ibuprofen-based products or use combination drugs, for example, Next. To prevent an allergic reaction, histamine blockers (Diazolin, Claritin, Loratadine) may be prescribed.

Is it possible to be cured using traditional methods?

Treatment of pneumonia with traditional methods is justified only if the disease is caused by non-infectious causes, for example, the entry of harmful substances or liquids into the respiratory tract. In other situations, alternative medicine can be a good addition to drug treatment, but in no case should you replace medications prescribed by a doctor with traditional recipes. Below are the most effective and safe recipes for the treatment of inflammation in the lungs, which, if necessary, can be used even in childhood.

Video - Treatment of pneumonia at home

Potato compresses with honey

Such compresses help ease the passage of mucus and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, as well as reduce the intensity of pain when coughing, inhaling and sneezing. Do it every day at night for 5-7 days.

The medicine is prepared as follows:

  • Boil 2 potatoes in their skins (preferably the potatoes were young);
  • mash the potatoes;
  • add 1 spoon of honey, 2 spoons of warm milk and 1 spoon of any vegetable oil;
  • mix everything and wrap in gauze.

To prevent the compress from moving out, you can fix it with a bandage. The mass should be applied to the bronchi area on the back (on the affected side). Relief usually occurs after the second procedure.

Mustard ointment

A very effective remedy that helps relieve chest pain, reduce the intensity of cough and improve phlegm relief. To prepare the ointment you will need:

  • natural mustard – 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour – 1 spoon.

All ingredients must be mixed and slightly warmed in a water bath before use. Place the patient on his stomach, cover the heart area with a thick flannel diaper. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the entire surface of the chest and feet (from the heel to the center of the foot), cover with another diaper on top and leave overnight.

Even with a marked improvement in well-being, this procedure cannot be carried out every day; it is necessary to maintain a daily interval. A total of three such procedures need to be done - usually this is enough to relieve inflammation.

Important! This recipe is not suitable for people suffering from heart disease, bronchial asthma and diabetes. It is forbidden to use mustard and mustard plasters at elevated body temperatures. After the procedure, you need to take a warm shower (not hot!).

Video - How to treat pneumonia

Essential oils

Essential oils have a huge number of beneficial properties and can be used as part of a complex treatment of inflammation of bronchopulmonary tissue. Eucalyptus, fir, and juniper oils have a pronounced antibacterial effect and help increase the effectiveness of the treatment. The tannins and phytoncides they contain destroy pathogenic flora and prevent the development of secondary infection.

Tea tree oil, sandalwood, geranium and chamomile have a general strengthening effect and help fight inflammatory processes. Essential oils of orange, bergamot, rosemary and grapefruit strengthen the immune system and help the body cope with the disease faster.

Oils can be used in two ways: for chest massage or aromatherapy. You can apply a few drops of oil to the tip of a pillow or blanket, but this method is not suitable for people with hypersensitivity.

Garlic oil

Garlic is the most popular folk remedy for treating diseases of the respiratory system. It contains many pungent essential oils and acids that help fight pathogenic microorganisms (including mixed flora consisting of several types of pathogens). Garlic can be used for inhalation or direct consumption. If you have pneumonia, it is not recommended to eat raw garlic; doctors recommend preparing garlic oil from it.

To do this, 5 cloves of garlic need to be chopped and mixed with 100 g of melted butter (high quality and fat content of at least 82.5%). After this, put the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours. The oil can be used for sandwiches or added to meat and vegetable dishes.

Video - How to treat pneumonia with folk remedies

How to speed up recovery?

Throughout the entire period of treatment, the patient must remain in bed. It is strictly forbidden to go to work or school, as this can lead to infection of others and a deterioration in the well-being of the patient himself. The room in which the sick person is located must be isolated from other family members. If this is not possible, it is important to ventilate the apartment at least 6-10 times a day and do regular wet cleaning using non-aggressive disinfectants. Healthy family members should wear gauze bandages.

The patient's diet should be sufficiently high-calorie and varied. In case of inflammatory processes in the lungs, an increase in the amount of fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, and protein foods is indicated. Meat and fish dishes, as well as eggs, should be included in the menu 3-4 times a day. The drinking regime should be plentiful - this is important to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, thin the thick sputum and relieve a painful cough. Preference should be given to fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks, natural juices, herbal teas and decoctions. It is better to avoid tea, coffee and carbonated drinks during this period.

If necessary, you can take vitamin and mineral supplements. The drug should be selected by a doctor after studying urine and blood tests. The fact is that an excess of certain elements can cause problems in the functioning of organs. For example, in case of hyperthyroidism, the doctor will select a complex that does not contain iodine, but in case of hyperkalemia, the choice should be made in favor of multivitamins or combined supplements without potassium.

Treating pneumonia at home is a rather risky undertaking, since the risk of complications with this disease is very high. If the patient insists on outpatient treatment, it is necessary to comply with all doctor’s prescriptions and follow dietary and regimen recommendations. It is also important to take all tests in a timely manner and come for an examination - this will help the doctor evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and notice the onset of complications in time. Some diseases that occur against the background of pneumonia (for example, meningitis) develop rapidly and have a high mortality rate, so you should not take your health lightly and refuse the help of specialists.

Once I had to treat my husband for a darkened lung. He was then 40 years old, and now he is already 65.

I passed the aloe through a meat grinder, but you can simply grind it, then mixed all the ingredients in a three-liter jar and put it in a dark place for 9 days.

The treatment was long, my husband took the prepared medicine for 10 months, and after a while he was deregistered at the tuberculosis dispensary. But I periodically prepare this infusion for him as a preventive measure, and I also drink it myself.

Take 1 tbsp infusion. spoon before meals 30 minutes 3 times a day. I also bought it for my husband badger or bear fat, They say this remedy also helps a lot.

Now my husband feels fine, he does everything around the house, so maybe someone will find my proven recipe useful.

Valentina Grigorievna PYATIGINA. 624691, Sverdlovsk region, Alapaevsky district, Verkhnyaya Sinyachikha village, st. K. Marksa, 109, apt. Z.

Tuberculosis. Treatment with folk remedies.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria. This disease mainly affects the lungs. The causative agent of the disease is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or Koch's bacillus. In active tuberculosis, it multiplies quickly in the patient's lungs and destroys the lungs. Tuberculosis is spread by droplets of mucus from the respiratory tract of an infected person. At the beginning of the disease, tuberculosis often has no symptoms, and the infected person does not look sick at all. Much later, increased body temperature, weakness, sweating, decreased performance, and weight loss may appear.

Treatment of tuberculosis with folk remedies:

A mixture for tuberculosis.

This is how you can save your lungs. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 100 ml of aloe juice and 100 tons of butter, unsalted pork fat, honey (more is possible) and 2 tbsp. cocoa. Melt the fat together with the butter, add the remaining ingredients and mix everything thoroughly. Eat 1 tbsp. in the morning half an hour before meals, if the illness is severe, also at night. The effect is amazing! The mixture even heals cavities in the lungs.

Coltsfoot for tuberculosis.

Use the mixture to treat tuberculosis. Place a 1 cm layer of fresh coltsfoot leaves on the bottom of the dish, cover them with the same layer of granulated sugar, then again a layer of leaves and again a layer of sand, and so on until the dish is filled to the top. Then close the dish tightly with a lid, cover this place with dough and bury it in the ground to a depth of 0.5 m. After 3 weeks, when the contents turn into a homogeneous mass, you need to dilute it with honey in the ratio of 2 parts of the mixture: 1 part of honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Drink until you recover.

Reed leaves for tuberculosis.

Brew 0.5 tbsp. boiling water 1 tsp. crushed young reed leaves, leave for 1 hour and strain. Drink 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Oats and barley for tuberculosis.

Fill the pan 2/3 full with a mixture of equal quantities of oats and barley, fill the pan almost to the top with fresh unpasteurized milk and add a finger-thick layer of interior fat, then close the pan with a lid, put in the oven and cook, periodically adding milk, until the grain is boiled. Take 100 g of the mixture 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Plantain juice for tuberculosis.

Pulmonary tuberculosis can be completely cured by plantain juice. Even petrificates in the lungs are absorbed. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The juice can be frozen in special ice bags.

Hop cones for tuberculosis.

You need to pour boiling water into a glass and put 2 hop cones in it, you need to steep for 1 hour. You need to drink 3 glasses of this tea a day. Always prepare fresh tea. Drink for 14 days, break for 5 days. Drink tea for a month, take a break for a month, then repeat the course. The general course of treatment is 3 months.

Balm for pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis.

This recipe is a very powerful remedy for treating the lungs. It even helps with tuberculosis. Take 3 tbsp. l. elecampane and 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort. Stir the herbs and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Place on the stove and keep on low heat for half an hour. Then cool and strain. Once you've got your herbs on the stove, don't waste any time getting to the honey. You will need 2 cups of linden honey. If it is thick, melt it in a water bath until liquid. You don't need to do anything with liquid honey. Pour 1 cup of heated olive oil into liquid honey. Mix everything well. When you receive the finished herbal decoction, immediately pour in the mixture of honey and oil. Mix everything again and let it brew. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator. It will infuse there for 2 weeks. Take the finished medicine like this. First, shake it well and take 1 tsp. 5 times a day half an hour before meals.

Motherwort and chicory for tuberculosis.

Take the stems and leaves of motherwort and the roots of common chicory. Mix the herbs in equal proportions by weight and chop. 1 tsp brew 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. and drink 1/3 tbsp. 3 times a day, slightly warmed. After 9 weeks, the lungs will be completely healed and cleared of pus. This is how Caucasian mountaineers are treated, and very successfully.

Aloe with honey and olive oil for tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases.

Melt 1.2 kg of honey in an enamel saucepan, without letting it boil, add 200 ml of aloe juice. Boil over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Separately, brew a tablespoon of birch buds and linden flowers in 400 ml of water, boil for 3 minutes, leave, wrapped, for 20 minutes, strain, squeeze out the rest. Pour the mixture into dark bottles, adding an equal amount of olive oil to each bottle. Shake before use. Dose: a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for tuberculosis and lung diseases.

A mixture for tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases.

You need to take 1 glass of juice of black radish, beets, carrots, as well as honey, alcohol - also 1 glass each. It’s more convenient to pour everything into a 1.5-2 liter jar, close it with a plastic lid, wrap it with plastic on top and tighten it with an elastic band. Do not open the jar, but mix the contents by shaking. Place in a cool, dark place for 8-10 days. Dose for adults - 1 tbsp. spoon 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day. Write down the start date of the appointment and then the end date of the appointment. Count how many days you took the medicine, take a break for the same amount, but 10 days before the second dose, prepare the same composition and continue taking it. Follow a diet: do not drink alcohol, fried, spicy, salty foods, canned food, smoked foods. Even pulmonary tuberculosis can be cured in two courses.

Plantain and licorice for tuberculosis.

Plantain - 1 tbsp, licorice root - 1 tsp. 1 tbsp. place the collection in a thermos, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Drink in sips 4-6 times a day at random. The course of treatment is 2 months, repeat after 1-2 months. Fat people with high blood pressure should not use.

Barley coffee will cure tuberculosis.

It is believed that regular consumption of barley coffee can cure tuberculosis without the use of other medications.

Viburnum will help with tuberculosis.

For bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, the following recipe will help: you will need 0.5 kg of red viburnum along with twigs, honey and finely chopped onion, 0.5 cups of aloe juice and the juice of 1 lemon. Place viburnum, honey and onions in an enamel pan, cover tightly with a lid and simmer in a water bath for 4 hours over low heat. Then strain the mixture and add aloe juice and lemon juice. You should get about 1 liter of mixture. Store it in the refrigerator, taking the daily dose in the evening for the next day. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day immediately after meals. The course of treatment is from 1 to 6 months.

Take 100 g of the following herbs: wild rosemary, sage, violet, coltsfoot, pine buds, nettle, thyme, St. John's wort, caraway or anise, linden blossom, tansy, knotweed, horsetail, marshmallow root, marin root. Pour the herbs into a large saucepan, mix well, add 200 g of elecampane root and pour 3 liters of cold water. Place all this on low heat and steam for 3 hours. Cool, strain. Then add 400 g of honey, 250 g of alcohol and mix. You need to take this remedy 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 0.5 tbsp. - adults, 30 g - children.

Honey-pine juice for tuberculosis.

It is necessary to finely chop the pine needles, then mix about 100 g of the resulting pulp with 100 ml of honey, leave in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. Then drain the honey-pine juice and store in 1 refrigerator. Take 2 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach. The course is 4-5 months.

Sea buckthorn wine for tuberculosis.

A proven recipe for those who suffer from pneumonia or tuberculosis. Mix 0.5 liters of red beet and carrot juices, honey, high-quality sea buckthorn wine and whey from homemade cottage cheese, a glass of burdock roots (dig the roots away from roads and only a young plant that has bloomed 3 leaves), aloe juice ( 3-year-old, cut the leaves with a knife, not in a meat grinder), wrap and leave in a warm place for 7 days. Strain it and take warm 50-70 or 100 g depending on body weight (give children 1 tablespoon) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. In total, you need to drink at least 2-3 3-liter cans. Darkening of the lungs and foci of the disease will disappear after taking the first can. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

How to decipher the results of fluorography?

The results of fluorography can reveal not only the onset of tuberculosis, but also many inflammatory diseases and processes affecting the lungs, bronchi and nearby tissues.

It is advisable to undergo examination for preventive purposes once a year. If there is a history of respiratory system disease or there is a threat to the respiratory system due to professional activities, additional examinations may be prescribed - this is not dangerous to health.

Types of dark spots in the lungs

What is it - darkening in the lungs on fluorography, and how can they be classified?

Depending on the lesion, darkening of the following nature can be seen in the image:

  • focal;
  • segmental;
  • shared;
  • focal;
  • indicating the presence of liquid;
  • indefinite shape with blurred contours.
  • All changes in the lung tissue are reflected in the image and change the clinical picture.

    The causes of darkening in the lungs can be:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis in various stages and forms;
  • oncological processes;
  • collapse of the lung - the formation of an impassable area for air;
  • purulent-inflammatory processes - abscesses;
  • problems with the pleura - the membrane that separates the respiratory system from the rest of the organs located in the chest;
  • accumulation of fluid in the pleural area.
  • Dark spots in the image also appear when there are problems in the organs, which also fall into the focus of the X-ray machine. This happens when the lymph nodes are enlarged, caused by inflammatory processes in any part of the body, tumors on the spine or ribs in the chest, or problems with the esophagus - for example, when it is pathologically enlarged.

    If during fluorography a darkening is revealed in the image, this does not mean that they will immediately “lock you up” in a tuberculosis dispensary and begin to “force” feed you tuberculosis pills. As you can already see, a dark area in the image does not always indicate problems with the respiratory system.

    First, a detailed X-ray examination will be prescribed, during which the chest will be photographed in several projections. It is very important that the image is then read by an experienced radiologist to avoid errors that could seriously affect the patient's health.

    If there is darkening in the lungs, the diagnosis is made based on detailed X-ray data.

    Focal opacities appear in the lungs as small nodules - up to 10 mm in diameter. Their appearance is caused by vascular disorders, the initial stages of oncological processes and diseases of the respiratory organs. In order to accurately identify the cause, in addition to x-rays, it is necessary to do a computed tomography scan and undergo general tests, which, in addition to the “duty” tests - urine and blood, also include sputum.

    Collecting sputum for examination is a common procedure for pulmonary diseases.

    Despite the patient's complaints of cough and chest pain, a blood test may not show any changes. This clinical picture is typical for focal tuberculosis, so routine examinations will continue to accurately establish the diagnosis.

    Focal shadows also appear in the image during myocardial infarction or lung cancer. Symptoms of a heart attack may in many ways resemble the acute development of tuberculosis.

    Additional symptoms: chest pain, shifted to the left side and radiating to the side and back, hemoptysis. With myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities develops.

    Lung cancer is detected through blood tests.

    Segmental shadows are visible on the image as segments with clear contours - in most cases they have a triangular shape. If the segment is single, this may be a consequence of: traumatic damage to the lung tissue, the presence of an endobronchial tumor of various etiologies, the presence of a foreign body - children often inhale small parts of toys.

    If there are several segments, then the patient may be diagnosed with:

  • pneumonia of varying severity in acute or chronic form;
  • narrowing of the central bronchial branch due to stenosis;
  • the presence of metastases in surrounding organs;
  • accumulation of fluid in the pleural area.
  • The lobar darkening has clear contours that are clearly visible in the image. This picture indicates the presence of chronic pulmonary diseases - purulent tissue lesions, bronchiectasis or others. If bronchial obstruction is visible on the image, the presence of a malignant process can be suspected.

    Focal opacities appear with the following problems in the lungs and surrounding tissues:

    • pneumonia;
    • accumulation of fluid in the pleural tissue - effusion;
    • the occurrence of eosinophilic infiltrate – helminthic infestation;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • abscess.
    • Focal darkening in the image is caused by tumors of various etiologies and bone calluses that have grown on the ribs after fractures.

      Fluid in the lungs, causing increasing swelling of the organ, accumulates when intravascular pressure increases due to ischemia or general intoxication of the body.

      Pathologies expressed by darkening of an indeterminate shape can be signs of many diseases:

    • inflammatory processes caused by staphylococcal infection;
    • accumulation of pleural fluid;
    • heart attack;
    • exudative pleurisy.
    • Therefore, you should not diagnose yourself if, when you receive a form from the fluorography office, there will be an inscription on it indicating the presence of changes. Next, a detailed image will be taken and only then, according to the specialist’s description, a decision will be made on further diagnostic measures to determine how to treat the disease that has arisen.

      Conclusions from a radiologist with a suspected diagnosis may look like this:

    1. The roots are compacted and expanded - possible: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.
    2. The presence of stringy roots in the image is characteristic of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and may indicate smoking abuse.
    3. Increased vascular pattern can be a symptom of: problems of the cardiovascular system, inflammation, bronchitis, cancer in the initial stage.
    4. The presence of fibrous tissue indicates a history of respiratory disease.
    5. If the radiologist’s report says: focal shadows, this is a signal for the doctor: to prescribe additional examinations. Such symptoms indicate the presence of pneumonia in the upper or middle sections or tuberculosis.
    6. If there are clear spots on the image caused by the presence of calcifications, the patient does not require treatment. The subject came into contact with patients with tuberculosis or bacterial pneumonia, but his body defeated the disease on its own. The infection was isolated by calcium salt deposits.

    Pictures can also be described as follows.

    There are aperture changes. Such anomalies develop for genetic reasons, due to adhesions in the chest, chronic diseases of the digestive organs - liver, esophagus, stomach, intestines.

    The sinus is free or sealed. With healthy lungs, the sinus is free; if it is sealed, additional examination is necessary - there is a pathology of the respiratory system.

    The presence of pleuroapical layers and adhesions indicates previous pleural lesions.

    The mediastinum is displaced or widened. The term mediastinum refers to the space between the lungs, in which the organs are located: aorta, heart, lymph nodes, blood vessels, trachea, esophagus. Expansion of the mediastinum is a symptom of diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, myocarditis, heart failure.

    It is impossible to say for sure without additional examinations how to treat if the image shows darkening in the lungs.

    This picture may indicate diseases of the respiratory system and the occurrence of pathologies in surrounding tissues. The therapeutic regimen is specified based on laboratory and instrumental studies.

    Treatment of lungs with folk remedies

    Lungwort is a lichen growing on trees that resembles lung tissue in appearance.

    Some folk remedies can help promote lung health, which is why they are used to treat respiratory infections. These same folk remedies can “repair” lung damage and are effective in treating serious diseases such as pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis. Folk remedies are valuable because they allow one to awaken healing mechanisms inside the body and eliminate the causes of many lung diseases.

    Licorice root softens the lining of the lungs

    Licorice is one of the most widely used plants in the world. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that licorice root harmonizes the effects of all other herbs, which is why it is included in numerous formulas. Licorice is very soothing and softens the mucous membranes of the throat and especially the lungs and stomach. At the same time, this folk remedy cleanses any inflamed mucous membrane, strengthening the immune system. This folk remedy reduces throat irritation and also has an expectorant effect. Licorice root saponins help thin mucus in the respiratory tract, which promotes expectoration. This folk remedy can help relieve bronchospasm and block free radicals in cells that produce inflammation. Additionally, licorice root compounds also have antibacterial and antiviral properties, so they help fight viral and bacterial strains in the body that can lead to lung infections. The glycyrrhizic acid and flavonoids in licorice root may even help prevent lung cancer. Due to its comprehensive effect on lung tissue, this folk remedy is used to treat all diseases of the respiratory tract (from a simple cough to pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis).

    Coltsfoot - a folk remedy that strengthens the lungs

    Native American folk medicine has used coltsfoot for thousands of years to strengthen the lungs. This folk remedy clears excess mucus from the lungs and bronchi. In addition, coltsfoot soothes the mucous membrane of the lungs, therefore it is effective in treating asthma, cough, bronchitis and other lung diseases. This folk remedy is most often used to make tea or as an alcoholic extract (tincture).

    Osha root supports lung function

    The Osha plant (Colorado cough root) grows only in the Rocky Mountains. In Native American folk medicine, this remedy was used to maintain lung function. The roots of the plant contain camphor and other compounds that make it one of the best lung support plants. One of the main benefits of this folk remedy is that it helps increase blood circulation in the lungs, making it easier to take deep breaths. In addition, Osha root has an antihistamine-like effect, so it soothes irritated airways and is an effective remedy for treating the respiratory manifestations of allergic diseases.

    Thyme - a folk antibiotic and antifungal agent

    Thyme (thyme) is a very powerful remedy in the fight against chest congestion. This folk remedy produces powerful antiseptic essential oils that are classified as a natural antibiotic and antifungal. Thyme is widely used to treat acne, because its effect is much more effective than many creams, gels and lotions. Tea with thyme can expel and destroy bacteria and viruses from the body. In many traditional medicines around the world, thyme is used as a pulmonary remedy for the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections and bacterial pneumonia.

    Oregano is a folk antiallergic and antibacterial remedy.

    Oregano (oregano) contains vitamins and nutrients essential for immune system function. However, the main benefits of this folk remedy are due to the content of carvacrol and rosmarinic acid in the plant. Both compounds have decongestant, antihistamine properties, and therefore have a positive effect on the respiratory tract and nasal passages. Oregano oil destroys dangerous Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, even better than most common antibiotic treatments. This folk remedy is very beneficial for health, so everyone should have a bottle of oregano essential oil in their home medicine cabinet.

    Lobelia relaxes the airways

    Did you know that horses treated with lobelia are able to breathe more deeply? This plant was widely used as an anti-asthma remedy in Appalachian folk medicine. Lobelia is considered one of the most valuable herbal medicines in nature. Lobelia extracts contain lobeline, which has a positive effect in treating multidrug-resistant tumor cells. The alkaloid lobeline also thins mucus and clears the airways. In addition, lobelia stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which relaxes the airways and makes breathing easier. Because lobelia helps relax smooth muscles, this folk remedy is included in many cough and cold formulas. Lobelia should be part of the treatment of all diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.

    Elecampane relieves the lungs of mucus

    Native American folk medicine has used elecampane for thousands of years to clear away excess mucus that impairs lung function. Elecampane is a natural antibacterial agent for the lungs, which destroys infections (especially bronchitis). Traditional healers recommend 1 tsp. pour elecampane herbs with a glass of boiling water. This remedy should be drunk three times a day for two to three weeks. Also available and effective for treating lungs is elecampane tincture.

    Eucalyptus – expectorant and antioxidant

    Eucalyptus is not only a favorite treat of Australian koala bears. This plant is widely used in Australian, German and American folk medicine to strengthen the lungs and relieve throat irritation. Eucalyptus is an essential component of cough lozenges and syrups, and its effectiveness is due to the presence of the compound cineole. The substance cineole has a number of unique properties: it is an expectorant that can relieve coughs and clear mucus from the lungs. Eucalyptus also contains antioxidants that support the immune system during colds or any lung disease.

    Mullein clears the lungs of excess mucus

    Mullein flowers and leaves are used to strengthen lung tissue. Traditional healers use mullein to remove excess mucus from the lungs, cleanse the bronchi, and also reduce inflammation present in the respiratory tract. Tea to strengthen the lungs can be prepared as follows: 1 tsp. dry mullein grass pour 1 cup of boiling water. As an alternative folk remedy, you can use tincture of mullein herb.

    Lungwort lichen is a folk remedy that resembles lung tissue in appearance.

    Lungwort is a lichen growing on trees that resembles lung tissue in appearance. However, this folk remedy, not only in form, but also in content, is indispensable for the treatment of lungs. Already in the 16th century, this plant was widely used by folk healers to treat lung diseases and other respiratory diseases. Lungwort not only gets rid of mucus in the lungs, but is also effective against harmful organisms that affect the health of the respiratory tract.

    Chaparral (dwarf oak) helps cleanse the lungs

    Chaparral was valued by Native Americans because it helps cleanse the lungs and improve respiratory function. This folk remedy contains powerful antioxidants and also fights harmful organisms. Most often, chaparral is used in the form of a tincture, but tea based on this folk remedy can also support respiratory functions, has expectorant properties, and helps clear the respiratory tract of mucus.

    Sage: the ideal inhalation treatment

    The textured leaves of sage release an intoxicating aroma that comes from its essential oils. These oils are very beneficial for the lungs and are used to treat respiratory diseases. Sage tea is a folk method for treating sore throat and cough. The thujone, camphor, terpenes and salven contained in sage essential oil provide the healing properties of sage. This folk remedy is used for inhalation, as it can treat lung diseases and sinusitis. For inhalation treatment, you need to prepare a thick decoction of sage and then place it in a evaporator.

    Mint is a folk remedy that provides free breathing.

    Peppermint and peppermint oil contain the soothing substance menthol, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the airways and promotes free breathing. Dried mint leaves typically contain menthol, menthone, menthyl acetate, menthofuran and cineole. Peppermint oil also contains small amounts of many additional compounds, including limonene, pulegone, caryophyllene, and pinene. In combination with the antihistamine effect of mint, menthol has a fantastic effect on the lungs. Many people also use medicated chest rubs, as well as menthol inhalers, which are very beneficial for the lungs. In addition, mint is an antioxidant and fights harmful bacteria and viruses.

    Plantain leaves improve mucus production in the lungs

    Plantain leaves have been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years to relieve coughs and soothe irritated mucous membranes. The active substances of plantain have antibacterial properties and can also have anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effects. Clinical studies confirm that this folk remedy is effective for treating coughs, colds and lung irritations. Plantain leaf also relieves dry cough as it improves mucus production in the lungs.

    The variety of folk remedies used to treat lung diseases is truly amazing. This article collects the experience of using medicinal plants in many traditional medicines around the world. Doses and methods of their use should be prescribed by a herbalist. Many of the above-mentioned folk remedies can be found in herbal medicines, which are more effective due to their cumulative effects. In traditional and modern medicine, there is a concept that two remedies working together can be more effective than separately. Such unique formulas are able to “repair” lung damage and are used to treat all bronchopulmonary diseases.

    Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with folk remedies

    This article was written by our reader from Astrakhan. She shared her folk recipe for treating pulmonary tuberculosis with Dr. Grishko. “I was given this terrible diagnosis at the age of 24. Such a sentence seemed like death, painful and debilitating. My mother died from this disease. I was 19 years old then, and I saw with my own eyes how this disease exhausted her, poor thing. I didn’t want to live anymore, but the attending physician said that with the diagnosis disseminated tuberculosis lungs, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, regularly take prescribed medications, don’t catch colds, don’t overwork or sunbathe, eat well at least 3 times a day, you can even live to a ripe old age and die from another disease.

    I believed and strictly followed all the doctor’s recommendations for several years, and also prepared a composition that I regularly drank in the hospital (I spent 4.5 months there). The food there was excellent, sometimes they even gave us a tablespoon of black caviar for breakfast, always porridge with butter, often oatmeal, and for dinner too. There I gained 10 kg, and this treatment helped me a lot and restored my strength. A month later I went to the Teberda sanatorium for treatment. They took pictures there, and the doctors believed that they sent me there by mistake, since they did not find any dark spots in the lungs. After 5 years I was taken off the register, but I still take control scans of my lungs every year.

    I will soon turn 65 years old. I still follow all the advice and recommendations of my former doctor. I not only had to take care of myself all my life, but also of my children and grandchildren, because they were tubinfected. This is such a terrible infection - tuberculosis, but we are still coping with it, and we do not despair, we do not lose hope for a complete cure from this scourge.

    We treat pulmonary tuberculosis

    And now about the composition for pulmonary tuberculosis, which I was treated with. Place 10 fresh, well-washed eggs in a clean 2-liter jar. Peel 10 lemons, remove seeds and mince. Pour the lemon mixture over the eggs in the jar so that they are completely covered, and put the jar in the refrigerator for 2 weeks until the eggshells dissolve. Then you need to take at least half of a 3-year-old aloe flower, wash the leaves, cut off the spines and pass through a meat grinder, and strain the mixture. The released juice should be poured into a jar, add 150 g of honey, 150 g of cognac and dissolved eggshells and leave for 3 days. Before use, each time the mixture must be mixed well, as the eggshells settle to the bottom. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals until recovery. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator. This is a very good remedy. It was this, in parallel with the medications that the doctors gave me, that completely saved me from the contagious disease.

    I will be glad if my traditional medicine recipe helps someone else.”

    Decoction for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

    Take 200 g tansy herb, 100 g thyme, 100 g pomegranate peel. Pour everything into a 5-liter saucepan, pour boiling water over it, and place on low heat for 30 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and leave for 3 hours. At the same time, pour 5 packs of cloves into a liter jar, pour boiling water, close the lid and place in a dark place. After 3 hours, strain the herbal infusion through cheesecloth, add clove infusion, 2 liters of lemon juice, 1 kg of buckwheat honey and mix everything well. You should drink 100 g 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Store the medicine in the refrigerator. Do not reheat before use. The course of treatment is 75 days.

    Additionally, you can gargle with aloe juice 2-3 times a day. This treatment promotes recovery.

    Lymphogranulomatosis. We are treated with folk remedies.

    Darkening in the lungs treatment

    When I was 12 years old, I caught a bad cold. At that time, my sisters and I were alone at home: my mother and grandmother were away. When the adults returned, I was already in the hospital. Doctors discovered I had pneumonia, bronchitis and pleurisy.

    I was treated in the hospital for a month. And when I underwent fluorography upon discharge, the doctors found darkening in the lungs on the X-rays and registered me for three months.

    At home, my grandmother immediately began treating me with folk remedies. She took a glass of oats with husks, washed them 4-5 times, poured in 1 liter of fresh milk, boiled them for an hour over very low heat, and then strained them through cheesecloth and squeezed the raw materials thoroughly. I drank this remedy hot with butter or honey every day for a month.

    When I arrived at the hospital for examination, it turned out that my lungs were fine and I was completely healthy. What a joy it was!

    Once as a child, I caught lice (I still don’t know where or how). Grandma came to the rescue again.

    She took 2 cups of cranberries, mashed them with a wooden pestle and squeezed the juice through cheesecloth. Then granny smeared cranberries all over my head, rubbing the product well into the skin. She put a plastic bag over her head and tied a scarf on top. I sat like that for 3 hours. Then my grandmother washed my hair thoroughly and combed my hair with a comb. After this procedure, my head stopped itching and there were no lice left in my hair. One treatment session was enough for me.

    When I feel tired and lethargic, I immediately remember a recipe that cleanses the body of toxins. I take 50 g of flax seeds, pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook in a steam bath for 2 hours. Then I cool it and drink 1/2 cup warm 6-7 times a day for 3 days.

    If I don’t have flax on hand, I prepare another remedy. In the evening, I take young sprouts of pine or spruce (fortunately, they grow very close to our house), put them in a saucepan, fill them with cold water and bring them to a boil. I cook the product for 5-10 minutes, then remove it from the heat and put it in a warm place. I insist

    medicine until the morning.

    In the morning I strain the broth. Now it can be consumed. I store the remaining product in the refrigerator. And when it is necessary to take it, I warm it up and drink 1/2 glass 4-5 times a day at any time.

    This product energizes you and you immediately feel a surge of strength.

    Causes and methods of diagnosing darkening in the lungs

    The term “darkening in the lungs” is used when identifying any pulmonary pathology. Every adult knows what fluorography is. This screening study allows you to identify pathology in the lungs, mediastinum and chest wall. Regular preventive examinations, including this examination, allow you to identify diseases in the early stages. Currently, according to WHO recommendations, ordinary people need to undergo fluorography once every two years. It is recommended that kindergarten workers, teachers, doctors and food industry workers do this study once a year.

    What does darkening mean and how is it detected?

    The pathology of the chest organs detected during fluorography is formulated by doctors as “darkening in the lungs.” Moreover, this formulation hides any reason that is not necessarily of a malignant nature. A large number of diseases can manifest as a shadow in the lung, ranging from banal pulmonary fibrosis to cancer. To exclude false data when pathological changes are detected, it is recommended to perform an X-ray examination of the chest organs.

    However, it is not fundamental when making a diagnosis. But it allows you to eliminate errors in the interpretation of fluorographic data, excluding the presence of various artifacts, defects in the film itself and the examination technique.

    The most detailed examination of the chest organs is computed tomography. It allows you to make a diagnosis with a high degree of probability and decide on further treatment tactics.

    It is worth knowing that any lung disease is manifested by a change in the lung tissue, characterized by its compaction and subsequently a violation of airiness. It is these areas that form the pathological focus. In some cases, these changes may mask more serious pathology and cause poor outcomes. Moreover, the radiological term “darkening” is actually manifested by the appearance of light areas on the radiograph.

    What causes darkening in the lungs?

    When performing an X-ray examination of the chest, one should determine the location of the detected pathology (in the lung or neighboring structures). Clarification of localization is of great importance for determining the tactics of further examination and direction of treatment.

    Doctors often identify the following causes of darkening in the lungs:

    Causes of extrapulmonary opacities:

  • pleural exudate;
  • inflammation of the pleura, accompanied by its thickening (including tumors);
  • neoplasms of the ribs, spine, the mediastinum itself and its organs;
  • thoracic aortic aneurysm;
  • lymphadenopathy of various localizations;
  • pathology of the diaphragm, including traumatic nature;
  • transposition of the abdominal organs into the pleural cavity;
  • mediastinal lipoma (source: Morgagni's fissure or Lorea).
  • Identified darkening is classified into limited and widespread.

    Shadows that do not exceed one and a half centimeters are considered limited; they are often called nodular formations of the lungs. At the same time, they are also described by their shape: round or oval. The contours can be smooth, which is more typical for a benign pathology, or lumpy. Enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum have polycyclic contours, which is also significant in diagnosis.

    The most common changes in lung tissue are pneumonia or massive pleural effusion. Foci of darkening during pneumonia can be so massive that they occupy the entire lung. In addition to this, there may be fluid in the pleural cavity, which only complicates treatment and diagnosis.

    Therefore, it is worth noting the following factors of massive darkening:

  • hydrothorax (pleurisy, hemothorax, chylothorax);
  • polysegmental pneumonia;
  • swelling of the lung tissue;
  • lung cancer with atelectasis.
  • It must be remembered that all previously suffered lung diseases: pneumonia, empyema, trauma with rib fractures and the presence of pleural complications - always leave characteristic changes that remain for life. Data from these patients must be preserved and not confused with those currently found. This is more important if the problem concerns a child.

    Treatment methods for lung opacities

    The nature of treatment depends entirely on the established preliminary diagnosis.

    Let's look at the most common types of pathologies.

    In case of injury without damage to the rib frame, hematomas or atelectasis can form in the lung tissue, the cause of which can be either compression of the bronchi by the hematoma or their rupture. Treatment will vary depending on the presence or absence of it. Drug therapy is suitable if there is a hematoma or lung contusion. If there is a bronchial rupture, which can be clarified with an additional research method such as fiberoptic bronchoscopy, then surgery cannot be avoided.

    If a lung injury is combined with a rib fracture, treatment will include additional pain relief. It is also necessary to urgently exclude the presence of bleeding. If there is one, then emergency surgery is needed.

    If lung cancer is detected, surgical treatment is indicated. But the approach to therapy should be purely individual. There are many nuances on which the tactics of action depend. The operation may be accompanied by chemotherapy support, which is carried out both at the preparatory stage and during the operation. Lung cancer? a serious pathology that requires an integrated approach to treatment, and there cannot be standardization here.

    A diagnosis such as pneumonia is made not only on the basis of x-ray examination, but also taking into account clinical data. The extent of the damage depends on the cause of the disease, the pathogen and the timeliness of treatment. Depending on the nature of the disease, broad-spectrum antibiotics or antifungals, penicillin and macrolides, and antiviral drugs are prescribed. Pneumonia itself poses a great threat to human life. In addition to this, it has many complications that aggravate its course or may appear after treatment.

    The main complications include pleurisy. It is manifested by the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity on the affected side. A large amount of exudate prevents the lung tissue from functioning fully and provokes many other pathological conditions that can lead to serious consequences.

    A more serious complication of pneumonia is purulent process of the pleura. It is called empyema. It manifests itself as an accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity, which leads not only to an increase in respiratory failure, but also to poisoning of the body with decay products. And the pleura, as you know, has a huge surface that absorbs all these substances. Purulent processes in the lungs and pleural cavity have a very high mortality rate. Therefore, their appearance must be avoided by all known means.

    There are many reasons for the occurrence of dark spots in the lung. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the presence of pathological changes, you should immediately consult a doctor.